IRC log for #waruidev on 20081030

00:03.06*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
00:05.19*** join/#waruidev NigelTufne1 (
00:06.02AiiI still love this penny arcade:
00:12.01*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
00:17.26Janikameh, would really be faster to restart war instead of reloadui
00:19.24PenguinOfDoomthat sounds unlikely
00:19.29PenguinOfDoomquitting is 20 seconds
00:19.41PenguinOfDoomstarting the game and logging in is over 9000 hours
00:20.06Aiidunno what game you're running, mine takes maybe 30 seconds to load up and log in, tops o.o
00:20.36PenguinOfDoomDid you hax0r the intro movies away somehow?
00:21.17Janikayou don't have to watch them all you know? :)
00:21.23PenguinOfDoomThose things are about as user-friendly as packaging a plastic dong with each box and a note saying "go fuck yourself"
00:21.34PenguinOfDoomJanika: The trailer is skippable. The rest aren't
00:21.48shockbeta|workEU only has one
00:22.08PenguinOfDoomPublisher logos, then the trailer, then the animated game logo
00:22.11shockbeta|workonly us 'mericans get the full blunt of advertisement
00:22.38PenguinOfDoomOf course, this is EA we are talking about :P
00:22.56PenguinOfDoomthey'd supply *two* dongs, if it wasn't so expensive
00:24.11Aiii use a beta client, so i dont have the trailer
00:24.16Aiithe logos dont really bother me
00:26.01Janikaand you can hax0r them away
00:26.32Aiiheading to dinner, back in a bit
00:37.19*** join/#waruidev Felyza|AFK (
00:39.24*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:39.24*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:48.00*** join/#waruidev tronned (
00:48.25Thunder_Childi am saddened by the fact that i can DL a game faster than i can recive the purchase
00:48.50PenguinOfDoomWhy don't you make a time machine and travel to the future about it!
00:49.41Thunder_Childbecause if i went the the future i would never come back as i am something of a tech whore
00:49.59PenguinOfDoomSounds like a win/win situation
00:50.46Thunder_Childnot for my family, unless they are not truthfull about it
01:07.35NigelTufne1does anyone sometimes have problems with the debug window not showing stuff until theres enough displayed to add a scrollbar to it?
01:09.43Aiianeyes, it's a glitch
01:10.28NigelTufne1ok, and this applies to chat windows as well
01:10.34NigelTufne1and is an established glitch?
01:10.58NigelTufne1just wanted to be sure it wasnt something my addon was doing to break it
01:14.14*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
01:14.27*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
01:23.46Janikaah seems they hotfixed the insane loadtimes, so if you experience it, relog and patch your client
01:27.28*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
01:36.32Aiianetoldja ;)
01:36.39*** join/#waruidev Exmortem (
01:57.06*** join/#waruidev tronned (
01:57.18*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
02:01.21Aiianebrb rebooting
02:07.33*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
02:07.33*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
02:22.23Odlawmmm very nice.. no laggy on zone/reloads
02:24.10*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (n=nobody@
02:24.49NigelTufne1So I just started making my 1st curse forge entry
02:25.05NigelTufne1how do I edit the project details page
02:28.28*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
02:28.28*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:28.53NigelTufne1How do I edit my Project Details page on curse forge
02:29.05NigelTufne1I did it wrong and have no idea how to edit it
02:33.45Odlawi think it does a preview first.. make sure you do that part first?
02:34.00Felyzadnot at creation
02:34.22Felyzaits in top right, n the dropdown
02:38.10*** join/#waruidev Dotted (
02:38.41NigelTufne1hmmm, that lets me edit the Main Page, but when I go back to my projects home, it shows the un-updated one
02:39.10AiianeNigelTufne1: hm, that's odd. give it a min, see if it's a cache isisue
02:39.16Aiianewhat project is it?
02:39.16NigelTufne1ah ya ok
02:39.25NigelTufne1Just put it up now, no files or anything
02:39.42AiianeChatty Cathy?
02:39.52NigelTufne1heh ya
02:40.41NigelTufne1ya my main page is still all wrong, il try and edit it now
02:41.28NigelTufne1Ya, ok so the "Main" page is right, but when I click "Back To Project" it shows the wrong info there
02:41.59Aiianethat's what I see
02:42.04Aiianeis that the right text, or the wrong text?
02:42.09NigelTufne1o wow thats odd, thats what it should be
02:42.12NigelTufne1im seeing my 1st try
02:42.17NigelTufne1very odd
02:42.23Aiianecaching issue then most likely
02:42.29Aiianetry doing a hard refresh (ctrl+F5)
02:42.32NigelTufne1ya I guess
02:43.07FelyzaHe could be previewing it, then clicking back on project without setting it...
02:43.21NigelTufne1nah, I save the options
02:43.25NigelTufne1I see main tab is selected
02:43.29NigelTufne1page details:
02:43.31NigelTufne1and its correct
02:43.37NigelTufne1but when I click back to project its wrong
02:43.45NigelTufne1but as long as others see it fine, I guess that doesnt matter
02:45.06NigelTufne1haha ok, heres something Im noticing
02:45.15NigelTufne1although I know you approved it, it still sais awaiting approval lol
02:45.33NigelTufne1but even clearing my cache and exiting firefox entirely wont correct it, w/e
02:48.06Felyzai think hard refresh in firefox is shift-f5
02:48.24NigelTufne1nah its control
02:48.32Felyzai said i think
02:48.37NigelTufne1haha true
03:10.37zarioushow do you leave a group with squared? not gettin any menus anymore for some reason
03:13.46Aiianezarious: group or warband
03:13.51Aiiane(or scenario group? o.o)
03:14.05zariousbut either
03:14.12zariousi use CUD with the group turned off
03:14.20zariousand squared for group/wb frames
03:14.23zariousand i can't get any menus
03:15.10Aiianedid you set showmenu to true?
03:15.23zariousyes, but i've never gotten it to seem to have any effect
03:15.57zariousi don'tthink i've ever had a right click menu on anything with squared
03:16.44*** join/#waruidev TheBigZ (n=hart@
03:18.51NigelTufne1btw Aiiane, my curse forge is working now, it jsut seems to lag behind like 5 minutes for some reason, but thats good enough =]
03:23.34PenguinOfDoomArgh! Is there a loadout manager that is less buggy than ClosetGoblin?
03:23.52PenguinOfDoomI configured my equipment sets, restarted, but it didn't remember them!
03:25.42Aiianeum, cg works fine for me...
03:25.51AiianeI think the problem might be local to your computer
03:26.20PenguinOfDoomDo you do something special to save the sets?
03:26.47zariousso, is there any fix aiiane for not being able to leave group?
03:26.59zariousahhh hmm
03:27.07zariousdebug log, shows a bunch of errors
03:27.08Aiianewell, you can always just /leave ...
03:27.14Aiianezarious: like what
03:27.22zariousdo you hook into the BattlegroupHUD mod?
03:27.24zariouscuz i disabled that
03:27.30zariousthats prob my problem
03:27.32Aiianeyou mean EA_BattlegroupHUD?
03:27.40Aiianeyeah... in general, disabling random EA addons is a bad idea
03:28.06Aiianeconsidering that most addons don't replace 100% of them, but rather just work with them
03:28.36zariousso how do i hide them?
03:28.42zariousthe default warband groups?
03:30.35*** part/#waruidev shockbeta (
03:33.56zariousok that works, i guess i would just assume squared would be its own little thing
03:34.10zariousbut i prob wouldn't wanna do that either
03:34.44Thunder_ChildAiiane, go make an incredadetailed options menu lib please
03:35.32Aiianezarious: well, it *is* its own little thing, unless you want to use the warband management stuff ;)
03:35.45Aiianewhich happens to include the button to leave a warband ;)
03:35.51zariousyeah i guess that makes since
03:36.00zariouswindowcleaner works fine i guess
03:36.10zariousim all set xD
03:36.33zariousthough a vertical campaign map would be cool
03:36.43zariousand vertical xp/renown/inf bars
03:36.56zariousand a ping meter, though it looks like you can only get ping when casting
03:36.57zariouswhich is dumb
03:37.08AiianeIt's not even a real ping, either ;)
03:39.00zariousi hate the mentality of mythics ui dept sometimes
03:39.31zarioustoo conservative on some things for me
03:45.00art3misThunder_Child: give it time aii will make waterfall/niagara and deuce commander ;)
03:45.13art3misat some point its gonna drive 3everyone else insane ;)
03:45.30art3misas reference by the lack of gui configs ;)
03:45.43Thunder_Childtime is the issue....i want it NOW
03:47.02art3misyou could be sneaky about it
03:47.20art3mislike ask questions to accomplish making it yourself without actually having to think or make it yourself
03:47.23*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
03:47.24*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
03:48.10art3mislike :in my gui interface i want to make a toggle button for certain features how would i do that? examples work best
03:48.41Thunder_Childto lazy
03:48.42art3misand then just grab stuff from the libslash command that shows all slash commands
03:48.48art3misand go from there ;)
03:48.55art3mismake an onjoin trigger
03:49.23art3misso whenever anyone enters the channel it msg's aii about making a niagara/waterfall type lib for all addons
03:49.32art3misthats probably the easier route ;)
03:49.57art3mismaybe we can trick cog into moving to WAR
03:50.08art3misi bet he'd make it out of spite for the default ui
03:52.07art3mishey cairenn you coming down for xmas or is it his turn to go up there?
03:52.27Cairennhe's coming up
03:52.52art3misany chance i can drug mule him for a carton of craven menthols?
03:53.04art3misas in give him money prior to him going up there type thing?
03:53.12Cairennentirely possible
03:53.18Cairennyou still have his card, right?
