IRC log for #waruidev on 20081104

00:00.00Thunder_Child"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin." -Mark Twain
00:03.58`Zyphersoldiers = lame!
00:05.19`ZypherAs you can imagine, we are currently in the process of localizing the game as well as constantly communicating with WebZen on the status of the project.  Furthermore, doing a lot of preparation for the release of the game and the large community that it will, no doubt, attract to
00:05.24`ZypherUnfortunately, this is all the information that we can share in regards to the project at this time.  The closer we get to releasing Huxley the more information that will be made available at
00:05.35`Zypherlawl nhn
00:05.50Repo10objtracker: 03Aiiane 041.1 * 0890d44 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Version 1.1
00:11.15shockbeta|workSo I'm seeing posts that people are having ui lag in regards to some addons. I personally don't ever see any lag directly related to UI. Usually it's too many particle effects and that sort of thing.
00:11.44Aiianeui lag depends a lot on system specs
00:11.59Aiianeit becomes 'noticeable' at different levels for different people, as well
00:12.40shockbeta|workI watch my FPS ticker and it only drops hard when loading an area before I first spin around, and when I hit a large battle area with a ton of effects goign off, those are both graphics realted not ui though.
00:12.52Aiianeui lag doesn't affect the fps ticker
00:13.33shockbeta|workso they're just talking about, for instance, you hit 1 to perform an ability adn the 1 doesn't look like it gets hit right away?
00:13.35PenguinOfDoomI bought a new video card :/ The PC upgrade treadmill must get its mileage, or else
00:14.00Aiianeshockbeta|work: no, more that the screen doesn't /change/ for a second or so - but that same frame is still getting rendered
00:27.01shockbeta|workSorry had to go talk abotu ballistic formula. So the cause of that would be too much demand on the addons. like to many addons using OnUpdate()?
00:29.34Noctysfor a function that returns a color would I just do this:   return r, g, b
00:29.48shockbeta|workdo you wan tto catch each component seperatley?
00:30.42NoctysNot sure -- what is the easiest way to use it?    ---   I am thinking yes
00:30.45shockbeta|worklocal r,g,b = GetColor() return r,g,b; end.... or local color = GetColorDef() return { r=2,g=2,b=2 }
00:31.12talvinenGood Night.
00:32.20shockbeta|workDepends on what you want to use it for
00:33.03shockbeta|workthe ColorDef way you can always pass each piece seperate, but r,g,b way you can never pass them as one param without doing extra stuff
00:33.38shockbeta|workI beleive most SetColor() in warapi also have a SetColorDef()
00:34.00shockbeta|workSetcolor takes r,g,b, and SetColorDef() takes a ColorDef {r,g,b}
00:43.50*** join/#waruidev Shaboo (
00:44.04ShabooHi guys
00:44.13*** join/#waruidev Daeg (
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00:47.06ShabooI'm looking to write a mod that can display the minimap zone name in a chat channel, where can I find an easy example of a form with a button on it?
00:48.09Noctysshockbeta -- Thanks...  That will get me started in the right direction.
00:49.32shockbeta|workShaboo: not ignoring you, just trying to find a simple addon that just ahs a button...
00:49.40shockbeta|workNoctys: n/p
00:49.47Shaboogreat thanks heaps
00:51.02`ZypherShaboo: hi
00:51.13Shaboohey Zypher
00:52.02`Zypherwhich is a wstring
00:52.05`Zypherso for example
00:52.27`ZypherEA_ChatWindow.Print( should do it for you
00:52.34`Zypherall you need to do is make a small button
00:52.39Shaboocan I do that from /script ?
00:52.50Shabooooo cool
00:54.50ShabooAll I need to do is make a small panel with 5 button's, I just need a simple example.  I really want to port BG Defender to War, I knew enough of lua to improve on AB defender to create BG defender so this will be my first mod from scratch
00:59.44Shaboocool thanx again
00:59.58ShabooI wasted hours looking for one
01:00.20shockbeta|workI generally just find one that I use that has a button.
01:00.58shockbeta|workThat example was actually templated  off of Bestiary Helpers button they have. I rewrote it but that's where I got it from.
01:01.50NigelTufnelya, also referencing something in the default ui that uses a button
01:02.00NigelTufnellike the settingswindow or something uses buttons
01:05.08Aiianetalvinen: just glancing at xHud, the first thing you're going to want to implement is a global alpha option. a large percentage of hud users won't use a hud if it can't be semitransparent.
01:10.03Daegalustime to start thinking of what my next addon will be. Now that JunkDump is mostly stable and the rest is pretty much all more options and localization
01:10.22NigelTufnelthats the fun part daegalus
01:10.40NigelTufnelI love having the time to fiddle around till I get my next idea, always so busy with implementation
01:10.41DaegalusNigelTufnel: which part?
01:11.05Daegalusi had a great idea, no one has done it yet to my knowledge, but its completely escaped my mind atm
01:11.29NigelTufnelhaha, ya I always throw shit on paper if Im in class and get a good idea
01:11.49NigelTufnelmy notebooks look like that of an insane person generally
01:12.53NigelTufneltalvinen: xHUD is actually pretty sweet looking, I am always unhappy with hud bars unless perfect, but yours look pretty damn nice
01:13.21NigelTufnelBut I agree with Aiiane, some alpha / state based alpha settings even better would prolly make it a lot more popular
01:15.55*** join/#waruidev Nechckn (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/PRManager/Nechckn)
01:18.14Noctyswill this work:  local r = 126
01:18.14Noctyslocal g = 126
01:18.14Noctyslocal b = 126
01:18.14Noctysreturn {r, g, b}
01:18.15ShabooShock, in my .mod file for the zonecaller example do I need to fill out dependancy, saved variable and callfunction name ?
01:18.30shockbeta|workoh yeah forgot the .mod file...
01:18.40AiianeNoctys: yes
01:20.02Noctysand on the other side I would store this in an empty array (table):  EmptyArray = {}     EmptyArray = colorfunction()
01:20.17NoctysAnd I would get the data with EmptyArray.r
01:22.11Shaboothx shcok your too good
01:22.13shockbeta|workAlso now that I did it the wrong way... Always try to do your Init functiosn in the mod file, not in xml like the example I quickly wrote did:p
01:24.34shockbeta|workso .. <EventHandler event="OnInitialize" function="ZoneCaller.Initialize" />  in the xml can be removed and put this in the <OnInitialize> tag in the .mod: <CallFunction name="ZoneCaller.Initialize" />
01:26.00ThraeAiiane: Ugh I need a break. I hate crashing in scenarios. Disabling other monitors didn't help, nor did underclocking the video card (all three by 50MHz). Maybe a little later tonight, next will be disabling sound...
01:26.39AiianeI honestly think it's just a core code issue Thrae
01:26.41Shaboook done
01:26.42Aiianesomething's not right
01:27.17Thraeshockbeta|work: That would work if the game actually crashes, but it's a "crash to desktop", meaning the game just silently exits without it throwing any errors to anything.
01:27.34shockbeta|workyeah, my game ran like crap and would CTD a lot, and jsut behave weird
01:27.57shockbeta|workI opened eventviewer, oh yeah... disk read errors and atapi errors galore.. replaced sata cable, runs like a banshee
01:28.13shockbeta|workjust saying... it onyl takes a minute to check, and if oyu havent' looked you never know
01:28.30PenguinOfDoomEh, Mythic could use some error reporting
01:28.32ThraeAiiane: Yeah I know, but since Mythic hasn't even agknowledged yet to my knowledge, might as well try it on my end. Either way, eventually I'll contact TS and tell them all the steps I took.
01:28.35PenguinOfDoomSilent crashes are bad
01:29.11shockbeta|workeventvwr.msc if you use windows...
01:30.00Thraeshockbeta|work: That's not happening in this case. Warhammer isn't the only game I play, and it's but the only one having issues. I play Crysis fine with ~30 FPS at 2560x1600. Yes, I have checked event viewer a long time ago...
01:30.40shockbeta|workk, as long as you checked it:p I didn't check it and finally did and kicked myself for not checking it earlier. and prior I played crysis with same effect as you. lol
01:31.29AiianeThrae: they've acknowledged CTDs, do you really expect them to acknowledge each and every card or whatnot?
01:32.51NigelTufnelAnd Im sure they are aware of the vid cards specifically causing a lot of probs Im sure
01:35.20ThraeAiiane: If one very popular chipset exacerbates the issue, I think they should agknowledge it as a separate issue from the other crashes, unless they're further from a fix then I hope they are. But I see your point overall.
01:35.31PenguinOfDoomAiiane: I expect them to add code to send the crash details to the mothership, like any other software company
01:36.51NoctysAiiane: Just want to double check, the colors you have in CUF are R,G,B right???
01:36.55ThraeYeah, at the very least, they need to go through their error code and figure out the error in the error code. That's usually just a matter of manpower, not ingenuity. Well, hopefully just manpower.
01:37.00Aiianeyes Noctys, that's sort of a standard :)
01:37.17NoctysI figured you do it that way... But you didn't have to.  ;)
01:37.30ThraeI know my Bavarian CRTs use Red, Green, Purple
01:37.32Aiianeit'd be extremely inconvenient and pointless to do it another way
01:40.49NoctysAiiane: You had to go confuse things by doing support classes.  Was that your call, or is that documented somewhere?   (only asking so I can ask my next questions correctly
01:41.08Aiianeentirely my call.
01:41.22NoctysAre you happy with that, still think of them that way?
01:41.24Aiianebut basically, support class = healer
01:41.28`ZypherAiiane: dance dance?
01:41.28Aiianeat least color-wise
01:42.08`Zypherwhy so serious?
01:42.45NoctysActually it's the yellow for ranged magical dps that I don't have.... Do you see a point to having it?
01:43.03`Zyphersupport = pink
01:43.07`Zypherranged = purple
01:43.12`Zyphertank = red
01:43.16`Zyphermelee = blue
01:44.01Aiianemagical dps get int buffs
01:44.06Aiianephysical dps don't
01:44.09NoctysRight now I am just using Ranged, Melee, Healer & Tank.  I am trying to standardize the colors with LibTargetInfo...  We all need to use the same colors...
01:44.29`ZypherNoctys: i no
01:44.32`Zyphersupport = pink
01:44.33Aiianefor buffers, the difference matters.
01:44.36`Zypherdo it!
01:44.47Aiiane`Zypher players a selfish witch elf and thus doesn't care
01:44.49NoctysDo you like it the way you have it Aiiane, or would you change it next time around?
01:45.07AiianeIf I were going to change it I would have. It's not like I couldn't now.
01:45.34NoctysSometimes things are just on the back-burner...  =)
01:45.40`ZypherAiiane: players?
01:45.59Aiianewhat about it `Zypher? If I were going to change anything it'd be the defaults
01:46.06Aiianeand existing color settings override the defaults regardless
01:46.29`Zypherno no
01:46.38`Zypher(17:44) <@Aiiane> `Zypher players a selfish witch elf and thus doesn't care
01:47.57`ZypherAiiane: I really think support should be pink
01:48.22NoctysWell I think I will just adopt you 'layout' as a standard, for the most part, and see who complains.
01:49.48Noctys6 types instead of 4
01:50.09Aiianemy system was always based around customization.
