IRC log for #webos-internals on 20091203

00:00.11rwhitby(might be netcat rather than nc)
00:00.20oilsworknrea: quick install has a "send file to pre" option
00:00.33oilsworknyou just send the icon.png to the right spot on device
00:00.40*** part/#webos-internals WillJitsu (
00:00.40oilsworkn(the spot which i don't know off hte top of my head)
00:00.45*** join/#webos-internals Bartho_ (
00:01.08rwhitbycontinues to try and think of even more arcane ways to transfer the file
00:01.51*** part/#webos-internals eekfuh (n=eekfuh@
00:01.55rea+oilsworkn:  that seems easy enough, just need to somehow figure out the path to the email icon then right?
00:01.58oilsworknwe already listed like 7 or 8 ways to get it there
00:02.08oilsworknrea: yeah, its on the wiki
00:02.22oilsworknits something like /usr/palm/applications/ or something
00:02.27oilsworknthough thats probably wrong
00:02.30reathanks, sorry for noobing it up in here.  I appreciate the help.
00:03.26rwhitbyrealises the netcat will require a firewall adjustment anyway, so is not viable
00:03.40rwhitbyoilsworkn: you win
00:03.52oilsworknall the internets?
00:04.14rwhitbyall the bits and bytes you can eat
00:04.16ajamesis away: SIGSTOP
00:04.36kesneis tibfib in here?
00:04.50oilsworkni think you missed him
00:05.33kesneHe pinged me on IM and I missed it
00:05.33rea+oilsworkn: your guess at the icon path was spot on
00:05.33oilsworknhe wanted to know about precentral app
00:05.33kesneoilsworkn: you hear about ?
00:05.33oilsworknrea: awesome
00:05.33kesneOh, right
00:05.35kesneI guess numlock helps
00:05.58oilsworknkesne: i don't read rumors or speculation
00:05.59rwhitbykesne: nope, no-ones mentioned it, or the NDA violation on PreCentral, yet, at all.
00:06.27rwhitbykesne: especially not chuq
00:07.10rwhitby(chuq didn't say anything about PreCentral - that was me :-)
00:07.19oilsworknnor any of the other palm employees lurking in the shadows of webos-internals
00:07.26bpadalinohe mentioned earlier that he had a busy afternoon ahead of him
00:07.36bpadalinodue to the precentral post
00:07.37*** part/#webos-internals chuqui (
00:07.43bpadalinoand there he goes
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00:09.43chrisaWe appear to be advertising on hulu like nuts today
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00:21.11greg_rollhi guys does anyone with a gsm pre have bluetooth pan show as a profile? or know if its been disabled?
00:23.42PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: shown as a profile where/how
00:26.18greg_rollpuffthemagic: when I connect my phone to my pc over bluetooth there is no pan so I can tether over bluetooth with my tether
00:26.38greg_rollI believe my tether should work over bluetooth
00:26.41PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: what do u mean "there is no pan"
00:26.49PuffTheMagicwhere do u think "pan" should be showing up
00:27.36PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: first off.... use freeTether ;)
00:27.43PuffTheMagicu need to initiate the bnep connection from your computer
00:27.49greg_rollpuffthemagic: my computer doesn't show the phone as having a pan or dial up service so I can use my phone as a modem
00:27.53PuffTheMagicthen you will get a prompt on your pre
00:28.25PuffTheMagicbnep is the protocol that a pan is established over
00:28.36PuffTheMagic"pan" has nothing to do with bluetooth
00:28.38PuffTheMagicits just a concept
00:28.42PuffTheMagiclike wan or lan
00:29.08PuffTheMagicBluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
00:29.38greg_rolloh ok in windows on my old phone I'd create a dial up connexion to my phone but that isn't an option
00:30.08PuffTheMagicusing "phone as modem" is real tethering
00:30.14PuffTheMagicwhich myTether and freeTether DONT do
00:30.32PuffTheMagicthe term Tether is a misnomer that will never go away here
00:31.08greg_rolloh ok thanks, where does one find freetether?
00:31.10PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: freeTether and myTether allow you to share an internet connection by turning the pre into a router
00:31.38PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: is like pre-alpha though
00:31.39greg_rollp.s I'm loving wirc thanks you so much for it!!
00:31.41PuffTheMagicbut usbnet and bt work
00:32.07greg_rollnice I'm gaim as my tether isn't working
00:32.19PuffTheMagicif mytether isnt working freetether prob wont
00:32.49oilsworkni thought freetether>mytether
00:32.59rwhitbyfreetether fail ;-)
00:33.25PuffTheMagicno it dont fail
00:33.31PuffTheMagicmytether is failing
00:33.37PuffTheMagiche hasnt even tried freeTether
00:33.57rwhitbywinds in the line ...
00:33.58oilsworkn"<+PuffTheMagic> if mytether isnt working freetether prob wont"
00:34.14oilsworknthats not a good quote
00:34.32PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: what ever
00:34.47oilsworknim not picking a fight here
00:34.53*** join/#webos-internals Bartho (
00:34.56oilsworkni just thought freetether was supposed to work where mytether didnt
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00:35.15rwhitbyoilsworkn: can you test ipkgservice 0.9.22 in testing feed please - it has updates for 1.3.5, but I need to make sure it doesn't break 1.3.1
00:35.23PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: this has nothing to dow ith freeTether or myTether
00:35.28PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: this has to do with bluetooth
00:35.31PuffTheMagicand window
00:35.34PuffTheMagicand or gsm pre
00:35.46oilsworknrwhitby: when i get home,  yeah
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00:36.02oilsworkndoesn't have testing feed on his pre
00:36.19rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: when's the next wircd release?  I want to update the postinst so it will work in 1.3.5
00:36.31greg_rollI think bluetooth is cut down on the gsm
00:36.43PuffTheMagicrwhitby: i can update the postinst dont worry about that
00:36.45oilsworknrwhitby: before 135
00:37.11PuffTheMagic^^ which means the night before 1.3.5 drops
00:37.16greg_rollany link to freetether? I'm happy to test etc
00:37.30rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: my plan is to push postinst updates for all services and plugins well before 1.3.5 drops, so that users don't have a discontinuity or flag day
00:37.30PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: its in the testing feed
00:37.31destinalrwhitby: what happened to precentral and NDA violation?  is this related to the "webos 1.3.5 fixes ... " on the front page, or something else?
00:37.54PuffTheMagicrwhitby: i will have wIRCd's postinst all taken care of before then
00:37.58rwhitbydestinal: it was tongue in cheek - someone broke their NDA to give that story to PreCentral
00:38.00PuffTheMagicrwhitby: im in the early beta program now
00:38.10greg_rollPuffTheMagic: :
00:38.17oilsworknfirst rule of early beta program is don't talk about early beta program xD
00:38.18greg_rolldamn, thank you
00:38.35PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: but seriouslly though....
00:38.44PuffTheMagicits probably more of a windows issue here or something
00:38.53jauderhobreaking NDA = not cool
00:39.11rwhitbynever actually agreed to the NDA, but upholds it anyway
00:39.13PuffTheMagicno one here is doing that
00:39.19PuffTheMagicjauderho: ^^
00:39.31PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: do u have a linux live cd handy?
00:39.39rwhitbyyeah, the story didn't come from here
00:39.41jauderhonot pointing to someone in particular. just saying =)
00:40.19rwhitbyI think bpadalino's idea of stenographic screenshots is a great one ...
00:40.19greg_rollPuffTheMagic: I have a vm handy of ubuntu
00:40.25PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: not good enough
00:40.38PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: u need the bluetooth prefs scene open in order to make your pre "visible" to your computer
00:41.05bpadalinoyeah, it would be easy to implement too i am sure
00:41.47PuffTheMagicgeist: does bt work in your VM... doubt it
00:42.20PuffTheMagic^^^ that is the supported bt profiles on my phone
00:42.27PuffTheMagici doubt yours is different
00:42.33PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: ^^
00:42.51PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: notice the NAP section "network access point" and under that it supports bnep
00:42.56PuffTheMagicthats what you need to make a BT pan
00:43.05PuffTheMagicidk how to determine that from windows
00:43.14PuffTheMagicbut if u ran linux i could help u determine that
00:43.18oilsworknpuff is going to have to make tons of freaking docs about freetether
00:43.23destinalgeist: you could get bluetooth working in a VM.  I don't know if any have built in emulation but you could passthrough usb and use a usb bt dongle
00:43.24oilsworknfor Am
00:43.36destinalwe're all doing it now
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00:44.11greg_rollill try it now and post back...
00:44.55PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: i've abandoned freeTether for NetConfig
00:45.36oilsworknwhat about ubermon?
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00:46.09PuffTheMagicNetConfig is gonna support all the advanced wpa_supplicant configurations that everyone has been dying for too :D
00:46.49destinalIt's very possible to passthrough DUN from a pre as well, for real "tethering" but IMO it's usually inferior
00:46.59PuffTheMagicrwhitby: yeah why not
00:47.26oilsworknthinks netconfig should support real tethering
00:47.31rwhitbyit would be ironic for corporate support (i.e. radius) to depend on advanced homebrew ...
00:47.50PuffTheMagicdestinal: yeah idk why anyone would want to use DUN when they can do real ICS
00:48.11oilsworknwhy? cause "there's an app for that"
00:48.24destinalrwhitby: speaking of corporate support, I keep noticing vpnc in the repository but not on my device.   for the corp version, possibly?
00:48.33PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: maybe it will.... for all those crackpots that want sprint to charge them
00:48.55oilsworknwell all this is assuming they've got a tethering plan frmo sprint.... right?
