IRC log for #waruidev on 20081016

00:00.08Veeiwhen i try to upload my project on curseforge, it just keeps looping to the create project page.
00:00.19Veeinot sure what i'm doing wrong lol
00:00.26Aiiyou're probably missing an error message
00:00.30Aiilook carefully
00:00.41Aiithey're sometimes a bit small/non-obvious :X
00:00.44Veeii can write an addon but i can't use a websight = S
00:01.45ExmortemI wish I couldn't use a website but could write an addon. :P
00:02.08Veeii'm not seeing any errors.  only the big "u better be the author or we're gonna eat ur cat" warning
00:02.32*** join/#waruidev Tarrick (
00:03.21Veeidoes curseforge not like firefox or something?  wtf
00:04.06Aiiit works fine in FF
00:04.35Veeiwell, not sure what's going on.  no error msgs i can see :(
00:04.44Aiiwhat shortname do you have set
00:06.16Aiishortnames have to be lowercase/numbers/underscores/dashes
00:06.43Veeiok so i didn't read that it's only lowercase
00:06.55Veeiso i'm dumb but that's not the point!
00:06.59Veeian error msg would be nice
00:07.14Aiithere should be one, directly under the shortname box, in orange text
00:07.21Aii"Use Only Valid Characters: -_a-z0-9"
00:07.36Veeii'm dumb
00:07.38Veeithat's the poitn
00:07.40ben______Does a-z include ü?
00:07.52Aiia-z is the 26 characters a through z
00:07.55Aiinothing else
00:08.26Aiino accents or other modifiers
00:08.30*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:08.30*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:08.54Aiiheya ckknight
00:09.08Aiiany chance we could get the error messages on the create project forum a bit more obvious?
00:09.16Aii*create project form
00:11.11ckknightfile a ticket about it?
00:14.11Aiidone, 761
00:14.35Aiigoing to dinner, back later
00:15.27*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
00:32.55*** join/#waruidev Felyza (
00:33.23FelyzaWell, my Bday is saturday, so I treated myself to an early bday present today
00:33.42BeebleSleeeeepFelyza, happy birthday, what did you do?
00:33.54FelyzaI just went from an ati hd 2400 to an ati hd 4870
00:34.12BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, how's that working for you?
00:35.12Felyza40fps in 'the woods' (lots of trees), looking at a warcamp, with 8xaa and 16xaf
00:35.21Felyzaall settings to quality
00:36.13BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, cool. You perfer ati over nvidia then?
00:36.15Felyzajust q'd for scenarios, will test mass players shortly
00:36.36*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
00:36.48Felyzai was a big fan of nvidia until recently... ati has surpassed them in quality, imho
00:37.50Felyzato each their own, for the last 2 years, i've been having alot less trouble with ati
00:38.38Thunder_Childi thought you were talking about performance
00:38.43CowBooki dunno, imo 3dfx > *
00:39.23BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, I don't know about their components, but my company is actually getting into writting libraries for computing with video card chips, its all the new rage, and we are finding that ati's api's are very combersome and incomplete and buggy and nvidia's are rock solid.  It kind of explains a lot to me when I look at how my experinces with driver issues I've had between the two
00:39.31Felyzatc, if i can't get a card to handle even moderate strain without burning itself out, then it underperforms... i've returned 3 nvidia based cards in the last 2 years
00:39.56BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, I think that is more about the manufacture of the card then the chipset on it.
00:40.11Thunder_ChildFelyza, *shrug* i have not had any issues with them
00:40.42Felyzabeeble, this comes with a warranty that i've never had on a graphics card before... lifetime
00:40.57BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, again that is about the manufacture of the card, not the chipset on it
00:41.42BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, I personally have had a couple ati cards and have had them burn out and compacitors even pop off of them, i don't fault ATI though, it was the cheap azz manufacture of the card.
00:42.15CowBookjust go bfg, either way, you win
00:42.35BeebleTheSeekerCowBook, you find bfg cards are made with good components?
00:42.42Felyzai've experimented with different cards, and find i get the best performance with ati (i run an amd chip and northbridge if it makes a difference)
00:43.01CowBookwell, not sure about their components, but bfg has a great warranty
00:43.13CowBooki've gotten expensive cards replaced before
00:43.22CowBookwhich is nice.
00:44.42Felyzasigh, got the bauble, and stepped back from the line, to have a tank knock their line on top of me
00:45.39BeebleTheSeekerFelyza, I find that performance wise its about how much $$$ I spend for how new the technology on the card is.  I'd agree that the newest end stuff performance wise has variation between the two, but it goes in cycles.  But if yo want to compare the cards at afordable prices (for me anyway) then you don't usually see much of a spread of who out performs who at any time
00:46.50BeebleTheSeekerCowBook, a company that will take care of you like that is worth a lot!  That is the main reason I always buy the Western Digital brand of HD
00:47.14CowBooki still have my first wd hd, caviar 2120.. 120mb :P
00:47.33CowBooki can't use it though, since i have no computer that lets me manually program in the track/sector/cylinter info
00:47.40CowBooki'm curious to see what's on it
00:48.23BeebleTheSeekerCowBook you might be able to overide that info using a linux boot disk to load it up
00:48.54BeebleTheSeekerCowBook, I'm sure the old bbs pr0n isn't that impressive though. ;)
00:48.57CowBooki'll have to look into that, someday
00:49.04CowBookwhen i get REALLY bored
00:50.20BeebleTheSeekerHas anyone tried out the alpha for TheSeeker and tested the new class archtype marking in scenarios?
00:56.29Huxtonooooh no
00:56.31Huxtonbut i will
00:59.58BeebleTheSeekerHuxton, r22 on curseforge is the current alpha that does something meaningful if you are interested
01:01.31BeebleTheSeekerHuxton, are you known by a different name here?
01:04.13Huxtonis there a way I can see if player is in an rvr zone
01:04.24Huxtonsimilar to GameData.Player.isInScenario
01:05.41BeebleTheSeekerHuxton, hmmm I think you can tell if they are RvR tagged, is that good enough?
01:06.07Huxtonwell i made an auto turret stance switching addon
01:06.29Huxtoni want to make a tactic switching addon
01:06.37Huxtonthat auto switches when in scenarios
01:06.40Huxtonthen i thought
01:06.42Huxtonworld RvR
01:08.30shockbetaWould work for the PvE'rs
01:11.47chrixianpeek thru EA_ZoneControlWindow
01:11.52chrixiantheres a bunch of zone info stuff in there
01:24.27*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
01:29.23Huxtonis that what im after for tactic switching?
01:31.58Huxtonor TacticsSetMenu:LoadSet
01:34.35Huxtonoh i dunno
01:36.11Huxtondont tell me
01:36.13Huxtoni wanna find out
01:41.36*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
02:08.04BeebleTheSeekerhmm guess repo is down again
02:08.35*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
02:11.11*** join/#waruidev Mellos (
02:11.32MellosThere are people here.  Are any you present and active?
02:11.48BeebleTheSeekerMellos in what sense of the word?
02:12.17MellosThink Melpomene, but lite.  Less pomene than original flavor.  Then add some los
02:13.06BeebleTheSeekerThat is not what I meant, I meant present and active in what sense?
02:13.30MellosHere, available to chat, preferably knowledgable about lua as it pertains to WAR
02:13.39purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
02:14.42MellosWell, I've found a viewport addon and this pleases me.  However, it's set to a layer that covers my minimap if I try to move it into the letterbox.  How do I tweak the letterbox addon so it'll be on a lower layer?
02:15.03MellosIt's got a line that looks like this:  WindowSetLayer("XpBarWindow", Window.Layers.DEFAULT)
02:15.52AiianeMellos: you're probably better off moving the minimap to a higher layer rather than vice versa
02:16.07AiianeWindowSetLayer("OverheadMapWindow", Window.Layers.DEFAULT)
02:16.16MellosHow do I do that?
02:17.19Thunder_Childwhy isnt WindowSetLayer on the wiki?
02:17.29Aiianeit's in the full list, I believe
02:17.35Aiianejust noone has created a full page for it yet
02:17.36MellosI don't know this code at all, that's why I came here to ask >.>
02:17.39Thunder_Childwell the search doesnt like it then
02:17.49AiianeMellos: I gave you the exact function call to do it
02:17.55Aiiane(19:13:59) Aiiane: WindowSetLayer("OverheadMapWindow", Window.Layers.DEFAULT)
02:18.04MellosDo I just put that in the addon's lua file?
02:18.49Aiianeum. you'd put it somewhere that it'd be run after the minimap has loaded; that could possibly be in that addon's file, or another addon's, or a macro
02:19.23MellosI'm assuming the line I pasted from the addon sets what layer the xp bar is on
02:19.38MellosGiven that, I'd imagine adding your line to the addon would work
02:22.36Thunder_ChildAiiane, how was the midterm?