01:50.58`ZypherAiiane: I dunno
01:51.04`ZypherI think it needs to be locked down
01:51.11NoctysRanged Magical, Ranged Physical, Melee Healers, Ranged Healers, Tanks, Melee DPS
01:51.42`Zypherisn't there career types or something
01:51.47`ZypherI remember blood priest somehwere
01:51.57DaegalusThe file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume \Device\HarddiskVolume1. w00t, i have like 40000 of those in my event viewer, go me
01:52.00NoctysNope... Just the ones we make up
01:52.07`ZypherNoctys: there really are
01:52.12`Zypherits like the mirror names
01:52.14`Zypheror something
01:52.20Aiianeblood priest is specific to DOK
01:52.25Aiianeit's just the internal constant name for it
01:52.40`Zypherand it isn't for Warrior Priest aswell/?
01:52.42AiianeGameData.CareerLine.BLOOD_PRIEST = the DoK index value
01:52.52AiianeGameData.CareerLine.WARRIOR_PRIEST = the WP index value
01:53.06`Zyphermythic = lame
01:53.14DaegalusBlood Priest used to be the working name for the DoK
01:53.29Daegalusi remember it since September 07 when it made it into the Class list cache file
01:53.36NoctysI think  6 types make sense.
01:53.38*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
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01:53.47Aiianethe while lion constant is GameData.CareerLine.SEER :P
01:53.52`ZypherMythic still == lame!
01:54.40Daegalusits how the millions of Blood Priest topics spawned on the forums on WHA, and proceeded to turn into a massive DE civil war. Lore Hardcore strict supporters, and Lore looseness supporters.
01:54.53Daegalusmany were banned and suspended during it
01:55.12`ZypherDaegalus: before I cared.
01:56.22`Zypherthat was before I cared about trolling the forums
01:56.37ShabooHmm hay shock I'm getting "Non-existent Script [ZoneCaller.OnLClick] in the debug log, any ideas ?
01:57.08Daegalusbrb reboot
01:57.44AiianeShaboo: syntax error, perhaps?
01:57.57Aiianescroll up in the debug log and look for earlier errors
01:58.13Aiianealternatively, make sure you didn't define the function (or the object containing it) as local ;)
01:58.33*** part/#waruidev Noctys (
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02:00.09*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
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02:01.47`ZypherAiiane: dance dance?
02:01.54purl<(*.*<) <(*.*)> \(*.*)/ (>*.*)>
02:02.27Shaboook I got an ealier error regarding attempt to index a global
02:02.36Shabooin my .lua file
02:02.48Aiianedid you try to define function Something.SomethingElse()
02:02.48shockbeta|workand the global was?
02:02.56Aiianewithout first making Something a table? (i.e. Something = {})
02:03.07shockbeta|workhaha my bad...
02:03.10Shaboothis is line 3 function ZoneCaller.Initialize()
02:03.13shockbeta|workZoneCaller = { }
02:03.35Shabooit had a 3 after the error I'm gathering that's line 3
02:03.37shockbeta|workput that at top of file,:p
02:04.00`ZypherShaboo: ok, you need to tell the addonw hat ZoneCaller is
02:04.09`ZypherZoneCaller = {} --table
02:07.30shockbeta|workdid they fix the reloadui lag?
02:07.51shockbeta|workI haven't realoaded my ui since before witching event
02:08.17*** join/#waruidev Zedde_ (
02:09.59Shaboook no more errors. But when I hit the button a black line prints. But I see a warning: (EA_CraftingSystem): Text is cut off in Label SalavagingWindowTitleBarText
02:10.44shockbeta|workthat warning doesn't concern you, just a default ui warning from war
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02:15.02NoctysAii:  Need you advice on a library.  If I am going to add a color function for class & types to my library should I also put in an option to allow people to change them, basicly making my library have end user settings, that way they will carry across to any mods that use them, or is that too much for a library?
02:15.12Shaboosweet all works now, thanks guys
02:15.46AiianeNoctys: I would allow it to be customizable, yes.
02:16.24AiianeAnything that the end user will see, without being changed/processed by the addon that's using the library (and colors are unlikely to be changed/processed) should be customizable.
02:16.38AiianeWithin reason, of course.
02:16.46AiianeNo need to add the ability to customize class names or the like :P
02:17.33Aiianeit doesn't necessarily have to be a user-friendly interface though. If you want, you can leave any such interface up to addons that use it
02:17.39NoctysIs it possible to make it check to see if libSlash is there, if it is allow for them to set the colors, if not let them know the colors can only be changed if it's installed?
02:17.40Aiianeand just provide functions that customize it
02:17.47Aiianeif LibSlash then ?
02:18.10NoctysOr just release an addon that allows them to change them...
02:18.19NoctysThat might be easier.
02:18.47NoctysI'm just working towards making the whole thing embedable. So the less files their are, the easier it is.
02:19.05NoctysAll goes back to Beablebrox & I finishing the storageLibrary.
02:23.29AiianeWhat I would suggest
02:23.37Aiianeis not have the base library save customized values
02:23.44Aiianebut instead look for the presence of a customization addon
02:23.48Aiianeand if it's present, load values from there
02:23.52Aiianeotherwise, use defaults
02:24.08Aiianethat way, your library doesn't even need a savedvariables to work necessarily
02:24.17Aiianealthough less useful for LTI
02:24.23Aiianesince it has to store classes etc
02:24.37Aiianebut if it were a basic library that wasn't storing other data, that's how I'd do it
02:26.00*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
02:26.10NoctysHmmm.... Things to ponder.  I won't be working on that until later anyway... So I've got 12 hours or so...  =)  Thanks for the advice!
02:26.24*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
02:29.08NoctysAii: Would you ever consider minor changes to you CUF colors?  (If I found ones that looked good)
02:29.32AiianeUm, CUF isn't likely to get too many updates, especially cosmetic ones - I'm phasing it out as project
02:30.04Aiianeso that question would probably be better voiced towards Squared
02:30.26NoctysIt's just sorta the standard at the moment...  But sure towards that instead...  (Are the colors the same there?)
02:30.46Aiianethe default colors are the same yes.
02:31.08NoctysOK, well most people don't change the defaults I've found.  Some do...  
02:31.52NoctysI just want to have a different color for each career as well, a slight change from the default colors for their archetype.  
02:32.24NoctysBut to do so I would need ranged and melee support to have colors that are a bit more different.
02:33.11ShabooI'm trying to concatinate a 2 strings but I get attempt to concatenate a wstring value.... is there some kind of type conversion i need to do?
02:33.22NoctysSo... I was thinking of trying something a bit more purple for Melee Support & a bit more Cyan for Ranged Support???  But I think people would be more prone to adopting those colors if they were something they were use to seeing.
02:33.47NoctysShaboo: yes
02:34.07Shabooah i c
02:34.07NoctysShaboo: wtostring(yourstring)
02:34.14NoctysWhat are you trying to use it with?
02:35.17Shabooah I'm a noong
02:35.35NoctysI've done stuff like that before.  That's how I knew what to look for.  ;)
02:46.55Aiianedinner, back in a bit
02:50.11*** join/#waruidev chrixian (
02:50.53ShabooIs there an easy way to make the xml
02:51.22Shabooof just good ol notepad :)
02:52.09chrixiani have what i think is a general lua question-- if i have a table SomeMod.ATable and in a new mod i have a line like "NewMod.NewTable = SomeMod.ATable" is NewMod.NewTable it's own table or is it a reference to the existing table? if i make modifications to NewMod.NewTable does it modify SomeMod.ATable?
02:53.39chrixianshaboo: i use ultraedit for my xml .. it does simple things like code folding ... if i am looking at a really big xml file i find grid view in XMLSpy makes it much easier to "see" but XMLSpy isn't free...
02:53.46chrixian(not that ultraedit is)
02:56.27Shabooya the xml is easier to read. I'm trying to create a panel with 5 buttons. I tried to resize the example I got but it dosen;t seem to move
02:56.42ShabooI changed ABS point
02:57.25thannersShaboo: it's probably been saved already
02:58.10thannerstry adding savesettings="false" to your window. at least while you're still testing..
03:00.33ShabooAh I think I found the problem, it's just baking bussons
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03:03.11Shabooanyone seen an interface or have a sample of 2 ore more buttons on a panel
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03:14.07Shaboohmm not having much luck creating a simple window with a couple of buttons on it.. anyone seen a mod with that config?
03:15.25`ZypherShaboo: ummmmm
03:15.29`Zypherhold on
03:17.02Shaboocool.. thx
03:17.59`Zypherthe only thing you need to add is
03:18.22`ZypherI took that out because pastey is homo about having urls
03:18.29`Zypherbut that should make a window
03:18.31`Zypherwith a button
03:18.54`Zypherexcept the button isn't properly anchored >.<
03:18.56`Zypherbut still
03:21.30Shaboolol ok thx
03:22.27NigelTufnelFelyza: I just used the exact line that I helped you with the regex on to find numbers in the string
03:22.34NigelTufnelso handy to have
03:24.08`Zyphertf2 crashed :<
03:24.21NigelTufnelowned I guess
03:24.32NigelTufnelmy tf2 would sometimes crash
03:24.41NigelTufnelbut after playing war, it seems silly to complain haha
03:30.56`ZypherI dunno who to vote for tommarow
03:31.18Thunder_Childsomeone on the ballot
03:33.36NigelTufnel<begin political debate>
03:33.58`Zyphernoone fell for the troll
03:34.38NigelTufnelhaha ya, well the simple fact that we are in a development irc channel helps filter some of the noobs out
03:40.14NigelTufnelOk, so to make my logout addon work for other languages I need to pull values from string tables
03:40.19NigelTufnelI use this
03:40.21NigelTufnelGetStringFromTable("Hardcoded", 464)
03:40.34NigelTufnelwhich parralells this "You will finish logging out in <<1>> <<1[second/seconds]>>."
03:40.50NigelTufnelbut it will only give me it for 1 second, with second singualr
03:41.04NigelTufnelI have no idea how to get it for other seconds to compare with other languages
03:41.17NigelTufnelCan you pull strings from the table with other values in it?
03:42.32NigelTufnelanyone even know what Im asking, not sure if I worded it well
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03:44.13`Zypherckknight: welcome back!
03:45.51ckknightI just went home :-P
03:46.59`Zypherckknight: I cannot stick to a game
03:47.06`Zypherneither of them entertain me!
03:47.09ckknightplay Fallout
03:47.52`ZypherGamebryo engine is not good for my computer
03:47.54`Zypherive decided
03:50.20`Zypheris there online play?
03:56.01NigelTufnellike 99.99% sure there is not
03:56.42Shaboonight guy's thanks for all the help
03:56.49`ZypherShaboo: nite
03:56.55*** part/#waruidev Shaboo (
04:00.16Thunder_Child`Zypher, and why can a game not entertain you?
04:02.07`Zyphersomething like tf2 I can only play for about 2-3 hours
04:02.18`Zypherand the mmos I own just don't keep me entertained
04:06.22*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
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04:07.07`ZypherThunder_Child: yes?
04:07.45Aiianeon a side note, I <3 online banking
04:07.47*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
04:07.59`ZypherAiiane: how much?
04:08.16Aiiane| <-----------> |
04:08.19Aiianethis much (not to scale)
04:09.13`Zypherso it looks like nhn is going to launch huxley this year after all
04:12.25`Zypheryou never have any comments on huxley
04:12.28`Zypherwhy no comment?
04:17.03`Zyphercan't get stupid texture to work
04:20.17*** join/#waruidev Shaboo (
04:20.59Shabooare windows settings for mods saved and cached somewhere as in windows positions ?
04:21.45Aiianeunless the window has savesettings="false" in the XML, yes.