00:49.14oilsworkngoes home
00:49.31PuffTheMagicdestinal: did u notice the addition of screen recently too
00:49.52PuffTheMagicthats pretty random for a production device
00:50.09PuffTheMagicif only i could get them to switch from vi to vim
00:50.10destinalPuffTheMagic: well I noticed the screen *source* posted, but I think screen's always been there
00:50.43destinalthe webos distro has always had a lot of surprising crunchy bits
00:50.57destinalover and above just standard OE
00:51.18greg_rollpuffthemagic: yeah I have no nap section at all. everything else matches yours though
00:51.39rwhitbybsdiff and bspatch are more interesting additions
00:51.48destinalgreg_roll: you really don't need a nap.  drink more red bull
00:52.36PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: use usb net then
00:52.37destinalrwhitby: oh, I didn't notice those... maybe they intend to update smaller than complete packages?
00:53.01PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: could it be that your windows does not know NAP or something
00:53.21destinalrwhitby: err smaller even than complete binaries?   I'd be surprised, but who knows
00:53.51rwhitbydestinal: my guess is that they saw us discussing binary patches, and just wanted to give us a hand.
00:54.25rwhitbyand I expect screen was included so you can use it when you get USB host mode working for a USB serial dongle
00:54.42rwhitbybut maybe both of those are just wishful thinking ;-)
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00:58.50greg_rollpuffthemagic: I think windows does, but the out was from linux
01:06.40PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: bt worked thought your vm?
01:08.07greg_rollpuffthemagic: yep works well
01:10.15PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: cool
01:10.22PuffTheMagictoo bad about bnep
01:10.26PuffTheMagicthats pretty weird
01:10.34PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: i have an idea for you
01:13.21greg_rollPuffTheMagic: : excellent
01:13.21dBsoonerHow do I prevent the ipkgservice from changing the webos-patches version #?
01:13.39*** join/#webos-internals ragu (i=4691f322@gateway/web/freenode/x-zpgxsqrykbkocdqi)
01:13.43dBsoonerjust create a second conf file that the ipkgservice won't touch?
01:13.44rwhitbydBsooner: comment it out of the upstart script
01:13.50dBsooneror do that
01:15.09PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: the bluetooth support is all provided via userland apps so you could probably steal the bt binaries from a sprint webos jar and copy them to your pre
01:15.11*** join/#webos-internals Eguy (
01:15.12rwhitbydBsooner: yeah, previously for testing the 1.2 to 1.3 patches I just added another conf file
01:16.27greg_rollPuffTheMagic: awesome idea ill give it a go and post back
01:16.31greg_rollmaybe tomoorow
01:18.57PuffTheMagicgreg_roll: np
01:18.59PuffTheMagicgood luck
01:19.17Abyssul_wIRChmph, where is zsoc|away...
01:20.02zsoc|awayAbyssul_wIRC: what?
01:22.05PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: yo
01:22.11zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: sup
01:22.21PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: camsrc on palms site
01:22.29zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: what about it?
01:22.33PuffTheMagicits got gst and v4l shit in int
01:22.36PuffTheMagicin it
01:22.40zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: yes, and?
01:22.40PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: are you using that?
01:22.52zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: .... what do you mean are "You" using that?
01:23.05PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: what is that code for?
01:23.10zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: YOU'RE using that. It's the source for the camsrc element (which is palms patch/derivitive of v4l2)
01:23.28zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: it's the source element that interacts with /dev/video0
01:23.37PuffTheMagicnothing you havent told me yet woudl indicate that i need that pacakge
01:23.44zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: you don't need it
01:23.51zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: it's already on the phone
01:23.55zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: it's in the spec
01:24.09zsoc|awayyou only need it if you want to rebuild it with other caps for higher res (maybe a future project)
01:24.20zsoc|awayonce gpu comes around it'll be useful
01:24.53zsoc|awayalso i have the headers necessary to compile it. rod was suppose to put them up somewhere
01:24.53PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: what does that package provide on the userland side of things?
01:25.33zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: Nothing. It's a regular gstreamer plugin/element like all the other ones. The only difference is it's a derivitive of video4linux2 so they HAD to release the source
01:26.17PuffTheMagicv4l is an api
01:26.46zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: right, v4l2src tho is the gstreamer element to access the camera using v4l apis
01:27.01PuffTheMagicsounds like we could use the v4l code from that and not use gstreamer :D
01:27.04zsoc|awayit's in uh.. i think
01:27.35zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: ... you have to use gstreamer to build the pipeline..
01:27.54zsoc|awaywouldn't work
01:29.14zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: we're not cool enough. palms binary gstreamer elements are necessary
01:29.32PuffTheMagicwhat do they do that in necessary here?
01:29.52PuffTheMagicand why is that code no open?
01:30.24zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: they do a lot of things. they are all similar to other opensource elements tho, but i looked into it.
01:30.26*** join/#webos-internals dreadchicken (n=deadchic@
01:30.31zsoc|awaypalm doesn't have to release it
01:30.57zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: "palmvideoencoder" could be replaced with x264enc
01:31.24oilsounds like puff is going to be sending another email
01:31.24PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: if we can talk to a v4l interface then we should be able to use what ever we want
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01:31.43zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: Yeah that's pretty much wrong.
01:32.15PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: i dont beleive that
01:32.33oilso when you get the viewfinder working, ill add some gui stuff to it :)
01:32.44PuffTheMagicif /dev/video0 is a true v4l device then anything that supports the v4l api should be able to interact with it
01:32.47Abyssul_wIRCeta on next precorder testing release?
01:33.02PuffTheMagic^^ coming from a wIRC user
01:33.33PuffTheMagicoil: we shoudl make a junkPuffOS
01:33.40Abyssul_wIRCwhat's that have to do with anything? :)
01:33.41zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: there are various things happening in each of those cases. Source -> Video Encoder (h.264), -> mp4 muxer
01:33.42zsoc|awayPuffTheMagic: these are relatively complicated things
01:34.15PuffTheMagiczsoc: those last 2 stages are not important
01:34.35PuffTheMagiczsoc: if i can get a mpeg stream out of the video interface that can get piped into anything
01:34.37zsocPuffTheMagic: except ... that's what "video recording" is about..
01:34.58zsocPuffTheMagic: yes, but what we HAVE is those elements. Plus, palmaudioencoder is the only thing that can access the DSP
01:35.05zsocPuffTheMagic: stop with your crazy talk
01:35.13PuffTheMagicthis isnt crazy talk
01:35.29PuffTheMagicthis is we can output a a mpeg and then convert it into anything we want talk
01:35.42PuffTheMagicusing what ever we want talk
01:35.51zsocExcept you're pretty much wrong.
01:35.58zsocgstreamer or ffmpeg are our options
01:36.23PuffTheMagiczsoc: yeah those are the big boys in the linux world
01:36.40zsocPuffTheMagic: if we switch to ffmpeg we'd have to rebuild custom... everything. and distribute it
01:37.09PuffTheMagiczsoc: just give me a chance to do my magic :D
01:37.10zsocPuffTheMagic: the situation we're in, is the stuff is already there for gstreamer, provided by palm mostly. it would be silly not to use it. I've tried using all the open source alternatives
01:37.35zsocPuffTheMagic: can't you do it my way first and then figure out that your way doesn't work after? :P
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01:38.15rwhitbyzsoc: oh, let me get those cam headers up for you now
01:38.20PuffTheMagiczsoc: im just trying to understand everything that is involved here
01:38.49PuffTheMagiczsoc: i have never been a fan of gstreamer
01:38.57zsocPuffTheMagic: media pipelines are somewhat complicated. you might be a genius but you can't understand everything in 1 second
01:39.05zsocPuffTheMagic: gstreamer is _very_ powerful
01:39.17PuffTheMagiczsoc: i didnt say it was weak
01:39.21PuffTheMagicim jut not a fan of it
01:39.36en0xgstreamer is crap
01:39.40zsocit offers much lower level access and adjustments with sources and sinks than ffmpeg doing all the magic for you
01:39.41PuffTheMagicall the "good" shit in linux uses ffmpeg
01:39.48zsocThat's totally just not true
01:39.53zsocespecially in embedded devices
01:40.12PuffTheMagicgoes to wine store
01:40.22PuffTheMagicburns CD first
01:41.08zsochow does everyone put up with him
01:41.27rwhitbyzsoc: the correct response is "show me the code"
01:42.51zsocrwhitby: actually there is a ton of code that supports that ffmpeg is just "better" than gstreamer in a lot of ways. But in this case, he's wrong ;)
01:43.17PuffTheMagiczsoc: im still here
01:43.45rwhitbyzsoc: I meant code that is running on a Pre
01:43.47zsocPuffTheMagic: i know, jerk
01:44.03PuffTheMagiczsoc: i get shit done, thats why people put up with me ;)
01:44.04PuffTheMagici think
01:44.26rwhitbygets out the popcorn
01:44.44PuffTheMagiczsoc: from my person experience every time i use a media player with gst as a backend shit sucks, ffmpeg backend always works like butter
01:44.58en0xsmells popcorn
01:45.11PuffTheMagici will be gone by the time its done popping
01:46.13Mouseyhops on couch next to rwhitby
01:46.31jauderhoi'm taking a nap instead =)
01:46.38rwhitbywonders what is touching his leg ....
01:46.44zsocsits on the floor cross legged, wonder why all of a sudden this channel has become a creepy throw-back to dalnet
01:46.46Mouseyshush, more popcorn
01:46.49Mouseypoints at mouth
01:46.56jauderhorwhitby: on that note...
01:47.15zsocthrows popcorn at Mousey
01:47.22PuffTheMagiczsoc: if this is dalnet i rwhitby would ask you a/s/l
01:47.39zsocPuffTheMagic: a/s/l?
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01:47.52zsocthrows Precorder at Mousey
01:47.54zsochere, you have it
01:48.02PuffTheMagicahh an u claim to know dalnet
01:48.06Mouseylandscape GUI? can i tell you how awkward portrait mode videos are to explain to the wife?
