IRC log for #waruidev on 20081223

00:07.01Bloodwalkeras far as I can tell WH uses 4 golors for targets... white for friendly not rvr flagged, yellow for friendly flagged, orange for enemy not hostile, and red for enemy hostile... can anyone else think of a color Im missing?
00:07.44Bloodwalkeroops and blue for friendly npc
00:07.48encaitarThe colors of the head?
00:07.55encaitarover the head?
00:08.05Bloodwalkerand the names
00:08.07encaitarGreen for party members not flagged
00:09.25Bloodwalkerthx encaitar... trying to add to my RCG addon for those players who are color blind... any others anyone can think of?
00:13.28encaitarI think that's it
00:15.50BloodwalkerIll have to dosome testing to make sure I got them all properly
00:22.11AlocerIf anyone is curious, GameData.Player.RvRStats.LifetimeDeathBlows doesn't always increase immediately after the event PLAYER_RVR_STATS_UPDATED
00:22.54ThraeHmmm is the "SHADE = 21" the Witch Elf or Blackguard?
00:23.33ThraeYeah I thought so.
00:23.55ValkeaI use it in my addon to display the class icon and this is the BG icon
00:37.26Aiiiirc the witch elf is ASSASSIN
00:47.37ThraeIs Orange "Mythic" rarity?
00:49.06Aiibelieve so yes
00:49.42Aiiunless you're talking about the dye, in which case no, it's just Rare ;)
00:54.57ThraeMaking a quick little addon that parses the Guild Vault and saves its info in a readable fashion so I can make a thread on our guild forums to get rid of old crap that's been sitting there forever.
00:57.01*** join/#waruidev Gruh_ (
00:57.12ThraeEwww, Salvagable but not repairable items have an itemType of 0.
00:58.53AlocerAnyone know if it's possible to figure out if the event PLAYER_RENOWN_UDPATED still fires if you're RR80?  I'm guessing no?
01:02.06BloodwalkerI believe it does... because it still fires when your maxed renown for your level
01:03.06AlocerHmmm okay, I guess I'll have to use that event then for trying to get the name of the player you kill and fix it later if it stops working.  The event PLAYER_RVR_STATS_UPDATED wasn't giving me a reliable way to get that name, sigh
01:03.49Bloodwalkertrying to coordinate an event and then parse chat logs is never going to be 100% theres no guarantee about the order
01:05.00AlocerYeah, I just didn't want to have to constantly parse the chat log as that seems like a very bad performance idea
01:05.51AlocerUsing the stats updated event I'd get weird things like keep lord Bodyguards sometimes
01:06.11AlocerBlargh, whole basis of my mod is getting that name  :p
01:07.45AlocerWas WoW's API this difficult to work with?  I never got around to trying to make any mods for it before I quit
01:10.25Bloodwalkerit changed alot from initial release
01:10.30Bloodwalkerno idea what its like now
01:10.47AlocerOr I guess I could try parsing say the last 10 lines of chat on those events for the "You have slain" message
01:11.53AlocerOr use both events  :p
01:12.06AlocerWait no, bad idea
01:12.21Bloodwalkerhehe just dont make it too complicated or itll be that much simpler to break when theres game updates
01:12.54Aiioh btw Kaelten
01:13.00Aii<3 much for the new packager options
01:13.10AlocerYeah unfortunately found that out already, this is my first rewrite to try and get it to work better
01:14.15Bloodwalkerthe addon Im working on atm... RCG I know its going to get broken really easily and not a way Id ever suggest someone write an addon but its small and itll work for those that really need it
01:14.43AiiI'm pretty much screwed with regards to updates, there's no way to keep Squared "uncomplicated" :P
01:15.26Bloodwalkerhehe no kidding Aii...any little change and its likely to get busted
01:16.26AiiI try to anticipate changes though and patch for them ahead of time when I can
01:16.44Bloodwalkerfor RCG Im going to highjack the TargetInfo:GetRelationshipColor() function.. and use the Mythic provided colors to determine target type and substitute user configured colors instead
01:16.54AlocerOh dang, I just realized that parsing mutliple lines is bad in case you get two killing blows quickly.... for that matter if you kill two people at once in an AoE it won't work either.  Maybe I should just constantly parse the chat log
01:17.46BloodwalkerYup Alocer that would be a problem
01:18.06Bloodwalkeryou would get 2 events though.. one for each kill
01:20.00Bloodwalkerthough by hooking the relationship color function any other lua script will get user configured colors for tooltips and windows etc.. changing the color in one spot for everything... except of course for the colors that are in the world.. like names over targets
01:21.34AlocerI guess I could try parsing the log constantly and see how bad my game runs  :p
01:21.58Bloodwalkertry not to parse the whole string if you know its not what you want
01:22.22AlocerYeah first thing I'd do is try and match it to "You have slain" and if not then return
01:23.07AlocerIf that's what you meant
01:23.22Bloodwalkeryup thats the idea..
