IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090914

00:00.00*** part/#webos-internals oil (
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00:12.39Decimationrwhitby: ping
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00:13.32rwhitbyDecimation: syn|ack
00:13.55Decimationrwhtiby: whats the total donation count to? :)
00:15.51rwhitbyDecimation: I keep it up to date in my .sig on PreCentral - currently $200
00:17.13Decimationahh, didnt notice
00:17.39gkatsevrwhitby: syn->syn|ack->ack?
00:17.42kesneNew website theme
00:18.38gkatsevrwhitby: i shall have to remember that
00:21.20acydlordI got an e-book copy of the WebOS book :)
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00:25.03Rick_homeacydlord:   make certain to check the on-line errata pages.
00:25.07Rick_homethere are a lot of them
00:25.25acydlordRick_home, will do
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00:37.29destinal-sleepgkatsev: at least he didn't reply RST
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00:46.34JackieRipperso I just reimaged my phone with the doctor.  Is there anything I can alpha or beta test?
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00:53.54spotteranyone figure out the out of space errors?
00:54.06spotterit seems to be some artificial limit of the app catalog as preware doesn't see it
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01:18.04*** join/#webos-internals Decimation_ (n=Decimati@
01:19.14rwhitbyJackieRipper: optware bootstrap and dropbear/openssh in preware
01:19.22rwhitbyJackieRipper: all without linux command line access
01:19.49rwhitbyspotter: it's a hard-coded limit of some sort in the LunaSysMgr Palm proprietary binary
01:20.01JackieRipperI just installed preware with WebOS Quick Install
01:20.19spotterrwhitby, but what's the limit
01:20.27spotteramount of apps?
01:20.35rwhitbyspotter: both it seems
01:20.41tmztthe full protocol is in the windows code now?
01:20.43spotterand why would palm be so retarded to even do that?
01:20.48rwhitbyhaven't found the exact number in the binary though
01:20.52tmztso ssh won't be required?
01:20.55spotterpalm has made some braind dead decisions
01:21.20JackieRipperfor the first time.  I had always used the CLI before.  rwhitby: so I should be able to just use preware to install optware and dropbear?
01:21.32rwhitbyJackieRipper: yes
01:21.37kesneis oil here?
01:21.46rwhitbyJackieRipper: install the terminal first, so you can watch what happens
01:21.51JackieRipperrwhitby: I'll give it a shot
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01:22.14rwhitbyJackieRipper: preware dropbear/openssh is standard port 22 keys only on wifi only
01:22.27rwhitbyJackieRipper: you know how to create a key and use it?
01:22.34JackieRipperrwhitby: yes
01:22.49JackieRipperrwhitby: why was 222 used to begin with?
01:23.49rwhitbyJackieRipper: just in case palm added ssh on 22 themselves, and also as just another layer of defence against script kiddies knocking on port 22 with passwords
01:23.49bpadalinoto throw the hackers off the trail
01:25.08JackieRippersecurity through obscurity
01:25.16JackieRipperI've never been a big fan
01:25.24rwhitbynot on it's own, correct.
01:25.44JackieRipperrwhitby: so terminal is installed... next optware?
01:26.26rwhitbyJackieRipper: yep. then be ready in terminal to check some stuff out.
01:26.40rwhitbyJackieRipper: and you know you to get to the IPKG Log in Preware, right?
01:27.01JackieRipperterm is open... no, I'm not familiar with the preware log
01:27.21rwhitbyafter you install a package, click the OK and then check the menu for IPKG Log
01:27.43rwhitbybe ready to screenshot that if there are errors.
01:28.18rwhitbyJackieRipper: yours is the first on-Pre test of all this.
01:29.16JackieRipperinstalling optware bootstrap now
01:29.43rwhitbyJackieRipper: check for /etc/profile.d/org.webosinternals.optware and /etc/event.d/org.webosinternals.optware
01:29.58rwhitbyand do initctl status org.webosinternals.optware
01:31.46JackieRipper/etc/event.d/org.webosinternals.optware is there, but /etc/profile.d is missing
01:32.09JackieRipperThe directory is missing
01:32.10rwhitbyJackieRipper: does IPKG Log identify the symlink error?
01:32.22rwhitbyyeah, forgot to create it.  does ipkg log spot it?
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01:33.23JackieRipperln: /etc/profile.d/org.webosinternals.optware: No such file or directory
01:33.58JackieRipper^^ That's the last line before "Completed"
01:34.44kesneFinally... ugh, I hate working
01:35.21rwhitbyJackieRipper: excellent.  Remove optware and I'll have a new version for you soon.
01:38.25rwhitbyany errors in the ipkg log on remove?
01:38.48rwhitbyJackieRipper: optware 0.0.6 is now in the feed.
01:39.08rwhitbywe're looking for a clean install this time
01:39.25rwhitbyJackieRipper: before you reinstall can you check that /opt is not mounted?
01:41.29JackieRipperit is not
01:41.58JackieRipperI should restart preware, correct?  So it refreshes its feeds?
01:42.08rwhitbyjust refresh the feeds in the menu item
01:42.45JackieRipperdone... installing optware
01:43.19rwhitbyJackieRipper: after you have installed optware, please reopen terminal and check that the $PATH includes /opt/...
01:44.54JackieRipperhaving :: in the PATH doesn't affect anything, does iT?
01:46.00JackieRipperrwhitby: there is no entry for /opt in fstab
01:46.16JackieRipperwhich will pose a problem, I assume
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01:47.47rwhitbyJackieRipper: nope, it's done in the upstart script
01:48.03rwhitbyJackieRipper: where is :: in the path?
01:48.46rwhitbyJackieRipper: after optware is installed, can you reboot and double check that /opt is mounted and the path is correct?
01:51.58JackieRipperrwhitby: my PATH is now /usr/local/bin:.......:/sbin::/opt/bin:/opt/sbin
01:52.25JackieRipperrwhitby: that is, there are two colons between the old, standard path and the opt additions
01:52.31JackieRipperI think no big deal
01:52.47rwhitbyJackieRipper: seems that the Pre's path has a : on the end for some reason
01:53.12rwhitbywe can choose what to do with that later, since the profile script can be easily updated and runs on every shell
01:53.21JackieRippera simple tr -s ':' will fix it... but I doubt it needs fixing, really
01:53.40JackieRipperI'm rebooting now
01:55.33JackieRipperany reason the package service has its own icon?  Does it do anything?
01:56.13JackieRipperseems to have disappeared... odd
01:56.26rwhitbyyep, it disappears on reboot.
01:56.30rwhitbysome bug in webos
01:56.41rwhitbysince we set visible:false
01:57.10rwhitbyif you click on it, if just gives you a soothing message to ignore it until the next reboot.
01:59.04JackieRippernext to test is dropbear?
01:59.24rwhitbyyour choice, dropbear or openssh
01:59.50JackieRippercab I do both?  Use dropbear as a server and openssh as a client?
02:00.13rwhitbyI fixed update-alternatives support last night in ipkgservice 0.8.8
02:00.31rwhitby(we weren't passing the required env vars when we ran the postinst)
02:00.59JackieRipperdoes it matter which I install first?
02:01.11JackieRipperI'd rather not have both sshds fighting
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02:06.02rwhitbyhmm - try dropbear first.
02:06.15JackieRipperok, it's installed
02:06.42rwhitbyJackieRipper: might get a respawn storm at the moment if both are installed - I need to look at that.
02:06.49rwhitbyJackieRipper: so just install one for now.
02:07.58JackieRipperrwhitby: dropbear is installed... will I need to use terminal to create a user and/or keys?
02:09.51JackieRipperdropbear is running
02:10.16tmztare upstart events and dependencies used?
02:11.31rwhitbyJackieRipper: you can use terminal to put a key in /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
02:16.00JackieRipperrwhitby: Permission denied (publickey).
02:16.10JackieRipperdoes dropbear support dsa?
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02:23.58rwhitbygkatsev: on what basis do you say that?
02:24.44rwhitbymy understanding is it supports rsa and dss
02:24.54JackieRipperrwhitby: tried both
02:24.59JackieRipperchecking perms now
02:25.12rwhitbyJackieRipper: just what I was going to suggest next :-)
02:25.50JackieRipperroot's home is 755.. which should be fine, right?
02:26.11rwhitbyJackieRipper: anything in /var/log/messages ?
02:27.44JackieRipperuser root has blank password, rejected
02:29.05rwhitbyah, good.
