IRC log for #waruidev on 20090325

00:00.00*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (
00:29.47*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_AFK (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
00:33.32*** join/#waruidev Deflagro (
00:38.04Deflagrowhat happens if my hello world addon doesnt work o_O
00:44.26*** join/#waruidev Repo (
00:44.26*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
00:48.38*** join/#waruidev Repo (
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00:54.14*** join/#waruidev Repo (
00:54.14*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
01:02.44AiianeDeflagro: you try to figure out why it's not working, and learn from it :)
01:06.54Deflagrohah, thanks. I already checked mispellings and whatnot (im new to LUA/XML but not coding). I can tell you it doesnt appear in my mods list inside WAR. Ill check again but my main question was does the 'tutorial' still work?
02:28.48*** join/#waruidev Thrae (
02:39.29*** join/#waruidev Deflagro (
05:13.03DaegalusAiiane: thats pretty cool
05:13.28Aiianethat much cute should not be allowed to congregate
05:18.30branderici agree
05:20.25Daegaluslol, that is cute xD
05:35.20*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
07:00.45Aiianeim honestly sort of surprised squared has remained the top-downloaded addon for WAR
07:05.18*** join/#waruidev Gweniver (
07:36.30Computerpunk|AFKAiiane: Hey, I've got a question for you: Do you prefer sports or food?
07:43.53*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
08:00.46DaegalusAiiane: why is that suprising, its a great addon, one of the first broad appeal addons with good quality
08:01.16Daegalusyou also update frequently, and since updates count towards your daily download count, it gets bumped up
08:11.17*** join/#waruidev KDS|Thuggery (n=Thuggery@
08:41.22AiianeAll done adding Squared Import Format blocks to the user-submitted examples
08:54.03Daegalusnice, how long did it take?
09:13.53Aiianeabout 5 minutes apiece to enter each one
09:14.16Aiianeso about half an hour total
09:38.32Daegalussounds like it was exciting :P
10:04.06ComputerpunkSounds like I'm soon to be going to school :(
10:44.20AiianeAlso, I love when people bother to only get half of a story
10:44.32Aiianelike this:
11:09.53*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
11:10.02*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
11:27.14*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
11:41.50*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (
11:44.13*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
11:44.22*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (
12:21.31*** join/#waruidev Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
12:29.23*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
13:09.02*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk2 (n=pcpunk_0@
13:23.40*** join/#waruidev Flarin (n=mstamper@
13:36.41Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe * r263 / (2 files in 1 directory): Unstoppable should now work in all cases
13:36.46RepoFixed hpp default target
13:50.16*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt]1 (
14:53.08*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
15:02.19*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
15:04.05*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:04.06*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:30.33*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
16:24.24rattyhey peeps...
16:24.56MrOfflinehey rat
16:24.57rattysomeone posted this on SOR site.. it looks cool, but can anyone think of any issues with it
16:24.58rattyI too found Funk's issue annoying, so I fixed it on my local copy. I added event handlers for BEGIN_ENTER_CHAT and SEND_CHAT_TEXT which turn on and off a "chatting" flag (respectively) and then modified SORPager.SendDetails to not send updates while the user is entering text in the chat box. It prevents SoR from sending updates at the same time as the user sends text, so they don't receive the anti-spam cooldown message. If you
16:26.03MrOfflinehm, if the pager sends while someone is typing .... it could ioccur
16:26.26MrOfflinebut i think the solution tehy both used is quite nice
16:27.05rattyyeah.. this seems to make sense, just wondering if you started typing then focused away from the chat window it wouldn't update
16:27.23MrOfflinehm dunno
16:27.28MrOfflinehaven't played too much lately ...
16:38.46Thurmaybe there's another event for the chat window losing focus
16:39.40Thurmaybe not
16:44.31rattyyeah.. I need something for that event. as if you don't type anything and hit enter it doesn't turn off
16:45.05Thurhave you tested that?
16:47.38*** join/#waruidev smcn (
16:54.13Thurdoes that catch clicking outside the chat window
16:56.12rattyquote: Fired when the user presses the enter key to close the chat textbox, even if the message is empty.
