IRC log for #waruidev on 20081222

00:00.25encaitar2wish you could copy and paste from the debug window ...
00:01.27encaitar2Script call failed - Error while calling [TomeTracker.Intialize]: [string "Interface/AddOns\MapMonster\Source/MapMonst..."]:513:attemp to index field'?' (a nil value)
00:01.42Bloodwalkerk give me a sec to find that
00:08.43Bloodwalkerodd place for an error to happen... think you can send me a copy of your mapmonster savedvariables.lua?
00:13.34Bloodwalkerwhats the name of the charatcer it doesnt work for?
00:13.45Bloodwalkerand what server
00:14.19encaitar2Well, there's a few
00:14.26encaitar2Encaitara on volkmar is one.
00:15.54encaitar2I think the only ones it is working for are Encaitar and Encaitark both on Volkmar.
00:18.45Bloodwalkervery strange the file looks just like it should
00:19.19encaitar2Which file is the error in?
00:20.11Bloodwalkerthats the tricky part..tracking it down with the names cut off
00:26.32Bloodwalkerugh this is gonna be a pain to find... ok start by making a fresh new character.. doesnt matter where
00:27.00Bloodwalkeractually just to set everything right.. login to one of the character it does work for
00:27.11Bloodwalkerthen make a new character
00:31.17encaitar2new character made
00:31.24Bloodwalkerworking or no?
00:32.12encaitar2Wow, 2 other people made witch hunters at exactly the same time
00:33.54Bloodwalkerk open up your map to a zone where your working character has several tometracker pins set
00:33.57encaitar2What's the name of the journal window?
00:34.53Bloodwalkerstrangely enough :) TomeTracker_JournalWindow
00:35.35encaitar2Yup, I'm seeing pins
00:51.15*** join/#waruidev Daegalus_ (
01:13.35*** join/#waruidev Gruh (
01:15.49Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r60 Source/TomeTracker_Pins.lua: Fixed bug with remembering last character played
01:16.12*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
01:16.18Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r61 Source/TomeTracker.lua: Incr version
01:17.07Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker 04MapPin Beta v0.3.3 * r62 : Tagging as MapPin Beta v0.3.3
01:30.12Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r63 Source/TomeTracker_Debug.lua: minor change to debug msgs
01:33.43Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r19 Source/MM_Navigator.xml: Oops texture loading fixed
01:34.46Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r20 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Removed some debug window spam for release
01:38.53Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.3.6 * r66 : Tagging as Beta v0.3.6
01:57.01*** part/#waruidev encaitar2 (
02:09.19Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r21 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Updated slash commands for navigator
02:13.55Valkeais there a way to return the code of a function ?
02:14.16Valkeainstead of execute the function
02:15.15Bloodwalkerwhat are you trying to do?
02:15.51Valkeai want to see how PageWindowGetNumPages work
02:16.30Valkeathis is my last problem before publishing the 1st version of my addon ><
02:18.01Bloodwalkerthats a C function exposed to lua ... no way to tell how it works
02:18.26Valkeai will keep testing then
02:19.35Bloodwalkeryou trying tomake your own pages?
02:19.54Valkeathis is done
02:19.57Valkeaall work nice
02:20.16Valkeathe last feature is the next and previous button
02:20.25Valkeai can do it another way
02:20.50Valkeabut i want to keep as much as possible the same mecanic as the other part of the Tome
02:22.17Valkeai can't find how they slit content into multiple pages
02:22.37Valkeai can make x differents contents, but this not the way they do
02:22.39Bloodwalkerah well somethings cant be done because they are done either on the server or by c functions we cant modify
02:23.28Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.4.1 * r22 : Tagging as Beta v0.4.1
02:23.28Valkeain fact if PageWindowGetNumPages() return a number greater than 1 the next button auto display
02:23.38Valkeabut i don't find how to increment the page number
02:24.32Valkealook like there is something to do with the PageWindow* functions
02:26.16Bloodwalkerwhen you click the next button is runs TomeWindow.OnNextPage
02:26.50Valkeabut it do not display it
02:26.59Valkeabecause mine return 0 pages
02:27.21Valkeai search the function to set the pages number ;)
02:30.35tortallIs it possible the function determines the number of pages based on the amount of content?
02:31.08Valkeai currently looking in the tomewindow_achievements.lua, and i can't see anything that see "hey stop to display here", but if i override the function and print some msg, i can see that all pages are generated in only one call.
02:31.32Valkea(err, "that say"... not see sorry)
02:31.50Valkeai tried tortall
02:32.09Valkeabut the content display even out of the tome limits
02:32.13Bloodwalkerthe tome pages seem to be part of a state machine on the server or in the client as c code
02:33.16Bloodwalkertrying to make your pages part of the tome isnt going to work quite as you hope...
