IRC log for #waruidev on 20081213

00:00.59Aiianesysrage_: mostly
00:01.09sysrage_how 'bout infthrottle?
00:01.22Aiianehaven't checked, but I would hope that glitch was fixed
00:01.29PenguinOfDoomMakes perfect sense, doesn't it? If the best siege equipment is a slow, ineffective ram, the best defense is hitting the choke point with every non-targeted spell you got
00:01.45sysrage_and sorry to keep hounding you but the combatlog ctd thing is still around, right?
00:02.17sysrage_can ignore me and i'll test it myself. just curious. haven't been able to play since 1.1
00:03.51ThurwellI don't know, they said they fixed several ctd issues in a patch todady
00:04.01Thurwellplus I haven't bothered turning off my log since 1.1 and haven't CTDed
00:05.27sysrage_doh. autodismount is apparently broken
00:07.50ThurwellYou can fix it, read the comments
00:08.07Thurwelljust change ipairs to pairs in the lua.  easy to find, the whole file's like 12 lines long
00:08.09amirabiriWhat's the difference between ButtonSetCheckButtonFlag() and ButtonSetPressedFlag() ?
00:08.56Aiianethe former is for checkboxes, the latter for any button
00:09.15Aiianecheckboxes are implemented as buttons with a persistent toggle state
00:09.45Aiiane*second persistent toggle state
00:12.19amirabiriSomething doesn't make sense here
00:12.21sysrage_thur: thanks :)
00:12.30amirabiriin settingswindow.lua
00:12.58amirabirithere is a line ButtonSetCheckButtonFlag( "SettingsPerformanceShaderCachingButton", true )
00:13.15amirabiriand then later on ButtonSetPressedFlag( "SettingsPerformanceShaderCachingButton", SystemData.Settings.Performance.shaderCaching )
00:13.48Aiianethe former specifies that the given button is a checkbox
00:13.58Aiianethe latter specifies whether it's checked or not
00:14.48amirabiriI see. And how come inheriting EA_LabelCheckButtonWide doesn't take care of the former?
00:17.27Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r49 Source (2 files in 1 directory):
00:17.30RepoQuick bug fix for editor window edit box not showing the text
00:18.06Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker * r50 Source/MapMonster.lua: Version increment
00:18.26Repo10mapmonster: 03Bloodwalker 04Beta v0.3.3 * r51 : Tagging as Beta v0.3.3
00:20.42*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
00:22.30Aiianeamirabiri: because templates don't actually set that flag
00:22.42Aiianebecause the templates are still buttons
00:23.02amirabiriyou mean they can't or you mean that's on purpose?
00:23.33amirabiribecause expected behavior would be for something that inherits something called "something checkbox" to behave like a checkbox... :-)
00:24.04Aiianethe only reason it's named checkbox is because it looks like a checkbox
00:24.11Aiianeit's not actually a checkbox until the flag is set in code
00:24.31sysrage_is my intarweb crapping out or is melee even more impossible now? everybody warping around i can't hit shit. framerate is fine, people are just warping
00:26.40Bloodwalkerxml is a way to create the look of the UI elements outside of lua.... lua is about how it behaves
00:27.40amirabiriSo the principle is that XML inheritence gives zero behavior inheritence under all circumstances?
00:28.30Aiianeamirabiri: no, it simply doesn't in the case of checkboxes
00:28.38Aiianebecause as far as xml is concerned, they're buttons
00:29.51AiianeXML Buttons behave differently from XML Labels behave differently from XML DynamicImages
00:29.57Aiianebut checkboxes aren't an xml element
00:30.06Aiianethey're just <Button>s that have a flag set
00:32.33amirabiriOK I see
00:32.36*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
00:32.52amirabiriDid anyone play around with PLAYER_ACTIVE_TACTICS_UPDATED?
00:32.59amirabiriMy callback doesn't appear to be called
00:33.05*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (
00:33.59amirabirinvm found the problem
00:40.28ThurwellWarping is either server lag or client to server lag, it's not related to your framerate
00:54.24Aiianeis 1.1 on euro servers yet?
01:19.46*** part/#waruidev gutgut_ (
01:20.09*** join/#waruidev gutgut_ (
01:21.20Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r131 / (6 files in 2 directories): FIXED: Debuff indicators should now work properly.
01:21.24RepoREMOVED: Code for old version of buff indicators, now that 1.1 is live for all servers.
