IRC log for #waruidev on 20081107

00:00.39`Zyphersee chrixian it doesn't scale the statusbar alone
00:00.42`Zypherit takes the whole texture
00:00.48`Zypherand goes shwoooop
00:00.56`Zypherso I see parts I don't want
00:01.46`ZypherWindowAddAnchor(self:GetName().."hp", "topleft", self:GetName(), "topleft", 0, 0)
00:01.49`ZypherWindowAddAnchor(self:GetName().."hp", "bottomright", self:GetName(), "bottomright", 0, 0)
00:02.18chrixiando we not want it to go shwoooop?
00:02.28`Zypherwe don't want any extra parts to show
00:02.31`Zypheronly the statusbar
00:02.46chrixianextra parts? its going to show what was defined in the statusbar you're inheriting
00:02.55`Zypherone sec my friend
00:02.59chrixiank =D
00:03.40`ZypherI'll show you whats happening
00:03.43chrixiani think you can use /script DeathWindow.OnPlayerRespawn() if you're still waiting to auto respawn
00:05.22`Zyphersee my issue?
00:05.26chrixianare you inheriting "EA_StausBar_DefaultTintableBar" or "EA_StausBar_DefaultTintable"
00:05.54chrixianok thats the problem
00:06.02chrixianchange it to EA_StausBar_DefaultTintableBar
00:06.11`Zypherthe other is a horizontal resize image tho
00:06.13talvinenwhere are your unit frames? ;)
00:06.13`Zyphernot a statusbar
00:06.22`Zyphertalvinen: well these are them
00:06.29chrixian"EA_StausBar_DefaultTintable"is what i meant
00:06.29`Zypherbut they are brokeded atm
00:06.40chrixianthats the one you're using
00:06.42chrixiani misread
00:06.48`Zypherthats what it is
00:07.25`Zypherwtb Chryzo
00:07.27chrixianany chance you can zip up the mod lua and xml file and lemme bring it up in warhammer and play around?
00:07.38`Zypherchrixian: no chance :P
00:07.40chrixianor paste em each
00:07.46chrixianah aight
00:07.46`ZypherI'll pastey the xml
00:10.59chrixiani'm having a hard time seeing the contents of the 3 boxes in your image.. those 5 boxes in a row in that the tiled statusbar?
00:11.09chrixianer is that
00:11.12chrixiannot in that
00:11.21`Zypherthat is the same texture
00:11.55`Zypherthe texture is a big fat image
00:12.02`Zypherwith a bunch of smaller textures in it
00:12.15`Zypherand below the statusbar texture
00:12.19`Zypherthere is other shit
00:15.01chrixianso in your screenshot what is the "extra" crap you aren't wanting to see
00:15.15FelyzaAnyone speak german here?>
00:15.26chrixianima make a window real quick and throw a statusbar in it inheriting that so i can see what it looks like
00:15.42`Zypherchrixian: the boxes below the statusbar! :(
00:15.54Felyzatalvinen, you still around?
00:16.15FelyzaSigh... anyone know if Regenerieren would be appropriate for a regen potion?
00:16.34ThraeIn what language?
00:16.55talvinenRegenerieren is the verb
00:17.21Felyzaso just Regeneration?
00:17.55ThraeFelyza:|de|Regeneration%20Potion <-- agrees
00:18.08`Zypherwow wtf
00:18.27FelyzaThrae, I have a DE-EN and EN-DE up
00:18.42Felyzahowever, it wasn't translating back and forth quite right
00:18.45Aiiyou know `Zypher
00:18.47ThraeFelyza: If you think Google is wrong, google "Regeneration" and look at the etomology of the word. English takes many words from other languages.
00:18.56Aiiyou could solve your problem with one hell of a hack
00:19.03talvinenFelyza: Do you want to use it as class name?
00:19.10Aiifirst, set the scale of the statusbar to get the right height
00:19.17Aiithen, set the width based on that scale
00:19.20FelyzaThrae, I never go be what it says unless it passes EN-OTHER-EN
00:19.41ThraeFelyza: "Regeneration Potion" translates both ways for me.
00:19.57Felyzatalvinen, no, if I'm going to localize enough to read strings, I might was well localize it all, right?
00:19.57Aiianywho, afk for a bit
00:20.10`Zypherlua> 30/22
00:20.10lua_bot`Zypher: 1.3636363636364
00:20.19FelyzaAbsorbiert Schaden seems best for damage shield
00:21.10talvinentranslates to "absorbs damage"
00:22.16ThraeActually, it seems Google tries to differentiate between proper nouns and a phrase, so it's translating "Damage Shield" as "Damage Shield" too.
00:22.22talvinenthe german translation of ISHealBot is horrible, btw  ;)
00:22.31`ZypherAii: I was hoping to avoid that
00:22.34`Zypherbut it works :S
00:23.27Felyzatalvinen, that's why i'm trying to run these past you, to rely completely on google = really bad translation 90% of the time
00:23.31ThraeMaybe "Shield Of Damage"
00:24.04ThraeWait, which type of Damage Shield are we talking about?
00:24.51ThraeIn some mechanics, a Damage Shield absorbs damage and in some mechanics (namely, WoW) it does Damage.
00:25.04WobWork~x en de Regeneration
00:25.27WobWorkAlthough that's not actually indicative
00:25.36WobWorksince purl returns the input if she can't translate =)
00:25.46talvinenRegeneration is a german word, too
00:25.54Thraetalvinen is right.
00:26.07WobWorkso we can't tell by purl if she's translating or just failing =)
00:26.38WobWorkFelyza: I've found google translate to be fairly good the majority of the time
00:26.46ThraeThe main question is, in German, do they like to stick words together like "Damage Shield" instead of "Shield Of Damage"? I think the latter is more Romanic.
00:26.49Felyzahrm, snare = snare?
00:26.58WobWork" in German, do they like to stick words together"
00:27.17WobWorkGerman is the original "Stick Words Together" language =P
00:27.41Felyzato my knowledge, english follows germanic word order, not romantic for the most part
00:27.42ThraeWobWork: Yeah, I'm thinking it's the Germanic side of English that made Englisgh like that.
00:28.16ThraeFelyza: Like I said, you can google "snare" like I just did -- -- it's Dutch, hence Germanic
00:28.28WobWork~x de en Schifffahrtskapitänsmützenfabrikbesitzer
00:28.37talvinennot too bad
00:28.43WobWorkhehe out of cucumber error
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00:28.51Felyzatalvinen, private query coming in
00:28.51chrixianzypher: i understand now
00:29.35talvinenSchifffahrtskapitänsmützenfabrikbesitzer = owner of navy captain hat factory
00:29.45talvinenwhy use spaces? :P
00:30.02WobWorkMarine captain hat factory owner
00:30.20WobWorkpftwhoneedsspaces? =P
00:30.24Felyzatalvinen, mind taking a looksy over at pm? so i can get input on stuff?
00:30.27talvinensounds better *g
00:30.53WobWorkCome now, German is the source of some of the best words out there
00:31.10WobWorkSchadenfraude, for example
00:31.21WobWork(forgive my lack of special characters on this keyboard =P)
00:32.10WobWorkAlthough, Schifffahrtskapitänsmützenfabrikbesitzer would look utterly fantastic on a business card
00:32.16WobWork(if you could find one big enough)
00:36.38talvinenSchadenfraude? Is that an english word?
00:37.05WobWorkthere's no english equivalent
00:37.20talvinenit's Schadenfreude in german
00:37.38WobWorkaye, my spelling leaves a lot to be desired at times
00:38.12talvinenisn't gloating an equivalent?
00:38.33WobWorknot quite as specific though
00:38.43WobWorkbut cloes
00:40.16chrixianzypher: you could create your own statusbar template in your xml, and when you define the horizontalresizeimage make it the size you want and use textureScale to fit
00:43.25WobWorktalvinen: hämische Freude is apparently the translation for gloating
00:43.40talvinenwhich is close
00:44.03WobWorkI would say gloating involves more self satisfaction
00:44.06talvinenSchadenfreude specifically describes joy you feel for the mischief of others
00:44.32WobWorkMaybe Schadenfreude is more about the whole situation?
00:45.15talvinenIf you stumble and fall on your face, I might feel "Schadensfreude" for that special situation
00:46.15WobWorkI envisaged Schadenfreude to be like the enjoyment of someone getting their 'just desserts' so to speak
00:46.25WobWorkso, akin to gloating
00:46.42WobWorkbut possibly more detached =)
00:47.51Felyza6 more and i'm done with you talvinen, if you can handle that many more (it really is appreciated)
00:48.22talvinenWobWork: Didn't really understood the sentence O_o
00:48.40talvinenmaybe because I don't know the phrase 'just desserts'
00:49.16WobWorksomeone getting what would be suggested as what they deserved all along
00:49.31WobWorkie, a prideful person with their nose in the air, tripping over their feet
00:50.43talvinenYes, you would use Schadenfreude too
00:50.50talvinenmaybe to a bigger extend
00:52.01Felyzasomeone cross fingers for me to see if War loads unicode
00:54.11talvinenWobWork: I read something like this about Finnish some time ago
00:54.27talvinenJust let me translate the sentence
00:55.17FelyzaUnicode Little Endian = lots of errors on line 1
00:55.40Felyzabig endian = same thing
00:57.46talvinenWobWork: Finnish is a significant language. A finnish word can mean many thinks in german. Why waste time to say "commitee for the execution of negotiations over the suspension of armed animosities" if you could express it with a simple word like "aseleponeuvottelutoimikunta"?
01:00.09PenguinOfDoomarmistice negotiation committee
01:01.14talvinenI looked up half of the words ;)
01:04.10Felyzatalvinen, want to see if potions are working?
01:04.31FelyzaI haven't localized the userinterface yet, but potion reading should be good for german
01:05.10FelyzaI don't want to put on curse yet, so I don't have to deal with complaints if its not quite right yet
01:06.52talvinen23: attempt to index field "Settings" (nil value)
01:07.00talvinenAutobar.lua, that is
01:07.18Felyzado /script AutobarSettings.Defaults()
01:07.21Felyzathen reloadui
01:07.52Felyzaforgot about that ;)
01:09.03talvinenfirst thing
01:09.08talvinenall texts are in english
01:09.16Felyzayeah, i haven't changed that at all yet
01:09.22Felyzamy concern is it reading the potions
01:09.34talvinenI have a strength potion in my inventory
01:09.43talvineni enabled Strengh in the config window
01:10.03talvinenyet it won't show anything except the little dot that you can drag around
01:10.20Felyzagot any characters with healing or ap or other potions?
01:10.30talvinenI think my Sorc should have some, sec
01:11.19Felyzastrength potions use a special character, so i may need to work around that
01:12.06talvinenyou call it an umlaut ;)
01:12.20Felyzawasn'[t sure on spelling
01:13.22talvinensold all potions on my sorc
01:13.26talvinentrying another character
01:13.38Felyzareplaced all umlauts with [^%s]
01:15.16talvinenaction potions work
01:15.35talvinenI don't think I'll translate my addons. Online gamers should be able to read english, ffs.
01:15.47Felyzatalv, can you replace the getValuesDE function with ?
