IRC log for #waruidev on 20090111

00:00.26tronnedaw, wth, WP are missing one of the cool fmeale hair choices.
00:00.27*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
00:10.01art3miswoah whast with all the peepers?!
00:12.40art3misii think somehthing s wrong with me
00:13.01art3misya klnow those Trails Best beef and cheddar sticks you see at gas stations?
00:13.12art3misi cant stop buying and eatting them
00:19.27art3misfor anyone that doesnt already own this amazing collection
00:59.51*** join/#waruidev encaitar1 (
01:02.16AlocerHey Aiiane, havin problems with Twister, want me to just make a ticket?
01:02.28Aiianewhat kind of problems
01:03.16AlocerWell, using the hot key, when it would get to the 3rd aura, it would activate it then drop it right away, so I'd have like one aura at 5s, then 2 fading
01:03.32AlocerBut, I think it's dependent on the auras I have it set for
01:03.43AiianeI need something that's reproduceable
01:03.50AlocerLet me tell you what auras and what order
01:04.06Aiianealso, when you say 'activate and then drop'
01:04.17Aiianedoes it actually deactivate the aura
01:04.17Alocerleft to right, discordant instability, dreadful fear, dreadful agony
01:04.27Aiianeor is it just twister's display that shows it as deactivated
01:04.44AlocerIn my buff bar, I have all 3 auras fading
01:04.56Aiianewhat happens if you twist them manually in that order?
01:06.43AlocerWhen using them off the action bar, it works.  But for some reason the 3rd cycle of them, when I got to dreadful agony, it kept fear and agony going so I have 2 active auras now...
01:07.08Aiianesounds more like a client bug than a twister bug to me
01:07.30AlocerOkay, just every time with Twister when it gets to agony, it drops them all
01:07.49Aiianewhat keys do you have your auras normally on (not the twister key)
01:08.10Aloceraction bar slots, or keybinds
01:08.46Alocer1-3 and shift 1-3, I only keep 6 on my action bars
01:08.55Aiianeand what's your twister keybind?
01:09.21Aiianek. hmm
01:09.38Aiianeif you change your twister bind to something else, (lets just try [ for now), does it do the same thing
01:09.59*** join/#waruidev Freddy1 (n=Freddy@
01:10.32AlocerLet me try
01:10.53AlocerI was just going to say though, that I swapped the order of fear and agony, and now using the twister keybind I usually have 2 active auras at the same time  :p
01:10.56AlocerLet me change the keybind now tho
01:12.52AlocerI changed the keybind to F8, and now it's not dropping the auras, but every so often I'll have 2 active auras still
01:13.15Alocerwith the original order of instability -> fear -> agony
01:13.34Aiianeyeah, a lot of this sounds more like something's not right with the client
01:13.54AlocerI'm not surprised, sigh
01:14.14AlocerNobody else reported any similar problems?
01:15.13AlocerThat link scares me
01:15.44Aiianeoh, I've had a couple of reports of similar issues
01:15.53Aiianeit's nothing specific to *just* your client
01:15.57AlocerOkay, was just curious if it was only me
01:16.43AlocerNow if I could just figure out a way to have 3 active auras at once  :p
01:35.28*** join/#waruidev thanners_ (
01:40.14*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@
01:48.40ThurwellI thought 3 was the normal number people twisted
01:49.21Thurwellwell, according to the forums, I've never seen anyone actually do it
01:57.00ValkeaSince the first version of Twister, i'm alsmost all the time under 3 auras (even if i'm not fighting... yes i know i should stop hitting this button xD). Before twister, i was most often 2 auras at the same time.
02:00.34AiianeThurwell: Alocer meant 3 auras actually *active*, not fading
02:06.34Valkea~seen talvinen
02:06.37purltalvinen <n=Miranda@> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 9d 7h 11m 47s ago, saying: '~poke Computerpunk'.