01:21.28RepoFIXED: Debuff indicators should work properly now. (Additional fixes.)
01:21.33RepoFIXED: Debuff indicators should work properly now.
01:41.25Repo10nhidegcd: 03Nemes * r10 source/nHideGCD.lua:
01:41.29RepoOnly hide the flash animation for GCD - the default UI now hides the text
01:42.06Repo10nhidegcd: 03Nemes 041.2.0-beta * r11 :
01:42.10RepoOnly hide the flash animation for GCD - the default UI now hides the text
02:16.12WikkiFizzlelol my dispel code is messed up some where and its creating flashing lights all over my UI LOL
02:16.50gutgut_nice :P
02:18.56Aiianelol wikki
02:19.16WikkiFizzlemy group UF is a like a light tree
02:19.21WikkiFizzlegoing red to normal
02:19.23WikkiFizzleall over the members
02:19.46WikkiFizzleIn the middle of LV
02:19.51WikkiFizzleso I cant debug it
02:19.56WikkiFizzleand ocd is kicking in and I want to fix it
02:19.56WikkiFizzlemore than raid...argh
02:27.05Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes * r89 source (2 files in 2 directories): Bugfix for set items not displaying yellow
02:27.34Repo10nlootlink: 03Nemes * r36 source (2 files in 1 directory): Bugfix for set items not displaying yellow
02:27.56WikkiFizzleHm Im thinking its my table count
02:28.00WikkiFizzlegetting messed up some how
02:28.27Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes 041.15.0-beta * r90 : Bugfix for set items not displaying yellow
02:30.12Aiianedinner, back in a bit
02:55.57gutgut_is there an nicer way to do an inline if in lua than  "x = debug and d("###",k,v,cmdset[k][1])"
03:00.54Bloodwalkerwhat are you trying to do?
03:00.54Bloodwalkeror show
03:01.22Repo10nlootlink: 03Nemes * r37 source/nLootLink.lua: Add message when /ll is used before init
03:02.20gutgut_in this case just hide my debugmessages for release
03:03.17Bloodwalkercan use keyword susbtitution to wrap your debugs in comments for release
03:03.53gutgut_& i need it in gereral for coding
03:03.53gutgut_s = true and print("hello")
03:03.53gutgut_seems to be the nicest way
03:04.38BloodwalkerI use an svn repo.. and simply add --@alpha@ before and --@end-alpha@ after the lines that need to be commented out for release
03:11.26gutgut_for warui coding i dont need to filter something out ... maybe someone else want to work with my addons and then its easier to handle
03:19.10Repo10nhidegcd: 03Nemes * r12 source/nHideGCD.lua: Fix bug with flashes appearing after bar swap
03:19.31Repo10nhidegcd: 03Nemes 041.2.1-beta * r13 : Fix bug with flashes appearing after bar swap
03:24.04*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (
03:26.32*** join/#waruidev amirabiri (
03:27.12Repo10cleanunitframes: 03Aiiane * r102 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0.22 for changeset fa100106b7f9
03:27.12RepoFIXED: Buffs/debuffs should be properly hidden when the option to hide them is set.
03:27.12RepoFIXED: Targeting mobs/npcs should now result in a white name rather than the color of whatever class of player was last targeted.
03:41.48Repo10objtracker: 03Aiiane 041.3 * 2f4e613 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging as 1.3
03:49.33Andrew--Do NPC mobs share a common unique identifier across clients?  The worldObjectId seems to vary.
03:57.10WikkiFizzlethey are per zone
03:57.23WikkiFizzleand they are for all objects in that zone
04:07.26Andrew--Even so, two players in the same zone will see different worldObjIds for the same mob.
04:08.44Aiianedepending on what order they loaded them in, yes
04:08.44AiianeworldObjIds are assigned by the client I believe
04:08.54sysrage_i'm probaly gonna crash as soon as i say this, but the combatlog CTD problem seems to be fixed
04:09.06sysrage_been playing for quite awhile with no CTD
04:09.14sysrage_with combat log enabled
04:10.03WikkiFizzleI have to agree sysrage
04:10.14WikkiFizzleI played for 8 hours before I got a c++ runtime error
04:20.48Valkeais there something else than TargetInfo:UnitName( ) to get the target name with the sex (^f and ^m) instead of the name alone ?
04:23.41Valkeaoh finaly it work, but i need to extract -1 and not -2...