02:23.49Aiianeit was a takehome one
02:23.53AiianeI just needed time alone to work on it
02:28.19*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
02:28.19*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
02:29.51*** part/#waruidev Mellos (
02:33.12Aiianeand now I have another one I need to take care of this evening :X
02:36.51*** join/#waruidev Mellos (
02:37.03MellosFix worked, thanks guys
02:37.41Huxtonis there a GameData.Player.isrvrflagged ?
02:37.47Huxtonor isflagged
02:37.54Huxtoncant find it anywhere
02:38.18BeebleTheSeekerAii, in square can I configure the color and make a square buf indicater for each different HoT? Cause I can't tell right now if I have my big HoT or small HoT on people
02:38.42Aiianecurrently it just uses the colors the buffs themselves use
02:39.04AiianeI'll add more customization options for that when I get the chance
02:39.15Aiianeor you're welcome to hack around with the plugin yourself and submit a patch for review
02:39.43BeebleTheSeekerAii, K I might, its the first time I've used squared, pretty slick so far :D
02:40.40Aiianethe main annoyance there is configuration
02:40.46Huxtonim stupid
02:41.16*** part/#waruidev Mellos (
02:47.10*** join/#waruidev Daegalus[Away] (
02:54.13Huxtonok here's a good one
02:54.31*** join/#waruidev Mellos (
02:54.57Huxtonive got rvrflagged, inscenario , now is there a way to see if they unflag countdown has started?
02:55.13Huxtonyou know when you right click and select unflag
02:55.29MellosI return with more questions on the minimap.  Adding the line WindowSetLayer("OverheadMapWindow", Window.Layers.DEFAULT) to the addon apparently didn't solve the problem like I thought.  Is there another way to set minimap to the top layer?
02:55.55*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
02:56.16HuxtonWindow.Layers.OVERLAY ?
02:56.40MellosI'm not at all familiar with lua so I'll have to ask for a more in-depth explanation D:
02:57.00HuxtonWindowSetLayer("OverheadMapWindow", Window.Layers.OVERLAY)
02:57.42MellosDoesn't work on reloadui, let me try reloggin
02:57.49Huxtonim not the best with Lua sooooo
02:58.50MellosNo dic
02:59.08MellosGuh, think I'll have to abandon letterbox
02:59.59Huxton1 sec
03:00.04Huxtonill take a look :p
03:00.14MellosI wouldn't put a lot into it, it's a not a very good viewport mod anyhow
03:00.31MellosDoesn't actually change rendered environment size, just covers the bottom with a black box
03:01.28Repo10huduf: 03Metaphaze 04alpha release 4 * r12 : - Add Pet HP Bar
03:01.29Repo- Split Friendly Target and Hostile Target into their own movable frames (Friendly right-click-able, Hostile non-interactive)
03:01.36Repo- Hostile Target has level information and '+' for Tier information
03:01.42RepoTagging as alpha release 4.
03:04.16Huxtonall i can find is OVERLAY, SECONDARY and DEFAULT
03:05.43MellosMessing with addon code while explaining to a hardware noob how to assemble a computer is bad juju
03:06.05Huxtonwhat addon is it?
03:06.29MellosIt was letterbox
03:06.45MellosBut I decided it's not worth the time
03:06.46Huxtonyou dont have a minimap addon do you?
03:07.03MellosNo, I don't.  None of the ones I've seen on curse leave then normal minimap shape intact
03:07.25Thunder_Childthats because no one wants a circle
03:08.06MellosI kinda like it as it is.  I used a square in WoW but this one has more crap attached that I actuallyuse
03:08.20HuxtonThunder_Child: don't suppose you know if there is a way I can determine if the rvr unflag counter is active?
03:08.33Thunder_Childthey dont get rif of the attached pieces afaik
03:08.43Thunder_ChildHuxton, nope, sorry
03:08.47MellosThe other thing is that letterbox doesn't resize the rendered environment like Aperture or Viewport do in WoW so I'm not relaly willing to use it
03:08.57Thunder_ChildHuxton, i assume no event fires?
03:09.56Thunder_Childbesides, i have no idea what an unflag counter is
03:11.08Huxtonwhen you have rvr active
03:11.19Huxtonand you right click the icon and select unflag
03:11.27Huxtonit says "you will be unflagged in 10 minutes"
03:11.31Huxtonso a counter is activated...
03:11.34Thunder_Childi see
03:11.42Thunder_Childi play on open rvr, so i dont have that
03:11.59Huxtonweird though
03:12.00Huxtonkind of
03:12.02*** part/#waruidev Mellos (
03:13.01Huxtoncant work out whether if  bUnflagCountdownStarted == false means its started or not though :S
03:13.15Huxtonthe way im looking at that is it unflags itself
03:13.17Huxtondont get it
03:13.36Thunder_Childi would assume false meant it had not started
03:13.51Thunder_Child"Author: Awesome Huxton" >.<
03:15.29Huxtonjust look at the last 2 lines
03:15.31Huxtonit makes no sense
03:16.27Huxtontell a lie
03:16.35Huxtonit was notepad++
03:16.39Huxtonactivating random features
03:19.07Huxtonis the command
03:22.11Huxtonthanks for listening to my crap again waruidev :)
03:29.27Veeiany idea why after uploading my addon to curseforge it says it's out of date and won't work with most recent version?
03:30.02Veeiis it checking the date modified for the file?  or checking the date in .mod?
03:36.48zarioushey aiiane how did you get your svn repos to be publicaly accessible?
03:39.37zariousyou linked me one of your repos with an hg.curseforge url and you could actually browse it
03:40.13Aiianeyes, because it's hg
03:40.31zarious?que es hg?
03:41.02zarioushome and guarden?
03:41.15Daegalusversioning systme like SVN, CVS and GIT, but better
03:41.32zariousoh, well are svn's not available?
03:41.33Daegalusthere is currently a huge war between Git and Hg
03:41.47Daegalusthey are, but you can have only 1 repository type per project at a time
03:43.06Daegalusi personally love Hg. OS much better than CVS, SVN< and git in my /opinion/
03:47.53Aiianezarious: there isn't a web based browser for svn available on CF atm.
03:48.30zariousthere a beta-4 yet xD (/poke /poke)
03:48.43AiianeI'm trying to work on another midterm at the moment
03:48.53Aiianethis one isn't timed, at least :x
03:48.59zariousis it midterms already?
03:49.14zariousgod its nice to be out of school lol xD (i just graduated in aug)
03:49.43zariousoh yeah can you change you age on curse? i always give bullshit info to websites, but i can't change that one, and it says im 28 lol
03:51.16zariouswhats your major?
03:53.20*** join/#waruidev Pewpewarrows (n=Pewpewar@
03:53.32Aiiane~whalepunt Huxton
03:53.33purlACTION looks onward as an everest-sized whale called Victor punts Huxton across the Solar System
03:53.50Huxtongoddamit victor
03:54.19WobinI like Hg
03:54.28WobinI'd probably like Git more if I understood how to use it
03:54.41Wobinbut Hg is much easier to use/understand
03:54.51Huxtongot an a title where ive killed myself so many times for this damn addon
03:55.12WobinAnd who says we addon authors don't suffer for our art =P
03:55.12Huxtona title
03:55.27Huxtonlet a little shaman kill me a minute ago
03:55.33Huxtonbet he was all pleased with himself
03:55.34zariouswobin but we also reap the rewards man
03:55.46Wobinwith shiny new titles!
03:56.04zariousi can't count the number of times i've been at a bar and some chicks been all into some guy and i just drop that i'm a cs major
03:56.06Huxtonseems harder to kill yourself when you are actually trying to
03:56.19zariousits a like having and aus accent in the states....panty remover amirite?
03:57.10zariousat least were im from chicks are all over cs mjors
03:57.22zariousoh wait thats that dream i had last night
03:58.50Huxtonthink it capped the day you two met
04:00.20zariouswow i'd prob have picked a better google image result has i seen it was from that .com lololol
04:03.23Huxtonis GameData.Player.rvrFlagged the best thing to use for checking for the RVR flag, seems asif it doesn want to work
04:03.41zarioushuxton im gonna guess theres an event for that
04:04.15Huxtonyeah im using that
04:04.21zarious use this page and ctrl+f
04:04.29Huxtoni just want to check if a play is flagged for rvr or not
04:05.15zarioustry GameData.GetRvRStatusData()
04:06.18zariousctrl+f on this page is also very useful
04:06.39Huxtonah cool thanks zarious :)
04:07.09Aiianepurl, apilist is
04:07.10purlAiiane: okay
04:07.39zariousyou can no joke answer prob 90% of your info questions in regards to extracting data by use the full list page or grepping around an extracted interface.myp
04:07.56Huxtonyeah i was looking around in the extract interface.myp
04:07.59Huxtoncouldnt find it
04:08.06Huxtondidnt know about the full list though
04:08.18zariouslooking around = browsing or using a grep type utility?
