IRC log for #waruidev on 20081101

00:05.51*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
00:07.28*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
00:07.28*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
00:09.33sysragedon't suppose WAR has a function enabled to let you do a trash dump for addons like wow had?
00:13.54Aiianenot aware of one
00:14.11Aiianethere is collectgarbage()
00:16.08sysragegonna try macroing that and hitting it every 10 min or so. see if it helps with my crashing
00:16.38Aiianedoubtful - usually garbage collects are run at set intervals as well
00:18.10sysragei'm trying everything i can.. i CTD once an hour and it's driving me insane
00:19.15sysragetried all sorts of video drivers.. tried disabling sound like some ppl suggested.. tried texture cache slider in a million combinations
00:21.49Aiianeare you still using a beta client?
00:21.56Aiiane(patched up ofc)
00:23.39Aiianesome people who were having a lot of CTD issues said that reinstalling fresh worked better for them
00:23.59sysragenope. i installed fresh
00:31.06PenguinOfDoomPersonally, I blame it on destro spies in crashdorf
00:31.11PenguinOfDoomshooting me with invisible CTD arrows
00:33.07sysragei'm destro :P
00:35.49Jarikaseems order retaliates
00:36.55*** join/#waruidev thanners_ (
00:48.56JarikaAnyone else getting a while shitload of errors when opening the guild window, about some alliance windows not existing?
00:54.10Aiianeyep. it's a glitch in the default UI code.
00:54.31AiianeI have a fix for it I wrote in my personal random-code-stash-and-stuff mod
00:54.36Aiianebut it's not perfect
00:55.59Aiianebut I pretty much was forced to write it
00:56.23Aiianebecause otherwise, in a guild with ~300 members, it would literally freeze my client for a good minute or so if I accidentally opened the guild window while I had the debug window open and logging on
00:57.38*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
00:57.41*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
01:03.46JarikaWonder why mythic can never come up with such quick fixed for "glitches"
01:04.33PenguinOfDoomI think you should be more happy with Mythic
01:04.55PenguinOfDoomPerhaps you need a point of reference! For example: CCP still hasn't fixed the Retarded Jumping Window Bug Of Doom
01:05.05PenguinOfDoomit's old enough to go to kindergarten, I believe
01:06.41*** join/#waruidev Andrew--` (n=nobody@
01:17.13sysrageaiiane wins.. garbage collection didn't work :P
01:17.25sysragectd every hour.. almost like clockwork
02:06.20*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (n=nobody@
02:07.31*** join/#waruidev onebit (
02:11.44PenguinOfDoomMythic fixed the halloween PQ loot chest :P
02:12.12JarikaCan you add/change EventHandlers on buttons through a function (so i don't have to specify it in the xml)?
02:12.24*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
02:12.24*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:30.32onebitTrick or Treat!
02:33.19VonhintenHOME`what's going on for halloween?
03:17.28Daegalussysrage: i think 90% of CTDs are  a problem wiht the amount of memory the game uses. I think htere is still a memory leak in the game, and window has a prevention built in that if an app starts takin too much memory, it kills it. For me it happens when my ram reachs 90% from 60% of war start, my game jitters, hot freezes, and then, boom, ctd.
03:18.27sysragewould make sense.. i haven't even bothered watching task manager
03:18.41sysrage3.1gb out of 4gb used.. gettin close to the hour mark.. probably it
03:19.15Daegalusi think it is specifically any DirectX app. Cause there are some apps that max out your ram, and no problem, i think its a protection in the directx of windows that does it
03:19.20Daegaluscause i play on Linux with no CTDs
03:20.24sysragewar already works in wine?
03:23.05Daegalusthre is a bug with WINE that causes really poor performance, but once patched in the source code, it runs at 80 fps on maximum settings with 8xAA and 16xAF on a 8600M GT
03:23.54Daegaluswth, i have my Live Event influence maxed out, bu thte herald wont give me my rewards =(
03:39.15sysragedefinitely a leak
03:39.27sysragezoning seems to make it worse
03:44.32sysrageor not.. flying to talebec just made it drop
03:46.16Aiianemy WAR runs consistently at 1.378 GB of memory
03:46.25Aiianeeven after an hour of play
03:46.42sysragemine's at about 1.5
03:48.26sysrageactually wasn't watching the process itself. just overall mem usage
03:49.57sysragewatching hte process it's steadily increasing as i zone around
03:58.22JarikaIs there a maximum length to the size of a wstring?
