IRC log for #webos-internals on 20091207

19:34.02*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
19:34.02*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - use #webos for that, or wIRC - use #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and Palm code copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware:
19:34.02*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
19:34.41*** join/#webos-internals doodums (n=thadood@
19:35.05dBsooneregaudet_work: they are in india.. it's all scripted.
19:36.00*** join/#webos-internals dug1 (
19:36.03*** join/#webos-internals sugardave (
19:36.09egaudet_worki know
19:36.10dBsooner"the screen is blank, no light at all to it".. "OK, I want you to search for a contact".. "I CAN"T SEE ANYTHING.."
19:36.22infobotgkatsev: thanks
19:37.10oilsworknwelcome back infobot
19:37.19*** join/#webos-internals dug1 (
19:37.34dBsooneregaudet_work: How many times have they "Checked with their supervisor"?
19:39.24egaudet_worknone yet
19:39.41egaudet_workthey just keep teasing with "maybe we'll get you to work with a specialist" or something
19:41.38egaudet_workgrrr, I have told them at least 15 times that 12/3 was the last time my old Pre backed up... and now the guy finally asks me when the last date the data of the old pre was backed up
19:44.27*** join/#webos-internals thannoy (
19:53.57gkatsevjust had the quickest luna restart ever. ~10 seconds
19:56.40*** join/#webos-internals Eguy-mac (
19:57.36Mouseygkatsev: i'd like to buy some of that
19:59.24gkatsevthis time it got to 12 mississipis
19:59.35jauderhowhy do vendors not carry the macbook pro with matte screen in stock?
20:00.34Mouseyi got 39 mississippis
20:00.53Mouseyf apple
20:02.22gkatsevMousey: iphone?
20:02.39*** join/#webos-internals mobgod (
20:03.46Mouseygkatsev: iphone = garbage
20:04.22Mouseyyou should check out the Palm Pre tho.. makes the iphone look silly
20:05.38rkguyAs egaudet_work sits on the phone with Palm support (I'm just saying) *waits for flame
20:05.55egaudet_workit's not phone :P  it's online chat
20:05.59egaudet_workphone call costs $15
20:06.04rkguyahh, i stand corrected.
20:09.24gkatsevMousey: im confused. you have a pre right? but you said 39 mississippis? was that for luna restart? was the f apple for the matte screen?
20:09.39Mouseyyes, bah mac book
20:09.47gkatsevok. lol
20:09.55gkatsevi got confused there for a sec
20:11.01Mouseysorry, i context switch without warning. ooo, puppies1
20:11.24gkatsevMousey: use, s///, then infobot will replace it for me
20:12.43Mouseyoooooh i know
20:12.48Mouseyi abuse it often
20:12.54Mouseybut sometimes it's about style
20:13.30dBsoonergasps! egaudet_work is on twitter?
20:13.37dBsoonerall we have left os PuffTheMagic and oil..
20:13.37rkguyegaudet_work: I left a quick note to Palm on twitter for you. I've heard it can help move things along. Anybody have positive experience with communicating w/ palm via twitter
20:13.39gkatsevhe is? where?
20:13.46gkatsevlooks around
20:13.51PuffTheMagicdBsooner: huh?
20:14.13dBsoonerPuffTheMagic: to join in on the twitter/fb craze.
20:14.18gkatsevdBsooner: you mean
20:14.44PuffTheMagicyeah i know that
20:14.46PuffTheMagicthere is a webos-internals group on that?
20:15.03gkatsevbut twitter is better. twitter is for meeting new friends, facebook is for meeting old friends
20:15.50dBsoonertwitter is for listening to random bird rants from chuqui..
20:16.47chuquiphhht. just for that I'm going to lunch. that, and I can feel my blood sugar dropping...
20:17.04chuquidamn. It's 12:30. no wonder. how time flies when you're having fun. is not me
20:17.29gkatsevegaudet_work: lol, i realize. what is you?
20:17.32egaudet_workbut if someone could convince him to give it to me :P
20:17.34dBsoonerimagines the Palm Circus in the App Dev officfe..
20:17.40rkguywhew, that's why i didn't put @egaudet when i posted to palm
20:17.54egaudet_worki don't know anything about twitter
20:18.06gkatsevhm... i thought i was following you already...
20:18.52egaudet_workI think my tweet rate is up to like 1 a month, maybe
20:21.09egaudet_worksoooo since I can't trust the cloud anymore, what is everyone's favorite contact save/sync methods
20:21.29*** join/#webos-internals Aco_ (i=527179cf@gateway/web/freenode/x-clqksrjxlphcbcdg)
20:21.50*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
20:22.51egaudet_workthanks btw rkguy, for the support :P
20:25.31*** join/#webos-internals droO (
20:27.05*** join/#webos-internals yelti (i=4e16c76a@gateway/web/freenode/x-puturwmbydhncucp)
20:29.37rkguytwo quick off topic questions: (1) does anybody know when Ares is available and if I can use it do to something like interface with a WIFI device? (2) is there any documentation on using the Pre Wifi to communicate with various devices rather than  "infrasturcture
20:30.27*** join/#webos-internals funkatron (
20:32.17egaudet_work:sigh: they cant recover my phone numbers
20:33.17rkguythinks his post makes no sense
20:34.03gkatsevrkguy: thinks there was a mention of some beta or other for ares before the end of the year (but i could be totally off).
