IRC log for #waruidev on 20090119

00:14.16Repo10aura: 03wikki * r44 / (12 files in 2 directories):
00:14.20RepoConverted localization files to auto populate from CurseForge
00:24.16*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle_ (
00:28.21*** part/#waruidev WikkiFizzle_ (
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00:36.30*** join/#waruidev Valkea1 (
00:39.22Valkea1what did they changed ?
00:39.34Valkea1there is plenty of chickens in the Scenarios ...
00:39.45Valkea1only order side tought as far as i can see
00:43.22Valkea1ok, i understand why
00:45.18Valkea1be never seen this change in patch notes
00:52.19Bloodwalkersup gio
00:52.36GiomancerWas wondering what the ETA was on the.. ah..
00:53.00Giomancer"Unlocks" section?
00:53.08GiomancerAnd what's gonna be in it? :P
00:53.34GiomancerThough I am liking the Saga thing.
00:53.55GiomancerThe idea of that tickles me. ;P
00:54.13Bloodwalkerthe first tab is going to have everything in tome that you have unlocked but not completed
00:54.46GiomancerWhat does that mean?
00:55.12Bloodwalkerlook in your tome...under bestiray specially.. you have 2 unlock that you can read but havent completed
00:55.18Bloodwalkerbestiary even
00:56.47Bloodwalkerok ... open yout tome to the bestiary section
00:57.04Bloodwalkerpick a species
00:57.07GiomancerDid, you mean the things that it shows but are not crossed off?
00:57.22Giomanceraah, okies, I like that idea
00:57.35GiomancerSpoilers can go bite themselves.: P
00:57.50Bloodwalkersame with noteworthy persons etc... so the unlock tab will have everything your allowed to see but not completed
00:58.01Bloodwalkerthe spoilers will be optional forum info :)
00:58.20GiomancerI like that idea (the unlock tab)
00:59.11Bloodwalkerthe unlock tab is the next big thing on the todo list... I have to give some thought on how the spoilers will work so I can have data structures that will work for both
01:00.08GiomancerSo it'll be a while. ;P
01:00.11GiomancerNo worries
01:00.27BloodwalkerI plan on putting spoilers in their own addon... like a module into tome tracker so dont have to have it at all and I dont have to update tome tracker to update spoiler info
01:00.42GiomancerI do like, though, how I was able to turn off the unlocks from other characters just by unchecking two options.
01:01.00GiomancerThough it took me a bit to figure out that that was what they were for.
01:01.29BloodwalkerI tried to make intuitive and obvious as much as possible :)
01:14.55Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r172 / (2 files in 1 directory): More 1.1.1 tweaks.
01:17.45*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_D (
01:35.39Repo10aura: 03wikki * r45 Libraries/AceLocale-3.0.lua: Updated to the latest version of ace locale
01:45.32*** join/#waruidev Ratsug (
01:47.16RatsugHey there... been having a tiny bit of trouble how do you resize a Dynamic Image?
01:48.34RatsugWhat function should I be using?
01:52.39Bloodwalkertrying to change the size of the image and then shrink the image to fit?
01:54.11RatsugI'm wanting to change it's size dynamically
01:55.44Ratsugunless there is another object I should be using to make a resizable image?
01:55.51Bloodwalkeran image is like any window so you can use WindowSetDimensions... but that dosnt change the texture you need DynamicImageSetTextureScale to change the scale of the texture... if you can explain abit more what exactly your trying to do might be able to give you a better idea
01:59.12RatsugDOH it was a simple typing mistake, missed out a .. concatonation        
01:59.38RatsugBut I've got a cold and havent' been able to sleep in two nights so that's understandable
01:59.45Bloodwalkertypos are the worst to find
02:04.26RatsugWOOT the bar is working. Now I can do the next bit easily
02:16.37*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle_ (
02:19.42*** join/#waruidev Blookwalker (
02:27.37RatsugIs there a command that returns the pairing your in?
02:28.53Blookwalkershoudl in game either GameData or SystemData
02:36.50ThurwellGetCampaignZoneData( )
02:37.09ThurwellpairingId and tierId
02:38.06Thurwellyou know what's weird, controlPoints has 3 values.  I've no idea what the third one is
02:38.42RatsugSo would I put in
02:39.26Ratsuglocal Pairing = GetCampaignZoneData(
02:40.24Thurwellcheck to see if it's nil before you index pairingId or tierId tho, cause it returns an error if you're not in an rvr zone
02:40.26Ratsugwould Pairing then be == 1 if I'm in Ork vs Dwarf zone
02:40.50Thurwellno idea, I don't use those values for anything.  Pairing.pairingId and Pairing.tierId would be the values
02:43.53AiianeI should point out that the zone tells you what pairing you're in, basically
02:44.06Aiianesince zone Ids skip to multiples of 100 for each pairing
02:44.20Aiiane0-99 are one pairing, 100-199 are another, and 200-299 are another
02:44.30Aiianewell, 0 isn't one, but you know what I mean
02:44.59Thurwellwhat about the tier?
