IRC log for #waruidev on 20090817

00:00.23*** join/#waruidev Repo (
00:00.23*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
02:16.21AckisNew announcement:
03:16.00*** join/#waruidev Gweniver_ (
05:56.15*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
06:11.09*** join/#waruidev ComputerpunkAFK (i=IceChat7@
06:11.30ComputerpunkAFKAiiane, quick question:
06:11.36ComputerpunkAFKHow to detect if your killer is a player or not?
06:12.02Aiianenot sure if there's a guaranteed way you can
06:12.10ComputerpunkMmmkay, then.
06:12.13ComputerpunkI'll think it out.
06:16.13ComputerpunkCould it be done with checking realms?
06:16.31ComputerpunkSOmething like that?
06:57.07*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
06:59.09*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
06:59.09*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
07:10.32ComputerpunkHmm, nvm.
07:10.35ComputerpunkTargetInfo not working. <.<
07:10.40ComputerpunkCause the killer isn't a target.
09:34.44AiianeI guess one option Computerpunk would be to parse the KB spam in the combat log
09:34.51Aiianeand look for X killed Y
09:34.56Aiianewhere Y is your own name
09:35.21ComputerpunkI did that.
09:35.29ComputerpunkBut I need to take out Champions and Keep Lords
09:35.57ComputerpunkIt is on RVR events.
09:36.33ComputerpunkOne way would be filtering them out
09:36.38Computerpunkby name
09:38.48ComputerpunkAddOn I'm writing
09:40.52ComputerpunkI am taking the name of the killer
09:40.52Computerpunkjust no info about it
09:49.54ComputerpunkIs there any special thing lords and champions have in their name?
09:49.59Computerpunkany special character or anything?
09:50.25ComputerpunkOr just available through targetinfo:gettier()
10:32.51ComputerpunkWould looking for white spaces work?
10:33.01ComputerpunkOr does that fail too?
10:33.09ComputerpunkSince the enemy can have 2 names?
13:30.24*** join/#waruidev Gweniver (
14:16.28*** join/#waruidev Gweniver (
14:18.56*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
14:35.10*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:35.10*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:03.12*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:03.12*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:53.54nicoli_sChryzo, good job on the new version of easymyp
16:21.49*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
18:15.16Chryzogonna make it a release soon if i can't get the drag & drop to work
18:44.38nicoli_si havent done any war work in ages sadly, but had to pick it up today to try and fix some wardb bug
18:44.57Chryzoi work on it when i have some time ^^ been on and off
18:45.15Chryzoyou got the Aion stuff all figured out finally ?
18:46.18Chryzogonna end up playing it, at least for the first month ^^
18:46.30Chryzolots of freinds going on it, so i joined them ^^
18:46.34nicoli_sditto, im enjoying the beta events i've got to try out
18:47.01Chryzoam a bit un happy about the crafting but the rest of the game seems really cool
18:47.13Chryzothough, haven't had the time to get an avatar higher than circle 13 ^^
18:47.44nicoli_swhat dont you like about the crafting?
18:47.59Chryzotoo reliant on stuff you need to buy
18:48.12nicoli_syah, did seem to be a heavy money sink
18:48.15Chryzolike for every single little thing you want to do, you need to buy some stuff at the merchant
18:48.26Chryzoor grind the work orders
18:49.32Chryzolike and dislike the fact that there is no talent (or non I found :) ) ^^
18:50.08nicoli_syah, looks like the stigma stones are the only way to cuztomize your char spec
18:51.44Chryzooupsee, missed something their... need to go read on those stigma stones of yours :)
18:52.02Chryzothere, dammit, my english going down the drain too now
18:52.19nicoli_sthe stigma stones are basically just optional skills for your character
18:52.27nicoli_sbut most of them are dropped from mobs
18:54.10Chryzoyeap, reading on them atm ^^
18:55.45Chryzothe curse aion site is up ?
18:56.51Chryzooh ok, thought so :) am on it atm ^^
18:57.08nicoli_sthis was less than 6 weeks of work too
18:57.24Chryzonice :)
18:57.30Chryzoand you are good at that
18:59.22Chryzowhoa, the Rebirth skill seems lotsa fun
18:59.54Chryzokind of remind me of my Reverse Time by 5 minutes spell in the game we made with some friends ^^
19:00.03nicoli_ssounds cool
19:02.08Chryzohell to code though :)
19:02.23Chryzoanyway, gonna afk a bit ^^ enjoy your day :) I ll be enjoying my night :)
19:10.53nicoli_swill do, later
19:47.03Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r355 / (7 files in 1 directory):
19:47.07RepoAdded new Mount check 'mou' and some experimental autodismount code (requires AutoDismout installed).
20:07.50Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r356 / (3 files in 1 directory):
20:07.54RepoAdded toggle facility for autodismount experimental code together with check to see if its actually loaded.
20:16.22Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar 043.1.24 * r357 :  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
20:16.27RepoTagging as 3.1.24
20:16.32RepoAdded new mount condition 'mou' that lets you check if your target (or you) is mounted or not.
20:16.36RepoAdded experimental autodismount code that can be toggled on and off using /nb toggleautodismount
20:16.40Repobasically if you are mounted it will add the dismount ability to the end of your chain automatically. No idea if it works at all lol on the train at the moment and net connection very slow, but doesn;t seem to break anything.

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