01:17.00Felyzasee if that fixes strength potions
01:20.00*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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01:20.32Felyzawell hmm
01:20.58Felyzarunning to go buy one and see if its working myelf in En
01:21.28talvinenlua> str = "Stärke" return str:match("St[^%s]rke")
01:21.28lua_bottalvinen: Stärke
01:21.50talvinendid you translate the wstrings to strings?
01:23.07talvinenlua> str = "Stärke" return string.find(str,"St[^%s]rke")
01:23.08lua_bottalvinen: 1, 6
01:24.46talvinen!api string.find
01:24.47lua_botDocumentation for 'string.find' can be found at
01:24.54Felyzalua> description = [[Erhöht Eure Stärke <<#:10[$d Minute/$d Minuten]>> lang um 80.]] iif     string.find(description, 'St[^%s]rke')               then print("Yes")end
01:24.55lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: '=' expected near 'string'
01:25.04Felyzalua> description = [[Erhöht Eure Stärke <<#:10[$d Minute/$d Minuten]>> lang um 80.]] if     string.find(description, 'St[^%s]rke')               then print("Yes")end
01:25.05lua_botFelyza: Yes
01:25.33Felyzalua> description = [[Erhöht Eure Stärke <<#:10[$d Minute/$d Minuten]>> lang um 80.]] if     string.find(description, 'Erh[^%s]ht Eure[^%d]+%d+[^%d]+lang um[^%d]+%d+.')               then print("Yes")end
01:25.34lua_botFelyza: Yes
01:25.47Felyzaboth patterns match
01:26.00Felyzathe one that narrows to stat buffs, then the one that says str
01:26.29Felyzai opened config, turned str on, hit apply then ok... it appeared
01:26.46Felyzait appeared when i hit apply
01:27.04talvinenjust playing around with d()
01:27.23talvinenit's ridiculusly hard to get that word
01:28.47talvinen./script str= "Starke" d(str:find("St.rke")) works
01:28.53talvinen./script str= "Stärke" d(str:find("St.rke")) does not
01:29.05talvinen".: (a dot) represents all characters."
01:29.51Felyzai see what you mean
01:30.14talvinenseems like you have to build a way around this
01:30.34Felyzaif you do a replace all and replace all [^%s] with . then does it work?
01:31.00talvinenit doesn't work with .
01:31.13talvinen./script str= "Stärke" d(str:find("St.rke")) returns nil
01:31.41talvinenBenutzen: Erhöht Eure Stärke 5 Minuten lang um 10.
01:31.48talvinenyou might look for "ht Eure St"
01:31.58talvinennot nice, but I don't know what else to do
01:32.12`ZypherAiiane: dance dance?
01:32.56talvinenwell, uhm
01:33.20talvinenthat doesn't work either
01:33.42talvinenDo strength potions work for you?
01:34.28Felyzaheh, replace them all with [^%d]+
01:35.21Felyzadon't ask me why
01:35.28Felyzabut it passes the stupid test in game
01:35.57talvinenit possibly interpretes the character as several?
01:36.44Felyzathey apparently count as several, some count as a space + character, others count as 2 characters, but none of them count as numbers
01:37.51FelyzaThe new pastey work?
01:37.56talvinenyet, the potion still won't work
01:39.05talvinenI get the same results
01:39.15talvinenbut the potion won't show up *g*
01:39.36Felyzatry turning off all of them, turn on the str potion, then hit apply
01:41.22talvinenthe error is somewhere else
01:41.48talvinenadded a d() before if string.find(description, 'St[^%d]+rke') then  and it won't get called
01:41.48Felyzaoh yay, i'm not properly destroying windows
01:42.13talvinenDo you use LibGUI's Destroy()?
01:42.27Felyzai don't use libgui, why do people keep asking
01:42.42talvinenbecause I can't keep track of who is, and who is not
01:43.00talvinenand some people asked questions about it
01:43.21talvinenanyway, the error might be in this line
01:43.22talvinenelseif string.find(description, 'Erh[^%d]+ht Eure[^%d]+%d+[^%d]+lang um[^%d]+%d+.') then
01:43.56Felyzathat needs []'s around the final %d
01:44.26talvinenany i guess it need's a + after the final .
01:44.37talvinenuhm, no
01:47.22Felyzasee if this works for you...
01:47.36Felyzaremoved periods, and a little looser on matching
01:48.14Felyzawow this is a pain, thank you for bearing with me
01:49.01talvinenyou know, something's totally broken
01:49.15talvinenjust replaced elseif string.find(description, 'Erh.*ht Eure.*lang um.*') then with elseif (true) then
01:49.26talvinenand it will not get called
01:50.40Felyzawell great
01:50.57Felyzabut ap potions are working?
01:51.00talvinenAutobar.getValuesDE does not get called <.<
01:51.04talvinenap potions are working
01:51.32Felyzahow can it not get called, but ap potions work
01:52.56talvinenwhen should the function be called?
01:54.12Felyzawhen updating
01:54.49*** join/#waruidev thanners_ (
01:55.06Felyzatalvinen, see private message
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02:05.11Repo10libgui: 03Aiiane * r20 LibGUI.lua: Correct a bug with :Destroy()
02:09.51`Zypherlua> 22/17
02:09.53lua_bot`Zypher: 1.2941176470588
02:10.07`Zypherlua> 17/22
02:10.08lua_bot`Zypher: 0.77272727272727
02:15.17FalAiiane, you around?
02:17.15Faljust had a question about charcter settings, but the mod maker responded
02:24.07talvinenAii, you mind approving xHUD 1.3?
02:32.48talvinenoh my god
02:32.52talvinenI got.. TICKETS
02:33.10WikkiFizzleWait till 1.0.5 patch.  We will all get tickets out the ass
02:39.50Aiianenot necessarily
02:39.56Aiianeremember, 1.0.5 is going on PTS first
02:42.25talvinen /script d("Good Night World")
02:44.23Felyzathe game loads UTF-8 fine, why on earth won't repo let me commit it
02:46.17*** join/#waruidev chrixian (
02:51.33Aiianehm, interesting Felyza... it borks on some utf-8 for me
02:52.39Aiianeit will load UTF-8 without BOM, but that's because that's basically identical to ANSI
02:52.55Aiianebut it'll still bork on any characters beyond the ANSI ones
02:53.06Aiianeand on the couple that are different between the two
02:55.16Felyzatesting to see what happens when i save in ansi, since it only has umlauts
02:55.28Felyzaits fine
02:55.31Felyzak, ansi it is
02:59.20Felyzak. ansi fails
03:00.10FelyzaAiiane, how bad is it to not include umlauts
03:00.52Aiianewhy not just get notepad++ and save it as UCS-2 :P
03:01.17Felyzawhy not just let us upload working files?
03:01.52Felyzanormal encoding (exact same as every other file I've uploaded) if it has an umlaut, comes up as an error
03:02.47Aiianeprobably because you were using UTF-8 files, but not actually UTF-8 specific characters?
03:03.04Aiianeand /some/ UTF-8 characters will break WAR
03:03.30FelyzaStärke is a word THEY use, and breaks SVN, not war
03:03.54Aiianebut the reason it breaks svn is because svn simply disallows all utf-8 for war
03:04.01Aiianebecause it doesn't know which utf-8 characters break war
03:04.03Aiianeand which don't
03:04.31Aiianepersonally I wish they weren't filtering encodings anyways
03:04.36Aiianeand I argued with them about it
03:04.44Aiianebut you can continue that argument with ckknight and Kaelten if you want
03:04.50AiianeI'm done with it
03:05.27Felyzackknight and Kaelten... I fully agree with Aiiane! You shouldn't filter encodings like you do, perfectly valid filetypes that work fine in war cough and sputter in SVN!
03:06.05Felyzatextpad only handles safe characters, things like japanese, I WOULD need notepad++ for
03:06.50Aiianebut not all utf-8 files are made with textpad :)
03:08.25Felyzagreat, a new svn error
03:09.01Aiianeand what might that error be
03:09.31FelyzaOk, this is popping up on 2 files that I didn't touch encodings on
03:09.51FelyzaPlease set the svn:eol-style property on the following files:
03:09.59Felyza(list of files)
03:09.59Aiianeso set the eol-style property
03:10.13Aiianeby editing the svn properties
03:10.58ThraeAiiane: Hmm just got a CTD after setting my overclocking settings back on (but no errors in the OS logs), so I'm going to try no overclock on the video card.
03:11.34AiianeFelyza: add this to the svn properties:
03:11.56Felyzaquestion is, why do i suddenly have to do this after never doing it before
03:12.00Aiianesome other info here:
03:12.22Aiianeprobably some change to the backend or some override got wiped
03:12.24Aiianeckknight: ?
03:13.16Repo10autobar: 03Felyza * r12 / (4 files in 1 directory): Trying to commit YET AN F'ING AGAIN.
03:13.17RepoGerman potions read
03:13.22RepoNo localization yet (and getting REALLY doubtful as to whether I will ever do it because of how Curse's SVN works)
03:13.30RepoFew bug fixes.
03:15.08Aiianebrb, fire drill :P
03:15.54PenguinOfDoomhurf, I fail at healing so hard
03:16.15PenguinOfDoomGetting outhealed by ze little noobies
03:16.17Repo10autobar: 03Felyza 04V2.2-Release * r13 :
03:16.19RepoSee head commit message, since nothing changed between updated head and tag for release, yet it now wants a commit message.
03:16.58FelyzaWhatever's been changed with the way SVN and Repo work REALLY F'ING SUCK
03:18.40Felyzagreat, failed to copy to branch, yet made the folder, which created an empty zip file..... WOOT GO REPO! HAVE ANOTHER DRINK!
03:19.02Felyzanow I have V2.2-Release twice
03:33.57Daegalusits why you dont use SVN, and just stick to HG :P
03:34.03FelyzaOn the upside, at least they immediately were updated on curse
03:34.04WobWork^ this
03:34.10WobWorksvn sucks
03:34.13WobWorkgo go hg
03:34.58Felyzaoh this is going to be fun
03:35.15Aiianejust fyi, the encoding checks at least also apply to Hg
03:35.16Felyzagoing to re-branch, download counter keeps going up on empty zip
03:35.51Repo10autobar: 03Felyza 04V2.2A-Release * r14 : Get this one!
03:35.58WobWorkset your repo type to beta/release temporarily
03:36.17WobWorkand don't tag til you get it working?
03:36.19Felyzait created two identical releases
03:36.26Felyzaone with files, one without
03:51.36ThraeOK, reboot, this time take away MB overclocking.
03:51.54ThraeMy Gunbad group is probably going to dump me though.
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04:04.52PenguinOfDoomremind me, in squared, how do I make it target everybody and update the LOS and buff/debuff indicators?
04:05.18PenguinOfDoomhm rune of cleaving
04:05.53PenguinOfDoomthat updates the little colored squares too, right?
04:05.56Aiianenot sure actually, I haven't paid attention
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04:06.57PenguinOfDoomwill it screw up horribly if I do that two times in a row?
04:08.37PenguinOfDoomalso, that's a very useful button
04:26.34Felyzafrench done, working on spanish, sigh
04:34.31thanners_whew, just read through the proposed 1.05 patch notes.
