IRC log for #waruidev on 20081114

00:08.28*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
00:39.51*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
01:18.30*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (
01:22.08*** join/#waruidev ckknight_ (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:22.08*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight_] by ChanServ
01:39.50*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:39.50*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:56.42AiianeI apparently have an NPC in Guild Wars named after me now o.0
01:57.40PenguinOfDoomfinally, fame and fortune are yours
01:58.06Thunder_Childand war
01:59.22DaegalusApparently the Devs want to have your babies too Aiiane
02:05.12Thunder_Childmmmm....babies....good with A1 sauce
02:09.12Daegalusespecially Aiiane babies birthed by men
02:10.07Thunder_Childmen dont give birth
02:10.49Daegalustel that to all the guys that want Aiianes babies
02:11.02Andrew--I'll bear your children any day, Aiiane.
02:11.15Thunder_Childthey dont have to deliver the baby, they just want to *have* the baby
02:11.53Thunder_Childumm...translation of ;_; please
02:13.23Andrew--Thunder_Child:  They're tears of joy.
02:14.00Andrew--At her newfound fertility.
02:22.43shockbeta|workso... -1.#J%  is how wstring prints NaN?
02:22.52shockbeta|workor nil, or whatever
02:36.55Repo10cowboy-focus: 03Cowboy * r13 / (3 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
02:36.56Repochanged Focus.Target and Focus.TargetOrSelf to be compatible with 1.0.5:
02:36.59Repo* removed Focus.Target and Focus.TargetOrSelf (basically all TargetPlayer() calls)
02:37.05Repo* created dummy windows for binding keys for targeting
02:37.12Repo* bound targeting to keybinds ACTION_BAR_68 / ACTION_BAR_69 using WindowSetGameActionTrigger and WindowSetGameActionData
02:40.04*** join/#waruidev Karrion (
02:47.31Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r23 Source (2 files in 1 directory):
02:47.34RepoAdded MapButton Toggle functions for people that don't want it for whatever reason
02:51.14Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r24 Source/TomeTracker_Help.lua: Update to help file for new mapbutton toggle
03:22.31*** join/#waruidev TC-Away (
03:25.09Aiianeyou should totally use a repo so I don't have to approve your files :P
03:32.44*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
03:33.34WikkiFizzleIve my own repo I use ;P
03:39.37Andrew--Is there any wardb equivelent that lets you filter items that don't have talisman slots?
03:52.54Repo10qqwaypoints: 03Lefi * r2 ZoneOffsets.lua:
03:52.56RepoInitial Add of QQ Waypoints, a Complete Custom Waypoint Manager for Warhammer Online
03:53.26Repo10qqwaypoints: 03Lefi * r3 / (3 files in 1 directory):
03:53.27RepoInitial Add of QQ Waypoints, a Complete Custom Waypoint Manager for Warhammer Online
03:54.22*** join/#waruidev Lefi (
03:54.41Lefievening all
04:00.08AiianeWikkiFizzle: if it's a distributed one, you could push to both ;)
04:03.44*** part/#waruidev shockbeta (
04:04.42WikkiFizzleIll probably just push release code to the repo
04:04.57WikkiFizzlethen package that way
04:05.22WikkiFizzleAnd just continue to use perforce for my primary sc
04:06.31Aiianeyeah that works
04:08.30PenguinOfDoomIs the bright wizard combustion nerf on the test server? How much did they take away?
04:35.23Felyzaits not a nerf, its a fix
04:39.45Andrew--Felyza:  Its a nerf.
04:39.53Andrew--Err, actually
04:40.00Andrew--Was it actually a fix?
04:44.23Andrew--"Combustion mechanic: Chance to critical hit based on combustion level has been reduced."
04:44.26Andrew--Sounds like a nerf.
