IRC log for #webos-internals on 20091214

00:06.31*** join/#webos-internals loltacos (
00:36.46sjanssenhas anybody looked into voicemail stuff?  I want to make Google Voice seem as native as possible
00:37.41*** join/#webos-internals corq (
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00:45.38*** part/#webos-internals valexa (
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00:58.33*** join/#webos-internals Hbp (n=wIRCer@
00:59.22*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
01:01.53*** part/#webos-internals loltacos (
01:05.06*** join/#webos-internals sk1tt1sh (
01:06.21*** join/#webos-internals playya (n=playya@unaffiliated/playya)
01:21.23*** part/#webos-internals Hbp (n=wIRCer@
01:22.59*** join/#webos-internals AZero (
01:26.40*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (
01:27.30zsocOk I can't even make this up. I just played Pokemon Rumble for 30 minutes.
01:29.01*** join/#webos-internals amjz (n=wIRCer@
01:30.40*** join/#webos-internals mhaan4php (
01:32.30*** part/#webos-internals amjz (n=wIRCer@
01:33.57gkatsevgdial pro from preware plus the patch
01:34.47*** part/#webos-internals mhaan4php (
01:37.36AbyssulI played Pokemon Gold on my Pre for 7 hours
01:38.17*** join/#webos-internals anonymous_ (i=4b578ad8@gateway/web/freenode/x-xqdkqvdwmoeaetvp)
01:38.57zsocBut this is nothing like a pokemon game.
01:39.01zsocit's closer to children of mana
01:39.05zsocit's terrible
01:39.06zsocand awesome
01:39.15Rick-worksjanssen  to what extend do you want to do stuff that gdial pro doesn't?
01:39.20Rick-workThat's pretty native.
01:39.48Rick-workand the dev for gdial pro works it pretty hard.
01:40.07anonymous_is concerning that palm hasn't releaed next webos update yet.... many developers of their apps will be gone for the holidays... i'm gone next weekend, won't be able to support my app ...
01:40.21anonymous_should palm wait til after new year or get it out the door with limited support?
01:40.28Abyssulanonymous_: go to #webos
01:40.31zsocScrew native, I'm going to make an INDIGENOUS gvoice app. It's going to LIVE in a webos device, like a boss.
01:40.40Abyssullol zsoc
01:40.48AbyssulAny progress with Precorder may I ask?
01:40.50Rick-workI am reliably informed that they are working long hours anonymous_  -- but that they can't ship it until the obvious bugs are fixed.
01:41.08zsocAbyssul: i'm dying and puff is busy trying to change the future
01:41.22anonymous_that's what i hear too... so maybe they should wait til after new year
01:43.47Rick-workI suspect they may.
01:56.35Abyssulzsoc, your dying?
01:58.02zsocAbyssul: My dying?
01:58.12Abyssulyou said "v"
01:58.15Abyssul"i'm dying"
01:58.28*** join/#webos-internals sk1tt1sh2 (
01:58.31zsocRight, and then you asked me about my dying, but I don't have one that I know of.
01:58.52AbyssulWhat do you mean by "my dying" ?
01:59.10zsocAbyssul: You said 'your' instead of 'you're'.
01:59.16bpadalino"who's on first" all over again
01:59.16zsocI'm just being a grammar nazi
01:59.39zsocI'm just very ill, I'll come out of it maybe
01:59.51bpadalinoallergic to irc ?
