IRC log for #waruidev on 20090406

17:25.12*** join/#waruidev purl (
17:25.12*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)). | Consider helping sick kids:
17:55.57*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=IceChat7@
18:34.07ComputerpunkSo silent in here nowadays.
18:38.55Aes[entfernt]^^hi all
18:43.24Aes[entfernt]do i need a different careerid table for scenarios ? ...   or is there a way to get the old careerids for all sc players ?
19:58.08*** join/#waruidev purl (
19:58.08*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)). | Consider helping sick kids:
20:03.41ComputerpunkAiiane: About macros, someone's asking me if it's possible to do a /script cast smth
20:16.16*** join/#waruidev ratty2 (
20:20.03AiianeComputerpunk: it's not
20:20.37Aiianeckknight: RoM is not 'hip'
20:23.47ComputerpunkYes, it's not hip. xD
20:23.55ComputerpunkIt's 100%-ish copy of WoW.
20:27.48ratty2Aiiane, does giving a pet a command need a keystroke, or would it be possible to create a mod that checked if the pet was in range for Run Away, Farty Squig and Tastes like chicken and if it goes out of that range get it to return to you?
20:29.00Aiianepet commands don't need keystrokes.
20:29.19Aiianehowever, I don't believe you can rangecheck pet abilities
20:29.53ratty2it's not pet abilities, it's abilities that you can use that need a pet in a certain range.
20:30.16ratty2they grey out the same as attack powers when the pet is out of range
20:32.09ratty2I find it really annoying if I need to runaway and I can't fire my power because my pet is somewhere humping a Bright Wizards leg.
20:36.01*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk2 (n=IceChat7@
20:49.01*** join/#waruidev TecnoBrat (
21:34.11Daegalusoh aiiane, through some hackery and apparently a really messed up regex that i have no clue how its working, i got my little regex issue solved, now i gotta figure out how to pull the video :P
21:34.41Daegalusif you saw my regex, you would probably want to commit seppuku
21:40.54nicoli_sregular expression
21:41.01nicoli_sthe most powerful computing tool known to mankind
21:43.49Daegalusnicoli_s: and i suck at it, took me 4 hours last night to get a somewhat working regex for what i needed
21:44.05Daegalusand even then it wasn't perfect and had to play some comparison matching with if statements afterwards
21:44.36nicoli_si can understand that, it took me a long time before i was anything but pathetic with regexes
21:45.04nicoli_sfor so long i was at the point where i could make them given enough time, but if i didnt comment them, good fucking luck figuring out what they mean the next day
21:45.25Computerpunk./wants to learn
21:47.01ComputerpunkHey nico, will you give me some tutorials one of these days?:3
21:47.54DaegalusComputerpunk: if you can figure out the following regex and how it exactly works. You will know more than me. Since i only assume i know how it works
21:47.55Daegalus(?=<a href="http://www\.crunchyroll\.com/library/(.+?)" title="(.+?)">(.+?) <img src="http://img1\.cdn\.crunchyroll\.com/i/icons/video\.png" alt="Image" /></a>)
21:48.16Daegalusand it doesnt even work the way i want it to
21:48.41Daegalusbut it was close enough to work for me
21:48.47Daegalusnicoli_s: check that regex above :P
21:49.14*** join/#waruidev Exxxx (
21:49.48ExxxxHi guys, it's not possible to get an addon to play mp3's right?
21:49.50ComputerpunkIt goes for the url
21:50.18ExxxxOr any other sound files for that matter ...
21:50.20Computerpunkand text gets some value if it's not specified
21:50.28Computerpunkand shows an image, and if not, the text image.
21:50.31DaegalusExxxx:  no
21:50.39nicoli_sdef computerpunk
21:50.41Daegalusunless its default built in game sounds
21:51.05ExxxxAh, thank you Daegalus.
21:51.45Daegalusactually what that regex does is return 3 values for me. the end of the link, the title, and the random whatever for hte 3rd one. the problem is, i needed it to match only lines that have that image after them. otherwise the ones without the image would not have any videos in them.
21:52.03Aiianenicoli_s: the most powerful computing tool, and also the most powerful obfuscation tool
21:52.31Daegalusso in the end i found out that the ones that go thte image, evaluated the 3rd value properly to = the 2nd value, while the ones without the image, had the 3rd value include a bunch of html in it, so 2nd and 3rd were not equal
21:53.22Daegalusya, my regex is really messed up
21:54.07ComputerpunkI don't get any piece of info you're giving me
21:54.10Computerpunkit's probably a bit late for me.
21:54.15Computerpunk1 AM.
21:56.19DaegalusComputerpunk: that is my python function, and the stuff at the bottom is example input
21:58.55Daegaluslike i said, really bad code/regex but i got past that, now i need to figure out how to pull the video, which now requires me to go ask the XBMC forums
22:08.53*** join/#waruidev ratty1 (
22:14.11ComputerpunkI'm off.
22:23.51nicoli_sdaegalus, one regex hint is using .*? which will match anything up until the next character
22:24.30nicoli_sso you could change it to (?=<a href="http://www\.crunchyroll\.com/library/(.+?)" title="(.+?)">(.+?).*?</a>)
22:25.27Daegalusya, but i still need it to match the <img> tag, i want it to only evalute patterns that have an image tag after the 3rd text
22:26.03Daegalusi want a really exact match.