04:08.49Huxtonum notepad++ find in file
04:09.22Huxtonuse directx 10 and stuff so im on vista
04:09.24zarious brcome friends with it.
04:09.34Aiianefind in files works fine
04:10.06zariousfind is also gay
04:10.09zariousgrep is also not
04:10.18Aiiane~lart zarious
04:10.18purlduct-tapes zarious to the floor and drools on him
04:10.39zariouswhere did that term come from?
04:10.51AiianeLuser Attitude Readjustment Tool
04:11.09BeebleTheSeeker~wtf lart
04:11.48AiianeThis term is very popular with technical support staff who have to deal with lusers as part of their job, often metaphorically employing a LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool, or "clue-by-four")
04:13.10zariousi guess i just worked in a /loser/ college then, nobody said shit like that
04:13.24Aiiane3 questions done, 2 to go :S
04:13.25zariousaside the pebkac
04:13.58zariousquiet TC
04:16.02*** join/#waruidev onebit (n=onebit4@
04:16.13BrandericWhat's up?!
04:16.13Aiiane~bonk zarious Thunder_Child
04:16.14purlACTION bonks Thunder_Child over the head on behalf of zarious
04:16.35BrandericHello fellow ui modder :]
04:16.38Aiianeheya Branderic
04:16.53Pewpewarrowsare curse client servers down?
04:16.58Thunder_Childwait...and you are taking zarious's side why Aiiane?
04:17.19Aiianeum, personal amusement?
04:17.34Thunder_Child~glare Aiiane
04:17.35purlACTION glares at Aiiane
04:19.11BrandericI got tired of waiting on my auction :]
04:21.27VonhintenHOME`well, my rogue basically doubled dps in ZA tonight... that's funny
04:21.52zariousshe doesn't really like me, she just uses me to find bugs in libgui, then we prob won't be friends.........    .......... women
04:23.10AiianeBranderic: had you seen this?
04:23.13Aiiane@project war/qmt
04:23.13RepoAiiane: QuickMailTool. Game: WAR. Leader: Celestian. Updated: 20 hours ago. Tickets: 1/13
04:23.29Thunder_Childwhats that old saying, women dont have guy friends they just have guys they havent fucked yet
04:23.51BeebleTheSeekerAii, target change events aren't threadsafe, I can get into the same code twice before the other event completes with an event handler
04:23.52BrandericLol, its so hard to find anything on curse! I had no idea it existed!
04:25.13BeebleTheSeekerwell..let me take that back until after Imake sure my threadsafe check is solid
04:25.19Aiiane is hard to get?
04:25.45VonhintenHOME`close thunder, "haven't fucked yet" should be "wouldn't fuck"
04:27.26zariousi love this shirt
04:30.03AiianeI like this one :P
04:31.11Thunder_ChildNo pwnies were harmed in the making of this shirt. However, the red glitter is genuine unicorn blood. Sorry about that."
04:32.19zarious and prob my fav
04:33.24AiianeI don't think they have a babydoll version of the first one :| I should totally get the second one though :P
04:33.49zariousi'd love one, but i'd only really wanna wear it was work, and it'd get me fired lol
04:33.54Thunder_Childthey even have preggers shirts
04:34.20zariousim sure loads of pregoors bitches would LOVE that shirt
04:34.29Aiianeno zarious, this is the one that would get you fire:
04:34.50zariousoh hey honey, i got you this sweet tee-shirt from a super nerdy website!                       her: get out.
04:35.20Aiianeshould totally get you this one though zarious:
04:35.55zariousyeah, but im not a big unix fan
04:36.10Thunder_Childi put "It's Always PEBKAC" on my work email. the VP IT was not amused
04:36.33zariousi mean its cool and all, but i'd rather i dunno walk outside then spend 3 years learning how to n othave to google unix shit
04:39.16Thunder_Childgo figure, they even have a shirt of Aiiane and zarious
04:39.37zarioushow is that me and not you?
04:39.45zariousmr awkward hugs and shit
04:40.18Thunder_Childzarious, becuase i dont try do hide what i am doing
04:40.19BeebleTheSeekerHi Aii, do you know if DtnamicImageSetTexture will override a texture set with the same function previously?
04:40.27Thunder_Child~dodge Aiiane
04:40.28purlat the last second thunder_child dodges out of the way of Aiiane's malicious and unprovoked attack.
04:40.41Aiianeit totally was provoked >:|
04:40.45VonhintenHOME`Beeble, yes, if I understand your incredibly cryptic question
04:40.48Thunder_Childwas not!
04:40.48AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: it should
04:41.21zariousat least i don't hit on truck drivers from ohio posing as a 21/f/cali on irc
04:41.23zariousyeah i went there.
04:41.44BeebleTheSeekerhmm I am having the weirdest issue when reusing my tags in the seeker that sometimes the icons start showing up wrong, as if it was a previous texture
04:41.58Thunder_Childthats right, you wait till they say 45/m/ohio....THEN you hit on them
04:42.36zariouss/45/47/ .... dumbass
04:42.53Thunder_Childmy bad
04:42.54BeebleTheSeekerHmm I wonder if it is that dang WindowStartAlphaAnimation screwing with it again, let me force that to stop and see if that helps
04:42.56zariousactually im kinda close to ohio
04:43.12zariousso thats scary
04:43.26AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: why are you using alpha animations in the first place?
04:43.48Thunder_Childthey really need a BOFH shirt
04:44.04Thunder_ChildAiiane, we have one, it happens to be tormenting people on irc
04:44.04zariousi need a BFG 9000 shirt imo
04:44.04Aiiane you mean?
04:44.18BeebleTheSeekerAiiane, I use it so the tags fadeout out after a certain time, otherwise I have to hook into the onupdate crap to get timeouts like that right?
04:44.46AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: you could use something like AceTimer to register expiration timers
04:44.47Thunder_ChildAiiane, i meant @ thinkgeek
04:45.26zarious needs a new version
04:45.43BeebleTheSeekerAiiane, aye, and that is what I was doing original and after hours of getting it to work.. I finally did (using zarious timer stuff) I found out about the AnimationStartTimer stuff
04:45.55Thunder_Childyou know, it would be rather amusing if Aiiane's name is Anna
04:45.57BeebleTheSeekerI even had fading using the timer stuff, but that was a pain
04:46.30BeebleTheSeekerok ANimationstarttimer is not it at all, you know what i mean.  one of these days I am going to come in this chatroom when I'm not exhausted as heck
04:46.45zariousit wouldn't be that hard to do smooth timer fading functions with ztime
04:47.29BeebleTheSeekerzarious, I did that already
04:47.46zariousjust saying
04:47.50Huxtonyay i got it working :D
04:48.02Huxtonif GameData.Player.rvrPermaFlagged == true then
04:48.04Huxtonbest ever
04:48.11BeebleTheSeekerzarious, I just dont want to go add all that stuff back again because it wasn't so "simple" at the time cause the looping and stuff didn't work originaly in ztimer
04:48.33zariouswell ztime got almost complete rewrite
04:48.48zariousbut how well do the builtinfunctions work?
04:49.09BeebleTheSeekerI'd perfer to be able to use a War function that is there that already does what I want.. it works super well..except of those weird issues I see sometimes, kike it forcing alpha to 0 even after it is done if you dont turn it off
04:49.37BeebleTheSeekernot even sure if that is that function is causing this behavior, about to find out though, if it is then maybe it isn't worth using it any more
04:55.52BeebleTheSeekerI would just delete and recreate the tags each time to be sure but I figured that might be an intensive operation to do everytime one is needed
04:56.13Huxtongot a "good addon" comment :D
04:56.28BeebleTheSeekerHuxton cool
04:56.33BeebleTheSeekerthose are always nice
04:56.35zariouswhats the best way to check if a window exists? i'm assuming you cant run type on it or anyhting?
04:56.56zariousif window then if window:ishowing() ~= nil then ?
04:57.03BeebleTheSeekerzarious, DoesWindowExist(name)
04:57.09zariousty xD
04:58.05Huxtonyea BeebleTheSeeker
04:58.19Huxtonglad to see people use them, kinda amazed that they do tbh
04:58.27Huxtonthought everyone would say my addons are crap :P
04:58.35Huxtondont have all the fancy gui stuff that you guys can do
04:59.08BeebleTheSeekerHuxton, yeah youoften wonder how many of those downloads really represent people using the addon
04:59.43Huxtonwell i have 12 downloads on the addon that went up last night so i hope at least 5 people are using it :)
05:00.04Huxtonpretty cool that a few hours of typing can make people enjoy WAR even more
05:01.10Huxtongonna dl theseeker now :P
05:01.41*** join/#waruidev BotAnIcal (n=BotAnIca@
05:01.51VonhintenHOME`I find it funny that someone actually rated my AnywhereTrainer under 5 to bring its score down..
