IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090808

00:08.31*** join/#webos-internals dug1 (
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00:32.10Abyssulmmm quiet
00:34.35Rick___lots of us are frantically gathering last minute stuff for PDC tommorow
00:35.01AbyssulHehe im excited even though im not going
00:35.30AbyssulIt can only be good news :p
00:44.51AbyssulHmm... im looking into thie new Longitude app, is it hard to make the website needed for it?
00:47.24gkatsevAbyssul: looks like they included a sample site for it, so, you could just copy and paste
00:48.26Abyssulso just create my own webserver (or register for one online) and create the webpage?
00:48.58AbyssulI really want to be able to track my phones  GPS lol
00:49.21gkatsevyeah, something like that
01:00.02egaudetgit add . added .gitignore
01:00.15egaudethow do i git-gtfo to .gitignore
01:09.00egaudetI want .gitignore to remain locally modified but don't went to commit it, yet it shows up when i do git commit
01:10.41*** join/#webos-internals AgentSmith (n=AgentSmi@
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01:25.14*** join/#webos-internals Niris777 (n=niris777@
01:26.06Niris777hello all
01:26.28gkatsevhello world
01:26.56gkatsevs/world/ Niris777/
01:28.39Niris777I'm having some issues with a patch.... :(
01:29.30Niris777any1 that can help me?
01:30.04gkatsevNiris777: ask the question and someone will get around to it eventually.
01:30.30Niris777oh, ok
01:31.45Niris777well I'm trying to change the boot logo on my Pre ( I had previously done it, but I just did a restore with webos doc)and it just won't change like it did before.
01:41.09AbyssulYou have to make an error somewhere
01:41.42Abyssulwow poor grammer there lol
01:45.11Niris777hey thanks, but I was able to do it, still don't know what went wrong though.......sorry
01:45.47AbyssulDo you guys know if dophinking gets on IRC?
01:55.36egaudetFinding graphics is taking me forever :(
01:57.13*** join/#webos-internals Nrbelex (
01:59.34bpadalinouse stick figures .. it works for xkcd
02:00.14AbyssulUgh, creating this PHP website is a pain. I got everything working except that the location.dat won't upload from the Pre app
02:02.02egaudet:( hate being a GIMP noob
02:04.33Rick___egaudet:   what are you trying to make?
02:05.16egaudeta labyrinth board
02:06.09egaudeti have the raw basics of gameplay working, but it's just a stupid ball on a blank screen with square holes
02:06.21*** join/#webos-internals scoutcamper (
02:06.36Rick___want a hint?
02:06.50*** join/#webos-internals ultraBlack (
02:07.08Rick___the person who posted an offer to do icons, does other graphics and he's VERY GOOD.
02:10.46ultraBlackegaudet: Once the .jar is in /usr/lib/luna/java and .service is in /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services do I just restart the Pre and they'll start up automatically, or do I have to edit another system file?
02:11.13egaudetrestart and they will start automatically
02:11.18egaudetyou can then test by calling:
02:11.39egaudet/usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm:// {parameters}
02:11.45egaudetfill in your service name, method and parameters
02:11.54ultraBlackegaudet: righto
02:14.56egaudeti must be tired, i know i've seen that icons post before but im not finding it
02:17.37*** join/#webos-internals branded (
02:17.51brandedquick question... i've seemed to lock myself out of dropbear ssh
02:17.58ultraBlackbranded: novaproxy
02:17.59brandedit's weird because i just changed the root password
02:18.04branded:) yea novaterm
02:18.07ultraBlackbranded: novacom
02:18.15brandedand it still doesn't let me in
02:18.25ultraBlacknovacom -t open tty:// ?
02:18.40AbyssulHehe, I use Trillian Astra too :0
02:18.52brandedas in, i now connect over ssh, enter the root i just set using novaterm, and i get invalid password
02:18.59brandeddoes dropbear have it's own auth?
02:19.34brandedshou;dn't that be that|drunk|dude?
02:19.46ultraBlackdropbear does have its own auth, i'm pretty sure
02:19.48*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
02:19.55brandedhow does i change?
02:20.06ultraBlacki have no idea
02:20.09bpadalinobranded, you need to setup your sshd to allow remote root sessions ..
02:20.13bpadalinoor login as a user and use su/sudo ..
02:20.21bpadalinoby default i am pretty sure remote root is disabled
02:20.25brandedahh that's right
02:20.41brandedi remember doing that last time, when there wasn't this handy bash script
02:20.54branded(i know linux not well)
02:21.01bpadalinoany time is a good time to learn :)
02:21.05brandedtrue true
02:21.10brandedi mean, i know it sort of
02:21.16brandedbut definitely not well
02:21.27bpadalinoload up a VM and start playing with it
02:21.30brandedi'll do that
02:21.31bpadalinoit's pretty cool
02:21.47brandedcreate a new user then permission it in sshd.conf?
02:21.52brandedor something?
02:21.59bpadalinoi think if you create a new user, it should be OK
02:22.03bpadalinoand automatically allowed in
02:22.16brandedahh cool
02:23.00brandeduseradd ?
02:24.22bpadalinonot sure - it's adduser or useradd .. i forgot
02:25.08brandedalright cool
02:25.13brandedthanks for your help
02:42.06james_anyone, any idea if/how you sync the palm pre with ubuntu?  there is a palmos sync but i wonder if i sync ubuntu with webos
02:42.47gkatsevjames_: what do you want to sync?
02:43.23james_well for instance, if i check e-mail in evolution as it comes in, i will later open up my phone and have to delete the same emails that i have already deleted on evolution
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02:48.38tmztjames_: with imap
02:48.52james_idk what imap is
02:49.24tmztit's a mail protocol that allows random remote access to your email
02:49.37tmztso if you delete in evolution that affects what webOS client sees
02:49.46james_that sounds perfect
02:49.49james_thank you
02:49.49gkatsevand vice versa
02:50.49*** join/#webos-internals destinal (
02:51.39tmztjames_: but what protocol does your email provider use?
02:51.58james_it's gmail
02:52.13james_it says it supports imap for free
02:52.33*** join/#webos-internals Decimation (
02:52.47destinaljames_: gmail support is built in to the pre out of the box, just enter your email address
02:52.52Decimationhey guys, im back from my 1 week vacation :)
02:53.39destinalDecimation: who are you, again?
02:53.42*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
02:53.45Decimationi was looking at that video recording info, pretty neat stuff... now just have it record on top of the camera preview and we are good.
02:53.46destinal:P  j/k
02:54.03Decimationdestinal: :P veryyyy funny.. :)
02:54.09destinala week is forever here, we've all moved on to splitting the atom with our pre's
02:54.24Decimationlol, i believe it.
02:54.32Decimationive been workin long days
02:54.54Decimationhave had to wake up at 6 AM, then march with lunch/dinner breaks till 10
02:54.58james_destinal, oh i see
02:55.01Decimationband camp, its hard :P
02:55.04james_i need to reconfigure evolution i think
02:55.08james_with imap instead of pop
02:55.39tmztthat should be easy
02:55.50james_thanks guys :)
02:56.16Decimationi was actually really pleased to see that while i was gone, with my filecoaster and preload, i was able to stay totally updated with new apps
02:58.28destinalDecimation: the miracles of modern technology and webos homebrew
02:58.58Decimationyeah, now all filecoaster needs is an option to list in order, according to last update, and show the version number
02:59.07Decimationcategories can come later.
02:59.59destinalDecimation: do all of them just use their own feeds at the moment?
03:00.05gkatsevsearch would be cool as well...
03:00.37Decimationi think he might actually just parse from the homebrew catalog precentral put up
03:00.37james_my favorite part is the shaking to erase the text or paste it
03:00.44james_that takes away a couple steps
03:00.47james_and i like that
03:00.54bpadalinolike an etch-a-sketch
03:00.58destinalDecimation: yeah, filecoaster uses precentral's feed
03:01.11Decimationjames_: you have the updated version with the homebrew catalog, right?
03:01.42brandedwho wrote filecoaster?
03:01.45james_Decimation, yes but i like to use it to download wallpapers too
03:01.50Decimationpregame i think?
03:01.57brandedhow 'bout some alphabetizing up in that?
03:02.00james_pregame has made my two favorite apps
03:02.06james_filecoaster and flashlight
03:02.09Decimationjames_: ahh, maybe he will add that in sometime.
03:02.19james_Decimation, add what?
03:02.22james_you can already shake it
03:02.23Decimationi want mytether 2.0 but i dont have money to give, it sucks :/
03:02.45brandedhow much is it?
03:02.48Decimationno, add in the ability to browse through a category of wallpapers
03:02.58Decimationi think you have to give a ten dollar donation.
03:02.58james_yeah that'd be cool
03:03.31Decimationim looking at the video camera, it cant be hard to modify the camera app to allow you to press a button to record video
03:03.42Decimationlike, just modify like they did with the shutter sound on/off
03:03.45bpadalinosomeone else was looking at that as ell
03:03.51Decimationand instead of toggling the sound, start/stop the camera.
03:04.19AbyssulI want to expand on the GPS tracking ability of the Pre. Knowing where your Pre is is most important :p
03:04.22Decimationgosh, im honestly way to lazy, i really need to learn my javascript soon.
03:05.28Decimationlooking at it already
03:05.34ultraBlackHow would I create a ServiceMessage for the import package com.palm.luna.service.ServiceMessage?
03:05.35bpadalinooh ok
03:05.48Decimationbut i think im gonna expierement with adding a record button to the camera.
03:05.56ultraBlackIs there a place I can look to see the blueprint for a ServiceMessage object?
03:06.53tmztlike signature?
03:06.59ultraBlackStructure, etc....
03:07.03tmztyou can get those with dbus introspection
03:09.44ultraBlackOkay, I don't know what that is, so let me explain. I'm trying to call a method luna-send and it wants a ServiceMessage for a parameter.
03:10.08ultraBlackA method of a service FROM luna-send is what I meant to say
03:10.14*** join/#webos-internals Eguy (
03:11.29ultraBlackThat doesn't seem to talk about accessing a services' methods
03:11.43bpadalinothat com.palm.whatever/methodname
03:11.44ultraBlackWell, it does but
03:11.46bpadalinothat's the method
03:11.52ultraBlackNot for a ServiceMethod object
03:11.58james_i love my phone
03:12.11ultraBlackI don't understand what to use as a parameter
03:12.27bpadalinoso you need the method parameters ?
03:12.40ultraBlackI need to know how to pass a ServiceMethod object to a method that asks for one
03:13.11bpadalinogood question
03:13.27ultraBlackrwhitby should know, he wrote the code
03:13.40bpadalinohe's a pretty smart guy
03:13.57destinalultraBlack: which code?
03:13.58ultraBlackBut he's not here
03:14.17brandedalright... i'm buying my tether
03:15.59destinalultraBlack: there's lots of examples of calling services in the mojo code that comes on the pre, just grep for  palm://
03:16.08destinalbut there's docs on palm's sdk site too
03:16.20brandedwho else wanted my tether?
03:16.25brandedi want to give the guy $20
03:16.56ultraBlacki do
03:17.04brandedDecimation: I will buy you my tether
03:17.21Decimationi will
03:17.25Decimationlove you
03:17.34Decimationyou dont have to though.
03:17.36brandedsorry ultrablack, he mentioned it before
03:17.42ultraBlackits k
03:17.48ultraBlacki have work to do
03:17.52Decimationso how are we gonna do this
03:19.23ultraBlackdestinal: How would you write  /usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/
03:19.23ultraBlackmount <insert parameter here>    to get it to work with that pastebin
03:19.52ultraBlackthat's /usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/mount <ServiceMethod obj here>
03:20.07ultraBlackI'm just using luna send to test for now.
03:20.14destinalultraBlack:  so it works in luna send?
03:20.18ultraBlackI'll use the this.controller.serviceRequest in my app
03:20.31ultraBlackdestinal: that's what egaudet said
03:20.58ultraBlackdestinal: edgaudet said to use luna-send to call the method
03:24.37Decimationhas anyone done that
03:24.44Decimationif so, can i see a screen shot of how it looks
03:25.07destinalultraBlack: I mean, where you able to get luna-send to mount and unmount as a test?
03:27.13egaudet/usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/mount {}
03:27.16egaudetas root
03:27.19ultraBlackdestinal: No, for one, I wouldn't expect it to mount and unmount straight await, seeing as dropbear / openssh is running. But what it does do is go to what looks to be an infinite loop of nothingness, that is, the command is entered (i press enter), a new line shows up in the ssh terminal, and no messages are output, despite what parameter i give it (I tried with and without quotes)
03:27.33ultraBlackegaudet: that explains it. i need brackets. :o
03:28.05ultraBlackI did get an error message like this before
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03:28.09ultraBlackThis is what I'm getting now:
03:28.10ultraBlack** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorText":"Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0"}
03:28.27ultraBlackCould that be good, considering I don't expect it to succeed?
03:28.42egaudetdoes it return error right away or does it take a couple seconds
03:28.43destinalodd, zero usually means success for most error codes
03:28.47ultraBlackThe code isn't written for success yet. I need to have it kill processes running from the mount point
03:29.02ultraBlackegaudet: It takes a couple seconds
03:29.23ultraBlackegaudet: Like 10 or 15
03:29.29ultraBlackor 20
03:30.22egaudetOk so that is good in the sense that it is running the service, so it's having trouble finding the method in the jar or the method is running but not doing what you want
03:31.06ultraBlackegaudet: It would make sense for the method to not do what I want, because it isn't written to do what the end user will want.
03:31.10ultraBlackegaudet: It's written to fail.
