IRC log for #waruidev on 20090217

00:17.19Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r5 / (3 files in 1 directory): -added pic
00:18.39`ZypherAiiane: yah, loved it
00:57.14`ZypherAiiane: is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to call ActionBars:CreateBar on the fly?
01:19.25*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:19.25*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:22.22*** join/#waruidev osteopath- (n=osteopat@
01:29.10Aiianecan't think of one `Zypher
01:46.17Thurwelldamn, I thought easy PQs didn't end in heros
01:47.58*** part/#waruidev Scaythe00 (
01:52.10Thurwellhey, and that pq read as normal yesterday and it's easy today.  I think the problem is just that I"m not seeing what the real difficulty is
01:55.43Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe 07NerfedButtonsRerolled * r195 / (6 files in 1 directory): little by little
02:16.11Valkeagood night
02:16.29*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
02:25.01*** join/#waruidev Aes[gutgut] (n=feed@
02:25.26Repo10pure: 03wikki 040.7.9-beta * r134 : Tagging as 0.7.9-beta
02:48.32*** join/#waruidev Aes[gutgut]1 (
04:20.35*** join/#waruidev vidhar (
04:23.15Aiianegod UML sucks.
04:30.48ratty1isn't it just a way of drawing pretty looking diagrams to put on your wall for Geek Chik?
04:32.09ThraeMan, this channel gets quiet.
04:32.17vidharfor me it's a way to draw pictures of something what would make more sense to me if written in a programming language :p
04:33.56*** join/#waruidev beatrixk (
04:34.18ratty1is it a way of persauding project managers that your doing a lot of work, so you can get on with the important job of surfing the web and chatting on IRC?
04:37.13*** part/#waruidev vidhar (
04:38.28MrOffline_OnAiiane: i totally agree!
04:46.38WikkiFizzleWas I too harsh?
04:47.40ratty1Maybe. but it needed to be said
04:48.19WikkiFizzleI wasnt sure if I used 1 too many +s or not
04:48.52ratty1ARGH.. I don't even know where to start
04:50.22ratty1Well I guess start by encoding the string I want to send to all other copies of the mod, then try to work how to send it, then work out how to recieve it.
04:50.59ratty1then work out the algorithm to everyone is not spamming the channel constantly.
04:52.07ratty1So how do you find out the system time?
05:15.53*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_On (
05:30.04Aiianeratty1: now that they've actually added it as an API call, you can just use GetComputerTime()
05:30.21Aiianeused to be that you had to grab chat log timestamps and then keep track of it yourself
05:32.27ThraeI'm using TextLogAddEntry triggered from OnChatTextArrived. How do I ignore what I just added?
05:33.51ThraeGameData.ChatData doesn't seem to indicate the channel #.
05:35.43ratty1that is not so useful. I'm after the server time so I can sync after messages are send
05:37.37ThraeEh. I'll use a file-scope local. It's hacky but it should work.
06:40.41ratty1hmm anyone know how to get the server time, need to put a val in table for the time when an event happens
06:43.04ratty1and it can't be different from user to user
07:24.29Aiianeyou can't, afaik
07:28.04ratty1right so how would you sync two users.. for example if you had a Obj captured at x time, how would you inform a second user over a channel when it was taken.
07:28.18`Zypheron the event
07:28.21`Zyphersend a chat message
07:28.27`Zypherthen have their addon monitor that channel
07:28.29`Zypherfor that message
07:28.53`ZypherAiiane: they added GetComputerTime()!?
07:29.26ratty1yeah. but that would be different for every user
07:29.37`Zypherhow do you mean?
07:30.02ratty1well everyones computer clock will be at different times
07:30.15*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
07:30.23`Zypherthen send the time aswell
07:30.35computerpunkI posted some bugs for Mirage.
07:30.49ratty1that makes sense
07:30.50computerpunkOn Curse Comments.
07:31.00`Zypherratty1: I had bossmods early on
07:31.05`Zypherwhen we were doing Bilerot and LV
07:31.10`Zypherand what I would do was....
07:31.19computerpunkTint settings aren't saving.
07:31.29computerpunkAlso Minifriends resets position to middle when I put it in Mirage.
07:31.32computerpunkAlso, I can't change their window dimensions without toggling them to hide. I mean, they gotta be hidden to be edited in the Layout Editor.
07:31.35computerpunkAlso, if shown, they got over the World Map screen.
07:31.42`Zypherratty1: have everyone join a common channel, then send the timers name, the time, and a couple other things
07:31.46computerpunkHappened with dTactics too, so it might be a show addon bug.
07:31.48`Zypherwhenever it picked up a combat log message
07:32.35ratty1so I would send... Time/ObjNo:ObjSide:ObjKnown:ObjChangeTime/ObjNo:ObjSide:ObjKnown:ObjChangeTime/ObjNo:ObjSide:ObjKnown:ObjChangeTime/ObjNo:ObjSide:ObjKnown:ObjChangeTime
07:32.58ratty1what would you do about chat lag
07:37.07`Zypherit's an iffy system
07:37.18`ZypherI remember old wow addons used to do it aswell
07:37.23`Zypherbefore they added addon channels
07:45.28`ZypherAiiane: ??
08:06.52*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
08:09.46*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
08:19.35Aiiane`Zypher: hm?
08:19.45`Zypheroh hai ms spiffy
08:19.58`Zypherdid they actually add a way to get local time?
