IRC log for #waruidev on 20090416

00:36.35*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
00:44.49*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
02:29.57*** join/#waruidev Nechckn (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
02:30.24*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
02:31.36*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
02:44.18*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
02:57.50*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
03:23.09*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
05:02.01*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
05:51.49*** part/#waruidev Cairenn|afk (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
05:52.25*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
05:52.25*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
05:59.20*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
06:57.11*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
07:13.25Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r216 / (9 files in 6 directories): Added tag 3.6.5 for changeset 44870b7f38a6
07:13.30RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:13.34RepoFIXED: Corrected a typo in a setting option name.
07:19.39Repo10blackbox: 03Aiiane * r17 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.7 for changeset 3e44cacb7482
07:19.44RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:20.57Repo10busted: 03Aiiane * r11 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.5 for changeset 5f05387325ab
07:21.02RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:24.05Repo10chatmacros: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 93780131a377
07:24.10RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:26.04Repo10fml: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 4ecb9dc683d5
07:26.11RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:31.44Repo10hotbar-morale: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 61ee8a2f47ce
07:31.47RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:33.59Repo10layout-tool: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 6a5b6dc97067
07:34.03RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:34.51Repo10libslash: 03Aiiane * r43 LibSlash.mod: Updated for patch 1.2.1.
07:35.24Repo10libslash: 03Aiiane 04v2.7-release * r44 : Tagging as 2.7.
07:36.24Repo10mechanic: 03Aiiane * r10 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.4 for changeset d2193f9bca92
07:36.29RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:38.36*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
07:38.45Repo10mirage: 03Aiiane * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.4 for changeset 9855b0360861
07:38.51RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:56.28Repo10nambla: 03Aiiane * r13 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.6 for changeset d813018dc38a
07:56.32RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
07:59.19*** join/#waruidev agon (
07:59.27*** part/#waruidev agon (
07:59.59Repo10phantom: 03Aiiane * r35 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 2.0 for changeset aaaabdc2f577
08:00.12RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1. This should hopefully be the last time you ever have to re-select your settings after an update.
08:03.18Repo10qna: 03Aiiane * r5 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.2 for changeset 84f4cd0e0793
08:03.23RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
08:05.33Repo10scrollminder: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 1f381b56dc8e
08:05.36RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
08:08.58Repo10stickytells: 03Aiiane * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 51f90b08592e
08:09.02RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
08:10.19Repo10twister: 03Aiiane * r24 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.11 for changeset 6317f8344239
08:10.24RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1. This should hopefully be the last time you ever have to re-select your settings after an update.
08:10.29RepoAlso made some minor tweaks to detection logic.
08:12.06Repo10vertigo: 03Aiiane * r7 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.2 for changeset 09456263e487
08:12.11RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
08:14.21Repo10yabber: 03Aiiane * r7 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset bf5884b5a50a
08:14.26RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1. This should hopefully be the last time you ever have to re-select your settings after an update.
08:14.31RepoAlso made some minor tweaks to detection logic.
08:15.33Repo10pinpoint: 03Aiiane * r3 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset dee34c3c89e9
08:15.48RepoUpdated for patch 1.2.1.
09:08.34rmet0815just saw some "updated for patch 1.2.1" message fly by. Is there anything we should be aware of, esp incompatibilities?
09:31.51Aiianeum, nothing major
09:32.01Aiianeit's basically still just the stuff summed up here, rmet0815:
09:32.19Aiianemost of those updates were just adding VersionSettings tags
09:32.43rmet0815okey dokey. thanx for the info Aiiane. will have a look at it
09:33.42rmet0815added your page to my bookmarks :)
09:39.59Industrialbuh hangoverr
11:11.19*** join/#waruidev MeowMix (
11:48.32*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
11:48.48ComputerpunkAiiane: What is to update in the AddOns? Is it in the .mod file?
11:53.33ComputerpunkBe right back
11:58.48*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
11:58.54ComputerpunkOkay, I'm back.
