IRC log for #waruidev on 20081225

00:06.44RepoNew project: Tortall's Simplified Combat Chat. tortall (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
00:07.04tortallAiiane, I was about to ask you to approve that.  Thanks!  :)
00:07.44Aiianeckknight: ping
00:15.14tortallAiiane, could you approve the file now?  :)
00:29.03DeadhawkJust hit Christmas day here. Have a good one all!
01:44.09*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
01:44.09*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
02:03.28art3misaii: i mean without the webpage
02:03.41art3mis@project phantom
02:03.52art3mis@project xhud
02:04.07art3misi uess it's just the way the author formats the description
02:04.21art3missome of them have a short blurb on what it doe
02:04.37Aiianelike what?
02:04.50art3miswell if it would answer i'd show ya ;)
02:05.29Aiianeit's odd, the bot's answering, just not curseforge requests
02:05.48Aiianehmm... I suppose it'd help if *curseforge* was answering
02:06.02art3misthe ghost of xmas past!
02:06.55art3misusually theres a short blub on it if yoy do the project command something like "url" title "reformats chat"
02:06.59art3misthat type of thing
02:07.16art3misits mostly useful for the repo commits where it's just the name though
02:07.45art3misand it used to whisper so as not to spam the channel
02:18.28Repoart3mis: Phantom. Game: WAR. Aiiane (Manager/Author). Updated: 4 days ago. Tickets: 1/1
02:18.29Repoart3mis: xHUD. Game: WAR. talvinen (Manager/Author). Updated: 9 days ago. Tickets: 11/39
02:19.09Aiianethere it goes
02:33.15*** join/#waruidev encaitar1 (
04:14.02*** join/#waruidev narcissism (n=narcissi@
04:36.17tortallHappy Holidays all.
04:36.36Aiianestill 25 minutes to midnight here :)
04:36.50Aiianebut happy holidays indeed :)
05:54.14art3mishrm what a cool app
05:54.53art3mislets you convert all media to and from other formats including ipod/phone/psp/blackberry etc
05:55.41art3misand its rpetty quick
05:55.57art3misconverted a whole divx movie to itouch format in about 30mins
05:57.56art3miswelp bed time for me
05:58.04art3misgood loot hauls to y'all
06:52.07*** join/#waruidev smcn (
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09:04.22*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
09:06.19*** join/#waruidev amirabiri2 (
09:08.33amirabiri2Does anyone know how curse determines the summary popup text on mouseover for an addon in search results?
09:08.39amirabiri2I'm getting gibberish
09:09.07*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
09:12.00ckknightamirabiri2: it's the first part of your description
09:12.25amirabiri2yeah I notice now that everybody who use wikimarkup get gibberish
09:12.39amirabiri2curse is taking the TOC it produces itself as "first part"
09:12.44amirabiri2instead of the description
09:13.32amirabiri2Is there an alternative way of supplying curse with the popup text ?
09:19.20ckknightno, the way the syncer works it just gets the first part of the description
09:23.30amirabiri2That needs to change
09:23.42amirabiri2it needs to ignore the TOC it generated itself when doing that
09:23.52amirabiri2the result is gibbeish
09:24.07amirabiri2I'll submit a ticket to curse
09:28.57amirabiri2erm.. can't find where to do that
09:29.50amirabiri2hmm foudn it
09:30.03amirabiri2in the KB... no link otherwise..?
09:30.27amirabiri2OK the link was there all along... o.O
09:30.42amirabiri2<-- ...
09:35.41ckknightthere's a link?
09:35.54ckknightnote: curse ≠ curseforge
09:40.15amirabiri2I meant curseforge
10:03.59ckknightthat just means I'll get a ticket
10:20.20amirabiri2well you got one :-)
10:20.32amirabiri2at your service :-)
11:21.06*** join/#waruidev tortall (
12:44.19*** join/#waruidev Aiiane_ (
13:04.18amirabiri2Is there a lib that deals with timers?
