IRC log for #waruidev on 20090108

00:04.02AlocerWhole reason I specced heavy Discord on my Chosen
00:04.19AlocerPlus it rocks in oRvR, silencing all the aoe'ers at once
00:04.45ThurwellThat guy did 230k dmg that scen, just doting and WHing and running in circles
00:05.04ThurwellI like when they realize that the entire destro team can't even FF them down and just start running into the middle of you
00:05.50AlocerThey do seem to act like melee isn't very dangerous a lot of the time, at least on Azazel
00:06.21ThurwellThey don't care at all about melee on DC, they know the healers will heal them above anyone else
00:08.09AlocerBasically have to run with a marauder or WE that specs for -healing
00:08.10ThurwellAlthough, I stunned that last BW and a WE and BG got on him too, he got away with over half health
00:08.14ThurwellI didn't see any healers around
00:08.34AlocerWeird, might've been group heals
00:09.25ThurwellSure wish I got a heal debuff like BWs do.  And a silence would be nice too.  And a knockdown
00:09.57AlocerYeah, the only class with every type of CC... well, maybe not a disable, but still, highest dps ranged class shouldn't have so much CC
00:10.13Thurwelldon't think they have disarm.  but knockdown's the best CC anyway
00:10.45AlocerI agree, unless they're near a cliff
00:11.36ThurwellI was playing on grovod caverns last night and this KotBS kept KBing me, I'd go halfway across the map.  Mine moves people like 10 feet
00:12.18AlocerPlus it's a friggin 5s knockdown
00:12.32AlocerWell, they have a tactic that increases knockback range as well
00:12.53Thurwelloutside of tor anroc I can't imagine anyone runs that tactic
00:12.56AlocerAnd the smaller your character model, the further you knockback cause you hit them in a more upwards motion
00:17.56ThurwellHey I think this mousewheel hide a side click button
00:20.08Thurwellthis could be big since I've been trying to figure out a good way to strafe with my mouse
00:20.22AlocerCraaaazy  :p
00:20.58ThurwellI got this g11 kb for xmas, and it has 18 keys stacked on the side.  So I figure perfect for abilities, but then I gotta figure out how to do all my movement with the mouse
00:21.44Thurwellyou sideslip faster than you go backwards, so you can turn to the side to run away while attacking a person, and be going faster
00:24.07AlocerI basically do the opposite, use my left hand on the keyboard for moving and cast time abilities, and the mouse for instant abilities, turning, and of course clicking
00:25.38AlocerI strafe like crazy
00:27.20*** join/#waruidev beatrixkiddo (
00:28.11ThurwellI used to use the mouse for clicking and looking, with the KB for casting and moving.  But it's too much, and I have a crap ton of abilities so too many hotkeys
00:28.14ThurwellI thought this'd be easier
00:29.30AlocerHeh, I use 6 mouse buttons in combination with shift, alt, and ctrl.  Takes a bit of getting used to but I love it now.  I just wish you could still fix it so you target on button down instead of up.  No idea why Mythic did target on button up either...
00:30.16ThurwellI think this'll work, I have strafe, forward and back on the mouse, so I can do everything but jump, leaving my other hand free for abilities
00:30.38ThurwellI used to have like you, alt-ctl-shift abilities, but my hand would get tired from all the awkward combos
00:31.41AlocerYeah, I have to really try to plan which combos I want for each abilities
00:32.06AlocerI don't think my brain could comprehend using the mouse for all movement   :o
00:32.28Thurwellit'll definitely be a new experience
00:32.55Thurwellunfortunately I didn't get the G15, I heard you can configure it's lcd to tell you who's talking in vent
00:34.02Thurwellalthough you can just buy an external lcd display, doesn't have to be part of a keyboard
00:37.16AlocerI use the program VoiceOverlay to see who's talking in game
00:37.29AlocerBut, you have to start it first, then vent, then the game for it to work
00:38.09ThurwellAlso their site is down
00:38.38ThurwellI'll try later, it'd be nice to have something for vent.  Used to have teamspeak overlay and I liked it
00:38.50Thurwellcurrently I'm not in a guild tho, so it really doesn't matter
00:39.10AlocerThere's a built in one with Vent, but I don't like it
00:39.36AlocerAnd it's hit or miss if it works with Vista64
00:40.22ThurwellI tried it, looked like crap.  wasn't transparent, so it made a big black box over the game
00:40.37AlocerYeah it sucks  :p
00:41.12AlocerLots of nice options with VoiceOverlay if their page ever works
00:42.38Thurwellsays it can't even find the server, not a good sign
00:44.37Thurwellcool, thanks
00:44.58AlocerNo problem
00:46.09Thurwellhuh, they're putting in caps on fortress defenders/attackers tomorrow
00:46.23AlocerWoah, lemme go read that
00:46.28Thurwellbut no instance for the people who can't get in, just stuck on an invisible line in the grass?
00:47.20Thurwellwhat they need to add is more stairways into the lord room.  Ever seen 200 players trying to jam up a 6 foot wide staircase?  it's stupid
00:48.52*** join/#waruidev Unremarkable (
00:50.09AlocerCrazy... guess they just auto-teleport away
00:51.11Thurwellseems like a crude fix
00:51.41AlocerYeah, they couldn't fix stability so they cap numbers instead
00:52.05UnremarkableIs there any way to stop WAR from caching your ui?
00:52.22UnremarkableLike, while I'm working on a mod.
00:53.10Thurwellset it to save by character and work on an alt?
00:56.35Thurwellbut save by character's actually a big pain in the butt if you have any alts
00:56.55UnremarkableAre there any really simple UI examples out there?
00:57.13AlocerI think there's a HelloWorldInABox mod
00:57.19UnremarkablePerfect, thanks
00:59.04ThurwellI think I'm spending too much time at this, everything's compiling without errors for me
00:59.33AlocerIsn't that a good thing  :p
01:00.27ThurwellIt means I should get outside more :)
01:01.10AlocerHehe, I'm in hibernation mode, too cold out
01:02.13ThurwellI left on a trip coupla weeks ago, was -7F.  High that day was going to be -5...that's not a high!