02:29.27gkatsevrwhitby: never mind misunderstood context and question
02:29.46JackieRippermounted / rw, ran passwd, mounted / ro, and I can get in
02:29.57destinalrwhitby: maybe just set a random root password on install
02:30.21destinalbut then if anyone uses usbnet and ssh as root, that's bad, nevermind
02:30.30JackieRipperdestinal: that's a good idea.  The user can always reset it manually if desired
02:30.36destinaltrue, they have the key
02:31.24rwhitbydestinal: they can just get in via terminal and re-run passwd
02:31.33destinalrwhitby: sure
02:31.37JackieRipperthe start script for dropbear disabled password logins as it stands
02:31.44destinalrwhitby: I wonder what happens if you just set root password to *
02:31.49rwhitbyJackieRipper: yep, intentionally
02:31.58JackieRipperrwhitby: and rightly so :)
02:32.17rwhitbydestinal: JackieRipper can try it :-)
02:32.27destinalerr I mean in /etc/passwd
02:32.45JackieRipperrwhitby, destinal: I think setting root's password to a random value is probably a good thing, but it may break novaterm
02:32.54destinalJackieRipper: it doesn't break novaterm
02:33.16JackieRippernovaterm won't ask for the password if it's set?
02:33.28destinalno, novacom daemon on the device cares nothing about root passwords
02:33.45Decimation_anyone in here know php?
02:34.03destinalDecimation_: I know enough to avoid it like the plague :)
02:34.09JackieRipperI know from experience it cares about root's shell, so I wasn't sure how much of the passwd entry it cared about
02:34.51rwhitbysnapshots the emulator and tries * in /etc/passwd for root
02:35.17rwhitbydoes lvm support snapshotting?
02:36.01JackieRippersetting it to * works
02:36.09JackieRipperon the phone
02:36.39JackieRipperbrb - cigarette break
02:36.58rwhitbydestinal: Terminal seems to want to login if root passwd is *
02:37.13rwhitbyso it asks for a username and passwd and fails to log in
02:39.49rwhitbydestinal: so Terminal doesn't like a disabled root password.
02:41.31Decimationso weird.
02:41.38JackieRipperrwhitby: if the password is set, will it ask?
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02:43.04rwhitbyJackieRipper: if a password is empty, or set, it does not ask.
02:43.05JackieRipperanswered my own question: no, it doesn't ask
02:43.27rwhitbyso random password looks like the only way to go
02:43.36rwhitbytime to package pwgen ...
02:45.13JackieRipperI actually miss the login in the terminal
02:45.45JackieRipperhaving it start a root shell without authentication.... not sure I like it
02:46.41*** join/#webos-internals PorkchopExpress (
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02:48.43rwhitbyJackieRipper: org.webosinternals.pwgen is now in the public feeds
02:48.52rwhitby5 minutes exactly to package and release it
02:49.41JackieRipperrwhitby: does preware handle prerequisites yet?
02:49.52rwhitbyJackieRipper: oil is working on it right now
02:50.03JackieRipperoil: awesome
02:50.13rwhitby;a=blob;f=optware/pwgen/Makefile is all I needed to write to package pwgen
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02:51.48rwhitby(since it was already in optware)
02:52.13rwhitbyJackieRipper: ok, your set for testing dropbear now?
02:52.31JackieRipperrwhitby: depends...
02:53.12JackieRipperrwhitby: just need to verify the testing process: blank root's password, uninstall dropbear, install pwgen, install dropbear
02:53.24rwhitbyJackieRipper: don't try and install openssh as well yet, but feed free to test removing dropbear, making sure the daemon is gone, and installing openssh
02:54.17rwhitbyJackieRipper: nope, install dropbear, install pwgen, set root's password manually choosing one from pwgen (dropbear postinst will eventually do that, or perhaps we should change it on every boot?)
02:55.03JackieRipperrwhitby: I would not change it on every boot, as the user may want to set it to a known value at some point
02:55.17rwhitbypwgen -s -1 64
02:55.23JackieRipperrwhitby: there's no reason for it now, but we may well discover something in the future
02:55.35rwhitbyJackieRipper: agreed
02:55.38destinalrwhitby: I would also grep '^root::' || pwgen  etc
02:55.48destinalonly randomly generate if it's null
02:55.56rwhitbydestinal: agreed
02:56.15acydlordis apg ported in optware?
02:56.18rwhitbyis 64 random characters strong enough?
02:56.31bpadalinosounds excessive
02:56.54rwhitbybpadalino: it should never need to be typed
02:57.47bpadalinostill sounds excessive
02:57.50JackieRipperdestinal, rather than checking for null, should we check for != 35 characters?
02:58.18acydlordsad, no apg
02:58.27rwhitbyacydlord: you can change that ...
02:58.30acydlordbut if i recall apg was ported to armel for maemo
02:58.33rwhitbybbiab - you guys figure out the appropriate security protocol and let me know
02:58.40acydlordrwhitby, true
03:00.10JackieRipperAt present, it really doesn't matter how strong the password is.  Remote logins using passwords are disabled, and local logins require no passwords.
03:06.24jkcrwhitby:  how much more do you need for a pre?
03:10.50Decimationrwhitby: - 200, could be yours as of now!~
03:11.09JackieRipperrwhitby: dropbear uninstalled cleanly
03:12.20oilthe transition from no flags to flags will be interesting
03:12.40JackieRipperopenssh did not start on install
03:12.44JackieRippersshd, rather
03:15.13tmzt21:36 < tmzt> yeah, I'm wondering why we couldn't split the service doing phone  from the one doing ui
03:15.16tmzt21:36 < tmzt> we should discuss that in #webos-internals though
03:17.39bpadalinotmzt, they are separated - the jvm provides telephony services .. and can crash without causing the UI to crash at all
03:18.01tmztso the ui could be shut down and phone calls handled over dbus?
03:18.13tmztmickeyl: still here?
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03:19.28bpadalinoshould be possible, yes
03:19.49tmztby jvm you mean it's java bytecode?
03:19.52tmztthe ril is
03:20.15bpadalinoril ?
03:20.25tmztradio interface layer
03:20.52bpadalinoyeah, Luna only accesses the functionality that is exposed by the java interface and running via it's own upstart script ..
03:21.12tmztright, but bytecode or native through jni?
03:21.19tmztthis gets more interesting then
03:22.21bpadalinothere is a native application which i believe exposes functionality to dbus which the java service/adapter uses to expose onto dbus as well ... but Luna only gets access through the java interface
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03:24.55tmztcan somebody paste qdbus or other dump of the dbus services?
03:24.55tmztor are these currently documentsed in wiki?
03:25.57*** join/#webos-internals Gnutoo (
03:26.15JackieRipperrwhitby: a few bugs to report, sadly.  The openssh daemon does not start after install, starting it manually complains about being unable to load host keys "no host keys available -- exiting".  The ssh client segfaults.  When the install/uninstall is complete, the notification says, "Optware [Install|Removal] Completed" - it should say, "OpenSSH [Install|Removal] Completed"
03:28.16rwhitbyJackieRipper: thanks - the ssh client one is the only one I'm concerned about - the last one is actually how it should work "Optware" is the package type.
03:29.10JackieRipperrwhitby: The description of openssh in preware does claim the daemon will work...
03:29.32rwhitbyJackieRipper: it ran at least on the emulator
03:30.34JackieRipperI'll uninstall and install again, so I can check the log
03:30.44rwhitbyJackieRipper: regarding password strength - the answer is more about avoiding an Engadget story "too weak password set on Pre" rather than current technical requirements.
03:32.08JackieRipperrwhitby: agreed.  Personally, I would like to see a completely random password, including the use of symbols, set by the *ssh post-install scripts
03:32.24rwhitbyJackieRipper: pwgen should do that
03:32.25JackieRipperThe user can always change it later, and never needs to know the value.
03:33.05rwhitbyand I agree the post-install scripts will do that if the user has not modified the root password already (and none of our previous instructions have said to do that as far a I remember)
03:33.33JackieRipperrwhitby: I'm not familiar with pwgen.  Does it actually update /etc/passwd?
03:33.46rwhitbyjust prints the password - will need to backtick it in sed
03:34.38JackieRipperis there a way to feed passwd a string from stdin?
03:35.09JackieRipperWe may have to pass it through md5 and edit /etc/passwd manually
03:36.33rwhitbyhopes Palm fixes the busybox help in 1.2 ...