04:27.21Aiianegah...the people in this scenario are so bad :(
04:28.37Aiiane"thanks mr.warrior priest, im sure that hot will save me when you cast it on me as im at 5% hp"
04:28.42WikkiFizzlePerhaps he thought you were going for the surviving 250 fights at < 5% hp unlock? :P
04:28.42Andrew--What was that WP doing HoTing you at all?
04:28.42Andrew--L2P, WP!
04:28.42WikkiFizzleOne of our mages got that the other day
04:28.58WikkiFizzleer bws*
04:28.58WikkiFizzlekill me
04:28.58WikkiFizzlefor saying mages
04:29.25AiianeI got that unlock a while ago on my archmage...
04:44.14ThraeAck, I just installed the new ObjTracker and I can't move it, nor is it registered? Lemme try deleting its settings...
04:45.01AiianeI think I might know where I screwed up Thrae
04:46.10Repo10objtracker: 03Aiiane 041.3.1 * bf7d978 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging as 1.3.1
04:46.22ThraeI didn't have trouble moving it before, so I was confused by the patch...but thought there might be changes you didn't talk about.
04:46.28WikkiFizzlehm..I get told I dont have room in my pack for loot...
04:46.37WikkiFizzlebut I hvae like 20 open spots :<
04:47.59ThraeAiiane: Hmm, since I just unzip on top instead of deleting the old files, it should have loaded the old files if that was the case, unless you added a new one from 1.2. Lemme see.
04:51.09ThraeAiiane: Actually I think that did fix it, either that or deleting the ObjTracker SV directory (which shouldn't be saving anything anyway)
04:51.30ThraeI forget that's not where the position is saved.
04:51.50AiianeI added a file in 1.3
04:51.57Aiianebut forgot to tell git to add it to the repo
04:52.02Aiianeso it didn't get packaged
04:52.28ThraeNow to fix MainAssist and MouseOverTarget because they're annoying the hell out of me.
04:52.51ThraeUnless someone already did that.
04:56.29ThraeEasyMyp isn't updating its hash list anymore. Is someone else maintaining one?
04:57.55Aiianenot afaik
04:58.05Aiianebut you could update the easymyp one, if you had access to the google code project
04:58.18Aiianebonk chryso next time you see him maybe, he's still on sometimes
04:58.43ThraeYeah, he mentioned briefly on his forum how he generates the hash files.
04:59.38ThraeI'm just a lazy bastard who's not even Level 40 yet.
05:13.50*** join/#waruidev Metaphaze (
05:25.10ThraeHaha, they added handleinput and savesettings to MouseOverTargetWindow. OK, now how in the hell to fix that...
05:36.24ThraeHmmm, WAR's API doesn't seem to have a way to toggle save settings.
05:48.39sysrage_well, i'm impressed with 1.1.. it definitely added some bugs, but for the first time since i started playing in OB, 1.1 fixed more than it broke
05:49.19MetaphazeI am really happy with the texture support - that opens a world of options for modders
05:50.01sysrage_they need to fix the warping quick, though. that's worse than before and a big problem for melee classes.
05:50.37sysrage_ya i'm pretty excited to see what people come out with after the API changes
05:51.13ThraeAiiane: Do you know of a way to destroy a window created by <Window> in a mod file? It just gives an error when registering another one with the same name.
05:51.17sysrage_even just the class info getting put into MOTH and other mods is badass
05:51.46AiianeThrae: ...did you unregister it first?
05:52.16MetaphazeOh ya - that was awesome too (though I do feel a bit bad for the LibTargetInfo author, kinda sucks when your mod gets killed so quickly after you worked on it for so long)
05:52.24Aiianeif you'er trying to override an XML template, though, that's not possible
05:52.37Aiianewhat you *could* do however is destroy the window created from that template
05:52.44Aiianeand then use a differently-named template
05:52.53Aiianeand use CreateWindowFromTemplate to create a window with the original's name
05:58.31ThraeHmm now it's saving without me doing anything...maybe they stealth fixed it.
06:21.52ThraeAiiane: By the way, can you let Squared show the new player menus with all their new options?
06:22.07AiianeProbably, I'll just need to look into it
06:23.54AiianePlayerMenuWindow.ShowMenu() seems to be the relevant function
06:29.07*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
06:31.02Aiianesomething seems to be buggy with how it anchors the menu, though :|
06:36.29ThraeAiiane: Bleh, it calls self:CreateFromTemplate( "MainAssist" ), but there's no MainAssist template according to grep.
