IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090915

00:00.30bclancyrwhitby:  I just read your post/responce on precentral mentioning the upcoming Preware 0.9.  I might have some time to test or check some work if you need that.
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00:10.03rwhitbyegaudet: ping
00:10.10*** join/#webos-internals StoneRyno (i=4cf8c07b@gateway/web/freenode/x-smybncjdjmzywxik)
00:10.12zsoc's package manager service just crashed
00:10.37zsocand my java services rebooted
00:10.42rwhitbyzsoc: oom error?
00:11.14zsocrwhitby, no error, preware didn't start, went to restart it, told me package manager wasn't loaded, and my cellular radio restarted
00:11.30rwhitbyzsoc: check /var/log/messages for an OOM error
00:11.50rwhitbyif there is one there at the right time, we know the reason, and the Preware latest git HEAD should fix it.
00:12.10zsocrwhitby, ah ok, i'll check, also worked after a 3rd restart
00:12.29StoneRynoAnyone that can give me guidance on getting all of the patches from the wiki/ quilt repository to the feed for preware? Unless of course this is already preped to be eminantly added
00:12.31*** join/#webos-internals kesne (
00:13.29rwhitbyStoneRyno: see the thread on PreCentral about an open standard patch management process.  then contribute there.
00:13.50zsocyeah it was an OOM error
00:14.01*** join/#webos-internals jho_ (
00:14.23rwhitbyzsoc: I should have a new preware in the alpha testing feed soon.  just have to do some testing here first.
00:14.45jho_rwhitby: did u figure out the mem prob?
00:15.14rwhitbyjho_: yep, we believe we have.
00:15.19jho_what was it?
00:15.46zsocrod rod, he's our man, if he can't do it... er.. well prolly no one else would bother trying.
00:16.16StoneRynook will check out the thread.......
00:17.07rwhitbyjho_: message too big on dbus
00:17.15rwhitbyjho_: so we've split it into 4K chunks.
00:18.05rwhitbywell, actually dbus may well be able to handle it, but the java vm's heap didn't like 375KB of string allocations in JSONObject.toString()
00:18.07Decimation_so rwhitby: what could a newbie such as myself expect to see from the great once he gets a pre ? :)
00:19.09rwhitbyDecimation_: well, I expect development will slow for some period, while I try out all the homebrew available in Preware ...
00:19.16jho_rwhitby: ah cool. how did you find that out? =)
00:19.27zsocrwhitby, ah so _that's_ what was between lines 26 and 27, mystery solved.
00:19.31rwhitbyjho_: OOM dumps from good beta testing reports.
00:20.03jho_zsoc: brilliant picture btw. I was out for dinner but laughed when I saw it.
00:20.34zsocjho_, glad :) i always wanted to be 'that guy' that made something so amusing you just had to shake his hand. Unfortunately, I can apparently, only do it once, and when I'm not trying. Oh well.
00:21.04jho_keep trying
00:21.08zsocjho_, and yes, of course you were out to dinner, i think that was the point actually ;)
00:24.28StoneRynorwhitby: I know Jason (webos quick install) has added the ability to add some patches using it but I don't know what exactly he has done to do it. I sent him a PM asking about it cause I want to help out in getting patches availble by a feed or as part of bothpreware and quick install
00:25.00jho_heh. I dont mess too much with the gf =) she's short but can be a fireball
00:25.03rwhitbyStoneRyno: he currently hand-codes line-by-line modifications, but it working on supporting the standard patch format.
00:26.14rwhitbyStoneRyno: the way to help out at the moment is to turn wiki manual modifications into patches in the modifications git repo.
00:27.26zsocjho_, not sure what that means but it sounds like fun
00:27.58jho_short but angry =)
00:28.03StoneRynocool beans will check that out I wasn't quite sure at 1st how that worked but I think I may understand it enough to turn them into patches. I just got to figure out which ones don't have patches and which ones do
00:28.41zsocreads man patch.. again
00:29.10StoneRynoI assume all of the existing patches in the repository are good to go?
00:29.25rwhitbynot necessarily
00:30.21zsoc <-- this is cool
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00:35.07StoneRynohm I'm not sure I understand the steps 100% in the apply patches page for creating a patch
00:38.39jho_btw has anyone looked at getting IRC onthe pre?
00:39.11egaudetrwhitby, pong
00:42.08tmztjho_: there's a terminal now
00:42.17tmztyou can use that with irssi, ircII, etc.
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00:49.17rwhitbyegaudet: I'd like to make a change to the postinst and prerm of 0.1.7 so that it works with the new restart flags - do you have any outstanding changes that I will collide with if I check that in now
00:56.02egaudetnope should be fine
00:56.54egaudetback to watching patriots football
00:59.22rwhitbyalpha testing feed now has virtual keyboard 0.1.8, preware 0.8.6, accelservice 0.3.0, and ipkgservice 0.9.0, all ready for some serious alpha testing.
00:59.48rwhitbyzsoc, jho_: try those to see if the mem probs go away
01:10.30jho_how do you get to the alpha feed?
01:11.13jho_okay. I'll look at it if I have a chance. I'm busy setting up hdtv right now =)
01:11.53zsocjho_, don't mess up. setting up home theatre is half the experience ;)
01:12.03jho_nah. I
01:12.07jho_'m a luddite
01:12.16*** join/#webos-internals plee3 (i=412efcc2@gateway/web/freenode/x-naznvjrzyaulolxx)
01:12.22jho_my gf just got a samsung
01:12.31jho_I watch tv on a 19in crt
01:12.51zsocrwhitby, can ipkg service be installed through preware yet? or too early to work on it?
01:12.56zsocjho_, ha, nice. which samsung?
01:13.14rwhitbyzsoc: as of preware 0.8.6 it can
01:13.23jho_the 650 looked interesting
01:13.23zsocrwhitby, very cool, checking it out
01:13.30rwhitbybut you need wosqi to get 0.8.6 on
01:13.37rwhitbyactually, no.
01:13.38jho_but I figured I will just get a mac mini to attach to it eventually
01:13.52rwhitbyif you have ipkgervice 0.9.0 already installed, you can upgrade Preware with Preware.
01:14.01zsoci like the touch of color series, i know that's really superficial but i'm into it.
01:14.16zsocrwhitby, couldn't you upgrade preware with preware anyway?
01:14.18jho_rwhitby I usually just do ipkg -o /var update|upgrade
01:14.35rwhitbyjho_: just be careful to run the prerm's and postinst's.
01:14.45zsocjho_, protip, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn off judder reduction on that tv, or bluerays will look like home movies. it's hidden a bit in the menu.
01:14.54jho_I dont see a command for prerm
01:15.04jho_I do run the sh *postinst* script
01:15.05tmzttri comb?
01:15.17rwhitbyjho_: prerm is right next to postinst
01:15.21jho_zsoc: turned off right away.
01:15.31jho_rwhitby: not on the wiki =)
01:15.43rwhitbyjho_: you can fix that ...
01:15.49jho_zsoc: the judder crap makes my eyes hurt =)
01:16.05zsocjho_, lol, it is really _cool_ tho, just shouldn't be on by default.
01:16.12jho_rwhitby: yeah but I'm on a craptastic laptop right now
01:16.15zsocand screw blur reduction, i want blur ENHANCEMENT.
01:16.32jho_zsoc: well I'll leave it on for sports
01:16.42rwhitbybbl - ping me here if there are any alpha testing problems.
01:17.00jho_I just wish there was an easy switch to turn it on/off based on the same input
01:17.25zsocwould be nice
01:19.15zsoczomg i broke my phone
01:19.47Templariannice one
01:20.01zsocwonders if the ipk's someone include prerm/postinsts.... and is embarrassed for not knowing
01:21.38oilwhich ipks?
01:22.36zsocoil, most of them? You know, your ones. preware and ipk service..
01:23.23jho_rwhitby: you still around?
01:23.33zsocjho_, he is now that you pinged him :P
01:23.33oilipkgservice does
01:23.36oilbut preware doesnt
01:23.51jho_do you execute the prerm before or after the postinst?
01:24.03jho_I'll update the wiki if u tell me the sequence
01:24.15rwhitbyjho_: prerm before ipkg -o /var remove, postinst after ipkg -o /var install
01:24.37zsocwonders what/where the prerm is
01:24.44zsoci think we just went over this, heh.
01:25.11jho_rwhitby: well the instructions say ipkg -o /var upgrade
01:25.30jho_so it could be update, prerm, upgrade, postinst?
01:25.44rwhitbyjho_: upgrade is not going to be safe for patches
01:25.47Decimation_hah, palm cast people apologized to halo 3 for me, im happy.
01:26.00oilused to play A LOT of halo
01:26.01zsocDecimation_, oh god what did you do?
01:26.17rwhitbyah, missed the palmcast doing alpha releases :-(
01:26.22Decimation_zsoc: they were hatin on halo 3, i just kindly asked for an apology :)
01:26.33Decimation_kesne and jason are on it next week.
01:26.40jho_rwhitby: hmm.
01:26.42oilmisses next week
01:26.44zsocDecimation_, nice.
01:27.02oili just wont hit play next to kesne's feed
01:27.02jho_is it necessary to remove? what I've been doing is just update/upgrade/postinst and it seems to be working
01:27.09jho_no patches installed
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01:27.25zsocstill wonders what/where the prerm script is
01:27.39oilno ill watch
01:27.41kesneI'm 15 too
01:27.42oilit will just give me more ammo
01:27.42rwhitbyjho_: it'll work for most things, but not patches, since the unpatch won't happen
01:28.02rwhitbyzsoc: right next to the postinst script
01:28.06oilso the only required change that palm gave me for dot game
01:28.12oilis to remove something i forgot to remove
01:28.20zsocrwhitby, but the postinst script is run automagically by ipkg, isn't it?
01:28.33rwhitbyzsoc: not in offline mode
01:28.44zsocbut i'm not in offline mode..
01:28.54rwhitbyzsoc: -o /var means offline mod
01:29.14zsocknew that, _really_
01:29.38jho_I've never been able to get preware to update via preware...
01:29.44tmztoh right
01:29.45jho_so I just do it commandline style
01:29.45rwhitbyzsoc: it even prints out that it is not running the script
01:29.47tmztthe root of the fs
01:30.12rwhitbytmzt: yeah, sorry.  offline root mode is the correct term
01:30.24jho_rwhitby: any reason why it's not executed automatically?
01:30.36tmztyeah, I was trying to figure out why a flag had a parameter
01:30.40tmztit -o meant offline
01:31.05rwhitbyjho_: that's the correct functionality for ipkg
01:31.24rwhitbyjho_: it's just that palm is using it in a slightly different way.
01:33.11tmztipkg supports alternate roots like on zaurus right?
01:33.24rwhitbyyes, that's the intended usage of -o
01:33.30StoneRynoI have made a preliminary pass over the patches ages and noted ones I'm pretty sure are missing from the git repo with ++ in from of the names
01:34.43StoneRynoThere are a few patches in the repo I'm not sure what they do as I can't identify them by name when comparing the list from putty to the list on the patches page
01:35.21StoneRynoWill look into them later on to see if i can identify them from the patch file
01:35.44zsocfeels silly now that he sees what the pre/postinst's do
01:35.50StoneRynobut the notation gives a good start for people to volunteer to make the patches
01:35.52Decimation_that was my first palm cast
01:35.57Decimation_overall good expierence.