03:58.36Aiianenot that I'm aware of
03:59.49JarikaThen it must be the label thats limited. trying to add a really really long wstring as text to a label, but it gets cut off
03:59.52Aiianesysrage: my WAR process just went /down/ from 1.378 to 1.366gb
04:00.08AiianeJarika: yes, labels have max lengths
04:00.15Aiianethey can be set with maxlength="#" in the xml
04:00.28Jarikaah ok
04:00.41sysragelol so weird.. it showed war.exe using 1.5gb.. but totaly mem usage at 3.3gb.. quit game and total goes down to 944mb
04:00.46sysragewhere's the missing memory!
04:01.09Aiianehm... you're not on a laptop, are you
04:03.00*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
04:03.19sysragequad core 2.8.. 4gb ram.. bfg gtx280.. you'd sure think it'd be enough :)
04:04.44JarikaThanks aiiane, that worked
04:05.57Aiianeso yeah sysrage
04:06.02AiianeI zoned from praag to reikland
04:06.05Aiianewent down to 1.347
04:06.48sysrageya, i just spent a ton of silver flying all over the place. i don't think zoning is a problem. seems to be releasing mem properly
04:07.06sysragepraag seems to use a lot, too heh
04:13.19*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
04:16.14Jarikawhen i create a window from template, can i somehow give the eventhandlers in the template a dynamic name, including the actual name of the window? $parent seems to not do the trick
04:21.15Aiianebut you can register event handlers from lua instead of from XML if you want
04:23.15JarikaThe normal RegisterEventHandlers function works there too?
04:23.46JarikaI'll check into that, thanks once again ;)
04:24.29Jarikabut i'll do that tomorrow. Good night everyone
04:25.34*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
04:46.49zariouswhy won't window cleaner remember my settings...
04:46.51zariousgetting annoying
04:50.13*** join/#waruidev NigelTufnel (
04:57.42NigelTufnelhappy haloweeeen
05:36.08Repo10debuffalert: 03Celestian * r12 DebuffAlert.lua: corrected colour error on some buffs/debuffs.
05:53.13Repo10debuffalert: 03Celestian 04v1.9 * r13 : Tagging as v1.9.
06:10.16*** join/#waruidev Andrew--` (n=nobody@
06:34.44*** join/#waruidev gloaming- (n=gloaming@
06:42.21*** part/#waruidev NigelTufnel (
06:45.07*** join/#waruidev gloaming- (n=gloaming@
06:52.09*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
07:06.32Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes * r48 source (4 files in 2 directories): Use lazy initialisation
07:06.33RepoFix bug with trophy slot rarity not occurring on first startup
07:06.37RepoFix bug with quests not showing rarity when opened from tracker
07:22.46gloaming-   uh huh.
08:27.41*** join/#waruidev Gruh (
08:29.09*** join/#waruidev benny (
08:38.49Repo10libgui: 03Aiiane * r17 LibGUI.lua: Make comboboxes fail gracefully and return nil if you try to get the selected item/index when there aren't any.
09:39.22*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
09:40.53*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
09:53.01Andrew--`Anyone know why when I do a string comparison between what should be two equivelent strings returns false?  ie, == L"Sigmar's Fist" returns false.
09:54.29Aiianemaybe it has grammar markup on it?
09:55.13Aiianedunno why it would, but you never know
09:58.18Andrew--`Hmm, not sure what I can do with that
09:58.36Andrew--`Since L"Sigmar's Fist" == L"Sigmar\'s Fist"
10:00.34Aiianegrammar markup is something specified to WAR
10:00.34Aiianenamely, some extra invisible characters that are tacked on the end of the string
10:00.35Aiianeyou might try doing
10:00.35Aiiane(,13) == L"Sigmar's Fist"
10:00.41Aiianethat way it's only comparing the first 13 characters
10:01.06Andrew--`Is there any way to get, say, a hex dump of a wstring?