02:01.52zsocallergic to my current line of work, more like it
02:02.10bpadalinosounds like you need to call in sick .. eye problems .. can't see yourself going into work
02:16.56*** join/#webos-internals dug (
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02:25.40*** join/#webos-internals oc80z- (
02:25.47oc80z-what's good
02:27.04*** join/#webos-internals Mark_M (
02:34.04*** join/#webos-internals atlanta (i=48bdc1df@gateway/web/freenode/x-bijuoxdqnvvzpzqw)
02:34.13atlantawsup everyone
02:43.55*** part/#webos-internals atlanta (i=48bdc1df@gateway/web/freenode/x-bijuoxdqnvvzpzqw)
02:44.20*** join/#webos-internals sk1tt1sh (
02:51.08*** part/#webos-internals Mark_M (
03:15.28Rick-workvery little
03:15.31Rick-workquiet night
03:23.52*** join/#webos-internals jamiehs (
03:25.00*** part/#webos-internals jamiehs (
03:33.39*** join/#webos-internals Doc_exe (
04:06.02*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul (
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04:28.48LurkerXXX_openssh or dropbear...
04:30.27*** join/#webos-internals cryptk (
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04:38.42*** join/#webos-internals jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
04:40.40*** join/#webos-internals WillJitsu (
04:41.43WillJitsuI received a replacement Palm Pre in the mail a couple of days ago. I've noticed that when I use my bluetooth headset, I hear a bunch of static and crackling noises. This is the same headset I used with my previous Pre. Is it possible that this new phone has something wrong with the bluetooth module in it?
05:13.05*** join/#webos-internals playya (n=playya@unaffiliated/playya)
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05:51.03Rick-workoff to bed
05:53.17rwhitbyLurkerXXX_: openssh these days
05:54.03jacquesrwhitby, I got a pre today.
05:56.39*** join/#webos-internals jamiehs (
05:57.19*** part/#webos-internals jamiehs (
05:57.35rwhitbyjacques: nice.
06:00.10jacquesrwhitby, yeah, I like it. still learning how to use it.
06:00.25jacquesI updated it to 1.3.1 at least.
06:00.35*** join/#webos-internals jamiehs (
06:01.28jacqueswell it's midnight here. I gotta head home from a friend's house. I'll be on tomorrow from work.
06:01.34rwhitbyjacques: got the SDK, WebOS Quick Install, and Preware installed?
06:02.45jacquesrwhitby, I downloaded the SDK on Friday. The other two I will do tomorrow :-)
06:03.05jacqueswhat's WebOS Quick Install?
06:05.34jacqueswell, I really gotta head out. ttyl
06:36.32*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
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06:59.12*** part/#webos-internals hmagoo (
07:17.08*** join/#webos-internals entity- (i=entity@
07:33.34dBsoonerrwhitby: I added a new file to the build.git/scripts on master. It allows you to install/remove a list of packages. It's dependent on ipkgservice already being installed, but otherwise it seems to work "good enough". take a look if you don't mind. I'm off to bed. night!
07:35.32*** join/#webos-internals testing-bip (i=62b88c5e@gateway/web/freenode/x-hcqecnefpsdpnnjn)
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08:23.49*** join/#webos-internals joshua (
08:29.13tmztjoshua: working on 3d stuff for Pre?
08:31.03joshuahmm not me, do you have me confused with the guy that was taking my nick maybe? heh
08:31.40tmztnot sure, your hostname
08:32.33joshuaAhh ok. I'm one of the few on that actually doesn't code anything
08:34.32*** join/#webos-internals edektor (
08:35.03tmzthah ok
08:35.23tmztheard that some 3d driver was being released for Pre
08:35.34tmztno details though
08:37.29joshuaWould be nice to have some kind of wrapper for something like SDL on it. At least flash support will be out relatively soon.
08:38.22joshuaBut I think with the differences in hardware Palm doesn't want app makers to have to make a different application for each device
08:46.34*** join/#webos-internals morphis (
08:57.35tmztI know, but the 7x27 is only a little less powerful than the tiled sgx, there couod be a way to support the same games on both I think
08:57.49tmztnot sure if the newer qdsp hardware is in it though
08:57.58tmztfor codecs
09:04.03*** join/#webos-internals leonardo (n=leonardo@
09:15.40*** join/#webos-internals IMGrant (i=5cec5fa8@gateway/web/freenode/x-oilvmxlzjvieovat)
09:17.25morphisanyone who already has experience with the touchpanel used in the palm pre?