01:36.27zsocDecimation_, honestly i can't stand them.
01:36.27Decimation_now for trig homework.
01:36.35StoneRynoI'll be hitting the sack soon so I'll try and fit in some time to work on more tomorrow
01:37.32Decimation_zsoc: i like em.
01:38.00zsocrwhitby, don't know if this is important enough, everything seems to work.. er.. preware closed itself when i updated an app, but the update worked. also launch button is nice
01:38.21rwhitbyzsoc: which app?
01:38.43zsocrwhitby, the one that's updated everyday, ha, wordwhirl
01:39.03oilrwhitby: puffs services need fixin
01:39.19Decimation_okays guys, trig homework time, will be on later...cya.
01:39.22rwhitbyoil: yep
01:39.27zsoccould be :) like i said, it worked at least lol, not sure how to recreate that environment, can i roll back an update?
01:39.32zsocDecimation_, peace
01:40.39rwhitbyoil: I've got a situation here where I have 0.1.3 of virtual keyboard installed, and have the testing feed loaded, so 0.1.3 is in webosinternals feed and 0.1.8 is in testing feed, and the Installed Packages section is showing 0.1.8.
01:40.46zsocI know I've asked this before, where's the changelog for the keyboard?
01:40.47rwhitbyoil: ipkg -o /var list_installed shows 0.1.3
01:41.12rwhitbyzsoc: in the description
01:41.28kesneis freakout here?
01:41.43rwhitbyoil: status file also has 0.1.3
01:42.43oilfeel like debugging it?
01:43.12rwhitbyI dunno how to debug javascript ... but I have time to learn.
01:43.47oilill push a version of package.js that has debugging in it
01:44.02Decimation_before i go, rwhitby: i heard talk about services being able to be updated and stuff and preware soon
01:44.05Decimation_when do you expect that
01:44.48rwhitbyDecimation_: alpha testing feed has them now
01:44.59zsocyeah i think it's actually working
01:45.23zsocrwhitby, oooo, just got a wonderful "no space left on advice" when installing 0.1.8
01:46.44zsocdoes that tell anyone anything? heh
01:47.21Decimation_service 9.0 and preware 8.6?
01:48.11zsocchrisa, am i boring you?
01:48.53chrisaI'll say just just to incite conflict
01:49.08zsocchrisa, no conflict, i'm pretty darn boring
01:49.14chrisaThe fact that there are two 'just's may be a clue though
01:49.18kesneAnybody going to watch next weeks Palm Cast
01:49.29zsockesne, definitely not now xD
01:49.47kesneHey, no offence taken here
01:49.56chrisahmm my webserver is down?
01:49.57zsocjust kiddin' bro, i'll be there, i'm no square
01:50.13zsocchrisa, whoops
01:50.13kesneWho would want to go see some 15 year old kid talk about palm pre dev
01:50.29zsockesne, er, normally, no one, but you have an app in the official catalog, so everyone ;)
01:50.41chrisaI think I've lost a lot of childlike wonder when it comes to maintaining my server after a decade
01:50.49chrisaNow rather than investigating I just grumble and restart apache
01:51.07kesnezsoc: Yes, but an app with an AI that sucks
01:51.10zsocWait, you mean there's another way to do it?
01:51.32*** join/#webos-internals doodums (n=thadood@
01:51.35kesneBest feature suggestion for checkers so far: Nipple Checkers
01:51.41zsockesne, who cares? it's an app in a catalog that is very unipressively crawling along beta atm
01:52.25*** join/#webos-internals spotter (
01:52.36spotterI'm trying to port some C code (float and integer math) to javascript
01:52.42spotterand javascript isn't returning the values I'd expect
01:53.09spotteranyone have experiences w/ javascript ints and floats?
01:53.19bpadalinoaren't they all floats ?
01:53.43spotterI'm no javascript expert
01:53.47oilrwhitby: git has logging
01:54.32spottertrying to adapt, float z = -73.4738; int x=(int)z; z = (z-x)*100.0;
01:54.40spotterso in javascript I did
01:54.54rwhitbyoil: don't see it on the server yet
01:55.05spotterx=parseInt(z); z = (z-x)*100.0
01:55.16spotterbut I get totally different options
01:55.19spotterI mean values
01:55.29*** join/#webos-internals jkc (
01:55.55spotteractually change that, the above float z should be positive
01:56.00spotterI should get 47.38
01:56.11spotterbut in javacript, getting 47.379999...9971
01:56.26bpadalinoprecision, precision
01:56.35rwhitbyoil: gitweb shows no changes since 0.8.6 - did you push?
01:56.36oilrwhitby: yeah, it helps if i commit before i push
01:56.44spotterbpadalino, but in C in works fine w/ plain floats
01:56.49Eguyoil: you spammer
01:56.50spotterjavascript is doing something funky
01:57.01spotterany idea?
01:57.41*** join/#webos-internals dug (n=Adium@
01:57.54bpadalinoi don't use js .. sorry .. but google might have some good insights
01:58.29oilspotter: Math.round
01:58.57rwhitbyoil: how do I see the logging?
01:59.05oilits in messages
01:59.10chrisaUse toFixed(2)
01:59.22bpadalinothat seems to be some basic stuff
01:59.39oilwow, i never knew toFixed existed
01:59.40spottertoFixed isn't write though
01:59.42oilthanks chrisa
01:59.48spotterif it's 47.389 it truncate
02:00.02bpadalinotoFixed seems to be the thing to d
02:00.04chrisaI don't know JS at all
02:00.06spotterwondering why javascript float behavior isn't same as C
02:00.09chrisaThat was google #2
02:00.12bpadalinochrisa, ppfftt - yeah right!
02:00.25bpadalinoi heard chrisa is a js ninja
02:01.15Eguykesne is a ninja
02:01.26kesneEguy: why do you say that?
02:01.35oilcause that checkers ai is so awesome
02:01.38EguyI just have a .... *dead*
02:02.03chrisaEverytime I hear "shadow registers" I imagine an arm shadow government ruling the processes from behind the scenes
02:02.44kesneEguyL I'm very connected, so I hear news, like 1.2 being next week
02:03.15Eguy1.2 is a lie
02:03.28zsocThat's funny, when I hear "shadow registers" I think of the hacked gstreamer register that Palm patched together to make their hacked drivers work and/or stop me from registering perfectly fine well-built plugins :P
02:03.32kesne1.2 isnt
02:03.38EguyLike the female orgasm
02:03.45kesneEguy: xD
02:03.48zsocEguy, nice.
02:03.55kesneDid I tell you about the checkers feature suggestion?
02:04.14chrisaI know nothing of what we did with gstreamer, but I'm pretty sure there are dragons there too
02:04.16oilthe dotgame feedback i got is simple
02:04.27oil4 suggested
02:04.28zsocEguy, technically, i think pointing that comment towards kesne is "endangering the welfare of a child"
02:04.29oil2 required
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02:04.42oiland the two required are just things i forgot
02:04.51bpadalinono wonder my pre feels so hot in my pocket .. too many fire breathers in there
02:04.53oillike to remove about
02:04.58oiland add help
02:04.59zsocchrisa, many dragons, and i've managed to have them all eat individual iterations of me at the same time, they are hot, dirty, and magical
02:05.02oilto the game menu
02:05.04kesneoil: Checkers had 2 required, 2 suggested :P
02:05.18*** join/#webos-internals gould361 (
02:05.22oiland im only going to fallow one of their suggestions
02:05.38oiltwo of them will take a long time
02:05.46oiland the other is stupid
02:05.57kesneKeen Studios website viewship is DOWN!?
02:06.05oilafter all that spamming?
02:06.07oilim shocked
02:06.12kesneWhat spamming?
02:06.12Eguynice oil
02:06.21EguyThe chatroll
02:06.24Eguyyou borked it
02:06.39kesneI just said everyone should enter the contest :/
02:06.46oilabout 20 times
02:06.49Eguy10 times
02:06.55kesneI counted
02:06.57zsocover 9000 times
02:07.03EguyWe are just giving you a hard time buddy
02:07.10Eguynot really....
02:07.10kesneAnd I'm looking at YESTERDAYS dates, silly me
02:07.21oileguy is going to jail for giving kesne a hard time
02:07.23oilhes only 15 dude
02:07.32kesneAnd zsoc: I don't mind :P
02:07.38kesneoil: I could care less
02:07.48oilyou could?
02:07.50EguyWhat is with all these kids developming
02:07.51kesneI could
02:07.58kesneNo mispellings there
02:08.02kesneI really could
02:08.07kesneAnd Kids developing, no idea
02:08.09*** join/#webos-internals dug (
02:08.09Eguysmashes keyboard
02:08.10zsockesne, again, a joke, just poking at one :) i'm done now lol.
02:08.20kesneEveryone in Keen Studios is under 18
02:08.29Eguywoah there
02:08.41gould361can anyone help me get connected to the pre with winscp
02:08.52EguyAs long as there is consent
02:08.54kesneWhy does everyone "joke" with me?
02:08.56gould361it keeps timing out saying network error
02:09.09zsockesne, because we're jealous of how awesome you are
02:09.16Eguyquite simply
02:09.27bclancyrwhitby/others:  Noticed that "Preware 0.8.6 and Package Manager Service 0.9.0 are in alpha testing now."  Can I get them here (or is it somewhere else)?
02:09.29bclancyAssuming the URL is correct, Do I still need to use the WebOSQuickInstall.jar to install them?  (thx)
02:09.42oilbclancy: thats where they area
02:09.53oilyeah, use webosquickinstall
02:09.58zsocoil, personally, that's where i like to area
02:10.02bclancythx, will install them now
02:10.20kesneThat's What's Up.
02:10.29spotterok, then another quesiton
02:10.50spotterany easy way in javascript to determine how places after a decimal point in javascript?
02:10.59Eguyyou are only allowed one per day
02:12.02*** part/#webos-internals gould361 (
02:12.17kesneWow, I was thinking about this and I think that selfawaregames is really my main competition
02:12.31Eguywell there is dot game but that sucks
02:12.40oildotgame soonish
02:12.42oilblocked after that
02:12.58Eguyblocked isn't even worth mentioning
02:13.09kesneAnd oil, I'm not counting those games as "competition"
02:13.30EguyComing Soon......something quite different.  ooooo
02:13.32oilis looking to destroy checkers
02:13.33zsocblocked is awesome
02:13.58Eguyzsoc: please, no need to feel sorry for oil
02:14.02kesneBlocked is like checkers, same idea
02:14.07oilpretty soon ill be postin "hey guys, 24000!!!@!"
02:14.24Eguyyes blocked is like checkers without cheating AI
02:14.28kesneActually it's 36,000 oil
02:14.35kesneEguy: xD
02:14.38oilblocked and checkers are nothing alike
02:14.43oili wrote blocked from scratch
02:14.47kesneoil: they are IDENTICAL
02:14.47Eguyand it sucks
02:15.16Eguyoil: my dog could of wrote a better blocked
02:15.20kesneCheckers has cooler graphics
02:15.30oilthats fine with me
02:15.32Eguyand cheating ai....
02:15.33oili didnt make any blocked art
02:15.34kesneActually, I think the dragging on blocked needs some work
02:15.40oili did make some of it
02:15.43oilbut, i know im not an artist
02:15.46Eguyblue and red?
02:15.56oilhave you checked out 091 of blocked?
