IRC log for #waruidev on 20090205

00:03.46art3miswhats it do?
00:05.19art3mis~project 'zyphers bar addon thingy
00:07.39DaegaluszBarAddon :P
00:08.29Ratsugag can someone help me
00:10.07Ratsugscrap that
00:10.50`Zypherit skins the buttons
00:11.00`Zypherthen lets you set spacing / column counts
00:11.07`Zypherfade in and out with combat
00:11.10`Zypherand set those values
00:11.19`Zypherand some other stuff
00:13.16*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
00:15.21`Zypherthats good
00:15.28Bloodwalkeronly on strippers who have seen to many semen
00:15.50art3misi dont think women and seaman mix sir
00:15.56art3misshut up smithers we know what you think
00:16.06`Zypherart3mis: im using
00:16.10`Zypherjust fyi
00:16.26`Zyphersuch a good name
00:16.31art3misoh btw
00:16.36`ZypherI've been calling it moocow atm
00:16.41art3misi got bored
00:16.54art3misand i figured out how to find more megavideo hosted full length movies ;)
00:17.13art3misit's got Rock n Rule!
00:19.47Bloodwalkerhey they have eraserhead
00:19.56art3misand bad taste
00:20.17Bloodwalkerblasphemy! eraserhead is a cult classic!
00:20.39art3misnonon the movie bad taste
00:20.50art3misand yeah i know how awesome eraser head is ;)
00:21.18Bloodwalkerhow is evil dead 2 an action flick?!
00:22.00art3misits full of action
00:22.04Bloodwalkeror the gods must be crazy... action is the last thing that movie has :)
00:22.13art3misand theres no "Classic" cateagory
00:22.21art3misthat movie is rad
00:22.41art3misthe guy throws the bottle in the sky for the gods to take it back and it falls down and wounds that kid
00:22.58art3misby wounds i mean caves in his skull ;)
00:23.00Bloodwalkercause its an evil bottle
00:23.37art3misim gonna redo the cats tomorrow and add a bunch more movies
00:23.45art3misyou any good with logos and art?
00:23.49Bloodwalkerthe creature from the black lagoon!
00:23.50art3misi need a new one ;)
00:24.05Bloodwalkerme hell no...I couldnt paint myself into a corner most of the time
00:24.18art3misyeah me neither
00:24.29art3misthere's as well ;)
00:24.39BloodwalkerIm creative.. jsut not artistic.. hell I couldnt carry a tune in a bucket either
00:25.10art3misdoesnt stop me from singing ;)
00:25.24art3misi have a habit of singing and humming infectious i cant get them out of my head songs
00:25.32art3misyesterday was all along the watchtower
00:25.55art3misday before smoke on the water
00:26.14BloodwalkerI sually do that on purpose to people with songs like... the song that neverends
00:26.41Bloodwalkertypically ends up with people swearing... damn it! now its stuck inmy head!
00:27.11art3mismanamanom is a good one too
00:27.23art3misand xmas songs
00:27.30art3misman those are awesome to infect people with
00:27.59Bloodwalkerxmas songs are seasonal :) usualy you get.. wtf are you singing jingle bells in july for?!
00:28.15art3misyup and then they start humming it ;)
00:38.12*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:38.12*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:46.49*** join/#waruidev Thur_ (
00:51.23Thurpurple cloaks drop like candy in LV.  although at +60 total stats there's nothing special about them
00:52.30WikkiFizzleand there isnt a healing cloak from there that Ive seen
00:52.47Thurtry my stupid magus drops, they all have willpower
00:53.28Thurand we're talking lots, 40-50.  I don't use willpower for anything
00:53.52Daegalusyou use it to disrupt spells :D
00:54.58ThurI currently have 264 wp, which raises my disrupt by 2%.  Let's just figure out what an extra 40 would give me...oooh, .3%!
00:56.40Thurwow, rr76 to put on this sovereign stuff
00:58.42ThurI haven't been out killing the emperor, you can see some of the pieces at the merchant
01:00.06*** join/#waruidev VIdhar_ (
01:05.57ThurI hate how some people find it amusing to stand on the merchants so you can't use them
01:08.24Daegaluslol, i hate that with flight masters
01:09.17Thuris the whole stupid city full of apoth/cultivate merchants, I have'nt found one for salvaging/talismans
01:09.35xd_there arent any
01:10.03Daegalusno there is 1, and i forgot where he is
01:10.11Daegalusthe rest are all Apoth/Cultivate
01:10.16Thurjust go to the viper pit I guess
01:12.25ThurNope, pit is all apoth
01:15.20ThurI wish MMOs would just give up on crafting, it's so stupid
01:16.10Daegalusa lot of people love crafting
01:18.03Thuri could make a g11 macro and go afk to do this, that's the sign of an exciting game?
01:23.52Daegalus just won the internet
01:24.10Daegalusyou owuld, others would sit there and do it manually, and have fun
01:32.52Thurthis is fun?
01:34.35Daegalusapparently for some people yes, everyone has different tastes and ways of thining
01:34.57ThurMy point is, I seriously doubt anyone finds this fun
01:35.25Daegalusmy point is, i personally know people that find it fun
01:37.20ThurCan you add items to these craft slots with an addon?
01:38.09Daegalusi think so
01:38.22ThurAh hah, I can write an addon to automate this whole process then
01:38.39Daegalusmost likely
01:38.54Thurtho it's weird that no one has already
01:39.20WikkiFizzleIm pretty sure there is one that does
01:39.31Daegalusno one cares enough? they either hate the system, or love it to the point they dont want to automate it
01:39.39ThurAll I see is ezcraft, which let's you right click on a slot and bring up the types of items that go in it
01:39.58ThurI doubt that, cause every time people find out I write addons they ask me to write some crafting addon
01:42.02Thurmaybe I'm looking in the wrong spot, might be something in the misc category
01:51.26*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:51.26*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:01.41ThurHey wikki, you still here?