01:48.31oils opinion is that hte whole thing should be landscape-locked
01:48.33oilsince thats how it records
01:48.46PuffTheMagicoil: thats a bug
01:48.49Mouseyvideo player certainly plays back like that
01:49.13PuffTheMagicit should record in the orientation of your phone
01:49.27zsocMousey: why is AM using alpha software? :P
01:49.28oilwhat if you change orientation?
01:49.37zsocPuffTheMagic: no, i was asking you a/s/l :D
01:50.06zsocPuffTheMagic: OH ME TOO
01:50.12Mouseymy wife isn't making videos.
01:50.14*** part/#webos-internals greg_roll (n=wIRCer@
01:50.21zsocMousey: your wife, aunt minnie
01:50.21Mouseythat would be a disaster
01:50.49Mouseylol aunt minnie. no way, she's noto allowedo
01:51.22PuffTheMagicMousey: you know you are dying for a leaked AM bedroom cam
01:51.38MouseyPuffTheMagic: that's why god invented ssh
01:51.46zsoclord knows i am
01:51.54en0xactually it was theo Mousey
01:52.29*** join/#webos-internals JMyaDaGod (n=jmya@
01:52.44Mouseyright.. theo.. he's a God(tm)
01:52.51JMyaDaGodanyone available to help me out with intsallin debian?
01:52.58rwhitbyanyone brave enough to alpha test an ipkgservice which supports 1.3.5 ?
01:53.07rwhitbyJMyaDaGod: -> #debian
01:53.09oiloh yea, i was gonna install that
01:53.15en0xrwhitby, the terminal plugin is not working for me anymore
01:53.26en0xon 1.3.1 after upgrading it from testing feed
01:53.37rwhitbyen0x: testing or release?
01:53.53rwhitbyen0x: 0.2.3 breaks something?
01:54.43en0x0.2.3 right
01:54.44JMyaDaGodrwhitby im trying to get it on palm pre just have a quick question do u know anything about it?
01:54.51en0xterm app says that its not running
01:55.04en0xand i'm not feeling like sshing to my pre
01:55.06en0xto debug it
01:55.06rwhitbyJMyaDaGod: oh, on a Pre.
01:55.21rwhitbyen0x: how did you install it?
01:55.31en0xtermplugin is not installed... this app is unusable without it
01:55.39en0xrwhitby, thru preware?
01:55.43JMyaDaGodyea tryin to put Gnuboy on my pre
01:56.11en0xinstalled through preware
01:56.16rwhitbyen0x: hmm - I thought I tested that
01:56.21en0xpreware asked me to restart java
01:56.25en0xwhat i did
01:56.36en0xafter java started no longer able to run terminal
01:56.40Mouseyi wonder what gnuboy expects for a display
01:56.42en0xlemme reboot my pre
01:56.51rwhitbyen0x: did you wait till the bars came back?
01:56.52Mouseynot like a pre is X11
01:56.56JMyaDaGod<first day on linux besides on my pre.......just got the img and loaded onto pre internal just confused about where to go neext??
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01:57.04en0xrwhitby, of course
01:57.23rwhitbyen0x: dunno then, but will be happy to help debug
01:57.36MouseyJMyaDaGod: i'm not familiar with anyone who's gotten debian running on a pre that wasn't in a chroot environment
01:57.46Mouseyand even still, it's not going to have X11
01:58.05JMyaDaGodsorry for being noob but chroot enviorment means? like linux?
01:58.55rwhitbyJMyaDaGod: I'm afraid that you will need to do a bit more research on your own before you will be able to achieve your goal.
01:59.03Abyssul_wIRCI wanna get a webos 1.0.3 doctor to compare speed between then and now. :)
01:59.22JMyaDaGodlol yea i guess .......
01:59.30MouseyJMyaDaGod: yah, it's kinda deep voodoo to do what you're asking. without knowing linux fairly well, you have a lot of reading to do before you get debian on your pre
01:59.41en0xrwhitby, reboot didnt help
01:59.49en0xayway i will debug it tomorrow
01:59.58en0xi'm too tired today
02:00.11rwhitbyen0x: try a remove and reinstall with Preware
02:01.05rwhitbyen0x: oh, did you install from release feed or testing feed?
02:01.13en0xtesting feed
02:01.22rwhitbyen0x: try from release feed
02:06.12oilrwhitby: pms 0.9.22 seems to work ok on 131
02:06.29oil(for me anyways)
02:06.36rwhitbyoil: thx
02:06.57oiland i installed the termplugin update
02:07.04oilim restarting, but ill let you know if that works
02:08.00en0xok release feed is fine
02:08.10oilalso, weren't we going to add an UpdateFlag to the feeds?
02:08.24rwhitbyen0x: thx - I've removed the bad version from testing feed
02:08.55rwhitbyoil: for which packages is it different from Install?
02:09.33rwhitbyoil: and for multi-dependency actions - does preware know for each package if it's an install or update?
02:09.35oilwhich is really just browser plugins
02:09.54oilive never tested that multi-update code
02:10.09rwhitbyoil: for browser plugins you need to restart on update, but not on initial install, right?
02:10.20oilor something like that
02:10.29oildestanial asked about it before
02:10.37rwhitbybut if the initial install was immediately after a remove, and there was no reboot in between, then you're stuffed.
02:10.50rwhitbyso I think the restart is required anyway
02:10.52oiltermplugin 023 seems to work ok for me
02:11.16rwhitbythx - there was a bug in a version in the testing feed which I didn't clear out on release
02:11.22oilso make upgrade and delete lunarestart
02:11.29oili mean
02:11.31oil"quick restart"
02:11.47rwhitbybut delete doesn't really need a restart
02:12.04rwhitbyyou either pay the cost at the front or the end
02:12.30oilbut the problem is delete and install new version, right?
02:12.43oil(if we don't restart at install)
02:17.33rwhitbydo we know for sure that install doesn't need a restart see the .so, if there was no .so there at boot?
02:17.50rwhitby(deleting and reinstalling without a boot in between is not a valid test)
02:18.33oildoesn't know
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02:26.26*** join/#webos-internals PreMan (i=43af0c7c@gateway/web/freenode/x-mkkfjeahnhtxfxwl)
02:26.51PreManSo about the virtualKeyboard in its current state....
02:27.32PreManis it still just a mod over the symbol table? or is it like its own app that is called on teh double tap?
02:27.58oilafaik, mode of symbol table
02:28.02dBsoonerIn a GNU Makefile, how would I determine if the first part of a "version" was equal?
02:28.19PreManis there a way to view the code for the virtualkeyboard?
02:28.28dBsoonerlike I have version 1.3.1-5.. How would I determine if VAR = 1.3.1
02:29.06dBsoonerbasically how do I chop a string in GNU Makefiles?
02:30.20PreMani looked at the virtual keyboard wiki, but things seem to be different now, is there a way to find and unpack the ipk that installs virtualkeyboard?
02:32.21oildBsooner: idk
02:32.30oil: you can
02:32.48PreManoil, can i get a link to the repository where it is please? i keep losing the link
02:35.04PreManhmmm.... how do i unpack ipk's?
02:36.03PreMansudo apt-get install 7zip?
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02:36.39gkatsevah, if you are on linux, you could probably just use the built-in unarchiver
02:36.55PreManwhat's that? i'm not big on archiving
02:37.09PreMani've done tar?
02:37.32mobgodsup gkatsev
02:38.05PreManoil, might you know the linux command to unarchive ipk?
02:38.11ajamesis back (gone 02:33:54)
02:38.11gkatsevmobgod: yo, sup?
02:38.22mobgodsame old
02:38.37gkatsevPreMan: i think ar can do it. perhaps tar. you could also possible rename it to zip and use it that way
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02:47.21rwhitbyoil: do we display a Source: link in Preware?
02:48.36oili dont think so
02:51.09PreManoil, i can only see the virtual keyboard 0.4.4 obsolete version?
02:51.20PreManit is in the webos-internals part of the repo right?
02:51.56Robi_where's the 'iknowwhatimdoing' option PuffTheMagic ?
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02:53.05Robi_did we know 1.3.2 was coming before 1.3.5 ?
02:53.14Robi_no time to prepare the repos
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02:53.56PreMananyone know which repo the new version of virtual keyboard is stored in?
02:54.04rwhitbyRobi_: what's broken?
02:54.18Robi_pixi users can't install after upg
02:54.29Robi_no patches match OS ver
02:54.32rwhitbyPreMan: the ipkg control file should have a link to the source in it
02:54.40rwhitbyRobi_: are you sure about that?
02:55.07Robi_no, haven't reached the last page of the forum
02:55.22rwhitbyoh, so you're basing that on hearsay from a forum then?
02:55.46rwhitby(there was a period of about half an hour over 12 hours ago when that was true)
02:55.52Robi_ah there's a comment from you
02:56.10rwhitbyyeah, we didn't know.
02:56.19rwhitbyno early access for 1.3.2 as far as I saw
02:56.27Robi_bummer, some relatinoship
02:56.44Robi_so where is that option in preware rw?
02:57.04rwhitbywhich option?
02:57.32Robi_to not auto do java restarts fore xample when there's 3 services to upgrade
02:57.53Robi_i can do the restart later manually
02:58.17Robi_i guess that'll be better when the upgrade all button works and dependencies are taken into account
02:58.27*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul_wIRC (
02:58.47rwhitbydependencies don't work?
02:59.52Robi_there's unecessary redundancy atm
03:00.14rwhitbyyep, patches welcome
03:01.44oilwhen in the prefs scene type "iknowwhatimdoing"
03:02.20oilthough thats going to become default
03:03.13Robi_s eyes open
03:03.26PreManhow do i grab a file from the emulator if i'm ssh'd in?
03:04.12Robi_thanks oil
03:04.54Robi_so whats the recommended backup option for when 1.3.5 comes out.. since i have some apps on app partition and some moved to the data partition
03:07.46oilxorg is getting into the SDK beta
03:07.51oilim sure he'll work something out
03:09.34Robi_i still need to start doing some backups here since i've had the pre flake out on me in unexplainable ways
03:13.36dBsoonerThis is driving me batty.. Does anyone know about GNU Makes?
