IRC log for #waruidev on 20090218

00:13.19NechcknAiiane re: That is so very true, FFXI had 3 "factions", though not as noticable as in WoW or WAR, but it seemed to play out a bit better over all.  Nicely written/explained.
00:26.27*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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00:30.32*** join/#waruidev xd_ (n=xd@
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00:43.48*** join/#waruidev Scaythe001 (
01:33.27*** join/#waruidev Thur_ (
01:34.20Thurhmm, estimated q time on dark crag is 18 hours
01:34.29Thurnow it's 3 minutes.
01:35.29art3misheh 18 hour queues would suck
01:36.01ThurI'd just never log off, make a little macro to wiggle back and forth and kill the monitor
01:36.45Thuri never found the city pqs, art, but the sacellum dungeons were good for a lot of easy loot
01:38.20art3misthats good
01:38.29art3miskind of odd you didnt find it
01:38.40art3misseeing as how you had to run through it to get there ;)
01:38.49ThurSaw one when the giant broke free in the arena, so it's not like my display wasn't working
01:39.12art3misthey might have it no display if yer too big i suppose
01:39.20Thurbut I'm up to the point where I can use the stuff from T3
01:39.30ThurI dunno, I'll run my alt through some day and see
01:39.52Thurproblem is my main's a magus, great for burning down all the little guys but he can't finish the hero to finish the pq
01:39.58art3misits like right outside the east exit from apex, just outside and inside that sorta of building island thingy
01:40.20art3misright before the fighting level 22s on the way to arena
01:40.26Thurthe temple where the BFO is when the city's under attack?
01:41.08Thuraccording to that map there's a ton of pqs
01:41.18Thurwell, 6
01:42.32art3mistemple of the damned and inevitable rot were the two iw as thinking of
01:43.04art3misand chaos unleashed
01:43.05ThurI checked all 4 on that side, nothing except for the one in the arena, and that only is active when the giant is lose
01:43.23art3misahh must be levelish then
01:43.29art3misor rvr
01:43.36art3misi've always seen it and im 30 now
01:43.52Thurdunno what rvr has to do with it, city is one of the few places you're not rvr flagged on an rvr server
01:45.48Thurexcept when the city's under attack, which is like constantly
01:47.06Valkea1good night :)
01:47.13*** part/#waruidev Valkea1 (
01:48.56Thursunday was weird, we attacked altdorf in the morning and defended the IC in the evening
01:52.30ThurDur, apparently I just auctioned some stuff off for 1 silver that I ment to set at 1 gold.  heh
01:57.21Thuryay, 100
02:03.38*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=40513572@gateway/web/ajax/
02:45.20*** join/#waruidev onebit (
02:45.55*** join/#waruidev Scaythe001 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:45.55*** join/#waruidev Nechckn (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Admin/Nechckn)
03:17.51Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r18 / (2 files in 1 directory): Final alpha
03:19.53Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r19 PaintTheLeader.mod: Version update
03:22.28Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar 04v1.05 * r20 : first release for our Guild
03:31.01ThurI guess I should declare dufftimer a release, haven't heard of any new bugs in like a week
03:33.50Thurtho the settings aren't too clear, everytime someone complains it's cause they have it set up wrong
03:37.54onebitdeath to end users
03:39.38WikkiFizzle^ this
03:39.41WikkiFizzlekill them all
03:39.44WikkiFizzleungrateful fuckers!
03:40.25WikkiFizzleThe XZY addon doesnt work, and Im too stupid to read the instruction page so Im going to piss and moan on the forums with sand in my underpants hoping someone with atleast 1 brain cell can help me!
03:40.32WikkiFizzleend rant
03:43.13Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe 07NerfedButtonsRerolled * r198 / (4 files in 1 directory):
03:43.19RepoOnly the UI needs to be moved now, Checks and decision need more work
04:00.38Aiianethat said, WikkiFizzle
04:01.11Aiianeif it's not something *blatantly* stupid, it's quite possibly the fault lies with the design :)
04:05.07WikkiFizzleBy design you mean "intelligent design" ?