11:59.06ComputerpunkIf I do updates for 1.2.1 will the addons work on 1.2?
12:38.48*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
12:38.59ComputerpunkBah, net disced.
12:47.55*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
13:02.37ComputerpunkAiiane: May I have an answer, please?:D
13:34.31*** join/#waruidev rmet0815 (
13:40.04ComputerpunkNvm, looked in your AddOns. :3
13:43.54Repo10xhud: 03computerpunk * r70 xHUD.mod: - Update for 1.2.1.
13:44.52Repo10xhud: 03computerpunk * r71 : - Update for 1.2.1.
13:44.57Repo- Don't forget to save your variables.
13:58.07Repo10autoband: 03eowoyn * r100 / (3 files in 1 directory):
13:58.12Repothe gui components for the algorithm settings and kicking players not in the same zone
13:59.48*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
14:06.51*** join/#waruidev Fal (i=Liquid5n@
14:51.14Repo10autoband: 03Bola * r101 / (9 files in 1 directory): Small GUI fixes and tweaks
14:51.18RepoBumped version to 0.70 release
14:52.21*** join/#waruidev Bola (n=Bola@
14:59.14Repo10aura: 03wikki * r66 / (7 files in 3 directories): Changes for 1.2.1
14:59.18RepoMark 2.3.6
15:00.13Repo10aura: 03wikki 042.3.6 * r67 : Tagging as 2.3.6
15:01.46Bolapatch 1.2.1 went live ?
15:02.02WikkiFizzleIn the US yes
15:02.07WikkiFizzleNot sure about EU
15:02.17Bolanot here
15:04.32Bolawell not a problem, changes should be minimal to the .mod
15:04.56Bolaplus not that I have a huge fanbase :D
15:12.58*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
15:15.05WikkiFizzleOur guys love Autoband
15:18.31Bola? our guy ?
15:19.11WikkiFizzleThe guys in my guild
15:20.02Bolaah cool :)
15:20.11Bolabut is hard to get feedbacks
15:22.05Bolaif it's not a problem could you ask your guildies what do they like the most/least in autoband ?
15:23.44Bolathanks a lot
15:24.33*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:24.33*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:41.48Repo10autoband: 03eowoyn * r102 / (2 files in 1 directory): kick not in zone message fixed.
16:45.19Repo10warboard_gamemenu: 03dunnar * r8 WarBoard_GameMenu.mod: Updated for game version 1.2.1
16:46.53Repo10aura: 03wikki * r68 / (3 files in 3 directories): Made saved var global to let shares continue to function.
16:46.57RepoMark 2.3.7
16:47.17Repo10aura: 03wikki 042.3.7 * r69 : Tagging as 2.3.7
16:48.06*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
16:54.14Repo10warboard_gamemenu: 03dunnar 04v1.0.2 * r9 : Tagging v1.0.2
17:00.58RepoNew project: WarBoard_Session. lyberikus (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
17:01.11Repo10pure: 03wikki * r176 / (8 files in 3 directories): Interim release to help fix the few changes found in 1.2.1
17:01.19RepoMark 0.7.21
17:01.43Repo10pure: 03wikki 040.7.21-beta * r177 : Tagging as 0.7.21-beta
17:02.59*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
17:17.58Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r218 / (5 files in 3 directories): Added tag 3.6.6 for changeset 2cb0d290161d
17:18.02RepoCHANGED: Made SquaredProfiles savedvar global for sharing between characters.
17:18.07RepoFIXED: Add VersionSettings to SquaredConfigurator (was missed when adding to other .mods).
17:21.15*** join/#waruidev Flarin1 (n=mstamper@
17:22.01Repo10pure: 03wikki * r178 / (3 files in 3 directories):
17:22.03ComputerpunkAiiane, could you take a look at this?
17:22.06RepoAdded an expanded version display string to help determine the version the user is using.
17:22.16ComputerpunkCurrent bug: Drop Down isn't working at all.
17:22.26ComputerpunkI simply click and nothing happens.
