IRC log for #waruidev on 20090506

00:21.01*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
00:21.53*** join/#waruidev art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
00:34.52*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:34.52*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
05:19.34*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
06:46.46*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
07:41.44*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
08:47.20*** join/#waruidev Dotted (
09:01.47*** join/#waruidev art3mis_ (
09:14.22rmet0815Aiiane: Do you know if there is a way to find out if you are currently in the "area" of a tracked quest? I would like to highlight quests in the tracker in which's area you are
09:14.36AiianeI don't think so
09:15.07rmet0815a pitty :( thanx for the info though!
09:57.34Repo10bagomatic: 03Bola * r24 BagOMatic.lua:
09:57.42RepoBug fix for multiple bags filter (still one bug remains, nasty)
10:38.07Repo10bagomatic: 03Bola * r25 / (2 files in 1 directory): Fixed multiple bag filters
10:38.11RepoBag filters are saved by default
10:38.16RepoBumped version to 1.1
10:39.55Repo10bagomatic: 03Bola 041.1 * r26 : Fixed multiple bag filters bug
10:39.59RepoBag filters are saved by default
11:18.31*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
11:22.30*** join/#waruidev Bola (n=Bola@
12:49.02*** join/#waruidev Fal` (i=Liquid5n@
13:57.01*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
14:21.42*** join/#waruidev salocin_coding (n=salocin@
14:49.05*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:49.05*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:08.15*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
15:22.05BolaI'm creating windows dynamically (CreateWindowFromTemplate), somehow I can't get mouse events on it
15:23.03Bolaanyone around ?
16:07.57BolaAiiane, have a minute ?
16:33.35*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
17:54.30*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Fal` (i=Liquid5n@
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev lua_bot (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev TecnoBrat (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Dotted (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Guest67870 (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (n=salocin@
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
17:54.31*** join/#waruidev Bola (n=Bola@
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev rmet0815 (
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
17:54.32*** mode/#WARUIDev [+ovoo ckknight Repo Aiiane Kaelten] by
17:54.32*** join/#waruidev Thrae (
18:06.51*** part/#waruidev vidhar (
18:08.10*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
18:13.20WikkiFizzledo you have the window set to handle input?
18:20.34*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
18:29.50*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
18:33.54Bolafrustration... can't click the damn window
18:34.03ComputerpunkWHICH WINDOW?!?!?!?!O_O
18:34.33Bolaoh hi Computerpunk
18:34.51Bolatrying to make a simple window clickable
18:34.59Boladunno what am I doing wrong
18:35.23Computerpunkhandleinput = true?
18:35.37ComputerpunkMake a button inside or smth?
18:35.39Computerpunkor try dragging?
18:35.41Computerpunkmovable = true
18:35.55Computerpunktry popup
18:36.59Bolaif I open /debug and pass the mouse pointer over it doesnt display the window name
18:37.09ComputerpunkPastey the code.
18:37.25ComputerpunkI got my way around it.
18:37.31BolaI hate gui
18:37.38ComputerpunkMe too.
18:39.05Bolathis is the xml
18:39.28Bolathe rest is just CreateWindowFromTemplate and voila
18:39.32ComputerpunkTry making it movable
18:39.38BolaI tried
18:39.51ComputerpunkIs it valid?
18:40.08ComputerpunkUnit frames, huh?
18:40.16Bolayea, new addon
18:40.36Bolajust one last detail and I can commit something
18:40.54Computerpunk1st problem
18:41.00ComputerpunkBackground is missing a relativeTo
18:41.16Bolanot necessary, goes to default
18:42.01ComputerpunkI know which is default
18:42.32ComputerpunkSo it doesn't find TargetsUnitFrame
18:42.59ComputerpunkI'm like dumbfounded
18:43.10Bolano the unitframe displays nicely etc
18:43.13BolaI just cant click it
18:44.53Computerpunktried LayoutEditor = true?
18:45.05Bolawhat's that ?
18:45.18ComputerpunkRegistering it in the LayoutEditor
18:45.22ComputerpunkDunno what the tag was
18:45.28ComputerpunkSQR here I COME
18:45.30Bolaah yes it is registered
18:45.41Bolathe anchor is registered
18:46.03Bolaall frames are anchored on it
18:46.44BolaI'm doing something stupid, I just cant see it
18:46.45ComputerpunkActually, pretty weird.
18:46.59ComputerpunkI can't see it either.
18:47.06ComputerpunkNow, I need to fix some issues with WarBoard_Clock.
18:47.49ComputerpunkIs such a piece of *******************************************
18:48.16Bolawhat's GetComputerTime ?