01:24.07Bloodwalkera little more work upfront to find the fastest way to identify the strings you want the less resources constant parsing will take
01:25.00Aiiare 'slain' messages not in their own filter type?
01:25.22AlocerIt's umm
01:25.42AlocerKills/Death (Yours)
01:25.46AlocerI believe
01:25.56Aiiwell, TextLogGetEntry() returns 3 arguments
01:26.03Aiithe timestamp, the filternum, and the text
01:26.13AlocerAhhhh I could check the filternum
01:26.18Aiiso you can just ignore everything except ones with the proper filter number
01:26.24Bloodwalkerthere ya go... its its not the right filter chuck it out right away
01:26.33AlocerExcellent, thanks for the insight
01:26.44Bloodwalkernumber comparisons are quick
01:27.37AlocerI'll be back in a few
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01:41.42CairennAii: hey Aii
01:44.09Cairennerrr, sorry, that message was brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department
01:44.59BloodwalkerCapt Obvious strikes again!
01:45.06Cairennyeah really
01:55.34ckknightAii: ping
01:55.53ckknight@ticket curseforge 588 is now implemented
01:55.55Repockknight: - Allow image attachments to tickets. Reported by: Aiiane. Type: Enhancement. Updated: 27 seconds ago. Component: Ticket System. Status: Fixed. Priority: Medium. Assignee: ckknight. Votes: +12. Comments: 2
01:58.22Aiipong, and thanks
01:59.14Aiiim still getting used to having 'under review' the default action rather than 'normal'
01:59.26ckknightit's safer, all-in-all
01:59.38ckknightat least I added the checkbox to select everything
01:59.48Aiisure, but at least for a few more days there are probably going to be a number of projects that are 'under review' for about 6 seconds :P
02:00.46Aiiis there any way that an option to include a file in the initial 'post a ticket' form could be added, ckknight ?
02:01.02AiiI feel that a lot of people not familiar with the curseforge interface might completely miss it otherwise
02:01.03ckknightbecause there's a preview button, that doesn't really work
02:01.47Aiimaybe a checkbox for 'attach a file after creating this ticket' ? and if checked, will automatically take them to the attachment form
02:02.06ckknightthat could work :-_)
02:17.50DaegalusAii: im liking nambla xD
02:20.27ckknightall that man-boy love does a body good, Daegalus?
02:21.04Daegalusim not getting it ckknight
02:21.11ckknightNorth American Man-Boy Love Association
02:22.20Aiiaka the organization that the original satire is centered around
02:22.44Aiion a side note,
02:22.46ckknightAii: okay, added the checkbox
02:22.57AiiI would really hate to see a plutonium-fueled car 'knock'
02:27.13Aiithe idea of a spacecraft fueled by dropping nuclear bombs out its tailpipe amuses me.
02:50.28Valkeagood night / day
02:50.48gutgut_g n8 :)
02:50.55*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
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05:04.34gutgut_Aiiane could you manage that squared will be showed when player is in siege?