17:22.30ComputerpunkNo errors, no anything.
17:22.39Repo10pure: 03wikki 040.7.22-beta * r179 : Tagging as 0.7.22-beta
17:24.09AiianeComputerpunk: you never add any options to it?
17:26.55ComputerpunkThey are added
17:27.04ComputerpunkComboBoxAddMenuItem(FPSOWindowName.."_cmbLName", L"FPSLow")
17:27.13ComputerpunkFPSOWindowName = "WarBoard_FPSOptions"
17:27.24Computerpunkgonna post the full code
17:27.45Aiianeoh, also
17:27.49Aiianedon't try to set a <Size>
17:27.53Aiianefor a combobox
17:28.14ComputerpunkNo sizing?
17:29.22ComputerpunkWill try without.
17:29.43ComputerpunkIn the XML, I only put the Combobox code.
17:29.59ComputerpunkThe size was causing trouble.
17:30.02ComputerpunkThank you Aiiane.
17:30.08ComputerpunkI can now release happily.
17:30.12ComputerpunkI am in your debt, once again!
17:30.52ComputerpunkDamn, you're smart. :C
17:31.37ComputerpunkThank you! Thank you! Thank you!:D
17:33.40ComputerpunkClosing on a release. :>
17:47.08WikkiFizzle~poke ckknight
17:47.08purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ckknight, pokes ckknight repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:47.51IndustrialComputerpunk: so I rolled a SH and I like it better then the DoK :p
17:48.03ComputerpunkSo then, you playing on it?
17:48.11Industrialyeah I think so :>
17:48.12ComputerpunkI could roll a Shammy.
17:49.11ComputerpunkIf you want, just tell me.
17:49.19ComputerpunkBtw, Ghost Division got GuildLaunch now.
17:49.59IndustrialComputerpunk: yeah would be fun to level together
17:50.07ComputerpunkWell then, I would roll one.
17:50.14ComputerpunkGot a SH to level 10
17:50.16Computerpunkand it's pretty fun.
17:51.11IndustrialI didnt think the squigs would tank for you so I never tried one
17:51.22Computerpunkthey can tank
17:51.26IndustrialI've played hunter for around 3 years in wow :p
17:51.27Computerpunkand they do it well
17:54.17IndustrialComputerpunk: my nick is wakkawakka
17:54.49ComputerpunkGotta do some last changes
17:54.52Computerpunkto WarBoard FPS
17:58.09ComputerpunkGetting some nice features in it.
17:58.34*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
18:01.14ComputerpunkRelease time
18:01.41ComputerpunkSent you a guild invite.
18:04.22*** part/#waruidev knix (n=jcm@unaffiliated/knix)
18:10.10*** join/#waruidev Fal (i=Liquid5n@
18:12.56Repo10warboard_fps: 03computerpunk * r13 / (4 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 2 lines)
18:13.01Repo- Added a more Complex and BETTER LOOKING GUI:
18:13.05Repo* Tan Borders.
18:13.10Repo* Sugar Color Text.
18:13.16Repo* ComboBox to choose which type of label to change.
18:14.59Repo10warboard_fps: 03computerpunk 04v0.2 * r14 : - Tagging as 0.2
18:15.03Repo- Changes in the previous Revision.
18:15.08Repo- +Update to 1.2.1
18:15.52ComputerpunkWanna start new chars then?
18:15.55ComputerpunkShammy + SH?
18:23.02Industrialwell I already made the Sh
18:23.39ComputerpunkSo, I'll just invite ya to the guild
18:26.22ComputerpunkWhy deleted?
18:26.41Repo10pure: 03wikki * r180 Source/Pure.lua: Version string test
18:27.42IndustrialComputerpunk: .. you want me to make a new char..
18:28.37Industrialwhats your char name?