08:21.59Daegalusisnt it GetComputerTime()?
08:22.24`Zypherwhen did they add that?
08:22.30Daegalusno clue
08:22.32Daegalusmaybe 1.1
08:22.46Aiianecomputerpunk: you know the ticket system exists for a reason, right?
08:22.56`Zypherit looks like it only does h/m
08:23.10Aiianeum, no?
08:23.13`Zypherwhat does it do
08:23.20`Zypherthat was before I ran it a few times
08:23.23`Zyphershuuuush :P
08:23.35Aiianeseconds since midnight
08:23.57`Zypheranyways, before I left to see taken -> hockey
08:24.13`Zypherwhy does it yell at me for using ActionBar:CreateBar
08:27.34AiianeI already responded to that
08:27.41`Zypherim sorry
08:27.48`ZypherI wasn't around to read it
08:27.54`Zypherpwetty pwease?
08:29.24Daegalus`Zypher: what bar addons do you use?
08:30.28Daegalusand the answer Aiiane gave you was: 17:28Aiianecan't think of one `Zypher
08:30.39`Zypherit's my own
08:30.45`Zypherim just trying to figure this out
08:30.50`Zypherin development
08:31.03Daegalusah ok, was wondering how you got spacing between the buttons :P
08:31.34`Zypheryou can do it with Tasty
08:31.41`Zypherbut "Barnacle"
08:31.50`Zypherwill have spacing, columns, textures
08:31.57`Zyphermore like Bartender
08:32.04Daegalussounds good
08:32.17`Zypherbut I want to cheat
08:32.25computerpunkWell, there already is something
08:32.31`Zypherand use what EA has already put to use
08:32.32computerpunkThat does texturing, spacing and stuff
08:32.40computerpunk'Tis called SNT Buttonz0rz
08:32.46`ZypherI looked at that
08:32.49`Zyphernot what I want
08:32.54`Zypherso I'll make mine
08:33.33computerpunkI'm thinking xHUD
08:33.36computerpunkAnd continuing it
08:34.03Daegalusim thinking of forking Autobar and SNT though, since both have been dead on development, after Pouches is done
08:34.19computerpunkSNT is back in business.
08:34.29`Zypheri don't know why people like those foobar addons
08:34.30Daegalusya sorry
08:34.32Daegalusi just noticed
08:34.32computerpunkNext version in 2 days.
08:34.34`Zyphernever had a use for em
08:34.50Daegalusawesome, then i wont have to. glad SNT is back, i like his stuff
08:34.58Daegalusand they are good for quick info
08:35.07Daegalusand SNT allows you to have things setup your way
08:35.16Daegalusyou can make a border around your buttons with it
08:35.20`Zyphersooooo uhhh
08:35.26Daegalussince each module is seperate from the others
08:35.39`Zypherim all about having things not look dorky
08:36.17`Zypheranyways did anyone give that screeny a look?
08:36.20computerpunkWell, do you guys use xHUD?
08:36.30`ZypherI hate huds :P
08:36.38`Zyphertoo much uggo
08:36.41computerpunkI know
08:36.53computerpunkare these ideas good?
08:36.57computerpunkMoar Custom Textures
08:37.08computerpunkAbility to Widen / Tighten the area between the bars.
08:37.22computerpunkAdd Duff to Buff Bars (aka curved)
08:37.43Daegalus`Zypher: thats what my UI looks like atm. put it on HD and go in like 2 -3 minutes
08:37.59`ZypherI'm also porting class timers to war :P
08:38.14computerpunkI posted mine on Warhammer Alliance
08:38.24`ZypherDaegalus: so your the one who posted this videa
08:38.28computerpunkBoth Objective Tracker and SoR?
08:38.32`Zypherthe bloom hax is too lame
08:38.58`ZypherSee Daegalus
08:39.05`ZypherI hate having that much crap on my screen
08:39.30Daegaluswell the nam eDaegalus is the account for the video O.o
08:39.40Daegalusi like the bloom so its fine
08:39.40`ZypherI didn't really watch
08:39.59Daegalusno i mean the video poster is Daegalus
08:39.59`ZypherI was tinkering with EAX
08:40.00Daegaluson youtube
08:40.03`Zypherbut I dun really like it
08:40.10`ZypherI wasn't all that interested in who it was :P
08:40.26Daegaluslol, anyways, im redoing my UI entirely soon
08:40.32`Zyphersee again (no offense)
08:40.34Daegalusespecially now that SNT is back
08:40.45`Zypherthat bar aacross the top
08:40.47`Zypheris uggo
08:41.05`Zypherwhat you should do with xHUD
08:41.11`Zypheris offer the ability to anchor it to your character
08:41.25`Zypherthat would be fun
08:41.36Daegalusthats WARBoard
08:41.40Daegalusi dont like it either
08:42.02computerpunkWell, I need stuff like that to sohw my info
08:42.08`Zypheryou need?
08:42.17`Zypheronly things you need
08:42.27`Zyphertarget / player / friendly
08:42.35`ZypherAiiane: what ever happened to ToT?
08:42.54`Zypherdidn't they say they were adding ToT?
08:43.10AiianeI think they decided to just go with main assist.
08:43.16`Zypherthought so
08:43.22Daegalushmm, i see why DonKaban came back, its cause of the Russian WAR
08:45.25Daegaluswell with Mirage, imma make mine more like yours Zypher, but will use Mirage to show/hide everything else
08:46.36`ZypherAiiane: could you look at that screenshot?