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07:04.25Repo10rcg: 03Bloodwalker * r4 / (3 files in 2 directories): Added new custom color settings
07:04.29RepoHook into targetinfo colors
07:04.34RepoHeavy refactoring for all functions
07:04.54Repo10rcg: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.2.1 * r5 : Tagging as Beta v0.2.1
07:19.58Bloodwalkernite all
07:21.38Aiinight Bloodwalker
10:55.45Repo10ttitan: 03SquigyStardust * r143 / (7 files in 2 directories): Updated and fixed problems (Hopefully)
10:56.07Repo10ttitan: 03SquigyStardust 04v2.1.17-release * r144 : Updated and fixed problems (Hopefully)
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13:15.15Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r12 / (2 files in 1 directory): Release-fix for christmas patch
13:15.40Repo10odwc: 03gutgut 04v1.2 * r13 : -fix for christmas patch
13:20.12*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
13:32.35tortallAnyone know if OnShutdown is called on a /reload?
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13:53.28Valkeai guessyes it is
13:53.49Valkea... no i am sure it is in fact
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15:49.23encaitarCan an event handler go to a local function?
15:59.26encaitarNope, it can't.
16:17.26tortallUmm, why couldn't it?
16:21.49tortallThat's interesting.
16:21.58tortallI wonder why that limitation exists.
16:22.33tortallOh.  Because RegisterEventHandler takes a string instead of a function reference.
16:28.27nicoli_codingwhic his dumb
16:28.35nicoli_codingwhich is*
16:30.19tortallI think so too.
16:30.40tortallIt has one advantage, though. You can easily change the function that implements the handler.
16:57.00*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
17:06.00encaitarI don't suppose there's a way to stop a function from sending text to the chat window.
17:10.43Bloodwalkerwhat kind of text?
17:11.26encaitarAddActiveTactic will send an error message to the chat window if there's no slots available.
17:12.15encaitarTacticsEditor.ExternalAddTactic doesn't ... but in this case it will actually wipe all the tactics there for some reason I'm not quite sure of.
17:13.38encaitarAddActiveTactic works, but spams chat.  If there's no way around it I'll just leave off this functionality.
17:14.28encaitarWell, I could probably get around it by putting in a timer with an onupdate function but that's kind of messy.
17:20.23Bloodwalkerwell couldnt you check yourself if theres empty slots? and only call the add when theres a spot for it?
17:23.29encaitarI'm actually calling from the tactics updated event, and it's a little crazy, because that event fires a lot when you're switching sets and it continues to think the tactic isn't loaded after it has been and that causes the spam.
17:28.57Bloodwalkerwell you cant stop errors from being printed out unless you hook the function but for this case wouldnt be pretty
17:29.34Bloodwalkerhave a look at InternalAddOrSwapTactic which is what the externaladd calls to find out why its dumping all your tactics
17:29.55Bloodwalkeror you might be able to make a similar function thatll work the way you want it to
17:34.28Cairenn|afkhave a good day all, I'm heading out now, won't be back on until tomorrow
17:36.27encaitarThat's what's a little odd, InternalAddOrSwapTactic is supposed to just do nothing if there's no buttons available.
17:36.38encaitar(so it's a rather misnamed function)
17:38.25Bloodwalkerthe same function is used internally when you swap tactics with drag n drop
17:38.53BloodwalkerHave fun Cairenn|afk
17:40.00tortallA bit of Holiday cheer for me.  I have a new job lined up for next year!  :)
17:41.12Bloodwalkerawesome tortall.. now you can hit the eggnog :)
17:45.22tortallLatkes.  Hit the Latkes.  I'm Jewish :)
17:45.27encaitarBah, it's not worth it.  It's only an issue if they don't already have a tome tactic in the set they're switching to, I can just include that in the notes.
17:58.39encaitarHa!  Found a way to do it.
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18:35.01encaitarYay, it's all working and nothing is being spammed.
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20:06.56RepoNew project: QuickTacticSwitch. encaitar (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
20:07.57Saint-Nisnt that like the 5th quick tactics changer?
20:08.02Saint-Nin the last 3 days
20:08.20encaitarIt was TomeTacticSwitch
20:08.31encaitarBut now supports other tactic types
20:08.34Saint-Nreally? just tomes?