04:22.02Aiianepositions and anchors are saved to user\interface\allcharacters\MODNAME\ModSettings.XML
04:24.07Shaboohmm someone made a simple panel with a couple of buttons on it but it looks a mess on screen
04:24.18Shaboothx.. tried deleting cache didnt; work
04:24.24Shaboomaybe it's a bad example
04:24.36ShabooAre there any tutes on making the xml
04:27.59Thunder_Child`Zypher, CS:S then?
04:30.38Aiiane <-- I think it's safe to say that buffs have an impact on framerate (BRPS = buff requests per second i.e. calls to GetBuffs(), BRS = Buff Request Size, average number of buffs returned by GetBuffs() in that time segment)
04:33.33chrixianshaboo: after you set savesettings="false", go into the user\interface\allcharacters\MODNAME\ directory and delete the ModSettings.xml
04:35.04NigelTufnelinteresting graphs there aiiane, very telling
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04:36.57NigelTufnelalthough Aiiane, you have to also take into account in that graph, that the framerate is not only being affected by the buffs there, as buff counts would be increased in high intensity situations for everything else in the game
04:37.30Aiianesure nigel... except that when I made that graph, I was on the top floor of a keep that was being sieged, targeting the keep lord through the floor and with noone in sight.
04:37.41NigelTufnelyour a clever one =P
04:38.09chrixianthats pretty irrefutable aii
04:38.28NigelTufnelthat was my only attempt to bewiddle the magnitude of that graph
04:38.38NigelTufnelbut that means that they truly do have an affect
04:38.44NigelTufnelnotable affect*
04:39.33chrixianwell "fps" is being measured by monitoring OnUpdate ya?
04:39.51Aiianebut it jives with what Fraps reports.
04:42.05WikkiFizzleShould send that straight to Spyke to get his attention on it
04:42.57chrixianyou accessing GetBuffs() directly or using their little BuffTracker wrapper?
04:45.32chrixianwell it sounds like they need some serious optimization GetBuffs()
04:46.42NigelTufnelya seriously
04:47.20Aiianekeep in mind that this is just calls to GetBuffs() - it doesn't necessarily mean GetBuffs itself is the slowdown
04:47.37Aiianethe slowdown could also come with how the data from GetBuffs is processed, etc.
04:47.53chrixianya thats what i'm saying, sounds like the C code that implements GetBuffs has a flaw
04:48.05Aiianeno, you didn't read what I typed.
04:48.41chrixianbut you're not doing anything with the returned data other than displaying it as a graph ya?
04:48.54AiianeI don't think you understand what I've graphed
04:49.02Aiianethose are calls from the UI itself to GetBuffs
04:49.08Aiianenot additional calls from my addon
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04:49.22Aiianeit's simply hooked into GetBuffs, monitoring whenever it's called, and what it returns when it is
04:50.00WikkiFizzlevanilla UI? or with some addons
04:50.15Aiianethat particular shot is with addons but w/o BuffThrottle
04:51.58chrixianhow is what i am saying wrong then? you're doing absolutely nothing with the data returned by GetBuffs() and simply returning the data shows that with an increased number of buffs returned by GetBuffs() = reduction in time between OnUpdate
04:52.44Felyzadestroywindow = remove entirely, not hide, right?
04:52.50Aiianebecause the default UI is doing something with it, chrixian
04:52.52Aiianeand yes, Felyza
04:53.22Aiianeso yes, your basic statement is true chrixian
04:53.27Felyzaworking on adding 'when poop hits the fan' stuff ;)
04:53.31Aiianebut that doesn't lead to the conclusion that GetBuffs is the slowdown
04:54.27chrixianalright i can accept that-- so then whats the logical next step to find out if its simply GetBuffs()
04:55.01chrixianfind all uses of GetBuffs() in the default UI and disable/destroy them?
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04:59.27Aiianewould probably be simpler to just run tests with a dummy GetBuffs that returns a fairly large number of buffs (say 12), and trigger buff update events a lot
05:00.31chrixianBuffTracker in EATemplate_UnitFrames does a bunch of mapping, if thats being called without buffthrottle that can be a slowdown
05:07.37chrixiancan you release that graph code to play with?
05:15.50Aiianeonce I've tweaked it a bit more possibly
05:16.46chrixiancoo.. was just gonna see about eliminating all instances of that BuffTracker
05:21.29Aiianeif you elim all instances of bufftracker, you eliminate what's actually calling getbuffs
05:22.00Daegalusisnt that the point? so that you can see the performance with no bufftracking
05:22.04Daegalusand then with bufftracking
05:22.06Shabooanyone know if there's any small square buttons in war that I can use
05:22.37Felyzadefine small square button
05:22.42Aiianeif you want no bufftracking Daegalus
05:22.50Aiianeit'd be easier to just replace GetBuffs with a dummy function
05:23.01Aiianethat always returns an empty table
05:23.05chrixianya see if getbuffs() is causing the lag or if the mapping being done by butttracker and then you know THAT needs to be looked at closer
05:23.32Aiianeeliminating bufftrackers entirely wouldn't tell you that though chrixian
05:24.09Daegaluswhy wouldnt it aiiane, wouldnt the best way to see if something is causing the problem, is by removing it entirely?
05:24.22Aiianebecause removing it entirely has farther reaching consequences
05:24.47chrixiani am talking about for the sake of your test with the graph
05:24.57Aiianeit's like wondering if a squeaking sound is being caused by a computer fan
05:25.01Aiianeso you remove the entire computer
05:25.05Aiianeand the sound goes away
05:25.18Aiianedo you know whether it was the fan or not? no... it could have been something else in the computer
05:25.19Daegalusumm the bufftracker isnt the computer
05:25.23Daegalusits the fan in the computer
05:25.28Aiianethe bufftracker is what's CALLING getbuffs
05:25.32Aiianeyou remove the bufftracker
05:25.42Aiianeyou remove both the calls to getbuffs AND the processing done by the bufftracker itself
05:25.47Aiianethus you can't compare between the two
05:25.49Daegalusget buffs is the ball bearing the fan is spinning on
05:25.51Aiianebecause you removed them both
05:26.45chrixianBuffTracker is a wrapper for GetBuffs() that the unit frames uses, it does a bunch of mapping to GameData.BuffTargetType and windowId and stuff..
05:26.54Aiianeyes. but nothing else calls GetBuffs
05:27.09Aiianeso if you remove bufftracker
05:27.11chrixianso eliminate bufftracker, and use your graph
05:27.11Shaboohow do i define a small square button
05:27.13Aiianethen nothing calls getbuffs
05:27.16Aiianeyou get 0 calls
05:27.19Aiianeand the data is worthless
05:27.31chrixianYOU call getbuffs() in your graph addon
05:27.36Daegalusthats the point aiiane, to see if you get better performance wiht 0 calls, to REALLY see if its the buffs. Buffs vs No Buffs
05:27.49AiianeI *don't* call it in my graph addon, chrixian
05:27.53Aiianeyou don't get how it works
05:27.57Aiianeit's not calling GetBuffs on its own
05:27.58chrixianthats what i am saying to do
05:28.04Aiianeit's only monitoring OTHER calls to getbuffs
05:28.14chrixianyou call GetBuffs() for your target iny our graph addon
05:28.20Aiianehow often?
05:28.29Daegalusonce every second
05:28.35Aiianethat wouldn't compare
05:28.38chrixianOnUpdate just like the unitframe would do without buffthrottle
05:28.49Aiianethe unitframe doesn't call getbuffs every second
05:28.54Aiianehence, you'd be comparing apples to oranges
05:29.00chrixianthen why are you asking what you already know
05:29.09chrixiantry to mimic the number of calls the unit frame makes
05:29.28Aiianewhich is why im saying it'd be BETTER to do it a different way
05:29.32Aiianethan removing all the bufftrackers
05:29.39Aiianeyou're not listening tome
05:29.41Aiiane*to me
05:30.04Aiianeinstead of removing all of the bufftrackers
05:30.10Felyzaif anyone cares, ActionButtonGroupSet* commands are a royale pain in the rear
05:30.18Aiianeyou replace GetBuffs with a dummy function that calls GetBuffs, but returns {}
05:30.24chrixiani totally am, i am just having a hard time understanding how you can  not see the benefit of seeing if BuffTracker is causing your lag and not the GetBuffs() call itself
05:30.30DaegalusFelyza: i know exactly what you mean, i decided not ot mess with them
05:30.42Aiianechrixian: again, you're not understanding what I'm saying
05:30.56Aiianewhat I'm proposing does exactly that, and returns correct data
05:31.00Aiianewhat you're proposing doesn't
05:31.15FelyzaDaegalus, it looks like I'm going to be required to use them to effectively do the autobar
05:31.41Daegalusno, cause even with teh empty table, the Bufftrackers still does proicessing, Bufftracker processing is where the bottlenceck would be, Eliminitating the data, doesnt eliminate processing.
05:31.52AiianeDaegalus: have you actually looked at the bufftracker code
05:32.05Aiiane99% of its processing is inside of a for k,v in pairs(buffs) do loop
05:32.10Aiianeif buffs is {}
05:32.15Aiianeit does effectively nothing
05:32.29Shaboookies I have a button but it won;t sick to the background.  It jsut sits in one place while I can move the background around.  Here's what i did
05:32.49Daegalusmake the parent of the button, you main window
05:32.52ShabooI'd like to make it a small plain square button it it's wasy
05:33.17ShabooI tired but it disapears
05:34.17chrixianok aii.. lets back up.. your graph shows that the number of buffs on your target has a direct impact on your FPS, right?
05:34.44chrixianyour target unitframe is using BuffTracker, right?
05:35.01AiianeI have a feeling I know where you're going this, but I'll humor you.
05:37.24chrixianif BuffTracker wraps GetBuffs(), it seems like testing with a replacement BuffTracker (that doesn't do all the mapping that BuffTracker does) would give you a hunch if BuffTracker is the problem, would it not?
05:37.58Aiianethat's replacement, though, not elimination, which is what you were saying before.
05:38.30chrixianwell thats what i meant lol .. work with me here
05:39.11Aiianeand my point would be that a much simpler test would be to replace getbuffs with the dummy function I mentioned above
05:39.24Aiianeif that gives a null result, then you could possibly move on to your suggestion
05:39.35Aiianebut why go through a ton of hurdles when there's a simpler test you could try first
05:40.04chrixianaii im not saying there aren't simpler tests you could do first, that was never the arguement =/
05:40.33Aiiane(21:30:23) chrixian: i totally am, i am just having a hard time understanding how you can  not see the benefit of seeing if BuffTracker is causing your lag and not the GetBuffs() call itself
05:40.37Aiianeseemed to imply otherwise
05:41.26chrixianit seems like a logical response to what i said would be "it would be benficial but there are simpler things to test first"
05:41.41chrixiannot complete dismissal of what im sayin
05:41.53chrixianas if its some hair brained suggestion
05:42.22FelyzaDaegalus, do you happen to konw offhand if locking and unlocking cause inventory updated events?
05:42.37Aiianewell remember this is back when I still thought you were suggesting complete removal, yes?
05:42.43Aiianeso clarifying statements help.
05:42.46chrixianfair enough ...
05:43.01Daegalusumm, not sure. but it might, since to lock a slot you need to do a Lock REquest which does a bunch of backend work we dont see, and if approved, it will lock the slot. So probably does.