02:03.13ThurHrm.  Well Aiiane would be even better since I have a question about LSA, but I dunno if she's around
02:07.52ThurMy questino is about libsharedassets, it doesn't come with any textures right?
02:08.05Thurthat's not the question
02:08.09Aiianethe LSA code itself is just that, code, yes
02:08.35ThurMy question is, is it ok to use the ones out of squared, or should I just load a couple into it and tell them to install squared or whatever else uses LSA if they want more
02:09.12AiianeYou can include whatever textures you want
02:09.23Aiianethough if you do use ones from Squared, it'd be nice if you at least include the same metadata
02:10.16Thurlike what?
02:11.39ThurI didn't want to include your textures without permission
02:12.26WikkiFizzleThere is meta data that gets added to LSA for each texture
02:12.27Aiianetake a look at the textures.lua file in SAS
02:12.33WikkiFizzleyar ^ this
02:12.45ThurI did, but not closely enough apparently.  checking
02:13.49*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
02:14.17Thuroh I see.  Actually I need that data, I use it already
02:15.32ThurSo I better put in some checks, cause if I get any textures back someone else has registered with LSA that doesn't include it DT'll crash
02:23.26WikkiFizzleAii when you get some time I have a few changes needed to some Ace3 code
02:24.55RatsugThur the percentages for cities is the Realm 1 percentages
02:25.07Ratsugit is >= in lua isn't it btw
02:25.15Thurdepends on the city doesn't it
02:25.42Thurwhat seemed to work for me is if they're in a siege getting the vps from the city zone
02:41.38Ratsugdo you have an example of the code you can send me?
02:44.15Repo10compact_vps: 03Thurwell * r6 Compact_VPs.lua: VPs in contested city now match the standard UI bar.
02:44.47Thurlast function
02:47.07Thurhow do I show the addons window without libslash?
02:48.20Ratsugta muchly
02:48.35Ratsugit's now in the main menu
02:48.58Ratsugin Customise Interface
02:49.11Thuroh, never knew
02:49.43Ratsugthere isn't a onResize event is there
02:51.44ThurNo, but there's not many ways for a player to resize a window
02:52.53Ratsugwhat would you recommend?
02:53.24ThurWhat are you trying to do?
02:55.35Thurfor the layout editor you can either register a callback or hook the resize function
02:55.57Thurif you do B you have to do A as well, otherwise you'll miss a resize if they hit cancel
02:56.34RatsugI have two anchors which if they resize I want to reset the windows anchored to the to the scale of the anchors
02:58.27ThurYeah I do that, take a look at dufftimer
02:58.45ThurThat's probably how squared works too
02:58.48RatsugI have the function that resizes them written already, all I need is a trigger to tell it to fire if the anchors are changed. I thought I had it, but it turns out the function was firing constantly
02:59.18ThurYou need a hook and a callback, call the resize function from both
02:59.22RatsugLOL I'm sitting programming in the enemies fortress
02:59.37RatsugEEP!!... you said hook, I'm scared now
03:01.24Ratsugbtw I guess if GameData.Player.isInSiege only fires if your in the instance?
03:01.32ThurHeh, hooking's simple.  But you can skip the hook if you're ok with your window not resizing until they exit the layout editor
03:01.46ThurThat's my assumption, I haven't seen it be true anywhere else
03:02.21RatsugSo I would not want to use that.. I'm currently using if the timer is > 0
03:02.40RatsugI don't care if it resizes in the Layout editor
03:02.55Thurthen just register a callback with the layout editor
03:05.22RatsugOK I must have an ancient version of duff it doesn't have that callback
03:05.26Bloodwalkeras long as you hook properly :) otherwise bad things happen and god kills a kitten
03:05.39Repo10dufftimer: 03Thurwell * r57 / (88 files in 2 directories): Tagging as v2.0.4 Beta
03:05.43RepoTextures are now loaded by DuffTimer instead of hoping another installed addon does.
03:05.49ThurLayoutEditor.RegisterEditCallback( yourfunctionhere )
03:06.08RatsugEr.. your telling a rat that.. I'm off to write a program that hooks badly 400 times a second
03:06.22ThurI like to put two lines in my hookes, the passthrough and a pcall to my function
03:09.19*** part/#waruidev VIdhar_ (
03:09.29Thurmaybe that's paranoid, but meh
03:11.40ThurI had no idea libsharedassets doesn't come with the textures :)
03:12.28WikkiFizzleIts a good way to share them
03:12.51ThurBut that assumes I have anything to share back, otherwise I end up with an empty list and a confused addon
03:12.57Thurfor the 1/50 people who don't have squared
03:13.06Ratsuglooking at your code.. where is zoneData.initialRealm coming from in your function?
03:13.36WikkiFizzleI just add 1 texture to LSA which is the one I use, any others are a perk of the user
03:13.37Thurdoes aura used lsa?
03:13.44WikkiFizzleNot atm
03:13.58WikkiFizzleAuras texture mechanism is going to get an overhaul
03:14.05Thurwhat are you using lsa for then?