02:33.46Bloodwalkersomething youll have to code yourself to make it seem like its doing the same thing but really isnt
02:34.52Valkeawell this is really the last function i need
02:35.08Valkeaso if i don't find, i will write it my own way
02:35.34BloodwalkerMapMonster was the same way... had to give up trying to find a nice way to add custom icons because it was all from the server.. so jsut made my own :)
02:35.37Valkeanot really important but i like clean code
02:35.54Bloodwalkerbtw tortall... how do you like the new mousever tooltips
02:36.23Valkeahey Blood, does MapMonster work in french ?
02:37.19Valkeai installed it the last time we add a conversation about it, but there no pin actually ;)
02:37.36Bloodwalkerit should work fine.... it doesnt have any pins until you make some :)
02:37.53tortallI haven't really noticed anything with them.  I never had any issues because I use one-line notes.
02:38.02Valkeaoh i was thinking it auto add pin on special events ;)
02:38.06Valkeathat is the reason why
02:38.13Bloodwalkerif you want to translate it for french theres a list of strings and phrases that would need to be translated
02:39.05BloodwalkerTomeTracker will automatically add pins... but MapMonsters job is just to handle the pins you have.. doesnt do anything itself except take care of display , player positions and zone info
02:39.31Bloodwalkertortall.. try stacking 3 pins on top of each other see what happens :)
02:39.37Valkeaok it work fine on french client
02:40.02Bloodwalkeritll work but if you want it translated properly :)
02:40.23Valkeai will try to help you after the first release of my addon
02:45.52tortallI am becoming intimately familiar with your table formats, btw.  way too familiar :)
02:50.07Bloodwalkernew version of MapMonster and MapMonster Navigator are up.. for waypoint support :)
02:51.43tortallcool.  I'll try it soon
03:01.30*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
03:10.22tortallBloodwalker, is 0.3.6 the latest for MM?
03:12.50tortallnvm that.  I see that it is.
03:13.08tortallNow, if I hide the WP window in the layout editor, is there a way to toggle it?
03:15.09Bloodwalkeryou can use /nav waypoint on/off
03:15.52Bloodwalkerif you disable it it will remove all active waypoints and when you turn it on again there will be no active waypoints
03:15.57Bloodwalkeruntil you set a new one
03:16.52Bloodwalkeryou can left click + alt on your map for a quick waypoint
03:17.06Bloodwalkeror right click an existing pin to set as new waypoint
03:17.53ValkeaBloodwalker -> when do you fire this error ? ERRMSG[405] = "Invalid direction operation. Cannot plot the direction between zones" I do not really understand the context to translate it.
03:18.25Aiianeif you try to ask for the direction from 1 point to another
03:18.34Aiianebut the points are located in different zones from one another
03:19.03Bloodwalkerfor example if you are in norsca and try and calculate the direction between norsca and the inevitable city... its not possible they dont share the same world positions
03:19.16Valkeaok thx :)
03:20.09Aiianehey Bloodwalker, what direction from high pass to thunder mountain? :P
03:20.45Bloodwalkertake a sharp left at the bottomless pit :)
04:31.22*** join/#waruidev tronned (
04:51.56BloodwalkerHmmmm shouldve thought of this before... waypoints need some work to be able to function in scenarios
05:27.35*** join/#waruidev beatrixkiddo (
05:58.07*** join/#waruidev Freddy (n=Freddy@
06:29.46*** join/#waruidev TC-Away (n=TC@
06:56.21Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): initial import
06:58.33Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r3 v1.0 Order/: Order Version
07:10.12Valkeabye :)
07:11.04*** part/#waruidev Valkea (
07:54.40*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
08:03.48Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r67 Source (3 files in 1 directory):
08:03.52RepoAdded Navigator call backs to API edit and delete functions to keep on top of changes
08:03.55RepoAdded error checking to direction and distance API functions
08:03.59RepoAdded raw direction and distance calculation for player position updated since it uses decimals
08:05.49Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r23 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Minor updates for edit and delete behaviour
08:07.13Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r24 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Incr version and incr required MapMonster version
08:07.21Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r68 Source/MapMonster.lua: Incr version
08:07.44Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.4.2 * r25 : Tagging as Beta v0.4.2
08:08.01Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.3.7 * r69 : Tagging as Beta v0.3.7
08:36.26Bloodwalkernite all
08:43.37Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r4 v1.0 All (2 files in 1 directory): adds the [ORDER]: or the [DESTRO]: channel to the game
08:52.36*** join/#waruidev gutgut (
09:04.58RepoNew project: Order/Destro World Channel. gutgut (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
09:35.30*** join/#waruidev agon (
09:35.38agonhi there
09:36.46agoni love those matte styled boxes (at least squared or dunno the plugin name)
09:36.57agondoes anyone know if it has been released ?