17:10.06Thurmaybe there's something you can check to see if the chat window has focus
17:31.58rattyOK who has changed my picture on curseforge.. to a cat... OWN UP... it's not funny
17:34.27MrOfflinewhich picture yopu mean?
17:36.41MrOfflinehaha xD
17:36.45MrOfflineit wasn't me!
17:37.33MrOfflineim force top play a round of dota again :/ acu later xD
17:41.56rattyOK that's better no longer a CAT!!!
18:07.05Thurdude, you need a haircut
18:09.51Saint-Nhe's metal \m/
18:11.38Thurtoo blonde to be metal
18:12.10Saint-Ntell that to nelson!
18:12.24Thurnelson mandela?
18:13.58Thurthat is the gayest thing I have ever seen
18:14.24Saint-Nthey were a "metal" band in the 80s
18:14.44Saint-Nin much the same way that poison was metal
18:17.01ThurThat's it, i'm not following any more of your links
18:17.18Saint-Nstill thin nelson is the gayest thing?
18:17.58ThurI dunno.  Was that last pictures guys or girls?
18:19.43Saint-None of them is brett michaels
18:27.56rattyit's a really old picture.. I now look like this
18:40.57Computerpunk2I AM BAAAAAAAACK
18:41.11rattywhooo pee
18:41.17Computerpunk<3 Ratty!
18:41.46ComputerpunkThur, did you get the PM I sent you?
18:44.14ComputerpunkWell, I said something about Compact VPs
18:44.30Thurwhere'd you send it
18:44.34ComputerpunkIt went like this: Can we have any way to know if any Objective is capped?
18:44.40ComputerpunkI mean, like this
18:44.52ComputerpunkIf Order has 1 Obj, do a glow effect or a 1 number or smth
18:44.56ComputerpunkDon't know how atm
18:45.04ComputerpunkOr a number above the Icon
19:36.07*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk2 (n=pcpunk_0@
19:37.15*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
19:37.26MrOfflinehi marius ;)
19:51.04MrOfflinesorry i'm currently not in the mood to mod .... but i'll start again ... soon xD
20:01.18Computerpunk2Me neither, waiting for Don to get better
20:46.46MrOfflineman can we somehow force the dev's to implement custom sounds?
20:54.08Computerpunk2We can assrape them
21:00.23MrOfflineyou go ahead then :P
21:08.42ckknightsurprise buttsex!
21:12.10MrOfflineno wai !
21:49.16computerpunk[You] [Hack] [100] [Talib]
21:49.26computerpunk~seen tortall
21:49.28purltortall <> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 13d 19h 4m 13s ago, saying: 'I have a PM with links to screenshots.  Enough to show me what broke, but I don't know if it's enough to fix it.'.
21:55.17*** join/#waruidev ratty (
21:58.31*** join/#waruidev ratty (
22:05.04computerpunk@project warboard_fps
22:05.05Repocomputerpunk: WarBoard_FPS. Game: WAR. leodido (Manager/Author), computerpunk (Author). Updated: 3 days ago
22:05.08computerpunk@project xhud
22:05.10Repocomputerpunk: xHUD. Game: WAR. talvinen (Manager/Author), computerpunk (Author/Maintainer), Archbound (Tester). Updated: 11 days ago. Tickets: 12/43
22:05.12computerpunk@project sntbtn
22:05.13Repocomputerpunk: No project found that matches 'sntbtn'
22:05.19computerpunk@project snt buttons
22:05.21Repocomputerpunk: No project found that matches 'snt'
22:05.24computerpunk@project sntbuttons
22:05.28Repocomputerpunk: No project found that matches 'sntbuttons'
22:05.50computerpunk@project snt-buttons
22:05.58Repocomputerpunk: SNT Buttons. Game: WAR. DonKaban (Manager/Author), computerpunk (Maintainer). Updated: 19 days ago. Tickets: 2/3
23:44.05*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
23:44.05*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ

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