10:01.22Aiianeum, you could write a function to iterate through it and dump out the values
10:03.14Aiianenums={} for i=1,wstring.len(myStr) do table.insert(nums, wstring.byte(myStr:sub(i,i))) end
10:03.33Aiianewould give you the array nums where each value is equal to the byte-value of that position
10:05.05Aiianehere, actually
10:05.06Aiianedo this
10:05.13Aiianethen you can do
10:05.29Aiianeand it'll dump out each individual character in order to the debug console
10:05.47Aiianeincluding any markup characters at the end
10:06.11Aiiane(since the ^ only gets treated as markup if there are actually more characters in what's being printed)
10:10.03Aiianeyou can just do
10:10.08Aiianed(mystr:gsub(L"%^", L"|"))
10:10.21Aiianeand then it will print out the markup as | followed by some characters
10:10.25Andrew--`Has 94, 110 tacked onto the end
10:11.26Andrew--`Not sure what 6e is, but 5e is the carat. :/
10:11.36Aiianeso, the solution is to just use :sub(1,len(whatimsearchingfor)) before comparing
10:11.40Aiianeto only compare the same number of chars
10:12.41Aiiane6e is 'n' :P
10:12.47Andrew--`Yeah, just looked it up
10:12.52Aiianemost likely for "neutral"
10:12.58Aiianeas opposed to masculine or feminine
10:29.55Aiianeoki, sleepytime for me
10:38.13*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
10:42.42*** part/#waruidev Slakah (
11:25.32*** join/#waruidev Jarika (
12:10.46*** join/#waruidev Haloperidol (
12:22.10*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
13:34.43*** join/#waruidev Deadhawk (
14:45.18*** part/#waruidev benny (
14:46.58*** join/#waruidev benny (
15:19.05*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
15:20.49*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
15:49.27*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
16:42.45*** join/#waruidev Amadeo (
16:59.53*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
16:59.53*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
17:02.21*** join/#waruidev NigelTufnel (
17:08.50*** join/#waruidev smcn (
17:28.05*** join/#waruidev Amadeo (
17:37.05Jarikaso quiet here... frightening
17:37.30NigelTufneleveryones just hungover/drunk still
17:38.45AmadeoOr playing! My server is no longer a wasteland :D
17:39.11NigelTufnelhaha, maybe mine will begin improving too then
17:47.42Jarikahmm, any idea if you can get events for custom keybinds, like something bound to Hotkey Button 84 (or manually specified) ?
18:11.46*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
18:22.30*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
18:26.00*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
18:26.15*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
18:30.33Jarikadid window cleaner stop working? I updated (i think, had the curse client update all addons), and now i can't hide the groupbuffs
18:32.53*** part/#waruidev Amadeo (
18:49.03*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
18:49.05*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
19:06.49*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
19:09.58*** join/#waruidev Ratler_ (
19:49.47NigelTufnelif a function has an OnUpdate function
19:49.53NigelTufnelcan you turn it on and off at times
19:50.10NigelTufnelor is a state based return every second not an issue at all
19:55.10JarikaI think you can't turn it off
19:55.23Jarikaand it happens about 20 times or so per second
19:56.11Jarikaon thewarwiki is a good example how you build a timer that only triggers every second or 2 with that
19:56.17Jarikaif thats what you're asking
19:56.42NigelTufnelsorry blanked out
19:56.55NigelTufneland no I already understand how to implement a timers based on delay
19:57.02NigelTufnelim asking if you can make it not trigger at all
19:57.10NigelTufnellike register the event and then unregister it
19:57.20NigelTufnelwhen appropriate to increase performance
19:57.46NigelTufnelbut my thought is just bailing out of the onupdate based on a state isnt that big of a deal for performance, but not ideal
19:57.52JarikaI don't think so, at least haven't figured out how. If you find out let me know, i could use that too
19:58.07NigelTufnelya il give it a look, but ya, not sure if its even possible
19:58.34JarikaYeah thats what i do too, first think in onupdate i check a state, if its false i return immediately, don't even update the time
19:59.53JarikaWhat might work is to build a central OnUpdate addon, that other addons then register and unregister to. That way only one OnUpdate gets called and that one calls the single addons-onUpdate functions. But i have no idea really how to program a handler and i'm busy with my other addon to try it out
20:00.20JarikaNot sure though if it would really give a good enough performance increase to try
20:01.14NigelTufnelthat basically sums it up heh
20:01.39JarikaI mean i just had my OnUpdate output a debug message each time, it really spammed my debug window, was so fast, but didn't notice any performance loss, so guess exiting in the first line isn't really that bad
20:01.59NigelTufnelya, thats what I have been doing too heh
20:02.20NigelTufnelbut my comp doesnt care about performance of stuff like that, but im trying to keep the older computers in mind heh
20:02.34NigelTufnelbut ya, a few onupdate's arent deal breakers for performance
20:14.45Werelds(20:55:24) (Jarika) and it happens about 20 times or so per second <-- it happens <insert your FPS here> times per second ;)
20:14.51Wereldsin my case, that's way more than 20 :p
20:15.00Werelds(21:00:21) (Jarika) Not sure though if it would really give a good enough performance increase to try
20:15.00NigelTufnelhaha ya
20:15.02Wereldsand no
20:15.27Wereldsit's way more efficient to let each addon take care of its onupdate throttling on its own
20:15.47Wereldsand even then, you'd never get everyone to rely on a central addon
20:16.14Wereldslook at wow, you've got rock, ace and non-framework addons, and in each of those categories there are good and bad ones
20:16.24Wereldsit all depends on the programmer :)
20:17.00NigelTufnelya, good points
20:17.19Jarikayup I know. I was jsut saying "I think the only way to register/unregister from onUpdate is to make a central hub addon that handles all that, then you can register/unregister there"
20:17.41NigelTufnelya, theres no other on/off switch out there
20:17.52Wereldsyeah okay, but it's not as if it's a performance hit if you bail out on the 2nd line
20:18.06JarikaI said that too :)
20:18.10NigelTufnelya thats kinda what i was asking =]
20:18.22Wereldshell, i doubt it would even make a serious difference if you did it on the 50th line
20:18.23JarikaWould still be nicer if you could switch it off
20:18.24NigelTufnelbut ya its such a trivial math
20:18.32Wereldsthe performance hit really is negligible :p
20:19.10zariousso long as you aren't doing massive operations in onupdate, its negligible
20:19.13Jarikaits not about performance its about not having my debug log spammed with 50 "OnUpdate" not found, if i somehow screwed up again, and the addon didn't load :)
20:20.46Wereldswell, that's easy to solve
20:21.02Wereldsyou don't use the .mod stuff to register onupdate
20:21.12Wereldsinstead, you do it in the code, in an init function
20:21.15Wereldsproblem solved, no spam!