02:16.03oili changed the dragging a little
02:16.14oilseems more better
02:16.54kesneThat's What's Up.
02:17.01Eguyhmm these speakers aren't half that bad
02:17.11zsocI have a pretty serious question. Has internals stayed away from tethering to appease palm or sprint? I mean, it would be uber easy to make a script that enabled usbnet, and bridged evdo with iptables...
02:17.40EguySprint said no and palm said listen to sprint
02:17.50zsocSprint said no... where? Here?
02:18.00zsocNot trying to be devil's advocate, just missed that part.
02:18.02EguyI think they sent an angry email
02:18.27kesneEguy is correct
02:18.27kesneI'm a ninja, you can trust me
02:18.46kesneIf I added Nipple Checkers to Checkers Pro would you buy it?
02:18.50Eguyyou can just use mytether
02:19.06oilpink nipples vs dark nipples?
02:19.15kesneoil: yeah
02:19.24zsocEr, sent it to whom? Is there a copy of this somewhere?
02:19.59EguyTo whoever started with wiki, I forgot who it was
02:20.01Eguyforgive me
02:20.17zsocEguy, was the mytether service ever released? i'm just super uncomfortable not knowing what it does for sure
02:20.34oilit hacks your pre
02:20.38oiland installs a virus
02:20.46Eguyand steals your credit card number
02:20.53Eguyand takes a picture of you
02:21.01Eguyand photoshops it
02:21.01kesneEguy: only on 1.2
02:21.04zsocit's not actually funny.
02:21.17Eguyyou can install it from preware
02:21.21Eguyjason cleaned it up
02:21.30kesnezsoc: it is, it's clean, Jason approved it
02:21.34zsocok, so new keyboard is lifted away from the text box, that's good
02:21.39zsockesne, oh, thank you :)
02:21.58zsocwonders where the rest of the changelog is for the keyboard
02:21.58kesneAnd compared to Jason I'm messing with playskool toys
02:22.26EguyJason = the man
02:22.37Eguywith a plan
02:22.47rwhitbyEguy: no-one sent any angry emails
02:22.47kesneJason is the other guest star of next weeks palmcast
02:22.51Eguyto go to afghanistan
02:22.54|Jason8|Raph|am not.
02:23.21EguyI thought they sent an email to remove all code on the predev wiki?
02:23.32kesneEguy: How did afghanistan factor into this
02:23.38EguyIt rhymed
02:23.48kesneA ha
02:23.59kesneTo much spam from rwhitby, couldnt tell
02:24.03rwhitbyEguy: nope, no-one ever sent any emails to anyone
02:24.16EguyWho asked to have it removed then?
02:24.21zsocrwhitby, i was going to say, that seems WAY outta character for Sprint
02:25.26zsocameng, ping?
02:25.37Eguywell forgive me for my ignorance
02:25.37amengzsoc: pong
02:25.45rwhitbyEguy: no-one asked.   tethering is a violation of the sprint terms of service for all the plans that are available for the Pre.  until there is a carrier that allows tethering, you can't do it legitimately.
02:26.25EguyI see
02:26.31rwhitbyit's not available on BellMo either.
02:26.48Decimation_lol, anyone here know the show "America's got talent" ?
02:27.01zsocameng, i'm curious about your direcfb work, where are you at and what are the future plans? wondering if i could help at all
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02:27.26Decimation_Eguy: saying yeah to me?
02:27.38rwhitbyEguy: when there is a CDMA or GSM carrier that allows tethering legitimately, you'll see a service from us and an app to control it.
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02:27.55Decimation_Eguy: by any chance did you watch the finale tonight?
02:27.57zsocmakes an upstart cdma carrier that allows tethering
02:28.06sampsonanyone have an issue with openssh segfaulting on the actual pre?
02:28.13EguyI'm recording it...don't spill it
02:28.22Decimation_well, the last person
02:28.24Decimation_the singer
02:28.26Decimation_Kevin Skinner
02:28.33rwhitbysampson: yeah, known problem.  anything in /var/log/messages?  I can't debug it here cause I don't have a Pre.
02:28.37zsocDecimation_, HE SAID DON"T SAY ANYTHING P
02:28.39Decimation_is my moms is my moms cousin
02:28.43sampsonlet me check one sec
02:28.46Eguyno way hahahah
02:28.56Decimation_zsoc: lol, no?
02:29.03zsocDecimation_, so he's your first cousin once removed?
02:29.06Decimation_Eguy: yeah, hes like, from kentucky.
02:29.18Decimation_and he catches chickens for a living
02:29.36Decimation_biggest hillbilly ever, but thats my moms side of the family :P straight from kentucky.
02:29.38kesneDoesnt any more
02:29.41amengzsoc: in next step i want to run gtk programs.  i am glad if you can help, there is much to do to polish the current version
02:29.49Decimation_kesne: if he doesnt win he will.
02:30.18kesneHe will win
02:30.23kesneOr should win at least
02:30.25kesneI love that guy
02:30.45Decimation_kesne: thanks :)
02:30.49zsocameng, i'm not super knowledgeable, but much more comfortable with the fb and gtk than what i've been working on. also i'm good at testing things xD
02:30.54Decimation_they showed like, his wife and kids
02:30.55sampsonbah comp crashed with the mojo sdk hold onnn
02:30.58Decimation_and like house and stuff
02:31.04Decimation_and i was like.. wow.. ive hung out with them
02:31.22EguyHe's a good singer
02:31.34Decimation_Eguy: i dont think he'll win
02:31.43EguyI liked some of the other stuff
02:31.48Decimation_i personally am not a huge fan of him
02:31.49Eguylike acrodunk
02:31.50Decimation_but hey, its family :)
02:32.10zsocDecimation, well now you're almost as cool as kesne
02:32.20rwhitbynotes that it's now #webos-watercooler time of day ...
02:32.24Decimationzsoc: YAY
02:32.29Eguyyes, that time of day
02:32.30Decimationrwhitby: meh
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02:32.37EguyIt's dead in there :(
02:32.49EguyMy channel is always dead
02:32.59DecimationEguy: nah, i just pumped up that party
02:33.11rwhitbyI'd like to be able to see ameng's comments in between the hillbilly and singer references please.
02:33.47EguySorry mate
02:33.47Decimationrwhitby: fair enough, to the cooler!
02:33.48rwhitbyand sampson's debuggin
02:34.21zsocrwhitby, hey don't yell at me, i was the one that managed to get ameng to make comments ;)
02:34.27kesneQuick question: where does everyone here live?
02:34.27zsocwonders where ajames is
02:34.33zsockesne, everywhere
02:34.36sampsonnothing in messages
02:34.41sampsoni just ran a strace on it let me pastebin it
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02:34.47zsockesne, but you live in the UK
02:34.55rwhitbyzsoc: what made you think I was yelling at you?
02:35.29sampsonstrace from ssh on the pre
02:35.29zsocrwhitby, anytime I think of a comment I can put a winky face at the end, I tend to type it. It's more of an obsessive-compulsive brainwave relationship
02:36.23rwhitbyzsoc: I was dead serious - but I don't think you were talking about hillbillies or singers, so why are you feeling guilty?
02:36.57zsocrwhitby, i think i may have egged on one or the other of them once or twice :)
02:37.24jho_what we have here is a failure to communicate
02:37.45amengoccupied by real life these days , i would like to explain how the dfbadapter works in  the page if have time
02:37.52kesnezsoc: where do you think I live?
02:37.59zsocjho_, i don't think i've ever succeeded in communicating :)
02:38.00jho_hmmm. instant gratification overpriced hdmi cable at bestbuy or buy from monoprice...
02:38.02zsockesne, the UK
02:38.07kesneNot even close
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02:38.17Eguyguys take it to the cooler
02:38.28AnOutsiderdid I walk in in the middle of a fight
02:38.30sampsonthat help you at all rwhitby?
02:38.34kesneDoes anyone here even know?
02:38.45rwhitbysampson: I might have to package openssl and zlib instead of just relying on the libraries on the device ...
02:38.46zsockesne, AU then, but cooler for that :p
02:39.04sampsonyeah it looks like it
02:39.44AnOutsiderkesne: not sure if it's fixed in pro, but I was playing checkers earlier and I got to a point where I couldn't make anymore moves
02:39.49AnOutsiderIt didn't game over
02:40.06kesneFixed in an update, will be pushed soon
02:40.19AnOutsiderokie dok, just wanted to let ya know
02:40.32rwhitbyoil: ok, got the logging info now
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02:42.12sampsonrwhitby: it would probably be more wise to rely on your own libs anyways... has a greater possibility of surviving webos updates
02:42.38rwhitbysampson: yeah, we usually do that in optware, I just handn't got around to packaging the libs yet.
02:43.10rwhitbyoil: so here's the thing - the Installed Packages list should only use the info from the status file, right?  It should not use any info from the feeds.
02:43.32oilif hte package is in the feed
02:43.42oilit should load the info the status is missing
02:44.49rwhitbyoil: the reality is that I have 0.1.3 installed, but 0.1.8
02:45.03oilthats not the first time it  appeared?
02:45.34rwhitbyoil: you remember I was reporting something like this last week?  I think it's the same thing.
02:48.41oilwas the keyboard listed before that?
02:49.05Eguykesne join the watercooler
02:49.18kesneWait what?
02:49.33sportmanhave any of you guys had problems with the terminal app?
02:49.39sportmani installed the plugin first than the app
02:49.47sportmanbut when i launch it, it doesnt allow me to type, or anything
02:52.36oilyou need the terminal service
02:54.02sportmani know
02:54.15sportmanthats what i meant by plugin
02:54.20sportmanmy mistake misuse of words
02:54.23sportmani installed the service
02:54.24sportmanand the app
02:54.58rwhitbysportman: zlib and openssl are now in the testing feed - can you try with them?
02:55.20rwhitbysportman: no, you are correct, termplugin is a plugin, not a service.
02:55.40rwhitbysampson: zlib and openssl are now in the testing feed - can you try with them?
02:55.53rwhitbysportman: the zlib message was for sampson
02:56.12sampsoni take it i gotta use the quick install to get that?
02:56.16rwhitbyoil: updated with both parts of the log, sorry.
02:57.01rwhitbysampson: there's a number of ways you can access the testing feed.
02:57.05sportmanrwhitby: so do i need the plugin and another service?
02:57.26sportmanor was i fine with just installing the plugin and the app?
02:57.44rwhitbysampson: until oil and I get this version stuff fixed, I'd recommend downloading the ipkgs from and using wosqi to install them
02:58.02rwhitbysportman: plugin and app are fine. what did you use to install them?
02:58.38sportmanbut when i launch the app i get a black screen
02:58.41rwhitbysportman: which version please
02:58.42sportmanand i can click new session
02:58.51sportmanbut it doesnt let me type, of preware or terminal
02:58.58bclancyin I am getting an "error reading package list" alert from WebOSQuickInstall.jar - Is something wrong or is it being updated or something?
02:59.13rwhitbysportman: actually, are you following the installation instructions on the wiki page?
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02:59.28rwhitbybclancy: wosqi does that some times - no idea why
02:59.34sampsonalright installing openssh, openssl & zlib
02:59.43sportmanfirst i did it with preware
02:59.46sportmanill go find the install page
02:59.51sportmanon the wiki if thats easier
03:00.09bclancyHow do I get around it?