08:46.45Aiianewhat screenshot?
08:46.48`Zypherdas one
08:47.13computerpunkyou read the comments I made to Mirage?
08:47.56AiianeI did. I was just saying that the ticket system exists for exactly those kinds of things
08:48.00Aiianerather than the comment box
08:48.12computerpunkCURVED MORALE?
08:48.23computerpunkI know, just that I didn't have time when I posted.
08:48.24Aiiane2 of them will be fixed tonight, 1 of them isn't something that's an issue with Mirage, but rather with that particular addon's way of doing things, and one of them is by design
08:48.59computerpunkI /need.
08:48.59`Zyphervery early version
08:49.02AiianeI dun see what the obsession is with curved morale
08:49.08Aiianetakes up more space for no particular reason
08:49.11computerpunkThe one with the World Map?
08:49.38AiianeLOL @ you having a character named Rhadamant, `Zypher
08:49.46Aiianedoes he know about this? :P
08:49.58`Zypheroh no
08:50.03`Zypherbut it wasn't from him
08:50.08`Zypherit was D2
08:50.11`Zypherbut he reminded me of it
08:50.35`Zypherbut what's my issue with this!!!
08:50.41`Zypherstop loling at my bad naming
08:51.19Aiiane`Zypher: the assertion that's failing for you in that screenshot is that a frame of the same name doesn't already exists
08:51.35Aiianeso since the assert is failing, it means you're trying to create a frame with the same name as one that already exists
08:51.49`Zypherbut I'm destroying it before calling that function
08:52.00Aiianeframes are not windows
08:52.06AiianeDestroyWindow will NOT get rid of the frame
08:52.17`Zypherhow will I go about doing that?
08:52.37`Zypherweee <3
08:53.15ratty1right next thing to do is check if any messages are comming in from a channel
08:53.45Aiianecomputerpunk: if your question about the world map was referring to the 'by design' comment, then the answer is yes
08:53.45`ZypherAiiane: that was something I would never have known :P
08:54.02DaegalusO.o there was an interface.myp patch just now
08:54.09Aiianeonly a very small one
08:54.39Daegaluswonder what they "fixed"
08:54.59Aiianedoesn't necessarily have to be a fix. certain things like live event UI data are stored in interface.myp
08:55.04computerpunkYes, I was referring to that.
08:55.34`ZypherAiiane: I luff you
08:55.48Aiianethe dashboard is intentionally at a higher level than most UI components, so that if one desired, one could have things on top of normal UI elements, and only turn them on when wanting to access them
08:55.57Aiianesimilar to the Expose feature on Mac OS
08:56.07`ZypherAiiane: similar to Seerah's thingy!
08:56.18`Zypherleme find
08:57.09`ZypherI don't think she updates it anymore
08:57.15`Zypherbut she used to have something similar for wow
08:57.18`ZypherI used it for a while
08:57.58computerpunkHide it please ain't working anymore
08:59.03Aiianemeh. use kwestor instead of the default tracker anyways
09:00.48computerpunkI was talking about the PQ thing
09:01.08computerpunkNo need to do it for the Quest Tracker
09:01.29computerpunkAiiane, what do you think about my UI?:3
09:01.51`Zyphershe doesn't think
09:01.56`Zyphershe has others who think for her
09:02.13`Zypheryou have made me a very happy camper
09:03.25AiianeI've seen enough UIs that most of them don't really stand out as anything special to me anymore...
09:03.45`ZypherAiiane: has rachel been around vent recently?
09:04.17AiianeI think I remember her being on briefly a few days ago, but not more than that
09:04.24`Zypherah k
09:04.32`Zyphershe and squall broke up iono if you know
09:04.41`Zypherthat was a couple weeks back
09:05.25`Zypherim super fucking lazy
09:06.10Aiianehmm, that connects a few dots `Zypher
09:07.52Daegalushey zypher, any ETA on Barnacle?
09:09.00`Zypherhowever long it takes to iron out everything
09:10.09`Zyphermost everything works atm
09:10.19`Zyphersept some config stuff
09:10.50Daegalusok, just asking cause i was looking for something that lets me add spacing to buttons
09:11.15`Zypheryou could just cheat
09:11.21`Zypherand modify the savedvariables
09:11.27`Zypherfor the actionbarclustermanager
09:11.29`ZypherI fink
09:12.43Repo10mirage: 03Aiiane * r7 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.3 for changeset fe56c9a85466
09:12.48RepoFIXED: Tint setting should now properly save.
09:12.52RepoFIXED: Attached windows should be movable in the layout editor even when the dashboard is visible.
09:13.06Aiianethat's basically what Vertigo does, `Zypher
09:13.15Aiianeexcept in a slightly more user-friendly manner
09:13.25computerpunkWhat's the skin you use for the Minimap?
09:13.35`Zypherit's legacy
09:13.44`Zypherlook hard enuf and you can find it
09:13.57`Zypherit's going to be in the options for zMinimap aka Minmap
09:15.37computerpunkAh, you're the writer xD
09:16.06`ZypherI quit a bit back
09:16.10`Zypherand decided to play again
09:16.21`ZypherI also did zBuffBars
09:16.23`Zypherbut it's so bad
09:16.27`Zypherthat I don't even want to touch it
09:16.48computerpunkWhy not?
09:16.56`ZypherI pretty much just took mythic's buff tracker
09:16.59`Zypherand added bars
09:17.03computerpunkYou could just recode it.