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03:15.46dBsoonerSo help me.. :)
03:16.19dBsoonerhow do I test if 1.3.1-# is eq to 1.3.1
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03:24.01gkatsevwhy does the sdk require virtualbox 3.0.10?
03:24.45rwhitbyit doesn't
03:24.55rwhitbythat's just the supported version
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03:36.53rwhitbycan someone else test ipkgservice 0.9.22 in the testing feed please?
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03:37.10Decimateyeah, i will
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03:38.02zsocrwhitby: no
03:38.03zsoci refuse
03:38.53rwhitbypretty please with sugar?
03:38.59haeffbhas a friend needing to tether. Is Puff still working on a tether app?
03:39.13JMyaDaGodCan anyone tell me where exaclty i place the debian.img in my pre ??
03:39.14rwhitbyhaeffb: nope, it's a network configuration tool now
03:39.16zsochaeffb: i think it's in the testing feed
03:39.33zsocJMyaDaGod: anywhere honestly. why do you need it?
03:40.00JMyaDaGodim tryin to get Game boy emulator
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03:40.21zsocanywhere in /media/internal should do i suppose
03:40.31zsocer, anywhere in /media i mean
03:40.36Decimaterwhitby: what am i testing for? lol
03:40.45JMyaDaGodok thats my question is that just like the root of the pre?
03:41.05Robi_rwhitby: preware refresh didn't find anything
03:41.14zsocJMyaDaGod: well the only problem with putting it somewhere else is it won't be writable my default. I believe /media is writable already
03:41.50zsocJMyaDaGod: but if you're just using it to chroot into, you can put it in /zsoc/is/a/fruit/lover/ for all i care
03:42.20zsocalthough i haven't looked at the game boy instructions
03:42.41JMyaDaGodthat the command so i would have to put in meidal/internal?
03:42.47haeffbwhat is "the testing feed?"
03:43.02JMyaDaGod./media/internal/debsmall.img /media/cf
03:43.04Decimaterwhitby, oil: when will adding a new feed via manage feeds actually work?
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03:43.31zsocDecimate: it works now
03:43.34haeffbcan't believe how far taking a week off leaves you behind the curve
03:43.36zsocDecimate: there's just an AM test
03:43.44JMyaDaGodzsoc can i pm u?
03:43.54Decimatei accidentally put it in airplane mode :/
03:44.07zsocJMyaDaGod: i'd honestly prefer not. There is a wiki about debian chroot on
03:44.27gkatsevrwhitby: well, it didnt work with 3.1.0 on win7 for me
03:44.38JMyaDaGodok thanks
03:44.52zsocJMyaDaGod: without having a basic understanding of linux and the idea of a chroot, it's probably a terrible idea to be doing this in the first place
03:45.21JMyaDaGodyea but fuck it gotta learn somehow .... i got insurance
03:45.56Decimateyeah, zsoc, not workin for me
03:46.03JMyaDaGodi just need to know if i do it right whats does it say in the window?
03:46.20JMyaDaGodlike how can i tell if debian is mounted?
03:46.50zsocJMyaDaGod: there's no stdout of any of the commands that you would need to run to be inside of the chroot. if anything your prompt would change
03:48.09zsocPuffTheMagic: hey defector
03:48.15JMyaDaGodafter i typed .mount -o loop /media/internal/debsmall.img /media/cf
03:48.15JMyaDaGoda whole page of stuff about mounting came up...
03:48.53zsoci don't see why, but i'm no expert. that should return nothing afaik, unless there are errors
03:49.07JMyaDaGodill figure it out i think i just have the img in wrong directory
03:49.16zsoci don't think there should be a '.' in front of mount
03:49.22zsocOH i think i understand your initial question now
03:49.36zsocJMyaDaGod: /media/internal/ is the 'root' of the webos device when it is in usb mode
03:49.48JMyaDaGodok thanks
03:49.58zsocWell that took awhile. If only i was sober...
03:50.21JMyaDaGodi thought i had to make a folder for media than for internal
03:50.35rwhitbyDecimate: shows when things will be done
03:50.53zsocusb mode is silly, just use whatever it is you're using to access terminal to move it, scp or novacom or what not
03:52.05JMyaDaGodok thanks let open linux on vmware and try again
03:52.33haeffbrwhitby: do not understand "network configuration tool"...
03:55.12Robi_wth, i install stuff from the app catalog and now in preware there's an update for it??
03:56.21zsocthus is life
03:57.24rwhitbyDecimate: if ipkgservice works, then you've tested it
03:57.50rwhitby"Preware - always the latest"
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04:00.26Decimateworkss :)
04:01.06rwhitbyDecimate: thanks.  I'll release it then.
04:01.20Decimaterwhitby: but why cant i add a new feed in preware :/ its all greyed out
04:01.34rwhitbyThat should start some PreCentral threads: "Oooh - Package Manager Service updated for 1.3.5!! OMG!!!"
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04:05.54rwhitbyis glad to see azakus making jstop releases with no assistance needed
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04:09.00gkatsevDecimate: change it?
04:09.14Decimateidk how :/
04:09.58gkatsevjstop is the knees of the bee, as they say
04:10.29gkatsevazakus: though, atm, its only showing me one item. pid 9999 -1 nodes and 0 handles...
04:16.58rwhitbyDecimate: I exclude all joins and parts from my IRC client anyway
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04:24.22rasstarwhy are there two webos channels
04:24.27rasstarshould be one.
04:24.51rasstarmp4 playback on the pre is sometimes choppy. why is that ?
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04:30.26gkatsevrasstar: what channels?
04:30.37rasstarthere is webos and webos internals
04:31.03rasstarboth have a lot in the channel.
04:31.05gkatsevah, thats because webos is about the SDK and api and stuff while webos-internals is about the inner workings and stuff that isnt in the api.
04:31.32gkatsevyou can have a lot of talk of webos here, but stuff from this channel doesnt really belong in #webos
04:33.29gkatsevazakus: hm... restart luna and now it displays fine
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04:39.16windzillajust wondering. I is it ok to post a package install error related question here or is there a more appropriate channel.
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04:40.20gkatsevwindzilla: preware?
04:41.06windzillayea it was an install via preware of the 3000 google autoreplace words patch.
04:41.30gkatsevyeah, since is the place. you probably want to the error.
04:43.04windzillathanks i'll do that
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04:53.56Decimatecan anyone give me a commandline script to add the testing feed to the list of feeds preware loads.
04:55.14MLJHey all,  I recently updated one of my themes on PreCentral's feed.   The .zip installs w/o a problem via WOSQI however, gives an error at line 1004 via Preware.  Can anyone help trouble shoot it with me (Mizzou: Black n' Gold theme)?
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04:56.45CTLAdvance-workAnyoneknow the path to the catalog in the fs
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05:01.53MLJThe exact error from the theme is: var/usr/lib/ipkg/info/net.precentral.themes.mizzou---black-n-gold.postinst: line 1004syntax error: "(" unexpected...... however I have no idea on how to fix it.
05:08.16*** part/#webos-internals preston_wirc (
05:09.09JMyaDaGodwhere is terminal in preware??
05:10.54dBsoonersearch for it
05:11.05dBsoonergo to "list of everything" and type "terminal"
05:11.40JMyaDaGodo its a app sorry was in other
05:23.02MLJAny Preware gurus around to help trouble shoot?
05:26.31azakusgkatsev: hmm, odd
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05:31.27rick_homeusually there are, but neither oil nor rwhitby   seem to be monitoring
05:31.35rick_homebut if they're on, that will bring them..
05:32.04MLJThx rick.
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05:34.11rwhitbywhat's the problem?
05:34.54MLJI updated a theme via PreCentral's feed... which installs cleanly via WOSQI... however an error occurs via preware.
05:41.08MLJrwhitby: any ideas?
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05:43.30rwhitbyMLJ: yep, they have () in the filenames for the images
05:43.36rwhitbynot very good for a linux machine.
05:44.19MLJI see... so updating my theme's with images without () will fix the issue?
05:44.28rwhitbyMLJ: ask the author to only use valid characters for chat-balloon-right(dark1)-1.png
05:44.40rwhitbyoh, you're the author :-)
05:44.52rwhitbyyep, remove the ()'s and it should work.
05:45.19MLJI will ask him very politely ;) Thanks for the quick feedback
05:45.55dBsoonerrwhitby: what about my question.. in pm..
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06:27.55lingfishdBsooner: ping
06:28.20lingfishheya.. do you know if anyone's had a crack at a temp workaround for the annoying Facebook timezone issue?
06:28.38dBsoonerI do not believe so.
06:29.17lingfishI reckon I might give it a go.
06:29.31dBsoonerGet'r done
06:29.43lingfishdo you have a TS?
06:31.55lingfishI just got one and I've discovered nightstand mode... more importantly, that it seems to bloody beep every time a new mail comes in...
06:32.14rwhitbythere's a patch for that ...
06:32.34lingfishI thought I saw something, and am just loading Preware to check :)
06:34.41lingfishJust haven't found it thus far
06:35.24lingfishI think its the one by a2ny
06:37.36rwhitbyprecorder installs:
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07:18.20sryan_wircis there any patch that allows you to remove contacts or music by swiping
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08:08.52hckyplayer024hey im trying to use itunes remote and for some reason my router is blocking the connection. I have a dlink DIR-615 and if anyone here can help that would be great. thanks
08:13.06dBsoonerok.. where are my shell script/sed guru's!
08:24.26irdthat was like 45 minutes ago...
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08:29.19synackfin0anyone know if dalvik vm can run on webos?
