IRC log for #webos-internals on 20090716

19:53.20*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
19:53.20*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - use #webos for that). Policy at - Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and Palm code copyrights when speaking here. Logs: Wiki: (just ask for password) Pastebin:
19:53.25TimRikerinfobot: save
19:53.25infobotsaved user and chan files
19:53.31infobotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
19:54.22rwhitbyTimRiker: thanks!
19:55.06TimRikernp :)
19:55.40*** mode/#webos-internals [-o rwhitby] by ChanServ
19:56.30*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
20:00.45rwhitbyinfobot: botsnack
20:00.45infobotthanks, rwhitby
20:01.18sunghi timriker
20:01.39*** join/#webos-internals sushi2_ (
20:02.15*** join/#webos-internals glass_ (i=489761c4@gateway/web/freenode/x-b70faba481fd5b9b)
20:02.41*** join/#webos-internals raeb (
20:03.27glass_what would be the most useful way to try to hook up with a coder who's looking for an idea for a pre app?
20:04.35destinalglass_: I think at the phase we're at there are no coders not already working on good ideas
20:04.38Robi_heh /opt
20:04.39Robi_drwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jun 28 23:19 ipkg-39Mfyg
20:04.39Robi_drwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jun 20 01:06 ipkg-dNlCWu
20:04.39Robi_drwx------    2 root     root         4096 Jun 19 21:29 ipkg-lkM72Q
20:04.39*** join/#webos-internals socketbind (i=4e635817@gateway/web/freenode/x-e0e6348b8bcd74f3)
20:04.45destinalwe're high on ideas, low on implementors
20:04.50*** join/#webos-internals jcrawford (n=jcrawfor@unaffiliated/idle0ne)
20:05.00jcrawfordhas anyone here tried this on mac os x 10.5?
20:07.09rwhitbywonders if that will work on the emulator ...
20:07.49Rick_glass_  you could wave very very large sums of money in the air.
20:08.06Rick_For enough money, several coders would set aside the project they're working on.
20:08.24Rick_In general, that kind of attention starts somewhere north of $100 an hour.
20:09.08Rick_the other technique is to have a REALLY GOOD IDEA ...  so good it drags coders awayfrom what THEY are working on just 'cause it's so darned cool.
20:09.09glass_Oh boy, well, I wish I could. I'm an MFA student in poetry, and I've noticed all the poetry implementations that aren't magnetic poetry knockoffs are....either not there or terrible on the pre (ie the stuff from
20:09.18Rick_Both are unlikey,  but feel free to go for it.
20:09.40Rick_so what is it you want?
20:09.48rwhitbyglass_: the most useful way in this channel is to just state the idea ...
20:09.59Robi_ugh there a terminal app yet?
20:10.20Rick_not yet Robi_  they're working on it.  it turns out to be someehwat harder than we thought.
20:10.29Robi_i bet
20:10.49Rick_PuffTheMagic may have found a key element within the last hour.  I'm not sure, but it SOUNDED good.
20:10.53glass_all i've done is to imagine carrying well formatted poetry in my pocket. Easy highlighting, easy note taking, tagging one poem to another, poem of the day, etc et
20:11.03Rick_so glass_  go for it.  What is it you want?
20:11.05PuffTheMagicdont celebrate yet
20:11.17Rick_Key  -  not final
20:11.18Robi_this is without the webos-internals pkg for shell cmds right
20:11.20PuffTheMagicdrawEvent definately has a buffer and graphic context
20:11.26PuffTheMagicwhich is needed for most gdk shit
20:11.26glass_there's *nothing* i've found even in the itunes app store that does that
20:11.38PuffTheMagicstill working this out
20:11.38Rick_does what?
20:11.53rwhitbyPuffTheMagic: small steady steps are good :-)
20:12.21glass_displays poems formatted correctly on a phone, allows touch highlighting, easy note taking, and tagging one poem to another
20:12.29rwhitbyfor those wondering who infobot is, see
20:12.51drnullheh, I just closed that page.
20:13.07glass_but, obvi, this is not really tons of initial $$
20:13.18glass_i just know *i'd* pay $1 for this app!
20:13.42glass_besides, ebook reading on a phone can get really tedious
20:13.56glass_poems work easier
20:14.33jcrawfordno one has gotten that to work with OS X?