03:53.22art3misthat should make wifey happy ;)
03:53.41art3misin my drawer of cards probably ive cleaned up lots
03:54.09art3misso where it might actually exist... i'm gonna have to answer no
03:54.54CairennPM me your number, I'll pass it along to him
03:55.11art3misthat works too ;)
03:56.14art3miswelp bed time for me, stupid days off where i have to actually do stuff
03:56.31art3misi swear i do less at work than i do in my freetime
03:58.22Thunder_Childnow now Cairenn, dont let people into drug mules for art3mis
03:58.46Cairennmeh, a carton of smokes isn't drug muling
03:59.06Cairennnow, me bringing down multiple bottles of T1s every time I go down ....
04:00.47Thunder_Childsorry Cairenn, cigs are just legal drugs
04:04.51NigelTufne1So how long does it normally take from file upload to viewable for addons?
04:05.54NigelTufne1er... to get approved*
04:06.26CairennNigelTufne1: two different sites in here, which are you asking about?
04:07.54NigelTufne1o my bad heh, curse forge
04:08.09NigelTufne1what is the other site used here?
04:09.11NigelTufne1ah cool thanks
04:09.40AiianeNigelTufne1: approved, btw
04:09.47NigelTufne1o cool thanks
04:13.41NigelTufne1and how do I see it on like curse?
04:13.44NigelTufne1does it just take a bit?
04:24.34NechcknNigelTufne1  after the approval, which Aiiane said is done, it should be copied over fairly soon.
04:28.06JanikaFinally done, the newest version of my Scenario Statstics addon, now with GUI and alot more stats than before :) (currently waiting for aproval so its only on curseforge)
04:29.36Cairennyou're always welcome to upload it to us as well, if you wish
04:30.18NechcknYeah... that evil Cairenn
04:30.34Cairenn*bites Nechckn*
04:30.39Janikai had a look at your site, i don't have an account there yet, and its late, so I'll get on that tomorrow
04:30.41Nechcknshe'll eat your addon!!!
04:31.22CairennI r teh skeery! RAWR!
04:31.29NigelTufne1so my 1st addon is up =]
04:32.31NechcknSeriously, though, it's nice to get the exposure from both sites- helps the ego when you get to see those download counts soar.  It's like epeen viagara, I tell ya.
04:33.43Thunder_Childyes Nechckn, exposure....whatever you say
04:34.08Nechcknwell the $$ kickbacks are nice, too
04:34.28NechcknOh wait, I am the only one to get those.. /woops.  =)
04:34.48Thunder_Childi'm sorry to burst your bubble Nechckn, but $.01 is not a good kickback
04:35.05Nechcknwow, you get that much!  damn, I need a raise
04:35.45NechcknI was happy with my $.0023 - how do you rate a penny!?!
04:38.04Thunder_Childgood sex
04:38.37NechcknYou could at least share.
04:39.07Thunder_Childi do. with other women
04:40.17Janikaon does it take ages till the files are available like on curse?
04:40.49Cairenndepends on time of day you upload it
04:41.36Cairennif you happen to upload it at one of the rare times when we are all asleep, it can take a bit
04:41.45Thunder_Childyes, there is about 5 min where Cairenn is actually asleep
04:41.51Thunder_Childother than that....
04:42.37CairennI sleep!
04:42.53Thunder_Childlike i said, 5 min
04:43.00NechcknJanika keep in mind that both of these sites actually virus scan and other fun stuff, so it is not an unneeded step.
04:43.21NechcknNot to say that *you* would intentionally release something like that- but others have
04:43.52Nechcknor tried... and suffered the mighty ban sticks of Cairenn and others.
04:43.56Cairennyou wouldn't believe the sheer number of people we've banned over the last 7 years for trying to upload malicious files
04:44.55NechcknThat's why IRC is nice, though- most often, you can find someone helpful from either site who can expedite your posting.
04:45.11JanikaOh damn, you mean, i have to remove the keylogger from the zip.exe file? :)
04:45.33Thunder_ChildCairenn, less than 10 million
04:45.55CairennThunder_Child: good guess!
04:46.48Nechcknehheeh I thought that was a "Feature"
04:46.50*** join/#waruidev Felyza|AFK (
04:47.07Nechcknwhat should we do to simply send you our credit card and banking info?
04:47.18NechcknWould that be easier, Janika?
04:47.53Thunder_Child~lart Nechckn
04:47.53purlbeats Nechckn over the head with a microkernel
04:48.08Nechckndarn you, purl
04:48.14Nechcknshe is always so very mean to me
04:48.37NechcknPlease, mighty bot... No more!
04:48.49Nechcknhere, here's a bribe
04:48.54purlNechckn: aw, gee
04:50.58Janikaso alright, uploaded it to mmoui too i think
04:51.34Cairennalready approved
04:52.15NechcknJanika what is your addon... which one is yours, by the way?
04:52.33Nechcknscenario stats  got it
04:52.47Nechcknvery cool
04:53.46Janikahm, i just see the description is a bit messed up, seems your editor doesn't support BBCode ?
04:53.46*** join/#waruidev sylvaan (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
04:54.04Janika here it is
04:54.47*** join/#waruidev benny` (
04:59.11Janikagood night
05:18.54NigelTufne1Can you find the last output chat message anyhow?
05:19.09NigelTufne1I want it to include things like system outputs into the chat windows
05:19.13NigelTufne1no idea where to pull that from
05:30.10NigelTufne1ya was just coming onto those now
05:36.23NigelTufne1ya so sytem prints to the chat windows are not put into the text log =[
05:41.05NigelTufne1o, its in the "system" log
05:42.57*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
05:54.39NigelTufne1is there an event or a functions I can hook for when something is written to a textlog
05:54.44NigelTufne1namely the System textlog?
05:59.02Aiianenot that I know of
05:59.28NigelTufne1so the only way to have something go on a system output is to just poll it every now and then?
06:00.24NigelTufne1and how expensive in terms of performance is a poll every second?
06:00.52Aiianewell, all you really need to do polling-wise is check to see if NumEntries has changed
06:01.01Aiianeif and only if it's changed do you actually have to go grab the new entries
06:01.15Aiianea single TextLogGetNumEntries once a second is unnoticeable
06:01.22NigelTufne1ya thats what I was thinking
06:15.29*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
06:17.33*** join/#waruidev art3mis_ (
06:18.15NigelTufne1what is the most efficient way to get the last (highest index) of a table
06:19.00Aiianeis the table indexed 1,2,3,...,N ?
06:19.19Aiianeif the table is tableName, then #tableName is the number of elements in it... which is also the highest index
06:20.08Aiianelua> tab = {"a", "b", "c"} print(#tab, tab[#tab])
06:20.08lua_botAiiane: 3, c
06:20.25NigelTufne1perfect, thanks
06:23.29*** join/#waruidev TheBigZ (n=hart@
06:25.41NigelTufne1ah lame, didnt realize gamedata.chatdata.history peaked at 15 entries
06:26.01NigelTufne1what is the best way to get the last entered command/text
06:29.47NigelTufne1ya nvmd, TextEditBoxGetHistory("EA_TextEntryGroupEntryBoxTextInput")
06:40.54Andrew--You know what mod I want?
06:41.09Andrew--An AP Regen ticker.
06:41.19Andrew--Kind of like the Rogue's Energy gen in WoW
06:42.31NigelTufne1Aiiane, on the Timers tutorial on the war api, shouldnt timeLeft = TIME_DELAY be replaced with timeleft = TIMEDELAY - timeleft
06:42.40NigelTufne1It gives much much more stable numbers
06:43.12NigelTufne1just point it out really, not sure who wrote that
06:43.20Aiianeum. link?
06:44.00NigelTufne1it prevents it growing out of order by removing what was left
06:44.30NigelTufne1timeLeft = TIME_DELAY -- reset to TIME_DELAY seconds
06:44.30NigelTufne1should be swapped with
06:44.30NigelTufne1timeLeft = TIME_DELAY - timeLeft -- reset to TIME_DELAY seconds
06:44.39Aiianethat line is only ever executed if timeLeft < 0
06:44.42Aiianei.e. the timer was triggered
06:44.57NigelTufne1but the amount of time left will get it off phase of real seconds
06:45.05NigelTufne1because that is effectively dropping off what was left
06:45.13NigelTufne1but by subtracting the tiny negative number
06:45.25NigelTufne1it counter it out
06:45.31Aiianeit'd actually be TIME_DELAY + timeLeft
06:45.34Aiianeif you wanted to do that
06:45.35NigelTufne1haha ya your right
06:45.37Aiianesince timeLeft is negative
06:45.39NigelTufne1was just thinking that
06:45.49NigelTufne1but ya, you see what I mean?
06:45.57NigelTufne1actually ya, I guess its situational
06:46.02Aiianesure; but if you really want a timer that's accurate
06:46.16Aiianeit's better to keep a running count of time
06:46.22Aiianeand a "nextTrigger" value
06:46.22NigelTufne1ya true
06:46.33Aiianeand when it triggers, you increment your nextTrigger by the delay
06:46.45Aiianebecause then
06:46.48Aiianeif you want multiple timers
06:46.56Aiianeyou still only have to increment 1 value every OnUpdate
06:47.00Aiianeinstead of multiple
06:47.04NigelTufne1ya, good point
06:48.38Aiianethe timeCount + nextTrigger version guarantees that over time, you'll get an procs/time equal to 1/delay
06:48.48zariousare there any chosen in here?
06:48.57NigelTufne1ya exactly
06:49.21zarioussome guy used my scheduling lib for a mod, and it broke when i changed it be embeddable, and i cloned it but i can't test it without leveling a chosen
06:49.50Aiianehow'd it break?