04:05.22WikkiFizzleCuz there is always a more improved idiot to be found
04:05.49WikkiFizzleLike that guy in the thread yesterday
04:05.58WikkiFizzleSomething wasnt working
04:06.03ThurI'm not a designer, it's entirely probably my design blows
04:06.14WikkiFizzleInstead of trying to help himself, he nerd rages on a message board
04:06.38Thuroh yeah, I saw that one, you were kind of indignant :?)
04:06.55WikkiFizzleI was an assface to him yes
04:07.10WikkiFizzleBut I put as much thought into my post as he put into solving his issue
04:08.01Repo10dufftimer: 03Thurwell * r98 .hgtags: Tagging as v2.0.13
04:08.18WikkiFizzleHe still hasnt PMd me, posted an issue on the tracker, posted on the curst page, or responded to that thread offering any additional information
04:08.29ThurThere we go, it's live.  omg, everything's different, I hate the colors (they sucked), why's the font different? (it's not), blah blah blah
04:08.50ThurI actually got a guy to send me his settings file today
04:09.10ThurBecause, according to him, setting a max number of buffs wasn't working.  Naturally, he had set the max to unlimited
04:17.31*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=40513572@gateway/web/ajax/
04:23.26`ZypherAiiane: for some reason and I'm too angry atm to figure out why
04:23.31`ZypherSquared is disabling itself
04:28.35Thurdeath to end users.  I think I"m going to make that my WHA sig
04:28.50`Zypheroh this is actually a bug so fuck right the hell off
04:28.55`Zypherand that is pretty much my slogan
04:28.58`Zypherso again fuck you
04:29.37ThurHMm, no, that doesn't seem to fit
05:08.52Aiiane`Zypher: ahroo?
05:50.20Daegalus brings back memories
05:53.17*** join/#waruidev onebit (
05:57.17*** join/#waruidev onebit (n=onebit4@
06:14.44`ZypherAiiane: you no read pms?
06:15.21Aiianethey weren't exactly very specific
06:15.28`ZypherI did /join player
06:15.36`Zypherand Squared went, hahahahaa no frames for you!
06:15.42`Zypherand set itself to disabled
06:16.58`ZypherI learned to count
06:31.05*** join/#waruidev purl (
06:31.05*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)). | Consider helping sick kids:
06:31.06WikkiFizzleOn both fo rme
06:31.29WikkiFizzleUsing 3.5.1  181
06:33.17Aiianenothing changed from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 that would cause that, though...
06:33.30`Zypherit's easily fixed
06:33.33`Zypherjust leave the party
06:33.34`Zypherand rejoin
06:34.04Aiianewhen you were logging in
06:34.13Aiianewas it after having been logged into another character that doesn't use squared
06:34.27Aiiane(or rather, has squared disabled)
06:34.39`Zypherboth has squared enabled
06:34.40Aiianemm, k
06:34.46WikkiFizzleFor me every time i reloadUI sqr is disabled
06:35.45Aiianeok, that I *know* I can't reproduce wikki
06:35.52Aiianehave you tried doing a clean wipe of settings
06:36.00WikkiFizzlenot yet
06:36.02WikkiFizzleone second mid pull
06:36.05WikkiFizzleon boss
06:36.24Aiiane(if you don't want to have to set everything up again, export the settings via the import/export window, then wipe the savedvars, then paste them back in and import them later)
06:36.51`Zyphergod people are so fucking dumb
06:36.56`Zypherdon't read the patch  notes...
06:37.53`ZypherAiiane: is the PTS up?