20:35.10rkguygkatsev: Thanks. I am hoping to do some simple data polling from that stupid ODBII wifi transmitter :/
20:35.20*** join/#webos-internals drnull (n=drnull@
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20:37.55*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
20:38.50egaudet_workWow, I didn't know it would be such a hassle to revert my data on their servers.  I have to wait to talk to a "specialists" team to get my phone numbers back :(
20:39.18en0xand tjhey will tell u
20:39.23en0xthat they are not able to revert it
20:39.26en0xand all is lost
20:39.27gkatsevchuqui: come back and make egaudet_work's life all better
20:40.03egaudet_workit's 3:36, i started chatting today at 1:55
20:40.16gkatsevthat sucks
20:40.19egaudet_workI spent probably 30mins to an hour yesterday as well chatting
20:40.38gkatsev~do hug egaudet_work
20:40.39infobotACTION does hug egaudet_work.
20:40.41en0xu should throw a spell at them
20:42.03irdgod the pre takes so long to boot.
20:42.14egaudet_workLuna does
20:42.20irddoes the pixi take like 5 minutes then?
20:42.30egaudet_workshe takes her sweet a** time
20:42.39irdwhy does luna take so long?
20:43.29gkatsevas i said earlier, miraculously, earlier, a luna restart lasted ~12 seconds!
20:43.38egaudet_workdon't know
20:44.34irdnow my phone froze :(
20:44.35*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:44.54irdand I have to take the battery off :(
20:46.05irdI need to order a touchstone already.
20:46.13irdThe crack on the back plate of mine is getting worse.
20:46.20irdI let a stupid girl at work use my phone and she dropped it.
20:46.22gkatsevird: order from amazon, much cheaper.
20:46.30irdyeah, PC store sucks.
20:46.42gkatsevird: you let someone else use your precious phone?
20:46.45gkatsevird: was she hot?
20:46.54irdwhy I called her stupid.
20:46.59irdeveryone knows all hot chicks are idiots.
20:47.07gkatsevlol, ok, just making sure.
20:47.26irdand if there are any women out there, I was joking..
20:47.37irddon't get all right to life on me.
20:49.59Adoraird:  don't worry, you're safe
20:50.00irdprecorder only records things I don't want to record :(
20:50.04Adorathere aren't any chicks on irc
20:50.15irdI know a chick on tehflap.
20:50.35irdalthough, I think she's the only one.
20:50.45Adorabet a dollar she's faking
20:50.54irdI've seen her fb
20:50.59irdand I know the guy nailing her so..
20:54.44*** join/#webos-internals obladda (
20:55.00gkatsevdoes fb count as the internet?
20:55.11egaudet_workgrrrr now I lost my text history again which had a couple numbers I needed
20:56.07egaudet_workhopefully the sprint store will replace my replacement with a quality Pre when I go back there today
20:56.48gkatsevegaudet_work: just back everything up to google contacts
20:57.01Decimategoogle FOR, THE, WIN
20:57.10Decimatepalm lost my contacts a while back, i havent looked back
20:57.44egaudet_workyea I'm going to use google contacts and also back stuff up to my desktop
20:57.48egaudet_workfrom now on
20:59.23*** join/#webos-internals leonardo__ (
21:00.03gkatsev~morning rwhitby
21:00.04infobotACTION bends space and time, trapping rwhitby in a universe of eternal monday mornings
21:00.28egaudet_workthat's pretty evil infobot
21:00.43infobotOUCH! That hurt, rwhitby!
21:00.45gkatsevi wonder what itll say tomorrow
21:03.08rkguyanybody see the N64 on iphone. Fake?? - I'd love to have it on the pre with the keyboard
21:06.06egaudet_workonly thing I can think of now is goldeneye!
21:06.54*** join/#webos-internals pablo___ (
21:07.44irdI don't get why some videos work and some don't..
21:08.37*** join/#webos-internals andrei (i=cdf86653@gateway/web/freenode/x-unzoevidjlkgtzzn)
21:10.06irdguess I'll play a game of mw2 while my phone reboots.
21:10.11egaudet_worksome are supported type some aren't?
21:10.23irdI mean precorder videos
21:10.25egaudet_workmw2 the camper's paradies!
21:10.34irdI hate campers.
21:10.45irdI have a class especially for when there's a game full of campers.
21:10.58egaudet_workthe javelin glitch class ;)
21:12.31irdI didn't even know about that :(\
21:14.53*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
21:18.08egaudet_workyou don't know about the javelin glitch?
21:18.24egaudet_workps3 or 360?
21:21.49rwhitbyAdora: no chicks on IRC - classic.
21:22.11Adorahe believed me, didn't he?
21:22.21Adorastereotypes exist for a reason!
21:24.28irdegaudet_work: : 360
21:24.34dBsoonerAdora = the HOTTEST chick on IRC...
21:24.53irdegaudet_work: my title is "joint ops" for a reason.
21:25.13dBsooner@webosinternals: thanks for not re-tweeting my tweet about new patches for 1.3.1..
21:27.07*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
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21:27.32rwhitbydBsooner: that was retweeted 13 hours ago
21:27.36dBsooneregaudet_work: You get your contacts back yet?
21:27.45dBsoonerrwhitby: Nuh Uh.. I dont' see it in @dBsooner
21:28.09*** join/#webos-internals pre_owner_va (i=26643464@gateway/web/freenode/x-zkkhlasthuejvukc)
21:28.14*** join/#webos-internals AZero (
21:28.18dBsoonerstatement withdrawn. Please stricken it from teh record.
21:28.30egaudet_workdBsooner, NO I don't think I'll ever get my numbers back
21:28.35dBsoonerslaps for not showing crap in @dBsooner feed!