01:02.53AlocerHaha definitely not, I can't survive that kind of weather
01:03.06AlocerAnything below freezing is too much
01:04.29ThurwellWell I made it easy to add stuff to my options menu.  Now I have to make those options do something
01:05.04AlocerThe work is never done
01:05.47ThurwellI've been avoiding adding options just cause making the config window work is such a pita
01:06.19AlocerYeah, making windows is the worst
01:07.10Thurwellgets better if you use lots of inherits instead of always defining stuff from scratch
01:07.26WikkiFizzleAii:  If you are around drop me a pm
01:07.32ThurwellI have no idea how to get this option to work now
01:07.55AlocerI try to use templates/inherits as much as possible
01:09.54UnremarkableThurwell:  btw, it appears that if you set savesettings="false" on the window it wont cache your settings. :)
01:11.25Thurwellah.  clearly I misunderstood the question, I thought you wanted something more general
01:16.24AlocerHmm, I don't think I'll have a use for any population functions
01:28.48art3misyay cold!
01:30.08AlocerHeh, wonder how he got the window down in the first place
01:32.05Bloodwalkereasy enough if he warmed up the car.. melted a thin layer between the ice and the window
01:32.44BloodwalkerIve always had the ice end up falling into the car instead of staying as one piece in the window
01:33.31ThurwellOr you might not have that thin layer you thought and when you go to open the window in shatters...and it's 2 degrees out and you're out 150 bucks
01:33.56Thurwellyaknow.  in theory
01:34.23AlocerHalf the time I can't even open my doors
01:34.36Thurwellbut then the ice might hold the window together long enough to get to the glass repair shop without freezing your ass off...
01:34.38AlocerIf the lock isn't frozen, the door is
01:34.54*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
01:35.10Thurwellmy keyless entry always works, but the window was always freezing shut, and I gotta flash a badge at a security guard to get into work
01:35.53AlocerSome day I'll get a new car  :p
01:36.58AlocerI do love it though, only if my sister didn't wreck it first before giving it to me (she's so kind)
02:00.12*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
02:00.12*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:02.01ckknightmah sox!
02:05.19art3misoh gn0es!
02:19.37encaitarPure is hiding my open parties button.
02:19.51WikkiFizzleRight click your player unit frame
02:19.53WikkiFizzle3rd option
02:20.49encaitarok, that works, thanks
02:21.17WikkiFizzleNo problem
02:21.29encaitarNow something's gone wrong with squared ...
02:22.11WikkiFizzleThat may not be squared it could be Pure + Squared having a battle of wits and textures :P
02:22.17encaitarOh could be
02:22.30WikkiFizzleI had it reported a few minutes ago, trying to track it down now
02:22.50encaitarI had SM-BantoBar as foreground texture on squared, but now it's just black.
02:23.02WikkiFizzleAs it "works find here", it may have to do with addon load order
02:23.06encaitarI just put it back to plain
02:23.08WikkiFizzlewhich was the fun stuff we tackled the other night
02:23.26WikkiFizzleSo Im checking to see what I can do to fix it up
02:29.44WikkiFizzleAnyone else here using Pure/Squared?
02:31.59encaitarWikki broke squared!!!!
02:35.11Bloodwalkerbald isnt nearly as odd looking as when your eyebrows is are missing :)
02:48.20RepoNew project: ChatLocationFix. Parmon (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
02:50.16*** join/#waruidev art3mis_ (
02:52.19Aiianebah. wikki PMs me and says people are having trouble with squared, and then just up and disappears when i ask him for more info :|
03:00.57encaitarit made my textures not work in squared
03:03.35Aiianedefine 'not work'
03:04.01encaitarbut worked ok when I put it back to plain
03:04.12Aiianetry this
03:04.35Aiianedisable SharedAssetsSquared, and modify Squared's .mod file so it doesnt dep it
03:04.45Aiianethen load up and try using one of the Pure textures
03:04.49Aiianesee if that works
03:08.04art3mis_okay is awesome
03:08.17encaitarsorry, was taking a keep
03:17.48art3misjust installed debian fully in about 4 minutes
03:17.53art3misand runs nciely
03:17.58Bloodwalkernice hows performance?
03:18.05Bloodwalkerhost os?
03:18.08art3mison my phenom with 4gb pretty good
03:18.26art3misvista64 9850 3ghz phenom 4gb ram and sataii300 drives
03:19.08art3miswhich means i can get away with installing an XP VM for those programs that HATE vista64 ;)
03:19.10art3mislike itunes
03:19.22art3misdoing firmware restores drops my machine if i run antive
03:19.31art3misif i run it xp pro compat mode it s fine
03:20.07Bloodwalkerwould probably get better performance running on a linux host os
03:21.56art3misheh prolly
03:22.06art3misbut thenn ive have to VM just to play games
03:22.09art3misand thats not fun
03:22.38Bloodwalkeror dual boot... one just for gaming
03:22.48art3misi dislike dualboots
03:23.09art3misthe idea that stuff is trapped on another machine and i ahve to close what im doing to access it irritates me
03:23.13art3misthats why i love vms
03:23.25art3misoh speaking of nix
03:23.30art3misi found FreeNX today
03:23.33art3misso sexy
03:23.39art3misits the linux version of rdp
03:23.53Aiiane...why are you still running itunes >.>
03:24.24BloodwalkerI didnt have the space to do it... but I toys with making my secondary boot partition executable as a dual boot and inside a VM
03:24.34BloodwalkerfreeNX is nice
03:24.36Aiianesongbird has pretty much caught up with itunes in terms of nice features and ease-of-use
03:24.38art3miscuz i need it to update the firmwares to jailbreak and unlock ipod touches and iphones ;)
03:24.52art3misi dont actually use it to sync or for music ;)
03:25.10art3misi have a 16gb 1
03:25.17art3misand i got a 8gb one from my work for xmas
03:25.26tortallI have the 8.  BB didn't have the 16.  Haven't filled it yet, so not worried.
03:25.29art3misalong with a 7k bonus ;)
03:25.51nicoli_codinglucky bastard
03:25.52tortallI'm still waiting for them to throw GPS into the Touch.
03:26.09tortallso I won't need my Garmin anymore
03:26.44nicoli_codingyah that'll be sweet
03:27.00nicoli_codingi have a 1st gen, scratched to hell, but still works great
03:27.51tortall~poke rmet0815
03:27.52purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind rmet0815, pokes rmet0815 repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
03:28.09art3misthers a couple of apps that sorta do it
03:28.28art3misi know that mine can find me on the street with pretty good accuracy
03:29.00tortallrmet0815, are you here?