09:41.22*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (n=TC@
09:41.49Aiiwhich part, agon ?
09:42.01Aiithe boxes on the left side are Squared, albeit with a custom texture
09:42.17Aiithe ones in the middle, my guess is either xhud or huduf, also using the custom texture
09:42.54agonsquared ones
09:43.18agonthis suqared conf looks hot
09:43.36agoni'am not much fan of the xhud/psistatus/...
09:43.50Daegaluswow..... i wanna make my ui look like that, especially the action bars
09:43.54Daegalusthose look hot
09:44.11agonyea the glass effect is ok on the action bar
09:44.11Daegalusactually i just want the texture changes
09:44.18Daegalusand the glass effect
09:44.20agonnot too much medieval anyway :x
09:44.34Daegaluseh, i like the glass look
09:44.54Daegaluswait are those built in WAR textures?
09:44.59Daegalusor did they fix custom texture loading?
09:46.06agonAii, iam dumb i did not read his entire post
09:46.19agonThe Addons:
09:46.20agonHUD Unit Frames -
09:47.12Daegalussweeet, thanks for the links agon
09:47.56AiiI may see about adding the glass texturing as an option in the default NAMBLA install
09:48.13Aiinot sure whether I'd set it on by default or not, but at least as an option
09:48.56Aiibut that'll probably have to wait until I finally get home
09:49.23Daegalusgah, anyway to make it not use nambla? since i personally dont use it
09:49.57agoni'am at work i just instaled NAMBLA remotly on my home comp :x
09:50.14agonlooks hot, i like clean interface
09:50.20AiiDaegalus: you could of course always write a separate addon to do it
09:50.40Daegaluseh im lazy, i might aswell just install nambla
09:53.22AiiDaegalus: I think you'll like it. It's easy to customize to your tastes
09:53.31Aiiespecially for someone who actually knows lua, too
09:53.56agoni dont get his color scheme for squared. blue is full hp and yellow low hp ? :x
09:54.08Daegaluswell we'll find out in like 2 mins
09:54.38Daegalusagon: those are colored by class
09:54.59Daegalusif you notice the same class icon shows up for the same colors
09:55.17agonoh yes, my mistake !
09:55.40Daegaluslol, anywyas, i just wish mythic would fix chatwindow happing around already
09:56.04agonis it possible to get a color modification based on hp ?
09:56.10agon(with suared)
09:56.21Daegalusis how i have it setup
09:56.38AiiJust look through the configuration gui and you'll find plenty of options. :)
09:57.48Aiithe slash-command equivalents for most options are also listed at
09:57.57Aiithough I might have missed a couple somewhere here or there
09:58.11DaegalusAii: for Nambla, i assume there is not ingame configuration ?
09:58.37AiiDaegalus: correct; but there are plenty of comments in the .lua file to point out what to modify :)
09:58.56Daegalusoh i know, i already have it open, i was just asking while the file opened :
09:59.11Aiimost of the modifications and whatnot are done before settings would ever be loaded
09:59.30Aiihence why I didn't even bother trying to make an in-game config for it
10:00.00Aiinot really worth the time and effort at that point
10:00.33Aiibesides, if tweaking it encourages more people to experiment with Lua, I'm all for that ;)
10:05.35Daegalusnight aii
10:16.20Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r5 v1.0.0 (3 files in 1 directory): initial release
10:21.40Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r6 v1.0/: adds the [ORDER]: or the [DESTRO]: channel to the game
10:36.50*** join/#waruidev onebit (n=onebit4@
10:56.01Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r7 1.0/: All Realm
11:01.26Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r8 / (5 files in 5 directories): crap wrong path
11:03.00Repo10odwc: 03gutgut 04v1.0 All * r9 : All Realm
11:53.15*** join/#waruidev agon_ (
11:59.00agon_guys did you moded the warhammer scrolling combat text or usein it default ?
12:00.34gutgutjust a bit resizing the text to fit  bigger screens
12:10.43*** join/#waruidev Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
12:23.13Saint-Nwow holidays sure cleaned the channel out
12:39.59agongutgut, is it possible to add a 2px border to cmap ? :x
12:40.32gutgutthe border is 2 px  i think :P
12:41.13gutgutbut der is an system error on resize :/  its not always perfect
12:41.14agonaw, then 3 or 4 px would be hot i presume
12:41.34agonatm i'am using it normal size
12:42.25gutgutgo to cmap.xml and change the anchors
12:42.59gutgut-1 -1 1 1   to   -3 -3 3 3
12:43.08gutgutor like u want
12:43.21agonok ty
12:43.35agoni'll try it after reseize :)
12:46.50gutgutresize = scroll with the mousewheel on the worldmapbutton
12:48.01agonaw =
12:48.26agoniam not at home right now but is there is a way to reseize the  cmap window ?