21:28.41egaudet_work24-48 hours before a specialists team contacts me
21:28.54egaudet_workI chatted from 1:55 to 3:36
21:28.57dBsooneregaudet_work: Serious?? That's poor.
21:28.59egaudet_workto get nowhere
21:29.06rwhitbyegaudet_work: your best bet is getting chuqui on IRC
21:29.15dBsoonerask chuqui what his bosses name is
21:29.22dBsoonerand say.. HEY! Get my shiznet. :D
21:29.29dBsoonerBut only nicely.
21:29.59Abyssulegaudet_work: Did you lose you Palm Profile info?
21:30.06dBsoonerof course those "specialists" are the same people that told me, "No, there absolutely no way to delete your profile. Once it is in our servers, it is there forever."
21:30.30AbyssulMeh, I lost my contacts via Palm, and I never went back. Im with Google now
21:30.51dBsoonerto which the Palm Execs loved and are in the process of "edumucating (educating)" the sepcialists.
21:30.53Kyusakushould be able to restore an old backup if they actually know how to run a server.
21:31.06dBsoonerI have never trusted my contacts outside my own control.
21:31.14dBsoonerThey are on my personally owned Exchange server.
21:31.53dBsoonerto which I have offered rwhitby to let us create accounts to use to EAS to..
21:31.57egaudet_workI wish I knew even 50% of the phone numbers :(
21:32.04AbyssulHmmm Droid got the 2.0.1 update now
21:32.12egaudet_workdamn technology saving my brain from remembering things like phone numbers, now see what you have done!
21:32.20dBsooner~kick Abyssul
21:32.21infobotACTION kicks Abyssul
21:32.23dBsoonerno Droid talk.
21:32.36AbyssulLol gotta keep an eye on the competition
21:33.48dBsooneregaudet: found a problem with your APT change
21:33.55dBsooneregaudet_work: ^^
21:34.06dBsooner"theoretically" found a problem that is
21:34.33egaudet_workcmon qwerty lover type!
21:34.35KyusakuI saw a recent Droid commercial showing off unobtrusive notifications.
21:34.46dBsooneregaudet_work: no. I want you to beg.
21:34.47bougymanyeah, me too
21:34.50bougymani laughed at that.
21:35.19egaudet_worklol dBsooner, I rather just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. back to lala land
21:35.54dBsoonerI am going to use two version #'s here in hypotheical world
21:35.57dBsooner1.3.1 is current
21:35.59dBsooner1.3.2 is new
21:36.34*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib1 (
21:37.07dBsoonerif we have a 1.3.1-99 package.. I feel we SHOULD NOT have it rebuilt for 1.3.2.. If we do.. it will build a 1.3.2-0, making it "unavailable" as in "not ported". We don't want that. -99 Gives a strict statement of "This patch/packageid is no longer available. It was removed and obsoleted for a reason. Please remove it and don't try to isntall it again."
21:37.23dBsoonerif we build that same packageid as 1.3.2-0, it would have "This hasn't been ported yet. Please check back later"
21:38.16rwhitbydBsooner: a 1.3.1-99 patch will not have any 1.3.2 tags
21:38.56AbyssulWow its been slow news in the Pre world
21:38.56dBsoonerrwhitby: Right.. so since it doesn't have a 1.3.2 tag, the new APT will default to make a 1.3.2-0
21:39.18dBsoonerrwhitby: _ALL_ packages (read dirs in build.git/autopath) are made with a 1.3.2-0
21:39.19rwhitbyI guess you need some way of identifying the difference between no tag for not ported yet vs no tag for obsolete
21:39.20pre_owner_vahey all. i updated ipkg-opt through Preware today. It failed to complete (stuck at Downloading/Updating) so after waiting for a while i threw out the card and restarted preware. ipkg-opt showed as installed but to be sure i uninstalled and reinstalled it. I noticed afterwards that the "native" feed in /opt/etc/ipkg/optware.conf was no longer there (only the other two). Is this a bug or just because i uninstalled and
21:40.06rwhitbypre_owner_va: there is no native feed.  where's the instructions which created the native feed entry so I can remove it?
21:40.17egaudet_work"obsolete" -99 stuff is the problem
21:40.29egaudet_workthey should be removed from build.git
21:40.30pre_owner_vaill pull it up... and paste the link
21:40.36egaudet_workat least from autopatch/
21:40.45egaudet_workbuild once, leave it in the feed and remove it from the repo
21:40.51egaudet_workat least from autopatch/ part of repo
21:41.11egaudet_workThe "unavailable" category is not strictly "unported"
21:41.11dBsoonerrwhitby: the new APT build scripts ( goes through and makes _ALL_ packages a 1.3.1-0 package.. which would make all of them "Unavailable/NotPorted"
21:41.17pre_owner_vaits under step 7 here:
21:41.19rwhitbywell, I think that at a webOS version bump, you just delete obsolete patches from all feeds.
21:41.22*** join/#webos-internals Treyx (i=4af45c64@gateway/web/freenode/x-vuldmeawajzkgywb)
21:41.23dBsoonerthen it goes into the second build loop and makes all the VERSIONS
21:41.24egaudet_workunavailable for an undefined reason which COULD be not ported yet
21:41.30pre_owner_vai didnt want to use the scripts so i did the manual method
21:41.48pre_owner_vashould i go back in through vi and delete the native feed?