03:31.27tortallAnyone here use Kwestor?
03:33.28tortallEver experience the bug with timed quests?
03:33.45art3mishavent actually found a timed quest yet
03:43.18tortallBloodwalker, how's the editor coming/
03:46.51Bloodwalkergood... working a few table functions
03:47.07Bloodwalkerfor MapMonster... to edit pin types
03:49.14art3misahh neat
03:59.00Daegalusw00t i think i just installed a linux bootloader onto my ipHone!
03:59.18Daegalusand i freaking want a Sony VAIO P. so sexy
04:00.34tortallbut it's a Sony.  negatives outweigh the positives there
04:01.36art3misto a degree
04:01.43art3misviaos are REALLY nciely tweaked
04:01.56art3misheh yeah linux on the iphone is pretty funny
04:02.12art3misconsidering its for a BSD os beneath it already ;)
04:02.25Daegaluseh, i really am not into the whole "SONY SUCKS, ZOMG OVERPRICED" "APPLE YOU PAY FOR THE LOOKS" i dont care. I look at the specs, and if i feel they are worth the money, i get it. I dont car eif the laptop is made by freaking Reebok, if its good, ill buy it
04:03.10ThraeDaegalus: Probably a good idea to look at the specs AND the reputation.
04:03.35ThraeFor instance, a well-equipped Acer laptop is still not a good buy.
04:04.13Daegalusreputation means jack to me, cause i have penty of comps with bad reputations, and dont have problems. Sony, Apple, Acer, LG, Lenovo, DELL, i have yet to have one die or break on me or be crap.
04:04.36art3misthrae thats a lie
04:04.37Daegalusive even have a few compaqs
04:04.45Daegalusand usually Acer is a good buy
04:04.48art3misi love my acer laptops and never had an issue with them
04:05.00art3misthey run osx linux and windows with little effort for drivers
04:05.03Thraeart3mis: Their support is a pain in the ass.
04:05.17art3misand thier wireless and acerbrite screen stuff kicks the crap out of most others
04:05.30ThraeIf you think Dell support is bad, multiple that by 1000x.
04:05.30art3miswho the frig buys something for the support
04:05.32DaegalusThrae: unless you need to replace an item that you can buy third party. you dont need support
04:05.45Daegalusi never get support and minimum warranties
04:05.49art3misas long as ive got my 1 year warranty im fine
04:05.51Daegalusi know enough about computers to not need support
04:06.00Thraeart3mis: I'm talking about warranties too.
04:06.09art3misnever had an issue
04:06.19art3misi had one laptop that had 8 dead pixels
04:06.20Daegalus1 year basic warranty that is included with everything. I have yet to EVER use it
04:06.26art3misi caleld up and said hey send me a new one
04:06.32art3misthey paid for shipping out and back
04:06.35art3miswithin the week
04:06.46art3misand i didnt  need to do it
04:06.51Daegalusoh wait, my hard drive died once on me cause o fsomething stupid I did. They sent me a new one overnight.
04:06.55art3miscuz they werent annoying deads ;)
04:07.05ThraeI'm not talking about "omg, I gotz tha spywarez", I'm talking about if your laptop suddenly stops working.
04:07.26ThraeYou guys might be speaking from personal experience, I speak from dealing with customer's Acer laptops, hundreds of them.
04:07.30Daegalusive never had that happen. and when it does, and im not in my 1 year warranty, i just buy a new one, or try to fix it myself
04:08.20art3misive never had an acer die
04:08.20art3misor a thinkpad
04:08.20ThraeWell I guess you guys don't pay $1000+ for your laptops, I can't forsee paying $1000 within a year for anything but a desktop I built myself.
04:08.23art3misand i only sell things to people that iv personally used or would buy
04:08.23DaegalusThrae: 90% of people that come to you have no clue what RAM is
04:08.42DaegalusMy laptops usually are fully loaded and cost 1600+
04:09.22ThraeDaegalus: I assume everyone's an idiot until they prove me otherwise, a disease known as "Yes, I have worked in phone Tech Support."
04:10.01Daegalusand i fix random computers for people at my college and help friends and random peopl eonline fix stupid stuff
04:10.13Daegalusi mean its not an official tech support job
04:10.15Daegalusbut good enough
04:10.31art3mishehe ive run my own consulting company ;)
04:10.37art3mishave for 10+ years
04:10.53art3mis<-- sucks at marketing though
04:11.06art3misnerds should never run thier own businesses ;)
04:12.09art3misi can fix the shit and get the contracts
04:12.21art3misits the getting new customers and giving presentations i was horribl at
04:12.29Daegalushmm, i guess imm sell this laptop, and buy myself a desktop + netbook
04:12.34art3misbut stil enough to earn me about 40k a year or so
04:12.45art3misheh wait on the netbook
04:12.51art3misthe new wind u120 is coming out
04:12.55art3misso sexy
04:13.02art3misbuilt in 3.5g/sim
04:13.27art3misand an 8gb ssd that it boots from and can energy conserv and shut down the 120gb that also comes with it
04:13.32art3misso you get better life
04:13.36art3misand faster boot
04:14.08art3misnot to mention 2gb ddr2800 support ;)
04:14.31Daegalus1600x768 res, 8 in, 1.3 atom, 2 gigs of ram, vista home, 60gig HDD, 64 SSD, or 128 SSD. media readers, dvdrw, 8 hours battery life, all while being .98in H, 9.6 W and 4.5 L
04:14.42Daegalusthats the vaio P
04:14.47art3misheh yeah
04:15.04art3misand you trip and fall and thats 800 bucks shot to hell ;)
04:15.14BloodwalkerI like my new Dell
04:15.20art3mispretty nice res though
04:15.22Daegalusthe mini ?
04:15.30art3misthe dell minis give me hives
04:15.35Bloodwalkernah the XPS 1730 laptop
04:15.38Daegalusmy dad likes them for some reason
04:15.44art3misthey're just so sub par
04:15.54art3misyet not cheap
04:16.17Daegaluswell the only thing that doesnt make the VIAO P an instant buy for me, is that its $900
04:16.38art3misheh its like the old librettos
04:16.43art3misthose things were awwesome
04:17.00Daegalusi like the TrackPoint on the P
04:17.02art3misbut the idea that one trip or an accidental drop would be akin to a car crash made e shy away
04:17.11art3misthe keyboard clit ;)
04:17.21art3misthe lenovo s10 is nive too
04:17.29Daegalusya it is
04:17.44art3miswin with touchscreen
04:17.48art3mis^^ sexy
04:17.53art3miserr wind
04:18.08Daegalusis the wind out already?