04:36.11NigelTufnelwhat is the date set for 1.05?
04:37.28Aiianenothing specific yet
04:40.18thannersDo you know how they're changing the targeting?
04:41.25Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r84 / (7 files in 3 directories): Likely 1.0.5. compat tweaks.
04:42.56Aiianethanners: probably by just nixing TargetPlayer()
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04:47.30thannersAiiane: think you mentioned that before, now I think on it.  Hmm, this would affect Squared, wouldn't it?
04:48.08Felyzaspanish done, on to italian
04:49.59Aiianeassuming the change is what I believe it to be, thanners, that last commit will make noone even notice the difference unless they're trying to use SquaredRangeScan
04:50.46Aiianethey'll notice the difference of hovercast being broken of course, but that's not Squared, that's hovercast
04:51.46thannersalso, i didn't even see the last repo announcement; ithink repo messages are just now too common :P
04:51.58thanners(actually I'm just not very perceptive)
05:10.50*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (
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05:10.58Andrew--Anyone know which file contains tooltip text?
05:11.06Andrew--Or rather
05:11.26Andrew--I'm trying to figure out what procs these epic 36 weapons have.
05:15.32xdthe tooltips dont list the procs
05:15.34Daegalusyou can find them on WHA, there is a topic on it, or you can wait till 1.0.5 where they fix the tooltips for proc items
05:15.57xdthe popular ones have comments on wardb that say what they do
05:17.48Andrew--Yeah, I've gotten the procs for most of them, but I'd like to know them all before I pick. :o
05:17.56Andrew--The text should be somewhere though, 'eh?
05:18.01Daegalusit isnt
05:18.03Daegalusthats the problem
05:18.05Daegalusunless you proc it
05:18.11Daegalusand look at which ability is granted
05:18.12Andrew--Well, its not displayed.
05:18.21Daegalusand get the tooltip for that
05:18.24Repo10huduf: 03Metaphaze * r25 / (14 files in 1 directory): Update a few bar settings, add 2 new Layouts:
05:18.25RepoSimpleBarsRedux, Minimal
05:18.53Daegalusno thats what im saying, Procs are nowhere in any file. they dont exist in any documentation of the abilities. Only way people find out is by actually procing the weapon after getting it
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05:25.23Aiianeso yeah... so far I'm rather underwhelmed by 1.0.5
05:26.10Repo10autobar: 03Felyza * r15 AutobarData.lua:
05:26.12RepoAdded support for reading Spanish, French, and Italian potions.
05:27.01Repo10autobar: 03Felyza 04V2.3-Release * r16 : See head revision changes.
05:27.50thannerswas hoping for more fixes?
05:28.02thannerswait. that grammar was terrible.
05:28.05FelyzaAlready put in lots of fixes when I put in German
05:28.16thannersYou were hoping for more fixes, Aiiane?
05:28.50thannersFelyza: heh, sorry, that was misdirected.
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05:33.37thannerswonder if they'll give us an option to lock our targets.
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05:45.16Andrew--These epic weapons have an entry in their bonus table with a type of 5
05:51.01Andrew--Which references an ability id, according to GameDefs..
05:51.07Aiianethanners: I was hoping for a lot of different things
05:51.17Aiianeand surprised by some things that I wasn't expecting
05:51.36Aiiane <-- I guess we'll see whether Mjb's post there actually is reflected in practice or not
05:55.51Felyzai like the line "but can we do it without all the drama please?"
05:56.54NigelTufnelaiiane, I just noticed the NoCombatLog thing you got up, did that help much for you?
05:57.08ThraeHow does one bring up the Scenario Party window when using addons like Squared?
05:57.18AiianeNigelTufnel: if the difference between CTDing every 30 minutes, and not CTDing at all, is "much", then sure
05:57.27AiianeThrae: there's a flag on the minimap
05:57.29Aiianeblack and silver
05:57.31Aiianeclick it
05:57.36NigelTufnelo well no shit...
05:57.38ThraeAh right, got it
05:57.55NigelTufnelthats insane aiiane, I like it
05:58.00NigelTufnelil give it a go
05:58.47NigelTufnelwhat could that possibly relate to like the 8800 and stuff though
06:03.48NigelTufnelso Aiiane, that cuts off all combat data functions even, EA_System_EventText.AddCombatEventText doesnt even get called anymore
06:04.13NigelTufnelso the choice is, use no combat log related anything, or have ctds =[
06:04.28Aiianehave you actually tried it?
06:04.35NigelTufnelya, I have it up
06:04.39NigelTufneland I havea hook on EA_System_EventText.AddCombatEventText
06:04.44Aiianewhat do you use that's combatlog related?
06:04.45NigelTufneland it appears to not be called
06:04.59NigelTufnelwell, i was just playin around iwth that, nothing "uses" it
06:05.12AiianeWORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT still fires
06:05.15AiianeWSCT still works
06:05.16NigelTufnelah ok
06:05.26NigelTufnelya I was playing in that area, not that specifically
06:05.30NigelTufnelbut ok, thats perfect then
06:05.30Aiianedo you have WSCT installed?
06:05.43NigelTufnelbut I have seen the code and know what you mean with the event
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06:18.22NigelTufnelhmmmm aiiane, Im not getting any pops on my WORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT function
06:18.36NigelTufnelwont call the function at all
06:19.08Aiianeum, are you sure there's not something else that got turned off then
06:19.19Aiianebecause that's how WSCT gets it, and my sct works fine, even with the combat log off
06:19.31NigelTufnelim peeking around
06:20.23NigelTufnelya... no calls to it, very odd, no idea what I am doin wrong here heh
06:20.40Aiianeworks fine for me - I get the messages printed when taking damage etc
06:21.21NigelTufnelok ya that worked
06:21.49NigelTufnelya I must just be doin soemthing wrong here, il figure it out
06:23.56Aiianeis it sad when I *just* went out the other day and bought snacks for late night munchies
06:24.04Aiianeand until just now I forgot I had them?
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06:29.50ThraeWell I couldn't go back into Gunbad, so I don't know if that area was causing the CTDs or not. No CTDs doing Scenarios or large Keep fights though after resetting my MB FSB/Voltage settings. Again, I wonder why Warhammer is the only game crashing, even with a less powerful graphics engine...
06:30.09NigelTufnelo shit aiiane, i think i see what happening, your addon disables uilogging too
06:30.19NigelTufneland I was testing my function through debug
06:30.30NigelTufnelim a fool
06:30.30Aiianeyeah, let me add a note for addon developers in the description
06:30.47NigelTufnelI thought i was just oging crazy
06:30.47AiianeI didn't have a note initially because for 99% of users they've never touched the uilog in their life
06:30.51Aiianebut I suppose I should
06:30.58NigelTufnelhaha ya
06:31.59NigelTufnelhaha ok there we go, a simple TextLogSetEnabled("UiLog", true) proved I was not insane
06:32.43ThraeNigelTufnel: You can turn it off and on from the debug window
06:33.13NigelTufnelwell ya true lol, I was just being thrown by it being turned off for me
06:33.19NigelTufneldidnt even think to check heh
06:36.28NigelTufnelif you have an objectID, can you get a name?
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06:42.56NigelTufnelif WORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT gives me an objectID, is there any way to get the name of the object whos ID was passed in this call?
06:44.57NigelTufnelis this not possible?
06:46.47Aiianeif you target someone, you can get the entityId of that target
06:46.51Aiianeand also the name
06:46.57Aiianeso you could build up a list of IDs there
06:47.24AiianeI believe entity ids change every time you zone, though (could be wrong on that however)
06:48.04NigelTufnelah ok, so from purely the data reported WORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT you cant get a name
06:48.26NigelTufnelI could check the combat log to extract a name, but that has to be disabled to prevent ctds =[
07:33.41*** join/#waruidev Lingy (
07:33.49LingyHi all
07:33.53LingyFirst time in IRC....
07:34.35Lingyshockbeta, u there?
07:35.02LingyHi Aiiane, I like your works
07:49.31Aiianeso um
07:49.36Aiianethe grovod caverns I was just in
07:49.49AiianeI'm pretty sure a white lion did more damage than all of the destro team combined
07:59.53Daegalusmy squig herder just dominated Morkain's Temple
08:00.03Daegalus48k dmg, 2nd place only had 30k
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08:03.24Aiianegod, I hate vnboards' quote system
08:03.38Aiianegives no indication whatsoever which part of a post is a quote and which part is a reply
08:06.52thannersAiiane: hmm, i thought maybe it was just the way w3m was formatting it for me. :P didn't realise it was like that all the time.
08:07.47Aiianetheir quote system has literally zero markings.
08:08.34Aiianethere aren't even div/span tags marking quotes in the page code
08:08.35thannerswell that's.. unhelpful.
08:08.43Aiianeso you couldn't even force your own stylesheet on them
08:08.51Aiianeit just doesn't even attempt to track what's a quote
08:09.32thannersI suppose that's why I see some people putting their own marks (sometimes) after things they've quoted.
08:09.59Aiianeoh, so I'm looking at the site support board for vnboards
08:10.04Aiianeand apparently if I'm reading this write
08:10.17Aiianethe ability to actually have quote marks around things is a subscriber feature.
08:10.22thannersBut yeah, I get this weird sense of de ja vu while reading sometimes, until I realise I'm reading a quote. :P
08:10.27thannersrofl, a subscriber feature?
08:10.39Aiianeseriously, what. the. hell.
08:12.26thannersthat's slightly.. silly.
08:12.55Aiianebasically, they only let subscribers use any markup codes
08:13.03Aiianeincluding, apparently, [quote]
08:14.11thannersWhile I'm definitely a fan of markup being used fairly sparingly.. that seems rather broken.
08:15.19AiianeI can understand not allowing formatting markup like text colors, bold/italic/etc
08:15.35Aiianebut quote is a core mechanic of discussion that allows people to actually understand what others are saying
08:15.46AiianeI literally cringe every time I go to read a large vnboards thread
08:15.55thannersyeah, pretty much.
08:15.59Aiianebecause it's impossible to tell who's replying to who without spending a minute analyzing each post
08:16.14thannersremoval of quote starts making it feel like they've removed punctuation and.. I dunno, paragraph breaks.
08:21.47DaegalusYa, VNBoards is outdated, its a system from teh stone age fo the internet. Its really stupid, its the reason i hate VNBoards, and the site looks like crap. Though, im on the staff, so i get free VIP :P
08:22.01Daegalusi dont do anything though
08:29.43`Zypherdance dance
08:31.16`ZypherAiiane: do you still play GW?
08:31.46Aiianenot really all that often
08:32.24`Zypherjust curious
08:32.47`ZypherAiiane: I just sat outside of mc.donalds for like an hour
08:33.13`ZypherI didn't have any money on me and I got to watch my friends eat food :S
08:35.11AiianeDaegalus: my mini-wall-of-text is at the bottom of this thread:
08:37.32Daegalusso true aiiane, so true
08:38.06`ZypherAiiane: I noticed this with my brother's shaman
08:39.31`Zypherit also seemed to me that, it was almost impossible to outheal my damage
08:43.16`Zypher-.- lol
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08:59.34`Zyphermmmm potatos?