20:21.29Wereldsno init = no register = no spam
20:21.55Aiianejust fyi
20:22.06AiianeSystemData.Events.UPDATE_PROCESSED is equivalent to OnUpdate
20:22.20Aiianeyou can dynamically register/unregister the first with RegisterEventHandler
20:22.27zariousRegisterEventHandler(System.Data.Events.UPDATE_PROCESSED, "someglobalfunc")
20:23.55NigelTufnelaiiane, thats perfect =]
20:27.56*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
20:42.19*** join/#waruidev Darktao (
20:45.25Repo10libstats2: 03pwerelds 041.01 * r8 :
20:45.26RepoTagging it all as 1.01, which is the final version for now. I don't play WAR anymore (darn them people who got me into it and then quit), so if anyone wants to work on it further, catch me on IRC > Werelds @ ;)
20:45.50Wereldshrm i hope that one went ok
20:47.36JarikaAh nice Aiiane, thanks. Now i can unregister it when i don't need the updates.
20:48.21Wereldsjust as a general suggestion: there's no need to use the On*** directives in the .mod files, so i wouldn't use them at all :)
20:48.40AiianeOnInitialize is useful.
20:48.59AiianeIt provides an easy way to see where one should be looking in the code for initialization stuff.
20:49.11Wereldstrue, since the api is quite weird about that
20:49.21Wereldsbut onupdate and onshutdown aren't really needed
20:50.28Wereldsanyone here know a lot about LDAP btw? warning up front: i'll be pestering you lots in about a week or so :P
20:50.33JarikaBut except counting down time each update tick like in the warwiki tutorial there's no way to throttle it, right?
20:50.54Aiianeyou can't throttle events aside from counting them yourself.
20:51.19JarikaI guessed so, but can't hurt to ask
20:51.47zariousis there a way to check if you've completed a quest?
20:54.30JarikaNext question which I guess I know the answer to as well: Is there a way to check if a spell is currently casting? Right now I'm monitoring begin and end cast events and set a boolean manually. works fine, but is there perhaps a function already that does that better?
20:55.08zarioustheres prob a castingtimer variable you can just check for it its not 0
20:55.34zariouslook at how the default casting bar works and see which globals it uses
20:56.02Jarikahmm... that could work, maybe, i'll check it.
21:03.09Aiianeor you could just check and see if the cast bar is showing.
21:03.24JarikaHmm, thats probably even easier
21:04.59JarikaOh and another question for our resident addon god: when hotkeys are pressed like "Hotkey Button 84", do they trigger an event or something that an addon can use and do something on it? Or another way to react to a specific key?
21:14.39Repo10debuffalert: 03Celestian * r14 DebuffAlert.lua: forcing update on curseforge.
21:20.05AiianeJarika: no, they don't trigger an event (except OnRawDeviceInput, but you can't register for that globally, and trying to register it for Root will disable all actual world input, so you can't do things like, well, move)
21:23.07*** join/#waruidev Ratler (n=ratler@lunar-linux/developer/ratler)
21:30.43Repo10debuffalert: 03Celestian 04v19 * r15 : Tagging as v19.
21:33.09JarikaAiiane: That sucks... On german keyboard the - is where / is on the US one, and won't open the chatline with a /. Hoped i could catch - being pressed and manually do that.
21:33.51Jarikaor is there actually a config option for that and i missed it all the time?