09:17.07computerpunkEveryone loved it. o_o
09:17.12`Zypheroh yes
09:17.20`Zypherjudging by the responses I got on curse
09:17.22`Zyphereveryone loved it.
09:18.13`ZypherAiiane: is it possible to browse a repo
09:18.17`Zypherlike the old wowace svn?
09:18.49Aiianewhat type of repo
09:18.56`Zypheriono svn?
09:19.22Aiianejust grab the public URL off of CF and plug it into tortoisesvn's repo browser?
09:19.35`ZypherI don't even have that installed
09:19.39`Zypheri meant in browser
09:19.48Aiianethen no
09:19.52Aiianenot for svn
09:19.57`Zypherfor any?
09:19.59Aiianefisheye isn't running
09:20.03Aiianehg repos have a web browser
09:20.35`Zypherthis works
09:20.39`Zypherim now switching to hg
09:22.47`Zypherthis reminds me of cgit
09:24.01`Zyphergod Aiiane I can't thank you enough tho
09:24.05`Zypherthank you
09:25.46Aiiane`Zypher: that would be because the particular theme being used there is one based off of cgit
09:26.49`ZypherAiiane: serially
09:26.53`Zypheryou are awesome
09:30.09`Zyphercomputerpunk: who browses those chan thingies anyways?
09:30.18*** join/#waruidev agx (
09:31.42ratty1how do you clear a value from a table.. eg the entry ExternalVals[13]
09:31.56`Zyphertable.remove(tablename, index)
09:32.09`Zyphertable.remove(ExternalVals, 13)
09:33.51`Zypheror you could set it to nil
09:33.54`Zypherif your going to use it again
09:34.49`ZypherAiiane: does LSA support button textures?
09:35.10AiianeLSA is *textures*.
09:35.14Aiianewhat you do with them is up to you.
09:35.41Aiianeratty1: if you want to renumber, use table.remove
09:35.58Aiianeif you want to leave a gap in numbering, use tablename[keyval] = nil
09:37.25`ZypherAiiane: so you wouldn't shoot me for using it with buttons?
09:37.45ratty1tell Zypher.. that's what I thought it was.. I'll try again
09:38.09`Zypherhi im here
09:40.28ratty1erm.. that's not working. is it because I'm calling it from a pair loop?
09:41.09Aiianedon't remove stuff from a table while continuing to loop over it.
09:41.52ratty1ah OK.. that's cool, would you create a table to contain the values I want to remove, then iterate over it?
09:46.31computerpunkI do...rarely.
09:46.55`Zypherim bad at following Aiiane's rules
09:47.31Aiianeratty1: that's one way to do it, yes
09:49.28`ZypherDaegalus: it also hassss
09:49.31`Zyphercombat fading
09:49.36`Zypherso you can has the bars fade out
09:49.44`Zypherfor out of combat / in comabt
09:49.52Daegalusoh nice
09:49.58`Zypherright now it's global
09:50.04`Zypherbut I want to make it specifically per bar
09:50.09`Zypherspacing is per bar
09:50.26`Zypherspacing columns and scale is per bar
09:50.28Daegalussounds good, il be sure to use it
09:52.48`Zypheroh and you can set fade in and fade out times :P
09:53.54`Zypherlast thing to do really before it's ready for a beta is to register the windows with the layout editor
09:53.58`Zypherso they can be placed lol
09:56.43*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
09:58.30*** part/#waruidev agx (
10:00.48ratty1can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong here?
10:01.36ratty1It's getting to the end and RemoveVals has 1 = 5072, 2 = 5073 etc in it but they are just not getting removed from ExternalVals
10:02.06`Zyphertable.remove(ExternalVals, k)
10:02.31`Zypheryou could format it like
10:02.40`Zypherfor k = 1, #RemoveVals do
10:02.55`Zypherbut uhh
10:03.02`ZypherI wouldn't
10:03.17`Zypherthat just seems like a silly way to go about removing things
10:03.34`Zypherdoneindex will just keep going up
10:03.50`Zypherand wont be specific to the table you want to remove
10:03.57`Zyphertable.remove works like
10:04.13`Zyphertable.remove(THETABLE, TABLEINDECY)
10:04.21`Zypherso if your table is
10:05.00ratty1but RemoveVals contains a list of Table indices
10:05.17`Zypherlua> local test = { [1] = "blah", [2] = "blah2" }; table.remove(test, 1) for k,v in pairs(test) do print(v) end
10:05.17lua_bot`Zypher: blah2
10:05.26ratty1it gets it's values from the ExternalVals just above
10:05.53`Zypheroh i see
10:05.55`Zypherlol it's late
10:06.53computerpunkIt's 12PM
10:06.55computerpunkYes, it's late.
10:07.04`Zypherit's 2:06 am
10:07.09ratty1it's 10am it's early
10:07.19`Zyphertry renaming k in your second loop to something else
10:07.21`Zypherfor example x
10:08.11ratty1that's not the problem, I've popped a debug in the loop and it's iterating fine
10:08.46`Zypheriono :(
10:08.59`ZypherAiiane: do you know what the table is for the max number of pages the game allows?
10:09.02`ZypherI can't find it
10:09.30Aiianethe number 5?
