IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090721

00:00.55gkatsevhopspitfire: haha, nice
00:01.12*** join/#webos-internals tehnoir (
00:02.07tehnoirAvailable to help copy wiki stuff over if the help is needed.
00:03.58destinaltehnoir: that would be very helpful, looks like a lot still need it:
00:04.12destinalI know hopspitfire's working on it and a few others
00:04.17destinalbut the more the merrier
00:04.37hopspitfiredestinal: My hands are sore from it, any more help will be greatly appreciated :)
00:04.55tehnoirAll right, I'll try to plug away between working :)
00:04.56*** join/#webos-internals Binary_Tech (
00:05.47rwhitbyhopspitfire: welcome, and thanks for the help with the wiki.  tehnoir: thanks for the offer, we'll definitely take it up :-)
00:06.48tehnoirrwhitby: Not a problem. I've taken so much from the Wiki, glad to have an opportunity to give a little back.
00:07.17hopspitfirerwhitby: Thank you, I'm glad to be a part of this.
00:08.59tehnoirIronically, I seem to have just killed my Pre after following a page on the wiki. Haha.
00:10.20destinaltehnoir: how killed?
00:10.55tehnoirHad to run the webos doctor on my phone the other day, so I'm going back through and doing all the stuff to it that I had before.
00:11.45tehnoirSo I changed the carrier string, got down to stopping LunaSysMgr, got distracted for a minute before I had started it, and now the screen is black and my SSH session timed out.
00:11.49tehnoirDon't seem to be able to SSH back into it.
00:12.17destinaltehnoir: did you have usb plugged in?
00:12.42destinalhmm, that should have prevented timeout.  do you have usbnet enabled?
00:12.50destinalie are you trying to manage over wifi or usbnet
00:13.08JackieRipperI have the emulator running on gentoo!  NOT ubuntu!
00:13.09destinalfrom doing it for a while I strongly recommend usbnet
00:13.34destinalJackieRipper: congrats!  btw if you want to compare notes,  I think PuffTheMagic does the same
00:14.07destinalJackieRipper: was it hard to do?
00:14.32hopspitfireJackieRipper: I'm running Gentoo, how'd you do it?
00:14.34JackieRippernot too bad... virtual-box is in portage
00:14.50destinalJackieRipper: and did you get novacomd, etc running so you can palm-install stuff?
00:15.07tehnoirdestinal: I'll be sure to try usbnet if I get my phone back up and going :)
00:15.12JackieRipperdestinal: not yet
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00:15.23destinaltehnoir: pull out your battery and put it back in, then start her up
00:15.26tehnoirThe "Pages to be Transferred" page doesn't seem quite up to date. Anybody know where we're at?
00:15.57rwhitbytehnoir: Rick__ and Templarian are the guys to talk to
00:15.59JackieRipperhopspitfire: I installed sun-jdk-1.6, app-emulation/virtualbox-bin, app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions and alien
00:16.13tehnoirThanks, rwhitby.
00:16.17JackieRipperconverted the deb to a tar with alien
00:16.24JackieRipperand untarred in /
00:16.28rwhitbyJackieRipper: howto's for installing the SDK on other Linux distros would make great wiki pages :-)
00:16.32tehnoirdestinal: Pulling the battery on my Treo was old hat, but I haven't had to do it yet on the Pre.
00:16.40tehnoirWhat's the best way to get it to pop out?
00:16.43hopspitfiretehnoir: I'm on GUI Text Editors, I skipped Graphics and Global Search Addons Collection (too time consuming at the moment)
00:16.50JackieRipperrwhitby: heh... not sure I could reproduce it, but I can try
00:16.56tehnoirThanks, hopspitfire.
00:17.08destinalyeah, easy enough, turn it over thenfind the clip on the bottom and push it in while pulling the cover forward
00:17.12hopspitfireJackieRipper: Sweet, that's pretty awesome.
00:17.14nebulaif anyone uses F5 for their work VPN, here ya go:
00:17.19tehnoirhopspitfire: You still working down the list or are you taking a break for now?
00:17.45hopspitfiretehnoir: I'm just going to finish up GUI Text Editors, then I'm leaving work and having a nap :)
00:18.11tehnoirAh ha! I pull tab! I feel like an idiot. Thanks, destinal. heh.
00:18.18tehnoirSounds good, hopspitfire.
00:19.05destinaltehnoir: ah I didn't realize you had the backplate off already lol, yeah the tab's the easy part
00:19.11Templarianhopspitfire: just incase you missed it, can you please not use /'s in page titles Please.
00:19.36hopspitfireTemplarian: I got your message, sorry about that.
00:19.50TemplarianThere were no rules about it before, so nothing big.
00:20.02hopspitfireTemplarian: I wasn't manually creating pages though, just using the links already provided.
00:20.22TemplarianYea I figured. Most are doing that.
00:20.50*** join/#webos-internals Eguy (
00:21.43destinalEguy-angry: why angry?
00:22.57destinalfine then, be that way :P   I have to drive home anyway.  bbl
00:24.22*** part/#webos-internals nebula (
00:24.43hopspitfireI'll catch you guys later.
00:24.59TemplarianI think I'm going to integrate some light JS into the front of the wiki's new main page soon. Try and seperate the (webOS Internals portion of the visitors from the  webOS only people). It will default to the webOS-Internal page of course.
00:25.44raebcuz the url
00:25.49raeb'just sayin
00:26.24TemplarianI know, but the site has quite a bit webOS connect that is pretty much just SDK related now.
00:26.31raebthats true
00:26.57TemplarianThe applications page for instance is huge (while it's may not be SDK, you can't really tell the difference)
00:27.22tehnoirDo I need special permissions on to edit pages so I can copy the source?
00:27.43raebyeah, edit perms
00:28.10Templarianfeel free to just blurt out the password we've moved most pages now lol.
00:28.32Templarianuses most litely of course... so many pages.
00:28.32raebmmm i dont remember what it is lol
00:28.39Templarianme either... lol
00:29.08raebi think its funny that the old site is pw'ded but the new one? not so much
00:29.44Templarianraeb: we have a lot more admin control over the new one.
00:30.03Templariantehnoir: when someone remembers what it is you will be the first to know lol.
00:30.11tehnoirHaha. Sounds like a plan.
00:30.33tehnoirIn the mean time, I'll try to get some actual work done so I don't feel as bad later when I get distracted with copying over the pages.
00:31.10raebguh i copied some pages
00:31.18raebthe replacements
00:31.27raebcould use a nice script for that
00:33.11tehnoirsed and awk are two wonderful tools that would make my life so much easier if only I used them frequently enough to remember how to use them.
00:33.15rwhitbyI've /msg'd tehnoir the pwd
00:33.27raebyeah i always wonder if i'm doing it too much
00:33.37raebu know multiple awk/sed/grep statmenets
00:33.42raebmaybe could be combined into less
00:34.01rwhitbyif someone does write a script, please put it in a repo so that we can all improve on it ...
00:35.18tehnoirSo um...dumb question.
00:35.33tehnoirNow that I have the password, how would I go about giving myself edit perms? :)
00:36.49Templariantehnoir: use it when creating your account on the wikidot site
00:37.03TemplarianOn the left column.
00:37.25tehnoirCan't give permissions to an existing account?
00:37.50tehnoirOh, I see.
00:38.14tehnoirThis is why I really shouldn't quit caffeine.
00:41.31rwhitbyTemplarian: actually, you don't use it when you create your account, you use it to add your already-created account to the predev access list.
00:41.59*** join/#webos-internals gordian (i=4c180cfd@gateway/web/freenode/x-83370946aa271694)
00:42.30JackieRipperraeb: do you have an example?
00:42.54gordianhey dudes
00:42.57JackieRipperhas his copy of "sed & awk" right here...
00:43.06JackieRipperhiya gordian
00:43.16tehnoirYeah, I'm not finding it.
00:43.44gordianso like an idiot i was following the old wiki instructions to install the arm version of ipkg on my emulator
00:44.28gordiani know there's now a quicker way to do it
00:44.37gordianbut i just want to undo everything i did
00:46.51tehnoirAll I'm finding are places that tell me that I'm not an admin, but nowhere to enter a password to give myself edit permissions.
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00:51.41rwhitbygordian: delete everything under /opt and start again
00:51.57gordianwhat's the quickest way to do that?
00:52.10rwhitbyrm -rf /opt
00:52.29rwhitbythen run the script
00:52.34gordianwell problem is i made it to step 7 in the guide
00:52.54JackieRippergordian: the script checks to see which steps were already done
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00:52.58gordianso dont i need to get rid of it in fstab?
00:54.06gordianrm gave me an error that a file was in use
00:54.23PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: yeah getting the sdk running on gentoo was cake
00:54.29JackieRipperahh yes... dropbear is running
00:54.30PuffTheMagici was thinking of whipping up an ebuild for it in THE overlay
00:54.51JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: did you get novacomd running, too?
00:54.59PuffTheMagici didnt get my init script working
00:55.07PuffTheMagicbut yeah i just run it manually
00:55.19JackieRipperare you running 32 or 64bit?
00:55.29gordiani got rid of the ref in /etc/fstab and now the rm succeeded
00:55.38gordiani feel like i know what i'm doing
00:55.41JackieRipperI'm running 64
00:55.54rwhitbyDo we even know how to really brick a Pre if we really wanted to try hard enough to do so?  I personally don't.
00:55.56PuffTheMagicnice... in  a chroot or do they have 64bit bin too?
00:56.09JackieRipperjust ran it and it seemed to work
00:56.12JackieRipperno chroot
00:56.18PuffTheMagicwell the emu is java
00:56.23PuffTheMagicso it "should" work
00:56.26JackieRipperthough I just have the emulator running
00:56.35JackieRipper64bit java, too
00:56.50PuffTheMagicthe sdk useland in virtualbox is 32bit though
00:57.56JackieRipperso I'm not a java guy at all... how do you start novacomd manually?
00:58.09JackieRipperjava /opt/PalmSDK/0.1/share/jars/novacom.jar or some such?
00:58.53rwhitbytehnoir: ah, someone removed the "join this wiki" link on the old wiki
00:59.02rwhitbyit was something like system:join I think?
00:59.21gordianhow can i manually edit $PATH?
00:59.37gordianis it in /etc/profile?
01:00.01tehnoirGood memory, rwhitby :)
01:00.16JackieRippergordian: temporarily for this session, or so it sticks?
01:00.23gordianso it sticks
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01:00.37JackieRipperI would create a file in /etc/profile.d
01:00.40gordiani'd just assume eliminate the /opt references in PATH
01:01.01JackieRipperthat's probablt /etc/profile.d/optware
01:01.37tharris-I posted my first vulnerability from  1.0.3  ->>>
01:02.29rwhitbygordian: our scripts automatically add a file in /etc/profile.d to modify your path
01:03.14gordianeven for the emulator?
01:03.41rwhitbysame script for both.  it works out what it should do.
01:03.44gordiani'll just give it a go
01:03.54PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: it should be in your path
01:03.57gordiani'm just such a noob that i'd like to be learning
01:03.57PuffTheMagici just run
01:04.02gordianso i know what i'm doing
01:04.08rwhitbyNote that you will want to mount a separate virtual disk on the emulator for /opt to give yourself some space.  we don't have a wiki page for that, so please feel free to contribute one.
01:04.10gordianand not just following mindless instructions
01:04.31PuffTheMagicJackieRipper: /opt/Palm/novacom/novacomd
01:04.35PuffTheMagicjust start that
01:04.37*** join/#webos-internals DarthPooh (
01:04.43JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: doesn't exist for me.... hmmmm
01:04.51PuffTheMagicdid u download that extra package
01:04.59PuffTheMagicthere was link on the palm page
01:05.09JackieRipperI don't have /opt/Palm... I have /opt/PalmSDK
01:05.16JackieRipperohhh no
01:05.22PuffTheMagicu only download 1 of2 things then
01:05.48gordian' /dev/hdb1 does not exist '
01:05.54gordianis that a standard error for install on the emu?
01:06.21gordiani got that error but everything else seemed to complete
01:06.26gordian' Setup complete '
01:06.41JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: did you install virtualbox from palm's site, or from portage?
01:06.54PuffTheMagican overlay
01:06.56PuffTheMagicim using 3
01:06.58PuffTheMagicnot 2.x
01:07.39PuffTheMagicthats novacomd
01:07.50PuffTheMagiccd / and untar it
01:09.27JackieRipperjust grabbed it from palm... palm-novacom-0.3-svn177284.tgz
01:09.53JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: 3.0.2 is in portage
01:10.06PuffTheMagicit wasnt a week ago ish then
01:10.08JackieRipperin the main portage, that is
01:10.16*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
01:11.50*** join/#webos-internals PreGame (n=Spectral@unaffiliated/pregame)
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01:13.32tehnoirOn the wiki, should [[ text ]] be replaced with <pre><nowiki> text </pre></nowiki> ?
01:14.13Templariantehnoir: use the <source lang="text"></source>
01:14.16*** join/#webos-internals HebrewzHammer (
01:15.03HebrewzHammeranyone see A2NY lately?
01:15.22rwhitby~seen A2NY
01:15.24infobota2ny <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 1d 6h 7m 38s ago, saying: 'so i got the location and emailed it to myself'.
01:15.42infobotrwhitby: thanks
01:15.45HebrewzHammerlol, thanx
01:15.52*** join/#webos-internals mike_wx (
01:15.53gordiansup Hammer
01:15.58*** part/#webos-internals mike_wx (
01:16.05HebrewzHammeranyone know much about the actual percentage mod?
01:16.25HebrewzHammerI was wondering if the puck does trickle charge
01:16.30*** part/#webos-internals gordian (i=4c180cfd@gateway/web/freenode/x-83370946aa271694)
01:23.49JackieRipperPuffTheMagic: working great.  Thanks!
01:25.09PuffTheMagicTemplarian: did you just change the nav-block
01:27.12*** join/#webos-internals gordian (i=4c180cfd@gateway/web/freenode/x-adf94e4d39813c86)
01:27.49gordianok when i ran the bootstrap script on the emu it didn't prompt me for anything
01:29.05gordianand now sudo throws me an error
01:29.15HebrewzHammerwhats the easiest/best way to install gomebrew on a rooted Pre?
01:30.07rwhitbySDK and palm-install
01:30.14HebrewzHammerk, thanx
01:30.31rwhitbyif it requires access to linux to do something as root, use SDK and novaterm
01:35.02*** join/#webos-internals bdumm (
01:37.24gordiani uninstalled and reinstalled the bloody SDK but everything is the same as it was before the uninstall
01:37.28*** join/#webos-internals getisboy (
01:37.30HebrewzHammerwould the only way to install homebrew through wifi be to copy the ipk to the PRE using sftp then instaal using putty?
01:37.38tehnoirWell, only got three pages moved over, but now that I've got the hang of it, hopefully I can get a bunch done tomorrow.