02:07.01Thurwellused to be able to mash all the aura buttons at once and activate them all I guess
02:07.37ValkeaI guess Talvinen is on holidays
02:08.33Thurwellis something wrong with phantom, I've got little default target ui windows
02:09.33Aiianea) do you have them disabled in phantom b) are you sure they're target windows
02:10.09ThurwellThey are target windows, but hold on, I bet it's not phantom's fault
02:13.28Thurwelltaking bets, can we take down the gate to altdorf before reikwald crashes
02:17.19AlocerYeah, 3 active auras at once.  Shame they fixed the button mashing bug, but not like anyone really abused it anyways
02:48.32ThurwellWhat is the rvr tracker showing in a city, it doesn't mesh with my vp addon
03:13.14*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
03:33.55tronnedlua> str="Some random quest text stuff."; return str:match( L"(.+%.).*%..-$" )
03:33.55lua_bottronned: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'L' (a nil value)
03:34.01tronnedlua> str="Some random quest text stuff."; return str:match( "(.+%.).*%..-$" )
03:34.01lua_bottronned: nil
03:34.23tronnedlua> str="Some random quest text stuff. More stuff here."; return str:match( "(.+%.).*%..-$" )
03:34.24lua_bottronned: Some random quest text stuff.
03:39.33*** join/#waruidev zarious (
04:04.56ThurwellHRm.  I haven't a clue where the zone bar is pulling it's numbers from in the city
04:06.15art3misdid you check for My_Ass.xml in the war default interface folder?
04:13.30Thurwellfuck, could be for all I know
04:21.15Thurwellit's gotta be in this threepartbar.lua file somewhere
05:02.08Valkeahumm this is such a big mistake i made with my latest dammaz Kron version ><
05:02.40Valkeait doesn't work if this mob wasn't already installed ...
06:08.18encaitarcurse down?
06:10.59encaitarWhen I try to go to any of my project pages I get a server error.
06:11.35Aiianegive me an example
06:11.59Aiianeyou need to give me the pre-error url
06:12.02Aiianenot the post-error one
06:13.31Aiiane worked for me
06:13.48encaitarNow it seems to be loading but slowly
06:14.01Aiianemaybe just a temp server issue
06:22.44Repo10grpasst: 03encaitar * r19 .hgtags: Added tag 0.6 for changeset 3e7f7e8076d2
06:50.27*** join/#waruidev `Zypher_ (
06:56.51Repo10dammazkron: 03Valkea * r10 / (2 files in 2 directories): Update to 0.601
06:56.58Repo- DK_Core.lua : Major problem fixed. Because of a problem on the update function, people using version 0.600 without having played with a previous version was unable to initialize the addon.
07:13.06Valkeahehe Aiiane, we posted at the same time on waralliance ;)
07:13.14Aiianei noticed
07:36.44*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
07:42.43Repo10pure: 03wikki * r73 Source/PurePlayerPet.lua:
07:42.47RepoAdded a nil check to non pet classes when loading the pet unit frame.
09:11.35*** join/#waruidev encaitar1 (
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09:46.27*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
09:55.35*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
10:25.17*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
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10:30.22*** join/#waruidev Giomancer (
10:34.28*** join/#waruidev Chryzo_ (n=dtc@
10:36.18*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
11:24.04*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
11:47.04*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
12:02.29*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
12:08.17*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
12:13.25*** join/#waruidev zarious (
12:35.22*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
14:16.00*** join/#waruidev amirabiri2 (
14:19.11amirabiri2Can anyone guess, off the top of their head, why this causes a CTD?,
14:28.13amirabiri2And what's worst, is that running it from a /script command works just fine...
14:40.38*** join/#waruidev tronned (
14:41.11tronnedGood morrow, fine citizens.  :)
14:45.05amirabiri2Argh! This is annoying...