03:00.11rwhitbysportman: using the instructions is always a good first step ;-)
03:00.16rwhitbybclancy: try again
03:00.20sportmanwell stupid me saw it in the preware
03:00.22sportmanand installed :-p
03:00.41rwhitbyoil: so it sees 0.1.3, then later thinks that 0.1.8 is installed.
03:00.56rwhitbyoil: replace type 5 then replace type 3
03:01.35rwhitbyreally :-)
03:01.42oili was going to type something else
03:01.47oili didnt mean it like that
03:01.55oili lost the other pastebin though
03:03.08sampsonrwhitby: looks like org.webosinternals.openssh_5.2.1-4_armv7.ipk doesn't install properly
03:03.08rwhitbyoil: no probs
03:03.08oilthe version its printing
03:03.08sampsoni don't see ssh in /opt/bin
03:03.08oilis the 'version' field
03:03.08oilnot the 'installedversion' field
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03:03.15oilso even though the second one says old is 018
03:03.15oilthats the update
03:03.15rwhitbysampson: ah, did you use ipkgservice 0.9.0 and preware 0.8.6 to install it?
03:03.15oilinstalled version is probably 013
03:03.15sampsoni installed the ipk through quick install
03:03.15oilsince it says hasUpdate = true
03:03.15sampsonopenssl & zlib showed up
03:03.15sampsonopenssh didn't
03:03.44rwhitbysampson: ah, quickinstall doesn't do update-alternatives correctly yet.
03:03.44oilit will just require more checks
03:03.44rwhitbysampson: reinstall openssh using preware 0.8.6
03:04.09oilill check it out when im done eating
03:04.09rwhitbyoil: thanks.
03:04.09sampsonjust from the regular apps list?
03:04.21rwhitbysampson: select "Show All Package Types" in the prefs
03:04.22rwhitbysampson: then go to Type: Optware
03:05.28sampsonok hold on
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03:07.22sampsonrwhitby: that worked!
03:07.52rwhitbysampson: so zlib and openssl fix it?
03:08.15sampsonyep... im talking from it now
03:09.15sportmanjust has shitty luck
03:09.21sportmanfollowed install instructions
03:10.50bclancyI'm not getting anywhere trying to add the custom test feed:  "I thought I might need to add "all" to the URL, but that didn't work either - Should I add /Packages/ to that or soimething?
03:11.59bclancyIf nobody has suggestions, I can either search the IRC logs or give up for tonight.
03:13.47zsocbclancy, sorry mate, dunno, not familiar enough with quickinstall
03:14.13oili tried to add the feed to quick install before
03:14.16oiland never got it working and gave up
03:14.39bclancyNP, thx - I'll just give up for now - thx
03:14.52Azalynwill the apps on preware interfere with updates from palm? i read in the wiki that some apps like the touch keyboard do some deep modifications to the system
03:15.19oilthe keyboard is not an app
03:15.24oilits a patch to palms files
03:16.13sportmanany irc apps for the pre yet?
03:16.33Azalyni'm just wondering if i should wait for 1.2 before putting any homebrew on mine
03:17.14acydlordno irc apps yet
03:17.14Azalynsportman: first day i came here i asked the same :) - apparently there's a plan laid out for one
03:17.22Azalynbut no actual app yet.
03:17.23rwhitbyAzalyn: patches and tweaks need to be removed.  apps dont't.
03:17.24acydlordqirc probably wouldnt be hard to port
03:17.35sportmanthanks for the answer Azalyn
03:17.42sportmanhopes to get the terminal app working soon then
03:17.47sportmanill just use irssi
03:17.55sportmanif i get it working (the terminal app that is)
03:19.09Azalynrwhitby: ah, alright.
03:20.17rwhitbyis working on packaging irssi for preware command line
03:20.33geistaww yeah
03:22.17rwhitbygeist: is that a positive or negative comment? ;-)
03:22.41geistnothing is complete without irssi
03:22.59bpadalinosounds like bootie needs irssi
03:23.28punzadai've been using irssi in the terminal app
03:23.34punzadaso happy with it
03:23.47punzadathe fact i can irssi from my phone is amazing
03:23.57punzadai just need to set up bitlbee
03:24.15rwhitbypunzada: that's what I will be packaging so that it can be installed using Preware
03:24.30punzadagood stuff
03:24.42Azalynrwhitby: i'm trying to donate through paypal, but the email mentioned in this thread doesn't seem to work
03:25.05rwhitbyAzalyn: should work fine.
03:25.12rwhitbyoops, hang on.
03:25.31rwhitbythat's ""
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03:26.21punzadai've been slowly forcing myself to know my way around the sdk and mojo, i'm failing pretty hard on it though
03:27.08Azalynodd, it works now. maybe i mispasted it.
03:27.59rwhitbyhmm - does anyone need perl support in irssi on the Pre?
03:28.17sampsonthat's what shells are for :P
03:28.33sampsonalthough perl in general would be pretty cool on the pre if it could be integrated into apps
03:28.35Azalynthere, done.
03:29.07gkatsevrwhitby: doesnt irssi need perl to work?
03:29.14sampsononly for scripts
03:29.18rwhitbygkatsev: dunno, I don't use irssi.
03:29.24sampsonyou can compile it without perl support
03:29.41gkatsevsampson: is there one like that?
03:29.47rwhitbysampson: yeah, that's why I'm asking.  Perl is a big dependency for the Pre if you don't need it
03:29.55gkatsevrwhitby: i guess there should be irssi and irssi-lite?
03:30.22sampsonyou can configure irssi --with-perl=no
03:30.25gkatsevmost irssi scripts are in perl, so would be useful to have it at least
03:30.35rwhitbyso, who has alpha tested ipkgservice 0.9.0, and is it ready for the public feeds?
03:30.41ashi__coloI've got irssi on my pre. I haven't tried using scripts on it.
03:30.44sampsonalthough yeah, scripts will be useless
03:31.02ashi__coloI used ipkg-opt install.
03:31.26gkatsevrwhitby: if you can do both irssi (with perl) and irssi-lite (without perl), would be best
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03:31.48sampsonyou can do --with-perl=module
03:32.05sampsonbut perl would be a pain to maintain... cpan relies on a lot of userland tools
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03:33.05Azalyni would say that if you want perl on the pre, it might be a better idea to ssh to an actual machine
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03:34.12rwhitbyAzalyn: perl is already available on the Pre
03:34.34rwhitbyit's just not repackaged for the Preware feed with icon, description, etc.
03:35.12Azalyn*eventually* i imagine someone out there would make a webos frontend in html/css/js for an irc client backend running natively on the pre. which could integrate with notification (for /query ) and so on.
03:35.27rwhitbysampson: can you test readline and bash from the public feed for me to make sure they run on the Pre?
03:35.48rwhitbyAzalyn: PuffTheMagic is working on that I believe.
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03:38.41Azalynyeah, i might've heard about it i think. although i wasn't sure if he meant "service" as in the palm remote service thing or whatever.. or a local daemon/backend/etc.
03:41.22Azalynor i probably don't know what i'm talking about. :|
03:42.31Azalyni just read posts on forums talking about how mojo apps would have to work with services remotely or whatever. but now that i'm reading about it on palm's site, it doesn't sound anything like that.
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03:43.54rwhitbythinks that should be applied to homebrew submission sites too
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03:47.08rwhitbyman, irssi has lots of deps.  too many for a quick packaging today.
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03:49.46Azalynfor now i just wish there was at least one irc website using javascript that worked decently.
03:49.53Azalynif at least mibbit worked
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03:54.31DraXAzalyn: mibbit doesn't work on the pre?
03:55.15gkatsevit does
03:55.21gkatsevit should
03:55.26DraXrwhitby: you could package up ii :D
03:55.35DraXyeah i can't think of any reason it wouldn't
03:57.51Azalyni had seen threads on forums of it being broken.
03:58.22rwhitbyDraX: interesting
03:58.40rwhitbyDraX: so could you use Internalz as the UI client for that?
03:59.39DraXrwhitby: i've never used ii, but presumebly so
04:00.35DraXrwhitby: i also presume you could use FileMgr service to write a crappy ui for it very quickly
04:01.26rwhitbyDraX: it wasn't written by the Plan9 guys was it?
04:01.46rwhitbyso, no alpha testing reports on ipkgservice 0.9.0 ?
04:01.56DraXrwhitby: it was written by the suckless guys, who are tangentially relted to the plan 9 guys
04:02.06DraXrwhitby: they did wmii, dwm, dmenu, etc
04:02.23DraXthey actually have another irc client that's in pure plan 9 rc
04:07.09DraXwant Pre!
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04:10.10Azalyni just tried mibbit. i can't see the "go" button. :|
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04:10.15Azalynand so i can't click on it
04:10.43Azalyni'm not sure if there's a way to tab on the pre. :|
04:10.52Azalynto try and select it even though i can't see it
04:11.40rwhitbygeist: ping
04:12.10rwhitbygeist: what would be the easiest way to use novacom to set an environment variable and immediately run a script that uses that var?
04:12.22Azalynhitting enter in the text entry field doesn't work either. (works on desktop)
04:12.38rwhitbygeist: does "FOO=bar ./script" work?
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04:27.30geistprobably the best way would be to push a script and run it
04:27.41geistthe VAR=blah syntax doesn't work, no
04:27.46geistthough that would be a nice extension
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04:36.58rwhitbygeist: I figured it out: "/bin/sh -c 'export FOO=bar ; ./script"
04:37.08rwhitbyoops - add the trailing '
04:37.43geistrwhitby: ah yeah
04:38.03geistand also put -- after novacom but before the args to make sure novacom itself doesn't parse it
04:38.13geistit's a getopt thing, says 'dont parse any more args'
04:38.34rwhitbygeist: yep.  this is in WebOS Quick Install, calling the runProgram Java interface
04:38.43rwhitby(which does that automagically)
04:39.08rwhitbywe need to pass IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/var when running a postinst script which calls update-alternatives ....
04:40.44rwhitbyso both dropbear and openssh have a shot at owning /opt/bin/scp depending on which you have installed
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04:52.50rwhitbyDecimation: ping
04:57.49oc80zwhats good
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05:02.14rwhitbyoc80z: alpha testing of lots of stuff in
05:02.36egaudetwho has a mac?
05:02.41egaudetwhat is mac's scp alternative
05:06.52jkcmac osx is freebsd and runs scp
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05:08.54Rick_Villarrealhelp, trying to access linux on my pre. after running novaterm it is not asking me to log in
05:10.05rwhitbyegaudet: scp runs fine on my mac here
05:12.59egaudetok i've never used mac so i didn't know, but wanted to suggest a mac user what to use to copy files out of pre
05:13.02egaudetgood to know thanks
05:13.54egaudetgood night
05:18.28gkatsevdestinal: does the terminal app have auditory/visual bells?
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11:40.11rwhitby;a=blob;f=lunaservice.h <- anyone want to help?
11:47.37tmztwhat is it?
11:52.52rwhitbytmzt: header files required for C services, clean room design from the open source C code that Palm has released.
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12:30.13rwhitbyOptware packages announced:
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13:03.11sampsonrwhitby: do you still need me to test those?
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13:04.05rwhitbysampson: sure, except they've been renamed now, so you'll want to uninstall any existing ones, update to Package Manager 0.9.1 and reinstall from the new Optware feed (mobi.optware.* packages)
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13:10.38sampsonwas openssl/ssh/zlib updated?