13:04.41amirabiri2i.e setting a function to be called after a certain amount of time elapsed, throtling, etc?
13:14.29xdlike libtimer?
13:18.49amirabiri2I can't find a LibTiber on curse...
13:29.19ckknightxd: your name confuses my IRC client
13:29.30ckknightall I see is the emoticon :-P
13:55.29*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
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14:38.18*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
14:49.55amirabiri2So is there LibTimer?
14:50.06amirabiri2And while we're there, is there LibEvent?
14:50.15amirabiri2I'd love to write these two right now
14:50.16*** join/#waruidev agon (
14:50.26amirabiri2I just wouldn't want to rewrite the wheel...
14:50.37amirabiri2Well as long as it's round of course...
14:52.27AiianeI think I already discussed libraries about events with you, didn't I? (*hazy memory*)
14:52.56Aiianethere are multiple timer libs
14:54.33amirabiri2Yes we discussed the idea of creating a library for events
14:54.33Aiianeacetimer's been ported to WAR, there's ztimelib, both of those are set-and-fire timer implementations
14:55.02AiianeI told you that CallbackHandler already existed as part of the ace3 port
14:55.21amirabiri2I don't remember that part...
14:55.39amirabiri2OK I'll check ace then
14:55.57amirabiri2I was reluctant to use a framework for something as simple as a small addon
14:56.04amirabiri2but if everything is already there...
14:57.28Aiianeace3 is modular
14:57.35Aiianeyou only use the parts you need
14:57.55Aiiane(unlike ace2 which was far more condensed)
15:11.31amirabiri2I'm looking at Ace's files now
15:11.39amirabiri2They indeed look lightweight
15:21.35amirabiri2OK I'm a little confused...
15:21.58amirabiri2I've checked the online documentation, and downloaded an example but it's only more confusing.
15:22.50amirabiri2Is there documentation anywhere of how you are supposed to include, let's say CallbackHandler-1.0
15:23.40amirabiri2I've downloaded the files and it doesn't seem like they take care of their loading, hence I'd want to load LibStub and then the lib myself
15:24.04amirabiri2However I've downloaded lootlink and it seems to have .mod files, which I can't find in the Ace download
15:26.23*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
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15:37.04*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
15:40.56agonis there  a way to "skin" the psistatus bars ?
15:41.03agoni mean changing the gradient style
15:42.05agonand suqred can display AP bar for partys/wb ? :x
15:51.34Zeddeis there a mod that you can change the hotbar as you like ?
15:51.46Zeddeand the map ?
16:11.42*** join/#waruidev LilenaDOK (
16:22.32*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
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16:23.43Repo10rv_adap: 03gutgut * r4 / (4 files in 3 directories): - modified target & mouseover windows
16:23.49Repo10rv_adap: 03gutgut 04v2.0 * r5 : - modified target & mouseover windows
16:24.18RepoNew project: TalismanWillard. Onni_x (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
16:24.40*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
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16:27.17*** join/#waruidev LilenaDOK (
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16:37.41*** join/#waruidev beatrixkiddo (
16:51.46*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
16:53.56amirabiri2Is there any place I can find documentation of the Ace3 API in ?
16:57.19*** part/#waruidev gutgut (
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17:25.44*** join/#waruidev Nechckn_V2 (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/PRManager/Nechckn)
17:33.20gutguthmm my new repo      svn://   won t found  since hours :P  maybe there is an error
17:48.33amirabiri2I'm banging my head against the wall here with CallbackHandler... is there any documentation of it anywhere ?
17:53.05Repo10cmap: 03gutgut 044.1 * r17 : - added border config
17:53.09Repo- added general offset config
17:53.15Repo10cmap: 03gutgut * r16 / (3 files in 1 directory): - added border config
17:53.19Repo- added general offset config
18:23.03amirabiri2Has CallbackHandler ever worked..?
18:23.27amirabiri2I can't find the point where the callbacks are supposed to be called..
18:24.22*** join/#waruidev beatrixkiddo (
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18:31.04tortallWhat is it supposed to do?