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08:38.10joshuaive never heard of a dalvik vm
08:39.12synackfin0it's a specialized java vm for embedded devices
08:39.43synackfin0it's open source and the one shipped with the droid
08:41.00synackfin0I figured since it's open source and both webos and android run on linux, someone might've made a dalvik ipkg
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09:11.26joshuai thought making custom rpms was easy till I had to start adding extra files and changing paths. heh
09:14.40*** part/#webos-internals TommyBres (n=Tom@unaffiliated/tommybres)
09:17.18Robi_rpms suck
09:20.39rwhitbydBsooner: I added an extra check to the postinst and prerm files
09:20.53dBsoonerOK.. looking now
09:22.26*** join/#webos-internals hmagoo (
09:22.34rwhitbydBsooner: are you going to add to the VERSIONS lines for the ported patches?
09:23.44dBsooneralready done
09:23.51dBsoonerall 112
09:23.57dBsoonerI am building locally
09:24.17dBsoonerGo Go Gadget sed and awk
09:24.21dBsoonermade my life easy
09:24.30dBsooneroh and my spreadsheet of all the packages
09:24.31rwhitbyok, let me know when you push and I'll drop the 1.1.3 feed and build the 1.3.5 feed instead
09:24.40dBsoonerokie dokie
09:25.27rwhitbyI think I've got optware in preware to the point where it can replace the manual optware bootstrap script
09:26.42rwhitbyhmagoo: fully agree.  get all the relevant maintainers together and get some consensus.
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09:29.24dBsoonerrwhitby: whats the fastest way to just "make" mthe autopatch dir?
09:29.49dBsoonerI am tired of it going through all the other packages and giving me errors.. I have to fix each one for it to finally make it to the autopatch dir
09:29.52rwhitbydBsooner: make SUBDIRS=autopatch ...
09:31.19dBsooneris curl slow, or
09:31.54rwhitbycurl is faster than your browser
09:33.15dBsoonerwell this download from is only going 117KB/s
09:33.28dBsoonerand I have a 25Mbit dl connection
09:33.38dBsoonerand its only going about 1Mbit
09:34.55acydlordhmm, does precorder not work on the pixi?
09:36.57hmagooacydlord, idk but try more than one recoring
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09:37.45rwhitbyacydlord: not sure if I've seen a success report on the pixi yet - you can help zsoc debug why probably.
09:38.21acydlordi tried three with no luck, rwhitby you know what flags to run it with from terminal?
09:39.41joshuatry the american flag
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10:28.02acydlordi'll tackle it tomorrow if I have time, must sleep now
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15:25.23dBsooner-workPoll: Tweed vs Twee?
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15:38.54en0xi like tweed
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15:39.56FreeTim3thumbs up Tweed here to
15:40.26FreeTim3but I admit I only "post" via it, I don't read (it pushes into my facebook,) so I read it on that
15:41.07DarkSpecterlikes tweety O.o
15:41.39en0xi want to test the new one
15:41.42en0xbad kitty
15:43.40DarkSpecter"I tawt I taw a putty tat!"
15:49.08dBsooner-workyeah, I have heard about Bad Kitty too
15:49.11dBsooner-workbut haven't tried it.
15:50.36irdI wish nanplayer would come already :(
15:50.55en0xi second that ird
15:53.27*** join/#webos-internals Nickz (i=4d639318@gateway/web/freenode/x-sbcnruwynpxpxemb)
15:53.35Nickzhello i need help with my pre
15:53.42Nickzwould anyone be able to help me
15:53.54Nickzin the uk
15:54.14en0xwhats the problemo?
15:54.52Nickzi wanted to install preware on there but im on version 1..3.1
15:55.19Nickzwould i be able to install homebrew on there? instead on preware
15:55.21en0xpreware works on 1.3.1
15:55.46Nickzokay with the webdocos it says sprint and bell or emulator what one do i click on
15:56.10en0xwhy do u need webos doctor for?
15:56.26en0xuse webos quick install to install preware
15:56.34Nickzit says i need it to run the webos quick install
15:57.11Nickzim not sure am i using a old web os quick install is there a link tu a upgraded version?
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16:06.11en0xu have to only put your phone in dev mode afaik before installing it
16:07.28Nickzits askin me for web doc os
16:07.43Nickzand to chose from sprint bell or emulator
16:08.05Nickzi chose emulator is that ok?
16:09.26en0xi never installed preware this way so I dont know
16:09.31en0xjust wait maybe somebody elese will
16:09.47Nickzhw did u install it
16:10.33en0xi put my pre in dev mode then i used novaterm to connect to it and installed it from shell
16:17.27Nickzcan i install
16:17.31Nickzhomebrew on my pre?
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16:45.37xorg_workyeah, i'll be covering that in next version of mvapp
16:46.03xorg_workit will have a restore option _after_ the update as well
16:51.11irdNickz: You don't need to run WebOS Doctor for WebOS quick install, just have it in the same folder.
16:51.29Nickzyeh i think i have sorted it out now
16:51.39Nickzwqhere can i download preware apps from?
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16:55.01offroad99Any way to create a Palm Profile with only 3G access on a Pre?
16:55.38dBsooner-workoffroad99: what do you mean?
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16:55.55offroad99I have a Pre with no cellular service
16:56.03offroad99but it has wifi
16:56.03bhernfirst use will only happen over the WAN, not wifi
16:56.15irdYou can use meta doctor..
16:56.20offroad99when I try to creat a Palm Profile, I always get a "Profile Creation Failed"
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16:56.49offroad99which prevents me from using the app store along with other services
16:57.06offroad99I yes, meta doctor was awesome, it got me passed activation
16:57.44offroad99I don't see a workaround to what happens if first use fails to create a palm profile
16:58.41dBsooner-workoffroad99: metadocts ir only way
16:58.53dBsooner-workyou can't run first use
16:59.12dBsooner-workyou can only run first use after you webosdoctor with a meta-doctored webosdoctor
16:59.27irdsay that 5 times fast.
16:59.36dBsooner-workthat way you can skip first use on first boot and enable WiFi so you can run First use.
16:59.51dBsooner-workyeah.. ird.. I tried.. but it's really what it is.
17:00.07offroad99right, I skipped first use
17:00.08offroad99did all that
17:00.16offroad99then I run first use manually
17:00.19dBsooner-workso what's the problem?
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17:00.32offroad99the problem is I can't create a palm profile
17:00.39offroad99I can use the Pre fine
17:00.45offroad99except for the Palm Profile
17:00.45dBsooner-workfirst use should work just fine if you run first use with WiFi enabled
17:00.57dBsooner-workJust donm't use the Palm Profile. ;)
17:02.05offroad99is there anyone who's done this successfully (with no data plan)?
17:02.23offroad99meaning, creating a palm profile
17:02.24destinaloffroad99: several people have including rwhitby who made metadoctor
17:02.50offroad99again, I love metadoctor, it does exactly what I needed to make the device useful
17:03.08offroad99but I need someone to create a palm profile for me
17:03.16destinaloffroad99: you shouldn't need to, no
17:03.22destinaloffroad99: you can create it yourself
17:03.43irdDumb question..
17:03.49irdIs your wifi turned on?
17:03.54offroad99okay, I'm on o/s versions 1.3.1 using the latest metadoctor mods
17:03.59offroad99I can web browse
17:04.04offroad99use chat
17:04.06offroad99google maps
17:04.29destinaloffroad99: have the sdk and emulator?  maybe you could run firstuse there to create your profile
17:04.45offroad99oooh, does that work?
17:04.57destinalnot sure why creating it would work any differently from logging in with it later, but yeah, firstuse works on emulator as well
17:04.57offroad99I can try that
17:05.00offroad99I do have it installed
17:05.19offroad99I just heard Palm may be doing some checking on the back end
17:05.30offroad99to ensure you have a provider account
17:05.33dBsooner-workI have run metadoctor and successfully activated over Wifi.
17:05.36dBsooner-workno cellular
17:05.40offroad99I'm going to launch the mulator right now
17:06.35dBsooner-workbtw.. if it can't "Create" one..
17:06.47dBsooner-workit PROBABLY won't be able to "sign into" one either.
17:07.09destinaldBsooner-work: right, that's what I was thinking, but it may be worth a shot
17:07.09dBsooner-workbecause not being able to create one usually means it can't communicate with palm
17:07.26offroad99does anyone have a test only one I can try to login to?
17:07.34offroad99that would prove it
17:07.37dBsooner-workoffroad99: have you tried just signing into a random email and pw?
17:07.48dBsooner-workto see if it says, "No palm profile exists for that email."
17:07.55dBsooner-workor "invalid password"?
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17:07.58offroad99no, but I will
17:08.20destinaldBsooner-work: ah, so you can tell whether someone has a palm profile by their email address?  interesting issue.. :)
17:08.28offroad99"We couldn't find a profile associated with that email address."
17:08.43jermsis there a full list of preware apps somewhere ?
17:08.56dBsooner-workdestinal: yep.. its a security flaw I believe.
17:09.46jermsthank you sir
17:09.53Nickzis there a msn patch
17:09.56Nickzfor preware?
17:10.07dBsooner-workto get msn chat?
17:10.30dBsooner-worki think that is a binary patch and not available via Preware... I can't recall though.
17:10.48dBsooner-workbinary patches != safe IMO
17:11.35destinaldBsooner-work: depends on what you mean by safe
17:12.22Nickzwat u mean?
17:12.39dBsooner-workdestinal: well as it stands, there is no way for me to verify a binary patch is safe/secure
17:12.40Nickzcan i install it on my palm pre or not
17:12.50dBsooner-worki can't view the source code of it
17:13.23dBsooner-workI have to take the author's word that the chunk they are patching in is exactly what they say it is
17:13.30dBsooner-workand not some malacious code.
17:14.20dBsooner-workUntil there is a way to sign the packages to qualify them, I won't install a binary patch. I don't just "trust" you.