05:43.04Thunder_Childcomunication > *
05:43.06Daegalusyou would have to try it
05:43.27Felyzafor now, until i test it, i'll assume in code end it does
05:43.59purlaiiane is, like, an Angel of UI Goodness
05:44.00chrixianbut you also look at things a lot different than most, you have so much experience with mod development and i'm coming to this from a development background but zero mod experience before warhammer
05:46.03Felyzachrixian, do what i did, extract the default interface code, and read... it really helps
05:46.07chrixianso long story short.. forgive me for using terms interchangably
05:46.18chrixianoh i have
05:46.51chrixiani actually feel like i have a fairly decent grasp on certain aspects of the default ui .. but buffs are something i haven't played a whole lot with ..
05:47.26Felyzai just short circuited them so they don't update anywhere... whinyspelltimers still works, so i'm happy
05:48.19Shaboook found issue handleinput="false" that allowed me to "stick" on button
05:48.53Daegaluswould the make clicks in it unresponsive?
05:49.42Felyzabased on EA_Button_DefaultTimerFrame_Small, it would need to make clicks pass-through
05:49.52Shaboono it would still click but would be unmovable and separated from the parent frame
05:50.09Daegalusumm i achieve that without doing handleinput
05:50.28chrixianshaboo: you're talking about ??
05:50.41Shabooso how do u know what style buttons are I mean is there like a list
05:51.14Shabooyep but i made some changes
05:51.35Shaboosorry Chrix yes that one
05:51.37Daegalusi dont, i use the default one. and you can make a button anything you want. YOu can create your own templates to inherit and anything. so a button can be anything
05:51.55Aiianeit should also be noted that # of buffs on target isn't the only item on those graphs, chrixian - but also # of calls to getbuffs
05:52.04Aiianeand both of them correlate with fps drops
05:52.18chrixianshaboo: if you download the interface from like you can look at the xml in eatemplate_defaultwindowskin thats where a lot of the default ui templates are defined
05:52.34Aiianeyou can also just extract it yourself with easymyp
05:52.55chrixianis there a benefit to that aii? i was downloading from wardiff for convenience sake...
05:53.06Shaboook thx I'll have a look
05:53.10Aiianewell, you're guaranteed the latest version extracting it yourself
05:53.28Felyzaeasymyp is going to always extract the latest stuff, wardiff isn't always absolute latest
05:53.46Felyzasigh, aiiane, i'm tired, you beat me to it
05:53.52chrixiani dig
05:54.12Shaboochrix how do I use it, can i load it all up an have a look ?
05:55.14Felyzashaboo, go to and get easymyp, then extract interface.myp (data.myp has been useful too)
05:55.43chrixianshaboo: if you are going to use the source from wardiff.. download the latest file and extract it .. then look in default\eatemplate_defaultwindowskin\source ... if you're looking for button templates open defaultbutton.xml and take a look at the templates that are defined
05:56.11Felyzashaboo, make sure you mind the note to get the hash file as well
05:56.36chrixianshaboo: like i said i personally prefer wardiff because its up to date from the major patches and doesn't require you doa nything other than extract the files and read
05:57.13Felyzachrix, same thing for easymyp, only easymyp extracts from the interface.myp file you already have ;)
05:57.41ShabooI'd like to use the tatic set icons on there own I need 5 buttons names 1 2 3 4 5 is that possible?
05:57.53Felyzashaboo, yes
05:57.53Shabooor should I look at useing nomal button
05:58.34Shaboosorry im a big noob to all of this... how would I define my button to look like tatic set button number 1
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05:59.15Felyzashaboo require the default interface piece that defines it, and then make your button, and inherit the tactic button as a template
06:00.23Shaboosoo how do i find out what it's calles
06:00.41chrixian to find the number
06:00.46Felyzashaboo, go in game, open the debug window, and mouseover the tactic button
06:00.57ShabooI mean at the moment I have inherits="EA_Button_DefaultResizeable" I just replace that with a name refering to the tatic set button?
06:01.03Shabooah ok
06:01.15Felyzathat will give you a windowname to look for, find the name of the button in an xml file, and inherit it in yours, you don't need icon number
06:01.46Felyzashaboo yes, to make it the same small circle button with a number
06:03.51Shaboook so the roll over in game said EA_TacticsEditorSetMenuMenuButton1 I can use that in my code as is?
06:06.08Felyzamake sure you add a dependancy for whatever creates it
06:10.10chrixianaiiane: when you posted the graph you said "calls to GetBuffs()" which caused my confusion, i thought you were calling GetBuffs() directly .. my bad
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06:28.48Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes * r59 / (4 files in 3 directories):
06:28.50RepoFix issue with ClosetGoblin error if NRarity loads before ClosetGoblin
06:30.13Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes 041.9.0-beta * r60 :
06:30.14RepoFix issue with ClosetGoblin error if NRarity loads before ClosetGoblin
06:40.24Aiianehrm... now im wondering if this is just an odd coincidence, or something more significant
06:40.29AiianeI turned off UI logging
06:40.34Aiianeand I haven't had a CTD for about an hour now
06:47.52skoli_awDon't say it so loud, from now on you just get CTD's this day :D
06:48.29Aiianesorry, I was never one to believe in superstition
06:48.41Thunder_Childgood on you
06:53.24Thunder_ChildAiiane, you gave your handle a last name?
06:54.30Thunder_Childi assume Aiiane is a handle
06:54.43Aiianeyes, and?
06:54.52Thunder_Childit has a last name?
06:55.10Aiianewhat prompted that question?
06:55.32Thunder_Childthe fact that most people dont
06:55.41Thunder_Childjust odd
06:55.53Aiianeno, I mean what gave you the impression it did?
06:56.04Thunder_Child"Aiiane Miraelia"
06:56.15Aiianefrom where
06:56.45Aiianethat was my character name in Guild WArs
06:57.07Thunder_Childdidnt know they had last names
06:57.14Thunder_Childis wow the only one w/o them?
06:58.18skoli_awMaybe the last names are coming to WoW in Wotlk :d
06:58.35Thunder_Childnot afaik
06:58.40Aiianeguild wars names were required to be at least two words
06:59.31Thunder_Childsee...i like that
07:02.26thannersIs Aiiane like.. "eye-ah-neh"? or "eye-ane (rhyming with 'main')? or other? (c:
07:02.53Aiianeum, different people pronounce it different ways
07:03.04AiianeI pronounce it the first way you mentioned
07:03.06thannersor was it written prior to a pronunciation?
07:03.09Aiianesome people pronounce it the second
07:03.17Aiianeand others pronounce it eye-ann
07:03.34Aiianeand plenty typo it as Aiine :P
07:03.51Thunder_Childand how do you say it?
07:03.57Thunder_Childi cant read
07:04.02Aiiane~fail Thunder_Child
07:04.03purlYou suck at everything in life, Thunder_Child. I hate you because you fail.
07:05.48thannersit's the crazy number of vowels that probably throws people.
07:06.19Aiianethanners: I thought it was cute when someone suggested omitting vowels to shorten names for display in Squared instead of truncating
07:07.12thannersadmittedly it does work for several names.  But then names tend not to obey usual rules.
07:07.16AiianeI basically just told them "think about who you're telling this too and then tell me why that doesn't work"
07:07.26`Zyphergod lost is so addicting
07:08.57`Zyphermeh sleep tiem
07:11.03*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
07:19.53thannersi'm looking at all the names that are mentioned, now, and mentally pulling vowels out of them.
07:25.48Aiianewow. I seriously think having UI logging on was causing CTDs. That's... sad.
07:30.58Thunder_Childthat's mythic
07:34.04Aiianehmm... well, there it goes now
07:34.08Aiianeso it wasn't just that
07:34.11Aiianebut it took a lot longer
07:36.41Thunder_Childmore like
07:38.59`ZypherThunder_Child: more like
07:40.25Thunder_Child`Zypher, am i supposed to get that?
07:41.06Thunder_Childwell i dont
07:41.10*** join/#waruidev aquiline (n=aquiline@
07:41.51Aiianenext experiment...disabling both UI logging and combat logging
07:42.01DaegalusI pronounce Aiiane, as a japanese name. aka, the way Aiiane pronounces it. Eye - ane
07:44.08Daegalusi dunno what they did, but since thur/fri ive been ctding like crazy like Aiiane
07:44.29`ZypherDaegalus: this is what you need to do
07:44.33`Zyphertake your fist
07:44.41`Zypherpunch self repeatedly in the face
07:44.45Daegalusand shove it down your throat to shut you up?
07:44.50`Zyphertake picture
07:44.54`Zypherand put on intarweb
07:44.59`ZypherDaegalus: unpossible
07:45.03`ZypherI can't stop talking
07:45.05Daegalussorry, im just a lurker on 4chan
07:45.26aquiline4chan, where internet failed
07:45.32`Zypher4chan is only for when im bored
07:45.45`Zypherwhich is rare
07:46.32Thunder_Child4chan is the black hole of the internet, everything ends up there eventuly
07:46.34aquilinereminds me of, everything bad about the internet on 1 page
07:46.57Daegalustrust me, aquiline, 4chan is the cesspool of the internet, the entire dark side of the internet is there, not just the bad
07:47.01aquilineall put together by a 17 year old!
07:47.14Daegalusi blame the japanese
07:47.19Thunder_Childbut the dark side has cookies
07:47.21Daegalusdamn pervs
07:47.23aquilineoh, i was going to blame canada
07:47.32Thunder_Child~blame canada
07:47.35purlACTION blames canada (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
07:48.11`Zypher~blame furfags
07:48.11purlACTION blames furfags (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
07:48.15Daegalus~fail Thunder_Child
07:48.16purlThunder_Child: FAIL!
07:48.30Thunder_Childi didnt make it Daegalus
07:48.39Thunder_Childbesides, i happen to be canadian as well
07:48.59Daegalusand im russian, your point? lol jk
07:49.05Thunder_Child~factinfo CMD blame (.*?)
07:49.05purlThunder_Child: there's no such factoid as cmd blame (.*?)
07:49.14Thunder_Child~factinfo CMD blame (.?*)
07:49.14purlThunder_Child: there's no such factoid as cmd blame (.?*)
07:49.26Thunder_Child~factinfo CMD: blame (.*?)
07:49.26purlcmd: blame (.*?) -- last modified at Thu Jun 22 16:47:45 2006 by sjansen!; it has been requested 475 times, last by `Zypher, 1m 15s ago.
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07:50.41`ZypherI did no such thing
07:55.44`Zyphersudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
07:56.16`Zypherlulz woops
07:56.18Thunder_Childlolz @ `Zypher
07:56.23`Zypherim tired
07:56.31thannersGet some sleep :P
07:56.45`Zyphertrying to stop the gnome display manager in irc is fun
07:57.12`Zypherbut ya I should prolly go sleep
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08:01.37Aiianetime to try disabling both Combat and UiLog
08:13.36AiianeDaegalus: you here?
08:13.49Aiianecan you check something for me?
08:13.54Aiianeturn on UI logging
08:13.56Aiianeand reloadui
08:14.02Aiianemake sure you have errors enabled
08:14.10Aiianethen scroll through the initial spam stuff
08:14.16Aiianeand see if there are any errors from EA_ChatWindow there
08:14.21Aiianeif there are, can you tell me what they are
08:14.54Daegalusoh ive been getting chatwindow errors for a bit now, let me get the exact error
08:15.08Aiianewell my main question is
08:15.14Aiianedo any of them involve LogSetLimit
08:15.26Daegalusthats exactly the error. all 3
08:15.37Aiianejust wanted to verify it wasn't just my client
08:15.57Daegaluscould it be the reason fro CTD? No limit on the log files?