05:01.53BotAnIcalgood morning
05:02.13BotAnIcali like the anywhere, it shoulda been default
05:02.57BotAnIcalbugs have killed my chosenshelper rating severely, but it still has a lot of downloads because it addresses a need... the bugs will be worked out too in about a week (or some of them)
05:03.36VonhintenHOME`I should just release anywheretrainer as 1.0
05:03.50zariouslua> x = -1; print(min(1, (math.max(0, x))))
05:03.50lua_botzarious: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'min' (a nil value)
05:03.52BotAnIcalis anyone else using my "Generic Caveat for Warhammer Online Addons" yet? .... if not, why not? I've been spamming it up ;P
05:03.53VonhintenHOME`probably a bunch of people not displaying beta/alpha addons in CC
05:03.57zariouslua> x = -1; print(math.min(1, (math.max(0, x))))
05:03.57lua_botzarious: 0
05:04.05zariouslua> x = 2; print(math.min(1, (math.max(0, x))))
05:04.05lua_botzarious: 1
05:04.10zariouslua> x = 0.4; print(math.min(1, (math.max(0, x))))
05:04.11lua_botzarious: 0.4
05:05.47AiianeBotAnIcal: I don't see a need for using it
05:06.03BotAnIcalgreetings Aiiane
05:06.07VonhintenHOME`x % 1  :)
05:06.12zarioussup? there a faster way to do that?
05:06.26zariouslua> x = -1; x% 1
05:06.26lua_botzarious: luabot:1: '=' expected near '%'
05:06.27Aiianehi BotAnIcal
05:06.51zariouslua> x = -1; print(math.mod(x))
05:06.52lua_botzarious: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'mod' (number expected, got no value)
05:06.57VonhintenHOME`lua> x = -1; print(x % 1)
05:06.57lua_botVonhintenHOME`: 0
05:07.06Aiianemodulus is not a faster way of capping values...
05:07.28Aiianelua> x = 1.5 print (x % 1)
05:07.28lua_botAiiane: 0.5
05:07.31BotAnIcalit has nothing to do with the WAR UI really, but I did spend a good amount of time this evening posting about how to manage your filetypes and filename extensions under win32 that many will appreciate
05:09.05BotAnIcaland I have been spending my day otherwise configuring a new PC, so I was in the mood for it
05:09.09VonhintenHOME`lua: x = 1.5; print(math.ceil(x % 1))
05:09.17VonhintenHOME`lua> x = 1.5; print(math.ceil(x % 1))
05:09.17lua_botVonhintenHOME`: 1
05:09.41Aiianelua> x = 0.5; print(math.ceil(x % 1))
05:09.42lua_botAiiane: 1
05:09.54Aiiane^ again, modulus is *NOT* a substitute for capping values
05:09.57BotAnIcalany different from C ceiling/floors/rounding?
05:10.02BotAnIcalor modulus?
05:10.43VonhintenHOME`You're right Aii, your highness
05:10.56zariousgood god don't feed the beast
05:11.03BotAnIcali guess the fact that the first operand of modulus does not have to be an integer is a difference, with the dynamic typing of lua
05:11.31BotAnIcalthough, why you would want to do the operation on a float evades me...
05:12.20VonhintenHOME`bot, C++ supports modf
05:12.32VonhintenHOME`dunno about C
05:12.38BotAnIcalstill evades me... is it overloaded? i dont remember all that off the top of my head
05:12.44BotAnIcalC++ can overload any class and operator
05:14.09BotAnIcalso what is everyone working on today/yesterday/tomorrow?
05:14.38VonhintenHOME`it's a secret
05:15.09BotAnIcali've not been playing the game even to log in, so i've been away from the coding for WAR as well.
05:15.09Thunder_Childthe king of vaporware has to ask?
05:15.38BotAnIcalmy last update was to patch in a dependency line pointed out by Aiiane a couple days ago...
05:15.57BotAnIcali've been on other non-war tasks
05:17.28BotAnIcalby the way, fwiw, I'm dropping the "libhook/libcustomapi/and customui class" family of projects entirely. I feel that my time would be better rewarded -- in terms of kudos -- for making a good thing of the wardocs project on
05:18.08BotAnIcaland in terms of real benefit
05:18.41VonhintenHOME`Gonna have to be pretty comprehensive and easily used to beat Find In Files :)
05:18.42BotAnIcal... having inline documentation of code (and just a structured browser, hyperlinked) would bring us forward leaps and bounds
05:19.19BotAnIcalFind is a hack, this is a tool you'd prefer every time. the software exists, just need to make sure it parses Lua and does so over the source without hiccups.
05:19.33BotAnIcalsomeone else mentioned "NaturalDocs" (?) but i'm still inclined to doxygen
05:19.48BotAnIcalespecially if the WAR team is using the Natural and will release, if anything, with that
05:20.37BotAnIcalwith the hint from Aiiane to look at lua 5.1, and also a couple parsers on the web, in addition to the compiler C source, I should be able to hack together a bunch of files to make it work on the war source lua... in theory
05:21.34BotAnIcal... and I *definitely* see a need for this project more than any other I have dreamed up :)
05:22.07BeebleTheSeekerfound the issue! ihovercast doesn't setup the targets with all the info correctly with howeveer its doing its thing
05:22.17BotAnIcali also need to figure out how to pull wardiff repository into wardocs, but i guess it will probably just be a manual checkout there.
05:23.22BotAnIcalBeeble: yes, there's some initialization that happens after the first onload event (or can) which seems loopy.. not least being that the .name of your career is usually set before the numerical identifier
05:26.40BeebleTheSeekerBotAnIcal, not sure how that relates to the hovercast addon, but I def agree something loopy is happening with the way it is pushing out the target change information
05:27.14BeebleTheSeekertotally screws with the Seeker, the name and targetId's aren't matching what they should be when using normal mouseover's and selects on world targets
05:28.39AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: it's not an issue with hovercast, but actually one with the implementation TargetInfo and how it syncs with the client
05:29.31Aiianenamely, TargetInfo has to be manually synced with the client
05:29.36BeebleTheSeekerAii, so I should use the systemdata or gamedata directly instead of using the TargetInfo api?
05:29.50Aiianebecause it's not stored in systemdata/gamedata
05:30.06AiianeTargetInfo is both the API *and* the data storage table
05:30.10Aiiane(try dumping it)
05:30.17Aiianebut that's not the issue
05:30.45Aiianethe issue is that TargetInfo:UpdateFromClient() has to be called after the PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED event to get the proper values
05:31.11Aiianeif it's called more than once per PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED event, it doesn't always return the proper values. Sometimes it returns nil.
05:31.19BeebleTheSeekerit can only be called once, and I shouldn't do it myself?
05:31.21AiianeWhen it returns nil, TargetInfo clears out all its targeting data
05:31.27Aiianehere's where the other problem comes in
05:31.27BeebleTheSeekerOh.. the comment just said it doesn't work if called more then once
05:31.47Aiianeyou don't know if the default UI's event handler for PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED has been called before yours or not
05:32.11Aiianeand thus, it could be that you have old data in targetinfo
05:32.17Aiianeor it could be that you have new data in targetinfo
05:32.25Aiianeif it's the latter, you want to call updatefromclient
05:32.33Aiianeer, if it's the former that is
05:32.37Aiianebut if it's the latter, you don't
05:32.45Aiianehonestly, it's a stupid system :/
05:32.47VonhintenHOME`hook UpdateFromClient and flag
05:32.54BeebleTheSeekerWhen I use tab or mouseovers on world targets it is fine, when I start using ihovercast on the unit frames (with squared) all of the sudden the targetId's I am getting are not matchin the names I am getting from targetInfo
05:32.59BeebleTheSeekerbut it seems only in that case
05:34.23AiianeVonhintenHOME`: I'm actually thinking about including a little patch for that specifically somewhere
05:34.45AiianeI'm surprised it's not already implemented into the TargetInfo object
05:35.31Aiiane(or why they didn't just put that into the player_target_updated event to begin with, like the code says they're supposedly /going/ to do)
05:35.49VonhintenHOME`they need to "refactor" a lot of fecal code...
05:35.57BeebleTheSeekerAii, ugh, can't I hook into TargetInfo:UpdateFromClient () then and trigger my target update code if the target info table isn't null?