06:43.17ThraeHmmm. It's saving the anchors correctly, just not loading them.
06:45.12Aiianefor what
06:46.22ThraeEA_PlayerAssist, with the WindowSettings name="MainAssist".
06:47.01ThraeI move it around using the LayoutEditor, do a /reloadui, and although its position resets in the game, ModSettings.xml reflects the correct anchor changes.
06:47.39ThraeIt's relative to Root of course, so that's not the problem either.
06:51.05ThraeWhat's weird is that MainAssist is created from EA_Button_PlayerAssist:CreateFromTemplate("MainAssist"), where EA_Button_PlayerAssist is defined twice (once in XML, once by ButtonFrame:Subclass("EA_Button_PlayerAssist"))
06:51.25ValkeaI can't assign a nil value to a variable in lua ?
06:51.36ThraeValkea: Sure you can. local foo = nil
06:52.08Thraelua> local a,b = "foo",nil; b = a; print(a)
06:52.09lua_botThrae: foo
06:52.21Thraelua> local a,b = "foo",nil; a = b print(a)
06:52.21lua_botThrae: nil
06:52.36*** join/#waruidev TC-Away (
06:53.31Valkeahumm i try to assign an unexisting table value to a variable, so it should assign nil. But instead it return an error.
06:54.08Bloodwalkerthats different.. trying to index a nil table is an error
06:54.15Valkea"attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) "
06:54.25Valkeaohh ok
06:55.51Aiianelua> b = a; print(b)
06:55.52lua_botAiiane: nil
06:55.58Aiianelua> b = a[1]; print(b)
06:55.59lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'a' (a nil value)
06:56.25Aiianea[1] is not a variable in and of itself
06:56.27Metaphazecareful that you are not doing this:   my_table.member.a    where member doesn't exist yet
06:56.29Aiianeit's a member of the variable a
06:56.32Valkeaso if i want to verify if this table value exist i can't assign the value to a variable and then verify it.
06:56.32Valkeat = {"a", "b"} ; x = t[5]; if (x) then print("ok") else print("err") end
06:56.46Aiianeyou can, but you need to make sure the table exists first ;)
06:57.13Aiianelua> b = nil; if b and b[1] then print("yes") else print("no") end
06:57.13lua_botAiiane: no
06:57.26Aiianeas opposed to
06:57.31Aiianelua> b = nil; if b[1] then print("yes") else print("no") end
06:57.31lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'b' (a nil value)
06:57.41Aiianenotice what I omitted in the one that causes an error
06:57.41Valkeaso i need to verify both t and x ---> if (t and x) then print("ok") else print("err") end
06:57.50Aiianeif t and t[x]
06:58.18Valkeaok, perfect. I understand the problem now
06:59.20Repo10huduf: 03Metaphaze * r79 / (3 files in 1 directory): - Bump bars up a layer to avoid xpanels conflict
06:59.24Repo- Maybe get rid of buff flicker? (I couldn't produce it)
06:59.28Repo- Don't show invalid party bars in warband
07:00.24Valkeathat work, thank you very much (again !)
07:00.26ThraeHmm, I think the debug message CTD is still there
07:00.59ThraeWait, that wasn't a CTD really, it gave a runtime error.
07:03.27Repo10huduf: 03Metaphaze 04HUDUFv2.19 Release * r80 : go to sleep, and good night...
07:04.18Aiianethat was odd
07:04.27Aiianesomehow, my CursorWindow had gotten scaled differently from Root
07:04.29Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes 041.15-release * r91 : Bugfix for set items not displaying yellow
07:04.36Aiianewhich was massively screwing up where my context menus were displayed
07:08.22ThraeAck, I keep getting a runtime error trying to print out this table pointer.
07:09.29Bloodwalkerum then stop doing that :)
07:11.43ThraeAha, it was nil. So DEBUG(nil) causes a runtime error. That's not good.
07:12.20Bloodwalkernice.. so we have towstring({}) and DEBUG(nil)...
07:14.32Bloodwalkerwell time to make like windows and crash.. nite all
07:16.50ThraeOh, DEBUG() and d() are two different functions.
07:17.01Aiianeyes they are Thrae :P
07:17.06Aiianed() is much safer ;)
07:17.19ThraeIt's a pcall?
07:17.36ThraeHmm, I crashed d() too.
07:17.37Aiianeit just has support for every data type
07:17.51Aiianehow'd you manage that?