21:41.53egaudet_workrwhitby, you risk a user not updating until an update
21:41.59egaudet_workand then NEVER seeing their patch as "obsoleted"
21:42.02pre_owner_vaipkg-opt update doesn't evoke any errors
21:42.10pre_owner_vaevenm with "native" included
21:42.11dBsoonerI GOT IT
21:42.44Treyxwhere can i donwload the ipk for the precorder program?
21:42.58rwhitbypre_owner_va: actually, you're right - it's a bug in ipkg-opt in Preware.  I'll update it.
21:43.01dBsoonercreate a "OBSOLETE" dir in build.git/autopatch. Then once the -99 package has been made, move the build.git/autopatch/<package> dir to build.git/autopatch/obsolete/<package>
21:43.09dBsoonerbecause teh build script only goes one dir deep
21:43.09*** join/#webos-internals eberon (
21:43.20dBsoonerso it won't see any Makefiles in the subdir's for obsolete
21:43.22dBsoonerso it won't build them
21:43.35dBsoonerwhich lets us keep the Makefiles, but not have them built anymore.
21:43.47egaudet_worki thought we already had an obsolete dir?
21:43.53egaudet_workdidn't you or weren't you making that
21:44.01pre_owner_vaso wait, you mean optware.conf needs to include the native feed as the "manual" method stipulated? meaning i need not rever my edit
21:44.35pre_owner_vain other words optware.conf should look like :
21:44.49dBsooneregaudet_work: Nope.. we decided not to do obsolete that way
21:44.57dBsoonerbecause we should "very rareley" need it
21:44.58rwhitbypre_owner_va: pushed the fix, the autobuilder will have an updated ipkg-opt in the feed within 15 minutes.
21:45.04pre_owner_vaecho "src/gz cross" > /opt/etc/ipkg/optware.conf echo "src/gz native" >> /opt/etc/ipkg/optware.conf echo "src/gz kernel" >> /opt/etc/ipkg/optware.conf
21:45.22pre_owner_vaer oops
21:45.33*** join/#webos-internals motp (
21:45.47dBsoonerDid I yell that? my bad.
21:45.58rwhitbydBsooner: if the patch is not in autopatch, it will be removed from the Packages file for the old feed
21:46.05egaudet_workok well then I believe the obsolete package .ipk should be commit'd to repo, and not something built
21:46.08egaudet_workit's a one time forever deal
21:46.18egaudet_workthose should be removed from autopatch/ dir IMO
21:46.32pre_owner_vai guess my question is: do i need that line: "src/gz native" (in addition to the two others), or not? or should i wait for a new package to show up in preware and update agagin?
21:46.36dBsoonerrwhitby: I see what your saying..
21:47.01dBsoonerrwhitby, egaudet: I agree with egaudet's statement of commited to repo, and not relied upon a build script.
21:47.08pre_owner_va(sorry for being such a novice here, i do unix but still learning the intricacies of ipkg and webos)
21:47.44rwhitbypre_owner_va: wait for the new package and update again
21:48.04dBsoonerbut, in the mean time..
21:48.04egaudet_workmaybe make an obsolete feed
21:48.14rwhitbyegaudet_work: you can't have something that is not built, but still exists in Packages
21:48.40rwhitby(well, you can, but then you would need to manually remove things from it0
21:49.01dBsoonerI vote for you breaking down the VERSION into a SUB_VERSION and checking ifneq [ "$SUBVERSION", "99" ] ; then \ $make 1.3.2-0"
21:49.04egaudet_workthe Packages file is built based on ipkgs/
21:49.16dBsoonerthat way it won't make 1.3.2-0 of -99's
21:49.21pre_owner_vaok thanks! and thanks for all your terrific work Rod!
21:49.29egaudet_workwe could add a rule to a makefile to also add in ipk's saved in a dedicated obsolete/ipkgs/ dir
21:49.46dBsooneryeah, that too.
21:49.59rwhitbyegaudet_work: yes, but then a rebuild of the autobuilder from scratch would give a different output.
21:49.59dBsoonerOr we could just get SUPERCEDE working too
21:50.19rwhitbyegaudet_work: must be able to rebuild the feed on a new machine for disaster recovery reasons.
21:50.21egaudet_workrwhitby, if the .ipk was in the rebo a rebuild from scratch wouldn't give a different output
21:50.29egaudet_workit would be part of the build process
21:50.46dBsoonerthe .ipk would exists in the obsolete/ipk's folder
21:50.51dBsoonerand build process would just copy
21:50.57dBsoonerno :"build"ing it
21:51.04egaudet_workthe repo would include the .ipk already built so all the build process after building the .ipk's that are currently done is still valid for it
21:51.26dBsoonerDID find something wrong in APT.. WOohoo!
21:52.53egaudet_workso the Packages file will still be generated from scratch, but rather than source building up an .ipk, we start with an .ipk that's already built
21:53.05egaudet_work(for the obsolete -99 packages)
21:53.59rwhitbypre_owner_va: grab -12 now
21:54.28*** join/#webos-internals Templarian (n=Templari@
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21:55.29dBsoonerdang rwhitby and his work obligations.
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22:05.45*** part/#webos-internals valexa (
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22:12.24dBsooner~dict insanity
22:12.41dBsooner~dict insanity
22:12.51egaudet_worknice dictionary
22:13.02dBsoonerCOME ON!
22:13.18egaudet_worktrying the same thing over and over with the same results expecting different results
22:13.23dBsoonerLOL.. doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
22:13.26oilsworknhow funny is that
22:13.37oilsworknthat you were doing the same thing over and over again
22:13.46dBsoonerExpecting a different result..