03:37.01JackieRipperrwhitby: there's something wrong with the openssh's postinstall script.  There are unprintable characters and a directory named (
03:37.06JackieRipperI'll pastebin it
03:38.53rwhitbyJackieRipper: looks ok in the autobuilder area
03:40.08rwhitbyand looks fine in an unpacked version of the ipkg from the feed
03:41.08JackieRipper".pub and (.pub seem like bad paths to me
03:41.25rwhitbyJackieRipper: what's in /var/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.openssh.postinst ?
03:42.20jkcrtwhitby:  I may have missed it-  How much more to you need for the fund in order to get a pre?  (sorry!)
03:42.52rwhitbyopen question: what's the best technical (i.e. not for binz, but for reading real technical discussion) usenet reader on macosx?
03:43.44rwhitbyjkc: depends on the cost of the Pre and shipping - my .sig on PreCentral always has the latest figure, which is currently $200
03:44.11lmorchardrwhitby: I like Unison, though have occasionally dropped back to tin in a shell
03:44.33tlpslrn is pretty decent
03:45.28bpadalinounison is pretty good .. but not free
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03:55.37jkcrwhitby: check your paypal.   Pretty sure you are over the top now.
03:58.06*** join/#webos-internals Gadfly (n=Gadfly@
04:00.18JackieRipperrwhitby: ssh-keygen in not accepting the -f flag.  The keys are being generated in the cwd
04:03.15JackieRipperrwhitby: and it is nameing them �            ï¿½.pub
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04:16.41JackieRipperrwhitby: another bug report: The postinstall script for bash does "echo '/var/bin/bash' >> /etc/shells".  By default, the Pre doesn't have /etc/shells, so this command creates it, but only populates it with bash, which means /bin/sh and /bin/ash are no longer valid shells.
04:17.55jkcrwiitby:  you out there?
04:18.50rwhitbysorry, was offline
04:19.11rwhitbyjkc: holey moley!
04:19.29bpadalinouh oh
04:19.35bpadalinobig donation ?
04:20.12rwhitbyum, yes.
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04:21.50rwhitbyjkc: are you sure?
04:22.26rwhitbyJackieRipper: so it looks like the binaries for armv7 are borked.  I'll probably need to package the libraries instead of just using the ones on the device.
04:22.57Eguyrwhitby: what are you going to do if/when the Pre comes out in Australia ah la GSM?
04:23.13jkcget er dun.
04:23.30rwhitbyEguy: the cdma pre will be used for finding a serial port.  google my name and serial port to see my experience there :-)
04:24.03rwhitbyEguy: and then jtag, etc if needed.
04:24.28bpadalinoalways good to find
04:24.35JackieRipperrwhitby: I haven't set git up yet... This is the current postinst for bash:
04:25.09JackieRipperrwhitby: this is a revised script that won't break sh and ash:
04:25.13rwhitbyJackieRipper: oh, that's PuffTheMagic's bash, I haven't packaged it from optware yet.
04:26.11JackieRipperrwhitby: ahhh
04:28.09jkcThanks to you all.  Keep it up.   nite.
04:28.29Eguyaunt minnie strikes again
04:30.15JackieRipperomg... telnet?!?!?!
04:31.36bpadalinobefore novaterm and the sdk, yeah - we used telnetd since it came on the pre ..
04:32.01JackieRipperand left it running, open to the world?
04:32.36rwhitbyheh, I kept reading the date on that post as 6 Oct, and thought "atlanta knows better than that, why is he using telnet?"
04:33.07JackieRipperHow are those instructions easier than running the script?
04:33.24bpadalinolook at the date
04:34.03JackieRipperoptware/dropbear were suggested by the, if I recall correctly
04:34.33geist4 days after release
04:34.43geist6/6/2009 THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL
04:35.02bpadalinoi didn't get my pre until that monday
04:35.10bpadalino6 was a saturday i thought?
04:35.22JackieRipperright, and the 10th was Wednesday
04:35.42bpadalinoah yeah
04:36.02bpadalinoso when did geist tweet that he was watching us find novaterm
04:36.34geistprobably about then
04:36.38JackieRippernovaterm came way after dropbear
04:36.48JackieRipperor rather, we started using it
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04:37.38bpadalinojune 10th 3:26:36am ... not sure what timezone (guessing rwhitby's timezone?)
04:37.56rwhitbybpadalino: UTC I think
04:38.06geist6/10 never forget
04:38.19bpadalinogeist, did you catch a movie ?
04:38.26geistnah, went home
04:38.33geistit's raining now. first time in forever
04:38.39rwhitbywhereever it is Sep 14 04:38:09 right now, that's the timezone
04:38.56bpadalinoGMT it sounds like
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04:40.52Eguygeist: hasen't rained in LA since the big bang :P
04:41.12geistnorcal > socal
04:41.13bpadalinoare there fires still happening in southern california ?
04:41.38EguyDon't even geist, don't even
04:42.25rwhitbygeist: anyone who can tell us the maximum reasonable amount of data to push as a ServiceMessage over dbus in one chunk>
04:43.18geistno idea
04:44.06rwhitby250KB seems to be too big ;-)
04:44.36geistyeah, probably is
04:45.26rwhitbyI'm figuring 4K might be a nice round number.
04:47.05rwhitbythe dbus standard says 128MB, but that's a bit much for a java VM with a 10MB heap ...
04:47.47bpadalinorwhitby: is 250kb what ipkgservice ends up trying to send ?
04:48.19rwhitbybpadalino: actually 374K lately
04:48.51bpadalinoi see
04:49.25geistyeah, i have no idea how the internals of dbus works
04:49.32geistexcept it goes through a server
04:49.39geistdont know if it has to deliver it in one shot or anything
04:49.56geistsee now.. novacom could handle your data
04:49.58rwhitbygeist: we're going to change it to use subscribe and send multiple chunks
04:49.59geistbut no
04:50.27bpadalinofor abstracting away ipc it kind of works well it seems ... except there is some magic that has to happen for the binary data
04:51.02bpadalinogeist, i think it's being used for fetching ipkg data and sending it up to mojo .. i don't think novacom can help out there :(
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04:51.20geistyeah, that's cause it can't handle the novacom
04:51.23geistit aint ready for it
04:51.38bpadalinohahaha, yes - absolutely
04:52.25rwhitbynovacom access from mojo would solve quite a few problems, but there'd need to be a good security framework around it ;-)
04:52.58bpadalinosecurity model for novacom seems to be fast and loose
04:53.11rwhitbyfit for current purpose
04:53.19bpadalinowith great power comes great responsibility
04:53.24geistsecurity is for chumps
04:53.47bpadalinogeist, do you have your root password tattoo'd on your arm? :)
04:54.04acydlordshart, i just had a good idea AFTER seting up my eclipse workspace
04:54.21acydlordi can put my eclipse workspace in dropbox so i can use the same workspace on all computers
04:54.58bpadalinoide's are for chumps
04:55.22bpadalino... yeah it just isn't the same coming from me
04:55.41acydlordwell i was using notepad++ before, but lost track of projects
04:56.39bpadalinowork tomorrow :(
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04:57.35rwhitbyoil: ping
05:03.03bpadalinogeist, how many other guys end up working on the kernel stuff with you? just chrisa or a couple more people ?
05:03.37geistprobably about 10 total
05:04.03geistabout 8 on the official kernel team
05:04.24geistand then a few on the product driver team (where chrisa is)
05:04.50bpadalinodo the digital hardware engineers ever ask you for recommendations on components ?
05:05.14geistnot as much as we'd like, but we go to schematic reviews and whatnot
05:05.18geistwe add our input
05:05.32geistpre was kind of a bad example, since it was mostly designed before a lot of us started
05:05.43geistso it has some wonky, less than friendly sw stuff
05:06.09geistthat's one of the places where palm is re-learning how to be integrated
05:06.27geistfor too long it had bifurcated itself into hw and sw
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05:07.49tmztmsm is a little of both
05:08.04geistmsm as in what?
05:08.32geistyeah, it's a huge pain
05:08.46tmztso much of the hardware is controlled by the radio
05:08.53bpadalinohows qualcomm msm documentation versus ti omap ?
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05:09.36bpadalinoi imagine most of the air interface is just stock qualcomm software you throw onto their baseband processor
05:10.32tmzton the msm6k probably, like in Pre
05:10.46geistmsm7k is in practically all of the android phones up until now
05:11.10geistandroid essentially did the linux port to it, which is showing up in the last few releases of linux
05:11.53bpadalinodid you thank your google buddies last time you saw them ?