06:50.26zariouswell previously mods would add ztime as a dep, which is no longer required or even doable
06:50.37zariousit no longer has a mod file
06:50.49zariousand this mod hasn't been updated since the 12th
06:50.57zariousso when people updated my lib, it broke this mod
06:51.09zariousits a simple fix, i just like to test stuff personally
06:51.19*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
06:57.37*** join/#waruidev bivouac (n=bivouac@
06:58.10bivouacTo jab or poke, as with a pointed object.
06:59.53Thunder_Childbivouac, you faild to change the name
07:01.39bivouaci don't change it
07:01.50bivouacthat was the def of "prod"
07:05.59NigelTufne1is there a simpler way to do something like this
07:06.19NigelTufne1z,z, msg = TextLogGetEntry("System", count)
07:06.19NigelTufne1if msg == L"string" then
07:06.31Thunder_Childyes, get someone else to do it for you
07:06.50NigelTufne1ok, is there a 1 line/more compressed way to do it?
07:07.19NigelTufne1do you need to store the returned values into something to compare one of them?
07:07.38Thunder_Childthats more Aiiane's thing than mine, i just hang around for comic relief
07:11.19Aiianeif select(3, TextLogGetEntry("System", count)) == L"string" then
07:12.07NigelTufne1thanks again Aiiane =]
07:13.11zarioususe a versioning lib like libstub, or make ztime back into standalone
07:14.01AiianeSimple way to decide that: answer the following question
07:14.09Aiiane"Does it *need* to be standalone?"
07:14.29Aiianeif the answer is yes, then which to do is obvious
07:14.31zariousheres my problem, people use the lib for simple scheduling right
07:14.57zariousproblem happens in the way i dealt with version control
07:15.15zariouswhich is just a few if statements at the top to make sure only latest version gets loaded
07:15.43zariousi run into problems if say one with an older version runs first and schedules things then a newer version comes along and overwrites older one
07:16.12zariousthis didn't happen with standalone b/c there was only one verison, but i like being able to embed it
07:16.20Aiianeso just upgrade any old timers
07:16.36Aiianenot that hard to pass through the existing table and modify it
07:16.47zariousi was looking at doing that, but some versions had really major changes to the way timers were stored
07:16.54zariousi guess i can write upgrade fucnctions
07:17.10zariousjust seems like extra bloat
07:17.30Aiianebackwards-compatibility is bloat in a sense yes
07:17.42zariousso my real question was bloat for compatibility vs don't bloat but have people bitch when it doens't work b/c they didn;t d/l the dep
07:17.57Aiianein general, the former is better
07:18.27zariousthough i did add a ver number unique to each version so i suppose it wouldn't be that hard to go back through and write upgrade scripts
07:19.42Aiianedo that, then
07:19.54zariousi also didn't like running something like data import functions during load as it can really slow things down
07:20.07zariousbut i guess compatibility is much better than broken
07:20.49zariousi debated being a dick and just doing something like printing a message saying xxx addon needs to be fixed, but i think i'd get some negative feedback for it xD
07:25.25*** join/#waruidev hubris (n=hubris@
07:26.21NigelTufne1well I stayed up 3 hours later than planned >_<
07:26.34hubrishtml the entire web "languages" is bullshit
07:26.45hubriswhy have a standard when there isn't really one
07:27.15hubrishtml xml javascript asp php hey lets all make our own shit and throw it in a text file
07:27.43hubristhen let's all make our own web browsers
07:27.56Aiianeactually, only 3 of those you listed are things an end-user cares about
07:28.03Aiianethe last two just generate the former 3
07:28.19hubrisflash, what a joke
07:28.34PenguinOfDoom00:27 < hubris> then let's all make our own web browsers
07:28.37PenguinOfDoomMore likely than you think!
07:28.45AiianeIf you really want to get into that argument
07:28.56AiianeI'll see your web content languages, and raise you a mess of protocols
07:29.11hubrisah, i'm just ranting
07:31.07hubrisi guess they do the same with protocols though, irc has 2394233
07:46.41zariousi think languages try to be standardized
07:46.49zariousweb languages*
07:47.10zariousits just every browser maker tries to fix w/e they think is wrong with the whole deal
07:47.14zariousand add there own shit
07:47.36zariousdman its almost 4, sleeepy time
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13:04.52tronnedChattyCathy ... i love that mod name
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13:47.40NigelTufne1tronned: thanks lol, i randomly made it up and was like, theres no way I cant use this lol
13:56.21tronnedNigelTufne1: It's awesome, don't change it
13:56.48tronnedI call my son that all the time (he has a tendency to gab)
14:22.45skoliuhm.. can someone help me with this problem. In this guide:
14:22.45skoliwhere I should put the public key to box, the link is not working.
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14:45.00skoliok, nevermind. I find another guide which has working link :)
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14:52.11Chryzohi all
14:55.03Felyzawow i woke up late today
14:55.30skoliAnyone else noticed that your data.myp file is taking over 30Gt after patch ? :DD
14:55.40skoliatleast mine is fcked up
14:55.53Felyzado a full file chek
14:56.02skoliI already did, nothing found
14:56.37Felyzamy data.myp is 57,706kb
14:57.03skolimy friend¨s one is about 1Gb
14:57.22Felyzadata or art?
14:57.38skoliin the WAR¨s root directory
14:58.43Felyzawell, open it in myp extractor and extract it, maybe they accidentally put goodies in it
14:58.53Felyzai recommend easymyp
14:59.28Felyzathat's how i got
15:01.24FelyzaChyzo or anyone... should I add something to my shutdown to set my massive table to nil?
15:03.53Chryzowho is Chyzo :)
15:03.58Chryzoand I don't know
15:04.11Chryzonot modded for War for a long time now
15:04.20FelyzaIts you when I'm on my first cup of coffee and not typing well yet
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15:05.27*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
15:05.56Felyzathere, just in case, i added an onshutdown function that sets all my data tables to nil
15:06.32Felyzais it better to do table = {} or table = nil ?
15:07.49skoliI'm not sure, but I think that nil should be better
15:07.52NoctysI would set it to {}   -- less likely to break stuff.  Nil gives weird erros
15:07.58skolioh :d
15:08.22NoctysBut Skoli could be right... I am just giving my opinion.
15:08.26FelyzaNoctys, its in shutdown function, at this point, they should never be referenced again until the whole thing is reinit'd
15:09.00FelyzaI wasn't added my settings table, since that is suppsoed to be saved to savedvariables
15:09.07NoctysI understand that. What cause the shutdown function to be run though? What is someone else is refrencing one of your tables in their mod?
15:09.08FelyzaThat MIGHT be needed
15:09.47FelyzaNo, this is only called right at reloadui, during actual shutdown, or exit game, during actual shutdown
15:10.45Felyzamy just under 100kb table adds 2 minutes to reloadui time
15:11.24NoctysThere has go to be a way to load that type of stuff after the game loads.
15:12.11Felyzai'm considering converting from the data table to a wall of if-regex's (which i'm not happy about the prospect of doing)
15:12.35NoctysOh, and if those are the only times shutdown is called it shouldn't matter what you set it to. I would still go {}  but that's just me.
15:12.58NoctysWon't that take just as long to load?
15:13.18Felyzano, they would be performed on demand
15:13.52Felyzayou know which table i'm talking about ;)
15:14.31NoctysWhat if you put the "wall" in a function and call it at initilize. Or break it up into level segments and just call the wall that works with their level. A level 15 character doesn't need the 20-30, 30-40 wall
15:15.02Felyzathat wouldn't be a logical break point
15:15.30Felyzathe way the items work, it would be the same regex for a level 1 as a level 40 item
15:15.40NoctysOr put the wall inside a basic search function?
15:18.19Felyzahmm, can you use regex in an if?
15:19.08Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." if test=="Something %d+" then print("yes") else print ("no") end
15:19.09lua_botFelyza: no
15:19.27Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." if test=="Something %d+\." then print("yes") else print ("no") end
15:19.27lua_botFelyza: no
15:22.05Noctyslua>test = "Something 223." test2="Something %d+\." print(test2)
15:22.05lua_botNoctys: Something %d+.
15:22.18Noctyslua>test = "Something 223." test2="Something %d+" print(test2)
15:22.19lua_botNoctys: Something %d+
15:22.19Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." print(string.find(test, 'chicken'))
15:22.20lua_botFelyza: nil
15:22.38Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." print(string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.'))
15:22.38lua_botFelyza: 1, 14
15:23.25Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then p0,00rint("yes") else print ("no") end
15:23.26lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: '=' expected near 'char(3)'
15:23.54Felyzalua> test = "Something 223." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:23.54lua_botFelyza: found
15:25.05Noctystest = "Something missing." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:25.18Noctyslua>test = "Something 223." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:25.19lua_botNoctys: found
15:25.30tronnedNoctys: There you are...
15:25.37Noctyslua>test = "Something missing" if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:25.37Felyzalua>  test = "Something missing." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:25.37lua_botNoctys: not found
15:25.38lua_botFelyza: not found
15:25.57NoctysI hate not having an f3 key working in this
15:26.01Felyzalua>  test = "Something missing." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:26.01NoctysHey Tronned
15:26.02lua_botFelyza: not found
15:26.40tronnedNoctys: It seems I cannot get any career names to display with LibTargetInfo ... it worked once, for someone on my own team, then targets just return "There was an issue finding this player in the scenario list, returned unknown career"
15:27.21skoliI have made an addon which takes player name to textfield when I press button. But it will also write this to end: ^F
15:27.28NoctysAre you updating the scenariodata?
15:27.46tronnedskoli: Those are control characters, you'll need to explicity remove them from the name wstring
15:27.59tronnedNoctys: It was my understanding it would update on its own
15:28.02Noctysakoli: Yup...  That is how they you get them from the server
15:28.11Felyzalua>  test = "Something 123 and 456 and 567." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+ and %d+ and %d+\.') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:28.11lua_botFelyza: found
15:28.20Felyzalua>  test = "Something 123 and 456 and 567." if string.find(test, 'Something %d+') then print("found") else print ("not found") end
15:28.20NoctysWhat command are you running to get them?