02:45.23Thurwellincidentally you should call  GetCampaignZoneData in a pcall because if you're not in an rvr zone it throws an error
02:46.20Thurwellbut the only way I know of to figure out if you're in an rvr zone is to call it and watch for that error...
02:46.30Bloodwalkerscenario zones are also in those ranges
02:51.44GiomancerIs there an addon that is kinda like a notepad but lets me save items as a link?
02:52.31GiomancerNot like a database of items I've seen, but say I look up an item on WarDB and want to save a link of it.
02:54.11Bloodwalkeranything in the chatlogs or logs of any kind you cant cut and paste from
02:55.07GiomancerI hate to make reference to WoW, but there was an addon for WoW called Linkpad.
02:55.34GiomancerIt let you save item links in a notepad type thing
02:55.44Thurwellcan't do everything in war that you could in wow
02:56.43GiomancerAnd like thottbot had item links you could paste into chat, and I'd use those to save on linkpad to remind myself what gear I was looking for.
02:57.03GiomancerThurwell: I realize that, I'm not dense.
02:58.02GiomancerBloodwalker: I wasn't looking to paste from the logs. :P
02:58.10BloodwalkerI havent looked at the itemlinks in wh yet but I dont belive you can hand write a link easily
03:00.00ThurwellI saw some sort of notepad addon once, but linking wasn't even in game yet
03:05.30Ratsughey there Aiiane.. love your stuff :)
03:08.47RatsugA little question if colon is the position of a colon :sub(1,colon-1) gives everything before it.. does :sub(colon+2) give you the first character of the type eg. "Ork Objective: Healing Boon".
03:09.45Ratsugwould :sub(colon+2) give H?
03:18.14GiomancerHow does linking work in WAR anyhow?
03:19.14Bloodwalkerat first glance gio its pretty simple.. the text is a clickable window element which calls a function with the itemid to display
03:19.16AiianeRatsug: no, the default is everything from the given start point to the end of the string
03:19.27Aiianeyou'd need :sub(colon+2, colon+3)
03:23.07GiomancerWhere can I find the item linking code?
03:23.28RatsugWill that just give one letter?
03:23.57Bloodwalkercan check wardiff gio.. some of it might be done in C
03:24.14GiomancerOh, true
03:24.26GiomancerI downloaded everything from wardiff, tho. :P
03:25.32Bloodwalkerif you get easymyp you can extract your own copy.. and use wardiff to search... thats alot of files to download
03:25.46GiomancerI did it a while ago. :)
03:25.57GiomancerLike when I first started coming here. :P
03:28.14art3miszomg you haxx0rs!
03:33.46Ratsugright what is wrong with this line? local colon =":")
03:38.15GiomancerYou can execute a script inside the chat window, can't you?
03:40.52Thurwelllua> local colon =":")
03:40.53lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'v' (a nil value)
03:41.14Thurwelllua> v = local colon =":")
03:41.15lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near 'local'
03:41.22Thurwelllua> v = {name="a"}; local colon =":")
03:41.22lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'L' (a nil value)
03:41.29Thurwelldarn wstrings
03:41.45Thurwelllua> v = {name="a"}; local colon =":")
03:41.46lua_botThurwell: No output
03:41.52Thurwelli dunno
03:43.05Thurwelldepends what v and find are I guess
03:44.32art3misquick tactic switch ot vertical tactic bar seems to constantly change to something else each time i die or zone
03:44.47art3misand it takes forever to reset to tactic 1 cuz it keeps defaulting to 3
03:45.05*** join/#waruidev Kest|Fraith (
03:47.13*** join/#waruidev Blookwalker (
03:54.26GiomancerOkay, more specific question.. how do I find what the value of itemData is for an item?
04:05.03*** join/#waruidev Unremarkable (
04:10.30Giomancer3How do I print to the debug window? d""?
04:13.48Bloodwalkerwith d(string or wstring)
04:14.00Bloodwalkerwith anything really it gets converted
04:26.05*** join/#waruidev tronned (
04:26.52Bloodwalkerhey tronned
04:27.06tronnedHey there, Bloodwalker.  How are things?
04:27.41Bloodwalkerfound a solution to this morning
04:28.59Bloodwalkerjust have to finish working it out... going to sick with the entry index... and resize the log so I never get to the end of it and dont have to worry about indexes changing
04:32.18tronnedlol, that sounds like it should work ok :)
04:32.37Bloodwalkerfound more cases when the other idea just failed miserably
04:33.10Bloodwalkerso Ill just shrink it to drop the old entries then grow it to give more room at the bottom and track indexes
04:33.21Bloodwalkerno more scanning
04:35.38tronnedI await a download patiently :)
04:36.00Bloodwalkershortly :) youll see the commit
04:36.30tronnedi'm raising mone so i can register the AddOn author-only guild we are making on Badlands ^^;
04:37.31Bloodwalkertry that in english.. typoneese isnt always clear :)
04:37.38Kest|Fraithim on badlands
04:38.30Kest|Fraithleader of a vanity guild though
04:38.44Kest|Fraith"Indecisive", level 3
04:39.08art3miswere you on silvermoon?