13:12.21sampsonyou got an example binary on there i can use to test readline
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13:31.58sportmanah shit
13:32.11sportmanthe classrom im in is stuck on the border
13:32.15sportmanor EV with sprint
13:32.19sportmanat like 0 bars
13:32.26sportmanand i know there are like 5 bars of vzw here
13:32.30sportmanbut its struggling to hold onto the ev
13:32.45sampsonso do the force roaming tweak
13:32.59sportmani do enjoy the ev sometimes
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13:33.15sportmanif there was a roaming evdo tweak id be happy :-p
13:33.18sportmanfucken 1x
13:46.19en0xhmm wtf
13:46.38en0xi have all the feeds added to my preware and it shows that there is only 24 apps
13:46.44tmztsportman: bash?
13:47.38tmztis preware using .desktop files or something simliar for the enhanced metadata?
13:47.52sportmanwhat about bash tmzt ?
13:48.24tmztrandom binary for testing readline
14:01.25sampsonthe roaming tweak is 1x only?
14:01.33sampsonthat would explain why i couldn't get evdo off alltel
14:16.15en0xsprint changed their shit?
14:16.16en0xPlease note: purchases from the App Catalog are offered and supported by Palm®.
14:16.45en0xwhen  i login to sprint website it wants me to buy apps for pre
14:16.47en0xLooking for digital media and applications for your Palm® Pre™?
14:16.47en0xIt's easy to find applications, games and more for your Palm Pre. From your phone, just go to Launcher > App Catalog. Learn more...
14:17.01PuffTheMagicrwhitby: idk why you are mirroring the lunaheader im working on
14:17.07PuffTheMagiccause i keep adding to it
14:17.18PuffTheMagicso you prob have an outdated one there
14:18.24en0xoh sprint is hmmm
14:18.40en0xthey moving everybody who is on everything data to new anytime anymobile
14:18.55sampsonrwhitby went to sleep i believe PuffTheMagic
14:20.18Rick_worksampson,  your everything data plan only covers 1x data when roaming, and only LIMITED amounts of that.
14:21.55sampsonwhat happened to evdo roaming on alltel
14:22.11sampsonthat can't be right i roamed evdo fine on my blackberry
14:24.42sampsonoh well sprint's going evdo by end of this month
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14:55.50sportmansampson: im not sure? i coudl have sworn all data roaming is 1x only
14:56.10sportmanthat you could only do evdo on sprints network?
14:56.22sportmancause on my vzw phone here i have 4 bars evdo
14:56.32sportmanand on my pre i have 4 bars 1 x roaming
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14:58.46Rick_workSprint's roaming agreements do not include evdo roaming as far as I understand.
14:59.07Rick_workA call to sprint support, escalated to second tier probably,should settle that.
14:59.15sampsonverizon and sprint are 1x only
14:59.24sampsonbut us cellular & alltel have an evdo roaming agreement with sprint
14:59.47sampsonthis i'm 100% positive of
15:01.16sportmani dunno if the force prevents evdo on alltell or not
15:04.25sportmaninstalls palm sdk
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15:17.20sportmani just got to root
15:17.22sportmanon my mac
15:17.36sportmani mean root on my pre from my mac ... how do i enable apt?
15:17.39sportmanis that part of optware?
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15:20.36sampsonyou install preware & package manager
15:20.48sampsonthen you use preware to install apps
15:23.01sportmansampson:  nvm
15:23.19sportmanim looking to install debian
15:23.21sportmanon the pre
15:23.28sportmani foudn the how to
15:23.38sportmanthats how im gonna get apt working :)
15:26.12PuffTheMagicRick_work: you can data roam off network
15:26.19PuffTheMagicthat is included in most plans now
15:26.45PuffTheMagici know i can data roam with out charge on sprint
15:26.59en0xpreware is pissing me off
15:27.17sportmanwhy so en0x ?
15:27.55en0xi had to reinstall it
15:28.08en0xand now it only shows 24 apps available
15:32.39en0xavailable applications 23
15:32.43en0xwhere is the rest :S
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15:36.31Doc_exeu forgot teh service
15:36.37Doc_exethat needs to run too
15:36.43en0xit is running
15:36.55en0xwell there is no repo config to precentral in /var/etc/ipkg
15:36.59Doc_exeit likes to crash
15:37.50en0xi know its running
15:37.53en0xwell in /var/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.ipkgservice.postinst
15:38.02en0xthere is nothing about precentral repo
15:40.15en0xroot@castle:/var/etc/ipkg# cat precentral.conf
15:40.16en0xsrc/gz all
15:40.19en0xand now it looks ok
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15:43.33can_how do i turn off dev mode after i enable it?
15:44.17gkatsevcan_: by getting dev mode launcher or by entering the konami code by hand
15:44.30gkatsevcan_: and then turning it off
15:45.12sampsonnow what would you gain running debian on an already linux phone
15:46.07can_gkatsev: by just turning the screen off with the corner button? or pulling the battery?
15:51.40gkatsevcan_: no, "then turning it off" i mean as in, switching the button that comes up to the off position, in which case it will ask you if you want to reset the phone, in which case you press yes. (reset == restart)
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15:53.58can_gkatvsev: okay. phone works normally even when dev mode is on, correct?
15:54.30gkatsevyes, but it is slightly less secure
15:55.05can_once i install sshd on it, do i need to leave dev mode on to ssh into it? I am guessing not.
16:00.23can_iam i the only one that finds only 3 launcher screens and no named categories very annoying?
16:00.58gkatsevcan_: nope, but there is a patch that fixes it, the 3 launcher screens at least
16:01.14gkatsevcan_: dont forget universal search
16:02.50can_yeah yeah
16:03.22can_i like things nice and neat and tidy and categorized, even so.
16:04.06gkatsevuniversal search is probably why the limited launcher to 3 pages at first
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16:18.38xorghow do I create a new topic in the wiki?  I'd like to start a topic to remove the install app limit for the app catalog
16:18.49xorgi've started this precentral thread, would also like a wiki for it...
16:20.19gkatsevxorg: there should be a a link to create a new page, you could also search for something and if it doesnt find it itll ask you if you want to create the page for it
16:20.42xorgthx, will try again... couldn't find it
16:23.35xorgi've added the new page, feel free to update info, formatting, etc.
16:23.59xorgit needs a link from the internals or modifying core apps section
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16:25.31xorgif it's not Palm kosher, feel free to remove
16:26.23gkatsevim not a mod, but it seems fine, you didnt post any palm code, just discussion
16:26.38zomgThere's a limit on how many apps you can install? o_O
16:27.01PorkchopExpressThere is?
16:27.12gkatsevzomg: from the app catalog yes, both a memory limit and an artificial limit. preware does not have this problem
16:27.12zomgWell judging from what xorg asked..
16:27.26zomgweird that there's an artificial limit
16:27.37zomgI'd see a memory limit reasonable if you're running out of space on the device
16:28.08ashi__coloI believe it was one of the limits imposed with the beta app catalogue.
16:28.23ashi__coloSo, that should be removed by Palm pretty soon.
16:28.50xorgi've posted ideas, not very clean ideas but i could be a start to finding a solution
16:29.48gkatsevashi__colo: we're hoping when it comes out of beta, the limit will be removed
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16:30.15xorgi hope so too but if it's going to be a while, i'd thought i'd share what i found so far
16:30.20ashi__cologkatsev: yup, that's what I figured.
16:30.27ashi__coloxorg: thanks :)
16:37.55PuffTheMagiccalling all json/js experts
16:38.07PuffTheMagicto forward slashes break string/keys
16:38.27PuffTheMagiclike that
16:38.31PuffTheMagicwill that key be an issue?
16:41.22*** join/#webos-internals v3ritas (
16:42.22v3ritasHas anyone gotten the optware tar working?  i installed it but it doesn't seem to have any more options than the default.
16:43.43egaudet_zzzpuff forward slash should be fine
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17:06.24v3ritassorry to bother about this again, but i'm trying to get zip to backup the file system with: [[ zip -vr /media/internal/Backups/ / -x "/proc/*" -x "/sys/*" -x "/media/internal/*" ]] Any reason why i would keep getting "zip warning: name not matched"?
17:16.56sportmanok so im trying to chroot
17:16.57sportmanmy pre
17:17.03sportmanand im noticing that i need to do resizefs
17:17.09sportmanim on mac, is there a way to do that? :)
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17:18.25tmztcompile e2tools?
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17:19.01Mouseywow, so
17:19.07Mouseyand wow! thanks!
17:19.13Mouseythat is all..
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17:27.11sportmanthanks tmzt
17:34.21sportmanwoo downloading dev tools
17:34.25sportmanPITA :(
17:35.48sportman2 minutes left :-p
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17:43.20sportmango go gadget install :-p
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17:48.35can_so any micro usb cable works, even though sprint says they dont?
17:49.49gkatsevcan_: theoretically, yes. practically, i dont know...
17:50.22tmztthe big news!!
17:50.27tmztit has two cores!!!
17:50.33tmztones a modem processor!!!
17:50.45can_i bought the touchstone and it didnt come with its own cable :(
17:51.56can_is there a way to run a shell right on the pre, without having to remote into it?
17:52.15Robi_there is a terminal app
17:52.19gkatsevcan_: yep.
17:52.36Robi_there a preware installer yet?
17:53.00can_gkatse: i was looknig at ajaxterm. this looks better.
17:53.24oc80zwhats good.
17:53.49oc80zyeah, the terminal application is solid.
17:54.01gkatsevRobi_: yes, there is. terminal service and terminal
17:54.24Robi_gkatsev: chicken and egg still i see
17:54.33gkatsevRobi_: ?
17:55.37Robi_ppl w/o term/ssh enabled cant install $app, that preware installs, which needs same prerequisite
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17:56.08gkatsevRobi_: you can install preware via webos quick install
17:56.36can_contemplates difference betweeen mojo and optware.
17:56.43Robi_newbs wont choose that route
17:56.59gkatsevRobi_: webos quick install? they should.
17:57.34Robi_too many techy steps as one user put it
17:58.18gkatsevwell, you can install terminal from webos quick install as well, since it has the preware/webosinternals feeds
18:00.07Robi_'course, they'll wait till its all in one app ;-/
18:02.08egaudet_zzzYou can't install anything from a stock pre outside of the app catalog or via devmode+novacom
18:03.00egaudet_zzzAnd this will probably never change
18:03.35egaudet_zzzeverything outside the app catalog is "beta/testing" software
18:08.44xorg_i've posted a proposal to homebrew community to install apps in /media/internal...
18:09.02xorg_please discuss pros and cons on that new page
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18:17.01Templarianxorg_: I like this, except for the path name. "apps" would be better.
18:17.28TemplarianIt's implied that palm apps are not going to be under internals.
18:17.55xorg_yea, any name is fine, just want to propose putting it on that filesystem instead
18:18.19TemplarianIt might be better to have this an on off switch in the preferences.
18:18.32TemplarianI wouldn't put it on by default.
18:19.03TemplarianWhat tells the device what's the root?
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18:19.36xorg_the app path is all that is needed to change in /etc/palm/luna.conf... i've tested it and it works
18:20.11TemplarianNo I mean, Is it possible to set the root of the file system to what one sees it under usb as the root? or is internals a seperate partition?
18:20.20xorg_it's sort of a subset of this method...
