IRC log for #waruidev on 20081229

00:03.02Aiianegoing out shopping for a little bit, back in a few
00:09.25art3mishuduf stubs arent saving and neither is the location of my zchat windows
00:25.36*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
00:26.17art3misbahhuduf wb/sc stubs reset on zone
00:26.21art3mishow irritating
00:44.58art3misso where does it list your inf for rvr lakes?
00:45.13art3miswanna get me some inf gear for rvr ;)
00:49.20*** join/#waruidev amirabiri2_ (
01:08.56amirabiri2@project wow/acetimer
01:08.56Repoamirabiri2: No project found that matches 'wow/acetimer'
01:09.02amirabiri2where is it ?
01:10.10amirabiri2there it is !
01:50.04*** part/#waruidev Odlaw (
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01:50.35*** part/#waruidev Odlaw (
01:57.48*** join/#waruidev amirabiri2_ (
01:58.50*** join/#waruidev ChaosInc (n=chatzill@
02:04.36ChaosIncsry, started typing in wrong window
02:05.01art3misyou're in a braille channel?
02:06.17ChaosIncno, just trying to make my headache go away.  and I'd like to thank WAR's list API for that
02:06.41art3misit's happy to have helped
02:07.06ChaosIncstill haven't gotten the stupid thing working yet
02:22.20encaitarI guess Tactics Editor Wif Namez isn't being maintained any more?
02:22.32*** join/#waruidev ChaosInc_ (n=ChaosInc@
02:23.13ChaosInc_Not sure
02:23.45ChaosInc_why, having probs with it?
02:23.48encaitarIt breaks hooks into TacticsEditor
02:24.22ChaosInc_don't use TE, so can't help ya there
02:24.44*** part/#waruidev ChaosInc_ (n=ChaosInc@
02:25.51*** join/#waruidev ChaosInc (n=ChaosInc@
02:25.52encaitarWell, the last time that addon was updated was the day the game launched
02:26.08ChaosIncI'd call that dead then
02:26.38encaitarYou posted on it's page too!
02:26.45encaitarOr at least somebody with the same name did.
02:26.53encaitarAbout it not working with vertical tactics
02:27.02ChaosIncthat was ages ago
02:27.16encaitarStill not working :)
02:27.48ChaosIncso take it up then :p
02:28.07encaitarI had a peek at it, he basically just rewrote the whole window.
02:29.22ChaosIncpersonally, have enough on my addon plate as it is.  RFM's lists refuse to work, so I can't finish the other sections and I'm probably taking over xPanels since talv's going bye-bye
02:30.11Aiianemy usual mantra applies here
02:30.17Aiiane'if you want help debugging, pastey the code'
02:30.22ChaosIncplus, have a Blackguard that I'm supposed to be leveling for my guild, which of course I haven't been doing since
02:30.35encaitarWell, I'm thinking of doing something in a similar vein to tactics editor wif namez, but different.
02:30.42ChaosIncI'm taking a break from it tonight lady
02:30.49encaitarFrom something somebody commented on QuickTacticSwitch
02:31.29ChaosIncI've already almost deleted the stupid thing out of frustration.  Pretty good time to put it away for now :D
02:31.39amirabiri2_Is there table.sort available in WAR ?
02:31.44Aiianeof course
02:31.48Aiianeall of the table library is
02:32.50amirabiri2_hmm I d( table ) and didn't see it
02:32.55amirabiri2_but perhaps I was being thick
02:33.10ChaosIncare the dropdown combo boxes as complicated as trying to make a stupid list in WAR?
02:33.23encaitarThey're pretty easy
02:34.01encaitarWhats the problem with your list?
02:34.17ChaosIncI was originally trying to do a semi-xfer of the DFM layout, but I may just settle with one of those for people to select frames from if it's less of a headache
02:36.53Aiianewhat is RFM_ListButton
02:38.00Aiianeand what is Field
02:38.50encaitarIf you look at the just approved 0.3 version of GroupAssistant there's a very basic example of a listbox in the GroupAssistantPending files.
02:40.51ChaosIncField was removed, that was from tort's thing
02:42.27ChaosInc"Field" was replaced with the proper data
02:42.31Aiianeit's a button, so you'd have to do ButtonSetText, not LabelSetText
02:43.03ChaosInc"LabelSetText(rowFrame.. i, TestList[i])
02:43.24Aiianebut rowFrame..i isn't a label
02:43.43ChaosIncyeah, saw that
02:43.51ChaosIncwhen you typed, I mean
02:44.06Aiianealso, why do you have the for i=1,10 ?
02:44.23Aiianeyou have ..row, and then ..i
02:45.07ChaosInccause my copy/paste skills suck?  :D
02:45.38ChaosIncperfect honesty: I haven't the FOGGIEST idea what I'm doing at this point lol
02:45.48AiianeI'd start over
02:45.53Aiianefind a good example of a working listbox
02:46.07encaitarIs it just text in your listbox?