20:08.48Saint-Ni swapped career ones that way when i first saw yer tome one
20:08.51encaitarYeah, Tomes are the ones that need changing most often
20:09.10Saint-Nand im rpetty sure it was yers
20:09.18Saint-Noh well maybe im insane
20:09.37Saint-Ni really wish someone would track down a camera chack though
20:09.43Saint-Nso i could zoom out much further
20:09.53Saint-Ni hate being able to see nothing when im mounted
20:12.14encaitarYou couldn't have switched career tactics with my mod before because it was hard coded to only list tome's before this version.
20:12.26encaitarI'm not aware of any other mods that do something similar though.
20:17.38encaitarI think I'm done with that mod now, except for maybe some language support stuff.
20:42.30Bloodwalkerbugs will happen encaitar :) your never done till you abandon it
21:05.35*** join/#waruidev Alocer (i=473c324e@gateway/web/ajax/
21:10.51AlocerThe "Destruction Kills" filter is only for player kills, not rvr mob or keep lords or anything, correct?
21:11.42AlocerWhile I was parsing the chat log for "You have slain" messages to get the name of the player you kill in PvP, I realized it also catches mob kills  :p
21:15.44AlocerThen again the "Destruction Kills" messages change a lot, but I think they all have the format of "<playerKilledName> has been *destroy/skewered/whatever* by <playerKillerName>"
21:21.29AlocerI suppose the question I should be asking is, if someone deletes their combat chat tab, do they still receive the messages from the Destruction Kills filter
21:42.23Valkeathe combatlog have to be enabled
21:46.37tortallAs long as the log is enabled, it doesn't matter if the filters are shown anywhere
21:47.27Valkeayes, but he have to take care off addons that de-activate the combat log
21:47.47*** part/#waruidev Thorien (
21:48.56AlocerHmmm dang
21:49.45AlocerThat was my best shot at reliably getting the name of the player you kill too
21:50.29AlocerI guess I could add a disclaimer that you need a combat log with that filter turned on...
21:51.51AlocerBut when you say combatlog has to be enabled, do you mean having a combat chat tab?
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22:13.43Valkeai guess you can have combatlog enambled without combat tab
22:13.54Valkeacombat tab is only a set of filters
22:18.44tortallI hope that people will stop turning off the log now that the memory leak has been fixed.
22:19.33tortallAnd you can create a log that does not appear in any chat tab.  The chat tab is basically a window into a log, and does not define the properties of the log -- such as whether or not it is enabled.
22:20.07tortalltdps uses the combat log and I've not had any complaints about it.
22:20.24AlocerAhhhh I see I see thanks for clearing that up
22:20.49AlocerI'll probably go ahead and just use the Destruction/Order Kills filters based on your realm, and tell people that they can't use a mod that turns logging off
22:21.30AlocerAs tortall says, the combat log shouldn't be causing many problems now
22:21.36tortallThe only mod I know of that turned of the combat log was Aiiane's, and she only wrote it to help against the memory leak.
22:22.14AlocerOkay that simplifies it  :)
22:24.11AlocerI was also looking for suggestions on which event(s) to use to parse the log for the Kills message, I was using PLAYER_RVR_STATS_UPDATED but that doesn't seem to fire often enough, plus if someone doesn't RvR for a while I don't want to have to parse possibly thousands of lines of chat
22:24.38AlocerSo I was debating using PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED since I'm already using it
22:25.19tortallThere is an event that fires when a new entry is added to the log.  I use that.
22:25.49tortallIt would be really neat if the entry was passed as a parameter, but afaik, it isn't.
22:26.09AlocerCHAT_TEXT_ARRIVED doesn't catch combat messages though I believe
22:26.15tortallIt does not.
22:26.24tortallbecause the combat log is not chat text :)
22:26.57AlocerHehe true, but it also doesn't catch the Kills/Deaths (Yours) filter which is by default sent to the Chat tab, even though it's still a combat message which is why it doesn't catch it
22:27.13tortallRegisterEventHandler( TextLogGetUpdateEventId( "Combat" ), "TortallDPSCore.OnCombatLog" )
22:27.27art3mismuch stokage!