05:12.09geistoh yes, absolutely
05:12.15tmztso many of the android specific choices, device names etc. are in the kernel
05:12.31freakoutspeaking of the MSM7627 in the Pixi...
05:12.39freakoutQualcomm sent that to me the other day
05:12.41tmztbut the aurora tree is more generic
05:12.54geistfreakout: nice, i didn't expect that
05:12.59Eguyfreakout = shameless plug
05:13.16EguyThanks for the info
05:13.18freakoutgeist: neither did I. They even tried to find pictures for me, but only had a generic shot
05:13.19bpadalinoi am amazed qualcomm sent you something
05:13.27freakoutEguy: gotta take it where I can get it
05:13.41geistthough to be fair QC is getting better
05:13.46bpadalinoare they ?
05:13.55geisti think android beat them up enough that they finally realized that they have to deal with linux
05:14.02bpadalinoi am somewhat glad LTE is winning over anything qualcomm was pushing
05:14.25tmzt600MHz applications processor with floating point unit and L2 cache
05:14.27geistthe more they dont cooperate, the more companies like android just go around them
05:14.33geistand then they end up not controlling anything
05:14.40geistTI figured this out a long time ago
05:15.17bpadalinolike i said before, i'm very curious about the pixi power numbers
05:15.26bpadalinoand if they can get a good amount more running time out of it
05:15.48geistas are we. it's a good portion of what we spend our time on
05:16.06geisteverything is measured against what power it will take, any feature has to be balanced with that, etc
05:16.13bpadalinopower management has to be built in from the beginning ... that's for sure
05:16.19bpadalinothe project i am on now was too quick and dirty
05:16.19tmztand gpu, improved over 720x?
05:16.28bpadalinoand our RF board is ... terrible
05:16.32geisttmzt: dunno, i've never worked with a 72xx
05:16.42bpadalinoif you were given the radio in the dead of winter, you'd be glad you had a nice hand warmer
05:16.46geisttmzt: iirc, the cpu on the 7x27 is a arm1176
05:17.05bpadalinoyeah, arm11 for the gpp, arm9 for the bb processor most likely ..
05:17.10tmzthaven't heard of that
05:17.18geistbut it's all about the L2. putting a L2 in front of an arm will easily speed it up 3x
05:17.48geistthat's why iphone got their big speedup with the 3gs. the cortex-a8 vs an arm11 is not that big of a win, but L2 cache versus none is huge
05:18.01tmztvfp is missing on the others
05:18.15tmztand they're 1136
05:18.15geisttmzt: ah, yeah that too
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05:18.38geistforgot that the other 7ks are like the only arm11s in the business without vfp
05:18.49geistand webkit and whatnot uses the fpu pretty hard
05:19.11tmztprobably partog the hero problems
05:19.18tmztpart of
05:19.23tmztis no vfp
05:19.45geistthat's the nice thing about starting webos at this point in time. we can start on the leading edge of mobile cpus
05:19.48geistand not worry about older stuff
05:19.56geistwe'll always have EABI, vfp, etc
05:20.02bpadalinoi was very happy to see you guys using the omap3, that's for sure
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05:20.07geistit's a much better situation than even a few years ago
05:20.09tmztif the gpu is that much better
05:20.31geistthough we will have the neon vs no neon problem
05:20.43geistbut that's much better than fpu vs no, or dealing with pre armv6
05:20.44tmztit rally hurts on the others though it could partly be the drivers
05:21.25tmztbut still two userlands
05:21.56tmztsomething ipkg doeswell though
05:22.21tmztits architecture numbers
05:22.50freakoutyeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah
05:22.52geistalso, since 3rd parties dont write native code, two user spaces isn't a big deal
05:22.53freakoutWhat if God was one of us?
05:22.59freakoutstops singing bad songs now.
05:24.33geiststill haven't decided what to do about thumb yet though
05:24.51bpadalinoyou were planning on using it ?
05:24.51geistin the past i've found thumb to be a big win, but with an L2 in front of the cpu it appears to not make much difference anymore
05:25.08geistwell, thumb2 is a no brainer, once the toolchain supports it
05:25.20bpadalinobig win just due to reduces code size  ?
05:25.20geistbut still, if it doesn't make much of a difference, it's probably not worth it
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05:25.30bpadalinoreduced rather
05:25.31tmztbut not on armv6
05:25.39geiston a cache starved system, a lot of times that actually equates to higher performance
05:25.55geisti pushed for thumb real hard when i was at apple, and that's why iphone uses it
05:26.05geistran a bunch of benchmarks and it actually ran better most of the time
05:26.10geistandroid does too
05:26.18geistbut we really didn't have time to mess with it before getting webos out
05:26.27tmztomap3 doesn't have l2?
05:26.36geistespecially thumb2, which is poorly supported on all but the most current toolchains
05:26.39geisttmzt: yep, it does
05:28.21bpadalinoso the latest code sourcery arm7 toolchain supports thumb2 ?
05:28.30rwhitbygeist: we're a third party that writes native code, but we know how to do multiple archs.
05:28.39tmztpa on msm nand or sd
05:28.59geistrwhitby: well, also you can just target armv6 and be okay
05:29.06geistonly place you'll get into trouble is neon
05:30.02kesneWhy I dislike engadget:
05:30.33tmztwould the root fs be on msm nand or sd
05:31.03geisttmzt: on pixi?
05:31.12tmztif its msm nand must be jffsor yaffs
05:31.29tmztIcan figur it out though
05:31.50geistsd, same as pre
05:32.19freakoutkesne: how come?
05:32.32kesnePreCentral covered that
05:32.45freakoutoh right. hey, you were the tipster weren't you?
05:32.50tmztappsbl must benin flash of some kind
05:32.59kesneActually, Decimation and I were
05:33.13geisttmzt: sure, modem has its own flash
05:33.23kesneAnd Engadget grabs the photos, watermarks them and gives no mention to us or precentral
05:33.44freakoutheh. I blogged the same story, but i did credit Precentral with it
05:33.48rwhitbyah, the cut-throat tech blogosphere ...
05:34.15rwhitbyas if any of them really matter ;-)
05:34.20freakoutBTW kesne, not wanting to sound too desperate, but if you've ever got a hot tip and some spare time...
05:34.26tmztmaybe threa room for a recovet image or something
05:34.30freakoutjust saying ;)
05:34.46kesnefreakout you from Palm Infocenter?
05:35.18geistwe're making a very concerted effort to make our products similar for things like bootstrapping, recovery, etc
05:35.30bpadalinosounds like a solid plan
05:35.34geisti designed a lot of how that sort of stuff works on webos, and thus far it's working pretty well
05:36.12bpadalinogood job geist
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05:37.09bpadalinodo you ever go to meetings with rubinstein ?
05:37.09tmztif we just think of tpartition 1 stuff moving to msm nand it makes sense
05:37.19edektoranybody know the system fonts are stored?
05:37.31tmztbut that keeps the needndoe msm nand drivers in kernel
05:38.09tmztand things like h1 had, mtd expaed to root user
05:38.21geistbpadalino: no, but i have met him before
05:38.26geistused to work for him at apple too
05:38.37geistanyway, gotta go. back in a few
05:39.17tmztas opposed to the clean block sd drivers on pre
05:44.17DraXi wonder if the announcing GSM on tuesday rumor is true..
05:44.33bpadalinowhat event would it coincide with ?
05:45.10DraXi don't even remember, i think i saw it on engadget..
05:46.51tmztunless its carrier announcement
05:47.28bpadalinoyou think palm would give up an announcement to a carrier ?
05:47.57tmzt6800 was an interesting choice for a single technolog device
05:48.25PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: is there an issue with my bash?
05:48.56JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: the post-install script creates /etc/shells
05:49.19JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: and populates it only with bash, making ask and sh invalid
05:49.56PuffTheMagicso if it dont exist i should add /bin/sh also
05:51.36PuffTheMagici instantly change my shell in /etc/passwd to bash i never tested it with ash ;)
05:55.02freakoutDraX: where'd you hear that rumor?
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05:56.50DraXfreakout: one of the news sites.. engadget/gizmodo/precentral/palminfocenter i don't remember which or even the details really just tuesday + maybe gsm
05:57.03DraXcould even have been phandroid. :)
05:57.13freakouttries not to get hopes up for unlocked GSM goodness soon...
05:57.14JaSonxmaybe someone can help when i use the media sync feature i always get installing novacom linux but no driver is found
05:57.18JaSonxany ideas ?