02:46.11Aiianewalk yourself over it until you understand /why and how/ it works
02:46.15Aiianenot just /that/ it works
02:46.19Aiianethen write your own
02:46.36ChaosIncmy problem is trying to follow other people's codes
02:46.39Aiianeif you need help understanding the why-and-how, ask away
02:47.01Aiianeif you grab a fairly simple working example
02:47.03ChaosIncit's just populating it is where I'm having the trouble
02:47.08Aiianeim happy to go over it line by line
02:47.22amirabiri2_is there a simple frame to show textures?
02:47.26amirabiri2_i.e not dynamic?
02:48.02Aiianeamirabiri2_: there's HorizontalResizeImage, FullResizeImage
02:48.55Aiianeand AnimatedImage
02:49.02Aiianethose 4 plus DynamicImage are your options
02:49.10ChaosIncthe initial setup I understand, with the declaration, size/position, button templates, etc., it's putting the info on them that always gets me.  had the same issue in WoW
02:49.23encaitarAre you calling ListBoxSetDisplayOrder at some point?
02:49.42Aiianebut horizontal/fullresize images can't have their textures changed at runtime
02:49.55ChaosIncencaitar: yeah, that's the RFM_SortList()
02:50.27ChaosIncfunction RFM_SortList()
02:50.41tortallWhat is TestList?
02:50.44amirabiri2_I don't want to change it at runtime
02:50.45tortallwhy is it a string?
02:50.50encaitarsecond argument should be a table with the sort order in it.
02:50.53amirabiri2_I want a simple frame around a dynamic image
02:50.59amirabiri2_where the frame doesn't change
02:51.01ChaosInc*head slap*
02:51.51tortallif you have a list: mylist = { "One", "Two", "Three" } and want to display it in that order, you do something like this...
02:51.52Aiianeamirabiri2_: fullresizeimage would work then
02:52.19amirabiri2_how can I avoid specifying all the parts ?
02:52.22tortallListBoxSetDisplayOrder("mylistbox", { [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3 }))
02:52.29Aiianeuse a dynamicimage? heh
02:53.44encaitarQuickTacticSwitch uses a dynamic image in a list box.  Most of the data is set from the table, but the image is set with the populationfunction.
02:54.21ChaosIncok, but what if the list is changed along the way?  users will be able to add frames on the fly
02:55.39encaitarIf the list changes rebuild the table and call ListBoxSetDisplayOrder again
02:56.04ChaosIncwell, that's interesting now.  telling me it can't assign texts (Labels, Buttons) cause they don't exist, yet still assigns them.....
02:56.52ChaosIncok, taking Aiiane's advice here and starting this over from scratch
02:57.38tortallThat's a good approach.
02:57.44ChaosIncso I've got this list box set up:
02:58.18ChaosIncButton Template:
02:58.44ChaosIncall good to this point, understand it all
02:58.48Aiianedon't do that.
02:58.55Aiiane(pasting giant blocks into the channel)
02:58.59Aiianethat's what pastey is for.
02:59.51encaitarI've always used a Window for a rowdef
03:00.30ChaosIncI would, but I want users to be able to click them
03:00.39encaitaryou can click on windows
03:01.16Aiianebuttons just allow you to set different visual appearance states for pressed/unpressed/etc
03:01.23Aiianeany window can have a left-click event handler
03:01.39ChaosIncgood to know
03:03.08Aiiane(as an example, Squared doesn't use any buttons for its unitframes)
03:03.48ChaosIncI want to keep the buttons though, it'll be the only indicator for what frame is being modified
03:04.29Aiianeyou could just change the color of the label to highlight it
03:04.36Aiianeor w/e
03:04.48encaitarDo you mean to the user or to your code?
03:04.55ChaosIncnice, didn't think of that
03:05.03ChaosIncencaitar: user
03:08.21tortallI only use buttons because that's what I got working first.  I also like the look it gives the rows with the default template.
03:14.49amirabiri2_argh this FullSizeImage is annoying
03:15.29ChaosIncall of em are at first.  I got annoyed trying to add textures for buttons
03:15.30Aiianeamirabiri2_: just use a dynamicimage
03:16.22amirabiri2_I want to do things right! :-\
03:16.41encaitarWho says dynamic image is wrong?
03:17.48amirabiri2_if the image isn't dynamic it's wrong
03:18.05amirabiri2_also I want to create multiple instances of this, and I have to set the frame from code for each one
03:18.12amirabiri2_while in fact it shuold be part of the template
03:18.12Aiianenot really. the 'cost' of dynamic images is only invoked if you change the texture
03:20.00Aiianealso; you can set the default texture for a dynamic image from XML
03:20.04amirabiri2_less to do with cost and more to do with redundant code
03:20.05Aiianeyou don't have to set it from Lua
03:20.15amirabiri2_I can ?
03:20.18Aiiane<DynamicImage name="blah" texture="blahtex">
03:20.24amirabiri2_and coords ?