03:14.32Thurrighto, forgot that's yours too
03:14.46WikkiFizzleMy cooldown bars will get LSA too at some point
03:14.51WikkiFizzlebut that entire addon needs a rewrite
03:15.03ThurAura seems to be big with the powerusers.  I installed it once for that bilerot boss but never got into it
03:15.12WikkiFizzleThats its goal
03:15.23WikkiFizzleTheres lots of addons that do individual pieces of Aura
03:15.27WikkiFizzlebut arent very customizable
03:15.39WikkiFizzleAura tosses everything and the kitchen sink at folks so they can do what they want
03:15.42Thurcustomizable vs drop in, always a good debate
03:15.56WikkiFizzleThats one of the reasons for Pure
03:16.05WikkiFizzleThere were lots of highly customizable huds out there
03:16.11WikkiFizzleSimilar to Aura for its job
03:16.13ThurI get people looking at dt2 saying I want the option to set spacing, move the timer, blah blah.  Yeah, I can do all that, code's set up to make adding options easy...but I dont' think most people want 50 options per window
03:16.17WikkiFizzleversus the plain old, solid out of the box type stuff
03:17.06ThurI think I have about 3-4 options too many already
03:17.22WikkiFizzlePure offers a lot of options but out of the box does its job
03:17.29WikkiFizzleWhich is what 90% of folks want
03:17.37WikkiFizzlethat other 10% power users go for one of the huds
03:17.41Thuryeah, I tried to set up a good default for dt
03:18.01Thurwhich is to say, what I want it to do ;)
03:18.17WikkiFizzleFor Pure the defaults are mostly what I was looking for personally
03:18.19WikkiFizzlebut I had a lot of input
03:18.30ThurI used huduf, but that thing's insane.  Unless you're an addon dev I don't see how you could figure out it's setup
03:18.44WikkiFizzleThats what a lot of folks think of Aura :P
03:18.59WikkiFizzleBut once it clicks..there is no stopping them
03:19.04ThurI am an addon dev and I don't understand half of aura
03:19.15WikkiFizzleThats what the manual is for!
03:19.22Thurit has a manual?
03:20.01WikkiFizzleGot the Ace3DB stuff integrated into Pure now to give me a nice profiling system
03:20.08WikkiFizzleThe only thing Im tossing around
03:20.25ThurI was thinking of making a crafting addon, like a little hotbar of your favorite items.  When you have the pieces to make that item the button lights up, you click it and the crafting windows comes up filled in
03:20.29WikkiFizzleis it worth the effort to code the conversion from the old to new configs
03:20.36ThurAnd I figured I could do it all with context menus instead of any gui
03:20.51Bloodwalkeroh btw wikki how is libpickle working out?
03:21.13WikkiFizzleNo issues reported BW
03:21.22WikkiFizzleThough Aura is only out to beta atm
03:21.27WikkiFizzle30 or so downloads on Curse
03:21.32WikkiFizzleand maybe 20 internal in guild/friends
03:21.43Bloodwalkermore then enough if there was a problem
03:22.13WikkiFizzleIll be pushing it to release maybe tomorrow
03:22.25WikkiFizzleSo by the weekend we will see the final results
03:22.46BloodwalkerNemes posted to libpickle.. saying did you know libcereal exists? so I answered.. ya but mine is better cause it does circular tables and is 20% shorter strings :)
03:22.48WikkiFizzleIf all goes well Ill probably add it to Pure to import profiles
03:22.57ThurI don't really want to start another big addon, but I thought it'd be cool to do a useful one that's also easier to use than duff
03:23.13WikkiFizzleIve got my 2 big addons now and a few small ones
03:23.20WikkiFizzleHopper by far has been the most fun to write and use
03:23.24Bloodwalkerwell ya know where to find me if LibPickle isnt behaving for you
03:23.34WikkiFizzleIll def let you know Blood
03:23.40ThurI've got...1 big, 1 medium, and some littles.  but the big one doesn't even work yet
03:24.15Thuris there a mouse scroll event?
03:25.00BloodwalkerI believe so... I saw one awhile back just dont ask me where
03:25.27Bloodwalkerlook for scrollwheel or mousewheel on wardiff
03:26.57Thurx, y, delta, flags <- I wonder what all those are
03:28.11Bloodwalkerx, y might be mouse position... delta is likely +/- scroll distance... flags might be ctrl/alt/shift
03:29.16Ratsugright so Thur how do I go about adding a Event to the registry?
03:29.21Thurtheir function just uses if delta > 0 do this, if  < 0 do that
03:29.49Thurmine scrolls the wrong way.  oops
03:29.50Bloodwalkerthen thatll be up/down.. 0 being not moving
03:30.27WikkiFizzleblah I hate writing UIs
03:30.36ThurI told you that already
03:30.46ThurLayoutEditor.RegisterEditCallback( yourfunctionhere )
03:31.09Ratsugdid you, sorry
03:31.37WikkiFizzle~lart Ratsug
03:31.37purlkeeps mailing Ratsug free America Online CDs until he drowns
03:31.49Ratsugsorry didn't see it there
03:34.36ThurOk question, is there a way for an input not pass a click through to the window behind it?
03:34.43ThurOk less typoes
03:34.53ThurOk question, is there a way for a window to pass a click through to the window behind it?
03:35.18Ratsugfree frisbies
03:35.59Ratsugso both of the windows get effected by a click?
03:36.24ThurNot really, one window is handling mousewheels and I want it to ignore lclicks
03:37.15Ratsugand the other is handling lclicks?
03:37.58ThurOh wait, I have an idea
03:38.05Ratsugwhy can't you make an extra window on top of them, that covers the area they both cover and have it do both?