20:14.44rwhitbyglass_: since all that could be done with the standard Palm SDK, you'll probably find more app developers in #webos
20:15.29jcrawfordwtf ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
20:15.37jcrawfordit worked until i rebooted the device
20:15.41glass_oops sorry, didn't mean to be off topic! thanks
20:15.50Robi_this is without the webos-internals pkg for shell cmds right?
20:16.02rwhitbyglass_: not really off topic, no problem.
20:16.32rwhitbyglass_: i.e. you might have had some idea about hooking it up to the linux 'fortune' command or something ;-)
20:17.19sushi2_jcrawford: I've found that occasionally one needs to reconnect after a reboot - first try fails
20:17.32jcrawfordok will try again
20:17.34*** join/#webos-internals PullingJ (n=Skuzz@
20:17.39sushi2_jcrawford: fyi - in my putty config, I'm connecting to port 222
20:17.48*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
20:17.54jcrawfordyea i changed it to 22
20:18.31rwhitbyjcrawford: real Pre or emulator?
20:18.37jcrawfordreal pre
20:18.50rwhitbyok, cause the emulator starts dropbear itself on port 22
20:19.16rwhitbyjcrawford: you changed both the dropbear options and the iptables commands?
20:19.34jcrawfordi did not change the iptables because i do not want to ssh over evdo
20:19.47jcrawfordjust wifi and usb cable if possible but that is looking close to impossible on os x
20:19.56rwhitbyjcrawford: then your iptables is only allowing port 222 and not 22
20:20.30jcrawfordoh rwhitby no i changed the port there too
20:20.43jcrawfordi thought you were talking about the -i eth0
20:21.07rwhitbyjcrawford: ok, dunno then.
20:21.13jcrawfordrebooting device to see if it is working now
20:23.33jcrawfordhmm now it is just hanging
20:25.05jcrawfordhmm now it is just timing out
20:25.05*** join/#webos-internals A2NY|pre (n=A2NY|
20:25.58jcrawfordAVAILABLE:~ jcrawford$ ssh jcrawford@ -p 22
20:25.58jcrawfordssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
20:26.33sushi2_did it work before you chagned the ports?
20:28.00bpadalino|workdid you make sure your iptables rule allowed port 22 ?
20:28.49jcrawfordodd it does not seem like dropbear is running
20:29.13*** join/#webos-internals Administrator__ (n=chatzill@
20:30.48*** join/#webos-internals netz_ (
20:33.04*** join/#webos-internals jcrawford (n=jcrawfor@unaffiliated/idle0ne)
20:33.08rwhitbyhas updated to reflect the SDK is no longer under NDA
20:34.19PullingJif it's timing out you probably have firewall rule issues.  if the firewall rule was right and dropbear wasn't running, you'd get connection refused
20:35.12jcrawfordso what would you suggest I do to get ssh working again?
20:35.29MoMailhi guys, i have a question about reverting to 1.0.3, is that possible?
20:35.45rwhitbyjcrawford: use the original root access procedure and check the dropbear install on port 222 first.
20:35.46PullingJenable dev mode and get back in the way you originally rooted the pre. figure out what is wrong from there
20:36.00rwhitbyMoMail: it is if you have a copy of the 1.0.3 webOS Doctor
20:36.05jcrawfordi am in that way
20:36.18*** join/#webos-internals atlanta (i=18e9985a@gateway/web/freenode/x-1af0e1985a47c8aa)
20:36.20*** part/#webos-internals atlanta (i=18e9985a@gateway/web/freenode/x-1af0e1985a47c8aa)
20:36.23PullingJi was able to use commander when i broke my dropbear script to start a new drop bear and add a firewall
20:36.26MoMailok cool, is anyone keeping a copy of each image whenever there is an upgrade?
20:36.34PuffTheMagicwhats up with PGContextIface-hacked?
20:36.39*** join/#webos-internals atlanta (i=18e9985a@gateway/web/freenode/x-3904536749a085fa)
20:36.42MoMaili dont have 1.0.3 but I can start keeping them from now on
20:36.53rwhitbyMoMail: I'm sure a number of people here are, but since they are Palm copyright files we cannot publicly redistribute them.
20:37.32MoMailok if anyone wants to talk privately with me feel free ;)
20:37.34*** join/#webos-internals tehnoir (
20:37.57atlantaim back
20:38.07MoMailalso is there an easy way to check exactly what was changed when the upgrade occurs, to know exactly what they change?
20:38.09A2NY|preisnt the latest webos doc still 1.0.03 ?