14:45.22amirabiri2Appearantly there is some kind of a nasty bug in TextEditBoxSetText
14:50.15amirabiri2bah found a workaround: onLoad
14:50.44amirabiri2There is somekind of a nasy bug in TextEditBoxSetText() if you use it before loading done
14:51.06amirabiri2which shuold have some wiki page dedicated to known CTDs and workarounds for them... ><
15:06.53amirabiri2OK, to share the love and hopefully maybe save others the pain, I've started this:
15:07.07amirabiri2And linked to it from
15:07.09amirabiri2I hope that OK
15:19.55encaitarAnchoring something to itself also causes a CTD
15:33.52amirabiri2Then add it to the page :-)
15:34.22encaitarI haven't made an account yet
15:36.11amirabiri2it a simple registration process. I only made my account an hour ago
15:36.46amirabiri2I'll add it
15:38.10encaitarGood workaround :)
15:38.50amirabiri2The only known one :-)
15:39.12amirabiri2There is still benefit in documenting it
15:39.31amirabiri2because when you hit a CTD you probably don't know exactly what is it that you did that causes it
15:39.57encaitarYes, I did it by accident (of course .. why would you need to anchor something to itself??) and it took me a while to find it.
15:40.05amirabiri2If you then take a quick look at the list and see "Anchoring something to itself causes a CTD" and 5 minutes ago you played around with anchors...
15:40.21amirabiri2Exactly it can save tons of time
15:47.34*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
15:53.01*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
16:01.23*** join/#waruidev tortall (
16:01.33tortallMorning everyone.
16:01.39tortallExcept Valkea, of course.
16:03.07tortallHmm, IsWarBandActive() returns false when you are moving between groups.  Possibly at other times as well.
16:03.34tortallThat's really really annoying.
16:04.38Valkeawell i'm waking up too tortall ;)
16:05.11Valkeaand morning to you ;)
16:05.33tortallAfternoon, Valkea :)
16:08.24*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:16.29*** join/#waruidev tronned (
16:17.31tortallWhat is the surest way to know if the player is in a warband?
16:21.00encaitarCheck GetBattlegroupMemberData
16:21.04Valkeaask him ? xD
16:21.16encaitarif there's players in it, warband, if no players, no warband.
16:23.31tortallThat's what I'm trying now.
16:23.35*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:25.33tortallFrom squared's source, it looks like the first member in a group is always the group leader.  How does one determine the WB leader?
16:25.58encaitarThere's a flag in GetBattlegroupMemberData
16:26.37encaitarThat used to not work, but it does now.
16:26.46tortallI see
16:27.25*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:33.02tortallIt still doesn't work right when moving between groups in the wb
16:33.06*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:35.24encaitarwhich bit?
16:36.29tortallisGroupLeader is still not reliable
16:36.38tortallI am testing with 2 accounts.
16:36.58*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:36.58tortallIf I move the 2 characters into separate WB groups, they both have isGroupLeader set to false.
16:38.29tortallAnd it doesn't matter which one I move.
16:40.36*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:41.01tortallAnd if they are not in group 1, that doesn't matter either.  As long as they are in the same group.
16:42.08tortall~poke Aiiane
16:42.09purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Aiiane, pokes Aiiane repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:43.10*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
16:55.12tronned~poke purl
16:55.13purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind purl, pokes purl repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:55.32Aiiane~whalepunt tronned
16:55.32purlACTION looks onward as an everest-sized whale called Victor punts tronned across the Solar System
16:56.25Aiianewarband groups don't have leaders, tronned
16:57.06amirabiri2Does AceTimer not pass the "elapsed" value to the callbacks ?
16:57.34Aiianeamirabiri2: why would it?
16:57.39Aiianeit doesnt call them every update
16:57.45Aiianeonly when their timer value is up
16:57.47tortallIs there any reliable way to get the WB leader?
16:57.50amirabiri2is there any chance of inaccurcy ?
16:58.22Aiianetortall: the group leader boolean as part of GetBattlegroupMemberData
16:58.27amirabiri2i.e due to lag, loading, etc is it possible that that the callback will be called after a period of time different to what it expected ?