09:17.30rwhitbymorphis: hi - just updated the Boot Chain wiki page
09:17.42morphisrwhitby: hey
09:17.53rwhitbymorphis: other than seeing the firmware being flashed during Doctor sessions, no.
09:18.15morphisrwhitby: (boot chain wiki page) great
09:18.20rwhitbymorphis: the Pixi bootloader seems to have a different structure
09:18.35morphisrwhitby: I already looked a bit closer at the bootloader to find similiarties with u-boot
09:19.04morphisbut I think it's developed by palm (with boring some code somewhere)
09:19.19rwhitbymorphis: geist wrote it
09:19.31morphisrwhitby: maybe, cause it's another processor
09:19.40morphisgeist is a palm developer?
09:20.25rwhitbymorphis: yes, and sometimes hangs out in here
09:21.36morphisrwhitby: currently I investigating a little bit of my time in writing a plugin for tslib for the cy8mrln device used in the pre
09:24.03rwhitbymorphis: how is the challenge going?
09:24.39morphisrwhitby: currently we are stucked with the modem protocol
09:24.53morphisrwhitby: it seems to be more complex as we thought initially
09:25.21morphisrwhitby: I don't worked on this the last weeks
09:25.44morphisrwhitby: tried first to boot my own initramfs with running some e17 gui
09:26.29rwhitbyoil: so I have some regression tests in place now - did you see the available other issue in Trac?
09:27.18morphisrwhitby: but I will work on the modem in the week berfore chrismas and maybe after chrismas is over :)
09:27.50oilno, i didnt
09:30.32*** join/#webos-internals gogoyubari (
09:31.04rwhitbyroot@qemux86:/var/etc/ipkg# cat regression-testing-1.0.0.conf
09:31.05rwhitbysrc/gz regression-testing-1.0.0
09:31.24rwhitbyoil: use that, and a similar one for 2.0.0, to access the regression testing feed
09:32.38gogoyubariDo  anyone know if the blue z program is coming out?
09:32.55rwhitbyoil: then you can install from 1.0.0 feed, disable 1.0.0 and enable 2.0.0, and test upgrades
09:33.03oilit works?
09:33.32rwhitbyoil: I've only done simple tests so far
09:34.12rwhitbygogoyubari: a little more context is needed for your question
09:35.29*** join/#webos-internals Zinge (
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09:35.52rwhitbyoil: but the mechanism for testing works
09:36.25oilwell thats good :)
09:36.54oilbtw: the only way type-to-search will work from the main scene is to include all the code from the list scene in the main scene
09:37.02oilthe scene swap isn't fast enough
09:37.13oiland if you type 123456 from the main scene
09:37.18oilyou get to the filter list with 15 in the search box
09:39.04gogoyubariGood night guys
09:39.07*** part/#webos-internals gogoyubari (
09:42.50*** part/#webos-internals Zinge (
09:59.21*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
10:01.39*** join/#webos-internals leonardo (n=leonardo@
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10:37.02geistmorphis: the pixie cpu is somewhat different, so bootie has different stuff
10:37.09geistbut it's the same bootloader, just compiled differently
10:40.37joshuasomebody gonna put android on the pre, cause that would be fun. heh
10:41.42geistshould be pretty easy to do
10:51.30*** join/#webos-internals leonardo_ (n=leonardo@
10:54.36IMGrantHey guys - I have a question about patches: I created a new patch that has an accompanying image file - how can I submit this patch? The patch submission web page only handles diff files.
11:31.13morphisgeist: ah good to know
11:31.31morphisgeist: are you also involved in modem stuff at Palm?
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11:44.47Sargunwhatever happened the the nvidia hostmask from palm employees?
11:45.06SargunJun 15 09:20:06 *amirf ( has joined #webos-internals
11:45.12Sargunsince then, never again
11:54.20*** join/#webos-internals Adora|Home (
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18:12.42laneAnybody have jstop running?