05:36.05Aiianeor heck, why they didn't just allow UpdateFromClient to return valid data no matter how many times it's called
05:36.08BeebleTheSeekerAfter calling the real updatefromclient first that is
05:36.16AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: probably
05:36.25VonhintenHOME`get rid of the need to updatefromclient altogether, that's fucking retarded
05:36.32AiianeVonhintenHOME`: I agree
05:36.38BeebleTheSeekerAii, hmm k, I'll do that on friday see if it magically fixes my issues
05:36.39Aiianein general, they need to overhaul their event system
05:36.50Aiianebreak it down more, and make it more streamlined
05:37.06Aiianethrowing every single warband member's health updates into a single event is silly
05:37.19VonhintenHOME`I get the feeling like they've got some interns writing permanent prototypes for them...
05:37.29Aiianethrowing their health, ap, and morale into a single event is even sillier
05:37.35Aiianeguess which the WAR client currently does :P
05:37.54BeebleTheSeekermake event queues that have priorities so you can register a handler with a queue and gurantee your handler can be called before a handler with a different lower priority
05:38.55BeebleTheSeekerThe scenario data is nuts too.. it sends a big ol table everytime any data has changed instead of an updated table for just the players that have changed, so you basically MUST itterate and update through the whole damn list each time
05:39.37BeebleTheSeekerThe biggest problem, if they fix all this it will break all our addons now hahaha, but I am willing to pay that price
05:40.08AiianeBeebleTheSeeker: *nod*
05:40.16VonhintenHOME`They'll get around to fixing it, I'm guessing
05:40.36AiianeI would be surprised if they didn't eventually refactor it at some point
05:40.40Aiianeif only for their own sanity's sake
05:40.47VonhintenHOME`But, I have a feeling they need to invest a lot more effort into performance enhancement in the 3d engine
05:41.01BeebleTheSeekerwell i must get some sleep tonight or i will be a zombie tomorrow, night everone, thanks
05:41.12VonhintenHOME`low poly counts, for instance
05:42.11VonhintenHOME`it amazes me how performant wow is compared to other games
05:42.41VonhintenHOME`the new patch is quite a bit better.. they just keep making it faster and faster
05:42.42Aiianewell, WoW does have an advantage in that its chosen graphics style is conducive to low-poly modeling
05:42.51Aiianebut I agree
05:43.27VonhintenHOME`I'm wondering if Mythic's desire to add Dye to everything causes a major hit
05:45.25Aiianethat's just shading textures
05:47.18zariouswhats best way to get window names?
05:47.44VonhintenHOME`as in enumerate?
05:48.08zariousnah for testing some functions, like the debugwindow i know i can type "DebugWindow"
05:48.16zarioushow would get i get that programitically
05:48.40zariouss/programitically/via programming if i could spell
05:48.42zariouss/programitically/via programming if i could spell/
05:49.11VonhintenHOME`only way you could do that is via enumeration, and as far as I know, there's no facility for that..
05:49.20VonhintenHOME`outside of windows registered with the frame manager
05:49.51zariousno worries
05:51.16VonhintenHOME`it'd be nice if they'd provide a WindowForEach() API
05:51.36VonhintenHOME`but, ultimately, you should find a better way
05:56.00zariousBeebleSleeps, i made some smooth alpha shader functions
05:56.32*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
05:56.32*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
05:58.29zariousi'll prob make an alerts lib to go along with ztime
05:58.51zariouswhich would provide smooth movement/shading functions
05:59.01Aiianestupid pidgin crashing >:|
06:02.22VonhintenHOME`any way to programmatically set tab order?
06:05.10VonhintenHOME`API: pages need a link at the top back to the API main page
06:07.22VonhintenHOME`So, no way to programmatically set tab order, and the brilliant system doesn't cycle through tab orders that are the same
06:07.31VonhintenHOME`that's awesome
06:08.28zariousi totally forgot how cool alpha shaders are lol
06:12.10chrixianhey aiiane?
06:13.05AiianeVonhintenHOME`: if they use the Function/Method/Object templates, they should have one
06:13.11chrixianwhat's the skinny on that LibGUI? like is that to be the fondation for all your future addons?
06:13.24Aiianeit's just a library for GUI interfaces
06:13.47Aiianelets you deal with common UI objects as Lua objects instead of XML and then window names
06:14.06Aiianedoing things like MyWindow = LibGUI("Frame")
06:16.39chrixianIn order to use it you would drop it in your addons directory and add a <file> entry in your mod?
06:18.28chrixian(i'm assuming since it doesn't have the normal addon files, just 2 lua files ... i'm new to all this =D)
06:19.24Aiianebasically, in order to use libgui
06:19.29Aiianeyou'd do 3 things
06:19.48Aiiane1. Put LibGUI.lua and LibStub.lua in the directory of the addon you want to use it in
06:20.19Aiiane2. Added <File name="LibStub.lua" /> and <File name="LibGUI.lua" /> as the first two entries in your .mod Files list
06:20.45Aiiane3. At the top of your code file (or anywhere before you'd use it), put: local LibGUI = LibStub("LibGUI")
06:21.54*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
06:23.01chrixiandoes it completely eliminate the need to define your UI objects in XML and create them all programmatically?
06:24.24Aiianeto an extent. there are some things (like scrolling window areas and list boxes) that I can't implement for LibGUI right now due to a lack of Lua methods to modify them
06:24.47Aiianebut if you work within the elements available through LibGUI, you don't need any XML at all beyond your .mod file, correct
06:26.07chrixianvery cool
06:26.58zariousBeebleSleeps, here's the shader function i just wrote, you can edit append it to ztime or just put it somewhere in your addon, jsut make sure you have ztime 0.5r2 installed:
06:27.19zariousi'll prob end up making a zAlertLib
06:27.46zariousrun the shader test to watch your debug window fade/in out
06:36.08*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
06:41.19Wobinzarious: isn't there already a function for that?
06:41.44zariousyeah, but BeebleSleeps was having trouble with it
06:41.52zariousit took me like 5 mins to write
06:42.18Wobinarguments are pretty straightforward
06:42.34zariousyeah but transative property man, i'm awesome therefore, its awesome
06:42.48zariousit was mainly for BeebleSleeps b/c he couldn't get the animation crap to work with something
07:10.23zariousdo failed unregister calls break exec? or merely d(error) ?
07:13.31BotAnIcalmmmm....if this is a language and an unregister function i understand, then a debug.
07:13.43*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
07:13.54zariousit looks like it just does adebug
07:14.07zariouswas decided if i wanted to pcall it or not
07:14.25zariousfrickin trailing slash
07:17.57Thunder_Child~epic fail zarious
07:17.58purlzarious, you have failed in such a spectacular way that one thousand years from now people will tell their children stories about a failure so great that it eclipsed every success from that period of time. And you zarious, you are that epic failure.
07:31.47*** join/#waruidev paulw (
07:44.58zariousdamn i'm having way too much trobule with this options menu
07:45.30BotAnIcalread the api docs XD
07:45.57zariousnah just the whole buttons thing
07:46.20zariousi have a menu i built with libgui with buttons etc, making them all work etc is a pain
07:46.55zarioussimple stuffs easy, but like i have a mod on/off button, then inditvidual buttons for every other option, and disabling them when mods off etc is not going so swell
07:47.59BotAnIcali was being facetious... on the off chance you did not tell
07:48.08zariousi gathered
07:48.16zariousthats why i started my statements with 'nah'
07:48.27BotAnIcalk i dont know how to expand nah :P
07:48.28zariousas in /no i know your joking but/
07:49.18*** join/#waruidev agx (
07:49.34zariousie: i say youre gay, you say 'nah im into women'
07:50.08zariouss/nah/i understand your joke, but im gonna play along and pretend im not get
07:50.14zariousgod damnit purl
07:50.17agxby any chance the author of AuctionBarCD is here? i've just sent a patch over the website
07:54.19zariousis there a way to add a tab into every line in a block fo code in vim? or gvim?
07:56.21Wobinzarious: trailing slash =P
07:56.40Wobinzarious: how do you mean a tab into every line?
07:56.57Wobinyou can do :%s:^:\t:
07:57.13Wobinthat'll put a tab at the start of every line
07:57.31Wobinreplace the % with a number range if you want
07:57.36zariousie i space my tabs via logic blocks, so if i move/shift code form somwwhere or add an if statement i have to rapidly hit home, down, tab like 50 times
07:57.45Wobinthat's easy
07:57.48Wobinvisual select the works
07:57.51Wobinthen hit =
07:57.53zariousi know you can do subs like that, i was just wanted to do something like highlight + tab
07:58.01Wobinyeah, it retabs the selection
07:58.30Wobindamn useful for xml =P
07:58.32zariousthat only overwrites it with an = ?
07:58.37*** join/#waruidev WHeuID (
07:59.08Wobinnot in insert mode? =)
07:59.12zariousim using gvim, but all vim shit applys if its entered by hand?