18:32.05amirabiri2call the callbacks..
18:37.47*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
18:39.47tortallcallbacks for what?
18:43.29ckknightyour mom's callbacks
18:44.02amirabiri2OK, CallbackHandler is not calling anything as of 3.0.4...
18:44.12amirabiri2I've just added the calling code myself...
18:45.22ckknightI think it's funny.
18:45.26amirabiri2IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! <tears own hair out)
18:45.29ckknightthat is all
18:45.33ckknightAce3 has horrid docs
18:45.47ckknightbut people think it's hot shit because it's Ace
18:46.08amirabiri2No no.. let's not beatify things: Ace3 has *NO* docs...
18:46.25ckknightare there none in the WAR version?
18:46.36amirabiri2No. I've used the WOW docs
18:46.40ckknightle sigh
18:46.56ckknightwell, at least I added automated documentation to curseforge now
18:47.09ckknightwhich'll push people to document their shit
18:47.14amirabiri2Did you resolve *my* ticket? (me me me!)
18:47.19ckknightwhich ticket was this?
18:47.31amirabiri2the thing with removing the TOC from the mouse over tooltip
18:47.42tortallI still don't even see what CallBackHandler is supposed to do.
18:47.59ckknightamirabiri2: I can't fix that, that's a curse issue. I have to work with that team, at least
18:48.16ckknightbasically, I need to add another field to the xml sync
18:48.20ckknightand then we wait like 2 months
18:48.26ckknightand they implement it on their end
18:48.31amirabiri2ckknight: I was just teasing.. don't take me too seriously :-)
18:48.55ckknight(btw, I'm frustrated with the slow pace of implementing things for me)
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18:49.04ckknight(despite working in the next room from them)
18:49.13amirabiri2Sorry Tor that was me being thick with the DCC there
18:49.38amirabiri2tortall: CallbackHandler is a library that supplies event handling for an addon
18:50.00amirabiri2How many developers and sysadmins are working in Curse?
18:50.02tortallWhat events, though?
18:50.22amirabiri2Events defined by the addon
18:51.04amirabiri2Where I work we are about 60 devs and sysadmins, and I tell you it's a nightmare
18:51.47tortallOh.  So other addons use CallbackHandler to register for your events, and when you trigger them, the callbacks are called?
18:52.14ckknightamirabiri2: me and Kaelten on curseforge/wowace. Two other guys (three if you count the supervisor, but he has his own projects and doesn't work on it full-time) on Two who work on the curse client. The supervisor who is actually a dev and does little supervising, he makes WARDB and a bunch of services. One other guy who works on the DB sites.
18:52.35ckknightthere's 6 in the office as-is
18:52.39ckknightone is coming soon
18:52.49amirabiri2yes, except CallbackHandler is LibStub'ed, which means that its existence is transparent to other addons. From their point of view they are only calling methods in the addon that is using CallbackHandler.
18:53.25tortallNeat.  I looked at LibStub briefly, but didn't catch what it was really doing.
18:53.54ckknightLibStub holds libraries and keeps a version number for them
18:53.54tortallI haven't delved much into metatables.
18:54.01ckknightmetatables are ftw, though
18:54.43amirabiri2ckknight: Well that's not a large number of devs, the Curse team is either understaffed, incompetent, there is a prioritization problem, or your stuff just isn't a priority :-)
18:55.08ckknightand prioritization problems
18:55.10tortallHow much do you pay?  :D
18:55.16ckknightare you a .NET developer?
18:55.28ckknightand willing to transfer to Huntsville, AL?
18:55.33ckknightand already a US resident?