04:18.22art3misthe u120 is scheduled for tis or next month
04:18.28art3misthe 115 hybrid is spring
04:18.35art3misthe touch im guessing is summer or fall
04:20.37Daegalushmm, u120 is already out the door for me. has XP on it
04:21.09art3misdoesnt mean it has to stay ;)
04:21.34Daegalusthen there is the resolution
04:21.54Daegalusgoing from a 1920x1200 res, im not sure i would like something so big
04:22.57art3miswell it is a glorified pda ;)
04:23.09art3misat least i has a keyboard that you can type on ;)
04:23.14art3misanyways im off to bed, night
05:16.46WikkiFizzleAii and I have a solution to the issue
05:16.52WikkiFizzleReformat your entire computer and throw it out the window
05:16.58WikkiFizzleYou will never have the issue again!
05:17.34Aiiane~lart WikkiFizzle
05:17.34purlDoSes WikkiFizzle
05:21.38Daegalus~poke Aiiane
05:21.39purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Aiiane, pokes Aiiane repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
05:22.59Bloodwalkerinstall drdos
05:28.32Repo10pure: 03wikki * r60 / (20 files in 5 directories): Added boiler plate for localization.
05:28.35RepoAdded stubs for the config gui files.
05:30.21Aiianewhy are you poking me Daegalus :x
05:31.14Daegalusi felt like it? i dunno? ummmm /hug? lol jk, i dunno, just kinda did. I thought we were having fun with ~ commands to purl
05:35.02*** join/#waruidev candor (n=candor@
05:49.24Bloodwalkerlua> a= 1.08 b = 1.08 if a == b then print("Hmm") else print("Ooops") end
05:49.24lua_botBloodwalker: Hmm
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07:15.29*** join/#waruidev thanners (
07:45.54Valkeagood night :)
07:47.09*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
07:51.27BloodwalkerIm done too.. pin type editor almost finished.. only the map icon chooser window left.. editing everything else works like a charm
08:00.28*** join/#waruidev art3mis (
08:18.59*** join/#waruidev Zedde (n=zedde@
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09:38.15Repo10pure: 03wikki * r61 Localization (9 files in 1 directory):
09:38.19RepoFew minor tweaks to the localization files to prevent some errors.
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14:31.40ThurwellHmm, I can't figure out how to get emacs to do anything
14:32.55Thurwellthe instructions are great, just add the file to your load path. But...I don't know what the load path is and no one will tell me how to find it
14:34.04ThurwellPeople need to quit assuming I'm smart and know stuff :)
14:54.54*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
15:00.15Thurwellfiddling with emacs. the only annoying thing that seems to be left is all these ^Ms
15:01.36ThurwellWhich I don't think matter at all, but they're kind of ugly
15:02.02encaitar1You're looking at a DOS format file
15:02.36Thurwellof course I am, it's a lua file for warhammer
15:02.46*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
15:03.19Thurwellbut I don't think warhammer needs those newlines since half the lines are already missing them from doing my editing in gedit, so I can either hide or strip them
15:03.39encaitar1I'm sure emacs must have an option to display them properly without the ^M but I haven't actually used emacs for almost 20 years.
15:04.44Thurwellwell I'm at work and attempting to impact my work computer as little as possible (they don't like that), so I'm fiddling with setting up a terminal
15:05.52ThurwellI've found some guides on how to get rid of them but emacs just sas unknown paramater when I try them
15:06.48encaitar1I could tell you how to remove them on vim :)
15:09.43Thurwelli might as well install that and see if it's easier.  it's just diskpace, who cares
15:11.15ThurwellMeh, just looks like vi, what's the big deal
15:11.26encaitar1It's a vi clone
15:11.36encaitar1But it has more features.
15:11.44ThurwellI don't even use all of vi's features
15:14.47encaitar1 - main differences between vi and vim
15:19.27tortallMorning all.  Afternoon for Valkea  :)
15:20.09tortallThe easiest way to convery a DOS file to Unix formatting is to use dos2unix.
15:20.40tortallHowever, Vim will happily display DOS files properly and preserve the line-endings on edits.
15:24.37Thurwellapparently so will emacs, the problem is something to do with viewing them through samba
15:26.04*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
15:29.47*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@
15:31.27Thurwellthat's it, colors and undo and a few other features that have no effect on me since I'm on a terminal?
15:31.48encaitar1You don't have colors on your terminal?
15:31.50*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
15:32.09encaitar1And no it's not it, there's a ton of other stuff like split screens, diffs, and lots more.
15:33.05ThurwellI have colors, your changes page said vi doesn't and vim does
15:43.52ThurwellI added an option to cvps to hide the default ui element.  Course it doesn't actually work just yet
15:45.00encaitar1Can't you just use WindowSetShowing on that?
15:45.30ThurwellI bet if I do it reshows after going from a zone where it's not used to one where it is
15:46.08encaitar1Don't know.  I just hid it in the layout editor.
15:46.33ThurwellMe too, but for some reason someone says the addon should be able to do it (*pokes tortall*)
15:46.56WikkiFizzleencaitar are you still having the texture issue between squared/pure?
15:47.07encaitar1haven't played since last night
15:47.27WikkiFizzleok.  When you get time let me know when you are in game.  have a quick test for you
15:47.46*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:47.46*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:49.42ThurwellMeh, this is too hard.  I'll just tell the layout editor to hide it.  Now how do I do that I wonder
15:58.19Thurwelllua> if 1 ~= 2 then print("true") end
15:58.20lua_botThurwell: true
15:58.26Thurwelllua> if 1 == 2 then print("true") end
15:58.26lua_botThurwell: No output
15:59.35ThurwellI forgot how to make not equal :)
16:03.32*** join/#waruidev Flarin (
16:04.07WikkiFizzle~poke Aiiane
16:04.08purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Aiiane, pokes Aiiane repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:06.06Thurwellwell there you go, in theory cvp will hide the default ui for lazy people
16:06.29ThurwellWell, if they ever fix curseforge
16:07.31encaitar1It still not working for you?