18:14.00gkatsevi do
18:14.05*** join/#webos-internals Templarian (n=Templari@
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18:15.01laneYou made any phone calls?
18:15.12gkatsevyes, ive made phone calls
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18:15.44laneHow many phone processes do you have running?
18:16.19gkatsevhm... not sure. i have that pid:9999 bug.
18:17.05laneMkay thanks for trying. For some reason after I make a few phone calls 5 phone processes keep running
18:17.16laneAnd they won't die
18:17.38gkatsevhm, weird
18:17.42gkatsevdoes that happen always?
18:18.21laneIt looks like it. Imma run the doctor on it and see what's up
18:38.05*** part/#webos-internals lane (
18:40.53*** join/#webos-internals Draecos_ (
18:41.04*** join/#webos-internals Rick_work (
19:05.42jetteromy car stereo has an aux port in the front and I'm using a wire and I wondered if anyone here has gotten that to work over bluetooth with an aftermarket kit?
19:06.04jetteroI figure you have to sacrifice some sound quality to do pandora over bluetooth...
19:06.09jetterobut the lack of a wire seems worth it
19:10.01gkatsevjettero: i dont think the lack of wire would be worth it
19:11.22jetteroyou could be right...
19:11.27jetteroI still wanna try it
19:11.44jetteroI mostly listen to podcasts like the naked scientists... sound quality isn't really an issue, but the wire is damned irritating
19:12.19Rick_workI agree.  My christmas present to myself is going to be a low-end sony aftermarket car stereo with bluetooth built in.
19:13.50gkatsevjettero: naked scientists is awesome.
19:22.25jetterogkatsev: yes
19:22.42jetteroRick_work: I was thinking of that, but then I have to have it installed and soforth
19:22.53jettero(my days of taking apart my dashboard like a 20yo are way past)
19:23.21jetteroprobably worth it
19:23.52jetteroI also want a touchstone gadget designed for the car...
19:24.15jetterothere's plenty of phone holders, but no touchstone endpoints designed for use in a car, that makes no sense to me
19:24.35gkatsevyeah, in car touchstone would be great
19:25.05jetterothere's plenty of DIY articles where people mounted a regular old desktop touchstone to the dash
19:25.20jetteroit always looks pretty DIY though
19:25.30gkatsevis that bad?
19:25.46jetteronot necessarily
19:25.57jetterobut until I get to the bluetooth phase, it doesn't make much sense to go without one wire and not the other
19:26.16jetteroin the mean time, I need something to attach to my leg to hold the fckr so I can drive with two hands
19:26.53gkatsevyou should mount a touchstone in the center of the steering wheel, lol
19:28.58jetteroI'd get in accidents while trying to read it on a turn
19:30.52*** join/#webos-internals dug (
19:32.52gkatsevor mount it on the left/right side, so, you could control it with your thumb
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21:05.34dBsoonerWow.. What a QUIET day/weekend it's been in #webos-internals.
21:07.37gkatsevyells in dBsooner's ear. "QUIET ENOUGH FOR YOU?"
21:09.41*** join/#webos-internals jbjoerk (
21:10.38linuxjacquesmaybe it's the calm before the storm
21:11.18oc80busy today?
21:15.06*** join/#webos-internals PuffTheMagic (n=quassel@unaffiliated/puffthemagic)
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21:55.30linuxjacqueshowdy rwhitby
21:55.39dBsoonerrwhitby: you get my pm's and subsequent message to the channel last night/this morning?
21:56.07dBsoonerit was last night.. so it would have been afternoon/evening for you
21:57.03Rick_workrwhitby  morning to you.  Did you get a chance to read over the intro piece?
21:57.29dBsooneri was thinking about having my script do a search of the ipkg -o list to determine that all the packs you have in your <list_file> are installable by ipkg service.
21:57.31rwhitbyRick_work: I started, but didn't get finished.  It reads very well.
21:57.40dBsoonerand cut those out that aren't compatible.