07:59.14zariousfuck me lol
07:59.36zariousit still does that?
07:59.44zarious= as in to the left of backspace?
07:59.55zarious(not that i know of another lewl)
08:00.50Wobinyou might have to give it some lines on either side as something to work off to figure out the tabs
08:01.23zariouslike are you just hitting =? or while in command mode doing := or something?
08:01.36Wobinin command mode
08:01.51zariousits still overwritting
08:02.27Wobinin visual mode?
08:03.09zariousyeah, when i highlight it says SELECT at the bottom, then i hit = and it turns into insert and overwrites everything highlighted with an =
08:03.26Wobinhm, maybe it's something custom in mine.
08:03.27Wobinlemme check
08:04.26Wobinwhat version you running?
08:04.59zariousv7.1 (may 17 2007)
08:05.31*** join/#waruidev Jenses (
08:06.17Wobinyou need 'set smarttab autoindent'
08:06.19Wobinin your vimrc
08:06.41Wobin(or just run it now)
08:06.47zariousyeah testing it first
08:07.43zariousstill not doing it
08:07.48zariousyou prob have a shortcut setup for =
08:07.52Wobinnot at all
08:08.00Wobinit should be activated with the smarttab and autoindent
08:08.34zariousthat makes it do stuff that automactically drop back one tab when i type end etc
08:09.34zariousi just wanted a simple method to add one tab to like 50 lines if i add an if statement
08:09.45Wobinmaybe shiftwidth has to be set
08:10.07Wobinbarring all else, you can use the :30,80s:^:\t:
08:10.41Wobinhave you set shiftwidth?
08:11.01BotAnIcali don't want to be philosophical or confrontational. I was just wondering why you are using this text editor for this purpose instead of others you may have installed/available to you and familiar to you. For my own information.
08:11.20zariousWELL FUCK YOU BotAnIcal
08:11.27BotAnIcali can do this in 10 seconds in 10 editors.... i'm not being mean!
08:11.37WobinBasically because I'm very fast in vim
08:11.51WobinAnd I can use = to retab =)
08:11.54zariousshrug i liked vim, i asked a good coding friend of mine which editors were good and he liked vim, so i learned the basics
08:12.01BotAnIcali am not arguing, i'm trying to learn the differences
08:12.08WobinAs an text editor it has no comparitor
08:12.09zariousim just giving you shit lol
08:12.24zariousi like vim, i like the modal interface
08:12.25*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
08:12.29zariousthe commands are simple
08:12.29BotAnIcalwhen i have run a linux box, i would tend to ignore the vim giving up after a few minutes and just use something called joe
08:12.47WobinThe integrated regexp alone means I can do some fantastic things I'd never be able to do in any other editor
08:12.53zariousi dunno of another text editor that i'd be willing to use that didn't have some sort of modal functionality
08:13.02BotAnIcalwhat integration does it do specially?
08:13.10Wobinbasically as I outlined above
08:13.28Wobininsert a tab into every line in the file
08:13.36zariousyou can use different symbols though i think or seperators
08:13.44BotAnIcalwell, more than
08:13.45zariousshit my fav part
08:13.51zariousif i get an error on say line 1056
08:13.59zariousstart vim, get into command mode :1056
08:14.04zariousboom you're there
08:14.12BotAnIcalthat's not a feature, that's longer than graphical editors
08:14.16Wobinalso /searchargument
08:14.21Wobinthen /
08:14.23Wobinfor next
08:14.26Wobinand ? for previous
08:14.34*** join/#waruidev GollyGosh (
08:14.38BotAnIcalall reproduced in other editors by the slew :/
08:14.42zariousyeah /highlightthis would color all hightlighthis differently
08:14.55zariousi don't get why vim isn't good enough then?
08:15.01WobinBotAnIcal: You're not quite grasping the speed of modal editing though =)
08:15.01zariousif it does all of this, just like other editors?
08:15.04BotAnIcali guess..if you are into doing things ONLY thru commands
08:15.11BotAnIcali need options
08:15.12zariousits not only thru commands
08:15.14BotAnIcali'm not a walking command dictionary
08:15.18WobinBotAnIcal: It basically means you don't have to take your hands off the keyboard
08:15.24WobinYou never have to use the mouse
08:15.26zariousthats fucking huge
08:15.35zariouswhen you become good at vim, its disgusting
08:15.36WobinYour hands never leave the home row
08:15.41BotAnIcalmouse is sometimes efficient, often not
08:15.43BotAnIcalmost overuse it
08:15.59zariousits just got a lot of little things
08:16.03BotAnIcali agree tho
08:16.07BotAnIcalif you're good, you're a god
08:16.09zariousregex, instant goto
08:16.10WobinI would say "." is one of the most powerful commands
08:16.16BotAnIcalif you're just starting text editors, you are the suck
08:16.19zariousyou can run shell commands
08:16.26Wobin"." is basically "do the last bactch of editing at this point"
08:16.36Wobinso if I say :d4
08:16.40Wobinto delete the next 4 lines
08:16.42zariousso you think its stupid to use a modal editor b/c it has a learning curve?
08:16.43WobinI can hit .
08:16.44BotAnIcalok ok sooo... emac
08:16.45Wobinand it'll repeat
08:16.56Wobinyeah, kinda like emacs
08:17.08Wobinexcept I think (personally) that vim is easier to learn than emacs
08:17.42AiianeI use vim on *nix machines
08:17.47BotAnIcalok... does it have a feature where i can say... run otheredit.exe my.text and then when my.text is saved, load it ?
08:18.05Aiianehow about being able to access a shell from within vim and do whatever you want?
08:18.07Wobinin the sense you want to reload the newly edited file?
08:18.07zariousyou can run shell commands inside the editor
08:18.19BotAnIcali want to do a trick i haven't learned in vim with what i know
08:18.22zariousyeah you'd prob have to close the file and reopen it
08:18.22Wobinie, "File has been edited elsewhere, reload?"
08:18.28Wobinnot at all
08:18.36Wobinvim prompts for the reload
08:18.38BotAnIcalthx wobin
08:18.46BotAnIcalany recommendation on win32 port?
08:18.50BotAnIcalor is it shell?
08:18.55zariousi dunno i just liked vim, it was the best editor i could find after asking around, be best i mean most powerful
08:19.07Wobinand it deals with huuuuge files really well
08:19.11zariousits not for pussys though
08:19.19Wobingod... having to edit some sql dumps =P
08:19.22BotAnIcalya zarious, there's a huge competition space of shitty to reasonable text editors that give you some but not all of what you want
08:19.25zariousit does indeed have a quite large as time learning curve
08:19.37AiianeNotepad++ does fine for windows.
08:19.46BotAnIcalits average, yes
08:19.54zariousbut since i started using vim i find most other editors lacking
08:20.11WobinAlso, if you use Visual Studio and like Vim, viemu is priceless
08:20.21BotAnIcali have gone from notepad++ to textpad for my .lua's...maybe gonna try vim too
08:20.25Wobin(it also means noone else can use my computer to edit code, it's GREAT =))
08:20.48zariousbut i won't lie, i have to look a few things up every once in a while, mainly if im  global sub, on like 2k lines of code
08:21.03zariousbut once you get the basics down its pretty simple stuff
08:21.19BotAnIcali'm really unsatisfied with most multifile abilities of windows gui editors
08:21.22zariousi just like that you don't have to use the mouse with gvim unless you want to
08:21.39Wobinyeah, I always have to look up how to "search for lines with a string, excise them from the file and dump them to the end of the file" commands
08:21.47BotAnIcalnow i think i get it
08:21.56BotAnIcalyou know how to do so much else so well in vim, that you can't get elsewhere
08:22.03BotAnIcalthat you want to cover this little bit too
08:22.13WobinBotAnIcal: With a bit of keybinding, I have it so I can tab between files on a single vim instance
08:22.20Wobinwith command mode, it's possible =)
08:22.44AiianeThere are some things that I haven't found vim able to do satisfactorily.
08:22.46BotAnIcalcan it ctrl-tab without entering command mode? i don't like having to switch .. sometimes
08:22.47zariousit has a pretty nice diff viewer too if have a wide monitor
08:22.50Wobinbind tab to ':bn' (buffer next)
08:22.54zariousaiiane like?
08:23.00Aiianevisual display of folds
08:23.22zariousits possible but i dunno how to do it, the diff viewer does it, so its definatly in there
08:23.24Wobinfolding will always be easier with mouse stuff
08:23.33Aiianefolding is possible
08:23.35Aiianenever said it wasn't
08:23.40WobinI don't like vim's folding
08:23.41Aiianebut vim's display of folds isn't great
08:23.49WobinAlthough perhaps I've never done it right =)
08:24.21Jensesbah, need to be able to debug addons :l
08:24.33Wobinnetcurse: hm, the CC seems to be trying to update the new addons, quite a few times and leaves the process window open
08:24.37AiianeNotepad++'s TextFX commands provide a lot of the quick text-transform I need
08:24.50Wobinhow's that work, Aiiane?