09:00.20NigelTufnelIs there a way to directly get an icon id out of an ability id?
09:00.27NigelTufnelor any tables of established values?
09:00.45`Zypheris the PTS up?
09:02.26Aiiane(01:00:24) NigelTufnel: Is there a way to directly get an icon id out of an ability id?
09:02.33AiianeI think GetAbilityTable() might have icons listed
09:02.42NigelTufnelah ok, il take a look
09:02.50Aiianebut that's only your own abilities
09:03.03NigelTufnelah I see
09:03.33Aiianelocal texture, x, y = GetIconData( ability.iconNum )
09:03.43Aiianewhere 'ability' is an entry in the table returned from GetAbilityTable
09:03.58NigelTufnelok, so if I wanted to include abilities I dont have
09:04.03Aiianeor, sorry
09:04.06NigelTufnelthen I would need to compile a table
09:04.12Aiianeability is the result from GetAbilityData(abilityID)
09:04.25Aiianeability = GetAbilityData (abilityID)
09:04.35Aiianethen local texture, x, y = GetIconData( ability.iconNum )
09:04.37NigelTufnelwould that work for abilities the user doesnt have?
09:04.40Aiianeno idea
09:04.40Aiianetry it
09:04.44NigelTufnelya il give it a go
09:04.45Aiianeyou can look up an ability id on wardb
09:04.56NigelTufnelo ya? how ya do that
09:04.59Aiiane9236 is Healing Energy (archmage spell)
09:05.03Aiianejust find an ability on wardb
09:05.05Aiianeand in the url
09:05.09Aiianeit'll have id=#####
09:05.15NigelTufnelahhh yes ok
09:05.18Aiianethe numbers after the equal are the ability id
09:05.19NigelTufnelmakes sense
09:08.47NigelTufnelaiiane: works perfect for spells i DO have
09:08.51NigelTufnelgotta test it for others
09:09.09Aiianetry it for 9236 (Healing Energy) : P
09:09.13Aiianeunless you're an AM, that is
09:09.28NigelTufnelheh ya im RP, il give it a go in a sec
09:10.13`Zypherhas anyone tried using TargetInfo:UnitHealth() for player?
09:10.40NigelTufnelhmmm, im getting a NO ICON SET icon aiiane
09:10.44`Zypherwould that just return a percent?
09:10.52NigelTufnelI think compiling a table for them all may be the only way
09:11.45NigelTufnelya, getabilitydata is based on iff you have it
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09:18.33Aiianewhy would you do that `Zypher?
09:18.46`Zypherjust for funziez?
09:18.48Aiianeyou already have player health info in GameData.Player.hitPoints.current
09:19.02`ZypherI'm aware, but sometimes funziez are funziez
09:19.21`Zypherfor example
09:19.31`ZypherI'm about to install a new linux distro
09:19.34`Zypherjust for fun
09:19.42`Zyphereven tho I already have one setup
09:19.54NigelTufnelfor funziez I assume you mean
09:20.55`Zypherthis is what I said no?
09:21.04NigelTufnel`Zypher: just for fun
09:21.19`ZypherI can't find a suitable cd atm
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09:23.48`Zypherso I've never used arch
09:23.50`Zypheris it any good?
09:25.24DaegalusArch, hmm, its ok
09:25.29Daegalusnothing special really
09:25.39`Zypher8.10 benchmarks are dissapointing
09:25.50`Zypherthat is
09:26.00`Zypherso I figured a source distro would be a little better
09:26.19Aiianesleepytime, nini~
09:26.46Daegalusi dunno, last time i tried arch linux was ages ago
09:26.55Daegalusit seems to have aken a new approach from before
09:27.02Daegalusi might have to try it again
09:27.04`Zypherwe'll see
09:27.31`ZypherI found a disc
09:28.35Daegalusactually now that you remind me, i have to go update my  ubuntu to 8.10
09:28.56`Zypher8.10 is bad!
09:29.00`Zyphermuch slower then 7.10
09:29.08Daegalusill judge that for myself thank you
09:29.21`Zyphercheck the benchmarks!
09:29.27Aiianeoh, and
09:29.35Aiianenow g'nite ^^
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09:34.16Daegalushey `Zypher, what was hte link Aiiane posted before she left? something to vote on WHA?
09:46.21shockbeta15[01:28] Aiiane: 00vote!
09:59.04Daegalusthx shockbeta
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12:04.59Daegalus8.10 rocks
12:05.05Daegalusruns really well on my machine
12:05.08Daegalusfaster than 8.04
12:09.17`Zypherinteresting this is
12:09.22`Zypherglxgears for me
12:11.01Daegalusgo go compiz-fusion
12:11.08Daegalusi got glxgears inside my cube :D
12:11.28Daegalusim off to bed, night all
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13:34.28CowBookit saddens me when a mod author registers like a dozen /commands all starting with the same string instead of one, with arguments after it
13:34.33CowBookmaybe i shouldn't be sad
13:34.55CowBookit just makes me think that the kind of author who will do that will do other things that sadden me too
13:38.08*** join/#waruidev Lingy (
13:39.01LingyHello all
13:40.09LingyI ran into a little problem with my UI and just wondering is it possible to use IF statement to check if left control key is pressed?
13:46.42CowBookyou might be able to do something in a macro like:
13:47.05CowBook/script if (SystemData.ButtonFlags.CONTROL) then print "CTRL PRESSED" end
13:47.37CowBooki'm not sure exactly what SystemData.ButtonFlags.CONTROL returns, but ISHealBot uses it to see what meta keys are pressed
13:48.29CowBooklet me double check
13:50.09CowBookmaybe that's not it, i dunno
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13:52.33Lingyah ok thank you CowBook
13:52.45tronnedWhat's going on, peoples?
13:52.47LingyI will look at ISHealBot
13:53.00CowBookyeah it's not super straight-forward
13:53.09CowBookbut.. since it uses control-click as a defineable ability
13:53.26Lingygoing to download the addon first
13:53.40CowBookyou'll know if you have control held down if the spell you bind to ctrl-click fires off when you click the squared unitframe without ctrl held down :D
13:54.12LingyI think that's exactly what i want
13:54.14CowBooktronned: thx for SquaredHotIndicators, works great
13:54.17Lingybut of coz not use in casting spell
13:54.27CowBooktoo bad it can't auto-disable SquaredBuffIndicators though
13:54.34tronnedCowBook: That wasn't me
13:54.39CowBookhmmn, ok
13:54.47CowBookoh right it was talvinen
13:54.51CowBooktoo many names
13:55.08CowBookwell, i'm sure i use one of your addons, or am going to use one at some point
13:55.11CowBookso thanks for that :P
13:55.12tronned<- Moth, IdentityTheft ... that's all I've contributed
13:55.20CowBookright, i want to use moth
13:55.29CowBooki just haven't tried yet because i didn't know how finished it was
13:55.35CowBookit's been off my radar
13:55.37tronnedIf you use Moth, God saves a kitten in your name
13:56.00tronnedMoth works as intended, it's just missing slash commands/GUI config is all
13:56.13CowBookso how do you configure it now?
13:56.21CowBookby manually hacking at lua?
13:56.22tronnedmanually, by editing the lua
13:56.28CowBookgotcha. i'll wait
13:56.33tronnedall down and dirty and what not, lol
13:56.52tronnedwell, i put in really descriptive comments though in the MothProfiles.lua ;)
13:56.57CowBooki'm sure
13:57.06tronnedbut yes, a GUI or slash config is warranted
13:57.10CowBooki just only have a few days a week to play, i try to actually play
13:57.28tronnedYou and me both, I just hit R25 yesterday, and R22 last night.
13:57.44tronnedThe novelty of fast leveling wore off on me in closed beta
13:57.53CowBookthe way you say that confuses me
13:57.56CowBookR25/22 ?
13:58.01tronneder, RR22
13:58.05tronnedR25 / RR22
13:58.12tronnedtyping too fast
13:58.15CowBooki'm like R18/14 or something
13:58.29CowBookof course i have a R20 as well but he bores me a little
13:58.48CowBookso, yesterday, i logged in to find my character TRAPPED in the viper pit
13:59.15CowBookwhen you click on the door to leave, it says something like "Only guild officers of a rank 16 or higher guild may enter this room"
13:59.32CowBookwhat they meant, of course, was "Only guild officers of a rank 16 or higher guild may USE THIS DOOR"
13:59.42CowBookwe had to hearth out :P
14:00.21tronnedMy cultivating alt gets told, every time she logs in, that she cannot access the guild vault (even though she is a co-guild leader)
14:00.29tronnedonce i do a /reloadui, it works again
14:00.48CowBooki get that too
14:01.10CowBookif you open the guild window and close it, then access the vault it works
14:01.24CowBookyou *might* have to go to a specific panel in there, i can't remember
14:01.28tronnedThere was also the times, when things would just disappear from the vault, because if you tried to transfer when your bag was full (or close to full) it would just go *poof*
14:01.28CowBookbut it does fix it
14:01.43tronnedGood times.  Good times.
14:09.27tronnedNoctys: You around?
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14:23.27LingyAnyone know how does sorting a table of data work?
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14:53.28sysragei honestly think i might give my left testicle to have them fix the desync between where the client thinks people are and where they actually are
14:54.02sysragei'm so tired of chasing after somebody, it showing them right at my feet, spamming my attacks, and they're really 20 feet ahead of me
14:54.45sysragemade so much worse by the attack animations actually firing off so until i look up and see the 'too far away' message i think i'm actually hitting them
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15:49.57Noctystronned: I am now!
15:54.16tronnedNoctys: see PM ;)
15:54.37`ZypherI can't sleep
15:55.33tronnedMe either.
15:55.38tronnedMust be this thing they call "work".
15:58.00`Zypherim just sitting here
15:58.05`Zypherdoing jack diddly
16:07.40tronnedWho is Jack Diddly?  Did he at least buy you dinner?
16:09.05`Zyphertronned: yes, dinner and a movie
16:09.19tronnedHe sounds dreamy...
16:09.52`Zypheroh yes
16:12.46Aii~lart tronned
16:12.46purlexecutes killall -KILL tronned
16:13.44`ZypherAii: morning!
16:14.03`Zypherit looks like someone pushed a fix for WAR on wine
16:14.03`Zypherso im excited to try it out!
16:16.55`Zypherno comment?
16:17.40CowBookcomment: if it's any slower than when i play it on windows natively, i'm sure it'll be a win!
16:17.53CowBooknot to mention memory consumption
16:18.20`Zypher4gb ram
16:18.23`Zyphershould be ok
16:18.37CowBookyeah, if you're running the game natively in XP :P
16:19.34NoctysI'm trying to decide if I have 4 or 8gigs at home.  My test platform (at work) only has 4gp and runs ok on Vista x64
16:19.47NoctysWith everything turned off of course
16:24.45LingyHi guys, just wondering how does setting handle in Addon? How does the SavedVariables.lua created?