01:37.55Rick__thank you tehnoir
01:37.58Rick__we appriciate it.
01:38.08Rick__did you put the redirects in place on the old wiki?
01:38.10tehnoirSure thing, Rick__. I appreciate the great wiki you guys have put together :)
01:38.35gordianhave you stuck sftp on your emu?
01:40.07HebrewzHammer? no, i have it rooted, and I use PuTTY to do everything on it. It is just a pain in the butt for me to plug my Pre into my computer b/c I only have one micro usb cable and I use it for the puck and it all tucked away.
01:40.14*** part/#webos-internals getisboy (
01:40.32HebrewzHammercan u install homebrew through wifi using the sdk?
01:40.43HebrewzHammerdidn't think so
01:41.07HebrewzHammeri was just gonna use command line in
01:41.20HebrewzHammerPutty but i forgot the ipk install command
01:41.38HebrewzHammerRick__: lol, thanx
01:41.47HebrewzHammeri really need to get another cab;e
01:42.24Rick__actually, I bought 5 of these
01:42.29Rick__for 99 cents each
01:42.32Rick__they work GREAT
01:42.35Rick__one in the laptop bag
01:42.40Rick__One on the desk at home
01:42.45Rick__one on the desk at work
01:42.57Rick__one in the car plugged into the cheap-ass car usb power adaptor
01:43.08Rick__one in my suitcase in the road warrier kit.
01:43.35Rick__tht way,  I never forget and leave a cable behind.  I _always_ leave the cables where they are. :-)  $5 well spent
01:45.38gordianhow can i get the dir structure on the emu back to the default way it was?
01:45.46HebrewzHammergot it, just used "ipkg-opt install ..."
01:45.48gordiani tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that did not work
01:46.03Rick__delete the entire sdk folder and reinstall
01:46.23rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: for normal webOS apps, "ipkg -o /var install ..." is better
01:46.30gordiandamn it all
01:46.33Rick__uh,  being sure that you deleted the disk images for the vitualbox.
01:49.25Rick__this is the walk through to be sure you uninstalled everything
01:50.19rwhitbybeing able to point to Palm doco is nice.
01:50.39Rick__and note that if you have saved a snapshot in the emulator YOU HAVE TO DISCARD THAT FIRST
01:50.46Rick__or you can NOT overwrite the emulator
01:50.52Rick__this is a sun virtualbox "feature"
01:50.56*** join/#webos-internals gordian (i=4c180cfd@gateway/web/freenode/x-3e4e45d9550d19ba)
01:50.59Rick__and probably what happend to gordian
01:51.06gordianwhat happened to me?
01:51.10rwhitbyyeah, I struggled with that one for an hour some days ago :-)
01:51.45gordiani've just uninstalled the SDK
01:52.08gordianbut there's no SDK dir left on my machine
01:52.12Rick__did you delete the palm emulator from virtualbox?
01:52.18Rick__because if you didn't it won't overwrite it
01:52.32Rick__you have to run virtualbox, and select the palm emulator, and right click and choose delete
01:52.33rwhitbyuninstall virtualbox, and delete it's install dir too
01:52.42Rick__and if you have saved a snapshot, then it won't do it.
01:53.00gordiani haven't saved snaps
01:53.03Rick__and MINE will not discard the snapshot
01:53.07gordianbut i have to uninstall virtualbox?
01:53.13gordiandamn it all
01:53.14Rick__good. then just delete it FROM WITHIN VIRUTUALBOX and you'll be ok
01:53.29Rick__run virtualbox
01:53.29Rick__choose the emulator
01:53.29gordiani've just done that
01:53.29Rick__and delete it.
01:53.29gordianyeah i did it
01:53.35Rick__then you're good to go
01:53.41gordianjust reinstall?
01:53.57gordianfuck, sorry for being such a noob
01:54.20gordianaright gonna give this another shot
01:58.12*** join/#webos-internals gordian (i=4c180cfd@gateway/web/freenode/x-3a940b3fbfb982e9)
02:00.28gordianeverything on the emu appears to be running normally now
02:00.30gordianback to default
02:00.55gordianmy goal is just to install optware, a non root user, sudo, and sftp
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02:01.12gordianfollowing the steps on the wiki gets me into trouble
02:01.19gordianeverything worked fine on the device itself
02:01.39gordiani just want the emu = device
02:02.15*** join/#webos-internals mark__ (n=mark@
02:03.21mark__how can i flash the pre?  where can i find info on doing that?
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02:03.59Rick__you want to restore the Pre to factory defaults mark__
02:04.29mark__no, have a webOS.jar file I want to upload to phone
02:05.17Rick__which one?
02:06.04rwhitbygordian: when you get to the step of running on the emulator, let me know and we'll walk through it together
02:06.46gordianrwhitby: i'm there
02:06.55gordiani mean, i'm in a putty session and ready to go
02:07.09gordianlast time i ran the boostrap though i was never presented with any prompts
02:07.35rwhitbygordian: wget the latest script from the bootstrap gitorious repo
02:07.41gordianjust did that
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02:07.55rwhitbythen run it with sh -x, and be prepared to pastebin the output for me to look at.
02:08.09rwhitbygordian: have you created a separate virtual disk for /opt ?
02:08.35Rick__mark__  the procedure is here:
02:08.43gordianshould i ?
02:08.51gordianehh, too late now anyway
02:08.53Rick__assuming you have a good webos.jar, follow those instructions using your jar and you're good to go.
02:08.55mark__I downloaded this one:
02:09.06Rick__ok  no problem
02:09.11Rick__follow those instructions then.
02:09.24Rick__but mark__  --- BE AWARE
02:09.30Rick__this will TOTALLY ERASE YOUR PHONE
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02:09.37Rick__so please, if you have photos or something on it
02:09.43mark__I just thought it strange that there's absolutly no info on how fo flash it..
02:09.50mark__OK, that's no problem.
02:09.55Rick__there's a full page on the sprint site about it.
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02:10.04Rick__we just point there, 'cause heck, that's how you do it.
02:10.09mark__anyway to do it from linux?
02:10.12gordianrwhitby: all done
02:10.13rwhitbygordian: the script will expect a /dev/hdb1 partition in virtualbox
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02:10.31gordianyeah i'm not sure how to do that
02:10.34Rick__no diff mark__  run the jar  and it will execute.  follow the instructions on the sprint site.
02:10.38gordianand i've already run the script
02:10.43Rick__the jar is a java executable.
02:10.48rwhitbygordian: ok, pastebin the output, just for laughs.
02:10.51gordianand i think my putty buffer is set too low to paste all of it
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02:10.58mark__OK..  yeah, asked it before I read the site.
02:11.56Eguy-angryyipee for Swine Flu!
02:12.03gordiansorry, i warned you i was a noob
02:12.09gordiani have no prob following directions
02:12.13gordiani just wasn't given any
02:12.29*** join/#webos-internals ultraBlack (
02:12.40gordianrwhitby: want me to uninstall and reinstall again?
02:12.48Rick__mark__  if it won't connect to the doctor...  turn the phone off and hold the volume up button while turning the phone on.
02:12.59rwhitbygordian: paste what you've got first
02:13.07Rick__That _always_ works.   We have not yet found a pre that won't do that.  (well a few required a battery out first...)
02:13.24rwhitbyRick__: have we converted that page over to the new wiki yet?
02:13.37mark__OK..  trying to figure out a way to get the battery out..  do you just pull that strip?
02:13.55mark__OK, got it
02:14.07rwhitbythen we can link to the Palm user manual for how to get the battery out ;-)
02:14.11*** join/#webos-internals Gadfly (
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02:15.40rwhitbygordian: what on earth did you do there?
02:15.58gordiani pasted the output
02:16.05rwhitbygordian: what was the actual single command you typed to run the script?
02:16.07gordiani did exactly as you said
02:16.17gordiansh -x
02:16.38rwhitbyand then you took the output from the running of that script and pasted that into and did nothing else?
02:16.52rwhitbyI think you pasted the output back into PuTTY
02:17.20gordianehh shit
02:17.24gordiani might have done that
02:17.35rwhitbyand the script does not create /tmp/ so you did something else too
02:17.42gordianno man
02:17.52rwhitbygordian: unless you tell me specifically and precisely what you are doing I can't help.  simple as that.
02:17.53gordiani literally did the wget
02:18.03gordianthen ran sh -x as you said
02:18.11gordianand i keep thinking i need to right click to copy
02:18.24gordianso when i tried to copy first time i actually pasted
02:18.29rwhitbyok, the script does the log.
02:18.55rwhitbygordian: ok, please paste the contents of the file to and nothing else.
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02:21.44gordiansorry to be such a mincer
02:21.53gordianthanks for being patient
02:22.30rwhitbygordian: ok, that's good.
02:22.40rwhitbygordian: please tell me the output from "df -k /opt"
02:23.01gordianFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
02:23.09gordianrootfs                  402949    335288     47181  88% /
02:23.41rwhitbygordian: how about "df -k /var" ?
02:24.14rwhitbygood, that's expected
02:24.37rwhitbySo you have 47MB left on your emulator disk before you need to create a new virtual disk and mount it.
02:25.04rwhitbydepending on what you want to do, that might be either plenty of room or a tiny miniscule amount
02:25.23gordianatm it seems like plenty
02:25.44gordiannot looking to develop apps, just mod some stock apps
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02:26.41rwhitbyah, if you want to install quilt to mod stock apps in the correct way, you may need more than that.  let's try it out, if you're willing to reinstall the emulator if it doesn't work.
02:27.18rwhitbygordian: get the script from the same site, and run it in the same way and pastebin the output
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02:31.54PuffTheMagichas 1gig ext3 loopback image on /media/internal for all his optware
02:32.47gordianuse the -x switch as well?
02:38.50rwhitbygordian: that's a run of
02:39.26rwhitbyseriously mate, you need to following instructions carefully or you're gonna get into a right mess.
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02:40.25gordiansorry rwhitby
02:40.30gordianjust been a long day
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02:40.33gordiani know it's no excuse
02:40.39gordianbut thanks for being patient
02:46.04rwhitbygordian: got the pastebin of yet?
02:46.22gordianit keeps freezing on "Installing quilt: + ipkg-opt install quilt"
02:46.29gordianrestarted the emu a few times
02:46.58gordianthe virtual disk shows activity still
02:47.03gordianbut it's taking a bloody while
02:48.08rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: yeah, the reason why we don't do that by default is cause it stuffs up the mounting of /media/internal as a USB slave drive for the desktop
02:48.26rwhitbygordian: it'll take some time - it's big.
02:48.45PuffTheMagicrwhitby: "stuffs up"?
02:48.59PuffTheMagicthere is 7gig free
02:49.12PuffTheMagicbut anyway, i wouldnt expect it as default
02:49.24PuffTheMagicbut its there for those who are gonna go optware crazy
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02:50.41rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: yep, going into media access usb mode requires unmounting /media/internal, and your loopback stops that happening, so that user usb mode will no longer work
02:53.53PuffTheMagicthat is something that should be noted on the wiki if its not already
02:54.18rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: agreed
02:55.00HebrewzHammeranyonehere an admin for the new wiki?
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02:55.48PuffTheMagicrwhitby: how does /media/internal get unmounted if its still in use?
02:55.53PuffTheMagicdoes it force it something?
02:56.25rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: just state what needs doing on
02:56.43rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: it doesn't - that's the problem.
02:56.55PuffTheMagicso i cant go into usb mass storage mode?
02:57.21HebrewzHammerrwhitby: it was more of a feature request
02:57.26rwhitbygordian: good, that's successful.  df -k again now please
02:57.41rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: just state it in channel here then
02:58.23gordianFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
02:58.24gordianrootfs                  402949    383077         0 100% /
02:58.46rwhitbybzzt.  ran out of room.
02:59.03rwhitbygordian: ok, looks like we need to enforce creating a new virtual disk.
02:59.14PuffTheMagicbtw... did anyone install bash from optware and get it working with ssh
02:59.19PuffTheMagicit keeps asking me for a passwd
02:59.25PuffTheMagicwhen I ssh in
02:59.32PuffTheMagiceven though i have ssh key
02:59.42gordianand i probably need to uninstall/reinstall
02:59.49HebrewzHammerrwhitby: I was wondering if in "date and time" preferences, a custom format could be chosen. B/c I don't like a 24-hour clock.
03:00.03PuffTheMagicHebrewzHammer: probably a easy hack
03:00.16PuffTheMagicif there is no option already
03:00.20HebrewzHammeri assumes so but i couldn't find a way to do it
03:00.50rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: we're running mediawiki 1.11 on ubuntu 8.04 LTS. whatever it can do without modification is available.
03:01.04rwhitby(well without modifications that can't be done in LocalSettings.php that is)
03:01.22rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: are you ssh'ing in to root directly?
03:01.45PuffTheMagicnm i got it
03:01.50PuffTheMagici had to add it to /etc/shells
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03:04.18gordianrwhitby: what now?
03:04.31rwhitbygordian: yep
03:04.47rwhitbygordian: I did warn you ...
03:04.49gordianaright we're gonna have to pick this up tomorrow
03:04.54gordiani know
03:04.58gordiani just gotta get some rest
03:05.01gordiani'm beat as it is
03:05.31rwhitbygordian: ok, ping someone here on how to add a virtual disk to virtualbox (or use the virtualbox doco) and then format it as ext3 for /dev/hdb1.
03:05.43rwhitbythen the script will pick it up and use it
03:06.08gordiando i need to run both scripts?
03:06.23gordian(after i've reinstalled)
03:09.04PuffTheMagicnow has colorful bash terminal
03:09.12PuffTheMagicnow me feels at home
03:10.13Robi_no kidding! i missed out over the weekend
03:10.17Robi_link me
03:10.18rwhitbygordian: yep, you'll have plenty of space then
03:10.28gordianright on
03:10.32gordianwell thanks for the help tonight
03:10.53rwhitbyno probs - you gave good feedback on the space requirements
03:11.43bclancy84I just noticed that the email program also writes to /var, but it does not seem to have an easy way to archive messages.  I know we write to /var/opt, but I think Palm has a problem by not managing what email and possibly some logs write to /var.  I've written up a "bug report" for your reading at which I'd like to discuss here
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03:13.22bclancy84I read that 75% seems to be the cutoff (when you see the "Sorry, Not Enough Memory" message.
03:13.24MLJones8Hey all.. what sftp client do you all recommend for a new guy? I simply want the ability to transfer files w/o switching to usb drive...
03:13.33rwhitbybclancy84: looks perfect to me
03:14.02rwhitbybclancy84: what I like about your bug report is the reproduction steps that only require Palm approved methods to access and debug the problem
03:14.15bclancy84rwhitby:  I did not mention that homebrew installs exacerbate (sp?) the problem.
03:14.17rwhitbyMLJones8: which host platform?