03:31.45ultraBlackegaudet: Dropbear/OpenSSH is running (in fact I'm executing luna-send from it) and is preventing the dismount. And if it's already mounted, it would probably give an error upon trying to remount.
03:32.17ultraBlackI can't see why it couldn't find the method in the .jar. I put it where you said to, and everything compiled smoothly earlier.
03:32.32egaudetwhat are you trying to dismount
03:32.41ultraBlackegaudet: /opt.
03:32.54ultraBlackegaudet: It's a virtual file system now.
03:33.01ultraBlackOn loopback.
03:33.06egaudetwhy do you want to dismount?... anyway, what is the service file look like
03:33.24*** join/#webos-internals branded (
03:33.32ultraBlack[D-BUS Service]
03:33.32ultraBlackExec=/usr/bin/luna-helper 'luna://com.palm.vm/launch' '{"serviceName":"org.webosinternals.optloopservice","className":"org.webosinternals.optloopservice.OptLoopService"}'
03:33.38egaudetand has one messed with the display services?
03:33.58ultraBlackDisplay services?
03:34.05brandedwho wrote novaterm?
03:34.15brandedgive me the source, i can't take it
03:34.17egaudetok so you have org/webosinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService.class jar'd up
03:34.29ultraBlackegaudet: yeah
03:34.36TemplarianultraBlack: if you saw earlier I fixed the tux template.
03:34.45ultraBlackTemplarian: Fixed?
03:34.50ultraBlackTemplarian: I fixed it last night
03:35.02egaudetfor sanity reasons, i put a simple version() function in the java
03:35.04ultraBlackegaudet: Note: the vfs is in /media/internal
03:35.13egaudetso you can run the luna-send.... /version {} and see activity
03:35.19ultraBlackegaudet: yeah i'll do that, lol.
03:35.28TemplarianultraBlack: no you had a huge typo... in the template.
03:35.35ultraBlacktemplarian: :o
03:35.58TemplarianIt's okay no one noticed and I went through and added the tux template back into random pages.
03:36.14ultraBlackoh 64x64
03:36.22ultraBlackwait what
03:36.36TemplarianNo you only copied part of the template when you pasted it.
03:36.53TemplarianI'm supprised you didn't realise it when you tried to use it hehe.
03:37.01egaudetanyone know why i can't control the display (turn it on) from the shell
03:37.08egaudetanyone mess with the display services yet?
03:37.26ultraBlackTemplarian: Is that why I was getting #icon php errors?
03:37.47Templarian(oh you saw those also hehe)
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03:38.46rwhitbyI noticed the missing icons, but was too polite to mention :-)
03:44.44egaudethas anyone found the source for the display service com.palm.display
03:44.53*** join/#webos-internals jar0110 (
03:46.33ultraBlackegaudet: What should I put in version()? Would a system.out.println("you win"); do?
03:47.29egaudeti don't know about that, you can just return a JSON
03:47.35egaudetcheck version() from accelservice or ledservice
03:48.16egaudetfor instance i return the JSON {version:0.0.3} which you see from the command line after running luna-send
03:49.09ultraBlackegaudet: Nope the version method did not work. I got the same long pause followed by the same error message.
03:49.44ultraBlackegaudet: I don't think I have either of those services on my pre yet
03:49.53egaudetdid you rebuild, reinstall jar, reboot
03:49.56ultraBlackthey're built in?
03:50.00ultraBlacki thought those were homebrew
03:50.07ultraBlackegaudet: yeah i did
03:50.07egaudetthey are on the ipkg feed
03:50.19ultraBlacki guess i'll have to download & try them out
03:50.26egaudetyou can use ipkg to install the services, then have to remount rw and run postinst script to get it linked in
03:50.44ultraBlackhow do i run postinst?
03:50.51ultraBlackit's just a .sh?
03:51.22egaudetyea it is just a .sh
03:51.32egaudet/bin/sh ../whatever/service.postinst
03:51.45egaudetyou have to have / remounted as rw
03:51.51ultraBlackipkg, or git?
03:52.07egaudetipkg to install it on the pre
03:52.12egaudetipkg -o /var update
03:52.27ultraBlackoh i was trying ipkg-opt
03:52.30egaudetipkg -o /var install org.webosinternals.accelservice
03:52.52ultraBlackCannot find package org.webosinternals.accelservice.
03:53.07egaudetdid you run the previos steps from the wiki
03:53.43ultraBlacknope, those instructions are all new to me
03:53.44egaudetto get the preware feed visible to ipkg
03:54.21egaudetok well do them, and in the future you can just use ipkg to install anything from preware feed
03:55.45rwhitby(hint: check the http directory one above the preware feeds for an easter egg)
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03:57.22rwhitbynope, the preware feed, not the git repo
03:57.46ultraBlackWhat is preware! lol
03:57.58ultraBlacknever been there
03:58.47ultraBlacki don't see the easter bunny
03:59.38ultraBlackyeah, i get that
03:59.53egaudetSmooth as butter rolling ball into a hole labyrinth beginning game pushed
03:59.57egaudeti quit on graphics for today
04:00.24ultraBlackthen maybe you can help me understand what's going on
04:00.40egaudetand hopefully I can find out how to unlock the power of the display dimm/off
04:00.49egaudetpalm got some kind of protection on it
04:01.57ultraBlacklook @ brightness unlinked?
04:04.12ultraBlackegaudet: luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.accelservice/version {} does the same
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04:04.52ultraBlackActually maybe I need to reboot
04:05.03ultraBlackthough, it seems fishy
04:05.47killakizdoes onClick work for mojo
04:05.47rwhitbyservices require pretty much a reboot when you change them
04:06.01killakizas a finger tap
04:06.10killakizor do i have to use something else
04:07.15killakizmy code work in aptana using default
04:07.27killakizbut when i try in on the emulator or device it doesnt calculate
04:07.50rwhitbyegaudet: new app?
04:07.51killakizin wrong channel i see
04:07.58rwhitbyegaudet: want me to package it?
04:08.03egaudethmmmmm so not all services accessible through dbus?
04:08.15egaudetyea new app, don't package it yet
04:08.17egaudetit's very raw
04:08.47egaudetno graphics, no levels, but the ball rolls smooth with the accelerometer running at 1KHZ
04:09.01ultraBlackAlright, I got
04:09.02ultraBlack** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {version:"0.0.3"}
04:09.08egaudetyea ultraBlack
04:09.18ultraBlackThought so myself. does your version() work? Care to fill me in?
04:09.50ultraBlackReturns a JSONObject?
04:11.41*** join/#webos-internals cpcrook (
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04:12.02ultraBlackI feel that my (rwhitby-written) service is misconfigured.
04:12.26destinalultraBlack: so learn some java and improve it! :)
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04:12.42destinalcpcrook: fios?
04:12.43destinalis jealous
04:12.47ultraBlackdestinal: I don't think it's the java, though
04:12.48egaudetsource is open, but yes it fills a JSON in and returns it
04:12.58cpcrookoverkill for IRC though ;)
04:13.36egaudetgrrr why can't i use the display service with luna-send
04:13.53ultraBlackLaunch helper exited with unknown return code ? I mean what does that mean
04:14.20ultraBlackegaudet: Does version() need a @LunaServiceThread.PublicMethod?
04:14.29ultraBlackegaudet: Or can it be public in .java
04:14.38egaudetyes, any service method must
04:14.55egaudet(i think)
04:15.04egaudetyou can do a direct copy of my version into your java
04:15.12egaudet(don't forgot global myVersion string)
04:15.19egaudetand test your service
04:20.49*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul (
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04:36.50ultraBlackegaudet: I copied the version() from your accelservice and I still get the same error.
04:37.08ultraBlack** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorText":"Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0"}
04:37.29ultraBlackegaudet: Yup.
04:38.01egaudethow are you building it?
04:38.20ultraBlackjavac -classpath json.jar;lunaservice.jar;serviceframework.jar;Utils.jar
04:38.37ultraBlackjar cf org.webosinternals.optloopservice.jar OptLoopService.class
04:39.26ultraBlackThis is my .java file:
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04:39.52imop45Hi all.
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04:40.31imop45My pre's screen has just cracked but have read tht its pprobably a defect.
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04:41.10imop45So going to send it in to palm. My question is... should i erase everything so they know i didnt root my pre?
04:41.21egaudettry using ant to build it? do you need OptLoopService() to be public
04:41.38ultraBlackimop45: My side's been cracked about an inch and diverted itself from the touchscreen. Been like that since a week after launch.
04:42.17imop45Well, i cant use it. It dropped but not the high off the ground and ive never had a phone's screen break.
04:42.29ultraBlackimop45: mm..
04:42.41cpcrooki returned a pre with a broken volume switch and only did the full erase option (no webosdoc)
04:42.49imop45I had a v3 razor drop off a 2 story building onto a parking lot and nothing.
04:42.59rwhitbyimop45: you should webos doctor it, for your own privacy's sake.
04:43.02ultraBlackegaudet: I don't know how to use Ant, but I know I can get it installed. I installed it just a few days ago and it seemed to work. What do you mean by having OptLoopService() public?
04:43.24egaudeti dont see myVersion declared
04:43.26imop45Well, i was going to try the palm profile OTA erase feature. See how that works
04:43.43egaudetwhy do you need the constructor?
04:43.44ultraBlackegaudet: private String myVersion = "0.0.3"; towards the end
04:43.46cpcrooki dont think they'll care about software modifications as long as your return reason isnt related to something that could have been caused by it (ie: burning out your flash by running the torch too long)
04:43.46rwhitbyimop45: palm already knows who has and hasn't installed dropbear on their pre, cause they get a ps listing every time one of your apps crash.
04:43.54ultraBlackegaudet: Right before DBUS Methods
04:44.11rwhitby(along with the nearest wifi ssid's to you)
04:44.18ultraBlackrwhitby: Why do I need the constructor?
04:44.28egaudetoh yea sorry, lol it's getting lat
04:44.54egaudetI think it has to be build related (i.e. METAINF)
04:44.56imop45Hmm, wow ok then. Does software mods void your warranty? As long as its reasonable mods?
04:45.07rwhitbyultraBlack: don't ask me - I just search and replaced on PuffTheMagic's code.  there is no reason to believe that optloopservice will do anything remotely functional.  I just gave you a skeleton.
04:45.15tmztwhat is meant by "mods"
04:45.19ultraBlackrwhitby: I see
04:45.27ultraBlackegaudet: Build related?
04:45.31rwhitbyimop45: if palm or sprint wanted to, they can make anything void your warranty.
04:45.35imop45Just light things, like some patches and homebrew apps
04:45.36tmztyou have a root filesystem, which is actually a read write filesystem on an sd card
04:45.38PuffTheMagicwhat about me?
04:45.42ultraBlackegaudet: You think it needs the constructor?
04:45.43PuffTheMagicwhat did i miss?
04:45.44egaudetI originally had problems with mine, when I was javac'ing it
04:45.49imop45rwhitby: So so true
04:45.55rwhitbyimop45: webos doctor it, and it's indistinguishable from factory fresh.
04:46.14cpcrookyeah webosdoc will cover your ass no matter what ;)
04:46.19egaudetI don't know the details of java and jars so I'm just throwing that out there, I know it creates some META_INF direcotry
04:46.35ultraBlackrwhitby: Actually, official updates stay installed, so it's like factory Brand New
04:46.37PuffTheMagicwhy did i get messaged?
04:46.39cpcrooki was already in the store and they had units in stock to replace mine when i turned it in
04:46.41imop45ok, now second q. What about rsync: does it copy EVERYTHING? So if/when i get a new pre i wont have to even move an icon around?
04:47.02ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: the /opt loopback thing. forget about it
04:47.11PuffTheMagicyes +=
04:47.19PuffTheMagicresize ++
04:47.21egaudettry the build.xml and ant to build
04:47.25ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: we were just wondering if you need a service constructor in the .java
04:47.26egaudetthe java doesn't seem wrong
04:47.40ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: k, thanks.
04:47.44PuffTheMagicits not required
04:47.51PuffTheMagicunless you want to setup shit
04:48.05ultraBlackis installing Ant.
04:48.06PuffTheMagicwhen the object is created
04:48.07imop45cpcrook: does the palm profile OTA erase thing erase everything? its suppossed to be for corprate security.
04:48.13PuffTheMagicultraBlack: u dont need ant
04:48.28cpcrookit erases downloaded apps and personal data if im not mistaken
04:48.32*** join/#webos-internals talsair (
04:48.39cpcrookbut will not set your FS back to factory
04:48.39*** join/#webos-internals netz (
04:48.46CIA-29Destinal wiki * r4053 - New page about luna UI debugging
04:48.47cpcrookie: if you've rooted
04:48.55cpcrookand been dicking around with linux
04:48.57ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: Explain this? luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopserv
04:48.57ultraBlackice/version {}
04:48.57ultraBlack** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorText":"Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0"}
04:49.14imop45Hmm, ok. Anyone know if rsync will backup and restore everything, if icon placement in Launcher?