03:38.08ThurI'llj ust windowregisterevent my mousewheel event with the other window
03:38.16Thurone of the windows isn't mine
03:41.36Bloodwalkeractually thur I noticed awhile back.. if your onevent function gets an error... it automatically passes through to its parent
03:42.03ThurHmm.  That's kind of an evil way to do it
03:42.13Bloodwalkerit is :) but it happens
03:42.42Bloodwalkera nicer way is just to hook the parents onclick
03:42.54Bloodwalkerand register it with your window
03:45.04ThurI just used windowregistercoreeventhandler and had the parent window register my mousewheel
03:45.57Bloodwalkerif someone else tries the same thing one of them will fail you cant register 2 functions to the same event for the same window
03:46.25ThurWell then be warned, don't go registering on mousewheel with the macroiconselectionwindow or i'll be upset
03:46.59ThurI'm going to assume that's not a common problem
03:47.28Bloodwalkerit is for the map when authors arent careful
03:47.47ThurI should make a note to go back and do it the correct way later tho, just in case :)
03:49.02RatsugThur, I'm looking at your Compact_VPs.Get_VPs() function. Which looks great. if you don't mind me stealing it, I'm finding it impossible to test these things as we have had only one City siege in europe
03:49.18Ratsugbut I have a few questions
03:49.29ThurWell good luck, it's had about 5 minutes of city testing :)
03:49.50Repo10macroicons: 03Thurwell * r7 / (3 files in 1 directory): Tagging as v1.2
03:49.54RatsugOh mines had more then..
03:49.54RepoMouse wheel scrolling!
03:50.05ThurWhy are city vps /1.5 and normal vps are not?  I have no idea
03:50.13Thurbut it works
03:51.12RatsugI've found how to get the timer out of the city.. and a much better one than they use.. 2hours left my arse I want minutes and seconds
03:51.33Thurthere's a timer?
03:52.00ThurHmm.  Well then I think cvps should show that
03:52.45RatsugI use this to turn it into something usefull
03:52.57Ratsuglocal function timeformat(secs)
03:52.58Ratsugif mins > 60 then
03:52.58Ratsuglocal hours = math.floor((1 + mins - (mins % 60)) / 60)
03:53.00Ratsuglocal mins = mins % 60
03:53.32Ratsugit's currently how I'm checking if a siege is on.
03:53.34Thurcvps is a little tiny widget, but if I can't fit the timer in and I can do it in the mouseover
03:53.46ThurI bet cityState would work
03:54.10ThurI'm thinking isInSiege will just tell if you're not in a contested city, but there's like 5 levels of contestedness
03:54.48Ratsughave done something similar with the latest version of SoR with a floating timer attached to the mouse when you mouseover
03:55.08Ratsugfor the really compact Pager
03:55.31Repo10macroicons: 03Thurwell * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): Tagging as v1.2.1
03:55.35RepoMissed a spot with the mouse wheel.
03:55.57ThurI keep meaning to add sor to cvps.
03:56.27ThurOn a whim one time I made it so that the context menu shows whatever campaign tracker you have i nstalled and clicking on that toggles visibility
03:57.06Ratsuglike a universal remote
03:57.20Thuralthough it doesn't work that well for nobby.  that program has a close function, but it opens on reload...cause it's a piece of crap
03:58.03Ratsugyeah I've been getting that feeling.
03:59.12Ratsugso many mods are so buggy it's hard to find my error messages amid the sea of them, but at least I check to see if I have any.
03:59.41Ratsughow often do you get keep and city sieges on your server?
03:59.47ThurEven EA's stuff throws error messages.  Enter a fortress and their trackers fill the whole page
03:59.59RatsugHell yeah
04:00.28Thurkeeps are going on in multiple zones all the time, forts every day or two, cities vary a lot from couple times a weekend to none for weeks
04:00.45Ratsugit's EA_mouseover_targetwindow
04:01.05Thurthat thing blows, it won't stay hidden and you can't move it
04:01.07Ratsugso many errors, I have to look at the sky to avoid them
04:01.30ThurI think phantom kills it now, I used to just have a little onupdate function that rehid it a zillion times a second
04:01.40Thurghetto, but effective :)
04:02.31Thurnight, I'm off
04:02.58RatsugThe question is should I upload the new version of State, it's not been thoroughly tested for Keeps and Cities, but it's far better than what was there before
04:12.37WikkiFizzleAnyone know if the ComboBoxes in LibGUI can be registred for OnSelChanged events?
04:15.45RatsugIt creates real windows, so as long as you know how to reference them you should be able to do anything with them
04:22.04Aes[gutgut]thurwell   :P  whats with buff-removing ^^ is there a trick ?
04:26.49RatsugThurwell's not here he's went to the land of nod
04:33.13Aes[gutgut]eh ratsug it would be nice to have infos of the objectives in otehr zones ?!
04:34.09Ratsugyep it would, I'm going to work on that, but I want to get the main body working perfectly before I start trying to hack away at that little problem
04:36.43Aes[gutgut]and an option to see t3 too :P
04:37.21Ratsugyou can already see t3.. or do you mean just t3 and 4
04:37.45Aes[gutgut]is it possoble to make it more compact ?
04:38.23Ratsugwell you can now cut it down to just T4 and use just the pager. which should make it quite small
04:51.07*** join/#waruidev Thrae|ppc (
04:52.18*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
04:52.35Thrae|ppchey, does it cost money to make a new account? do you NEED to buy the disks, especially if you were referred (asking for a friend)
04:52.54Bloodwalkeryou get a free trial but then you pay for it
04:53.20Thrae|ppcper month, right...I mean for the key
04:54.04Bloodwalkercheck the herald but I think you pay the big chunk upfront for the key and free month after the tiral then per month
04:54.41WikkiFizzle^ this
04:55.32Thrae|ppcwhen n's slayers due? i've been out for a while.
04:56.00Bloodwalkerthe roll out is going on from end of feb to june
04:58.42Thrae|ppcso you need to pay 50usd for that key?
04:59.30Bloodwalkersomething like that not sure the actual price
04:59.50Bloodwalkerbut you still get your free month with the key
05:02.38Aes[gutgut]ratsug .. only the pager to see all changes and if i hit a button i want to see all t4 keeps and objectives
05:07.36Aes[gutgut]and  t3 stats if in need :P     thats my whish  ;)    
05:08.55*** join/#waruidev Huggu (
05:24.28Valkeagood night all :)
05:24.45*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
05:58.57Repo10ace3: 03Aiiane * r29 CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua: Bump CBH minor to 4, since it was forgotten when things were fixed in December.