16:07.42ThurwellI dunno, is it working now
16:07.51encaitar1My files went up last night sometime.
16:08.07ThurwellI haven't updated anything in a while
16:17.30encaitar1you updated Warboard TDPS on monday :p
16:19.18Thurwellyeah, it seemed to go through right before the updating problems started
16:19.48ThurwellI actually need to update that again, I introduced some divide by zero conditions
16:23.05tortallMy updates this morning went through
16:23.19tortallnot equal is ~=
16:24.12ThurwellYeah, I got that from the lua bot testing
16:44.27AlocerWeird, USPS tracking says my package is already delivered... 15 minutes in the future...
16:48.45Thurwelltime zone?
17:04.05*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
17:09.10AlocerEST, which is umm GMT -5.  Guess the guys clock is off
17:16.11WikkiFizzleok need the name of a feature for Aura
17:16.41WikkiFizzleThe winning name gets a free punch and pie
17:17.24AlocerThe drink or the fist?
17:17.28*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=address@
17:17.39WikkiFizzleboth :P
17:17.57tronnedGood afternoon everyone :)
17:18.42WikkiFizzleAura currently lets you create auras for your character.  Ive got coded the ability to let users copy auras between characters, however, Im not sure what to call it thats clear and concise
17:18.53Alocerhi tronned
17:18.59WikkiFizzleA friend suggested calling it Profiles..but its not really profiles
17:19.03AlocerShare Auras
17:19.35WikkiFizzleworks for me
17:19.39WikkiFizzlethank you!
17:19.42AlocerNo problem
17:19.49WikkiFizzleI wont tell you what tronned did with the pie before hand
17:20.15tronnedLet me just say, it was *not* American Pie when I started with it.
17:21.43WikkiFizzleOk this localization feature in CF is one of the most helpful features Ive seen ever
17:28.17WikkiFizzlecurse forge
17:29.29*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=address@
17:30.50tronnedThose socks got dipped in that pie from before xD
17:31.07tronned~whalepunt WikkiFizzle
17:31.08purlACTION looks onward as an everest-sized whale called Victor punts WikkiFizzle across the Pacific
17:32.51tronnedI wish there was an AddOn that made tooltips look better, but that would require hooking into DefaultTooltip /yuck
17:36.38WikkiFizzle~lart tronned
17:36.38purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of tronned
18:12.33ThurwellI installed aura last night to help deal with that second bilerot boss, so i'd know when I had the death's head
18:13.02ThurwellCourse it'd be more helpful if I could've gotten everyone else to do that too
18:24.27lua_botThurwell: 1
18:24.37lua_botThurwell: 1
18:24.46ThurwellAnyone know how to get that to print 2?
18:29.41lua_bottronned: 2
18:29.56WikkiFizzleI had my entire dungeon group install it and setup a few basic auras
18:30.00WikkiFizzleenrage and the like
18:30.16tronnedthe table won't dynamically update if you update the original var you used to populate the table field.
18:31.51AlocerThe function that you use for sorting such as table.sort(MyTable, Compare), can compare be passed any parameters or can it just have the default 2 parameters
18:32.15ThurwellI know, so I'm wondering how to store a variable name in a table instead of the value
18:34.19lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'Settings' (a nil value)
18:34.37lua_botThurwell: 2
18:34.49ThurwellAh, there we go
18:35.25ThurwellClose enough anyway
18:36.49ThurwellI wonder if I can call a function from a string
18:38.41Chryzostore the string
18:38.46Chryzoand then use variable()
18:38.51Chryzoit will call the function string()
18:38.57Chryzobad choice of word
18:39.11Chryzoone of the many ways to do callback in lua
18:39.46Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;variable("LFun")
18:39.47lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'variable' (a nil value)
18:39.57Thurwelloh wait
18:40.14Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun";LStr()
18:40.14lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'LStr' (a string value)
18:41.25Chryzolua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun";print(LStr())
18:41.25lua_botChryzo: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'LStr' (a string value)
18:41.46Chryzostupid stuff i entered
18:41.50Chryzobut weird that it ain't working
18:41.56Chryzosince i do use it in some of my code
18:42.11Chryzolua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr='LFun';LStr()
18:42.12lua_botChryzo: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'LStr' (a string value)
18:42.36Thurwellare you sure you use a string and don't do this
18:42.44Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;LStr()
18:42.44lua_botThurwell: 1
18:42.56Chryzoi would need to check
18:43.12Chryzobut if i remember corectly when I pass a callback method to a function i used to use strings
18:43.28Thurwelllua>Lstr=LFun;function LFun() print("1") end;LStr()
18:43.29lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'LStr' (a nil value)
18:43.37Thurwelllua>LStr=LFun;function LFun() print("1") end;LStr()
18:43.37lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'LStr' (a nil value)
18:44.04Thurwellthere's what I'd like to do
18:44.05Chryzogimme a sec
18:44.09Chryzoneed to find back the code :)
18:44.24Chryzowas wrong
18:44.29Chryzoi actually pass the function pointer
18:44.52ThurwellWhich copies the whole function in as a variable, basically defining it twice
18:45.12Chryzofunction ain't copied if i remember right
18:45.18Chryzothey are seen as pointers
18:45.19Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;function LFun() print("2") end;LStr()
18:45.20lua_botThurwell: 1
18:45.22Chryzolike tables
18:45.25Thurwellsee what I mean
18:45.48Chryzobecause both your function have different pointers
18:46.03Chryzolua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun; print(LFun);function LFun() print("2") end;LStr(); print(LFun)
18:46.04lua_botChryzo: function: 0x8082660, 1, function: 0x80ad1a0
18:46.10Chryzoso they are different
18:46.24Chryzolua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun; print(LFun); print(LStr);function LFun() print("2") end;LStr(); print(LFun)
18:46.25lua_botChryzo: function: 0x8082660, function: 0x8082660, 1, function: 0x80ad1a0
18:46.28Thurwellwait, I can use pointers in lua?
