IRC log for #waruidev on 20090415

00:02.52RepoNew project: HotbarMorale. Aiiane (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
00:03.07Repo10hotbar-morale: 03Aiiane * r1 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0 for changeset 5ea184688c4c
00:03.11RepoInitial commit. Allows morale abilities to be placed on the normal action bars.
00:13.48*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:13.48*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:19.58Daegalusoh snap. the Developer behind all the AnalogX applications is back, and has updated them all to play nice with new versions o windows. and he will be making more apps now
01:42.45art3misseems to be smissing some functionality though netstatlive i mean
01:42.50art3misi cant pic my nic
01:44.22Daegalusya not sure either, right now its ust monitoring everything
01:44.36art3misand has remote disabled
01:44.41Daegalusremote is working
01:44.46Daegalusrightlcick -> remote
01:44.51art3misguess it doesnt work properly in vista(64)
01:45.00Daegalusim running windows 7 64
01:45.09art3mismine says disabled
01:45.27Daegaluswhen i click remote, it asks for web addres to ping/traceroute
01:45.43art3misoh nm missed that
01:46.14art3misif only it coudl be dropped to the background like that winternals tool
01:46.18art3misthat would rock
01:46.25Daegalusit can.... go to configure
01:46.28Daegalusset X to minimize
01:46.30Daegalusand hit X
01:46.35Daegalusgoes to tray and minimizes
01:46.46Daegalusactually minimize does that too
01:46.51Daegalusit just idles in the try in the background
01:46.55art3misno i meant makes it part of the background
01:47.10art3mislike the winternals app ;)
01:48.30Daegaluswhatever works, just thought id post in here about AnalogX :P
01:48.35art3misyeah im stoked
01:48.39art3mislove thnis guys apps in xp
01:48.51art3miswas sad when it didnt work in vista
01:48.58art3misso hey since yer running win7
01:49.03art3mishow ya liking it compared to vista?
01:49.41Daegaluswin7 blows it out of the water and across the universe. wiin7 blows xp out of the water
01:50.20Daegalusi cant wait for RC1 though, imma do a clean install wind RC1 hits
01:50.32Daegalusonly 20 builds to go
01:52.52art3misheh yup
01:53.02art3misi tried explaining this to a co-worker the other day
01:53.19art3misif win7 can do what vista does only much much much better AND with less resources.....
01:53.28art3misthink of vista as windows ME ;)
01:54.03Daegaluspretty much. for me a good comparison of Win7: All the cool new shit in Vista + more, with the resource usage and management better than XP
03:40.59*** join/#waruidev DamgdMech (
03:41.32DamgdMechEvening everyone,. Anyone got a second for a couple ?
03:51.01DamgdMechI am tryign something simple. I want a message to pop into the chat window. This is my following code.
03:51.27DamgdMechI assume the War won't allow the call?
03:55.47*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
03:55.47*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
04:23.37DaegalusDamgdMech: that should work
04:25.11Daegaluslocal function print(txt)
04:25.21Daegalusthats the function i use in my code, same as yours really
04:26.55DamgdMechIt just stops the addon with that line of mine.
04:27.50DamgdMechAre you suggesting print( ? with how you have the print function?
04:28.45Daegalusya, but thats just to save time, both work, but it should print. do you have EA_ChatWindow as a dependency in teh addon?
04:29.42DamgdMechYes I cna send other messages to it.
04:29.47DamgdMechfor instance.
04:30.03DamgdMechfunction Rez.OnRButtonDownProcessed()
04:30.23Daegaluswell maybe doesnt return anything, or doesnt work?
04:30.26DamgdMechwhen I push down the right mouse button that pops up in the chat window
04:30.52DamgdMechWell it works in Lua but I don't know if War allows those calls.
04:31.08Daegalusthere is a different call for it in WAR, they ahve their own function for date/time
04:31.19Daegalusnothing from OS is allowed.
04:31.21DamgdMechIt isn't the true time.
04:31.35Daegalusthey have a truetime one i think
04:31.54DaegalusWAR uses a modified version of LuaPlus which is a modified version of Lua
04:31.55DamgdMechI will look closer in the API.
04:31.59*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
04:34.07DamgdMechI see ck has a datetime thing for warhammer. I will check that out as well.
04:34.42DamgdMechI only see a timer in the Google code.
04:35.32Daegalusit could be a C Funtion
04:38.16DamgdMechBut how would I access it through the wrapper unless I recoded something in the dll? I think that would throw up a flag to an integrity checker.
04:38.57Daegalussome c functions are available in lua
04:39.07Daegalussince lua allows you to call C Functions from Lua
04:39.19Daegaluslike WStringToString() and otehr things
04:39.42Daegalusso if they made a function that gets the time using C and gave you access to that function, you could use it in lua
04:41.00DamgdMechSo I can just code standard C in lua?