21:57.53dBsoonerbut I don't know if it's worth all that trouble or not.
22:03.36dBsooneri was also going to have it check deps
22:03.43*** join/#webos-internals dashua_ (
22:03.47dBsoonerBut again, I don't think it would really be worth all the trouble.
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22:39.57jauderhohas anyone see this scenario where the app catalog update thinks you need an update for an app even though you have the latest version install?
22:40.35jauderhoI was checking the app catalog for updates when it said an update for card ace is available but did not offer me an upgrade button. strange.
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22:50.53dBsoonerRick_work: !
22:52.43dBsoonertake your cold weather back
22:52.54dBsooneryou're making Oklahoma turn into Kansas.
22:53.59Rick_workit's 17f here, you got 34.  It's not even freezing yet
22:54.03Rick_workwhat are you complaining about?
22:54.21Rick_workPlus, it's snowing
22:55.01dBsoonerits no 34 here
22:55.08dBsoonertonights low is like -100F
22:55.32Rick_worktulsa airport says 34f 1c.
22:56.00Rick_worklow tonight 18f
22:57.45dBsoonerpfft.. that's the airport
22:57.49dBsoonerit's always wrong
22:58.00dBsoonerit doesn't factor in where I am at in the boonies.
23:00.29Rick_workyou working out in the eastern boonies out towards broken arrow?
23:01.38Rick_workmohawk to bixby, oakridge to broken arrow, the range of on-line reporrting stations runs from 31 to 33.   :-)
23:02.01Rick_work5 to 10 mph winds.
23:02.36Rick_worklittle freezing drizzle over towards harvy young airport and points east....
23:04.55dBsoonerreally? that thing is way out dated then
23:04.58dBsoonercuz it sure looks sunny..
23:05.06dBsoonerbut C-O-L-D
23:05.09Rick_workthat's current noaa radar
23:05.28dBsooneri live about 5 miles east of Harvy young
23:05.43dBsoonerharvy young is a tiny little airport
23:06.13dBsooneractually, 1.5 miles south and 3.6 miles east
23:07.58dBsoonershow off
23:08.09zsocsuggests people read the webos-internals log to find out where dBsooner lives
23:08.16dBsoonerTake your Mark Mangino quittin team and go home. :D
23:09.18dBsoonerzsoc: if you can't google me by now and find out everything you ever wanted to know about me, then you are unaware of the powers of the internet.
23:09.19dBsoonerall you need is someones name these days.
23:09.19zsocMy name won't get you far, but maybe because i'm rather anti-social-networking
23:09.59dBsoonerhas nothing to do with social-networking
23:10.08dBsoonerpublic records, court dockets, birth-death records
23:10.11dBsoonerall available online
23:10.12dBsoonercensus records
23:10.34dBsoonerphone books, skip-trace records, etc.
23:11.11dBsoonereven contacting the major reporting credit beureau can get you the last known address. :D
23:11.18zsocEh, requires effort.
23:11.29dBsoonernot for stalkers.
23:11.48zsocClearly you've proven yourself.
23:12.05dBsoonernope. I have just had to track people down before.
23:12.07*** join/#webos-internals dug (
23:12.22dBsoonerIt was a job requirement at a previous employment. I will never be in that business again.
23:13.33zsocright right, ok ;)
23:13.43dBsooneryeah.. that and Repo's.
23:14.02dBsoonerpay's good.. but you can'gt have a heart.
23:14.27zsocdBsooner: heart's ok, it's the soul that you gotta hang at the door ;)
23:14.30dBsooneri learned a lot though. was fun in college.. but I could never do it as a living.
23:15.04dBsooneri had to do a mobile home repo one time.. with the family still inside.
23:15.47dBsoonerhad to call the police to have the family basicallyt thrown out onto the street so we could pull it away.
23:15.55dBsoonertalk about hard pills to swallow.
23:16.00zsocThat's pretty much the worst thing I've ever heard.