06:10.02Bloodwalkeron the plus side my testing is finding bugs before release... the down side.. theres bugs
06:12.53Bloodwalkersome I wasnt expecting to happen... but in theory its all working
06:15.28Daegalusshit, i got distracted, i didnt do any work on Pouches today -_-
06:15.52Bloodwalkerneed a black sharpie and a mirror... write it on your forhead
06:17.18Daegaluswell i had a good excuse, i had to study for exams that i have tomorrow, though.... i didnt study, im still putting it off, and ill probably look over each of them like at midnight before bed xD
06:18.45BloodwalkerWow Daegalus I didnt know you were such a vip... the president of the procrastinators association.. maybe theyll get around to getting you business cards eventually
06:19.19Daegaluswell i alwys do this for test
06:19.26Daegalusi have never really studied for any test since 3rd grade
06:20.05Bloodwalkersok me either :) I used to read comic books in class and ace my tests
06:20.05Daegalusand the pouches thing is because i was having second thoughts about WAR and im kind waiting for the slayer/choppa. playng my DoK as sacrifice, while it is the way i want to play him, is kinda subpar.
06:20.23Daegalusi surf the internet on my iphone, but pretty much the same thing
06:21.17Daegaluslike, i dont wat to get onto WAR, and that is delaying pouches, cause i dont want to login to debug it. its why Pouches in its current state, is 100% dry coded, and it will be drycoded till i finish the GUI
06:32.52WikkiFizzleAnyone know of a way if given a career ID to get the faction that career is for?
06:34.22Daegalusi think 1-12 is Order
06:34.28Daegalus13-24 is destro
06:35.18Daegalus1-4 is dward, 5-8 human, 9-12 elves, 13-16 greenskin, 17-20 chaos, 21-24 dark elves
06:49.23WikkiFizzleif( v == 1 or v == 2 or v == 3 or v == 4 or v == 9 or v == 10 or v == 11
06:49.23WikkiFizzleor v == 12 or v == 17 or v == 18 or v == 19 or v == 20 ) then
06:49.23WikkiFizzlecareerLineMap[v].Faction = 1
06:49.23WikkiFizzlecareerLineMap[v].Faction = 2
06:49.34WikkiFizzleI wish they were sequential :P
06:51.08Daegaluswhy did you skip 5-8?
06:51.23Daegalusim confused
06:51.33Daegalusyou have dwarf, high elves, and chaos paired up
06:52.41Daegalusand wouldnt it be easier to just do. if (v >= 0 and v <= 12) then ORDER else DESTRO end
06:53.10Daegalusoops v=>1
06:53.25WikkiFizzle5,6,7,8 are destro
06:53.45Daegaluswhat? i thought 5678 was empire
06:53.59Daegalusoh they did it by pairing, not faction
06:54.03Daegalusi get it now
06:54.36WikkiFizzleWOrks out well
06:54.45WikkiFizzleHave the proper wstrings generated for the profiles now
06:55.13WikkiFizzleprofile change notification works too
06:58.25Bloodwalkerlol ever see the commerical for shredded wheat... where they ask people which shape they prefere... square or diamond...and they have sounds bites from all these people saying the diamond is a cool shape and a great change
07:03.42Bloodwalkeryou know as a group... people are really stupid :)
07:09.37*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
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07:36.11Bloodwalkerjuat cant make up your mind?
07:37.07Daegaluslol, i was updating chrome and accidently closed it a second time xD
07:38.44WikkiFizzlescore AceDB3 integrated into pure
08:16.59*** join/#waruidev Doow (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doow)
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09:10.11NerfedWarmorning huggu
09:10.22NerfedWargreat news that you foudn the blankbutton bug
09:12.58NerfedWaronly thing I want to add before we release the new version is complete the API functions (an hour or so this evening) and add in support for career mechanic charges (you've already done the cmd-line stuff )
09:13.27*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
09:13.56NerfedWarlaters, work to do :(
09:14.00*** join/#waruidev agx (
09:43.26BloodwalkerAiiane you still up... the LuaPlus download is the closest version to the ingame lua right
09:43.44AiianeI just use standard Lua when not ingame
09:44.31Bloodwalkerhaving a memory problem.. need to test with something
09:45.03*** part/#waruidev agx (
09:46.22Bloodwalkeris there an lua interactive... so its more like war or am I going to have to write a ton of lua and do write/run write/run
09:50.00Bloodwalkerwell I'll worry about this later... nite
09:59.04*** join/#waruidev Huggu_ (
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12:03.29BloodwalkerThurwell you around?
12:03.33Bloodwalker~seen tortall
12:03.43purltortall <n=kvirc@> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 16d 18h 13m 27s ago, saying: 'Besides the obvious, that they are an Order class.'.
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12:19.34ValkeaBloodwalker: you need to contact tortall ?
12:28.21Valkeahe changed his job, so he can't connect irc at office anymore
12:28.32Valkeayou want his email ?
12:28.45Bloodwalkerya I was talking to him in game a few days ago... ya thatd help
12:32.12Aes[gutgut]hmm i have a question regarding dammazkron
12:33.04Valkeahello gutgut :)
12:33.12Valkeawhat's your question ?
12:33.52Aes[gutgut]hi :)   there are players of my realm listet as "i helped to kill them" marked with a star ....
12:34.15Valkeathis is due to a bug
12:34.30Valkeai should have fixed it in the last version or the previous
12:34.39Valkeadoes it still happen ?
