IRC log for #waruidev on 20090520

00:11.29*** join/#waruidev xd (n=xd@
00:12.31*** join/#waruidev xd (n=xd@
01:21.45*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:21.45*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
03:10.59*** join/#waruidev Tasteless (
04:23.42*** join/#waruidev Fal`` (i=Liquid5n@
05:51.56*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
06:17.24*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
06:56.29*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
08:33.50*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@
09:15.05*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk_ (n=IceChat7@
09:35.52*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
10:42.19*** join/#waruidev Bola (
10:47.31*** join/#waruidev Vidhar (
10:49.56Repo10heal-grid: 03rmet0815 * r16 TODO.txt: updated todo
10:50.42rmet0815Aiiane:GetGameTime() is usable for profiling? aka time-mesurements?
11:12.43*** join/#waruidev Daegalus ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:12.44*** join/#waruidev Dotted (
11:13.05*** part/#waruidev Vidhar (
11:16.03*** join/#waruidev Repo (
11:16.03*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
11:18.36*** join/#waruidev Daegalus ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:18.36*** join/#waruidev Dotted ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:20.15*** join/#waruidev Repo (
11:20.15*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
11:33.47*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (i=82wx0780@
12:26.11Aes[entfernt]1hmm  ive used onupdate(elapsed) + sync every second with getcomputertime
12:27.29Aes[entfernt]1i think getgametime has a second interval too
12:29.37Aes[entfernt]1maybe getgametime is better couse ther is no jump to 0  in the night
12:46.58rmet0815i'd love to have something reporting at least millesconds
12:47.19rmet0815and is constantly/asychronously updated
13:07.57Aes[entfernt]1function X.OnUpdate(elapsedTime)
13:08.14Aes[entfernt]1sry ;)  no pasty
13:39.57*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
13:39.57*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
13:50.10rmet0815does not work as elapsedTime is not updated between event calls
13:51.04rmet0815for different onUpdates() i mean
13:51.33rmet0815in addition, i need an accurate time at the begin AND at the end of the function
13:51.46rmet0815otherwise i canot measure execution time
14:11.16*** join/#waruidev Crestor (n=crestor@
14:38.36*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:38.36*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
14:38.40Repo10bagomatic: 03Bola * r31 / (2 files in 1 directory): Restore filters working again
14:38.45RepoBumped version 1.14
14:48.20*** join/#waruidev Vidhar (
14:48.46Repo10bagomatic: 03Bola 041.14 * r32 : Bag filters are properly restored on login/reload
15:41.55Aiianermet0815: no, it reports seconds just like GetComputerTime
15:42.09*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
16:15.40*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
16:19.31*** part/#waruidev Vidhar (
17:22.47Aes[entfernt]1is the author of groupicons here?
17:35.34*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
18:16.46Computerpunkcan SystemData.Events.PLAYER_PET_HEALTH_UPDATED be an event for non-pet owning players?
18:18.19CrestorI think it shouldn't do so out of logic and I've never see it appearing on my shaman.
18:32.19*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
18:32.19*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
18:35.35ComputerpunkOkay then.
18:35.38ComputerpunkI'll fix it for xHUD
18:36.26Computerpunktalvinen added some conditional
18:37.20Crestormaybe he had a reason ?
18:41.07ComputerpunkDon't think so
18:41.19ComputerpunkAlso, it's stupidly written in my opinion
18:41.36Computerpunkthe conditional is put after the local hp = GameData.Player.Pet.healthPercent which would backfire
18:41.43ComputerpunkDon't get it
18:42.41Crestorall or nothing sound better
18:42.50ComputerpunkI'd say nothing
18:43.43CrestorThe Boss says how it will look at the end. :P
18:43.52ComputerpunkI'm ze Boss.
20:11.47*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
20:11.49*** part/#waruidev encaitar (
20:28.43Aiianeum, Computerpunk
20:29.07Aiiane...the server already supports guild/alliance-only open warbands
20:29.40Aiianeit's just that the open party window doesn't have a checkbox for it; but you can change the warband status with slash commands (/warbandguildonly and/or /warbandallianceonly)
20:30.59ComputerpunkDidn't know it
20:31.55Computerpunkwould be a simple hook, right?
20:36.58ComputerpunkThanks for the info though!
21:13.29ComputerpunkKinda proving that I fail mostly. <_<
22:28.34ComputerpunkI want dl link
22:28.39Computerpunkor at least files to download
23:39.02Aiianethere is one?

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