IRC log for #waruidev on 20110114

03:04.00*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
12:00.16*** join/#waruidev Repo (~supybot@
12:00.17*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
16:47.31Repo10map: 03Philosound * r1 / (12 files in 3 directories): Etikette 1.0 beta f?r ?nderungssatz a736e764ea6a hinzugef?gt
16:47.32Repoinitial commit
17:21.56Repo10map: 03Philosound * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Etikette 1.0 beta 1 f?r ?nderungssatz 217b47291c72 hinzugef?gt
17:21.57Repoadd pkgmeta for lib inclusion in manual download
17:34.56Repo10map: 03Philosound * r5 .hgtags: Etikette 1.0 beta 2 f?r ?nderungssatz c9cd2e30ba18 hinzugef?gt
19:18.31RepoNew addon: Map. Philosound (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.