18:29.07ComputerpunkGonna make new one too
18:29.53ComputerpunkGonna be fast
18:29.54Computerpunkget on ventz
18:46.16*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
18:46.16*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
18:46.59Computerpunkckknight :O
19:00.25ComputerpunkFixin' stuff thanks to Aiiane. :3
19:04.41Repo10wsct: 03Grayhoof * r18 wsct.mod: Updates for 1.21 structure
19:06.12Repo10wsct: 03Grayhoof 04v1.35 * r19 : Tagging as v1.35
19:07.56ComputerpunkGood .
19:49.24nicoli_shey, anyone in here try out the character profile stuff from the new patch?
19:49.36nicoli_si was just curious if the savedvariables are still in the same place
20:04.13ComputerpunkI could
20:04.17Computerpunkmy new mail is:
20:04.23Computerpunkold one got hacked
20:04.29Computerpunkstupid keylogger goddammit
20:04.36Computerpunkdon't ask how
20:05.03Computerpunkjust send
20:07.10nicoli_swell i dont actually need testing, i was just wondering if anyone had tried it out yet
20:13.19nicoli_sfuck fuck fuck, damn war doesnt even tell me where curseprofiler is failing :(
20:13.44ComputerpunkI got no patch
20:13.46Computerpunkon curse
20:13.47nicoli_smeaning i have no clue where its bugging
20:13.57Computerpunkthe curse profiler
20:15.17ComputerpunkI got: v020409b
20:15.28nicoli_si havent put out a new version yet
20:15.38nicoli_si thought the patch was tom, so id have today to fix it
20:16.40ComputerpunkWAR patch
20:16.46Computerpunkdon't have 1.2.1 yet
20:17.29*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
20:17.34*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
20:20.39nicoli_shave you logged on today? it just dled when i logged in
20:21.06nicoli_soh and im dumb, the game did tell me the error, i just mistook the error for another problem
20:28.08nicoli_soh sweet, thx aiiane
20:29.02Repo10autoband: 03Bola * r103 / (2 files in 1 directory):
20:29.06RepoChanged .mod for 1.2.1 (even if we EU have to wait still a day for it)
20:29.11RepoMoved mini map icon
20:31.12Repo10autoband: 03Bola 04v0.70 * r104 : New algorithm for category aggregation
20:31.17RepoUser can now kick all players which are not in the leader's or assistants' zone
20:31.49Bolaahm, can anyone from US test if AutoBand works on 1.2.1 ?
20:32.05BolaI just released a new version w/ .mod changes
20:32.43Bolathanks in advance :-)
20:35.33ComputerpunkLost my WSCT Settings
20:48.11nicoli_saiiane, do you have info on how to setup an addon so it doesnt say out of date in game?
20:48.20ComputerpunkHey, Bola.
20:48.30ComputerpunkMake a variable for the window.
20:48.38ComputerpunkAnd a thing in the GUI, where we can choose to hide it.
20:48.46ComputerpunkIt's rather annoying that it re-appears every update.
20:51.51BolaComputerpunk, I don't understand
20:52.06Computerpunkan option in the GUI
20:52.06Aiianenicoli_s: by reading my link, that's how ;)
20:52.07Bolathe window should never pop unless you click the map icon
20:52.19ComputerpunkWhere we could choose to show/hide the AB button.
20:52.26Bolaaahhh the button
20:52.32ComputerpunkI prefer slash commands for AB, dunno why.
20:52.38ComputerpunkYeah, that's what I mean. xD
20:52.41Bolaah ok, will do it
20:53.03Bolausually I move the ab button out of the way but I understand someone wants just to hide it for good
20:53.37BolaComputerpunk, do you play US or EU ?
20:53.37nicoli_syah aiiane, i figured that out
20:54.00nicoli_si noticed savedvariables are in a diff place now, do they never go in user/interface anymore?
20:55.37Computerpunki noticed savedvariables are in a diff place now, do they never go in user/interface anymore?
20:55.39Computerpunkthat hurt my eyes
20:56.17ComputerpunkAnyway, Bola, thank you!
20:56.28ComputerpunkCould be a simple Checkbox, I can give ya a template if you want.
20:56.40ComputerpunkGot one around.