04:39.29art3misthe vanity guild ame
04:39.42art3misi knew a guild on wow silvermon called indecisive
04:40.36tronnedBloodwalker: Sorry, i have the laptop attached to the 42", typos are a little hard to see
04:41.10Bloodwalkerlol tronned I still have to fix that up for myself... laptop to our plasma 42
04:41.22tronnedWe are making an author-only guild on Badlands, I'm raising money for crafting, guild registrar, etc.
04:41.36*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
04:41.44tronnedi've got my M1530 going via HDMI to our 42" LCD, works nice
04:41.55Kest|Fraithhow about an alliance
04:41.57art3mischeater pants!
04:42.25art3misif i owned less consoles i'd totally do that though ;)
04:42.44art3misneed to get an hdmi switch
04:42.49BloodwalkerI have a switch box for our consoles and A/V devices
04:42.51art3misfor the media box and the spare gaming pc ;)
04:43.51tronnedI don't play on the TV much, just doing it because I was showing stuff to friends during commercials while we were watching the AFC championship
04:44.51Bloodwalkerthe resolutions arent always quite right so its tough
04:45.00Giomancerckk? You awake?
04:45.13ckknightsleep is for the weak, Giomancer
04:45.15tronned@1920x1080 now
04:45.40ckknightone time I went on a schedule of 26-minute naps every 4 hours
04:45.44ckknightfor about 6 weeks
04:45.53GiomancerRegarding DevUtils, a mod of yours, what is it supposed to do? It just echos what I type.
04:47.05Bloodwalkerya know ckknight that kind of sleep schedule they use during interrogations and prison camps :)
04:47.32ckknightBloodwalker: it was awesome.
04:47.51ckknightafter about 2 weeks I got used to it
04:47.55ckknightwas able to think clearer, faster
04:48.05ckknightalso had a craving for grapefruit
04:48.17ckknightin any event, I stopped because it was horrible socially
04:48.21Bloodwalkerlol reminds me of the days when I was young and stupid and stayed up for 4 days straight and worked 40+ hrs in retails during that time
04:48.25ckknightsince you had to map your schedule around sleep
04:48.53Bloodwalkerand why 26 mins?
04:49.07ckknightas a teenager, it was the exact amount of time it took me to complete a full REM cycle
04:49.15ckknightif I were to do it now (as a 21-year-old), it'd be 22 minutes
04:49.25art3mis36 hour schedules rules
04:49.39art3misup 36 sleep 12 up 36
04:49.46Bloodwalkerah ckknight assuming you flass asleep immediately
04:50.10Bloodwalkerdamn my spelling sucks
04:50.12art3misudid that all grade 11 and 12
04:50.16ckknightBloodwalker: exactly. after 2 weeks, your body trains itself to fall asleep instantly
04:50.43art3miswake up go to school stay up all night and go to school, sleep from about 6pm to 6am restart cycle
04:51.26art3misworked out awesome
04:51.32art3misaced most of my tests ;)
04:51.57art3mis3pm to 10pm-12am was skate time
04:52.10art3mis12am-school time was homework and computer hacking
04:52.44Bloodwalkerfunny thing though.. sleep schedule been a problem lately :P maybe I should jsut give up on the regular schedule
04:52.47art3miscourse it lead to me being rather solidary and haing humanity heh
04:53.30art3misive been conditioned by work though
04:53.40art3miseven on days off and weekends i get up at 5-6am
04:53.58art3misno matter how long i sleep
04:54.38art3misi'd totally shift to 36 hour days again though if i wasnt married
04:54.45Valkea1" even on days off and weekends i get up at 15-16 pm " xD
04:54.48Bloodwalkernever works for me... too much vampire dna :)
04:54.53art3misapperantly she expects me to be awake  stuff in the evening
04:55.08Valkea13-4 pm sorry ;)
04:55.30art3misi can totally go back to bed like 2 hours later though
04:55.39art3misi just need to be awake for a fwe hours at that time
04:55.41Bloodwalkernot me
04:55.55art3misyou're not amrried right?
