IRC log for #waruidev on 20091002

00:00.21*** join/#waruidev Repo (
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06:50.28*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)).
07:38.49*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (
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14:29.16Ryelle_anyone around that's done anything with monitoring the combat log?  specifically i want to detect incoming heals and heals that i cast, if possible
14:29.38Ryelle_i'm looking at but it's old and i don't think it's working
14:30.01Ryelle_and of course it doesn't deal with incoming heals either
15:32.02*** part/#waruidev Vidhar (
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18:31.53*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (i=IceChat7@
18:53.18*** join/#waruidev Crestor (
18:59.13Repo10rv_mods: 03MrAngel 06rv_mod_rebirth * r71 RVMOD_Targets/Logics/Single (6 files in 2 directories): Finised work on RTVL_Single sub addon
19:08.13Repo10rv_mods: 03MrAngel 06rv_mod_rebirth * r72 RVMOD_Targets/Logics/Single/RVTL_Single.lua:
19:08.16RepoSmall fix: frame will be disabled and unregistered if deleted by user
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19:21.45Ryelle_does this mean anything to anyone....i'm trying to understand the significane of the .+ %d+ and .*       ............
19:21.45Ryelle_CombatLogParserTables.table[i][CombatLogParserTables.TEXT_YOUR_PET_CRITS_X_FOR_Y]= function (t)
19:21.45Ryelle_return CombatLogParserTables.simple(t, L"Your pet's (.+) critically hits (.+) for (%d+) damage.(.*)", function(a,b,c,d) CombatLogParser.p = {a,b,c,d} end)
19:22.16Crestor%d is a digit
19:22.16Crestor+ means there are many of them
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19:22.49Crestor. can ba anything
19:23.35Crestorthese are regular expressions
19:24.33Crestorgot anything of what I said ?
19:28.24Ryelle_yeah sorry, i'm at work and had to take a phone call
19:28.45Ryelle_so would that expression be storing the .+ and stuff as variables in some way?
19:28.55Ryelle_or no?
19:32.06CrestorI dont know what the CombatLogParser does but internally he will use functions like find who will return the matches
19:33.43Crestoras I see it from the little code there, it calls a function with the matches and the function stores them into CombatLogParser.p
19:33.46Ryelle_basically it monitored the combat log for outgoing heals, heal crits, damage, autoattacks, etc
19:34.07Ryelle_and it displayed them on the screen so you could see a running tally
19:34.26Ryelle_i'm trying to do something similar in a different addon and i'm trying to understand this one lol
19:34.45Ryelle_err rather it displayed the running totals by parsing the combat log
19:35.23Ryelle_function CombatLogParserTables.simple(t, s, f)
19:35.23Ryelle_r, c = wstring.gsub(t, s, f, 1)
19:35.23Ryelle_if c == 1 then
19:35.23Ryelle_return CombatLogParser.p
19:35.26Ryelle_return nil
19:35.29Ryelle_is the function that it calls
19:36.47Crestorah, that is something you will definitly need
19:37.09Crestoryou can do this in 2 different ways but one is enough
19:37.48Ryelle_i'm just not quite grasping the "return CombatLogParserTables.simple(.................." line
19:38.23Ryelle_if each (.+) and (%d+) turns into a, b, c, d, etc etc in order then i get it
19:38.27Ryelle_if not, then i'm confused
19:39.25Ryelle_turns into is poor word choice.......if each (.+) is stored in a, b, c, d would be better
19:39.52Crestoryeah it is converted into that but these results are put into a table "{a,b,c,d}" and then this tables is returned etc.
19:43.17Ryelle_ah ok
19:43.25Ryelle_i get it now, thanks
19:43.32Crestormaybe a easier example
19:43.33Crestorlocal _,_,a,b,c,d wstring.find(t, L"Your pet's (.+) critically hits (.+) for (%d+) damage.(.*)")
19:44.12Crestorbut it is not so universal as yours
19:49.35Ryelle_i'm not sure i understand the differentiation
19:49.51Ryelle_or any pros or cons associated with one or the other
19:50.05ComputerpunkI'm here, but I won't answer anything. Really bad mood.
19:50.07Crestorthese are 2 different functions todo this
19:51.04Ryelle_i think your way is the same as the mod's way
19:51.11Ryelle_just that his way split it up into 2 functions
19:51.25Ryelle_or actually it used gsub instead of find
19:51.28Crestorthe bad thing of the first one is that you create a function to test
19:51.48Crestorgsub instention is replacement
19:52.01Crestorfind is ...
19:52.06Crestoryou know
19:52.24Ryelle_well i don't need to manipulate the combat log entries
19:52.50Ryelle_i just want to find the ones that says "Player X's Y heals you for Z" and "Player X's Y critically heals you for Z"
19:53.05Crestorbut if you give gsub a function you can get what it wants to replace nad insteady of replacing you just copy your needed results
19:54.09Crestorgsub was mis-/cleverly used in that situation
19:54.26Ryelle_I just want to extract Player X's name and maybe extract the ability Y used
19:54.34Ryelle_actually i really only care about Player X's name
19:55.10Ryelle_no i guess ability is important too
19:55.14Ryelle_damn, can't make up my mind
19:56.01Crestorthan you could set up something with wstring.find and some matches for the combatlog
19:56.31Ryelle_and wstring.find allows me to extract the info or i have to go with gsub?