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08:29.15Aiianethat's one of the things I'm looking into
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08:42.08Daegalusfor some reason though, my load times between flights is a lot longer than usual
08:42.25Daegalusand i get a black screen, without it going Not Responding
08:52.26Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes 041.9-release * r61 :
08:52.28RepoFix issue with ClosetGoblin error if NRarity loads before ClosetGoblin
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09:40.58Aiianesome other sorc in this scenario was going solo to whore xp
09:41.04Aiianeso I left my party and joined theirs
09:41.15Aiianeand kept following them as they swapped between the 3-5th parties
09:41.21Aiianeuntil they finally gave up and just went truly solo
09:41.38Aiianeat which point, their damage went in the toilet because they weren't getting any heals since they didn't show up on groups :D
10:03.53*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
10:06.29ChryzoAiiane: so combat log do cause CTDs ?
10:08.00Aiianewell, so far it's been 1.5 hours with no CTD with both uilog and combat log turned off
10:08.09Aiianebefore I was getting a ctd every 30 mins or so
10:08.10chrixianaii i did that same thing and the guy had the nerve to whisper me and tell me he was going to report me for harassment .. i lol'ed
10:08.15AiianeI've done at least 5 mourkain templates so far
10:08.27Aiiane(lol, mourkain templates)
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10:14.04thanners|afkAiiane: grooviness. I might have to try that (turning off combat and ui logging).
10:32.58Aiianeup to about 2 hours now with no ctd
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10:55.18Aiianeso yeah, ~2.5 hours with no CTDs when I couldn't go 45 minutes before... I'd say I think I found the issue
11:04.09Aiianeso now I tried a different test
11:04.18Aiianecan I make the client crash via the textlogs
11:04.52ThraeHow so?
11:04.59AiianeThrae: did you read up?
11:05.10ThraeNo, that sounds hard.
11:05.13Aiianeby turning off UI Logging and the Combat log, I was able to pretty much get rid of the CTD issues
11:05.31Aiiane(i.e. TextLogSetEnabled("Combat", false) etc)
11:05.57ThraeRight, just did a /lastlog. Hmm...
11:07.09ThraeI'll have to try that. It'll be annoying to have no Combat log though, as I actually use that for misc. information.
11:11.10ShabooI can use EA_ChatWindow.Print to print to the chat window but how about if I want to print something to the senario chan
11:13.41ThraeShaboo: SystemData.UserInput.ChatText = L"/sp foo"; BroadcastEvent(SystemData.Events.SEND_CHAT_TEXT)
11:14.40Shaboook thx
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11:16.36Aiianeso yeah
11:16.49Aiianeadding ~150,000 lines of 1000 characters each to the ui log = CTD
11:17.14Aiianeor was it 100 characters each
11:17.19AiianeI think it was 100, actually
11:20.58ThraeAiiane: Doesn't TextLog actually create text log files?
11:21.20Aiianeno, it only does that if TextLogSetIncrementalSaving is used to turn saving on
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11:23.26ThraeHmmm, can I turn off "Combat" logging by just removing the chat window tab?
11:23.53Aiianenot sure, I doubt it though.
11:24.16Aiianesince Combat is added to every tab, even if not all the filters are enabled
11:27.55*** join/#waruidev Jarika (
11:27.58Jarikagood morning
11:34.21ThraeAiiane: Yeah, I don't even see where "Combat" is used in the default interface. I guess it's turned on behind the scenes.
11:34.59AiianeLogDisplayAddLog( tabLogDisplayName, "Combat", true )
11:35.03Aiianechatwindow.lua, line 798
11:35.38Aiiane140,000 entries of 100 characters each to Combat = CTD
11:35.58ThraeI'm talking about the actual call to TextLogSetEnabled. Or does LogDisplayAddLog also call it internally?
11:36.11Aiianeit just defaults to enabled
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11:44.51ThraeAiiane: Is there a way to unregister an OnUpdate you've registered in your mod file?
11:44.56Aiianenot afaik
11:45.10AiianeI wonder if you could UnregisterCoreEventHandler() it
11:45.21Aiianeer, WindowUnregisterCoreEventHandler()
11:45.41Aiianethe question is what window it'd be
11:46.00Aiianethough for all I know, it might just register for UPDATE_PROCESSED
11:46.11Aiianeyou'd have to test it :P
11:47.01ThraeI'm trying a ghetto way of disabling logs after all other addons have loaded and probably finished setup by a simple delay of 5 minutes.
11:48.19ThraeHmm, I should probably register some initial event too, in case that takes more then 5 minutes...oh well, I'll assume people's computers don't suck.
11:49.53Aiianeif you disable a log, it sticks that way until explicitly enabled (even across login sessions)
11:50.14ThraeReally? Oh, I didn't know it was saved.
11:50.31Aiianeat least it was, let me doublecheck that :)
11:50.57ThraeI just assume things will be inconvenient.
11:51.16ThraeSo I made a little addon called "TreeHugger".
11:52.30JarikaBut yeah, just registering for UPDATE_PROCESSED in the OnInitialize and then eventually unregistering is the same as OnUpdate in mod files, from what I can tell. (at least it does the same, I've not tried either to unregister a mod-set OnUpdate)
11:52.34Aiianehrmf. nevermind. apparently it's only saved across different character logins, but not across fully exiting the client
11:52.48Aiianeso just make a macro for it imo
11:52.52ThraeWell different character logins is good enough.
11:54.20JarikaOh Aiiane, question abotu your squared rangedScan method again. Is there a reason why you overwrote the original TargetPlayer function?
11:56.19AiianeJarika: I didn't overwrite it.
11:56.31Aiianelocal function TargetPlayer
11:56.34Aiianeemphasis on "local"
11:57.04AiianeThrae: the debug log, at least, should persist
11:57.33ThraeAiiane: Just making a macro for people who don't know what /debug is.
11:58.24Jarikayes, its local, not globally overwritten, but inside your addon at least. Just for convenience sake or any particular reason?
11:59.15ThraeIsn't local TargetPlayer a hook?
11:59.35Jarikawhatever you call it :)
12:00.33JarikaI think its a hook, just wondering why, since I can't figure out what would have been different with naming it SquaredTargetPlayer and calling TargetPlayer inside for example. Thats why i ask
12:01.35Aiianesimplicty's sake
12:01.47JarikaAh alright
12:02.14Aiianeanywho, sleepytime for an exhausted aii
12:02.28Aiianebut hopefully the ctds will be less now for me... will try with keep sieges tomorrow
12:02.29JarikaI guess local in Lua means as well "can be used from this very file only, and even Squared.lua can't find that function"?
12:02.41JarikaOh what did you do to fix them?
12:02.41Aiianelocal means "can only be used inside the current block
12:02.52Jarikathe 180 drivers work?
12:02.56Aiianeblock is any do...end, or if no do..end then current file
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12:03.07AiianeJarika: I turned off the combat textlog
12:03.19ThraeJarika: Calling it SquaredTargetPlayer could be kinda backwards, since once she hooks it, her function becomes TargetPlayer (at least in Luaspace). Hence she calls the old TargetPlayer instance (which may or may not be hooked itself), "MythicTargetPlayer".
12:03.27JarikaIsn't that what mythic did with 1.02? You turned it on again?
12:03.52ThraeThe nVidia 180.43 drivers don't seem to make a difference for CTDs, but they do seem to increase average framerate.
12:04.02AiianeJarika: no, mythic turned off /saving/ the combat log to file
12:04.05AiianeI turned it off entirely
12:04.14Aiianeas in, nothing gets displayed ingame, either
12:04.20Jarikayou mean you don't even get the combat log spam in the combat window anymore?
12:04.43Jarikaguess some addons won't like that, those dps meters and so
12:04.53Aiianea) I don't use those addons
12:04.55Aiianeb) screw them
12:06.05Jarikathrae: I know what the hook does, just saying naming it SquaredTargetPlayer (and calling that everywhere inside her addon) and using the original TargetPlayer instead of MythicTargetPlayer would have done the same. but as Aiiane already said it was to make it easier, no other reason, I just wanted to know if there was a reason that I didn't see
12:06.42Aiianeanywho. night
12:07.05ThraeGood morning / night
12:07.38Jarikathrae, your script up there does that? turning of the combat log?
12:08.12ThraeJarika: Disables Combat Log and UiLog, right. For macro use if you play on more then one character.
12:10.06JarikaYeah just asking, so i won't have to search for the commands myself :)
12:10.26JarikaUsually i want combat log, but I guess for keep raids and large scales battles it would be good to turn it off
12:10.55Jarikahmm, whats the diff between the UiLog and the Debugwindow log?
12:11.02Jarikathought they were the same?
12:12.14ThraeThere's a line which sets the log on and off based on DebugWindow.Settings.logsOn, I just wanted to make sure it's off, period.
12:12.30ThraeParanoia. Probably not necessary.
12:13.08JarikaHehe, I know that one :)
12:13.49Jarikaafk again, really need to stop avoiding doing RL stuff :) later
12:22.33Repo10warboard_fps: 03leodido * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): Initial Commit. Code not tested
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12:24.29zariousleodido? is that a porn name?
12:26.14CowBookhow do you change your party in a scenario?
12:26.31zariousclick the flag around your minimap then leave the party and join another
12:26.55CowBooki didn't see any options in that window to leave or join parties
12:27.06zariouswhite flag
12:27.12zarioustheres a button under each group
12:27.33zariousthe one under yours should say Leave, click that, then you can clikc the Join button in any other gorup
12:27.55CowBookok, great.. i'll have to check, i've never noticed that button
12:37.20Shabooanyone know how to test if your in a senario or in regional RvR
12:38.09ShabooI guess you can;t be in both I could just spam both chans at once if i can;t tell the diff
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13:07.53JarikaShaboo: You can check GameData.Player.isInScenario to see if you're in a scenario
13:08.44JarikaI don't know much about chat channels but i bet theres a way too to check if you're in one
13:15.02ShabooGreat thx Jarika
13:16.14ChryzoAiiane: i think you are right, removing the logging diminishes the number of CTDs
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13:40.40Shaboowhere do people publish there mods curse ?
13:40.51Felyzathat's where i do
13:41.07Shaboocool I'll whack it up there then
13:41.25Felyzatheir updater and svn access make it easiest
13:41.57Felyzasvn was a pain to get set up the first time, now i love it =)
13:43.40Shaboohey u know in war where you have those battle ground objectives out in the open is that called regional RvR or World RvR
13:44.17Felyzano idea offhand
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14:12.37Chryzoopen RvR
14:30.55Shabooah cool
14:32.17Shaboowell thx again everyone for all your help I'm off to bed
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14:43.07sysrageAiiane: turning off combat log really working for you? damn. can't wait to get home and try it
14:44.39sysragewonder if that'll break ConfessNow
14:46.34Felyzasysrage, if it helps, wsct works fine, and i run with combat log disabled
14:46.57sysrageheh was just about to ask about that too. figured wsct used the actual api, though. not combat log
14:47.00Felyzadon't know if confessnow works the same
14:47.40sysragewell i can definitely live without confessnow if it fixes CTDs
14:47.44Felyzaonly time i enable the combat log is when i'm actually doing tests on things
14:48.00sysrageyou find it makes a difference in performance also?
14:48.37Felyzabetween killing all buffs (outside whinyspelltimers) and disabling the combat log were my biggest two performance improvements
14:49.00CowBookhow do you kill all buffs?
14:49.24Felyzathere's an addon that just circumvents it, kills it in everything, sec, lemme get name
14:49.35sysrageDieBuffsDie, right?
14:49.52Felyzabuff begone ultra
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15:00.36Felyzabbiab, off to go vote
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15:30.39tronnedNoctys: ayt?
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15:41.12Noctystronned...  I'm here now!