18:48.17ComputerpunkKnow why?
18:48.25ComputerpunkIt's a function added some time ago.
18:48.31ComputerpunkIt gets your actual computer time
18:48.34Computerpunkin seconds
18:48.38Bolaah, they allow it ?
18:48.39ComputerpunkFormatClock does hrs, mins, secs
18:48.49ComputerpunkIt's really recent
18:51.01ComputerpunkThere's this issue with FormatClock
18:52.49ComputerpunkIt returns nil hours sometimes -.-
18:53.16Computerpunkand there goes
18:53.22Computerpunkmy imba Time:match
18:53.26Computerpunklocal dHour, dMin, dSec = Time:match(L"([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
18:53.49Bolagetcomputertime returns nil ?
18:53.50Computerpunktried adding on or Time:match(L"([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
18:54.04Computerpunkbut then again, time bugs
18:54.07ComputerpunkWell, not getcomputertime
18:54.10ComputerpunkGetComputerTime returns seconds
18:54.18ComputerpunkFormatClock is the stupid function -.-
18:54.53ComputerpunkLook at the structure
18:54.57ComputerpunkIt just ruins everything -.-
18:56.03BolaI'm lost here
18:56.06Bolayour match fails
18:56.18ComputerpunkNot my match
18:56.21Computerpunkthe return value
18:56.23Computerpunkof FormatClock
18:56.28Bola2 possible returns
18:56.32Bolaone with hours
18:56.35Bolaother without
18:56.36Computerpunkand one without
18:56.56ComputerpunkBut doing an -- or Time:match(L"([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
18:56.59Computerpunkand dHour = 0
18:57.07Computerpunkwould screw it up for the rest of the addon.
18:57.18Computerpunksince not the whole timematch gets nil/false.
18:57.25Bolajust write your own formatclock ?
18:57.29ComputerpunkI will.
18:58.10Computerpunkjust going to write this to Mythic.
19:00.34ComputerpunkThe end would be so much better that way
19:01.00Bolayea return 00 hours anyway
19:09.16Bolathe entire pairing crashed
19:18.55WikkiFizzleBola if you mouse over the window and the debug window shows you the proper window name, you are most likely missing the event handler for whatever click even you want
19:23.53BolaWikkiFizzle, the debug doesnt show the window name
19:27.33Bolapairing crashed again
19:27.37BolaKarak Norn lolz
19:31.44AiianeComputerpunk: why are you doing :match on a time string?
19:31.54Aiianeespecially one generated with FormatClock??
19:32.08ComputerpunkFormat = L"%2d:%02d:%02d"
19:32.50ComputerpunkSo no more working on it internally|?
19:33.06BolaI'm out of luck
19:33.34ComputerpunkThis is my internal code.
19:33.56Aiianelocal ctime = GetComputerTime()
19:34.04Aiianelocal secs = ctime % 60
19:34.13Aiianectime = ctime - secs
19:34.25Computerpunk% 3600
19:34.32Computerpunkthen / 3600?
19:34.33Aiianelocal mins = (ctime % 3600) / 60
19:34.58Aiianeyou should not be having to use string matching to get hours/mins/secs from a seconds-since-midnight value
19:35.18ComputerpunkI know.
19:35.21ComputerpunkIt does errors.
19:35.57ComputerpunkIt did*
19:36.10ComputerpunkHmm, what's the hours thing?
19:36.45Aiianehere, better
19:36.52Aiianelocal ctime = GetComputerTime()
19:37.16Aiianelocal secs = ctime % 60
19:37.25Aiianectime = (ctime - secs) / 60
19:37.26ComputerpunkTime = Time - secs
19:37.33Aiianelocal mins = ctime % 60
19:37.33Computerpunkthen mins = ctime
19:37.38ComputerpunkI got it
19:37.39Aiianectime = (ctime - mins) / 60
19:37.45Aiianelocal hours = ctime
19:39.18ComputerpunkLabelSetText("WarBoard_ClockText", wstring.format(L"%2d:%02d:%02d", hours, mins, secs))
19:39.30ComputerpunkI used local variables, but wrote it here the global way.
19:39.52ComputerpunkIt works using this, right?
19:39.57ComputerpunkThink so.
19:45.54Bolaany ideas on this window thingy ?
19:46.35*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
19:47.35*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
19:47.35*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
19:47.35WikkiFizzleWhen you mouse over the window, what window does debug give you "Root"?
19:47.58Bolawell yea, it's always Root
19:48.34Bolanever changes, if I put handleinput=true on the anchor I can mouse over
19:49.46WikkiFizzleAre you parenting the unitframe to the anchor?