08:25.27Jensesim used to intellisense and realtime debugging :<
08:25.32zariousvims just great b/c its free and available anywhere for the major os'es
08:25.37Aiianequick things like case conversion, excising blank lines, etc
08:25.47Aiianebut honestly
08:25.52zariousim sure others are too, but its on most unix/bsd based systems
08:26.22Wobinzarious: yeah, you can be pretty certain most times that vim will be on a 'nix OS in some form
08:26.23Aiianegive me a text editor with folding, tabbed (or in Vim's case, numbered) editing, syntax highlighting, line numbers, and regex
08:26.25Aiianeand I'm set
08:26.33Aiianedoesn't really matter which it is
08:26.59zariouswell i need awesome themes for syntax highlighting or i shoot things
08:27.26zariousblack on white makes me want to gouge my eyes out after an hour, dark backgrounds ftw
08:29.08zariouslua> function foo(x) print(x or "hi") end function bar(x) foo(x) end bar(5)
08:29.08lua_botzarious: 5
08:29.11zariouslua> function foo(x) print(x or "hi") end function bar(x) foo(x) end bar(nil)
08:29.11lua_botzarious: hi
08:29.18Jensesi cant seem to find the syntax highlighting definition file
08:29.23Jensesfor np++
08:29.33zariousvim has a quite retarded number of schemes
08:29.42Jensesits got all the basics, but i know theres a file for WAR
08:30.53Wobinhm, I wonder what would be involved in having a syntax file for vim
08:30.58zarioushmm i think i might like your color.vim better than mine
08:31.04zariousi shopped around a bit though
08:31.36zariousi swear i have a virus or some shit
08:31.47AiianeI don't believe there's a NP++ WAR-specific one Jenses
08:31.48zariousso many programs take forever to start on my comp and its been acting funny
08:31.56AiianeI just use NP++'s default Lua highlighting
08:32.01zariousdoes war make anybody else hdd thrash?
08:32.25BotAnIcalspeaking of editors, i need a notepad.exe replacement
08:32.36BotAnIcalwant two features: make new line after 79 char, note line number
08:32.43BotAnIcalnothing else...
08:32.52zariouslemmie get that compiled for yah.
08:32.57Jensesalright, i still have a problem, i cant get BroadcastEvent to work with inviting people
08:33.01BotAnIcali figured someone else needed it to
08:33.07BotAnIcal79 wrap is pretty widespread
08:33.17BotAnIcaland missing line numbers is glaring
08:33.34BotAnIcaltoo big
08:33.36Wobinor editplus?
08:33.36BotAnIcalwant it insta
08:33.47BotAnIcalshould be <100kb exe
08:33.57BotAnIcaland a gui clicker
08:34.29BotAnIcali'll scan and other freewarez sites
08:34.49WobinI dunno
08:34.58Wobinwhenever I'm down at that level, I just use gvim =)
08:35.03BotAnIcali know someone has done it, maybe with 3-4 other little things too
08:35.11BotAnIcali wanna click
08:35.13BotAnIcalfor casual shit
08:35.39BotAnIcali'll find and report back
08:35.47Aiianegvim is instant :P
08:36.00BotAnIcalnot only feature i want... should look and feel like notepad.exe
08:36.29BotAnIcaltbh if it isn't done i'll make it a practice program for me
08:36.42BotAnIcalusing only C windows libs
08:37.12BotAnIcaloh feature #3
08:37.27BotAnIcalmust support wstring
08:37.36Wobinthat's not common =)
08:37.40BotAnIcalyeah dont tell me to use wordpad
08:37.50BotAnIcalit has to take a wstring file and make it a string file
08:37.51BotAnIcalwarning me
08:37.58Wobintry a chinese or something word editor
08:38.07BotAnIcalcuz often an ascii text file is just coded as words not bytes
08:38.16BotAnIcalnow you may understand
08:38.39BotAnIcalshould give a special warning if it actually uses any 'extended characters'
08:38.57BotAnIcalbut otherwise just load it and tell me when saving that it is overwriting a different format .txt
08:39.29BotAnIcalso in effect could just be used as a 2-byte to 1-byte converter for text files
08:39.58BotAnIcali may end up writing this :(
08:40.54BotAnIcalexporting debug window?
08:41.01BotAnIcalor is that inhouse
08:41.17zariousoh aiiane not its that big of a deal, but you might wanna consider adding a setalpha method
08:41.41BotAnIcalnvm for some reason i thought this was special :P
08:41.59BotAnIcaljust ur setup, still nice
08:42.15zariouswobin im pretty sure im gonna whore you into giving me your colors.vim file
08:42.28Wobinheh, I'm trying to track it down
08:42.39zariousbut that might be one of the ones i saw but overall was too dark
08:42.54zariousi like the contrast of my current one, but your looks nicer at a glance
08:43.01zariousi will say differnt languages look stupid
08:43.14zariousie perl looks really really dumb on my colors atm
08:43.51zariousoh yeah, aiiane that was one of th gui's i built with libgui
08:43.54zariousits tasty
08:44.07Aiianezarious: I just overlooked alpha; but it's something that'd be implemented on a per-element basis
08:44.13Aiianebecause it doesn't make sense for some elements
08:44.18Aiiane(namely, labels)
08:44.40Aiianealthough I might just implement it by default, and then override it in label
08:44.42zariousright, just saying, atm i don't think ive run into anything else i needed to use a real command for
08:44.54Wobinhm, I think it's a custom job
08:44.57zariousand even then alpha is really minor
08:44.57Wobincalled Industrial
08:45.38Wobinzarious: what email?
08:45.52zariousit'll be in your vimrc
08:46.24zarioushell you could prob pastebin it, it can't be over 6k
08:46.41Aiianepastey can take multi-megabyte files :P
08:47.20zariousQ: for the builtin alpha animation thing, does it do child elements? ie if i do a window with labels on it, would they fade as well?
08:48.18Wobinzarious: sent
08:48.21BotAnIcali really like my solution for the extension problem posted on the board, aiiane. have you tried that for any of your extensions on the windows machines you've used recently?
08:48.23zariousty wob
08:48.29Jensesalso, is there no way to filter text from the chatbox? brass coin spam etc
08:48.34Aiianesetting the alpha for a window applies multiplicatively to all of its children anyways, zarious
08:49.04zarioushmmm, it doesn't seem to work for libgui labels, unless im doing the wrong window
08:49.15Aiianealpha doesn't work for labels...
08:49.20`ZypherAiiane: have you seen wardiff?
08:49.27Aiiane`Zypher: what about it
08:49.28zariousugh, thats disappointing
08:49.40zariousi thought there was an alpha for labels?
08:49.44`ZypherAiiane: the dev mods
08:49.45zariouscan't you set the text alpha?
08:49.46Aiianezarious: no
08:49.57`ZypherAiiane: where did he or she findd them?
08:50.15Wobinhehe I think that's why the PQloot window does the fadetowhite
08:50.21Wobincause you can't fade out the text
08:50.37zariousmy mod hides that window xD
08:50.39Aiiane`Zypher: they're in interface.myp...
08:50.45zariouscuz its annoying as balls
08:50.48Aiianeor at least, they were in 1.0, 1.0.1, and 1.0.2
08:50.54Aiianethey were removed from the 1.0.3 interface.myp
08:51.18*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
08:51.30zariousomg im sending porn to wob's inbox!
08:51.40zariouskidding xD
08:51.42`ZypherAiiane: oh
08:51.44`Zypherdidn't see them
08:52.21zariouswobin: colour, english bastard :p
08:52.46`] has joined #waruidev
08:52.56`Zypherim tired :(
08:53.12AiianeI heard there's a cure for that
08:53.30`Zyphernot when you have trouble sleeping
08:54.23zariousi need new music, anybody know any good radio stations?
08:54.39`Zypherbut I do have a question for you guys
08:54.50`Zypherignore the shitty beryl wow crap
08:54.57`ZypherI want to know the song name
08:57.13zariousseems like a giant fucking waste to run an entire VM for vent
08:57.28zariousno idea, google lyrics
08:57.32zariousaudio quality is shit
08:57.35`ZypherI know
08:57.37`Zypherbut I want this song
08:57.50zarious<zarious> no idea, google lyrics
08:58.10`Zypherzarious: I can't understand what he's saying tho
08:58.13`ZypherIt just sounds good
08:58.50*** join/#waruidev Gruh (
08:58.50zariousholy crap, yeah this is too dark for me wob, if it was a few shades lighter with the same bg i'd be all over it
09:00.12zariousim only 22, and it'd hurt my eyes lol
09:07.41zariousnight moon out if got a clear sky
09:08.51BotAnIcallol... ingame Internet browser... i know this is possible, it has to be (??????????)