03:14.26rwhitbybclancy84: correctly so
03:14.54HebrewzHammerLMAO, anyone check out the app request for a fingerprint scanner for the Pre?!?! -->
03:15.13bclancy84rwhitby:  I don't want to alarm people over in  Is there someone you can forward this to?
03:15.34rwhitbybclancy84: what's alarming about your bug report?
03:16.33rwhitbyI'd just post it in both the webOS dev forum (they have a bug report section) and on the Pre forum on PreCentral.
03:16.40rwhitbyMLJones8: WinSCP
03:16.53bclancy84rwhitby:  If users realize that they can't keep both all of their email history as well as apps, they might bail from the Pre as a platform.  That could hurt Palm.
03:17.30rwhitbybclancy84: I think people will just see it as a bug that Palm will fix.  You can't get around the memory limitations of 8MB.
03:17.48bclancy84rwhitby:  You may be right.
03:19.03bclancy84If anyone here knows how to file a bug report (and be sure it gets entered into Palms bug database), can you please let me know.
03:19.23rwhitbybclancy84: bug reports forum in webOS dev forums on
03:19.27MLJones8I most certainly missing something but who keeps 8gb of email?
03:19.40bpadalinomy gmail is about 8GB right now
03:19.44rwhitbyMLJones8: I do.
03:19.56bpadalinorwhitby keeps a lot of mail
03:20.00bclancy84it's not just email - there are also other things that write to /var
03:20.06rwhitby(on my archive IMAP server, not my home account or work account IMAP servers)
03:21.11PuffTheMagiccan someone with root access on their pre send me their /etc/profile
03:21.13rwhitbyI have every email I've sent or received since about 2002, and lots from 1990 onwards.
03:21.42rwhitbybut I don't trust them to google to store for me.
03:21.53PuffTheMagicbpadalino: i have LKML for about 2 years and i still have gigs free on gmail
03:21.58PuffTheMagicwtf do you have in your inbox
03:22.35bpadalinooh, we're talking gigabytes ?
03:22.59bpadalinoi was slightly exaggerating my email usage :(
03:23.56bclancy84The bottom line is that /var gets filled up - both Palm and homebrew should come up with easy ways to manage this.
03:23.57rwhitbymy email archive is 7.GB
03:24.11rwhitbyno movies
03:24.24rwhitbyplenty of powerpoint in the work section
03:24.26bpadalinopalm can resize /var and i thought rwhitby said palm has thought about that
03:25.04rwhitbybpadalino: sure, they can resize /var and /media/internal in whatever ratio they choose, with an OTA update that requires you to save your media files first.
03:26.15Robi_so where's the terminal app?
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03:26.52noirWhat are we doing with {{ }}?
03:26.58Robi_what was PuffTheMagic going on about ?
03:27.32bclancy84there also is some stuff in /var/logs/reports that seems to show up.   I've recorded some notes about the state of my /var here:
03:28.07bclancy84I meant "fill up", nit "show up?
03:29.17rwhitbyRobi_: dunno, have you written it yet ;-)
03:29.22rwhitby(the terminal app)
03:29.56Robi_hey i was gone for 3 days and see Puff saying some fun stuff
03:29.58rwhitbybclancy84: yeah, app crashes and debug uploads will take up some space on /var too
03:30.26Robi_i see i'm reading out of context
03:30.35rwhitbyRobi_: he installed optware bash and configured it to suit his tastes.
03:30.42Robi_new wiki, heh, what was the prob?
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03:31.44rwhitbyold wiki was single point of failure, and failed too often.
03:31.50bclancy84rwhitby:  I really don't feel like reproducing this the way I said.  I need to look a bit more into what's actually filling up my device and to make a good story
03:32.05rwhitbybclancy84: ok
03:32.23bclancy84rwhitby:  I'll look at it more tomorrow
03:32.25rwhitbyRobi_: there's a thread on it on PreCentral
03:32.49noirOoh, people are looking into the Pres falsely running out of space?
03:33.37noirOh, this thread is addressing people running out of space for homebrew apps.
03:33.47noirMy issue was running out of space for legit apps, heh.
03:33.54CIA-74bzhou * r10475 optware/trunk/make/ bzr: 1.16.1 -> 1.17
03:34.05Robi_Could not send confirmation mail. Check address for invalid characters.
03:34.06Robi_Mailer returned: 1
03:34.23bclancy84I think the the legit apps gives you the err msg around 75%, in order to leave room for other stuff
03:34.26noirRobi_, I got that too, but the e-mail was still delivered.
03:34.39noirbclancy84: The issue was that my Pre was not running out of space for apps.
03:34.48bclancy84we take up a lot of that headroom for homebrew as this are currently
03:35.01bclancy84oh, please explain
03:36.18Robi_noir: nod.
03:37.20rwhitbyRobi_: how can we make the notice at the top of the front page more prominent so you would see it?
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03:37.59noirbclancy84: I have the thread bookmarked on my other computer, but basically it's the "Sorry, Not Enough Memory" error when trying to install from the app catalog, even though there is plenty of free space.
03:38.25noirOn the wiki, what should we be using instead of {{ }}?
03:39.55rwhitbynoir: what are you expecting {{ }} to do ?
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03:40.19rwhitbynoir: does (linked from the front page) help?
03:41.05noirDidn't see it on there, rwhitby.
03:41.13noirLook here for an example of what {{ }} was doing:
03:41.36noirIf you look above the first code snippet, you'll see that "phoneAppHideCallDuration" is a different font.
03:41.58rwhitbyRobi_: oh, the new wiki doesn't have ads like the link that noir just pasted from the old wiki
03:42.17noirLooking here, , you can see the problem that's causing on the new wiki.
03:45.00Rick__{{}} is an attempt to call to a template
03:45.05Rick__but no template was specified...
03:45.08Rick__so it borks
03:45.20rwhitbynoir: try backticks `monospace`
03:45.27Rick__just don't do that, unless you MEAN to use a template (like we did in the list of apps.)
03:45.41rwhitbyRick__: {{ }} means monospace on wikidot
03:45.43Rick__noir or <code>stuff</code>
03:45.45Rick__also works
03:45.55Rick__it did, but it sure as heck doesn't in the new wiki
03:46.04Rick__I need to go edit the conversion page to discuss that.
03:46.11rwhitbynoir: I found that by doing google for wikidot syntax, then google for mediawiki monospace
03:47.17noirNot working for me, but I have to head to  ed.
03:47.30noirThanks for looking, rwhitby. I'll play around with it tomorrow.
03:47.58Robi_rwhitby: that page was google gnerated
03:48.06Robi_what am i supposed to notice?
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03:48.23Robi_i saw the wiki moved just fine
03:48.32Rick__much of it.
03:48.33Rick__not all
03:48.38Rick__people are still working on that
03:49.10rwhitbyRobi_: wikidot reserves the right to put adds on the wiki pages - and they did on the page that noir linked.  the new wiki does not and will not have banner ads like that.
03:49.35d03boyis there a way to disable the crazy "lock" feature that shows up when the screen turns on?
03:49.51d03boyand also, how can I add icons to my quicklauncher thing
03:50.17Robi_sucky everyone is jumping on mediawiki
03:50.29Robi_rwhitby: the ads on the bottom about other wikis?
03:51.03rwhitbyRobi_: no, the banner ad for Firefox (in this instance) at the top of the page - nothing against Firefox, but they choose what ads go there.
03:51.28Robi_i dont see those.. i guess noScript doing it's job in my browser ;]
03:51.30JackieRipperd03boy: open the app menu, touch and hold an icon on the quick launch until it glows, then drag it off into the menu.  Do the same thing to drag an item into the quick launch
03:52.49rwhitbyRobi_: the point is, we had little control over the old wiki, so we had to move before it got too big and entrenched.
03:55.30Rick__d03boy there is a mod on precentral to change the launch bar from 4 to 6 icons...   I haven't tried it.
03:55.55Robi_rwhitby: no worries, i get it. just not pleased with the new wiki syntax
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03:59.53d03boyhmm ok
04:00.01Robi_all this while i read an email from someone @ twiki, heh
04:00.06d03boywhat about my other question about the lock?
04:00.25rwhitbyRobi_: twiki, or foswiki ?
04:01.34rwhitbyRobi_: low barrier to entry means mediawiki syntax.
04:01.48d03boywhy not just use mediawiki?
04:03.18rwhitbyd03boy: the new wiki does just that
04:08.25CIA-74bzhou * r10476 optware/trunk/make/ tshark: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
04:10.13rwhitbyRobi_: isn't twiki evil and commercial now?
04:12.20Robi_it has an enterprise version but no, still free
04:12.34Rick__mediawiki has the advantage that there are ten gazillion wikipedia editors out there that know mediawiki syntax
04:12.44Robi_i'm not sugegsting we switch
04:13.46rwhitbyRobi_: I saw somewhere that the guy who ran Twiki went all dictatorial and commercial, and the community had to fork a fosswiki
04:15.05Robi_yea possibly .. i met him.. peter thoeny
04:15.53Robi_wow that's recent
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04:17.21gordianrwhitby: still around?
04:17.36gordiancan't sleep
04:17.41gordianso i did a reinstall
04:17.59gordianis there a way to take a snapshot now so i wont have to do that again in the future?
04:18.04gordiancan snapshot be used in that way?
04:18.18rwhitbygordian: yep, virtualbox supports snapshots
04:18.39gordianwell i'd love to do that and then mount the virtual drive
04:18.44gordian...if you're up for it
04:18.52mark__but be careful with those snapshots.
04:19.06mark__I wanted to discard my snapshot, and I ended up screwing up my whole VM
04:20.46rwhitbygordian: have you created the virtual drive according to virtualbox instructions and worked out some way to format the first partition as ext3 ?
04:21.31gordiani just came back from a reboot after reinstalling
04:21.51gordianwhere do i need to mount the partition once its created?
04:22.00gordian./dev/hdb ?
04:23.13rwhitbythe first partition will be /dev/hdb1, and the script will mount that
04:24.07rwhitbybbl (lunch)
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04:35.42seekisif u increase the size of the swap fs will that increase the RAM?
04:36.00seekisand in doing so speed up the phone?
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04:43.32mrvc__seekis -- I wouldn't think so
04:43.44seekiswwhy not
04:44.01mrvc__swap and ram aren't the same
04:44.04seekisi know
04:44.10seekiswell kinda
04:44.19seekiswhat is swap used for then
04:44.42mrvc__swap is used whenever you run out of ram
04:45.06seekisso when you exceed the 256 MB stock it overflows in to the swap?
04:45.08mrvc__so that the app can keep running, although slower
04:45.49mrvc__without the swap, the app would just crash, or fail because it ran out of memory
04:46.13seekiscuz i found the on my pre and thought if i upped the swap size i could run more things at once without worrying about "too many cards open" message
04:46.16mrvc__increasing the swap size would let you run larger apps, but not run them faster
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04:46.51mrvc__yeah, it might let you run more apps also
04:46.57mrvc__but not faster
04:47.06seekiswell more is still a nice option to have
04:48.48gordianok i've made a new drive in virtualbox but cant figure out how to format to ext3 or mount it
04:49.23gordianany help would be appreciated
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04:51.01pg13How do you install on this device?
04:52.10Robi_woo foswiki sounds great with those videos
04:54.08PuffTheMagicpg13: if you need to ask that you probably shouldnt
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04:55.15pg13puffthemagic: ah
04:55.23pg13puffthemagic: how am i gonna run gtk appz :(
04:56.27PuffTheMagici didnt say it couldnt be done... but there is a lot of work for that which no one i know has attempted yet
04:56.36pg13oh i c
04:57.49CIA-74bzhou * r10477 optware/trunk/make/ 9base: 20070601 -> 20090309
04:58.25pg13puffthmagic: how do  find out the ip of the device (local lan ip) short of using novaterm or looking at router dhcplist?
04:58.43PuffTheMagiclook in the wireless settings on the pre
04:58.56pg13ok cool
04:59.02pg13thanks :)
04:59.56pg13puffthemagic: what gonn happen when an update for webos comes out and the files are changed so drastically
05:00.00pg13that the patches cannot be reapplied
05:00.14PuffTheMagicthe patches get updates?
05:00.48pg13puffy: last question mate, what do i do to get a terminal on the palm mang i dont have  mobile classic....
05:01.01pg13and puffthemagic mean puff the weed?
05:01.10PuffTheMagicthere are not quality terminals yet
05:03.06pg13puffthemagic: so just restarting will exit out of developer mode mate?
05:03.18PuffTheMagicyou need to turn it off
05:03.24PuffTheMagicdeveloper mode that is
05:03.50pg13oh ok sounds good mate
05:03.56pg13now my palm pre is open mate
05:04.21pg13thanks a lot puff the magic
05:04.24rwhitbygordian: what host OS are you running virtual box on?
05:05.01rwhitbygordian: there are two options - the long but easy option, or the short but harder option
05:05.26pg13puffhtemagic i got a question man - what if there is wifi but the wifi does not have internet accss
05:05.30gordianwhich is the *better* option
05:05.31pg13if the laptop connects to the palm pre thru wifi
05:05.36pg13will the palm pre still have internet thru evda?
05:06.10gordianharder is fine with me
05:06.23gordianlonger doesn't bother me terribly either
05:07.13rwhitbygordian: the longer one is to use a Linux Live CD to format the virtual disk.
05:07.27gordianahh well i haven't got one of those
05:07.30rwhitbythe harder one is to do it on the Pre Emulator directly.
05:07.35gordianand don't feel like d/ling one
05:07.39gordianlets try the emu directly
05:08.30rwhitbygordian: ok, hang on while I boot mine.
05:09.02rwhitbygordian: while you're waiting, Rick__ will advise you where to create the wiki page where you're going to document this as we go ...
05:09.31pg13PuffTheMagic: When the screen turns off it seems as though wifi turns off
05:09.47gordianpg13: yes that tends to happen
05:09.53PuffTheMagicuse the patch i made to keep it on when connected
05:09.53pg13what should i do about that puffthemagic or gordian
05:09.56PuffTheMagicits ont he wiki
05:09.57pg13oh ok
05:10.11gordianor play music
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05:11.29gordianhopefully i can log this
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05:13.47gordianok rwhitby
05:13.50gordianready whenever you are
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05:14.31rwhitbygordian: do you have a new virtual disk attached to the Pre Emulator virtual machine?
05:14.43pg13can i simply take ur patch and put it in this /opt/src/modifications folder
05:14.52pg13and then apply it the same way that u do the other patchez
05:15.12PuffTheMagicidk how any of that automated stuff works i havent looked at it yet
05:15.18PuffTheMagici do everything with git and patch
05:15.56pg13README       browser      clock        luna         musicplayer  phoneprefs
05:16.00pg13applauncher  camera       email        messaging    phone        tasks
05:16.12pg13what section would yours be in
05:16.16pg13if you had to put it in a secton lol
05:16.25PuffTheMagicidk what u are talking about
05:18.21rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: what built-in app does your patch modify?