19:51.16WikkiFizzlepastie the contents of the .lua file
19:51.34Bolaok just a sec
19:55.25Bolaquestion: CreateWindowFromTemplate parameters are: window name, window template name, parent ?
19:59.46Bolafirst one is how I create the window, second the xml
20:05.24ComputerpunkThey added G15 functionalities for everyone
20:05.39ComputerpunkOne more useless Thing.
20:05.59ComputerpunkAny way in which I could stop it from getting triggered, except unregistering with a macro?
20:06.13Bolag15 ? the keyboard-thingabob ?
20:06.13Computerpunk(Useless Thing for me, not for others, because I got a G11)
20:06.33ComputerpunkYou can send stuff to it
20:25.11BolaWikkiFizzle, any idea ?
20:42.59WikkiFizzleJust started looking at it now
20:43.05WikkiFizzleCrazy day here
20:45.17WikkiFizzleYou are parenting the unit frames on the anchor
20:45.58WikkiFizzleSo with teh current setup the only clickable area would be the anchor (if its set to handle input)
20:46.09Bolano is not
20:46.16Bolahandleinput = false
20:47.12BolaI dont understand how this thing doesnt work
20:47.14WikkiFizzleThe child has to be within the bounds of the parent for it to handle the input
20:47.30Bolaso I need a huge ghost window behind ?
20:47.54Bolaeverytime I add something I change the dimension ?
20:47.55WikkiFizzleThats one way
20:47.57Bolaor remove
20:48.04WikkiFizzleOr you can parent them to Root
20:48.20WikkiFizzleand just handle your show/hide code a bit differently
20:48.41Bolaif I parent to Root how do I attach  them to the anchor ?
20:48.48WikkiFizzleanchor them to whatever
20:48.53WikkiFizzleAnchor them to the anchor
20:48.58WikkiFizzledoesnt have to be the same
20:49.02WikkiFizzlejust as long as the anchor window exists
20:49.04Bolaah ok
20:49.26Bolathanks, and sorry for the stupid questions
20:49.42WikkiFizzleNo stupid questions here :P
20:49.49WikkiFizzleI had to figure all this stuff out at one point
20:49.51WikkiFizzlewas a pain in the ass
20:50.27Bolamythic could release some docs
20:52.42Bolawhich changes do  I need to do if I parent to Root ?
20:52.51WikkiFizzleWell if you parent to root
20:53.10WikkiFizzleWhen you want to hide all of the frames, previously you could just hide your anchor
20:53.14WikkiFizzlenow you will have to hide individual frames
20:53.31Bolanot a problem
20:53.36*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
20:53.46*** join/#waruidev Cairenn1 (
20:53.46BolaI need to hide them individually anyway
20:54.00WikkiFizzleLook at the pure group code
20:54.03WikkiFizzleI do a lot of that stuff
20:54.06WikkiFizzlew/ parents and the like
20:54.08WikkiFizzleand reanchoring
20:54.32WikkiFizzleI still think the code is there but commented out when I hit the same issue you hit :P
20:55.24BolaI'm cheking both pure and squared, getting ideas (aka copying)
20:57.36WikkiFizzleSome of the pure code isnt the greatest example
20:57.42WikkiFizzleI was still learning a lot about Lua at the time
20:57.45WikkiFizzlewhen I started it
20:59.38WikkiFizzleIm in the middle of a rewrite of a lot of the backend to help clean it up
20:59.47WikkiFizzleThen work decided to kick my ass for 2 weeks
20:59.57WikkiFizzlethen send me to Wash, DC next week
21:00.00WikkiFizzleso it slowing stuff down
21:00.14ComputerpunkIf we could get a modding group to work on RV_Mods
21:00.16ComputerpunkIt would be imba o_o
21:00.34Bola2 users reported that bagomatic /bom is not working o_0
21:00.44ComputerpunkLibslash not installed lol
21:00.48BolaI've the tagged version, and I cant reproduce
21:01.10Bolait should come via curse client right ? I did the pkgmeta thingy for dependency
21:01.52ComputerpunkDunno o_o
21:02.03BolaComputerpunk, do you have the latest version ?
21:02.11ComputerpunkNot yet
21:02.18ComputerpunkOr, yeah!
21:02.19ComputerpunkI do
21:02.29BolaI was so happy, we fixed a major bug with multiple bags
21:02.46Bolaplus it saves filters by default, patch 1.2.1 bug maybe
21:03.38Bolaso /bom works ?