03:20.35Aiianeinside the dynamic image
03:20.36amirabiri2_kk thanks
03:21.05Aiianeif the coords are 0,0 you don't need to specify them
03:21.07Aiianethat's the default
03:22.44amirabiri2_So the solution was 10 characters long all along and I spent 30 minutes bashing my head against the wall trying to get it to work with FullResizeImage... :-)
03:22.59amirabiri2_Sounds familiar? :-)
03:23.26Aiianerandom example from squared's xml:
03:23.35encaitarHey, I spent an hour tyring to figure out why my labels wern't working when they were outside a Windows tag.  doh.
03:36.04amirabiri2_You can't call GetAbilityData on an ability that you don't have...
03:36.21ValkeaAiiane -> is TargetInfoFix.lua still usefull / needed on the current WAR version ?
03:36.29AiianeValkea: yes
03:36.41amirabiri2_Actually that's not the annoying part
03:37.11Valkeaok, so each addon using targetInfo should have this file inside the package i guess ;)
03:37.12amirabiri2_The annoying part is that the pet abilities are considered "gone" when the pet changes stance
03:38.06encaitarhmm, that sucks
03:39.45amirabiri2_well I have a workaroudn
03:39.53amirabiri2_basically the whole addon is built around this workaroudn
03:40.10amirabiri2_What I'm gonna do (evil me) is save all the abilities in the saved variables
03:40.19amirabiri2_so that the addon "learns" the pet abilities of the character
03:40.28amirabiri2_as it encounters them
03:40.49amirabiri2_That way I don't need hardcoded huge tables maintained by information sent by users who run wierd commands
03:40.53encaitarWhat are you doing with the data?
03:41.35amirabiri2_Displaying it in a simple grid of buttons, so you can view your pet abilities and prioritize them
03:42.59amirabiri2_the only difference now is that I wanted to rely on GetAbilityData and only save ability ids
03:43.07amirabiri2_but now I'll have to save everything
03:43.48encaitarCan you build the ability tooltip for an ability you don't have?
03:43.58RepoNew project: WarWhisperer. smurfy (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
03:45.41amirabiri2_yes, if I save the data
03:45.51amirabiri2_the tooltip functions accept the ability data array
03:47.37encaitarBut CreateAbilityTooltip internally calls stuff like GetAbilityDesc, didn't know if that would work.
03:48.40amirabiri2_does it?
03:49.09amirabiri2_I may have to copy-paste
03:56.11ChaosIncok, here's where I'm at now starting the population from scratch based on prior "knowledge" (<- term used loosely):
03:57.42encaitarIs PopulateList your populationfunction?
03:58.09encaitarshouldn't be
03:58.15encaitarnot all of it anyway
03:58.45AiianePopulateList should not be calling listboxsetdisplayorder.
03:58.50AiianeThe job of the population function
03:59.00Aiianeis to take a set of numbered data indices
03:59.14Aiianeand tweak the rows to properly display those data entries
03:59.31Aiianesetting up the set of data entries used for the /entire/ list should be done somewhere else.
03:59.37Aiianeand that's what should call listboxsetdisplayorder.
03:59.50encaitarWhat she said :)
04:01.05ChaosIncso move ListOrder stuff and listboxsetdisplay order to their own function?
04:01.28Aiianein fact
04:01.32Aiianeyou dont even need a new function
04:01.38Aiianeyou can do it in the first one you have there
04:01.56Aiianeyou're not doing any special reordering of the frames, right?
04:02.02Aiianeso you can just set the order when you create the list
04:02.04Aiianeand you're good
04:04.02encaitarI don't think your ButtonSetText is going to work if you need to scroll though.
04:04.06ChaosIncarg, one sec
04:04.39ChaosIncI'm using 2 dif mods here (RFM and WindowMover) where WindowMover is using data already in RFM and it's not liking it
04:04.51ChaosIncso gonna temp move some of it
04:07.45encaitarThe first row in the list box is always row 1, even if you scroll.
04:08.19encaitarSO you need to use ListBoxGetDataIndex to reference back to your original data
04:08.49Aiianeactually, you don't
04:08.56Aiianethe populatorindices table tells you the mapping
04:09.17encaitarWell, he doesn't have that in there either.
04:09.24Aiianetrue :P
04:10.42ChaosIncgah!  once sec, just realized I have each button calling OnInit in another frame, no wonder I'm being spammed in debug
04:22.11ChaosIncwoot, progress:
04:22.25ChaosIncnow it shows 2 buttons (so far), but no text
04:24.56tortallIn PopulateList(), you need to use RFM_FrameSelector_FrameList.PopulatorIndices
04:27.39ChaosIncfor where?  put into ipairs(like tortallDPS), still no text
04:29.00ChaosIncupdated, last link
04:29.36encaitarfor row, data ...
04:29.41encaitardata is actually an index
04:29.54encaitarso instead of towstring(data) ...
04:30.54encaitardoes that make sense?