20:38.17atlantaMoMail: on Palm support site
20:38.31MoMailis it just a matter of making a back up and then comparing the changed files?
20:38.40MoMaili checked with webos doctor today
20:38.45MoMailand their image is 1.0.4 :(
20:38.56A2NY|preahh nice
20:39.13MoMailyeah pretty good of them to do that
20:39.20MoMailjust doesnt help me ;)
20:39.21A2NY|prefinally, lol
20:39.25atlantawhat do you want to do
20:39.34A2NY|predo you have it with you ?
20:39.53MoMaili want to test the email link package installation method and look at the code responsible
20:40.16atlantaawww ok hopefully we come out with a better method soon
20:40.26A2NY|preyou can already patch it
20:40.43atlantano need for the email thing
20:40.45tehnoiratlanta: somebody fixed their "Out Of Memory" error
20:40.50tehnoirUnfortunately it wasn't me.
20:40.58MoMailiyeah i have already rooted it etc as per the wiki
20:40.59tehnoirFor them it was fixed by remove ajaxterm
20:41.12atlantaoh gotcha
20:41.23MoMailbut wanted to see why the email link worked, where the bug was and see if I could dig around for similar code elsewhere in the OS
20:41.34atlantaMoMail: oh ok gotcha
20:41.43MoMailah ok that's useful to know tehnoir
20:43.39A2NY|preMoMail, im confused what are you trying to do exactly
20:43.58A2NY|prewe already have a patch to enable 1.0.4 ipkg downloads
20:44.44tehnoirMy desktop also started BSODing a few days ago. Maybe my electronics are just turning on me.
20:44.47MoMaili want to look at the code responsible for the email link vulnerability, and understand why it worked, and see if there is other code in the OS that would enable you to install a package without rooting the device
20:44.54MoMailpoint a click type deal
20:46.31tehnoirMoMail: My uneducated guess would be it wasn't necessarily the code that was in there, it's what was left out. Perhaps they had a check in the browser to disallow certain extensions, but they didn't include one in the e-mail.
20:46.32jcrawfordok i got rid of dropbear
20:46.38jcrawfordand installed openssh seems to work just fine now
20:47.02MoMailah ok yeah that would make sense
20:47.05jcrawfordso has anyone here gotten the ssh over usb working on mac os x 10.5 yet?
20:47.21MoMaili'll dig around and see what i can find, thanks for the info
20:48.05*** join/#webos-internals wirelessdreamer (
20:48.43mdkleinjcrawford: yes... but it's not ready to share yet
20:48.48mdkleinI just put it in the wiki
20:48.56jcrawfordmdklein: darn i want it lol
20:49.05mdkleinthe pre forces usbnet to use RNDIS which os-x does not implement
20:49.08jcrawfordi will keep my eye on the wiki for updates i guess :D
20:49.23jcrawfordmdklein: yea i installed the driver but that seemed to do nothing for my 10.5 system
20:49.26mdkleinI modified the kernel module running on the pre so that it can talk the correct method
20:49.32jcrawfordi see no "extra" interfaces in my network devices
20:49.42mdkleinhowever in doing so I broke novacom
20:49.54mdkleinso I'm trying to figure out if I can just include both methods
20:50.08mdkleinbut I've been pretty busy w/work so it's been slow
20:50.26jcrawfordmdklein: no problem :)
20:50.57jcrawfordone question though is this.  once I have ssh setup i can see my ip by using novaterm, do i have to use novaterm everytime i want to get my ip as it will change due to dhcp
20:51.06jcrawfordor is there an app i can install that will show that information?
20:51.28sushi2_jcrawford: are you connecting via wifi?
20:51.34jcrawfordyes wifi
20:51.48sushi2_jcrawford: go into the wifi settings, tap the connection, it will show the ip
20:51.52sushi2_if the lease has expired
20:52.20jcrawfordnice thanks
20:53.02PreGameinfobot: high five
20:53.03infobotlow five
20:53.17PreGamepokes infobot in the eye
20:53.33PreGameinfobot, help
20:55.15FreeTim3jcrawford : you can install DDNS works on Wifi and then you can connect to it all the time using a custom hostname like, which is kind of nice.
20:56.03*** join/#webos-internals HebrewzHammer (
20:57.19HebrewzHammerIs there anyway to make it so that when I want to run a script I don't have to specify the location of the script? Like define the script to be a command or something?
