IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090730

00:00.56raebfor best buy to warranty my phone
00:02.34raeblandscape mode and still ez to type? thank destinal for
00:03.09hopspitfireraeb 0_0
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00:03.44raebbetcha didn't know ur phone could do that
00:03.45epyon2broke it?
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00:06.07hopspitfireMy phone is already feeling wobbly, I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up to find it like that
00:07.37epyon2i think they all are like that
00:07.55epyon2me and my dads have a little wobble and a seperation on the left side
00:07.59thatdudeWhat am I looking at here:
00:08.23thatdudeIs that a broken phone or mod hardware?
00:08.24epyon2thatdude your looking at a new feature
00:08.31epyon2lol jk
00:08.36epyon2i think its a broken phone
00:08.50hopspitfireNew code unlocks that feature!
00:09.03thatdudeThat is why I use two thumbs to slide that bad sucker up
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00:22.11StoneRynoI found out that the memo app is using the global stylesheet for font size for memo view
00:23.37StoneRynoso if you want the text to be a smaller size when viewing a memo it appears you have to edit the font size for textarea.text-edit part of the global-textfields.css
00:25.53StoneRynoThis is ok if one wants global text entry to be a smaller font size but I think I will track down if there is a way to override the global css with the app css
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00:29.54bougymanany bluetooth keyboards work with this thing yet?
00:30.20destinalbougyman: no build in HID stack
00:30.42bougymanhidd isn't a userspace hid driver?
00:30.45bougymanthat's what i thought that did.
00:30.56destinalit talks with other human interface devices
00:31.03destinallike the touchscreen and keyboard
00:31.05epyon2man why does beardrop screw up after i edit the passwd file
00:31.17destinalbeardrop lmao
00:31.18bougymancause you're doing it wrong
00:31.21bougymanuse vipw
00:31.29bougymaninstead of vi /etc/passwd
00:32.01epyon2ive gotta novaterm it now ugh
00:32.11JackieRipperI don't believe the pre comes with vipw
00:32.18destinalI've been meaning to try using bluez instead of palm's stack, but to get palm's stuff to talk to it may be interesting
00:32.20JackieRipperdoes it?
00:32.27bougymanvipw command not found.
00:32.31epyon2wait unless destinal terminal thing works :)
00:32.56destinalyay win
00:32.58JackieRipperepyon2: what is screwing up?
00:33.02bougymandang, vipw comes with the 'passwd' package on debian.
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00:33.09epyon2just ssh connection
00:33.14bougymani guess it's not in optware
00:33.22JackieRipperhasn't happened to me
00:33.22epyon2like i was changing to bash shell
00:33.29epyon2so i had to edit the passwd
00:33.34bougymanis optware opensource?
00:33.40destinalbougyman: yes
00:33.41epyon2and now it wont take the password when i ssh in
00:33.42JackieRippervipw isn't that necessary on a single user box
00:33.53epyon2but it takes it everywhere else
00:34.12bougymandestinal: cool, is this the place to discuss optware dev, too?
00:34.14JackieRipperepyon2: try running passwd username
00:34.18JackieRipperreset the pass
00:34.26epyon2did that a couple times
00:34.35bougymanepyon2: you change root's password?
00:34.40JackieRipperare you logging in as root?
00:35.08bougymanchanging root's shell messed a bunch of stuff up on mine.
00:35.15bougymani log in as me and sudo -i /opt/bin/bash
00:35.15raebthink id get press/blog time if i got a palm pre tattoo ?
00:35.19bougyman(i have an alias for it)
00:35.33bougymanraeb: everyone would think it's an iphone
00:35.35JackieRipperif you installed dropbear using the script, root ssh using passwords is turned off
00:35.37gkatsevbougyman: why not just change /bin/sh for your user in /etc/passwd?
00:35.46JackieRipperdisallowed, rather
00:35.50bougymangkatsev: i mean to go to toor.
00:35.52bougymaner root
00:35.57bougymanmy user is already bash
00:36.08bougyman< dyslexic
00:36.39bougymani never ssh to anything as root, so never tried it on this thing, good to know it's disabled.
00:36.47bougymani moved to key-only auth, though.
00:37.12raebbougyman: heh, not if it has its keyboard hangin out
00:37.37raebspecially if the tattoo is a pic of a pre takin an iphone from behind
00:37.38epyon2idk what to do
00:37.44epyon2i had to do this last time
00:37.49epyon2but somehow i got it work
00:37.53destinalraeb: lol
00:37.57raeb/s/takin/givin it to/
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00:38.35destinalno botsnack
00:38.41destinalinfobot: alive?
00:38.42infoboti guess alive is someone who still lives
00:38.52raebyeah i just put a /
00:38.57JackieRipperepyon2: you didn't answer my question.  Are you logging in as root?
00:39.03raebs/i/dumbass me/
00:39.13epyon2what for ssh or to change th passwd?
00:39.20JackieRipperfor ssh
00:39.29epyon2nope my user
00:39.45JackieRipperwhat did you change in /etc/passwd?
00:40.08epyon2just the end part
00:40.17epyon2from /bin/sh
00:40.24epyon2to /opt/bin/bash
00:40.35epyon2shouldnt affect the pw taking though
00:40.44JackieRipperand you added /opt/bin/bash to /etc/shells ?
00:40.56epyon2yeah it works when i use the terminal on the phone
00:41.09epyon2somthings screwed up with beardrop
00:41.17JackieRipperrestart dropbear
00:41.31LarrySteezeblah, the sdk won't install on this computer!
00:42.04destinal~seen pEEf
00:42.05infobotdestinal: i haven't seen 'peef'
00:42.15destinal~seen enkman
00:42.16infoboti haven't seen 'enkman', destinal
00:42.19bougymani still can't get the emulator to work on debian
00:42.24destinal~seen emkman
00:42.24infoboti haven't seen 'emkman', destinal
00:42.24bougymanjust buntu and windows
00:42.40epyon2didnt help
00:42.56raebinfobot: dont get smart with me
00:42.58destinalbougyman: the emulator can work anywhere it seems
00:43.05epyon2is ther like a file where beardrop stores caches the passwd file or somthing
00:43.23destinaljust install specifically the SUN java 6 jre, VirtualBox 3.x
00:43.24LarrySteezeanyone have trouble installing the sdk on their machines?
00:43.26JackieRipperwhat is the error you're getting?
00:43.39LarrySteezei did that :S
00:43.49LarrySteezeit keeps saying the installation is being interrupted
00:43.57LarrySteezeand then it starts rolling back the install
00:44.12raebx64  ?
00:44.16raebor win 7?
00:44.28raebthere it is
00:44.41LarrySteezei installed it on my other 7 box with no hitch
00:44.51Zuchmir2setinal: someone should really make a mojo config page for term, for now, to select color, font size, scroll size
00:45.10epyon2justin@'s password:
00:45.11epyon2Permission denied, please try again.
00:45.11epyon2justin@'s password:
00:45.11epyon2Permission denied, please try again.
00:45.11epyon2justin@'s password:
00:45.11epyon2Permission denied (publickey,password).
00:45.21epyon2^error im getting
00:46.07destinalepyon2: did you change that user to use bash by any chance?
00:46.25epyon2destinal yeah and it works in your terminal
00:46.35destinalsure but we don't check /etc/shells IIRC
00:46.47destinalmake sure that /opt/bin/bash is listed in /etc/shells
00:47.26LarrySteezeso there's been noted problems with the sdk on win 7?
00:48.15destinalepyon2: you can just  (echo /bin/sh; echo /opt/bin/bash) > /etc/shells     [as root]
00:48.24epyon2it was scrwed up
00:49.02epyon2there we go
00:49.10epyon2well that was a hasle
00:49.22epyon2same error different problem as last time lol
00:50.31epyon2thx guys
00:50.57destinalepyon2: no problem
00:51.11destinalbbl, driving
00:54.16epyon2man the terminal app takes away the need for a dev mode
00:54.18epyon2its nice
00:54.42tmzthow do you install it then?
00:55.26epyon2well you need the dev mode to install the terminal app
00:55.35epyon2but it elimiates needing to turn it back on
00:55.45JackieRipperI haven't needed to turn it back on
00:55.56epyon2when you screw things up bad you do lol
00:56.11dugwhoa, a terminal app that runs inside the regular UI?  or one that takes over the entire UI?
00:56.23epyon2runs in luna
00:56.36dug\:D/   thank you
00:56.38epyon2yeah its awesome
00:56.48jlcurrently reading this page, haha
00:56.50epyon2thats how all the guys are getting on irc
00:57.08jlthats the only reason i want terminal, ssh to my system with irssi running :D
00:58.46dugthis sure beats running pssh inside Classic to ssh to localhost and get a shell :|
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01:00.41JackieRippersome thing are still missing, but so far, it's pretty damn awesome
01:01.35epyon2yeah and they are making leaps every new release
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01:03.49LarrySteezehas anyone here had success installing the sdk on win7?
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01:07.36JackieRipperguess not
01:07.50epyon2when i use debain chroot will it install in my debsmall.img file?
01:08.00epyon2when i apt-get
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01:12.48bougymanyes, epyon2
01:13.01LarrySteezeYES! I got it!
01:13.02bougymani'm {} close to getting sound working in debian
01:13.13LarrySteezeanyone here running win7 and need help getting it running?
01:13.13epyon2bougyman sweet just what i want cause i filled up my opt last time
01:13.23LarrySteezeorca saved me :D
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01:15.19tharris-evening all
01:15.33epyon2hey tharris-
01:15.35JackieRipperhiya tharris
01:16.29tharris-what is going on
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01:28.31rwhitbyraeb: I believe the wifi kernel drivers in the pre don't support the right mode for aircrack-ng.
01:28.57raebno promiscuous and no packet injecting?
01:29.08epvit'd be surprising if those were there
01:29.21raebcould always plug in a usb atheros chip i suppose
01:29.47rwhitbyczarphanguye: dropbear supports ssh keys just fine.  just read the doco on where to put them, and make sure the username involved actually has a password (even though the password is not used, and can be the '*' account locked entry in /etc/passwd if you want, but not blank)
01:29.50tharris-making the pre a wireless sniffer would be fun
01:29.55raebthough pre's usb port probably doesn't provide enough powa
01:30.15epvyou'd have to make a cable that supplies power, or use a powered hub
01:30.23epvplus build usb host mode modules
01:30.53epvis omap a standard HCI usb interface?
01:31.09epvthat would be neat
01:31.24Robi_WillJitsu: blueswitch?
01:31.59LarrySteezefor what it's worth...the pre emulator will NOT allow you to take it out of developer mode ;-)
01:32.32raebalthough 3 tripple-a's, a 1 ohm resistor, and a 5.1v zener diode would make for a nice usb battery pack
01:32.50WillJitsuRobi_: eh?
01:33.39epyon2that would be sweet
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01:35.29derekCan anyone point me to some documentation on doing web http/ajax requests inside a mojo app?
01:36.09Robi_saurik: you know michael from blueswitch?
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02:00.31saurikRobi_: I know a lot of people in the field of iphone software. I don't know anyone as "michael from blueswitch"
02:00.38saurikRobi_: that does not mean I do not know him ;P
02:01.00saurikmaybe as either some random username, for example, or an e-mail address; or maybe I met him and forgot his name
02:06.53derekwhere are app catalog apps installed?  Can't find them in  /var/usr/palm/applications/  or  /usr/palm/applications/
02:07.30bougymanok, got paplay to play in the debian chroot
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02:07.50bougymanmount --bind /var/run /media/cf/var/run and mount --bind /tmp /media/cf/tmp was necessary
02:08.02rwhitbyderek: should be in /var/usr/palm/applications
02:08.08bougymanthat will probably  help with other such socket daemons, as well.
02:08.11rwhitbyderek: ipkg -o /var list should show them
02:08.20bougymanstill can't get anything that'll stream mp3 to use pulse in the debian chroot
02:08.29Robi_saurik: nod, he flew in from NY last night to attend the meetup, then I found him a ride to the airport the same night so he could get back ;]
02:08.31bougymanbut i'll get there tomorrow, i bet.
02:09.46derekrwhitby: Ohhh.... novaterm went into the emulator that I had open, and didn't realize it.  Closed emu, reconnected, and looks good now.  Thanks
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02:13.36mrvcdestinal: ping
02:13.40destinalmrvc: pong
02:13.52mrvchow's it going?
02:14.27destinalgood. looking forward to heading to vegas tomorrow for defcon
02:14.39mrvcdestinal: oh yeah? Nice
02:15.26Eguyanyone's update app say "unable to connect"
02:15.31Eguymine won't work
02:16.13mrvcdestinal: so, what are we looking for next steps on terminal?
02:16.17Zuchmir2mrvc: i saw your patch, can't understand why it helped, maybe CellBuffer *tmp = (new_size==0) ? 0 : new CellBuffer [new_size]; fixed it
02:16.42destinalmrvc: did you figure out what was up with the ghosts?
02:17.05mrvcZuchmir2: it seemed like the old code wasn't clearing i properly
02:17.11Zuchmir2mrvc: was hoping someone would implement a prefs page to choose color/font/scroll-size
02:17.27mrvcZuchmir2: yep, sounds like a good project
02:17.27Zuchmir2i think the tmp=0 fixed it
02:17.53destinalPuffTheMagic said he's looking at some of the mojo but more couldn't hurt
02:18.03Zuchmir2mrvc: i exposed setColors() to JS, so this will make lots of ppl happy
02:18.07PuffTheMagiclooking at it now
02:18.07mrvcZuchmir2: I was having the ghosting until I added the code to clear the whole new buffer to spaces
02:18.18PuffTheMagicmight have to convert Terminal to a lightweight app
02:18.23PuffTheMagicthat means using sources.json
02:18.28PuffTheMagicand some other code refactoring
02:18.39destinalPuffTheMagic: sure, what's the difference?
02:18.45PuffTheMagicto get multiple stages
02:19.03destinalPuffTheMagic: if you have some time and you're up to it, go for it
02:19.16mrvcZuchmir2: it seemed odd to me the line that said
02:19.30PuffTheMagicwhat the difference between a stage and a scene
02:19.36destinalthe code predates sdk so it's whatever was the bare minimum in getting things going
02:19.49PuffTheMagicdestinal: yeah i notices
02:19.59PuffTheMagicthe default mojo app in eclipse uses the new format
02:20.05PuffTheMagicand so do all the examples it seems
02:20.19mrvcZuchmir2: maybe it was supposed to be
02:20.45Zuchmir2you mean: o += new_width
02:20.54destinalfeel free to create a new one with palm-generate or  eclipse plugin or whatever and copy the assistant code we have into it
02:21.25Zuchmir2that goes th the next row
02:21.26destinalPuffTheMagic: scenes happen on stages, like in a play :)
02:21.40mrvcZuchmir2: no
02:21.42PuffTheMagicso we need to start a new stage
02:21.48Zuchmir2... oh, i see what u mean
02:22.35bpadalinoyay for pointers
02:22.45Zuchmir2... yeah, that's definately fauly line, yeah it should have been CellBuffer *o = tmp + _height*new_width;
02:22.47destinalPuffTheMagic: Rick_ offered this code recently when I asked about it
02:22.55destinalI just haven't had a chance to do anything with it
02:23.26PuffTheMagici did something like that
02:23.30Zuchmir2that could have caused a write an unknown buffer
02:23.37PuffTheMagicit kind of doesnt work
02:23.48bougymanso none of the optware sound utilities are linked against pulse nor alsa
02:24.16bougymanbut with pulse working in the debian chroot there's gotta be _somethin_ for debian which can use it.
02:24.20bougymanprobably mpd.
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02:24.47LarrySteezeanyone here use komodo?
02:25.28mrvcZuchmir2: it seems cleaner to me to just clear the whole thing anyway
02:25.38destinalmrvc: I think the first thing we need is to keep focus
02:25.52Zuchmir2is there an "official" folder for app data?
02:25.53destinalmrvc: things steal focus and only enter works after.  is there an autofocus capability?
02:26.05Zuchmir2mrvc: the reason i did it the other way was for speed
02:26.42mrvcZuchmir2: understood, but that code is only executed when you change orientations
02:27.17destinalZuchmir2: apps aren't supposed to store files I believe, they're supposed to use sqlite3 db's
02:27.32Zuchmir2... the alternate way is : CellBuffer *o = tmp;
02:27.32Zuchmir2for(int j = 0; j < new_height; j++, o++)
02:27.32Zuchmir2c->ch = ' '
02:27.32destinalfor any app created content
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02:28.03Zuchmir2it also executes on startup, but depending on the scroll buffer size....
02:28.33Zuchmir2destinal: but an ap like classic, is going to have to store data
02:28.53destinalZuchmir2: well there's no official docs on how to do an app like classic. :P
02:29.08Zuchmir2i did: find /usr -type d;find /var -type d, and couldn't find anythng interesting
02:29.15bougymanclassic puts its stuff in /media/internal
02:29.22mrvcdestinal: I haven't noticed it losing focus.  Does it do that when you use a menu item?
02:29.42Zuchmir2bougyman: i think the *read* it from that folder, then move it out
02:29.44destinalyou have to assume everything but /media or /var is off limits due to rootfs being readonly
02:29.58Zuchmir2... once it's "installed" it's not on the USB drive anymore
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02:30.06bougymani was playing with the sqlite dbs
02:30.12bougymanthe schemas are pretty clean.
02:30.31bougymanZuchmir2: i didn't dig too deep on that.