04:56.01art3misgive 36 hour days a shot for a week
04:56.08art3misit seriously rules
04:56.09Bloodwalkertechnically no... but yes
04:56.19art3misif you can find something to fill that first evening with
04:56.32art3miscuz after midnight i know codig would keep you up ;)
04:56.43art3misbut you cant do that from like 5-12
04:56.43Bloodwalkerwh, xbox, tv, ps2, ps3, movies... Im sure I can find something lol
04:56.59art3misit has to be something different than what you're focusing on between 12-6
04:57.04Bloodwalkerlol art3mis be surprised how long I can go coding... I forget to eat some days
04:57.20art3misheh me too mostly playing with hardware or solving networking puzzles
04:57.25art3miswhich is bad
04:57.28art3missince i work at 7am
04:57.39art3misi'll be up a like 2 or 3 am
04:57.47art3misand realize i need to get some sleep and get up at 5
04:58.17art3misdefraggler rules
05:00.03BloodwalkerIll have to give a try.. windows built in always sucks
05:00.39art3misits the asme people that made ccleaner
05:00.51art3misworks nice and fast even on an active machine
05:01.07art3mis120gb 30% frag usually takes about 1.5hours
05:02.55art3misccleaner, defraggler, virtualbox and sandboxie are my fav apps these days
05:07.44art3misand ironically its time for me to sleep
05:07.47art3mislates kids
05:46.39BloodwalkerFinnaly finished
05:47.15Bloodwalkerone more test
05:49.20Repo10debugimp: 03Bloodwalker * r13 / (7 files in 2 directories): Added tag Beta v0.1 for changeset e787853de44b  (Message trimmed by 12 lines)
05:49.22RepoFIXED: Memory in use label formatting
05:49.26RepoCHANGED: New solution to getting entries from UiLog
05:49.32RepoCHANGED: Initial code cleanup done for first release
05:49.38RepoADDED: Slash command intercepts for debug window
05:50.21BloodwalkerVoila! New and improved debuging window with cut&paste from the log and more
05:52.22Bloodwalkertronned there it is
05:52.42Bloodwalkerif itll ever syndicate
05:55.03Bloodwalkerthere it goes
06:13.08*** join/#waruidev Vidhar_ (
06:33.32Valkea1 xD
06:55.13GiomancerOkay, this is gonna make my head pop
07:03.40Bloodwalkerwhat is gio
07:09.46GiomancerI'm trying to think of how to do this
07:10.10GiomancerThe silly linking thing
07:12.27GiomancerWhere is that at, Val?
07:12.28Valkea1well you try to create links over texts right ?
07:13.16GiomancerUh, sorta. I'm trying to generate an item link despite only knowing it's uniqueId
07:13.52GiomancerAnd then save that to a notepad
07:16.55Valkea1did you looked at EA_ChatWindow.InsertItemLink() ?
07:17.11Valkea1you could maybe find something interesting in it
07:17.14GiomancerYes. I'm looking at it right now
07:17.25Giomancerfunction EA_ChatWindow.InsertItemLink( itemData )
07:18.33GiomancerI have no way to manifest and itemData
07:20.02GiomanceritemData = EA_ChatWindow.HyperLinks.Items[ itemId ]
07:20.06GiomancerBUT THEN
07:20.15GiomanceritemId = WindowGetId( )
07:23.56Valkea1hook the function and add a loop to extract the ItemData content ;)
07:24.37GiomanceritemData isn't there, though.
07:25.21GiomancerUnless someone links me the item or it is in my inventory, EA_ChatWindow.HyperLinks.Items is empty
07:27.15Valkea1well, there is tones of stuff with restricted access
07:27.35Valkea1so this does not suprise me
07:28.11Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r105 Source (3 files in 1 directory): Version Increment
07:28.15RepoADDED: Career icons to pin type icon chooser
07:28.20RepoFIXED: Label misaligned at different resolution fix
07:28.50Valkea1i guess they do not want addons to be abble to access something the plyaer should not see untill he own it or unlock it etc
07:29.17Bloodwalkermost data is unavailable unless your character has seen the item or has the item himself
07:30.14Bloodwalkerbtw gio if you want to try the MM alpha on curseforge it should fix the filter menu alignment
07:31.31Valkea1time to sleep here, see you tomorrow :)
07:31.35Bloodwalkernite val
07:31.55*** part/#waruidev Valkea1 (
07:32.02Giomancerty, Blood. :)
07:32.13GiomancerOddly it isn't showing in the client
07:32.46Bloodwalkerit wont its an alpha.. only beta and release do
07:33.28Bloodwalkersomeone else reported alignment problems for large resolution so Ill let them know and then make a new beta in a couple days
07:38.08BloodwalkerBah forget the alpha :) just a pain... Ill make a beta and let people download it
07:41.28Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r106 .hgtags: Added tag Beta v0.3.10 for changeset 9f7814ee441f
07:48.21*** join/#waruidev Tyrell (n=Tyrell@
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08:03.14*** join/#waruidev encaitar1 (
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10:03.12*** part/#waruidev Tyrell (n=Tyrell@
12:20.48*** part/#waruidev Kest|Fraith (
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12:39.21*** join/#waruidev agon (
12:41.06agoni think i saw the addon once upon a time. an addon to hide the green tactics color. only to see the brown number tactic.