18:20.41xorg_ah, i see
18:20.52*** join/#webos-internals RainMan (
18:20.54xorg_i wasn't proposing that detail, but it's an idea
18:21.16xorg_was just thinking it would be an exposed folder on /media/internal
18:21.18TemplarianIt seems like a good "patch" for developers.
18:21.30TemplarianOr a way to do a shorcut folder?
18:21.56TemplarianLike a fake folder (not even sure if it's possible).
18:22.21RainManhi i'm the only one with "JIT" debug messange on every input in novaterm ?
18:22.28Templarian(just throwing out ideas instead of throwing them into the internals folder)
18:22.58TemplarianRainMan: ??
18:23.07RainMani can connect to my pre via novaterm
18:23.15RainManbut if i input a caracter
18:23.23RainMani got a "jit" debugg message (just in time)
18:23.30RainManon every f*** keypress
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18:24.11TemplarianOh yea, Windows 7
18:24.27TemplarianYea, it's a bug that never got fixed.
18:24.32RainManworkaround ? or i'm screwd
18:25.03TemplarianNot sure, we were going to look into it and everyone got distracted. I think you can just install optware and use ssh.
18:25.10RainManit'S that or webosdoctor ...  i cant login via ssh anymore ! ... damn update in preware
18:25.59TemplarianYea, not sure I don't do the technical stuff on my Pre, might have to wait for someone else to help out.
18:27.31FreeTimthat happend to me too! I can no longer SSH in , after the PreWare install recently
18:27.52RainManFreeTim it'S because i've updated the dropbear and openssh
18:28.13RainManand i have custom config ... so my custom config got away !..
18:28.33RainManand if i log to port 22 ... it connect but " no authentification method" lol
18:28.35TemplarianRainMan: wouldn't moving the file system for the services mess things up?
18:29.13RainMannope working okay in the begining ! it'S after the preware update of dropbear and openssh
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18:29.40RainManbut i think i will doctor it ! and stay with the base setting
18:29.46TemplarianRainMan: it could just be a bad update or change. Wait for rwhitby or one of them to look into it.
18:30.16RainManat least the phone work #1 .. juste stuck out of it ! and i will not type all the cmd on the shell lol
18:30.19TemplarianThey've been making some changes recently that could of effected other small things by accident.
18:30.33TemplarianDoes terminal still work?
18:30.45RainManit'S realy a firewall
18:30.58RainManbut my default shell in my pre is bash
18:31.08RainMani will try sh instead
18:31.09TemplarianWhy do your s's keep going to caps?
18:32.01RainManmy left hand is faster that my right hand ! hehe
18:32.09RainManleft =s  right = shift lol
18:32.30TemplarianWhy are you pressing shift at all?
18:32.43Templarianlol yea that's messed up.
18:37.08RainManwell "No Supported authentication methods available"
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19:21.01sampsonhow can i grab an installed app from my pre
19:21.11sampsoni want to poke around at an app
19:23.32gkatsevsampson: 1) you can view the source by sshing into it and then looking around. 2) if you unarchive an ipk and look around in that
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19:24.11Rick_worksampson  do you have the IPK you installed from?
19:24.21Rick_workor do you want to look at one of the pre-installed apps?
19:24.53sampsoni want to look at the accuweather app
19:26.51Rick_workthe accuweather app is in /usr/palm/applications
19:27.01Rick_workno wait
19:27.05Rick_workthat's an appstore app
19:27.19Rick_workits in  /var/usr/palm/applications
19:27.22Rick_workgo there
19:27.23Rick_workdo an ls
19:27.32sampsonah cool
19:27.35Rick_workfind the directory name for it  -- pretendd it's xxxxx
19:27.47Rick_workand then  cp xxxxx /media/internal
19:28.06Rick_workthen you can plug the pre in as a USB drive and copy it off onto your PC.
19:28.11sampsoncp -r :P
19:28.30sampsoncool thanks
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19:58.49sampsonwooha disabled the ad slider on accuweather
19:59.22Templariansampson: your probably not the only one hehe.
20:01.38TemplarianSurprised no one has made a one. Their API is just a simple xml file if I recall.
20:03.16gkatsevwunderground FTW
20:04.10can_sampson: sah, how hard is that to do? ;)
20:04.37Templariancan_: he probably just deleted the peice of code that performs the animation.
20:04.40sampsonall i did was disable the animation and the ad request
20:04.56sampsonalthough i killed the ad request too i'm stuck in 1x land until next month
20:05.02oilall i did was step outside and look up to see how the weather was
20:05.09can_is the little arrow on the left side still there?
20:05.11sampsonthat don't show you no radar
20:05.14sampsonyeah can_
20:05.18oilcares not about weather
20:05.23sampsoncan't slide anymore though
20:05.42Templarian << it's warm.
20:05.48can_he arrow is annoying too though ;)
20:06.03sampsonyeah but that's actual work
20:06.30oilsomeone should turn that into a weather app
20:06.35oili might actually look at it
20:06.54Templarianthat's my main weather button.
20:07.54oilgoes back to work
20:08.32sampsonsame i got some dbs that aren't going to fix themselves
20:09.57can_is there a facebook app coming?
20:12.10sampsonthey announced that when they announced the pixie
20:12.15sampsonwho knows when but by xmas
20:12.17Decimationthe zunehd looks SEXY
20:12.28tmztit's Pixi
20:12.57sampsondoes anyone's radio on their phone go nuts when you're using novaterm
20:13.32TemplarianDecimation: of course it's sexy it's such a small device, that battery is like 80% of it. lol.
20:14.05DecimationTemplarian: lol, yeah.
20:14.09Decimationgonna get one?
20:14.10can_sampson: when using it just doesnt seem to have everything. like i cant seem to see replies to status messages, unless i am notr looking in the right place.
20:14.26sampsonuse friendsflowbeta
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20:14.40sampsonit isn't fully integrated but it gives you those abilities
20:15.03Azalyndo all smartphones have a light sensor to turn off the screen (saving battery life) during a call?
20:15.27TemplarianDecimation: probably not. I use pandora 100%.
20:15.38can_thats a facebook app?
20:15.41Azalynor is this just another really cool pre thing.
20:15.43sampsonyes/no... they have auto shutoffs but pre uses a proximity sensor
20:15.55sampsonit also disables the touch screen
20:16.03TemplarianDecimation: Plus I'm going to end up just getting a Windows Mobile 7 phone eventually so not worth it.
20:16.05sampsonmost all winmo phones don't do that so you start cheek pressing apps
20:16.32Azalynwoah, proximity sensor. that is pretty cool
20:16.47DecimationTemplarian: yeah, webos is nice, but windows mobile 7 for sure has me sold for my next phone
20:16.50Azalyni wonder what kind of neat apps you could make with that. heh
20:17.12sampsonwindows mobile 7 doesn't even have any info yet
20:17.21sampsonmicrosoft is too busy pulling a vista with windows mobile 6.5
20:17.49Templariansampson: Yea, it's funny. That's why everyone is just waiting for windows movile 7.
20:18.06Azalynpoo > winmo
20:18.09TemplarianAlso the development tools are 500x better than any of it's competition.
20:18.11sampsoni know that i will never own another htc winmo product
20:18.24sampsonworst phones i've ever owned
20:18.51Azalyni've never owned any, but i will never trust microsoft with anything, ever.
20:18.51Decimationoil: i like how preware is looking in the install scene
20:18.54Templariansampson: 480x800 minimum resolution on all future devices is the best part.
20:18.54Azalynespecially my data.
20:18.56Decimationlike, the spinning wheel
20:19.01Decimationand the launch icon
20:19.34AzalynTemplarian: that's going to make those phones more expensive. :\
20:19.37TemplarianAzalyn: That's worse than the people that think Google is Skynet (they are, but deal with it).
20:19.52Azalynalthough arguably it will also drive economies of scale and make the screens *eventually* less expensive.
20:19.54TemplarianAzalyn: if they give me the full .net framework so be it.
20:20.35Azalynbut if the industry wasn't so locked up with every played monopolizing their little corner, then competition would be driving the costs down anyways, without us needing to have one monopolist "decide" that a higher res will be the new standard. :|
20:21.04AzalynTemplarian: It has nothing to do with the capabilities they have.
20:21.10AzalynIt has to do with the reputation.
20:21.15TemplarianAzalyn: the screens are cheap as hell anyway. It's the other chips that cost money.
20:21.16sampsontbqh the high res isn't that important due to pixel density
20:21.18AzalynGoogle has more power information-wise than Microsoft
20:21.23AzalynBut I trust Microsoft less.
20:21.30sampsonthe touch pro is 640x480 and i noticed no extra realestate on it considering you're using such a small screen
20:21.39sampsonit just makes widgest have to be 2x as big so you can navigate them
20:21.55Templariansampson: that's just how HTC does their UI.
20:22.04sampsoneven in development Templarian
20:22.15sampsoni've written a lot of .net apps for windows mobile
20:22.27AzalynIf Google ever *gives* me a reason not to trust them, then I wont.
20:22.45Azalyneven if you're willing to give a company three strikes/chances.
20:23.06AzalynMicrosoft has already exhausted all of theirs, no one should ever be doing business with them.
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20:24.48sampsonyou know looking at the snapshots of leaked wm7 crap
20:24.51sampsoni'm still not impressed
20:25.01sampsonit looks just as ugly as windows ce 2000 was but with shinier buttons
20:25.23Templariansampson: there's a good chance that was just a skin of 6.5 and not windows mobile 7.
20:25.40sampsonunless microsoft ditches CE entirely i have very very little hope
20:25.46TemplarianOne thing windows CE can do is be skinned in anyway they want.
20:26.09sampsonsure but it still is the same laggy dated crap
20:26.16Templariansampson: their new devices require a GPU also so expect it to be a complete recode of the UI.
20:26.24sampsonresistive touch screens required in 6.5?
20:26.28sampsongive me a fuckin break
20:26.39Templariansampson: no 6.5 can use captive.
20:26.51sampsoniirc they required resisitve with a windows key on each phone
20:26.56krope32Hey I'm trying to remove a patch and I just have missed a step, i'm getting some errors about read only
20:27.03sampsonthis was around 6 or 7 months ago though so i could be wrong now
20:27.04TemplarianI still prefer resistive. I really want the Storm 2's screen on every device.
20:27.27gkatsevkrope32: mount -o remount,rw / ?
20:28.36TemplarianAlthough if the Zune HD is any indication of Windows Mobile 7, I have a good feeling many will be going back.
20:28.50krope32that was it :-)
20:29.01gkatsevMS should just make a zune phone
20:29.22Templariangkatsev: You know the Zune is just Windows CE right?
20:29.30Templarian(with XNA)
20:29.34gkatsevkrope32: dont forget to mount -o remount,ro / afterwards
20:29.51gkatsevTemplarian: nope, but the ui looks great and the software is good as well, so, why not?
20:29.57krope32ok, i got that too, thanks
20:30.00gkatsevalso, the hardware is great
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20:31.03Decimationyeah, this thing could be turned into a phone, no real effort at all
20:31.21Templariangkatsev: Yea, that's kind of where Windows Mobile 7 is going. They require a GPU (thus tegra), and they require a min screen of 800x480 (or widescreen). It's not that big of a jump really.
20:33.51gkatsevok, cool
20:34.08tobybothello all
20:34.45tobybotanybody know off-hand if someone has undertaken some effort to allow removal of google talk contacts
20:35.01sampsonhow do i change the order apps show in my launcher?