04:45.28FelyzaMy mains are an engineer and a magus, they called the changes to rift and electromagnet a fix, and I don't think that a level 14 BW should be able to get to 65% crit rate, so its a fix for them (that's how high my BW is)
04:45.50*** join/#waruidev smcn (
04:46.23Andrew---shrug- my BW is 25, my Engineer is 40
04:47.18Andrew--While the Electormagnet 'fix' is..  actually, I don't actually care much about it at all.  Though I suppose I could be offended on principle, I don't honestly think it should be as powerful as it is.
04:47.33Felyzano character should be able to get to 65% crit rate at level 14, anything that fixes that is a fix, even if the fix comes as a nerf
04:48.12Andrew--I disagree.  There is nothing inherintly wrong with having a 65% crit rate
04:48.31Andrew--As long as you factor that in when developing the class.
04:48.35FelyzaAt level 14?
04:48.37Andrew--Hell, it could be 100%, who cares.
04:48.56Andrew--Its all the same.  You're not going to get much higher than 65% at level 40
04:50.12Andrew--Its just a class mechanic.
04:50.42FelyzaA friend has 90% (or so he says) and he also states that the +crit from combustion stacks on top of normal +crit, ignoring any caps
04:50.54FelyzaThat is broken.
04:51.21Andrew---shrug- My base damage is higher than a Bright Wizard's, and I don't deal 30% of that damage to myself.
04:51.23Andrew--Its not broken.
04:51.47Andrew--I mean, I'm a good bright wizard, don't get me wrong
04:51.49Andrew--And I'm good at what Id o
04:51.57Felyza90% crit rate sustainable without help for longer than 5 minutes is broken.
04:51.59Andrew--But it isn't the BW's damage that makes him so proficient
04:52.19Andrew--Why do you keep saying that?  What does critting really do?
04:52.26Andrew--Double damage.
04:52.36FelyzaNo, quadruple damage for them
04:52.47Felyza100% increase to crit damage at that level combustion
04:53.29Felyzaso if one were to, base, hit something for 250, it hits for 1000 90% of the time
04:53.56Felyzaand you argue that is not broken?
04:54.07Felyza500 hits for 2000 90% of the time
04:54.19Andrew--wait, what?
04:54.29Andrew--Since when do they hit for quadruple?
04:54.41Felyza100% bonus crit damage at 100 combustion
04:54.49Andrew--Yeah, as in, instead of the regular 50%
04:55.27Andrew--Typically people crit for 150% of their regular damage.  Bright Wizards crit for 200%.  Thats it.
04:55.27Felyzaum, every time i crit is was 4x, and normal crits were hitting 2x at 14
04:56.03Felyzathen there was magically no mitigation only on high combustion
04:57.25Andrew--I'm sorry, no.
04:57.36Andrew--You do not bypass any more mitigation when you crit.
04:57.51Felyzaanyhoo, with the changes to dots adding more damage from stats, without lowing their crit percent they will be VERY broken
04:57.52Andrew--It simply takes the damage you would have done, and doubles it.  Thats it.
04:58.11Andrew---shrug-  Engineers do similar damage to Bright Wizards.
04:58.20Andrew--And they have better DoTs.
04:59.06Andrew--While the Bright Wizard's DoT spec is by far my favorite, it does less damage than an Engineer's damage spec.
04:59.34FelyzaUm, are we talking changes in 1.05 or present?
05:00.15FelyzaPresent, engineer is slightly higher, 1.05 BW (with current crit %) is insanely higher
05:00.49FelyzaThat's the reason for the lowering, due to the + damage from stats gained in the new method of applying int to dots
05:01.53FelyzaDid you not realize this?
05:01.54*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
05:02.24Andrew--I.. don't understand what your reasoning is.  Engineers get more DoTs than Bright Wizards, and they already do similar damage.
05:02.52Andrew--If they're upping the DoT damage, its going to be a bigger boon to Engineers than to BWs
05:04.07FelyzaThat's the problem, the current + crit was causing an unexpected dramatic increase to the average damage of a BW, they had to tone it down to bring it into where it was supposed to be.
05:05.24Andrew--I don't believe nerfing the BW's core mechanic is the answer.