18:56.04amirabiri2tortall: LibStub allows you to "embed" a library into your addon so that you can ship it with you addon without requiring the user to download it separately, but without casuing collisions with other addons that may be using it either
18:56.19amirabiri2Well I'm a PHP team lead
18:56.26amirabiri2I live in London
18:56.35amirabiri2And I'm currently on a UK work permit :-)
18:56.42ckknightlua> fib = setmetatable({[0]=0,[1]=1}, {__index=function(self,key) self[key] = self[key-2] + self[key-1]; return self[key] end}); return fib[100];
18:56.43lua_botckknight: 3.5422484817926e+20
18:56.45tortallno, but I could be.  Maybe, and Yes :)
18:56.48amirabiri2Although the irony is that I'm looking to move to C#
18:56.56ckknightfibonacci sequence with metatables
18:57.22ckknightI think the role of C# is overblown. CurseForge is all python, we make do.
18:57.55amirabiri2All of this and no PHP ?
18:58.05amirabiri2Wouldn't it be the natural choice?
18:58.12ckknightwhy is PHP the natural choice?
18:58.16amirabiri2BTW is that django or plain Python?
18:58.18ckknightPython > PHP
18:58.28ckknightamirabiri2: used to be django, then we tore out that shit
18:58.31ckknightwell, I tore out that shit
18:58.34ckknightit was holding us back
18:58.42amirabiri2I heard horrible things about it..
18:58.44ckknightnow we're threadsafe and 10x faster
18:59.14amirabiri2I wouldn't be quick to state that Python > PHP...
18:59.28amirabiri2There is a reason why the majority of web apps out there are based on PHP
18:59.37amirabiri2And WOWHEAD is also based on PHP :-)
19:01.15amirabiri2"an in-house open source project that ties together Werkzeug, WTForms, Jinja2, and SQLAlchemy."
19:01.16ckknightit's because PHP is a "safe" choice that comes with most systems
19:01.19ckknightand it's C-like
19:01.35ckknightamirabiri2: yea, it's basically a glue project. You can get the source if you want
19:02.03amirabiri2No it's not :-
19:02.05ckknightactually our framework is used by more than just us
19:02.26amirabiri2I am a PHP developer for the past 8 years mate, current a team lead and working in a team of 60 devs
19:02.42ckknightyour lack of namespaces angers and confuses me
19:02.52amirabiri2I know a thing or two about PHP, and while I a very vocal critic of it who is much looking to move on from it, it has many advantages
19:02.56ckknightalso, Python lacked WSGI for a while, which really hurt it
19:03.03ckknightnow that it has it, it's really easy to do deployments
19:03.07amirabiri2many things in PHP anger and confuse me :-)
19:03.23ckknightWSGI is a standard interface for python web apps
19:03.25tortallSo, if the Tome says "Complete a specific task" for an unlock, what does it mean?
19:03.59amirabiri2What do you mean by standard interface ?
19:04.12amirabiri2BTW PHP 5.3 / 6.0 will have namespaces
19:04.14ckknightamirabiri2: standard API
19:04.31amirabiri2Is it a framework ?
19:04.35ckknightno, it's an API
19:04.44ckknightamirabiri2: basically by having WSGI, various third parties can support that API rather than a specific framework
19:04.48ckknightsuch as apache's mod_wsgi
19:05.01ckknightas long as you implement the expected API, you're WSGI-compliant
19:05.11ckknightamirabiri2: is PHP still horrid wrt unicode?
19:05.40amirabiri26.0 will have full built-in unicode support
19:06.19amirabiri2How do you compare Python to Ruby BTW ?
19:06.24amirabiri2Just out of curiosity
19:07.00ckknightI like em both
19:07.03ckknightpersonally, I prefer Ruby
19:07.10ckknightcause I like abusing closures
19:07.25ckknightI came to work on curseforge after working on ruby stuff
19:07.33*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
19:07.37ckknightI still pine for each { |x| blah }
19:07.47ckknightand such
19:07.55ckknightit's far harder to build DSLs in Python
19:08.00ckknightto the point where it's just not done because of it
19:08.26ckknightand Ruby 1.9 brings it up to speed in a lot of respects (including performance) to the likes of Python and PHP
19:09.13amirabiri2I have also studied Ruby in the past year
19:09.25ckknightI like that I can do functionalesque programming in it
19:09.33ckknight(near-impossible in python)
19:09.39amirabiri2Actually in the past two years I've studied almost everything out there... o.O
19:09.44amirabiri2I'm very keen on moving on
19:09.49ckknightErlang ftw
19:09.54amirabiri2However I wasn't entirely fond of Ruby
19:09.58ckknightwhy's that?