20:57.48drnulltry echoing $0, that could be useful
20:58.23PreGamespell pregame
20:58.58PreGameinfobot, spell mississippi
20:59.20rwhitbyatlanta: I just posted
20:59.37PreGameinfobot, is it true canadian isn't a nationality but infact a disability?
20:59.56atlantaThanks rwhitby
20:59.59sushi2_rwhitby: boy, their forum is wonky
21:00.04drnullinfobot, tell PreGame about Canada
21:00.12sushi2_Error: Infinite login loop intercepted. (when clicking your link)
21:00.22destinalPuffTheMagic: PGContextiface-hacked.h is a hacked version of PGContextiface.h  Because palm has not provided all the headers needed to build their version of webcore I had to comment out some functions.
21:00.29PreGame[2:00:03 pm] <infobot> drnull wants you to know: We're sorry we called your president a moron, I mean he IS a moron but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. besides it's not like you voted him into office.
21:01.05rwhitbywaits for the usual infobot first-time-in-channel games die down ... ;-)
21:01.20PreGameinfobot: tell me about Obama
21:01.53FreeTim3since we're toying with Bot at the moment may I ask, should we redefine mojo to be at the new download link
21:02.16FreeTim3also does it pick up delcaritive statements from just anyone ?
21:02.49PreGameinfobot, don't forget FreeTim3 has the learning curve of a brick
21:03.14rwhitbynote that you can /msg infobot so the responses to off-topic questions will not clutter the channel ...
21:04.53PreGameinfobot: please note Mojo SDK is now public
21:04.54infobotokay, PreGame
21:05.20PreGameinfobot: Also note you can download the Mojo SDK at
21:05.37PreGameinfobot: note you can download the Mojo SDK at
21:05.38infobotACTION takes note of you can download the Mojo SDK at and submits the information to google
21:05.40*** join/#webos-internals LESKA_ (
21:05.47rwhitbyinfobot: sdk is The Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:05.48infobot...but sdk is already something else...
21:05.54drnullinfobot: what is mojo?
21:05.55infobot[mojo] the libido, the life force, the right stuff, the essence, what the french call a certain ... oh I don't know what.
21:06.16rwhitbyinfobot: no, sdk is The Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:06.17infobotrwhitby: okay
21:06.21infobotsdk is, like, The Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:06.31PreGameinfobot: is osama really a dirty wizard or homeless santa
21:06.44PreGameinfobot: is osama really a dirty wizard or homeless santa?
21:06.54rwhitbyPreGame: please use /msg for offtopic stuff and don't pollute our infobot.
21:07.10sushi2_infobot: will PreGame finally use /msg and quit cluttering the channel?
21:07.26sushi2_PreGame: didn't ask you
21:08.04rwhitbyinfobot: wiki is The webos-internals wiki can be found at (for the time being)
21:08.29rwhitbydoh!  wiki is a reserved command
21:08.32PreGameinfobot: where can i download webos homebrew apps?
21:09.43PreGameinfobot: When I say "check the wiki" I want you to respond with "Please visit for information regarding the topic in question!"
21:10.15rwhitbyinfobot: repo is The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:10.16infobot...but repo is already something else...
21:10.23rwhitbyinfobot: no, repo is The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:10.24infobotokay, rwhitby
21:10.28infobotextra, extra, read all about it, repo is The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:10.51PreGameinfobot: check the wiki is Please visit for information regarding the topic in question!
21:10.52infobotACTION slams the wiki is Please visit for information regarding the topic in question! into the glass nose first
21:11.06PreGamewow a bit harsh
21:11.18rwhitbyPreGame: the first word is a command.  it doesn't understand plain english questions
21:11.38rwhitby"check" is like "lart"
21:11.38PreGamecan it not use multiple words
21:11.47rwhitbyPreGame: just read the doco
21:11.50lamontsfso has anybody seen an error when trying to send mail " unable to make space in filecache"
21:11.57PreGameinfobot: checkthewiki is Please visit for information regarding the topic in question!
21:11.57infobotokay, PreGame
21:12.06lamontsfI'm assuming I'm out of space somehow, but not sure where the pre stores email
21:12.45PreGameinfobot: !repo is The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:12.46infobotokay, PreGame
21:13.05atlantagrrrr eclipse and debug feature killling me
21:13.09PreGameinfobot: !repo
21:13.10infobotsomebody said !repo was The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:13.24sushi2_lamontsf: did you run a df to see?