16:58.27Aiianeamirabiri2: define inaccuracy
16:58.46tortallAnd it doesn't work right, Aiiane
16:59.26Aiianethat doesn't jive with my experience, tortall
16:59.34tortallWell, it's a trivial test.
16:59.50tortallCreate a two-person WB and put each in a different group
16:59.55tortallisGroupLeader is false for both
17:00.30Aiianewhich var were you checking for isGroupLeader
17:00.55tortallI am dumping GetBattleGroupMemberData()
17:01.11amirabiri2Aiiane: i.e due to lag, loading, etc is it possible that that the callback will be called after a period of time different to what it expected ?
17:01.13tortalland looking at the debug window
17:01.19Aiianesec, tortall
17:01.32Aiianeamirabiri2, i saw it the first time, patience
17:01.59amirabiri2Aiiane: I thought you may have missed it. Don't get upset. :-)
17:03.41tronnedAiiane: I started a KotBS for some testing, however Twister is only showing as a black box on-screen for me (working from interface/ folder)
17:04.23Aiianeamirabiri2: it is possible, yes
17:04.29Aiianetronned: right-click the black box, what happens
17:04.54*** part/#waruidev Alocer (
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17:06.13tronnedi mean, i know it's supposed ot be a black box, lol
17:06.16tronnedjust no interaction
17:06.31Aiianeyou're on your kotbs, right? :P
17:06.33tronnedlet me open LE and see what's going on
17:06.39tronnedYes, Aiiane :p
17:06.44Aiianejust doublechecking
17:06.50*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
17:06.51tronnedgive me a little credit, lol
17:07.55Aiianefrom having to troubleshoot all sorts of things, ive learned to never give anyone credit...its nothing personal
17:08.13tronnedhm, another window was over top of it (tactics), oh well
17:08.16tronnedall is well!
17:08.55AlocerHmm, can you get TargetInfo from corpses?
17:09.12AlocerMost excellent, thanks
17:11.27tronnedKotBS is "eh"
17:11.34*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
17:11.55art3misaii  just likes all the glory and assumes everyone is much stupider
17:12.02art3misthatas just the natural order of things
17:12.38Aiianetortall: I just tested. isGroupLeader is set just fine.
17:13.05art3mismost call that obsessive compulsion though
17:13.21art3misaii: are you a guy or girl btw?
17:13.38art3misit makes pro-nouning a tad hard when its androgenous
17:14.28tronnedShe's a smart cookie, and with the addons she has , I can understand her not assuming one way or another
17:14.56tortallwell, good for you.  It doesn't work for me
17:15.17art3misokay so am i right in my assumption that since the name sounds female and the language eludes to female that is indeeed the sex?
17:15.55*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
17:16.28RepoNew project: randomTitle. Mephane (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
17:17.12tortallHow can i quickly turn on disk logging for the debug log w/o restarting?
17:18.05Aiianeand art3mis, I'd think you'd have figured that you were correct by now :P
17:18.31tronnedespecially since I just called her "she" ;)
17:23.03tortallAiiane, please look at
17:24.16Aiianetortall, I don't have an explanation for you
17:24.20Aiianeall I know is that it works for me
17:24.28tortallI figured out how to reproduce it
17:24.47tortallAfter forming a 2-player WB, change the leader and place them in different groups
17:25.43amirabiri2Aiiane: Squared does something with the target in order to control which target an ability is executed on, right ?
17:25.52Aiianeamirabiri2: er?
17:26.16amirabiri2When you use squared to cast something
17:26.27amirabiri2does it permanently change your target?
17:26.29Aiianeyou don't use squared to cast, you use your actionbars.
17:28.26tortallCould someone else test my WB problem and see if I'm just crazy?
17:29.00Aiianewhat server are you on, tortall?
17:29.05tortallREM, destro
17:30.52Aiianechar name?
17:32.26amirabiri2I seem to recall some addon that allows you to cast on yourself when you press ctrl
17:32.42amirabiri2without switching your F-target
17:34.56tortalli don't believe an addon like that would work anymore
17:34.59tortallif ever
17:35.15*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
17:38.47AlocerYou still need help tortall?