15:28.21lua_botFelyza: found
15:28.57tronnedNoctys: local careerName = TargetInfo:UnitName( "mouseovertarget") )
15:28.58NoctysSkoli: Check out LibTargetInfo it will show you how to get rid of them.  Look at the shortName function
15:29.25skolitronned and Noctys: Ok, thanks for the info. I wil lcheck it
15:29.28Noctystronned: It should be updating automaticly. Let me check something real quick
15:30.19tronnedAlrighty, I already added a plug-in function for Moth that will use LibTargetInfo specifically for a "CareerName" cell
15:31.21Noctystronned: Are you calling TargetInfo:UpdateFromClient() before my function?
15:32.18*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
15:32.48NoctysTry getting rid of that. For some reason it has been causing some issues with updates with my mod (I have no idea why, Aii was working with me a while back, but we found nothing)
15:33.16tronnedok, hold one
15:33.22tronnednow i have to wait for a scenario :(
15:34.00Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y) y=y+1 x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+', y) b=a=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a+b)
15:34.02lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '='
15:35.07Felyzaif anyone wants me to move to private query with luabot, just say
15:35.20Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') print(x,y)
15:35.21lua_botFelyza: 11, 13
15:35.39NoctysI think it's funny... And sometimes I learn stuff...  =P
15:35.51NigelTufne1Ya, I like to see how far your getting with that
15:35.52Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y) y=y+1 x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+', y) b=a=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a,b)
15:35.53lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '='
15:36.47Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y=string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a)
15:36.48lua_botFelyza: 111
15:37.19Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y)  x,y=string.find(test, '%d+', y+1) b=a=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a,b)
15:37.21lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '='
15:37.29Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y)  x,y=string.find(test, '%d+', y+1) b=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a,b)
15:37.30lua_botFelyza: 111, 222
15:37.35Felyzalua>  test = "Something 111 and 222 and 333." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y)  x,y=string.find(test, '%d+', y+1) b=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a+b)
15:37.36lua_botFelyza: 333
15:38.20Felyzayeah, b=a=string is not good, lol
15:38.26Noctyslua>  test = "Something 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 1234567890." x,y =  string.find(test, '%d+') a=string.sub(test, x, y)  x,y=string.find(test, '%d+', y+1) b=string.sub(test, x, y) print(a+b)
15:38.27lua_botNoctys: 333
15:39.17NoctysYou need to make a funciton for this...  NumberExtractor
15:39.38Felyzawas planning on it =)
15:40.10Felyzalocal function getNumbers(string, count)
15:40.32NoctysI guess that works. But NumberExtractor sound cooler.  :P
15:41.02Felyzai could do how i usually do though, find a tla
15:41.02*** join/#waruidev TheBigZ (n=hart@
15:41.12Noctystronned Are you still waiting for a scenario???
15:41.20Felyza3 line spam...
15:41.22Felyzalocal function BSPF(a,b)     ButtonSetPressedFlag(w .. a, b)  end
15:41.22Felyzalocal function BSDF(a,b)     ButtonSetDisabledFlag(w .. a, b) end
15:41.23Felyzalocal function LST(a,b)      LabelSetText(w .. a, b)          end
15:41.36tronnedNoctys: Yes, but UI bugged out, restarting now
15:42.42NoctysOK, there is a debug line in my code that you might want to uncomment out.  It could help you with testing.
15:42.56NoctysIf you want to get in there let me know and I will tell you where.
15:43.00tronnedwhich?  you have a billion of them
15:43.10tronnednot to mention, returning strings
15:43.35tronnedi have LibTargetInfo open already there is only one....   --d("We are looking for "..targetInfo.."'s career")
15:44.10NoctysIt might help you see where the error is.
15:44.29NoctysWhat server are you playing on?
15:45.15tronnedTroublshoot (Engineer) kekeke
15:45.19tronneder, Troubleshoot
15:46.28NoctysOK, small chance you would be on the same server as me and I could give you my savevar file.
15:46.49NoctysHas about 200 players in it, but all around level 20-30
15:47.07NoctysYou could also just practive mousing over yourself and some other stuff.
15:47.28Felyzatest = {345, 123, 234} print(table.concat(test))
15:47.34Felyzalua> test = {345, 123, 234} print(table.concat(test))
15:47.35lua_botFelyza: 345123234
15:47.45Felyzalua> test = {345, 123, 234} print(table.concat(test, ", "))
15:47.46lua_botFelyza: 345, 123, 234
15:48.26Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.concat(test, ", ") print(b)
15:48.27lua_botFelyza: nil
15:48.28NoctysTronned: You can also look at the saved file and create some of your own entries for the people around you.
15:49.00Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=test print(b)
15:49.01lua_botFelyza: nil
15:49.21Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.concat(test, " ") print(b)
15:49.22lua_botFelyza: nil
15:49.27tronnedNoctys: let me change Moth's profile, hold one
15:50.02FelyzaNigelTufne1, any idea how to return the contents of a table in a format where I can put it into a,b,c?
15:52.25*** join/#waruidev talvinen (n=Miranda@
15:52.42Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.foreach(test) print(b)
15:52.43lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'foreach' (function expected, got no value)
15:52.58*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
15:55.07Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.concat(test) print(b)
15:55.11lua_botFelyza: nil
15:55.14Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.concat(test) print(a)
15:55.16lua_botFelyza: 111222333
15:55.39talvinenIs there a way to get rid of the Warning-Messages in the debug-window, without losing the error msgs?
15:55.50Felyzafilters in options
15:55.51talvinenwhenever I disable warnings, the errors get hidden too
15:56.04Felyzaif its broken, then no
15:56.08tronnedNoctys: I see myself in the SavedVariables.lua, but it's returning same thing
15:56.34NoctysWhat does the debug message show?
15:56.48Noctysfor the name?
15:58.41tronnedthis is not working: TargetInfo:UnitName( "mouseovertarget") )
15:58.51tronnedthis is: "mouseovertarget" )
15:58.53Noctysso you are just seeing: We are looking for 's career
15:59.11tronnedNo, it does not even register that
15:59.31NoctysI don't think the first one will work. It's not suppose to.
16:00.35Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.foreach(test, print) print(a)
16:00.36lua_botFelyza: 1, 111, 2, 222, 3, 333, nil
16:00.52tronnedWhy not?  It's a wstring
16:01.01Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=table.foreachi(test, print) print(a)
16:01.02lua_botFelyza: 1, 111, 2, 222, 3, 333, nil
16:01.05talvinenanyone able to tell me what setHiddenCallback (argument of LayoutEditor.RegisterWindow()) exactly does?
16:02.18Felyzalocal function test table = {111, 222, 333} return table end a,b,c = test() print a
16:02.25Felyzalua> local function test table = {111, 222, 333} return table end a,b,c = test() print a
16:02.26lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: '(' expected near 'table'
16:02.54Felyzalua> local function test tablea = {111, 222, 333} return tablea end a,b,c = test() print a
16:02.55lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: '(' expected near 'tablea'
16:03.06talvinenlocal function test() [...]
16:03.12Felyzalua> local function test() tablea = {111, 222, 333} return tablea end a,b,c = test() print a
16:03.13lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: '=' expected near 'a'
16:03.20Felyzalua> local function test() tablea = {111, 222, 333} return tablea end a,b,c = test() print(a)
16:03.21lua_botFelyza: table: 0x8082c28
16:03.21tronnedNoctys: You're returning the career as a string with the control characters?
16:03.27Felyzastupid ()'s
16:04.21Felyzalua> local function test() tablea = {111, 222, 333} return table.concat(tablea,",") end a,b,c = test() print(a)
16:04.22lua_botFelyza: 111,222,333
16:04.40Noctystronned: yes, with the control character
16:04.50Noctysmight be a wide-string
16:05.08Noctysnope as a string
16:05.15FelyzaI have a feeling I'm close if anyone wants to help me out here...
16:05.32tronnedAlso, I would recommend removing the string returns (ex.  return "unknown career" ), else someone has to condition for returns of "NPC" or "unknown career" to make sure the function is actually returning a valid career
16:05.34NoctysI'm still not sure what you are actually trying to get. :P
16:05.47skoliNoctys: I send you a private message, please look ti if you have time :)
16:06.10tronnedI have looked at it
16:06.20talvinenlua > table = {111,222,333} a,b,c = unpack(table) print(a)
16:06.23Felyzalua> local function test() tablea = {111, 222, 333} return for i = 1, #tablea do tablea[i] end end a,b,c = test() print(a)
16:06.24lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near 'for'
16:06.27Noctystronned: THe downside to that is that it can break a mods functions if they are not expecting nil
16:06.33talvinenlua> table = {111,222,333} a,b,c = unpack(table) print(a)
16:06.33lua_bottalvinen: 111
16:06.46talvinenlua> table = {111,222,333} a,b,c = unpack(table) print(b)
16:06.46lua_bottalvinen: 222
16:06.52talvinenis that what you wanted?
16:06.59tronnedit should return career name (as a wstring for label display, imo ) or false (nil)
16:07.06Felyzalua> test = {111, 222, 333} a,b,c=unpack(test) print(a+b)
16:07.07lua_botFelyza: 333
16:07.22Felyzai learned a new function =)
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16:07.57talvinenquite helpful to fill out arguments for functions, like WindowSetTintColor(key.."Fill",unpack(val.color))
16:08.12Felyzalua> local function test() tablea = {111, 222, 333} return unpack(tablea) end a,b,c = test() print(b+c)
16:08.13lua_botFelyza: 555
16:08.13talvinenso you don't have to use val.color[0], val.color[1] etc
16:09.26tronnedI would return the career name as a wide string, sans the control characters, in the event someone wants to use that to reference a lookup table of colors, icons, etc.