22:13.59dBsooneri was proving a point to egaudet_work
22:14.01egaudet_workthat is quite HILARIOUS
22:14.10oilsworkncalls luneybin
22:14.17dBsoonerThat chatting up Palm support won't do him much good..
22:14.20egaudet_workso you prove your own insanity :P
22:14.35dBsoonerTu she..
22:14.42egaudet_workwell the supervisor guy might have got me back to 12/3 but I need 12/2
22:14.48egaudet_workso I gotta get the supervisor guy back
22:14.54egaudet_workto do the same thing he did but to 12/2
22:14.57dBsoonerG'luck there turbo
22:15.04egaudet_workbecause he did fix the facebook sync'ing whatever
22:15.13dBsoonerthey CAN do something
22:15.18egaudet_workanyway, now to try my luck at sprint store getting a QUALITY replacement
22:15.21dBsoonerreal work time
22:15.29egaudet_workI have a feeling they will send me home less than happy
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22:25.12sslowdbsooner: it seems there alot themes that include patches, does PreWare handle those patches the same way?
22:26.47Templarianthinks "Preware"
22:28.00sslowit seems like the problem lies with the themes containing patches.
22:28.59sslowi personally have never had this problem..Mainly because Ive never used somebody elses theme.
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22:41.35pre_owner_vaok ipkg-opt installed fine this time. for the record i am showing all THREE lines (for cross, native, and kernel feeds) in /opt/etc/ipkg/optware.conf after installing the updated ipkg-opt package in preware. is this as intended? should there in fact be those three feeds?
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22:44.10rwhitbypre_owner_va: yes, there should
22:44.57pre_owner_vaexcellent! thanks again!
22:45.24irdIs there a quick way to get my contacts in my palm profile into my google account?
22:45.46pre_owner_vai have to say (not using SSH) that using vi in the pres terminal using the hardware keyboard is quite a feat
22:45.53pre_owner_va(i know theres nano, but...)
22:46.00pre_owner_vafun stuff!
22:46.06irdI can never get nano to save.
22:46.10irdI just get a beep.
22:46.13pre_owner_vai had issues with nano
22:46.24pre_owner_vai dunno i know vi so i figured id use it
22:46.29irdSo I had to learn how to use vi after years of avoiding it.
22:46.47pre_owner_vai had to consult the man pages hahahah
22:46.54pre_owner_vawell not literally, i looked them up on my pc
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22:47.09dBsoonersslow: the problem lies withint there not being a strandardized Theme system.
22:47.50dBsoonersslow: It has nothing to do with patches/non patches, this that.. it has to do with People using WQI to install one theme, then trying to install another.. then maybe trying Preware to install one.. or remove one..
22:48.03dBsoonersslow: It has everything to do with people "mucking" it.
22:48.22irdI don't see the point of themes anyways.
22:48.25dBsoonersslow: There needs to be a standard for Theme's. Which I have proposed a solution several times, but it seems a bit out of scope.
22:48.42irddBsooner: what's your solution?
22:48.52oilsworkntyped out a reply to milominderbinder then reread it and realized he was being an ass
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22:49.12oilsworknso I'm not going to reply, because I can't do it without being a jerk to him
22:49.16dBsoonercreate a "theme API".. where you have a list of allowed image replacements/code modifications (patches)
22:49.38irdWould palm have to do that?
22:49.43dBsoonerird: No
22:50.11dBsoonerird: I am saying you would have a list of images that are allowed to be "replaced".. then a theme builder makes their theme the same they always have with the XML and everything.
22:50.26irdah ok
22:50.28irdI get it.
22:50.46dBsoonerthen the installer installs the them like it always has and puts an "installed" state file in a certain place that ALL INSTALL METHODS should check.
22:51.01dBsoonerand ALL INSTALL METHODS should install/uininstall in the exact same method.
22:51.10oilsworknbids dbsooner good luck at that
22:51.13lingfishmeh... wtf is the point of the forums when devs don't reply?!?!
22:51.30dBsooneroilsworkn: Tis why I am NOT going to take on that challenge. I was merely giving the idea.
22:51.46dBsoonerdoesn't use themes.
22:51.50dBsoonerWON"T use themes.
22:51.52sslowdbsooner: Ive posted that there needs to be some sort of governing entity or something to test themes before allowing other people to use them
22:51.57oilsworknyou dont want "patch&theme meister"?
22:52.02dBsoonerthinks themes make my Pre look like a crayon.
22:52.08dBsooners/crayon/crayon box/
22:52.09irddBsooner: good call.
22:52.13sslowI dont have the ability to do that either
22:52.24irdI did like one theme but all it did was make the default theme gray scale
22:52.37irdThat madolen guy makes me sick though.
22:52.42dBsoonerim good with a brackground
22:52.48dBsoonerand "no app launcher"
22:52.53dBsoonerthat's all the theming I need.
22:53.07dBsoonerall this Messaging/Email UI tweaking crap is "yuck"
22:53.21dBsoonertoo "busy" looking
22:53.28oilsworknrwhitby: your reply was much better then the one I typed out
22:53.47dBsoonerthen the top-bar multi colors/bold, or changing your "Sprint" (Carrier) to "MyKickAssPre" is gai.
22:54.07dBsooneroilsworkn: was I in the CC on it?
22:54.36oilsworkndBsooner: you're to require any and all patch submittors register at precentral and create a thread
22:54.39dBsoonertends to take everything craig has with a grain of salt.