12:46.39agongot it
12:46.41*** part/#waruidev agon (
13:21.36*** join/#waruidev art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
13:22.19*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
13:33.43*** join/#waruidev Fal (i=Liquid5n@
13:36.08MoronWarchknight:  I just read about your sleeping every 4 hours.  I always concidered that method since I saw it on Seinfeld and then looked it up.  But, ya, work would be the issue for me.
13:39.02art3misjust convince work that you need a blankie and milk and cookies and a 20 min nap each afternoon ;)
13:52.53*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
13:55.16*** join/#waruidev Fal (i=Liquid5n@
14:01.22*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_D (
14:19.10art3misit snowed like 2 inches last night
14:19.22art3misand more supposedly for today
14:19.40encaitar1make a snowman!
14:19.58art3mishe'd be a snow tot with the amount ;
14:20.25encaitar1just have to gather it all up in one place :)
14:22.37art3misso i need a new keyboard
14:22.47art3misone prefereably with the programmable features on the left side
14:22.51art3misany idears?
14:23.09encaitar1a gaming keyboard?
14:23.23art3misbutthe g15 is all right sided
14:23.39encaitar1I bought the fang gamepad instead of a whole keyboard
14:23.48encaitar1which could be used right or left handed.
14:24.07art3misthis is what i had
14:24.20art3misbut 2 years has taken its toll
14:24.41art3misim debating just ripping it apart and soakig it in isopropyl for a few hours or if im feling lazy getting a newer one
14:25.12art3mishows it "feel"?
14:25.29encaitar1Well, that's subjective, but I like it.
14:25.42encaitar1and lots of buttons.
14:25.50art3misshift# workable?
14:25.57gutgutif u dont want to make exact macros
14:26.09art3misi mean doesnt take too muchto depress the shfit button(or mode button)
14:26.12encaitar1I've got my 1-12 across the top, and then alt 1-8 also bound to a single keypress.
14:26.34gutgutu can only record the macros with the fang
14:26.51art3misthats one thing  loved about my saitek
14:26.56art3misi could record timed macros
14:26.58encaitar1gutgut what do you mean?
14:27.02art3misdot dot dot dot cast
14:27.08art3mis1 button
14:27.16art3misi press
14:27.39encaitar1You can edit the macros
14:27.51gutgutjea but you cant edit te pauses
14:27.53art3miswhat would you reccomend gutgut?
14:27.56encaitar1Yes you can
14:28.03gutgute breaks
14:28.11encaitar1I do it all the time.
14:28.14encaitar1But ...
14:28.27encaitar1You can't do something like a 5 sec pause (i.e. for twisting)
14:28.36encaitar1Because it blocks other keypresses as it's waiting.
14:29.04gutgutehm fang is perfext ;9  for progging the macros use another keyboard and record it to the fang
14:29.36gutguthmm  i cannot edit the brakes manually
14:29.44gutgutim ms
14:30.17encaitar1You just click the advanced edit button
14:30.34encaitar1you can set the delays individually or set them all at once.
14:30.35gutgutversion ?
14:31.09gutgutok :P
14:31.40encaitar1download the new one :)
14:32.27gutgutthen its your pad art3mis ;)
14:32.42art3misheh perfect
14:32.50art3misthat means i can get anotehr saitek keyboard
14:32.58art3misi really like the feel of this thing for typoing
14:33.01art3misand typing
14:33.25art3misthe logitech WAVE has a really nice feel to it as well
14:34.18encaitar1holy crap
14:34.32encaitar1my colleague just IM'd me ... we're off today and I had no idea.
14:35.18encaitar1disadvantage of telecommuting ... nobody tells you anything :)
14:36.50encaitar1ah, it's martin luther king day.
14:37.41gutgutthx enc for the new feature .. before i used another pad(revoltec) to prog the fang ^^
14:38.09encaitar1Still kind of annoying that it blocks as it waits though.
14:40.32art3miswe ahd 4 emails last week reminding us the market was cloed and so are we ;)
14:41.21encaitar1Usually I get an e-mail, but none this time.
14:45.21gutgutgrrr i need the cd to remove the old z-engine wtf ....
14:46.12encaitar1that's odd
14:46.33encaitar1might want to export any custom setups you have.
14:46.39encaitar1before uninstalling anything
14:47.10RepoNew project: LuaPad. Bloodwalker (Manager/Author). Approved by ckknight.
14:48.23art3misanyone used the zboard?
14:48.44art3mislooks rather gimpy with the whole replace for gming thing
14:56.44art3misso im gonna get the saitek ecplise keyboard and the fang
14:56.59art3misand 4 more gb of memory since ive completely forgotten im running 64bit
14:57.29art3mishad 2gb sitting around for another board for like 8 months andnever thought about just adding it ;)
14:57.43art3misthen i foudn a board i can use it in heh
15:08.04*** join/#waruidev tortall (n=kvirc@
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15:13.54gutguthi val
15:17.20*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:21.12art3misheh i suppose it helps to change the card type when entering a new card ;)
15:23.59*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_D (
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16:02.23*** join/#waruidev Alocer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:08.26*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
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17:13.06RatsugHey there just wanted to know can you scale the text in a label?