05:06.37FelyzaThen the only other answer is give every other class slightly higher damage yet, and increase the base resist values to compensate for everyone's higher damage.
05:07.15FelyzaLowering one class slightly to bring them in line with their intended role is better than increasing everyone else, then nerfing the base mechanic
05:08.25ThraeFelyza: Obviously the best solution, juding from one of the most popular MMOs, is to add a new stat called "Hardiness" which makes Resists, Toughness, and Iniative mostly useless.
05:10.33FelyzaThrae, I just wish more people would realize that test servers for big balance changes are just that, test servers, they are adjusting things for all classes, and to fix many classes with a base mechanic change (dot damage) they need to compensate with special cases... its all part of game programming process, and some people think open QA means bad things
05:10.51ThraeHonestly, I think it's the critical hits in WAR which are reducing the gain of Resist. But there's PvE implications too -- a lot to be to balance.
05:11.56FelyzaSince they are changing a core mechanic of statistic inheritance to damage, I guess its just over people's heads to understand there will need to be adjustments to other aspects to keep everything balanced.
05:21.01Andrew--Thrae:  If you have 35% resist, you will resist 35% of a Bright Wizard's damage - crit or no crit.
05:24.22*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
05:42.48Repo10qqwaypoints: 03Lefi * r4 / (3 files in 1 directory):
05:42.49RepoIncremental changes, button pressed states, save, new, reset, remove context menu etc.
05:43.07LefiDaegalus: you around?
05:43.11Thunder_ChildAiiane, do you know if either of the authors of tome titan reside here?
05:43.52Aiianebloodwalker was here earlier
05:44.32LefiAiiane, TC: would either of you be interested in doing an alpha walk-through of my new waypoint mod?
05:44.46Lefior anyone else for that matter?
05:44.54Thunder_Childi would but i dont play atm
05:45.09DaegalusLefi, i said i would
05:45.22Lefii know, im looking for more people =)
05:45.29Lefinot lookin to replace ya =)
05:45.47Lefispeaking of which ... its up via svn if you wanna download the current version
05:46.05Lefiim not gonna put a package up till its ready for beta
05:46.20Lefijust looking for some feedback atm
05:46.45Thunder_ChildAiiane, which one is bloodwalker?
05:47.05Daegalusbloodwalker goes by bloodwalker in here, which he isnt atm
05:47.30Thunder_Child...but bloodwalker inslt listed on the tome titan author list
05:48.03Daegalusthey dont have to go by the same name in both places
05:48.17Thunder_Childi know, thats why i am wondering who bloodwalker is
05:48.18Aylami can do that
05:48.41Thunder_Childwhich of the named authors on the site
05:49.10Daeglausno clue
06:00.13*** join/#waruidev obsequies (n=obsequie@
06:07.25Lefignite all
06:07.56Repo10qqwaypoints: 03Lefi * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory): minor updates to resolve spacing issues and sizing issues
06:12.04*** join/#waruidev shockbeta (
06:17.42shockbetalua> temp = "iaiaiaia"; print(temp:find("i"))
06:17.42lua_botshockbeta: 1, 1
06:17.50shockbetalua> temp = "iaiaiaia"; tab = { temp:find("i") }; print(table.getn(tab))
06:17.51lua_botshockbeta: 2
06:18.17shockbetaanyway to find every instance other then manually in a loop?
06:26.14shockbetalua> count = 0; s = "iaiaiaiaia"; for w in s:gmatch("i") do count = count + 1; end print(count);
06:26.14lua_botshockbeta: 5
06:33.48*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
07:13.55Repo10lib_surveyor: 03Nevir27 * r21 / (18 files in 4 directories):
07:13.56RepoLots o changes.  Switch from sub types to filter as a terminology change.  cleanup, and fixed a couple zone offsets
07:27.51*** part/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
07:37.14purli guess queef is do I smell tuna?
08:07.00*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
08:13.18*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
08:47.47shockbetaIs there an easy way to convert a string into an array? so I can access it like a char array?