12:48.31agoni mean, litteraly
12:49.34gutgutresize = scroll with the mousewheel on the worldmapbutton  ;)
12:51.00agonok =)
13:02.12Repo10odwc: 03gutgut * r10 / (2 files in 1 directory): for Release
13:02.39Repo10odwc: 03gutgut 041.1 * r11 : Release
13:06.40*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
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13:29.13*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
13:37.02*** join/#waruidev gutgut_ (
13:38.59Valkeahi gutgut_
13:41.11Valkeahumf i can't remember the name of the function that replace the old TargetName, does someone can remind it to me ?
13:43.09ValkeaWindowSetGameActionData(), thx ;)
13:46.49*** join/#waruidev encaitar (
13:58.16*** join/#waruidev Fal (n=Liquid5n@
14:13.44*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=address@
14:15.57tronnedmorning all
14:19.18Valkeahello tronned
14:21.11*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
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14:23.03*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
14:27.10*** join/#waruidev tortall (
14:32.28agoni cant get the same "texture" fucking basic gradient
14:32.39agonis it possible to make our own ?
14:32.56tronnedI believe so
14:37.17agonhow to make dds ? :x
14:41.54tronnedoh, you're there already ;)
14:42.43gutgut_make a tga with mask for alpha and use dds converter 2  to get dds
14:43.03tronnedi thought i read someone got TGA to work, but i could be mistaken
14:43.09tronnedi'm more concerned with fonts ;)
14:43.25tronnedi can load a font, but it won't display ._.
14:44.15tronnedi'm just waiting until someone does SharedMedia for Warhammer, so I don't have to :p
14:44.25tronnedI vote Aiiane
15:00.57agonok didi t :x
15:04.06tronnedagon: did it work?
15:04.34agonbut cant add my texture to the xml file
15:04.43tronnedwhy not?
15:04.55agonso i had to trick it and rename the texture i made under pshop as an existing one
15:05.00agondunno, i made a line
15:05.18agonin the textures.xml file
15:05.19agonof squared
15:08.16agonok now, just need to check if i can texturize Psi
15:09.36tortallOK.  I figured out how to get the list of components being used in a recipe.  Now to figure out how to get the results.
15:10.17*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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15:19.41nicoli_stortall, how'd you do that? hook the various recipe windows?
15:26.59tortallBasically, just have to hook Perform and dump the craftingData
15:27.35nicoli_syah, tis the way i did it too
15:27.41nicoli_sthough there's a function to get the rafting data
15:28.42nicoli_si had a hard time getting all the results right, especially from disenchanting, and dealing with recipes that create items with different stacks
15:28.44tortallYes, but w/o hooking, how do you know when to call it?
15:29.18nicoli_swell i hook it and then use the getcraftingdata function to actually gte the crafting data, rather than use the hooked addons variables
15:29.46tortallWhat are you working on that required all this work?  I'm looking for a simple recipe tracker for a guildmate, and I'd rather not write it myself.
15:29.58nicoli_sfor tracking recipes for WARDB
15:30.38tortallIs there any ingame representation of that data?
15:31.40nicoli_si ended up having to keep track of the inventory and monitor the inventory changed event and compare that to see if we had just crafted something and looped through the inventory to find the correct results/ingredients adn stacksize
15:34.40tortallI was afraid I'd have to do the same thing.
15:34.56nicoli_syah, it was a bitch indeed
15:35.02tortallHow hard would it be, do you think, to adapt what you've already done and put a UI in front of it?
15:35.46nicoli_si was actually considering doing it myself, got to check in with my boss and make sure it's cvool if i use code i used in the CurseProfiler
15:46.32tronnedMythic's snap-to code is ... blarg
15:53.41tortallNow, if you wanted a stack of troll stomachs, where would you hang out?
15:54.17tronnedWhat Realm/Tier?
15:54.35tronnedI think my son's school cafeteria sells troll's stomachs
15:56.04tortallIf I don't find it myself, it doesn't count.
15:57.21*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
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16:19.23*** join/#waruidev Flarin (n=mstamper@
17:13.24*** join/#waruidev agon_ (
17:37.12encaitartroll stomachs are dropped by some stone trolls near the first empire T2 hub
17:43.48Saint-Navelorn is a good place for trolls
17:43.55Saint-Nthats NOT a level restricted rvr lake
17:43.59Saint-Nerr avalorn
17:44.06Saint-Nor however its actually spelt
17:44.59encaitarThat's cool, but DRM on an MMO makes no sense anyway.
17:45.46Saint-Nheh yeah
17:46.07Saint-Nparticularly when it has no single player mode ;)
17:46.18Saint-Nalthough im still waiting for that
17:46.53Saint-Nsingle player mode for mmo that allows you to game off line by yourself and do special stuff and you earn gear that can be used on the online version of yourself
17:46.58encaitarTo be honest I prefer consoles for non-MMO games.  It's just a lot less hassle generally.