04:31.42Aiianeoh you turkey
04:31.50Aiianeyou're overriding the windows component of a button
04:31.55Aiianeno wonder you're not seeing any text
04:32.16Aiianespecifying a <windows> container in an element which inherits from something
04:32.28Aiianedoes not /add/ those windows, it /replaces/ the windows of the old one with the ones you specify
04:33.16ChaosIncok, you lost me.  what are you referring to?
04:33.35Aiianeyour list row template.
04:33.36ChaosIncthe XML?
04:33.44Aiianepastey what you currently have
04:34.59encaitarYour FullResizeImage is killing the button label.
04:35.19Aiianeplus it'd cover it up anyways
04:35.32Aiianesince children are drawn on top of their parents
04:35.42Aiianejust get rid of the fullresizeimage for now
04:37.05ChaosIncupdated, last link, no text still
04:39.13Aiianewhat happens if from the chat window you do /script ButtonSetText("RFM_FrameSelector_FrameListRow1", L"test")
04:40.48encaitarnothing in debug window either?
04:41.08Aiianetry making it a bit taller then
04:41.20Aiianemight be that it's getting cut off
04:41.30encaitarwouldn't that give a warning?
04:41.58Aiianenot everyone keeps warnings turned off
04:42.11Aiianethe default ui throws way too many of them :P
04:42.28ChaosIncthat it does
04:43.54ChaosIncset template height to 40, big buttons, no text :/\
04:44.14ChaosIncand still no debug errors
04:44.56Aiianewell, do a d(ButtonGetText("RFM_FrameSelector_FrameListRow1"))
04:45.00Aiianeand see if that dumps out 'test'
04:45.54encaitarThe PopulateList function in the pastey is still what you have?>
04:48.22ChaosIncand /script d(ButtonGetText("RFM_FrameSelector_FrameListRow1")) yields no result (yes, debug log is on)
04:49.10Aiianetry  /script d(L"meep:"..ButtonGetText("RFM_FrameSelector_FrameListRow1"))
04:49.49ChaosIncget the "meep", nothing for button text
04:50.15encaitarYou did a /reloadui since you set the text to test?
04:50.28encaitarbecause you'd need to set it again
04:50.55Aiianedo a /script d(RFM_FrameList)
04:50.58Aiianewhat do you get
04:51.05ChaosIncwar locked up, one sec
04:54.05ChaosInc[debug] {string} 1 = ButtonTest3
04:55.08Aiianethat's all?
04:55.52ChaosIncgoes down 11
04:56.21Aiianenext thing to try would probably be to put a d() inside the populate function's for loop
04:56.38Aiianeand dump out both of the argument's it's passing to buttonsettext
04:56.57ChaosIncbrb, woman just got home
04:59.39encaitarif he set table="RFM_FrameList" and added ListColumns, would that work with a button or does it need to be a label?
05:00.20Aiianeno idea
05:00.50*** join/#waruidev encaitar1 (
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05:14.17ChaosIncadded a print to RFM_FrameDB loop, confirmed it's adding the names to the list
05:14.43ChaosIncdoing pop list now
05:17.30ChaosIncd(towstring("Confirm: ".. RFM_FrameList[index].. " added.")) yields "Confirm: <name> added." for each one
05:18.02Aiianeand d()'ing the windows it's attempting to set the text for gives?
05:20.21ChaosIncthat was set after ButtonSetText
05:22.05Aiianeyes. I mean d() out the *first* argument that's being passed to buttonsettext.
05:22.27Aiianeyou're passing 2 arguments to it. why would you only check that 1 of them is correct?
05:24.39ChaosIncum, I have text now
05:25.15ChaosIncdouble checked button template, apparently needed font specified
05:27.03ChaosIncwindow scrolls fine, I'm gonna go hit something now
05:27.49ChaosInc4 of us staring at this thing and no one noticed it.  lol
05:39.24ChaosIncok, next problem.  when a button is clicked, how can you pull it's name?  when I try to pass "function="WindowMover.SelectFrame(self)"" I get an error
05:40.48encaitar1That's when you want want ListBoxGetDataIndex
05:41.43encaitar1Get the row number first from WindowGetId(
05:41.57encaitar1Then pass it into ListBoxGetDataIndex
05:42.16encaitar1and it gives you an index back into your RFM_FrameList
05:42.56tortallIf you just need the button name, you can use
05:43.44tortalloops, i must be tired.  didn't see that encaitar1 already said that.
05:44.19ChaosIncButton Click -> change color -> get name to load it's detailed info -> fill data in other fields
05:46.54ChaosIncListBoxGetDataIndex (var)?
05:47.52Aiianeargument is a row index
05:47.55Aiianereturn value is a data index
05:50.57ChaosIncError: Invalid parameters to: ListBoxGetDataIndex  -> number 2.0000 [NON EXISTANT]
05:51.15ChaosIncclicking 2nd button
05:52.00Aiianeyou need to specify the list box
05:52.15Aiianesorry, slipped my mind because it's usually just automatic when im typing
05:55.12ChaosIncare both args supposed to return the same?