08:50.56shockbetalua> local str = "123456"; local arr = { } for i = 1, str:len() do arr[i] = str:sub(i,1) print(arr[i]) end;
08:50.56lua_botshockbeta: 1, , , , ,
08:51.19shockbetalua> local str = "123456"; local arr = { } for i = 1, str:len() do arr[i] = str:sub(i,i) print(arr[i]) end;
08:51.19lua_botshockbeta: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
08:51.28Aiianejust do mystring:sub(pos, pos) ?
08:51.34Aiianei.e. if I want the 4th character....
08:51.41Aiianelua> a="hello" a:sub(4,4)
08:51.41lua_botAiiane: No output
08:51.45Aiianelua> a="hello" returna:sub(4,4)
08:51.45lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'returna' (a nil value)
08:51.47Aiianelua> a="hello" return a:sub(4,4)
08:51.48lua_botAiiane: l
08:51.55Aiianelua> a="goodbye" return a:sub(4,4)
08:51.55lua_botAiiane: d
08:51.58shockbetalua> local str = "123456"; local arr = { } for i = 1, str:len() do arr[i] = str:sub(i,1) print(arr[i]) end;
08:51.58lua_botshockbeta: 1, , , , ,
08:52.03shockbetalua> local str = "123456"; local arr = { } for i = 1, str:len() do arr[i] = str:sub(i,i) print(arr[i]) end;
08:52.03lua_botshockbeta: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
08:52.19Aiianethe arguments to sub are startIndex and endIndex
08:52.31shockbetaI was thinkinhg sub and length at first:p
08:52.50Aiianeanywho, goodnight... sleepytime because I have work tomorrow morning
08:55.05Zachius|afkchaotic rift is still OP
09:02.11*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
09:41.04*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
09:47.22*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
09:56.26*** join/#waruidev Aysimet ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.24*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
11:11.49shockbetaanyone know what the markup string for the location means? n,in p,in ?
11:35.09*** join/#waruidev Undine (
11:40.02*** join/#waruidev |Deadhawk| (
11:41.12*** join/#waruidev _Deadhawk_ (
12:06.13*** join/#waruidev sysrage (
12:24.45*** join/#waruidev tronned (
12:30.09*** join/#waruidev benny (
12:36.06*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
13:05.35*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
13:34.42*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
13:51.57sysragewtb working search for
13:59.10*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
14:20.37*** join/#waruidev talvinen (n=Miranda@
14:21.55*** join/#waruidev Zachius|AFK (
14:30.14*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
15:15.41*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
15:27.51*** join/#waruidev BG|AFK (n=chatzill@
15:37.14*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:37.14*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
15:38.34*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
15:43.02*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
16:05.56*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
16:08.18Aiigood morning. :)
16:08.34NoctysHi Aii
16:09.38talvinengood evening
16:16.49tronnedgood morrow, fine townsfolk
16:33.53NoctysTronned & Talvinen:  where there any specific features you guys were looking for in LibTargetInfo?
16:34.02NoctysBut was there anything else?
16:40.52tronnedNoctys: Not that I can think of, at the moment.
16:45.51tronnedJust checking out 1.55 now
17:14.23Noctystronned: Are you in game?
17:14.39NoctysOr even if your not, can you look at your LTI saved variable file for me?
17:14.55NoctysI need to know how it saves out careers
17:16.44*** join/#waruidev shockbeta|work (n=shockbet@
17:19.53tronnedI was/am
17:20.01tronnedsure, what career?
17:21.28tronnedcareer = L"Engineer^f",
17:24.31NoctysHey tronned, is there a really easy way (like one command) to get a targets realm?
17:26.54tronneda target's realm?  like Order or Destruction?
17:27.09Noctysalso 1 or 2
17:27.13tronnedNo, you might need to do some IsFriendly + IsNPC checks
17:27.24tronnedno realm provided by TargetInfo
17:28.38NoctysOK, well there will be with LTI when I am done... Just didn't want to reinvent the wheel
17:29.27tronnedYou could make that check in to a function, then incorporate that among your other ones, since you only want PC data anyways
17:29.30tronnedbrb: shower
17:33.56shockbeta|workSo if we were saving the settings for addon, when you release a new version mod file why  would the settings not be used from the previous version?