04:41.07DamgdMechin the wrapper that is.
04:42.14Daegalusno, not for WAR, it needs to be something mythic codes into WAR and allows you to use through their Lua implementation
04:42.21DaegalusAKA: you need to find that function
04:43.59DamgdMechSo back to the API to find their call :-(
04:44.09DaegalusDamgdMech: could help you out. Parses the log to get the time, but i swear i remember Aiiane or someone talking about a time function being added to WAR in 1.1 or 1.2
04:44.59DamgdMechThat libdatetime was what I mentioned earlier. The authour is Ck
04:45.23Daegalusthe author is Garko, not ck
04:47.26DaegalusDamgdMech: might help
04:48.15DaegalusGetTodaysDate() is for the date, not sure about time
04:48.26DamgdMechtag release-0.4.78a75d4f43014f1bfa2cf46c1c1437af7db2489c0Cameron Kenneth Knight <>2008-11-19
04:48.59DamgdMechThanks for your help!
04:49.06DamgdMechI will dig some more.
04:49.35Daegalusoh, dunno, just saw Garko was hte author of the project
04:49.38*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
04:49.40Daegaluson the project page
05:02.41*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
05:06.00seanziany idea why libslash won't be referenced from even though its in the add-ons folder?
05:09.24AiianeDamgdMech: GetComputerTime() returns seconds since midnight
05:16.31DamgdMechThanks Aiiane
05:17.22DamgdMechStupid they don't have something else. The timestamp in the Chatwindow is accurate.
05:19.44Aiianewhat do you mean?
05:19.52AiianeGetComputerTime is accurate
05:20.58DamgdMechWell if you use the Time Stamp option for the chat window it gives local time.
05:21.11Aiianewhich is what GetComputerTime gives you
05:21.26Aiianehence why it's called Get*Computer*Time
05:21.41Aiianeand not GetServerTime or something like that
05:22.00DamgdMechWell it gives the seconds past midnight, I could just run it through TimeUtils.FormatClock
05:22.23DamgdMechWhich is probably what it does,. humm.
05:23.52DamgdMechEA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring(TimeUtils.FormatClock(GetComputerTime() )))
05:23.55DamgdMechThere we go
05:24.01DamgdMechFormated time :) Thanks!
06:51.44*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
07:46.33*** join/#waruidev agx (
07:53.42*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
07:59.14*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
07:59.14*** part/#waruidev agx (
08:28.20ComputerpunkIndustrial, y'there?
09:16.29ComputerpunkAiiane: Thanks for the Morale Hotbar mod. <3
09:17.16ComputerpunkWish I had a credit card to donate.
09:41.54Computerpunk~seen Tortall
09:41.58purltortall <> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 34d 6h 56m 43s ago, saying: 'I have a PM with links to screenshots.  Enough to show me what broke, but I don't know if it's enough to fix it.'.
11:15.27IndustrialComputerpunk: at school
12:34.29*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
12:39.53*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
12:47.01*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
13:05.30*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
14:04.01*** join/#waruidev Doow_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
15:05.12*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:25.28*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
15:42.25*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle2 (
16:13.51Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme * r16 Source/DetauntHelper.lua: Fixed unecessary calls to TortalDPSCore.Reset
16:13.58RepoMade a change to how targeting worked.
16:14.04RepoAdded a custom NerfedButtons check.
16:14.10RepoFinalized changes for a release version.
16:17.42*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
16:39.10Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme * r17 .pkgmeta: updated optional dependencies
16:45.28Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme 04v0.4 * r18 : Tagging as v0.4
16:52.43*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
17:29.28Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme 04v0.5 * r19 : Tagging as v0.5
18:24.27*** join/#waruidev agon (
18:27.47agoni tryed to edit an addon thats not working anymore
18:28.16agoni understand what hes doing, but dunno whats wrong, how to fix it :D
18:44.24agongot an idea ?
19:05.51*** join/#waruidev ratty (
19:37.21*** join/#waruidev DamgdMech (
20:21.18*** part/#waruidev agon (
20:57.02*** join/#waruidev Skitskraj (
21:37.20Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme * r20 Source/DetauntHelper.lua:
21:37.25RepoAdded sound notification for Detaunt being available, it is the RVR_OFF_FLAG.
21:37.29RepoAdd a throttle that was missed in the Update.
21:38.06Repo10detaunt-helper: 03Shayme 04v0.5.1 * r21 : Tagging as v0.5.1
21:55.51*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
23:13.25*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
23:19.08*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
23:19.08*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
23:56.01*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)

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