17:14.40dBsooner-workNickz: Search precentral for "MSN Messenger patch"
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17:16.54Nickzyeh i did im gettin this
17:17.00Nickzerror when tryin tu install it
17:17.43Nickzcannot find package
17:17.52*** part/#webos-internals jerms (n=jerms@nat/redhat/x-sftbaxggwriakbie)
17:18.04offroad99destinal: okay, thank you for the suggestion
17:18.14offroad99I was able to create one via the emulator
17:18.22offroad99so the problem is my phone then?
17:18.40destinaloffroad99: can you try running first use on the phone and signing into the one you created on the emulator?
17:18.43offroad99how do I troubleshoot the phone not communicating with palm?
17:19.00offroad99it had the same error
17:19.24offroad99destinal:"We couldn't find a profile ..."
17:19.39offroad99but I was able to go back and login using it in the emulator
17:20.52offroad99is it possible something metadoctor did may have broken first use?
17:21.27destinaloffroad99: rwhitby or others who have worked on bypass stuff may be able to help you troubleshoot.   I don't really know where to start
17:22.22offroad99is this the right channel though? or is there a different platform I should be using to find an answer?
17:27.44dBsooner-workhe is in Adelaide, AU, so it's.. umm.. 4am there?
17:32.18offroad99maybe he'll show up in a few hours?
17:32.39offroad99I'm excited about my pre and this forum
17:33.01offroad99great resources on webos-internals
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17:36.04Nickzcan someone help me install the msn live app
17:36.12Nickzor atleast give me a link to it as i cant find it
17:37.34jvpratcan an usa palm pre be used with a foreigner sim?
17:38.42*** join/#webos-internals Endersama (i=ae11bb41@gateway/web/freenode/x-dpkudieokomdknzf)
17:39.03offroad99US Pres don't have SIMs
17:39.11offroad99they are not GSM
17:39.31jvpratok, thanks ;)
17:39.43offroad99because Sprint is a CDMA carrier
17:39.53offroad99and they're the only authorized Pre carrier
17:40.27Endersamaheyy internals, anyone here have google voice and is willing to give an invite?  i want to try out the new app :)
17:40.42offroad99that's not how google voice works
17:40.45offroad99you just request an account
17:40.55offroad99Wave on the other hand, requires an invite
17:41.06Endersamavoice requires an invite too
17:42.11Nickzhow do i sort this msn out
17:44.21irdNickz: ask less vague questions and maybe you'll get an answer.
17:45.35chrisaAnother difference between voice and wave is that voice is actually useful
17:45.58Endersamalol, well the first difference was incorrect.
17:46.38Endersamaoffroad fail. anyone actually have a gVoice account?
17:52.38offroad99on the bottom of that screen "Request an invite"
17:52.44offroad99I got my invite in a day or 2 after my request
17:53.34offroad99destinal/dbsooner-work:I got an email confirming my palm profile account
17:53.58offroad99but it doesn't let me login with my uname/pword
17:54.01dBsooner-workso that just means you got it setup via the emulator
17:54.34offroad99then I go here and it says my email address doesn't work
17:54.36offroad99doesn't exist
18:00.55Endersamanow if only my phone wasn't dead :P
18:02.51destinaloffroad99: do you have uncommon characters in your email address or something?
18:03.11offroad99nope, just
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18:03.31destinalheh, maybe they have a bug when dealing with palm@
18:04.38offroad99Endersama: okay, so I have invites and didn't know it
18:04.47offroad99but I did invite myself to it using the method I described
18:04.55offroad99I'm happy to invite anyone who wants one
18:04.57offroad99I have 3 of them
18:05.10Endersamaoffroad99, ird invited me 10 minutes ago
18:05.22Endersamaoffroad99, but thanks for the offer ^_^
18:07.58irdI had to get in that way.
18:08.05irdWhen I joined nobody had invites, I believe.
18:08.33dBsooner-workI need to start using GV
18:08.53dBsooner-worki just don't like how text messages show up
18:09.11Endersamanow i just have to find out how to get bt tethering back (not seeing it in git.webos) and ill be ecstatic
18:09.20CTLAdvance-workoffroad is it palm@<domain>.com?
18:09.56offroad99right, but you replace the stuff in the <> with my last name
18:11.07offroad99is someone out there willing to create an account with the emulator
18:11.23offroad99and see if it actually works?
18:14.16offroad99I wonder if the developer accounts that get created through the emulator aren't "real" accounts
18:25.33offroad99no takers?
18:28.47azakusok, now JsTop will use a subscription to the lunavm service
18:29.04azakusreduce the apps' memory usage and # of open service handles
18:29.09azakuspushing in a few minutes
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18:33.02destinaloffroad99: I think they're real
18:34.46dBsooner-workif they weren't real, I don't think you would have gotten the confirmation email.
18:35.26azakusjstop v0.0.4 is pushed
18:37.21Mouseyoh! oh!
18:37.24Mouseyi have a question!
18:37.39Mouseywhy cannot i open more cards after ~36mb memory used?
18:37.45FreeTim3is it super easy to run a command-line script from inside an app?
18:37.55Mouseyand THANK YOU for such AWESOME JS garbage collection option!
18:38.13Mouseyhuggles azakus
18:39.03egaudet_workFreeTim3, no
18:39.13egaudet_workthat would be a big security hole if it were
18:39.41Mouseys/security hole/feature/
18:39.56dBsooner-workgasp! egaudet_work IS ALIVE!
18:40.04*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
18:40.31FreeTim3Well ok. I go home sad now. :(
18:40.50egaudet_workwhat did you need to do FreeTim3?
18:41.10dBsooner-worki think he is trying to query a row from the palm db3 and display the contents
18:41.12FreeTim3wasn't any big urgency. I wanted to run a command line script without having to shell into it each time is all
18:41.30FreeTim3anyways I'm not into ruining existing security, so never mind... :)
18:43.32*** join/#webos-internals Templarian (n=Templari@
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18:44.13offroad99destinal: why doesn't the password recovery site acknowledge my email address then?
18:44.42dBsooner-workdid you ever "confirm" your profile?
18:45.38offroad99dbsooner: yes, it took me to a thank you/tools an dhelp site
18:46.01dBsooner-workso can you login at
18:47.08*** join/#webos-internals destinal1 (n=eduprey@
18:47.11offroad99dbsooner: what's the actual URL?
18:47.29offroad99I can't login here:
18:47.39offroad99but I can log in with the emulator
18:48.23destinal1FreeTim3: it would be cool to set up a service to run defined scripts and then let you trigger them from an app.
18:48.51FreeTim3don't we do something like that in PreWare? we prompt the user 1st though
18:52.51offroad99so they probably have two databases - one for developers and one for real users
18:55.01Mouseycan dbus be used to trigger running a script?
18:57.55destinal1Mousey: there are no services listening on the bus out of the box that will do such a thing afaik
18:58.01destinal1security and all
18:58.35Mouseytermnial-dbus service! ^_^
18:58.45Mouseyjust stfu's
18:59.06PuffTheMagicwhat did i just miss
18:59.15destinal1PuffTheMagic: not much
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19:02.50destinal1Mousey: some folks put together a command line service as one of the first ones out there (before we made a terminal app) -- it was a pretty obvious security hole :)
19:03.05Mouseyi remember that
19:03.18Mouseyman people went high and to the right
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19:13.47Rick_workMousy what we did was go to the only thing we knew how to do.
19:14.00Rick_workWe did not know how to do a terminal.  THat took a lot of research by a lot of people.
19:14.31Rick_workWe -could- do a command line interpretor, so we did.  cphelps and I had it in 48 hours after we started. and it was SUPER USEFUL because it let us experiement
19:14.37Rick_workbut it was a massive security hole.
19:14.53Rick_workfor all that, I still have it on my phone.
19:19.48azakusMousey: np :)
19:20.23Mouseyupdates feeds over and over fanaticaly, waiting for upgrade to show up
19:20.43Mouseyhmm, maybe i should write a script that mails me
19:22.04Robi_anyone know what set_robust_list(0xb7cff710, 0xc)        = -1 ENOSYS (Function not implemented) means?
19:22.21Robi_what is it a part of that i'm missing, that's the question
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19:26.42Endersamawhere is the option inside of pre to manually enable bluetooth tether (does this exist te same way usb tethering does)
19:30.29Rick_workEndersama in general,if you have usb tethering enabled, bluetooth just automatically is, simply connect to the pre as a pan.
19:31.31Endersamarick_work: thanks, im not seeing freetether floating around where i was told to look (in git.web), am i looking in the wrong place?
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19:49.14PREAHow could I find the path to an app's icon?
19:50.29PuffTheMagicgo to the apps directory
19:50.37irdI was looking for it..
19:51.00PREAcan I do that with webos quick install?
19:51.17irdIf you know the exact path to the icon, yes.
19:51.48PREAcrap, that's what I need to find
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20:00.12oil_prelooks at preware...
20:00.54oil_prelooks at dBsooner-work disapprovingly
20:01.40egaudet_workusually /var/usr/palm/applications/appid
20:01.43dBsooner-workoil_pre: as you could see by rwhitby tweet, I was a LITTLE busy yesterday/last night.
20:01.49egaudet_workusually /var/usr/palm/applications/<appid>
20:01.53dBsooner-worktonight, I PROMISE
20:02.18oil_preI don't look at twitter...
20:02.30dBsooner-workoh.. hmm
20:02.59egaudet_workSo does anyone have a problem with a new patch category, something like "invalid" or "not available" or "not ported"
20:03.25dBsooner-workwas busy doing "stuff" to the AND APT AND the patches in general.... for an undisclosed reason.
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20:06.30egaudet_workwhat did you do to APT?
20:06.30dBsooner-worklook at the git log
20:06.31dBsooner-workor git web
20:06.31dBsooner-worki can't talk about it :D
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20:07.35egaudet_workso you didn't touch APT then
20:09.57oil_prewhy can't you talk about it?