17:34.23NoctysIt's the way WAR does there save files
17:34.42NoctysThat's why most people don't actual use a valid version number in their mod files
17:35.02shockbeta|workokay. I'll stop updating the mod file version:p
17:35.27Noctyssorta-stupid on WARs part  -- they already delete the saved var file is the format changes (at least as far as I've seen)
18:51.10*** join/#waruidev Andrew--` (
19:13.40Aiier, what Noctys ?
19:13.46Aii"is the format changes" ?
19:14.07shockbeta|workif* I think he meant
19:14.27NoctysOh, yeah... if the format changes. And I am wrong actually
19:14.33NoctysI was just testing that
19:15.00NoctysIt does seem to delete the saved variables if your addon fails to load due to a lua error though.
19:15.36shockbeta|workyeah, nuked my settings a lot when adding features/bug hunting
19:15.59shockbeta|workI don't even bother setting anythign away from default anymore:p
19:16.01NoctysI am trying to be really careful with that and LTI.  It would suck if someone lost all there target data
19:17.30shockbeta|worksave it in two. sueable, backup
19:18.18Aiiwouldn't matter unless you had two different .mods
19:18.18Aiibecause multiple savedvariables are still in the same file
19:18.26shockbeta|workso it actually deletes not just overwrites them..
19:18.54shockbeta|workI was hoping it would only nuke them if you reinstated one.
19:19.49shockbeta|worklike only write add to backups, never replace it in code. for if foundinbackup(somedata) then insert(somedata) end
19:23.24AiiI found my preferred workaround with Squared
19:23.36Aiiwhich fixes a number of those issues at not-to-high a cost
19:27.39*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
19:36.01Repo10pingit: 03disturbedHR * r15 / (3 files in 1 directory): Fixing minor bug in assist function
19:45.59Repo10pingit: 03disturbedHR 040.1.6 * r16 : Tagging as 0.1.6
20:02.38NoctysAii:  So have you found a way to keep saved data after a crash to desktop, exiting with the X or the file not loading correctly?
20:06.25AiianeThe last, yes; the first two are impossible
20:06.43Aiianeor more specifically, the first two it's impossible to keep changes that were made during that session
20:11.36NoctysHow are you not having it be destroyed?  When I crash to desktop or exit with the X my savedVar files are always empty!
20:15.05NoctysAii ^^^
20:15.15Aiianeodd, if/when I crash my savedvariables.lua are just what they were before I started playing
20:15.37Aiianeif there's an error loading files it'll wipe them out, sure, but crashes don't, it just doesn't save changes
20:25.11Chryzostupid question, but the tty screens on linux for you linux users, does it mean 'talk to you' ?
20:26.23Aiianeit's a shortened form of "teletype"
20:26.23Daegalusit means teletypewriter if im not mistaken
20:26.40Chryzook :) thx
20:26.45Aiianeit's held over from when computer output devices really were teletypes
20:27.25*** join/#waruidev WikkiFizzle (
20:27.50Aiianevirtual screens often are then called PTYs, for "pseudo teletype"
20:31.56Repo10scourgeaid: 03shyndarkly * r8 / (3 files in 1 directory): Fix for discovered abilities not activating
20:34.03NoctysAiiane: How do you keep the data from being wiped when the lua code doesn't load?
20:35.38AiianeNoctys: separate .mod with the savedvariable (see Squared)
20:36.00Aiianethat deps the main mod
20:36.46NoctysSo basicly your saved varaible file is a seperate mod that just happens to be in the same directy(sorta)?
20:37.00Aiianepretty much. separate mod with a a dependency
20:37.17Aiianealso means I can change the version number of my main mod freely
20:37.45Aiiane"Update 11/14/2008, 3:30 PM EST: The Heavy Metal event will begin Tuesday, November 18, 2008 in order to coincide with the release of Game Update 1.0.5. Please watch the Herald for more details!"