16:11.18Noctystronned: It what you pastied working?
16:13.27tronnedIt works ;)  Just mentioning a couple asides (as personal preferences), but that's just me
16:13.36tronnedwaiting for scenario to pop
16:13.44Felyzathis should be working, if anyone wants to use it...
16:13.47tronnedsince it only works on me, atm, and i usually have self Moth disabled
16:14.43Felyzawait, its not
16:15.57tronnedNoctys, actually, I would return career name as a string without the characters.  Not a wide string.  Lookup first, conversion to wide for label display second.
16:16.55Noctystronned: I can totally see what your saying.  v1.5 will be a build up to v2.0, and I will actually be converting stuff back to wide-strings.  The wide string thing was me not totaly understanding the war-api
16:18.06tronnedAlso, for future reference, social searches accept wide strings, but only without the control characters (weird, I know)
16:18.18*** join/#waruidev talvinen (n=Miranda@
16:18.38tronnedessentially, I would always store short names/careers as strings, then bring them back as wide strings
16:18.49talvinendidn't they fix it that it takes ages to do a reloadui?
16:18.54tronnedlet the initial function parsing the name strip the characters
16:19.02tronnedname+career, i mean
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16:27.58Noctystronned: I am all for making changes to make things easier.  But my brain wont move out of 2nd gear today. Can you sum-up what output you would like from my library? Be blunt.
16:28.19Felyzaworking getNumbers .... function usage: variable, variable, (however many numbers you need) = getNumbers(STRING, COUNT) ... count should equal the number of variables
16:29.15tronnedstore name  and careers as strings without the markup control characters (for lookups) , return those names and careers as wide strings (for labels)
16:30.51NoctysThe name I do have stored both ways...  I will probably store a shortCareer and Career in the next version. 1 wide, one non-wide without the control.
16:31.30tronnedbut for what purpose?
16:32.26NoctysI'm not sure. Matching strings.
16:32.46NoctysAlso I am not sure how they show-up on non-english servers.
16:34.10Noctys04*** Noctys is using Moscow, RU, EU01   <-- Weird
16:41.21NoctysIs there a way in lua to make functions with optional values passed?
16:42.08Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'athingy') then print("found") end
16:42.08lua_botFelyza: found
16:42.17Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'hingy') then print("found") end
16:42.17lua_botFelyza: found
16:42.21Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'fhingy') then print("found") end
16:42.21lua_botFelyza: No output
16:43.04talvinenlua> function fun(a,b,c) if (c) then print("c passed") end; fun(1,2,3)
16:43.04lua_bottalvinen: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
16:43.34talvinenlua> function fun(a,b,c) if (c) then print("c passed") end end; fun(1,2,3)
16:43.34lua_bottalvinen: c passed
16:43.37talvinenlua> function fun(a,b,c) if (c) then print("c passed") end end; fun(1,2)
16:43.38lua_bottalvinen: No output
16:44.24talvinenNoctys: You don't have to pass all arguments to a function. if you only pass 2 out of 3, the last one is nil
16:44.45talvinenI think if you want an unknown number of arguments, you can do this:
16:45.14Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [a-zA-Z ] to find.'') then if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'athingy') then print("found") end end
16:45.14lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: ')' expected near '') then if string.find("This is athingy to find.", ''
16:45.18talvinenlua> function fun(...) print(unpack(...)) end; fun(1,2,3,4)
16:45.19lua_bottalvinen: luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got number)
16:45.42NoctysOK -- and that doesn't break the function as long as I have code to handle it?
16:46.00Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [a-zA-Z ] to find.'') then print("found") end
16:46.00lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unfinished string near '<eof>'
16:46.12Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [a-zA-Z ] to find.') then if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'athingy') then print("found") end end
16:46.13lua_botFelyza: No output
16:46.20talvinenNoctys: It doesn't, as long as you function can handle nil values
16:46.33Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [a-zA-Z ] to find.') then print("found") end
16:46.34lua_botFelyza: No output
16:46.44talvinenso don't do return a+b+c and don't pass c to the function
16:47.26Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [%l%u%s] to find.') then print("found") end
16:47.26lua_botFelyza: No output
16:48.24tronnedNoctys: Here's the update function I'll be trying in the scenario:
16:48.37Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is \[%l%u%s\] to find.') then print("found") end
16:48.38lua_botFelyza: No output
16:49.21Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is %a to find.') then print("found") end
16:49.22lua_botFelyza: No output
16:49.31Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is %a to find\.') then print("found") end
16:49.32lua_botFelyza: No output
16:50.00Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is athingy to find\.') then print("found") end
16:50.01lua_botFelyza: found
16:50.02talvinengod how I have TargetInfo
16:50.48Felyzalua> if string.find("This is athingy to find.", 'This is [%a%s]+ to find.') then print("found") end
16:50.49lua_botFelyza: found
16:51.13Felyzalua> if string.find("This is ath ingy to find.", 'This is [%a%s]+ to find.') then print("found") end
16:51.14lua_botFelyza: found
16:51.30Noctys10tronned:01 That should work. It sorta like what I have in my mod
16:51.30talvinenI think you have to use + or * after the variable, otherwise it will only look for 1 character
16:52.00Felyzalua> if string.find("This is ath ingy to find.", 'This is [%a%s]+ to find.') then if string.find("This is ath ingy to find.", 'ath ingy') then  print("found") end
16:52.01lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
16:52.04Felyzalua> if string.find("This is ath ingy to find.", 'This is [%a%s]+ to find.') then if string.find("This is ath ingy to find.", 'ath ingy') then  print("found") end end
16:52.05lua_botFelyza: found
16:52.34FelyzaThat was what caused the lightbulb to appear over my head. =)
16:52.35tronnedNoctys: updated pastey with condition to check for LibTargetInfo xD
16:54.53Noctystronned: here is the code I am using to set -color:    you might be able to swap it over to color career names if you want
17:02.13talvinen*sigh* Is there anything I can do against 5 minute loading times for each /reloadui? =/
17:02.31Felyzaits faster to quit and restart for me
17:02.48Felyzause task manager to kill process, unless you need saved variables, then do a normal logout
17:03.17talvinenseems like Mythic screwed up big time *g*
17:03.26tronnedNoctsys: Once I test out this function in scenario, I'm going to use a lookup table I've had for a while, or plug in to CUF/Psi archetype colors, or use yours.
17:03.59tronnedit's about 10-13s per /reloadui for me
17:04.53Noctystronned: what is CUF/Psi???
17:05.10tronnedCleanUnitFrames / PsiStatus (clone of CUF)
17:05.28NoctysOr run in windowed mode and just hit the X button
17:05.58Noctysbetter/worse than CUF?
17:06.29tronnedWhat is better or worse?
17:07.00NoctysIs PsiStatus better or worse than CUF and if so how?
17:08.37talvinenI don't like either, so I'm writing my own mod *cough*
17:09.08Noctyswhich one is yours?
17:09.22NoctysOr will be yours?
17:09.35talvinennot even half done. It will be a fully customizable HUD
17:10.41tronnedI prefer CUF, for the simple fact that I know it will work with little issue (credit to Aiiane's coding)
17:12.01*** part/#waruidev Noctys (
17:14.58Felyzalua> a="Makes arm bleed." if string.find(a,'Makes [%a%s] bleed.') then if string.find(a,'arm') print ("yes") end end
17:14.59lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: 'then' expected near 'print'
17:15.07Felyzalua> a="Makes arm bleed." if string.find(a,'Makes [%a%s] bleed.') then if string.find(a,'arm') then print ("yes") end end
17:15.08lua_botFelyza: No output
17:15.22talvinenDont forget the +
17:15.24Felyzalua> a="Makes arm bleed." if string.find(a,'Makes [%a%s]+ bleed.') then if string.find(a,'arm') then print ("yes") end end
17:15.25lua_botFelyza: yes
17:15.29Felyzawas going back for it
17:15.37Felyzalua> a="Makes your arm bleed." if string.find(a,'Makes [%a%s]+ bleed.') then if string.find(a,'arm') then print ("yes") end end
17:15.39lua_botFelyza: yes
17:18.00*** join/#waruidev smcn (
17:22.01Repo10sknotice: 03skoli * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): Trying to get the addon to curseforge
17:32.13talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp width"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(tab)
17:32.14lua_bottalvinen: playerhp
17:32.19talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp width"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(temp)
17:32.19lua_bottalvinen: width
17:32.26*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
17:32.28talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(tab)
17:32.28lua_bottalvinen: playerhp
17:32.35talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp width"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(temp)
17:32.36lua_bottalvinen: width
17:32.48talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(temp)
17:32.48lua_bottalvinen: No output
17:33.07*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
17:33.11talvinenlua> opt = "playerhp"; tab, temp = opt:match("([a-z]+)[ ]?(.*)"); print(temp == "")
17:33.12lua_bottalvinen: true
17:34.14Felyzawoot, reduced a 91k table to a 4k wall of regex
17:45.28*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
17:45.37*** part/#waruidev Noctys (
17:46.12talvinenlua> s = "ABcD" print(s:Lower())
17:46.12lua_bottalvinen: luabot:1: attempt to call method 'Lower' (a nil value)
17:46.23talvinenlua> s = "ABcD" print(s:lower())
17:46.24lua_bottalvinen: abcd
17:47.14talvinenironic, wasn't it..
17:47.47*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
17:47.57ThraeIf you want to know how a built-in Lua API call works, use !api.
17:48.01Thrae!api lower
17:48.01lua_botFound 2 possible results for 'lower': string.lower, strlower
17:48.42NoctysWhat IRC client are you guys using.  I've tried 3 in the last week and they all suck!