20:10.04dBsooner-workI did touch APT
20:10.17PuffTheMagicoil_pre: omg are you actually using wirc?
20:10.21dBsooner-workand it has to do with making it compliant with a new update that is being planned.
20:10.21PuffTheMagicits probably 0.0.3 though
20:10.23oil_preisn't this #webos-internals?
20:10.34oil_prelol, it is
20:10.53oil_preI need to update it xD
20:12.02Mouseyok, i'm confused
20:12.14Mouseyjstop says 22MB used, but sorry too many cards open?
20:12.37azakusI'm just looking at javascript heap size
20:12.38Mouseytime to COLLECT THE GARBAGE
20:12.46Mouseyproblem solved! ^_^
20:13.07azakusmaybe I should break that out as a background service
20:13.16azakusand have it run gc every X seconds
20:13.29Mouseya little jstop meter icon in the systray?
20:13.43azakusthat would be useful...
20:14.15Mouseywould still be awesome to get a /proc/meminfo graph too, for comparison
20:16.20Mouseyyay jstop update!
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20:16.43azakusjstop no longer eats more memory and handles as it runs
20:16.50azakussimple fix
20:17.07Mouseynoticed that, handles dramatically reduced on jstop process when i garbage collected before
20:17.25Mouseystill wish i knew how to decipher nodes and handles
20:18.52azakusnodes = number of elements on page (DOM nodes), handles = number of service requests that the application is requesting
20:29.33*** join/#webos-internals JMyaDaGod (n=jmya@
20:29.39Mouseysorts by nodes
20:29.53JMyaDaGodWhats up mousey?
20:30.06Mouseywatches as Launcher and Messaging duke it out
20:30.23MouseyJMyaDaGod: mornin.. hows the gnuboy thing going?
20:31.11JMyaDaGodfigured most of it out figured out how to mount and un mount and pretty much there gott figure where to put rom at about to give a crack at it now just got done my last class for the day
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20:34.56Mouseygood luck, keep it up, post results!
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20:47.06dBsooner-workoil: I got shunned by rwhitby for talking about the "undisclosed" thing in here.. So I cannot talk.
20:53.12JMyaDaGodsh: syntax error near unexpected token ...any ides what that is?
20:53.18azakusooh, I'm close to whole phone cpu usage for JsTop
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21:11.51azakusgerr, anyone hava good way to use a shell script for dbus?
21:12.06azakushave a novel way to get whole device cpu usage from top
21:12.31egaudet_workazakus, from a mojo app?
21:12.43egaudet_workyou'll need a service
21:12.49PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: to
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21:13.01PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: i just make the "fake"
21:13.05PuffTheMagicit works so nice :D
21:13.41egaudet_workoh yea you got it?  Nice
21:13.50azakusegaudet_work: no, I'm making a service
21:14.02PreManokay, so say there's this patch, and I edited the .patch file, and now I want to patch my pre (testing on emulator first) with this edited .patch file, there any easy way to do this?
21:14.03azakusI'd rather not have to do it in java or c though
21:14.20egaudet_workthat's the only way
21:15.25azakusegaudet_work: it can't be
21:15.31PreManPreware has the .patch files so nicely packaged and whatnot and they just isntall so easily, is there an easy way to make my .patch file do that for my own pre? or is there just some way i can rig it just so i can patch my pre even if its not nice and easy?
21:15.35azakusas long as I can query dbus from a shell script :0
21:16.09egaudet_workazakus, I'm not following
21:16.31egaudet_workdo you want an app to access a script?
21:16.45azakusI want to write a system-service that IS a script
21:17.14egaudet_workJS and C services are all we have, either can run a script
21:17.22egaudet_workerr Java not JS
21:17.51azakusi was asking if anyone had been working on an implementation of a service using dbus-monitor
21:18.08azakusall the services just use dbus
21:18.08PuffTheMagicazakus: wtf
21:18.23azakusat least, as far as I can tell
21:18.32azakusPuffTheMagic: ?
21:18.35PreMannvm whatever i said, i quilt it
21:18.57PuffTheMagic<azakus> I want to write a system-service that IS a script
21:19.01PuffTheMagic^^^ that makes no sense
21:19.05azakuswhy not?
21:19.36azakusDBUS Exec=/usr/local/bin/
21:19.57azakusthen somehow watches dbus in the right way
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21:20.54PuffTheMagicazakus: do you even know what those dbus .service files do?
21:21.25azakusdon't they just setup dbus client to listen on the bus?
21:21.30rwhitbyPreMan: regarding packaging your own patch - just submit it to dBsooner-work :-)
21:21.39PuffTheMagicazakus: nope
21:21.42PuffTheMagicnot really
21:21.49azakuswhat do they actually do then?
21:22.12PuffTheMagicthey start a service that is not running
21:22.37PuffTheMagicbut u still cant make a service out of a bash script
21:22.51rwhitbyazakus: I suspect you could do a service as a script - you'd just need to helper binaries to connect/decode/encode the right stuff for Luna messaging.
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21:23.10azakusI was wondering if anyone had done any of that
21:23.14azakusI guess not :(
21:23.16PuffTheMagicwhy would they
21:23.19rwhitbynot yet
21:23.30rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: because you can?
21:23.36azakusI mean, all I want to do is pipe stuff from top
21:24.05PuffTheMagicazakus: i already told you i have a C service that can do that
21:24.34azakuswhere is that?
21:24.50azakushad forgotten this
21:25.02PuffTheMagicrwhitby: such "help binaries" would be more complex than writing a normal C service
21:25.02rwhitbyhas a credo that if it's not in a public repo, then it doesn't exist.
21:25.12PuffTheMagicok w/e, it dont exist
21:25.37rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: yep, they would.
21:26.06JMyaDaGodPuffTheMagic: im getting this error trying to get Gnuboy emulator running any ideas? syntax error near unexpected token
21:26.36PuffTheMagicJMyaDaGod: huh?
21:28.10JMyaDaGodlol ok im at the end steps of GNuboy typing this command .sdlgnuboy --scale=2 --density=2 --bind q quit --bind u +up --bind h +left --bind k +right --bind j +down $ROM
21:28.16JMyaDaGodAnd then i am getting that error
21:28.43PuffTheMagicwhy you asking me about this, i've never used GNUboy
21:29.04JMyaDaGodo sorry seems like no one around here has thanks anyway
21:29.24Rick_workJMyaDaGod  most of us aren't much in the way of gamers.
21:29.45Rick_workJMyaDaGod  if you post on the talk page on the wiki for that app,  or if you post on the talk page of the person who wrote it.
21:29.51Rick_workyou might have better luck
21:29.56JMyaDaGodok thanks
21:30.01Rick_workyou can find the author of the page by loooking at the history for that page.
21:30.41*** part/#webos-internals JMyaDaGod (n=jmya@
21:30.47Rick_workbut in general, those "we can't do this inside a luna window" apps, are things that for the most part the core team is not paying much attention to.
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21:36.08xorg_workis precentral forums down?
21:36.15*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 ( is supposed to still work on the emulator correct?
21:37.15rwhitbyPreMan: yep
21:37.45rwhitbyPreMan: and the optware support in Preware can do the equivalent now if you're interested in testing ut
21:38.13rwhitbythinks the optware bootstrap script will be obsolete after some end-use documentation is done
21:38.37rwhitbyPreMan: make sure you added the disk as first IDE slave
21:39.01bpdamasxorg: it looks back up.
21:39.05dBsooner-workrwhitby: good morning
21:39.38rwhitbydBsooner-work: g'day - did you get some good retweets?
21:39.57dBsooner-workabout 4 right off the bat
21:39.59xorg_workbpdamas: yes, i'm in now... slow for me though
21:40.07dBsooner-workincluding a shun from Chuq. ;)
21:45.18destinal1Rick_work: that's because we need to get it all into Luna.  :)
21:45.32destinal1~seen ameng
21:45.37infobotameng is currently on #webos-internals (9h 46m 58s), last said: 'rwhitby-pre_: do you know any progress on FSO Palm Pre Challenge since there is no update on recently'.
21:46.03destinal1ameng: good question!  I'm curious about that myself :)
21:49.25destinal1for me not as much hopeful as depressed ;)
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21:50.25azakusgah, I hate shelling out in java
21:50.39azakusI can't use pipes like wanted to
21:50.48azakusbut I *can* use a script that contains what I wanted
21:53.20PuffTheMagicazakus: me and oil have a app/service that basically does what you are doing and more, i wouldnt waste your time here
21:55.35xorg_workheading home
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21:58.39azakusPuffTheMagic: releasing any time soon?
21:59.14PuffTheMagicno its sorta low priority
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22:02.24JMyaDaGodwhats the best way to get Palm pre back to Factory without losing ur contacts?
22:02.49PuffTheMagicdoctor it
22:03.11DarkSpecterdoctor it and pray that your palm profile is working
22:03.15Rick_workwithout losing your contacts, is hard.
22:03.25Rick_worksince factory default has no contacts in it
22:03.55JMyaDaGodthat will erase anything  did while rooting too?
22:03.58Rick_workJason R's webos repair utility will restore all files in the phone to factory default and remove any themes, patches, etc
22:04.02bpdamasJMyaDaGod: try webOSRepairUtility and see if that works.
22:04.11Rick_worknodnod  that's the one
22:04.14PuffTheMagicjust dr it
22:04.35Rick_workPuffTheMagic  why not provide full info?
22:04.48JMyaDaGodok so doctor it and anything i did when rooting would be erased?
22:04.48PuffTheMagicfull info?
22:05.09PuffTheMagicJMyaDaGod: doctoring it returns it to out of the box state
22:05.09Rick_workhere's the thing,  webosRepairUtility takes a LONG time....  but it goes through and checks file-by-file against the doctor image for programs and images
22:05.19Rick_workbut it doesn't mess with the databases.