07:18.30ThraeFiguring that out now. I think d(nil).
07:18.53Aiianed(nil) shouldn't crash
07:19.00Aiianeit works fine for me, just doesn't display anything
07:21.52ThraeAnyway, LayoutEditor.GetFrameForSourceWindow( "MainAssist" )
07:22.07ThraeThat's returning nil even after EA_PlayerAssist loads
07:24.10AiianeGetFrame( "MainAssist" )
07:24.13Aiianedoesn't return nil
07:25.41ThraeRight, I'm trying to figure out what's screwed up with the new MainAssist window and LayoutEditor registering.
07:26.08ThraeSo GetFrame works, but not LayoutEditor.framesList[ windowName ]
07:26.46ThraeHowever, LayoutEditor.windowsList[ windowName ] ~= nil, as it doesn't even an error. Hmmm...
07:29.04ThraeAh, LayoutEditor.framesList is destroyed at one point.
07:30.21Aiianebutton:SetAnchor( { Point = "left", RelativePoint = "left", RelativeTo = "Root", XOffset = 263, YOffset = -372 } )
07:30.29Aiianethat's what's moving it
07:31.09ThraeBut that's called before its registered, not after.
07:31.40Aiianebut the act of registering a window does not seem to be what restores its settings
07:31.49Aiianein fact, it does not even seem to be what saves its settings
07:31.55Aiianeregistering it just lets the layout editor move it
07:32.05Aiianethe saving is done completely independently by the client itself
07:32.10Aiianewhen savesettings is not false
07:32.42Aiianeand is restored when the window is created
07:33.01Aiianethus, setting an anchor in code overrides it
07:33.01Aiianewhereas setting an anchor in xml is overridden by saved settings
07:34.17*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
07:39.35Ackisping Aiiane
07:43.38Aiianepong Ackis
07:44.57ThraeAiiane: Yeah you're right. I don't see anything in LayoutEditor or LayoutFrame, but I'm still looking...
07:47.50ThraeAha! I know how to fix this.
07:48.32WikkiFizzleEasiest fix is to wait for Mythic to do it imo :P
07:49.22ThraeWikkiFizzle: Well, it's also a learning experience. And it's pissing me off.
07:54.07AiianeThrae: do you want to code it as a learning experience, or should I push the fix I already coded to curse :P
07:54.33Aiiane(Completely serious, I have the code sitting here)
07:56.05ThraeAiiane: Meanie
07:56.25AiianeThrae: that's why I'm *asking* you :|
07:56.38Aiianeseems I can't win no matter what I do :(
07:57.05ThraeWell I'd like to see your code, yes
07:57.17ThraeBecause mine isn't working right now.
07:57.21Aiianeok, give me a moment to push it then
07:57.49ckknightAiiane: ping
07:57.56Aiianeckknight: pong
07:58.09ckknightdid you not get my /msg?
07:58.17ThraeAlthough my "TreeHugger" addon *did* do the same thing as "NoCombatLog", but I'd rather have you maintain that.
08:00.41Valkeahow do i remove an entry from a dictionnary table ?
08:00.41Valkeat[5] = nil will remove it ?
08:00.54ThraeValkea: Yes
08:01.05RepoNew project: HyperActiveAssist. Aiiane (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
08:01.15Valkeasorry ... t["a"] = nil ... dictionnary i mean
08:01.51ThraeValkea: Both will work. t[5] = nil for indexed, t["a"] for hash.
08:02.19Repo10haa: 03Aiiane * r1 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0 for changeset bbf0f4061828
08:02.21ThraeValkea: Lua tables can be a mix of indexed and hashed arrays.
08:02.23Valkeaok thx, so my problem do not come from this assignation
08:02.24RepoInitial commit.
08:02.30Aiianethere you go Thrae
08:03.52Valkeaok the problem was totaly different... i guess it is time to sleep ><
08:06.09ThraeAiiane: Ah, that's one way to do it. I was making a 2nd window and registering that instead.
08:06.12ThraeAiiane: WindowSetScale("SquaredAnchor", HyperMainAssistPosition.scale)
08:06.26Aiianeyay typos
08:06.42ThraeGo code reuse
08:07.17Repo10haa: 03Aiiane * r3 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.1 for changeset 17e0f30c9100
08:07.21RepoOops. Copy-paste fail.
08:08.16ThraeWell thanks for doing that. Now I don't have to worry about it.