21:13.45PreGamerwhitby: didn't you get services to run on the emu?
21:13.48infobot[repo] say The webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:14.07lamontsfsushi2, not yet
21:14.12rwhitbyPreGame: haven't tried that yet
21:14.30PreGamei thought you had .shell running on the emulator
21:15.30infobotThe webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
21:15.33jcrawfordwhy am i finding an ircd user in my passwd file?
21:15.56rwhitbyPreGame: nope
21:16.02*** join/#webos-internals flakmonkey (
21:16.36rwhitbyPreGame: but I can try it tomorrow
21:16.59atlantaanybody got eclipse debug to work good
21:17.20gkatsevatlanta: work well. :D
21:17.46atlantagkatsev: maybe its  just i dont know how to step throug the code mind helping me in pm
21:18.07gkatsevatlanta: lol, i meant to correct your grammar
21:18.11flakmonkeyso, I tried to do the 'New Cards For Each Messaging Conversation' tutorial ( and it resulted in blank cards launching instead of conversations. When I reverted the file to the original it flat refuses to open a conversation. It highlights the name on click but does nothing
21:18.22atlantagkatsev: aww you panzi lol
21:18.35rwhitbyinfobot: no, sdk is <reply> The Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:18.36infobotrwhitby: okay
21:18.38atlantaflakmonkey: did you backup your files
21:18.41infobotThe Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:18.59flakmonkeyI didnt but I got the original from the SDK
21:19.08flakmonkeyand loaded that via usb
21:19.16flakmonkeyand copied it over the modded file
21:19.34atlantaflakmonkey:  ok tech advice number 1 ALWAYS BACKUP
21:19.43atlantamaybe rwhitby should put that in the topic
21:19.48atlantaremember to BACKUP
21:19.54lamontsfhmm, so running df on my pre shows no drives full
21:20.28flakmonkeyright, but what would be different about my file compared to the SDK that would cause it not to work
21:20.39lamontsfbut I cannot send mail, cause I get an "unable to make space in filecache"
21:20.52*** join/#webos-internals socketbind (i=4e635817@gateway/web/freenode/x-b20684f655c82802)
21:20.53atlantaflakmonkey: which file do you need
21:21.03atlantaor did you change
21:21.15flakmonkeylistview-assistant.js and chatview-assistant.js
21:21.23atlantaok hold on
21:21.41socketbindis there any way to report a serious issue with the windows installer?
21:21.51socketbind*of the webos sdk
21:22.17destinalinfobot: where is the sdk?
21:22.19infobotdestinal: I think you lost me on that one
21:22.33atlantano problem
21:22.33flakmonkeyIll report back in a sec
21:22.37atlantalet me know when you done downloading
21:22.42atlantaso i can delete it
21:22.46atlantaand also umm make sure you do
21:22.50destinalinfobot: sdk
21:22.51infobotThe Palm SDK is now public, and can be downloaded from
21:22.53atlantastop LunaSysMgr
21:22.59jcrawfordok so now it's rooted what kind of fun stuff can i do haha
21:23.02atlantastart LunaSysMgr
21:23.17jcrawfordstill curious why there is an irc/ircd user in my /etc/passwd file
21:23.24flakmonkeyIm done
21:23.35destinalinfobot: random
21:23.44Robi_jcrawford:we all have it
21:24.00atlantadestinal: lol
21:24.03atlantamad random
21:24.08destinalthat's very random
21:24.13rwhitbyInteresting, I just got a "This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved." on the Palm forum, on my second post, but not on my first post.
21:25.00drnullMoMail: re installing ipk files.  I believe you used to be able to call the installer via: luna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/open '{"target":"/tmp/pkg.ipk"}'
21:25.12drnullhowever, that command now returns "open method does not support ipk files"
21:25.15rwhitbyah, the post has been approved
21:25.21drnullyou'll find that string in LunaSysMgr
21:25.45drnullalong with: "Unauthorized call to open an ipk", which is a ray of hope...
21:27.00destinalinfobot: x en es palm pre is good.  buy one now.
21:28.30atlantarwhitby:  yea certain sections they moderate
21:29.15rwhitbyatlanta: That's fantastic.  I'll assume that by letting my post through, Palm is officially agreeing with my interpretation of section 4.2 :-)
21:29.45jcrawfordoh wow you can see the full source for app installed on the phone?
21:30.08summatusmentisrwhitby: which post?