22:26.31Daegalusbut thanks for the tip nicoli_s, i will use that from now on when i need to do that
22:28.57nicoli_swell then you can do (?=<a href="http://www\.crunchyroll\.com/library/(.+?)" title="(.+?)">(.+?) <img.*?/></a>)
22:30.43Daegalushmm ok, but wouldn't that be the same as having the full image tag there? since its the same image
22:31.18Daegalusthe problem with that, is that the first part still matches, and pulls info, regardless if it matches the image tag after or not, and it screws up some stuff
22:31.41nicoli_sso do you need that exact image url in it?
22:32.32Daegalusit doesnt matter, the problem si that it still matches lines without the image after it, regardless if i have the image tag there or not
22:34.22nicoli_syou working with xbmc on the pc or xbox?
22:35.41Daegalusok, your last regex works identically to what my current one does
22:35.59Daegalushmmm, if you had Rad Software Regular Expression Designer, i would give you the sample data so you could see what i mean
22:36.49nicoli_swell can you send me an example of what line you are trying to match?
22:37.32Daegalusi'll pm it to you, its only an excerpt of aobut 4000 anime on one page
22:37.45Daegalusor better, i will pastebin it so length doesnt get cut
22:38.50Daegalus thats what imusing to test it for better display o fhow it matches
22:39.30Daegaluspretty much this is the page im parsing:
22:40.21Daegalusand i only need hte ones with the little TVs next ot them because those are the only ones they have videos for. so pretty much cuts out like 90% of the stuff there if it works properly
22:40.56Daegalusbut as of now, its reading the entire pages anime, instead of the 93 that have tvs next to them
22:51.47nicoli_si dunno daegalus, thats a toughie, i played around with it a little but couldnt get it to work right either
22:52.50Daegalushehe, ya, dont worry, with the one im using, i noticed that only for ones with the video image, do the 2nd and 3rd value actually = each other. The ones that dont, the 3rd one has the name, but a bunch of html gibberish after it too.
22:53.30Daegalusso i just made it add only ones where 2nd and 3rd value =
23:02.27SkitskrajDo you fellows have any strong argument on which lua editor is "best"?
23:04.42nicoli_shex workshop ftw
23:06.40Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r212 / (2 files in 2 directories): CHANGED: Slight optimization tweak for warband updates, should help a tiny bit on the 'hitch' when people are added/removed/moved in a warband.
23:06.44RepoFIXED: The option to disable a particular type of status indicator should now be available as one of the drop-down options for that indicator's position.
23:07.16Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r214 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 3.6.4 for changeset 321c65cab12d
23:07.18Daegalusnicoli_s: ? O.o i just use Notepad++ i find it the best scripting editor
23:07.24RepoCHANGED: Slight optimization tweak for warband updates, should help a tiny bit on the 'hitch' when people are added/removed/moved in a warband.
23:07.33RepoFIXED: The option to disable a particular type of status indicator should now be available as one of the drop-down options for that indicator's position.
23:08.18Skitskrajany arguments as to why they are best?
23:09.35nicoli_soh i was kidding
23:10.27Daegalusjust usuability
23:10.34Skitskrajok =P thats why the screenshots looked very bizzare for me maybe =P
23:10.46Daegalusbut i am leet, i code in 1s and 0s directly to the processor
23:11.30Skitskrajfor me it takes a few days, and that goes directly to the trash bin =S
23:13.03Skitskrajcan notepad++ highlight the warhammer api?
23:13.29Daegalusif you create syntax highlights for it, yes
23:13.54Daegalusbut you have to do it manually. nothing atm can highlight war API except hte usual funtion/variable/ etc highlights
23:14.32Skitskrajok. and that should be simply to copy the definition file here right?
23:26.49Skitskrajis curse down, or is it my network thats spooking?
23:27.30vidharhas anyone seen mroffline recently and knows, what he is currently doing :P?
23:27.58WikkiFizzle~seen MrOffline
23:28.00purlmroffline <> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 4d 10h 10m 55s ago, saying: 'it's a pain -.-'.
23:28.27vidharoh, thanks :D
23:28.44nicoli_sSkitskraj we are having some problems at curse
23:29.36Skitskrajoh, that even sounded like insider info =O
23:30.04nicoli_sit is, the dev whos fixing it is right behind ,e
23:30.57Skitskrajok =)
23:32.04Skitskrajand now he solved it I see =)
23:32.15Skitskrajor she
23:34.37vidharcongratulations on getting a definitve gender ;)
23:34.43vidharand with that i am off, good night :>
23:34.51Skitskrajhehe =P nn
23:35.07*** part/#waruidev vidhar (
23:36.49Skitskrajto update a function once every minute, what would be the most efficient way?
23:39.22nicoli_skeep a counter in onupdate
23:40.34Skitskrajok, so addons like zTimeLib doesn't offer me anything good`?
23:41.28nicoli_snever heard of that one, but its pretty simple functionality, no need to use a lib when it can be done easy enough yourself
23:43.12Skitskrajye, I found how to do it on the warwiki, but thought I didn't wanna run the function every fram when I only need one run per minute...
23:45.21Aiianeeither way /something/ is getting run every frame

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