IRC log for #waruidev on 20090708

00:42.03*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:42.03*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:53.33*** join/#waruidev Daegalus_ (
02:44.09Repo10autosalvage : 03laconic1 * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
02:44.13RepoAdded curse debug substitutions
02:44.18RepoAdjusted time between salvages to 10 seconds (I'll test 5 seconds later and possibly set to that).
02:44.22RepoSet it for a 30 second cooldowns if it doesn't find anything in inventory.
02:44.27RepoFixed issue where it thought rank 40's had one more bag than they did, causing it to salvage from last bag.
05:38.50Repo10motion : 03wikki * r17 Source (2 files in 1 directory): Motion now remembers its visible start on reload.
05:38.54RepoAdded internal config option to test the effects of queueing items immediately and not waiting for proper status information.
05:51.55*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
06:32.21Repo10motion : 03wikki * r18 / (2 files in 2 directories):
06:32.26RepoSmall tweak so that the show setting does not get changed when the window is first created.
06:32.57Repo10motion : 03wikki 041.0.5 * r19 : Tagging as 1.0.5
06:48.46*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
06:52.53*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
07:03.32*** join/#waruidev rmet0815 (
07:05.37*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
07:08.36Repo10motion : 03wikki * r20 / (2 files in 2 directories): Minor change to the throttle item queue logic.
07:08.40RepoMark 1.0.6
07:09.15Repo10motion : 03wikki 041.0.6 * r21 : Tagging as 1.0.6
08:58.50*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
09:45.01*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
09:54.21*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
10:30.14*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk_ (i=IceChat7@
11:05.24*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
11:18.16*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
11:55.04*** join/#waruidev Repo (
11:55.05*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
12:38.21*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (i=IceChat7@
14:57.24*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:57.24*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:19.13ComputerpunkHey guys!
15:19.16ComputerpunkAiiane, are you there?
15:19.23ComputerpunkOr ckknight.
15:19.35ComputerpunkIt's mostly a Curse(forge) question.
15:19.40ComputerpunkRegarding licenses.
15:20.53ComputerpunkYea =?:D
15:21.11ckknightit's arguably a derivitive work
15:21.30ComputerpunkIt kinda uses some of the functions of the AddOn.
15:21.34ckknightbut if it doesn't use any of the original code
15:21.36ComputerpunkI own WarBoard at the moment.
15:21.41ComputerpunkHmm, not quite.
15:21.49ckknightthen it wouldn't be
15:21.55ckknightin any event, you should talk to the author
15:21.55ComputerpunkI just do a WarBoard.AddMod("ModHere")
15:22.05Computerpunkthen add 2 button events
15:22.08Computerpunk1 for opening up the window
15:22.14Computerpunk2nd for opening the config
15:22.23ComputerpunkI need to make WarBoard config more modular.
15:22.28ComputerpunkAka load AddOn configs.
15:22.33ComputerpunkLong work tho. :D
15:22.43ComputerpunkThat would be for 1.0 release.
15:22.46Computerpunka target plan
15:22.55ckknightI'm gonna say that it wouldn't be a derivitive work, the license of the original is mostly irrelevant of the license of the plugin
15:22.56ComputerpunkAnyway, enough off topic.
15:23.03ComputerpunkKay, thanks!
15:23.08ckknightsince it's so loosely binded
15:23.09ComputerpunkAiiane, may I write one for Squared?:3
15:23.24ComputerpunkAnd as a side note, may I use the icon?
15:23.38ComputerpunkMmm, MIT License
15:23.40Computerpunklet's get documented
15:24.01Computerpunkfree software license
15:24.04ComputerpunkFair enough.
15:24.06ComputerpunkStill going to ask
15:25.17ComputerpunkAlso, ckk, should I buy WoW?:D
15:25.40ckknightif you haven't played it, you should, if nothing else but to see what you're missing
15:25.59ComputerpunkI played a bit on a friend's chars.
15:26.01ckknightit's obvious to tell why it's so successful
15:26.04ckknightit's polished
15:26.08ckknightand it has a huge network effect
15:26.09ComputerpunkThat's what I said.
15:26.15ComputerpunkIt has lots and lots of work in it.
15:26.19ComputerpunkLike 6-7 years of work.
15:26.21ComputerpunkWhich made it so good.
15:26.41ComputerpunkAlso, they're adding so many WAR stuff.
15:26.57ComputerpunkMaking WAR just seem a weak imitation, which pisses me off.
15:27.04ComputerpunkLet's first see what Bioware can do.
15:27.46ComputerpunkI want Ace for WAR :<
17:02.06*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
17:09.04KaeltenWe ported a few libs
17:09.11Kaeltenbut I lost interest in war
17:12.44ComputerpunkGieeef :(
17:14.13Flarinthe main reason i quit WoW was the fact you needed 250 gold or more per raid - I all did was grind gold and materials then raid, rinse repeat.  In War all I do is kill stuff - I don't worry about money or mats.  To each his/her own I guess - my buddies always complain about WoW and the "work" it requires - yet they still play it, so they must like it!
17:15.12*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
17:39.47*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
18:35.45*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
20:22.38*** join/#waruidev NerfedWar (
20:23.39NerfedWarhi there. question: the chat EditBox EA_TextEntryGroupEntryBoxTextInput has a maxchars parameter. Is it psosible to alter this through lua?
22:09.24ComputerpunkLemme check?:D
22:12.15ComputerpunkCan't find it.
22:12.21ComputerpunkNo limit.
22:12.40ComputerpunkIf you can fiddle around with this
22:12.47Computerpunkparent name = EA_TextEntryTemplate
22:13.09ComputerpunkI'll copy paste xml
22:14.01ComputerpunkIf you can do anything with Lua commands, fine :P
23:30.13*** join/#waruidev Flarin_ (

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