21:30.09gkatsevrwhitby: what is section 4.2 and your interpretation of it?
21:30.19rwhitbyjcrawford: except for the binary plugins and shared libraries
21:30.30atlantarwhitby: I concur because its wierd  how they accepted my post but didnt answer
21:30.47destinalatlanta: uh, don't send copies of palm apps around (assuming that's what it was) -- send patches
21:31.19atlantadestinal: sorry was just quick thinking
21:31.31destinalwe want to stay happy with copyright law
21:31.35flakmonkeywoot! messaging fixed
21:31.42flakmonkeyatlanta: thanks a lot
21:31.43jcrawfordtime to get into the nitty gritty and see how the big apps are done :D
21:31.53atlantaflakmonkey: no problem
21:31.55jcrawfordrwhitby: what apps are binary plugins?
21:32.01atlantadestinal: well at least he got it fixed hehehehe
21:32.12atlantapandora i believe ?
21:32.19rwhitbyjcrawford: the /etc/passwd file on the Pre is built using OpenEmbedded, and includes a whole lot of accounts that are not used for anything.
21:32.24destinalno not pandora
21:32.33rwhitbyjcrawford: classic is one
21:32.53socketbindis there a forum moderator present  please?
21:33.05rwhitbysocketbind: which forum?
21:33.16socketbindumm, webosdev
21:33.20destinalweb browser, media player, office, pdf, and navigator
21:33.31destinaland classic
21:33.39socketbindbut never mind, my post got approved, it had contained an important fix
21:33.39jcrawfordhmm i can ssh to the phone
21:33.51jcrawfordwhy can i not sshfs mount it as a drive?
21:33.55atlantasocketbind: the files one
21:34.19destinaljcrawford: does sshfs use sftp?
21:34.23socketbindthanks for the fast approval if it was you : ]
21:34.25destinaljcrawford: or just scp
21:34.33atlantayea u need sp3 for it to work
21:34.33jcrawfordi believe it is sftp
21:35.04destinaljcrawford: dropbear doesnt' support sftp by itself, you need the sftp-server component from something like openssh
21:35.14rwhitbysocketbind: there are no palm officials in this channel
21:35.19jcrawfordi have openssh installed
21:35.35destinaljcrawford: ah.  then I would think it should work
21:35.44jcrawfordbut i did not install anything other than openssh
21:35.45destinalnever tried
21:36.01jcrawfordyou mentioned a sftp-server bit =is that extra install?
21:36.21rwhitbyjcrawford: ipkg-opt install openssh-sftp-server
21:36.53jcrawfordok installed
21:37.05jcrawfordworked like a charm
21:38.04destinalah didn't realize it wasn't included in base openssh server in optware
21:38.30rwhitbyscp is included, not sftp
21:38.41atlantagrrr me and eclipse not getting alone
21:39.15jcrawfordso theoretically anyone could write a new service for the pre
21:40.02rwhitbyjcrawford: we already do
21:40.13jcrawfordwhat ya have brewing?
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21:40.53MoMaildrnull: thanks for the info, somewher to start looking at least
21:41.17rwhitbyjcrawford: Sargun and PreGame created a shell command service
21:41.30jcrawfordanyone working on a terminal app
21:41.37jcrawfordso that I could ssh into my home server from the pre etc.
21:41.45jcrawfordmy boss is really interested in that functionality
21:41.50rwhitbyjcrawford: you've read the wiki page on that already?
21:42.02*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
21:42.07jcrawfordrwhitby: i saw something about using ssh through the browser not sure if that is what you mean
21:42.21drnullMoMail: also, luna-send -n 10  palm://com.palm.appinstaller/install '{"target":"/tmp/pkgl.ipk", "subscribed":true}' returns "FAILED_PACKAGEFILE_CORRUPT".  This is the install method that findapps uses.
21:44.30rwhitbybpadalino|work: huh?
21:47.30MoMaildoes anyone know the stats for how many users upgrade when prompted? i guess it must be close to 100% right?
21:47.51jcrawfordi upgraded :)
21:48.14rwhitbyMoMail: Palm forces you to upgrade unless you hack the code.
21:48.25rwhitby(or keep your battery under 30%)
21:48.37MoMailoh really i thought i got a prompt asking if i wanted it or not
21:48.51rwhitbyyou do for a couple of times, then it's forced
21:48.56MoMailoh ok
21:49.16drnullbpadalino|work: huh, I captured a valid .ipk file from the download process, and it installs just peachy using the appinstaller/install method.  Sad.  I guess we just don't know how to sign them properly?