05:55.31ChaosIncd()ing steps now to make sure I don't screw things up
05:58.18ChaosIncI ask cause WindowGetID and ListBoxGetDataIndex are both returning the same numbers, and if that's the case do I really need the extra step (ListBox...)?
06:00.55Aiianethe only reason they're returning the same is because you haven't scrolled the box at all.
06:01.00Aiianethus, the #1 data is at row #1.
06:01.06Aiianeas soon as you scroll any, that won't be the case.
06:01.28ChaosIncI see
06:08.50ChaosIncaight, you guys are officially awesome and RFM should be finished tomorrow or the next day.  midnight, have to be up in 5 hrs for work.  thx for the help, definitely wouldn't have been possible without you LOL
06:11.09*** part/#waruidev ChaosInc (n=ChaosInc@
06:29.08amirabiri2_I'm creating a frame, then destroying it
06:29.11amirabiri2_it has children
06:29.39amirabiri2_I get tons of errors whining about windowgetparent: "blah" does not exist
06:29.52*** join/#waruidev xd (n=xd@
06:31.12Aiianebecause you're not destroying its children?
06:31.41amirabiri2_yes, but why do I need to ?
06:31.51amirabiri2_when I can DestroyParent() I don't need to do that...
06:32.03amirabiri2_fine, I'll kill the children
06:37.28amirabiri2_Is there no easier way to do this??
06:37.47amirabiri2_it's becoming recursive
06:39.16Aiianehave you registered these windows for something?
06:39.24Aiianeor whatnot
06:39.34Aiiane(if you'd rather not play 20 questions, just pastey the code :P)
06:39.38amirabiri2_do you if I created frames for them ?
06:40.25AiianeI mean what have you done with them before destroying them.
06:40.27*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
06:40.29amirabiri2_never mind I hardcoded one granchild :-)
06:40.31*** part/#waruidev Felyza (
06:40.49amirabiri2_i.e hardcoded the destruction of that one child
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07:36.16Valkeagood night / day
07:37.41*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
07:48.34amirabiri2_wha's the copy / clone table function in WAR ?
07:54.39Aiianethe DataUtils.CopyTable one, you mean?
07:54.49Aiianeor you can just roll your own
07:56.22Aiiane has a very simple one
08:03.21Repo10twister: 03Aiiane * r18 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.8 for changeset dc426e29b73d
08:03.26RepoADDED: More checking to try and prevent odd behavior.
08:03.30RepoFIXED: Auras should no longer occasionally refuse to be recognized as valid auras.
08:03.33RepoSmall hack to avoid floating point precision issues.
08:07.33Aiianesleepytime, night all!
08:15.29gutgut_n8 :)
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11:46.30talvinendid they change the buff events again?
11:50.08Repo10amethyst: 03talvinen * r14 AmethystEffects/AmethystEffects.lua: AmethystEffects should now work for everyone
11:50.27Repo10amethyst: 03talvinen 041.3.3 * r15 : tagged
11:51.00Repo10squaredhotindicators: 03talvinen * r12 SquaredHotIndicators.lua: updated to new event parameters (wtf mythic?)
11:52.02Repo10squaredhotindicators: 03talvinen 043.2 * r13 : tagged
11:52.11Repo10xhud: 03talvinen * r55 / (2 files in 1 directory): fixed most of the buff stuff
11:52.26Repo10xhud: 03talvinen 042.1.3 * r56 : tagged
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15:52.40nicoli_sfinally! looks like we may have fixed the problem of wardb not showing alot of drops
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17:00.45RepoNew project: Crafting Info Tooltip. Irinia (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
17:03.38encaitarThat sounds useful
17:04.42nicoli_syes it does
17:05.07nicoli_si'll be using some of that info once we get profession info added to wardb
17:50.48tortallSo, my magus has a quest to turn in at an Order camp in the Shadowlands.
17:53.17AlocerNice, I have faith you can complete it
17:54.24*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
18:13.00tortallHey Bloodwalker.  Happy holidays
18:16.00tortallthe npc won't talk to me
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18:16.35BloodwalkerHappy Holidays tortall hows your xmas been
18:16.51tortallwas nothing special.  I'm Jewish :D
18:17.05Bloodwalkerya I remember :)
18:17.38tortallSo, I'm standing in an Order camp, as a chicken, standing next to an NPC I have to hand a quest in to, and he won't talk to me.  Can't imagine why not.
18:18.15Bloodwalkerhe still trying to decide if your dinner
18:18.31tortallhe's actually ignoring me completely.  arrogant elf!
18:18.35Bloodwalkerit is the holidays.. on a guards salary you msut look like a gift from santa for the family
18:18.46Aiianehow's your hanukkah been then :P
18:19.13tortallbeen great!  :)
18:19.40tortallShould I send a bug report about this quest/
18:19.53Aiianecheck it on wardb first?
18:20.02Aiianesee if there's any comments on it
18:20.06tortallIt's a quest for Order, Aiiane :)
18:20.21Aiianehow'd you manage that one o.o
18:20.46tortallI'm special (upside the head)
18:21.35DeadhawkDestruction can get Order quests in Reikland too :)
18:21.55Aiianebug report it then
18:22.26tortallThe only comment on wardb is another destro player saying he got the quest.