15:46.19tronnedNoctys: I about to post up the GuidanceCounselor stuff
15:46.44Noctyscool, on curse?
15:48.30tronnedJust give me a few minutes (at work, as always)
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15:51.49NoctysI just put up the alpha for LTI 1.4  -- basicly adds in a color table (not finished) &  removes all the d()s.
15:53.20Noctystronned, was it you asking be about removing the debug text yesterday?
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15:59.14tronnedNoctys: Yes, that was me.
16:00.24NoctysOK, well if you grab the alpha it's all fixed. The alpha 'should' work... However I never got a chance to test it. I'll release a beta later today with all the colors finalized too.
16:02.15tronnedYeah, I'll need to test out GC for a moment also
16:11.03CowBookhow do you disable the combat log?
16:11.45NoctysCowBook, What do you mean by disable the combat log?
16:12.02CowBook[09:48] <Felyza> between killing all buffs (outside whinyspelltimers) and disabling the combat log were my biggest two performance improvements
16:13.04NoctysHmmm.... Maybe just turning the filters off... Other than that I don't know... That would be a question for Felyza... FELYZA!!!!
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16:52.22tronnedNoctys: GuidanceCounselor works, got career and archetype colors going (screenshot inc)
16:54.04Noctystronned: Is it still sindicating.  I don't see it yet.
16:54.20tronnedNoctys: i was testing, then will commit ;)
16:55.22NoctysSweet. Is that part of Moth?
16:55.44tronnedThat is Moth
16:55.57tronnedmy own personal profile though, very minimal
16:56.38tronnedNeed to check it out in scenario now ;)
16:56.52sysragemoth = pure win
16:57.00CowBookwhat does GuidanceCounselor do?
16:57.11CowBooki haven't tried moth yet, i'd been meaning to but forgot
16:58.08tronnedGuidanceCounelor just gives me career colors, is all
16:58.53CowBookhow about a career icon, is that possible?
16:59.08tronnedoh, totally
16:59.15tronnedbut only for cached players
16:59.24tronnedicon is what i'm working on now
16:59.37CowBookcached from where, from scenario windows? combat log parsing?
16:59.57tronnedcached from LibTargetInfo
17:00.06CowBooknever used that lib, very cool
17:00.23tronnedNoctys: LTI needs a way to manually add players/careers ;)
17:00.23talvinenare the career colors/icons part of the LibTargetInfo?
17:00.46NoctysYeah -- I will have it by 2.0
17:01.14NoctysAlso a way to change to colors it stores... Or something.  Not 100% sure how I am going to work all that out yet.
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17:01.51NoctysI don't really want to make my library dependent on LibSlash.
17:02.07NoctysThen you end up with a big chain of required files.
17:02.07tronnedhm, fair point
17:02.23talvinenI guess everyone should have Libslash by now :x
17:02.31tronnedI know assuming is bad, but everyone would have LibSlash by now
17:02.40tronnedhell, the next UI patch might even include it, lol
17:02.49NoctysThey should just make it part of the WAR API and give Aii free service for a year.
17:03.09tronnedIt's good (and she's good) but that won't happen ;)
17:03.19tronnedthey will make their own handler first
17:03.30talvinenNoctys: Can career colors and icons be accessed from LibTargetInfo, or is that part of guidancecounselor?
17:04.08NoctysIcons come from my LTI, v1.5 will have colors.
17:04.18NoctysCareer & type
17:04.53NoctysI will probably just put libslash in with LTI if I go that rout
17:05.05Noctysinclude the file I mean
17:05.47talvinenIncluding libraries is bad
17:06.02talvinenas long as there is no possibility to only load the most up to date version
17:07.11talvinenI hope we get it like Ace-Libs in the future
17:07.36talvinenI want to have career colors/icons in xHUD too, but I don't like to have users to download additional libraries
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17:16.54NoctysAii has a buffer in there with LibSlash.  It will only load the latest version.
17:17.09NoctysV2.0 will hopefully be embeddable.
17:17.16Noctysof LTI
17:19.22purl<(*.*<) <(*.*)> \(*.*)/ (>*.*)>
17:33.57Repo10guidance-counselor: 03Astika * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): first import
17:34.55tronnedNoctys: There you go, have at it.
17:35.41xJDxhey aiiane you around?
17:36.08xJDxactually anyone can probably help me with this
17:36.16xJDxon the waaaghbar
17:36.31xJDxif i wnated to move an element of the bar to a different position how coul di go about doing this?
17:36.41shockbeta|workGet the 2.1.1
17:37.00shockbeta|workYou mean reorder them, or to actually put htem in a different position?
17:37.17xJDxi have alot that keep overlapping
17:37.18shockbeta|worklike [plugin1][plugin2]                                         [plugin3]
17:37.32xJDxwould probalby be
17:37.34xJDxwhat i need to change
17:37.39xJDxcurrently the QQ DPS icon
17:37.44xJDxoverlaps the Performance Icon
17:37.53shockbeta|workdo you have one from curse, or one from clone on curseforge?
17:37.54xJDxand they are both overlapped by the warsymbol in the upper left
17:38.08shockbeta|workyou can't really..
17:38.17shockbeta|worktheir ordering is weird on that one
17:38.33xJDxcould you possibly direct me to the one
17:38.33shockbeta|worklet me get link to curseforge one I did
17:38.34xJDxthat aloows me to reorder
17:38.37xJDxthank you much
17:38.59xJDxdo you mind if ihost it as well on my guild site for my members to download
17:39.14CowBookjust link it to them
17:39.21CowBookuse the curse client, it's sexy
17:39.28xJDxno ty
17:39.31xJDxi dont like curse client
17:40.13skolihmm.. warhammer alliance forums is pretty slow now
17:44.50xJDx'thatnks shockbeta
17:44.53xJDxgonna give this a go
17:46.29Chryzoall the curse sites are slow :)
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18:09.35`Zyphereggs + bacon + toast = win
18:10.12`ZypherCowBook: thats awesome
18:15.12Repo10abilityalert: 03Celestian * r11 AbilityAlert.lua:
18:15.13Repoadded feature to track reactive abilities that are active on block/parry/etc.
18:15.17Repo/aa radd
18:15.23Repo/aa rlist
18:15.29Repo/aa rdel
18:23.08NoctysEverynow and then my Saved Variable file gets deleted, or set to 0. Usually it I get an error in it, and then the next game it is set to 0.  Any way to fix it.
18:23.42shockbeta|workdon't break your addon:p
18:23.50xJDxhey shock
18:24.06xJDxwith your waaghbar
18:24.14xJDxis ther ea wy to seperate normal xp from renown?
18:24.31Repo10abilityalert: 03Celestian 04v2.6 * r12 : Tagging as v2.6.
18:24.38shockbeta|workLike: [xp] [location] [rnw] ?
18:25.04xJDxit appears
18:25.06shockbeta|workor: [xp]        <space>        [rnw]
18:25.07xJDxthey are tied to gether
18:25.09xJDxfor being displayed
18:25.14xJDxlike i dont want my normal xp on the bar at all
18:25.16xJDxas i'm 40
18:25.18shockbeta|workyeah, original waaaghbars doing
18:25.18xJDxand dont need it showing
18:25.24shockbeta|workso rightclick the xp
18:25.33shockbeta|workthen xp settings, toggle showign of xp
18:25.38xJDxdidn't notice that man
18:25.45xJDxthis is a much better waagh bar
18:25.47shockbeta|worklots of right click stuff on that one
18:25.48xJDxi like it mush
18:25.56xJDxnow if i could only find some fixes for the damn warband window
18:26.12xJDxthis ui has to be the clunkiest of any game to date =P
18:26.15xJDxstill love the game though
18:26.24shockbeta|workside note if you acidently hide the rnwn as well... right click the waaghabr itself and select somethigns broken
18:26.38xJDxkk ty boss
18:26.41shockbeta|workit will unhide them both:p
18:27.43CowBookthere really needs to be API access for zoom in/out
18:29.15`ZypherxJDx: I can't even bring myself to login anymore
18:29.31xJDxlol why's that zypher
18:29.41CowBookthe ui has a few issues, but it's far from the clunkies i've used
18:30.02`ZypherxJDx: because endgame is non-existant
18:30.09xJDxwe are having a blast on our server
18:30.14xJDxconstat orvr
18:30.20xJDxgetting ready to start lost vale tonight
18:30.25xJDxhaving a great time
18:30.36xJDx<--loses at typing
18:30.44CowBook`Zypher, what kind of end-game content are you looking for? PvE, World RvR, Scenarios, Quests, what?
18:30.49CowBooki'm only lvl 18
18:31.03CowBookso i am concerned about what end-game will bring for content and fun-ness
18:31.14`ZypherWorld RvR
18:31.16CowBookthat being said, i'm having fun with alts
18:31.22CowBooki love my dok :D
18:31.26xJDxShould come check out ungrim zypher
18:31.32xJDxwe have RvR pretty much nonstop
18:31.36`ZypherI'm on volkmar
18:31.37xJDxthough destro is in seroius need of help
18:31.51NoctysIt's actually on Par with WoW when it came out...  Different issue, but on par.  At least they aren't letting us cheat with mods...
18:31.56`ZypherVolkmar became a test bed after we pushed altdorf
18:32.03xJDxI would say
18:32.06`Zypherwe cannot push zone control anymore
18:32.08xJDxthat it's ahead of wow's luanch
18:32.11xJDxin all honesty
18:32.21`Zypherwe get huge lag spikes every keep siege
18:32.24xJDxand the interface is getting better and better
18:32.27xJDxas did we
18:32.28shockbeta|workso you wanted end game of world rvr, but not on a oRvR server?
18:32.38xJDxtill we learned not to take all the warband into the keep at the same time
18:32.42`Zypherwhy would I need that on an RvR server?
18:32.43xJDxwe leave 2/3's guarding the zone line
18:32.46xJDxso no destro can get through
18:32.50`Zypherthe whole fucking game is about rvr
18:33.00`Zypherit shouldn't depend on what server type I play on
18:33.10xJDxsadly though
18:33.11xJDxit does
18:33.40`Zypherit didn't
18:33.41NoctysThe only issue they really have is that World-RvR isn't here yet.  But after 1/2 of the user base hits 40 it should be.  I have 3 characters in their 20s.  highest is level 23.  I'm sure there are a lot of people like that.
18:33.55shockbeta|workCore you are not flagged in PvE territory (80% of tier 1 but all the way down to only 20% of tier 4), open you are flagged everywhere.
18:34.03`ZypherI was one of the first people to 40
18:34.21`Zypherno it didn't matter that we were core
18:34.27`Zypherwe had loads of world rvr originally
18:34.36`Zypherthen we pushed altdorf first out of all the us servers
18:34.44`Zypherand they did something to our server
18:34.50`Zypherfor a whole week we couldn't attack keeps
18:34.55`Zypherthe doors weren't attackable
18:35.01`Zyphertthen they fix that
18:35.08shockbeta|workI'm just saying if you're on an open rvr server peopel are flagged constantly, so that usually means those people really want to pvp. not that the core server pop doesn't just I think theirs more that do on openrvr
18:35.09`Zypherand now it is impossible to push zone control
18:35.23CowBooki've been taking my time and enjoying it
18:35.27`Zyphershockbeta|work: I don't care about small time pvp tho
18:35.33`ZypherI'm talking about huge battles
18:35.38`ZypherI couldn't give a shit less baout 1v1
18:35.54CowBooki don't have the cpu to handle huge world rvr battles
18:35.59CowBookwhich is a bummer
18:36.04shockbeta|work.... okay be narrow sighted and not really read into what more pvp centered players mean
18:36.24`Zyphershockbeta|work: you started it.