05:18.42PuffTheMagici should add that to the wiki
05:19.12rwhitbywhat is the id of the screenlock application?  if it's com.palm.screenlock, then "screenlock" is the right subdir in which to put the patch in the modifications repo
05:19.38pg13rwhitby: what should the filename be?
05:19.54pg13onWhenConnected.patch ?
05:20.16pg13puffthemagic: what did you name the patch file on ur computer
05:20.28PuffTheMagicname dont matter
05:20.33pg13i just want it to be uniform
05:20.47rwhitbyit does if pg13 is going to contribute it to the repo
05:21.13PuffTheMagicsomeone is gonna put my patch in the repo instead of me?
05:21.25pg13lol i won dont worry but since im manually putting it in my local repo
05:21.29pg13i just wnana follow ur naming
05:21.43pg13so i dont end up after updating w/ 2 patches with diff names that are exactly identical =x
05:21.46PuffTheMagici didnt create a name for it... i just ran git diff and pasted into the wiki
05:22.13rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: work with us here - what would you call it if you needed to give it a long descriptive name
05:22.46rwhitbydescribe in 5 words or more what it does
05:23.07pg13oo nice name
05:23.24pg13so would it be like 'stay-on-when-connected.patch'
05:23.28pg13located in /opt/src/modifications/screenlock
05:23.34pg13cool :D
05:24.19rwhitbypg13: before the patch goes in the repo, it should be re-rooted at /
05:24.19gordiansorry mate, gotta crash
05:24.30rwhitbygordian: ok, i was waiting for you to answer my last question
05:24.32pg13rwhitby: yes sir
05:24.37gordianoh didnt see it
05:24.45rwhitbygordian: do you have a new virtual disk attached to the Pre Emulator virtual machine?
05:25.11PuffTheMagicwould it be violating some license if we put the whole pre useland in a git repo
05:25.14gordiani'm not sure
05:25.17gordiani might
05:25.17PuffTheMagicand made branches for each patch
05:25.39gordianin virtual media manager i have a new hard disk that's 1gb
05:25.46rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: having the whole files available in a public git repo would violate the license
05:25.58gordianit's attached to the pre emu, so i guess "yes"
05:25.59rwhitbygordian: what does 'cat /proc/partitions' say?
05:26.08PuffTheMagici thought there was some "for development" clause
05:26.30rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: not as far as redistributing proprietary palm code there isn't
05:27.17PuffTheMagicbut they didnt release any proprietary palm code that I know of... everything is a closed binary or open code ;)
05:27.19gordianmajor minor  #blocks  name
05:27.23PuffTheMagicbut i know what u are saying
05:27.33gordianthat's it
05:27.38gordianit's not mounted or formatted
05:27.40PuffTheMagicrwhitby: is there a howto for lvresize-ing yet
05:27.59PuffTheMagici just did it on my pre so i should be able to write one
05:28.02rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: nope, I don't think the guy who did it wrote up a wiki page
05:28.07pg13hey i think i screwed up
05:28.08rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: sweet
05:28.18PuffTheMagicit was pretty smooth too
05:28.32PuffTheMagiceasier to do this with out stuff on /opt though
05:28.51rwhitbygordian: yeah, I'm just looking for an fdisk on the emulator other than the one in optware (which would be a chicken and egg)
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05:28.55PuffTheMagiclike there should be a "maybe you want to do this first" message before optware gets installed
05:29.21gordianhehe yeah i get it
05:29.36pg13rwhitby; does that pastebin i pasted make any sense o.o;;
05:29.40rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: we discussed resizing with Palm folks - they said that would probably cause problems if they had to do an OTA resize themselves
05:29.55PuffTheMagicthey would do something like that
05:30.07PuffTheMagicthat seems scary
05:30.15PuffTheMagiccause it wipes your parition
05:30.17PuffTheMagicwhen you resize it
05:30.22rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: nope
05:30.27PuffTheMagicit did on mine
05:30.34PuffTheMagicafter resize it was empty
05:30.34Quantum_Mechanicso I've got a noob question that might make my working with my Pre a little easier at least as far as modifying files is concerned
05:30.38rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: they have the means to increase the ext3 size.  they get you to save your media contents first
05:30.45EguyWhat the heck is going on in here
05:31.01PuffTheMagicrwhitby: ehh... i will deal with that when it comes
05:31.16rwhitbypg13: PuffTheMagic's patch is anchored at /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.screenlock (or something)
05:31.31rwhitbypg13: for the instructions that we publish, it needs to be anchored at /
05:31.44pg13so i need to be in /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.screenlock
05:31.44PuffTheMagici can redo it
05:31.47pg13to apply that patch
05:31.49Quantum_Mechanichow can I copy files to my local computer to view instead of just editing with VI I made a mistake somewhere and that screen is getting tiresome
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05:31.57PuffTheMagicgive me like 5 min to finnish this resize on my pre
05:31.58rwhitbypg13: yep, or just wait for PuffTheMagic to redo it
05:32.01PuffTheMagicand then i will rebase it
05:32.02pg13oh ok :D
05:32.10pg13rwhitby; how do i temporarily remove the failed install ?
05:32.14rwhitbyQuantum_Mechanic: scp
05:32.27gordianmy eyes are closing
05:32.28rwhitbypg13: it didn't apply, so didn't change anything
05:32.30gordianlet's do it tomorrow
05:32.32pg13cuz i still see it in quilt series =x tho o_o
05:32.59PuffTheMagicrwhitby: is there a non busybox version of bash in optware?
05:33.06rwhitbygordian: you can either mke2fs the new disk, and change the script to mount /dev/hdb instead of /dev/hdb1, or wait for tomorrow to see if I find a way of partitioning the disk on the emulator
05:33.14destinalPuffTheMagic: yes package is bash
05:33.20rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: there is no bash in busybox
05:33.21PuffTheMagici have that installed
05:33.27PuffTheMagicand it seems like busybox bash
05:33.34gordiani can change the script
05:33.35destinalbusybox has ash I think never bash
05:33.39gordianshouldnt be a prob
05:33.45gordianmke2fs ?
05:33.45PuffTheMagicyou are right its not bash in busybox
05:33.58destinalit has some bashisms
05:34.03destinalbut closer to sh probablyt
05:34.04PuffTheMagicsomething is right about my sh/console/ssh
05:34.12PuffTheMagiccome keys dont work right
05:34.17rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: bash 3.2 from
05:34.18pg13rwhitby, should i delete /opt/src/patches/series and /opt/src/patches/stay-on-when-connected.patch
05:34.24rwhitbypg13: yep
05:34.24pg13o_O or is there a correct way to do it
05:34.29pg13oh ok :D
05:34.36PuffTheMagici have no command history
05:34.40rwhitbypg13: and you'll want / to be rw next time too
05:34.52pg13rwhitby: yes sir
05:35.14rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: dunno - the build recipe is in the .mk file I pasted
05:35.21destinalrwhitby: why not just wget the util-linux dpkg and extract the fisk binary from it into tmp?
05:35.31rwhitbydestinal: yeah, that's the last resort.
05:35.31destinalto avoid the chicken / egg thing
05:35.49PuffTheMagicdestinal: we are gonna need to make a special build of upstart
05:35.54rwhitbydestinal: I was hoping palm left an fdisk in there - they have e2fsprogs installed in the emulator by default
05:35.54PuffTheMagici think they are using an old one
05:35.57PuffTheMagicwith out dbus
05:36.10destinalI don't think they built fdisk in their busybox
05:36.16rwhitbyno, they didn't
05:37.07gordianrwhitby: we'll hit it tomorrow
05:37.07gordiangotta run mate
05:37.07gordianthanks again
05:37.07rwhitbydestinal: hmm - maybe we just copy the rootfs virtual disk and reformat the copy
05:37.07gordiani'll be on earlier tomorrow
05:37.07pg13rwhitby sorry for noobness and further noobness with failure to search wiki - do i just -- "mount -o remount,rw /" to do it and then "mount -o remount,ro /" when done?
05:37.07gordianbut i'll idle
05:37.25destinalrwhitby: oh, to keep it simple..
05:37.33rwhitbydestinal: yeah
05:37.41destinalrwhitby: you don't actually technically need to fdisk
05:37.51destinalyou *could* just lay down a raw fs on /dev/hdb
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05:37.58rwhitbydestinal: I know, but weren't you the one who suggested /dev/hdb1 ?
05:38.10rwhitbydestinal: I ran /dev/hdb as ext3 for some time
05:38.14destinalyes, I did, mainly because it's more conventional and what people will be used to
05:38.19destinaland they can fdisk -l etc
05:38.26destinalbut it's not a big deal
05:38.40PuffTheMagicrwhitby destinal what are you talking about... sdb*
05:38.40rwhitbydestinal: yeah, I'll go /dev/hdb before wgetting util-linux and unpacking
05:38.43PuffTheMagicwhat context is this
05:38.58rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: extra virtual disk on emulator to store optware
05:39.47destinalrwhitby: had anyone dealt with how to make the hdb disk or a guide just walks them through doing it in vbox?
05:40.34rwhitbydestinal: nope, gordian is going to write that one up I expect
05:40.36destinalsince obviously there's no red pill :)
05:40.58pg13rwhitby: this is interesting my palmpre restarted but im still connected via ssh O_O
05:41.09rwhitbydestinal: if he doesn't write it up, he will find getting help from me tomorrow difficult ... ;)
05:41.53rwhitbyone of my personal rules of behaviour is that if I help someone, I expect them to write it up on the wiki for the next guy.
05:42.08rwhitbyshare the load
05:42.08pg13rwhitby: yes sir
05:42.19pg13rwhitby: i will add all your help knowledge in the wiki when done promise
05:42.27pg13rwhitby: when i want to add more patches after i have applied one patch
05:42.36pg13should i clear out the /opt/src/patches directory
05:42.38pg13or just keep adding more
05:42.43pg13and then quilt push'ing
05:42.58rwhitbypg13: are you following the existing wiki page for that?
05:43.01pg13yes sir
05:43.35pg13i followed it and added one patch and it applied successfully and restarted and now the patch is visible (laucnherpages patch)
05:43.51pg13now i want to add another patch but /opt/src/patches/series still has the laucnherpage.patch there and the patch file is in the directory also
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05:44.07pg13so im wonering if i should erase the folder's contents or continue quilt import'ing
05:44.42rwhitbypg13: quilt delete to remove a patch
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05:44.58rwhitbyotherwise just keep importing them to get a list of patches in the series file
05:45.38rwhitbyyou *want* quilt to know all the patches you have applied, so that it can unapply them automatically for you before the next OTA update (you have to tell it to do so)
05:45.55pg13oh ok
05:46.15rwhitbythat series file and the /.pc directory is the record of the state of your filesystem.
05:47.29PuffTheMagicdoes anyone know how to enable developer mode with luna-send?
05:47.39pg13ok so rwhitby im very sorry for stupidity seriously im very stupid but ill try to help ppl who come in here in the future and u know i will cuz human nature tends to have ppl share the knowledge they gain... but
05:47.54pg13right now i can just keep importing a ton of patches and then push quilt push all at once
05:48.06pg13cool ty :D
05:48.13rwhitbybut probably better to do one at a time
05:48.17rwhitby(to make sure each works)
05:48.29pg13oh ok :D
05:48.37pg13and i take it the -a flag is just for "all" :D :D cool
05:48.38rwhitbypg13: this quilt stuff is not an easy concept, so don't be discouraged.
05:48.42CIA-74bzhou * r10478 optware/trunk/make/ 9base: default get9root
05:48.49pg13rwhitby: yes sir
05:49.12destinalpg13: you're here rather than wallowing in ignorance and unable to do cool webos things, so you shouldn't call yourself stupid. :)
05:50.17destinalthe most important steps are questioning and knowing where to go to get answers
05:51.42rwhitby(and using your own resources to search google and the wiki before asking each question)
05:52.15pg13destinal: :D
05:52.16destinalright, there's an order of precedence for answers and where to get them.  public resources first
05:52.18pg13rwhitby: yes sir :D
05:52.40destinalthat's why we all work to make them
05:52.41rwhitbyisn't a knight of the realm (yet)
05:53.58rwhitbydestinal: looks like we need to do /dev/hdb, since there is no fdisk on the emulator, but there is mkfs.ext3
05:54.04rwhitby(and mkfs.ext4 for that matter)
05:54.32pg13rwhitby: do you know if there is going to be a gui or curses based interface for quilt in the future? o_o;; i'd love for my friends to have access to this wonderful stuff but im scared they might get confused :(
05:54.47destinalrwhitby: cool, block device is a block device and functionality and availability beat tradition
05:54.58rwhitbydestinal: any ideas on how to safely tell that /dev/hdb has not been formatted yet, and that we should run mkfs.ext3 on it?
05:55.27destinalalas, no "file" either
05:55.30rwhitbypg13: we've built the basic functionality - anyone with the right skills can add a GUI on the front
05:55.36pg13Applying patch /opt/src/patches/
05:55.36pg13patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.
05:55.37destinalwas looking for magic
05:55.43pg13Hey sorry for pasting here it was only 2 lines thts why i did :(
05:55.48pg13but doesnt that look a little weird lol
05:56.18rwhitbypg13: malformed patch it seems.  look at it with "cat <file>" and see if it looks like PuffTheMagic's patch
05:56.35pg13you know what
05:56.38pg13it doesnt look like a patch
05:56.51pg13it is some kind of !/bin/sh script
05:57.07rwhitbypg13: ah, it's a .sh file, not a .patch file
05:57.22pg13i wonder how it got in the repository o.o;; i didnt add it manually lol
05:57.29rwhitbyit's meant to be there
05:57.36rwhitbyyou need to run it to enact that modification
05:57.42pg13ic :D
05:57.43rwhitbyit changes an sqlite database I believe
05:57.59pg13im not gonna mess w/ it though cuz i dont know how to remove it after lol O_O
05:58.08rwhitbygood plan
05:58.32rwhitbywe need to ask the person who committed it what their plan is for OTA updates for that modification
06:00.07pg13too bad there isnt some kind of cydia type interface for all this cool stuff you guys made lol...
06:00.21pg13if there was, i think palm pre would blow up and be one of hte most popularphones on campus =x
06:00.35pg13palm should pay you guys
06:00.53rwhitbypg13: all these apps should end up in Palm's app catalog
06:00.59rwhitbyit's just a matter of time
06:01.05pg13oh what about hte patches/mods though lol
06:01.11pg13i mean this launcher pages thing alone is huge!
06:01.19pg13you dont knokw how it helped me in terms of organization
06:01.32rwhitbypg13: that code was already in Palm's sources.  we just uncommented it.
06:01.36destinalsudo dd if=/dev/sda3 of=fsbegin bs=2000 count=1
06:01.41destinal$ file fsbegin
06:01.41destinalfsbegin: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data, UUID=f35b8060-a10f-415e-ad77-a497999a1fb1 (needs journal recovery) (large files
06:01.53destinalwe could find the magic without file I suppose
06:02.07rwhitbydestinal: maybe I just try and mount it, and mkfs it if the mount fails.