05:57.33DraXfreakout: yeah... i want badly
05:57.53oilfreakout is freaking out?
05:58.11freakoutDoctors tell me it's bad for my blood pressure
05:58.17freakoutbut what do they know
05:58.30oilprobably quite a bit
05:59.07freakoutyeah, them with their fancy "edyookashuns" and "syense"
05:59.59freakoutWhat will be the *real* freak out is the unlocked price, I'm guessing
06:00.20bpadalinoprobably similar to the unsubsidized price
06:00.22bpadalinoi would think
06:00.23freakouti'd lol but it's probably true /depression
06:00.34oilwhat would be really funny
06:00.58oilif it was announced right after rwhitby ordered a non-gsm pre
06:01.06freakoutoil: lol
06:01.10freakoutthat would just be cruel
06:01.26rwhitbyoil: I have a chunk-based rawlist ready to go
06:01.36oiloh rly
06:01.39bpadalinoannounced and available are two different things tho
06:01.53rwhitbyoil: I made it backwards-compatible too.
06:01.54freakoutbpadalino: you would think indeed, but the unlocked Treo 650 commanded a pretty big premium over the US price from what i remembered
06:01.57oilbut if it was announced, he wouldn't exactly be looking to buy a non-gsm pre though
06:02.09bpadalinofreakout: ah, i didn't know
06:02.30freakoutbpadalino: i'm not sure i do either, my memory is not terribly reliable ;)
06:02.51oilrwhitby, how do i go about using of it?
06:03.27rwhitbyoil: first, you pass "subscribe": true
06:03.40rwhitbyoil: you will get a message with "stage" == "start" which contains "filesize" and "chunksize" fields, but no "contents" field.
06:03.40oilthis is per-feed?
06:03.45rwhitbyoil: yes
06:04.05oilill wait for hte explanation
06:04.10rwhitbyoil: then you will get multiple "stage" == "middle" messages, with "size" and "contents" fields.
06:04.11oilfor when there is an ipk i can test iwth
06:04.53rwhitbyoil: then you will finally get a "stage" == "end" message, with no contents, but with the final "datasize" field (which may, for some reason, be smaller than the original "filesize")
06:05.39rwhitbyoil: if you leave off the "subscribe": true, then it's the same as before.
06:05.52oilwe'll have to think about how we want to to the move from no flags to flags
06:06.11rwhitbyyes, we will.
06:06.30oilright now, i stripped all the other stuff out
06:06.35oilso it only works with flags
06:06.52oilthe currently pushed version that is
06:07.05oilare we upping hte aipVersion for this split?
06:07.15rwhitbyyes, this is apiVersion 4.
06:07.16oilsince pre 089 doesn't have the split
06:07.18freakoutQuick room question: can webOS mount external storage? i.e. sd cards, usb drives?
06:07.20oilwe skipped a number?
06:07.34oilcan webos, or can the pre?
06:07.41freakoutBoth :)
06:07.53rwhitbyoil: but it is backwards compatible, so we didn't really need to bump it.
06:07.55oilthanks for clarifying
06:08.00oilhowever, i dont know the answer to either
06:08.01freakoutI know webOS is Linux-based, so it's there
06:08.09freakoutunder the surface anyway.
06:08.19freakoutbut is there any top-level stuff that hints at it?
06:08.30oilnot that ive ever seen
06:08.53rwhitbyactualy, it would be good if some other alpha tester tested ipkgservice 0.8.9 to make sure it still works with the currently released preware
06:09.07freakoutrwhitby, I'll load it up now if you'd like
06:09.38DraXfreakout: i think somebody in here mentioned that they'd been working on getting their pre to mount a umass device
06:09.44rwhitbyoil: not that chunks may be split in the middle of anything - there is no parsing to get clean breaks or anything.
06:10.07rwhitbyyou just get the next 4096 chars and that's it.
06:10.10freakoutDraX: yeah, i thought I'd seen that too
06:10.13oilill just be sticking them all together
06:10.19oilthen parsing
06:10.23oilat the end stage
06:10.36rwhitbyyeah, I figured that would be easiest for you.
06:10.53rwhitbythat's why I give you the max size at the start
06:11.17oilnot sure what im going to do with it
06:11.25oilconsidering there is no way for me to re-call a specific part
06:11.34rwhitbyif you need to preallocate a string, so save continual reallocating ....
06:11.48oilim not sure how that works with javascript
06:11.57rwhitbyneither am I :-)
06:12.01oili just set var everything = '';
06:12.09oilthen everything += whatIgot;
06:12.28rwhitbymaybe we'll just move the memory problem over to your side ;-)
06:12.41oilits already handling the string you send ok
06:12.48oilthe problem was sending it all over the bus, right?
06:12.56oilso by splitting it up, makes no difference on the js side
06:13.05rwhitbythe problem seemed to be the JSON.toString just before it went in the packet
06:13.43oiland, the service seems to have updated hte copy i hve on my pre
06:13.56oilwhich is has no changes to the updating/loading portion of the code from 085
06:14.34rwhitbygood, I figured backwards compatibility was important to remove the need for a flag day
06:15.12oilthe old apps wont work with no flags
06:15.17oiland the new app wont work with flags
06:15.19oili mean
06:15.33freakoutrwhitby: no obvious bugs leap out (ipkgservice 0
06:15.34oilsomething like that
06:15.55freakoutipkgservice 0.8.9, preware 0.8.5
06:16.07oilhaven't tried 086 yet?
06:16.26freakoutActually I was running 1.0
06:16.39oil1.0 is garbage
06:16.42freakoutBut reverted. I thought it sucked
06:17.45Eguy1.0 is better than 1.1
06:18.00oil086 is sexy with the palm-dark theme xD
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06:19.03rwhitbyhere I am, slaving away on memory optimisations, and oil is just adding bling ;-)
06:19.04PuffTheMagicoil: i wondered why you didnt do that from the beginning
06:19.07PuffTheMagicall your other apps were
06:19.14oilits got the option
06:19.25freakoutpictures oil coding whilst laden with gold chains
06:19.29oilit defaults to palm-default though
06:19.30freakoutAnd no pants, of course.
06:19.38PuffTheMagicrwhitby: dont bother optimizing it in C, just rewrite it with me in C :D
06:19.57oillooks forward to c service
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06:20.14oilreally though, adding the dark styles took all of like 10 minutes
06:20.18PuffTheMagicoil: when can you start doing the uber monitor gui thing?
06:20.20oilmostly creating some new art
06:20.54oilwhen there is something i can test with that doesn't require me de-virginizing my pre :)
06:21.25JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: you may also want to include an uninstall script, so users aren't stuck with bash as their default shell after removal.  Something like
06:21.52PuffTheMagici htought i did remove it in the prerm script...
06:22.02oilrwhitby: so the subscribtion is only on the rawlist, not rawstatus method, right?
06:22.05JackieRipperI may have missed it
06:22.18rwhitbyoil: right, I can add it to rawstatus easily if you prefer
06:22.26oili dont think itl be a problem right now
06:24.04JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: it the prerm script removes it from /etc/shells, but not /etc/passwd
06:24.09rwhitbyoil: so any changes you see being needed, or shall I release 0.8.9 to give people time to update before the next preware?
06:24.42oilcan't see any problems right now
06:24.48oilbut i've only just opened the code xD
06:25.03PuffTheMagici dont edit etc passwd do it?
06:25.24PuffTheMagicin the postinst i thought i only edit shells
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06:27.09JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: If I install bash through preware, then edit my /etc/passwd to use it, then uninstall through preware, I won't be able to log in as root again
06:27.21JackieRippereven through novaterm
06:27.33rwhitbyJackieRipper: doctor, it hurts when i do that.  then don't do that.
06:27.36PuffTheMagicwell yeah if u edit it manually how is that the scripts fault
06:28.20PuffTheMagici think it if dont find bash it still tries sh
06:28.32JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: it's not.  That being said, it's simple enough to change any instance of /var/bin/bash to /bin/sh when you remove /var/bin/bash
06:28.52rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: not in my experience on other platforms.  it may do on this one, dunno.
06:28.56PuffTheMagicthat assuming it not already there
06:29.04PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: ^^
06:29.51rwhitbyoil: I'll release 0.8.9 when you have the first working version on your machine
06:29.53JackieRipperIf it's already there, it's either broken or you're removing a /var/bin/bash that was already there
06:31.12JackieRipperthe shell in /etc/passwd has the full path, if you remove that shell, it will break, and in the Pre's case, the user will be forced to use webosdoctor.  I'm not saying it'll be the script's fault, but it's an *easily* preventable user error.