04:49.29PuffTheMagicultraBlack: i dont know how you wrote your service
04:49.30egaudetwhat is your service file look like again ultraBlack
04:49.36PuffTheMagicdo idont really know hwy you got that error
04:49.46PuffTheMagici would have to see the code
04:49.48imop45cpcrook: ill webos it then as long as rsync can do what i need to
04:49.53ultraBlackPuffTheMagic, egaudet: [D-BUS Service]
04:49.54ultraBlackExec=/usr/bin/luna-helper 'luna://com.palm.vm/launch' '{"serviceName":"org.webosinternals.optloopservice","className":"org.webosinternals.optloopservice.OptLoopService"}'
04:49.54PuffTheMagicwhich i am willing ot look at
04:50.00PuffTheMagicbut i not nothing
04:50.03egaudetPuffTheMagic, that pastebin is his java
04:50.12PuffTheMagiccause i just got back form my grandpas 90th bd party
04:50.15PuffTheMagicand i drunk
04:50.20PuffTheMagicand i have family around
04:50.30PuffTheMagicand i dont feel like looking at java
04:50.39cpcrookimop45: personally, I'd just webosdoc it.  is moving icons really worth a potential warranty rejection?
04:50.45PuffTheMagicbit tomorrow i would do it if im free
04:51.23egaudetsend me the jar ultraBlack
04:51.46imop45cpcrook: eh ive done it 4 times already...  Eh, i wonder what file saves there location. And no its not a risk im willing to take
04:52.12ultraBlackegaudet: Like that or do you want me to upload it somewhere
04:52.50egaudetupload it somewhere
04:52.59ultraBlacki don't know any good places
04:53.05ultraBlacki never upload jars
04:53.16imop45cpcrook: ive googled about rsync and i dont know what the answer would be
04:53.36egaudetcopy it into an empty directory and jar -xvf it
04:53.43egaudettell me everything you get out of it
04:54.17PuffTheMagicultraBlack: did you model your service after my LEDService?
04:54.24PuffTheMagici know that works
04:54.34imop45where's the icon location save files in Launcher (if anyone knows)
04:54.44ultraBlackrwhitby: Did you model my service after PuffTheMagic's LEDService?
04:55.13imop45This will be my 5th palm pre.
04:55.22ultraBlackimop45: unlucky
04:55.33PuffTheMagicultraBlack: i wrote LEDService and IPKGservice...i can only guaranteed LEDService works
04:55.41imop45And eembarrassing.
04:55.45PuffTheMagicbut someone else mased Acceleromter service
04:55.52PuffTheMagicand that was based on my LED service
04:55.55ultraBlackegaudet:   created: META-INF/
04:56.15PuffTheMagicso i am pretty sure i you know java and you model it after my service it will work
04:56.22egaudetit should have inflated org/webosinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService.class
04:56.39ultraBlacknot just OptLoopService.class?
04:56.45ultraBlackIt got placed in the wrong dir...
04:56.48ultraBlackwrong area
04:56.56egaudetyour class (from your service file) is org.webosinternals.optloopservice.OptLoopService
04:57.24egaudetwhen the jar gets extracted it can't find org/webosinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService and eventually times out
04:57.30ultraBlackwhat should i use for jar [options] [sourcefile]
04:57.37egaudethence your "unknown error" problem
04:57.52PuffTheMagicultraBlack: how are u making your jar?
04:57.55ultraBlackegaudet: Maybe I can use winrar to move it?
04:58.26PuffTheMagicultraBlack: jar is like a tar.gz file
04:58.36ultraBlackI was doing jar cf org.webosinternals.optloopservice.jar OptLoopService.class
04:58.57ultraBlackOptLoopService.class should be in org/webosineternals/optloopservice dir then
04:59.00ultraBlackrelative to where it is now
04:59.06ultraBlackand then when i jar it, i give the full path
04:59.08PuffTheMagicultraBlack: install ant and use my build.xml file
04:59.13PuffTheMagicor use eclipse
04:59.18ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: I don't need Ant, remember :D
04:59.19PuffTheMagicand let it make the ar
04:59.24egaudetyea i like ant the best
04:59.26ultraBlackeclipse, maybe.
04:59.28PuffTheMagicultraBlack: rember what
04:59.30ultraBlacki have eclipse already
04:59.36PuffTheMagicu sound like u fail at ant
04:59.38PuffTheMagicor jar
04:59.42PuffTheMagicso u need something
04:59.43ultraBlacki don't want to install ant
04:59.46ultraBlackright now
04:59.56destinalcheck it out just for the screenshot alone
05:00.08PuffTheMagicultraBlack: so if u have eclispse
05:00.09ultraBlackdestinal: yeah, that's nice
05:00.13PuffTheMagicexport as a jar file
05:00.17ultraBlackdestinal: looks like a .swf
05:00.17PuffTheMagicand it will be fine
05:00.46ultraBlackdestinal: right click -> show redraw regions
05:01.18ultraBlackI need the eclipse plugin for webos though
05:01.21ultraBlackwhere do i get that
05:01.29PuffTheMagicultraBlack: no u dont
05:01.34PuffTheMagicits not that useful
05:02.07destinalPuffTheMagic: one-click install+play is kind of nice
05:02.17PuffTheMagickinda nice
05:02.28ultraBlacki have templarian's komodo toolbox
05:02.33ultraBlackit's pretty alright
05:02.42PuffTheMagicbut its easy enought ot do ; palm-package .; palm-install
05:02.55PuffTheMagiceclipse ftw+
05:02.55ultraBlackon windows its kind of a bitch
05:03.03PuffTheMagicwindows sucks period
05:03.06ultraBlackit puts it in your user folder
05:03.13ultraBlack:/ idk
05:03.34PuffTheMagiclove how he hasnt usead windows in 10 years
05:03.38TemplarianultraBlack: don't worry about him, hes one of the few people that likes Eclipse for webOS dev.
05:03.53PuffTheMagicTemplarian: i like eclipse for all my devel
05:04.02ultraBlackI've never even used Eclipse for anything
05:04.03PuffTheMagicits a very robust and free IDE
05:04.07ultraBlackSCiTE ftw
05:04.29PuffTheMagici've used lots of editors for coding
05:04.31PuffTheMagicand they all suck
05:04.33egaudetKomodo is nice to set up/build... gvim for the coding
05:04.37PuffTheMagiccompared to eclipses features
05:04.42destinalwhere's the best place to link this ( under, I wonder..  research?
05:04.55ultraBlackactually i'm pretty much finishing up my escapade with scite and switching to komodo edit, despite how bloated it is
05:04.56ultraBlackits nice
05:05.31PuffTheMagicTemplarian: idk what you haven against eclipse, unless you just hate jave apps
05:05.50PuffTheMagiccause eclipse is nice really
05:05.51TemplarianPuffTheMagic: its very clucky to use imo for webOS work.
05:05.51egaudetultraBlack, how is it going
05:06.08ultraBlackegaudet: i need to see how i can get eclipse to let me export to .jar
05:06.17TemplarianIt's one of those things use the better tool. I would use Komodo for C# etc.
05:06.18ultraBlacki guess it needs to be an eclipse project
05:06.43egaudetjust jar -cvf org/webosinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService.class opt.webosinternals.optloopservice.jar
05:06.51egaudetno need fancy guis
05:06.59PuffTheMagicTemplarian: why do u need to say for webos development...
05:07.00ultraBlackegaudet: yeah i know but i'm lazy and need to find some way to accelerate this process eventually
05:07.08egaudetbuild.xml / ant
05:07.15ultraBlackegaudet: :O NOOOOO
05:07.21egaudetfastest way possible
05:07.25ultraBlackegaudet: ant is weird i had enough confusion setting it up
05:07.36ultraBlacki'll install it after i test this version() method
05:07.40PuffTheMagicTemplarian: do u install a seperate IDE for each language u program in?
05:07.41ultraBlackk? deal?lol
05:07.45egaudetonce you have a build.xml you do "ant clean build jar" (clean build jar are 3 targets)
05:07.56egaudetanywho, jar it up and you are good
05:08.03TemplarianPuffTheMagic: no I extend my editor how I see fit lol. I only use Visual Studio and Komodo though.
05:08.03ultraBlackegaudet: clean build jar eh
05:08.15PuffTheMagicVisual Studio
05:08.18egaudetyea assuming those 3 targets are in the build.xml
05:08.27rwhitbyuses emacs and make
05:08.35PuffTheMagicTemplarian: that is bigger than eclipse
05:08.43PuffTheMagicrwhitby: make is not a ide
05:08.48PuffTheMagicdont confuse things
05:08.52rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: ah, but emacs is :-)
05:09.02PuffTheMagicno its not its a text editor
05:09.06egaudetscrew ide's!
05:09.22Templarianegaudet: right (also Komodo Edit is an editor)
05:09.22rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: if you think emacs is just a text editor, you're not using it right.
05:09.25ultraBlackegaudet: what does the v in -cvf do?
05:09.32PuffTheMagicrwhitby: i dont use it ever
05:09.38PuffTheMagicits uglu
05:09.57TemplarianBasing an editor off how it looks. lol.
05:09.58rwhitbyhow can emacs in an ssh window be ugly?
05:10.20rwhitbygui's are just ways to making it easy to organise multiple command line windows on a big screen ...
05:10.23PuffTheMagicTemplarian: i do usabiliy for a profession
05:10.32PuffTheMagicwhat is beautiful is usabible
05:10.47PuffTheMagiccant spell for shit
05:11.05talsairisn't it the other way around.  what is usable is beautiful (me says from the background)
05:11.05Templarianrwhitby: hehe so true.
05:11.14PuffTheMagicTemplarian: i think its funny say eclipse is clunk and yet u use visual studio
05:11.21rwhitbyI'd say there are plenty of people in your country that think the usabible is a beautiful thing ... ;-)
05:11.40TemplarianPuffTheMagic: It's the most powerful editor ever created. And it's actually very light weight for what it does.
05:12.47PuffTheMagicTemplarian: it doesnt do code completion, it does not do code refactoring, it does not do templates, it does not have git integration
05:13.08TemplarianPuffTheMagic: lol. It does all of that.
05:13.24PuffTheMagicTemplarian: and i need to learn lisp to use it
05:13.27ultraBlackcan i guess your guys nationality? puffthemagic is either turkish or american and rwhitby is british/english
05:13.54rwhitbyis australian
05:13.59ultraBlackfair enough.
05:14.19destinalultraBlack: :P
05:14.25rwhitbyno wuckkas
05:14.28PuffTheMagici really cant speak for all u windows users
05:14.36PuffTheMagiccause i am probably the only linux only user here
05:14.43PuffTheMagicbut eclipse is great
05:14.57rwhitbyonly linux user here ... pfft
05:14.58PuffTheMagicwe dont have visual studio
05:15.05TemplarianPuffTheMagic: Rule #1 no OS arguing, all tools supported by multiplatform.
05:15.13TemplarianPuffTheMagic: you do have C# though.
05:15.20destinalPuffTheMagic:  I'm a Linux and eclipse user, you insensitive clod!
05:15.39PuffTheMagicTemplarian: there is no visual studio for linux
05:15.41rwhitbydestinal: PuffTheMagic is the only *true* linux user here ... we're all just acolytes
05:15.48PuffTheMagicand u r the one who brought tha tup
05:15.49TemplarianPuffTheMagic: You have other editors for Mono.
05:16.08TemplarianVisual Studio is only for .NET mainly.
05:16.11destinalrwhitby: lol
05:16.11PuffTheMagicTemplarian: i wont tought mono with a 10 foot poll
05:16.18PuffTheMagici hate interpreted languages
05:16.20rwhitbyTemplarian: um, C/C++ ...
05:16.36PuffTheMagici like java yes cause its easy
05:16.39Templarianrwhitby: oh yea lol.
05:16.46ultraBlackegaudet: when i do jar -cf org/webos
05:16.47ultraBlackinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService.class asdf.jar, why do I get asdf.jar : no such file or directory, so what? shouldn't it MAKE it
05:16.54PuffTheMagicbut if my c/c++ was better i would always write in that
05:17.06destinalrwhitby: well c++  can be .net too right, just as vb can
05:17.09Templarianrwhitby: My bro being a C++ guru would kill me for forgetting that.
05:17.11PuffTheMagicf' mono/.net is a framework, c# is a language
05:17.37destinalhell, ironpython is .net too
05:17.40Templarianc# 3.5 is a beautiful syntax.
05:17.48PuffTheMagicdestinal: i dont know any windows dev that says C# ever
05:17.54PuffTheMagiccause they dont use open compilers
05:17.58PuffTheMagicthey use MS compilers
05:18.04PuffTheMagicso they have .net anyway
05:18.12PuffTheMagicand they refer to it as .net
05:18.40destinalwell that's like saying "PC" and meaning windows system.
05:18.42TemplarianReally, .net means to many things.
05:18.47egaudeti had it backwards and so therefore you do too ultraBlack
05:18.52PuffTheMagicdestinal: thats how windows users are ;)
05:18.55ultraBlackegaudet: oh, rite.
05:18.57egaudetit's jar -cvf blah.tar org/web...
05:19.08ultraBlackegaudet: shame on you
05:19.23EguyHey destinal my pc version is Vista is that good?
05:19.23egaudetlol forgive my sleepy mind :P
05:19.32ultraBlackI HAVE VISTA X64 ULTIMATE
05:19.42egaudetthrow it out your window!
05:19.52TemplarianJust upgrade to 7 like every other person. crysis and my 8gb ram
05:20.02Eguylol crysis
05:20.06ultraBlacki'm playing it right now you know guys. taking breaks in between listening to you bitch is great fun for me
05:20.15EguyI am rocking windows 7 ultimate right now
05:20.17ultraBlackbecause i have my games
05:20.20ultraBlacki preordered
05:20.21Eguytechnet ftw
05:20.26TemplarianEveryone to #webos-watercooler now
05:20.28ultraBlack$50 for pro
05:20.44ultraBlacker, was it $100
05:20.46ultraBlackwho cares i gave my money to 'em
05:20.57destinalack invasion of watercooler mode
05:20.59ultraBlackone license
05:21.32ultraBlackBOOM HEADSHOT!