22:27.55AlocerSounds like TDPS is using WORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT
22:27.57art3miscome spring or so i get to stop being a tech support phone nerd, and get boosted to linux engineer with a more than double pay increase and no manager
22:28.05tortallNo, it's using what I just posted :)
22:28.12art3misPLUS my end of year bonus was 17.5% of my pay
22:28.33AlocerHmm I'll have to download it and see what that TortallDPSCore.OnCombatLog is
22:29.01tortallAll it does is pull the latest entry from the log and parse it.
22:29.19AlocerOh hahaha I'm dumb I was reading it wrong
22:29.52AlocerI'll have to try TextLogGetUpdateEventId( "Combat" ), I didn't know text events existed like that one
22:29.58tortallfunction TortallDPSCore.OnCombatLog( updateType, filterType )
22:30.07tortallIt's new in 1.1
22:30.16AlocerVery nice
22:30.19tortallAiiane pointed it out to me last week or the week before.
22:31.09AlocerExcellent excellent, do you know all of the parameters for TextLogGetUpdateEventId( "Combat" )?
22:31.16AlocerOr is it just those 2?
22:35.59tortallThat is one parameter.  The log name.
22:36.52tortallOr do you mean the params to the handler?
22:41.16Alocerto the handler
22:41.56tortallThe names should make it obvious :)
22:42.04tortallone tells you what happened to the log.
22:42.30AlocerYeah I got updateType and filterType, was just curious if those were the only 2 it sent  :p
22:42.55AlocerI'm not always the brightest bulb in the pack
22:45.52tortallThat's the only two that Mythic uses in their code.  I've never checked to see if there are more.
22:48.54AlocerOkay thank you very very much
22:56.57Bloodwalker~lart tortall
22:56.57purlblames tortall for all the evil in the world
22:59.51tortall~poke Bloodwalker
22:59.52purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Bloodwalker, pokes Bloodwalker repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
23:07.37Bloodwalkertheres a really good joke there about tortall chasing me with wood... but I wont go there.. it is the holidays after all :)
23:30.23ValkeaHey Tortall are you still here ?
23:37.10tortallI'm here, Valkea
23:37.24tortallAnd Bloodwalker, what happened on REM stays on REM!
23:40.26encaitarIs there an OnKeyDown or OnKeyUp event?
23:40.54encaitarfor editboxes
23:41.27Valkea look like no
23:43.24tortallDon't rely on that list.
23:43.32tortallBest is to check WAR.exe, if you can
23:45.02tortallI believe there's only ESCAPE_KEY_PROCESSED and ENTER_KEY_PROCESSED
23:45.47tortallBut WarWiki is far from complete.  I'd never use it as authorative.  Rather, use it as a reference for what it has.  Don't assume that if it's not there that it doesn't exist :)
23:47.43tortallAnd you never know when you'll come across odd things such as "Num Birth Rate Keys"
23:48.06tortallIt looks like you can also trap the tab key.
23:52.30tortallI'm just guessing, but I'd say it takes the editbox name and a function to act as the handler.  Or it might take a boolean.
23:52.48encaitarIt takes two parameters
23:52.52tortallIf the latter, I don't know how you'd setup the handler.
23:52.54encaitarexperimenting with it
23:53.39tortallIf you have the ability, run the Unix strings program on WAR.exe.  You can find a lot of stuff that simply isn't documented anywhere else.
23:54.07encaitarAh didn't think of that.
23:54.26encaitarBeen meaning to share the folder so I can mount it on my linux box.
23:55.02encaitarit doesn't like a function reference anyway
23:55.10Bloodwalkerwhat do you want to do in your editbox encaitar?
23:55.22tortallIf the 2nd param takes a function, it will take a string, like RegisterEventHandler does.
23:55.23encaitarJust want to know when a key is pressed
23:55.44Bloodwalkerthere is also a editbox changed event.. I use that one
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23:58.43encaitarthe vent is just changed?

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