16:30.38`ZypherLingy: oh sorry hi
16:31.01`Zypherfor example
16:31.09`Zypherlets say your addon is named
16:31.18`Zypherin MyAddon.mod
16:31.27`Zypheryou have flags for OnUpdate
16:31.42`Zypherwell you can also define <SavedVariables>
16:31.58`Zypher<SavedVariables name="MyAddonSave" />
16:32.38`Zypherthen assuming MyAddonSave = {}
16:32.42`Zypherwhatever you put there
16:32.44`Zyphershould be saved
16:33.10`ZypherMyAddonSave = {enabled = true)
16:33.12Lingythat's pretty straight forward
16:33.15`ZypherMyAddonSave = {enabled = true}
16:33.23`Zypherit isn't too complicated
16:33.44Lingyhave been looking Squared and wonder how they save it
16:33.49LingyI only looked at the LUA file tho
16:33.56Lingyno wonder, the trick is at mod file
16:34.13Aiiwell, plus Squared is a little tricky in that regard.
16:35.03Lingyanother question, is it possible to use if statement to check if Control key is pressed?
16:35.24Aiionly when handling a mouseclick event.
16:35.32Aiiyou can't arbitrarily check if it's pressed.
16:35.55Lingyhow about mouseover event?
16:36.31`Zypheryou could play with
16:36.51`ZypherI don't know exactly what it works with
16:38.01Lingyok will try that thank you guys!
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16:56.52Lingylater all, bed time for me
16:57.16Noctys~seen beablebrox42
16:57.18purlNoctys: i haven't seen 'beablebrox42'
16:57.25Noctys~seen beeblebrox42
16:57.25purlbeeblebrox42 <n=Beeblebr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #waruidev, 7d 11h 56m 37s ago, saying: 'If you have enough then you'll be in the same mind set as the Mythic developer and it will all make sense.'.
17:03.39NoctysNobody has figured out a way to store Wide-Strings as table keys yet correct?
17:04.38*** join/#waruidev skoli (n=natorx@
17:08.59CowBookcan you convert them to string first, then use them?
17:09.41*** join/#waruidev shockbeta|work (n=shockbet@
17:09.52`ZypherAii: I have yet to get a good burn on this stupid cd
17:09.58NoctysThat would be nice, that is what I am doing now.
17:10.01CowBookthat page says that nearly anything can be used as a key
17:10.16NoctysIt doesn't work though.
17:10.50CowBooklua> t = { [function(x) print(x) end] = "foo" } for key,value in pairs(t) do key(value) end
17:10.51lua_botCowBook: foo
17:10.52NoctysFor LTI to be usuable by non-english clients it needs to store names & what-not as wstrings.
17:10.55CowBookheh, that's cool
17:11.38CowBookyou see the syntax?
17:11.53CowBookt = { [...] = "foo" }
17:11.56CowBookthe square brackets?
17:12.09CowBookdo you need that?
17:12.16Noctyslua> t= {[L"what the"] = "this"} print t
17:12.16lua_botNoctys: luabot:1: '=' expected near 't'
17:12.23`Zypher[] = while right?
17:12.30Aiiyou can use wstrings as table keys CowBook
17:12.33CowBooki don't know that the bot understands wide strings
17:12.37Aiiyou just can't save them in SavedVariables
17:12.50NoctysOK... That's what the issue is.
17:12.56CowBookwell, there you go
17:12.58NoctysHave we found a way around this yet?
17:13.01`Zypherlua> t = { ["TEST"] = true, } print(t)
17:13.02lua_bot`Zypher: table: 0x80980d8
17:13.03CowBookAii, can you clone yourself into a bot?
17:13.07Aiidon't use wstrings as keys in your savedvariables, Noctys ?
17:13.16CowBookso we don't have to wait for you to be here to answer every question?
17:13.39`Zypheror you could just look
17:13.47`Zyphershe has access to the same info we do :P
17:14.09NoctysI'm just trying to make LTI universal... Right now it saves players names as keys, after converting them to a string.
17:14.30NoctysThis could lead to issues on non-english clients
17:14.40`Zypherwho cares about those losers!
17:14.46CowBookare you even aware of the testing it would take to realize that while you CAN use wide strings as table keys, you can't use them in savedvariables? it would be pretty easy to not quite understand it
17:15.21CowBookNoctys, you could always save things in a less efficient way
17:16.01Aiiinstead of storing 1 table of info indexed by character names
17:16.02NoctysIf you I don't use their name as a key, then I have to do a search of every player that has been seen every time a player is targettted.
17:16.04CowBooklike .. t = {  [0] = { name = L"PlayerName", data = ..., etc } }
17:16.15Aiistore two tables - a list of names, and a list of info with the same indices
17:16.30Aiithen when you load the addon
17:16.40CowBookeither way, there are plenty of ways to not have to use the playername as a key
17:16.45Aiiyou build a third table - one with names as keys, and numbers as indices
17:16.49Aiier, numbers as values
17:17.18Aiiwhen you find a new name, you add it to all 3 tables
17:17.21NoctysThat works
17:17.33Noctyspain in the ass to program, but it works
17:17.49Aiinot really much of a pain actually
17:18.12NoctysI should reword that, pain in the ass to reprogram.
17:18.17Aiifor k,v in ipairs(savedNames) do nameLookup[v] = k end
17:18.35`ZypherAii: why are you on Aii ?
17:18.41Aiiyou can do it with some smart Search and Replace, Noctys
17:18.47Aii`Zypher: because I'm at work?
17:18.56`Zypheroh k
17:20.34NoctysThanks for the help CowBook & Aii...  I am going to drink some coffee and then get to work on it.
17:20.42CowBookhave fun! :D
17:20.58Aiii want a merc stealth... but i dont want to pay $90 for it :S
17:21.14CowBookmerc stealth?
17:21.40WikkiFizzleif it was a natural keyboard I would have given it a try :/
17:22.11CowBooki have an original G15, works good
17:23.13CowBooki really have no problems with WASD
17:23.16`ZypherAii: that is an interesting
17:23.51`Zypherand what's wrong with wasd, or esdf?
17:24.26WikkiFizzleasdf > both of those :P
17:24.39`Zypherthat's just wierd mate
17:25.15AiiCowBook: I have a G11
17:26.16Aiiis it silly of me if, in addition to a couple of other things, one of the bits I liked about the merc stealth was that it can glow purple? >.>
17:26.23Aiimy g11 can only glow blue v.v
17:26.24CowBooki just have the feeling that i wouldn't want to move my hand over to the left that far (for the merc)
17:26.30CowBookmine is blue too
17:26.34`ZypherAii: no, its normal
17:26.37CowBookit's an original G15
17:26.49`Zypherok this link is nsfww
17:26.51`Zypherok this link is nsfw*
17:26.56CowBooksweet hook it up
17:27.16CowBookredirects to
17:27.16`Zypherim just wondering why that is under HDTV/Widescreen
17:27.22`Zypherlol sucks
17:27.41`ZypherI figured it out
17:27.42`Zypherim stupid
17:31.03`ZypherAii: why purple?
17:31.18Aiibecause I like purple o.o
17:31.38`Zypheri see
17:31.41WikkiFizzlemy wife is the same way
17:31.54`Zypherthe difference is almost indistinguishable to me
17:31.58`Zypherblue & purple
17:31.59WikkiFizzleIt could be a 2 button keyboard but its purple so its what she wants!
17:32.52AiiWikkiFizzle: a 2-button keyboard? ooo, I can use that for my warlock in WoW raids
17:34.16WikkiFizzleCoS and SB? :P
17:34.35`Zypherso is anyone here going to try The Cronicles of the Spellborn?
17:34.47Aiiit's not CoS anymore, they removed that
17:35.09WikkiFizzleCoSomething + SB? :P
17:35.23Aiithey made CoE just affect all spell schools
17:35.29WikkiFizzleIts been a whie since I played my lock
17:35.38Aiiand actually now it'd be CoE + Immolation + Incinerate
17:36.01`Zypher3 buttons
17:36.08`Zypherso you can use one as a modifier
17:36.19`Zypherso when both are pressed you can cast incinerate!
17:36.51`ZypherTCoS's starting zones are F2P
17:37.00`Zypherso you can try the game without buying it
17:39.42NoctysAii: Would you like to rewrite my code for me...  It's making my brain hurt.  :(
17:40.55Aiinono `Zypher
17:40.59Aiiyou still only need 2 buttons
17:41.07Aiileft = immolation
17:41.10Aiiright = incinerate
17:41.15Aiiboth at once = coe
17:54.12FelyzaAii, I wonder if this helps... I've had requests to localize, so put this in my project description...
17:54.15FelyzaUser interface is not yet localized, and until ckknight or Kaelten (who have say over the way curse accepts files) allow for easier submitting of files (they filter to very specific, obscure types, when the game allows other, more common types) with special characters, I will not be translating the interface anytime soon. If you'd like a localized interface sooner, please contact them and request adding UTF-8 to allowed encodings.
17:54.38NoctysAii or CowBook -- or anyone else: Is there an auto-increment feature for tables in lua?
17:54.41ckknightI thought WAR didn't support UTF-8
17:54.51ckknightNoctys: auto-increment?
17:54.54FelyzaI can load UTF-8 fine
17:55.00ckknightNoctys: best you can do is t[#t+1] = "blah"
17:55.15FelyzaI tested a bunch of characters, and it loads fine for spanish, german, french, and italian special characters
17:55.20ckknightFelyza: and it shows up in game fine?
17:55.30ckknightthen who was saying that it didn't load properly?
17:55.36FelyzaWhen I tested really obscure ones, it coughed and sputtered
17:55.52FelyzaSo SOME characters will break it, but not normal ones
17:56.20FelyzaWhen I tried Unicode or Unicode Big Endian, those don't work at all
17:56.48FelyzaANSI with umlauts works fine in war, but is also rejected by the repo
17:57.12Noctystronned or Felyza: Was it one of you asking me earlier about storing player names as a key?
17:57.18FelyzaANSI that stays in the ascii range is accepted though
17:57.24Felyzanot me
17:57.44NoctysHmmm... Must have been tronned... Or someone else.  
17:59.13*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
17:59.18ckknightFelyza: wait, so UTF-8 or ANSI?
17:59.49Felyzackknight, since war handles utf-8 and ansi above the ascii range, would be nice to see them added to allowed encodings (don't add unicode le or be, it breaks always, even on ascii range only), and only if really oddball characters are added will it break, which will leave it up to us to test. if the special characters are anywhere in the file, it breaks, so its really easy for us to test
18:00.09ckknightutf-8 and ansi are very different
18:00.22Felyzai know this, and both work fine in war
18:00.24ckknightare you sure ucs-2-le doesn't work?
18:00.33tronnedNoctys: Not I, said the fly
18:00.59NoctysMabye Beablebrox.
18:01.05NoctysOh well.