17:48.06Saint-Ntake a game like dead rising
17:48.15Saint-Nor dead space
17:48.20Saint-Nthat would make a great mmo
17:48.26Saint-Nbut its also a great standalone
17:48.32Saint-Nsame with neverwinter nights
17:48.58encaitarJust a matter of time before MMOs come to consoles though.
17:49.07Saint-Nbut even in wow and (not so much war) i'd have prefered a great deal if i never saw another person ;)
17:49.36encaitarYou tried guild wars ... you could play like that there.
17:50.23*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
17:50.26encaitarexcept you would see people in towns.
17:51.00encaitarthe actual game play you could pretty much do all solo with henchmen etc
17:51.20encaitarBloodwalker, like the navigator upgrade, but ...
17:51.21Saint-Nyeah i didnt like guildwars
17:51.24Saint-Nyou couldnt jump
17:51.37nicoli_codingi heard so many people say the same thing
17:51.39Saint-Nand running back down the incline instead of off the edge bothered me a great deal
17:51.50Saint-Nyou've run up a 6 foot butte
17:51.51encaitarthe frist thing I did was /script WindowSetShowing("MM_Navigator_WaypointsTitle", false)
17:51.54Saint-Ni leap off
17:52.02Saint-Nsorry you have to take the 4 mile run back down
17:52.18encaitarwell, it wasn't the first thing I did, but it was close.
17:56.10encaitarTabula Rasa they should have released on console ... and without so many bugs.  The control system there would have lended itself well to a console controller.
17:56.53BloodwalkerHeheh hey encaitar
17:57.40encaitarThey've talked about WAR on console, but I have no idea how that would work.  I need 3-4 skill bars for most of my characters.
17:58.47Bloodwalkerif youve ever played FFXI it was on console first then on PC
17:59.02Bloodwalkerthe interface was very different
18:01.31encaitarHaven't played that
18:03.27encaitarThe guild leader from my first guild tried to get us all to go there when he got bored with WAR
18:04.20encaitarBut I only have time for one MMO and still not bored of WAR :)
18:04.53encaitarAnd he ended up getting bored with that after another few weeks.
18:05.09Saint-Nthat means if windows 7 can run on 512mb on a netbook
18:05.26Saint-Nit might actually lead to resurgence of smaller machines capable of more for gaming
18:05.42Saint-Nsince the os right now is the biggest bloat in most of the computers abilities
18:10.06encaitarFunny how the headline says "The Linux killer" and in the article he says it won't kill linux.
18:16.13BloodwalkerMS has always been trying to kill something... doesnt always work
18:17.37Bloodwalkerand the only thing that keeps me using windows at all is games... if I could've played the games I wanted and not use window I wouldve sent MS to the trash way back with windows 3.1
18:18.02Saint-Nit might if they can pull off an os that actually runs in 512mb decently without crippling it too much
18:18.14encaitarYeah, I'd uninstall windows tomorrow if they released WAR for linux today.
18:18.23Saint-Ncrossover ;)
18:18.35encaitarYeah ...
18:18.46encaitarI've used cedega with mixed results.
18:18.53Saint-Nis there a mac client?
18:19.10encaitarDon't think so.
18:19.20encaitarI have an irrational dislike of macs though.
18:19.30Bloodwalkerthere isnt a native mac WH client
18:19.46encaitarSine using Mac Plus in high school (hey, I said it was irrational)
18:20.21Bloodwalkerbecause MS is trying to kill linux any opportunity it gets the directx code and 3d graphics dont work so well under emulators
18:21.47encaitarThey know there's a lot of geeks like me out there that would uninstall as soon as games start coming out with linux versions.
18:21.56tronnedraises hand
18:22.13tronnedi miss my days of gentoo and RTCW MP
18:22.32encaitar4 of my 6 computers run linux though, so :p MS.
18:23.06tronnedBloodwalker: in re: to your comment about FFXI, I played it for 2+ years on the PS2 ;)  (Thief)
18:23.37Bloodwalkerlol seriously tronned I quit 3 times and kept going back.. taru rdm!.. rdm is like cheese makes everything better
18:23.40encaitaractually 5 of 7 ... forgot the laptio
18:24.41tronnedBloodwalker: I had a set, and a close friend as a Hume RDM, so we duo'd lots ... I wish I would have been one though, lol  (I was a Manthra, lol)
18:25.13Bloodwalkerthe whole system with jobs and subjob in FFXI was fun kept me comming back... the best cure for alt-itis
18:25.50encaitarIs that similar to the subclass in guild wars?