06:02.30destinalsure, that's simpler and should work
06:02.40destinalI was thinking of some kind of fsck args but I'd have to dig for them
06:02.45rwhitbysince it's only when people run the bootstrap script, it should be fine
06:04.56PuffTheMagicfixing patch now
06:05.42PuffTheMagicdestinal: what are you trying to do now?
06:05.44destinalyup mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb || echo failed
06:05.46destinalworks as expected
06:05.55PuffTheMagicoh still emu stuff
06:06.38destinalPuffTheMagic: mrvc made a lot of progress on plugins, he's got all the javascript object properties and function / invoke stuff working
06:06.49destinalgit pull   to check it out
06:07.00PuffTheMagicdestinal: you get my message about upstart
06:07.36destinalthe latest version having dbus yeah
06:07.54PuffTheMagicerr well i said the version on the pre does not have dbus it seems
06:08.03pg13rwhitby: really dumb Q -- -- in OTA update is there an issue?
06:08.08destinalbut would it talk to luna-send or do they do something special to dbus for the busses?
06:08.12pg13(in other words should i make it into a patch lol)
06:08.26PuffTheMagicit should work
06:08.33PuffTheMagicbut we need a upstart with dbus first
06:08.39PuffTheMagicidk how about adding that to optware
06:09.04rwhitbypg13: dunno
06:09.28rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: should be easy to add to optware
06:09.35pg13rwhitby: ill make a patch :D
06:09.57rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: the hard bit is that optware can't modify Palm files, so you need to work out how the two interoperate
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06:10.15rwhitby(not "can't" but "doesn't by design and policy")
06:10.18PuffTheMagicwell we can install it anywhere
06:10.25pg13rwhitby: its just diff -u originalfile modifiedfile > thisisthepatch.patch
06:10.27PuffTheMagicand just change init= in the boot config
06:10.38rwhitbypg13: yep, running that from /
06:10.44pg13rwhitby: cool sounds good
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06:18.57pg13rwhitby: sorry for the stupidity
06:19.08pg13In root@castle:/usr/palm/applications/
06:19.43pg13so in that case is it identical to an appinfo.json, i noticed in there it says "launchPointId": "12022008",
06:20.00pg13in other words just like hiding nascar can i hide it by doing "visible": "false"
06:21.05psykozthe sprint portal has it self in two locations
06:21.47pg13psykoz: ic
06:21.57pg13psykoz: so if i put "visible": "false" in Both of those files
06:22.02pg13it will be hidden? o_O
06:22.03psykozyou'll have to not take that second path literally but basically look for it by hand etc
06:22.14psykozyou just need to do the file in the luna (or launcher?) folder
06:22.20psykoznot the /usr/palm/applications one
06:22.28pg13oh ok cool
06:23.35psykozlooks like it might be: /usr/luna/launchpoints
06:23.51psykozI dunno, mine is empty because I just rm'd the sprint portal rather than doign visible false
06:24.32pg13pyskoz: you aren't scared for what could happen on OTA? o_O
06:25.17psykozI'm not scared of anything
06:25.23pg13man i made a successful patch ;o how do i donate this to the repository or is it a useless patch heh
06:26.01PuffTheMagicfixed patch here
06:26.08PuffTheMagicsomeone can upload that i guess
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06:39.22oc80zcant we link to outside [[image:http:
06:40.27pg13Anyone know if dropbear ssh daemon will affect batery life at all =x
06:44.32rwhitbyoc80z: dunno, maybe it's goatse prevention by default
06:45.09rwhitbyRick__: PreChess added to PreWare
06:52.10pg13This is a specific question to a specific patch so this may be the wrong place -- but what happens if the download times out or fails (
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06:56.14Rick__rwhitby - url?  for preware?  I'll go edit the precentral post
06:56.20Rick__we may as well start mentioning it
06:57.06rwhitbyRick__: preware grabs it from the PreCentral thread.
06:57.16Rick__oc80z - you have to upload the image to the wiki
06:57.28Rick__we have 'external images' turnd off in mediawiki
06:57.47rwhitbyRick__: that would invoke ouroboros
06:57.55Rick__oh, really!!!  Gosh
06:58.05Rick__what's the url for preware tho?
06:58.23Rick__I promise not to cause a time-like-loop
07:00.37Rick__so how does it decide to pick up items from precentral?
07:13.09Quantum_Mechanicalright I have no idea how I did it but the files I'm trying to change have become read only. what did I do wrong?  went back to using VI have changed it all once, think I figured out where it messed up and can't save
07:15.46rawdr_are you root? use sudo
07:16.10Quantum_Mechanicconnected via USB, pretty sure I used login root
07:16.31rawdr_what's the terminal say? user@castle:
07:16.40rawdr_does it say root@castle or another username?
07:16.41Quantum_Mechaniclet me see,
07:17.04Quantum_Mechanicyes root@castle
07:17.19rawdr_is the operating system read/write? type mount and look at the first line
07:17.43rwhitbyRick__: the preware packaging makefile has a SRC url
07:18.20rwhitbyRick__: is the one for PreChess.
07:18.24Quantum_Mechanicfootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
07:18.51rawdr_so you vi a file and then it won't let you save your changes?
07:19.00Quantum_Mechanicgonna try it again now
07:19.47Quantum_Mechanicnope can't save it
07:20.16rawdr_can you create a new file? cp the file to a new filename in the same directory
07:20.18destinalrwhitby: regarding your "rooting"  / brick thread on precentral, I would bet dd out to the flash disk would brick a pre by killing bootie which is in flash.  you'd need DFU to recover I think
07:20.21psykozquick question, does dropbear support ssh tunneling?
07:20.59rwhitbypsykoz: yep
07:21.18destinalrwhitby: I'm _not_ going to test that theory
07:21.18rwhitbydestinal: do we know if the first partition is writeable?
07:21.47destinalI don't know but I would imagine so
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07:22.01rwhitbyI guess we can check in the kernel sources
07:22.02oc80zoc80z: dunno, maybe it's goatse prevention by default
07:22.11Quantum_Mechaniccan't copy the file
07:22.19destinalrwhitby: you can also do odd things like change serial numbers in there I think
07:22.44rwhitbydestinal: yeah, I expect our mates on mobile forums could tell us the answers :-)
07:22.47destinalalthough the nduid is on a seperate chip I believe
07:23.13Quantum_MechanicI swear i just need to add a closing </div> and this thing should work
07:23.22destinala kernel module for misreporting your nduid would be good for the paranoid
07:23.44rawdr_I don't understand Quantum_Mechanic. what are the file permissions when you do a ls -l?
07:25.12Quantum_Mechanicthat is for the folder /usr/palm/applications/
07:25.22Quantum_Mechanicnix the html file
07:27.03destinalok I guess I should sleep :)  night all
07:27.17rwhitbynight destinal
07:29.22rawdr_Dunno Quantum_Mechanic ... try a reboot?
07:30.10Quantum_Mechanicdoes the "enable developer's console" reset after the phone is reset...
07:30.45Quantum_Mechanicor is that more or less permanently enabled?
07:30.53rawdr_It will stay on until you turn it off
07:32.24Quantum_Mechanicdidn't see that option to turn it off, just found the site here today... or yesterday now was curious to try something out lol enabling the notification tone selections been messing with this for 3 - 4 hours now
07:32.49rawdr_You turn it off the same way you turned it on. It's just a switch you flip
07:33.12rawdr_you mean the konami code thing?
07:33.55Quantum_Mechanicjust typed it in again now i remember the switch
07:36.58rawdr_I'm leaving now, good luck though
07:39.31rwhitbyoc80z: I think there is a homebrew wiki page already - what do you intend to put in the one you just created?
07:40.00rwhitbyoc80z: see
07:41.14rwhitbyoc80z: please use the templates on that page and categorise accordingly instead of just moving the disorganisation of the old wiki across to the new one ;-)
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07:44.52rwhitbyoc80z: I've removed it from - please choose another :-)
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09:05.56oc80zyea rw, i selected that one
09:06.04oc80zthe homebrew one..
09:06.08oc80zit was there yesterday :P
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09:15.58Decimationhi guys
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09:50.04oc80z,..i think the roam patches are borked?
10:14.37oc80zcat *.pub | pdcopy
10:14.43oc80zyo rw
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11:31.55rwhitbyoc80z: yeah, sorry about that - that one shouldn't have been on the list cause it's not a straight transfer.
11:37.49gordianhey rwhitby
11:38.12gordianany solutions present themselves since last night?
11:45.07rwhitbygordian: let me push the latest version of the script
11:46.11rwhitbygordian: grab the new versions of both the optware and the quilt scripts now, and as long as you have a /dev/hdb before running them they should complete successfully.
11:47.00rwhitbypastebin if you get anything other than all lines showing OK
11:51.56en0xok after almost two weeks of vacation time to get to work :)
11:52.28*** join/#webos-internals jcrawford (n=jcrawfor@unaffiliated/idle0ne)
11:59.00jcrawfordhah i found a bug with the messaging-forwarding patch
11:59.31jcrawfordyou cannot play any mp3 audi that is sent to you because everytime you click it, it wants to forward.  Also when you do forward the media is not sent along with the message :(
11:59.36jcrawfordhave to take that patch off for now
12:01.49LacutisFord motor is now #1 in quality among car makers
12:02.23jcrawfordthey cfall ford quality?
12:02.26jcrawfordshakes head
12:02.46Lacutisit had the least amount of problems vs all other car makers
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12:15.57gordianrwhitby still use the -x switch?
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13:26.10mark__I asked this last night, but I'm still lost
13:26.19mark__how can I flash my pre?
13:26.50mark__I have my own webOS.jar file I want to upload to it, not one that the java applet wants to download
13:27.03Templarianoh nvm.
13:27.26Templarian(it's probably on the site though)
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13:29.22mark__nah, only find the same info as I was previously pointed to
13:29.56mark__that site on Palm just wants to re-download the 200 MB file, then upload that
13:30.08mark__I want a manual process where I choose what to upload to phone
13:31.55mark__or does it ask me after it has fully downloaded the file?
13:32.36TemplarianNo, all that file will do is restore the phone to factory settings (with the latest firmware).
13:33.06mark__where can I find a program to do it manually?
13:33.29mark__I'm a little versed in linux, so don't have problem doing cmd line if I have to
13:34.05Templarian Comments /Suggestions on the new Main Page of the wiki.
13:35.56rwhitbyTemplarian: how do the current and beta main pages look on the Pre?
13:36.14Templarianlet me check.
13:36.14rwhitbyA webos-internals site has to be readable on the device itself.
13:36.49TemplarianYou could check for your self... ohhh... yea. (hehe)
13:37.47*** join/#webos-internals eddieck (
13:37.47TemplarianActually with the emulator but then the jokes not funny.
13:40.13TemplarianViews good on my device. Still a few changes needed.
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13:41.04rwhitbyif the icons on the beta page take you to the portals instead of the image, then it works for me
13:41.24TemplarianYea, I noticed that I'm about to fix it.
13:41.37Templarian(they actually won't link anywhere.)
13:42.23mark__or should I be asking these questions at #webos?
13:42.34rwhitbyPatches_to_webOS and Source_Patches are duplicates
13:42.42rwhitbyneed to merge those into one
13:42.56rwhitby(one is on current main page, one is on beta)
13:42.57mark__I'm trying to follow this page:
13:43.13mark__I'mve done with all the rest, but can't find a way to now flash phone
13:43.50rwhitbymark__: no-one currently here has done it.  you need to speak to pEEF or Ajax.
13:44.13mark__hm..  and how can I get a hold of them?
13:44.40rwhitbydunno.  perhaps send a PM to them on the old wiki site.
13:45.13rwhitby(another reason for email verification of accounts on the new site)
13:45.32mark__n where is the old wiki?
13:47.43*** join/#webos-internals destinal (
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13:48.31destinalmark__: If you're in linux you can reflash with the webos doctor, you just need to install the linux sdk an novacomd, and then download the doctor jar and run it with java -jar ...
13:49.03destinalPuffTheMagic: good morning
13:49.23destinalPuffTheMagic: keep an eye on the applications.git repository.  interesting things starting
13:49.28mark__but that doctor only wants to flash with original right, or can I specify my own file
13:49.49destinalmark__: well modify the jar, rebuild it with the new nova image
13:49.51destinalthen run it
13:50.22mark__Oh, alright..  thanks. . will look into that then
13:50.23PuffTheMagicdestinal: anyting new besides catching mojo events?
13:50.50PuffTheMagichas anyone got custom methods calls working?
13:51.02destinalyes arbitrary js methods
13:53.56destinaloff to work, have fun
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14:07.35PuffTheMagici am moving that onwhenconnected patch into its own little swiss army knive app
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14:07.52PuffTheMagicthat way its not touching pre files and I dont have to edit it every webos update
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14:37.53uncorqbtw guys in case no one has said it - thanks for offering this channel and the wiki, learned a lot already just from reading thru the irc logs.
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14:38.19Rick_pay it forward.
14:38.21Rick_edit the wiki
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14:43.12PuffTheMagicnice! dev mode can be enabled/disabled with luna-send
14:43.17PuffTheMagicwrites gui for it
14:45.07drnulljcrawford: re not playing a sound if one is playing: try luna-send -n 100 palm://com.palm.mediaevents/playingStatus '{subscribe:true}', I think it will send you a response.isPlaying set to true or false.  Maybe that will apply to notifications as well, I have no idea.
14:45.23*** join/#webos-internals ertyuiy765 (n=mark@
14:45.34PuffTheMagicdrnull: you are the dbus master huh
14:45.47PuffTheMagicwhat are you using to find all this out?
14:45.49drnullnah, I was just looking around for my own purposes and stumbled upon that.  :)
14:45.54drnulluse the source, luke
14:46.07PuffTheMagicoh so no introspection?
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14:46.21drnullnope, just reading through streamingmediaplayer and looking at palmInitMedia.js
14:46.37PuffTheMagicdrnull: i am going to make a little swiss army app for useful luna comamnd and what not
14:46.47PuffTheMagicthat can be manipulated in mojo
14:46.48drnullDid you find your luna-send for enable/disable in the devmode-switcher app?
14:46.53PuffTheMagicso if you find anything cool
14:46.56PuffTheMagicyeah i found it
14:47.27PuffTheMagicluna-send -i palm://com.palm.connectionmanager/setnovacommode '{"isEnabled":true}'
14:47.34PuffTheMagicluna-send -i palm://com.palm.power/shutdown/machineReboot '{"reason":"User initiated/DevModeSwitcher"}'
14:47.47drnullhehe, nice. :)
14:48.14PuffTheMagicso i am gonna move the power on option and the dev mode into this one app so i dont touch the screenlock app any more
14:48.20PuffTheMagiclet me know if u get new stuff
14:48.29drnulltragically, dev mode has to be enabled already for novacomm to work, otherwise that would be a great way to turn it on via novaterm.