08:17.07Repo10haa: 03Aiiane * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.2 for changeset e0a1fb2c8ec5
08:17.11RepoLet's not forget to dep EA_PlayerAssist.
08:17.51Aiianetechnically, it doesn't really matter since all of the important stuff gets done on LOADING_END, but meh
08:26.58Daegalushave we figured out how itme links are made in chat yet? might be good for an Invite mod or something
08:27.13AiianeI can tell you exactly how they're made, one sec
08:27.25WikkiFizzleRight click invites was supposed to make it in by default
08:27.28Aiiane<LINK data="LINK_DATA_HERE" text="This is the link text" color=”r,b,g” highlight=”r,g,b”/>
08:27.56Aiianeand they did, WikkiFizzle
08:28.20Aiianeyou can right-click a name in chat and choose invite
08:28.34Aiianeleft click will open a tell prompt for them
08:29.02Aiianeyou could hook the handler for hyperlinks to add things for say, shift-lclick or shift-rclick
08:34.06Repo10nlootlink: 03Nemes * r38 source/nLootLinkData.lua: Use the nLootLink DB if the game's DB doesn't have the item
08:40.04Repo10nlootlink: 03Nemes 041.1.3-beta * r39 :
08:40.08RepoBetter chat linking - use the nLootLink database if the game's database doesn't have the item
08:41.34Repo10theseeker: 03beeblebrox42 * r39 TheSeeker.lua: New in 0.12Beta:
08:41.38RepoSupports the new tank classes and works with the most recent update.
08:41.58Repo10theseeker: 03beeblebrox42 04v0.12Beta * r40 : New in 0.12Beta:
08:42.02RepoSupports the new tank classes and works with the most recent update.
08:44.52ValkeaGood night / day to you :)
09:01.14Aiianetime for controversial mod-writing time
09:01.53WikkiFizzlemod that makes someone naked and sells all their gear? :P
09:03.05Aiianeno -_-
09:03.20Aiianeonly the former might be fun if it worked in RL
09:03.24Aiianebut the latter is just cruel
10:05.57Repo10qna: 03Aiiane * r1 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0 for changeset 058663129bb4
10:06.01RepoInitial commit. Adds special actions for left- or right-clicking names in chat while holding a modifier key.
10:06.05RepoNew project: QuickNameActions. Aiiane (Manager/Author). Approved by Aiiane.
10:06.45*** join/#waruidev MrOffline (
10:10.17ThraeAiiane: Well now the latest CUF has player buffs fixed, but hostile and friendly buffs are very messed up ;) they show the maximum number of buff icons, even if the target doesn't have that many buffs (it just repeats the last buff multiple times)
10:11.37Aiianedo you have buffthrottle enabled
10:50.48*** part/#waruidev MrOffline (
10:54.52art3misyou could be more controversial by fixing the warhammer achievment helper addon ;)
10:58.14Repo10ttitan: 03SquigyStardust * r141 / (7 files in 2 directories): Regular Update
10:58.53Repo10ttitan: 03SquigyStardust 04v2.1.16-release * r142 :
10:58.58RepoUpdated the History and Noteworthy Sections, fixed the button problem.
11:00.17art3misya know what the curse client needs
11:00.25art3misif the addon works with the latest update patch
12:35.17Repo10nhidegcd: 03Nemes 041.2-release * r14 :
12:35.21Repo1.1 update - only hide the flashes, not the text, as the default UI does this
12:59.13*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
13:45.56*** join/#waruidev gutgut_ (
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13:57.36art3miswow somehow my party buffs are elaking through
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17:20.38talvinencurved bars are so pretty
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17:41.19PenguinOfDoomahaha oh man
17:41.31PenguinOfDoomWhinethread in BW forums saying people are hitting themselves for more damage than they are doing against enemies
17:41.32*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
17:41.41PenguinOfDoomMythic really balanced it this time!
17:42.02PenguinOfDoomwait what?
17:46.05Bloodwalkernow I have their address!
17:58.54*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
18:03.25Repo10mngl: 03Flisher * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): Initial Commit - Feedback required
18:03.52Repo10mngl: 03Flisher 04Version 1.00 - Beta * r3 : Tagging as Version 1.00 - Beta
18:04.52talvinenI have approx 0.2 fps at that Keep Fight
18:05.04talvinenanyone willing to buy me a new pc?