18:46.37Chryzoso only the function pointer is passed and copied
18:47.11Chryzoyou can pass the function pointer to another function
18:47.20Chryzoso that said function can call the passed function
18:47.26Chryzovery usefull for asynchronous stuff
18:47.29Chryzoand events :)
18:47.36ThurwellHmm.  I still wish I could define this table containing functions before I define the functions
18:47.55Chryzoyou can define the table and give the value afterwards
18:48.20ChryzoBut I am pretty sure there is a way to use strings
18:48.23Chryzoand call them
18:48.31Thurwelllua>LStr=LFun;function LFun() print("1") end;--LStr=LFun;LStr()
18:48.32lua_botThurwell: No output
18:48.37Thurwellsee that doesn't work
18:49.28Aiianelook. you can try all you want, but there is *not* a good way to reference functions before you define them
18:51.17ChryzoTrust in our god Aiiane you must Thurwell :)
18:52.54Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;lua_isfunction(LStr())
18:52.54lua_botThurwell: 1, luabot:1: attempt to call global 'lua_isfunction' (a nil value)
18:54.16ThurwellHrm, am I reading the manual for the wrong language?
18:55.54Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;type(LStr())
18:55.54lua_botThurwell: 1, luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'type' (value expected)
18:56.01Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;type(LStr)
18:56.02lua_botThurwell: No output
18:56.08Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr=LFun;print(type(LStr))
18:56.09lua_botThurwell: function
18:57.39Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun()";assert(loadstring(LStr))()
18:57.40lua_botThurwell: 1
18:57.46ThurwellCool, got it
18:58.15Thurwellalthough it seems like I have too many ()s
18:58.16encaitar1I don't think loadstring works in WAR.
18:58.19Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun()";assert(loadstring(LStr))
18:58.20lua_botThurwell: No output
18:58.22WikkiFizzleloadstring isnt enabled in war
18:58.24Thurwellyou're just killing me
18:58.32Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun";assert(loadstring(LStr))()
18:58.32lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: [string "LFun"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
18:58.39Thurwelllua>function LFun() print("1") end;LStr="LFun()";assert(loadstring(LStr))()
18:58.40lua_botThurwell: 1
18:58.47ThurwellGuess I do need all those ()s
18:59.12ThurwellOr would if you hadn't just shot me down
18:59.32encaitar1Why do you need to do that anyway?
19:00.34ThurwellI like to stick hardcoded tables at the top of the file
19:01.16encaitar1I have functions in tables sometimes.
19:01.49encaitar1mostly for sorting functions
19:02.40ThurwellI have an options menu, I thought it'd be nice if each option was just a line in a table with generic functions handling them
19:02.59Thurwellbut I do need to call a custom function eventually, thuse the function storage
19:03.40Aiianeif that's all you want to do
19:04.06Aiianethen why not just do something like this
19:04.15AiianeMyOptions = {} at the top
19:04.23Aiianefunction MyOptions.Handler1()
19:04.35Aiianedown below
19:04.47Aiianeat which point you can call it via MyOptions["Handler1"]()
19:05.55Chryzostupid q, but why do you need to declare functions at the start?
19:06.09Aiianebecause he's being persnickety
19:06.16Chryzopersnickety ?
19:06.33ThurwellTis true, I am
19:07.03ChryzoPersnickety. "The guts of a madwoman without all of that messy madness"
19:07.18Thurwelllua>function LFun.Handler() print("1") end;LFun["Handler"]()
19:07.19lua_botThurwell: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'LFun' (a nil value)
19:07.34Thurwelllua>LFun={};function LFun.Handler() print("1") end;LFun["Handler"]()
19:07.35lua_botThurwell: 1
19:07.44Thurwellthat works
19:08.28ThurwellHeh, that's the same thing I ended up doing for variables, you'd think it would've occured to me that I could've done the same thing for functions
19:08.55AlocerOne column of my list box is numbers, but I want the number to show a + in front if it's positive, would it be easiest to do that with the population function, or when filling the list table?
19:09.48encaitar1Is the value initially put in there by the funciton or the table?
19:10.06WikkiFizzleI would use the population function
19:10.19tortallUse the Populate function.
19:10.32tortallOtherwise, sorting will be harder than it needs to be.
19:10.35AlocerWell, I'm filling the list box member table from another table in the main part of my mod
19:10.43AlocerYeah I was worried about the sort
19:10.49encaitar1Yeah, just thought about sorting.
19:10.52AlocerWooo so I actually have a use for a populate function
19:11.08AlocerThank yas
19:18.28tronnedthe Nutrigrain one is awesome
19:18.45encaitar1500 babies!
19:19.18tronnedAiiane has 500 babies.  They all live in UI Discussion on WHA.  xD
19:23.19encaitar1hmm, fortress changes
19:25.33*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
19:25.34encaitar1So basically, the fortress is instanced, but only one instance runs at a time.
19:26.02encaitar1and if you're 39 or below, you could be kicked out.
19:26.19*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
19:26.32WikkiFizzleWe've seen both sides on PT push folks of all level to a zone
19:26.38WikkiFizzleonce the first set of doors drops
19:26.39WikkiFizzleto crash the zone
19:26.55*** join/#waruidev xd (n=xd@
19:27.14ThurwellAnd I've forgotten everything I know about pairs().  Dang vacations
19:27.30encaitar1What's to forget about pairs?
19:29.41encaitar1attackers get more numbers than defenders.
19:29.51encaitar1doesn't say the ratio though
19:31.09ThurwellThey shuold, those guards are rough
19:34.02tortallpairs() - iterates over a table and returns the next key, value pair on each iteration.
19:34.47tortallipairs() - an optimized version that works on arrays (tables with keys in ascending integer keys starting at 1, with no gaps)
19:35.11tortallinteger order*
19:44.35*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
19:48.43*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=991273e2@gateway/web/ajax/
19:51.18Daegalushey all
20:10.57gutgutwhat is the best way to switch through a set of images ? define all as dynamicimage & show/hide ? :P  
20:11.55Bloodwalkerwhat are you trying to do exactly gutgut
20:12.27encaitar1what do you mean switch through?
20:13.48gutguta 3d compass  ;)  just playing around a bit
20:13.59Daegalusi love how people are blowing this fortress cap stuff way out of proportion
20:14.57encaitar1It's the internet.  People love blowing stuff way out of proportion.
20:15.34Daegaluspeople are even at the point of saying this game will now fail,its no longer an RVR game, etc. etc. etc.
20:16.25encaitar1 - Mbj post at the bottom of the page.