18:25.53tronnedi miss the one character, jack of all trades job system ... it's nice having more than 5 skills though, in other MMOs ;)
18:26.08BloodwalkerI had all the mage jobs leveled
18:27.06Bloodwalkerencaitar in FFXI you can switch jobs and got skills from both... itd be like having a Black Orc/Marauder.. then the next day you changed to Sorc/Shaman
18:27.19Bloodwalkersame character.. different job
18:27.34encaitarIt is similar then, but with Guild Wars you could only change subclass
18:28.42Saint-Nhehe i'd be happen with more than 1 prof in WAR
18:29.34Saint-Nwhats super awesome is taht you can take butcher but you cant have slavage as well
18:29.56encaitarI think classless skill based games are interesting, but the Warhammer license doesn't really lend itself to that.
18:30.22tronnedencaitar: You are right, what you are is what you are, the lore almost demands it ;)
18:31.12Saint-Nid sorta like the idea of being able to craft stuff other than talis and potions and plants
18:31.21encaitarSaga of Ryzom and Dungeon Seige are the only games like that i've played though.
18:31.29encaitarand only the free part of ryzom
18:31.29*** join/#waruidev MoronWar (
18:36.27tronnedok, no more Mesh snap-to code for today, back to Moth data structure layout
18:44.27Bloodwalkerthe answer to life the universe and everything
18:48.01Bloodwalkershouldn't play with guns... its all fun and games until someone loses a hand... then your a skywalker
18:48.19encaitarI can't use the window id from the button clicked as an index into GetActiveTactics() because if there's an empty slot prior it screws it up ... gonna have to do something more complicated.
18:49.24Bloodwalkerwhat about the window name
18:49.39encaitarSame thing
18:49.57encaitarwindow names are just TacticButton1 through 7.
18:50.02Saint-Nits all fun and games til someone loses an eye
18:50.12Saint-Nif the eye falls out and you find it, its still fun and games
18:51.07Bloodwalkerif the ids change when you have empty tactic slots...what about just grabing the index from the window name
18:51.25encaitarThe ids don't change.
18:51.36encaitarSay you had tactic slot 3 empty
18:51.51encaitarand then removed the tactic in slot 4
18:52.15Bloodwalkeroh then slot4 would be index 3 for active tactics
18:52.15encaitarthe index in GetActiveTactics for what was in slot 4 is 3.
18:53.32Bloodwalkerdo you have a table to know which slots are filled?
18:53.43encaitarNot sure if I can tell which slots are empty as a lot of that stuff is internal functions.
18:57.11encaitarProblem is I'm trying not to display any tactics already slotted.  But if you remove one, at the time my code runs it's still in GetActiveTactics() so I need the removed tactic ID to tell it to show that one too.
19:02.02Bloodwalkerwhy dont you keep the id, name or whatever in a var called last removed and use that to make sure its shown
19:02.50Bloodwalkerso doesnt matter when the list is refreshed, and if you add the lastremoved tactic to another slot, just clear lastremoved
19:03.01encaitarWell, it's a hook into when you right click the tactic slot.
19:03.48encaitarCurrent version up is just tome tactics, but I'm expanding to other types.
19:04.03Bloodwalkereasy enough to do then.. just save the info before you let it clear
19:04.05encaitarIt displays a window to select a new tactic from.
19:04.47Saint-Ni noticed a wierd overlap bug
19:05.02Saint-Nya know that addon taht lets yous wap gear from your character screen
19:05.13Saint-Nusually the compare eq window overlaps that
19:05.57Bloodwalkersounds like the layers are set wrong or something is popping to the top that shouldnt be
19:05.58encaitarThing is, getActiveTactics will report the removed tactic until it's done doing it's PLAYER_ACTIVE_TACTICS_UPDATED event for the appropriate removal.
19:06.11encaitarMeaning it's always present in any of the code run off my hook.
19:06.24encaitarBefore or after calling the original function
19:07.19*** join/#waruidev Alocer (i=473c324e@gateway/web/ajax/
19:07.41Bloodwalkeras long as you know its still there you can work around it.. or maybe yourr just trying to do too much in the hook... things that can be done better after the event
19:08.03encaitarYeah, I think I will have to do stuff with the event.
19:08.10encaitarMore stuff with the event actually :)
19:09.21encaitarActually I could probably just update my list whenever the event fires and my window is showing.
19:09.30AlocerHi everyone, I was trying to come up with a more reliable way of checking when you kill another player in PvP and was thinking about doing a check when GameData.Player.RvRStats.LifetimeKills increases.  Does that sound like an awful idea?
19:10.11Saint-Nokay whos a chick here?
19:10.32BloodwalkerAlocer whats wrong with the tome stats event that unreliable?