12:34.47Valkeaor are they old one ?
12:35.08Valkeait should be ok for now
12:35.47Aes[gutgut]most of them older than 8 days
12:36.02Aes[gutgut]a few older than 4 or 5 days
12:36.24Valkeahumm so that still happen with the last version
12:36.38Valkeai will have to search for the problem
12:37.19Valkeawell try /dk version
12:37.29Valkeait should be 0.623
12:38.40Aes[gutgut]k is 622
12:38.53Valkeawell i do not changed this in the last one
12:39.00Valkeaso the bug is still here
12:39.11Valkeathx for the report i will search for it
12:40.29Aes[gutgut]btw it would be nice to have a statistic how many i killed from one class ....
12:40.45Valkeathis is what i'm working on right now
12:40.56Valkeait should be in the next release
12:41.26Valkeaclass stars, sex stats, races stats
12:41.38Valkea(class stats)
12:42.03Valkeado we say "races" in english ?
12:42.45*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
12:43.58Valkeaok thx ;)
12:46.36*** join/#waruidev Scaythe00 (
12:48.53Bloodwalkerwell Im out for awhile.. have fun
13:11.09ValkeaAes[gutgut]: humm i checked all my "stars" entries for the last 15 days with the online armory. But none of them is from the wrong realm. Can you tell me if all of yours play the same class (maybe there is a class attack msg DK parse the wrong way) ?
13:13.02Aes[gutgut]kk  but i need 5 mins ;)
13:13.32Valkeatake all the time you need ;)
13:13.43Valkeait's not urgent
13:21.37*** join/#waruidev Aes[gutgut]1 (
13:21.48ThurwellOh there he is
13:27.01*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
13:32.44Aes[gutgut]1valkea    i dont know much of them   most of them are enemys i think but "level & career unknown"
13:33.08Valkeayes with ennemies this is normal
13:33.19Aes[gutgut]1and the few from my realm have different classes
13:33.39Valkeathis is people registred you never targeted (direct target or mouseover)
13:33.52Aes[gutgut]1ah ok
13:34.11Valkeabecause to know the lvl and class we need to target
13:34.23Valkeaso it mainly occur on assists
13:34.38Valkeayou assisted to kill someone you never targetted
13:34.46Valkeaor time to time it happen with AOE
13:35.25ValkeaDK push career and lvl infos in a tmp table each time ou mouse over or target an enemy
13:35.52Valkeaand then after when an event is fired to be registred, DK check this table to see if we have those informations
13:36.12Valkea(first it look if we already have them in the real DK table ^^)
13:39.26Aes[gutgut]1and afterwards ß   can i fill the missing infos with targeting those people ?
13:43.02Valkeaif you target a "star" entry player, later it will fill the informations in the DK even if you do not have any event fired with this player
13:43.22Aes[gutgut]1with one exeption ^^  friendly targets ..  i guess
13:43.27Valkeabecause when DK close, DK check all the tmp table entries to see if we can fill the blanks
13:43.49Valkeayes, currently DK should only register opponents
13:44.15Valkeaso i do not push frendly informations in the tmp table
13:44.29Valkeaso it will never fill them ;)
13:44.47Valkeabe you can change it by editing 1 line
13:55.37Aes[gutgut]1nit i dont want to kill my friends :P
14:21.28Aes[gutgut]1Ratsug ?    the most of the time sor works goot but sometimes there is an err  :/   Script Call failed - Error while calling [SOR.Update]:
14:21.28Aes[gutgut]1[string "Interface/AddOns\StateofRealm\SORPager.lua"]:179: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
14:36.16*** join/#waruidev Huggu (
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14:36.50Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03huggu * r118 NerfedButtons.lua: fixed cooldown code
14:36.54tronned'sup peoples
14:52.11*** join/#waruidev geneshift (
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15:37.32Valkeahello tronned (ok i'm a bit late but hey i still do not have internet in my bath) ;)
15:53.37*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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17:04.12WikkiFizzleIf I change the scale of a window, should all of its children scale the same way?
17:23.17Aiianesort of. :P
17:24.18*** join/#waruidev NerfedWar (
17:26.56WikkiFizzleThats an evil answer!
17:27.26WikkiFizzleConverting Pure's frames to load their positioning/scale/etc from config rather than having the client handle it
17:29.48WikkiFizzleThink I got it
17:31.07WikkiFizzleIt seems that if i resize the window using the window size / the interface scale
17:31.17WikkiFizzleThe window scales appropriately but its children do now
17:31.38WikkiFizzleWHen I pull the interface scale out of the equation is looks ok
17:37.17Valkeastill nothing to get the target guild name ? ;)
17:38.13Valkeai will have to search in the 1.1.1 api
17:39.35Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r119 CharClasses (2 files in 1 directory): Added a few default group conditions.
17:43.09WikkiFizzleSo I just updated a production system for a major railroad in Texas
17:43.15WikkiFizzleI get everything all setup and running
17:43.18WikkiFizzleLooks wonderful
17:43.25WikkiFizzleI get an email "The update didnt work.  Fix it!"