21:04.09ComputerpunkDidn't log on yet
21:04.23Computerpunksomething to finish on WarBaord_Clock
21:04.34Computerpunk+ just came from shower
21:10.13*** join/#waruidev Daegalus_ (
21:11.27ComputerpunkWill try right now
21:11.46ComputerpunkDamn, I started listening to Finch again.
21:12.16ComputerpunkNot a bad thing, but Damn xD
21:16.37*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
21:18.15*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
21:19.01ComputerpunkTy Aiiane.
21:19.44Aiianeon a side note
21:19.52Aiianenow that the WAR client does actual version checking on .mods
21:20.04Aiianeyou can bundle libslash within your addon's folder if you really want to
21:20.32Aiiane(and/or use pkgmeta to include it)
21:31.26Bolacant reproduce this /bom giving command not found, dunno what to do honestly
21:42.31ComputerpunkProbably they don't have Libslash
21:43.17art3mispeople still play WAR? ;)
21:43.21ComputerpunkI understand some AddOns really need OnUpdate coloring.
21:43.49ComputerpunkBut something which doesn't change its color until GUI sliding, is pretty weird -.-
21:43.57ComputerpunkBut using it with something*
21:48.22ComputerpunkNow Playing: Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
21:48.38nicoli_slove that band
22:02.42Computerpunk<--- Metalhead here.
22:04.20art3misgorillza aren't metal
22:05.14ComputerpunkI know.
22:05.20ComputerpunkI'm just saying...
22:05.25ComputerpunkA metalhead listening to Gorillaz
22:05.40ComputerpunkIs quite something.
22:05.47art3misI just immediately thought "hmm maybe his boyfriend likes it I guess" ;)
22:05.59nicoli_sif you like metal, do you listen to the mars volta?
22:07.55art3misits like easter all over
22:07.57Aiianewhy are we dipping me in chocolate again o.o
22:08.01art3miswhat with the fluffy tail and ears
22:08.08Daegaluscause you are tastier that way
22:08.13art3misoh and its a two fer!
22:08.24art3missince daeg is gonna immitate jesus on easter now!
22:08.48art3misAiiane...that's jewish-roman isn't it?
22:09.12Daegaluslol, i dunno, havent talked to you in a while aiiane, thought i'd do something nutty along with the hug
22:09.48art3misnutty would have been filling her with peanut butter before the chocolate dip
22:10.04art3misAiiane peanut butter cups
22:10.04nicoli_syall are making the only lady in the room uncomfortable
22:10.16art3miswait you've not a girl nico?
22:10.22ComputerpunkMars Volta isn't like my type.
22:10.31art3misoh speaking of metal
22:10.37art3misgoing to Saxon next week
22:10.39nicoli_sno im not a girl
22:10.40ComputerpunkMore into Hammerfall, Manowar, Metallica, and shizzle.
22:10.41art3misthat should be fun
22:10.52nicoli_snicoli = german for nicolas, its my dads nickname for me
22:10.57art3misoh and you should leech Anvil
22:11.04art3misits a great documentary on a great band
22:11.06DaegalusCairenn is also a girl
22:11.09nicoli_sand Computerpunk yer crazy, mars volta ftw
22:11.14nicoli_soh didnt see Cairenn|afk in here
22:11.18art3miscairenn has a very nice ass too ;)
22:11.24ComputerpunkEveryone got his tastes
22:11.32art3misshe does
22:11.35art3misask anyone
22:11.38Boladid I join the wrong channel ?
22:11.56WikkiFizzleYes bola :P
22:12.01Daegalusno, its apparently testosterone rage our.
22:12.02ComputerpunkMy metal iLikes vary alot
22:12.07art3misthe other channel was full so you autojoined this one
22:12.28ComputerpunkI'm being sirius.
22:16.57ComputerpunkImba error: Error in function call 'TextLogSetIncrementalSaving': File '' is not in the log directory 'D:\Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning\logs'.
22:21.58ComputerpunkAlso Bola, /bom is working fine for me.
22:23.15Computerpunknicoli_s, where'd you say you lived again?
22:29.47AiianeWikkiFizzle: poke
22:30.19BolaComputerpunk, thanks
22:30.38purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
22:31.10art3mis<-- special
22:34.13Computerpunkjust cuz he touches himself at night?
22:34.20Computerpunkor what was it
22:34.23Computerpunk~quote ckknight
22:34.24Computerpunkor smth
22:34.38ckknightI'm worth nothing :(
22:34.42ckknightComputerpunk: it's ~emulate
22:35.15Computerpunk~emulate ckknight
22:35.16purlcAPS lOCK IS aWESOME!
22:35.39Computerpunk~emulate ckknight
22:35.40purlcAPS lOCK IS aWESOME!