20:35.13gkatsevsampson: press and hold till they get a halo
20:35.43tobyboti'd hate to waste time poking through code just to out it is impossible, if someone else has already determined this
20:35.58tobybot*to find out
20:36.13sampsonwas file coaster outdated by preware?
20:36.40Decimationsampson: a while ago :P
20:36.52sampsoni just got my pre yesterday so i'm tryin to get up to speed :P
20:37.04Azalyni got mine yesterday too
20:37.06sampsoni got the oldschool treo ringtone on mine today \m/
20:37.09Decimation;) stick to preware
20:37.16Decimationi think im gonna go to the store and get a new one
20:37.30gkatsevpreware is also opensource? while filecoaster isnt
20:37.31Decimationmine was one of the first built so the quality is horrible.
20:37.49Decimationand i have a dead pixel so theres my excuse
20:37.57sampsonhow the hell can a pre app not be opensource?
20:38.02gkatsevis there a way to find out when it was built?
20:38.07tobybotpreware is nice, but it seems like package manager stops running all the time
20:38.08sampsonyou just go to where it was installed and you see everything
20:38.55Decimationgkatsev: yes
20:39.06Decimationtobybot: its never has for me..
20:39.09gkatsevDecimation: how?
20:39.14Decimationthere ya go
20:39.17Decimationor something
20:39.45Decimationwhats your gkatsev?
20:39.52Decimation5/20/09 :P
20:40.16sampson5/15/09 :P
20:40.30Decimationno way.
20:40.37Mouseytoybot: about that, would restarting something with luna manager fix it instead of rebooting the whole phone when it happens?
20:40.38gkatsevlifecalls? lifetmr?
20:40.47sampson# of calls # of minutes used
20:40.52Decimationsampson: and your phone doesnt suck?
20:41.01sampsonnot as far as i can tell
20:41.15sampsondefine suck
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20:41.15gkatsevMousey: in terminal you type "/sbin/start org.webosinternals.ipkgservice"
20:41.20Mouseyoh, and can ANYBODY PLEASE give me a lead on finding a generic jabber client? i see libpurple is probably in use, but i can't find an app which lets me specify my own jabber server =(
20:41.28Mouseygkatsev: THANK YOU
20:41.30Mouseymakes note
20:41.38Decimationsampson: and gkatsev: go to ##786# and tell me want your HARDWARE REVISION is
20:41.38tobybotMousey: distinctly possible, I ought to try it next time
20:41.48Decimationthrid item, under CONFIGURATION
20:42.02Mouseytobybot: i actually like gkatsev's better. i can write a script now =)
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20:42.32gkatsevDecimation: no such thing...
20:42.41tobybotMousey: good call, I didn't see that. An "app" to reset luna might be handy, actually...
20:42.45sampsonthat's all i see
20:42.49Azalynwarantydatecode ?
20:42.53Mouseytobybot: luna manager
20:42.54Decimationgkatsev: hmm, maybe it only shows up in 1.2
20:43.09Mouseywould still like a nice jabber client =/
20:43.19FreeTimwell how much speed actually is gained by not restarting the whole phone. Not much?
20:43.23gkatsevthere is modemfirmwareversion...
20:43.30Azalyn08/11/2009 for me.
20:43.51gkatsevFreeTim: a lot... could take several minute for phone to restart. several seconds to type the start command
20:44.26FreeTimthere is a 3-finger salute to reboot the phone... it's quick...
20:44.30Azalynwow, so this phone is just a month and a few days old.
20:44.37Mouseygkatsev: and even less to type a one word shell script
20:44.40gkatsevFreeTim: yes, but then it takes like 3 minutes to start up
20:44.56FreeTimgkatsev: That's true.
20:45.05sampsonAzalyn: check and make sure yours doesn't have a refurbished date
20:45.05Azalyni wonder if anyone's written an app to get the MSL
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20:45.12sampsonmy warranty date code is 4/1/2005
20:45.21gkatsevbut yes, i do use the 3 finger salute to restart if i need
20:45.25Azalynsampson: the "reconddate" or something?
20:45.31Azalynand "recondstatus" ?
20:45.37Azalynyeah, there's nothing
20:45.46Azalynit says no. and the date is blank
20:45.50Azalynlike --/--/----
20:46.00gkatsevyeah, it means your phone wasnt a refurb
20:46.07tobybotany of you dudes using the terminal app at all? is it worth it, or still too alpha for the casual developer?
20:46.24tmzttobybot: if you want a unix shell
20:46.46tobybottmzt: who doesn't like a nice unix shell :P
20:47.04Decimationgkatsev: see, i have a hardware revision slot...
20:47.21Azalyntobybot: casual developer? you're not going to be writing C in vi on your phone, are you? :)
20:47.51gkatsevDecimation: yep, must be a 1.2 thing, also, my config says sprint 1.7, so...
20:47.55Mouseytobybot: i use it to restart services
20:48.05gkatsevAzalyn: not vi, full fledged vim
20:48.22gkatsevAzalyn: hopefully they dont try to do it in emacs. youll break your hands
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20:50.58Azalynsomeone the other day was asking how to type \ on the pre.
20:51.01Azalyni didn't have one back then
20:51.07Azalynbut i found out by accident yesterday
20:52.04Azalynat first i thought the orange key was only for the numbers, since they were orange. and that the 'sym' key was for shifting the others. but rather, orange shifts everything.
20:52.17Azalynand sym with various keys gives you extra stuff. :O
20:52.17tobybotAzalyn: haha, that is far from casual. i'd use it just for little things -- pinging a site, renaming files stored on the pre, etc
20:52.38gkatsevsym in terminal is ctrl key
20:52.39TemplarianAzalyn: yep, symbol + "/"
20:52.43Azalynyeah but i wouldn't call "pinging a site" development
20:54.00tobybotAzalyn: no not at all. i was unclear: no development in the terminal app, but i am a "casual" developer and if the app is crash-all-the-time alpha, i'm unlikely to provide useful feedback on the project
20:54.59Azalyntobybot: ah
20:55.21Azalyngkatsev: oh.. hm.. that's tricky.
20:55.47Azalyn\ is needed in terminal sometimes, for escaping spaces and other special chars
20:59.49Azalynyou know, i ordered an "invisible shield", but i think i might pass on installing it. i didn't know the pre came with a soft pouch at the time. i think i'd rather just keep it in there.
21:00.13tobyboti'm still up in the air about any  of that kind of thing
21:00.28sampsoni have one of those on my centro
21:00.30Azalynit also does a good job of wiping fingerprints off the pre on it's own.
21:00.31sampsonthey feel gummy as hell
21:00.40gkatsevAzalyn: if you keep your phone on vibrate you will never feel it if its in there, the pre's vibrate is soooooooo weak
21:00.40tobyboti don't like pouches etc, it's an extra step in getting it out of my pocket
21:00.57gkatsevmy old phone had a good vibrate function, it actually fell from my desk several times, lol
21:00.58Azalyngkatsev: i don't use vibrate often.
21:01.04tobybotand the full-body invisible shield is weird
21:01.23gkatsevi just got the pronged seidio holster and keep my pre in there
21:01.25Azalynand there is a preware app i think that lets you tweak the vibration
21:01.51gkatsevthere is?
21:02.12Azalynor.. maybe not. i think maybe it was on the "ideas" page
21:02.39gkatsevyeah, definitely theere
21:02.50gkatsevthere is also a vibrate ringer switch app
21:02.54gkatsevbut thats not useful
21:04.50Azalyni just tried calling it while it was on vibrate.
21:05.17Azalynwas in my chest pocket. i did feel it.. but it was weak i guess. heh
21:05.28gkatsevalso, the vibrate lasts for like a second and thats it
21:05.40Azalynif i pressed it close to me though, i did feel it.
21:05.42gkatsevat least when its attached to my hip i feel it when its on vibrate
21:06.54Azalynin any case this is probably a battery life issue.
21:07.00Azalynnot a hardware one.
21:07.29gkatsevscrew battery life, ive got two!
21:08.00gkatsevi got seidio's 1350 mAh and still have palms 1150mAh as backup
21:08.35tobybotcan i ask what that seidio ran you
21:08.37Azalynif i need vibrate i'll just hold it in my hand or keep it somewhere where i'll feel it for sure.
21:09.07FreeTimI've got the 19200 mAh solution. Comes with trail behind cart on wheels. Also, can start your truck!
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21:09.33tobybotlol, the battery backpack
21:09.39AzalynI would like to see a comparison between the 1350mah (seidio) and the 1400mah (amzer)
21:09.42Azalynto see which is best.
21:10.11Azalynor maybe even some new company will come out with a higher capacity one.
21:10.28Azalyn(without adding thickness, like the seidio/amzer ones)
21:10.36tobybotpoor, gimpy battery technology
21:10.45gkatsevtobybot: around 40 from precentral
21:10.47tobybotwhen do i get my tiny nuclear battery
21:10.54tobybotgkatsev: not bad!
21:11.14gkatsevtobybot: yep, especially since the palm battery is probably like 50 and has less juice
21:11.15Azalynperhaps palm themselves will. i mean given how much they're charging right now for accessories.. i'd think they're already working on many newer accessories for the pre. heh
21:11.25Azalynincluding a longer battery.
21:11.45Azalynthey just wanted to lower costs on the model that launched.
21:11.57gkatsevFreeTim: then the 3800mAh batteyr from azmer comes with its own selfpowered v8 engine car
21:13.27tobybotI have yet to look into how catastrophic the update to 1.2 is going to be for me
21:13.43gkatsevjust disable all patches beforehand
21:13.44Templarianwonders what the hell energiser does for R&D.
21:14.15tobyboti did some manual "patching", heh
21:15.12FreeTimreally really want a slightly larger battery, WITH the touchstone cover for charging it up.
21:15.23tobybotnothing i can't find, i think. if all else fails, i can just burn it to the ground with webosdoctor and begin anew
21:16.11Azalyni wonder if someone will make a mouse applet. hehe use the camera to sense movement, and gesture area as L/R buttons, and center button between them. and up/down gesture as scrollwheel. :)
21:16.18Azalyntotally useless, but fun in a geeky way.
21:17.43gkatsevAzalyn: why not just use the touchscreen as a touchpad?
21:17.57gkatsevsomeone should port synergy to it
21:18.12Azalynwell, situations where you have no mouse are usually laptops. which have touchpads already.
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21:18.48FreeTimbut, if it worked as a bluetooth mouse, you could control a powerPoint presentation with your Pre - COOL
21:19.22Decimationim on the phone with palm
21:19.31Decimationand this lad doesnt knwo what a dead pixel is.
21:19.35Azalynask them for cookies
21:19.44FreeTimCome to think of it, we have a pc-remote homebrew, we can use for that
21:19.54Azalyntell him it's a pixel that is dead. and ask him for some cookies.
21:22.09Decimationlol, they wanna take my phone for 5-7 days
21:22.11Decimationand leave me phoneless
21:22.13Decimationhell naw
21:24.30TemplarianExplain to him what a dead pixel is?
21:24.42Azalynyou thought they would give you a new one?
21:24.42TemplarianOr ask to talk with someone a bit smarter.
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21:27.39Azalyndid you try this?
21:27.50Azalynit might just be stuck
21:27.52Azalynnot dead
21:29.23tobybothe wants to exchange the whole phone
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21:29.39tobybothe was saying it's an early one and the build quality is iffy
21:29.42Azalynthey won't do that though.