06:37.59`ZypherI know they are taking it down
06:38.39Aiianefor someone who just complained about people reading notes.... :P
06:38.43Aiianeer, not reading them
06:38.51`ZypherI said
06:38.59`Zypher(22:37) < `Zypher> I know they are taking it down
06:39.49`ZypherI need someone to halp me test Shadow Prowler nao
06:39.59`Zypherand your order :P
06:41.01`Zypherwell he's an idiot
06:42.05`Zypherokie day
06:42.15`Zypherwell by chance will you be around tomarrow morning?
06:44.21`Zypherand boo they have disabled rss feeds
07:24.59*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
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07:38.12*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)). | Consider helping sick kids:
07:48.25*** join/#waruidev purl (
07:48.25*** topic/#waruidev is | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | (22:44:20) God left the room (Kicked by Aiiane (Aiiane)). | Consider helping sick kids:
07:58.36*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
08:10.21computerpunkAiiane, I just noticed. I can't click on anyone on Squared
08:12.12Aiianego to the layout editor and move whatever window is blocking it.
08:12.25Aiianeor if you use xpanels, move whatever xpanel is blocking it
08:12.31Aiianeditto snt panels
08:12.47computerpunkI'm not using any panels.
08:12.57computerpunkThat's the weird thing.
08:12.58Aiianethen go find the window that's in the way.
08:13.10computerpunkThe Chatlog is a bit lower
08:13.12computerpunkLike 20x
08:13.23Aiianehave you opened the layout editor
08:13.51Aiianescreenie the layout editor for me
08:14.25computerpunkUpping on photobucket
08:14.56computerpunkit's in maintainance
08:15.00computerpunkany website recommendation?
08:15.37Aiianetinypic, imageshack, whatever
08:15.40Aiianedoesn't really matter
08:15.46computerpunksec, doing it.
08:16.49computerpunkChatlog is at the Action Bar Level.
08:16.54computerpunkTried lowering it, and still no change.
08:17.30computerpunkNot even right click is working.
08:17.40computerpunkAlso, something that's weird.
08:17.50computerpunkWhen I right click it looks like I'm right clicking Combat Log.
08:17.58computerpunkonly been happening since today.
08:19.26Aiianeare you sure your combat log isn't on top of it
08:19.38Aiianei.e. where the tabs would be
08:19.52Aiianetry moving the squared anchor up in the LE.
08:20.33computerpunkOh, you're kinda right. The tabs would be there if not for Chatty Cathy
08:20.54computerpunkYes, thanks it works now.
08:21.56Daegalusi think everyone would be running around with their heads cut off if it wasnt for aiiane being here. Including me xD
08:40.51*** join/#waruidev Thur (
09:26.54*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
09:27.01computerpunkAiiane, another quick question:
09:27.11computerpunkHow to change the font of Chatty Cathy input box?
09:27.26computerpunkThanks in advance.
09:30.43Aiianeno idea.
09:30.49AiianeI haven't used chatty cathy at all.
09:54.59*** join/#waruidev Aii ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:07.28*** join/#waruidev rmet0815 (
11:07.34rmet0815good morning everyone !
11:07.59rmet0815Aiiane, quick Q about PhantomLib: Is there a way i can get the current state of the window (e.g. hidden or showing) ?
11:09.31*** join/#waruidev Aiiane1 (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
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13:41.49Aes[gutgut]1does anyone know an easy way to check if the player is in a warband ?   (1.2)    
14:33.14Thursounds plausible
15:16.32*** part/#waruidev rmet0815 (
15:22.09*** join/#waruidev Scaythe00 (
15:22.21Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe 07NerfedButtonsRerolled * r199 / (4 files in 1 directory): Moved the ui, but it needs more work
15:28.29*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:44.11Repo10ttstatic: 03gutgut 04v2.8 * r6 : -- fix for the tooltips
16:35.36*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_On (
19:03.06*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
19:16.05WikkiFizzleAnyone worked with the CooldownDisplay UI elements yet?