21:49.18MoMailgood to know, and they seem to be pretty quick to release patches
21:50.05jcrawfordwow ssh over EVDO is slow eh
21:52.05*** join/#webos-internals LESKA (n=LESKA___@
21:52.11jcrawfordis there a way to make it so your pre does not go to sleep when there is an active ssh session?
21:52.34*** part/#webos-internals socketbind (i=4e635817@gateway/web/freenode/x-b20684f655c82802)
21:53.59jcrawfordrwhitby: do you know if that is possible?
21:54.52rwhitbyjcrawford: I don't have a Pre
21:55.17jcrawfordin general is there a way to make a linux system not go to sleep if there is an active ssh connection heh :D
21:56.40mdkleina linux system, or a palm pre? :-p
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21:57.04rwhitbyapt-get remove apmd ?
21:57.19rwhitby(for a linux system, not a Pre)
21:57.38mdkleinif your screen is on, everything woken up, you can turn off the power daemon by, "initctl stop powerd"
21:57.51mdkleinbut if you do that and your device is asleep, it won't turn back on
22:02.19FreeTim3jcrawford: you can play mp3 and then dim the screen with power button to same effect
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22:08.52drnullcrap, I have to go and I can't keep playing with this installer stuff.  Wait, I know.
22:08.56drnullinfobot: dual
22:08.57infobotACTION clones drnull, to the horror of everyone else on the channel
22:09.04sam1amSo has anyone discovered what Apple did exactly to break iTunes syncing?
22:09.17rwhitbyhmm - the webos forums have a section entitled "Techniques and Tutorials" which says "A place for you to talk about your favorite hacks, programming techniques and to create tutorials and contribute to the common knowledgebase for those writing software for webOS."
22:09.37rwhitbymaybe we should contribute some hacks there ...
22:11.52*** join/#webos-internals raeb (
22:16.45Robi_ to continue syncing your pre
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22:23.15destinalrwhitby: I'd join the forum but I think you have to accept the EULA
22:24.05destinaland test permitted or not I don't like the distribution clause and a couple other minor things
22:32.01*** part/#webos-internals A2NY|pre (n=A2NY|
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22:37.07MoMailinfobot: 1.0.3
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22:49.11destinalinfobot: random
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22:51.12MoMailanyone know where i can get an 1.0.3 install package or image?
22:53.09destinalinfobot: doctor
22:53.09infobothmm... doctor is Dr Who a renegade Time Lord who travels through time and space in this Tardis (cleverly disguised as a police box) fighting evil in all its forms and kicking some serious ass
22:53.24destinalI really hate to change that one
22:53.34MoMailyeah read that
22:53.38Lurking_Grueinfobot: tardis
22:53.39infobothmm... tardis is Dr Who's time machine/spaceship, which, due to an accident looks like a UK police telephone box,  TARDIS stands for "Time And Relative Dimensions In Space (Doctor Who TV series)"
22:53.47MoMailsearching for the 1.0.3 jar file in google but no luck :(
22:53.51destinalMoMail: you can't get 1.0.3
22:53.55destinalonly 1.0.4
22:54.08Lurking_GrueInfobot: xyzzy
22:54.09infobottwice as much happens
22:54.58rwhitbyupdates with a no-compete notice.
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23:00.04MoMailthanks destinal, i was hoping someone somewhere was secretly saving all these images and could help me out :( damn
23:00.27destinalmany people are saving the images for their own backup but we can't redistribute them
23:00.36destinalcopyright law
23:00.39MoMailsure i understand that of course
23:00.53MoMailit even says it clearly on the web page
23:00.54destinalbut save your 1.0.4 for when 1.0.5 comes out :)
23:01.01MoMailexqactly ;)
23:01.03rwhitbyMoMail: why do you want that particular version?
23:01.07MoMailif only i had known earlier
23:01.17rwhitbywe haven't been locked out of anything yet
23:02.19MoMaili want to investigate one aspect in particular, the install via email link vulnerability, i want to know what exact changes palm made to the code to fix that issue
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23:03.16destinalwell some of it could have been binary changes
23:03.20rwhitbyMoMail: ask tharris-
23:03.44rwhitbyhe's our palm security vulnerability expert :-)
23:04.48MoMailok will do thanks, i pressume he's the same guy who was credited with helping palm with 1.0.4 :
23:05.14destinalinfobot: action me
23:05.15infobotbonks destinal over the head
23:05.33rwhitbyinfobot: botsnack
23:05.33infobotthanks, rwhitby
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23:12.43tmztrwhitby: de: can infobot remeber things per channel?