17:15.02Bloodwalkeryes you can
17:16.09RatsugI couldn't find it in the API page, whats the variable. Scale?
17:17.01Bloodwalkerno doesnt quite work the same as textures
17:17.26Ratsugcan you explain?
17:17.40Bloodwalkerif you make a label with autoresize="true" the size of the label will grow or shrink to fit the text
17:18.14Bloodwalkeryou can use LabelSetFont to change font size
17:19.13Bloodwalkerand of course you can resize the window... and theres another let me find it.. when the text will shrink to fit the label
17:23.32Bloodwalkeryou use... textAutoFitMinScale="" on the XML of a label
17:23.39RatsugLabelSetFont seems to only be able to change the font and linespacing from the API reference
17:24.12Bloodwalkeryoud have to go to a larger or smaller font size
17:26.28Ratsugta the text Auto Fit worked well
17:27.02*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
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17:44.30Ratsugthough for Manor of Ortel von Zaris the test gets quite small
17:44.40Ratsugbut the tooltip will be readable
17:47.09BloodwalkerI try to avoid shrinking any text... some people play on the largest resolution which might end up making it really small
17:48.58Bloodwalker@project luapad
17:48.59RepoBloodwalker: LuaPad. Game: WAR. Status: Waiting for file. Bloodwalker (Manager/Author). Updated: 9 hours ago
17:49.13Bloodwalkerrepo bot lies... I just uploaded :)
17:49.52tortallWhy are ironbreakers immune to root?
17:50.16tortallBesides the obvious, that they are an Order class.
17:51.13Bloodwalkerbecause the universe hates you
17:55.01gutgutis there an addon to copy the chat ingame? ipadresses etc
17:56.07RatsugThe question is Blood.. do I detect the side they are playing and set up the Tooltip to say
17:56.39RatsugManor of Ortel von Zaris Locked Down by the Cowardly Forces of Order
17:57.22Bloodwalkergutgut you cant actually see any ipaddresses in game anywhere
17:58.26Bloodwalkerhehe Rat well its a little long but colorful :)
17:58.56gutgutehh when someone post a ts adress fe ?
18:00.04Bloodwalkeroh you want to copy from the chat log .. cant copy from textlogs
18:01.07Bloodwalkeralthough I might add that to my next addon... I did something similar to the debug log
18:01.12Bloodwalker@project debugimp
18:01.14RepoBloodwalker: DebugImp. Game: WAR. Bloodwalker (Manager/Author). Updated: 12 hours ago
18:01.49gutgutlook at my ;)  a few lines above
18:02.08Repo10luapad: 03Bloodwalker * r5 .hgtags: Added tag Beta v0.1.2 for changeset bc65a18e2177
18:05.58Bloodwalkerbtw gutgut I was working on a circular compass and I have a better way to make a 3d isometric compass
18:07.06gutgutok :)  show/tell me
18:08.28Bloodwalkerits abit of math.. I calculate the x, y position of each point around the circumference of an the cardinal points flow smoothly around without being stuck at any specific points
18:09.56Bloodwalkerthe code is still in my test files :) Ill add them into navigator when I get some graphics to go with them
18:10.06*** join/#waruidev Vidhar (
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18:14.14gutgutim looking forward to :)
18:30.15Bloodwalkeraddons have a life of their own :0 Im up to 7 of them now
18:34.31*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
18:42.35ckknightBloodwalker: just wait until you reach my stage
18:42.37ckknightor Aiiane
18:42.58Bloodwalkerat this rate it wont be so long :)
18:49.08Bloodwalkernow lets see how badly I can mangle a compass image :)
18:56.55*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle_ (
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19:33.01AlocerBlargh once again I fail at pattern matching... I'm getting a user entered name from an edit box, converting it to all lowercase, but need to get the first letter into uppercase.  I have some extra cookies
19:34.38AlocerI tried newPlayerName = string.gsub(string.lower(playerName), "(.)(%a*)", string.upper("%1").."%2")
19:34.44AlocerBuuuut, the string.upper isn't working
19:35.50*** part/#waruidev MrOffline_D (
19:39.49Thurwellthat's weird, the size attribute on this combobox moves the box around but doesn't resize it
19:41.53AlocerCrazy, I could never get size to work for combos either
19:42.11WikkiFizzleresizing combo boxes is a little more complicated than just changing the size
19:42.37WikkiFizzleThey have 2-3 built in sizes, or you can derive your own, but you need to setup a lot of the texture slices on your own
19:42.51WikkiFizzleIts a total PITA
19:43.47Thurwellseems they have 250, 125, or 75
19:43.51ckknightAlocer: string vs wstring?