05:21.34Eguylol ty Templarian for the shout-out
05:22.26ultraBlackplays sophisticated music. Classical. Bach.
05:22.36*** part/#webos-internals talsair (
05:23.04PuffTheMagicdestinal: sorry to say i was the only linux user
05:23.21PuffTheMagici dont really meet many people that dont use windows at all
05:23.31PuffTheMagicmost people still have a windows install for fallback
05:23.34PuffTheMagicor games
05:23.42destinalPuffTheMagic: there's always WINE
05:23.54EguyPuffTheMagic: Need windows for crysis
05:23.55PuffTheMagicdestinal: i have a ps3
05:24.00PuffTheMagici do my gaming on consoles
05:24.19tlzdestinal, what exactly is the org.webosinternals.ledservice?
05:24.29destinaltlz: ask Puff, he wrote it :)
05:24.40tlzwhat is it! :)
05:24.44ultraBlackconsole gaming for fpses?
05:24.47ultraBlackget out
05:24.59ultraBlacktlz: it makes LEDs dance
05:25.01PuffTheMagictlz: its a service to manipulate the led's on the pre
05:25.15PuffTheMagictlz: since palm didnt give us access to them
05:25.18ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: So you really would prefer joysticks for aiming
05:25.30ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: You lika the auto-aim
05:25.30tlzheh cool, is it going to be used in conjunction with another program?
05:25.38PuffTheMagicPuffTheMagic: i can use a mouse/keyboard on unreal for ps3
05:25.46PuffTheMagicbut i enjoy using gamempad too
05:25.54Eguyeww ps3
05:25.59ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: true..
05:25.59PuffTheMagicas long as i am not playing against people with a mouse/keybaord
05:26.00Eguyloves my 360
05:26.16PuffTheMagicyes mouse/keyboard is easier
05:26.23ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: But PS3's don't really have upgradable GPUs or CPUs
05:26.35ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: Hence why the PC modding community thrives
05:26.43PuffTheMagicthats not right
05:27.02ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: People like amazing next-gen graphics without having to wait for Nintendo to make a successor to the Wii.
05:27.19destinalthis is ALL watercooler conversation
05:27.22PuffTheMagicPC people need to upgrade their hardware all the time cause developers need to write code that works on 1000 different hardware
05:27.26Eguyyes it is
05:27.27PuffTheMagicand most devs suclk
05:27.28ultraBlackdestinal: yep.
05:27.30destinalwhen there is no room in watercooler, the spam will walk the -internals
05:27.35PuffTheMagicso their code is inefficient
05:27.41PuffTheMagicso that means u need to upgrade
05:27.48PuffTheMagicsince every ps3 has the same hardware
05:27.59PuffTheMagicmost console devs get better over time
05:28.04PuffTheMagicand write better coed
05:28.10PuffTheMagicand better games
05:28.18PuffTheMagicand get more out of the system as time goes
05:28.23PuffTheMagicso we dont need to upgrade
05:28.24ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: I can't stand the CoD graphics. I'm sorry I'm a sucker for Crytek
05:28.39EguyMy rig ftw :)
05:28.43destinalwe need an antidote.  someone talk about the internals of webos, or something.
05:28.43PuffTheMagici dont know what CoD an Crytek is
05:29.05Eguycall of duty; crytek makes Far Cry and Crysis
05:29.10rwhitbybbl - kids bday party
05:29.19PuffTheMagicdestinal: webos internals is like a 16 year old girl, cant touch it
05:29.29PuffTheMagichows that
05:29.39Eguypretty accurate
05:30.23destinalthat opens up sooo many bad jokes, I have to refuse
05:30.31ultraBlackyou LOSE! good day sir!
05:31.25Eguyask and ye shall recieve tlz eh?
05:32.17AgentSmithisn't this what watercooler is for?
05:32.20AgentSmithjust sayin
05:32.24Eguyyes sir
05:32.31EguyI made it for this reason LOL
05:32.41AgentSmithrwhitby isn't around to kick ass and chew bubblegum?
05:32.41PuffTheMagicultraBlack: ps2 came was out for like 10-11 years before ps3 came out... and the devs came out with better and better games even after the ps3 came out
05:32.49PuffTheMagicand that was cause the hw stayed the same
05:32.59PuffTheMagicand all devs had to write code for 1 system
05:33.15destinalseriously, people read the logs of this channel for halfway useful ramblings.   let's take the game talk to #webos-watercooler
05:33.17PuffTheMagicu dont see that with PCs cause there are so many hw combinations
05:33.42Eguyrwhitby is away at his kids birthday party
05:33.47PuffTheMagicofftopic is good
05:33.59PuffTheMagicwe are all bored
05:34.07PuffTheMagicdestinal: u rater it be dead in here
05:34.12AgentSmithyeah, the devs prefer offtopic in watercooler because this channel is logged
05:34.27AgentSmithand devs have to tear through molesting children when they're trying to review useful stuff
05:34.36destinalAgentSmith: quote of the day, congrats
05:34.39PuffTheMagicwho reads logs anyway
05:34.45Eguyyes that was pretty damn awesome
05:34.46PuffTheMagiclots are nice cause u can googe them
05:34.48PuffTheMagicthats about it
05:35.04AgentSmiththx dest
05:35.07EguyI feel bad for the dev who read the logs cause there is a lot of crap on here sometimes lol
05:35.09ultraBlackAw, you got googe all over my logs!
05:35.58ultraBlackLots of googe
05:36.05PuffTheMagicEguy: everything that is usefull becomes code in a git repo
05:36.10Eguythis is serious watercoooler stuff but oh well
05:36.21PuffTheMagicthe chan is for just this
05:36.42AgentSmithit's ok eguy, puff isn't cool enough to go where the REAL Fun is
05:36.45PuffTheMagicsomeone turn off the log ;)
05:36.58PuffTheMagicAgentSmith: i have +u on freenode
05:37.07PuffTheMagici can join unlimited channels
05:37.14PuffTheMagicand i already am in 50+
05:37.18PuffTheMagicwell ~50
05:37.21PuffTheMagici dont need another one
05:37.24AgentSmithsounds like you hit a 50 channel limit puff
05:37.24destinalPuffTheMagic: dear gods that's insane
05:37.30AgentSmithgotta pay $300 to get 50 more
05:37.35AgentSmithi have a paypal account you can deposit it in
05:37.43Eguyme too
05:37.44PuffTheMagicdestinal: i participate in lots of projects
05:38.03Eguyand you still have time for crappy webOS? :P
05:38.08*** join/#webos-internals synthmole (
05:38.14Eguythat was a joke btw
05:38.20Eguyfor the logs
05:38.37ultraBlackThe almighty logs *bows to fallen trees*
05:38.53AgentSmithi need to start monitoring the power logs on my pre and do some tests
05:38.54ultraBlackfell trees
05:38.59AgentSmithfriends have been saying theirs have been dying in less than a day on 1.1
05:39.11AgentSmithfriend had his charged up to full at 7am, by 11am it was down to 25% full today
05:39.42PuffTheMagicdestinal: 6 gentoo channels, radeon, kde-devel, uclibc, bluez, git, ipw2100, olpc, sugar ....
05:39.56PuffTheMagicim in an irc channel for everuthing i use almost ;)
05:40.03PuffTheMagicbuti contrbute to most
05:40.06PuffTheMagici just dont lurk
05:40.25AgentSmithin fact the polar opposite of lurk
05:40.30AgentSmithwhich i believe is "durk"
05:40.37destinalok, so just for the fun of it, let's ltrace LunaSysMgr
05:40.52destinalbecause I want to see just how fast I can scroll my terminal, fill up logs, etc
05:41.05tmztis the patch in the kernel?
05:41.13PuffTheMagicis gonna give you all some peice and quiet and go watch some tv before he passes out
05:41.18destinaltmzt: which patch?
05:41.26tmztactually, ti might be worth it to get a n upstream kernel working
05:41.29PuffTheMagicdestinal: if u want to talk irc mojo tomorrow let me know
05:41.32ultraBlackegaudet: inflated: org/webosinternals/optloopservice/OptLoopService.class but we're still getting ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorText":"Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0"}
05:41.41destinalPuffTheMagic: cool
05:41.42PuffTheMagictmzt: i have plans for that
05:41.52PuffTheMagictmzt: but palm is doing it already
05:41.58ultraBlackegaudet: Just when you thought the problem was gone. Sorry it took so long for me to stop talking to PuffTheMagic to do that.
05:42.01PuffTheMagictmzt: so we may as well focus effors else where
05:42.24EguyMy pre goes from 100-23% from 10am-7pm
05:42.32AgentSmitheguy that sounds better
05:42.45AgentSmithi gotta find out of he did something stupid, i have a feeling he has an SSH service running or something
05:42.50AgentSmithbut i'm not sure yet
05:43.54egaudetso you re-installed it, and rebooted
05:44.00PuffTheMagicgives the channels some champagne to drink in celebration of him going ot bed
05:44.05egaudetand you are root
05:44.07destinaltmzt: which kernel module is needed?
05:44.33ultraBlackegaudet: Let me reinstall and reboot one more time to be sure
05:45.22PuffTheMagicultraBlack: your service isnt working cause the cosmos knows knows loop on opt is a bad idea and it wont let u do it ;)
05:45.36PuffTheMagicultraBlack: why wont u resize
05:45.52ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: because i've already spent like 2 weeks on this
05:46.03ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: why quit now
05:46.11PuffTheMagicthats what u get for not comming on irc sooner
05:46.18Eguymsg chanserv +God Eguy #webos-internals
05:46.22PuffTheMagicirc is the uber source of everyting
05:46.36egaudetare you manually re-installing?
05:46.46ultraBlackegaudet: With WinSCP
05:47.11PuffTheMagicwinscp... just install ubuntu in virtualnox
05:47.23egaudetdooo it
05:47.23PuffTheMagicforget cygwin and putty and winscp
05:47.42PuffTheMagicif u are gonna hack a linux box run a linux box ;)
05:47.55ultraBlackI remind you all that I have Ubuntu 9.0.4 on my main drive as a partition of its own.
05:48.04destinaltmzt: ltrace LunaSysMgr works on the emulator and wow does it generate output :)
05:48.12PuffTheMagicultraBlack: i dont care unless its your only paritioin
05:48.23PuffTheMagicif u have windows on any hd u fail
05:48.37PuffTheMagicruns from the beating of windows users
05:48.38ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: I have it on 5.
05:48.52PuffTheMagicdear god
05:48.56Eguykillall off-topic conversaion
05:49.02ultraBlackPuffTheMagic: 3 Vista x64 Ultimate, 2 Windows XP SP3.
05:49.05Eguymv convertation webos-watercooler
05:49.18ultraBlack1 Ubuntu.
05:49.19Eguyrm -rf off-topic
05:49.26egaudetwhy are you using windows for this stuff?
05:49.29egaudetif you have ubuntu?
05:49.36PuffTheMagicEguy: if there was anything on toplic total about we would :D
05:49.49PuffTheMagicegaudet: thats what i dont get
05:50.06destinalPuffTheMagic: some of us are actually hacking on things, don't they have channels for badmouthing windows?  :)
05:50.13ultraBlackPuffTheMagic, egaudet: Ubuntu doesn't have drivers for my gaming-grade mouse.
05:50.20Eguydestinal: they are called Apple
05:50.29egaudet'/join badmouth-windows
05:50.31ultraBlackApple has channels?
05:50.35PuffTheMagicultraBlack: there are no games in linux for your gaming mouse anyway
05:50.38ultraBlackon freenode?
05:50.40Eguyin your brain
05:50.50EguyApple fanboys they are called
05:51.01Eguyor to us normal human... mentally challenged
05:51.01ultraBlackeveryone has an inner apple fanboy
05:51.02egaudetHow do i stop the screen from dimming!
05:51.09PuffTheMagicdestinal: i cant resist,i am surrounded by windows users
05:51.21EguyPuff: I use linux ;)
05:51.22PuffTheMagicdestinal: it breaks my heart
05:51.40ultraBlackegaudet: ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnValue":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorText":"Launch helper exited with unknown return code 0"}
05:51.42PuffTheMagicEguy: only linux?
05:51.50PuffTheMagicid rather not play a game than run linux
05:51.51egaudetflush your pre down the toilet
05:51.53destinalegaudet: there's a wiki article on stopping sleep mode, I think that applies to dimming too
05:52.00PuffTheMagicalthought i do use wine for Civ 4
05:52.05Eguyeww wine
05:52.10egaudetthe "change off after X" wiki?
05:52.12EguyNo not only linuxx
05:52.23destinalegaudet: that's the one
05:52.28Eguybut I am exposed to linux all the time
05:52.31egaudeti don't think it stops the dimm
05:52.36PuffTheMagicEguy: wine is nice
05:52.37egaudetbecause the dimm happens before the off
05:52.43EguyI am a network administrator
05:52.44PuffTheMagicesp with winetricks
05:52.54PuffTheMagicCiv4 runs smooth like butter
05:53.05destinalPuffTheMagic: do you know regarding the dimming thing whether that article on change off after X applies?
05:53.06ultraBlackIsn't Civ4 from 1994?
05:53.08PuffTheMagicand that the only windows app i use/need
05:53.12destinalsorry to actually talk about WEBOS
05:53.17AgentSmithlol destinal
05:53.18AgentSmithyou're insane
05:53.21AgentSmithwhy do that in a webos channel?
05:53.24PuffTheMagicdestinal: dimming?
05:53.26AgentSmithhey guys lets talk about xbox
05:53.33EguyWhat is webos?
