IRC log for #waruidev on 20090316

00:24.19*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
00:24.53Aes[entfernt]1ehrm ... maybe its for warband  thur ?!
01:34.00*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:34.00*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:00.04*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_Grrr (
03:05.17rattySorry about that Daegalus it sneaked it's way into the live release. I've removed them from the one I'm currently working on, but that's not going up just yet as I'm not entirely sure it's working properly
03:05.45Daegalusoh thats fine, i just thought id mention it just incase you missed it or something
03:06.03Daegalusi think most of us have done that at some point, os no worries
03:16.24rattyPutting in debug notes is the only way to check if things are working properly. it's a shame you can't filter them easily
03:24.48rattydoes this make sense by the way
03:24.49rattySome people might have noticed something wierd happening with State of Realm and the Quest Tracker. What has happened is I accidently uploaded State of Realms files to SOR X Buttons. I think this has lead to Curse thinking that you have SOR X Buttons installed and therefore it has added it to your upload list.. all you should need to do is delete the [b]SORXbuttons[/b] folder from addons and delete it from your curse client.
03:49.15art3misking dinosaur rocks
04:04.50rattyindeed it does
04:05.19rattyhas anyone done a mod that locks the chat buffer setting. it keeps reseting
04:11.28Aiianelocal d = function(...) if ratty_debug then d(...) end
04:11.32Aiianeput at the top of your file
04:11.43Aiianethen right above it, just have ratty_debug = true or ratty_debug = false
04:11.52Aiianenot quite that
04:11.58Aiianelocal mainD = d
04:12.04Aiianethen mainD(...) inside the iff
04:12.07Aiianebut you get what I mean
04:12.50Aiianelocal mainD = d local ratty_debug = false local d = function(...) if ratty_debug then mainD(...) end
04:12.52rattysweet.. that makes sense, I'll have to do that... even better have a seperate mod that loads.. and have it check for that mod.. don't have to change any variables that way
04:13.20rattyjust can pack and ship the mod
04:14.49rattybut won't that hide every debug message and mess it up for all the other modders that use SOR?
04:19.49art3misokay my e-cig rules
04:19.54art3misjust thought i'd mention it
04:20.23art3misi've only had 1 real smoke since i got this thing last thursday
04:20.42art3mis(and that one real one was to dry out my nose so it would stop running from the dust storm of cleaning today)
04:20.51Aiianethat's why it's *local* d, ratty
04:20.57Aiianelocal only defines it for the file :)
04:21.15art3misso if yer sick of the other chemicals in cigs but still want the oral fixation and nictotine give em a shot ;)
04:24.01rattyso you can have a local version of a global variable
04:29.44rattyI've just soloed a PQ.. and I'm too low for the item that comes out of the bag
04:29.57rattylol == win today
05:21.20ThraeUhh, how do I close the "Busted" window?
05:22.36ThraeGreat. I load "Busted" and it's Busted!
05:24.55*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
05:25.00ComputerpunkClick the Busted window again
05:25.37art3misthats ironic
05:34.42*** join/#waruidev ArnasXNA (
05:40.18art3mismy vicodin kicked in
05:40.58Thraeart3mis: You're like House.
05:46.22AiianeThrae: you close it the same way you opened it :P
05:48.09rattywould a close button be too much to ask :)
05:49.21ThraeAiiane: By clicking on the little "123 Errors" in the bottom right? Well I didn't think of clicking there. Hmmm.
05:54.53art3misnah i dont eat nearly the amount he does
05:55.16art3misi save them for times my neck hurts and i need to sleep
05:55.58art3mislike tonight
05:56.15art3miswhen i should have been to bed like 4 hours ago
05:57.22Aiianeratty: actually the only reason I hadn't added it was because I couldn't find a good spot
05:57.39rattyhmm top right?
05:57.54Aiianeno titlebar on the window :) so it'd overlap with stuff
05:58.02rattylike every other window in the game...
05:58.15Aiiane"every other window" are mostly ones that have title bars
05:58.15rattyI see the problem.... put a titlebar on it?
05:59.04Aiianeits meant to take up as little screen space as possible
05:59.05rattyI find your fear of Titlebars to be a bit strange
05:59.10Aiianeits not a fear
05:59.15Aiianejust like I said, a consideration
05:59.19Aiianea titlebar is mostly wasted space
05:59.38rattythat's true
06:00.26rattyanyhow.. time for sleep
06:02.24Daegalusaiiane, you could always put it on the bottom left corner. it will usually be out of the way there, errors usually arent that long to go that far
06:03.24Aiianemeh. we'll see :)
06:08.20Daegalusor you can go off the wall and make it appear only when someone rolls over that area to click it !
06:08.54art3misand bedtime
06:09.03art3misi hope demons dont eat me while i sleep
06:09.28art3misisnt this the part where aiiane kicks you into the lion pit?
06:09.52DaegalusI dunno, i have wings, and a duster. COuld get interesting
06:10.02*** kick/#waruidev [art3mis!n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu] by Aiiane (<insert lion pit here>)
06:10.28Daegalushat was awesome aiiane, i give you major props for that one xD
06:11.38Aiianewonder if he's coming back
06:12.04Daegaluswell he was going to bed, probably just decided to go
06:13.55Daegalusthis anime is really good for putting oneself in a good mood, the comedy is great, tons of paradoies, and all the humor is completely spontaneous and random. so awesome.
06:15.21Daegalusoh aiiane, have you heard of ?
06:15.27Daegalusits pretty interesting to read
06:16.32Aiianewhat anime
06:18.02Daegalusits really random, but hilarious type of random. I dunno maybe its cause Im usually random it appeals to me, but it is a really popular anime.
06:19.42Daegalusif you want to watch the first few 20 or so episodes streamed everything after 20 is i think for paying members still, but if you like it the rest is downloadable through torrents.