19:10.46Saint-Ni think im gonna get that for wifey for xmas
19:10.56Saint-Nits only 300$ with overnight shipping
19:11.02tronnedSaint-N: does she want a winter or summer color?  ;)
19:11.09tronned<- married
19:11.10Saint-Nblack ;)
19:11.16Saint-Nit's winter or summer hehe
19:11.37Saint-Nkate spade is having a sale 30% off and overnight
19:11.39AlocerBloodwalker, so you think using the tome stats updated event along with checking if lifetime kills increases would work?
19:11.53AlocerI know you're the tome master
19:12.02tronneddepends on what she wants, something for everything + kitchen sink or smaller
19:12.12tronneddoes the long strap disconnect?
19:12.40BloodwalkerAlocer theres a couple events for tome stats.. one of the stats it tracks is player kills
19:12.41tronnedi usually take the guesswork out of buying bags and get her a Coach, lol
19:12.57Saint-Nlaugh i did that 2 years ago
19:13.00Saint-N4 coach bags
19:13.07Saint-Nthe 4 hottest that seasons styles too
19:13.11Saint-N2 weeks ahead of the curve
19:13.13tronnedI think we are up to 4 now, not sure
19:13.13Saint-N<-- rules
19:13.15tronnedi lost count
19:13.19AlocerBloodwalker, does it update instantly when you make a kill, so that I could parse the chat log to get the name of the player you killed?
19:13.26tronnedi got her Vera Bradley upon request this xmas though
19:13.28Saint-Nhehe i think shes got about 8 or so
19:13.40BloodwalkerGive me a sec Alocer :) have to get in game
19:13.46Saint-Ni might actually attempt cloths for her this year
19:13.53AlocerHehe okay, thanks a lot for you help, you always help me
19:13.57Saint-Napperantly anne taylor loft has tons of awesome clothes she likes
19:14.15tronnedYeah, my wife is a big fan of Anne Taylor
19:14.28tronnedbut I do not buy her clothes, it's a gray area ;)
19:15.00Saint-Nafter picking out 4 hot bags that were totally awesome i've got carte blanche to buy whatever i want since im "awesome" at it
19:15.21Bloodwalkerbuying clothes for women is like juggling with grenades... if you do it right you look very impressive... get it wrong and they pick you up with a sponge
19:15.47tronnedBloodwalker: You're totally right, if you do it, you need to be really careful
19:15.51sysrages/buying clothes for/dealing with/
19:17.29encaitarOK, that works for the most part, and is actually even better because if you switch sets while the window is open it'll take out whatever tactics you have in that set.
19:21.41BloodwalkerHmmm Alocer they changed some events....I'll have to check something else
19:22.16AlocerAhh I see I see
19:23.04AlocerWhile researching how to get the name of the player you kill, it seems most people use the renown gain event... but that will stop working once you reach RR80.  So I tried using the RvR stats updated event, but that was pretty unreliable
19:23.22BloodwalkerAh ha there it is
19:24.09Bloodwalkerthats the new event for player kills.. and when you die
19:24.18AlocerAhhh excellent
19:24.52AlocerSo I could use that event, check if LifetimeKills increases, then parse the chat log for the name of the player I suppose
19:25.18AlocerBefore it almost worked, but sometimes I'd get NPC names into my table like Warden, Pyromancer, or once even Gun Turret...
19:25.21Bloodwalkerfor the player you killed... probably the only way to get the name
19:26.15AlocerThanks again for getting me the event Bloodwalker, time to drive my girlfriend to work  :-/
19:26.18Bloodwalkerthing is too... you might not have killed them when the stat goes up
19:26.34Bloodwalkermight go up if your group or wb kills someone
19:26.49Bloodwalkerin that case parsing the log will get you wierd names
19:26.57AlocerYeah, I'm hoping doing a chat log check for "You have slain" after the LifetimeKills will work
19:27.24*** join/#waruidev ckknight_ (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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19:27.44Saint-Nlook everyone its ckk!
19:31.34tronned~whalepunt ckknight
19:31.35purlACTION looks onward as an everest-sized whale called Victor punts ckknight across the Atlantic
19:34.08Bloodwalkerlol that link I have to keep...someone I know has tons of bunnies
19:38.24*** join/#waruidev Valkea (
19:38.50Saint-Nthats awesome huh?
19:39.06Saint-Nits like a ginea pig without the scrape your flesh off coarse hair
19:50.28*** part/#waruidev Flarin (n=mstamper@
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19:50.40Bloodwalkermuahaha :) now I have sticky waypoints that dont expire when you reach them
20:02.17Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r26 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Added sticky waypoints that wont expire when you reach them
20:05.39Saint-Nyay waypoints!
20:05.54Saint-Nnope auto importing locations from tome titan would rule!