05:53.33AgentSmithoh wait.
05:53.38ultraBlackI have a dvd player
05:53.46ultraBlackIt plays dvds but not bluray
05:53.48EguyI have a jpod
05:53.51destinalslaps AgentSmith with a mackerel.
05:53.55egaudet2009-08-08T05:48:56.796844Z [28220] castle user.crit fileindexer[1244]: Failed to get path details: /media/internal/developer/_tmpdir_org.webosinternals.labyrinth_0.0.3_all.ipk/controlTmp
05:53.55Eguythe next iPod
05:53.58ultraBlackAre there any addons I can purchase to make it do what I want it to? and that is to play bluray
05:54.04egaudetwtf does that mean
05:54.13Eguyno, you can only plaay redray
05:54.25destinalguys, seriously
05:54.27PuffTheMagicdestinal: i really have no attention span left i am too drunk
05:54.28AgentSmiththis poor poor channel
05:54.30AgentSmithis being molested
05:54.38PuffTheMagicits 2 am here
05:54.42destinalI can't talk to people about webos INTERNALS because you're chatting about blueray and ps3 and windows and civ4
05:54.51PuffTheMagicnothing productive going on
05:54.52Eguywhat is civ4?
05:54.54AgentSmithso puff go to #webos-watercooler - we're talking about tommybres' sexual fantasies right now
05:55.07PuffTheMagici am going to the couch
05:55.11destinalPuffTheMagic: people are trying but you're scrolling the channel with crap
05:55.13egaudetI want my app to stop dimming until it's over, but not to have to change the max shutoff after X time
05:55.18PuffTheMagicand watching some tv
05:55.20PuffTheMagicthen passing out
05:55.38PuffTheMagicdestinal: lol, ok i will leave
05:55.42*** part/#webos-internals PuffTheMagic (n=quassel@unaffiliated/puffthemagic)
05:55.56destinalok, so this dimming thing
05:56.42AgentSmithis there a soft variable to change dimming?
05:56.59destinalegaudet: are you plugged in to USB?
05:57.07EguyThere has to be because that guy made the brightness app
05:57.09destinalmine isn't dimming at all
05:57.58ultraBlackMaybe the Brightness Unlinked app uses a service to do its dirty work, kind of like what I need.
05:58.12Eguyservice you say?
05:58.15egaudetI believe that brightness app, just splits up the brightness, but it uses a different portion of the service that i want
05:58.32egaudetof course I dont know exactly what I'm talking about because none of the luna-send works properly to that stupid display service
05:58.38egaudetexcept for the status
05:58.58ultraBlackegaudet: OMG! luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/version {
05:58.58ultraBlack} doesn't work for me either
05:59.13ultraBlackStupid freaking PuTTY splitting lines up
05:59.32ultraBlackluna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/version {}
06:01.39ultraBlackAnt time
06:02.05tmztdestinal: I assume emulator is not 2.6.24 then, but interesting
06:02.57destinalLinux qemux86 2.6.26 #1 SMP Tue Jul 7 15:31:11 PDT 2009 i686 unknown
06:03.34destinalyeah interesting, different version than the pre
06:04.01ultraBlackThe SDK's version is always newer than the released version.
06:04.27destinalultraBlack: even for the same version of the OS?
06:04.31tmzthid support for a mouse? doesn't host have to work first?
06:04.45destinaltmzt: no, hidd is not what you think
06:04.52tmztI know that
06:05.01tmztit's not bluez
06:05.04tmztI mean usb hid
06:05.08destinalit's not usb hid either
06:05.17tmztthat's in the kernel
06:05.27tmztI think I read the question wrong while reading the log
06:05.32tmzt(from your highlight)
06:05.38tmztit was about ubuntu, not Pre
06:05.55Eguypeople read the log?
06:05.56destinalwhat did I say?
06:06.06tmztnot you, ultraBlack I think
06:06.10ultraBlackHmm...turns out I already had Ant installed from last time. How do I use it?
06:06.29*** join/#webos-internals button (
06:06.33ultraBlackegaudet: I never wrote down that ant clean build jar thing you gave me.
06:06.43destinaltmzt: so hidd reads ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, keyboard, touchscreen, accelerometer and all kinds of fun things, and it's a pluggable architecture libs to interface with the data sources
06:07.06*** join/#webos-internals raeb2 (n=peng@
06:07.12egaudetyou just typed it
06:07.16tmztI know
06:07.35destinalso we need to figure out how to make a plugin for it :)
06:08.49ultraBlackegaudet: That's funny. The whole time I could have just done that.
06:09.06tmztwon't nm tell you most of the api?
06:10.19egaudetdid i not tell you?
06:10.26ultraBlackegaudet: How do I enable verbosity?
06:10.27destinaltmzt: apparently yes
06:10.32ultraBlackThe "BUILD FAILED"
06:10.38egaudetshould tell you why
06:10.51egaudetdid you copy the build.xml from one of our services and change the name inside of it?
06:11.00ultraBlackThe file's locked by windows. I need to close XChat I think
06:11.04egaudetthe <delete file= and <jar destfile=
06:11.10egaudetsay whowha
06:11.19ultraBlackegaudet: It's a windows thing :)
06:11.53*** join/#webos-internals ultraBlack (
06:12.10ultraBlack"BUILD SUCCESSFUL" was locked from when I tried to send it to you.
06:12.22egaudetoh ok
06:12.37ultraBlackIit couldn't clean up.
06:12.54ultraBlackHow does that thing work? Do I need voice? *irc noob q.*
06:13.36ultraBlackmsg infobot
06:16.17egaudetso you built
06:16.26egaudetand it works magically
06:17.05ultraBlackegaudet: I've yet to test.
06:17.25ultraBlackegaudet: Pre takes a while to reboot, remember.
06:18.39ultraBlackegaudet: No, same thing.
06:19.07ultraBlackDestinal, have you looked at this?
06:20.10destinalultraBlack: to make the bot sed things, do something like this
06:21.08destinalultraBlack: the service rwhitby did?  I haven't but I think I understand how it's supposed to work
06:21.34destinalit's similar in design to any basic java webos service
06:21.37ultraBlackdestinal: The only problem is that it doesn't. Not with luna-send, anyway.
06:21.56destinaldo you have /opt in your fstab?
06:22.15ultraBlackOh yes, however, it's a virtual file system, mounted on loopbackk.
06:22.29ultraBlackI see.
06:23.49destinaldoes /bin/mount /opt    and /bin/umount /opt    do the right thing at the command line?
06:23.53destinalif not, the service won't either
06:24.35ultraBlackIt won't even return the right error message?
06:24.51ultraBlack/bin/mount /opt should say "mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /opt failed: Device or resource busy"
06:25.03ultraBlack/bin/umount /opt should say "umount: cannot umount /opt: Device or resource busy"
06:25.11ultraBlackIn the case that the vfs is mounted
06:25.12destinalwell, not the way the code works
06:25.15tmztthere's a syntax for loop in fstab rigth?
06:25.32destinalin the service, I think he's just taking the numeric return code
06:25.36tmztlsof |grep /opt should tell you why it's busy
06:25.37ultraBlackdestinal: Can you explain why luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/version {
06:25.46ultraBlackluna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/version {}
06:25.56ultraBlackyields only the same error message as the other methods?
06:26.08ultraBlackI Know Why it's busy
06:26.27ultraBlackNot worried about that right now. Worried about making my service work.
06:26.31destinalultraBlack: I don't know, I'd have to download and install the service to figure out what's up with the message passing
06:27.06ultraBlackdestinal: ...would you mind?
06:28.55ultraBlackBut that's rwhitby's skeleton. The problem COULD be in the version I have now, but I didn't change much and it compiles fine, so I don't think it's that. All I really did was add a method to test with.
06:29.05destinalnever actually installed a 3rd party service
06:29.34ultraBlackdestinal: Oh....
06:29.49destinalplugins I've worked a lot with, services not so much
06:30.13destinalwhat's the proper way to install one manually?
06:30.33ultraBlackThis is what I was told:
06:30.40ultraBlack<egaudet> the .jar goes in /usr/lib/luna/java/
06:30.40ultraBlack<egaudet> the .service goes in /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/
06:30.40ultraBlack/usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm:// {parameters}
06:31.07ultraBlackYou have to reboot before you do that luna-send, though.
06:32.04ultraBlackSo in my case it would be /usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.optloopservice/mount {} for mounting
06:32.22egaudetis that git what you are working with?
06:32.31ultraBlackYup. :D
06:32.39egaudetok i debug now
06:37.16*** join/#webos-internals christefano (
06:37.57egaudetwhat is $ReturnResult.class
06:39.44egaudetok well the git works for me (no version method)
06:39.52egaudetroot@castle:/var/home/root# /usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.op
06:39.52egaudettloopservice/version {}
06:39.52egaudet** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"errorCode":"ErrorGenericUnknownMethod", "errorText":"Unknown Method"}
06:41.04egaudetroot@castle:/var/home/root# /usr/bin/luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.op
06:41.04egaudettloopservice/mount {}
06:41.04egaudet** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"return":0}
06:41.58ultraBlackegaudet: Do you have SSH on your Pre?
06:42.40ultraBlackBut you don't have /opt on loopback.
06:45.05*** join/#webos-internals ameng1 (n=fm@
06:49.00ultraBlackegaudet: That makes no sense. Why would it let you mount when you have nothing /to/ mount?
06:51.33egaudeti don't know what it's doing, i just ran it
06:52.04ultraBlackegaudet: Smart. =P
06:52.35egaudetso if it doesn't work for you... blame windows
06:53.44egaudetlol, so you take that from the git clone and it doesn't work for you
06:54.00egaudetdo a sanity check ls -l /var/lib/luna/java/
06:54.10egaudetls -l /usr/lib/luna/java
06:54.10ultraBlackNo gimme a sec. I'm going to.
06:54.15egaudetls -l /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services
06:55.27ultraBlackAnd hey, it's there. I'm using WinSCP I CAN SEE IT! :P
06:57.48destinalultraBlack: you don't need an /opt on loopback for it to work, most of us have /opt in fstab as a bind mount
06:58.00destinalwhich this would work just fine to mount / unmount it
06:58.06ultraBlackdestinal: That is true.
07:00.05ultraBlackNow git isn't working for me.
07:00.12ultraBlackI do blame Windows
07:00.25ultraBlackReceiving objects:  21% (459/2146), 603.99 KiB | 190 KiB/s
07:00.41ultraBlackfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedlyiB | 7 KiB/s
07:00.41ultraBlackfatal: early EOF
07:00.41ultraBlackfatal: index-pack failed
07:01.00egaudetI'm gonna give up on this screen control
07:01.20egaudetthey have it locked somehow that I cant figure out right now
07:01.35egaudetI tried to mimic the camera app's service call to no avail
07:07.58ultraBlackegaudet: Did you move the before you built with Ant?
07:09.37egaudeti did a git pull, and then ant clean build jar
07:19.16ultraBlackNow we're making progress. A real error message: ** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"errorCode": "ErrorGenericMethodException", "errorText": "You fail!"}
07:19.21ultraBlackThat looks like it worked.
07:19.54*** part/#webos-internals jar0110 (
07:20.21ultraBlackegaudet: See above. Thank you for being patient and being in general just a real cool dude. If you are a dude; I never asked your gender. Anyway, off to bed for me. Good night to you my love.. <3 :o Friggin' amazing thanks again
07:35.47destinaluh.. wow
07:36.13Eguyweird indeed
07:36.32destinalalso as a random aside, there's probably a better error message to return than "You fail!"
07:36.37destinaljust a hunch
07:37.04buttoneh, it got the point across
07:37.23EguyHe isn't here anymore destinal
07:37.26destinalyeah but when the actual error the service calls could be returned, that's even better
07:37.47destinalEguy: wasn't talking to him as he didn't write the service
07:45.35egaudetyea display/control hates me!
07:46.44*** join/#webos-internals ultraBlack (
07:47.07ultraBlackegaudet: Just to clarify, it works. It works beautifully. I don't know why.
07:48.19egaudetAwesome at least someone got something working tonight
07:52.18CIA-29Destinal wiki * r4056 - created new page for the beginnings of some research into the hidd human interface device daemon
07:52.49*** join/#webos-internals edektor (
07:58.06egaudetWOW PALM
07:58.08egaudetjust f'ing WOW
07:58.18edektoregaudet: huh?
07:58.30egaudetYou cannot use their display services unless your app id starts with
07:59.02edektoryeah there are tons of services I have come across that I can use
07:59.43egaudetcan or can't?
07:59.46egaudetlike what
07:59.53edektorsorry cant
08:00.07edektorlike services for access the mediaDB
08:00.33egaudetname your app
08:00.45edektorI know..
08:00.57egaudetis this documented somewhere?
08:01.14edektorno those services arenet documented
08:01.51edektorbut I dont think palm will let you submit to them if your id is com.palm
08:01.51egaudetI mean within webos-internals, has it been documented that the name of the app must begin with com.palm.whatever
08:02.01egaudetthat's fine, this is homebrew love right now
08:02.25edektoroh I dont know.. You'd have to ask them. I havent been here for a while
08:07.10egaudetyou knew the name restriction already?
08:13.35edektorNo i didnt know about the name restriction.. But i knew there was something blocking the service
08:19.26rwhitbyedektor: what we do is call it
08:19.44egaudetwe knew about this restriction rwhitby ?
08:20.00egaudetson of a ****
08:20.18Eguyah rwhitby is back
08:20.18rwhitbyI'm sure it's in the IRC logs somewhere, amongst all the off-topic stuff like everyone was talking about earlier ...