06:32.11PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: i think if you are smart enough to add bash to shells you should be smart enough to remove it from shells
06:32.26PuffTheMagicbut i guess i coul;d check shells
06:32.35PuffTheMagicand make sure at least /bin/sh is in there
06:32.47PuffTheMagicgrep -c
06:32.50PuffTheMagic> 0
06:32.53JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: we're talking about two different things
06:33.02PuffTheMagicerrr passwd
06:33.15JackieRipperit's not just grep -c
06:33.23PuffTheMagicits some sed magic
06:33.25PuffTheMagicbig deal
06:33.35PuffTheMagicnot something i want to do to /etc/passwd
06:33.43PuffTheMagicbut i could probable add it
06:34.01JackieRipperif root's shell is non-existent, almost everything that runs as root will not run
06:34.01PuffTheMagici was sorta against touching important files
06:34.42rwhitbyrightly so, imho.
06:34.55PuffTheMagicidk what you want me to say... the ipkg does not touch passwd on install
06:35.01PuffTheMagici dont think it should touch it on removal
06:35.29JackieRipperIt should check that's its removal won't break the entire system
06:35.29PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: but i might touch a file on install
06:35.36PuffTheMagicand require user to manaully delete it
06:35.42PuffTheMagicbefore uninstall works
06:36.00PuffTheMagicand that file could be FIX_YOUR_PASSWD_BEFORE_DELETING
06:36.09JackieRipperto not do so is extremely irresponsible
06:36.37PuffTheMagicits not really my chore to hold users hands, they had enough smarts to change it manually
06:36.40PuffTheMagicthey can put it back
06:36.57JackieRipperthey can't if they do the steps out of order
06:37.09PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: users can already install bash in optware
06:37.17PuffTheMagicand if they add it to shells same thing happens
06:37.22JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: w/e, I'm done
06:38.41PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: this is plain old, you shouldnt be messing around as root if you dont know what your are doing
06:38.52PuffTheMagicsame reason why ubuntu dont give youa root passwd
06:38.55JackieRipperIt extremely poor/lazy development to not even check that what you're doing will break the entire system, especially when the fix is *one line*.  It's bad programming.  Period.
06:38.57PuffTheMagicand makes you use sudo
06:39.08PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: what im doing dont break the system
06:39.11PuffTheMagicits the user that breaks it
06:39.38PuffTheMagicexec /var/bin/bash to .ashrc or something
06:39.45PuffTheMagicdont edit passwd
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06:45.23JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: the current post-install script makes it so you will never be able to log in - even after removing bash, because it creates /etc/shells, doesn't add /bin/sh, and leave the file there when it uninstalls.  Next, if someone actually uses bash, by changing a user's shell, and forgets to change it back before uninstalling, that account is broken,  If that account is root, it's not fixable.  I agree that it's user
06:46.15oilrwhitby: subscription works here
06:46.18oilin the emu and on my pre
06:46.27oiljust pushed the changes if you want to check it out/try to break it or whatever
06:46.28rwhitbyoil: excellent
06:46.34JackieRipperI installed it through preware, and had I not already had a shell open to modify /etc/shells, I would have had to use the doctor
06:47.40TFGBDHey, can one of you guys port Windows CE to this Pre thing?
06:47.47TFGBDThank's in advance.
06:49.32TFGBDLet me know when you've started the BSP bringup.
06:49.38*** part/#webos-internals TFGBD (n=gar@
06:49.46rwhitbyoil: do you think it's faster or slower or no change?
06:49.53JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: I know exactly what I'm doing, and installing bash from preware almost made it so I could never log in again... It was luck that I already had a session open.
06:49.54Eguyrofl that was interesting
06:50.13*** join/#webos-internals TFGBD (n=gar@
06:51.49rwhitbyoil: works here too
06:54.06TFGBDBut seriously, you guys think something more useful than WebOS will be possible on this thing in the future?
06:54.18TFGBDMaybe Mono, Qtopia or Android?
06:55.09oilrwhitby: i didnt notice any change on the pre
06:55.33rwhitbyPackage Manager Service 0.8.9 is released to the public feeds.
06:55.43oilTFGBD: I like webos
06:55.59EguyTFGBD: webos is awesome
06:56.35JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: And just as you shouldn't be messing around as root when you don't know what you're doing, you should be distributing poorly written scripts when you really have no idea how things work or what the ramifications of the commands in those scripts are.  And you certainly shouldn't bitch at the guy who points out your error *and* hands you the damn fix.  You say, "Thanks," to that guy.
06:56.41TFGBDOkay then... It still sounds limited
06:56.42JackieRipperand with that, I'm off to bed
06:56.48JackieRipperhave a good night, y'all
06:56.53oilhave you used it?
06:56.54Eguysee ya Jackie
06:57.06rwhitbydiscussions of webos vs other OS's (apart from the detailed technical internals of each) can be had in #webos
06:57.12oilwell then
06:57.15Eguyhow could something sound limited unless it is a speaker
06:57.20TFGBDIt looks gay, though
06:57.27rwhitbydon't feed the troll
06:57.33oilas opposed to windows ce??!
06:57.41EguyThank you rwhitby
06:58.00TFGBDWhat can I say, I have a fondness for Windows CE and the explorer shell.
06:58.01oilrwhitby: but i've got all this troll food i bought in bulk with nothing to do with it
06:58.21rwhitbyoil: you can feed him all you like in #webos - no real work happening in there at the moment.
06:58.31Eguyoil: have you got the apple fanboy antidote with you?
06:58.50rwhitbyoil: so, about that flags transition.
06:59.22rwhitbyoil: you don't happen to have that in a separate branch to the chunk stuff do you? ;-0
06:59.28TFGBDSo beautiful!
06:59.30rwhitbyoops, ;-)
07:00.07rwhitbydon't feed the troll
07:00.44oilrwhitby: no, its all in that one spot
07:00.59rwhitbyoil: no probs.  guess we need to work out the flags transition then.
07:01.10oilwith jason, and the webosgroup guys
07:01.24oilwebosgroup guys can look at preware as an example
07:01.28oilit seems to work pretty good
07:01.38oili think maybe the esiest way right now
07:01.52oilthat wont be any easier
07:01.56rwhitbyso we have ipkgs in the field which do certain restarts, and we can make our ipkgs not do the restarts any time we choose.
07:01.59oilits going to be a pita nomatter how we cut it
07:02.54rwhitbyscenario (1): old ipkg, new preware.  old ipkg does the restart, preware does something weird, we blame the old ipkg :-)
07:03.01oiland, that device was so ugly
07:03.12Eguyoil: stop feeding the troll
07:03.22rwhitbyscenario (2): new ipkg, old preware.  new ipkg doesn't work until after a reboot.
07:03.36oilrwhitby: right now, preware will hold up in the action when waiting for the service to respond so it can run the flags
07:03.37rwhitbyscenario (3): new ipkg, new preware: everything is sweet.
07:03.54Eguywhich requires the most work?
07:03.56oilthat was for 1
07:04.05rwhitbyoil: so the service should eventually respond, since the upstart script will restart it
07:04.15oil#2, packages will require a reboot with the old preware
07:04.33oilidk if the service responds
07:04.34rwhitby#2 is easy, we just tell people to use the new preware.
07:04.36oilit didnt in my testing anyways
07:04.50oilwe really need jason to be in on this
07:04.51rwhitbyoil: might need to timeout, do a cancel, and test status.
07:04.59oilas packagemanager will need a restart on first install
07:05.42rwhitbyoil: oh, here's a thought. we can put conditionals in the postinsts for the transition period
07:06.24rwhitbywe should also be able to tell whether we are running under a new preware, or from quick install, cause quick install won't have the IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT env var set.
07:06.38oilscenario 4: a separate transitional feed for flags
07:07.17oilbut yeah, fixing the postinsts / prerems is probably the easiest
07:07.33oil(dont forget those prerems, since they're the real reason for flags along with dependencys)
07:07.51rwhitbyI think the env var saves us.
07:08.00oilwell thats good
07:08.24oiland once the scripts are all changed, 086 is probably good to go as it is
07:08.29oilsans dependencies
07:08.37oilbut being able to remove and update services
07:08.49rwhitbycan we get dependencies in at the same time?
07:09.00*** part/#webos-internals TFGBD (n=gar@
07:09.12rwhitbyah, I guess we want to get results from the memory stuff.