17:43.45WikkiFizzleHm..ok.   That has about the same amount of information as most tickets I get on Pure/Aura.  0
17:44.00WikkiFizzleTurns out the admin had created a local versionof the software on his machine for testing
17:44.05WikkiFizzleand expected me to upgrade that too
17:44.14WikkiFizzleWhen 1) I didnt know it existed
17:44.20WikkiFizzle2) He doesnt have a license for it
17:44.30WikkiFizzle3) He will be getting a bill today for the license
17:54.14Ratsuganother City Siege Yay
17:54.20WikkiFizzle~poke tronned
17:54.21purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind tronned, pokes tronned repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:54.32WikkiFizzleblah he isnt here
17:58.50RatsugThur darling, referencing zoneData.controlPoints[1] causes my game to crash
17:59.06ThurwellCheck to see if zoneData is nil before you try to index it
17:59.47RatsugzoneData can't be nil because I've already referenced it
18:00.04ThurwellThere is no, to my knowledge, way to check if you're in a campaign zone other than calling getcampaignzonedata and watching to see if it throws an error.  That's even what EA's zone bar does
18:01.54Thurwellwell, you could have your own list of valid zones, but then you're responsible for tracking changes to the zone #s
18:03.20Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03huggu * r120 NerfedButtons.lua: smal bug fix in OnPlayerEndCast
18:04.03Ratsugso far if there is a City timer I'm doing this
18:04.04Ratsuglocal ZoneData = GetCampaignZoneData( 162 )
18:04.04Ratsugif ZoneData.controllingRealm == 0 then
18:04.04RatsugSOR.SetLabel("SOR.Realm0.Fortress", towstring(timeformat(GameData.CityScenarioData.timeLeft)))
18:04.04RatsugSOR.SetLabel("SOR.Realm0.Battlezone", L"Altdorf")
18:04.06RatsugZoneData = GetCampaignZoneData( 161 )
18:04.08RatsugSOR.SetLabel("SOR.Realm0.Fortress", towstring(timeformat(GameData.CityScenarioData.timeLeft)))
18:04.10RatsugSOR.SetLabel("SOR.Realm0.Battlezone", L"Inevitable City")
18:04.42Thurwellyou really need to stop posting code into the channel
18:04.55Ratsugsorry, is that a no no
18:05.56Ratsugbut if I put in your zoneData.controlPoints[2] = zoneData.controlPoints[2] / 1.5 the whole game crashes
18:08.37Ratsugfound the problem..
18:09.58RatsugNope I didnt'
18:11.26Thurwelltypically you paste code to either
18:11.30Thurwellor curseforge has a place for it
18:12.34ThurwellYou game is probably crashing in that setlabel
18:13.15ThurwellOnly ways I know of to crash the game are with window anchoring and string handling (endless loops don't)
18:13.54Thurwellwhat does timeformat return, string or wstring?
18:14.19Thurwelltwstring(wstring) = crash
18:15.42Ratsugyeah you were right it's a string type issue
18:36.23RatsugThur those two variable seem not to be the percentages for Altdorf
18:42.18NerfedWaranyone know the carrer id for a white lion?
18:42.23NerfedWarcant find it in GameDefs
18:43.17Scaythe00it's the seer
18:43.24NerfedWarlol thanks Scaythe
18:48.10ThurwellI haven't checked them for altdorf under attack, but why would altdorf act differently than IC
18:48.32Ratsugah it only works when in instance
18:50.04Ratsugah yours is the individual instance
19:11.54Aiiane(10:14:18) Thurwell: twstring(wstring) = crash
19:11.56Aiianeum, no?
19:12.27RatsugAiiane how do you get the % control in cities.. you've done it before haven't you
19:12.47Aiianenop, haven't needed to
19:13.21RatsugI was told RS did it
19:14.23Aiianewell feel free to look at realmstatus' code; but if it works for cities that's purely coincidence
19:16.07*** join/#waruidev unwitting (n=unwittin@
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19:21.16Daegalushey al
19:27.06NerfedWaranyone know how to retrieve career mechanic points (Grudge, Hate, HIgh Magic etc...)?
19:28.41WikkiFizzleGetCareerResource( GameData.BuffTargetType.SELF )
19:28.48WikkiFizzleI think
19:28.59WikkiFizzlethe arg to that is similar to bufftarget type
19:31.12NerfedWarmany thanks
19:33.17WikkiFizzleHm..someone installed Pure and they can no longer see their loot roll window
19:37.58*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
19:38.49MrOfflinehey nerfed did you get an answer to your question? just saw it but had an disconnect
19:39.38*** join/#waruidev Narthalion (
19:41.20Aiianeother forum
19:42.10WikkiFizzlety for heads up
19:43.16NarthalionHej! I have a noob question... :) So I have this single window with a dynamic image in it showing. Resizing the window via WindowSetDimension works (can be seen in Layout Editor, size of anchor changes). How can I link the size of the dynamic image to the window dimensions?
19:44.11Repo10huduf: 03tannecurse * r103 / (3 files in 2 directories):
19:44.16Reporenamed hudunitframes.colouroverrides to hudunitframes.colouring
19:44.20Repoimplemented the remaining colour groups combobox code
19:44.25Repoimplemented dynamic colour changing for title and level label
19:44.42Aiianeuse anchors, Narthalion
19:44.51Aiianeanchor the topleft of the dynamic image to the topleft of the window
19:44.56Aiianeand likewise the bottomright to the bottomright
19:46.17Narthalionthanks... could have thought of that myself... :)
19:47.02NarthalionI hope it's okay if I drop by more often now and ask stupid question... ;)
19:49.28Aiianeit wasn't stupid :)
19:50.48NarthalionI hoped you would say that *g*
19:56.45DaegalusNarthalion, dont get too comfortable, aiiane likes to trick her prey into thinking all is fun nice, and helpful, then she eats you for dinner. Just a warning of caution. I now will go hide, so I am far away from teh wrath of Aiiane.
19:58.02NarthalionYou mean, the "aii" part is really an attackscream?
19:58.24Daegalusyes, why do you think she has 2 of them in here
19:58.57DaegalusOne is for the trickery, the other is for devouring
19:58.57*** join/#waruidev computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
19:59.39Narthalionscary... especially the i-dots look very inoocent
19:59.45computerpunkI got this problem...