08:20.20egaudeti been bashing my head off a wall today trying to figure out why the heck i couldn't use the display service
08:20.30Eguyhow was the party?
08:20.51rwhitbyEguy: great - I dropped my son off, and then did some gadget shopping for myslef.
08:20.58AgentSmithsounds fun
08:22.01Eguylol yeah
08:22.10Eguyyou missed some major offtopic chat in here
08:22.20rwhitbyI just read it in the logs ...
08:22.23EguyGet anything good?
08:22.52rwhitbygot a flexible car adapter thingo for my ipod for $1
08:23.28rwhitbyI'll have to hack the holder, cause it's got the offset plug and I've got a 3g nano with the central plug
08:23.56rwhitbybut all the electronics should be fine, and the flexible thing on a car plug is handy in it's own right.
08:24.42rwhitbywas looking at the SMC skype phone, but I need to see whether the firmware can be hacked to do normal SIP before laying down the cash for it.
08:24.52EguyVery discriptive there haha
08:25.38egaudetwhats the command to get the filename from a path, opposite of dirname
08:26.22egaudetahh basename
08:26.28rwhitbyyeah, I thought I'd remembered correctly: - I should have bought the thing.
08:27.35EguyI just use my webcam mic for skype :P
08:28.13rwhitbyoh, I want a cheap wifi SIP phone, not a skype phone.
08:29.29Eguymy mistake
08:31.17*** join/#webos-internals Jack87 (n=akop87@
08:32.18examanceranyone know how to copy and paste in the emulator or know if you even can?
08:32.48Eguyput one finger on your computer screen and hit c
08:33.01Eguyand v
08:34.12EguySeriously though, I don't think you can
08:34.19examanceroh well
08:36.47*** join/#webos-internals newman314 (
08:37.04Eguyunless it is in the documentation and I missed it
08:38.43examanceri went and tried to hold a left click on the emulator window just in case you were joking
08:38.54examancerwasn't quite gullable enough to actually put my finger on the screen though
08:39.31destinalrwhitby: yeah I remember that re sip on the skype phone, I think you had to cut some small bits out but it worked fine
08:39.47destinalrwhitby: before too long you can have SIP on your pre, so don't sweat it  :)
08:40.43EguyThe Pre will be unbelievable in 1 year
08:40.54Eguyit will run crysis
08:41.13destinalEguy: lol
08:41.39bhueyit's already a pretty amazing platform without the apps
08:42.23EguyA little slow though
08:42.35Eguywell slow for us impatient folk
08:42.41destinalEguy: if anything drives me off of luna it'll be the chugging
08:44.22Eguycrysis really is amazing though if you have a card that can run it in max
09:03.17*** join/#webos-internals FreeTim3 (
09:11.04newman314I cant believe I only just got around to installing filecoaster
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09:44.48FreeTim3havent tried it - is it cool ?
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10:57.09CIA-29rwhitby * r10542 optware/trunk/ (Makefile make/ sources/quilt/quilt-lite.patch) - quilt-lite: Created a version of quilt which does not depend on perl.
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11:17.37lunareclipsemorning guys
11:19.24czarphanguyelunareclipse: gm
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11:23.43rboatright_homegood morning all
11:23.47rboatright_homeoff to pdc Kansas City
11:36.13gkatsevrwhitby: isnt it more like goodnight for you?
11:37.29infobotit has been said that ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
11:38.44gkatsevi dont want my ass laminated, its waterproof as it is
11:40.59gkatsevwell, time to get ready, boston PDC is in an hour and a half
11:50.00jcrawfordmorning guys
11:50.15jcrawfordgkatsev: you are going now? I thought you weren't
11:50.21jcrawfordi will be there around 11-11:30
11:50.28jcrawfordhave to take the T and wait for the sitter at 10 :)
12:02.41rwhitbygkatsev: boston pdc starts in 1.5 hours?
12:23.43jcrawfordwhy would i get this guys?
12:25.52tmztyour fs is read only or full
12:25.57tmztis usually the cause
12:26.21jcrawford55gb free
12:26.46jcrawfordnot read only
12:26.47jcrawforddrwxr-xr-x   26 jcrawford  staff   884B Aug  8 08:23 Speed Download
12:27.48tmztI guess you could strace it
12:27.56tmztbut we know what the error is, just not the cause
12:28.01jcrawfordhow do i strace it?
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12:36.43rwhitbyjcrawford: is that on a Mac?
12:37.20rwhitbyfor some reason, then native 'ar' on a Mac does not unpack ipkg files correctly.
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12:38.33jcrawfordrwhitby: yes i am on a mac
12:38.37jcrawfordok so hmm
12:38.45jcrawfordmorning PuffTheMagic
12:39.06rwhitbyjcrawford: I use a Ubuntu 8.04 server install inside VirtualBox to do all my packaging work
12:39.54jcrawfordhmm i might have to do the same
12:40.00jcrawfordnot sure how to add an OS to virtualbox though lol
12:40.29rwhitbyjcrawford: create a new virtual machine, attach the ubuntu server iso to it, and do a normal ubuntu install
12:40.43jcrawfordwill do now
12:41.12jcrawforddo i need server or will desktop do?
12:41.16jcrawfordnot sure of the differences
12:42.25tmztserver is smaller
12:42.35tmztas you don't get X, but you don't need it
12:43.08jcrawfordi may want x lol
12:43.17jcrawfordbut guessing i can install that through the package manager
12:43.21PuffTheMagicserver is just smaller to start
12:43.27PuffTheMagicbut can add repos
12:43.31PuffTheMagicand end up with the same setup
12:53.50jcrawfordrwhitby: can you drag & drop files from virtualbox installs?
12:54.52rwhitbyI just nfs mount a spare case-sensitive drive from the mac onto the ubuntu virtual machine
12:56.03jcrawfordnot sure how to do all that lol
12:59.10PuffTheMagicvirtualbox has a feature built in
12:59.22PuffTheMagicto map a local folder into virtuabox
12:59.31PuffTheMagicso u can use that to move files back and forth
12:59.42PuffTheMagicyou dont need to worry about samba or anything
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13:06.43rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: unfortunately, vboxsf does not support symlinks
13:06.49rwhitbyso I use nfs instead
13:09.11PuffTheMagici've never have done anything special like that over vbox
13:09.14rwhitbyquilt-lite seems to be working fine for importing, applying, refreshing, and removing patches.
13:09.16PuffTheMagicusually just quick small things
13:13.15PuffTheMagicdo you guys have an icon for the app catalog
13:14.41rwhitbyfor the preware app?  not that I know of.
13:22.56jcrawfordhah i will just use DropBox, very slick if you don't already have it, it is worth having, free 2gb:
13:23.01*** join/#webos-internals christefano (
13:23.20jcrawfordif you do signup please use that link as I will get added storage free :) so will you
13:24.01rwhitbyvbox shared folders will do everything that does for you, quicker and with less internet traffic.
13:24.23jcrawfordyes true... but it's nice to have installed at the office/home/laptop :)
13:24.31jcrawfordcan access the files anywhere
13:26.41jcrawfordhow do i make my default view on ubuntu be the list view and not icon view in the file browser?>
13:27.00rwhitbydoesn't use Linux GUIs, so has no idea.
13:27.12jcrawforduber geek :D
13:27.33jcrawfordaight i have to get ready to head to PDC Boston, see everyone later
13:27.36rwhitbymy interface to most Linux machines I own is an ssh window.
13:28.10rwhitbyusually running emacs inside it ;-)
13:29.10jcrawfordshower bbl
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13:40.57gkatsevjcrawford: yeah, im going. and there
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14:07.03FreeTim3what is precamp
14:07.19FreeTim3Greetings - from PalmPrecamp - Boston :)
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15:15.32meshugawho's going to predevcamp?
15:16.41rwhitbymeshuga: it's on now in #predevcamp
15:24.34rwhitbyhas worked out why the git package is so big
15:24.58rwhitbyhardlinks in the build don't turn out as hardlinks in the ipkg, so the same executable is duplicated many times
15:26.14bpadalinogood sleuthing
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15:38.24meshugaoh ok
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15:59.10PuffTheMagicmy service isnt working that well though mojo
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16:07.23tlzsomebody stole ur mojo!
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16:11.43CIA-29rwhitby * r10543 optware/trunk/sources/git/Makefile.patch - git: do symlinks cause hardlinks don't travel well in ipkgs
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16:13.26CIA-29rwhitby * r10544 optware/trunk/ (Makefile make/ - quilt: fold quilt-lite back into quilt makefile
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16:14.15CIA-29rwhitby * r10545 optware/trunk/make/ - git: create git-lite package
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16:18.16brandedgood morning fellas... anyone ever compile an optware package?
16:18.24brandedfound this:
16:18.31brandedwould like to port a vpn client :D
16:18.39rwhitbybranded: compiling a couple right now in fact
16:18.42brandedshould be extremely difficult
16:18.48brandedcool, is that a good guide?
16:18.54rwhitbyyep, that's the guide.
16:18.59brandedi have little idea what i'm doing, but I can try
16:19.03brandedcool, i'll take a look
16:19.04rwhitbybranded: which vpn client?
16:19.23rwhitbysource url?
16:19.32brandedoh... oh yea
16:20.02rwhitbyarmel binaries anywhere?
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16:20.14brandedi wonder if they're violating GPL anyway
16:20.17brandedlet's see...
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16:26.44brandedAny hope on a remote desktop client?
16:28.00PuffTheMagichow do i get all the keys of a json object in javascript?
16:30.20CIA-29bzhou * r10546 optware/trunk/make/ - imagemagick: 6.5.2-4 -> 6.5.4-9
16:30.25rwhitbybranded: is that an x86 binary?
16:30.51brandedi would guess, yes it is
16:31.36brandedoh arm
16:31.48rwhitbygonna need armel binaries (e.g. for an n800)  for any remote chance at it working.
16:32.38brandedright right
16:32.54brandedhumm... what kind of interoperability do ssl vpns usually have?
16:32.56brandednone, right?
16:33.10rwhitbydunno, I usually use openvpn
16:34.10brandedahh... the server is the native fortigate
16:34.21brandedoh well... i'll look in that direction a little bit more
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16:41.39brandedrwhitby: i'm curious if the linux client is actually java... and if so, can it be run on webos?  does it have enough power?
16:41.55rwhitbybranded: dunno
16:42.10brandedhumm... okay
16:42.14brandedjust throwing stuff out there
16:42.32destinal-zzzzbranded: oh, an SSL VPN?
16:43.03destinalbranded: I know that someone has made an f5 vpn client work, which I think is an ssl vpn concentrator
16:43.24brandedwow cool
16:43.51brandedyea... i mean, there's an ipsec tunnel configured also, but I'd rather use sslvpn
16:44.13destinalbranded: cvpn, openvpn, and a few others are known to work
16:44.14brandedthere's definitely an ipsec vpn client that runs on arm, right?
16:44.20brandedcool cool
16:44.40brandedfor now, i'll drag around my netbook and use my tether :)
16:45.00brandedneed a remote desktop client to do much of anything anyway (because we're windows)
16:45.18brandedlooks like fortigate does have a java client
16:45.20destinalbranded: rdp and vnc are on my list, but it's a big list
16:45.39brandedcool man!
16:45.45destinaland we don't have easy porting of graphical stuff yet, we need an adapter framework
16:46.16destinalor I guess some way to switch the display between luna and other programs
16:46.39destinalbut I figure it should be possible to use a browser plugin to communicate with slightly modified directfb programs
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16:50.42brandedthat's a bit over my head, but i think i understand what you're saying :)
16:51.05brandedluna is the "gui" platform?
16:51.56brandeddestinal: is there a jre for arm? :D
16:52.17destinalbranded: the pre already runs java code, most of the system services are java
16:52.27brandedoh wow
16:52.38brandedso, i could try to load the java ssl vpn client?
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17:00.06destinalbranded: absolutely
17:00.40brandedhumm... is there support for java applets in the web browser?
17:00.43destinalthe only issue is it could be an applet instead of an application
17:00.49destinalno applet support
17:01.01brandedbecause fortigate has an applet for rdp
17:01.11brandedwell, there goes that
17:01.24brandedhumm... no applet support anywhere?
17:01.35destinalno, you might be able to write a wrapper and fake it
17:01.42destinalyou won't get GUI support though
17:01.52brandedso applets need the browser?
17:02.09destinalbranded: right, and the browser in luna doesn't have java support
17:02.09branded(sorry for my lack of knowledge)
17:02.17brandedi see i see
17:02.18brandedtoo bad
17:02.22destinaltall the java application stuff is done on the linux system
17:02.49destinalbut you could write a service that calls functions of the applet
17:02.59destinalif it can do network level stuff as opposed to just browser
17:03.36brandedso i could establish the connection, then use something like ssh or telnet to access the systems i want to access
17:03.44brandedbut obviously no remote desktop gui
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17:03.52destinalthat is if it has linux support for creating a tunnel
17:03.58destinalas opposed to only working through the browser
17:04.37destinalwhen you connect on a regular linux box can you access the remote network from the command line?
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17:08.16brandeddestinal: sorry for the delayed re... never connected with a linux box :)
17:08.28brandedi'll check it out... i don't even think i have a vm
17:08.34brandedhumm... i'll check that out
17:08.56brandedwhat's the lightest live CD?
17:09.03brandedor a really light vm
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17:09.13branded...image that you can recommend?
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17:16.05destinalhmm, the ubuntu install cd works as a livecd too
17:16.15destinalit's not light though
17:16.48destinalfor light, try damn small linux I guess, hopefully it has enough stuff to get your vpn going
17:17.31destinalif not,  the ubuntu cd isn't that big a download, are you concerned about download time or space requirements or cpu / memory or..