07:09.15oilawwwww TFGBD left
07:09.39oili haven't written the multiple package installation stuff yet
07:09.54oilive been thinking about the most elegant way to go about it :/
07:10.11Eguystupid troll, trix are for kids
07:10.51oilhe was real funny
07:11.11EguyAll trolls are funny, usually
07:11.54EguyI was shocked to see an absense of Apple fanboys on the app catalog post on Engadget
07:12.06Eguybut genuine Pre owners
07:12.41oilusually any palm post on engadget turns into a flame war
07:13.02Eguysame with MS and Apple posts
07:13.24rwhitbyoil: ok, so I'll do the postinst and prerm changes to conditionalise the restarts, and then I'll test that with current WOSQI and new Preware.
07:13.26Eguyand when new computers come out someone always says will it run crysis
07:13.38rwhitbyoil: then we can release all that together.
07:13.49oil086 seems good to go
07:13.52oilonce that stuff is tested
07:14.01oilit works great with accelservice anyways
07:14.08Eguybig news
07:14.10oiland i dont think there is any other outstanding bugs
07:14.36oilmy last phone was an LG
07:14.46oila dumbphone
07:14.59rwhitbyoil: oh, BTW, did you get the log to pop up on an install error?
07:15.09oili was going to do that
07:15.25oilbut i was going to say more "there was an error" ok - see log
07:15.42rwhitbywhile you're there, can you put the title of each of those sections *below* the stdErr and stdOut text?
07:15.46oilbut i was also going to change how the logs were handled
07:15.50oilso it could go on the main scene also
07:16.06oiltitles of esctions below stderr and out?
07:16.16oili dont fallow
07:16.23Eguyoil: I mispoke, it turned into a flamewar
07:16.28rwhitbyso Completed is written after the stderr and stdout lines from the completed stage
07:16.38rwhitbyinstead of before
07:17.00oilits more of a "here is whats returned with this stage"
07:17.12oilthe stage is completed
07:17.17oiland those are the logs that came with it
07:17.29oilEguy: was my last phone
07:17.33oili had it for YEARS
07:17.39oilwaiting for something better
07:17.48rwhitbyoil: yeah, I'm wondering if the other way around won't be more intuitive for users?
07:17.58oili dont know
07:18.04oilare users going to know at all what to do with it?
07:18.10oilor is it something they're going to tell us
07:18.19dustiferthat was my last phone.
07:18.23EguyThat's painful oil
07:18.49oilit worked, thats all that really mattered
07:18.59rwhitbyoil: the way it is now, the stuff in the completed stage (which comes after the postinst stage) is actually the output from running the postinst.
07:19.01EguyI feel kinda backwards with the pre LOL
07:19.28rwhitbyoil: alternatively, I can change what is sent up and just have an empty completed stage at the end.
07:19.41rwhitbyyour call, I'm easy either way.
07:19.45oillets determine what the log is for
07:19.45EguyMy centro worked better but it looked like **** and the OS is a decade years old
07:19.50oilto debug the service and preware
07:19.55oilor to make the user understand it:
07:20.06oilthis way it makes more sense for debugging
07:20.12oilto me anyways
07:20.33rwhitbyoil: is it because it matches the dbus messages?
07:20.45Eguydecade old* I don't know how I overlooked that hmm I will shut up now
07:21.25oilit does right now
07:21.43oiland flipping them around would only make the beginning seem weird
07:21.49oilinstead of the end
07:22.38rwhitbyhmm - let's leave it as-is and see what happens.
07:23.26rwhitbyleave the titles as-is and I'll see if I can come up with a better set of messages.
07:23.57oilit also puts in the errorcode/text if there is any
07:23.59oilunder each response
07:24.00tlz"The package Manager Service is not running. Did you remember to install it? If you did, perhaps you should try rebooting your phone"
07:24.05tlzi tried that.. but i still got the same msg
07:24.39rwhitbytlz: how did you install it, and did you wait until the cell service had come back up?
07:25.17tlzyeah i waited.. i installed it via command prompt originally
07:25.30rwhitbydid you run the postinst?
07:25.42tlzyeah, it was running before :(
07:25.44tlzjust not now
07:25.57rwhitbydid you run the postinst when you installed the latest version?
07:25.59*** join/#webos-internals hckyplayer024 (
07:26.13tlzhmmm, false alarm.. it finally kicked in
07:26.28tlzis 0.8.5 the newest version?
07:26.38rwhitbyof preware, yes.
07:26.50rwhitbyof ipkgservice, 0.8.9 is the latest
07:27.05tlzoo i dont have the ipkgservice updated to 8.9
07:27.54tlznow i have a new question
07:28.02tlzi tried to install an app the other day
07:28.05tlzand it says im out of space
07:28.11tlzdoes that mean /var is filled up?
07:29.39Eguyno tlz
07:29.44Eguyyou hit the limiter
07:29.51rwhitbyNo Pre for .au:
07:29.51EguyI have the same problem
07:31.06EguyLOL rwhitby is a fictional character
07:31.26tlzeguy, can u fix that? :P
07:31.29rwhitbyso now I need to get a CDMA Pre from the US, and a GSM Pre from .eu when released :-(
07:31.56rwhitbyand big warranty problems if I get an oreo.
07:32.17Eguydon't open the slider
07:32.49Eguytlz: no I can't :P I suspect it will be "removed" when the catalog comes out of beta and into RC1 ;)
07:33.38tlzso you gotta choose which apps u really want lol
07:33.53rwhitbyit's in a binary file, so we can't easily patch it either
07:34.09oili think some people really just dont take care of their stuff
07:34.12oilmine has no oreo
07:34.26tlzweak sauce! i want more apps!
07:34.35Eguymine has no oreo
07:34.39oilit moves what feels like a millimeter give when open
07:34.48oilwhich is just so it actually slides open and closed
07:34.58Eguybut my screen does have a clicky feeling on the left side when closed
07:35.08oilmine does that also
07:35.14oilbut only if i pinch it
07:35.18oilso i dont pinch it
07:35.28EguyMine's a bit more than that
07:35.37Eguybut it is not worth getting a new one over
07:36.02rwhitbySo seems to be my best shot at a GSM Pre when released.
07:36.08oilno dead pixels
07:36.16oiland just a little of lightbleed at the bottom
07:36.35EguyI have 3 burn spots on the top left but you can't see them at all
07:36.41Eguyno dead pixels
07:36.49EguyOUCH rwhitby
07:37.01Eguyyou can buy a scooter for that much
07:37.02oilyeah, ouch for sure
07:37.15EguyAvailability: Currently stocked. REALLY???
07:37.19rwhitbythat's USD$770
07:37.31rwhitbyEguy: the PRE-order is currently stocked.
07:37.55Eguyevery pre-order is stocked ;)
07:37.57rwhitbythey just bulk order from hong kong or somewhere when they get them there.
07:38.35EguyIt should say available to order instead
07:38.51rwhitbyyeah, no one would be silly enough to actually order off that site until it's released.  people have checked them out and they seem legit - they have a history of importing latest phones as they are released.
07:39.47Eguy3MP camera huh?
07:39.56oili thought the canadian pre was gsm?
07:39.57oilit snot?
07:40.14oilknows nothing about cell services
07:40.43rwhitby has lots more info on .au Pre :-)
07:41.05Eguyahhh whirlpool
07:41.33EguyThe australian's home on the interwebnetz
07:42.23rwhitby in particular
07:43.33EguyI am going to sleep
07:44.55tlzhows it goin
07:45.04Eguygoing well
07:45.08Eguybut I am going to sleep
07:45.09tlzhow was your weekend
07:46.11tlzi worked all weekend
07:46.18tlz930am to 1130pm today
07:46.30Eguyalright see you on the other side
07:46.36tlzthat sucked pretty bad, and saturday was a crappy day too
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09:49.29freakoutrwhitby: those whirlpool threads are depressing.
09:49.41freakoutI didn't know they'd gotten rid of Brett Murray too
09:49.47freakoutHe was my last remaining contact with Palm AU
09:50.02freakoutBut he was never allowed to say anything substantial.
09:50.13freakoutAlways referring me back to the US office.
09:50.52freakoutGuess we'll be importing European Pres. Maybe you can steal one from the Playbite trade show in London on the 15th
09:51.08freakoutIf you wanna buy plane tickets, I'll be your wingman ;)
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11:18.17DecimationYay, engadget used my tip and thanked me :)
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11:31.14freakoutDecimation: kesne wants words with you :P
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12:01.33greg_rollgood evening, does anyone know how to start a newly installed service without rebooting? thanks,greg
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12:16.22Templariani like how engadget used his screenshots for the article.