17:49.15ThraeNoctys: /ctcp nick VERSION
17:49.49FelyzaNoctys, XChat is my favorite
17:50.07Felyzaif you ctcp me, it responds with various things ;)
17:50.27ThraeAnyway, I prefer a screen'd irssi myself.
17:51.36ThraeFelyza: Is that default to XChat? If so, that's a bitch thing to do. BitchX. Implementation without reason.
17:52.15ThraeThis isn't the 90s. Your choice of IRC client isn't going to put you under attack.
17:52.36NoctysWhat if your using AOL???
17:53.41ThraeAOL has changed their name to Stellar OnLine, to let you know they exist outside America. If you're using AOL, you're now SOL.
17:54.26talvinenthey exist outside of America for quite a long time now.. however, here in germany, they always sucked
17:54.54NoctysMost repecting computer users in the US wouldn't use them either.  
17:54.56FelyzaThrae, no, it is a script I run
17:55.00Thraetalvinen: Does Germany know what SOL stands for?
17:55.00NoctysThey just had good marketing
17:55.15talvinenHaven't heard the term before
17:55.20Noctysbrb... Going to switch clients again.
17:55.29FelyzaThrae, it randomizes the ctcp version response, I need to add more things to it too
17:55.38*** part/#waruidev Noctys (
17:56.07talvinenSOL is spanish for sun, iirc
17:56.15Thraetalvinen: Shit Outta Luck, hence the joke. It's an old Army term, common on the Internet.
17:56.22talvinenmaybe the opposite scripting language of lua *g*
17:56.55ThraeSol is also Latin for Sun, yes, which is why we're in a Sol-ar system called Sol ;)
17:57.51FelyzaThrae, and I only leave the ctcp version answerer on since freenode pings it every login ;)
17:57.52ThraeFelyza: You don't NEED to respond to a CTCP VERSION request, actually.
17:58.10FelyzaI know, but fun responses are better than none, if you ask me. ;)
18:00.43ThraeFreenode probably uses it to tell you if you have a very exploitable client, like some ass-old version that no one should be using from 10 years ago. Or maybe just statistical data. Either way, I didn't code my bot's IRC engine to respond to any ctcp.
18:01.48zariousok so im doing scripts which check version of something and then preform an action based on that version nunmber, is there a better way to do that than like 50 elseifs ? can do something with like select or something?
18:02.09Thraezarious: hash tables are your friend
18:02.53zariouscan you give me an example?
18:03.03zarious(or a mod that uses it)
18:03.08Thraezarious: To say, the tables Lua provides are hash tables, and they are your friend
18:03.27purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
18:06.07*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
18:06.14*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
18:07.00NoctysHow long does it take for a project to syndicate after the first file is uploaded?
18:07.01Thraezarious: local byVersion = { [1]="FunctionA", [5]="FunctionB", etc. }; ...... self[byVersion[version]](); -- for version == 1, this calls self.FunctionA, for version == 5, this calls self.FunctionB, etc.
18:07.13FelyzaThere, made some new version responses...
18:07.24ThraeThat's probably a little too high level for an example, but I'm in a coma anyway
18:07.25*** join/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
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18:08.03FelyzaThrae, here's the list of things it might return on ctcp version now: telnet-0.17-31.EL4.3, IRCTASTIC FOR THE DRAGON 32, bash-2.05.8(1)-release, Giggity Giggity Giggity!, Notepad v1.0, Emergency Gastrointestinal Ensnarer, Microsoft Office Visual IRC 2008, Banana Hammock IRC V.1.0, Ultrasnorter 2000, I shall rule you., gwBasic-irc.bas, Sub-spatial IRC Gyroscopic Gyronailclipper v3, Flatulence Simulator 3000
18:08.58Jarikaquestion: If I have an array with a bunch of names, and then want the index of a name, is there another way than looking through the entire array for a match?
18:09.11zariousthrae i think what i was looking at doing is similar to that, make each key in a table the version number, and the value the upgrade function, then just check if that key exists and if it does run somefunc
18:10.12NoctysBeeblebrox42: You around???
18:10.40zariouswhat do they mean when they say upvalue in lua literature?
18:13.10tronnedNoctys: Just ran a scenario, works perfect
18:13.29NoctysWow... That took a long time.  Glad to hear it works.
18:13.49tronnedYeah, I got sidetracked ;)
18:14.03NoctysOH, glad to hear you didn;t have to wait that long
18:14.46tronnedNow, I'll plug in a lookup table to color names + career names and see how that goes.
18:15.44NoctysThat part should be easy. Let me know what way you decide to go. I may 'steel' that code and put it into the library, so everyone can just call that code and we all get the same colors.
18:15.58Noctys*steal even
18:19.12tronnedI did a career color break out long ago in beta ...
18:19.36Noctystronned: Just to make sure, you didn't have to make any changes to LibTargetInfo to get it working right???
18:19.53tronnedAbsolutely not.  It's not my job to fix your code, it's yours ;)
18:20.05tronnedit worked out of the box, so no worries
18:20.38tronnedEven works well in open area, it found someone I scenario'd with
18:20.40NoctysOK, just wanted to make a new release if you had, wouldn't do any good to tell people they can use it and then not have it work. :)
18:22.45NoctysBack to my old questions: Does anybody know how long does it take for a project to syndicate after the first file is uploaded? The file is approved but it doesn't show up on curse or with the Curse Client.
18:23.30talvinenhum.. half an hour max?
18:23.40talvinendidn't took too long for me
18:23.51NoctysThat's what I was thinking...  It's been about 2 hours now.
18:24.11talvinenbut your project page is there?
18:24.18talvinenjust without a file?
18:24.33NoctysNo... No project page... Nothing on curse.  Just on cureforge
18:24.47talvinendid you mark the file as alpha?
18:24.54NoctysNope -- it's a release.
18:25.05NoctysBut the main page stil says: This project has no files!
18:25.15talvinenwas the same for me
18:25.17Noctysnot sure if you can see it:
18:25.34talvinenbut I uploaded a file as alpha. when i did it as beta, the curse-page appeared somewhen
18:25.49talvinensomewhen is not actually a word, is it? ^^^
18:26.14talvinenI can't access the page either.
18:26.37NoctysThanks, you gve me an idea... I just swapped it to an Alpha file, then back to a release and it syndicated
18:26.47talvinenI had the same problem, Aiiane fixed it for me - she changed the file to beta and back to alpha, and the page was accessible
18:27.13NoctysNot on curse yet... But I'm sure it will soon
18:30.31talvinenwhat statistical data are you going to show?
18:31.32talvinen!lua split
18:31.50talvinen!api split
18:31.50lua_botFound 3 possible results for 'split': SplitContainerItem, strsplit, SplitGuildBankItem
18:32.03talvinen!api strsplit
18:32.03lua_botDocumentation for 'strsplit' can be found at
18:32.44*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
18:33.03*** join/#waruidev benny (
18:37.12talvinenlua> s = "playerhp color 100 200 300" a,b,c = s:strsplit(" ",3) print(c)
18:37.12lua_bottalvinen: luabot:1: attempt to call method 'strsplit' (a nil value)
18:37.28talvinenlua> s = "playerhp color 100 200 300" a,b,c = strsplit(" ",s,3) print(c)
18:37.28lua_bottalvinen: 100 200 300
18:37.33talvinenlua> s = "playerhp color 100 200 300" a,b,c = strsplit(" ",s,3) print(b)
18:37.33lua_bottalvinen: color
18:39.46talvinenlua> s = "default" a,b,c = strsplit(" ",s,3) print(b)
18:39.47lua_bottalvinen: nil
18:45.32Noctystalvinen: Was that stastical data aimed at me?
18:49.00Felyzawish me luck, going to test it out (again)
18:49.04Felyza--after patch
18:49.05Noctysgood Lucj
18:49.16NoctysI can not type today!  ;(
18:49.26NoctysGood Luck!
18:50.13NoctysTalvinen: Stuff specific to the user & the scenario.  Total Heals, total damage, etc.
18:50.49NoctysProbably reset whenever a scenario starts.
18:50.55Felyzanah, only 320 characters on my server and we aren't getting transfers
18:50.59Felyzabah not nah
18:51.44talvinen320 characters? not too much..
18:51.55talvinenis these official data?
18:52.28Felyzai'd estimate about 100 accounts
18:52.57Felyzai see a spectrum of about 30 names in t4 scenarios, with RARELY anyone new
18:53.18Felyzain world rvr, i usually see the same 12 people at various times
18:53.34Felyzaevery now and then a big fight happens, but its rare
19:09.10NigelTufne1o, sexy
19:10.03FelyzaSlowly getting there
19:10.15Felyzaby far biggest thing i've undertaken
19:11.30talvinenlua> a = {1,2,3}; b = {4,5,6}; a = b; print(a[1])
19:11.30lua_bottalvinen: 4
19:12.03talvinenlua> a = {1,2,3}; b = {4,5,6}; a = b; print(a[1]); a[1] = 9; a = b; print(a[1])
19:12.04lua_bottalvinen: 4, 9
19:12.15talvinen!api table
19:12.16lua_botFound 34 possible matches for 'table'.  Please be more specific
19:12.22talvinen!api copy table
19:12.22lua_botCould not find a match for 'copy table'.
19:12.35NigelTufne1lua> toInt(5.123123123132131)
19:12.36lua_botNigelTufne1: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'toInt' (a nil value)
19:12.52talvinenuse tonumber()
19:12.56talvineni think
19:12.59NigelTufne1lua> tonumber(5.12321312)
19:13.00lua_botNigelTufne1: 5.12321312
19:13.08NigelTufne1lua> toint(5.123123)
19:13.08lua_botNigelTufne1: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'toint' (a nil value)
19:13.23NigelTufne1loa> convert.toint(1.123123)
19:13.37NigelTufne1lua> convert.toint(1.123123)
19:13.38lua_botNigelTufne1: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'convert' (a nil value)
19:13.41NoctysHas anyone figured out how to reload the XML without restarting?