22:54.45oilsworkncause, that is apparently more open then what we have now
22:54.57dBsoonerno no no
22:54.57sslowdbsooner: but... there are alot of people that like and request it
22:55.27dBsoonersslow: Then I recommend those people join the team and try to come up with/implement a universal standard.
22:56.04dBsoonerBut theming an OS that has no internal theming support is a nightmare
22:56.08sslowi dont mean themes.. Im talking about the patches
22:56.16dBsoonernot one I would be willing to take on
22:56.39dBsoonerwhat themes use patches
22:56.47dBsoonernone should..
22:57.00dBsoonerAnOutsider's ( use sed replacements..
22:57.07dBsooneror did..
22:57.09dBsoonerbut not patches.
22:57.24*** part/#webos-internals jvprat (n=jvprat@unaffiliated/jvprat)
22:58.06sslowsome change the carrier string or did anyway I havent checked lately
22:58.35irdrwhitby: do you know if the testing feed info is still in the pastebin? I can't find it.
22:58.49rwhitbyird: prop expired
22:58.49sslowjasons themebuilder allows for the implementation of patches
22:59.15oilsworknwhat patches and preware need, is a way to send variables to the postinst
22:59.17irdrwhitby: thought so.
22:59.58dBsooneroilsworkn: amen!
23:00.19dBsooneroilsworkn: have preware rewrite the postinst/prerm with the variable
23:00.37dBsooners/variable/variable with input from user/
23:00.40irdrwhitby: where is the file you have to edit for the sources? I have now forgotten.
23:01.05dBsoonersslow: The Carrier string was a "sed" replacement AnOutsider did.
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23:01.39dBsoonerAnOutsider was the first to start the whole, "It needs to be standardized".. He wouldn't allow any themes to be submitted that wanted to sed replace outside what he had specified could be done.
23:01.43oilsworkndBsooner: my initial thought was to put the data in the feed
23:02.02oilsworknlike, this variable is this type
23:02.09oilsworkntext, %, number, whatever
23:02.11dBsooneroilsworkn: example?
23:02.23oilsworknlauncher transparency
23:02.37oilsworknpreware would popup with a slider when they tap install
23:02.44oilsworknand pass that variable to ipkgservice
23:02.45dBsoonerBut the only downside to this......
23:02.56dBsoonerIt would make the ipk's no-longer "ipk standard"
23:03.02dBsoonerthey would be IPKGService isntallable only
23:03.03oilsworknand ipkgservice would slap the variables at the end of the postinst
23:03.05dBsooneror Preware even
23:03.16oilsworknor command line
23:03.24dBsoonerbecause I had suggested that as well
23:03.25oilsworknafter you install you run the postinst with your variables
23:03.31irdoilsworkn: I was thinking of the same kind of thing for the carrier string.
23:04.07dBsoonerand even do one as a "drop down" selection.. where you select a specific option from a drop down and it applies.. like "COlor of Top Bar"
23:04.12irdrwhitby: I found it, nevermind. /var/etc/ipkg
23:04.17dBsooneryou choose from a list of 24 colors or whatever.
23:04.24irdor a hex color :p
23:04.32oilsworknbecuase the feed would tell it that this variable is a color
23:04.36oilsworknso preware would use the color form
23:04.38dBsoonerird: KISS
23:04.53irdI was just saying.
23:04.58dBsoonerso was I. :D
23:05.13oilsworknit would use egaudets color widget that he is eventually going to get to
23:05.17dBsoonerremember, the majority of people that are doing this don't know what Linux is..
23:05.21dBsooneror don't know what the Pre is.
23:05.45dBsoonerThe ones that do use all this, and know what they are doing, we never hear from.
23:05.46irdA color selector would be ideal.
23:05.55irdYou heard from me :p
23:05.59dBsoonerSo those aren't the ones you worry about.. its the one that can't figure out where the any button is..
23:06.19irdMy grandparents got a laptop last year, that was the first question they asked me..
23:06.50dBsoonerOIL! My computer went off after the last power outage...!
23:06.59dBsoonerI can't touch it... come fix it!
23:07.05oilsworkngets in car
23:07.24oilsworknit wasn't all that simple
23:07.29oilsworknthey know how to turn the pcs on
23:07.33oilsworknthey just don't know how to troubleshoot
23:07.41oilsworknafter you try the pc power button
23:07.48oilsworknyou try the reset button on the powerstrip
23:07.51oilsworknthen if that doesn't work
23:07.57oilsworknyou find your way to the battery backup
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23:08.02oilsworknthen you turn that on
23:08.05oilsworknand then it all works
23:08.07dBsoonerNow THAT's asking a lot
23:08.10irdMy pc's power button stops working and I have to bang on it.
23:08.25dBsoonerMy PC doesn't have a power button
23:08.30dBsoonerWOL only..
23:08.47oilsworknmy pc has one, i just never touch it, because i never turn it off
23:08.49dBsoonerBIOS is set to "Always on"
23:09.03dBsoonermine never turns off either.. the server at home that is
23:09.20irdI hate nano
23:09.24dBsoonerand if it does lose power (after UPS dies), then I can WoL it
23:09.24irdwhy won't it save? :(
23:09.34dBsoonerird: read only?
23:09.45irdThat could be the problem :p
23:09.54dBsoonermount -o remount,rw /
23:09.57dBsoonerTis your friend.
23:09.59irdI know that :p
23:10.03irdWhat's the other one?
23:10.06irdthe fs_open or whatever.