18:01.25Felyzai haven't gone and downloaded notepad++, i tried utfcalc which is supposed to convert utf-8 to ucs-2, but it broke in war after ucs-2 conversion, but i don't know if its ucs-2-le or be
18:03.48Felyzamy normal editor supports dos, linux, mac line endings, and ansi, utf8, unicode, and unicode big endian encodings, and the characters that break in war show up as 'no character' boxes... it only supports 'germanic and romance' language range of characters, which doesn't break war in utf-8 and ansi
18:05.33Felyzaall unicode (be or le) gives errors on line 1, indicating it doesn't load right, and if i try putting in funky mathematical symbols, korean, hebrew, etc in notepad that breaks in utf-8 and ansi as well also with 'line 1 errors'
18:07.08Felyzahere's a quick and easy test... the word Stärke
18:07.41Felyzaits used as Strength in German, put it in an ansi and utf-8, so that it prints in debug, and it loads and prints fine in those formats
18:15.32Felyzafile encoding ANSI, line [[function Autobar.test() d("ç größerer Stapel") end]] in game /script Autobar.text() prints correctly
18:16.54Felyzaencoding UTF-8 loads correctly, prints incorrectly on ç and ß but fine on ö
18:17.37FelyzaUnicode does not load
18:18.20FelyzaUnicode big endian does not load
18:19.10Felyzaattempting to save in ascii breaks the characters at save, no point attempting to load in game
18:24.17Aiiremind me ckknight why you can't just turn off encoding-checking for WAR
18:25.24NoctysCowBook, Aii, anyone:  Need some help with getting this tripple table thing working.  I understand the base concept behind it. But I am not really sure on the most effecient way of doing it. It's the table key for the table that stores the wstring names that is throwing me off.
18:25.37FelyzaI mean, we can tag and branch code that passes repo, but causes the game to crash, become unreponsive, or even empty zips. Encodings aren't any different.
18:27.31FelyzaReally easy to see what can be used for most UI aspects, install the age of reckoning font.
18:28.37FelyzaIf you want, I can even take the time to write out every unicode of the available characters
18:29.17FelyzaAh, they use a different than standard unicode number for ç
18:30.54FelyzaAs per what's allowed in non-latin character sets, they have fonts for japanese, korean, russian, and both chinese, which would allow us to know we are using the right ones by only using theirs when working on localization
18:35.18Felyzaha, interface/interfacecore/fonts/english/corefonts.xml covers germanic and romance languages, switch english for russian, japanese, korean, s_chinese, or t_chinese for other languages, you get a list of which fonts are used, you can open those fonts to see what characters are allowable
18:35.21Aiiyou have three tables, A, B, and C
18:35.26Aiito add a player
18:35.34Aiiyou table.insert(A, playerName)
18:36.01Aiilocal playerName = #A
18:36.08Aii(so that you have the index of playerName in A
18:36.23Aiilocal playerNum
18:36.24Aiisorry :P
18:36.33AiiB[playerName] = playerNum
18:36.48Aiiso you can easily look up the playerNum from the name for this session
18:36.50Aiiand finally
18:37.01AiiC[playerNum] = data_on_player
18:37.11Aiithen, when you want to look up a player's data
18:37.19Aiiyou do C[B[playerName]]
18:37.26Aiisince B[playerName] has the right number
18:37.31FelyzaReally silly question, but is there any way to prevent afk while UI modding other than switching back all the time?
18:37.35Aiiand C[number] has the right data
18:37.46Aiias for what you're saving
18:37.49Aiiyou save tables A and C
18:37.56Aiibut not B (since it has wstring keys)
18:38.00Aiithen, when you load up
18:38.03Aiiyou create table B
18:38.10Aiiwith the following simple code:
18:38.30AiiB = {} for k,v in ipairs(A) do B[v] = k end
18:39.24NoctysI think I got all that. I'll give it a try.  What does #A do?   --- Thanks, have to go do an interview.
18:40.12*** join/#waruidev smcn (
18:40.15*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
18:40.16Aii#A is the number of numbered indices in A
18:40.19Aiistarting from 1
18:40.36Aiilua> A = {"x", "y", "z"} print(#A)
18:40.36lua_botAii: 3
18:40.59Aiilua> A = {["a"]="x", ["b"]="y"} print(#A)
18:40.59lua_botAii: 0
18:41.09Aiilua> A = {["a"]="x", ["b"]="y", [1]="z"} print(#A)
18:41.09lua_botAii: 1
18:41.19Aiilua> A = {["a"]="x", ["b"]="y", [1]="z", [5]="q"} print(#A)
18:41.19lua_botAii: 1
18:41.26*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
18:41.45Felyzai really like how it handles mix modes, and will iterate only from 1 to the last numerically incremental...
18:51.51Aiithat's a function of how data structures are implemented.
18:53.27NoctysSweet, that makes it easy
19:04.12NoctysAii: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I only need 1 stored table with a number key and all that data in it (including the w-string name) and then just bring that out into the temp table and swap the key and the wstring name.
19:05.18Aiiyou could build B from the data table if you wanted
19:05.58Aiihaving a separate table just lets you use the number as a key for more than one table and have them be independent
19:06.28Aiii.e. you could have an entry in a different table and /not/ have an entry in your first data table, for a given thing
19:20.27FelyzaAii, any idea where in the interface to find up and down arrow buttons?
19:21.05FelyzaTrying to use the + and - buttons from the map, but they get REALLY hard to read at small size, scroll bar end caps are the same... i need up and down buttons.
19:23.25shockbeta|workDon't the combobox have a down button?
19:23.32shockbeta|workdoesn't help for the up though...
19:23.59Aiithe combobox down is the same as the scrollbar endcap
19:24.03Felyzaif i could rotate the texture of the button, or the button itself, there's left and right buttons that would work
19:24.10FelyzaAii, it isn't, exactly
19:24.16Aiinearly is
19:24.23NoctysCould someone take a look at this code. It has to do with what Aii and I were talking about earlier.  Just see if it is the best way to do it:
19:24.34FelyzaBlack background with all 'highlight color' button
19:26.52shockbeta|workinterface\default\eatemplate_defaultwindowskin\textures\ea_shared01_32b has some arrows on it you coul dmake your own by latyering dynamic images...
19:32.27shockbeta|workYou could also use the one of th stat arrows and set texdim on it to be negative to flip the arrow to point down.
19:34.30Felyzashockbeta|work, using that dds file, and the defaultskintextures.xml, i found slice id's for those arrows, going to see how they look now
19:35.25shockbeta|workC:\WarDev\MYP Data\interface\default\ea_interactionwindow\textures\ea_training01_d5 has some nice bif fat arrows on it. they point down, but if you use texdims you can flip the direction I beleive....
19:35.44shockbeta|workAnd if you can't, you can always use dynamiccircleimage and rotate it so it's flipped...
19:36.08shockbeta|workfor that matter you could use anything and as long as it's square you could apply it to a circle image and rotate it any direction you want....
19:37.27shockbeta|workfound some white down and up arrows.. kinda small, but white is usualyl best to tint whatever color you want..
19:37.39shockbeta|workoh wait legacy textures.. probably can't access in game...
19:39.21Felyzai think i'll just redesign layout a bit
19:43.44NoctysAnyone here when the test server is going to available?
19:44.02shockbeta|workI hope to be there not here when it does:p
19:44.11shockbeta|workj/k I haven't heard anything yet
19:45.33NoctysThey should have a mod-server that is also a test server -- where we can generate things to test on.
19:46.32*** join/#waruidev smcn (
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19:49.07NoctysAii:  do you agree with this statement?:  Yeah, you can check with Aiiane, but if a function has nothing to return, it should just return false (imo)
19:49.31shockbeta|workI don't agree:p
19:49.55shockbeta|workfalse insinuates a fail... or somethign didn't work right. do depends on the context of the function
19:50.56shockbeta|workI generally return nil from functions that want to return any type of variable that didn't get set properly.. only time I return false is when I'm expecting a boolean from a function...
19:51.08shockbeta|workif I never expect a return type I don't return anything..
19:52.42Aiiif a function "has nothing to return", it should return nil.
19:52.59Aiithat's the general case.
19:53.09Aiithere are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part it holds true.
19:53.21NoctysWhat about if you are searching for a player career.  If the career is not found retunr False, "Unknown" or nil?
19:53.29shockbeta|worknil I say
19:53.42Noctystronned also says nil
19:53.55shockbeta|workthen can check career = GetCareer; if(career ~= nil)
19:54.27NoctysThe only issue with nil is that if the programmer isn't expecting nil it can break things.
19:54.36shockbeta|worknil is great, cause it works for all variable types... so it makes all your error cehcking work across the board:)
19:55.08shockbeta|workWell.. a programmer should always be checking for nil... unless they've never used pointers before...
19:55.18Felyzahow to make a combobox smaller
19:55.24shockbeta|workuse a different one
19:55.32Noctysnil it is
19:55.36shockbeta|workyou using defaultresizable?
19:55.50shockbeta|workappend Small to the end or Tiny
19:55.52NoctysFelyza: your using libGUI???
19:55.55Felyza<ComboBox name="$parentCombo" inherits="CoreDefaultComboBox" layer="secondary">
19:56.01shockbeta|workoh.. hmmm
19:56.06Felyzano, no, no and again, NO, i don't use libgui
19:56.40Felyzai get asked about 30 times a day
19:57.01NoctysI just can never remember who is uisng what.  :P
19:57.32shockbeta|workmaybe try this one.. EA_ComboBox_DefaultResizableSmall
19:58.28shockbeta|worklooked like core was 300... EA_ComboBox_DefaultResizable is around 250, small is 125, adn tiny is 75
19:58.30Felyzathanks, shock, that worked
19:59.02shockbeta|workand with that I'm taking lunch:p bb;
19:59.54NoctysI need a mod for my IRC client that lets me add notes to users
20:01.07AiiHmm, remind me to add Small/Tiny support to libgui shockbeta|work
20:02.13Aiilunchtime, bbiab
20:05.42NoctysAii: Another thing that would be nice in libGUI -- For checkboxes and dropdown lists allow us to assign a variable to it that it automaticly updates when that box changes
20:08.21Aiianeunfortunately until they fix not being able to programmatically register the elementtype-specific event handlers, that won't happen
20:08.37Aiiane(i.e. OnSelChanged, OnScroll, etc)
20:09.00AiianeWindowRegisterCoreEventHandler simply doesn't work for those
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20:18.45FelyzaSigh, I cant resize the resizable comboboxes... and I need a width right between normal and small
20:19.21NoctysFelyza: your using libGUI???     j/k  :p
20:19.35NoctysHave you tried setting it manually
20:19.37Noctysthe size?
20:19.54Felyzain both xml, and trying to force it via WindowSetDimensions
20:19.56NoctyslibGUI set the size numaricly
20:20.12NoctysNot sure how... I tried to find it in there
20:21.45Aiianelibgui doesn't resize comboboxes...
20:28.14NoctysMust be seeing thing wrong. Sorry
20:28.28FelyzaAny idea how to do it? Other than making the entire combobox from the ground up?
20:29.57AiianeFelyza: there isn't one that I know of
20:30.45FelyzaI could make the config window bigger, but its already huge on minimum resolution
20:30.56FelyzaI use same size as the user settings window
20:33.46Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r85 SquaredConfigurator (4 files in 1 directory): Function call logging is the bane of my existence.
20:36.13Thunder_Childand here we thought some of us in this channel were the bane of your existence Aiiane
20:45.32Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r86 / (2 files in 1 directory): 2.6.3 - Performance tweaking and 1.0.5 compat changes.