19:44.17AlocerI actually just figured out how to do it
19:44.20AlocerBut I'm working with strings
19:44.33AlocernewPlayerName = string.gsub(string.lower(playerName), "(.)", function(s) return string.upper(s) end, 1)
19:44.43Alocerpretty ugly tho  :p
19:44.50ckknightI like colon syntax
19:45.02AlocerMe too but for some reason :lower wasn't working
19:45.07ckknightplayerName:lower():gsub("^(.)", string.upper)
19:45.13ThurwellI wish there was a 200 size
19:45.41AlocerThanks  :p
19:47.34Thurwellit would also be nice if all the combo box templates weren't named resizable since they aren't
19:47.45AlocerHaha yeah
19:48.44Thurwellplus they don't anchor in the right spot.  it's all weird
19:50.05Thurwelloh wait, I bet they do anchor in the right spot if you don't define a size
19:50.06Thurwellyup, sure nuf
19:52.54AlocerGood call on that though
19:55.05Thurwellwell then good, It hink my options window template works.  Tho why the tab border's disapeared I can't fathom
19:59.46Thurwellhmm, maybe if you have a window with windows that's inherited by something with windows it wipes out the lower windows?
20:02.24Thurwellmakes a weird sort of sense, be nice if you could add windows instead of replace tho
20:03.40AlocerHrmm yeah I'm not sure how it works
20:08.01BloodwalkerHave a look... see how badly I mangled things :)
20:10.39Thurwellwhat do you mean, looks fine
20:10.44*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
20:15.00Alocerdon't look bad
20:15.07Alocerdoesn't, rather
20:15.27*** join/#waruidev MrOffline_D (
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20:19.09art3miswoot my crap from newegg has already been shipped
20:19.36art3miswow blood thats umm
20:19.50art3misshould way for the special parade in your city to unveil that?
20:20.09art3miserr shouldtn you wait
20:24.51BloodwalkerIve never claimed artistic talent :)
20:26.06Thurwellheh, the problem with anchoring worldx to worldy is one type and down goes my client
20:28.58art3misits alright blood we accept who you are deep down inside ;)
20:29.29Thurwelleveryone else thinks it looks good, why you have to go rag on it
20:30.00art3miscuz its funny and he knows im not serious
20:30.11art3misto me its horribly horribly gay ;)
20:30.26art3miskind of like flashing red on a yellow background
20:30.44art3misi lean more to the blue spectrum though
20:31.04art3miscyans light blue dark blues leaning into the dark purples and magents
20:31.17art3misnot a big fan of bright colours
20:31.51art3misthe rest of the look to it is good though
20:32.19BloodwalkerIm not a fan of yellow either but WH uses it alot and it sticks out in the darker colors of the client
20:32.31art3misso does bold cyan ;)
20:32.40art3mison a nice steel grey background
20:33.01art3miswhy ya redoing it anyways ?
20:33.34art3misthat little 3d floating compass that remionds me of my dads dashboard is awesome ;)
20:33.58Bloodwalkerredoing? there isnt a circular compass in WH yet
20:34.08art3misi mean makign another compass
20:34.21art3misdoesnt mapmonster already have one?
20:34.37Bloodwalkersomeone asked for a circular one... easy enough with an image
20:34.40art3misyou could try for those odl timey ones
20:34.54art3miswith the dragons and stuff around it
20:35.16Bloodwalkerya I went looking for compass image examples... most of them had too much detail to look good smaller in WH
20:36.04art3misthat would look neat smaller ;)
20:36.43art3mis <-- champions of morath compass ;)
20:37.22Bloodwalkerlol that last one wouldnt spin nicely
20:38.10Bloodwalkerthe first one has too many similar shades.. theyd get all blurry if it was scaled down to 128 x128 or smaller
20:39.20AlocerThis one is nice
20:39.24art3mishehe dont listen to me though
20:39.27art3misim crazy ;)
20:39.40art3misnods thats simplistic and nice
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20:40.35Bloodwalkerya I saw that one .. would be good smaller with a WH rvr icon in the middle
20:42.44AiianeWikkiFizzle: an option you should add to pure's bufftrackers
20:42.53AiianeWikkiFizzle: sorting self-cast effects to the front
20:45.55art3misso here's a silly question
20:46.02art3misif you had a tracker for senarios
20:46.10art3misand it showed you class and level
20:46.17art3miswhy would you need to know what realm?
20:46.22ThurwellI'm trying to figure out what to do with dufftimer's sorting
20:52.33*** join/#waruidev Giomancer (n=giomance@
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20:53.29GiomancerAbout Binder: I have "save setters per character" enabled, and I'm not getting a profile when I go to the keybind window. :(
20:54.48Aiianewhat title do you see in the key mapping window
20:54.55GiomancerKey Mapping
20:55.08Aiianeand that addon's enabled?