19:09.59amirabiri2I liked it a lot
19:10.01amirabiri2it's fun
19:10.08ckknightI wasn't at first either, but I grew to like it a lot
19:10.12amirabiri2open classes give me the shivers
19:10.26ckknightI think they're useful
19:10.37ckknightbut I think it could've been done better
19:10.50ckknightproper namespacing like LISP or Erlang or C# wrt extension methods
19:14.04amirabiri2ugh now you're really drifting away for me... lol
19:14.10amirabiri2LISP - ugh!
19:14.15amirabiri2Erlang - ugh!
19:14.57amirabiri2ugh == yuck
19:15.08amirabiri2ugh == bah
19:15.13ckknightbut why.
19:15.30amirabiri2Lost in a See of Parenthesis rings any bells ?
19:16.09amirabiri2I have to use Scheme in the "introduction to CS" course in uni
19:16.21ckknightmy other car is a cdr.
19:16.43amirabiri2I still wake up covered with cold sweat from it...
19:16.58ckknightso wanna see something cool I did in lua?
19:17.03amirabiri2I would shoot myself before taking on any larger than small project with LISP
19:17.11amirabiri2yes of course :-)
19:17.41ckknightlet it be remembered that I did it for the lulz.
19:17.59ckknightit's functional programming in lua
19:18.03ckknightnearly everything is tail-recursive
19:18.25amirabiri2Python dev brought to lua
19:18.35amirabiri2the lua interpreter is redefined
19:18.43ckknightit's not python dev
19:18.45ckknightit's Erlang-style
19:18.56ckknightpython's not functional
19:18.59ckknightat least not in a good way
19:19.23amirabiri2I'm referring to the Tuples
19:20.19ckknightwell, I was referring to the proposed lua tuple implementation
19:20.20ckknightnot python's
19:20.25ckknight(5.2 or 5.3 lua)
19:20.53ckknightalso, tuples are a mathematical construct.
19:22.04ckknightthey're tuples because they're immutable (and also cacheable because of it)
19:23.38amirabiri2Yes I've only encountered them until today as "Tuples" in Python
19:24.17ckknightwell, we had tons of tuples in Computational Theory :-P
19:24.25ckknightaccursed Turing.
19:25.17amirabiri2Anyway going back I'm trying to understand what you've done there
19:25.27amirabiri2I have very little lua experience
19:25.39amirabiri2does lua have magic stuff under __x ?
19:26.14ckknightin its metatables, yes
19:26.22ckknightbut that's separate from the tables themselves
19:27.01amirabiri2and what's _G ?
19:27.09ckknightthe global table
19:27.28ckknightall globals are assigned and retrieved from it by default
19:27.40amirabiri2isn't that the default if the symbol isn't found in the local symbol table ?
19:27.44ckknightlua> x = 5; print(_G.x); _G.y = 6; print(y)
19:27.44lua_botckknight: 5, 6
19:28.04amirabiri2lua> _G.x = x; print( x )
19:28.05lua_botamirabiri2: nil
19:28.15ckknightwell, the initial x was nil
19:28.18ckknightlua> local proxy = newproxy(true); getmetatable(proxy).__call = function(self) print("Ur mom has magic stuff") end; proxy()
19:28.19lua_botckknight: Ur mom has magic stuff
19:28.22amirabiri2lua> _G.x = 1; print( x )
19:28.23lua_botamirabiri2: 1
19:29.57amirabiri2OK so where's WarAce's SVN rep ?