21:29.47tobybotjust sayin'
21:30.05Azalynyeah i know. that's why i asked before if he thought they'd actually give a new phone
21:30.38DecimationAzalyn: well, i want a new phone
21:30.44Decimationso this is my excuse :P
21:30.52Decimationthe build quality on mine is horrible.
21:30.52Azalyni looked into the policies they have before buying. here in canada with bell, you have to buy a 140 dollar extended warranty for them to actually replace it. even then, it's bell that offers this, not palm.
21:31.08Azalynbut palm will never do that.
21:31.11DecimationAzalyn: yeah, called the sprint store
21:31.19tobybotthat sucks
21:31.21Decimationthey said yeah, they'll order one and call me tomorrow when its in
21:31.23Azalynthey will take your phone, and repair any issues, and run diagnostics to ensure it's fine.
21:31.48tobybotto improve phone sturdiness: wrap in duct tape, leaving a hole for the screen
21:31.58Decimationi said to the lady at palm
21:32.01Decimationi have a dead pixel
21:32.02Decimationshe said
21:32.10Decimationokay, lets restart your phone, all problems should be fixed.
21:32.38tobybothire cheap help, give them a flowchart, put them on the phones
21:32.51Decimationits embarrasing
21:32.59Azalyneven if the build quality is bad, a repair should fix any issues it has. build quality issues come from a factory not being perfectly tuned yet to manufacture the product. when a human repairs it and runs various diagnostics
21:33.02Azalynit should be fine
21:33.09tobybotbottom-level support at any company will never help anyone but your grandmother resolve any problem ever
21:33.31DecimationAzalyn: im getting a new one, i told the guy that mine was built earlier, and he owned one, and said he was a member at precentral
21:33.32Azalynin some cases better. since you have an experienced technician looking it over and making sure it's all in working order
21:33.43Decimationand i said
21:33.56Decimationwell, you know the build quality has improved over time
21:34.21Decimationand he said, yeah, and all orders made give us phones manufactored august+
21:34.23Decimationso im good.
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22:14.46rwhitbyso any outstanding problems from overnight?
22:19.36sportmannope my cock went down eventually...
22:19.45sportmandidnt reach the 4 hour mark, was gonna have to call a doctor
22:19.57sportmanthank goodness
22:21.34chrisaHow relevant
22:21.43sportmanhe asked about overnight problems...
22:22.08rwhitbysportman: not really appropriate for this channel, thanks.
22:22.43Azalynif at least it was funny... it could be forgiven.
22:22.43sportmana little humor doesn't hurt anybody, no intent on offending.
22:22.51sportmanaww i tried to be funny :(
22:23.25chrisaIt just reminded me that I'm far too old for this channel
22:23.55sportmanno one is to old for dirty jokes...
22:24.17rwhitbysportman: no, but some are too young for it.  we have minors in this channel.
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22:24.48sportmangood point, i mis being a minor :( only 2 years ago
22:26.22gkatsevhaha, ditto
22:26.24gkatsevalmost 3 for me
22:26.54rwhitbyI believe our youngest regular here is 14, but there may be younger participants too.
22:30.47freakoutI'm six
22:30.48sportmanwow im getting dated
22:30.54ashi__colois 40
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22:31.05DraXomg, asl guys!!
22:31.08sportmani can actually say phones like this werent even plausible when i was 13
22:31.34sportmanlol, i was abit stupid with the pre
22:31.34sportmani dont wanna get rid of my vzw phone
22:31.34sportmanso i got 2 phones now
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22:31.44Decimationyou can run the pre on verizon!
22:31.48sportmanmy pre on sprint and my blackberry on vzw
22:31.51sportmanoh really?
22:31.58sportmanmaybe ill cancel my contract and eat the cost of the phone
22:31.58Decimationsportman: im the youngest regular btw ;)
22:31.59geistget mor pre
22:32.08sportmanand put the phone on vzw
22:32.16sportmanhow well does it work on vzw? data and phone calls both work?
22:32.24gkatsevDecimation: how old are you? 4? :)
22:32.28Decimationso ive been told
22:32.37Decimationthere is a precentral thread on it
22:32.39Azalynwoah, the browser in 1.2 is going to get saving support according to this
22:32.41Decimationcheck it out
22:32.45sportmancan i have a link Decimation ?
22:33.11sportmani wonder how much the phone costs if i cancel my contract and want to keep the phone
22:33.31DecimationAzalyn: what do you mean saving support
22:33.34Decimationgkatsev: 14 :P
22:33.34Azalynsportman: 3000 dollars maybe? :P
22:33.45AzalynDecimation: the browser can't save files right now. like images.
22:33.51sportmanprob around 500
22:33.55sportmanim guessing?
22:33.55gkatsevAzalyn: nope
22:34.01Decimationi can Azalyn, then again, im running 1.2 :P
22:34.10gkatsevcanceling contract is 200 bucks
22:34.22Azalynthat doesn't make much sense.
22:34.33sportmangkatsev: i got the contract yesterday
22:34.39sportmani dont have to cancel it and pay a fee
22:34.44gkatsevsportman: then free, since you are within the 30 days
22:34.52Azalynyou have to pay the full price of the phone if you cancel *and* the cancellation fee.
22:34.54sportmanbut im wondering how much if i wanted to keep the phone
22:35.00gkatsevi remember i barely knew how work a compter when i was 14...
22:35.11sportmani wonder how much the full price is?
22:35.15Azalyn600 dollars
22:35.19gkatsevsportman: depends where you get it
22:35.21gkatsevamazon is 500
22:35.23Azalyngive or take.
22:35.27Decimationgkatsev: i just know vb and some c++
22:35.30sportmanits almost worth it to freggin stay on and have 2 cell phoens
22:35.35sportmanmaybe ill just do that
22:35.36Decimationnothing amazing, hope to learn more though :)
22:35.57Azalynover here bell's receipt for purchase says they get a 200 dollar "discount" from palm, and then bell gives you a 200 dollar discount as a result of the 3-year contract.
22:36.03gkatsevDecimation: read or SICP, itll also help you with js
22:36.22Decimationrwhitby: gonna return my pre for a new one, this time ill doctor it :)
22:36.37gkatsevhow to design programs
22:38.23tmztah, interesting
22:38.24Azalyni wanted to download the linkedin app, but apparently 1.2 is adding linkedin support directly
22:38.30tmztdesign patterns?
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22:39.57rwhitbygives a thumbs up to the Gang of Four book on design patterns.
22:40.39gkatsevanyway, heading home
22:40.43gkatsev-> home
22:41.38Azalynman, i thought the unlocking channel would have more people. :|
22:42.14Azalynwas curious if there was an msl viewing app yet.
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22:44.17sportmanso, is there a way to run linux apps and debian
22:44.18sportmanon the pre
22:44.22sportmanwithout killing lunar?
22:44.52rwhitbylinux app that don't need the screen, yes.  see optware.
22:46.09sportmanwell like im setting up debian to chroot
22:46.13Azalyni wonder if it'd be possible to run an X11 implementation inside a plugin or something. then you'd have gtk or qt support.
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22:46.34rwhitbyones that do need the screen, take a look at the dfbadapter than ameng is working on
22:46.54sportmanwell like here
22:47.07sportmanthey want you to kill LunaSysMgr
22:47.14sportmanso that will kill my gui :/
22:47.27sportmanwhich will kill phone functionality
22:47.39rwhitbythere is no current way.  dfbadapter is the work in progress to enable it.
22:47.44tmztno, at least it shouldn't
22:48.02tmztanyone have combined ps f and lsof for me?
22:48.09Azalynwow. that is pretty cool though
22:48.18Azalynthe directfb adapter
22:48.25sportmanmy other wonder is, how would i go about accessing everything with the gui closed, does that mean id have to do everything through a computer to run the apps?
22:48.39sportmanso in order to launch the nes emulator id have to do it from my computer
22:48.59Azalynthere's a terminal app
22:49.13Azalynoh wait.. with luna closed
22:49.38rwhitbysportman: yes.
22:49.50sportmanyea thats what clicked in my head Azalyn :D
22:49.55sportmanalright cool rwhitby
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22:50.26Azalynhm. figured it might just kill it and launch. and that then you'd have to reboot the phone or something
22:50.31rwhitbyso has anyone alpha tested Preware 0.8.6 at ?
22:50.45rwhitbywe need some alpha success reports before going public.
22:51.08sportmani can test later tonight
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22:51.11sportmanonce i finish this nes thing
22:51.58mrinehart93Hey guys I'm having trouble SSHing into my Palm Pre... I'm on 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate. Anything I try doesn't work... so is there anyone here that has a situation similar to mine?
22:53.20Rick_worklots of people have
22:53.30Rick_workdid you follow the detailed instructions on the wiki for window 7
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23:12.04Robi_has anyone figured out a faster way to make a new cal entry other than thru the cal app?
23:12.19Robi_and besides the google cal sync
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23:12.50Robi_on palmOS this was so quick, in webOS it's 4-5 times slower
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23:30.59sampsonwhat's new in terminal RainMan
23:31.02sampsoner rwhitby
23:31.14rwhitbysampson: yep?
23:31.21sampsonwhat's new in the terminal testing
23:31.34rwhitbynothing that I know of
23:31.48sampsoni got reinstall all the optware packages because my profile path got screwed up and /opt/bin wasn't in it anymore
23:36.30rwhitbyhow did the path get screwed up?
23:37.27sampsonno clue i was installing a bunch of crap last night and when i removed openssh before you had updated it i think it broke the path
23:37.30sampsonthat or terminal
23:38.14rwhitbythe path should be done in /etc/profile.d/org.webosinternals.optware and no other package other than the Optware Bootstrap package touches that file.
23:38.40rwhitbyif you remove the Optware Bootstrap package, then it's intentional that it removes that file.
23:38.47sportmanso i heard there is a palm classic emulator?
23:39.26rwhitbysportman: that was announced weeks before the Pre was released.
23:39.40sampsonfor $30
23:39.43sportmanrwhitby: i havent been following pre stuff
23:39.47sportmani kinda baught it on a whim yesterday
23:39.49sampsonunless you're a sperglord about your calendar or have an undying desire to play kyle's quest 2 there's not much worth to it
23:40.19sampsonyay reinstalling everything fixed the path
23:40.27tmztif dfb stuff works somebody could try POSE, not quite the integration but maybe an option?
23:41.21sampsonterminal appears to be working fine from testing
23:42.55Azalynhm, for the mojo sdk, do i have to install virtualbox-proprietary or can i use virtualbox-ose ?
23:42.55sportmanose i beileve
23:43.43rwhitbyAzalyn: I believe either will work.
23:45.05sportmanim using the oen they linked me to on their web site
23:45.09sportmanwhich was a free download
23:45.11sportmanso im assuming ose
23:46.00Azalyn"Note: If virtualbox-ose is installed (or suggested) instead of virtualbox-2.2, this is a sign that apt-get did not properly parse the packages from and is instead trying to pull an old VirtualBox 1.5 binary from Ubuntu's own repositories. Make sure to register the repository key before doing the update."
23:46.05AzalynI was curious because of that.
23:46.14AzalynIt seems old since they're talking about vbox 2.2
23:46.20Azalyneven though they're up to 3.x now
23:46.29AzalynBut I just wanted to be sure.
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