02:30.33destinalI believe some services or plugins use sqlite3 db's also in a way that
02:30.43bougymanbut I didn't see it in the db directory either.
02:31.59bougymannot in /var/palm/data, anyway.
02:32.06bougymanis there another place for 'non-core' apps?
02:32.06Zuchmir2i see folder like: /var/palm/data/
02:32.34Zuchmir2... and /var/pubsub ?
02:32.47bougymanroot@castle:/var/palm/data# sqlite3 Databases.db "select * from Databases"
02:33.02Zuchmir2bougyman: that's what i'm wondering
02:33.10PuffTheMagicdestinal: ahh browser start off headless :D
02:33.21PuffTheMagicthe terminal will need to also
02:34.21PuffTheMagicand it creates stages on the fly it seems
02:34.22PuffTheMagicvar stageName = "browser-" +;
02:34.42PuffTheMagici might be able to get this working tonight
02:35.05destinalPuffTheMagic: aha
02:35.24PuffTheMagiccause each stage has to have a new name
02:35.25destinalthat would mean we can just click terminal again to start more
02:35.31PuffTheMagiccant push term is its already open
02:35.36PuffTheMagicdestinal: right
02:35.53PuffTheMagicbut we need to use the AppAssistant framework
02:36.05PuffTheMagicand converting to that might be messy
02:36.10PuffTheMagicbut i will try to do it tonight
02:36.42PuffTheMagicthis.controller.createStageWithCallback({name: stageName, lightweight: true}, f);
02:36.59PuffTheMagicthen we can use notifications and shit
02:37.12bougymanfor terminal?
02:37.16bougymanthat will be hawt.
02:37.35bougymanis this pure js now, not the .so anymore?
02:37.47PuffTheMagicyeah this is in the mojo part
02:38.12Rick__there's still an so part
02:38.38bougymanthat's the part i'm wondering about.
02:38.47bougymanthere's not an official way to write those, is there?
02:39.51Rick__there is not an official way
02:40.00Rick__destinal and crew worked out the details
02:40.26Rick__if you're not drawing graphics, it's very straightforward since the so part is a pure npapi mozilla style browser plugin
02:40.39Rick__so you don't NEED official sdk for it.  Because it just is a mozilla plugin.
02:40.47bougymani didn't notice if the source was avail on that or not.
02:41.05Rick__The last 3 weeks have mostly been beating up how the graphics part -- which is undocumented works.
02:41.16Rick__bougyman all the source for the plugin is at gitorious
02:41.22Rick__the links are in the wiki article.
02:41.42bougymanok cool, i've been staying away from the gitorous repo until i get a better feel for the OS layout, and have more time to spare.
02:41.59Rick__the information on Terminal is at
02:42.01bougymani'm two days from a virtual did company opening.
02:43.02Epyon1~seen atlanta
02:43.03infobotatlanta <i=c6167a04@gateway/web/freenode/x-2521736d5be7f992> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 10h 57m 30s ago, saying: 'so i dont do it'.
02:45.01bougymanthat a lot of c++ for my tired eyes
02:45.55destinalbougyman: check out basicplugin
02:46.21destinalit's a lot easier to see what's going on, though we should probably port the javascript stuff back to it
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02:47.34Zuchmir2bougyman: what's a virtual did co? is that DID?
02:47.51psykozHey guys, did you hear?  Apple has been doing some really honorable things all along
02:47.52bougymanit's google voice, but not free, heh.
02:47.58psykozThey've apparently been helping protect me from local or international hackers, national security threats etc
02:48.07bougymanapple pulled all their google voice apps today.
02:48.07psykozThey've also been protecting me from drug dealers
02:48.08destinalpsykoz: right
02:48.20psykozFinally they've been protecting all AT&T users from problematic service
02:48.32infobotapple is a "different" computer company :). They are currently known for the iMac, eMac, PowerMac, XServe, iPod, iBook, and Titanium Powerbook. Their computers use (motorola) PowerPC processors, of the G3 (750) and G4 (74XX) nature. the G4 processor has vector processing known as "altivec". Apple can be found at, or apple recently adopted the G5 (ibm) processor which kicks butt
02:48.34bougymanloves sprint
02:48.43destinalwow that's old
02:48.44psykozJust think, without Apple, we'd have no protection from these things, they clearly are fighting off terrists, drug dealers and bad users to boot.  Just think if they weren't doing this, we'd all have terrists next door, drug dealers in our schools etc.
02:48.51Zuchmir2why what's wrong w/GV?
02:49.12bougymanZuchmir2: free sms, for one.
02:49.12destinalright, it's a great thing they're protecting us from google voice
02:49.25bougymanand lower rate international calls
02:49.36bougymanat&t to Yemen: $2.33/minute
02:49.37psykoz"Jailbreaking iPhone could pose threat to national security, Apple claims"
02:49.45bougymangoogle voice: .38/minute
02:49.50bougymanor was that Dubai
02:49.53bougymanone of those two
02:49.59bougymanwe had to route one through google voice the other day for that.
02:50.02Epyon1have you hear abou the iphon hack?
02:50.14Epyon1some sms bug to take over all iphones
02:50.19tlpIs the new terminal application developed with the Mojo SDK? i.e. could it become a 'legitimate' Palm app?
02:50.24psykozEpyon, yah will reveal at blackhat ;)
02:50.35bougymantlp: problem would be distributing the .so, i think.
02:51.01tlpgranted, I don't know if Palm would approve a terminal anyway
02:51.11bougymani wouldn't, if I were them.
02:51.24bougymanI wouldn't allow as much access to it that I have, unless they really want us making apps.
02:51.31tlpI mostly just want ssh access
02:51.35tlpa client, that is
02:51.37bougymanbut if they really wanted us making apps why don't they have a way for us to distribute them?
02:51.46bougymani'm confused about this.
02:51.51psykozbougyman, they do, through them ;)
02:52.02bougymani'm still waiting on a response about that.
02:52.09Epyon1yeah they want all control of th apps
02:52.11bougymanwho do I distribute through them?
02:52.16bougymaner how
02:52.32bougymani submitted my app idea to them.
02:54.20Zuchmir2bougyman: why wouldnt u want to use GV's DID, that u waiting impatintly for anor DID co?
02:54.37bougymanZuchmir2: i was paid to do it.
02:54.40bougymanthis is a client's company
02:54.53bougymanwe do custom phone switches (freeswitch based)
02:54.56bougymanhe needed one
02:55.06Zuchmir2oh, ok
02:55.08bougymanwe got suckered into doing the web app for him, though.
02:55.12bougymanwhich just sucks
02:55.14bougymani hate webapps.
02:55.21bougymani like backend work.
02:55.45bougymanwe wrote freeswitcher to control freeswitch, i want to get the accompanying administration tools done for it.
02:56.01bougymanso it's a full-fledged gui carrier-grade switch and nice pbx.
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03:07.32Epyon1have you guys handled & yet?
03:08.04psykozI need to poke around with freeswitch some time
03:08.12psykozI still have some asterisk servers I'd like to phase out eventually
03:08.57destinalso, speaking of asterisk, doesn't it have alsa or pulseaudio channels these days?
03:09.46destinalI've got this idea for a softphone on the pre that's really just some mojo talking to a native asterisk
03:11.07tmztTerminal could be adapted just to do ssh and irc
03:11.15tmztbut I think you lose something if you do that
03:12.14bougymandestinal: freeswitch does.
03:12.18bougymanpulseaudio, anyway
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03:12.26bougymani use it as a softphone.
03:12.29destinalI'll have to check into it
03:12.54bougymandestinal: that's what i'm doing with freeswitch (freeswitcher)
03:13.11bougymanif I had access to ruby it'd be a quick app, as is i'm doing it web-based.
03:13.24destinalweb based or mojo based?
03:13.30hmagoohrm, trying to repair my messaging app, took some files out of the webosdoctor archive.  Got the functionality back, but see <div> and </div> (etc..) in the text messages
03:13.37destinalare you talking about a pre app?
03:13.42bougymanit just dials to two endpoints (the target you're calling and your cellphone)
03:13.49destinaloh i see
03:13.49bougymanyeah, i want to do a mojo app.
03:14.05destinalso you mean control a remote freeswitch
03:14.07bougymanvoip over evdo is sketchy at best.
03:14.19bougymanmostly horrible.
03:14.19destinalbougyman: have you tried it?
03:14.29bougymanfreeswitch runs on the pre fine.
03:14.46bougymancan't use pulse but I can play media
03:14.57bougymani can probably use pulse now, just need to set up the mic sink
03:15.04bougyman(in debian chroot)
03:15.22destinalwhy debian chroot?
03:15.37bougymancause i didn't want to resize the lvms just yet.
03:15.45bougymani've only had this 5 days.
03:16.00bougyman(well, 3, i had one for two days and this one for three)
03:19.04hmagooanyone know off hand which file to replace to original if I see <div>s show up in SMS messages?
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03:20.04eniothis recovery tool aint working
03:20.22enionot under linux/windows/os x
03:20.25eniowindows see it now
03:20.26hmagoogot <div> in my text messages, which js file is probably the culprit?
03:20.29*** join/#webos-internals Epyon3 (
03:20.32eniobut the next botton doesnt show
03:22.10bougymani had to do the battery trick
03:22.18bougymanand hold the volup as you put the battery in.
03:22.24bougymanthe next button will light up.
03:22.30bougymanwhen the USB icon appears on your screen.
03:22.36bougyman(the whole screen)
03:23.06eniook so u have your pre connected to pc
03:23.20bougymanno, turn it off and take the battery out, first.
03:23.30bougymanthen plug it in to the pc.
03:23.38bougymanthen hold volup while putting the battery back in.
03:23.44eniothen you pull the battery out and press volume key and ok
03:23.45bougymanor whatever the instructions say.
03:24.34bougymanyou may have to hold volup before you even plug it in to the pc.
03:24.49bougymani'm 3 dogfish head 60 minute ale's fuzzy, see the doc.
03:25.24bougymanyeah, hold volup before even plugging it in
03:25.50enioha got it
03:27.24hmagoohrm, chatview-assistant.js dated 7/17 in webOSDoctor, is that current 1.1?
03:28.16bougyman-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        82049 Jul 18 00:22 ./usr/palm/applications/
03:28.21bougymanthat one?
03:28.24bougymanthat's 1.1 there.
03:29.14bougyman529249aa67195391e475997c9f3220e0 is my md5
03:29.44destinalbougyman: at least you have good taste in beer :)
03:30.46bougymantips mug
03:31.12hmagook, I'll check
03:31.32bougymanlast time I looked at this much .js was when I got thrust into rails development.
03:32.01bougymanthe framework could be worse.
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03:33.03Rick__the framework could be MUCH worse.
03:33.19Rick__But I still wish it was YUI based instead of Prototype based.
03:33.41bougymani don't mind prototype, but prefer jquery/FP when it comes to js.
03:33.43Rick__and mojo was obviously written by a bunch of Java programmers who wanted to warp Javascript into being Java.  :-/
03:33.49bougymanwell yeah.
03:33.56*** join/#webos-internals aYellowBanana (
03:35.05bougymanand there's still a java processor hog running on this all the time.
03:35.10bougymanwith an uberlong commandline
03:35.15hmagoobougyman, yes, same md5 thanks
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03:37.23bougymani guess that's what luna is written in?
03:37.43bougymani love that one.
03:38.03destinalluna itself isn't java but it calls java stuff
03:38.23destinalservices especially
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03:40.40bougymani wonder if jruby will run on this arch?
03:41.37bougymanit does.
03:44.57bougymanit's trying to
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03:47.07bougymanroot      9286 86.0 15.0  55904 36876 pts/0    Rl+  22:46   0:09 java -Xmx512m -Xss1024k -Xverify:none -da -classpath
03:47.15bougymanwill that actually try and grab the 512m ?
03:47.22bougymani stopped it, just in case.
03:47.36bougyman(it's part of the jruby wrapper)
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03:58.52hmagoolol, so if I just overwrite the entire directory with the one out of the webosdoctor is that going to work?
03:59.57Rick__pretty much yes.
04:02.27hmagoowhats an easy command to copy over a directory from /var/home/.. to /usr/palm/.. overwriting everything?  does cp do that without any switches?
04:04.06hmagooyeah I know, google is my bud ;)
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04:07.50Rick__to copy from one dir to another do
04:08.13Rick__cp -r  /var/home/somedir /usr/palm/somedir
04:08.43hmagooty, just now did that
04:08.55hmagooafter I mv the original to a backup
04:09.15hmagoolol, we'll see if it survives a reboot
04:11.38hmagooyeah that quilt segment on the wiki kind of lost me, since I didn't know how to deal with patches that were on the pre since before OS updates...
04:11.49oc80zwhats good
04:12.09hmagooand that might have been the culprit or it might just be that I did another messaging mod that I forgot I did
04:12.30hmagoohi oc
04:12.49hmagoowow, that is shocking
04:13.44hmagooI thought I just overwrote the entire directory, only to see the same exact thing
04:13.56hmagoo<div> some text message </div>
04:14.00hmagoo^ that
04:16.08Technobabbleif i don't make a swap partition on a linux install, will there just not be a swap at all, or will it make a dynamic one if it needs it
04:16.37rwhitbyyou can swap to a partition or a file.  both need to be set up in advance.  if not, no swap.
04:16.56hmagoo<div class="messageText">Testing SMS</div>
04:17.03Rick__rwhitby -- it is not sunday
04:17.09hmagoogrrr, why is that showing up
04:17.20rwhitbyRick__: hotel ethernet
04:17.28Rick__rwhitby too cool.
04:17.45Rick__rwhitby how was the flight?
04:18.02rwhitbySame as most 10+ hour flights.
04:18.37Rick__crying babys, drunks, overcrowding, leg cramps, noise, nodnod
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04:23.03rwhitbynoise cancelling in-ear headphones block most of that out.
04:24.40Technobabblespeaking of which, what are some good head phones to pick up
04:24.46Technobabblethat can do phoen calls as well, if possible
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04:31.15derekwhere does something like"a log message"); actually log a message to?  Trying to wrap my head around how to debug applications.  Also, is tailing /var/log/messages really the best way to see JS errors?
04:33.45Robi_whats the screnshot key-combo
04:35.54hmagooahh, I think it worked...
04:36.31hmagoocan't wait to get my linksys spa-2102 ata to use with google voice and gizmo...
04:38.39hmagoowas thinking I would need to use the pre to initiate calls out and have GV call me on the gizmo number, but it appears that google is bringing gizmo around like it's little ***h
04:38.51hmagooso I should have a completely free landline, using a normal phone, attached to my DSL... by next week
04:39.02hmagooand from there on until they decide to make it not so free anymore
04:39.53epvyay and goog gets to record all your calls!
04:40.26hmagoonot sure there is anything in my calls they can use
04:40.28rwhitbythey've got all your email and web history, why not your calls too :-)
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04:40.44tmztcalls or call details?
04:41.09Robi_i tried the GV app on the itouch, first it rings yer phone then the number u called, neat
04:41.10rwhitbyI'm sure they can get at the stream if they want to.
04:41.48epvseems like the whole point
04:41.55psykozI turned my Google Voice into just voicemail only
04:42.02hmagoowell, free, aside from the $70 I spent on the ATA device... ;)
04:42.14psykozI had been using callwave so I had sprint setup call forward on busy/unavailable to callwave to transcribe my voicemails
04:42.17EguyWhat's an Itouch Robi?
04:42.22EguyNever heard of it
04:42.33Robi_ipod touch
04:42.36psykozI redirected that to my GV number, that way people still call my cell, but after I ignore (or am offnetwork/busy) they then forward to Google Voice and leave me a message
04:43.01psykozwhich gets transcribed, I'm okay with google transcribing my voicemails, they're only 2-3% of my total call volume, so they're missing out on the 97% of the goodies
04:43.09rwhitbytmzt: google needs to handle the stream directly so they can apply the new patent they got on inserting ads in phone calls when there are gaps in the conversation
04:43.19hmagoopsykoz, works ok but reminds me of reading spams sometimes actually makes me laugh so hard looking at the gibberish
04:43.42Robi_Eguy: i know , it's not proper but it's too annoying to keep saying ipod when it's not just an ipod, and it's not an iphone so, its an itouch to me
04:43.48Robi_cuz I touch it :P
04:44.03Robi_psykoz: they get it wrong mostly anyhow ;]
04:44.19Robi_but it sure freaks people out when they get an email reply to their voicemail..
04:44.36psykozhmagoo, callwave's is really nice, I don't care about the full voicemail, what I care about is seeing someone called and then how they say to reach them... usually I basically in my head read "hey, it's bob... I wanted to tell you things are doing great, but that doesn't matter, give me a call back at 711-555-5252" in my head as "hey it's bob, call me at 711-555-5252"
04:44.57hmagooreads like spam sometimes but, I can understand most of it, but get a little scared when they transcribe my wife talking about Marty and other names.. who the hell is Marty? lol
04:45.26Robi_heh yikes
04:45.49hmagoothey definitely guess about whatever they don't know...
04:46.08Robi_argh someone remind me what key combo is to take a screen shot on the pre
04:46.13hmagoopsykoz,  completely understand
04:47.17hmagooRobi_,  orange, sym, P?
04:47.18Robi_searches the pdf
04:47.35Robi_tried that, gave me a P
04:47.36hmagoonot R lol
04:48.01Robi_or Pi
04:48.09gkatsevyep, screenshot is orange+sym+p
04:48.09psykozrwhitby, any urls to their patent on gap/ads ?