22:36.08ComputerpunkANSWER GODDAMN PURL
22:36.19Computerpunk~emulate ckknight
22:36.20purlcAPS lOCK IS aWESOME!
22:36.42ckknightit sure is.
22:36.55ckknightyou fail at getting the same thing over and over
22:36.59ckknight~literal emulate ckknight
22:36.59purl"emulate ckknight" is "<reply> (nah, then there's no point, I do this mostly for the power trip|if I do it just for myself, there's no one to gloat to|You know why? Because you touch yourself at night|I lounge on my bed, pantsless, and code addons|Write a ticket!|cAPS lOCK IS aWESOME!)"
22:37.54Aiiane~emulate aiiane
22:38.30art3misstarcraft 2 beta opt in!
22:38.32Computerpunk~emulate ckknight
22:38.33purlWrite a ticket!
22:38.43Computerpunk~emulate ckknight because
22:38.47art3missign up for
22:38.53art3misand add it
22:42.13ComputerpunkTOKENMACHINE FAILED!!!O_O
22:42.26Computerpunkit slipped one token
22:42.33Aiiane...was your inventory full
22:43.16AiianeThat's why.
22:43.22AiianeIt didn't fail, it did what it had to do.
22:43.29ComputerpunkI know.
22:43.29AiianeYou *don't* want it trying to roll on tokens with a full inv.
22:43.44Aiianehint: it lags out and eventually crashes the client.
22:43.46ComputerpunkYou could put it on how do you call it
22:44.06Aiianeyou can't roll on items while inv is full
22:44.06ComputerpunkOh, kay then.
22:44.15Computerpunkno more overflow?
22:44.17Computerpunkgot it
22:44.32Aiianeoverflow doesn't apply to item rolls
22:44.42ComputerpunkOh, okay.
22:44.45ComputerpunkI got it.
22:46.26ComputerpunkQuestion Aiiane: Do you have a combat log?
22:46.55Aiianewhat do you mean
22:47.02ComputerpunkI mean.
22:47.05ComputerpunkA chat box with a combat log.
22:47.22ComputerpunkUhmm, where your combat info goes.
22:47.36ComputerpunkYou dealt xxx damage with Spellname (mitigated) etc.
22:48.20ComputerpunkCause I'm thinking of removing mine.
22:54.07BolaWikkiFizzle, you there?
22:55.44Bolawhat are the requirements for WindowSetGameActionData SET_TARGET to work ? on debug the mouse can see the window but it doesnt target anything
22:56.52BolaAiiane, can I ask you something ?
22:59.21AiianeComputerpunk: yes, I do
22:59.34Bolain Squared.xml your $parentAction has layer=background
22:59.44Bolahow come is clickable o0 ?
23:00.00Aiianebecause nothing else handles input?
23:00.20Bolaah so handleinput is by default false ?
23:00.25Bolacause the root window doesnt declare
23:00.32Aiianethe root window isn't on top of it.
23:00.42Bolanow Im lost
23:00.51Aiianelayers are trees.
23:00.57Aiianeif A is the parent of B and C
23:01.01Aiianeand A's layer is default
23:01.02BolaAction is on top of parent right ?
23:01.04AiianeB's is background
23:01.09Aiianeand C's is secondary
23:01.17Aiianethen C is on top of B is on top of A
23:01.25AiianeB isn't behind A
23:02.18Aiianethe way input works
23:02.29Aiianeis when a mouse event is triggered
23:02.31Aiianeit goes to Root
23:02.34Aiianeand asks it
23:02.39Aiiane"will you handle this?"
23:02.42Aiianeand of course, Root says yes
23:02.52Aiianethen Root goes through its children (i.e. anything parented to Root)
23:03.10Aiianeand looks to see if any of them should handle it instead of itself, based on bounding boxes
23:03.14Aiianeand layers of those
23:03.29Aiianeif any of them should, then it passes it to that child, and that child then goes through its own children, etc
23:03.50Aiianeso it's navigating a tree structure down through each parent/child level
23:04.01Aiianelayers only make a difference between children at the same level
23:04.23Bolaaha! that was my problem
23:04.43BolaI thought it would override parent relationship
23:05.10Bolaoh lord, I got my bug finally
23:05.22BolaI need to declared event handlers for WindowSetGameActionData  to work
23:05.36Bolaeven if it's an empty on mouse click
23:05.50ComputerpunkThis is a print screen for sure. xD
23:09.44Bolait's alive! :D damn it works
23:16.04Repo10targets: 03Bola * r2 / (5 files in 1 directory): Very first basic version
23:28.12Bolaanyone wants to give it a try ? ;)

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