18:09.18*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
18:14.54Repo10xhud: 03talvinen * r42 xHUD.xml: no longer needed
18:15.31Repo10xhud: 03talvinen * r43 / (6 files in 1 directory): internal rewrite, new buff handling, textures etc.
18:16.01Repo10xhud: 03talvinen 042.0 Beta * r44 : tagged as beta
18:19.59*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
18:23.54Repo10wsct: 03Grayhoof * r6 / (12 files in 4 directories): wsct:
18:23.58Repo- Added name truncation options.
18:24.01Repo- Separated out Parry, Dodge, and Block for individual options.
18:24.05Repo- Fixed various minor bugs from 1.1.
18:24.18Repo10wsct: 03Grayhoof 04v1.22 * r7 : Tagging as v1.22
18:40.23*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
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19:10.58gutgut_CustomMap - R3.5       needs approval pls  :)  is here so who can do this ? would be nice
19:16.21Bloodwalkerhey gut?
19:16.44gutgut_:P ?
19:18.53Bloodwalkerjust saw your custom map and the request for mapmonster... I made mapmonster and its got me curious..
19:21.20gutgut_:)   oh yes i will build in if i can ...  it is the next step
19:25.49Bloodwalkerhow did you make your map? same mapdisplay as the mini map? or some other way
19:27.35gutgut_its the same but other name --> CMapWindowMapDisplay
19:28.13gutgut_and the zonemap is --> CMapWindowWMap
19:29.09gutgut_i had no look at mapmonster but isnt it easier for you to build in sup for cmap ?
19:31.19Bloodwalkerya for it to work Ill have to give it some thought... right now a MapMonster icon is simply a new icon window attached to the zone map..the mini map is a different kind of map display from the zone map...and theres even a thrid kind of map in the tome of knowledge
19:32.59Bloodwalkeronce I get everything built for the zone map...have waypoints, pin type gui and a few other important bits.. Im going to tackle the minimap display
19:37.49*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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19:47.16Chryzodarn, anyone seen nicoli_s recently ?
19:51.17WikkiFizzle~seen nicoli_s
19:51.18purlnicoli_s <n=email@> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 8d 2h 16m 43s ago, saying: 'Aiiane you around?'.
19:51.59Chryzohe is on vacation or something ?
20:00.10*** join/#waruidev Thurwell (
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21:00.32Thurwellgot through a whole fortress attack without a zone crash
21:01.05Thurwelltrying to jam 200 players up a 6 foot wide staircase though...stupid
21:11.37gutgut_hmm @Bloodwalker ... have u read my message ?
21:22.06Bloodwalkersirry gut was playing scenarios :)
21:23.21BloodwalkerI was curious to see how you did the custommap... and no right now theres no mini map support in MapMonster but there will be when the rest works like I want it to
21:25.12*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
21:33.15Repo10xhud: 03talvinen * r45 Textures (10 files in 1 directory): forgot the texture folder, oops
21:33.18Thurwellthere must be a flag in gamedata.player to figure out if you're in a fortress zone
21:33.33Repo10xhud: 03talvinen 043.0.1 * r46 : tagged
21:34.21Repo10xhud: 03talvinen 043.0.1 * r47 : stupid
21:34.34Repo10xhud: 03talvinen 042.0.1 Beta * r48 : tagged
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22:02.43RepoNew project: MakeNoGuildLeader. Flisher (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
22:02.48RepoNew project: Bloody Mess. Rhekua (Manager/Author). Approved by Ackis.
22:39.38ValkeaFun, SystemData.Events.PLAYER_DEATH is fired before i really die in the Game huhu. I fight and my alert say "You are dead but you do not know it yet... " and 1 or 2 sec after i really die on my sreen.
22:39.52ValkeaBefore 1.1 that was not the case.
22:41.13art3missomeone remind me to ask the questtrackerhelper person to auo enable RVR quests when you join senarios
22:41.41art3misand to ask the author why zchat purges some tab contents but not others on zone
22:49.01AiianeValkea: you're *actually* dead when the event fires
22:49.18Aiianethey added some code in 1.1 that was supposed to make it look like you died when whatever kill you actually hits you
22:49.31Aiianesince things like fireballs have flight times + server latency
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22:56.19gutgut_hmm how can i get the id from a zone from the name of the zone (string) ?
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23:01.51Aiianemake a lookup table for yourself
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23:13.11gutgut_ok :P  thx
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23:53.09BloodwalkerProof there is a santa!

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