20:37.51Aiianewell, we have an official date for 1.0.5 then
20:38.10NoctysCool, thanks Aii!
20:43.55talvinenAii: Does a project on CurseForge need to be approved in order to use SVN? I'm getting an "Authorization failed" here
20:44.54Aiianetalvinen: are you using the right login?
20:45.12talvinenAii: forget it, worked at the 2nd try. no idea why, didn't change anything
20:45.21Aiianetypo? :P
20:46.25Repo10xpanels: 03talvinen * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): Initial Release
20:46.48Repo10xpanels: 03talvinen 041.0 * r3 : tagged as 1.0
20:47.23AiianeWhile I certainly believe in competition encouraging innovation, is there a particular reason you wanted to create another panels addon, talvinen? I'm curious what differences you had in mind
20:47.37talvinenYou mean SNT Panels?
20:49.18talvinensimply for the fact that SNT Panels hasn't been updated for quite a while now, and lacks the possibility to e.g. change the color or alpha of the panels
20:49.44talvinenit basically only allowed you to have 1 out of 3 predefined templates for all panels you wanted to use
20:50.23AiianeHmm. Curse comments has one from 9th Nov from the author saying he's working on a new version
20:50.25talvinenand was a pain to arrange, because you could only change it's size in the layout editor, making it difficult to full the whole width of a screen, because you get stuck at the edges
20:50.34Aiianeyou might try and get in contact with him perhaps, and collaborate?
20:51.13shockbeta|workProblem is a lot of developers don't like others hands in their cookie jar:p
20:55.02*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (
20:55.02talvinenAii: I guess I could write him a message. On the other hand, with the current possibilities of a panel addon, there might not be too much room for further collaboration
20:56.46shockbeta|workin my opinion everyone has preconceived notions on how something should work, which is why  there are variations to projects. What one persons end ideal is on a project could vary drastically from yours, and sometimes it can take a bit of shoe horning to get theres how you would want it to work. It's not just about what it does, but also how to interact with it.
20:57.46shockbeta|workLike I don't really like war board at all the, something about it just doesn't work for me. SNT bar isn't that bad, but still doesn't do everything I want it to do. And therein lies the control issue. I could freely change the code base to do what I want, but then everytime it was updated I would have to resolve all the changes I made if I wanted them or not, which leads right back to I should just make my own.
20:59.54shockbeta|workJust like my opinion, there are plenty of users who like different things, not everyone likes the panel mod that's out right now, so another option may be better. I beleive at one level or another all addons develop the same features set in one form or another. If someone does soemthing I like in another addon and it's useful in mine I will most likely do something similar in mine, just as I assume others do as well.
21:01.00*** join/#waruidev Chryzo_ (n=dtc@
21:05.07talvinenAnother point would be the simplicity of the addons you're going to use. I like to have a lot of control in configuration, but I dislike if addons do a bunch of things I don't really want to use. That, for example, was the idea why I created TargetRing. you could also use RV Mods, but those do many things I prefer to have other addons for.
21:06.22shockbeta|workYeah, to say we all should just collaborate, why I do understand why it's asked, is like asking saying if you like icecream then the flavor doesn't matter.
21:06.33shockbeta|work..which I do understand why it's asked*
21:07.16shockbeta|workSometimes a collaboration can be beneficial, but it depends again on your ideals on the project, and if they mix with the other persons.
21:08.04shockbeta|workJust get a group of gaem designers in a room and tell them to decide how to handle something and you'll see the sparks fly if any of htem feel strongly one way or another.
21:08.22talvinenReading what the Author of SNT Panels has in mind for future versions, it might supersede xPanels in terms of functionality. But for now, I can offer a simple Mod that covers most of the things one might want of a Panel mod. If you want to have the full load of options, you should simply wait for SNT Panels v2 :)
21:09.27shockbeta|workplus the author of snt panels is the same as snt bar I think, so that's two projects that can turn in to large ones that his time is split between.