04:48.29gkatsevbut you dont get a visual/auditory que that the screenshot was taken
04:48.41gkatsevcheck under photos->screencaptures
04:48.53hmagoopsykoz,  I'm thinking they will be doing ads before connecting calls
04:48.54rwhitbypsykoz: I pasted the link above
04:48.56Robi_bah i dont have enough thumbs for that
04:49.09Robi_nor an ack that it did a screen shot
04:50.07gkatsevRobi_: lol, i do is left thumb on orange, then right index on sym and right middle finger on the p while holding the pre in the left hand
04:50.18rwhitbypsykoz: except the actual patent text link in that article doesn't point to the patent the article talks about
04:50.53gkatsevs/, i/, what i/
04:50.55Robi_invents a three-pronged screen shot tooll out of a paperclip
04:51.27gkatsevif anyone tries using emacs on here, his hands will fall apart
04:51.39Robi_nice a vi parsing infobot
04:52.03gkatsevwell, its just regex replacement really
04:52.29gkatsevhm... i guess i need the last /
04:53.20Robi_try that gkatsev
04:53.24hmagooI never knew you could extract an app out of the doctor image and use it to repair, but looks like it worked
04:53.32epvi run my own asterisk server to collect voicemail
04:54.00gkatsevhm... i guess i need the last /
04:54.15psykozI don't have a problem collecting voicemail, I have a problem actually reading or listening to it
04:54.26gkatsevi wonder if c works
04:54.30psykozErr !reading, I have a problem listening to it
04:54.51gkatsevpsykoz: google voice, ftw
04:55.12epvmy asterisk server emails me voicemails, which is kinda nice
04:55.14psykozgkatsev, well, callwave's transcribes are much better, but I'm saving $15/month
04:55.19epvthen i can play them on my laptop or phone
04:55.20gkatsevnope, c doesnt work
04:55.32psykozepv, no, email means you still have to listen to it, I >despise< listening to voicemails
04:55.38hmagoopsykoz,  they use humans in far away lands?
04:55.40epvoh i see
04:55.42psykozAlmost to the point that I originally had sprint turn my voicemailbox off
04:55.52gkatsevisnt that what google voice does as well?
04:55.53psykozhmagoo, their response is too fast for humans in far away lands imo
04:55.53epvi guess i get very little so it doesn't bother me
04:55.56Zuchmir2hmagoo: how wou;d u get free calls out of an ata + gizmo + GV?
04:56.16psykozepv, nod
04:56.36epvbut man, if i ever start getting spammed during phone calls, i wil lhave to stop using the phone
04:56.40hmagooI heard some services actually use humans
04:56.42Robi_gkatsev: toldyouso :>
04:57.26gkatsev#vim should add it to their vimgor
04:57.32psykozgkatsev, callwave's really got nice transcriptions, if I didn't care about saving $180/yr I'd stick with it.  But for $180/yr in savings (30 6 packs of beer), I am getting less quality transcribes that are okay enough ;)
04:57.50hmagooZuchmir2, GV has a settings dialog for your gizmo info, gizmo has a settings dialog for your GV info
04:57.59hmagoothe second part is brand new
04:58.10hmagooand probably limited time, I dunno
04:59.37Zuchmir2i read it said 20 minute max... i tried, it didn't work for me :-(
05:00.40Zuchmir2read this article, and couldn't get it to work:
05:00.45gkatsevanyway, going to sleep
05:05.59hmagooZuchmir2, I've seen some forum threads around with some good info.
05:07.11hmagooquick example,
05:07.46hmagooadios folks.
05:10.20Zuchmir2ok, i'll look @ that... it may be enticing to get an SIP client for pre to call out using that
05:13.21hmagoofor sure, I'm just done paying for any additional communication services than I already am.. although I'm up for very low cost.
05:14.01hmagoobut would like a landline (or functioning like one) in the house
05:15.14aYellowBananaZuchmir2, I spent a month on that
05:15.19aYellowBananalet me tell you, don't bother
05:15.22aYellowBananait doesn't work anymore
05:15.35aYellowBananawasted a shitload of time, but I do like Google Voice :)
05:15.49aYellowBananaproblem is that Google completely denied access to SIP. Even to Gizmo now. :(
05:15.50hmagoogot verizon to honor the price for new customers ($19.99) for 1MB/384 DSL.. I had 768/128, lol for the same price
05:16.44Zuchmir2aYellowBanana: the link i posted above is date july 27, 2009, it's already outdated?
05:16.51hmagooaYellowBanana, they didn't realize how much the world was going to abuse it or what?
05:17.08aYellowBananayes to both
05:17.21Zuchmir2wow! that was quick
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05:18.30Zuchmir2i thought i had set something up wrong... but i guess i'm not the only one
05:19.36Zuchmir2even toyed w/the idea of using an <embed> and call ppl using that, but the pre doesn't support it (i think it's shockwave)
05:19.38aYellowBananayeah. i was looking forward to it :(
05:20.10aYellowBananagood night guys
05:20.14aYellowBanana's bed time now
05:20.20Zuchmir2good nite
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05:21.39tlzdestinal, you here
05:21.42hmagoodoes look a little more blank than when I read the page two days ago
05:22.01destinaltlz: am now
05:22.24HiQHaving some troubles.. I can novaproxy into root, but if I try to put my pre into passthrough mode (mpt d userial) it just stalls after I press enter. Any ideas?
05:23.26destinalI can still put gizmo phones on my gvoice
05:23.39tlzso im running terminal 0.1.5, and my enter button doesnt work...
05:23.47tlzgotta use  sym+!
05:23.51destinaltlz: reboot
05:24.03destinalor restart luna
05:24.07tlzdid... several times
05:24.21destinalyou have a mismatched term and termplugin
05:24.39destinalremove them both and install from feed
05:24.42destinalthen reboot
05:24.57tlzits fixed actually
05:25.02tlzur the man ;)
05:26.01tlzlove the terminal app
05:26.06destinalZuchmir2: hey
05:26.45destinalZuchmir2: I haven't looked at todays commits (working and then home stuff)
05:27.20hmagooZuchmir2,  "You are now ready to receive calls for free and make US calls at low cost which will now show on your Caller ID as your GoogleVoice number!"
05:27.21destinalok, just time out.  I see how you are
05:27.47hmagoothats a switch, no wonder the text is not meant to be visible yet
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05:30.32hmagooZuchmir2, and "read"
05:30.49hmagoo$.02 minute to place calls.
05:31.29destinalbut google voice will connect outbound calls for free
05:31.56destinalas well as inbound
05:32.22destinalZuchmir2: hey
05:32.54hmagoodestinal, I doubt it. not sure whats up
05:33.01hmagoosee you guys.
05:33.16destinalhmagoo: later
05:33.31epvyou can get plain normal voip service for less than 2c/min tho
05:33.53tlzwhats the quiet-powerd-messages.patch
05:34.12destinalepv: google voice + gizmo is free inbound calls  and via google voice's web interface an outbound call is effectively an inbound call
05:34.38destinalso free phone line if you can send http requests to place your calls  (asterisk, anyone?)
05:35.23destinaltlz: the quiet-powerd patch makes powerd shut up
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05:35.37destinalnormally it walls you a lot
05:35.57destinalsaying it went to sleep, woke up, etc
05:36.07tlzin the terminal
05:36.21tlzworth patching you think?
05:36.32destinalif it annoys you
05:36.41Rick__destinal update tonight?  or still got the weirdo bugs?
05:36.59destinalRick__: I think we're fresh out of weirdo bugs, you should have come earlier if you wanted them  :P
05:37.04destinalso yeah, might be good
05:37.07destinalchecking a few things
05:37.14Rick__any progress on launching new scenes?
05:37.27destinalPuff was working on integrating that
05:37.40destinalhe pushed something so let me check
05:37.54Rick__got 3 minutes to listen to a request?
05:39.27Zuchmir2hmgoo: so u need to pay gizmo to connect to GV?
05:39.39destinalZuchmir2: gizmo is free
05:39.46tlzwhat kinda requests we got goin on
05:39.48Zuchmir2destinal: hpw do u do it in http?
05:40.00destinalwell use their web interface with a browser first
05:40.03Zuchmir2destinal: true
05:40.04destinalthen figure out how it does it
05:40.26destinaland automate if you find a browser inconvenient for placing all your calls at home
05:41.10destinaland don't worry about the call out stuff since you won't technically be calling out
05:41.14destinalgoogle voice will be calling you
05:41.20destinalwhen you tell it to place outbound calls
05:41.40destinalRick__: still there?
05:41.45mrvcZuchmir2, destinal: I've pushed a change to let you select the font
05:42.03Zuchmir2mrvc: looking...
05:42.05destinalmrvc: did it merge with puff's stuff?  i think he did a lot of mojo changes
05:42.12tlzim lost
05:42.12destinalbut I haven't checked yet
05:42.19mrvcZuchmir2: I had some conflicts
05:42.39destinalI thought puff's code was lots different but haven't tested it yet
05:43.20mrvcZuchmir2, destinal: the problem is that when you switch away from the main stage, the terminal gets destroyed
05:43.34mrvcand then it gets re-created when you come back from the preferences
05:43.43mrvcso you are at the login prompt again
05:44.09destinaldoes it make a call to destroy it?
05:44.29mrvcdestinal: yeah, I think it is like when you go to another page in a web browser
05:44.38destinalwe should be able to preserve it
05:44.41mrvcall the plugins get destroyed
05:44.56destinalthe plugin doesn't ever get unloaded
05:45.03Rick__mrvc, it sould have persisted
05:45.14Rick__the menu is just inserted into the dom above the main scene.
05:45.17Zuchmir2mrvc: did u do color selection?
05:45.24mrvcZuchmir2: no
05:45.58mrvcRick__: yeah, I don't know enough about it, but it is definately destroyed and re-created
05:46.09Rick__that's really odd mrvc
05:46.15Rick__what was he calling?
05:46.43mrvcRick__: NPP_Destroy is called
05:46.51Zuchmir2added earlier today an setColors()... should be easy to  implement
05:47.13Rick__jeeez.  Was that in response to a menu function?
05:47.20Rick__or to just BRINGING UP the menu?
05:47.21Zuchmir2does the plugin unload as well?
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05:47.32mrvcRick__: In response to pushing a new scene
05:47.47destinalI think I know what's wrong
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05:48.10eainepyon2, you there?  :)
05:48.11mrvcZuchmir2: I don't think the .so is unloading, it is just destroying the instance
05:49.07Zuchmir2looks like everone's got a different cross-compiler :-)
05:49.08destinalif you just push a scene you destroy the plugin it seems
05:49.24destinalI would have created a new stage and pushed it there
05:49.35destinalmaybe it would have come up in another card, but I'm ok with that for now
05:49.59mrvcdestinal: yeah, that may be the best way
05:50.12Zuchmir2was hping somehow to get to NP_Shutdown() which would hopefully avoid a reboot on each compile
05:50.15mrvcdestinal: it'll get a bit confusing if you have multiple sessions though
05:51.51destinalwe could always do what classic did, and use a seperate process for our program and make the plugin an adapter between luna and program
05:51.52Rick__destinal it should not have destroyed the plugin...  in the inspector when you push a scene, it inserts that scene INTO THE DOM above the scene you were viewing.
05:52.13Rick__that's just weird behavior.
05:52.23Rick__but that's clearly WHY classic did it that way.
05:53.43Rick__so destinal the idea is, pushing the scene destroyes the plugin, and when you come back to the scene, the plugin is re-created, but all it does is provide a viewport into the back-end program running in a seperate process?
05:53.57Rick__so the back end process is still logged in....
05:54.09PuffTheMagicyou guys make progress or just speculating?
05:54.19destinalPuffTheMagic: speculating
05:54.30Rick__and in the state you left it or, updated by events in the terminal, but in any event you get state info from the back-end-process.
05:54.56destinalright, that's basically how they did it (and kill the process when they destroy the card)
05:55.17PuffTheMagici am pretty sure plugins get loaded once when luna starts
05:55.23Rick__isn't that actually -simpler- in some sense, because the back end process is "just" a terminal app...   and the plugin does the graphic stuff to provide a viewport?
05:55.31destinalyeah they get loaded but not instantiated
05:55.33PuffTheMagicso each terminal session will need a thread within the plugin
05:55.38Zuchmir2would responding to hasproperty of ownerDocument help any?
05:56.22PuffTheMagicPushing a scene does not destroy the plugin
05:56.31PuffTheMagici tired pushing a new "term" scene
05:56.32destinalIt sends it a shutdown event
05:56.38PuffTheMagicand you could still type in the shell
05:56.46PuffTheMagicnaa it didnt shutdown at all
05:56.47destinalwell term is already running
05:56.52destinalso pushing it just goes back there
05:56.54PuffTheMagicbut the menu was sorta jacked up
05:57.09PuffTheMagicdestinal: first off... we definately need to create a new stage
05:57.23destinalbut for preferences it would be a little weird I agree
05:57.26PuffTheMagicbut i think you are right that we need a thread per stage
05:57.32destinalto have prefs show up in another card
05:57.33PuffTheMagicfor preferences it is easy
05:57.39PuffTheMagiccause that is a difference scene
05:57.47destinalbut that kills it now
05:57.48destinalcheck it out
05:57.55PuffTheMagicdestinal: i was able make an alert dialog work
05:57.59PuffTheMagicand it didnt kill the plugin
05:58.04PuffTheMagicand that is just a type of scene
05:58.16PuffTheMagicso a preferences scene shouldnt kill it either
05:58.20destinalok so why are we getting called to shutdown?
05:58.47PuffTheMagici have no idea what you are actually doing when that happens
05:58.52destinalwhen the preferences scene is pushed
05:59.01mrvcIt is destroying the javascript object, and then the plugin instance
05:59.06destinalPuffTheMagic: git repo
05:59.33PuffTheMagicmrvc: we need to go headless on this
05:59.35mrvcand when you come back to the original scene, it re-creates the plugin instance and the javascript object
05:59.37PuffTheMagicand use AppAssistant
05:59.43destinalso there isn't a way to push without destroying the javascript objects?
05:59.53destinalor another stage?
06:00.02PuffTheMagicdestinal: look into using AppAssistant and headless
06:00.02destinalsince another stage mandates another card right?
06:00.09PuffTheMagicits gonna be the way to go
06:00.13destinaland prefs in another card admittedly would be werid
06:00.29PuffTheMagicyou create termplugin in the constructor for the AppAssistant
06:00.34PuffTheMagicthen its available to all scenes
06:00.47PuffTheMagicand stages
06:01.06destinalso that means it won't destroy our js object when we push over the top?
06:01.13PuffTheMagicbut i cant seem to get anything working right now using sources.json style
06:01.33destinalor that we'll have to push another card
06:01.34Zuchmir2where did "org.webosinternals.term/stylesheets/term.css" come from in the git?
06:02.29Rick__PuffTheMagic you're using the appassistant in sources without a scene line?  so it front-loads?
06:02.35PuffTheMagichey guys... i think you/we should start creating branches when you are gonna test broken test code
06:02.43PuffTheMagicthen when its working merge it back into master
06:02.55PuffTheMagicRick_: what?
06:03.15PuffTheMagicapp-assistant does not seem to go in sources.json
06:03.23PuffTheMagicat least i dont see it in any other code
06:03.37destinalRick__: I think he's using a similar technique to the browser where it starts headless and then dynamically creates stages and scenes
06:03.41PuffTheMagicbut i need to start using the emulator
06:03.51destinalor you knew that
06:03.54Rick__got it.
06:04.34destinalsince the browser is capable of being launched again from the launcher that would make term more intuitive
06:04.49Rick__you can put _any_ script in sources.json without a scene line, and they front-load before any scene is instantiated.  I'm not saying you don't need to use the headless / created scenes technique,
06:05.09Rick__I think you do.  I'm just pointing out that sources.json front-loads any js files that don't mention a scene.
06:05.35Zuchmir2Exception caught in V8Proxy::CallFunction (0) (Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'sendKeyUp')
06:05.39Rick__reverse browser's structure so that you can see why it's capable of being multi-loaded.
06:05.59destinalZuchmir2: that's what happens when your terminal object isn't there
06:06.02destinalerr embed
06:06.32Zuchmir2i know, i'm pointing that out
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06:07.19mrvcZuchmir2: yeah, it seems that when you go to another stage, the plugin loses the instance, and it becomes just another dom object
06:07.55mrvcZuchmir2: I guess it should remove the event listeners in deactivate or something
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06:08.26PuffTheMagici see why shit gets messed up
06:08.31PuffTheMagicyou need to create a new stage
06:10.08Zuchmir2ok, i see it calls Object_Deallocate, followed by NPP_Destroy
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06:22.20PuffTheMagicwell i still think we need to use AppAssistant to work with multiple stages
06:22.42PuffTheMagicbut ineed to go to bed
06:23.00mrvcme too
06:23.21mrvcwill have to experiment more tomorrow
06:24.31Eguy-sleepAnybody have "unable to connect" in the update app after 1.1?
06:24.43Eguy-sleepMy Profile is verified
06:28.11oc80zwhats good
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06:32.27CIA-35bzhou * r10511 optware/trunk/make/ irssi: 0.8.13 -> 0.8.14
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07:07.33JC2root@gemux86:/tmp# cat /tmp/
07:07.58JC2Creating new /opt directory:
07:08.16JC2Mounting /dev/hdb to /opt:
07:08.45JC2ERROR: /dev/hdb does not exist
07:11.58Zuchmir2mrvc: added to your prefs page: color
07:17.02tlzprefs page for the terminal?