10:09.31`Zypherfound it
10:09.38`Zypheri want to be exact
10:09.58Aiianeunlikely it's going to ever change given that it's a server-side value
10:10.19Aiianebut why not eh :)
10:10.30ratty1ah ExternalVals[RemoveVals[k]] = nil worked
10:11.06Aiianebut, that won't work if you're removing from the middle of the list
10:11.15Aiianeat least, not if you want ipairs() to continue to work
10:11.33Aiianeas I said before, setting something to nil leaves a "gap" in the numbering
10:11.51Aiianeis the table you're working with an array or a dictionary?
10:12.07Aiianekeys 1,2,3,4,....5073, or just random numbers in no order?
10:14.00Aiianeok, then table.remove wouldn't work anyways
10:14.06Aiianetable.remove is for ordered numerical keys
10:14.12Aiiane= nil is for random keys
10:14.21ratty1that's cool phew
10:14.22Aiianehere's why
10:14.23`Zypherseee I'm bad
10:14.28`Zyphersplain for me Aiiane
10:14.42ratty1so ipairs is for the first and pairs is for the second?
10:14.58Aiianelua> a={"x", "y", "z"} for k,v in ipairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end table.remove(a, 2) for k,v in ipairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end
10:14.58lua_botAiiane: 1-x, 2-y, 3-z, 1-x, 2-z
10:15.15Aiianelua> a={"x", "y", "z"} for k,v in ipairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end a[2] = nil for k,v in ipairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end
10:15.15lua_botAiiane: 1-x, 2-y, 3-z, 1-x
10:15.18Aiianenotice the difference
10:15.37Aiianeit's even more evident if I use pairs() instead of ipairs in the second part of the second example
10:15.41Aiianelua> a={"x", "y", "z"} for k,v in ipairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end a[2] = nil for k,v in pairs(a) do print(k.."-"..v) end
10:15.41lua_botAiiane: 1-x, 2-y, 3-z, 1-x, 3-z
10:16.07Aiianepairs is for whatever you want, as long as you don't care about order
10:16.21Aiianeipairs is for ordered numerical indices starting at 1, only
10:16.48ratty1nice.. finally understand that ta..
10:16.52Aiianefor k,v in ipairs(tablename) do ... end
10:16.59Aiianeis functionally identical to
10:17.26Aiianek = 1 while tablename[k] do v = tablename[k] ... k=k+1 end
10:18.00Aiiane(with k and v being local vars)
10:18.10ratty1:) thanks a lot.. I think I've got it.. I'll know for sure when this cold is gone
10:18.59ratty1right next to find out how to get text for a channel
10:22.18*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
10:22.42*** join/#waruidev rmet0815 (
10:22.53rmet0815hello everyone !
10:23.59rmet0815just had a friendly warning of Aiiane about 1.2 changes (EA_BattlegroupWindow). What will happen to this in 1.2 and any other changes one should be aware of? or improvements, e.g. ability to assign actions to rmb ? :)
10:24.54Aiianeno to the latter
10:25.13Aiianeand probably not likely anytime soon
10:25.29rmet0815ouchie. any reason ?
10:25.38rmet0815you are aware of
10:25.53Aiianethe default UI doesn't need it
10:25.54*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
10:25.56computerpunkAiiane can I ask for a simple addon?:3
10:26.07rmet0815now if that isnt a good reason :)
10:26.13Aiianeyou can ask, doesn't mean I'll say yes
10:26.23Aiianeto the initial question rmet0815, it's gone
10:26.30rmet0815any other 1.2 changes, beside the battlegroup window ?
10:26.31computerpunkWell, lemme see.
10:26.58Aiianeill let you know as soon as the pts goes live tomorrow rmet0815
10:27.18rmet0815oh ok. sorry didnt know it wasnt on pts yet
10:27.44computerpunkA slash command with a number input after that. Like /cd 5. It should give me a Window saying: Countdown Expired in a window. I always forget to do stuff. 5 being in minutes.
10:27.57computerpunkPretty pleaaase?
10:28.18rmet0815another question: i would like to load my addons after all the EA stuff, because of possible dependencies. Is there a way i can make my dependencies, like "EA_All" ?
10:28.46Aiianethe answer was to rmet0815, computerpunk
10:29.08rmet0815was afraid of that ;)
10:29.19Aiianeyou shouldn't really be doing that anyways though
10:29.28Aiianeidentify what actual components you depend on and dep those
10:29.45rmet0815yes i know, but with all these grepping through code you sometimes pick up functions/methods where you dont really know where they are defined
10:29.46Aiianeas for your timer request, computerpunk... maybe. not tonight though
10:29.57computerpunkNo problem, I'll be waiting :3.
10:30.06Aiianermet0815: keep better track of where you're pulling your function calls from then ;)
10:30.14computerpunkI'm still sorting my way through the WAR api and stuff
10:30.22rmet0815yea, from EA3453535XWKPURWURPL.txt :)
10:30.26Aiianemost of the default UI modules are /somewhat/ logical in what does what
10:30.37computerpunkTrying to find some conectivity between c++/JAVA and LUA
10:30.40Aiianego look up the actual filename
10:31.18Aiianeand in the Search Trunk box put the function name
10:31.50rmet0815okey dokey, thanx for the info
10:32.00Aiianefor instance, searching for "function GroupWindow.OnViewGroupOptions"
10:32.19Aiiane(including the quotes)
10:32.24Aiianegives trunk/interface/default/ea_groupwindow/source/groupwindow.lua
10:33.01Aiianecomputerpunk: beyond basics, they're not really that similar
10:33.15rmet0815so make a mod called dep_all and put all the ea_xxxx subdirs in there and the depend my mod on dep_all ? :)
10:33.29Aiianermet0815: you could, but that's a horrible solution.