23:10.17dBsoonerDunno.. it's longer
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23:10.42rwhitbyrootfs_open -w
23:10.51irdthat's it
23:10.55irdWhat's the difference?
23:11.03dBsoonerok, so it's shorter.. but old habits die hard
23:11.09dBsoonerlike "shutdown -r now"
23:11.16rwhitbynothing. one is a shell script that calls the other
23:13.21dBsoonerrwhitby: what's your thoughts on Jason/palm/Adora's latest tweet?
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23:16.48oilsworknbets its a desktop app written in java
23:18.43irdI hate you nano.
23:18.51ird<enter> != <Ctrl> + U
23:19.41rwhitbydBsooner: he's been planning that for a while.  it should be good.
23:19.42jetterowhere is the tweet?
23:19.49rwhitbyoilsworkn: it will be
23:20.07TemplarianDid you guys see palm's last twitter?
23:20.10rwhitbydBsooner: what other thoughts should I have ;)
23:20.44AnOutsiderguess they dont feel liek doing their own
23:20.47AnOutsiderit's definitely welcome
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23:21.54oilsworknTemplarian: a minute or so slow
23:22.11rwhitbyAnOutsider: have you seen egaudet and dBsooner's plans for AUPT ?  Auto-Update Patch Technology - it should be useful for Themes too
23:22.42TemplarianDang, was eating dinner.
23:23.13dBsoonerrwhitby: I welcome the program.. I just hate that it will overshadow our 'open-source' version..
23:23.35rwhitbydBsooner: what indication do you have that it will not be open source?
23:23.39AnOutsiderrwhitby: did see a few tweets about it, but no details
23:23.52dBsoonerrwhitby: All of his software he has released to this point is closed?
23:23.59dBsoonerwith the exception of the stuff invovling APT
23:23.59rwhitbydBsooner: very much not the case
23:24.07rwhitbydBsooner: absolutely false
23:24.08dBsoonerhis patches are open
23:24.25rwhitbydBsooner: he has 1 closed source program.  all the others are open source.
23:24.30egaudetdBsooner, actually one of the problems I think IS the patches inside themes
23:24.49dBsooneregaudet: where are these themes that have patches?
23:24.57dBsooneri didn't know there were any
23:25.12TemplarianThey did a long time ago I don't think they do anymore.
23:26.47dBsoonerrwhitby: well then I stand corrected. I apologize for stating my opinion without justification. I will refrain from the subject. Again, I welcome the app. Can't wait to see it.
23:27.06AnOutsiderdBsooner: a large portion fo themes have patches
23:27.16rwhitbydBsooner: it may or may not be open source.  I don't think Jason has said yet.
23:27.22dBsoonerAnOutsider: i thought you did sed replace?
23:27.48rwhitbyhe is not anti-open source.  he knows exactly when and why he released closed and open source.
23:28.46AnOutsiderdBsooner: haven't done that for ages. Well the patches are generated using sed on my end, but themes that are installed use patches for file changes
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23:29.07AnOutsiderand prethemer also allows the uploading of individual patch files with a theme. not sure when it was, but ti was a while ago that it changed
23:29.29dBsoonerah. Well ok then.
23:30.05egaudetAnOutsider, I was not aware you had changed that.  Are you using the postinst from autopatch for patching?
23:30.32dBsoonerBut it all goes back to my original statement (which AnOutsider had suggested ages ago): There needs to be a so-called "Theme API" to which every patch creator will conform to and all Installers/Uninstalls will adbide by.
23:31.01egaudetIt can just be incorporated into APT :P
23:31.26dBsoonerthere you go again.. wanting to mix Themes into APT
23:31.46oilsworknand by themes, you mean patches with images
23:32.06dBsooneryou mean image replacement and patches in one package
23:32.29oilsworknso patches
23:32.34AnOutsiderhaha it's true, themes basically are patches with images
23:32.51AnOutsideregaudet: really? remember we had a loooong drawn out convo over it?
23:32.57AnOutsiderand I was like, alright, I'll bang that out tonight
23:33.22AnOutsider - 10/20/2009 ;)
23:34.14egaudetAnOutsider, yea I remember the convo just didn't know if you had done it and then I guess it just slipped my mind
23:35.02egaudetAnOutsider, what postinst do you use for the patch application?
23:35.28AnOutsiderseriously? I cant remember what code I wrote this morning let along 1.5 months ago ;)
23:35.40dBsoonerso you use your own postinst?
23:35.42AnOutsiderI remember you giving me a link to one on github or w/e the repository was
23:35.47AnOutsiderand I included it
23:35.49AbyssulWow the site is wonderful
23:36.01AnOutsiderof course, it's a patch... with images remember :)
23:36.03dBsooneragrees with Abyssul.. Go Templarian!
23:36.07AnOutsiderand I agree, the preware site looks good
23:36.43AbyssulWe need a more detailed orentation blocker than the current slider one.
23:36.52AbyssulLike a combination to keep it from switching
23:36.52egaudetok so all themes SHOULD be somewhat APT compatible today.
23:37.27AbyssulIt looks silly to have the keyboard open while reading the pre landscape
23:37.30egaudetof course with this new AUPT upgrade I'm not sure yet how exactly it will effect other things using older APT technology like the themes and QI drag&drop
23:38.34dBsoonerI think it "might" create an issue with anything hard linked to /var/usr/lib/ipkg/
23:38.35egaudetAbyssul, I think it could be a patch to the framework or top bar
23:38.35egaudetput a toggle in device or app menu to freeze that app's orientation
23:38.43egaudetbut someone would have to want to do that
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23:40.57AbyssulEgaudet similar, Id prefer a key combination though, but a top bar entry is suitable
23:41.35Templarianthanks Abyssul (really wish I wasn't so busy with final projects or it would be better).