07:22.38tlzwhen i click perfs, it doesn't open heh
07:22.56Zuchmir2... the prefs page has been causing a "reset" to the terminal
07:23.16Zuchmir2it's in the new HEAD, not yet in the package
07:23.28tlzso its in a future version..
07:30.21rwhitbyJC2: you need to create a virtual disk first, as the wiki page says
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07:48.13destinalrwhitby: hey
07:48.24rwhitbydestinal: yup
07:49.10destinaljust saying hello.. ever feel like you're warping your brain in too many different directions learning many topics at once?
07:49.23rwhitbydestinal: every day my friend
07:49.44rwhitbyand today especially
07:50.50destinalI guess its best never to stop that.   still, javascript, css, sqlite3, c++, java, dbus, .. it definitely seems like palm wanted to create an *interesting* platform  :)
07:51.22destinalrwhitby: you're in japan?
07:53.05destinalgetting ready to go out to defcon in las vegas -- should be interesting.  I hate airports, however
07:54.29rwhitbyhave fun at defcon
07:55.17destinaldo you ever try to make it up to the states for defcon / blackhat?
07:58.10rwhitbynope, not my area
08:01.04destinalah well, must sleep.   have a good (afternoon?)
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08:50.46trisokay, where's this armv7a-softfloat-linux-gnueabi-g++ at...
09:38.03Decimationyoo, anyone here?
09:38.34jwminstead of sleepign
09:38.38Decimationlol, i forgot to backup 3 files :/
09:38.38jwmI'm up trading
09:38.49Decimationany chance you would have them?
09:39.16jwmmy phone is too far away
09:39.20jwmit's in the car
09:39.43Decimationaww man.
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10:38.34Decimationanyone here?
11:01.50james_someone edited this page again
11:01.53james_IT WORKS
11:04.52Decimationi used the palm site to download the webos doctor
11:04.58Decimationwhere does the .jar file save to?
11:05.15james_where ever you told it to
11:05.34Decimationno.. i didnt get a choice
11:05.49Decimationit downloaded some like.. 100 kb java installer thing
11:06.01Decimationthen that thing downloaded the actually jar
11:06.01james_ok, sorry
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12:00.23mikedganyone know where text messages are stored?
12:10.01rwhitbyDecimation: use the direct link to the jar file from our WebOS_Doctor wiki page
12:11.59drnullmikedg: did you check the tracker app  since it reads incoming text messages and sends back location info, I'd guess it knows.
12:12.46mikedgdrnull: i have not
12:13.17mikedgi screwed up quite a bit oops :(
12:13.46mikedgi somehow made it so my girlfriend will not show up in the messaging list when she sends a txt
12:13.54mikedgi cant reproduce it either :(
12:14.39mikedgi tried getting the same to happen for other contacts but no luck
12:15.10mikedgcause it could come in handy for when you have more than 1 girlfriend :)
12:18.06mikedgthanks tho drnull that looks helpful
12:18.08rwhitbymikedg: you could make it location dependent too
12:18.29rwhitbyat girlfriend 1's house, don't show girlfriend 2's txts
12:18.34rwhitbyand vice versa
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12:28.45mikedgit appears they dont really delete messages when you delete messages
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12:35.26mikedgmy phone seems to be perpetually in a writable mode
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12:47.35mikedgwhat a pain :(
12:51.42mikedgis gonna try deleting a few of these ables
12:55.13mikedgSQL error: no such collation sequence: LOCALIZED_SECONDARY
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13:23.40mikedgjust figured out why i couldnt delete stuff from my phone
13:23.48mikedgi was ocnnected to the meulator with noovaterm
13:26.07mikedgwell my attempt at fixing this didnt work :(
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13:34.00i700plushey all
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13:50.48mikedgbah i never realised sqlite has triggers
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13:58.02PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: ping
14:00.32mikedgthink im gonn ahave to redoctor up :(
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14:42.36mikedgtryign a last ditch atttempt
14:42.51mikedgto fix this by deleting all my contacts
14:45.00epyon2~seen atlanta
14:45.01infobotatlanta <i=c6167a04@gateway/web/freenode/x-2521736d5be7f992> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 22h 59m 28s ago, saying: 'so i dont do it'.
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14:56.37i700plusand i said how about breakfast at tiffanys....
14:56.43i700pluswhoops wrong window!
14:56.46PuffTheMagicI GOT MULTIPLE CARDS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!
14:57.06*** join/#webos-internals A2NY|pre (n=A2NY|pre@
14:58.26A2NY~seen destinal-zzzz
14:58.28infobotdestinal-zzzz is currently on #webos-internals. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 6d 1h 9m 29s, last said: 'rwhitby: good progress!'.
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15:15.27infobotCurrently I'm hooked up to but only for 1d 6h 38m 14s.  I had to reconnect 12 times.   Connectivity: 6.251 %.  I was last disconnected for 'Connection reset by peer'.
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15:15.44infobotTotal CPU usage: 73123.2 s ... Total used: 2.7 % (parent/child ratio: 100.0 %)
15:15.52i700plus~ seen i700plus
15:15.54infoboti700plus is currently on #webos-internals (20m 37s). Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~ seen i700plus'.
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15:26.05i700plusDoes anyone know how hard/possible it would be to install x on the debian-small image on my pre and possibly run it? would directfb work?
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15:30.07PuffTheMagici700plus: technically running X on the Pre is possible
15:30.20PuffTheMagicusing the standard palm userland.... might be tricky
15:30.28PuffTheMagicyou could use a gentoo arm7 stage3
15:30.33PuffTheMagicpretty easily
15:30.38PuffTheMagici know nothing about debian-small
15:30.53i700plusi'm going to reasearch it a bit and give it a try, id love to see it work
15:31.18PuffTheMagicit will involve a LOT of work though
15:31.30PuffTheMagichave the doctor ready to restore your pre ;)
15:31.45i700plusi can only imagine,
15:31.47i700plusoh well, i've got nothing to lose
15:35.29i700plusi'm relaly new to the whole linux thing, would it be possible to do exactly what is done to run doom on the pre, put the gentoo img on the pre and use chroot to start x? then run x that way?
15:36.03PuffTheMagicyou are new to linux and you want to try and get X running on a Pre
15:36.12PuffTheMagicever hear of baby steps?
15:36.21J0sHjump the gun much
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15:36.33i700pluswell im not new, ive used many distros but im new to the whole console thing
15:36.55PuffTheMagicso you dont really "know linux" you just use it?
15:37.13PuffTheMagichave you ever installed slackware or gentoo sucessfully?
15:37.18i700plusim learning... slowly and know enough to get around.. yes
15:37.21PuffTheMagicand used it for any lengh of time?
15:38.03PuffTheMagici700plus: i would really just wait till someone has a plain or linux image that you can dump onto the pre
15:38.10PuffTheMagicif you want to run your phone with out Luna
15:38.27i700plusyeah, true
15:38.45i700plusim not trying to sound stupid, im just asking to learn lol
15:38.47PuffTheMagici mean im not trying to say to go explore and try things
15:38.51PuffTheMagiccause thats how I learn too
15:39.05PuffTheMagicbut its not gonna be like installing ubuntu
15:41.22i700plusy mean you are right about the whole know linux and just using it, i know a very small ammount about how to use it, but enough to mess around, i know nothing about directory structure or basic console commands, i've got doom running on the pre so i can follow directions and also am running irssi in debian on the pre.
15:41.59i700plusi just dont know anything but the basics...
15:43.48PuffTheMagici700plus: if you are serious about learning... install something like gentoo (if you have a fast enought cpu to compile your whole system in less than a day)
15:43.53PuffTheMagicif not try something like slackware
15:44.01PuffTheMagicthey make you do everything from the ground up
15:44.09PuffTheMagicand you will learn a lot along the way
15:52.25i700plusim just going to install windows 7 on the pre.. .haha runs good on my laptop why not on the pre!
15:52.38i700plus /sarcasm
15:54.16j0shthats like getting xp to boot through emulation on the ps3, i heard it took a full day to start up
15:54.33A2NYj0sh, no
15:55.05j0shor was it the ps2 oO
15:55.12A2NYprob ps2
15:55.30i700plushaha, or running virtualpc with linux running cedega playing counterstrike...
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16:06.05mikedgdoes the device partial reset screw with ur palm profile?
16:06.49hopspitfirei700plus: I made a Gentoo stage 1 guide if you wanna learn:
16:07.20i700plusnice i will take a look. thanks a ton
16:08.36mikedgwell i hope not cause i just did it
16:09.49mikedgugh it doesnt appea rot do jack shit
16:10.36mikedgnothing appears to have been erased
16:14.37PuffTheMagicmikedg: the partial erase and full erase dont seem to do jack
16:14.44PuffTheMagicexcept for erasing your media
16:14.48PuffTheMagicif you do the full erase
16:14.58PuffTheMagicall your apps and settings will still be there
16:15.06PuffTheMagicif you want a nice clean erase use the doctor
16:15.19mikedgi tried partial erase, i noticed no difference
16:15.27A2NYthe palm profile will restore your apps
16:16.37mikedguess im stuck without being able to eaisly text my gf for a few days bah
16:17.09PuffTheMagic"app store installed apps"
16:17.14PuffTheMagicnot custom apps
16:17.46PuffTheMagicdestinal-zzzz: WAKE UP!!!
16:17.58mikedgi dont wanna do a doctor, cause i have a handful of crap on the media side of my drive i dont wanna lose
16:18.12PuffTheMagicmikedg: back it up
16:18.20PuffTheMagicusb2.0 is fast
16:18.22PuffTheMagicwont take long
16:19.05mikedgpre always seems slow to me
16:19.25mikedgon usb mode
16:20.40mikedgoh crap
16:20.53mikedgapparently i already did a web doctor on it without backin that stuff up
16:21.32hopspitfireI've been looking to get the extended battery:
16:21.42hopspitfireWill this fit in the side pouch-case from Sprint?
16:21.44mikedgid get it if someone rigs up touchstone
16:21.45jlis there a reason they need your serial number before you can download the doctor
16:22.34hopspitfirejl: It contains an unencrypted copy of the entire filesystem witha ll the source-code, probably to keep people who don't have the phone away from their code
16:23.17jlanyone notice a dead pixel in theirs? i didnt notice it until i ran the terminal app, lol
16:23.31hopspitfirejl: Do you mean a stuck pixel?
16:23.38jlyeah i guess
16:24.43hopspitfireYeah, those are pretty common with the Pre's from what I've heard. I'd take it to Sprint if you wanted to see about possibly getting a new one
16:25.57jlits really hard to see in good lighting conditions, but was thinking about restoring it and going back to the store, only got the phone on the 16th of this month
16:26.52hopspitfireYou're still under the 30-day replacement deal. They replaced my first one without any problems.
16:27.12hopspitfireThe 2nd replacement was a bit trickier, but they sitll did it.
16:27.15PuffTheMagichopspitfire: i am pretty sure that extended batter is the same size that the stock battery
16:27.24PuffTheMagicand its only 120% stock capacity
16:27.29PuffTheMagicidk if thats worth it
16:27.42hopspitfireHrmm, the original is 1800 and the extended is 2600
16:28.01PuffTheMagichopspitfire: have you read the reviews
16:28.07PuffTheMagiceverything says 20% more battery life
16:28.11PuffTheMagicwhat what i've read about it
16:28.48PuffTheMagicbut maybe that is because Palms powerd uses percentage and not remaining mwh
16:29.09mikedgoriginal is not 1800
16:29.33mikedgthe same size extended battery is 20% better
16:29.40mikedgtheres also a thicker battery though thats 2600mah
16:30.15hopspitfiremikedg: Yeah, the 2600 one is what I'm looking at. I just popped my battery, it's 1150 my bad.
16:30.39mikedgim mtrying  afull reset without the doctor lets see if it does anythign
16:31.05hopspitfireThis is the 20%:
16:31.16hopspitfireThis is the 90(?)%:
16:33.03mikedgfull reset did not work either ugh
16:33.31PuffTheMagici told you it doesnt do shit
16:33.32FreeTim3How do they get 190% if the stock one is 1150 and it's 2600 ?    Isn't that 226 %  ?
16:33.49lmorchardnot sure if you've done the webos doctor before, but after reinstalling on mine I had to get my MSL code from sprint to get on the network again
16:34.02mikedgive done it like 3 times
16:34.04PuffTheMagiclmorchard: i didnt
16:34.15mikedgits just a pain now cause i have bad service and an old version
16:34.16PuffTheMagiclmorchard: did you decline the TOS by accident?
16:34.30lmorchardNot as far as I can remember
16:34.45lmorchardI saw it as an issue on a forum somewhere too...  which of course I forget where
16:35.07lmorchardSounded like an intermittent issue
16:39.50*** join/#webos-internals Gadfly (n=Gadfly@
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16:52.34*** join/#webos-internals aYellowBanana (
16:52.43aYellowBananawhat the fuck is with the pastebin?
16:52.53aYellowBananaI think it's glitching or something
16:53.07A2NYworks fine for me
16:54.34aYellowBananahow many posts do you have?
16:55.21PuffTheMagicwgetpaste ftw!
16:55.36PuffTheMagicshakes destinal-zzzz's bed
16:55.47A2NY~seen destinal-zzzz
16:55.48infobotdestinal-zzzz is currently on #webos-internals. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 6d 3h 6m 49s, last said: 'rwhitby: good progress!'.
16:55.56PuffTheMagicmrvc-zzz: ping!!
16:56.03A2NY~seen destinal
16:56.04infobotdestinal <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 8h 55m ago, saying: 'ah well, must sleep.   have a good (afternoon?)'.
16:56.07PuffTheMagicA2NY: i know he is still asleep, we were all up mad late last night
16:56.18PuffTheMagicor at work
16:57.01emkmananyone here going to defcon? I know destinal might be
16:57.26PuffTheMagicwhat country/state/date?
16:57.52emkmanLas Vegas
16:57.57emkmanstarts tomorrow
16:57.59emkmanthru Sunday
16:58.06PuffTheMagicahh, i wont be
16:58.19emkmanannual computer security/drinking conference
16:58.25emkmanlots of fun
16:59.47i700plusim going and am going to hack with my pre
16:59.54i700plusim going to show them all who is boss
17:00.05aYellowBananawhat exactly are you going to show them plus?
17:00.24emkmanever been before plus?
17:00.25A2NYi700plus is going to show them how he can get root
17:00.30hopspitfireI want to go this year :( I  love Grey Hat conventions
17:00.36aYellowBananaA2NY, LMAO
17:00.36i700plusim going to show them how i hacked into your computer and stole your pr0n collection... all from my palm pre
17:00.46emkmanand you could even watch it after
17:00.48A2NYon EVDO right ?
17:00.49i700plusno... i wish i was there before
17:01.00emkmanthis will be my 4th i think
17:01.00aYellowBananai700plus, did you use sub7
17:01.01i700plusyes im going to show them how to SUDO!!!
17:01.10emkmanbut im looking for another player for my hacker jeopardy team
17:01.31A2NYwalk up to everyones box and sudo rm -rf /
17:03.14i700plusi need to wait until i get drunk so i dont feel my self getting punched by a million geeks haha
17:03.44A2NYthey will just take your wallet and post your info on b
17:04.16i700plusoh great... not /b/
17:04.27*** join/#webos-internals Gadfly (n=Gadfly@
17:04.32PuffTheMagiclol /b
17:04.42i700plusthey will force me to sing WHEN I WAS...
17:04.45PuffTheMagici really was hoping this channel would be /b free
17:04.52PuffTheMagici guess there is no escaping it anywhere on irc
17:05.03hopspitfireNowhere is safe
17:05.05aYellowBananaPuffTheMagic, STOP, before you get us even deeper
17:05.32hopspitfireI had a friend who posted a few times on /b/, went to his car and found a piece of paper in his windshield "Sup /b/"
17:05.40aYellowBananathis is fucked up. there's only one post in the web os pastebin and it's an error
17:05.51*** join/#webos-internals sam1am (
17:06.00i700plus1. post webos-channel on b 2.come back to channel 3 ?????? 4. PROFIT!!!
17:06.09*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
17:06.12aYellowBananaoh God O_O
17:06.52aYellowBananaseriously, anyone here see any posts on pastebin?
17:07.35aYellowBananaSAM1AM, how fast is your comcast business connection?
17:07.46A2NYaYellowBanana, yes PB works for me
17:07.55aYellowBananaA2NY, how many posts do you see?
17:08.13sam1amaYellowBanana: I don't know, it's crappy
17:08.40aYellowBananaI'm thinking of switching to cable, but comcast is the only provider here >_>
17:08.45aYellowBananafucking telecomm monopolies...
17:08.48sam1amWhat are you on now?
17:08.49A2NYjcrawford was last post
17:08.53A2NY1 hour ago
17:08.54aYellowBananaAT&T DSL
17:09.03sam1amoh yea - it's better than that
17:09.08A2NYi use comcast @home
17:09.09jcrawfordwhat did i post?