20:49.38Aiianeckknight: ping
20:49.45ckknightAiiane: pong
20:50.00Aiiane(10:24:20) Aii: remind me ckknight why you can't just turn off encoding-checking for WAR
20:50.10ckknightwe could...
20:50.16ckknightwhat I want to know before anything else occurs, though
20:50.22ckknightwhy the hell has this been so confusing?
20:50.44AiianeIt's not confusing to me, it's just stupid.
20:50.45ckknightfirst I was told that UTF-8 was bad but UCS-2-le was good
20:50.52ckknightnow that's bad
20:50.55ckknightbut UTF-8 is good
20:50.58ckknightor ANSI
20:51.00ckknightso what is it?
20:51.04Aiianeucs-2-le is still good
20:51.11Aiianeso I have no idea who's telling you it's not
20:51.33Aiianebut seriously, why bother in the first place? just turn the damn thing off
20:51.45ckknightI'd rather have it be correct.
20:51.45Aiianeit's not offering any significant benefits and it's causing a hell of a lot of annoyance
20:51.51AiianeI'd rather have it WORK
20:51.54ckknightso what encodings are accepted?
20:52.00Aiianebut failing that, I'll take nothing over NOT WORKING
20:52.09ckknightcalm down
20:52.17ckknightwhat encodings are accepted?
20:52.22AiianeI can't tell you exactly and specifically 100% without a doubt which encodings work
20:52.25Aiianeso turn the darn thing off
20:52.33ckknightif I get a definitive list, I'll be happy to change it
20:52.43Aiianeand if you never get such a list, we can all just rot in hell?
20:53.15ckknightdoes UCS-2-le and latin-1 seem right?
20:53.22ckknightcause that's what I had before, but charon changed it
20:53.35Aiianeseems right yes, but I can't say for 100%
20:53.42Aiianewhy did charon change it
20:54.05AiianeIt was fine before, absolutely no one was complaining who actually had any interest
20:54.48*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
20:54.49*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
20:54.57ckknightI don't know, it's been confusing for me
20:55.19Aiianethen would you please tell charon to stop fscking with anything WAR specific
20:55.27ckknightand it's changed now
20:55.38ckknightalright, I'll tell him
20:55.41Repo10blackbox: 03Aiiane * r9 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.3 for changeset cff9e596ca48
20:55.47RepoMove OnUpdate handler to .mod file, because of bad behavior by RegisterEventHandler. /sigh
20:56.07*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=tronned@
21:01.58Aiianeback to work with me
21:02.16Aiianeand yes I'm slightly grumpy because waking up 4 hours earlier than normal makes me tired.
21:09.00tronnedI don't want to leave work :(
21:09.11*** join/#waruidev chrixian (
21:17.37*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
21:19.27`ZypherAiiane: bah
21:20.25Aii @ talvinen
21:22.06talvinenhrm, text colors
21:22.28talvinenits somewere down on the list
21:23.24`Zypherlists r fun
21:24.53talvinenthe more important question is why people keep getting excessive bugs with a clean install of xHUD
21:30.04shockbeta|workFelyza: did you ever figure out how to resize the comboboxes?
21:30.28shockbeta|workI haven't tried this but I have an idea that may work for you
21:31.37talvinenAii said, resizing comboboxes sucks
21:32.05shockbeta|workyeah you have to make a new definitions for all teh pieces I think
21:33.50talvinentell me if you succeeded ;)
21:34.16shockbeta|workbut I think you only have to make two new defintions possibly... I can't test it cause I'm at work, but I can write it in a pastey:p
21:35.15WikkiFizzleResizing them does suck due to the layout of the elements that make them up
21:35.51WikkiFizzleI came up with 3 diff. sizes I liked for Aura and just templated each one
21:35.59shockbeta|workI think you only need to make a new selected button, and a new combbox that uses that button, then everythign else fits in palce
21:36.12*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
21:36.41shockbeta|workand I think you can inherit the pervious ones, and just change the size in teh template for the buttons, but the combobox needs it's own template that uses those new buttons
21:36.46WikkiFizzleThe overlaysizes need to scale as well
21:37.46shockbeta|workyeah but only 2 of the buttons are specific to the size of hte combobox. the selected button, then the menu button...
21:38.22shockbeta|workso you make those two buttons, then create a combobox that uses those two buttons with the size. So three templates have to be made to make a new combobox with the size oyu want. Does that sounds write wikki?
21:38.25shockbeta|workwrite = right
21:38.51WikkiFizzlehm. yes if i followed it
21:39.04WikkiFizzleFor a new combo I created 2 new button templates and then the combo template
21:39.10WikkiFizzleso 3 templates total
21:39.36shockbeta|workyeah, thats what I figured it needed
21:40.49shockbeta|workAnyone trying to customize any of the specialized elements(combobox, editbot, listbox,...) should really look at the Ultima Online Kingdom reborn UI manual... it shows you what each element is, so it's easier to get an idea how to customize them:p
21:41.32WikkiFizzleI wsa checking out that manual and stumbled upon some additional animation functions
21:41.42WikkiFizzleI havent had time to see if they are available in WAR
21:41.45shockbeta|workyeah that's how I originally foudn it:p
21:41.55shockbeta|workthey are and they work. the params and everythign are spot on
21:42.27WikkiFizzleIll have to give them a try this weekend see if they fit into the animation type of Aura
21:42.50shockbeta|workthat's an example from teh documenation for the combobox..
21:43.40shockbeta|workSo far everything I've read/used from teh documentation has worked exactly as stated in it. So it's a goodfind.
21:44.27shockbeta|workwe should really copy the stuff from teh documentation to the wiki for function sit's missing defs ffor.
21:55.17Noctyswill this work: local playerID = #LibTargetInfo.storedTargetData[LibTargetInfo.realmName]+1 or 1
21:58.34shockbeta|workor 1?
21:59.09Noctysright -- if it returns nil it sets it to 1... I've seen something like this before
21:59.25Aiiit won't return nil.
21:59.28NoctysI think I've got it wrong somehow.
21:59.38Aiilua> A = {} print(#A)
21:59.39lua_botAii: 0
21:59.43shockbeta|workhmm.. tha'ts nice if it does it like that.. but I think it needs a cehck.. like conditional operator to decide....
21:59.45Aiilua> print (#A)
21:59.45lua_botAii: luabot:1: attempt to get length of global 'A' (a nil value)
22:00.29NoctysOK... so if there is nothing in there it will return 1.  Well, as long is the realmname is set
22:00.39Noctysand I take out the or 1
22:00.47Noctys+1 at the end
22:00.56shockbeta|workoh wiat but you +1:p
22:01.14Noctyslua> print (#A) or 1
22:01.14lua_botNoctys: luabot:1: attempt to get length of global 'A' (a nil value)
22:01.41NoctysAii: Isn't there a way to do that. If you don't get a value then set it to something else?
22:02.28Noctyslua> print (#A or 1)
22:02.28lua_botNoctys: luabot:1: attempt to get length of global 'A' (a nil value)
22:02.29Aiilua> B = A and #A or 1 print(B)
22:02.29lua_botAii: 1
22:02.40CowBookhaha funny photo
22:02.47NoctysOK, thanks
22:02.50NoctysI was close
22:03.44*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
22:15.06Aii <-- I couldn't have asked for a better setup for my most recent post there
22:16.39CowBooknever played GW
22:16.55shockbeta|workboo!! I play a marauder:p
22:17.25PenguinOfDoomDid they ever explain why they decided to nerf the 15-second HoTs?
22:18.22CowBookthe only problem with ISHealBot is the fact that it has to switch targets to heal them. I hope that with locking down the targeting in 1.05, they can at least have a defined target for each unit frame, so you don't have to switch targets. Sometimes the lag kills me, and heals go to the wrong person
22:18.43CowBooki love squared tho
22:19.20Repo10multiauction: 03Odlaw * r16 / (5 files in 1 directory):  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
22:19.26Repo- Moved ValueMultiplier and AllSamePrice to their own lua files
22:19.32Repo- Changed ValueMultiplier so that addons can add separate starting price and buyout selections.
22:19.39Repo- ValueMultiplier now has an option to use the default pricing if it does not receive price information.  (Default Fallback)
22:20.12CowBook~ban CowBook
22:20.18purlThis problem, like many others in the computer industry, can be solved by the application of monkeys.
22:21.17purlmethinks xxx is at
22:21.40talvinenno porno site?
22:23.49Repo10multiauction_auctionstats: 03Odlaw * r5 / (3 files in 1 directory): MultiAuction_AuctionStats:
22:23.50Repo- Now adds starting / buyout price selections to the ValueModifier price scheme, instead of having it's own price scheme.
22:25.22AiiCowBook: with what the current changes look like, there doesn't appear to be a way to do that.
22:25.34AiiThey're just removing TargetPlayer(), that's about it changewise
22:25.43Aii(so far at least)
22:25.50PenguinOfDoomwait what
22:25.58PenguinOfDoomDid Mythic nerf scripts' ability to target players?
22:26.18*** join/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
22:26.27Aii~lart PenguinOfDoom
22:26.27purlgives PenguinOfDoom an extra strength ACME sleeping pill, sending PenguinOfDoom to sleep for 150 years, and awakening to seven strange dwarfs and a large apple
22:26.33*** part/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
22:26.36Aiiare you blind, deaf, and/or dumb? :P
22:27.51PenguinOfDoomPaying attention is hard
22:28.12PenguinOfDoomAlso, their wording of the targeting change was cryptic to the extreme
22:29.10*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
22:31.09CowBookAii: how can you target a player then?
22:31.23CowBookis there a /target PlayerName ?
22:32.08CowBooki want to target myself in a macro button
22:32.19CowBookor via keypress
22:32.25CowBooknot have to click a unitframe
22:32.45PenguinOfDoomtarget yourself? That's F1
22:32.46PenguinOfDoomclick it!
22:32.49PenguinOfDoompress it
22:33.15CowBooki like the way Focus works though :/
22:34.22CowBookAii, any ideas there?
22:34.40CowBookFocus *is* activated by keypress, but uses TargetPlayer to target friendly units
22:34.48CowBooklike, maybe people in my warband but not in my party
22:34.55CowBook(so no stock keybind)
22:36.36PenguinOfDoomBah. Someone ought to make an addon that does a quick survey of teammates' targets via /assist, and then targets the most popular one
22:36.49PenguinOfDoomYou could call the addon RapeTrain!
22:37.00CowBookhaha nice
22:37.37Aiitargeting works via WindowSetGameActionData and WindowSetGameActionTrigger now
22:37.49Aii(or more specifically, always did, but now that's the only way)
22:38.09PenguinOfDoomAii: So what's the difference, then?
22:38.39CowBookhow do you bind a keypress to one of those buttons?
22:38.58PenguinOfDoomwhich button, F1?
22:39.03PenguinOfDoomIt's already bound!
22:39.06CowBookarbitrary button, asshat
22:39.23PenguinOfDoomyou did ask a stupid question, you know
22:39.30PenguinOfDoom(same place as where you bind every other button)
22:39.37CowBooki mean a UI button
22:39.54CowBooksince UI buttons are what use WindowSetGameActionData and WindowSetGameActionTrigger
22:40.10CowBooknot keys on the keyboard
22:40.12CowBookUI buttons
22:40.25PenguinOfDoomI'm going to stop being lazy now and write the train addon
22:40.54PenguinOfDoomLuckily, someone has documented all the API stuffs, right?