18:36.27CowBooki'm going to try BuffBegoneUltra and disable the combat logging though to see if that helps
18:36.39shockbeta|workIts true the game is centered around RvR, btu that doesn't mean every player is goign to play it like that.
18:36.46xJDxit' snot that hard to get to 40 as we know all to well Zypher
18:36.51`Zypherthe server was playing it that way
18:36.52xJDxconsider moving servers where that isn't the case
18:37.03NoctysThey are still working on everything.  And if you rush to 40 then you are going to be lonely for a while. Play another toon up to 40, and take your time enjoying the story line.
18:37.05xJDxi have 3 level 40's so far
18:37.11xJDxit's prettycake ot pve level
18:37.12ThraeWee, I have a new 19" monitor to replace one of my secondary 15" monitors. Or maybe I'll leave one of the 15" monitors connected...
18:37.21xJDxGratz Thrae
18:37.32ThraeI barely know what to put on my third monitor. Going back to four monitors...
18:37.34shockbeta|workI'm not syaingyou should play on an open, I agree there should be a lot more open rvr in all servers, in all tiers to actually, but the way the game is done, it's more effective for people to queue for scenarios. Then theirs balance as well
18:37.35`ZypherxJDx: I couldn't care less mate, I just want them to fix the goddamn game
18:37.36CowBook19" ? They still make them that small? :D
18:37.43`Zypheryou don't buy a car to go swimming
18:37.51xJDxsure you do
18:37.53`Zypheras you don't buy a rvr game
18:37.55xJDxcuz you have to drive to the pool
18:37.55`Zypherto pve
18:38.25xJDxthanks for the addon shock it works superb
18:38.30xJDxi'm going back to ENJOY the game =)
18:38.37Thraeshockbeta|work: My most recent gripe is how the Inf. gained through the "Live Event" is so tiny in the RvR PQ compared to farming the PvE mobs.
18:38.43CowBooki walk to the pool
18:38.51shockbeta|worklol yeah agreed Thrae
18:38.56CowBookbut i push my car there.
18:39.32`ZypherCowBook: i see
18:39.48ThraeI think you have JUST enough time before the "Live Event" ends to farm the max Inf. from the PvE mobs...but then you're doing Rep. grinding in WoW
18:40.01`Zypherwhy are people so eager to dismiss any complaints?
18:40.11Thrae`Zypher: I dismiss your complaint
18:40.46`ZypherThrae: I dismiss you!
18:41.13shockbeta|workThrae: Wait.. are you talking about the influence for the potion,cape and mask?
18:41.31Thraeshockbeta|work: Yes
18:41.32CowBooki won a mask via need roll in a BG
18:41.45`ZypherI feel like warhammer is lack social aspects
18:41.50shockbeta|worktakes like 2.5 horus pending on class to farm all the inf you need
18:41.55`Zypherfeels kinda like a single player game
18:42.10CowBookthe cape seemed ok, but wasn't really any better than what i had
18:42.12shockbeta|workjsut have to find a cauldron that isn't being camped
18:42.17CowBookdidn't seem like it was worthwhile
18:42.25ThraeAnd 2.5 hours is acceptable?
18:42.38ThraeLet's try not to remember EQ here
18:42.54shockbeta|workno, bu tif you're queueing for scenarios while doign it, you're wasting time, plus it's fun to slam down opposing faciton when they come to farm it
18:43.00CowBooklol, farming is really something to do vs watching tv
18:43.12CowBookif you can farm it in one night, great. more than that.. maybe it's not worth it
18:43.58shockbeta|workI think 2.5 horus is a lot better then farming say... any of the countless ones needed in wow...
18:44.14CowBooki just like that all the influence stuff is done in an hour or two
18:44.20Thraeshockbeta|work: Actually, that wouldn't be too bad -- if the Inf. from the PvE mobs was increased and their respawn timer increased, or you get an initial bonus that decreases as you farm them more and more, it would be *perfect* for inbetween scenarios
18:44.20CowBookinstead of having to grind rep for weeks
18:44.38shockbeta|work+105% if oyu have control of zone for each mob you kill..
18:44.45shockbeta|workaverage about 15-20 per cauldron...
18:44.56Thrae+5%, not +105%
18:45.11ThraeI play Order, we never have control of any zones.
18:45.13shockbeta|workyeah, sorry was gonna say +105 influence, but had % there :-/
18:45.27shockbeta|workso you lose 5 inf. per kill
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18:45.51shockbeta|workthat's still 1.5 to 3k per cauldron
18:45.54shockbeta|workerr. 2*
18:46.00ThraeOn my server, we have a lower pop. then Destruction. Lots of Scenarios are frequently 1:1.5, 1:2, etc.
18:46.29shockbeta|workso you take a cauldron pop in scenario.. coem out of scenario cauldron is up, rinse repeat while playing scenarios
18:46.34ThraeAnd if we can't get into a scenario and the other side has a larger force, they automatically get extra victory points
18:46.48shockbeta|workyeah, I didn't know that until recently
18:47.59ThraeI know you shouldn't coddle PvP, but there isn't much incentive to be the underdog. But I think fixing contributions will be a huge help.
18:49.13`Zypherditch all pv
18:49.19`Zypherand just do pvp only
18:49.52shockbeta|workThe wya i feel about pvp is who cares. lol. You die or you win..  what really happens if you die? you get a 3 min debuff, that's generally gone by the time you come back. Therefore I generally and pretty careless in charging into the fray.. lol
18:50.06Thrae`Zypher: I'd like to, but the PvE rewards are better. You get better rewards by balancing them.
18:50.26Thraeshockbeta|work: I play a Runepriest and I hate you. And Zealots hate you.
18:50.31`ZypherPvE itemization is lame
18:50.35shockbeta|workThe way I see it is someone kilsl me they're having fun. If I kll someone I'm having fun.. I hate the turtlers and retreaters...
18:50.56ThraeFocus Fire people
18:51.01shockbeta|workThrae, that may be, but I'm also the maraudor that's flanking the enemy causing chaos within their rear to save you some front end dps
18:51.16ThraeWell that's fine
18:51.34ThraeExcept I hate you because you're the Marauder attacking me.
18:52.33ThraeUsually Melee attacking me isn't a big deal, but some people know how to go from "try to kill that RP (improbable" to "annoy the hell out of that RP (very likely)" through use of all their stuns and interrupts
18:52.52ThraeThankfully, those Melee are rare.
18:52.56shockbeta|workhehe.. If I know I can gun someone down I burst them down...
18:53.12shockbeta|workIf not I try to spread damage out to keep the helaers busy.
18:53.43shockbeta|workor if I know you're the main healer for a guy my team is gunning for I dump damage on you to try to get you to panic and heal yourself as oppsoed to your team.
18:53.47ThraeOh right, I forgot to complain in a Bug Report about A) Player Pets running through walls, B) Player Pets attacking you through walls and ceilings and whatever
18:54.37ThraeI've had too many Squig Herders use their ability which lets them selectively control their pet to run through a closed Keep door and start knocking people off the ramparts.
18:55.07ThraeExcellent strategy...if that Squig didn't just run through a CLOSED door.
18:56.39shockbeta|workSo I'm curious have you played morakin[splng?]  temple I assume yean
18:57.30shockbeta|workDo you see many people flanking on your server? I generally don't see anyone at all actually cut around to come behind the enemy at the temple.
18:58.16shockbeta|workAnd everytime I do it, the opposing faction seems surprised. you generally have one person half dead before htey even realized what happened.
19:12.38*** join/#waruidev Jarika (
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19:38.18talvinenWhats the problem with a vertical DMCD?
19:38.27CowBookis there an ItemRack type mod?
19:38.35talvinenClosetGoblin @ CowBook
19:39.01talvinenI believe, there is even an AddOn called ItemRack for WAR, but I'm not sure you can save different item sets with it
19:41.37*** join/#waruidev potato (n=poetaeto@
19:41.57PenguinOfDoomCowBook: Are you rank zomg now?
19:42.01PenguinOfDoomWhich server and class?
19:42.16CowBooki have a 20 squig herder and a 17 disciple of khaine
19:42.23CowBookon red eye mountain (core)
19:42.32CowBooki like the dok more
19:43.09PenguinOfDoomfarm moar!!1
19:43.11CowBookmy wife plays a dok, so it's nice to run at the same bright wizard wih her and nuke them
19:43.29PenguinOfDoomAlso, I think all the cool griefer kids play on Dark Crag and/or Skull Throne
19:43.33PenguinOfDoomI rerolled on DC
19:43.48CowBookwe like red eye mountain so far
19:43.50CowBookno problems there
19:43.55PenguinOfDoomOh? Lots of pewpew?
19:44.00CowBookseems good
19:44.09CowBooki wouldn't know if i'm missing anything though
19:44.18CowBooki only get to play a few nights a week
19:44.46CowBookbut i really enjoy the class
19:44.50PenguinOfDoomBah. Way to get married.
19:45.16CowBookheh she plays war as much as i do
19:45.32CowBooki'm just trying to do freelance work as well as photography and music recording
19:45.36CowBooki don't have time to play war more
19:46.14PenguinOfDoomViolent interweb games take priority over real life stuffs, though
19:46.42CowBookyes, but i need my art
19:47.14*** join/#waruidev talvinen (n=Miranda@
19:51.46Noctystalvinen:  Just waiting for the files to be approved, but LibTargetInfo V 1.41 has class & type colors in it. Let me know if you decide to use it and need any help.
19:53.30talvinenYes, thank you. It's not my highest priority, but I plan to use it
19:56.37*** part/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
20:16.24Repo10cleanunitframes: 03Aiiane * r79 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0.11 for changeset 1dedf5593724
20:16.26RepoPrevent some nil-reference errors.
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20:48.22Aiianelunchtime, bbl
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21:42.09sysrageyay confessnow works with combat log off
21:42.22sysragenow to wait an hour and see if i crash
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21:47.47`ZypherI think I has teh canxer
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22:33.58Aiicrashed yet sysrage ? :P
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22:47.37CowBookhow do you disable the combat log? and does it adversely affect any addons?
22:48.24Aiiit will affect addons that scan the combat log, but not ones that just hook on WORLD_OBJ_COMBAT_EVENT
22:48.30AiiWSCT does the latter
22:48.40AiiI think KillingBlow does the former
22:48.41CowBookdo you have to do it every time you log in, or just once?
22:48.50Aiievery time you log in I believe
22:49.03Aiialthough you could probably write a short addon that'd do it on LOADING_END
22:49.32ThraeAii: I thought it was saved per-character, just not globally.
22:49.54AiiThrae: i tried it last night and it seemed to be wiped when full-exiting the client
22:50.06Aiibut honestly i have no idea for sure
22:50.12CowBookwell, i just acked through my addons, and the only thing that even matches the string "combat" is WSCT
22:50.14Aiidoesnt hurt to be paranoid and just disable it every time
22:50.16CowBookso i'm probably fine
22:51.29CowBookwait, there's more.. funny, ack wasn't showing
22:52.32CowBookstill, i don't see anything that looks like it's parsing a combat log
22:52.39CowBooki guess i'll find out when i try it
22:52.53CowBookAii, have you tried BuffBegoneUltra?
22:53.07CowBookI'm curious to know if it hurts Squared or CUF in any way
22:53.19CowBookor BuffHead
22:53.25CowBooki want to maximize performance
22:53.51ThraeCUF uses the default buff frames I think, just relocating them.