17:40.58*** join/#waruidev _Deadhawk_ (
17:46.42tortallNah, Aiiane tested it with me.
17:47.01tortallLooks like isGroupLeader doesn't update properly if the leader is in a different zone
17:47.41tortallwhich is annoying, because there's no reliable way to get the WB leader that I know of
17:47.41encaitarBut at least you'd know if you are not the leader.
17:47.43tortallUmm, no.
17:47.46encaitarbecause you're always in the same zone as yourself
17:47.52*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
17:47.56tortallI can get it to show false for both, so how do I tell? :)
17:48.31tortallBesides, that doesn't help me.
17:49.23tortallI am trying to minimize the number of times I change channel in TAC, and I use the group/WB leader to create the channel name.
17:49.56encaitarwhy not just use the first player name in the warband?
17:50.43tortallI could do that as a fallback, but that probably changes more than the leadership
17:51.55*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
17:53.43Aiianei wonder if the main assist flag has the same reliability issues or not
17:53.50Aiianeif it doesnt, you could use that
17:55.49*** join/#waruidev _Deadhawk_ (
17:58.58tortallI'd have to test that.
18:00.24*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
18:02.06tortallI wonder what it would take to bug a WB of one :)
18:04.49Aiianea mosquito
18:11.35tortallisMainAssist is now false for both.  so nope, doesn't help
18:13.04Aiianemy guess tortall is that it just doesn't update *anything* about warband members in other zones
18:13.12Aiianesince health doesn't update, etc
18:14.08tortallthat would be my guess as well
18:14.15tortallan annoying optimization
18:19.05*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
18:21.12tortallAre there any good addons for assisting with crafting?
18:22.37Aiianenimh is handy
18:23.02Aiiane also looks useful
18:25.24AlocerI like to use that with
18:32.57encaitarHmm, looking at Qhaysh Heater T3 rvr inf reward ... green text says "Your squig bounces on it's target, knocking them down for 3 seconds."
18:34.48encaitarIt's for a Knight of the Blazing Sun.
18:35.39tortallThat's ok.  My zealot has gotten an Empire Sword as a reward from a T3 PQ lootbag
18:37.00*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
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19:00.27Aiianeafk for a while
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19:28.14Valkeackknight: this is some weird errors on the curse localization system. tell me if you want some details ;)
19:31.03*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
19:31.56ckknightValkea: and it's the curseforge localization system
19:35.45*** join/#waruidev Thurwell (
19:41.29Valkeaok, i thought curse and curseforge was the same owner
19:46.05Valkeaok for example, i can't change "bas" to "Bas". It the only change is a cap change it does not register it ;)
19:47.50Valkeawas not really a problem before, because we coule change it from "bas" to "Bas@" then to "Bas", but now there is the "previous version" and it auto switch to previous if the only difference is the cap. So if i change "bas" to "Bas@" then to "Bas" it display "bas" ;)
19:52.03Valkeathis way i am unable to change cap errors on Pure localization
19:52.26ckknightfor the value or the key?
19:54.07Valkeai guess i can't change the keys as i'm not the mod author
19:58.50WikkiFizzleThank you V for helping with the Pure localization :)
19:59.01WikkiFizzleThere will be A LOT of new phrases added today
19:59.37Valkeai will take a look at them
19:59.47WikkiFizzleGive it a few more hours
19:59.55Valkeano problem ;)
19:59.55WikkiFizzleIm trying to get the entire config done today
20:00.03WikkiFizzleSo I can go Tuesday
20:00.10Valkeathe current french loc is full of grammar errors
20:00.28Valkeai will try to correct them
20:03.27ckknightValkea: k, I bet I know the bug, I'll see if I can get to it tomorrow
20:03.51Valkeaok :)
20:36.15amirabiri2The pet stuff in WAR is crap... :-\
20:38.59Repo10pet-synergy: 03amirabiri2 * r16 / (17 files in 3 directories): Big big refactoring done:
20:39.03Repo- All code heavily modularized and decoupled.