19:14.19Noctysreloadui doesn't reload the XML if you change it.  Or so I heard and saw
19:14.36NigelTufne1lua> int(5.1231)
19:14.36talvinenI think it does
19:14.37lua_botNigelTufne1: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'int' (a nil value)
19:15.04Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(string.format("%f", a)
19:15.05lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
19:15.08Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(string.format("%f", a))
19:15.09lua_botFelyza: 5.123123
19:15.18Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(string.format("%1f", a))
19:15.18lua_botFelyza: 5.123123
19:15.22NoctysIt doesn't for the layout editor.  I was trying to figure out why it wasn't working for a few hours before I found that out.  
19:15.25Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(string.format("%.0f", a))
19:15.25lua_botFelyza: 5
19:15.27talvinenlua> a=5.1323124 print(floor(a))
19:15.27lua_bottalvinen: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'floor' (a nil value)
19:15.30NoctysIt might partialy reload it though
19:15.52Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(tonumber(string.format("%.0f", a)))
19:15.52lua_botFelyza: 5
19:16.00NigelTufne1ya that works
19:16.07talvinenNoctys: what exactly do you want to do?
19:16.13NigelTufne1lua> math.floor(5.123123)
19:16.14lua_botNigelTufne1: 5
19:16.28NigelTufne1thanks though felyza =]
19:16.37Felyzamine is more obfusticated =)
19:17.08Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(tonumber(string.format("%.2f%%", a)))
19:17.09lua_botFelyza: nil
19:17.20Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 print(string.format("%.2f%%", a))
19:17.21lua_botFelyza: 5.12%
19:17.42Felyzalua> a=5.123123123 a=a*100 print(string.format("%.2f%%", a))
19:17.43lua_botFelyza: 512.31%
19:18.17Noctystalvinen: I am making changes to the XML file for my mod, and I just don't want to have to quit and restart everytime I make a change. But anyother way I get weird responses.
19:18.27talvinenIs there a simple way to copy a table, other than copying its values?
19:18.53talvinenNoctys: What are weird responses?
19:18.54FelyzaNoctys, if you're stuff, quit and restart is the only sure-fire way =(
19:19.00Felyzaremoving stuff*
19:20.31NoctysI'm changind sizes, adding and removing... Changing names, etc.
19:20.41Felyzaa={1,2,3} b={5,6,7} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print(unpack(a))
19:20.45Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,6,7} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print(unpack(a))
19:20.46lua_botFelyza: 5, 6, 7
19:20.56NoctysWeird is text fitting in new window, but new window is old size
19:21.30talvinendoes #b work for non-numerical fields?
19:21.42talvinenlike tables inside the table
19:22.36Felyzait gives the number of things in the table
19:22.36Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,"dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print(unpack(a))
19:22.38lua_botFelyza: 5, dog, table: 0x8083f88
19:22.45Felyzaheh, slow response
19:23.03talvinenhmm.. looks good, however..
19:23.09Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,cat="dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print(unpack(a))
19:23.11lua_botFelyza: 5, table: 0x8083968, 3
19:23.29Felyzathat was unexpected
19:23.41talvinenlua> a={1,2,3} b={5,"dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:23.42lua_bottalvinen: 5, dog, table: 0x8073860, 5, dog, table: 0x8073860
19:23.51talvinensame adress
19:24.11talvinenso you would need a recursive function to truly copy tables
19:24.32NigelTufne1o, you know recursion rocks =P
19:24.39Repo10verticalmorale: 03silverq * r6 / (3 files in 1 directory): Fixed scalingbug. Possibly fixed reset-to-horizontal bug.
19:24.56Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,cat="dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end b[3]={8,9} print(unpack(a[3])) print(unpack(b[3]))
19:24.57lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got number)
19:25.10Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,"dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end b[3]={8,9} print(unpack(a[3])) print(unpack(b[3]))
19:25.12lua_botFelyza: 6, 7, 8, 9
19:25.31Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,"dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end b[3]={8,9} print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:25.32lua_botFelyza: 5, dog, table: 0x8073870, 5, dog, table: 0x8084030
19:25.35Repo10verticalmorale: 03silverq 041.01 * r7 : Tagging as 1.01
19:26.33Felyzalua> a={1,2,3} b={5,"dog",{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b)) print("After Change") b[3]={8,9} print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:26.34lua_botFelyza: Before change, 5, dog, table: 0x8084198, 5, dog, table: 0x8084198, After Change, 5, dog, table: 0x8084198, 5, dog, table: 0x8084228
19:27.13FelyzaIt copies the table and uses same address, until one or the other changes, which is good garbage collection.
19:28.20Felyzalua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b)) print("After Change") b[3]={8,9} print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:28.21lua_botFelyza: Before change, table: 0x8084270, table: 0x8084270, After Change, table: 0x8084270, table: 0x8084270
19:28.29talvinenproblem is, that changes to the inner table of table a will also change the inner table of table b
19:28.46Felyzalua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b)) print("After Change") b[1]={8,9} print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:28.47lua_botFelyza: Before change, table: 0x8073ac0, table: 0x8073ac0, After Change, table: 0x8073ac0, table: 0x80837a8
19:29.00Felyzalua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b)) print("After Change") a[1]={8,9} print(unpack(a)) print(unpack(b))
19:29.01lua_botFelyza: Before change, table: 0x8073ac0, table: 0x8073ac0, After Change, table: 0x80837a8, table: 0x8073ac0
19:29.16Felyzalast one changes a not b
19:30.51talvinenlua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a[0])) print(unpack(b[0])) print("After Change") a[1]={8,9} print(unpack(a[0])) print(unpack(b[0]))
19:30.51lua_bottalvinen: Before change, luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
19:31.16talvinenlua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a[1])) print(unpack(b[1])) print("After Change") a[1]={8,9} print(unpack(a[1])) print(unpack(b[1]))
19:31.16lua_bottalvinen: Before change, 6, 7, 6, 7, After Change, 8, 9, 6, 7
19:31.32talvinenbut look
19:31.36Felyzalua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(a[1][1] .. " " .. b[1][1]) print() print("After Change") a[1]={8,9} print(a[1][1] .. " " .. b[1][1])
19:31.36lua_botFelyza: Before change, 6 6, After Change, 8 6
19:31.45talvinenlua> a={1} b={{6,7}} for i=1,#b do a[i]=b[i] end print("Before change")print(unpack(a[1])) print(unpack(b[1])) print("After Change") a[1][1]=8 print(unpack(a[1])) print(unpack(b[1]))
19:31.45lua_bottalvinen: Before change, 6, 7, 6, 7, After Change, 8, 7, 8, 7
19:32.07talvinenit only works if you change the whole table, not single elements
19:32.50talvinenanyway, i'll just use
19:32.56Felyzawell, i tried
19:33.08talvinenit works quite well :)
19:33.17talvinenthanks for the help, however
19:33.35Felyzaa few weeks ago, i'd have zero idea at all about it, i've come a long way
19:36.48talvinenI wrote an addon for WoW, but thats like 2 years ago
19:36.54talvinenor even more.. dunno
19:41.06*** join/#waruidev Tsolval1 (
19:44.54Felyzawoot, can make it update right
19:51.42zariousdo all ace libs use libstub or something similar?
20:07.32*** join/#waruidev Haldol (
20:08.02Felyzawoot, next milestone done, autoupdates correctly for all forms of adding and removing items...
20:08.28FelyzaNext up, preferences.
20:16.40*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
20:17.09*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
20:21.36JarikaIs there a way for addons to communicate with addons on another player in the same group/warband, like they could do in wow (without spamming groupchat for all other player)? If yeah, just give me a hint on where to look
20:22.07Aiionly by creating a custom chat channel and then hiding the filter for that channel
20:23.01JarikaCan there be only the 9 channels that i see in the filter tab, or can I actually create more?
20:23.05*** join/#waruidev Nechckn (n=N@WoWUIDev/Norganna/PRManager/Nechckn)
20:24.05skoliFelyza: Which addon are you talking about, those milestones I mean? Like to see how the milestones works
20:41.23zariousJarika, yes there are only 9 channels you can use
21:00.38Aii8 actually, zarious
21:00.45Aii1 is Region and 2 is Region-RvR
21:35.38Repo10tithetracker: 03sangdrax8 * r21 TitheTracker.lua: First submission after plane trip.
21:35.38Repo-Split guild Tax and Tithe
21:35.42Repo-added trade detection
21:35.48Repo-added guild vault detection
21:37.26PenguinOfDoomCan't you send tells to another addon?
21:37.31PenguinOfDoomwell, another player
21:37.34PenguinOfDoomand filter them by prefix
21:38.00PenguinOfDoomAlso, how far do you have to be for /follow to trigger?
21:38.10PenguinOfDoomI guess that's what the healbots I see are doing
21:46.17art3mis  <-- view the page source and convert the binary near the bottom of the source into text
21:49.10CowBook_easier to just google it
22:01.44*** join/#waruidev Karrion (
22:02.09FelyzaALMOST ready for initial release
22:02.33Thunder_Child~slow Felyza
22:02.34purlACTION attaches a ball and chain to Felyza
22:02.53Felyzawe're married now?