21:10.40talvinenthat doesn't count, as I have to maintain xHUD *g*
21:11.03shockbeta|workyeah but like you said, you're going for a simplistic panel option not feature loaded as I suspect snt will be
21:13.49Aiibut that's only xhud :P
21:14.23talvinenI still have a life! ahem
21:16.01AiiI have a life ;_;
21:17.32talvinensure you have. and if it would only consist on sitting there and coding stuff, it isn't worth less
21:17.40talvinennot saying that it would be that way :D
21:19.16AiiI just multitask o.o
21:22.18Repo10scourgeaid: 03shyndarkly 04v1.0.4 * r9 : Release 1.0.4
21:28.03Repo10xpanels: 03talvinen * r4 xPanels.lua: added finetuning position controller to the GUI
21:28.24Repo10xpanels: 03talvinen 041.1 * r5 : tagged as 1.1
21:31.32talvinenGork Sez Stop doesn't works on mobs :(
21:33.55Aiiwhich is odd, since Enfeebling Strike does
21:34.23talvinenI'll test again
21:35.46talvinenworks for the first 4 seconds, than vanishes
21:36.02talvinenwithout the mob stopping to move
21:36.36talvinenBut I guess it would be to OP
21:36.42talvinenyou could simply kite any mob to death
21:36.57talvinen13200 damage max
21:37.12talvinenand cooldown would be ready afterwards
21:38.55Aiimight just be how the server handles movement, it doesnt have mobs 'continuously moving' and thus it expires early... dunno
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22:22.10NoctysI found a Bat Wing -- White -- Bind on Pick-Up   --  Any ideas?
22:28.13shockbeta|workusually something some want sto see for tome unlock
22:28.25shockbeta|workwhere were you?
22:29.35NoctysNot sure -- I've had it for a few days.
22:29.43shockbeta|worktroll country?
22:29.50shockbeta|workO) The NPC to turn in the bound bat wing is in the Ch6 Empire town, Felde Castle in Troll Country. His name is Bernard the Alchemist.
22:30.09shockbeta|worklooks liek a title unlock "Echo Hunter"
22:30.30Noctysvery likley
22:32.19NoctysCool thanks
22:49.23Andrew--Echo Hunter is recieved after killing a single bat in Marshes of Madness, I believe.
22:53.12Repo10verticaltactics: 03silverq * r17 / (3 files in 1 directory): Now works Wif Namez
22:54.23Repo10verticaltactics: 03silverq 041.11 * r18 : Tagging as 1.11
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23:07.55tronnedEcho Hunter is from killing a bat in Marshes of Madness, like Andrew said
23:11.09NoctysHey tronned:  LTI 1.6 is awaiting approvale.  It adds a new function: LibTargetInfo.setPlayerCareer(targetClassifications, passedCareer)
23:11.34tronnedNoctys: for saving careers?  neat!
23:11.52NoctysYes, I am not going to add the functionality to LTI to actually add the targets. But you can add a slash command that calls it
23:12.52NoctysI will be adding it to TargetInfoWindows.  And I will probably include a function in a future version of LTI that is fully LibSlash compatable.  But for now that will work
23:12.57tronnedI won't add one to Moth, but I'll certainly reference it in the docs
23:13.25tronnedbelieve it or not, I just got done redoing my UI from default, lol
23:13.47NoctysWhat did you use to do it?  XML?
23:14.35tronnedNo, just movign the elements around
23:14.46tronnedthis used to be my WoW UI (Reunion)
23:15.09tronnedand in combat, kind of:
23:15.19NigelTufnelhow would I best flip a texture upside down? Do it as a dynamic image and rotate it 180 degrees?
23:16.10NigelTufnelya, hadnt looked into those much, figured thats what the answer was
23:16.24NigelTufnelah makes sense
23:16.28shockbeta|workyou could rotate it as well though
23:17.01shockbeta|workbut texdims will do a mirror, rotate is usually when you want to actually change the orientation
23:17.16NigelTufnelright, i wanted a mirror anyways
23:17.24NigelTufnelthanks guys
23:18.01tronnedis there a DynamicImageSetTextureOrientation ?