21:35.36Aiianedon't believe so, no
21:35.56Aiianeyou could make a macro to open the chat box
21:36.03Aiianeand put it on a hotbar slot bound to -
21:36.26Aiianeand that would accomplish what you're trying to do
21:37.29JarikaI knew it was a good idea to ask, I never think of such easy solutions :)
21:37.49Aiianebasically, right now
21:37.56Aiianeif you want keyboard input to trigger something
21:38.01Aiianeit probably involves a macro
21:39.06JarikaI always forget we have them too :)
21:43.47Jarikawhy is it always the small things that mess up my addons... like = instead of == or my alltime favorite, missing comma in a table ...
21:53.01*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=Cameron@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
21:53.01*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
21:53.05ckknightin #curseforge
21:59.14AiianeJarika: learn to use luac -p
21:59.19Aiianeit's your friend :) for that kind of thing
22:05.36*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
22:05.51Jarikanow if I knew what luac was...
22:06.20Jarikathinking of it... judging from the name most likely lua compiler
22:07.00NigelTufnelor a .2 second google search =P
22:11.31NigelTufnelhmmm, why is my saved variable file being made read only..
22:15.35Jarikawindows vista?
22:21.35Aiianehmm... so, Squared now has 27 different files if you include the couple of base plugins I maintain... >.>
22:22.20Aiianeand will probably have at least 30 once I finish with SquaredConfigurator
22:23.10Jarikayeah its crazy how you manage all that
22:23.25Aiianea lot of tabs in notepad++ :P
22:23.27Jarikai get lost in my one or two files already :)
22:23.42AiianeI try to compartmentalize things logically
22:24.06Jarikayeah, can't say i don't see a system behind your many files
22:24.12Aiianefor instance, SquaredConfigurator is basically a main menu, that lets you select what panel you want to see, and then a bunch of panels, each of which is a set of options
22:24.22Aiianeso SquaredConfigurator has its own lua file
22:24.26Aiianeand then each panel has a lua file
22:24.39Aiianeso, you want to change something on a panel, you know exactly what file to go to
22:25.12Aiianeand it's actually a bit easier
22:25.18Aiianebecause SquaredConfigurator uses LibGUI
22:25.26Aiianeso you don't have both an XML and a Lua file for each panel
22:25.29Aiianeit's just a Lua file
22:25.42Brandericgood organization makes it easier to program while drunk or while being waterboarded
22:25.49Jarikalibgui is released now?
22:26.00AiianeJarika: not officially released; I've posted a beta or two
22:26.15Jarikadamn, should have known that a day or two ago...
22:26.19Aiianeusing it for SquaredConfigurator is helping me find some kinks to correct before officially releasing it
22:26.43Aiianesince I'm basically putting it through its paces, noticing what's missing that should be there, or what's broken, etc
22:26.45Jarikanext time i need to build a gui i'll have a look at it
22:27.06Jarikabut changing mine to use libgui would be a bit stupid
22:27.14Aiianehehe :)
22:28.55Aiiane8 config panels done
22:28.57Aiiane2-3 more to go
22:33.52BrandericI renamed my squared to rectangled because I changed the sides to not be proportional
22:36.04JarikaThats unauthorised modification and you just lost your warranty
22:52.32NigelTufnelvery odd, my addon keeps telling me "Unable to open file: SavedVariables.lua"
22:52.37NigelTufnelno idea why
22:57.56*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
22:58.02Aiianeis the saved variable set to nil
22:58.31NigelTufnelya, just testing something, I thought I set it
22:58.35NigelTufnelbut I was just thinking that
23:00.36NigelTufneloo thats why, i set it as local
23:01.58NigelTufnel=\, maybe im wrong
23:04.52NigelTufnelya so its all better now, it was just because it was local + nil
23:05.40Aiianelocal would do it
23:05.44Jarikayeah if there's nothing to save the file is 0 byte, and then it won't load. doesn't matter though the addon still loads
23:05.51NigelTufnelhaha ya
23:05.51Aiianesince savedvariables have to be global :)
23:06.08NigelTufnelya, makes a lot of sense
23:06.15NigelTufneljust didnt see it
23:06.28*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
23:06.58Jarikai sometimes manage to wipe my settings, usually when i messed up my code so it breaks of with a nil reference or something during initialisation, thats normal too?
23:07.17Jarikakinda like settings get loaded, file cleared, addon crashes, nothing gets saved
23:08.15NigelTufnelhate that
23:11.34Jarikawell at least if i want to keep my settings, now i make a backup before i start messing around with it.
23:40.03*** join/#waruidev NigelTufne1 (
23:42.51art3miserr hi

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