22:03.18Thunder_Childi didnt give it to you....purl did
22:04.01Felyzajust like the maid of honor/best man gives the ring to the bride or groom... (just don't know which purl is)
22:04.09art3misyou're so far in the closet you're finding christmas presents tom
22:04.49art3misone of the better liens from family guy
22:04.53art3mislines too
22:05.08Thunder_Childpurl's gender changes based on the whim of randomness
22:07.01art3miswhatcha working on fel
22:07.16Felyzaautobar port
22:07.18AiiI'm eloping with purl and there's nothing you can do about it
22:07.22art3misawesome !
22:07.31art3miswanna do eepanels2 next?
22:07.38Felyza90% of initial release completed
22:07.45art3misaii you cantelope!
22:08.03art3miswho you calling a cantelope you melon head!
22:08.10art3missaved by the bell ftw
22:08.15Felyzawell, purl just married me and tc
22:09.30art3misheh i made the lamest webpage./tool yesterday
22:10.02art3misyou connect to it and it grabs your external ip, then does a speed test then a trace route from the server to you and then a -c 10 ping to you to see if there's anomolies
22:10.14art3misand everyone at work was sayig it was AWESOME!
22:10.48Felyzaok, only a bit more logic, an about window, and I think I'm done
22:10.55art3missometimes i wish i was that easily impressed
22:11.06Thunder_ChildFelyza, no i just married you and purl
22:11.28art3misand give glowing feedback and no bug reports so the port of eepanels2 can commence
22:11.39*** join/#waruidev Noctys (
22:12.32NoctysCan anybody explain to me what happens if you "Merge" two projects on Curseforge?
22:12.33Thunder_Childis eepanels worth it w/o custom iamges?
22:12.50art3miscant do custom images in war?
22:12.55Thunder_Childnot yet i dont think
22:12.59art3misoh then no
22:13.01art3misno its not
22:13.25NoctysIf you get creative you can use WAR images to make some pretty cool stuff.
22:16.19Felyzaebd ~= end
22:16.36art3misyeah thats not nearly good enough to warrant the port though
22:17.10NoctysAii: You probably can answer this, what happens when you Merge two projects?
22:17.45art3misi think the only other things that i'd love for WAR aside from autobar would be arkinventory, trinity bars, and a better chat manager type program that has better font selections ;)
22:18.29Thunder_Childwhat i want for war are huge massive option
22:18.33Thunder_Childi miss my options
22:19.29NoctysI'm with Thunder_Child... I miss options.  I would love to be able to zoom out farther on my home computer... And to turn off most of the crap on my work computer.
22:19.41art3misheh niagara/wterfall would be a great port too
22:19.57art3missince i ahte slash commands and most arent intuative it seems
22:20.03Thunder_Childactually i meant options on my addons, but the base game could use a bunch as well
22:20.20AiiNoctys: you don't need to merge projects, you don't have anything on wowace
22:20.36art3misi cant fault em though
22:20.49NoctysAii: What is the project merge command for then?
22:20.51art3misthey're adding content and fixing bugs instead of adding new ui features
22:20.55Noctyson Curseforge?
22:21.32AiiNoctys: for projects that used to be hosted on both wowace and curseforge
22:21.41NoctysOh... I'm not saying I want it right away... Fix the issues, add some content... Then add to the UI
22:21.42AiiWoW-only, not related to WAR
22:21.49Thunder_Childart3mis, at what point does it go from a fix to adding to features?
22:21.50NoctysOH, OK
22:21.59NoctysThanks Aii!!!
22:22.08Thunder_Childs/g to/g new/
22:22.28art3misThunder_Child: mostly when the insane amount of bitching and exploits stops, i'd say prolly januaryish
22:22.54art3misitll still be there it just wont be as prevenlant as it is in a "fresh" game jsut coming out of beta
22:23.08Thunder_Childno art3mis, i mean you say they are new UI features i am saying these are things that should not have been released like it was. eg. a fix
22:23.48art3misoh by ui features i mean more options
22:24.24art3mislike say extended font selection for the chat window, the ability to zoom futher, etc etc
22:24.24art3misui should have been "client side"
22:24.39Thunder_Childright, but take for example autoloot, i would concider that a fix, but most prolly figure it for a new option
22:24.52art3misheh yeah thats a little mistake ;)
22:25.07art3misim sure there are otehrs like that
22:25.33art3misbut im thinking fixes in that sense of adding a box for an already available option, as opposed to adding a new option that doesnt actually already exist
22:25.56Thunder_Childextending a zoom would be a fix then, not a UI improvment
22:26.26art3misdepends how they handled it
22:26.31art3misoriginally i mean
22:26.44Thunder_Childi mean according to your definition
22:27.02Thunder_Childit is an extension on an already existing option
22:27.03art3misif it was fixde that way because past that things dont render correctly or they never added the rendering function past that distance
22:27.15art3misthen extending it would be a new feature
22:27.28art3misif tis capable of it already we just cant do it, it's a fix
22:28.06Thunder_Childthen it's a fix since rendering distance is another option entierly
22:28.31art3mislike i said it depends how they handled it originally
22:28.41art3misso i gave examples of whats a fix and whats a new feature ;)
22:28.54Thunder_Childbest guees, like wow with out the API's
22:29.32Thunder_Childfor example a fix should be to allow people to change the freakin death cam
22:30.13art3misthe fact you cant look around when dead?
22:30.32Thunder_Childyou can, but only after ~5 seconds of whatever it wants
22:31.56*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
22:46.35FelyzaIf you spin the camera with the mouse real fast, you get regular movement back sooner
22:46.45*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
22:47.37*** part/#waruidev Tsolval1 (
22:47.51Felyzaone final stupidity check for the bar, and its initial release time
22:57.00Repo10autobar: 03Felyza * r2 / (6 files in 1 directory): Initial import.
23:00.54Aiiback in a bit
23:03.38Felyzaautobar v1.0-Release is up, if anyone wants to see what I've been working on for the last few days
23:04.30FelyzaI'm sure there's going to be bugs, there's a few other issues as well, but its working enough to warrant opening it up to the masses
23:11.40FelyzaI love my forum sig... but I need more good candid quotes to add to it
23:11.46FelyzaRandom quotes for reasons to live in's #waruidev channel:
23:11.46Felyza<Wobin> there's -good- high fantasy porn?
23:11.46Felyza<Aiiane> and um, no, no milking me, kthx
23:21.54Thunder_Childi remember that second one
23:22.11Thunder_Childbut iirc it was purl doing the milking
23:22.33Jarikawow... i somehow managed to completely kill WAR by calling that function i made...
23:22.52*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
23:28.13Aiiwhat function Jarika ?
23:28.37Jarikaseems it was a bad idea to call towstring on a table...
23:29.25Jarikachanged it to tostring and it worked
23:32.57*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
23:33.07Daegalushey all
23:35.31Aii"They said it couldn't be done with the current API, but with some elbow grease and lots of ibuprofen intake, I present to the masses, Autobar. "
23:35.39Aiiwho said it couldn't be done, Felyza ?
23:35.57FelyzaI was told by a few people that you can't use items from a bar other than the hotbars
23:36.20art3misThe Honourable Everyknowing Youth ;)
23:36.26art3miserr EVERknowing
23:36.43AiiFelyza: dunno who those few people were but they're idiots? :P
23:36.52Aiis/idiots/uninformed peoples/
23:36.58art3mishe's being a new father to his addon ;)
23:38.54Daegalushey aii, would you know why CharacterNameString = WStringToString(CharacterNameString2) would error saying invalid parameters with an -> (nil "NIL") even though CharacterNameString2 has information in it and i did a d() on it.
23:39.12Jarikayou made an autobar? cool!
23:40.02AiiDaegalus: don't see why that wouldn't work, probably need more context to find a problem
23:40.26art3mishrm i think im gonna play with windows 7 tonight
23:40.29DaegalusCharacterNameString1 =
23:40.31DaegalusCharacterNameString2 = CharacterNameString1:match(L"([^ ]+) (.*)")
23:40.33art3misand see if its any better than vista
23:40.33DaegalusCharacterNameString = WStringToString(CharacterNameString2)
23:40.35Jarikamaybe its not a wstring?
23:40.46Daegalus1 & 2 show fine in debug, but WStringToString still errors
23:41.20DaegalusNames are always a WString, and if it wasn't, it would error ont eh MATCH
23:41.34Aiishow me a pastey that includes your debug prints
23:41.48Aiiand preferably the entire function being run
23:42.28Jarikathey're not local or anything and there's an end between them somewhere?
23:43.46Daegalusthre is no function, this is the beginning of the file
23:45.14Aiithen show me a pastey of the beginning of the file
23:47.32Daegalusthere you go aii, and i only used 1,2 and unnmbered was to rule out there being an error with overwriting the addon.
23:47.35Daegalusthe varaible*
23:48.07Aiiand what do the d() statements print
23:48.34Daegalusand Giest
23:48.44Daegalussame thing both times
23:48.53Daegaluswhich is weird, shouldnt have a ^M
23:49.28Aiid, like any other output function, doesn't render metastrings
23:49.41Daegalusah ok just making sure.
23:50.19shockbeta|workThis is purely guess, but I know in other languages you are not able to sue variables in declaration, not that it's a declaratin, but it kidna is. I'm curoius if you were to put it in init does it work then?
23:51.42AiiDaegalus: if you remove the WStringToString, does the third d() print out Giest as well?
23:53.28Daegalusthe thrid one doesnt print. also the WStringToString on the servernamestring was also having hte same error as the CharacterName one. but no the 3rd one after server doesnt show
23:53.48Daegalusit just goes straight to erroring on improper concat of Wstring adn String (have to fix the init function in a bit
23:55.30Daegalusyup, 3rd one doesnt print at all, een if i move it above servername
23:55.54Aiiso it's somehow getting mangled
23:56.31Daegaluswhich i dont get how. CharacterNameString2 works fine, but CharacterNameString = CharacterNameString2, doesn't
23:59.20Aiivery odd

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