20:55.22Giomancerayup :)
20:55.36Aiianecheck the startup debug spam; do you see binder saying it's loading a profile
20:55.44GiomancerWell, installed, at least, but that's all I needed to do before.
20:56.49Aiianedid you use curse client to install it, or manual install
20:57.10Aiianetry deleting the folder and using manual install
20:57.25GiomancerIt worked before I set save settings per character on. :P
21:03.45Bloodwalkerthis looks better
21:12.15GiomancerI fixed it by copying my stuff from the AllCharacters folder over
21:12.46GiomancerBut for some reason "save settings per character" is not liking Binder at all.
21:13.30Bloodwalkerbtw I posted 2 more addons you guys might find helpfull
21:13.35Bloodwalker@project debugimp
21:13.36RepoBloodwalker: DebugImp. Game: WAR. Bloodwalker (Manager/Author). Updated: 15 hours ago
21:13.39Bloodwalker@project luapad
21:13.41RepoBloodwalker: LuaPad. Game: WAR. Bloodwalker (Manager/Author). Updated: 3 hours ago
21:13.46*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
21:14.07Giomancerluapad? runs scripts in game?
21:14.25Bloodwalkeryup and saves the last code you used in the window
21:14.30GiomancerHell yea
21:14.37GiomancerI've been using MyPad
21:14.46GiomancerWhich isn't updated. :(
21:15.00Bloodwalkerif your carefull with your code you could write hook from in game :)
21:31.12AiianeI do that using /script :P
21:31.58Bloodwalkerhehe well luapad fakes /script and lets you enter more then you can in the chat editbox
21:33.01Aiianeyes, I know how it works :)
21:34.23Valkea1i like it, i used to test with /script in macros, but i like it for biggest functions tests
21:38.47*** join/#waruidev tronned (
21:39.10tronnedafternoon all
21:39.25Valkea1hey tronned
21:58.46gutgutNAMBLA<->TastyButtons :P    :)
22:07.55Bloodwalkersup tronned
22:40.04*** part/#waruidev Vidhar (
22:50.44gutgutblood if u register the DebugImpWindow we are able to rescale  :)
22:58.18Bloodwalkerdont need to register you can resize the debug window by dragging the bottom right corner
23:00.28gutgutyes but the buttons and the frame are too big when it is  always open
23:02.30gutgutit dont have to look like the ea one :) maybe its an idea to style it similar to the questtracker
23:03.45*** join/#waruidev thanners_ (
23:05.59Bloodwalkerthe appearance wasnt nearly as important for the first version as the textlog magic I pulled off :)
23:46.51Valkea1how the hell can we report a guild Name ? Oo
23:47.26Valkea1"we can't find this player name", if i use the player name violation report... and i can't find nothing about guilds ;)
23:48.10ThraePhew! I got scared a little when I upgraded my FiOS from 15/2 to 20/5. But they assure me I'm not paying $110/month.
23:48.25tronnedWhat's the guild name, out of curiousity.
23:48.46Bloodwalkerpick a character in the guild and put the reason in the notes
23:49.06ThraeValkea1: You can't report guilds using the Naming Violation report tool, you need to use a different subject
23:49.29ThraeAll the violation tools for players require an active account of the same name to be in their database
23:49.51Valkea1"Geehad En Route" witch mean "Jihad is coming". Nothing against mulsim religio, history etc etc, but i think this word should not appear in WAR.
23:50.44ThraeRP Server?
23:51.08ThraeIf it's an RP Server I'd say definately, otherwise hmmmmm
23:54.47ThraeValkea: Honestly I'm not sure how guilds are handled, but now that I think about it, why not lookup the founder of the guild and report him, explaining you're reporting his guild?
23:54.52tronnedis there an advantage to using idx=1,#table over key.val in ipairs(table) ?
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23:55.46Valkeano it's not an RP server, but at least i gave my point of view ;) i took a member name and told that the report was not about him
23:55.51Thraetronned: The behavior of ipairs is undefined if you remove an entry while in the loop.
23:57.05Thraetronned: However, ipairs works fine for sparse tables ({[1],[23],[42]}), etc.
23:57.26tronnedi see
23:58.15tronnedlua>tbl={[1],[23],[45]};return #tbl
23:58.15lua_bottronned: luabot:1: '=' expected near ','
23:58.20ThraeValkea: How'd you like "Report Naming Violation" in the player menu you get when you right-click on a name?
23:58.27ThraeThat was psuedo code silly
23:59.02tronnedundefined table entries still count towards table count, correct?
23:59.19Thraelua> local t = {[1]="foo",[23]="bar",[42]="foobar"}; return t
23:59.20lua_botThrae: table: 0x809f938
23:59.39tronnedlua> local t = {[1]="foo",[23]="bar",[42]="foobar"}; return #t
23:59.39lua_bottronned: 1

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