20:57.03BolaComputerpunk, nah thank you. All feedbacks are welcome :-)
20:57.19ComputerpunkNo problem.
20:57.31ComputerpunkI always expect feedback, and don't get, so the least I could do, is give feedback.
21:01.34ComputerpunkAlso, another thing I would like: Having the possibility to not get [Autoband]: Done. Or whatever the text is. :3
21:01.59BolaComputerpunk, yep sure
21:05.15Aiianenicoli_s: it's part of the new profiles system
21:05.20BolaComputerpunk, you should have these changes for next version, it's on my todo now
21:05.53ComputerpunkThank you!!!
21:06.00Aiianenicoli_s: all settings are now at user\settings\SERVERNAME\CHARACTERNAME\PROFILENAME
21:06.15ComputerpunkBut, if we choose to have a global profile?
21:06.25ComputerpunkIt would take some more time doing copy pasting and stuff.
21:06.26Aiianenicoli_s: except for SVs with global="true"
21:06.30AiianeI forget where those wind up
21:09.32nicoli_smmk, i knew about the new ones, wasnt sure if user/interface was still used
21:25.18Bolawth, my open_party window is completely bugged o_0
21:31.30ComputerpunkThere's no open partyo_o
21:31.39Computerpunkthere is
21:32.01ComputerpunkBy the way, could anyone give me a screenshot of how the new respawn box looks like?
21:32.12ComputerpunkPeople said Blackbox might no longer be needed.
21:44.42ComputerpunkWhat exactly is the fix you have to apply to your addons?
22:00.44Industrialckknight: Where do I get the rss feed? :P
22:00.57ckknightno idea, don't deal with
22:02.13Industrialdoes curse have some irc channel
22:03.48nicoli_sthis is an semi-official curse channel
22:04.54IndustrialI'm not going to any forums with questions like this. cba waiting
22:07.40*** join/#waruidev Flarin1 (
22:20.34WikkiFizzlewohoo!  2 zone crashes in 10 minutes
22:20.39WikkiFizzle2 characters lost in the abyss
22:21.40WikkiFizzleDo I dare bring a 3rd out there
22:33.27WikkiFizzlelol 3rd toon gone
22:33.46WikkiFizzleOur elf tier is crashing every 3-4 minutes
22:33.49WikkiFizzletier 4*
22:33.59WikkiFizzlehm maybe its all of elf
22:35.08BolaWikkiFizzle, which server ?
22:35.53WikkiFizzlephoenix throne
22:36.25Bolapatch related?
22:36.40WikkiFizzleNot sure exactly
22:36.43WikkiFizzleGuessing so
22:37.01WikkiFizzleseeing there were approx 400+ people in the eataine area
22:37.52WikkiFizzleEver since the ostermarks transfer to our server the numbers have been staggering
22:39.06ComputerpunkImba feedback: Options need a fix and the window pops up at every log in.
22:39.18ComputerpunkI got the second part, but the first one?
22:39.44ComputerpunkReally helpful...-_-
22:40.26Computerpunkthe funny part is:
22:40.51ComputerpunkAbout the window pop...There's even a WindowSetShowing function in there.
22:40.58ComputerpunkI know.
22:41.11ComputerpunkThey gotta delete variables.
22:44.51Repo10warboard_fps: 03computerpunk * r15 / (3 files in 1 directory): -Fixed an issue with SavedVariables.
22:44.55Repo-More code cleanup.
22:45.34Repo10warboard_fps: 03computerpunk 04v0.2.1 * r16 : -Changes in the previous revision update.
22:51.06*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
22:53.42ComputerpunkQuestion: By changing .mod  <UiMod name="WarBoard_FPS" version="0.2" date="04/17/2009" > version
22:53.51Computerpunkdo the saved variables reset?
22:55.07nicoli_sthere's a new tag you use for resetting savedvariables
22:56.12Aiianeif you don't have a versionsettings specified
22:56.18Aiianechanging the mod version will still reset stuff
22:56.47Computerpunkwell, it's not 1.2.1 here yet.