19:56.38Crestorbut the strings have to be different for every language :/
19:57.08Ryelle_but getting those two lines of chat in a few languages shouldn't be terribly hard
19:57.43Crestorinternally they both work the same only with the obvious difference that find is for searching and gsub for replacement
19:58.31Crestorit now depends on your outer framework what is better suited for it
19:58.46Crestorbut both will work
19:59.20Crestorif you are unsure you could use the one that you understand better or feels better ;)
20:00.29Repo10trakario: 03smurfy 07master * 89b92a8 / (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] Uptimized Rkoth module
20:02.16Ryelle_i'm going with find, seems easier lol
20:06.06Ryelle_one last question, what does .* mean?
20:06.23Ryelle_or do
20:07.05ComputerpunkAny remaining chars after that.
20:07.14Computerpunk(.*) = anything/everything
20:07.42Crestor. = any character (only one)
20:09.03Ryelle_how is that different from .+
20:09.32Crestor? the former occours once or is completely missing
20:09.32Crestor* the former can be missing or ccour as many times as needed
20:09.32Crestor+ the former has to occour once at least but it can be many times
20:13.03Ryelle_ok, and these are all related to characters found because of the period
20:13.22Ryelle_if it was numbers we were after we would use %d instead of the . and then use ?,*,+ as applicable
20:15.54ComputerpunkThis could help too.
20:19.42Computerpunklua> word="word" w, ord = string.gsub(word, (...)(.)) print(w, ord)
20:19.43lua_botComputerpunk: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '.'
20:20.14Computerpunkoh lol
20:20.32Computerpunklua> word="word", w, ord = string.gsub(word, "(.)(...)) print(w, ord)
20:20.33lua_botComputerpunk: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '='
20:20.47Computerpunklua> word="word" w, ord = string.gsub(word, "(.)(...))") print(w, ord)
20:20.47lua_botComputerpunk: luabot:1: bad argument #3 to 'gsub' (string/function/table expected)
20:22.09Computerpunklua> word="word" w, ord = string.gsub(word, "(.)(...))", print)
20:22.10lua_botComputerpunk: luabot:1: invalid pattern capture
20:22.23Computerpunklua> word="word" w, ord = string.gsub(word, "(.)(...)", print)
20:22.23lua_botComputerpunk: w, ord
20:23.04ComputerpunkI fail at typos today.
20:23.10ComputerpunkI'm a bit pissed off.
20:23.14ComputerpunkDrank a bit...
20:23.24Ryelle_heh, it's friday though!
20:23.30Crestorsry, I was busy with a testrun ...
20:23.46Ryelle_'tis ok, computerpunk was just giving me an example if it in action
20:23.58CrestorO.o why does everyone usrs gsub instead of find
20:24.09ComputerpunkWell, I dunno, but I liek gsub a bit.
20:24.16Crestorhehe, ok
20:24.21ComputerpunkI avoided working with strings.
20:24.23ComputerpunkAs much as possible.
20:24.39ComputerpunkBut you I'll have to use it on C++ and stuff, so I gotta start working with them
20:24.43Computerpunkstrchr and etc.
20:25.01Crestorstring hanlding in lua is strange
20:25.19ComputerpunkIn what way strange?
20:25.57Crestorthat creation and manipulating is slow but comparing is very fast because it checks after every creation if this string already exists so it can use the existent reference
20:26.34Crestorif it compares string it looks if they are the same reference and is done
20:27.05ComputerpunkYou lost me...
20:27.05ComputerpunkDrank a bit too much, got a cold too.
20:27.21ComputerpunkIf I start making a list of my current states, I'd make a laughing stock of myself, lol.
20:27.22CrestorI got a cold but no alcohol ... xD
20:27.39ComputerpunkI got alchoholo-tite.
20:34.23Ryelle_lua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.find(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)",print)
20:34.24lua_botRyelle_: luabot:1: bad argument #3 to 'find' (number expected, got function)
20:37.26Crestorfind does not take a function
20:37.53Crestorthat was the speciality of gsub
20:38.05Ryelle_a function?