14:48.47drnullit'd be kinda nice to leave it in screenlock as well. *shrugs*
14:48.48PuffTheMagicwell yes but i turn it on and off alot now
14:48.54PuffTheMagicand i hate typing in that password
14:49.18PuffTheMagicdrnull: i just thinking touching palm apps is gonna make maintaining them a pain
14:49.20drnullagreed.  It's also in /usr/palm/applications/
14:50.26PuffTheMagicha... idk how I missed that there
14:51.11PuffTheMagichas anyone made a mod to make the led's blink when there are notifications?
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14:52.10drnullI swear there used to be a wiki page that talked about setting visible to true in appinfo.json to enable that application, can't find it now...
14:52.26drnullI've seen mention of that mod, but I think it only blinked once.
14:52.31PuffTheMagici heard about it
14:52.50en0xit was based on bash scripts
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14:53.21PuffTheMagicwell for the sake of not touching palm apps im gonna add it to another app
14:53.27PuffTheMagiceven if its sorta redundant
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15:32.32en0xi want to help moving pages from old wiki to new one can I get some access on old wiki so I can use edit button?
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15:34.22summatusmentiska6sox also has access, I beleive
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15:39.50tehnoirHang on, en0x.
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15:44.00en0xtehnoir: kk
15:44.04en0xno rush
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16:00.25CIA-36bzhou * r10479 optware/trunk/make/ tshark: stage and depend on c-ares
16:01.02tehnoirnotepad++ keeps crashing so I'm converting a page from the browser.
16:01.05tehnoirNot recommended.
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16:04.17PuffTheMagicwhy are we using org.webosinternals. instead of org.webos-internals.   ?????
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16:05.33jwmis anyone working on an ssh client for webos?
16:05.39jwmor even terminal
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16:10.06jcrawfordjwm: i hope so :)
16:10.08jcrawfordi want one heh
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16:14.40TemplarianultraMobile: lol you okay there?
16:15.07ultraBlackTemplarian: That was the last restart I think :P Stupid xchat wants me to restart it for every pref change to take effect
16:15.24ultraBlackSorry for the join leave spam, room!
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16:43.36ertyuiy765where can I find novacom?  I'm in linux. I have the webOS.jar unzipped, found the NovacomInstaller.pkg.tar.gz, untarred, but find only postinstall and postupgrade scripts
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16:45.30PuffTheMagicthere is a link for it on the sdk website
16:45.45PuffTheMagicfollow the linux instructions
16:46.33destinaljwm: yes
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16:49.12destinalterminal is being worked on and the beginnings of it are in git.  are you interested in helping out? :)
16:49.38jwmyeah I would love to
16:49.39destinalfar from functional at this point but events and javascript function calls between native code and plugins exist
16:49.57jwmwell, we're starting a team and would like to make money from some venture
16:50.44*** part/#webos-internals nebula1 (
16:50.45destinaljwm: you're trying to make money from some venture?
16:50.54jwmsmartphone apps
16:51.05jwmI've been with nix and computers for 15 years now
16:51.11jwmhaven't made a penny off my experience
16:51.20jwmand I'd like to do this full time finally
16:51.32jwmnot just smartphones but they're a good start
16:51.55destinalwell the terminal itself as well as all the webosinternals stuff is open source, but there's probably money to be made in developing apps or services...
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16:52.23jwmactually I'd release our apps opensource too
16:52.42jwmjust would like to get them into the app store
16:53.10jwmyeah, I was thinking of a few services in mind
16:53.10destinalinteresting, I hadn't considered, but the palm app catalog could be a good way to actually sell OSS software
16:53.30jwmare they going to make for money apps on the store? heh
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16:53.47jwmok good :)
16:54.05destinalanyone buying your app could redistribute it of course but enough people want the convenience of the catalog that they might buy it direct through the official mechanism if it's good
16:54.35TemplarianYea, there are a lot of non tech people that own the device.
16:55.34jwmI'm an opensource guy though heh
16:55.53jwmI know we could make more money if it were closed though
16:55.57TemplarianAs are most people here. hehe.
16:55.57jwmbut come on.. it's javascript
16:55.59destinalyeah, there's the myth that you can't sell open source but the FSF is big on pointing out that you can
16:56.11destinaland a phone app store is a great mechanism for that
16:56.22jwmthat's my opinion
16:56.36jwmI've been using free nix since 96 or so
16:56.45jwmstarted out on freebsd actually heh
16:57.16*** join/#webos-internals mikedg (
16:57.23mikedgwhere are the html databases kept
16:57.27mikedgi always forget :(
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16:57.53TemplarianClosed source always ends up being better though... lets hope to see some quality things coming out.
16:58.31SargunTemplarian, not always true
16:58.53TemplarianSargun: always was a bad word. Most of the time.
16:59.00jwmis the current terminal code public?
16:59.10jwmis it on github?
16:59.48mikedgoh dur no wonder i couldnt find them
16:59.55mikedgi novatermed to the emu instead of device
17:00.17mikedgi novatermed to the emu instead of device
17:00.49destinaljwm: what we've got is on our git repository, but it's not really a terminal yet
17:01.20jwmohh, I see on the website
17:01.26*** join/#webos-internals pitcjd01 (i=95a4071a@gateway/web/freenode/x-503054a8efdd1f65)
17:01.30PuffTheMagicthe wasted white space all over the pre apps is rediculous
17:01.44PuffTheMagicnothing is indented nicely either
17:01.55mikedgit all looks indented nicely to me
17:01.56PuffTheMagicits like 4 year olds wrote these things
17:02.06PuffTheMagicw/ space not tabs
17:02.22mikedgspaces are better than tabs
17:02.58destinaljwm: I cobbled together an npapi proof of concept plugin called "hello plugin", and mrvc figured out getting the key and pen events across from mojo into the c++ code and some other stuff
17:03.06pitcjd01Heya guys, just a quick one.
17:03.18destinalerr basicplugin rather, hello plugin is the mojo app wrapping it
17:03.26pitcjd01If I find a patch on the wiki that's plaintext, and not in the quilt patches yet, how do I apply it?
17:03.36jwmdestinal: does the pre have touch event processing?
17:03.53jwmI was thinking of running a client/server arch like APE (
17:04.09jwmdestinal: I meant in its javascript code
17:04.19jwmI am part of the developer program I just haven't downloaded the sdk yet
17:04.21destinaljwm: yeah, it's all javascript
17:04.41jwmI was thinking then just using httprequest events
17:04.49jwmput ape on localhost
17:04.55destinaljwm: in the plugin now we're just taking the mojo event and passing it through via the npruntime stuff into c++ code
17:05.34jwmso you want to code most of it in c++ using linux's termlib or something?
17:05.40PuffTheMagicdestinal: is there a way to push an app to the phone via eclise
17:05.46PuffTheMagici know it says there is a run on device option
17:05.49PuffTheMagicbut if failed
17:05.55destinalPuffTheMagic: yes, with the eclipse plugin you just "run"
17:05.57PuffTheMagicdoes this method need a cert ot something
17:06.18destinaldo you have novacomd up and running to the point where palm-install works?
17:06.20PuffTheMagichmm gues now
17:06.25PuffTheMagicidk it worked the second time
17:06.29PuffTheMagicfirst time there was an error
17:07.09destinaljwm: possibly, I have no experience writing a linux terminal.
17:07.51jwmI was going to code it in javascript and just send back/forth events to ape to the real terminal hehe
17:08.05jwmI think that would be better than just an ssh client
17:08.10jwmbecause you could do lots of other apps
17:08.59destinalwell you would want to use dbus to a "service" or npapi / npruntime to a "plugin" if you want to talk to local components, not xmlhttprequest
17:09.00jwmI'd also like to be able to set the background to an image and do font shadows :)
17:09.20destinalgenerally we don't want to run a web server on the pre
17:09.23PuffTheMagica dbus term would be easy
17:09.24*** part/#webos-internals mikedg (
17:09.40PuffTheMagicavoid the whole plugin layer
17:09.43jwmhave you seen the ape server?
17:09.48destinaljwm: no
17:09.51jwmit's extremely light
17:10.15destinalstill, when we have a perfectly good bus, why http-ize things?
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17:10.35jwmso you can code everything in javascript :)
17:10.42destinalyou still can
17:10.54destinalmojo is all javascript
17:11.43destinalI suggest digging in a bit to see how webos is architected
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17:12.34Templarian1Did internals ever have the idea of making an internals version of mojo?
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17:13.00destinalbut basically stuff that reaches outside javascript, rather than ajax, uses dbus calls, there are javascript mechanisms to call exposed service methods and subscribe to response data
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17:13.44destinalthe local on-phone service can be written in any language so long as it communicates on the dbus properly
17:14.04destinalbut all the client side js stuff would still be client side js, just the same as if it were ajax
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17:14.17destinalthat would be mojo code
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17:20.01jwmyeah, I just want to use the same bus/ipc system as our other apps
17:21.58*** join/#webos-internals Zuchmir2 (
17:23.39destinalTemplarian1: yeah there was that idea floated
17:24.01destinalTemplarian1: it's obviously very non-trivial :)
17:24.11Zuchmir2i've noticed Classic does the following: sampleAdapterApp.SndCtrl(), i'm guessing it's calling into the plugn, my question is, how do i expose a "function" and/or variable from a plugin so that it's visible from JS?
17:24.50destinalZuchmir2: check the git repository for basicplugin and the mojo app   org.webosinternals.helloplugin  for examples
17:25.41destinalit's just npruntime but it's easier to read code than the API docs IMO
17:26.19tmztscripting api is the same?
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17:26.31Zuchmir2i've dowloaded that, and made alot of mods to that, but can't find where to expose additional functions from the plugin
17:26.37destinaltmzt: yeah, pull git to see what I mean
17:27.17destinalright now it's taking pen events from the touchscreen and invoking exposed functions of the plugin to deliver them
17:27.30destinalthe plugin then draws them
17:27.36destinalie a dot at that x, y
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17:28.49tmztso not plugin events yet? they didn't work?
17:29.35destinaltmzt: only some events actually seem to be delivered by luna.  look at classic and you'll see it does much the same as we are
17:31.14jwmanyone know of someone making an on screen keyboard?
17:31.17destinaldespite the fact that a lot more event types seem to be defined, we never get them
17:31.23Zuchmir2my question is, i want my plugin to dictate the height of the object, at the moment it's being dictated by helloplugin-assistant.js
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17:31.56Zuchmir2helloPluginApp.height = x, i want that to be variable
17:32.30destinaldo you mean the height of the embed or your own custom property?
17:33.19destinallook at Object_SetProperty in basicplugin to see how custom properties work
17:33.20Zuchmir2the height of the embed
17:33.27destinalthe height of the embed is in the mojo
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17:34.52destinalyou should be able to set width or height to a value from a variable before replacing the div tag
17:35.16destinalie ./app/controllers/helloplugin-assistant.js:            helloPluginApp.height = 480;
17:35.35destinaljust make that a numeric variable instead, I think
17:35.39PuffTheMagichmm... can only certain apps use palm:// ?
17:35.54destinalPuffTheMagic: no, but only certain apps can use the private bus
17:36.09PuffTheMagicwhat is on the private bus?
17:36.24PuffTheMagiclike how do i know if the method i want to use is on the private bus
17:36.26destinalwhen you use luna-send it uses the private bus by default
17:36.26Zuchmir2+destinal: did you mean: NPN_SetProperty?
17:36.34destinalif you use luna-send -P
17:36.40destinalit'll go on the public bus and you can test it
17:38.32PuffTheMagicdo you know how to get on the private bus?
17:38.37destinalonly apps with a namespace in com.palm.*  have their messages sent on the private bus
17:39.19destinaluntil we figure out what makes a namespace special (and hopefully it's not just hard-coded) it seems you have change your namespace to
17:39.19Zuchmir2i want myPlugin to calculate the height, and tell the JS what to use there
17:39.20PuffTheMagicthats in /etc/dbus-1/
17:39.20PuffTheMagiceasy to change
17:39.20PuffTheMagici think
17:39.21PuffTheMagiclet me check
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17:39.21destinalok that would be good
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17:39.47jcrawfordwb all :)
17:39.47jcrawfordwb all :)
17:39.48jcrawfordcan anyone contribute to Mojo or is that closed to public contributions?
17:39.48destinalZuchmir2: you can't make the plugin calculate the height of its embed afaik because it's not instantiated when you define it.  It may be possible to have it change while a plugin is running but  I have no idea
17:40.01destinaljcrawford: closed
17:40.30destinalI would try making a plugin and then changing its height in javascript to see if that even works
17:40.49destinalif it does you could communicate between the js and the plugin to get its desired value and set it I imagine
17:41.00PuffTheMagichmm nothing good in /etc/dbus-1
17:41.03destinaldon't know if the plugin can access that property directly
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17:42.17destinallunch & bbl
17:43.22jcrawfordshit so you cannot even see the source?
17:45.18PuffTheMagicdo NOT egrep -r on / on the pre
17:45.23PuffTheMagicit does NOT like it
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17:47.01Zuchmir2+destinal: i've already done that, drawEvent->srcTop / drawEvent->srcBottom indicate "where" in the "plugin-page" the user is viewing
17:47.31tmztwhat does src mean then?
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17:48.21Zuchmir2also, in NPP_SetWindow(), window->width / window->height
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17:49.30Zuchmir2src = source (say for example the plugin displays an BMP, the BMP is the SRC, and the srcTop = which line in the BMP to start from
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17:51.11Rick_jcrawford no
17:51.16Rick_not all of it
17:51.25Rick_and since LOTS is java
17:51.31Rick_and lots and lots is javascript
17:51.34Rick_you can see all that.
17:51.37Rick_but ....
17:52.26Rick_but it's closed.
17:52.29jcrawfordi was just wondering because if it were open i am sure there would be many more widgets to use
17:52.42Rick_which is why people like des are reverse engineering the plugins.
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17:52.55jcrawfordone such that i want developed is a checkbox in a list so that when you are in mail/contacts you can select multiple and delete them all at once
17:53.14Rick_jcrawford there's nothing that prevents you from doing that...
17:53.26Rick_aamof, checkboxes in lists aresupported.
17:53.39jcrawfordRick_: oh i thought a new widget would have to be created since they did not do it in their own apps
17:53.45Rick_but writing widgets isn't that hard....
17:53.51jcrawfordthey really need to push app updates and get all those fixed lol
17:54.06Rick_The source code for the widgits is mostly javascript and mostly available in the foundation classes.
17:54.55mikedganything can be shoved into a list
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17:55.24mikedgi havent been able to understand how to use widgets in a list yet though so :/
17:55.25Zuchmir2if the plugin could communicate/set the height, the plugin can resize to size of BMP
17:55.30mikedgits definately possible though
17:55.32Rick_WHOO HOOO!!!