10:33.42rmet0815why really ?
10:33.54rmet0815only think is, it makes sure i load at the end
10:34.07Aiianebecause it introduces another addon for no particular reason
10:34.17Aiianeand it forces people to have the complete default UI enabled if they want to use your mod.
10:34.49rmet0815is there a way to disable certain elements of the default UI ?
10:35.39Aiianeyes. via the addons window.
10:35.59Aiianeyou can disable any module, including the default UI ones (if you have the option under Advanced selected to show the default modules)
10:36.09rmet0815oh ok did not know that
10:36.54rmet0815yes i know ;)
10:37.19rmet0815wouldn't be thhat "lazy" if there would be a propper documentation of the "library"
10:37.34rmet0815but that's another topic
10:37.40rmet0815a different*
10:37.41ratty1right can anyone help me by telling me how you find text coming into a channel or pointing me to a mod that does it (Not Nobby Nuts)
10:38.45rmet0815anyway, thanx again for all the info Aiiane, very much appreciated
10:40.06Aiianeratty1: one sec
10:41.12AiianeTextLogGetEntry("LogNameGoesHere", EntryNumber)
10:41.29Aiianethe first returns a value that can be passed to RegisterEventHandler as the event
10:41.46Aiianethe second returns the total number of entries in the log (which usually also happens to be the number of the most recent entry)
10:41.55Aiianethe third returns 3 values; a timestamp, the filter #, and the text
10:44.40Aiianeon a different note rmet, is there a reason you had to use a separate mod for your shared functions (rmetlib) instead of just including them as a lua file? :P
10:45.42ratty1er is the "Slow down! think before you say each word" based on your level?
10:49.19Aiianeit's based on the rate at which you send text
10:49.27ratty1I'm asking because I wasn't getting it on my higher level character but on my lvl 7 one I'm getting it all the time, so I think the level affects the time
10:51.53Aiianelowbie levels may have a slightly lower threshold to deter gold spammers etc
10:52.38Aiianeanywho, im going to bed
11:01.08*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
11:10.23Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r7 / (5 files in 1 directory): * changed the sheep
11:12.00Aes[gutgut]1is it possible to switch off repo messages after project creation ?
11:12.52Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r8 * added new graph
11:18.45*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
11:19.53Aes[gutgut]1hi :)
11:21.47*** join/#waruidev Fal (i=Liquid5n@
11:50.59*** join/#waruidev agallo (
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11:57.31`ZypherI cannot sleep
12:01.29`Zypheri need halp
12:01.46`Zyphersomeone come put me to sleep
12:10.14*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
12:19.09Aes[gutgut]1aiiane ...    when i use phantom/hide warband and leave a warband the is still true till i switch the window on in phantom
12:32.03*** part/#waruidev rmet0815 (
12:54.44*** join/#waruidev Scaythe00 (
13:07.23*** join/#waruidev Aes[gutgut] (
13:30.15Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r9 / (3 files in 1 directory): -- change
13:48.39ratty1any good sites for short url redirects
14:03.25*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_On (
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14:57.48Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r10 / (3 files in 1 directory): - testversion
15:08.33Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe 07NerfedButtonsRerolled * r196 / (5 files in 2 directories): more...
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15:48.52*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
15:56.34ratty1how do you get the length of a string?
16:02.14Daegalusyou print it on screen, ask the user to count the letters, and enter into the box, and press enter.
16:04.05ratty1nice.. but you know how those users are.. they will ask why I can't get 4 year olds to do it for them from china
16:22.39ratty1Argh.. stupid not working properly saved settings
16:46.27*** join/#waruidev Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
16:51.10ratty1now this makes no sense. I'm trying to put a value into a savedvariable like I've done 100 of times before but it's just not taking it
16:57.11*** join/#waruidev MoronWar (
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17:05.49Repo10hopper: 03wikki * r13 Source/Hopper.lua:
17:05.54RepoAdded check in onupdate to make sure the addon is loaded before doing any work.
17:05.58RepoMark 0.5.0
17:15.36Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r11 PaintTheLeader.lua: --- change
17:25.18*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_On (
17:37.40*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
18:01.16*** join/#waruidev vidhar (
18:02.40MrOffline_OnHi , is there any alternative to SquaredHotIndicators? (
18:18.18ratty1er it there anyway to turn off the left joined the channel message, I get it in all my chat windows, and it could be horribly annoying if 50 - 60 people were all using SoR
18:37.26*** join/#waruidev Narthalion (
18:39.30NarthalionHi :)
18:40.31Valkeahey :)
18:40.35NarthalionTwo broad questions: What is the best approach to save a few variables supplied via a Config window?
18:41.51`Zypheranyone less dumb then me
18:42.04`Zypherwhy can't we xfer toons?
18:42.41Narthalionand... does someone have an easy "my first listbox" example? Or what addon is the easiest to look at? :)
18:45.01Saint-Nhi carienn
18:45.07Saint-Nrumor has it you've got a nice ass
18:45.10Saint-Nwanna make out?
18:48.07ValkeaNarthalion: to save your variables, use the auto saving system by making a SavedVariables declaration in your mod file
18:50.15NarthalionValkea: thanks :) so easy if you know what to look for...