17:09.09aYellowBananaA2NY, well then it's confirmed, my pastebin is screwed up
17:09.17jcrawfordoh pastebin :D
17:09.36jcrawfordwe have comcast here @ work and it is fast
17:09.40A2NYmy comcast@home is 20MB/1MB
17:09.42jcrawfordburstable to 16mbit
17:09.50jcrawfordbut i love my fios @ home :D
17:09.59aYellowBananajcrawford, I hate you
17:10.00jcrawfordfios @ home = 20/20
17:10.06aYellowBananamelts in jealousy
17:10.18jcrawfordhonestly i am backing down the upload to 20/5
17:10.26jcrawfordjust have no need for that fast of an upload :)
17:10.29aYellowBananajcrawford, what's your average download speed from lets say sourceforge?
17:11.00aYellowBananaARRGHH WTF?? pastebin only shows me one post. and it's an error message! fml
17:11.13hopspitfireaYellowBanana: screenshot it
17:11.33aYellowBananaoh shit
17:11.36aYellowBananait's only on my firefox
17:11.40aYellowBananaIE shows it correctly
17:11.58hopspitfireWhich version?
17:12.24jcrawfordaYellowBanana, usually between 2-3MB/s
17:12.30aYellowBananaI truthfully don't know. I think I'll reinstall FF, upgrade to the newest
17:12.33jcrawfordrarely does it drop below 2MB/s
17:12.39aYellowBananajcrawford, hm, do you think that's worth the money?
17:12.46aYellowBananaI hear it's expensive as fuck
17:12.48jcrawfordaYellowBanana, i pay about $60/mo
17:12.50jcrawfordfor the internet
17:12.56jcrawfordcheaper if i back down on the upload speed
17:13.02aYellowBananamy parents won't allow for that :(
17:13.07mikedgyup i need my msl
17:13.11jcrawfordbut i have the tripple play phone, tv internet so i get the bundle price
17:13.15mikedgstupid phone isnt getting internet service now
17:13.17PuffTheMagicmikedg: got your old phone?
17:13.18jcrawfordotherwise it is more
17:13.21jcrawfordfor just the internet
17:13.26aYellowBananaohh fuuck
17:13.27jcrawfordanyway have to get back to work :)
17:13.32aYellowBananayou have fun :)
17:13.38jcrawfordmy triple bill is like $180/mo
17:13.40mikedgso i cant even log into my palm profile
17:13.41PuffTheMagicmikedg: activate your old phone...
17:13.45mikedgand use the phone
17:13.47PuffTheMagicthen when you go on sprints site
17:13.54PuffTheMagicthere will be a way to get your msl
17:13.59PuffTheMagicso that you can re-activate the pre
17:13.59mikedgi dont have an old phone :(
17:14.03mikedgfor this
17:14.12hopspitfirePuffTheMagic: where do you get your MSL?
17:14.13PuffTheMagicthen call sprint and tell them to give you your msl
17:14.20PuffTheMagicsprint will give it to you
17:14.26PuffTheMagicthats how i've always gotten mine
17:14.29PuffTheMagicby calling sprint
17:14.30mikedgpuff: then what do i do with it?
17:14.43PuffTheMagicmikedg: you were the one that said you needed it
17:14.48sam1amaYellowBanana: Move to Utah and get Utopia: 50mbit up/down $50/mo
17:14.54aYellowBananaoh shit, gotta close this IRC window to install FF. brb guys :)
17:14.56PuffTheMagicwhy would you say you need it with out knowing what to do with it
17:15.00aYellowBananasam1am, are you fucking serious?
17:15.04mikedgsomeone here said you needed it if you ran doctor, then couldnt get internet
17:15.04sam1amGreatest thing I've ever experienced
17:15.11aYellowBananawhy DON'T THEY HAVE THAT IN CHICAGO?????
17:15.17aYellowBananaTHIS IS BLASPHEMY
17:15.20sam1amThey don't have that anywhere
17:15.25sam1amEven fios isn't that good
17:15.46aYellowBananabut you just....
17:16.06A2NYaccidentally the whole thing ?
17:16.19aYellowBananabrb gais, installing newest FF
17:17.04*** join/#webos-internals aYellowBanana (
17:17.18aYellowBananayeah. I'm pissed off now
17:17.25aYellowBananaPB still is malfunctioning for me
17:17.45aYellowBananaGod help me if I have to switch to IE
17:17.53A2NYi use google chrome
17:17.55aYellowBananaI think it's time to Safari
17:18.04A2NYsafari 4 is pretty good actually
17:18.11aYellowBananathe newest is amazing
17:18.14aYellowBananaI love their homepage feature
17:18.17aYellowBananaso sexy
17:18.21aYellowBananaand the speed is INSANE
17:18.35aYellowBananaand I can't even imagine it on a sixty four bit OS X sytem
17:18.54aYellowBananaI've never had any luck with a hackintosh or virtualizing it >_>
17:19.45A2NYchrome still uses less mem than safari
17:20.08aYellowBananabut, I'll tell you the reason I don't use it
17:20.18A2NYfirefox add-ins ?
17:20.24aYellowBananachrome sends every keystroke in the URL bar with or without pressing the return button
17:20.42aYellowBananaI truthfully think google has enough user mined data, I don't want to give even more
17:20.46aYellowBananathey really piss me off with that
17:21.13mikedgsafari looks so odd on windows though
17:21.26A2NYits decent
17:21.27aYellowBananaeh. newest looks okay to me ^.^
17:21.33A2NYdisplays some web pages odd though
17:22.00aYellowBananaA2NY, that's why I switched back to FF :(
17:22.17aYellowBananabut supposedly they have the best rendering engine
17:22.25aYellowBananait passed all the certifications perfectly, etc
17:22.32aYellowBananafastest render speed, etc
17:22.55aYellowBananaI would still be using Safari if I didn't reformat my PC lately
17:22.56*** join/#webos-internals ericg (
17:23.05aYellowBananabrb gais
17:23.13aYellowBanana;; afk for a couple minutes
17:23.53ericgok so im on the wiki trying to install optware
17:24.29ericgi have the SDK and everything installed but how do i access the pre with a terminal to follow this guide which is telling me to cd /tmp and wget
17:24.38CIA-35bzhou * r10512 optware/trunk/make/ irssi: clean irssi-dev directories
17:26.11ericgJust a suggestion.  Step number 4 states "if you are on mac or linux" and then indented bullets under step 4 indicates that those are additional items for "mac or linux"
17:26.48ericgLazy skim readers like me running on windows at the moment, will skip over the bullets... now I notice them I can continue
17:30.44tmztwhat's going on with irssi, is that related to this channel?
17:30.56tmztthe optware package I mean
17:31.15tmztaYellowBanana: try arora if your on ubuntu, it's really nice
17:32.48ericgdoes anyone know how i can save to sdk/bin on vista when it says i dont have privledges(sp)
17:33.27Rick_ericg  you have to run the command window as administrator
17:33.42Rick_ericg I re-structured the explananiotn, does it make more sense now?
17:34.12PuffTheMagicRick_: have you been hacking on terminal/termplugin at all
17:34.32PuffTheMagicRick_: i got multiple cards working, and i get some events working, but the return/enter key is not
17:34.37PuffTheMagiccant seem to figure it out
17:35.22Rick_PuffTheMagic no, sorry
17:35.26ericgyes Rick, much better... thanks!
17:35.28PuffTheMagicok no biggie
17:35.46PuffTheMagicRick_: i will wait for destinal or mrvc to wake up ;)
17:36.02destinal-zzzzPuffTheMagic: here
17:36.16PuffTheMagicdestinal-zzzz: check out the master-rewrite branch
17:36.17A2NYspeak of the devil
17:36.26PuffTheMagicdestinal-zzzz: i got cards working
17:36.38PuffTheMagicif you click on the terminal icon in the launches
17:36.43PuffTheMagici cant get it working from the menu yet
17:36.48destinalis packing for defcon but that sounds very cool
17:36.50PuffTheMagicim not understanding something
17:37.05*** join/#webos-internals ericg (
17:37.08PuffTheMagicdestinal: but i cant get the enter key working
17:37.32ericgbtw, awesome job with everything guys!
17:38.10destinalPuffTheMagic: did you base your stuff on the latest mojo app?
17:38.24PuffTheMagicdestinal: what do you mean?
17:38.42PuffTheMagicdestinal: i am using lightweight stages, and sources.json and app-assistant.js
17:38.42destinalPuffTheMagic: we changed key handling a couple days ago, everything is going through a focused window getting key events and enter is still handled through javascript
17:38.46PuffTheMagicif thats what you are asking
17:38.51destinalbut I think it's a different function call than it used to
17:38.55destinalold versions have enter key breakage
17:38.59destinalwith new plugins
17:39.02PuffTheMagicdestinal: i pulled this morning
17:39.06PuffTheMagicand created a new branch based on that
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17:39.22destinalmaybe the javascript call to the embed is not working then
17:39.31destinalsince that's the only key that needs one
17:39.58PuffTheMagiccan you explain this a little?
17:40.14PuffTheMagici saw a comment about keycode 13
17:40.17PuffTheMagicand the enter key
17:40.20destinalwe used to capture all key events inside mojo and pass them to the embed with javascript calls
17:40.22PuffTheMagicand something about not being able to catch it
17:40.25destinalevery key
17:40.35*** join/#webos-internals Gnutoo (
17:41.04destinalthen mrvc figured out that we don't need to, that with the embed object focused, we get them as proper key events from luna
17:41.17destinalexcept the enter key was NEVER coming through
17:41.30destinalso he had to use the same catch in mojo, pass with javascript, technique for enter key
17:42.07PuffTheMagicim not seeing how that was accomplished in the old code
17:42.21mikedgim gonna release a new ver of quickcut
17:42.55*** join/#webos-internals joesmith (
17:43.03joesmithhey yall
17:44.40mikedgi wonder if i can get a new pre by swinging by a sprint store with my problem phone
17:44.45destinalPuffTheMagic: look for          onKeyUp, onKeyPress
17:44.53PuffTheMagici see them
17:44.55mikedgwould be nince to replace the side of the phone
17:44.58PuffTheMagicthey look the same for the most part
17:44.59destinalnotice they call termplugin.SendKeyUp
17:45.13destinalwhich is a function of the plugin object
17:45.23destinalie it's exposed in the c++ code
17:45.34PuffTheMagicthey dont all call .SendKeyUp
17:46.04PuffTheMagiconKeyUp calls termplugin.sendKey
17:46.11PuffTheMagiconKeyPress calls termpluging.sendKeypress
17:46.23PuffTheMagicand onKeyDOwn calls termplugin.sendEnter()
17:46.45destinalright, if 13
17:46.49destinalwhich is enter key code
17:46.51A2NYand thanks hopspitfire for adding to the show batt 1.1.0 patch
17:47.06destinalthe other stuff may be outdated
17:47.16destinalonly sendEnter is required I think'
17:47.22destinalif keycode = 13
17:47.41destinalfor the rest luna sends key codes directly to the plugin
17:47.45destinalwhen its focused
17:48.17PuffTheMagicand i have termplugin focused
17:48.26PuffTheMagiccause i can type into it without tapping on it
17:49.48destinalso maybe the onkeydown isn't happening anymore
17:49.52destinalin the mojo
17:49.59PuffTheMagicsomething like that
17:50.05destinalcheck to make sure it didn't get broken with your changes
17:51.13PuffTheMagichow can i test that
17:51.21PuffTheMagickeyDown only send enter
17:51.34PuffTheMagicwhich isnt working
17:51.45PuffTheMagici see why
17:51.51PuffTheMagicim retarded
17:53.42mikedg new version of quick cut
17:53.45mikedgwith a restart shortcut!
17:54.00PuffTheMagicwell i thought i knew what the issue was
17:57.15*** join/#webos-internals dug (
18:02.52*** join/#webos-internals czar` (
18:03.39Sjpetermanhow's everyone doing today?
18:04.07*** part/#webos-internals czar` (
18:04.14Rick_we're here.
18:04.25aYellowBananagood day to you!
18:04.29aYellowBananabut I am off to relax.
18:04.39aYellowBananahave a great productive day everyone
18:05.08ericgIs there a method/tutorial to install apps onto the pre without being in developer mode (I've accessed linux).  Or do we still require the dev mode / prebrew method?
18:05.37Rick_ericg there is no technique to install apps without being in developer mode.
18:05.44czarphanguyeWell that's awesome.. webos-terminal is stable enough to ssh home and run irssi.  <3
18:05.47Rick_until "over the air" install is developed.
18:06.00mikedgi thought there was an app that installed them on your pre without dev mode?
18:06.21Rick_over usb?
18:06.32Rick_if you don't turn dev mode on, novacomm doesn't work.
18:06.47mikedgon the device itself
18:07.39ericgCould I sftp the package onto the pre and use a command line ipk-get install or something similar?
18:07.56Rick_ericg -- how you gonna do that without being in dev mode?
18:08.31Rick_and what's the PROBLEM with it....  I've left my pre in dev mode for a month now.
18:08.52Rick_but filecoaster will do it.
18:08.57Rick_I just forgot for a moment.
18:08.58mikedgfuck ive left my pre in r/w mode for a while
18:09.04ericgsorry for the noob questions.  So the package install doesn't work out of dev mode?  Is there anything dev mode prohibits me from doing?
18:09.13bougymani don't leave my pre in dev mode or rw
18:09.18bougymani just use a debian chroot
18:09.24Rick_it just turns ON the ability to novaterm into thepre.
18:09.26bougymanssh over wifi is fast enough.
18:09.28Rick_that's all it does
18:09.44bougymani use the term mostly for ifconfig
18:09.53bougymanand to ssh when i'm mobile
18:10.05ericgso installing packages require novaterm?
18:10.25bougymanyou can ipkg-opt (or apt-get install from a debian chroot) via ssh from the pre
18:10.32bougymaner ssh to the pre.
18:10.57PuffTheMagicdestinal: if you have a second could you go into your org.webosinternals.terminal directory and type "rm -rf *; git reset --hard; git checkout -b master-rewrite origin/master-rewrite" and see what I am missing
18:11.13PuffTheMagicdestinal: if not i will wait for mrvc to pick his brain
18:11.25bougymanis there a new terminal release?
18:11.49ericgthat's what i was originally asking, i can ssh into the pre and just ipkg-opt install a package from my pre only or over the network from my pc?
18:12.19*** join/#webos-internals destinal (
18:14.07tlpczarphanguye: do you get color with irssi?
18:14.18tlpmaybe my TERM variable needs to be set to something else
18:14.34PuffTheMagictlp: you need to fix your profile
18:14.42PuffTheMagici need to do some tweaks to get colored bash prompt
18:15.50tlpTERM=linux fixed it
18:16.16czarphanguyetlp: yeah color was working
18:16.32czarphanguyeat least when using ls -lah
18:20.07joesmithWow that shortcut app is sweet!
18:20.28ericganyone have experience with putty, having trouble ssh'ing into my pre
18:20.56joesmithare you using port 222?
18:21.17joesmithvia usb or wifi
18:21.30tlpczarphanguye: does irssi look completely normal, or are there any glitches? My cursor looks weird.
18:21.36joesmithhave you verified you can see your pre?
18:21.40joesmithie ping
18:21.53ericgnope, one moment
18:22.37czarphanguyetlp: it works, but does have some redraw issues if you flip to landscape and back.  the cursor area is pretty messed up too, but you can still type
18:23.06tlpon my pre now
18:23.11czarphanguyetlp: nice
18:23.22tlpthis is still exciting
18:24.36ericgmeh i was using my public ip, rather than local network
18:24.56hopspitfireBitchX doesn't work on the Terminal app
18:25.12*** join/#webos-internals Loogie_Pre (
18:25.19czarphanguyetlp: what else are you using term for?  irssi was about all I couldn't think off.  That and rtorrent ;-)
18:25.27bougymanbitchx doesn't work.
18:25.37bougymanyou can put the period right there ^
18:25.41joesmiththere ya go ericg usually we do silly mistakes
18:26.13ericgyep lol thanks for the help
18:26.15tlpczarphanguye: that's it so far. Just sshing into my home system and reattaching to screen
18:26.59joesmithis there an ssh app for the pre yet?
18:27.05tlpit's pretty cool to see a full-blown Linux system underneath the shiny webOS interface. They even use pulseaudio!
18:27.14tlpjoesmith: sorta. You can use the Terminal + commandline ssh client.
18:27.22joesmithsshing from the pre to remote?
18:27.30czarphanguyetlp: how's screen working?  I wasn't sure I'd be able to detach or move around without Ctrl
18:27.38bougymani have control
18:27.42tlpczarphanguye: haven't tried much yet.
18:27.57bougymansym-A is C-a in screen
18:28.05bougymansym-i does TAB
18:28.16tlpany way to change the green text to grey?
18:28.22joesmithtlp are you tellling me I can ssh over evdo to my firewall and log in?
18:28.24czarphanguyebougyman: thanks
18:28.33bougymani love the green!
18:28.35tlpjoesmith: yep
18:28.43tlphehe, I don't dig it :)
18:28.50joesmithis there a thread that explains it a bit better?
18:28.53destinaltlp: configurable soon :)
18:28.57bougymangreen or amber are the only proper terminal colors
18:29.50tlpdestinal: thanks for working on this (and any others); I've been patiently waiting for a webOS terminal. Just got a Pre, but I've been following the dev stuff since launch.
18:30.03czarphanguyebougyman: I'd pref a color like #cccccc myself
18:30.56czarphanguyedestinal: awesome ;-)
18:31.25tlpI hope Palm or someone comes out with a battery upgrade
18:31.40joesmiththey have extended batteries
18:32.17joesmithtlp is there anywhere that metions or demonstrates ssh from the pre?