19:30.11ckknight@project war/ace3
19:30.12Repockknight: Ace3. Game: WAR. Kaelten (Manager/Author), Aiiane (Author), pwerelds (Author). Updated: 61 days ago. Tickets: 2/2
19:30.26ckknighthehe, it's Hg, not SVN
19:31.32amirabiri2You lie ! [dbg:off] /root> [dbg:off] /root>svn ls
19:31.43amirabiri2svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/war/ace3/mainline'
19:31.44amirabiri2svn: PROPFIND of '/war/ace3/mainline': 200 Script output follows (
19:32.03ckknightyou can't do svn ls on that.
19:32.19ckknightit'll return bad data
19:32.43amirabiri2well where does the trunk/branches/tags start ?
19:33.17ckknightthat's not how hg works
19:33.32amirabiri2oh crap I just realized what you're saying...
19:33.35amirabiri2it's not svn...
19:34.16ckknightthe default branch is 'default'
19:34.20ckknightthat's like trunk
19:34.24ckknightyou can have other branches, though
19:34.30ckknightand tags are just pointers to a certain ref
19:36.00amirabiri2does mercurial have a gui ?
19:36.03amirabiri2like tortoise ?
19:37.02amirabiri2Suprise suprise
19:38.53amirabiri2need to restart... o.O
19:38.56amirabiri2Hate restarting
19:39.01amirabiri2got everything open dammit
19:39.10ckknightI use a mac...
19:39.31encaitarYou know why this is just eating my first character instead of replacing it?  task = wstring.gsub(task, L"%w", function (s) return wstring.upper(s) end, 1)
19:40.25encaitarWithout a match it should take the whole strnig
19:40.39encaitarbut i've tried both ways
19:40.44ckknightlike a bisexual
19:41.24ckknightI dunno
19:41.29amirabiri2you've got one mouth on you kid don't you ?
19:41.46ckknightthat reminds me of your mom's mouth on me last night
19:41.58amirabiri2yup that's what I meant :-)
19:42.13ckknightyou must learn to embrace the "your mom" joke
19:42.16ckknightmake it a part of you
19:42.24ckknightwell, that and a cowboy hat
19:42.58amirabiri2If you do not make friend with the "your mom" joke, it is an enemy to be feared..
19:43.09tortallencaitar, s is not defined, so it's replacing it with nil, or an empty string.
19:43.10amirabiri2Now kid, I'll give you two points if you spot the reference
19:43.22ckknighttortall: false.
19:43.30ckknighttortall: s is defined in the function params
19:43.51ckknightI don't know why you people love doing wstring.gsub instead of like task:gsub, though
19:43.56ckknightand s:upper() works just as well
19:44.43encaitartortall, it's supposed to pass the matches into the function
19:44.53amirabiri2encaitar: your regexp is wrong
19:45.05amirabiri2it only grabs the first character of the string
19:45.11encaitarThat's all I want
19:45.17encaitarJust making first char uppercase
19:45.38amirabiri2yes, but you want to return the rest, don't you ?
19:45.51ckknightamirabiri2: irrelevant, that's not how gsub works
19:46.09ckknighttask:gsub(L"(%w)", wstring.upper)
19:46.12ckknighttry it, encaitar
19:46.22encaitarok ..
19:46.41ckknightlua> task = "ur mom"; return task:gsub("(%w)", string.upper)
19:46.42lua_botckknight: UR MOM, 5
19:46.52ckknightlua> task = "ur mom"; return task:gsub("(%w)", string.upper, 1)
19:46.52lua_botckknight: Ur mom, 1
19:47.01ckknightyea, I guess you need the 1 at the end
19:47.05ckknightor ...
19:47.10ckknightlua> task = "ur mom"; return task:gsub("^(%w)", string.upper)
19:47.11lua_botckknight: Ur mom, 1
19:47.17ckknightthere we are.
19:47.40ckknightlua> task = "ur mom"; return task:sub(1, 1):upper() .. task:sub(2)
19:47.41lua_botckknight: Ur mom
19:49.09ckknightanybody get the subtle joke that "ur mom" is a task?