23:41.45egaudetheck maybe even a shake event or something
23:41.53egaudetshake the pre to lock orientation, shake to unlock :P
23:42.08AbyssulNa, I hate the shake feature. Even in the TFLN app
23:42.13AbyssulIll read a funny app and go to show my friend
23:42.18Abyssuland it will load the nextone
23:42.24AbyssulPisses me off
23:42.26AnOutsideregaudet: if they're not, then we'll get em compatible. I know firsthand what it's like effing up things with an upgrade with theme in place
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23:44.08irdCan someone help me with importing the ssh key to my pc?
23:44.11AbyssulWow really...? A Swipe to Delete in Contacts patch, hmmm
23:44.29egaudetAnOutsider, well if you used the postinst directly, you can probably just grab the new one once it's tested
23:44.49dBsoonerAnOutsider: The whole reason for AUPT is to allow Upgrading with patches in place. :D
23:45.36dBsoonerAuto-Update Patch Technology
23:46.18zsocsounds like a support protocol
23:46.19zsoc"Oh, it's ok, my theme supports Auto-Update Patch Technology"
23:46.45zsocbut hell, if it works, you can call it susan for all i care
23:46.47zsocIt's good stuff
23:48.09dBsoonerOh lord
23:48.21dBsooner"Palm and Sprint Sued in Backup Class Action Lawsuit"
23:48.44dBsoonerAttorneys these days.... lawsuit happy greedy bastards.
23:49.39oilsworknegaudet is going to get in on that
23:49.46Mouseythese days?
23:49.47Mouseythey changed?
23:50.04oilsworkndays? they change daily
23:50.18zsocOH LAWDY
23:50.21zsocIS DAT SOME LAWSUIT?
23:52.30Mouseybecause CLOUD is doubleplusgoodspeak for "your data doesn't matter to us, as much as you'd like it to"
23:52.57Mouseyat least it's not as bad as the sidekick
23:53.00Mousey...i think
23:53.02dBsoonerI really doubt any monetary compensation will be awarded.
23:53.18oilsworkni think we should sue Jason Standiford for being a whiny punk
23:53.27Mouseyi wonder. it's not like you have the -option- to save all your data locally to your own server
23:53.37Mouseyits one of my biggest complaints
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23:53.56Mouseyi hope we can collectively grow out of the "palm profile" madness, so i can have my phone to myself for a change
23:55.17Mouseyofficially it's my second biggest complaint (no syncml backup option), first being lack of jabber support. ^_^
23:55.17dBsoonerMousey: I don't use Palm's profile
23:55.25dBsoonerall my information is stored on my personal server.
23:55.36MouseydBsooner: that's some kinda trick isn't it. like you're in austraila or something
23:55.44dBsoonerNope.. Sprint pre.
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23:56.03dBsoonerI use EAS and set my EAS account as my primary for Contacts, Calendar, Email, etc.
23:56.14dBsoonerand I even turn off contact/etc syncing
23:56.17dudestatusany way to config the palm pre to mount the fs as read-write?
23:56.19Mouseyoh. how's that work, cuz i wanna be able to exchange contacts/calendar events/(homebrew) apps again like i could on good ol' PalmOS
23:56.21dBsooners/syncing/syncing to Palm/
23:56.32irdrwhitby: I followed the instructions on the wiki... And I got the key onto the machine I'm trying to connect from. But I still get the publickey error.
23:56.51dBsoonerdudestatus: mount -o remount,rw /
23:56.53oilsworkn"<Mousey> dBsooner: that's some kinda trick isn't it." should be put in the channel topic
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23:56.53AbyssulI learned my lesson when 1.0.3 was released, and now I use Google
23:57.00Mouseyeww google
23:57.07Mouseyfrom one cloud i have no control over to another!
23:57.09zsocHey let's give google all of our information
23:57.23Mouseyand while we're at it, lets point our DNS requests at them!
23:57.24oilsworknthey're motto is "don't be evil"
23:57.25oilsworkni trust them
23:57.26dBsoonerAnd NOW google has their own DNS service
23:57.26zsocwonders why everytime you call goog-411 is saves your voice recording for all eternity
23:57.33dBsoonertrying to beat down OpenDNS
23:57.46Mouseywhat's next? Google Cert Authority?
23:57.53dBsoonerLOL.. proabably
23:58.02zsocMousey: it wouldn't be better than what we have now for cert verification :P
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23:58.06zsocMITM's everyone
23:58.07oilsworknwelcomes google overlords
23:58.13dBsoonerI love the "Facts" stated in the actual lawsuit
23:58.26zsocFact: We don't know wtf is going on
23:58.36oilsworkn"Our client is a total douchenozzle"
23:59.03zsocoilsworkn: they have nozzles?
23:59.13Mouseywhat an awesome collection of syllables
23:59.16oilsworknidk, it sounded like a good name for him
23:59.25zsocWell I'll be a cakeeater.
23:59.26oilsworknit flows off hte tongue
23:59.49dBsoonerNo.. "Industry estimates show between 50 and 100 thousand Pre units sold in teh first week alone, with several hundreds of thousands more sold to date"
23:59.49zsocinvents the douchenozzle
23:59.55dBsoonerhow is that a "Fact"
23:59.55oilsworkngo ahead, say it out loud
23:59.58oilsworkni did, and im at work

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