18:32.22tlp4.5 hours and I'm down to 62% from 100
18:32.37gkatsevtlp: sounds about right
18:32.49tlpjoesmith: Have you ever sshed into a system via the Linux command line?
18:32.54JackieRipperjoesmith: what do you mean?
18:33.04tlpyou just fire up the terminal and type 'ssh -p PORT user@host'
18:33.33joesmithI ddint know that worked on the pre, I havent installed terminal yet
18:34.05tlpThey have a script on the wiki that sets it all up for you.
18:34.13JackieRipperjoesmith: the Pre is a linux host that happens to be hand-held and have a phone application... connecting to another host via ssh is the same as from any other linux host.
18:34.21Zuchmir2destinal: onkeydown isn't happening in c++ anymore
18:34.22djkany know if there is a way to use .pdb ereader files on the Pre?
18:34.38gkatsevterminal works for most things, except for installing stuff via ipkg-opt, i tried installing irssi on the pre from the pre via the terminal app, but it wouldnt let me
18:34.44Rick_djk  not yet
18:34.45joesmithand it works, over evdo right securely?
18:34.49Rick_I'm working on that djk
18:34.55Rick_in my "ample spare time"
18:35.08czarphanguyegkatsev: also tried installing irssi on the pre.  didn't go to well
18:35.15djkRick_: Of which you have lots of ;-)
18:35.26tlpI'd rather have a webOS IRC client if I were IRCing directly from the Pre
18:35.27JackieRipperjoesmith: as securele as ssh... the encryption is apllication based
18:35.36tlpmaybe I'll give a stab at that if no one else beats me to it.
18:35.37Rick_oh yeah.  I just sit around all day chattig on irc.
18:35.40PuffTheMagicdestinal: i merged it into master so you and mrvc dont miss it
18:36.08gkatsevwell, also, evdo is essentially behind a giant nat router, so, thats a bit of security, but not much because other evdo users are on the same network
18:38.05joesmithgets exahusted reading all the cool things the pre can do, and keeping up on the news, hombrew and hacks
18:39.09mikedgjoe dont miss quick cut
18:39.39joesmithI just installed it :)
18:39.50joesmithwhere are the icons stored?
18:39.54ericgwhats the favorite terminal on the pre?
18:40.16mikedgthey are all stored on the phone already, i just point to the existing ones
18:40.23mikedgnone except the Q are included
18:40.35mikedgim working on adding contact icons now though
18:40.53joesmithbeen waiting for this
18:41.00mikedgi'm just having a hard time coming up with a generic framework for it
18:41.24ericgwhat are we talking about?
18:41.33mikedgdg quick cut for web os
18:41.39joesmithI saw awhile ago, someone made one of these for the app catalog to buy, but I think yours is the shit
18:42.29joesmithI was really disappointed by thsi not being a feature on day one
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18:42.49mikedgwhat specifically?
18:42.55ericgalright I'm going to go hook up my ubuntu box, bbl
18:43.11joesmith@ericg I think there is only one terminal for the pre atm
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18:43.33joesmiththe shorcut for dialing contacts
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18:44.07joesmithit saves me about 4 seconds, which isnt much but it just annoyed me dialing
18:44.24joesmithbecause the speed dial blows I can dial faster then it
18:44.50ericgis that the dfb terminal emulator?
18:45.32czarphanguyebougyman: thanks for the tips.  installed screen onto the pre and now I can close the term-app and reopen and just screen -raAd.
18:49.10joesmithhow excatly does screen work on the pre?
18:50.00joesmithis the terminal reliant on webos internals?
18:52.22tlp2600mAh battery looks interesting. 1350 doesn't seem worth it.
18:52.37mikedgi concur
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18:52.42summatusmentisis the 2600mAh battery the same size?
18:52.42psykoz1350 is like spooning water out of the ocean ;)
18:52.48psykozsummatusmentis, no
18:52.49tlpsummatusmentis: nope.
18:52.54summatusmentisI see
18:52.56tlpand it doesn't work with the Touchstone
18:53.01psykozadds 1/8th an inch of size to your phone
18:53.46CIA-35bzhou * r10513 optware/trunk/make/ py-django: 1.0.2 -> 1.1, py2[45] -> py2[56]
18:54.31summatusmentisoh, that battery cover is much nicer than the larger battery size on the centro
18:55.10bougymani just keep a touchstone at my location.
18:58.01bougymanthough i really wish I could rely on it to get 24hrs.
18:58.27bougymanis there a batter that works with the touchstone that does any better?
18:58.52joesmithI was wondering the same thing
18:58.56Zuchmir2look like palm is pushing a new update? anyone test it?
18:59.00tlpthe 1350 might
18:59.24joesmithhave you dont the tips to conserve battery life
18:59.44tlpI think the reason the 2600 doesn't work with Touchstone is because the custom back cover won't fit.
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19:02.17mikedgi might try to cannibalize the back cover
19:02.23mikedgim gonna do some testing next week
19:02.49destinaltlp: you bought a pre after we released Terminal, ie _because_ it was available?
19:04.15tlpdestinal: There were a whole lot of factors that lead up to it. Seeing that on PreCentral added to my excitement :p
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19:05.00destinalcool.  well the fact that we were able to be an added factor in getting one makes my day, you have no idea :)
19:07.49tlpIt's a super cool phone. I was scared away by the QA reports for a while, but decided to take the chance with TEP and the warranty.
19:08.03destinalyeah same here
19:08.22tlphow long have you had yours?
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19:19.15Rick_Zuchmir2  the update is to apnews, spaz and where on my phone.
19:19.21Rick_No central apps.
19:19.26funkatronSpaz sucks
19:19.35Rick_this is the first PUSHED appstore app I've seen.
19:19.41Rick_hahahaha funkatron.
19:19.51funkatronooh, sorry, only meant one ;
19:19.59funkatronbluetooth keyboard freaked
19:20.18Rick_bt keyboard to PRE!?!?
19:20.29funkatronno no, on my mac 8D
19:22.03czarphanguyewebos-terminal request; run command on launch & auto log-in.
19:22.40summatusmentisthe login requirement was added for security reasons
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19:24.47Rick_czarphanguye -- short response...  "no".
19:25.47czarphanguyeRick_: lolz
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19:34.50Rick_czarphanguye the reason is, browser plugins are open to ANY scene in any app.
19:35.39Rick_So,  an evil app could open terminal in a 1x1 px stage, send commands to the auto-logged in terminal, grab your privacy info, do whatever it wanted, turn your pre into a spam server, whtever, and you would never know.
19:35.45Rick_So, the login requirement.  :-)
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19:40.52destinalRick_: actually I think we've fixed that
19:41.08destinalRick_: so the login prompt should be able to go away once we've confirmed
19:41.40destinalbasically we don't accept anything except the enter key via javascript anymore and I don't think luna key events can be faked by an app
19:41.54destinala malicious app can hit enter all day long, I'm not too worried :)
19:42.24destinalbut in the old mechanism that was true
19:42.38destinalwhich is why we exec /bin/login now
19:43.00destinalanyway have fun, plane to catch
19:44.43funkatronhey, I put up a really short survey on pricing for Spaz. It would be cool folks had a minute to fill it out. Thanks!
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19:53.50trishey destinal, where are you guys getting armv7a-softfloat-linux-gnueabi-g++ from?  it's the softfloat bit that i'm confused about
19:54.09trisdunno if it's safe to keep using my armv7a-none-... but I guess I might as well try
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19:58.31aYellowBananaheey :)
20:01.05Decimation_hiii guys.
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20:07.11joesmithlol @ apple fanboii trolls
20:07.43joesmithseriously the trolls are being really funny, if you have a moment read it and rofl
20:08.09tmztrd is usually good, but definately pro-Apple
20:08.58joesmiththis article seems very pro apple
20:11.30joesmithI wish people would just give the pre "multitasking" and praise the iphone for things it actually can do better
20:13.47Decimation_saw that on engadget joe?
20:14.11Decimation_i think people like that are hilarious.
20:14.20Decimation_the iphone is good for one thing.. speed.
20:14.25summatusmentisto be quite frank, how many people actually try and use data and voice at the time?
20:14.37aYellowBananaI would like that >_.
20:14.42Decimation_never tried myself, and would never need to.
20:14.56summatusmentisaYellowBanana: you would? how would you use it?
20:15.11Zuchmir2hmm looks like the update put NASCAR back on my screen :-(
20:15.11aYellowBananasummatusmentis, I don't have a clue. I just wunt.
20:15.52aYellowBananais Verizon CDMA?
20:16.16aYellowBananareally? our last phones didn't have SIMs...
20:16.30joesmithuhhh I may be wrong
20:16.41joesmithbut I am sure most have sim cards
20:16.44epyon1verizon is cdma like spint
20:16.52joesmithoh never mind
20:17.01epyon1then its att tmobile and cingular that are gsm
20:17.01tlpmaybe you could switch to speaker phone and fire up a browser to look up something
20:17.17summatusmentistlp: perhaps, I don't ever use speaker phone
20:17.25aYellowBananaCingular doesn't exist anymore, AT&T bought it out
20:17.45aYellowBananaoh, and did you guys hear about the iPhone SMS exploit? I really want to see a video on that....
20:17.51epyon1they have been the same compay changing names for a while
20:17.56joesmithI use the web and talk at the same time I have no idea what the mean I?
20:18.03joesmiththat article
20:18.05tlpjoesmith: really?
20:18.30joesmithyeah I just used google and was talking to my mom
20:18.36joesmithI will try it again
20:19.25tlpyou probably had wifi enabled
20:19.27tmztaYellowBanana: stk?
20:19.38aYellowBananatmzt, wut?
20:19.44tmztsim toolkit
20:20.13aYellowBananaI'm not familiar with it
20:20.56aYellowBananaoh, and I wonder, without Palm's novaterm, I wonder if SSH would ever have been gotten on the Pre....
20:21.15tlpthe Pre was rooted before novaterm was released
20:21.25aYellowBananaooh, through the developer console right?
20:21.35aYellowBananahow did that work again?
20:21.37tlpdunno the details
20:21.44joesmithlol I guess the only time I have done it when I was on wifi
20:24.22aYellowBananawhat if you don't have a tool like that? how would you root a phone out of the box?
20:24.37epyon1you make a tool
20:25.40aYellowBananaoh, sure, easy cake!
20:32.33Rick_aYellowBanana -- they didn't HAVE novaterm when they got in the first time.
20:32.47aYellowBananahow'd they get in?
20:32.49aYellowBananadev console?
20:32.51aYellowBananais that actually a console?
20:32.57aYellowBananahaha. I've never looked into that
20:33.13Rick_no it isn't
20:33.26Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: the current HEAD is completely broken, can't get "enter" t work
20:33.36joesmithcant wait to get his google voice number
20:33.51PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: yeah i know
20:33.56PuffTheMagici cant figure that out
20:34.07aYellowBananasmirks at joesmith
20:34.10PuffTheMagicwas waiting for mrvr to help me figure it out
20:34.11aYellowBananait's nothing great
20:34.18PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: or if you can that would be great
20:34.20aYellowBananaI got it for the SIP, free calls all around, but Google took a shit on that
20:34.28aYellowBananano more SIP connectivity, even to Gizmo. don't bother joe
20:35.11aYellowBanananevermind. most ppl get the number to try to exploit it
20:35.37Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: gonna look at some output, see what's doing ender the hood....
20:35.48joesmithare you suggesting I want to exploit it?
20:36.00aYellowBananathat would be the great thing to do, yes
20:36.07aYellowBananawhy do you want it? haha
20:36.21Zuchmir2u using: sendKeyUp?
20:36.45joesmithI just want a number I can give people who I dont know to well, and I dont want them to have my cell or home
20:36.59aYellowBananaaha. yes, that makes sense then
20:37.01joesmithand I wont ever have to change it when I get new numbers
20:37.01Rick_perhaps he wantsit for the actual purpose for which it was designed?  To cluster his various phone numbers into one, to get voicemail transcripting, and cheap calls.  Etc etc etc.
20:37.21aYellowBananaI would give you an invite, but I don't think I can
20:37.22joesmiththats right rick
20:37.28aYellowBananano 'invite' options
20:37.48joesmithI think it would make an excellent bussiness tool for me
20:38.08aYellowBananaI know a guy that knows someone at google, so I might be able to get you an invite
20:38.16joesmithI will get one soon
20:38.16aYellowBananaI'll see what I can do
20:38.20joesmithI just have to wait
20:38.22aYellowBananaoh? nice. how?
20:38.30joesmithI SIGNED UP?
20:38.36aYellowBananahahaha. yeah.
20:38.40aYellowBananayou're not getting it
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20:38.46joesmithI dont know anyone who hasnt gottent it
20:38.57joesmiththey all got thiers in about 1-2 weeks
20:39.01aYellowBananaactually, everyone that has tried didn't get it
20:39.04aYellowBananaall that I know
20:39.54hopspitfireGoogle Voice is awesome
20:39.54joesmithIdk I know 4 people who got thiers in the last month locally
20:39.55joesmithmaybe its by region
20:40.51aYellowBananayeah, GVoice is great
20:41.26joesmithyou just said no more SIP connectivity, even to Gizmo. don't bother joe
20:41.31PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: but did you see multiple cards work :D
20:41.37aYellowBananathey even transcribe your voicemail and email it to you
20:41.41Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: ... last week, the c++ was handling sendKeyDown()
20:42.00PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: what do you mean?
20:42.08aYellowBananajoesmith, I thought that was what you wanted, but I see you have different uses for it
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20:42.58Zuchmir2new session: no, i don'r see it ... Exception caught in V8Proxy::CallFunction (0) (Uncaught ReferenceError: _newSession is not defined)
20:43.12PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: the menu does not work
20:43.21PuffTheMagicbut if u go to the launcher
20:43.24PuffTheMagicand open a new term
20:43.26PuffTheMagicyou can
20:43.30joesmithI suppose with SIP support the calls would technically be free?
20:43.50Zuchmir2oh, open multi instances?
20:43.54aYellowBananajoesmith, in the US, yes
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20:44.00PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: i was last working on the menu
20:44.09PuffTheMagici keep forgetting to start luna in foreground
20:44.18Zuchmir2yeah, cool, now if i can type in them... :-)
20:44.45Zuchmir2u took out the prefs (which *was* working) from the menu
20:45.34PuffTheMagicits in the old directory
20:45.39PuffTheMagicits not gone
20:45.50PuffTheMagici just didnt convert it to the new style yet
20:45.57Zuchmir2u are calling, this.termplugin.sendKeyUp(event.keyCode); and this.termplugin.sendKeyPress(event.charCode);, but the sendKeyDown() is where all the stuff was happening before mrvc changed it earlier this week
20:46.01PuffTheMagici was trying to figure out this lack of enter
20:46.07Zuchmir2oh, ok
20:47.17PuffTheMagici will look at some old commits
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20:49.33PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: i just fixed the menu
20:49.39PuffTheMagicyou can start new cards that way now
20:50.24PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: git pull
20:52.26Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: use sendKeyPress(key_code), and i'll commit a fix that will handle that (hopefully)
20:52.49PuffTheMagicin termplugin?
20:54.05PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: im not following
20:54.07PuffTheMagicSessionAssistant.prototype._onKeyPressEvent = function(event) {
20:54.22PuffTheMagici already send onKeyPress
20:55.24Zuchmir2... i mean sendKeyDown
20:56.16PuffTheMagichows that
20:58.00aYellowBananaPuffTheMagic, you should make a little write up about this and the problem, and put it on PB for everyone to see and try to work out :)
20:58.24PuffTheMagicits on git for everyone to work out
20:58.35aYellowBananaah, ok
20:58.41aYellowBananaafk for a minute
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21:03.04Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: just uploaded the fix, try it and lets see
21:08.36Zuchmir2hmm, don't see the enter coming in there
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21:08.54PuffTheMagiceither do i
21:08.57PuffTheMagicand i see another error
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21:09.15PuffTheMagicit says has no method sendKeyUp
21:09.28PuffTheMagicwhat exactly are the key events that you are listening to?
21:09.29aYellowBananawishes he knew what in the fuck they were talking about
21:09.48A2NY|preso the term works in emu just not rec the keys from pre ?
21:10.36PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: ok so you are only listening to the keydown even i see
21:11.25thatdudeHello everyone
21:11.46Zuchmir2looks like SessionAssistant.prototype._onKeyDownEvent() doesn't get called with enter
21:13.09PuffTheMagicenter is probably only a key press
21:13.33PuffTheMagici have an idea
21:14.41Zuchmir2... actually, NONE of the three functions are called w/enter
21:16.04Rick_not keypress?
21:17.27Rick_keypress is SUPPOSED to fire on enter.
21:17.38Zuchmir2i recall mrvc saying the enter was treated differently
21:18.31Zuchmir2this is what i see when i press enter:
21:19.24tlpIsn't there a keyboard slider counter on the Pre somewhere?
21:20.22tlpaccessible via webOS or is it somewhere on the filesystem?
21:20.44A2NY|preits encrypted value in the file system
21:21.52Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: ... also the 2nd card is not identical to 1st
21:22.24PuffTheMagicthey shouldnt be clones
21:22.29PuffTheMagicthey are seperate sessions
21:23.14A2NY|preid help work on this but enter works in emu =\
21:23.19tlpA2NY|pre: where can I find the thing? It's not in Device Info
21:23.29A2NY|preyes it is
21:23.37A2NY|prego to more info or whatever
21:23.49A2NY|preand before you run the tests it will tell you
21:25.11trisblah, my pre has been hanging a lot (requiring battery removal) since installing the latest termplugin and terminal... anyone else get that?