20:39.07Repo- Cleaned up and documented the code.
20:39.11Repo- Behaviour prior to the rewriting is retained.
20:50.16Valkeathis country @@@... I'm going to be transformed into ice before the end of this month ><
20:51.49Valkeaneed to hack the universe system to modify the earth position, and change the current temperature xD
20:52.03*** join/#waruidev Freddy1 (n=Freddy@
21:17.15Alocermake it warmer in Pennsylvania while you're at it
21:17.36WikkiFizzleIt will get much colder in PA today when the Steelers lose ;P
21:18.46AlocerThe Steelers never lose!
21:19.21AlocerI'm more of a hockey fan anyways :p
21:21.53AiianeValkea: curse and curseforge are the same owner, but they're developed by different teams
21:22.57AlocerSo I'm trying to change my Nemesis mod (if you aren't familiar with TF2 the idea is this to be OO, and have a test mod going that I think is the right way to start, but seeing as I've never written anything OO from scratch yet I'd like a few opinions, or help on how to get this changed to be OO (if you want to look at the current lua and the test lua)
21:23.25ValkeaAiiane: ok, thx for this information ;)
21:25.01AlocerThis is what I've been playing around with so far
21:38.46*** join/#waruidev Vidhar (
21:47.34*** part/#waruidev Vidhar (
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23:00.38*** join/#waruidev tronned (
23:00.43*** join/#waruidev Giomancer (
23:01.20tronned~poke Giomancer
23:01.21purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Giomancer, pokes Giomancer repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
23:01.52*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@
23:04.26GiomancerWhat is inside a MYP file?
23:04.56AiianeMYP is a package format
23:05.09Aiianesort of like a ZIP file, except different
23:05.33Aiianebasically... everything is inside a myp file :)
23:05.51Aiianeinterface.myp, for example, contains XML files, Lua files, .mod files, DDS textures, CSV data files, and more
23:06.06Giomanceroooooh, I see.
23:06.17GiomancerSo I went to wardiff
23:06.43GiomancerThe interface source I got there would be inside the MYP file.. okay. Makes sense.
23:09.50Aiianeyep. you can extract it yourself if you prefer, using easymyp
23:12.03GiomancerThat why I asked, I was wondering if I needed that. :)
23:15.19tronnedAiiane, if I needed to do a lot of gsubs, how would you recommend handling that?
23:17.23tronnedMaybe create a match, replace table and then dump it into a for loop?
23:31.49GiomancerThat didn't work at all. :(
23:33.47Valkeawhat does not work ?
23:34.18Valkea(did not)
23:39.05GiomancerI tried to alter an existing window by changing the title of a subsection
23:40.44GiomancerBut it looks like if I modify an existing window, I have to have all of the window code there, not parts
23:40.47Giomancerof it
23:41.37Valkeayou can ook the function to add your code after or before thr original one
23:44.54Valkeabut you have to be very carefull with hooking (Valkea remember how he deleted all the Bloodwalker data....><)
23:45.11GiomancerI had looked over this earlier but not realized its significance.
23:45.41GiomancerBut then again, I wasn't at the point I am now
23:47.42Bloodwalkerhehe it did... btw I did manage to rebuild most of it Valkea
23:47.59tortallBloodwalker, how goes things?  Do I have something new to test yet? :)
23:48.59Bloodwalkernew version of MapMonster and MapMonster Navigator were published friday night
23:52.33GiomancerI guess the person that originally did this mod took the sledgehammer approach to modifying an existing window.
23:53.01GiomancerIt works but is hardly elegant. :P
23:53.33GiomancerAnd, frankly, is possibly the source of the bugs that it had.
23:53.56GiomancerBut we'll see. :P
23:54.18GiomancerI'm confident I will make all new horrible bugs. :D
23:56.34Bloodwalkerpersonally I like to find a warhammer window that has the behaviour I want and start working from a copy of that window and modify it to my own needs

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