IRC log for #waruidev on 20090905

00:00.22*** join/#waruidev Repo (
00:00.22*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
00:41.11*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
02:22.43*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
02:22.43*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:10.41*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:10.41*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:33.41*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
06:10.01*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
06:44.03*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
07:11.10*** join/#waruidev phorbs (
09:57.13Aes[entfernt]1whats wrong with the
09:57.13Aes[entfernt]1s = "hello world from Lua"
09:57.13Aes[entfernt]1for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do
09:57.13Aes[entfernt]1print(w) end
09:57.23Aes[entfernt]1may someone help me ?
09:58.37Aes[entfernt]1gmatch seems to be inoperative :/
10:36.54*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
10:51.20*** join/#waruidev Mantarr (
10:51.33Mantarrhey guys
10:52.02Mantarrquick question: do you know a nice texture representing autoattack?
10:53.43*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=Chryzo@
11:19.04*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
11:19.30Mantarrhello there
12:30.27*** join/#waruidev phorbs (
13:34.02Repo10planb: 03Randomage * r3 / (3 files in 1 directory):
13:34.06RepoQuickfix for 1.3.1, replaced string.gmatch with a locally defined function
14:52.10*** join/#waruidev Gweniver (
15:47.50*** join/#waruidev Mantarr (
15:48.53Mantarrhello guys anybody home?
16:19.54talvinenre ~~
16:29.38Mantarrhey talvinen are you there?
16:30.13Mantarrlemme ask you a question although im afraid you dont know the answer :D
16:30.39talvinenis that a challenge?
16:31.04Mantarrwe have local data = GetAbilityData(abilityID)
16:31.27*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
16:31.32Mantarrquestion: does this return anything different from nil if the ability is one that does not belong to the set of your own abilites?
16:31.41ComputerpunkRepeat it plx?:D
16:32.06talvinenthat was actually the answer to the question
16:32.22talvinenGetAbilityData only returns information about abilities in our spellbook
16:32.23Mantarryou see me puzzled now.
16:32.28*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
16:32.31Computerpunkclosed the tab
16:32.38Computerpunkbrowser client
16:32.47Mantarrbut.. damnit.. how idiotic is that?
16:33.10ComputerpunkMantarr: What?
16:33.35ComputerpunkSERIOUSLY, WHAT?
16:33.55Mantarrthat getabilitydata only works for your own abilities just read the fuggin manu.. err... chat :D
16:34.00talvinenwhat are you trying to accomplish? maybe there's a workaround
16:34.06ComputerpunkMantarr, I can't.
16:34.31ComputerpunkI wasn't on
16:34.33ComputerpunkWhen you asked.
16:34.46Mantarrwell i get hit, i write the name of the hostile action into a window and i want to show the texture that belongs to that action
16:35.12talvinennot without an external table
16:35.13Mantarrthe part with the name works
16:35.26ComputerpunkI don't think
16:35.27ComputerpunkYou got access
16:35.32Computerpunkto that kind of data
16:35.35Computerpunknot even WSCT has it.
16:36.09Mantarrhmm isnt there this AURA addon that puts enemy buff sabove your head?
16:36.25ComputerpunkDebuff ~= Ability used
16:36.33Computerpunkgoing to go in my hotel room
16:36.42Mantarrwhy on earth would they deny you access to enemy abilites?
16:36.51Mantarri dont get it
16:37.00talvinenwhy would they allow it? :p
16:37.10Mantarrbecaus ethey allow access to your own too?
16:37.22talvinenI don't know. Why wouldn't they allow modifier+leftclick keybindings?
16:37.25Mantarri fail to see the logic in this
16:38.45Mantarrok imagine a window. this window has a dynamicimagine as a child. is it possible to get the iconname from the name of the window?
16:39.57talvinenwhat iconname?
16:40.31Mantarrthe name of the texture sorry
16:41.42Mantarr1)window name -> 2)DynamicImage -> 3)Texture name. is it possible to  get 3) if you know 1) ?
16:42.55Mantarri couldnt find any DynamicImagineGetTexture
16:43.10talvinenI believe there is none
16:43.16talvinenlooked it up a while ago
16:43.44Mantarrthere is no entry at the warwiki
16:44.13Mantarrso it is not possible
16:47.56talvinenthere might be undocumented functions that are not listed at warwiki
16:47.56talvinenother than that, I don't think it's possible
16:47.58talvinenbrb, kitchen
16:54.09*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk9 (n=computer@
16:54.31Computerpunk9Mkay. Im back
16:55.48Mantarrdont you find it crazy that war tells me the name of a hostile ability but not its texture?
16:56.50Computerpunk9Nope, I don't quite find it crazy.
16:56.54Computerpunk9I find it as a limitation.
16:57.44ComputerpunkWSCT shows icons for Buffs/Debuffs and your abilities
16:57.50ComputerpunkBut not for the damage you take from abilities.
16:58.00ComputerpunkAnyway, might finish all the togglers tonight
16:58.06ComputerpunkThe most complex until now has beem BagOMatic.
16:58.13Mantarrthis built-in limitation is plain irrational
16:59.09Mantarrwhat was your suggestion earlier? an external table? is this what i think it is?
16:59.48ComputerpunkWell, that would mean having all the IDs of the abilities and assigning each ID to a texture.
16:59.59ComputerpunkWould be a long mass of work
17:00.26Mantarrto suggest something like this is even crazier :P
17:00.52Mantarrespecially without any way to browse through the texture ids
17:01.33Mantarrwhich brings me to my other question
17:01.54Mantarrsay you have a window. in it you have a dynamicimage. the image has a texture.
17:02.13Mantarrcan you tell the texture id if you only know the window name?
17:02.56ComputerpunkThe dynamicimage would be the texture.
17:03.01Computerpunkwait a sec
17:03.15Computerpunkthewarwiki for all your needs
17:03.38Mantarrif you are going to check for dynamicimagegettexture at warwiki forget it ^^
17:04.42ComputerpunkNah, wasn't gonna check that.
17:04.54ComputerpunkWell, you _should_ be able to.
17:05.03ComputerpunkI mean, textures are pointed through their names.
17:06.19Mantarrbut you dont know what is "in" a window in th efirst place
17:09.03ComputerpunkMmmm... dunno atm
17:09.06Computerpunkgotta get ready for a shower
17:49.22*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
18:04.17*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (i=8j76vmnq@
18:39.28*** join/#waruidev Gweniver (
21:15.13*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=computer@
23:03.35*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (

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