23:13.13destinalinfobot: infobot
23:13.14infobotfrom memory, infobot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
23:19.17Lurking_Grueinfobot: why?
23:19.58destinalinfobot: uc because
23:20.56*** join/#webos-internals raeb (
23:22.12destinalplugins are a work in progress.  More information is available on the wiki at
23:22.19destinalinfobot: plugins
23:23.00destinalinfobot: hello
23:23.01infobotHowdy Bub
23:23.23destinalinfobot: plugins
23:23.27sugardaveinfobot: pulgins
23:23.33sugardavetypo check
23:23.43destinalI guess it doesn't like me
23:24.35tmztdestinal: you probably have to address it
23:24.59rwhitbyinfobot: plugins are a work in progress.  More information is available on the wiki at
23:25.00infobotokay, rwhitby
23:25.05infobotplugins are a work in progress.  More information is available on the wiki at
23:25.08destinalah, cool
23:25.20destinalI thought it could pick things up in context of normal conversation though
23:25.31destinalor is that turned off
23:25.53rwhitbyI hate bots that speak before they are spoken to.
23:26.57destinallike that the cool thing was that it could just listen and regurgitate something useful later even though we were talking to each other when it learned it
23:27.11destinalif we have to teach it things by hand, that's not a big deal though
23:28.01destinaljust not quite as useful
23:29.01destinalideally learning should be everything spoken and retrieval only when adressed
23:29.10PuffTheMagicthis lack of PContext.h sucks!
23:29.25destinalPuffTheMagic: no kidding.
23:29.58jauderhoalrighty. time to try this compile
23:31.11destinalinfobot: who is zaphod?
23:31.12infobothmm... zaphod is just this guy, you know?
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23:31.58destinalis irresistibly drawn to shiny toys -- sorry for the noise.
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23:40.50jauderhois anyone still on 1.0.3?
23:40.54jauderhoby any chance?
23:41.53sugardavehaven't we passed the point in time where it gets forced to people that haven't updated yet, or no?
23:42.10sugardave1.0.4 I mean
23:42.59destinalit's easy to reflash 1.0.3 if you have it
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23:48.03jauderhono I just want someone to run a grep for me if they are stll running 1.0.3
23:48.22tiltedi am running 1.0.3
23:48.45jauderhoawesome, can you do a grep NO_HZ on /boot/config* for me and post the output?
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23:50.52tiltedthat's it.  is that what you were looking for?
23:51.17jauderhookay thanks.
23:51.32jauderhoso tickless has been enabled for a while
23:52.48jauderhonot sure why Palm decided not to enable CONFIG_PREEMPT
23:53.53destinalwow huge power savings in tickless apparently.  I had no idea.
23:54.03tmztit might be easier/more worth it to port sirloin stuff to latest beagle/linux-omap kernel
23:54.20raebso no lime disease?
23:55.08tmztother than lcd init and the i2c devices there doesn't seem to be much that's pre specific
23:55.24tmztmost of the patch is omap stuff that wasn't in 2.6.24
23:55.43destinaltmzt: which is now mainline?
23:56.14destinalinfobot: kernel
23:56.27tmztlinux-omap tree has omap3 support
23:56.40tmztwell, each of those in a way
23:56.50tmztthe closer you get to tip the better
23:57.08tmztas staying current is easier from their
23:57.37destinalyeah so has anyone tried cutting down the patches and building 2.6.30 / 31
23:57.44destinalrelying on its OMAP support
23:58.20destinalif we can come up with a cleanly applying patch to a later linux kernel it'll make things simpler to manage
23:58.28raebthose r suposta be scissors
23:58.38destinalinfobot: scissors
23:58.39infobotrock, I win.
23:58.41tmztI wouldn't mess with the patch, just take the board and the i2c chip drivers
23:58.52tmztadd them to Makefiles/Kconfig
23:59.12raebdoesn't seem fair
23:59.13destinaloh they're whole source files
23:59.35raebplaying rock paper scissors in a request response fasion
23:59.45destinalraeb: yeahl ol

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.