22:05.21PuffTheMagicthen u log into your profile and your contacts get restored
22:05.32gkatsevand apps
22:05.37irdand memos
22:05.45gkatsevand now bmarks
22:05.51Rick_workPuffTheMagic  true assuming that you doctor to the SAME VERSION of webOS that your last backup was in
22:05.51DarkSpecterkeeps all his contacts in his google account
22:05.52gkatsevand cookies
22:06.05irdmmm cookies
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22:06.20Rick_workif you have installed 1.3.1  and doctor to 1.2, then you lose all that, due to database structure changes.
22:06.21PuffTheMagicRick_work: if you have an issue call palm and they can fix your backup, they keep many of them
22:06.41gkatsevif anyone is ever in boston. go to the prudential center mall food court and get a few paradise cookies from paradise cafe. best cookies ive ever had.
22:06.55PuffTheMagicyeah going backwards probably isnt good
22:07.03PuffTheMagicforward shouldnt be a problem though
22:07.36JMyaDaGodok so basiclly just make sure the doctor file i have is newest from palm right?
22:07.48bpdamasJMyaDaGod: it honestly depends on what you did when you rooted.
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22:09.25bpdamasI would at least save your .db3 file.
22:09.42gkatsevif you still have your old phone with the contacts, you can just go to sprint to get them copied over to the pre again. and enter all new contacts to google contacts
22:10.02JMyaDaGodbpdamas: u mean if i messed something up while rooting....?everything on my phone works i am just getting errors while im trying to get this gnuboy emulator on so i want to start fresh now that i understand the guide more
22:10.25JMyaDaGodwhat is .db3 and where is it?
22:10.26gkatsevJMyaDaGod: which webos are you on right now?
22:10.39JMyaDaGodnewest umm 1.3.1 i think
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22:10.59JMyaDaGodyea 1.3.1
22:11.05gkatsevok. then as long as you doctor it back to 1.3.1 you should have no problems
22:11.29PreManegaudet, are you here?
22:11.45gkatsevno, he's in boston.
22:11.53JMyaDaGodnow that i understand a little more about chroot i think i can get this going
22:12.09PreManbut i saw egaudet-work here a bit ago!
22:12.31gkatsevPreMan: lol, yeah, seems like he isnt logged in at the moment. which is weird.
22:12.56PreManwould you happen to know his code in the .patch file for the onscreen-keyboard?
22:13.25bpdamasWhat darkspecter said.
22:13.52DarkSpecterthere is a guide zo export your contacts to csv
22:14.10JMyaDaGodi hope i didnt fuck something up on my phone because i dont want to have to buy another 30$ screen protector
22:14.43Tibfibthat's why you get phantomskinz
22:14.46Tibfibit came with two
22:15.34bpdamasYou will not mess up your Pre enough to have to get another phone. You can always doctor it again.
22:15.35DarkSpecteryou'd need to royaly fubar it for the doc to not be able to help you
22:15.47JMyaDaGodphantomskinz better than ZAGG?
22:16.25DarkSpecterdoctor = format c: + reinstall windows
22:16.29offroad99anybody on here yet that may be able to let me know if I can create a Palm Profile without having service on my Pre?  (I have already bypassed activation by using metadoctor)
22:16.50offroad99Wifi works - I can browse/use the Internet
22:17.02offroad99just can't successfully create a Palm Profile
22:17.19JMyaDaGodcan u use palm profile twice?
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22:19.12TibfibJMyaDaGod: Imo...they are better
22:20.44PuffTheMagicrwhitby: fixed
22:21.35JMyaDaGodu try both?
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22:22.43Puffy_wIRCrwhitby: damn irc lag... fixed lunaservice is pushed
22:25.18PuffTheMagicrwhitby: pushed
22:25.33JMyaDaGodPuffy_wIRC: how long doctor take about?
22:26.06JMyaDaGodPuffTheMagic:^ sorry wrong name
22:26.13PuffTheMagici have to start using a qussel core that is in the US
22:27.06Puffy_wIRCJMyaDaGod: not that long 20 min
22:27.17Puffy_wIRCI never timed it
22:29.34DarkSpecter...i wonder if i should un-preware-bootstrap my pre
22:30.14DarkSpecteri mean un-optware-bootstrap O.o
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22:41.29JMyaDaGodanywhere to get doctor file for 1.3.1 besides palm there servers slow
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22:51.35sslowJMyaDaGod: this is the only link I have found...
22:52.27JMyaDaGodthanks palm server picked up but thanks
22:53.21JMyaDaGoddo i have to remove anything before doctoring theme ,specific patches?
22:55.28Rick_workit removes everything for you
22:55.56offroad99jmyadagod:how do you create multiple profiles?  I can't even create one
22:55.59rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: lunaservice visible
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22:57.11JMyaDaGodi dont know i was just suggesting maybe u could use another profile on 2 different phones
22:57.42offroad99I only have one phone though
22:57.47offroad99and no profiles :(
22:58.15JMyaDaGodand what no service thru sprint i am assuming?
22:58.16offroad99can someone out here create a profile for me on their phone using my info and I'll login afterward and reset my password?
22:59.20*** part/#webos-internals bpdamas (
22:59.47dBsooner-workrwhitby: offroad99 here has an issue with his WiFi only CDMA pre that won't communicate with palm via First Use.
23:00.17rwhitbydBsooner-work: yep, dunno about that.
23:00.21dBsooner-workrwhitby: he can do everything else on it via WiFi.
23:00.51dBsooner-workrwhitby: Cool.. Just didn't know if you knew if anything done during meta-doc would have cuased it.
23:01.16rwhitbywell, meta-doc patches first-use
23:01.30rwhitbyprobably need to un-patch it and run it.
23:01.57rwhitbydBsooner-work: maybe we can have a Activation Un-Bypass patch in Preware.
23:02.07*** part/#webos-internals Rick_work (
23:02.29offroad99rwhitby:I don't have data service on the device, just wifi
23:02.55dBsooner-workyeah.. he has to have WiFi enabled for First Use to work
23:03.21rwhitbyoffroad99: what does dbus-util --capture, or /var/log/messages say when you try to create the profile?
23:04.41offroad99rwhitby:I also haven't successfully consoled to the thing yet so I can't get to the cli
23:05.01rwhitbyoffroad99: won't be able to debug anything until you do
23:05.33JMyaDaGoddamnit whats battery level gotta be around for doctor to work?
23:07.25DarkSpecterwonders what would be less work, manualy reversing optware bootstrap or doctor and reinstall/patch everything
23:14.07*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
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23:15.12offroad99rwhitby:okay, I'm in
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23:21.17offroad99rwhitby:LunaSysMgr...firstuse: Error:.Account Creation Error...Invalid language code
23:22.13offroad99anybody know how to use putty in place of novaterm for cli access?
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23:23.02offroad99rwhitby:LunaSysMgr...firstuse: Error:.Account Creation Error...Invalid language code
23:23.22offroad99rwhitby:I got CLI access, and there's an excerpt of the message
23:23.47offroad99I can't copy and paste from novaterm for some reason, is there an easy way to use putty?
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23:25.37nonlocalDarkSector, doctoring is easier.
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23:27.16JMyaDaGodanyone ever get the "We were unable to reset your phone." error?
23:27.37offroad99rwhitby:I hate to repeat myself, but you are bouncing...did you get my response to your request?
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23:35.10offroad99rwhitby:I hate to repeat myself, but you are bouncing...did you get my response to your request?
23:36.58rwhitbyoffroad99: didn't see it, sorry.  network problems here.
23:37.20offroad99rwhitby:LunaSysMgr...firstuse: Error:.Account Creation Error...Invalid language code
23:40.34offroad99rwhitby: does that message help you, or should I retype it word for word?
23:41.16rwhitbyoffroad99: I would say you need to unpatch first-use and try running it
23:41.53offroad99can I unpatch it while it's running?
23:42.15offroad99rwhitby:if I go back to the factory image, then I won't have wifi access
23:42.21offroad99rwhitby: chicken and egg
23:42.36rwhitbyoffroad99: yes, you can unpatch while running
23:42.52rwhitbyoffroad99: you'll need to be able to run a file editor on Linux on the Pre
23:43.05offroad99vi is there
23:43.06offroad99I can do that
23:43.40*** join/#webos-internals WillJitsu (
23:43.48rwhitbyoffroad99: you need to revert this patch:;a=blob;f=patches/pre-p100eww-sprint-1.3.1/
23:43.56rwhitby(just the first part)
23:44.05rwhitbyyou can do that by deleting the lines that the patch added
23:44.10WillJitsuif you load a .patch manually through webosquickinstall, what's the proper way to remove it?
23:44.36rwhitbyWillJitsu: webosquickinstall I guess, unless it packages it properly on the fly for Preware removal
23:45.28WillJitsurwhitby: well it's not a patch available in Preware. webosqi doesn't seem to have a removal option for a manually loaded patch that I can see
23:45.58rwhitbyWillJitsu: does it appear in Installed Packages in Preware?
23:46.32WillJitsurwhitby: checking...
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23:47.55offroad99rwhitby:just remove the three lines?
23:48.50rwhitbyoffroad99: yep
23:49.59Mouseywon't somebody please do a shake-for-another-fortunes-fortune
23:50.04WillJitsurwhitby: yeah I guess it is listed. didn't realize that. it's the 600 MHz smartreflex patch. I just downloaded the raw .patch and installed via webosqi. it runs great, but I'm just wondering how I should remove it when 1.3.5 comes out. epr should take care of it since Preware is seeing it, right?
23:50.20offroad99rwhitby:"read-only file system"
23:51.57JMyaDaGodI can not get my phone to keeps caying needs charge then it charges it then it says it lost connection with phone
23:53.13JMyaDaGodanyone ever have this happen?
23:54.14offroad99rwhitby:I found the root file system answer
23:59.44rwhitbyWillJitsu: no idea - it's worth a test ahead of time

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