18:22.32DeadhawkIt's no big deal really. I'd rather they fixed other things first
18:22.39tortallIt's from a drop from a hero mob on the order side of shadowlands.
18:23.51tortallI wonder if there's any RI that prevents a destro from handing in an Order quest or vice versa.
18:24.02tortallWould be really funny to find a way to corrupt the server's DB :p
18:25.44encaitarWhat mod is a good reference for multi-language support?
18:28.10Aiianeor as a more simple example, BlackBox
18:28.36encaitarAh good, blackbox I still have installed.
18:31.53Aiianehmm... nicoli_s, a lot of the KotBS actions seem to be missing from wardb
18:46.33xdi picked up that quest once
18:46.45xdas a destruction player that is
18:51.25tortallBloodwalker, we really need to get Share working in MM
19:08.32nicoli_si'll look into it Aiiane
19:11.02Aiianewhat i specifically noticed were a lot of the auras, there might be others as well, though
19:14.15amirabiri2_I'm getting some od behavior
19:14.26amirabiri2_perhaps some knows something off the top of their head
19:15.04Aiianethe only things I know are below the top of my head
19:15.20amirabiri2_I have a button with onlbuttonup, onrbuttonup and onmouseover
19:15.37amirabiri2_everything works fine until the onlbuttonup fires
19:15.42amirabiri2_which does a cursor.pickup
19:15.51amirabiri2_then the button stops receiving events
19:16.13amirabiri2_Does that ring any bells to anyone ?
19:16.21amirabiri2_I'll pastey
19:17.30amirabiri2_That's the XML: for the button template
19:18.49amirabiri2_And these are two of the abilities:
19:18.57amirabiri2_sory callbacks
19:19.18amirabiri2_there is inheritence there the class names are correct
19:20.07Aiianebut the item itself gets picked up correctly?
19:20.57amirabiri2_OK I think I understand what's going on
19:21.10amirabiri2_the problem only happens if I right-click to clear the pickup on the window itself
19:21.32amirabiri2_after I do that the events disappear, and the UI debug shows another window when I mouse over the buttons
19:21.46amirabiri2_that window is the background of the window section that the buttons are on top
19:21.52amirabiri2_so this is a layers problem
19:21.56amirabiri2_right ?
19:22.09amirabiri2_the background comes to the front
19:23.33amirabiri2_OK problem solved by giving the template of the background layer="background"
19:27.40Aiianeyeah, the other thing to do would be to set popable="false"
19:27.49Aiianethat way it can't "pop" to the top of anything on the same layer
19:35.22*** join/#waruidev Severos (
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19:38.38tronnedherro everyone
19:39.02encaitarwe're all heros?
19:39.32tronnedherro ~= hero
19:39.35Aiianeno, you're all herros
19:41.40Geneshiftwhat does that even mean?
19:42.06Aiianeit's like a herring, but more mexican
19:42.28Geneshiftmexican herring, swedish fish.. related?
19:42.35tronneddistant cousins
19:42.49GeneshiftAnyone know of a camera lock binding?
19:43.45Aiianethere isn't one
19:46.43tortall~poke Bloodwalker
19:46.44purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Bloodwalker, pokes Bloodwalker repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:47.33Bloodwalkerya ya Im alive tortall :)
19:54.09tortallI got my GM using MM, but I need to be able to share!
19:57.11Bloodwalkerheh its coming I swear :)
19:58.14*** join/#waruidev MoronWar (
20:00.49BloodwalkerI still have to make an editor for pin types and icons too
20:01.04tortallSharing first!  :)
20:02.21*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
20:02.49Repo10twister: 03Aiiane * r20 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.9 for changeset 262effe8e9a4
20:02.53RepoFIXED: Corrected a typo that was resulting in any circumstance triggering a loading screen to throw off timer counts.
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21:15.28Bloodwalkertook awhile but I have the pins I lost back
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21:25.43ThraeOi, done with this KotBS. I'm not cut out for melee. Let's try Engineer.
21:26.58Aiianetortall: yay?
21:28.42tortallYay to Bloodwalker
21:29.21tronnedThrae: Don't do it, it'' be the death of you!
21:35.09AiianeIt makes me sort of sad, I've put a lot of effort into making Squared plugin friendly, and only a couple of people have done anything with it :|
21:36.44Aiianeone of whom has left the game, and the other is now planning to ><
21:42.49tronnedDid you not give them cookies?
21:42.52tronnedI'll stay for cookies.
21:43.09tronnedRussian Teacakes, prz.
21:43.28AiianeI only have API cookies :s
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22:06.41art3misthe minute they see me fear me
22:06.50art3miscuz im the epitome of public enemy
22:08.51tronnedSamuel Adams, you are my only friend.  /hug
22:14.44art3misthat may not be the case if you bathed more brushed your teeth and stoped greeting everyone with "hey fuckhead hows the herpes"
22:25.19tronnedAiiane: Have you started on LibSharedAssets yet?  ;)  (::)
22:26.01AiianeI was debating whether to play around with it this evening. Why, did you have some burning desire to write it?