19:19.33Thurshould be in all the action bar mods
19:27.16WikkiFizzleAll thats in the code is a single function and the xml definition
19:27.41WikkiFizzleFigured maybe someone had stumbled on a few more functions associated with it
19:33.39Thurnothing changes cooldown timers, so all you need is the firing event and a coundown, right?
19:38.20WikkiFizzleNo, Im talking about the UI element of type CooldownDisplay
19:38.24*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
19:47.04MrOffline_OnAnyone heard some comments about how the keeps will be designed in that new added RvR region with the live expansion?
19:49.45ThurDon't think that area gets added til pretty late
19:51.56MrOffline_Ontrue, but i hope they are gonna redesign the keep there
19:56.05Daegalusthere will be keeps in Land of the Dead?
19:56.23Daegalusi thoguht it was purely PVP with maybe a few capture points
19:57.24*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
20:01.10*** join/#waruidev computerpunk2 (n=pcpunk_0@
20:12.14ratty1Mythic's system for returning the zone to normal use makes no sense. It's still saying the zone is the Fortress long after the BOs in the center zone are up for taking
20:19.18*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
20:30.09ThurMan, reading my class forums is depressing
20:31.14Daegaluswhat class Thur
20:32.04ThurI need to start doing some research before I roll a class in MMOs
20:32.08Daegalusi hear you get jipped out of new mounts too
20:32.32ThurYeah, zilch
20:32.59ThurThe predominant theory is that since hardly anyone places a magus mythic doesn't figure they're worth working on
20:36.59Thurzero CC, low damage, crummy range... Like I said, shoulda done some research first
20:38.26DaegalusIm rerolling Choppa for sure though
20:38.27Thurthat's interesting, dark promise cloaks, accessories, and weapons are going away
20:38.38Thuri wonder why
20:39.13ThurI dunno, if you're going to be as squishie and low ranged as a mdsper it seems like the steath one would be the way to go
20:41.11Thurcourse if you're destro that means spending forever as a naked elf....
20:49.31*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
20:52.29Thurfunny, even the BWs think the engies are overpowered now.  On the destro side we still fear BWs
20:58.50ratty1I'm quickly changing my vier Thur.. everytime I go into scenarios now there is a wall of turrets
20:59.53ratty1they have killed Run Away... Weeeps
21:00.37ratty1it was hugely broken but it was our exploit (even though the exploit wasn't overpowered)
21:01.48DaegalusThur, I hate the impolementation of WE and WH. Especially now with the nerf to stealth and stealth openers to both sides. and I was always a Combat Rogue in WoW, I played non-stealth rogue assassins that were all based on high straight up damage, as quickly as possible but still had armor.and Choppa/Slayer are Medium Armroed, so they have more armor than WE and also have Wounds/Toughness tactics to increase HP
21:03.51ThurI didn't say I like how stealth was done, a guy 2 feet away from you that you're shooting magically disapearing is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.  BUt it is a huge tactical advantage
21:04.16ratty1yeah they should have added ninja smoke bombs
21:04.54ThurI went to read the engie forums to see what they think, kinda funny.  One guy mentions that engies are fine and shouldn't be nerfed in the same post that he mentions it sucks how in t1-3 you're one of 10 engies per scenario
21:05.16ThurApparently he sees no connection
21:06.44ThurSeems to me that I don't see that many engies in t4 (by which I really mean lvl40), so if they're that bad I haven't had to deal with it yet
21:07.08ThurI did, however, take on a 40 engie with a 40 magus and 40 sorc the other day.  He killed us both with no help
21:07.26ratty1I've seen so many in scenarios, A wall of turrets backed up by Warrior Priests that can wipe out a tank in seconds in CC and some BW to back them up.