17:55.40Rick_my crappy chess program hit the front page of precentral
17:55.53mikedgrick: nice
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18:04.56Dotel_Centernice friendly texts here
18:05.53Dotel_Centerjust joining the party
18:06.13Dotel_CenterFigured this is where I belong
18:06.41Rick_have you been working on the Pre?  what are you interested in?
18:06.50Rick_any special knowledge we can grab?
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18:08.13Dotel_Centermostly disecting it right now, small changes here and there.
18:08.20Dotel_CenterBeen diving into the kernel
18:08.36Dotel_CenterI think they can do a much better job stream lining it
18:08.52tmztwhat have you found?
18:09.18PuffTheMagicDotel_Center: yeah the kernel is half-baked
18:09.21Dotel_Centernot alot, havn't had the time, except for alot of support for things I don't think will ever be used
18:09.34PuffTheMagicDotel_Center: that dont matter too much
18:09.45PuffTheMagicwe are talking about a few kb extra mem
18:09.45Dotel_Centerlooks like they branched from the vanilla kernel, and only tweaked it  slightly
18:10.01PuffTheMagicits 2.6.24 with omap v3 support patched in
18:10.10PuffTheMagicwhich i think is in upstream already
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18:14.47geistyeah, we didn't get enough time to polish it off
18:15.04geistit was based on the at then current omap patch set
18:15.14geistunforunately the community seems to have gone i a different direction since then
18:15.34geistat some point we got so tired of dealing with the deltas that we just branched the mach-omap3 directory into mach-omap3pe
18:15.48geistwe're having to deal with that now, get it all cleaned up
18:15.51PuffTheMagicgeist: are you a palm dev
18:15.57geistyes, kernel team
18:15.59PuffTheMagicis there a git repo for this?
18:16.18geiststay tuned though, that will change
18:16.30Rick_Really!   Good news!
18:16.40geistyou make certain concessions for 1.0, get it out the door, etc
18:16.48Rick_true enough.
18:16.59Rick_1.1 is a BIG improvement in so many ways.
18:17.06Rick_anxious to get it on my PHONE....
18:17.43tmztis there a list?
18:17.48tmztof changes
18:20.06Rick_so geist, are you going to re-merge with the omap main line, or going to keep off on your own?
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18:22.19pitcjd01yay netsplit
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18:31.17jwmdoes virtualbox 3.x work with the sdk?
18:31.43jwmdo I need the pre connected to the computer that runs the sdk?
18:31.51PuffTheMagicdrnull: you come up with anything new luna-send wise
18:31.57jwmor could I run the software on say a linux server
18:31.59PuffTheMagicjwm: no
18:32.11Rick_jwm --not yet.
18:32.32jwmI was wondering if kvm would work instead of virtualbox
18:32.53Rick_jwm, there's a product called "palm host" that runs a luna environment on apache, which lets you test and debug luna apps with any webkit browser and not just the emulator.
18:33.07Rick_But this has not yet been released to the public,although it'smentioned in the docs....
18:33.24Rick_spacebar sucks
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18:34.19jwmI'll see if it works with kvm first
18:34.24jwmI'd rather run the emulator on the server
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18:35.23jwmI wish they packaged it as a tgz instead of a deb
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18:36.02pitcjd01Heya jwm, do you know how to apply patches from a file such as ?
18:36.26jwmjust use patch
18:36.27en0xyou have to copy it to a file
18:36.56en0x--- a/usr/palm/applications/
18:36.59en0x+++ b/usr/palm/applications/
18:37.05en0xthis will bust your patch command
18:37.19en0xremove b before /usr....
18:37.27jwmjust do patch -p1
18:37.40jwmstrips the first dir
18:38.31christefanoI see in the Decrypt SSL (rusted man in the middle technique) how-to that the Pre can be told to trust certain certificates. how is this different than using the Certificate Manager?
18:38.32en0xor youi can do like jwm said :)
18:38.36jwmstrips the first slash but in this case there is no slash so first dir hehe
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18:40.09pitcjd01Okay, here's one
18:41.25pitcjd01If I throw it in /opt/src/modifications, can I push and pop it with quilt with the rest of the patches?
18:41.39en0xidk i don't use quilt
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18:46.31hopspitfireI just made a backup/restore guide for the wiki:
18:47.30PuffTheMagicnice rsync ftw!
18:47.50PuffTheMagicwill one of you guys add my username to gitorious
18:49.11FreeTim3@jwm can you review the page titled Diff  ? I am unsure about the patch section - would welcome your improvements
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18:52.12Zuchmir2do i need to initialise something to access NPN_Version() ?
18:53.21Zuchmir2within HandleDrawEvent() i try: NPN_Version(&plugin_major, &plugin_minor, &netscape_major, &netscape_minor); and that causes a reboot
18:57.51PuffTheMagicbefore I go digging... does anyone know if its possible to manipulate the LEDs in a mojo app
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18:59.05PuffTheMagicblau-mikeDG: was that to me? and no it cant be done or no u dont know
19:02.14blau-mikeDGim pretty sure it cant be done
19:02.17Dotel_Centertosses a salmon at blau
19:02.20blau-mikeDGthru js
19:03.00Dotel_CenterI agree with blau, tho I don't think it will be long before we see some kind of platform "shiv" alowing more hardware access via mojo
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19:03.22blau-mikeDGyeah i think we are gonna see some "rooted" apps come out soon
19:03.41destinalanything fun going on?
19:03.51blau-mikeDGim continuing to work on OFX crap
19:04.08blau-mikeDGand came up with a potentially awesome way to reconcile apps
19:04.10blau-mikeDGtmzt: yeah
19:04.23tmztfor what desktop software?
19:04.29blau-mikeDGreconcile transactions i mean
19:04.51blau-mikeDGto pull financial transactions from your banking institutions
19:04.54blau-mikeDGonto the pre
19:05.18tmztyou might need a browser plugin/mime type then
19:05.30PuffTheMagicor dbus
19:05.30blau-mikeDGso far its looking good
19:05.34tmztfor some websites
19:05.47blau-mikeDGi got it working for chase on my cc and checking
19:06.00tmztno, I mean to detect when an ofx/qfx/qif is downloaded
19:06.11tmztbut yeah, you are parsing in javascript?
19:06.22blau-mikeDGit does the ofx download and parsing
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19:07.58blau-mikeDGalthough for crappy sites, it might be nice to be able to naviagte to the webpage download area and get the file that way
19:09.01destinalso OFX is a one-way thing, just basically an xml doc of your financial transactions?
19:09.13tmztI can say at least key works like that
19:09.16FreeTim3blau : Just asking, but I'd be concerned about PCI compliance...  is it all secure including the logon and 128-bit & on SSL3 or better along the transaction?
19:09.20blau-mikeDGit's two way but i dont think many insitutions let you send stuff
19:09.30tmztand has limited time ranges, and less than useful filenames
19:09.35tmzt(like account.ofx)
19:09.40destinalFreeTim3: that is up to the service provider / bank
19:09.50blau-mikeDGmost of it's over https
19:09.53destinalhe's just working on a client
19:10.04tmztSSL3 is TLS1 isn't it?
19:10.07blau-mikeDGmy only concern would be storing the passwords if the user wants to do that
19:10.08FreeTim3right, but the client also can't save data unencrypted, is my understanding
19:10.21FreeTim3TLS1 is better than SSL3... both are better than SSL2
19:10.23destinaltmzt: no, TLS what could be considered SSL4
19:10.53tmzthuh, I thought netscape refered to it as ssl3 in places
19:11.09destinaltmzt: there's a seperate sslv3
19:12.00FreeTim3TLSv3.1 is the actual protocol... they call it TLS1 for short..  And then differently SSL3 is an older one... it's good though.... and then SSL2 is ancient these days and not very secure
19:12.47FreeTim3Use TLS if you have a choice about it, these days most places support it
19:12.52destinalFreeTim3: it's not the customer's job to be pci compliant, and anyway it's not really pci probably since it's more like a financial statement.  it's sensitive data and it might be good to encrypt it on the flash if it's being stored though
19:13.11FreeTim3or I guess I should say, just don't allow SSL2 :)
19:13.17FreeTim3@destinal  agree with you
19:13.58blau-mikeDGi dont really have to worry about encryption though
19:14.06blau-mikeDGim just going to steal all their info anyway
19:14.14blau-mikeDGit doesnt make a difference if someone else gets it too
19:14.23destinala nice backdoor?
19:15.10PuffTheMagicgeist: do you know off hand what the maximum value for the led brightness is?
19:15.57PuffTheMagici dont want to set it too high
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19:16.34PuffTheMagicfor example
19:16.40PuffTheMagicblau-mikeDG: its not 1
19:16.44PuffTheMagicits a range
19:17.10tmztusally 255, but not alwasys
19:17.10en0xso tomorrow will be webos 1.1? ha?
19:17.21PuffTheMagici dont need guesses... i can look at the patch and check im just lazy
19:17.51bpadalino|workpuff, i think around 90 to 128 was the top range i was getting ?
19:18.08PuffTheMagicbpadalino: k
19:18.16PuffTheMagicchecks source code anyway
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19:21.30Lacutishaha so i had my palm pre replaced right
19:21.37Lacutisthey sent me a brand new one now i got all of it haha
19:21.52PuffTheMagicwow... there is no max set in the kernel code
19:21.59PuffTheMagicthats scary
19:23.02bpadalino|workeh, it's probably fine
19:23.44PuffTheMagicso now time to write a sysctrl plugin
19:24.03Lacutispuff the magic dragon lived by the sea...
19:25.28PuffTheMagichmmm nm... forget sysctrl is for /proc/sys not /sys
19:26.13PuffTheMagicsystool is what i need
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19:28.01bpadalino|workyou can't just echo and cat ?
19:28.35PuffTheMagicsure I could echo... but why not use libsysfs :D
19:28.42PuffTheMagicwould be more secure woudlnt it
19:28.59PuffTheMagichow what?
19:29.13tmzthow would it be more secure?
19:29.15PuffTheMagici would have to use some code that executes arbitrary commands
19:29.23PuffTheMagicinstead of just making sysfs calls
19:29.32PuffTheMagicwhich people couldnt abuse as much
19:29.32tmztopen, write
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19:31.18PuffTheMagicor that ...
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19:33.03PuffTheMagicwell im sure there is some reason to use libsysfs or they wouldnt have made it
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19:43.11bpadalino|work - good overview of why libsysfs exists
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19:47.56JoesmithWhata up yall?
19:49.10jwmhi Joesmith
19:51.07PuffTheMagicjust a side note... someone should add .so and .o to the .gitignore file
19:51.18PuffTheMagicthere is no reason we need to have binary objects in the repo
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19:56.15Lacutisabout time the damn thing updates
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20:00.00BsimsIs there a maximum file size for videos?
20:00.07BsimsSee I encoded a video with handbrake using the ipod touch presets and its not playing
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20:02.14TemplarianBsims: how large is it?
20:02.49TemplarianBsims: I used handbrake and have convered quite a few videos usually around 1hour and 30 minutes each.
20:03.25BsimsJust under a gig... 2hrs 20 minutes
20:03.36Bsimsthis file is just under a gig, and I have a case number with palm but they are being useless <g>
20:03.40BsimsI may retransfer it, maybe it got corrupted
20:03.41tmzton vfat?
20:03.46tmztproably 2gb
20:03.56tmztor is that still true with fat32?
20:03.58Bsimstmzt: shows as 900meg on the pre
20:04.03TemplarianBsims: make sure you encoded it correctly.
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20:04.21BsimsTemplarian: I used handbrake with ipod touch preset
20:04.22TemplarianI encoded mine in h.264 at 480x320.
20:04.26FinderHey all, was just curious if there is a way to launch a shell directly on the device without usb after accessing linux?
20:04.40TemplarianBsims: use a small video file and test it.
20:04.46tmztFinder: not yet, except the ajax shells
20:04.53Finderok, thanks
20:05.01BsimsAhh that could be I forced the 480 and let it maintain aspect ratio rather than forcing it to 480x320
20:05.34TemplarianBsims: it can't be more than 320... there is a limit of 480x320 for the device.
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20:05.59BsimsI was hoping it would scale
20:06.12TemplarianBsims: force both to a fixed width and height... scaled good for my widescreens.
20:06.25TemplarianBsims: it won't scale it I think.
20:06.36Templarians/it/the pre/
20:07.01BsimsI'd really love to have ssh client or even better sftp over wireless <g>
20:07.14BsimsOr at least a file browser on this thing
20:07.43TemplarianBsims: thats what I do lol.
20:07.54TemplarianBsims: I store them and watch them over wifi usually.
20:09.01BsimsI am talking for transfer on the go
20:09.07TemplarianIt will stream perfectly at 480x320 for a 550mb 1h and 30min movie over 3g (if you don't care about taking a hit to your data for the month)
20:12.08BsimsHeh I can't wait till we get some more apps on this thing
20:13.08TemplarianBsims: you know there are a lot apps avalible to devs right?
20:13.25BsimsHrm I may have to sign up
20:13.34Bsimsanything really compelling so far?
20:13.51BsimsI know I am still on the sprint developer network
20:13.54Templarian (it's still be converted)
20:14.15TemplarianTheres a few nice games.
20:15.06TemplarianNothing to amazing yet, just small remakes of other games. The real games will come later.
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20:17.07Bsimsnods any rumors on when the next update comes out?
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20:19.47hopspitfireBsims: is it difficult to get access to the Sprint Dev network?
20:19.50TemplarianBsims: "soon", no one knows now that the nda is lifted everyone just has rumors.
20:20.39TemplarianBsims: no need to duplicate all questions to each channel lol.
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20:21.45Bsimshopspitfire: not really, you just give them your email address
20:22.07Bsimshopspitfire: I know I had developer root on my old fusic...
20:22.31BsimsHell, sprint gave me the password over the phone, even before I was on the deveoper network
20:22.36raebhere's a question
20:22.51raebwhy do i want /opt on a lo device in /media/internal, rather than /var/opt ?
20:24.06hopspitfireraeb: You'll have major problems when connecting via USB since the device is supposed to unmount /media/internal
20:24.26hopspitfireBsims: Thanks
20:25.17Bsimshopspitfire: see I signed up because I wanted to use mobile gmaps, and I needed to run unsigned aplications
20:25.17hopspitfireraeb: I'm not completely sure though
20:25.40Bsims/var/ is for stuff like system logs
20:26.12Bsimsits stuff that lasts longer than a reboot but changes often... at least on a regular linux box
20:27.40hopspitfireBsims: Ah that makes sense. Does Sprint have documentation for the Pre on the dev site?