22:26.38Aiianes/write it/write it yourself
22:27.52tronnedI was waiting for you to write it, kik
22:28.57Aiianewell, like I said, I'm probably going to at least preliminarily mess around with it tonight
22:30.02art3misi wonder if i'll suddenly feel the need to make out with men once im done my windows 7 beta 1 install
22:30.19art3misor stab myself in the face numerous times with a spork
22:30.38tronnedart3mis: as a preemptive strike, i respectfully decline the former but encourage the latter
22:31.50art3mistill do!
22:31.54art3miserrr will
22:32.06tronnedAiiane: want/need help?  maybe collecting textures, defining texture sizes, metadata?  I would like to contribute, at the very least
22:32.29Aiianewell, the way I'm envisioning it the framework itself won't have any textures at all
22:32.43Aiianeit'll more just be a clearinghouse that allows addons to register or request lists of textures
22:32.55tronnedcontribute vis a vis assist / learn
22:32.57tronnedoh, i see
22:33.10Aiianethen you'll have a separate (and thus optional) module to register a given collection of textures with it
22:33.17Aiianethat way, the framework will be embeddable
22:33.18tronnedlet addons register their own textures
22:33.40Aiianeand that way, if someone /doesn't/ want custom textures, they don't have to download the library addon
22:34.14Aiianeand yes, it'll also let addons register textures with it for later use
22:34.20art3misyou should do bartender and cycircled instead ;)
22:34.39tronnedhowever, if someone wanted to use a particular texture another addon uses by default, that addon would need to be installed as well, for the texture?
22:35.00Aiianetronned: depends on whether the texture is present in the common collection addon or not
22:35.11Aiianebut basically, yes
22:35.18Aiianeif the texture is only present due to another addon
22:35.23Aiianethen that other addon needs to be installed :P
22:36.38tronnedthat's what i'm getting at, adding addon bloat only to use a specific texture.  what about loading order and dependencies as well?
22:37.05tronnedAddOn X wants to use AddOn Y's texture, and AddOn Y is loaded after X?
22:37.44Aiianewhich is why ideally, most textures people want to use will be in the texture collection.
22:38.21Aiianeconsider this: there is nothing *lost* by allowing other addons to register textures.
22:38.36Aiianeeither way, any addon can use any texture in "collection" addons
22:39.04Aiianethe only thing which changes is that addons *gain* the ability to register additional textures above and beyond what's there.
22:39.06tronnedhm, if LibSharedAssets ( or whatever you call it) is a dependency for both AddOns, then it should not be an issue of which addon is loaded before or after the other, right?
22:39.33Aiianeah, but that's the beauty of my intended design, it's not going to require any hard dependencies :)
22:39.56Aiianebecause the framework is embedded
22:41.09tronnedCan you elaborate?  (sorry)
22:41.57Aiianeit'll be libstub'd
22:42.09Aiianeand thus just included directly into the addon's .mod which is using it
22:42.29Aiianethe collection libraries can be loaded by the framework separately
22:42.42Aiiane(remember, we figured out a way to optdep)
22:43.39Aiianeso what I'm planning
22:43.46Aiianeis to have the framework, when it loads
22:43.56Aiianesimply go through and optdep every addon which begins with some prefix
22:44.10Aiianeso that all of the collections are guaranteed to be loaded up
22:47.14tronnedSo, what can I do to help?  Texture collection?  Cheerleading?  Cookie delivery?   xD
22:47.37encaitar1Did somebody say cookie?
22:47.43Aiianeum, nag me in a few hours (after I've had the opportunity to eat dinner) to start working on it
22:48.17tronnedcan do, i can also create/convert textures if need be ... i was a big LibSharedMedia abuser back in the day
22:48.25tronnedneed custom fonts  /sniffle
22:54.16*** join/#waruidev Computerpunk (n=pcpunk_0@
22:55.32ComputerpunkMmm...I'm a bit new around here....tbh I just joined.
22:55.44ComputerpunkI was thinking of picking up xHUD
22:56.22encaitar1I think that's still active
22:56.26Computerpunkbut I need like 1 private lesson in which I get told exactly what I gotta do to learn LUA, since I know C++ and stuff.
22:56.32ComputerpunkNope, the Dev just quit these days.
22:58.58encaitar1Well, lua itself is pretty simple, I used this mostly, along with google searches where needed.
22:59.22encaitar1The tricky part is learning about WARs API
23:00.11purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
23:00.11ComputerpunkWell, those are on the war wiki
23:00.25Aiiane^ that's probably the best place to start to pick up Lua itself
23:00.49encaitar1The war wiki is very useful but incomplete.
23:00.52Aiianethe online version is fine for most things
23:01.26encaitar1this is very useful too for some stuff that's not on war wiki
23:03.34ComputerpunkI'll start reading right away...<.<
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23:20.02Bloodwalkerwell Im off awhile..laters
23:34.34amirabiri2_has there been an update recently on the US servers ?