21:08.21ThurDPSing WPs have always been insane though, 1.06 just made the healer ones better
21:09.12ratty1how can a phreaking healer out DPS a witch hunter, I laugh in the face of WH but WPs eek
21:09.15ThurFunny that the order tanks (SMs are who I was reading specifically), totally dismiss DoKs as opponents though.  I would hvae thought they're the same thing
21:10.01ThurWPs look like total spazzes when they're DPSing.  I always want to tell them just sit down and shut up
21:10.30Daegalusno, the lack of a few abilities that the WP get over the DoK, and the far better mastery trees make WP > Dok in both healing and DPS
21:11.45ThurAh.  Are these any mirrors where the destro one is better?
21:12.55ratty1Witch Elf maybe
21:13.24ratty1I know almost every Sorceress I no has almost given up on RvR
21:14.02ThurHardly ever see marauders any more either
21:15.39Ycrosbalancing is really really hard, especially with hybrid classes
21:15.46ThurLot of complaining about SHs in here and their 110 ft range.
21:16.11ThurWhich SWs get too, but I don't see many SWs.  Used to be tons of them around
21:17.54Thuror maybe I just never target them cause they're that far back so I think they're not there?  It's plausible
21:19.20ratty1the 110ft range is only with horned squig out.. so it's identical to a stace
21:20.48ratty1and your doing less damage if you do it.. because you don't have All by myself on
21:22.40Thursquigs are just stances in disguise
21:23.18Aiianeratty1: sorcs should be back in rvr after 1.2
21:23.29Aiianewith the soft-caps to resistances going in
21:24.59ratty1that is true
21:25.11ThurDoesn't seem to be much info on the slayer/choppa out there.  Their class mechanic is hitting multiple people..but that's about all I see
21:25.37ratty1Aiiane, why oh why is Mythics zone reset after sieges/fortresses so messy?
21:25.56Aiianebecause it's simplistic?
21:28.42ratty1Things update so slowly in such a wierd way.. it's still saying the contested zone is the fortress when BOs are being taken and the map shows it to be Thunder Mountain
21:44.28Aiianewhat's still saying?
21:48.37Thurcompact vps takes a minute or so after a fortress falls to show the zone as locked, that's about all I've noticed as far as acting weird
21:50.20Thurmaybe it's something I can improve on, but I don't really care enough to work it out
21:54.39ratty1contested zone
21:55.25ratty1I'm having real problems with my mod falling over after a fortress take fails. and it's really hard to debug
21:56.44ratty1as it happens about once a night and things don't seem to update in a sensible order
21:57.04computerpunk2Umm...Thur, I got a question: Is there any way to disable Campaign Tracker and SoR from showing on Compact VPs?
21:57.11computerpunk2When I right click?
21:57.48Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r119 / (5 files in 1 directory): Added missing dependency
21:57.53RepoDone 1.1.1 homework
21:57.57RepoPreparation for 1.2
21:58.27ratty1hey comp punk
21:58.31computerpunk2Hey there.
21:58.52ratty1ta for all the positive comments
21:58.52computerpunkBetter now. :3
21:59.35ratty1better now?
22:00.25computerpunkThe name
22:00.27computerpunkIt was +2
22:00.48ratty1how do you reset it in here?
22:02.07computerpunkwith /nick -name- without the hypens
22:03.03computerpunkWell, SoR is pretty fine with me :3
22:03.14computerpunkI just want to get rid of the right click option in cVPs
22:03.29computerpunkand for Campaign Tracker
22:03.45computerpunkI find the latter pretty useless since I already got SoR.
22:03.50Ratsugyeah why would you want to hide State of Realms
22:03.58computerpunkDon't ask me.
22:04.05computerpunkI use Mirage just for now showing it in Scens.
22:04.11RatsugI was winding Thur up
22:04.22computerpunkLike press T and ta-daaa.
22:04.46RatsugI've almost got in zone BO tracking going
22:05.04computerpunkHe should make a if for showing up the right click commands. :3
22:05.13computerpunkLike if you got SoR installed
22:05.18computerpunkthen screw Campaign Tracker
22:05.24computerpunkmy opinion:3
22:07.12computerpunkOr we should get the option in the GUI.