21:25.42trislatest from git, that is
21:25.46psykozwell by latest term plugin, how late, last I updated was from yesterday
21:25.55triscouple hours ago
21:25.58PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: i just commented out all the events on the javascript side
21:25.58psykoz'k I"m out of this discussion then ;)
21:26.12PuffTheMagicand the plugin was still reacting to keypresses
21:26.17trisalso, enter key no longer works, prefs screen is gone, and "new session" doesn't work
21:26.17PuffTheMagicall except enter
21:26.23PuffTheMagici know understand whats going on
21:26.29PuffTheMagictris: new session does work
21:26.38PuffTheMagictris: pull in latest
21:26.43trisoh wait, might have messed up some perms. though i don't think that explains the hanging still
21:26.59PuffTheMagictris: you i just pushed the new fix for that
21:27.05trisah ok
21:27.06PuffTheMagicso if you pull 2 hours ago
21:27.09PuffTheMagicu dont have the fix
21:27.14PuffTheMagicbut the enter key still dont work
21:27.37thatdudeis lost within this conversation.
21:27.57Rick_thatdude do you want an explanation?
21:28.04trisi updated for lunch so i could impress my coworkers and then ended up impressing them instead with how often i was removing the back cover ;)
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21:28.12Zuchmir2PuffTheMagic: mrvc had to set focus so that the enter key comes to the plugin
21:28.13thatdudeRick: No it's fine
21:28.27PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: i also am setting focus
21:29.05joesmith:tris LOL
21:29.06trisi just used ctrl-m instead
21:29.22Zuchmir2hmm, dunno, i don't see *any* events,  not even npPalmKeyUpEvent
21:29.32PuffTheMagicZuchmir2: i need to go eat dinner
21:29.35Zuchmir2which the os sends for other keys
21:30.01trispuffthemagic: where'd you get the compiler?  i'm still on arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++
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21:32.29raeb1~seen destinal
21:32.32infobotdestinal <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 1h 49m 32s ago, saying: 'anyway have fun, plane to catch'.
21:32.56Rick_raeb1  he's on his way to defcon
21:33.30trisoh you guys reverted to the old compiler
21:33.53Zuchmir2tris: yeah, an a simple uncomment give u the other compiler
21:33.54trisdefinitely need a CIA for git :)
21:33.56raeb1Rick_: yeah, he wasn't at his desk today, i wondered why
21:34.01raeb1vegas, baby
21:37.41thatdudeYeah this weekend is DefCon
21:37.56thatdudeSo those darn hackers are out to Vegas
21:38.14raeb1so the car 12v to USB adapter on monoprice gives a full amperage, meaning it can power touchstone
21:38.20raeb1sounds like its time for a car touchstone fo rme
21:38.30thatduderaeb1: Sexy
21:38.50raeb1thanks paris
21:39.07trisyay raeb, been wondering about that myself
21:39.15trismine would always stop charging every time i slowed down
21:39.33raeb1yeah i tried it with the car off, and plugged it in and dmesg told me '1000mA'
21:39.40Rick_anyone know what controlls the software ripple effect?
21:39.41raeb1on the computer it only says '500mA'
21:39.44triswhich is fine since i disabled the charging notification sound, but was somewhat annoying when it would interrupt pandora all the time :)
21:39.55raeb1mmm pandora in the car
21:39.58raeb1got a blue tooth stereo ?
21:40.18trisdmesg tells you that?  is there any way to poke at the other battery level bits?
21:40.34triswas wanting to make a rrd graph of battery level over time
21:40.41raeb1yeah, def
21:40.50raeb1i think there is info on the battery percent level patch on the wiki
21:41.09trisdon't have a bt stereo yet, just aux in.  seriously considering it :)  although i'm not sure pandora will work over bt?
21:42.00raeb1 has some info, hopspitfire should know more
21:42.03raeb1yeah, i got bt stereo
21:42.06raeb1pandora works sweet
21:42.12raeb1telephone inturrupts pandora
21:42.30raeb1even youtube app works over bt
21:42.36triswow, ok, cool... i tried it with my bt headset and it didn't go
21:42.37raeb1methinks bt audio connects to pulse and not to each app
21:42.55raeb1bt headset probably doesn't support stereo audio, just telephony
21:42.57trisi was thinking about getting the sony drbt50 headphones too, but worried it wouldn't work
21:42.57raeb1yeh ?
21:43.02raeb1yeah, bt headphones work
21:43.02trisyeah must be
21:43.24raeb1i have insignia ns-bthdp, works good in both telephony and stereo mode
21:43.35raeb1oh, and it has play, fwd, rev buttons that WORK in pandora!
21:43.39trisoh wow
21:43.43raeb1(well maybe not rev)
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21:46.15haroldbortsso how do i install an ipk on my pre? i can acess the root and everything but when i try preinstall or whatever it cant find it
21:46.49trisraeb1: wow, those are very inexpensive... $15 refurbished +$5 shipping
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21:47.38haroldbortsanyone wanna help me figure out how to get an ipk to nstall?
21:47.53haroldbortsor point me in the right direction?
21:48.12raeb1tris: nice! they sound good
21:48.36haroldbortsi'm rooted and have mac 10.4 so no sdk but i shld be able to ssh right? the files on the pre but dont know how to install
21:48.47aYellowBananaharoldborts, either use that ipk installer software or use novacom with palm-install or something
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21:49.03haroldbortsit cant find palm install
21:49.21xalbopalm-install comes with the sdk
21:49.59haroldbortsdont have the sdk
21:50.09haroldbortsim on osx 10.4.11
21:50.51haroldbortsso i had to novacom in but i can put the file on the disk and have root acess
21:51.02haroldbortsjust dont knw how to install
21:51.56aYellowBananaI think it's something like /var/usr/palm/applications
21:52.07aYellowBananaand those are the directories with a naming scheme like com.palm. or wtvr
21:52.08thatdudeshoot let me check if I can update my apps, last night it was not working.
21:52.34aYellowBananathe ipk is just an installer for a directory like that
21:52.59joesmithloves competition 2 competing homebrew means a great app :)
21:53.54haroldbortsso im in the directory in reminal applications how do i get the file there?
21:53.58thatdudeI am unable to get the latest list when I run ipgk -o /var list
21:55.29aYellowBananaharoldborts, you'll need to scp of course
21:56.35haroldbortshuh ill google it?
21:57.54CIA-35bzhou * r10514 optware/trunk/make/ mldonkey: sed to allow ocaml 3.11.*
21:58.48haroldbortsso scp then the id and ip then file and location?
21:59.25aYellowBananaum.. I guess so
22:01.37CIA-35bzhou * r10515 optware/trunk/make/ mldonkey: removed extra *
22:06.14thatdudeheh man gps tracking is so daring
22:06.45thatdudehere sweety, I got you a palm pre - have fun with it.
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22:07.10hopspitfirethatdude just "conveniently" forget it in her purse or car
22:07.39thatdudehopspitfire: I know dude, but it comes in handy for those insecure guys out there.
22:07.54trisi wonder if powersave-smartreflex is what's killing me
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22:08.27thatdudedestinal: you are late!
22:08.38destinalat the airport waiting for my flight
22:08.52thatdudeDefcon is near!
22:08.56destinalmy wifi card in my laptop is broken so I'm using my pre as a usb to wifi router
22:09.47thatdudetlp: neat is using your pre and having irssi installed.
22:10.00destinalheh I could have done that but I type faster on my laptop
22:10.06destinaland I needed to charge anyway
22:10.25thatdudedestinal: No excuse :P
22:11.13destinaland when I get my bluetooth keyboard working i'll have yet another way to type faster than thumb boards
22:11.44destinalwish I hadn't forgotten to bring it
22:11.56thatdudedestinal: Do they have those small keyboards which you can fold
22:11.59destinalnot that I don't have plenty of othe things to do of course
22:12.09thatdudedestinal: What device had them
22:12.20destinalthatdude: yeah I have one made by palm for the centro etc
22:12.47thatdudedestinal: I would like on of those with bluetooth if it excist.
22:12.51destinalwith some bluez and hidd hackery it may be possible to use it on the pre, at the cost of lobotomizing the rest of the usb stack until palm services are modified to also use bluez
22:13.08destinalbut it doesn't work out of the box
22:13.10thatdudedestinal: You lost me. lol.
22:13.11destinalthere's no HID profile
22:13.18destinalso officially palm won't let you
22:13.27destinalthus the hacking
22:13.57destinalanyway time to catch that flight
22:14.41thatdudedestinal: Good luck, let us know how it went.
22:14.50thatdudedestinal: Do you have twitter?
22:14.57hopspitfireHe's gone dude.
22:14.59haroldbortsanyone know where the files are kept from the usb drive so i can copy to the app folder?
22:15.08thatdudeI just noticed
22:15.19thatdudeI looked away and he was gone, sucks.
22:15.33thatdudehopspitfire: Need any help in the wiki?
22:17.50tlpI can type pretty quickly on the Pre keyboard. Not was well as I could on the Rant, but pretty close.
22:18.17thatdudeI am upset I can't get this list to work so I can reinstall the terminal.
22:18.24Templarianhopspitfire: lol, nice editing today. lol.
22:18.31thatdudeI guess I will have to do it remotely.
22:18.41thatdudehopspitfire is just ninja!
22:19.07hopspitfirethatdude: Of course I need help with the wiki :)
22:19.35hopspitfireTemplarian: haha
22:23.30epyon2sweet my invisible shield came in
22:23.52thatdudeepyon2: Be careful with that thing.
22:24.02epyon2already installed
22:24.15thatdudeepyon2: I broke my HTC Touch when I got it delivered
22:24.28epyon2what did you put too much spray on it?
22:24.49thatdudeepyon2: Yeah, I was an animal.
22:24.54trislooks like my phone stopped hanging after uninstalling the powersave-smartreflex patch.  whew.  stay away from that one
22:25.14thatdudeepyon2: Broke a $600 phone, I just took it on the phone and smashed it
22:25.14epyon2powersave-smart reflex?
22:25.41thatdudeepyon2: I think I was the only dude in New York with that phone
22:25.47trisepyon2: it overclocks to 600MHz but also enables voltage regulation or something (which was presumed to make the overclocking work better?)
22:26.14tris(and also saves power by lowering voltage I guess)
22:26.18epyon2if you can adjust the voltage you can give your cpu more power to overclock
22:26.19thatdudeepyon2: Have you tried irrsi?
22:26.40epyon2for like 2 secs
22:26.56thatdudeepyon2: Guess you did not like it if it was that quick
22:27.11epyon2just not a fan of irc on the pre
22:27.12trisit looks like the emulation is broken (even vt100 is broken) for me with latest termplugin, oh well... can't see anything in screen but the last line of text no matter what i do (^L, ^A l, etc)
22:27.23PuffTheMagicbluetooth on pre will be easy....
22:27.33PuffTheMagicthat is like #3 on my todo list
22:27.45epyon2thatdude i like doing irc on the computer more
22:28.02thatdudeepyon2: Which I do, I though you was on your computer.
22:28.04epyon2thatdude granted pidgin isnt that great of a irc client but it works
22:28.35thatdudeepyon2: Pidgin as an irc client does not work for me.
22:29.01epyon2deff not alot of features
22:29.38PuffTheMagicyeah but libpurple support irc
22:29.46PuffTheMagicso we could make a pre irc client
22:29.49PuffTheMagicusing libpurple adapter
22:29.58PuffTheMagicalthough i am a fan of quassel
22:30.01jlirssi ftw
22:30.08PuffTheMagicand i was planning on writing a quassel client for the pre
22:30.09epyon2i would love to see a full implemntation of libpurple on the pre
22:30.32jli just finished restoring with webos doctor, heh
22:30.34thatdude+PuffTheMagic: Sexy!
22:30.39thatdude+PuffTheMagic: That would be great.
22:32.16epyon2that would be cool
22:32.22epyon2a better gui for irc
22:32.33thatdude+PuffTheMagic: Let's get started :)
22:32.54PuffTheMagici have hacking on terminal to do, i have to finnish the preware website, then
22:32.59PuffTheMagiceither bluetooth or irc
22:33.01epyon2whats quassle written in
22:33.02PuffTheMagicidk yet
22:33.09PuffTheMagicepyon2: qt
22:33.26PuffTheMagicquassel is client /server though
22:33.32PuffTheMagicso its like running irssi on screen
22:33.36PuffTheMagicbut gui
22:33.39epyon2ah cool
22:33.42thatdudeTalking about the terminal, I can't install it using ipkg due to my list not updating >_<
22:33.50PuffTheMagicso i was gonna write a reslful interface to the quassel server
22:33.57PuffTheMagicand then write a pre gui for quassel
22:34.39*** part/#webos-internals haroldborts (
22:34.49epyon2i might look into it
22:35.34epyon2so essentially if i was running quassel on my comp at home
22:35.44epyon2i could connet from my pre to it at home
22:35.46PuffTheMagicyou would never miss anything
22:35.50PuffTheMagicyeah exactly
22:35.58PuffTheMagicthe core would keep you logged in
22:36.06PuffTheMagicand stores all the backbuffers and what not
22:36.12epyon2cool cool
22:36.12PuffTheMagicthen you just use the gui to view it
22:36.19PuffTheMagicyeah its pretty slick
22:36.24PuffTheMagicbut its qt only
22:36.28PuffTheMagicas of a few months ago
22:36.42PuffTheMagici was gonna write a client in qt that relays the stuff over http
22:36.48PuffTheMagicso mobile clients could make guis
22:37.10thatdudeI give up with ipkg -o /var update
22:37.57thatdudeWhere is the terminal code located again, anyone know from memory?
22:38.11thatdudeSo I can just install it remotely.
22:38.34epyon2man that remindes me i cant wait till kde gets their windows stuff working really good
22:38.52epyon2amarok in windows :-D
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22:40.18epyon2ok so qt is just an extention to c++
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22:42.08*** join/#webos-internals justin__ (
22:42.35justin__i havent used a good irc client in a long time
22:42.42justin__its epyon btw
22:42.47justin__checkin out quassel
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22:49.21thatdude <--- Hillarious!
22:50.26thatdudeSo funny I misspelled hilarious
22:51.57PuffTheMagicthatdude: you dont need -o /var when you run update
22:53.00thatdudeOh wow!
22:53.19justin__PuffTheMagic: it looks like you will have to completly rewrite the client
22:53.28PuffTheMagicwhat client?
22:53.41PuffTheMagici mean...
22:53.46PuffTheMagici know exactly what i need to do
22:54.09PuffTheMagici need to write a new client in qt that has no gui... but exports the events over http using some ipc
22:54.21PuffTheMagicthen anything could create a gui
22:54.23PuffTheMagicbased on that
22:54.27PuffTheMagici dont have to rewrite the core
22:54.34PuffTheMagicand i dont have to rewrite the existing gui
22:54.35justin__oh yeah
22:54.47PuffTheMagici've been pondering this for months
22:54.48justin__i know you dont have to rewrite the core
22:55.01justin__man i might start using this more
22:55.08justin__is there a quassel windows client
22:55.19PuffTheMagicthere is a windows and mac build
22:55.23justin__now that im in here all the time
22:55.25PuffTheMagicits a sweet prog
22:55.27thatdude+PuffTheMagic: So I ran ipgk update then ipkg -o /var list and I am unable to view an update list.
22:55.41PuffTheMagicyou dont need -o var for list either
22:55.44PuffTheMagicthat is an install option
22:55.55justin__i can run the core from termnial right?
22:56.10PuffTheMagicjustin__: yeah if you have qt installed
22:56.24PuffTheMagicjustin__: you can build the core with out the gui client
22:56.28PuffTheMagicand run it on a server
22:56.39PuffTheMagicthen run the client on what ever desktop/laptop you want
22:56.52PuffTheMagicthere is on cli gui yet though
22:56.53justin__PuffTheMagic: i have an nix box just chillin
22:57.14PuffTheMagicbut a cli gui would be available too once i get the http ipc working
22:57.44thatdude+PuffTheMagic: I get an error when I don't use the -o command.
22:57.46justin__that would be cool
22:57.56PuffTheMagicthatdude: you shouldnt
22:58.20PuffTheMagicthatdude: you should be using ipkg-opt though
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22:58.47thatdude+PuffTheMagic: But I just want to view the list of homebrew app
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22:58.59PuffTheMagicyou still should be using ipkg-opt
22:59.37thatdude+PuffTheMagic: Now I am confuse, I am going by this post -
22:59.59PuffTheMagicthatdude: dont go quoting precentral crap here...
23:00.08PuffTheMagici cant attest for anything on that site
23:00.27PuffTheMagicbut the stuff on
23:00.33PuffTheMagicthat should be correct
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23:00.50trisshorter urls = more trustworthy
23:01.04thatdude+PuffTheMagic: I am quoting rwhitby
23:01.32PuffTheMagictris: what were you saying an hour ago about the compiler?
23:01.33thatdudetris: Not really.