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15:07.11PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: ping
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15:56.32caniballim able to connect to ssh by localip but not external ip, anyone knows why?
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16:17.33StoneRynoI was just thinking about preware and webos quick install and patches and the scripts or steps performed in the next steps section of accessing linux.... is it possible to add those to either or both?
16:18.44StoneRynoAlso wondering how are the patches added to preware? Is that something I would be able to help with getting the patches added to it?
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16:49.13A2NYlastseen destinal
16:49.35destinal1I don't think he exists
16:52.04destinal_left my machine at home running pidgin without changing nick or signing off :(
16:53.28A2NYssh :)
16:53.55A2NYyou run pidgin for irc ? =\
16:54.29destinal_sure. I already use it for all kinds of other IM protocols so one-stop shopping
16:54.42destinal_pidgin works pretty well for IRC really
16:56.21A2NYkillall pidgin /muahaha
16:59.13A2NYi will have to check it out
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17:01.30A2NYi crashed pidgin, lol wtf
17:01.57destinal_A2NY: there you go breaking things again :P
17:02.13FreeTimYep. I also use Pidgin for everything...irc, ICQ, etc etc etc... even XMPP
17:02.14A2NY"/join webos-internals" = crash
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17:04.05A2NYoh well
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17:16.33PuffTheMagicZuchmir3: yo
17:16.48PuffTheMagicdestinal_: ping
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17:23.49Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: pong
17:24.06PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: subscriptions are working again sorta
17:24.28Zuchmir2cool, what do you mean "sorta"
17:24.30PuffTheMagicbut i still need the SUBSCRIPTIONS_ST thing
17:24.53PuffTheMagicLSSubscriptionAcquire still needs the /<category>/<method>
17:25.10Zuchmir2that's what i thought
17:25.21Zuchmir2that's where -14 comes
17:25.25PuffTheMagiceven if it dont use LSSubscription reply
17:25.31PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: yeah i get where you were going now
17:25.39PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: but is there anyway we can make that macro more generic
17:25.49PuffTheMagicso we dont need one for each monitor
17:26.26Zuchmir2yeah, add a "folder" prefix, and "function" prefix
17:28.04PuffTheMagicto the struct?
17:28.12PuffTheMagicswich to PM now that you are backoneline
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17:59.01lmorchardSo... writing services in Java is still a homebrew-only thing, right?
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18:09.09lmorchardCrud.  Hate to write a service just to do a binary upload in HTTP
18:09.48lmorchardThough, I suppose that might be a useful service
18:12.17bpadalino|workyou can't put binary data using html ?
18:12.31lmorchardWell, not using XMLHttpRequest anyway
18:13.08lmorchardI haven't tried using an actual form with a file input field in an app, but that seems limited.
18:13.30lmorchardIf input="file" even works in an app
18:14.39lmorchardI wonder if a generic HTTP file upload service would be too broad and troublesome, rather than specifically a Flickr upload service
18:20.08tmztor similar?
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18:20.27lmorchardNo, doesn't work
18:20.51lmorchardThis would be a Java service that doesn't corrupt binary data on the way out the door
18:27.06tmztgeist: some OE developers have asked about the recipes being released, any possibility of that or is it waiting on a repo or other infrastructure first?
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20:58.45Decimation_freakut: lol, why would that be?
21:01.31Decimation_rwhitby, anyone: i cant find the ipkg service on the git, any assistance to give?
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21:32.56freakoutDecimation_ : he was cranky that Engadget didn't credit Precentral with the scoop ;)
21:33.30Decimation_ouch, didnt notice
21:33.40Decimation_in the tip, i said credit precentral
21:33.44Decimation_but at the end i did the old
21:33.49Decimation_- Mitchell R.
21:34.05freakouti'd watch your ass :P
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21:37.21Decimation_smart guy right there, no sarcasm at all in my comment!
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22:13.14Xygdon't we all just *love* donate-ware
22:13.37gkatsevyes, that
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23:08.53gkatsevrwhitby: morning. so, when you getting your pre?
23:09.12rwhitbygkatsev: bpadalino is looking at one today for me I believe.
23:10.05rwhitbyas for a GSM Pre in .au, things are looking bleak on that front:
23:10.32rwhitbySo I'll have to import a GSM Pre from somewhere else in the world as well :-(
23:12.24tmztbut looking good for gsm Pre in general?
23:12.25destinal1PuffTheMagic: pong
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23:22.29mickeylgsm pre?
23:22.35mickeylsuddenly stops on the way to bed
23:23.35Decimation_rwhitby: theres a pre for sale about a block away for 200 dollars
23:24.01rwhitbymickeyl: no word yet, but I'm getting a CDMA Pre sent to me.
23:24.14tmztmickeyl: in the short term, it seems that the graphical process can be disabled with the gsm stack active
23:24.18rwhitbyDecimation_: good or bad esn
23:24.22mickeylrwhitby: ok, fair enough. good for some first bits of RE
23:24.38rwhitbymickeyl: :-(
23:24.43mickeyltmzt: oh, good. something like runlevel 3?
23:24.48Decimation_rwhitby: said clean esn.
23:25.01mickeylrwhitby: that kind of sucks, but you have enough friends around the world that can arrange a shipment
23:25.02tmztmickeyl: somewhat, the phone stuff is a java process
23:25.20tmztthey use upstart though, not runlevels
23:25.29rwhitbymickeyl: yeah, the only concern is the hw build quality - hopefully that is all fixed before the GSM Pre.
23:25.42mickeyl(upstart) yeah. what i wanted to see in OE since years...
23:25.52mickeylbut alas no one interested and i can't do everything
23:26.22mickeylrwhitby: is that an issue on the cdma pre?
23:26.28rwhitbyDecimation_: bpadalino is looking at one that includes a touchstone too
23:26.30mickeylserious, i mean?
23:26.42rwhitbymickeyl: early on it was - I think it's all fixed now.
23:27.20rwhitbymickeyl: I'm a stickler for dead pixels though.
23:27.32mickeylrwhitby: hehe
23:27.36mickeyldead pixels suck
23:27.41mickeylhot ones as well
23:27.55mickeylnever seen one in a PDA or phone though
23:27.59mickeylmust have been lucky
23:28.13rwhitbymickeyl: lots of reports of them early on for Pre.  dunno about now.
23:28.30Decimation_rwhitby: how much?
23:28.41mickeylhmm, sounds like quality problems on the factory line
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23:32.09destinal1does anyone know whether palm / sprint is swapping out for dead pixels, and do I risk ending up with worse?
23:32.44rwhitbymickeyl: my theory is there were not enough perfect phones in the first few batches, so they let nearly-good ones through, knowing that Sprint customers could just keep swapping them at no cost until they got a good one.
23:33.06mickeylrwhitby: yes, manufacturers do that some times...
23:33.10Templariandestinal1: they swap for pixels.
23:33.40Templarian(first 30 days though, after that 100 deductable of course with insurance)
23:34.17Xyg1 year warranty from Palm also
23:34.35rwhitbywhat's Palm's pixel policy?
23:34.56TemplarianI think it should cover that it wouldn't cover damager though.
23:35.05destinal1Templarian: since they can develop during the first year they either will swap for free on dead pixels or they won't
23:35.13XygI'm not sure about that, but Sprint replaced my SO's Pre with a failed power button at the 70 day mark
23:35.39destinal1it shouldn't be a 30 days thing
23:35.40XygWith chunks missing from the plastic due to her... clumsyness
23:35.50*** join/#webos-internals zsoc (n=nghr@unaffiliated/zsoc)
23:40.11zsocquiet in here
23:41.40Templarianzsoc: that's because we just all quit talking right when you joined.
23:45.00zsocTemplarian, wouldn't be the first time :>
23:52.05rwhitbydoes the equivalent of a webos doctor on the emulator
23:53.47bclancydetroit metro craigslist >  oakland co >  for sale / wanted >  cell phones
23:53.50bclancyThis posting has been deleted by its author.
23:53.52bclancy(The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.)
23:54.20Decimation_works fine for me
23:54.35bclancyOK then
23:56.31rwhitbybclancy: wb
23:57.12bclancyrwhitby:  ??
23:57.15TemplarianRobi_: welcome to the internet... your lag time is a bit off though.
23:57.22rwhitbybclancy: welcome back
23:58.43Robi_Templarian: tell that to the twitter news bot ;]

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