23:19.00shockbeta|worktakes dynamicimagename, and rotation in degrees
23:19.37shockbeta|workThere's issues with it, it only rotates the image, not the window, so if oyu rotate something that is rectangle... it's weird
23:19.50NigelTufnelya, I did see that one and was noticing the issues
23:20.02NigelTufnelTexDims is what I did want though, worked perfectly
23:27.11tronnedtalvinen: xPanels needs images, my curiosity is piqued ;)
23:27.45talvinenimage a black retangle :P
23:28.43tronnedplus, I want to see your UI ;)
23:29.23talvinenI'll do a screenshot next scenario
23:29.38ThraeDon't forget about our pal cropping
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23:36.01NigelTufnelso, still not 100% on the texcoords and texdims dealio
23:36.10NigelTufnelif I do
23:36.20NigelTufnelits all pixely + smaller than if i do
23:36.22shockbeta|workit will start at texcoords postion
23:36.52shockbeta|workthe draw to the poisition of texdims.
23:37.38NigelTufnelok ya that makes sense, im playin with it now
23:37.57shockbeta|workIf visual aid would help you figure them out, try this:
23:38.28NigelTufnelya I have been referencing the default client code
23:38.49shockbeta|workThat will let you play with values on teh fly to udnerstand what you're doign and how ti effects it;)
23:39.17shockbeta|workjust make sure scale is set to 1.
23:39.41shockbeta|workoh and XL YL are the x,y of teh texdims
23:39.52NigelTufnelya no I see what was confusing me, there texture I am referencing had similar stuff above it and below the reference point, so I was just getting lost in the texture image
23:40.03shockbeta|workhehe, it happens;)
23:40.43shockbeta|workI use that icon viewer if I ever need to crop otu an image from an image map, easier to scroll the mouse wheel and plug numbers in on the fly in a large window then plugging them into an addon
23:41.52NigelTufnelhaha ya thats a good point, I should give that a go
23:42.31shockbeta|workIf oyu knwo the name of hte texture you can click the space where the icon number goes and it gives you a pop up to type in a texture name.
23:44.23NigelTufnelpretty sweet tronned
23:44.50NigelTufneler talv
23:44.53NigelTufnelmisread that haha
23:45.13NigelTufnelshock: ok thats real sweet Il have to start using that
23:45.35tronnedthat's a lot of black!
23:46.07Repo10tometracker: 03Bloodwalker * r25 Source/TomeTracker_Journal.xml: Fixed Overhead Map Button, it will now save its position
23:48.01Aiianegerman always looks funny to me :)
23:51.12talvinentronned: I'm satanist
23:51.25tronnedAii called Germans funny looking ... tsk tsk
23:51.27NigelTufnelI love how everything is german except things like Screenshot
23:52.39Aiiane(for talvinen too, I suppose :P)
23:53.34talvinenOh, I know that
23:53.38talvinenit's hilarious
23:53.43NigelTufnelI was in switzlerland last winter, I love hearing german
23:53.50NigelTufnelthis is particularly hillarious though haha
23:54.26Aiianetalvinen: I don't speak much german at all, but I still like Wise Guys
23:54.39Aiianeboth their english songs and their german ones, I just look up the translations for the german ones
23:55.07AiianeNur Fur Dich is funny :)
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23:55.27talvinenI like 9live
23:55.38talvinenbut that's about a german tv channel
23:56.20Aiianealso, Alle meine entchen is pretty neat to watch the video for
23:57.08AiianeNigelTufnel: the first one I linked, Denglish, is basically about how terms from other languages keep getting pulled into use in german :P
23:57.37talvinenAlle meine Entchen is an old german nursery rhyme
23:57.50Aiianetalvinen: I know :)
23:58.01Aiianewhich is one of the reasons is funny
23:59.36Aiianeoh, also,
23:59.49AiianeI don't think I could even come close to that

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