22:56.55Aiianeif savedVariablesVersion is set in <VersionSettings>, then you can change the mod version and the settings won't reset
22:57.28ComputerpunkI know that.
22:57.33Computerpunkbut it's still not 1.2.1 in Europe.
22:57.49ComputerpunkAnd the user who reported the bug was EU.
23:03.26ComputerpunkI had this bug so long ago, that I forgot it even existed.
23:14.28BolaComputerpunk, which server do you play?
23:14.50ComputerpunkDestro side.
23:15.01ComputerpunkHave a char on Karak Norn tho.
23:15.08ComputerpunkI know you play there.
23:15.10ComputerpunkOrder side too.
23:15.19BolaI play destro norn
23:15.26ComputerpunkAwww...that's bad
23:15.35Bolahehe nah
23:15.36ComputerpunkI just left K8P some time ago.
23:15.42BolaI just like to be the underdog these days
23:15.44ComputerpunkWas Order side.
23:15.52ComputerpunkEltharion is extremely balanced.
23:15.55ComputerpunkIt's just that
23:16.00Bolaapart from K8P EU pretty much belongs to order
23:16.11Computerpunkpeople we're sleeping when Order capped IC.
23:16.24ComputerpunkWanna konw the exact hour when they capped?
23:16.47Computerpunk8:40 EEST.
23:16.56BolaI saw the vids, pretty sad
23:17.26Bolathe whole respawning on the same place + easy king kitting
23:17.26ComputerpunkIC rank 2 now.
23:17.39Computerpunkfrom rank 1.
23:17.43ComputerpunkIt's quite good tbh.
23:17.49Bolahehe nice
23:17.56ComputerpunkAnyway, Order got pushed back twice.
23:17.57Computerpunksince then
23:18.16ComputerpunkHmmmm...I'm thinking something.:D
23:18.33ComputerpunkName: FunkyFPS
23:18.38ComputerpunkType: CompactVPsx
23:18.46Computerpunka dockable FPS addon
23:18.58ComputerpunkHard work, but worth it
23:19.13Boladunno about other servers, but on Norn order learned that farming scenarios > orvr
23:19.14Computerpunkthere's only gonna be something bad
23:19.33ComputerpunkSadly, Order gets raped in Scs on Eltharion.
23:19.43Computerpunkbecause they don't have their best option: ZERGING
23:20.14ComputerpunkI have a humble question: What is that square rotating thing that appears in the middle of the world map in Scenarios?
23:20.37ComputerpunkOnly thing I'll need in this AddOn would be skins.
23:21.16ComputerpunkWould it be interesting Bola?
23:29.00Bolaskins for which addon?
23:29.45Bolagod this goldweed is impossible to level up
23:29.49Bolais this a bug or something ?
23:31.18ComputerpunkUhmmm, WarBoard_FPS.
23:31.28ComputerpunkMeaning, skins for dockable bars: WarBoard (have one), SNT (don't have)
23:31.51ComputerpunkYou know, SNT is with monospace ones
23:32.30BolaComputerpunk, tbh with you I don't user many addons ;-)
23:33.02ComputerpunkI got it
23:33.41ComputerpunkEven though my computer is similar to a Toaster.
23:33.46ComputerpunkI push it to max potential
23:34.15ComputerpunkGonna be similar to a super computer soon
23:34.55ComputerpunkOnly thing that's dragging it down is the Graphics card and probably the processor
23:35.24ComputerpunkIt's on 1.89 Dual core
23:35.31ComputerpunkNo overclocking
23:52.07ComputerpunkGnight people.
23:52.58Repo10pure: 03wikki * r181 / (4 files in 2 directories): Minor change to the default anchoring of the hostile hud.
23:53.02RepoAdded versioning info to the templates.mod.
23:53.07RepoMark 0.7.24
23:53.51Repo10pure: 03wikki 040.7.24-beta * r182 : Tagging as 0.7.24-beta

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.