19:49.14amirabiri2ckknight: encaitar's original line works for me with string instead of wstring
19:49.27ckknightwell, the luabot has no wstring support
19:49.34ckknightso that's how I showed it
19:49.36amirabiri2you haven't spotted the reference yet
19:49.43ckknightwhat reference?
19:49.54amirabiri2<amirabiri2>If you do not make friend with the "your mom" joke, it is an enemy to be feared..
19:50.10amirabiri2I am betting you are too young..
19:51.32encaitartask:gsub doesn't kill my first letter but it doesn't make it upper either.
19:51.57ckknighthere's my guess: their shittily written custom gsub doesn't accept functions as the third argument properly.
19:52.28RepoNew project: BankAlarm. curious_jp (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
19:52.33encaitarCould be.  Guess I'm using sub
19:53.06ckknightdoes concat with wstrings work?
19:54.20ckknightimo, WAR's handling of unicode strings is pretty shoddy
19:54.35amirabiri2I was gonna say the same thing
19:54.47amirabiri2replacing everything with string instead of wstring works
19:54.53amirabiri2so it looks like a bug in wstring
19:55.12ckknightsometimes the black box is broken ;-)
19:56.20encaitarWell, at least it's not me overlooking something obvious :)
19:59.17amirabiri2OK who's Paul?
19:59.23amirabiri2That's the bastard
19:59.25amirabiri2it's all him
19:59.50ckknightPaul? [dbg:off] /root/ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0>hg log CallbackHandler-1.0.lua
20:00.36amirabiri2changeset:   18:c98220407364
20:00.37amirabiri2tag:         3.0.4
20:00.39amirabiri2user:        Paul
20:00.40amirabiri2date:        Sun Oct 19 14:24:12 2008 +0200
20:00.42amirabiri2summary:     Small fix.
20:00.43amirabiri2changeset:   16:482b16decc27
20:00.45amirabiri2user:        Paul
20:00.47amirabiri2date:        Fri Oct 17 09:19:59 2008 +0200
20:00.48amirabiri2summary:     Code cleanup, AceAddon fix.
20:00.50amirabiri2changeset:   15:b758ef6b6ccb
20:00.52amirabiri2user:        Paul
20:00.53amirabiri2date:        Thu Oct 16 22:20:48 2008 +0200
20:00.55amirabiri2summary:     Adding AceDB-3.0 AceDBOptions-3.0 and CallbackHandler-1.0 to the list of ports that should work. Keep in mind to prefix each of these with WAR- just like the previous ports.
20:05.12*** join/#waruidev art3mis_ (
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20:06.55ckknightI don't know any Paul
20:06.55ckknightwonder who that is...
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20:07.00ckknightdoes it not say their email?
20:07.02art3mishrm not a bad swag day
20:07.02art3misgot boondocks compelte series
20:08.13art3mismonopoly, an rc heli, and some uber comfy hoodies
20:08.53amirabiri2listen, that Paul guy simply commented out the line that actually does what CallbackHandler is all about, and you guys pushed that into a production release...
20:08.53art3misoh and Wall-E special edition
20:08.53art3misadn weeks of peace and quiet since i got wifey Fable 2 ;)
20:08.54art3misgot her 3months gold and left 4 dead too
20:08.54art3misthat should be fun
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20:08.54ckknightamirabiri2: I'm not involved with Ace3
20:08.54amirabiri2argh! I've just spent a whole day cuz Aiiane spanked me about re-inventing the wheel with CallbackHandler and it's completely broken !
20:08.54amirabiri2I hate you all. I'm going home
20:08.55encaitarreinventing the wheel is OK as long as you invent a better wheel.
20:08.55amirabiri2OK I'm gonna reinvent a better wheel
20:08.55ckknightI'd suggest fixing CallbackHandler instead
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20:12.24amirabiri2I guess you're right
20:12.24amirabiri2I don't like it much
20:12.24ckknightdoes WAR provide loadstring yet?
20:12.24amirabiri2For start, its name doesn't start with Ace
20:12.24amirabiri2No but there is a way around that
20:12.24ckknightit's not part of Ace3, actually, Ace3 just uses it
20:12.24ckknightit's semi-Ace3
20:13.17art3misport yer chat over to WAR
20:13.17art3misor was that silvs?