19:59.51computerpunkI'll copy from the post
20:00.27computerpunkAfter deinstalling some custom map frame, my mini map didn't appear. Deleted OverheadMap settings, and now it's anchored on bottom right. Changed point and relativePoint to "topright" and still nothing. Any help?
20:00.38Daegaluswell those are code, for crying. why do you think people use i_i as a tears emote. Its a warning.
20:00.57computerpunkTT_TT is more anime-like
20:01.15Daegaluscomputerpunk: make sure your original minimap is set to visiable in Customize Interface
20:01.24computerpunkIt is.
20:01.34computerpunkIt is anchored on bottom right
20:01.35computerpunkright now.
20:01.43computerpunkCan't change that. >_<
20:01.59Daegalushmm, try deleting any settings files related to maps form your user settings folde
20:02.06computerpunkDeleted Overhead map
20:02.07computerpunkwhat else?
20:02.15Daegalusanything with the word map in it
20:02.34Daegalusif all else fails, and it really bugs you, just delete all your settings, and redo your UI
20:02.38Aiianeare you deleting these folders while the game is running, or with WAR totally shutdown?
20:02.44computerpunkTotally shut down.
20:03.43Aiianepastey your modsettings.xml file from EA_OverheadMapWindow
20:03.51computerpunkjust deleted them
20:03.56computerpunkI'll open war again
20:06.31Daegalus this makes me feel like ive been wasting my time in life
20:08.20computerpunkI tried setting bottomright to topright
20:08.23computerpunkand it didn't work
20:09.05*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
20:12.07Scaythe00relativeTo="EA_Window_ZoneControl", maybe try "Root" instead
20:13.42computerpunkI'll try
20:18.49computerpunkstill nothing
20:18.56computerpunkI did wrong thing
20:19.35computerpunkTrying now
20:19.50Daegalusfor those that havent seen it:
20:22.34computerpunkOkay, still nothing
20:22.45computerpunkI have to say it again
20:22.49computerpunkIt's stuck in bottom right
20:22.52computerpunkinstead of top right
20:23.56Scaythe00is the wml file reste each time you lauch the game ? or does your changes stay ?
20:24.06computerpunkthey stay
20:24.11Aiianewhy are there two XML headers
20:24.13computerpunkI'm not on vista
20:24.13Aiianein that pastey
20:24.18computerpunkOne is Overhead Map
20:24.20computerpunkand the other is
20:24.40AiianeI didn't ask for both :P
20:24.48computerpunkyou asked for the overhead?
20:25.08AiianeI asked for the contents of a specific file ;)
20:25.28computerpunkthe overhead
20:25.33computerpunkwant me to pastey it again?
20:25.50Aiianeassuming it's just the second portion of the pastey, no need
20:26.13computerpunkYes, it is the second.
20:28.51Aiianewell, next thing to try
20:29.01Aiianerename your user folder (don't delete, just rename so you have it backed up)
20:29.05Aiianeand see if the proper persists
20:29.17Scaythe00what about :
20:29.17Scaythe00/script WindowClearAnchors("EA_Window_OverheadMap")
20:29.17Scaythe00/script WindowAddAnchor( "EA_Window_OverheadMap", "topright", "Root", "topright", 0, 0 )
20:30.26*** join/#waruidev computerpunkClon (n=pcpunk_0@
20:30.29computerpunkClonnet disced
20:30.32computerpunkClondid you say anything?
20:31.50*** join/#waruidev chrixian (
20:31.59Aiiane(12:29:16) Scaythe00: what about :
20:31.59Aiiane(12:29:16) Scaythe00: /script WindowClearAnchors("EA_Window_OverheadMap")
20:32.00Aiiane(12:29:16) Scaythe00: /script WindowAddAnchor( "EA_Window_OverheadMap", "topright", "Root", "topright", 0, 0 )
20:32.09*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
20:32.35computerpunkClonI'll try
20:32.45computerpunkClonhad zMiniMap before
20:36.42Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r121 / (6 files in 3 directories): Removed some debug.
20:36.46RepoAdded Call White Lion ability function.
20:36.50RepoAdded career mechanic test. (Still work to do on this)
20:37.21Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r122 Templates/a9248.lua: Delete old ability test file.
20:37.35*** join/#waruidev computerpunk2 (n=pcpunk_0@
20:37.40computerpunk2it worked
20:37.51computerpunk2stupid internet...
20:39.46*** join/#waruidev Vidhar (
20:44.19`ZypherAiiane: party party?
20:47.17*** join/#waruidev computerpunk3 (n=pcpunk_0@
20:47.24Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r123 Languages/english.lua: corrected some English terminology.
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20:54.34Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r124 NerfedButtons.API.lua: Corrected some API comments.
21:26.56Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03huggu * r125 NerfedButtons.lua: flags changed for char class mehanics
21:31.36Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar * r126 NerfedButtons.API.lua:
21:31.40RepoAdded -5 to +5 Shaman and Archmage support to class mechanic test.
21:39.24Repo10nerfed-buttons: 03NerfedWar 042.00beta * r127 : Tagging as 2.00beta
21:42.53ThurwellI love how nerfed littlee addon he made for himself has become this huge project up to r127 now
22:02.15NerfedWarwell hopefully thats the last major release for a bit
22:02.28NerfedWarmakes a difference having 2 developers as well.
22:02.40NerfedWardon't suppose we got any GUI experts who want to contribute ;) ...
22:23.17ThurwellThere are tools out there, like libgui, to make gui creation easier than it used to be
22:23.45ThurwellI know for dufftimer the options window was harder than the effect tracking
23:05.20AiianeSquared is at rev 179
23:29.16*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=40513572@gateway/web/ajax/
23:34.43*** join/#waruidev NerfedWar (
23:54.04`Zypherwhat are the events?
23:54.14`Zypherlike is there a list?

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