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17:22.09PuffTheMagicdestinal: gentoo livecd is nice and small
17:22.14PuffTheMagicuse sysrescucd
17:22.19PuffTheMagicthat is beautiful
17:22.26PuffTheMagici use that to install gentoo sometimes
17:22.32PuffTheMagicits based on a gentoo livecd
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17:22.35PuffTheMagicbuts updated more often
17:23.19destinalPuffTheMagic: I think he needs an X11 gui, java jre and ability to install like firefox or something
17:23.50PuffTheMagicdoes that that have to do with a livecd
17:23.55PuffTheMagicand why does a livecd have to be light
17:24.07destinalPuffTheMagic: yeah his livecd needs to have one or he needs to install in a VM for instance
17:24.18destinalhe wanted to test SSL vpn stuff in linux
17:24.34PuffTheMagicso install ubuntu
17:24.39PuffTheMagicwhere does a livecd come in
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17:25.15destinalI don't think he wanted to keep it
17:25.25destinalof course a VM would work too I imagine
17:25.35PuffTheMagicstill dont need a livecd
17:25.42destinalvirtualbox ftw
17:25.49rwhitbydestinal: +1
17:26.02PuffTheMagicdestinal: this service is pissing me off
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17:43.15jcrawfordwooo nebula thinks he is cool as he is an @ wooo
17:44.05jcrawfordi have rwhitby on my side :D
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17:46.15jcrawfordkick #webos-internals nebula
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17:46.52jcrawfordwrong command
17:46.58jcrawfordchanserv hates you nebula "D
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17:49.59gkatsevslaps jcrawford and nebula around with a large trout
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17:50.52nebulathrows the trout back in the pond. 1 trout saved.
17:52.02jcrawfordwe need more beer
17:52.12PuffTheMagicthat sounds like a good idea
17:52.28jcrawfordpuff you should have come to Boston :D
17:53.07jcrawfordwe drank lunch today
17:53.07PuffTheMagicis that for a predevcamp?
17:53.07nebulafood what?
17:53.07jcrawfordwhat else?
17:53.13nebulait was to keep our brains moving along
17:53.22jcrawfordor slowing down as in nebula's case
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17:53.26PuffTheMagicwas.... its over already?
17:53.30PuffTheMagicits only 2pm
17:53.32PuffTheMagicnot even
17:53.48jcrawfordbeer is done for now i guess
17:53.53nebula12PM beeer run
17:53.55jcrawfordcant have it here in the liubrary
17:53.57nebulaanother at 4:30
17:54.10jcrawfordalthough i would like to see thier face when we tried to carry in a 30 pack
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17:55.04PuffTheMagicis this proper json format?
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18:00.44zomgPuffTheMagic: looks correct to me
18:00.57PuffTheMagicwhy is this not working then
18:01.28zomgdefine "not working"
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18:08.05PuffTheMagiczomg: i wrote a service to talk to ipkg, i write a main function so i could test it on my desktop i printed out he jsonobjects and i get valid looking strings
18:08.10PuffTheMagicwhen i test it using mojo
18:08.15PuffTheMagiceverything seems to be undefined
18:08.42zomghow are you loading the json?
18:08.58egaudet|Awayyou using onSuccess?
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18:10.01ark3qqqWhere does go on device?
18:10.45PuffTheMagicegaudet|Away: onSuccess and onFail both point to the same callback
18:10.53PuffTheMagicif i do console.log(payload);
18:10.55PuffTheMagici get [object Object]
18:10.58PuffTheMagicbut if i do
18:11.09PuffTheMagici get undefined
18:11.46egaudet|Awayis returnVal set up in the ipkg service method you are calling?
18:12.12egaudet|Awayyou see returnVal blah in the log though hmmm
18:12.48PuffTheMagicJSONObject reply = new JSONObject();
18:12.48PuffTheMagicreturn reply;
18:13.12PuffTheMagicwhen i dump that object out in java i get {"returnVal":0}
18:13.22PuffTheMagicso it "should" work
18:13.38egaudet|Awaydon't you need msg.respond?
18:14.08egaudet|Awayin the service
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18:18.21egaudeti gotta run to the mechanic, i'll be back
18:18.25PuffTheMagicoops wrong function
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18:21.32egaudetso in the js, in your onSuccess() function you dump the obj right, but can't get to its element with obj.returnVal
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18:24.44PuffTheMagicegaudet: essentially
18:24.48PuffTheMagicunless i cant use console.log()
18:24.58PuffTheMagicmaybe i need to cast it or something
18:25.03PuffTheMagicare there casts in js?
18:26.15egaudetlog take a string? and since it returns 0, 0 as a string is undefined/null?
18:26.52PuffTheMagicegaudet: i had text mixed in
18:27.20PuffTheMagiclike console.log("\n\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!"+payload.returnVal+"!!!!!!!!!!\n\n\n");
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18:28.17PuffTheMagicegaudet: shouldnt i be able to dump the whole object
18:28.31PuffTheMagicand get something like {"returnVal":0}
18:28.33egaudetyea i thought you said you could?
18:30.59egaudetare you binding your callback?
18:31.06egaudetonSuccess: this.callback.bind(this)
18:31.24PuffTheMagicyeah the call back is being called
18:31.29PuffTheMagicbut something is up with the payload
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18:32.36egaudetwhere does console.log go
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18:33.17PuffTheMagicegaudet: i have LunaSysMgr in forground
18:33.20PuffTheMagicso i can see the output
18:33.28egaudetahh how'd ya do that
18:34.53destinalegaudet:   initctl stop LunaSysMgr;  LunaSysMgr
18:35.21destinal(stops the background one started by upstart and starts it again in fg)
18:35.31egaudetyup awesome
18:36.25PuffTheMagichmmm i think i might have an idea why this aint working
18:36.30PuffTheMagicmakes some method static
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18:38.07PuffTheMagicnaa that be it
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18:39.52egaudetworking now?
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18:42.11PuffTheMagicno i have no idea what is wrong
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18:43.42CIA-29Templarian wiki * r4072 - created pages for links
18:43.58egaudetwhat does the luna-send of the service method look like?
18:44.03egaudetlooks like you expect?
18:44.06PuffTheMagicoh yeah
18:44.10PuffTheMagicforget to test it like that :D
18:44.13PuffTheMagicgood call
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18:45.43PuffTheMagic# luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.ipkgservice/update {}
18:45.43PuffTheMagic** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"returnVal":0}
18:45.45egaudetand on an aside, i'm getting weird behavior in accelservice.  I call the setPollFreq() and it does it correctly, but Luna is printing the respondError() message from that routine
18:46.16TemplarianCIA-29: I also linked it at the front of the wiki.
18:46.27PuffTheMagicluna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.ipkgservice/list {}
18:46.27PuffTheMagic** Message: serviceResponse Handling: 2, {"org.webosinternals.breakout":{"version":"0.0.5","description":"Breakout"},"org.webosinternals.preware":{"version":"1.0.0","description":"Preware"},"com.airkrft.sandbox":{"version":"1.0.0","description":"Test"},"org.webos-internals.devtools":{"version":"1.0.0","description":"DevTools"},"org.webosinternals.helloplugin":{"version":"1.0.0","description":"Hello Plugin"}}
18:46.35PuffTheMagicthe service is working
18:46.45PuffTheMagicbut someone stole my mojo
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18:48.20PuffTheMagicegaudet: but that output isnt right
18:48.30PuffTheMagicits like there is a path issue or something
18:48.51egaudetwhat do you mean isn't right
18:49.07PuffTheMagicwhen i run /opt/bin/ipkg-opt list
18:49.08PuffTheMagicfrom cli
18:49.12PuffTheMagici get a massice list
18:49.17rawdaedfishany app devs on today? i am looking to change the text of a command menu button and i'm not sure how to reference it, since it is not a div tag
18:49.18PuffTheMagicthat is the output from my websites feed
18:49.23PuffTheMagicbut i thought i removed that
18:49.27PuffTheMagicidk what that output is coming from
18:49.45egaudetyou have rebooted since changing right
18:50.57PuffTheMagicthis is so weird
18:51.05PuffTheMagicegaudet: thanks for reminding me to use luna-send though
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18:52.24egaudetare you using the ipkgservice at top of tree?
18:52.41PuffTheMagictop of tree?
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18:55.02PuffTheMagicegaudet: yeah
18:55.07PuffTheMagicwhat does luna-send talk to
18:55.17PuffTheMagiclike how does it work if i kill LunaSysMgr
18:56.06egaudetdoesn't it stop working?
18:56.16PuffTheMagicluna-send kept working
18:56.40Decimation_hey guys
18:57.30egaudetworking as in found the service and responded
18:57.33PuffTheMagici have nfc where this output is comming from
18:59.24egaudetremove the service completely and verify it's gone then start again?
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19:08.43A2NYhello all
19:11.22FreeTim_Bostonhey! How goes it
19:12.24destinallistening to Rick_ talk streaming from Kansas City Pre dev camp
19:12.50rCernigliaHas anyone done anything with UDP yet?
19:13.07destinaldoes mojo support it?
19:13.28epvdiscussion on the "official" forum says no
19:13.42epvor tcp or anything else for that matter :)
19:13.48destinalepv: then plugins or services will have to handle the low level protocols
19:13.55epvyou can make http requests and nothing else, apparently
19:13.56destinalservices preferably for most
19:14.28epvyeah, it seems like the official environment is so limited you pretty much need your own service to do anything
19:15.07destinalwhich is why palm will need a native sdk or homebrew will beat everything else
19:15.18epvi wonder which will happen
19:16.09epvthe "right" thing might be to incorporate some of the homebrew world's improvements and make a native sdk.. the dumb thing would be to get militant about disallowing anything nonofficial...
19:16.19epvsadly corporations almost always do the dumb thing :)
19:16.59bpadalinowell .. this is palm's last stand .. they can't really afford to be too bitchy
19:17.01epvof course, the app store is still empty, and that doesn't look good
19:17.46epvit'd be a shame to see android win :(
19:17.53destinalepv: they've reached out to early access devs to submit their stuff
19:18.17bpadalinoit would have been too difficult to bring a Mojo and native SDK to market at the same time
19:18.21destinalepv: but they should have gone the google route and made a full sdk available way way before release and had app store running full tilt the first week
19:18.24epvyeah they have, but you have to wonder why there's still nothing new coming out of it? they first started weeks/months ago
19:18.41epvyeah destinal - that's absolutely what they should have done
19:18.51bpadalinoepv, i am almost positive it has to do with "how do i keep my source a secret?"
19:19.24bpadalinoor "how will you stop piracy of my app?"
19:19.55destinalbpadalino: because apple has done so well at that?
19:20.04epvyeah, and the system doesn't seem to be engineered to work well in a more open environment, egeverything runs as root, no user perms, etc...
19:20.10epvthough that could all be retrofitted probably
19:20.21bpadalinodestinal, unfortunately apple doesn't care if it gets broken .. it's a warm and fuzzy for the developers
19:20.38anthgarHow do you cleanly shut down an emulated Pre?
19:21.26destinalanthgar: it doesn't really need to be shutdown cleanly, but if you want to, you can ssh into it and shutdown
19:21.36anthgarah, ok
19:21.41bpadalinodestinal, moreover - while it's possible to pirate apps on the iphone .. it's still a somewhat involved process .. whereas nothing on the pre has been too involved
19:22.01destinalbpadalino: the point is, it's involved to rip it, not to download and install
19:22.37destinalbpadalino: it's the problem with any media, assume one guy is dedicated enough to rip it, than anyone can just consume, so making it hard didn't actually help in any practical way
19:23.28bpadalinoi agree, restricting how the consumer can use something will always become circumvented
19:23.50bpadalinounfortunately, as a developer, it doesn't make good business sense to invest development dollars to 2 app sales
19:23.56bpadalinoand a plethora of piracy
19:23.59destinalif everyone had to do the hard stuff it might make an impact, but they don't, one publisher, many consumers
19:24.25bpadalinoi have a feeling obfuscators will be most of the answer ..
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19:25.24bpadalinoand, quite possibly, better intermingling between apps ...
19:25.43epvit always seems to come down to a cat and mouse game... either lockdown/jailbreak or obfuscate/deobfuscate
19:25.45bpadalinono one steals gmail code ... or google reader .. right ?
19:26.03bpadalinoi would love something more android-like .. where you can "embed" other apps API's ...
19:26.14bpadalinoand call those apps functions out
19:26.28bpadalinosimilar to how maps are available to all apps
19:34.02*** join/#webos-internals ark3qqq (n=ark3@
19:42.56egaudetneed git help, if i removed a file from my git tree, how do i get it back
19:45.25*** join/#webos-internals Gadfly (
19:45.51bpadalinouse git checkout
19:45.57bpadalinoand tell git the revision you want
19:46.24bpadalinosee here:
19:46.27bpadalinoabout 1/2 down
19:48.23egaudetanother question, how do I pass -Xlint to the javac compiler using ant/build.xml
19:49.13*** join/#webos-internals ultraBlack (
19:49.32ultraBlackHow do I git push to gitorious?
19:49.59bpadalinoegaudet: - check that ?
19:50.37bpadalinoultraBlack, git push origin if you setup origin as your remote gitorious branch i think
19:50.47ultraBlackand rwhitby: for quilt-lite, libdb is dependent upon python. should i remove that?