23:16.02zsocYou are a bad person.
23:16.13zsocJust kidding, sorry, I couldn't resist.
23:17.18dBsoonerI felt that way..
23:17.22dBsoonerCars and junk are cake.
23:17.29dBsoonermost of those you get without confrontation.
23:18.00dBsoonerbut man.. home siezures, mobile home's, rv's, etc.. not as easy.
23:18.16dBsoonerand then collections.. Wow.. the stories you hear on why they can't pay.
23:34.45*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
23:38.37rwhitbyis wondering whether novacom can be transmitted over TCP-IP, to allow for sdk scripts to operate over WiFi when the Pre is on the touchstone ...
23:39.13*** join/#webos-internals jamiehs (
23:40.07*** part/#webos-internals jfelectron (n=jonathan@evans-wlan-163-87.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU)
23:40.48en0xi think its time to reflash
23:41.57zsocen0x: like at the park?
23:42.37zsocrwhitby: novacom can _probably_ work over TCP-IP, if you either hack it or confuse it to death
23:43.02rwhitbyzsoc: novacom -a ftw
23:43.14linuxjacquesdoes the develmode app unhide work on 1.3.1 ?
23:43.16rwhitbynow, to get the port 6968 packets flowing
23:43.24rwhitbylinuxjacques: meta-doctor
23:43.31zsocrwhitby: well will you look at that
23:43.45linuxjacquesrwhitby: OK I already have that page open, haven't read it all yet :-)
23:44.26rwhitbylinuxjacques: you will want to git clone the meta-doctor, and modify the variables at the top.  Increase your /var space for email and optware packages, and set dev mode on by default.
23:44.32rwhitby(and leave it on)
23:44.59rwhitbylinuxjacques: if you've got real sprint service, comment out the activation bypass stuff
23:45.14destinalrwhitby: yeah, I was going to say, novacom already works over IP, the emulator uses it
23:46.41linuxjacquesrwhitby: I assume devel mode is locked down so arbitrary people cannot access my pre ?
23:47.05rwhitbylinuxjacques: yeah, all instructions on leave a secure Pre by default
23:47.40*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
23:47.52rwhitbylinuxjacques: I'd like you to try out the Preware OpenSSH flow, don't follow the wiki NextSteps or Optware pages.
23:48.12rwhitbylinuxjacques: my recommendation for you is:
23:48.23rwhitby1) Meta-Doctor with 2GB /var and dev mode on
23:48.50rwhitby3) Install OpenSSH SFTP Service (it will pull in all the deps you need)
23:48.52rwhitby4) Profit
23:49.12Abyssulyou forgot the ???
23:49.26rwhitby5) for extra profit, use Preware to install ipkg-opt, and then revel in optware packages
23:49.40rwhitby6) send me your ssh key for
23:49.57linuxjacquesapparently here at work I have no data service. it's a sprint service hole.
23:50.36Abyssulmy pre is going between zero to full bars in one swoops every 5 seconds...
23:50.46linuxjacquesI'm roaming now. and no wifi either. they don't allow that here.
23:51.34linuxjacquesrwhitby: OK I'll have to get my ssh key from my personal laptop at some point.
23:52.15linuxjacques(copying down those steps now)
23:52.29*** part/#webos-internals jamiehs (
23:53.38linuxjacqueshmm, hadn't realized it's so late. I get to go home in about 45 minutes.
23:53.58linuxjacqueswhere I have full bars of EVDO
23:55.21AbyssulI sit like a quarter a mile from a tower and I get 1-2 bars from my room lol yet if I go outside its 5. cmda ftl
23:56.16linuxjacquesAbyssul: :-( yeah
23:56.26linuxjacquesgoes to try outside
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23:56.51rwhitbylinuxjacques: if it's the same key from days, I can copy it across from there
23:57.07*** join/#webos-internals nslu2-log_ (n=nslu2-lo@
23:57.31Abyssulis linuxjacques a new developer for webos-internals?

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