22:41.08CowBookapi section
22:41.36PenguinOfDoomalso, I still don't understand the targeting changes
22:41.44PenguinOfDoomWhat is possible now that won't be possible after the patch?
22:42.20CowBookAii, when do you set WindowSetGameActionData, when you create the button?
22:42.31CowBookand is there any way to change it once it's set?
22:47.03CowBookwell, either way, what's to keep an addon author from calling WindowSetGameActionData and WindowSetGameActionTrigger in any old script?
22:50.10CowBookwell, i guess when 1.0.5 comes out i can check it all here
22:50.15CowBookand see what the heck they are ding
22:51.05PenguinOfDoomoh, fancy
22:57.14shockbeta|workSo I don't doubt that some changes need to be done, but I read a lot of people talking about being able to heal through burst damage... Has anyone considered what the end result will be for that? If you can heal through focused burst dps, then how hard would it be for dps to take anyone down. especially if they weren't focus bursting. I admit I haven't played a true healer and my DoK is onyl rank 14 so I haven't experienced that much.
22:57.33NoctysMy wide-strings are being stored in my saved variable file as follows: name = L"Brewage^M",    <---  is that normal?
22:58.19shockbeta|workBut it jsut seems to me, that if you were able to heal through focused burst dps, then any normal dps would be like an annoying mosquito flying by your ear/
23:00.09*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
23:02.06*** join/#waruidev zarious (
23:02.56Felyzaah, nice hot shower, everything squeaky clean
23:03.17shockbeta|workthe ^m is the gender markup string I think
23:03.45*** join/#waruidev NigelTufnel (
23:04.07PenguinOfDoomshockbeta|work: There are several ridiculous ways in which they can nerf several people attacking one target
23:04.22PenguinOfDoomfor example, a stacking penalty for multiple damage sources
23:04.27NigelTufnelhmmm...Is there a function to set how labels orient thier text on thier go?
23:04.44FelyzaPenguinOfDoom, how well would that affect targetless aoes?
23:04.55NigelTufnelgah, How they align their text on the fly*
23:05.40NigelTufnelperfect, shoulda looked more
23:05.43NigelTufnelthanks felyza =]
23:05.44PenguinOfDoomFelyza: In the same stupid way as it would affect regular, targeted damage, I expect
23:05.55shockbeta|work"left", "center", "right", "top", bottom" are all valid plus mixes of them
23:06.13AiiCowBook: the 'whats to prevent' is that calling them doesnt do the actual targeting
23:06.23Aiiit just tells the client 'when this area is clicked and released, do this'
23:06.24shockbeta|workthink it's leftcenter or topleft, bottomleft
23:06.30Aiianywho, heading home
23:06.45FelyzaAii, what do youdo for a lviing, if I may ask?
23:07.15FelyzaGoing to work, and is in here most of the day, so its not telecommute from home..
23:07.29*** join/#waruidev smcn (
23:07.52`ZypherTiem for me to learn network installs
23:08.05Felyzausing what method to push?
23:08.07shockbeta|workNoctys: <-- gender markup removal..
23:08.11Felyzaor installing from network drive?
23:08.17`Zyphernetwork drive
23:08.20`Zypherwell sorta
23:08.25`Zyphermounted image
23:08.55Felyzaheh, easy stuff, but i'll let you learn it on your own if you don't know it already
23:09.04`Zypherwell I think i know it
23:09.07`ZypherI have the image mounted
23:09.14`ZypherI have the mini iso burnt
23:09.19`ZypherI think I just have to boot to the cd
23:09.24`Zypherthen point it to the main iso
23:09.27Felyzamucking through things once before asking for help is usually a good idea (as long as you can't seriously break something REALLY important)
23:09.36`Zypherhaha ya
23:09.44`ZypherI was just talking about it because I have nothing to do
23:09.51`Zypherit wasn't a plea for help
23:10.02`ZypherI have to burn the darn image
23:10.10`Zypherand my computer is rather slow with cd burning
23:10.12`Zypheron RW
23:10.15FelyzaI don't want to go work on my new config screen
23:10.25FelyzaThis is my pretending to find an excuse
23:11.02NoctysI already have that Shockbeta. But thanks... I'm just trying to figure out why it is storing wides with L"string"
23:11.49FelyzaNoctys, really stupid question here, but you do know that L"string" is the same as StringToWString("string") right?
23:12.21FelyzaHey, I gave forewarning is was a stupid question
23:12.22NoctysIs it suppose to store it that way in your saved variable file though?
23:12.29FelyzaWhy not?
23:12.37FelyzaSaves forcing it to it when you load it
23:13.08NoctysWell, the string I'm putting is is wide, and it on non-enlish servers I will get diffrent results.
23:13.18NoctysI think
23:13.49FelyzaBased on what I got back from others when they were datamining for me, all servers apparently use wide strings
23:14.28FelyzaAnyone know where to find a good ghostwriting job board?
23:15.06NoctysRight, they all use wide-strings. So why does it convert it to a non-wide for the saved variables
23:15.27FelyzaUm, uh, lets see, nope, no idea
23:15.59NoctysSweet... I could use one of those. Thankls
23:16.13FelyzaI <3 my script.
23:17.16Noctysis the insurance free?
23:18.20FelyzaIts free, just pay the low low price of $15MGBP for shipping and handling.
23:19.02ThraeMega Great Britian Pounds?
23:19.08Aiiane(15:15:09) Noctys: Right, they all use wide-strings. So why does it convert it to a non-wide for the saved variables
23:19.10Aiianewhat do you mean?
23:19.42Aiianeyou can have L"" around a UTF-16 encoded string, or a regular ascii string, or whatever... it's a wstring either way
23:20.02AiianeL is NOT the same as StringToWString
23:20.13Felyzathrae M = mega, or millions, GBP = currency code for Great Britain Pound, exchange rate puts it about 23,530,500 USD
23:20.18AiianeL is an identifier for first-class values
23:20.19NoctysAii: So it's OK to have it there in my saved-var file?
23:20.30AiianeNoctys: it'd be impossible to NOT have it in your saved-var
23:20.42Aiianeotherwise how would the client know what saved variables are strings and what are wstrings?
23:20.58NoctysThat's cool... Just wanted to make sure it was normal
23:21.27FelyzaSo Aiiane, any chance to find out what you do for a living? You apparently drive to and from work, and yet can be on here most of the day.
23:22.29NoctysAnd you get home in like 12 minutes
23:23.10Aiianewho said I drove?
23:23.21FelyzaTime to and from work usually doesn't mean much, especially if someone lives near work.
23:23.26Noctysor walk... or fly... or teleport.
23:23.30Aiianealso, all those times when I'm talking on Aii? it's via ssh
23:23.41AiianeI have a terminal open at work
23:24.01FelyzaI'm just curious what your position is, I don't care where. ;)
23:24.15AiianeI've mentioned time and time again that I'm a college student
23:24.24Aiianemy work is in the computing department
23:24.35FelyzaAh. See, I didn't know that.
23:24.46Aiianethe buildings for which are about the equivalent of 4 blocks from where I live
23:25.13FelyzaA friend works in the chem lab here, he's online most of the day doing next to nothing just making sure no one is using the lab to make drugs.
23:25.42knixJust bring him some porn and some pizza an dyou're good
23:26.11Thraeknix: From Pizza'Porn, right off Brooklyn Ave. here.
23:26.24FelyzaNo, he accepts large amounts of money... he's slipped a few times, and usually gets a few grand for it.
23:27.30FelyzaI wish I had more mead... my case ran dry
23:28.23knixI work with a guy that opened his own meadery!
23:28.36knixcelestial meads
23:28.56*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
23:29.15FelyzaAfter hearing about it so many times in books, I went out and tried some, and mead is now my favorite alcoholic beverage, even if it is hard to find.
23:29.17NoctysI've been beating my head against the wall with this:    <--- I can not get it to store the playerID as a key for the storedTable (just ends up without a key), but the variable is there and increment correctly.  Also it's not finding the players name if they are in the tempTable... would someone please look at it and see if they can find what I am doing wrong???
23:36.43*** join/#waruidev Noctys` (
23:37.54Aiianewhat do you mean 'without a key'
23:38.47Noctys`career = L"Warrior Priest^m",
23:38.47Noctys`playerID = 117,
23:38.47Noctys`careerIcon = 20199,
23:38.47Noctys`name = L"Driftr^M",
23:38.48Noctys`realm = 1,
23:38.56Noctys`career = L"Squig Herder^m",
23:39.00Noctys`playerID = 118,
23:39.02Noctys`careerIcon = 20197,
23:39.04Noctys`name = L"Flanger^M",
23:39.06Noctys`realm = 2,
23:39.10Noctys`no key
23:39.25Noctys`it should be: [117] { ... }
23:39.36shockbeta|workits' a number though
23:40.24Noctys`what do you mean it's a numbe though???
23:40.33Aiianeare you just looking at savedvariables?
23:40.46Aiianebecause those do actually have keys when loaded in-game
23:40.53Aiianejust equal to their order in the file
23:41.04Aiianethe first one without an explicit key is actually [1]
23:41.10Aiianethe second one without an explicit key is [2]
23:41.16Aiianeit's like if I do this
23:41.26Aiianelua> A = {"x", "y", "z"}
23:41.26lua_botAiiane: No output
23:41.32Aiianelua> A = {"x", "y", "z"} print(A[2])
23:41.32lua_botAiiane: y
23:41.41Aiianesee, "y" has key 2, even though I didn't specify that
23:41.58Aiianeit's the same as
23:42.11Aiianelua> A = {[1]="x", [2]="y", [3]="z"} print(A[2])
23:42.11lua_botAiiane: y
23:42.21shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp[118].this = "squig"; print(#temp)
23:42.22lua_botshockbeta|work: luabot:1: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
23:42.28shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp[118] = "squig"; print(#temp)
23:42.28lua_botshockbeta|work: 0
23:42.31Noctys`OK... I think I see...  So it won't store them with a key even if I tell it to assign it as a key?
23:42.38shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp[118] = "squig"; print(temp[1])
23:42.39lua_botshockbeta|work: nil
23:42.42shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp[118] = "squig"; print(temp[118])
23:42.42lua_botshockbeta|work: squig
23:43.04shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp["118"] = "squig"; print(temp["118"])
23:43.04lua_botshockbeta|work: squig
23:43.09Aiianeif they're in the range of numerical keys at the start of a table, 1 to X contiguous, then no Noctys`, it won't write out the keys
23:43.12shockbeta|worklua> temp = { }; temp["118"] = "squig"; print(#temp)
23:43.12lua_botshockbeta|work: 0
23:43.13Aiianebecause it doesn't need to
23:43.22Noctys`Either way the code still isn;t working. and I have no idea why.
23:44.35*** join/#waruidev tronned (
23:51.43Noctys`OK, nevermind... I think I found there error...  Aii, I blame you.  Telling me to do smart cut and paste.  You should know by now that I can not do smart things.
23:51.58Noctys`But thanks for all your help.  :D

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