20:17.16gutguti have 16 pics for different directions and i want to show only one at once ;)
20:17.18Bloodwalker3d compass? what do you need to switch images for
20:18.04Daegalusgutgut: the most efficient way i would think of, is creating all of them, and show/hiding them
20:18.10Bloodwalkermy MapMonster Navigator has a compass..just one long window that gets repositioned so the right direction is pointing up in the middle
20:18.57Daegalusencaitar1: yup, read that, and then people continue to complain after about things that have no basing really.
20:19.15encaitar1Welcome to the internet :)
20:19.36Daegalusoh i know, im jus so tired of it
20:20.14Daegalusi so wish i could invent a way to punch people through the internet
20:21.25gutgut@blood   hmm nice idea ...  ill have a look
20:25.04Bloodwalkerwhats even more mind boggling... most of those complaing and arguing have no idea what it would take to code a MMO or the tradeoffs they developers are forced into.. comparing the code and capabilities from 2 different games is pointless, they arent even remotely similar
20:28.50Bloodwalkergutgut Im curious to see the images your using
20:30.50ThurwellThe reason I'm always looking up pairs() in the manual is it's weird to me, I'm used to using like a for loop over an indexed table
20:31.03Thurwellspeaking of which I need to test some table crap
20:31.33Thurwelllua> LTable = { "a", 1, {"g", "b"} };print(LTable[1])
20:31.33lua_botThurwell: a
20:31.44Thurwelllua> LTable = { "a", 1, {"g", "b"} };print(LTable[3][1])
20:31.45lua_botThurwell: g
20:32.11ThurwellI find tables vs arrays kind of weird too
20:32.28ThurwellTho I have worked with structures some
20:32.55encaitar1tables are like hashes in perl
20:33.10gutgut@ blood   this is my daoc ui
20:33.20gutgutthere u can see
20:34.24ThurwellI don't know perl, only ever worked with C/C++
20:34.41encaitar1and an array in lua is basically just a table with a sequential index.
20:37.10BloodwalkerAh I see it gutgut thats what I thought it might be... Im going to add a circular compass to MapMonster navigator soon... just not an isometric one like that... youd have to swap images on every update to give the illusion of a rotating isometric circle
20:37.25Thurwellspeaking of perl, how do you put a tab in a string in perl?
20:37.34Daegalushmm, can someone who has access to the game at the moment run /script d(GetInventoryItemData[#].skills) and fill in a slot number for some armor piece (doesnt matter which, as long as it can be equipped, like boots or something) It would be appreciated.
20:37.46Bloodwalkerwith a regular circular image Im just going to rotate it
20:38.05Thurwellhuh.  weird, there's already a \t in there
20:39.15ThurwellI got this lua-mode.el file for emacs, which I think is in perl, keeps missing up my indents
20:40.34encaitar1I think emacs uses lisp
20:40.59gutgut@blood hmm i can make jumps in the sidemovement of the window ... but its equal i think
20:41.15ThurwellDoh, yeah I think you're right
20:42.18Bloodwalkergutgut the current compass is just one very long line of "N ne E se S sw W" etc.. so I change the anchor offset to point the right one up
20:43.16Bloodwalkerthat way I have 360 different positions to use ... make for a very smooth movement of the compass
20:44.41Bloodwalkerthe label with cardinal directions is acutally printed twice... so when your at either edge it looks like a circle.. but really it jumps back to the other edge
20:47.42Bloodwalkerbtw gutgut if you use MapMonster as a dependancy for your compass... it has all the position and direction code you need in it.. just have to work about the compass itself
20:48.09gutgut:)  nice idea
20:48.52ThurwellI wrote up a warboard compass once that depended on mapmonster.  Never did test it out
20:49.20Bloodwalkerlook at the MapMonster Navigator compass code and the MM API page
20:49.22gutguti think about calculation of posision and sizes of labels to simulate a 3d compass
20:50.01ThurwellIt seemed silly to me to have a little conveniency addon use a big complicated one as a dependency
20:50.54Bloodwalkerfor only a compass.. it doesnt need all of MM.. but Navigator has waypoints which does need alot of what MM has
20:52.19gutgutwell see ;)  first i want to play around a bit and therefore its perfect
20:52.26Bloodwalkerthats why I called it Navigator instead of compass :) because theres alot more to it
20:52.40ckknightI'll navigate you
20:52.55*** part/#waruidev gutgut (
20:53.00Daegalussounds kinky ckknight
20:53.09ckknightit sure is, big guy
20:53.21Bloodwalkerlol ckknight
20:54.16Daegalustrust me, after the way we acted when we were in high school, i bet half the school thought our group of friends were gay and lesbian
20:55.08Daegalusall the girls were constantly grabbing and touching each otehr
20:55.40Daegalusthe guys slapped each others asses like in football, hugs were common, etc.
20:55.45Bloodwalkersounds like amatuer webporn to me
20:56.32Daegaluswe acted more like brothers and sisters tan anything
20:56.33*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
20:58.37nicoli_codingDaegalus i can tell you where to lookup the skills enum, is that what you are looking for?
21:00.01nicoli_coding\interface\default\easystem_utils\source\gamedefs.lus has the enum if thats why you were asking about the equipment skills
21:03.14Daegalusnicoli_coding: well the enum is posted on teh wiki, but i was looking out how the data was stored. Since ItemData.skills is a table, and i wanted to see how the data was stored. But, that gamedefs will definitely come in handy in like 10 minutes, when i move onto other itmes, so thanks you :)
21:03.23ckknightDaegalus: brothers and sisters ... who kiss?
21:04.33Daegalusno kissing was involved
21:05.08Daegalusjsut girls grabbing each others boobs, dry humping while fighting and laughing, the guys just stuck to hugs and butt slaps
21:07.53Aiiane...i can back at a weird time
21:08.00Aiiane*came back
21:08.04Daegalusno, not really aiiane
21:08.41WikkiFizzleThere is never a good time to come into irc
21:08.48Aiianesure there is
21:08.57Aiianeright after a netsplit generally works pretty well
21:09.02Bloodwalkerif you want to participate theres always room on the net for more amateur porn.. feel free to contribute
21:09.13Aiianeum... no thanks
21:09.26WikkiFizzleI told my wife I wante dto run my own web cam site
21:09.37WikkiFizzleShe told me I was nuts that nobody would pay to watch me do whatever
21:09.55WikkiFizzleI told her that the world is full of suckers and fetish folks who would pay :P
21:10.04Aiianeidk, are you hot?