18:51.04Valkeafirst in your mod file :
18:51.04Valkea<SavedVariables><SavedVariable name="ModName.MainVariable" /></SavedVariables>
18:51.31Valkeathen in your lua files : all data set as ModName.MainVariable child will be auto saved on logoff
18:51.36Valkeaexample ModName.MainVariable.test = 1
18:51.55Valkea(on logoff or reload)
18:52.31NarthalionSo I just test if Modname.Mainvariable.test == nil. If yes, set default, if no, use whatever is in there. Cool.
18:53.02Valkeayes you can use it this way
18:57.34Valkeaoh and you will need to declare the main variable in your lua files to avoir errors :
18:57.34ValkeaModName = {}
18:57.34Valkeaif (ModName.MainVariable == nil) then ModName.MainVariable = {} end
18:58.09WikkiFizzlesome fun changes on PTS :<
18:58.17Valkeaah ?
18:58.35Narthalionthat was on my "test when I code" list regarding saving... thanks for your hint :)
19:03.22ValkeaNarthalion:  for the ComboBox (ListBox) here is the XML item : <ComboBox name="Combo" inherits="EA_ComboBox_DefaultResizable" ></ComboBox>
19:04.06Valkeaand the lua function to add item in the list : ComboBoxAddMenuItem( "Combo" , L"Test" )
19:06.22NarthalionThere is a <Listbox> element, too... you need to define how the rows look, so this element is more complex than others, I suppose... it is used in aura, for example. But I nedd a combobox too :)
19:08.39Repo10painttheleader: 03gutgut * r12 PaintTheLeader.lua: --seta
19:09.37*** join/#waruidev Thurwell (
19:14.52NarthalionBy the way, while I am here asking questions... I know what the "L" in^the expression 'L"test"' does. But- what is it? Is it a function written with some sort of syntactic sugar leaving the brackets? Is it an operator? That bothers me for quite a while ^^
19:19.38Aiianeit is a syntax added specifically to LuaPlus to define wstrings.
19:19.41Aiianeit's not a function.
19:20.30AiianeL"stuff" defines a constant value of type wstring. L("stuff") defines a constant string value and then calls a function on that constant value (assuming a function named L existed).
19:23.16NarthalionLuaPlus is the Lua flavour used in WAR, I suppose?
19:29.44WikkiFizzlehm..pts just go down for you Aii?
19:29.58computerpunkBe right back.
19:30.10AiianeWikkiFizzle: yes
19:30.32computerpunkAiiane: Can I have a snippet of the countdown mod when I come back? :3
19:30.42computerpunkIf you want?
19:31.37computerpunkMmm...Closing this for a bit.
19:32.16WikkiFizzleSeems that worldObjNum on a warband member isnt currently being set on 1.2
19:34.33AiianePTS is back up, btw.
19:34.52AiianeWikkiFizzle: are they in the same zone as you
19:34.57Aiianeand in visual distance
19:35.41WikkiFizzleyar, was standing next to me
19:36.01WikkiFizzleLet me test it when I log back in for sanity
19:37.21WikkiFizzleIIRC it wasnt even setting worldObjNum on myself
19:37.32Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03Scaythe 07NerfedButtonsRerolled * r197 NerfedDecisions.lua: little more
19:37.33Aiianewhat character are you on
19:37.44WikkiFizzleand Larolleath
19:37.48WikkiFizzleDE sorc
19:37.52WikkiFizzlestarting location
19:38.58WikkiFizzleCalling PartyUtils.GetWarbandData() gives the basic data but no worldObjNum
19:39.10*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
19:39.14computerpunkI've returned.
19:39.19computerpunkAny response Aiiane?:3
19:39.49ratty1damn having real problems getting State Of Realm to keep going through a realm reset. just bugs
19:40.22AiianeWikkiFizzle: correct. looks like entityid isn't being set for warbands. im not sure it's ever been guaranteed though (for WBs)
19:40.46WikkiFizzleIts not a big deal if its been pulled
19:40.55WikkiFizzleI just used in Hopper to find out which group I was in
19:41.11ratty1the problem is it's really hard to test as it only happens rarely
19:42.34AiianeWikkiFizzle: just look for your name?
19:42.41WikkiFizzlethats what Im doing now
19:42.55WikkiFizzleJust slightly less efficient
19:43.02Aiianenot really
19:43.08Aiianewhy would it be less efficient?
19:43.34WikkiFizzlestring comparison versus a number compare
19:43.42WikkiFizzleI would believe the number compare would be faster
19:45.10Aiianetsk tsk
19:45.15Aiianeyou're working in Lua, dear
19:45.23AiianeLua internalizes all strings to tokens
19:45.29Aiianeso string compares ARE number compares
19:45.49WikkiFizzleThank you for that info
19:50.22Aiianeso what do you think of the new group management window? ;)
19:50.43WikkiFizzleIts nifty from what Ive seen
19:55.07WikkiFizzlePartyUtils.MoveWarbandMember requires a player name w/o the gender string
20:00.27WikkiFizzleThat worldObjNum isnt set for group members either
20:00.43WikkiFizzlein the info coming back from GetPartyData()
20:02.37WikkiFizzlenm its there
20:02.46WikkiFizzleGetPartyData no longer gives info when in warband
20:03.46Aiianegood, it shouldn't :P
20:04.03WikkiFizzlesaves a ton of headaches
20:04.16WikkiFizzleI just broke the warband options window :P
20:04.26WikkiFizzleI left your wb
20:04.35WikkiFizzlecreated a group w/ my other account to test the gropu functions
20:04.37WikkiFizzleformed a wb
20:04.49WikkiFizzlewent to bring up the options and its a dialog that doesnt have data of any type
20:05.22Aiianelet me leave your warband and form one, can your other account join me
20:05.52Aiianeworked okay for me
20:07.42Aiianeperhaps you borked something in the warband data?