20:38.20Computerpunkprint() is a function
20:38.24Computerpunkyou named the function (print)
20:38.37Computerpunkstring.find has other 3rd argument
20:38.39Computerpunkcheck the links I gave you
20:38.49Ryelle_lua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.find(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)")
20:38.49lua_botRyelle_: No output
20:38.53Ryelle_i see
20:39.45Ryelle_lua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)",print)
20:39.45lua_botRyelle_: No output
20:40.15Ryelle_lua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)",print(healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount)
20:40.32lua_botRyelle_: luabot:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
20:40.32Ryelle_sorry for spam, if it doesn't work this time i give up
20:40.50Ryelle_lua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)",print(healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount))
20:40.51lua_botRyelle_: nil, nil, nil, nil, luabot:1: bad argument #3 to 'gsub' (string/function/table expected)
20:41.04Ryelle_i'll stop spamming now
20:41.55Crestorlua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.find(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)");print(healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount)
20:41.56lua_botCrestor: nil, nil, nil, nil
20:42.18Crestorah ... :/
20:43.01Ryelle_beats me
20:43.03Crestorthe variables aren't assigned in this onliner ...
20:43.48Crestorthey are assigned AFTER print was called
20:44.13Crestorit should work in you addon though
20:44.58Ryelle_i don't get why it worked for computer punk tho
20:45.29Ryelle_lua> word="word" w, ord = string.gsub(word, "(.)(...)", print)
20:45.29lua_botRyelle_: w, ord
20:45.42Ryelle_it's like the exact same thing except less complicated
20:45.48Crestorbecause gsub calles the print after it is finished
20:45.59Ryelle_but i tried it w/ gsub
20:46.30Crestornot in the right syntax
20:49.23Ryelle_what'd i do wrong?
20:51.00Crestoryou assummed that find and gsub can be called the same way ;)
20:51.20Ryelle_i duplicated what computerpunk did tho
20:51.28Ryelle_only difference i can see is that i used .+ instead of .
20:51.38Crestorbetter, you mixed the usage of both functions
20:51.50Ryelle_well i tried it both with .find and .gsub
20:51.57Computerpunklua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((%d+) overhealed)",print)
20:51.58lua_botComputerpunk: No output
20:52.26Ryelle_it's not a big deal, i can experiment more when i get home later
20:52.27Computerpunklua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" healers_name,spell,healed_amount,overhealed_amount = string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). (.+) overhealed)",print)
20:52.28lua_botComputerpunk: luabot:1: invalid pattern capture
20:52.35Crestorit didn't worked because you mixed them up
20:52.42ComputerpunkI think so.
20:53.00Ryelle_i don't see a difference between the w,ord example and the one that computer punk just pasted.  but i am an admitted noob
20:53.49Ryelle_well the last one he removed a ( that i think is required
20:53.51Ryelle_but the one before that
20:53.52ComputerpunkI can't think atm.
20:53.56Ryelle_tis ok
20:54.01ComputerpunkI did a simple thing
20:54.05ComputerpunkJust to sort it out in my brain
20:54.08Computerpunkbut when I read long stuff
20:54.26Ryelle_maybe the lua bot hates longer variables or doesn't like the .+ or something
20:55.12Crestorlua> phrase="Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)" ,string.gsub(phrase, "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+)%. (.+) overhealed)",print,1)
20:55.12lua_botCrestor: luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
20:55.26Ryelle_>lua> words="these are words" these,are,words = string.gsub(words, "(.+) (.+) (.+)", print)
20:55.52Crestorlua> string.gsub("Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)", "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+)%. (.+) overhealed)",print,1)
20:55.53lua_botCrestor: luabot:1: invalid pattern capture
20:56.34Ryelle_don't worry about it too much, i'll try to actually do it in game
20:56.43Ryelle_lua> words="these are words" these,are,words = string.gsub(words, "(.+) (.+) (.+)", print)
20:56.43lua_botRyelle_: these, are, words
20:56.53ComputerpunkThere's an invalid place.
20:57.01Ryelle_i understand the usage now, not sure why my complicated example fails
20:57.26Ryelle_perhaps it doesn't like the extra () around overhealed
20:57.28Computerpunklua> string.gsub("Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed)", "(.+)'s (.+) heals you for (%d+). ((.+) overhealed)",print)
20:57.29lua_botComputerpunk: Ryell, Rend Soul, 1000, (9000 overhealed, (9000, Ryell's Rend Soul heals you for 1000. (9000 overhealed), 1
20:58.13ComputerpunkSeems it does.
20:58.24Ryelle_i wish i saw what you changed
20:58.30Ryelle_other than removing the phrase variable
20:58.54Crestormaybe mask the () with % ?
20:59.08Crestorso that they dont create another math
20:59.10Ryelle_well tbh, the overhealed doesn't matter
20:59.18Ryelle_i'll just not even query that part in the addon
20:59.31Ryelle_the amounts aren't important for my addon, just the fact that something tried to heal the player
21:00.17Ryelle_thanks again
21:01.04*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
21:01.36Crestornp, coding anyway here
21:07.53ComputerpunkHe could've also used events.
21:07.59ComputerpunkFor combat events.
21:08.05ComputerpunkEasier than combat logs.
21:08.20CrestorI dont know, never used them
21:08.29ComputerpunkDHRecords and WSCT use them
21:36.22*** join/#waruidev purl (
21:36.22*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)).

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