19:51.02*** join/#webos-internals Decimation (
19:51.30ultraBlack$ git push git://
19:51.30ultraBlackfatal: protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '☻
19:51.30ultraBlackThe git:// url is read-only. Please see
19:51.30ultraBlacklications for the push url, if you're a committer.
19:51.37ultraBlackbpadalino: ^
19:51.51ultraBlackdo i need to use ssh?
19:51.57bpadalinono, are you a committer ?
19:52.07ultraBlackyeah rwhitby made me one
19:52.32ultraBlackerr, but how do i login to gitorious through git
19:52.39ultraBlackgit config?
19:53.55bpadalinoyou have the wrong repo location
19:54.02bpadalinoPush url:
19:54.54ultraBlackPutty said no authentication modes available
19:55.04ultraBlackand then
19:55.04ultraBlack$ git push
19:55.04ultraBlackfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
19:55.33bpadalinodid you manage your ssh keys ?
19:55.51bpadalinoadd your ssh key ..
19:55.56bpadalinologin to gitorious
19:56.02ultraBlackalright i am
19:56.03bpadalinogo to your profile dealie
19:56.07ultraBlackyeah i know
19:56.13ultraBlacki saw it
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20:00.09ultraBlackbpadalino: this was helpful
20:01.00bpadalinoi am sure it is very helpful
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20:48.14dancrumbhi all
20:48.20dancrumbi'm having problems installing optware
20:48.23dancrumbcan someone help?
20:49.02bpadalinothe wiki is pretty informative - have you followed those instructions ?
20:49.44*** join/#webos-internals epyon22 (
20:49.48dancrumbyeah... the wiki says: to run  sh
20:49.50dancrumbwhich i did
20:50.09dancrumband the error message says: Please paste the contents of /tmp/ to
20:50.09dancrumband seek help in the IRC channel #webos-internals.
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20:50.39bpadalinodid you paste ?
20:51.45dancrumb'Dan Rumney'
20:52.02dancrumbwhoops... let me fix it
20:52.31dancrumbok... under 'dancrumb'
20:52.45bpadalinoare you using your pre or the emulator ?
20:53.37bpadalinoit's trying to use the script for the emulator .. hdb and whatnot
20:54.18bpadalinowhich directions are you trying ?
20:56.18bpadalinostrange .. what's uname -m report ?
20:56.56CIA-29Czechdev wiki * r4085 - Written the appinstaller summary
20:56.59bpadalinoand you're installing it on your pre and not in the emu ?
20:57.04anthgarI think the emulated Pre doesn't have /dev/hdb
20:57.30bpadalinoanthgar: right - which is why you need to follow the steps in bold ..
20:57.32dancrumbso... i had emu running
20:57.34bpadalino"If you're attempting to install these packages to your emulator, you must first add sufficient space by enabling a virtual disk. "
20:57.36dancrumb*and* pre connected
20:57.41dancrumbto it went to the emu
20:57.47bpadalinodancrumb: ah, novaterm can choose between the two ..
20:57.55bpadalinoi think there is a novacom list command
20:58.03dancrumbkilled the emu
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20:58.29dancrumbthat works
20:58.31dancrumbthanks guys
20:58.38bpadalinogood luck
20:59.38*** join/#webos-internals max_ (
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21:06.25dancrumbjust SSHed into my pre!
21:06.34dancrumbthanks for your help bpadalino
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21:11.01bpadalinono problem
21:16.36ultraBlackI like git :]
21:17.55bpadalinoit's definitely interesting
21:17.57*** join/#webos-internals dug (n=Adium@
21:18.18ultraBlackI'm still struggling at the command line, but I can see using the msysgit gui
21:18.29ultraBlackAnd I was able to use the command line to push, finally
21:18.38ultraBlackSo I'm happy with it
21:20.06ultraBlackNobody's here cause they're all at pre dev camp today?
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21:27.25ultraBlackAnyone want to help me figure out how to get my Java to execute ifs
21:27.59ultraBlackbash ifs I mean
21:28.37bpadalinobash ifs ?
21:28.44ultraBlackif [ "$FSINT" = "" ]
21:28.51ultraBlackLike that one
21:29.07bpadalinothat should work
21:29.08zomgI wonder what does Java have to do with bash scripts?
21:29.08ultraBlackAll the stuff from the bash scripts needs to get translated to Java
21:29.35bpadalinoyou're re-writing the script in java ?
21:29.38ultraBlackWould FSINT=`/bin/df|/bin/grep "/dev/mapper/store-media"`
21:29.47ultraBlackYeah I guess I have to
21:29.51ultraBlackRewrite it
21:29.52zomgCan't you just execute the script in bash from Java and read the result =)
21:29.54bpadalinoyou have to rewrite it ?
21:30.01ultraBlackzomg: Ideally
21:30.28ultraBlackzomg: but it would probably create a security hole
21:30.41ultraBlackzomg: it all needs to be broken up
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21:41.17ultraBlackTemplarian: You here?
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21:46.05ultraBlackTemplarian: nvm..
21:46.41ultraBlacktemplarian: its just that your komodo toolbox isn't working for me, i'll have to figure it out myself
21:47.32TemplarianWhat's your OS I probably know the fix in 2 seconds.
21:47.55Templarian(it's fix is also listed on the website under troubleshooting hehe)
21:48.31TemplarianI'm going to hardcode that fix in for OSX and Vista users.
21:49.02TemplarianJust set the enviromental variables and it will work.
21:49.17ultraBlacki don't think that's it lemme check
21:50.17Templarian(the toolbox has no appinfo.json checks at all. The addon does)
21:50.34ultraBlackTemplarian: My path is set correctly. The problem is probably with my apps. Everytime I load on the emulator I get a blank scene
21:50.58ultraBlackAlso now Komodo isn't even letting me use your package and install to emulator macro
21:51.09*** join/#webos-internals ark3qqq (n=ark3@
21:51.09ultraBlackbut it lets me remove an app from the emulator using the remove app from emulator macro
21:51.35gkatsevTemplarian: whats your latest and greatest that i can get?
21:52.21ultraBlack`palm-launch -d tcp togglevfs` returned 0 but no go on the emulator's side. doesn't install or anything
21:52.45TemplarianRestart the emulator.
21:52.49Templarian(that's a palm issue)
21:52.55ultraBlackyeah i did, i guess its time for a reboot
21:53.15TemplarianI'm going to GI Joe... so.
21:53.24ultraBlackwait, that's out?
21:53.30ultraBlackthe movie?
21:53.35ultraBlacki thought it was the 26th
21:53.41ultraBlackoh snap
21:53.44ultraBlacki'm going too then
21:54.04TemplarianI'll put the error checking when I get back.
21:54.14TemplarianI just heard it's a funny random movie.
21:54.42gkatsevi believe /film said that it was what transformers 2 shouldve been, minus the giant robots
21:54.49gkatsevmightve been io9
21:55.05gkatsevyeah, most likely io9
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22:12.30Decimationwould it be possible to make a call spoofer app?
22:13.31bpadalinocall spoofer ?
22:14.53Decimationlike, when you call someone
22:15.00Decimationthe caller id shows up as whatever number you want
22:15.12Decimationit can be done on the computer, why not straight from my phone
22:15.36Decimationi have a website that i enter my number, a recipient, and the number i want it to show up as on the caller id
22:15.48Decimationand it just calls my phone, a connects me to the person i want to call
22:15.56Decimationand shows up as the number i put in for the caller id
22:18.22gkatsevDecimation: you probably will need to create some linux thing to do that. in fact, im sure there is already something like that, so just port it over, write and write a mojo front end to it
22:18.54Decimationmy javascript skills suckk :(
22:20.53gkatsevheh, its not hard, really.
22:21.05gkatsevjust remember that js is a functional programming language
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22:23.30emrysanyone here who has played at all with openvpn on the pre?
22:24.24emrysI have a tunnel up and am trying to use the mail client to imaps over it; I can get authenticated fine, but can't get any mail.  Looking at tcpdump, after auth the regular sync traffic is trying to go out over the direct interface instead of over the tuennel for some reason.
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23:14.24destinalso there's a few potential issues...
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23:15.42destinalchuq says point blank, no other catalogs.  also no adult content and no tethering and no VOIP allowed in theirs, so we're going to have at least a somewhat iphone-app-store-like situation
23:17.44destinalinterestingly they're going to be playing catchup regarding dev phones for a bit.  right now a dev anywhere in the world can buy one on ebay, reflash a modified doctor image with no activation requirements, and use it for development
23:17.52destinalthere's no official solution for that
23:18.28rwhitbydestinal: the set of devs that will reflash with a modified image is small beans for palm, and not worth their effort worrying about.
23:18.54destinalwhat I'm saying is it's unfortunate that people have no official avenue and have to turn to hacking it themselves
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23:19.26destinaland yeah a lot of devs won't bother with it and just use some other platform
23:19.56destinalthe emulator isn't good enough yet to develop apps on by itself IMO
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23:25.27destinalregardless I'm glad I have NOT accepted any EULA's, I can distribute my code however I like.
23:27.37jcrawfordpredev was good today'
23:27.42jcrawfordmet some nice people
23:27.58jcrawfordnebula who is not here is a cool guy :D
23:28.34destinaljcrawford: which pdc?
23:29.52jcrawfordloved our lunch sign on the webcast lol
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23:29.52jcrawfordbrb went to get some chowdah
23:29.53jcrawfordthen they crossed off chowdah and put beer
23:30.03jcrawfordrwhitby: did you attend PDC today?
23:30.32rwhitbyyes, the Adelaide PDC, held in my lounge room, except for the 4 hours I was asleep.
23:30.57rwhitby(I stayed up to 4am, then slept to 7:30am)
23:31.15gkatsevdestinal: pdc = predevcamp, not professional developers conference (or, at least for today :)
23:31.48destinalgkatsev: yeah
23:31.50gkatsevoh, lol
23:31.52gkatsevmiss read
23:32.03gkatsevi thought you said whats not which
23:33.04JackieRippergood morning
23:33.40StoneRynoI need troubleshooting help following the few steps for going to quilt lite on this page: trying to paste my putty output to paste bin generates: Sorry, your post tripped our spam filter - let us know if you think this could be improved
23:34.25jcrawfordoh no it's the sock shoe guys
23:34.38rwhitbyStoneRyno: what's the trouble you're seeing - that migration process was done at 3am this morning
23:35.01StoneRynoI'll try to summarize what i think the errors are
23:35.49jcrawfordevening here :)
23:36.16StoneRynoentering ipkg-opt update at the prompt generates this message at every gz file: ipkg: Invalid gzip magic
23:36.21rwhitbyjcrawford: 9am here
23:36.47rwhitbyStoneRyno: ok, that's a very fundamental problem them
23:37.18rwhitbyStoneRyno: are you sure your network connection is working properly?
23:37.29StoneRynoso when i get to the step to enter ipkg-opt install quilt-lite at the prompt I get this Nothing to be done An error ocurred, return value: 4. Collected errors: Cannot find package quilt-lite.
23:38.12rwhitbyStoneRyno: ipkg-opt update has to work before anything else can
23:38.12rwhitbyStoneRyno: can you ping from the Pre?
23:38.20StoneRynoLet me verify the pre has a wifi connection to the internet
23:38.55jcrawfordrwhitby: where the hell are you?
23:39.04StoneRynotype that ping into putty?
23:39.09rwhitbyjcrawford: Adelaide, Australia
23:39.21rwhitbyStoneRyno: yep, run it on the Pre
23:40.13jcrawfordo damn
23:40.21jcrawfordthe outback eh
23:40.47rwhitbyjcrawford: no, I live in the 10% of Australia which is not the outback (where 90% of the people live)
23:40.48StoneRynohow long should it take to get a response back? I haven't gotten one
23:40.52epvadelaide is so not outback
23:40.55jcrawfordgkatsev: whyd you run away :D
23:41.05jcrawfordlol rwhitby
23:41.10rwhitbyStoneRyno: should be immediate - your network connection has problems if not
23:41.37StoneRynoah yea the connection isn't that great where I'm at like dialup at best
23:42.29jcrawfordwhere the hell is nebula probably drinking more beer @ the bar lol
23:42.46StoneRynoI've been browsing the internet on my netbook all day with intermittent connection loss
23:44.08StoneRynooh wait i think i may know the issue to i need to remount for write
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23:46.23StoneRynoor maybe not still get that same magic message, ping didn't seem to work just sat there
23:48.16jcrawfordso i do hope that nebula continues on to the user group
23:48.24jcrawfordi would def help run it with him
23:48.56StoneRynoquestion will it make a different if i access linux by usb and use the evdo network instead of by wifi using the wifi network?
23:49.35jcrawfordStoneRyno: i am not sure of the full context of the conversation but if you are trying to tether it should work over usb and not wifi
23:50.49StoneRynonah troubleshooting updating to quilt lite it seems to fail getting the gz with ipkg-opt update
23:51.00jcrawfordah that i wouldnt have a clue about, sorry :)
23:52.59rwhitbyis watching Rick's talk at
23:53.19StoneRynonp I'm connecting to usb to access via putty
23:53.27StoneRynogonna try that
23:54.28StoneRynothe evdo network may be more reliable that the crappy wifi setup
23:55.01StoneRynothis place got some backyard deal on setting up free wifi and it is worse than dialup
23:57.20jcrawfordrwhitby: do you know anything about the Mojo.Depot?  The mail application is using this.depot.simpleGet() but I do not see that as a documented method in the API is it depreciated or something?
23:57.40rwhitbyI know nothing about normal webOS development
23:57.57jcrawforddamn :(
23:59.36StoneRynosuccess ipkg-opt update worked over evdo so it must have been a network issue with the local wifi

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