20:07.55Aiianeany errors in debug?
20:08.17WikkiFizzleOnly errors are in EA_PlayerAssist
20:08.32Aiianeabout MainAssist not existing?
20:08.45Aiianeyeah, it appears to have taken a hiatus
20:09.01WikkiFizzleif I open the warband window now
20:09.05WikkiFizzlewhile in your wb I get the same thing
20:09.21Aiianewhat does getwarbanddata give you?
20:10.24WikkiFizzleGives me the correct data
20:10.29WikkiFizzleThe other interesting part
20:10.35WikkiFizzleis worldObjNum is now correctly set
20:11.14Aiianeyeah, I think it has to do with what flags updates for those
20:11.26Aiianenamely, it requires a full BATTLEGROUP_UPDATED to flag those fields for update
20:11.46Aiianebut the only things that do that are stuff like people leaving/joining etc
20:12.02WikkiFizzleWould think we would get that when we joined a wb
20:12.12WikkiFizzleo transfers are working
20:12.15WikkiFizzlebrb ig!
20:12.18Aiianeyeah, saw that
20:27.54WikkiFizzlewow divine protection
20:28.10WikkiFizzle4500 melee damage buffer per toon for 10s
20:35.31*** join/#waruidev Valkea1 (
20:41.43WikkiFizzleHaving a minor issue w/ Squared Aii
20:41.48WikkiFizzleIm in a group
20:42.14WikkiFizzleand it shows my group members in SquaredUnit_1_1 and 1_2 appropriately
20:42.26WikkiFizzlehowever, I also get myself in Squared_1_7
20:43.09Aiianenot expected
20:43.24Aiianethough I think I might know what's causing it
20:43.30Aiianeinvite me?
20:43.33Aiianeor is group full
20:44.35WikkiFizzleooo..the player is now apart of the group data
20:45.03WikkiFizzleI can already hear folks bitching about this
20:45.12WikkiFizzleAs I had folks beg for the feature to hide yourself in the group frame in Pure
20:48.03WikkiFizzleOk this is weird
20:48.34WikkiFizzleThe player wasnt apart of the group pulled from the PartyUtils call
20:48.40WikkiFizzleI was adding it to their internal structure
20:49.00Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r182 SquaredGroup.lua: Fix player showing up twice in a party for 1.2.0 PTS.
20:50.30computerpunkI will ask again. :3 Aiiane did you look at the thing I requested?;3
20:50.47computerpunkI'll make a ticket if you want.
20:50.54AiianeOf the 4 hours I've been awake since you did, no, I have not.
20:52.12computerpunkNo problem really.
20:52.21computerpunkJust asking.
20:55.31*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=99127348@gateway/web/ajax/
20:56.42Aiianelunch/class, bbl
20:57.31DaegalusPatch 1.2, even 5 minutes of getting to test it, is currently fulll of win
20:57.43Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r118 / (2 files in 1 directory): improved buff summary implementation
21:15.35*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
21:16.31Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r13 / (4 files in 1 directory): V1.02 alpha Testversion.
21:16.37Repo/ptl on / off
21:16.43Repo/ptl scale x   x = Icon Scale in %
21:27.20computerpunkAnyone know how to make the Career Icon in xHUD smaller?
21:27.25computerpunkcan't contact talvinen
21:40.35Repo10pure: 03wikki * r135 Source (3 files in 1 directory): Minor changes for 1.2
21:41.20Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r14 / (2 files in 1 directory): some debugstuff removed
21:44.55*** part/#waruidev Slakah (
21:54.50Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r15 / (2 files in 1 directory): V1.04 hopefully the last alpha
22:03.57Repo10pure: 03wikki * r136 Source (2 files in 1 directory): Few more 1.2 changes.
22:07.25Repo10pure: 03wikki * r137 Source (2 files in 1 directory): Fixed issue in last submission
22:09.25Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r16 PaintTheLeader.lua: Debugmessages removed
22:31.32ratty1is there a way to find out if it's loading into a new zone?
22:33.52ratty1is there a Loading_STARTS?
22:34.00*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=99121116@gateway/web/ajax/
22:39.47AiianeLOADING_BEGIN I believe
22:39.51Aiianeand back to class w/me
23:13.11Repo10painttheleader: 03Archivar * r17 PaintTheLeader.lua: Bugfix; markersymbol now hides after leaving warband
23:29.43Repo10pure: 03wikki * r138 Source (4 files in 1 directory): A minor change from the effect change in 0.7.9
23:29.47RepoAdditional 1.2 changes
23:30.18Repo10hopper: 03wikki * r14 Source (3 files in 1 directory): Minor 1.2 prep changes
23:39.57AiianeMy notes on 1.2.0 API changes:
23:40.03AiianeI'll be continuing to update that
23:51.15WikkiFizzleAii if you need a test group member for anything just poke me here
23:51.22WikkiFizzleI have my 2nd account setup on test
23:51.28*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=40513572@gateway/web/ajax/

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