20:05.56Saint-Nerr now
20:06.12Saint-Nthen i could just clikc on the unlokc and follow the arrow
20:06.21Saint-Nto my death in most cases
20:07.32Flarin|AFKthe unlocks tab is still TBD in TT correct?  just want to be sure i am not missing a dependancy
20:18.30BloodwalkerWell thats up to the tome titan guys
20:19.03BloodwalkerTomeTracker is mine and Im still working on the other tabs
20:20.21Bloodwalkerthe saga tab is the only one working for now... the idea was to get the tome unlocks recording properly, then map pins working, then the rest .. like scaning your tome and then importing the forum thread into the spoilers tab
20:27.46Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker * r27 Source/MM_Navigator.lua: Incr version
20:28.19Repo10mapmonsternavigator: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.4.3 * r28 : Tagging as Beta v0.4.3
20:35.22Flarin|AFKthanks for the reply Blood -I did mean TomeTracker.  thanks for the update :) your mods make my gameplay more enjoyable - thank you.
20:38.10Saint-NBloodwalker: is that where tome titan gets its infos?
20:55.29*** join/#waruidev TC-Away (n=TC@
20:58.47BloodwalkerYup they get the info from the forum thread
20:59.07BloodwalkerGlad you like them Flarin|AFK :)
21:02.57BloodwalkerOff for last minute xmas shooping.. have fun
21:12.36AlocerThe GameData.Player.RvRStats make no sense to me
21:16.02AlocerI guess GameData.Player.RvRStats.LifetimeDeathBlows is the same as GameData.Player.RvRStats.LifetimeKills in that it counts your group/warband kills and death blows.  But after doing a scenario where I had 19 Total Kills, my LifetimeKills changed by +20  :-/
21:17.53*** join/#waruidev Gruh (
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21:52.42encaitarHmm, they added a clock to the default warboard
21:52.53encaitarI don't want it :(
22:33.33*** part/#waruidev Flarin|AFK (n=mstamper@
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22:45.44DaegalusChatzilla!, RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
23:09.34*** join/#waruidev Bloodwalker (
23:09.54tortallAlocer, not every kill in a scenario counts towards the scenario stats.
23:10.00tortallHey Bloodwalker.
23:10.06Bloodwalkerheya tortall
23:11.22tortallBloodwalker, ever play WoW?
23:11.57Bloodwalkeryup I have
23:13.11tortallDid you play in open beta?
23:13.50Bloodwalkerfor inital release of WoW .. yup I was there for the open beta
23:14.10tortallDid you play a hunter or warrior named oricon?
23:14.31Bloodwalkernever used that name
23:15.29tortallWhen I heard you on vent last week, your voice sounded familiar.
23:15.43tortallBut I guess not as familiar as I thought ;)
23:16.26BloodwalkerThe deep sexy voice appeals to many its ok :)
23:18.39tortallnow that's getting too familiar!
23:19.02*** join/#waruidev Gruh (
23:19.45tortallAnyone know a good way to get the objectid of a crafting result?
23:20.09ThraeHmm, I need a simple addon that enumerates your vault items...
23:20.55RepoNew project: ItemRackSelector. reevus (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
23:21.00RepoNew project: Combat Name Cleaner. ChaosInc (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
23:21.33Aiinothing really
23:21.56Aiihave a flight at 6:30am tomorrow morning :|
23:21.57*** join/#waruidev art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
23:23.59ThraeAh, "upsert" is a SQL term.
23:24.14ThraeI was wondering why this addon was using "upsertItem".
23:27.11Aiicombination insert/update
23:27.43ThraeRight, found that out after a google. I thought it was some weird archaic English word.
23:29.17Bloodwalkernow the next time your arguing with a redneck you can tell him... " Shut your pie hole or I'll upsert my boot in your ass"
23:36.27art3mismmm cheese
23:37.30Bloodwalkerknow whats funny... I once made up a character name when I played FFXI.. Kaas.... as I found out from several european players later on.. it means Cheese in dutch!
23:37.44art3misc'est fromage!
23:38.02art3miswifey brought me home a bag of cheese sticks
23:38.39art3misso thats awesome
23:38.45art3miswe had some crap snow on friday
23:38.57art3misthen go super cold and turned all icy
23:39.08art3misand its gonna be cold tomorrow
23:39.15art3misand the rain for xmas eve and xmas
23:39.21art3misand +10
23:39.24Bloodwalkerso your planning to go out and push kids and little old ladies?
23:39.33art3misnah no need to push
23:39.41art3misthier equilibirum does  all the work
23:50.03art3mis<Login account="" character="1" eula="1932195024" roc="203468275" first_run="false" punkbuster="false" lastserver="180" />
23:50.16art3miswonder if that means they're not using punkbuster
23:50.48Aiipunkbuster isnt enabled yet afaik
23:51.56knixWAR is going to use punkbuster?
23:52.03tortallit does useit
23:52.24art3miscould you image if getting around punkbuster was as simple as setting that to false in an xml
23:52.29art3misthat would be priceless

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