06:21.27Daegalusactually if i remember right hte first 1-2 episodes are kinda weird till you get used to it, from ep 3 or 4 it just funny
06:24.31AiianeI live on a college campus
06:24.41Aiianeif I want a given anime series all I have to do is look at network shares
06:28.27Daegaluswell, i forgot about that :P well check if out if you are interested then. I personally think i watch too much anime, but whatever xD if you are bored and need good anime recommendations, just ping me xD
06:54.08Arnaswould it be possible to change the colour of a specific person's text in the chat window? or like, copy what the specific person says, so I can display it in another place? The idea being to highlight the warband leader's text/orders :S
06:55.05Aiianeyou could create another filtertype and copy things from the filter to another filter
06:56.12Arnasyou mean filter type as in, SystemData.ChatLogFilters ?
06:57.14Arnassorry, i'm still trying to learn it
06:59.47*** join/#waruidev KDS|Thuggery (n=Thuggery@
07:00.02AiianeChatLogFilters lists the ones for chat, but filters are actually an inherent property of a textlog
07:03.55ArnasI haven't come across textlog, what is that? kinda like lower level thing for all text?
07:23.05Arnashmm googling it, did I understand it right that incoming text first goes onto the .log files, then the game picks up on what should be displayed and where (I assume via the filtering)?
07:48.47*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
08:13.02Daegalusgah, gintama gets better and better wih every ep. And with that, im headed to bed, night all.
08:22.20ComputerpunkBah, gotta sub Othello till tomorrow.
08:22.31ComputerpunkHalf of it already done.
08:22.51Computerpunkstupid movie not keeping the order of the lines in the book :<
08:37.39*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
08:44.33ArnasAha! Found that elusive TextLog! Bah, I'm gona hate the name choice forever. ...making me think of .log files and crazy chat systems ><
09:07.03*** part/#waruidev Arnas (
09:17.38*** join/#waruidev art3mis (n=IceChat7@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
09:36.16*** join/#waruidev Deron (
10:18.15*** join/#waruidev Fidge (
11:03.24*** join/#waruidev Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
13:09.31*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_Grrr (
13:23.40*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
13:51.03*** join/#waruidev Aes[entfernt] (
13:58.56MrOffline_Grrrwhat do you guys think about a third faction in WAR?
14:01.15MrOffline_Grrrjust read about it again.... and most people say that the game need a complete revamp for this. but there must be an eay solution (though i think it's impossible to implement a new faction due the current state of the game ... they need to fi that first)
14:03.18*** join/#waruidev Thurwell (
14:10.03*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
14:12.33*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_Grrr (
14:21.20*** join/#waruidev Fal` (i=Liquid5n@
14:35.31*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
14:57.31*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:57.31*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
14:59.32*** join/#waruidev mib_c3f8figa (i=628dad57@gateway/web/ajax/
15:05.57*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
16:23.10*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
16:33.44*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
17:07.21Thurlively in here
17:15.27ratty*whispers* very
17:25.41*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
18:03.04ComputerpunkAiiane, can you use ingame animation files in addons?
18:03.11ComputerpunkLike a spell texture or something?
18:03.37ComputerpunkMeaning using the front layer?
18:33.28*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
18:50.27*** join/#waruidev Nabreus (
19:11.32*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (n=opera@
19:34.02*** join/#waruidev NerfedWar (
19:35.49*** join/#waruidev NerfedWar (
19:54.42ThurI'm starting to develop a bad attitude towards bug reports since they're almost always due to incorrect settings or some other addon (except when I totally break something)
20:00.01MrOfflinewwhat kind of bad attidtude?
20:00.19WikkiFizzleJust do what I do Thur
20:00.33WikkiFizzleGive them enough attitude they either stfu or go elsewhere ;P
20:06.50ThurBad attitude as in I usually assume it's not my fault until I see multiple reports
20:06.56MrOfflineis there an alternative to ishealbot?
20:08.00Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r158 ConfigGui/HUDUFConfigGui.lua: config gui - bar fill
20:12.03Repo10pure: 03wikki * r171 / (10 files in 2 directories): Cleaned up a few files.
20:12.08RepoMark 0.7.18
20:12.24*** join/#waruidev smcn (
20:16.34Repo10pure: 03wikki 040.7.18-beta * r172 : Tagging as 0.7.18-beta
20:25.00Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r159 ConfigGui/HUDUFConfigGui.lua: config gui - bar bg
20:28.16*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (n=opera@
20:28.39ComputerpunkI gave one of the reporters too.
20:28.45ComputerpunkAnd he went crying to Pure.
20:28.54ComputerpunkSo expect a whiner soon.
20:32.24ThurIs that what we're calling users today
20:41.55*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (n=opera@
20:45.19*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk2 (n=pcpunk_0@
20:48.04Computerpunk2Well, when they don't set the user settings folder from read only to writable
21:00.25rattyyeah Thur.. tomorrow we are going to call them Moronic Luddites that expect everything handed to them on a plate
21:01.02rattydon't know what were calling them on wednesday though
21:02.47Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r160 / (2 files in 2 directories):  (Message trimmed by 5 lines)
21:02.51RepoAdded format support for title and level label
21:02.56RepoValid tags:
21:03.11Repo$title (state.word)
21:03.17Repo$lvl (state.level)
21:03.25Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r161 HUDUFBar.lua: removed debug statement
21:13.26ThurFor a while aii and someone wanted to make an addon coder's guild, I remember they were struggling with coming up with a name.  Death to End Users would have been perfect
21:13.30MrOfflinehey ratty what chars you got on eltharion?
21:43.02*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
23:15.34*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (n=opera@
23:37.07*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
23:37.37*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (n=opera@

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