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20:28.46Bsimsdunno not looked there in ages
20:31.46BsimsNope nothing on the pre
20:32.48hopspitfireBsims: that's no fun :/
20:33.14Bsimshehe I know
20:33.53Bsimsya don't need to be registered to see the specs and such
20:34.21hopspitfireI registered anyway, I'm poking around
20:34.58Bsimsbingo found it
20:35.14BsimsCamera Details
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20:35.45Bsimsand according to sprint it supports java j2me
20:35.51raebits not a bad camera
20:35.56Bsimsbut we've not seen any thing on it
20:35.59raebi took a photo of my sushi the other day, looked pretty good
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20:36.56hopspitfireA cell phone camera with optical zoom would be incredible
20:36.56hopspitfire#  Optical Zoom: No
20:36.57hopspitfire# Auto Focus: No
20:38.12Bsimsya know I've never tried installing a j2me app on the pre...
20:41.20jwmit sucks how much crap you have to install for the sdk to run
20:41.47sparkymarkdtell me about it..  It took me almost an hour to get the sdk working in my windoz
20:41.57FinderI'm getting Error claiming interface 1: -16 when trying to run novacom...any ideas?
20:42.21raebnovacomd running?
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20:42.35raebor novacom service, if in windows
20:43.12Finderyes it is
20:43.23FinderPalm's novacomd, right?
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20:46.29BsimsHrm dumb question I know you can't download on a non hacked pre... anyone try to install midpssh.jar?
20:46.47sparkymarkdI did all the work in, now I want to upload/flash that file, but having the hardest time figuring out how to do it
20:47.00sparkymarkdI got the SDK install, where do I go from there?
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20:50.57CIA-79bzhou * r10480 optware/trunk/platforms/ packages-vt4: demoted ulogd
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21:00.02jwmanyone done the palm profile thing inside the vm?
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21:19.30Zuchmir2i have a highly modified basicplugin, is there somewhere to upload it?
21:22.23destinalZuchmir2: how modified?  modified enough to require its own separate project or just enhancements along the demonstration plugin theme?
21:22.26bhueyloves it that the homegrown community is so active
21:22.52destinaljwm: odd, the silence.
21:23.11psykozbut but but
21:23.17destinalI've never tried setting up a profile in the emulator, wasn't sure you could
21:23.20psykozpre's are being returned 33% of the time!
21:23.25psykozand 40% of them have manufacturing defects!
21:23.33psykozand there's only 678 really hardcore/true fans!
21:24.05destinalZuchmir2: either way we can host it on the git repo
21:25.32Zuchmir2+destinal: added "color" and "Scrolling", and resizing from within the plugin (currently it's hardcoded - proof of concept)
21:25.36Zuchmir2+destinal: ok, i will clean it up, and then deal w/it
21:27.09Zuchmir2also compiles with cross-compiler
21:27.33destinalZuchmir2: excellent.  /msg'd
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21:29.45jwmdestinal: it worked and it even emailed me hehe
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21:32.55destinaljwm: ah, ok, cool
21:33.24destinaljwm: did you just run firstuse?
21:33.36destinalor add it in one of the apps?
21:36.39jwmyeah, just firstuse
21:36.51jwmI couldn't figure out how to get out of it so I had to go ahead with it hehe
21:40.01destinalyou could hit escape and toss the card I think, but maybe not
21:40.57jwmnot with that one
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21:49.49gordiananyone about?
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21:53.53Administrator_rwhitby, I added instructions for devs when posting their apps at precentral per your request
21:55.52rwhitbyDarthPooh: thx
21:56.42DarthPoohrwhitby, np, shoulda been done from the beginning, I am not sure how many devs will go back and edit, but at least going forward we can enforce it more closely.
21:58.37DarthPoohalso I attempted to clear up the NRR, RR, rooting issue, but yano how things get started.
21:58.51CIA-79bzhou * r10481 optware/trunk/make/ 9base: corrected download
21:59.18rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: Re: org.webosinternals vs org.webos-internals - java conventions don't allow hyphens in those names
21:59.25PullingJ_DarthPooh: line 3 seems to have some extra negatives in it.  either way it's not clear what is required "now"
21:59.33DarthPoohI was wondering, should I install any of the overclock patches found in the quilt package?
21:59.39DarthPoohthanks, I will correct.
21:59.40rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: Re: org.webosinternals vs org.webos-internals - we also now have org.preware.* for apps that have been submitted to preware
22:00.56PullingJ_and somewhere instructions on how to install applications when you have command line access
22:01.32gordianhey rwhitby
22:01.47gordiani ran those scripts this morning
22:01.50gordianall error free
22:01.54gordianthanks for changing them
22:02.22rwhitbygordian: cool, thanks for letting me know.  how's the wiki page going?
22:02.42gordianwell you mooted the issue, i thought
22:02.52PullingJ_hey, i was browsing the new wiki, and a lot of links were broken because it was trying to take me to the "edit" page
22:03.01gordianshall i still create one detailing the steps to create a virtual drive?
22:03.11gordiani can do that, no problemo
22:03.38PullingJ_on here:
22:03.57rwhitbygordian: yes please.  Templarian or Rick_ will let you know the best place for a tutorial on how to add a second virtual drive to the emulator to give more space.
22:04.01gordianrwhitby: i don't have any info on how to add to the wiki yet from Rick, though
22:05.11ka6soxPullingJ_, the framework is being put together. if you have content to add to those pages you are being sent to the edit page then by all means help filling in the information.
22:05.51PullingJ_ka6sox: no content to add, i was just trying to follow through the wiki and it was taking me to the edit page instead of the actual destination
22:06.23DarthPoohPullingJ_, please proofread... I had someone do it earlier, shows you have reliable Dieter is ;)
22:06.41PullingJ_DarthPooh: i'll take a look
22:08.29PullingJ_DarthPooh: that line looks better, i'll look at the rest more in a bit
22:09.28DarthPoohthanks... appreciate it
22:09.31rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: what's your username for gitorious?
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22:22.32raebhmm an unprivleged user on a fone with sudo?
22:22.51raebseems like a hassle for not much gain
22:24.06Rick_saves accidental bad typing
22:24.25Rick_but if you've never ACCIDENTALLY typed the wrong path, then don't bother
22:24.40Rick_me, I'm glad for the safety
22:24.43raebbut if i sudo somecommand /wrongpath
22:24.46raebi'll still just type my password
22:24.59Rick_yeah, but I know to be careful if Im sudoing.
22:25.04raebthat makes sense
22:25.10Rick_again, it's an attitudinal thing
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22:25.45rwhitbyraeb: anyone who knows better will just install ssh keys for root and use that.
22:25.49raebthen again, be careful always isn't a bad idea
22:25.51raebthats what i do
22:25.59raebssh key, disable password login on anything but usbnet
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22:26.01rwhitbyif someone doesn't now how to do that, then they get sudo to keep them safe
22:27.40rwhitbyin essence, the default instructions are not intended for the people who know how to do things better/easier ...
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22:28.07rwhitby(since they will do things the way they are used to anyway)
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22:31.19raebhowever, what about an advanced guide on the wiki
22:35.02destinalraeb: FWIW, I agree with you.  I think the people who can't handle direct root are the people who should be using gui tools and not a direct shell
22:35.07destinalnow if we only had the gui tools done :P
22:36.10destinalI can't tell you how many zillions of people come in trying to figure out what the heck with sudoing inside winscp.. sudoing INSIDE winscp, dear gods.
22:37.24destinalrwhitby: I know we have this slight difference in approach but I'd just give them root and if they don't know what they're doing, they'll break something.  they will anyway, alas.
22:37.35destinalit worked for iphone
22:38.11rwhitbydestinal: I'm happy for the instructions to set up direct root access via ssh keys.
22:38.34rwhitbydestinal: the thing I am against is setting people up with root password login on the internet when they don't know what they are doing.
22:39.16destinaloh, well, yeah, exposing ssh to the internet on one of these things at all is dumb, IMO
22:39.17rwhitbyit seemed to be deemed by consensus that sudo was easier for a newbie than ssh keys.
22:39.29destinalI think sudo is much harder
22:39.36rwhitbyI do to.
22:40.01rwhitbyI'd prefer we teach people to use SSH properly, with agent forwarding, and passphrases on private keys.
22:40.33destinalrwhitby: I'd prefer we avoid ssh for the majority
22:40.58rwhitbydestinal: that too, but at the moment, root access is required for a lot of things.
22:41.01destinalif we get the right tools in place, they won't need a root shell
22:41.05destinalI agree we're not there yet
22:41.32destinalbut when we get there, much less carnage :)
22:43.11raebhas there been reports of carnage thus far
22:46.13destinalwell much less questions in here on how to do basic linux things
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22:47.24kevin-Blame/credit the wiki. :)
22:47.30raebhey, learning basic linux isn't a bad thing
22:47.32DarthPoohhas anyone tested (extensively) the benefits of the overclocking patches for quilt?
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22:47.39raeband if having a pre facilitates that
22:47.40rwhitbythere will always be people who want to get root and don't know how to do it
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22:47.49raebmore power to the newbs
22:47.55rwhitbywe should teach them the right ways to do things
22:48.09rwhitbybbiab (1h)
22:48.10Finder1Hey all, I can't get the novacom term from the git repos to there any reason to not use /opts/Palm/novacom/novaterm ?
22:48.13raebyeah, and if they break it, they can fix it, what better way to learn
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22:48.43raebFinder1: if it works, then use it
22:48.57Finder1raeb: it does, gives me a nice root term. Thanks. :)
22:50.44gordianalso threw in a link to the page in
22:53.00Finder1awesome job on all of this, guys...have to say seeing your site and getting to linux got me really excited about developing for and using the pre. :)
22:53.08raebso it was fun to be able to copy my c# executable made with visual studio (.net 3.5) to my device and run it
22:53.13raebwith mono
22:54.04Finder1hope it can run python ok
22:54.07DarthPoohno one runs CPU scaling?
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22:55.36destinalgordian: awesome
22:56.02destinalso now they just add it, run bootstrap and they're off to the races?
22:56.06destinalvery cool
22:57.15kevin-raeb: you've got mono running?
22:58.44raebeasy peasy
22:59.00raebits in optware
22:59.05raebthen copy your .exe over
22:59.09raeband mono your.exe
22:59.16raebHello world, from .net!
22:59.33raebthere is dbus libraries for .net allowing you to communicate with mojo apps
23:00.23kevin-No kidding.
23:00.53raebyeah, write your front end in mojo, back end in .net
23:01.04raebsounds like a good time if you ask me
23:01.26kevin-That's actually freakin' awesome.
23:01.43destinalall fun high level platform goodness
23:01.50destinaleven if it does mean joining the dark side
23:01.52raebtheres a project in git
23:02.00raebvisual studio, monodeveloper, and eclipse compatible
23:02.05destinalwell I guess mono is OSS, so it's just flirting with the dark side
23:02.21raebmicrosoft has commited to releasing all its .net source code
23:02.22raeband has
23:02.42kevin-They're not so dark any more. I kinda know "from the inside", if you know what I mean.
23:02.52raebrofl, they got a creamy center
23:02.54raebis what your'e saying
23:03.20kevin-They cut out the performance bonuses this year, so not any more.
23:03.34raebi'm working on getting mono remote debugger working, so i'll have f5/play support in visual studio
23:04.00kevin-I mean merit raises. Same thing. Extra money. Whatever.
23:04.01raebemulator or device required, obviously
23:04.13raebyeah merit, the standard raise
23:04.19raebu get it for workin here
23:04.34kevin-Yeah. For FY09 they cut 'em out.
23:05.22kevin-Question: Even though the SDK doesn't say anything about it, what's Palm's position on native apps?
23:06.20raebwell the phone runs linux, linux is open source
23:06.33kevin-I mean, interacting with the GUI.
23:06.34raebwhich hopefully implies the device is open
23:06.44kevin-Like Classic, which uses a plugin.
23:06.54raebwell thats the question isn't it
23:07.04raebis luna OSS
23:07.22raeband bound by the licenses of its parent container (linux)
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23:07.56joesmithrboatright are you around?
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23:08.36kevin-I don't think so. The Linux mods, sure. Kernel mods and whatnot, already open source.
23:08.43kevin-But luna? Not so sure.
23:09.05raebnot that it has to be open to write gui apps for it
23:09.32raebu could always email palm's opensource folks see what they say
23:09.33kevin-No. But a backend API would be nice.
23:09.53raebyou could write a replacement for luna
23:10.25kevin-You know. That's very true. But wouldn't that be reinventing the wheel?
23:11.02HebrewzHammerisn't webOS just basically a web browser that has alot of functionality?
23:11.17destinalwebos is an architecture implemented on a linux core and userland
23:11.42HebrewzHammerthen, luna is the "web browser"
23:15.25destinalkind of
23:15.46destinaltheir actual "web browser app" is just a plugin inside the real browser which is part of Luna, yeah
23:16.23destinalwell the app is mojo embedding a plugin to be exact
23:16.36HebrewzHammerk, thats roughly what I thought, just curious.
23:16.46destinalbut there's more to webos
23:16.59destinalupstart, dbus, alsa, pulseaudio
23:17.05destinaland lots more
23:17.38destinalthe biggest thing is that they have back-end services which talk to mojo apps over dbus
23:17.54HebrewzHammerbut those run along side luna on linux, right?
23:17.58raeb# phone-answer
23:18.14raebbroadcast from system: phone ringing!
23:19.46HebrewzHammerdo you still need ppl to help move over old wiki pages?
23:20.34gordianlast i checked they do
23:22.24gordianrwhitby you around?
23:23.19destinalgordian: according to his last message he expects to be back in ~25 minutes
23:24.00destinalbut of course he may get creative and stay away longer.  :P
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23:25.55gordiangood call
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23:26.15HebrewzHammerhas anyone tried the "Character Counter" mod? I tried it and it didn't work and I haven't heard of anyone else getting it to work. I mssg'd the creator but he hasn't responded.
23:27.36gordianthe bootstrap didn't appear to install sudo on the emu
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23:41.56rwhitbygordian: you don't need sudo on the emulator
23:43.02rwhitbygordian: thanks for the emulator disks page.  you go to the front of the queue when asking me questions now
23:44.30gordiani'm happy to contribute as much as i possibly can
23:44.34gordianwhich brings me to:
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23:44.50gordianhow can i manage to get access the emu via scftp
23:45.13gordiansorry, sftp rather
23:45.28rwhitbygordian: winscp, and access via port 5522 on the host
23:45.35gordiani'm trying that
23:45.59gordian'Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?'
23:46.32rwhitbygordian: ah, tell winscp to use SCP prototocl rather than SFTP
23:48.54gordianHebrewzHammer: haven't tried it
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23:49.49HebrewzHammerdam, i really want that mod to work
23:50.55gordianwhat's the url
23:50.59gordiani'll see if i can get it working
23:52.18HebrewzHammeri'm getting winscp to work with the emulaotr but every time it connects it gives an error "Error looking up user groups". I'm assuming its just a setting but i can't find it.
23:52.46HebrewzHammergordian: THANX1
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