22:07.28computerpunkChoose which you would like not to have in the Right Click Options panel.
22:07.38computerpunkI'm giving suggestions, that's all.
22:07.55RatsugRight Comp Punk. The Obj Tracker in SOR now pops if a BO gets taken in any other zone
22:08.09computerpunkGood, Good.
22:08.17computerpunkAddon Chat?:3
22:09.03computerpunkLove that thing.
22:09.11computerpunkIt seems it only got one condition.
22:09.15computerpunkAt least one person in that area.
22:09.33computerpunkI know it's not my problem but I'm trying to be sure
22:09.38RatsugNow should I make a new type of Bar that goes into the ObjTracker bit that appears when keeps are taken?
22:09.40computerpunkis it an optional dependency?
22:09.50computerpunkHmmm, maybe a flash on the icons.
22:09.51Ratsugit's built in
22:10.07computerpunkSo, it's own channel like Nobby's Nuts.
22:10.24computerpunkSoR is really nicely coded.
22:10.36Ratsugreally, I thought it was a mess
22:11.19computerpunkI could understand the code.
22:11.42computerpunkNow I haz a question for ya.
22:12.04RatsugOh... one of my Test subjects has logged in T3 Dwarf vs Orcs.. Mu ha ha.. more test data
22:12.29Ratsugyep, what's the question
22:12.50computerpunkWould you mind doing a joint continuation on xHUD?
22:12.53ThurWhy are you right clicking on cvps if you won't want to see those
22:13.06computerpunkHide Scenario Tracker?
22:13.50computerpunkRatsug: I've been thinking of it for some time, and Talvinen gave me a green light.
22:13.57ThurOh.  well to answer your question: no
22:14.51RatsugAt the moment SoR is a full time project.. and I don't particualary like XHud..
22:15.46computerpunkNp, I got the idea.
22:16.21computerpunkCuz I wanted to give it a few extra stuff at least. Don't want it to die that easil.y
22:16.22Ratsugbtw what do you think of the new bar colour options
22:16.35computerpunkWell, I use Realm ones.
22:16.50computerpunkDon't quite need them either. I don't have T4 Chars.
22:17.31RatsugI like Nightmare as it's not so overwelmingly bright
22:18.08Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r21 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added command /ptl noself
22:18.12computerpunkImo, Bright Colours are easier to check.
22:18.13Repo(no Symbol, if i'm the leader)
22:18.37computerpunkJust imo.
22:18.47RatsugThe Realm colours were originally done like that because I knew all zone tracking would be implemented in the end, and when you had stuff popping in all zones it would get hard to read
22:21.19computerpunk1. I need a widescreen and a better graphics card. >_<
22:21.28computerpunk2. I'm going off guys, need a good night's sleep.
22:21.48Repo10pure: 03wikki * r139 / (10 files in 2 directories):
22:21.53RepoInitial submission of the new effect tracker design with functionality to bring it in line w/ the default effect tracker.
22:29.10computerpunkCya guys, I'm off for sure now. Happy modding!
22:30.13computerpunkAiiane, I'll say this one last time. I'll stop bothering you in any case. Just wanting that simple addon. :3
22:32.07Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar 04v1.06 * r22 : V1.06
22:32.09RepoAdded command /ptl noself
22:32.14Repo(no Symbol, if i'm the leader)
22:58.27Ratsugthat was the coolest ZERG ever
23:00.40RatsugI don't mind dying to a firing line of 9 Shadow Warriors, it looked so cool
23:06.20RatsugAnyone know about chat commands?
23:17.35*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=40513572@gateway/web/ajax/
23:22.28*** join/#waruidev Aiiane1 (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
23:22.28*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane1] by ChanServ
23:25.29Daegalusaiiane, Free Character Transfers, Sylvania -> Volkmar, Gorfang, Vortex
23:55.20Aiiane1sylvania is probably going to volkmar

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