22:53.53AiiCowBook: squared doesn't use BuffTrackers
22:54.15AiiThrae: no, it has its own BuffTracker objects, it disables the default ones from updating
22:54.35ThraeThrae: No it doesn't, what are you an idiot?
22:55.18CowBookso if i use CUF, i don't need BuffBegoneUltra?
22:55.22*** join/#waruidev Lefi (
22:55.33CowBook"BuffBegoneUltra disables display of ALL buffs displayed in the default interface bufftracker windows."
22:56.02AiiI believe BBU will eliminate CUF's buff frames too
22:56.16Aiibut that's unnecessary, because if you don't want CUF's buffs, you can just turn them off via slashcommand
22:56.30CowBooki like CUF's buffs
22:56.31Aii(and you can do it selectively, there are options for group, targets, and or player buffs
22:57.00LefiHello all
22:57.02Aii(on a side note, it's a good thing IRC doesnt enforce parentheses-matching or I'd get so many syntax errors :X
22:57.10Aiihi Lefi
22:57.13ThraeAii: "BuffBegoneUltra disables display of ALL buffs displayed in the default interface bufftracker windows." <-- why would it effect CUF if it's just the DEFAULT tracker windows?
22:57.53Aiibecause what it really means is that it disables all "BuffTracker" objects, and BuffTracker is defined in the default UI
22:58.22chrixianbufftracker is a wrapper to map numbers to actual buff names and stuff like that as well as the art for the button and what not ... most addons displaying buffs in some way or another are going to be using bufftracker
22:58.37Aiiessentially what BBU does Thrae, is hook the BuffTracker.Refresh and BuffTracker.Create methods in the 'not nice' way, and never actually pass on the requests
22:58.50Aiichrixian: no, it's not really
22:58.54AiiGetBuffs already does all that
22:59.01AiiBuffTracker is a display object
22:59.36chrixiani only make incorrect statements, so i have to stick with what i do best
23:00.26ThraeI should probably stop updating AbilityAlert since it doesn't work with Vertigo, just like the page says. Heh.
23:01.21Aiihmm, why doesn't it Thrae ?
23:02.54ThraeAii: AbilityAlert gets all its info from the default action buttons. It might also be bettercc.
23:03.27ThraeAii: Nevermind, it's bettercc.
23:03.32*** part/#waruidev Nyborek1 (
23:03.33Aiiwas about to say
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23:04.10Aiivertigo shouldn't fubar any other addon unless the other addon relies on the assumption that bars have exactly 12 buttons always
23:06.36LefiHey all - couple questions ... with QQ DPS I have a drop down with a list of all the abilities that have been used, selecting an item in the list sets those items as being tracked
23:07.54Lefiany time an ability is selected that is below the initial display area of the drop down (ie they have to scroll) the method 'ComboBoxGetSelectedText' fails to return the correctly selected text
23:08.01Lefihas anyone else encountered this issue?
23:08.23Aiiyep Lefi
23:08.24shockbeta|workcomboboxes are my bane
23:08.37Aiibasically have to grab the current scroll offset and compute the correct value from that + selected index
23:09.01Lefiso use the indexes rather than the GetSelectedText method?
23:09.02shockbeta|workHow do you get currentscrolloffset ?
23:10.14Lefiany chance you can point me to an example Aii?
23:11.42AiiI'm not at home at the moment, so that might be a bit difficult
23:12.07Aiibut I'd check the default UI code for the auction window, im pretty sure it has some fairly large dropdowns
23:12.08Lefiheh no worries, ill dig around.  do you know if scroll offset is a pixel value or a row value?
23:12.15Aiirow value
23:12.22Lefiok, i can manage that then.
23:12.35Lefi(and the auction window dds have the same problem i think heh)
23:12.59Lefialso, a less technical / more philosophical issue
23:13.30LefiAuctionAssist hooks the auction window to cause an automatic search when you drop something into the box
23:13.56LefiAuction Stats also does this, and the same way, by handing off the build in functionality on the UI
23:14.16Lefiso, if you have both installed, it causes it to search twice
23:14.59LefiAny thouhts on whether i should put a non-dependancy style detection on this, or if i should just allow the thing to be turned off by the end use
23:15.42Aiiwell, if you know that another addon is using object 'Blah'
23:15.51Aiiyou can do "if Blah then" to see if its defined
23:15.59Aiior you can just give the option to disable, it, yes
23:19.28Lefias i said, more philosophical than technical, I just think do out of dependancy detection is super hacky and can break in too many ways
23:19.41Thrae <-- am I being a dick here?
23:20.55shockbeta|worklol no. I already told them they hook bad
23:20.59Aiihrm. it's not an issue I'd normally raise, because that's the kind of thing that it's better to know if that changed and actually fix the addon to realize
23:21.15Aiii.e. if you're looking for specific arguments and doing things with them
23:21.27Aiithen if the API changes you should probably update the addon regardless
23:21.31shockbeta|workSomeone had mentioned that their hook was breaking another addon. the author kindly replied that he/she uses no hooks....
23:21.43Aiiwhereas if you don't actually care about the arguments
23:21.58Aiithen using ... is good practice because a change to the arguments won't break your addon's functionality anyways
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23:23.02ThraeAii: That's if the project is still being maintained, or if anyone loves it. Like poor BetterCC needs an update to fix its obvious problem, but the maintainer is AWOL at the moment.
23:24.13ThraeOf course this argument would be better done when Mythic's API is "official" instead of being documented by users (like Gmail still being in Beta).
23:25.40AiiThrae: if noones maintaining it and the api changes, it should probably either die or be picked up by someone else regardless ;)
23:27.08ThraeAii: Tell that to the users of ReiserFS and many other popular Open Source projects ;)
23:29.29Aiireiserfs is not an addon ;)
23:29.47shockbeta|workAuction window doesnt' mess with scroll offset frmo what I can tell..
23:30.19shockbeta|workthey get the selectedindex, then get the actual selected item from a lsit of choices they used to fill the combobox with.
23:31.09Lefiagain, doesnt the auction house have the exact same problem?
23:31.13shockbeta|workAs opposed to fixing it so ComboBoxGetSelectedText() would return the proper text....
23:31.32shockbeta|workdon't know at work and jsut ran a character to auciton house testing now
23:31.54Lefimaybe the filters are truly broken and its not the combo box heh
23:32.19shockbeta|workI didn' tknow a witch elf could use a weapon for a goblin/orc....
23:32.29Lefiexactly ....
23:33.22shockbeta|workseems the tick boxes work in a combobox, but not a list of strings
23:34.02shockbeta|workhmm.. maybe not so.. possibly anythign with a scrolbar is fubared
23:34.13ThraeCool. I logged out a while ago, and while I was logging out, a Scenario had popped. The result was when I logged back in roughly 8 hours later, the window appeared again with no scenario listed.
23:34.49Lefiso as yet, we dont know if getselectedindex works either? lol
23:35.08shockbeta|workhah I logged out after taking an objective in a rvr lake... the status of that objective was left on my screen upon login as well.. it didn't go awway until I died or went back tretook the objective.
23:35.17shockbeta|workthat's what they use and it doesn't
23:35.28shockbeta|workI figured I tried all that before
23:35.44shockbeta|workThe only clue so far to get it to work is the scrolloffset Aii mentioned
23:35.58shockbeta|workbut you would still have to maintain your own list to pull the index out of
23:35.59Lefimaybe actually using the scrollbar's get offset will work
23:36.08WikkiFizzleYou guys talking about combo boxes?
23:36.33shockbeta|workyeah any combobox option that uses a scrollbar is busted
23:37.16WikkiFizzleI use combo box that has a scroll and pul the data with ComboBoxGetSelectedMenuItem just fine
23:37.33shockbeta|workAs soon as it has to be scrolled no go. if its one of th eoriginal options you're fine.. which is why I broke my comboboxes into groups and and changed maxvisibleitems to somethign higher:p
23:37.47shockbeta|workdid oyu try the actual scrolled data?
23:38.08shockbeta|workif oyu have a combobox with 12 items in it. and the last two are scrolled... it breaks it
23:38.22WikkiFizzleThat function gives me the selected index, and I have a lookup to pull what I need
23:38.25shockbeta|work1-10 select and return fine, but as soon as it's scrolled it returnsbad info
23:38.47shockbeta|workI'm no tthinking that works either. as that' how the auciton house is doing it, and the auciton house is broken as well
23:39.07WikkiFizzleI display 5 and it contains 16 or 17 and works ok
23:39.32Lefimaybe the auctionhouse is just fubard shock
23:39.37WikkiFizzleOne of mine I think displays 6 and has 27 or so
23:39.53shockbeta|workyeah, but I also trier it with waaaghbar tt manager and settings, and it didn't work when I did it there either
23:40.01shockbeta|workwhat addon wikki?
23:40.09shockbeta|workI wanna see if I'm missing somethign stupid
23:41.07shockbeta|workgot a file? there's  a few in here
23:41.22WikkiFizzleLine 310 or so
23:41.28WikkiFizzledoes a get selected
23:41.36WikkiFizzleconverts it with a lookup
23:41.41WikkiFizzlefor the data I need and stores it
23:41.52Lefilua supports closures right?
23:42.38shockbeta|workwikki you in game?
23:42.48shockbeta|workyou near auciton house?
23:42.53WikkiFizzleI can be
23:43.19shockbeta|workgo there and use the bottom scrolled combox choices to search for something and see if it works for you
23:43.35WikkiFizzleIt probably wont, nothing I ever filter there works :P
23:43.38Lefianyone know if this will work ...
23:43.51shockbeta|workif oyu don't scroll down any of the combobox filtesr they work
23:43.53WikkiFizzleJumping on my auction toon to test for ya
23:44.05Lefilocal table = { ... }
23:44.05LefiQQ.GetComboSelectedText = function() return table[GetComboBoxSelectedMenuItem("QQAbilitySelect")] end
23:44.06shockbeta|workit's jsut when you use a scrolled filter it breaks
23:44.29Lefiand then when you invoke QQ.GetComboSelectedText it has the reference to local still referenced
23:47.00shockbeta|workdo a search like this: weapons, axe, all weaponslots, intelligence .. leave everything else as it stands
23:50.20shockbeta|workthen do a search for spiritual resistance or any of the resistance really fubars it... not sure why especially since corpreal isn't even scrolled.
23:51.35WikkiFizzleHas to be their lookup or something
23:51.55shockbeta|workyeah I cheanged it from weapon to accessories and now the resistances are seeming to sercch proper
23:52.14shockbeta|workSo the comboboxes will work if you maintain your own list of whats in them then?
23:52.56shockbeta|workjust have to use the ComboBoxGetSelectedMenuItem?
23:53.00WikkiFizzleYes, I just map the index in the combo to an index in a local data structure
23:53.14WikkiFizzleThis works out well when you go to localize the UI
23:53.18shockbeta|workseems like I tried that before
23:53.35shockbeta|workDo you by chance know how to force a windowupdate for the comboboxes?
23:54.00WikkiFizzleNo idea
23:54.19shockbeta|workLike you ComboBoxClearMenuItems() then ComboBoxAddMenuItem()..... then try to select one of the newly selected ones
23:54.34shockbeta|workerr  select one of the newly added items
23:55.18WikkiFizzleI havent used the clean menu items call at all
23:58.43LefiI believe doing set selected will force the refresh shock
23:59.12shockbeta|workhmmm.. nto sure if it does, I'll try again later.
23:59.18LefiComboBoxSetSelectedMenuItem("YourComboBoxNameHere", YourSpiffyIndexHere)

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