21:10.18WikkiFizzleI would consider myself reasonably attractive
21:10.27Daegaluslol, Aiiane is already to pay up xD
21:10.37Daegalusall read*
21:10.40Daegalusbah i cant spell
21:13.03Daegalusttyl guys
21:13.07Daegalusclass time
21:15.15WikkiFizzleWe need debug information as to why a texture failed to load!
21:22.43*** join/#waruidev amirabiri2 (
21:23.03amirabiri2What's the name of that addon that allows or helps joining a scenario queue as a warband ?
21:27.05amirabiri2This mod is not cheating, hacking, or glitching because even IF both your parties get into the same scenario, you will probably lose because you suck
21:33.12ThurwellIf he changed that to because everyone else sucks then people will believe him
21:35.53Thurwelllua> print(string.gsub("Window_name_chk","_chk",""))
21:35.54lua_botThurwell: Window_name, 1
21:36.15Thurwellwhat's with the 1
21:37.05Thurwelllua> str, i = string.gsub("Window_name_chk","_chk","");print(str)
21:37.06lua_botThurwell: Window_name
21:37.10Thurwellgood enough
21:37.32Thurwelllua> str, _ = string.gsub("Window_name_chk","_chk","");print(str)
21:37.33lua_botThurwell: Window_name
21:37.41Bloodwalkerthe 1 is the num of substitutions it made
21:38.41Bloodwalkerlua> print(string.gsub("Window_name_chk_chk_chk_chk_chk_chk_chk","_chk",""))
21:38.42lua_botBloodwalker: Window_name, 7
21:42.13Thurwellyeah, the manual doesn't list the return in the section title, gotta read it in the text.
21:42.22Thurwellleast the manual I have up
21:50.12Repo10rv_adap: 03gutgut * r8 / (2 files in 2 directories): - removed lvl40 leveldisplay block
21:50.42Repo10rv_adap: 03gutgut 04v2.3 * r9 : - removed lvl40 leveldisplay block
21:55.42*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
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22:13.31*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
22:13.51Bloodwalkerlua> tbl = {} tbl[] = "Boo!" print(tbl[1])
22:13.51lua_botBloodwalker: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near ']'
22:15.25Bloodwalkerlua> tbl = {} tbl[#tbl + 1] = "Boo!" print(tbl[1])
22:15.25lua_botBloodwalker: Boo!
22:15.32Bloodwalkerthatll work
22:17.13*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
22:17.13*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
22:21.14*** join/#waruidev Freddy1 (
22:23.13*** join/#waruidev xd_ (n=xd@
22:23.27*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
22:48.01Repo10libsharedassets: 03Aiiane * r1 LibSharedAssets.lua: Take out pre-loading routine for now.
22:50.00Repo10pure: 03wikki * r62 Libraries/LibSharedAssets.lua: Updated LSA
22:50.05Repo~lart Aiiane
22:50.05purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Aiiane
22:52.28Repo10pure: 03wikki * r63 / (4 files in 2 directories): Few other minor changes.
22:52.32RepoAdded some debug code to try to track down the rogue player dispel flag.
22:52.46encaitar1Wikki, nope, squared textures still not working
22:52.53Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r164 / (8 files in 4 directories): Added tag 3.3.2 for changeset 9d2e38f15717
22:52.57RepoFix some typos and update LSA lib.
22:53.28Aiianewait for everything to be updated before you check, encaitar1 :P
22:53.53encaitar1Well, he asked me earlier but this is the first chance I got to load the game
22:54.01Aiianeah :P
22:54.07Aiianewell, update pure+squared and try again
22:54.14WikkiFizzleYar I was going to have him test the stuff we talked about last night Aii
22:54.19WikkiFizzlethat was before jar got back to me
22:54.51WikkiFizzleWho would have guessed sharing textures would be so difficult?
22:54.55Repo10ttitan: 03Oscarr * r148 Data (3 files in 1 directory): Bestiary Entry Updates
22:54.59*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
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22:55.22Repo10ttitan: 03Oscarr 04v2.1.19-release * r149 : Tagging as v2.1.19-release
22:56.24AiianeWikkiFizzle: me :P
22:56.35WikkiFizzleYar :P
22:57.12WikkiFizzlelol I setup a few localization strings for pure last night on CF
22:57.19WikkiFizzlesome of them are already done :P
22:57.23WikkiFizzleFolks are so helpful
23:03.13*** join/#waruidev Giomancer (
23:04.30GiomancerHi there!
23:06.07GiomancerSo.. I'm trying to figure this whole mod thing out..
23:06.52GiomancerWell, I'm a little confused.
23:07.09GiomancerSpecifically, I'm wondering about dependencies.
23:07.27GiomancerHow do I know what I need to be dependent on?
23:08.22AiianeIn many cases, the answer is nothing.
23:08.34AiianeDependencies basically just force other parts of the UI to load before your addon is loaded
23:09.02Aiianetypically, they're used if you want to modify something about a part of the default UI, or use a function provided by the default UI
23:09.13Aiianeand want to ensure that it's available/loaded before your use/change it
23:09.52GiomancerMay I be specific about what I'm doing? :P
23:10.22GiomancerOr rather, idea-ing, since I'm still learning.: P
23:11.43Aiianemore details are always helpful, why would we ever turn them down? :)
23:11.56GiomancerThere's an addon that's been abandoned by the author. I'd like to take over, but before I can do that I'd like to like, actually know wth it does and why it needs what it does.
23:12.35encaitar1Which add on?
23:12.47WikkiFizzleAii: Pure/Squared works ok here for me w/ the lastest.
23:12.57GiomancerHm, it's called Avanced Action Bar Options
23:13.47GiomancerBasically, it adds additional configuration options to the customize UI menu.
23:22.42*** part/#waruidev Flarin (
23:29.47WikkiFizzleThe best thing to do Gio is to grab the code and just start checking it out
23:29.51WikkiFizzleBreak it
23:29.52WikkiFizzleFix it
23:30.35WikkiFizzleIf you have coding experience Lua is pretty quick to pick up, and most of the folks in here can help with some of the nuances of the language and war addon coding
23:53.50*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@

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