23:34.42Aiianenot afaik
23:34.49Aiianemythic's on holiday vacation
23:35.04amirabiri2_OK thanks
23:35.07ComputerpunkWhat is servers break down?:o
23:35.35amirabiri2_No just some users of Equipment Sets of the annoying kind "reporting" problems after recent update
23:35.41amirabiri2_I thought maybe they meant an update of the game
23:35.45Aiianethere's still a skeleton crew around in the server rooms Computerpunk
23:35.52Aiianejust most of the actual devs are on vacation
23:36.08encaitar1What kind of problems?
23:36.16amirabiri2_oh enc I'm glad you're here :-)
23:36.29amirabiri2_have you spotted any problems with the Equipment Set's latest version ?
23:36.38AlocerYeah I've been having problems with 1.0.11 as well
23:36.45encaitar1No ... but I've been writing addons more than playing recently :)
23:36.56amirabiri2_really  Alocer?
23:37.00amirabiri2_What kind of problems ?
23:37.47AlocerYes, the thing that happened to me is I tried adding a second accessory to get swapped, then when I change to my other equipment set (I just have 2) then it gets stuck in some sort of loop and keeps trying to change items around
23:38.00AlocerHave to reloadui to get it to stop
23:38.20AlocerAnd all of the accessories I use have different names
23:38.51amirabiri2_And that's 100% reproducable ?
23:38.56AlocerI can go take screenshots or check the debug log if you'd like
23:38.59encaitar1yeah, there's some problems
23:39.13AlocerWell I can reproduce it every time, yes
23:39.25encaitar1Somethings wrong with the tactic binding too
23:39.37amirabiri2_the problem is that it's all working for me
23:39.42amirabiri2_so I can't reproduce it
23:40.08AlocerThat always makes it more difficult
23:40.35amirabiri2_Can you try and explain the steps I'm not sure I got it
23:40.43amirabiri2_you are just adding a second accessory?
23:40.46amirabiri2_and the swapping ?
23:40.50AlocerI'll go step by step
23:40.56amirabiri2_thank you :-)
23:41.16encaitar1I think I just needed to setup my sets again.
23:41.23encaitar1Did you change the mod version number?
23:41.48encaitar1yeah, wipes your savedvariables
23:41.54amirabiri2_yeah I know I had to
23:41.59amirabiri2_I added a comment to the notes
23:42.04AlocerI had two equipment sets working in a previous version on my DoK, the first set was using tactics setup 1, 2 swords, and a str accessory (along with the 3 renown ones in T1).  The second set was using tactics setup 2, sword and chalice, and a willpower accesory
23:42.09encaitar1Like I read notes :p
23:42.30AlocerI found a 2nd willpower accessory I wanted to use in my healing set, set 2, so equipped it
23:42.40AlocerThen when I went to go back to set 1, my dps set, it borked
23:43.14AlocerErrr wait, it may have been after I went back to set 1, then to set 2 again, let me log in and test it fast
23:43.27amirabiri2_ok thank you :-)
23:48.44AlocerIt seems it's something with my set 2 that is causing problems.  I logged in with set 1, switched to set 2, then it got stuck (and when I say stuck, the green button stays disabled, and every few seconds I hear the sound when you change tactic sets and the morale abilities pop up for a second as if I opened then closed my ablilities window)
23:49.10AlocerSo did a reload ui, so then I started with set 2 and it was fine, change to set 1 no problems, change back to set 2 then stuck again
23:49.56amirabiri2_OK, do you have some time now to help me out ?
23:50.18amirabiri2_It's OK if you don't, I'll just wait
23:50.30amirabiri2_great, thanks
23:50.53AlocerFirst want me to try getting rid of that accessory?  that's when it all started
23:51.34amirabiri2_well if you can narrow it down to one exact item which is 100% reproducable that would be good yes
23:51.48AlocerLemme try that then
23:54.30AlocerIt may just be set 2 all together, I tried going back to my old accessory in set 2, but when I went to set 1 then back to set 2 it still did it.  So I changed all of my equipment in set 2 to be the same as set 1, then still go to set 1 no prob and going to set 2 it still gets stuck
23:54.36AlocerWant me to try set 3, see if it works?
23:55.28amirabiri2_no, let's start sticking debug statements
23:55.43amirabiri2_I'll use pastey and describe where in the code the snippet goes to
23:55.45amirabiri2_is that OK ?
23:55.55AlocerSure, or line numbers would work?
23:57.08amirabiri2_wait a minute
23:57.25amirabiri2_I think I may have a guess
23:58.19AlocerGood good
23:58.33amirabiri2_No it's just something I want to eliminate first
23:58.36amirabiri2_before we go on
23:58.52amirabiri2_The LibStub bundled with Equipment Sets is minor version 3
23:59.07amirabiri2_Can you update it first to the latest one ? I have a pastey for you

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