23:02.54trisPuffTheMagic: I saw you guys switched to armv7a-softfloat-linux-gnueabi-g++ (iirc) but then updated again and it's back to arm-none-..., so nevermind
23:03.03triscurious what that was all about though, don't see it in scrollback here
23:03.06PuffTheMagicno that was my fault
23:03.19PuffTheMagici use a toolchain i built on gentoo
23:03.21PuffTheMagicfrom scratch
23:03.29PuffTheMagicrwhitby: uses the optware toolchain
23:03.31PuffTheMagicvery similar
23:03.39PuffTheMagicdifferent gcc versions
23:03.45PuffTheMagici think binutils and glibc are the same though
23:04.03PuffTheMagicbut i may have pushed a commit that changed that in the makefile by accident
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23:04.51trisi'm probably going to have to revert to yesterday's code 'cuz everything's pretty much broken for me in terminal now
23:05.15PuffTheMagicwell idk why you chose to pull in devel work...
23:05.26PuffTheMagicyou shoud just pull in tagged versions if you are not working on it
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23:05.46PuffTheMagicand if people havent been tagging releases i will get them too ;)
23:06.11tmztget them also, or get them to [do it] ?
23:07.14*** join/#webos-internals hmagoo (
23:07.23PuffTheMagici dont think that many of the devs are that familiar with git yet
23:07.34PuffTheMagici think we have many svn vets
23:07.42PuffTheMagicthat havent fallen to the light side
23:07.44hmagoowhen we want to upgrade an app with filecoaster do we just install over the previous version?
23:07.54PuffTheMagicwtf is filecoaster?
23:08.17thatdudePuffTheMagic is on a roll today!
23:08.20trisPuffTheMagic: yeah. i'm new to git so i'm not 100% sure what's going on, just been tracking master
23:08.38trisnot sure what the "merge branch 'master'" stuff is all about
23:08.45thatdudePuffTheMagic: Check my msg
23:08.50hmagooPuffTheMagic, it's the app to install ipks
23:08.55PuffTheMagicmaster is sorta like the default repo/branch
23:09.05PuffTheMagici created a branch called master-rewrite
23:09.09PuffTheMagicwhich is like a fork of master
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23:09.16PuffTheMagicto i did some work in master-rewrite
23:09.20PuffTheMagicthen switched back to master
23:09.24PuffTheMagicand merged in master-rewrite
23:09.41tris*nod* master is the more stable tree though, right?
23:09.49thatdudeI will be back later.  Catch you guys later.
23:10.48Epyon_wow...i need to upgrade my server box
23:11.01Epyon_quassel isnt in the ubuntu repositories on that one
23:11.34hmagoonm, looks like it does upgrades or at least ipkg does...
23:12.43Epyon_PuffTheMagic: filecoaster is pretty nifty
23:13.06Epyon_you can copy a link to a file and it will download it and if its an ipk it will install it automatically
23:13.28jwmwhat was escape in termin?
23:13.37Epyon_orage space
23:13.42jwmi am in it right now
23:13.43thatdudeEpyon_: I hate it!
23:14.12jwmi knew it was space something
23:14.21thatdudeEpyon_: Easier to do just ipgk -o /var install http://localhost/blahblahblah
23:14.36Epyon_well if your not at a comp its not that bad
23:14.40hmagoothatdude, if you use terminal app or are at your pc
23:15.05hmagoofilecoaster is so fast it's great
23:15.19thatdudehmagoo: Terminal
23:15.30thatdudehmagoo: Waste of space that is :
23:15.34Epyon_hmagoo: i like it cause its quick
23:15.57thatdudehmagoo: Let me stop hating. Kudos to the dev.
23:16.07hmagoohas some use...
23:16.14thatdudeGotta go, brb.
23:16.15Epyon_thatdude: you stop hatin
23:16.54Epyon_so im gonna put it up for a vote should i go gentoo or newer version of ubuntu for my nix box more or less a server
23:17.21hopspitfireOr if you're really daring, GentooBSD
23:17.34Epyon_yeah great joke
23:17.43Epyon_hopspitfire: whats so good about bsd?
23:17.45thatdudeI am rolling here
23:17.46hmagooubuntu means you won't have to build anything, most packages are out there
23:18.15Epyon_hmagoo: gentoo has a pretty good repository sys with all sourcecode
23:18.16PuffTheMagicjust use gentoo ;)
23:18.21hopspitfireEpyon_: After using both in production, I can safely say that the BSD kernel can support many more threads than Linux
23:18.33thatdudeWTF is gentoo? o_O
23:18.37PuffTheMagica distro
23:18.39PuffTheMagicsource based
23:18.46PuffTheMagicthe only real linux distro
23:18.51thatdude+PuffTheMagic: Ubuntu > gentoo
23:18.51hopspitfireonly the best linux distro ever ;)
23:19.04Epyon_i like ubuntu for its ease of use
23:19.10PuffTheMagicubuntu is nice
23:19.10Epyon_but gentoo is such a clean setup
23:19.10hopspitfireMy system now: 2.6.29-gentoo-r5-bender1.24
23:19.13thatdudeThat's right Epyon_
23:19.26PuffTheMagicubuntu is nice if you are a windows user and never used linux
23:19.34PuffTheMagicor if you have a really slow cpu
23:19.36Epyon_or for laptops
23:19.38PuffTheMagicand cant build packages
23:19.41hmagoofor Desktop I was using DreamLinux but got sick of trying to find packages and just went back to xubuntu
23:19.43PuffTheMagicEpyon_: gentoo is fine for laptops
23:19.45hopspitfireIt depends what you want, if you're looking for a desktop, then go LInux. Server -> BSD
23:19.51PuffTheMagicgentoo makes you learn linux
23:19.53hmagoowell, with compiz desktop not xfce
23:19.55PuffTheMagicso if u just want to USE something
23:19.56Epyon_yeah it does
23:19.58PuffTheMagicinstall ubuntu
23:20.02PuffTheMagicif you want to learn linux
23:20.06PuffTheMagicand be the master of your domain
23:20.08PuffTheMagicuse gentoo
23:20.20texelraises an eyebrow
23:20.21PuffTheMagicif you are a developer
23:20.23PuffTheMagicuse gentoo
23:20.23Epyon_well ive got to lug the box upstairs
23:20.31PuffTheMagicif you like to hack on source... use gentoo
23:20.35Epyon_plug it into a monitor
23:20.42hopspitfireIt's so easy to hack the ebuilds
23:20.46PuffTheMagicbut i am still a fan of ununtu
23:20.53PuffTheMagicits brough OEM desktops to linux
23:21.00PuffTheMagicand done a lot of good for the community
23:21.03PuffTheMagicbut i cant use it personally
23:21.09PuffTheMagicbut i set it up for people
23:21.14PuffTheMagicto convert them to linux
23:21.23thatdude|gymSee you b!tches later
23:21.26Epyon_i enjoy kubuntu on my laptop
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23:21.33Epyon_cya thatdude|gym
23:22.29hmagoohrm ,thought there was update and upgrade with ipkg, what's the usage?
23:22.36Epyon_the invisible shield is setting in nicely on the pre
23:22.36hmagoofor homebrews
23:22.49hmagoomine was tinted a lot I took it off
23:23.06hopspitfireWhat are your thoughts on:
23:23.13hmagoozagg? yeah
23:23.47Epyon_hopspitfire: i really might get one
23:23.48hmagoohopspitfire, dunno, but I love their innocase surface
23:24.02Epyon_hopspitfire: i need more battery life than this
23:24.32hopspitfireSeriously, this battery is useless. I was waiting at the doctor's office a few weeks ago for 2 hours and took -60% percent just from web browsing
23:25.17Epyon_hopspitfire: haha yeah and imagine having a 12 hour work shift
23:25.27hopspitfireAnd no other entertainment!
23:25.32Epyon_hopspitfire: i couldnt touch it and it still died at the end of the day
23:25.46hmagooat one job it goes down 40% over 6 hours and the other building it goes down 10% over six hours
23:26.06Epyon_low service in one place probally
23:26.19hmagoothought both, but...
23:26.55hopspitfireI don't understand why they put a 1150mah battery in this :/ The older Palm 700wx had 1500 or 1800mah
23:27.14hmagoocharger sales? ;)
23:27.43Epyon_ click on the first x86
23:28.02Epyon_im "forbidden" apparently
23:28.12hopspitfireSame here
23:28.13Epyon_it doesnt want me to install gentoo
23:28.33hopspitfireIt's an older release, but it'll work
23:28.42Epyon_i want a new release
23:28.43hopspitfireor just manipulate the address
23:28.51Epyon_yeah was thinking about doing that
23:29.33Epyon_apparently 2008.0 links are gonna be taken down soon
23:30.05hopspitfireI doubt that, 2007.0 is still up
23:30.21PuffTheMagicwhyw ould you use 2007.0
23:30.39PuffTheMagicuse 2008.1
23:30.45hopspitfireAll you need is the latest toolchain, then emerge -e world
23:31.11Epyon_2008.0 r1?
23:31.17PuffTheMagicor r1
23:31.22PuffTheMagicbut not 2007
23:32.19Epyon_man my wifi has too many things on it
23:32.43Epyon_200 kb/s difference on dl'ing
23:33.30aYellowBananathat's about my usual download speed :(
23:33.46aYellowBananamore like 300kb/s, but still, utter shit :-/
23:33.48Epyon_aYellowBanana: that sucks
23:33.57aYellowBananashakes fist at AT&T DSL
23:34.16aYellowBananayou know how much they fucking suck? They cranked up all the prices by $5, and cranked down the speed
23:34.19Epyon_haha did you get affected by the 4chan block?
23:34.44aYellowBananaI have the "Pro" package, and I used to get 400kb/s which I guess i was happy with coming from Dial Up, but now it's usually a little under 300kb/s
23:35.09Epyon_dsl is not dialup
23:35.10aYellowBananalmao, I don't go on 4chan
23:35.10aYellowBananabut I did get pissed off at them blatantly violating net neutrality
23:35.16aYellowBananathank you Captain Obvious?
23:35.16infobotaYellowBanana: sure thing
23:35.28Epyon_oh nvm
23:35.33aYellowBananahehe ;)
23:35.34Epyon_thought you said somthing else
23:35.42aYellowBananayeah, I see I could have phrased that better
23:36.15aYellowBananaAT&T has just given me problems. I want to switch to Comcast Cable, but my friend couple houses down has like 300kb/s too. rofl
23:36.21hopspitfireaYellowBanana: You gotta convince your parents how faster internet can benefit you and your schooling ;)
23:36.51aYellowBananahopspitfire, the convincing part is easy, I know my Dad wants it. Ever since I got a new PC, I hooked his up to WiFi and he's now a wanna be internet surfer
23:37.00Epyon_dude when i was his agae i had to beg to get off of dialup
23:37.09aYellowBananaI'm surprised he can turn on the browser let alone surf, but hey, he's already complaining about our speeds
23:37.20Epyon_i used the well the phone wont be busy all the time argument
23:37.42aYellowBananabut then again, Comcast is a faggot with their promotional prices. it's not even a good price to start with, and then after 12 months it's pretty fucking high
23:37.54aYellowBananaEpyon_, LMFAO! I definately used that one
23:38.31hopspitfireAny OTers in here?
23:38.51PreGameold timers
23:38.54PreGamethat would be you rwhitby
23:39.04texelOT as in what age range?
23:39.16aYellowBananaand then again, cable internet is a little flawed. the more people using it in your neighborhood, the slower it is. Do any of you know if DOCSIS cable modems are still hackable to unlock bandwith and speed like they used to?
23:39.17hopspitfireYou lurkers ;)
23:39.39texelaYellowBanana: The surfboard that I recently got from Comcast certainly isn't.
23:39.47rwhitbyreminds people of #webos-watercooler ....
23:40.01Epyon_probally depends on the modem
23:40.15Epyon_really i didnt know we had that
23:40.45rwhitbyEpyon_: I think it's in the policy page which is listed in the /topic
23:40.54aYellowBananaI think DOCSIS 2.0 cleared up a lot of shit
23:41.18rwhitbyaYellowBanana: please continue off-topic discussions in #webos-watercooler
23:41.31aYellowBananaI love that name
23:41.57tlpAny of you guys have the 2600 mAh battery?
23:41.57Epyon_sorry bought that rwhitby
23:42.08hopspitfireI want to get it
23:42.10tlpis battery discussion off-topic? :)
23:42.21PreGamethat would be #webos-hardware
23:42.28Epyon_move over into watercooler
23:42.38aYellowBananashit, all these channels make it ghey
23:43.13PreGamei dont see a point in keeping this room quiet if no one is talking about anything
23:43.33aYellowBananaand I mean, if people come on in with WebOS related stuff, we'll shutup listen and contribute
23:43.35aYellowBananawho wouldn't?
23:43.44rwhitbyPreGame: many people read the logs of this channel, and don't want to have to wade through off-topic discussions to find the -internals info
23:44.02rwhitbyPreGame: that rationale is also listed in the policy page
23:44.03PreGameif you read the logs then you have to much time on your hands and don't know how to scim
23:44.16PreGamewhy not just join the channel and ask the question
23:44.25rwhitbyPreGame: timezones
23:44.28aYellowBananaI doubt you would ascertain anything either.
23:44.58*** join/#webos-internals djk (
23:45.48hopspitfireadded it:
23:45.54rwhitbythe other reason someone will read the logs is to see if any important questions that developers or new contributors ask have not been answered, and answer them.
23:46.10PreGameyou can't answer them if they are reading logs
23:46.15PreGamethat is what forums are for
23:46.42rwhitbyPreGame: that's your opinion
23:46.52hopspitfireDoes webos-internals need a forum? I have an extra vbulletin license.
23:46.55aYellowBananaif anything, I would say IRC is the most useful for goofing on the job, while getting tidbits of info here and there from other users live.
23:47.11aYellowBananahopspitfire, maybe you should set that up!
23:47.15rwhitbyaYellowBanana: that's why we have #webos-watercooler
23:47.15aYellowBananathat would actually be really cool
23:47.31aYellowBananatwo IRC channels for the same reason :-/
23:47.43rwhitbyaYellowBanana: have you read the policy page?
23:48.08aYellowBananaskimming it now
23:48.39hopspitfirerwhitby; Would there be support for a webos-internals forum?
23:48.39aYellowBananaeeh. okaay >_>
23:49.12rwhitbyhopspitfire: sure, but why not just use the webos development forum on Precentral?  they're happy to have internals talk there.
23:49.39aYellowBananarwhitby, like most popularized things, most of that area is easy guides and random crap posted by complete nubs
23:50.00aYellowBananait would be great to have a truly 'internal' one
23:50.14aYellowBananawhere people can post code snippets and ask questions and post info
23:50.21aYellowBananasort of like a testing ground before it goes on the wiki
23:50.44Epyon_the wiki is almost a descussion place itself
23:50.44rwhitbyaYellowBanana: a forum is what the participants make it
23:50.50hopspitfirerwhitby: I've been getting random emails from people who need help with stuff posted on the wiki. This stuff would easily be helped through an internals forum
23:51.02rwhitbyif you want the webos development forum to be that, then start those discussions there
23:51.11PreGamei've been getting random emails of people asking to merge with my stuff...
23:51.20aYellowBananarwhitby, precisely. most of the people here in the IRC are the kind of people I would like to have on a forum. not "dood1337h4x0r" posting a tutorial on how to root the phone
23:51.53aYellowBananaIRC and Pastebin isn't enough for a lot of things we need
23:52.03PreGamethere, solved the problem
23:52.17aYellowBananawe could have a forum post pinned/stickied so we can have an outline of all goals, etc
23:52.28aYellowBananaand we could even go as far as making the forum invite only, but we still have time to think on that
23:52.36aYellowBananaI think it would be a great idea
23:52.45aYellowBananaand hopspitfire can afford to give us a great forum, so hey
23:52.48PreGameyou know if Palm hired all of us we would have one kickass OS for the phone
23:52.49aYellowBananawhy not
23:53.19PreGameis that watercooler talk?
23:53.27aYellowBananait's quite boring in there
23:53.37PreGamei said the same thing
23:53.57PreGameno one gets up to go to the watercooler anymore to talk they just sit at their desk and yell over the cube walls
23:53.59aYellowBananahopspitfire, how about we do this thing?
23:54.13aYellowBananaPreGame, exactly. and especially nowadays with email and IMing
23:54.22hopspitfireI already have it set up, I just need to prune all the posts and change the name
23:54.23aYellowBananapfft, the watercooler is a distant memory. and machine of hydration/
23:55.14texelsighs and shrugs as yet another section of a development community gets stuck in forum-land
23:55.14rwhitbyPreGame, aYellowBanana: here's the thing.  If you want real discussion of webos-internals in here, instead of continuous random discussion on any topic, then you need to keep it focussed.  If the channel degrades to the point where the noise swamps the signal, then the developers will leave.  I've seen it happen on other channels.
23:55.28aYellowBananaok, I'm sorry. I understand
23:55.53aYellowBananahopspitfire, you there?
23:56.06PreGameI don't want to swamp the signal but just want to give it a jolt to wake up the channel
23:56.20rwhitbyyou may say that 5 minutes of off-topic discussion is not a problem.  I agree.  But then someone else sees that 5 minutes and adds their 5 minutes.  Then the 100+ people in the channel all think they can discuss the latest in politics, religion, etc, and the channel is then useless.
23:56.38texelPreGame: I think your efforts may be misguided -- it's likely that the majority of the devs are either in another time zone or are at work.
23:57.17PreGameor watching dancing with the stars
23:57.33Technobabbledear god, i would hope not
23:57.42rwhitbyhere's something to jolt the channel:
23:58.23*** join/#webos-internals netz (n=zn3t@
23:59.20texelHm. Isn't that already available, though?
23:59.38texelOr is the gitweb interface new?

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