20:13.17amirabiri2So why don't I just port AceEvents instead ?
20:13.26ckknightart3mis: that was syl's
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20:13.36art3misyezh sylv sorry
20:13.37ckknightamirabiri2: AceEvent uses CallbackHandler
20:13.46ckknightamirabiri2: it's just a thin wrapper over it
20:14.19amirabiri2I see. So where he hell is the original?
20:15.01ckknighton wowace
20:15.01ckknight@project wow/ace3
20:15.01Repockknight: Ace3. Game: WoW. Kaelten (Manager/Author), hyperactiveChipmunk (Author), Antiarc (Author), Nevcairiel (Author/Maintainer), Ammo (Author), mikk (Author), Nargiddley (Author). Updated: 6 days ago. Tickets: 7/13
20:15.38amirabiri2yes I found it
20:15.38amirabiri2OK let's see now
20:17.03amirabiri2OK now I understand your question...
20:17.04amirabiri2so basically it has never worked in WAR
20:17.13amirabiri2Aiiane lied to me!
20:17.14amirabiri2he lied!
20:17.36ckknightespecially about being male
20:17.41ckknightsince Aiiane's female
20:17.48ckknight...though I haven't checked recently
20:17.56amirabiri2You think it changes ?
20:18.12ckknightit can
20:18.29amirabiri2Last I heard the chop is a one way street
20:18.38amirabiri2I don't think it can change back
20:18.41ckknightnot since the late 80s
20:19.02ckknightthere are FTM surgeries now
20:19.07ckknightquite successful ones
20:19.15amirabiri2I knew I don't want to know
20:19.44Zeddeis there a mod that you can change the hotbar as you like ? ( formation)
20:20.05encaitarvertigo I think
20:20.53ZeddeThanks :)
20:21.39Zeddeand a good mod for map ?
20:22.32Zeddenm found the one I was looking for
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20:35.45amirabiri2well basically there is no more need for the loadstring, as the lua version has advanced and we now have ...
20:35.54amirabiri2* function blah ( ... )
20:48.38amirabiri2ckknight: this syntax is doing my head in
20:58.38tortallsyntax for what?
21:02.26amirabiri2for CallbackHandler's dispatcher's staff
21:13.21ZeddeAiiane: in that post you talk about save-settings-per-character where do I finde that settings ? I have looked all over it
21:14.45Zeddemaybe someone ells can answer that question
21:24.52tortallI wish I could.  I only know it's possible, but have never cared to know how.
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21:54.41encaitarThere's something in the usersettings file.
21:55.46encaitarYeah, in user/usersettings.xml ...
21:56.06encaitarIn the interface element there's an attribute save_settings_per_character
21:56.31encaitarwhich defaults to false
22:06.18amirabiri2I think he's referring to something else
22:06.55amirabiri2I think he's referring to an addon's ability to save settings on a per character basis regardless of what the user has set for the UI globally, and without requiring him to change that.
22:28.26amirabiri2Are you seriously telling me that CallbackHandler is the standard event handling lib for addon authoring in WOW and WAR ??
22:28.35amirabiri2It's not working!
22:28.57tortallNever used it
22:29.23tortallDon't really see any point when writing your own mechanism is so simple.
22:30.54amirabiri2Not re-inventing the wheel. Save development time. Not do copy-paste programming.
22:31.05amirabiri2I'm all for libs, just ones that work..
22:31.21tortallif it doesn't work, it's not saving you much time :)
22:33.09amirabiri2never a truer word spoken... o.O
22:33.21tortallIt sounds as if you'd have saved time and frustration by writing the 20 lines of code yourself.
22:34.29amirabiri2which is what I'm doing right now...
22:35.23amirabiri2I want to say it's all Aiiane's fault for pointing me towards CallbackHandler , but she in fact first told me I'm better off writing my own mechanism...
23:02.13*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (

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