09:09.14BotAnIcalbest troll to forum yet
09:11.14*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
09:11.54BotAnIcalAiiane: ping on whether you looked at the extension/filetype advice, and another question on whether you looked at the open source caveat i wrote. if so, would you want to paste it anywhere on the UI boards faq?
09:12.13*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
09:13.18BotAnIcalthough i guess on ext/filetype.... the manager from win32 is not friendly and a 3rd party could do it better
09:15.09BotAnIcalat its base , tho, it is all and only editing of the windows machine's key registry...
09:17.13BotAnIcalk i'll ask again at a later time aiiane
09:19.23Wobin`Zypher: *
09:19.29BotAnIcali should just get some old win95 source code and see how they did notepad.exe ...
09:22.14`ZypherWobin: tried
09:22.35*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (n=nobody@
09:23.17*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
09:23.21`ZypherAiiane: I want the combatstatswindow one to work
09:23.47BotAnIcalif i do write a new notepad.exe, it'll be modular with dll's you can do to increase it over the extremely tiny basecode. you can bundle them how you like on things like usb disks for space concerns...
09:24.26Wereldswhy for the love of god do you want to write a new notepad.exe oO
09:24.35BotAnIcali havent found one i like yet
09:24.42BotAnIcali have 10 on drive i casually looked at
09:24.47zariouswobin: ericramseymusic = invalid friend id, i don't have a ms account
09:24.48BotAnIcalthey all suck with 2 exceptions so far
09:24.55Wereldsso what's wrong with np++ for example then?
09:24.59BotAnIcalit's huge
09:25.06zariousit gives you aids
09:25.14BotAnIcalminipad.exe and notepad by Microsoft are okay so far
09:25.23BotAnIcalbut minipad is not win32
09:25.40BotAnIcalless than 100kb on disk exe
09:25.42Wereldsit's what, 2 megs?
09:25.43BotAnIcalis what i want
09:25.52Wobinzarious: the .se url works
09:25.53BotAnIcalmore than 500k is huge by what i want
09:26.02Wobin`Zypher: ^
09:26.04Wereldsyou're weird
09:26.06BotAnIcali have special needs ok??
09:26.09BotAnIcali use more than 1 thing
09:26.18WobinBotAnIcal is a bright and special snowflake
09:26.25Wereldsoh yes he is
09:26.31Werelds"i use more than one thing"
09:26.34BotAnIcalnot alone , i see the groups talk of wanting similar
09:26.35Wereldswhat kind of an argument is that
09:26.54BotAnIcali want a <100kb win32 text editor other than MS
09:27.01BotAnIcalnot hard to understand
09:27.10zariousauth server down for anybody else?
09:27.42BotAnIcaland i have a 'windows api bible' at home if i need to do it
09:27.46*** join/#waruidev shockbeta (
09:27.50Wereldsi just don't get your reasoning behind it
09:27.59BotAnIcalnp dont care if you do or dont
09:28.01WobinWerelds: "Cause"
09:28.06zariouswobin his .com doesnt work either
09:28.11zariouserm .se
09:28.12Wobinzarious: .se
09:28.12zariouswtf is se?
09:28.14Wobinworks for me?
09:28.23Wereldsyou want a minipad that has absolutely no features, but is expandable with DLL's
09:28.32Wereldswhich, in the end, will result in the same shit np++ is
09:28.36Wobinsweden =P
09:28.43BotAnIcalmostly i want the filesize to be small and it to load fast and do things that notepad doesn't
09:28.45`ZypherWobin: I know about this website
09:28.49`Zypherbut the song isn't there
09:28.54Wobinno it's not =(
09:29.04Wobinmaybe you should email him and ask =)
09:29.15BotAnIcaland if i'm gonna bother with it, i should do it right
09:29.22BotAnIcalso i'd let users write their own .dll to expand its function
09:29.29BotAnIcalcalled modular programming
09:29.41WereldsGL with it mate, you're just trying to reinvent the wheel :B
09:29.51BotAnIcali have been looking for the wheel first
09:29.58BotAnIcalall i'm finding are different things
09:30.00BotAnIcalthat aren't my wheel
09:30.02BotAnIcalthanks for your comments
09:30.32BotAnIcal(there's a reason there's a 1000 notepad.exe's, its because there's a 1000 different programmers who needed slightly different ones)
09:31.02BotAnIcalif we were in the '80s it'd be no big deal... need a job, write a code, compile, use later for self and maybe others
09:31.58Wereldswhat would your thing do other editors like gvim or np++ don't then?
09:32.05Wereldscuz that's the main drive behind any project
09:32.09BotAnIcalit'd do LESS
09:32.10Wereldsto improve what other programs miss
09:32.14BotAnIcalless less less
09:33.15BotAnIcaldo you use Borland C++ integrated compiler or MS visual studio for every time you want to go from .c to .obj to .exe?
09:33.43BotAnIcalnow they are beasts, but it's a similar rationale
09:33.54*** part/#waruidev shockbeta (
09:34.46Wereldsnot really, as you're most likely developing in either of these IDE's if you're considering using those compilers
09:34.52Wereldsbad argument, next please
09:35.41BotAnIcalpretty soon i'm done arguing yoou aren't following my logic and i can't follow yours
09:35.57Wereldsyou're saying that there's quicker alternatives than loading up VS or other IDE's for compiling C/CPP files
09:36.08Wobin... gnu?
09:36.18Wereldsbut if you're even CONSIDERING using the VS compiler, you're most likely already developing in VS
09:36.23Wereldsand have it loaded up anyway
09:36.37Wereldsso what's the friggin point in using gcc when you've already got it loaded
09:36.52BotAnIcalyou're using VS from the command line option?
09:36.52*** join/#waruidev shockbeta (
09:36.52Wereldsif you're not developing in those studios, yeah, then you use gcc
09:36.56BotAnIcalignore the issue of gcc which is better vs ms compiler
09:37.06BotAnIcalthe point is to have the compiler that can just do the job
09:37.12BotAnIcalwithout the bells and whistles
09:37.15BotAnIcalyou must get itnow
09:37.17BotAnIcalor i'm done
09:37.22Wereldswhich wouldn't make sense either, why would you even have VS installed if you're only gonna use the compiler commandline?
09:37.25BotAnIcali'm done
09:37.44Wereldsyou're not making any sense though mate, you're talking about situations that aren't there
09:37.49*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
09:37.49*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
09:39.56WobinJust to cheer everyone up
09:40.16shockbetaAnyone know where war saves the active addons you have?
09:40.26thanners|afkzarious: I'm about 1 or 2 hrs late, but regarding the "visual select" thing in vim, he meant visually select using shift+v while in command mode, not shift+cursor/drag-with-mouse.
09:41.27Wobinthanners|afk: both work
09:41.42Wobinat least in gvim
09:41.43thanners|afkWobin: strange. selecting with mouse results in me deleting everything.
09:41.56WobinAgain, could be my setup
09:42.12thanners|afkWhat does it say when you drag with mouse?
09:42.23Wobin-- VISUAL --
09:42.37thanners-- SELECT --, or -- VISUAL LINE -- ?
09:42.49thannersmine comes up SELECt. probably a setting somewhere, then
09:43.48thannersI have to use v/shift+v/ctrl+v to get into visual mode.
09:43.54Wobintry 'set mouse a'
09:43.55thannersoh wait, ctrl+v doesn't work for me in gvim. =/
09:43.58Wobinand see if that makes a difference
09:44.13thannersshift-v does, but not ctrl-v for block selects
09:44.13Wobinctrl-v is for control characters
09:44.18BotAnIcalps-- i'd never build it from scratch, open source ftw
09:44.38Wobin(for me =))
09:45.09thannersWobin: in insert/control mode?
09:45.32thannerscommand mode*
09:46.01BotAnIcallooks like notepad++ is free and open source. my first instinct is to fork that project and call it notepad--.
09:46.06Wobinin insert mode
09:46.16Wobinoh you're right =)
09:46.23Wobincommand mode is visual block
09:46.37WobinBotAnIcal: wouldn't that nullify all notepad then?
09:46.38Huxtonwhy does it say "this project is stale"
09:46.45Huxtonon one of my curse project pages
09:46.48WobinHuxton: not been updated
09:46.51Huxtoni put it up like hours ago
09:46.53BotAnIcalWobin: no
09:47.15WobinBotAnIcal: only if you had enough users to fight all the ++ that's been going on
09:47.26BotAnIcalWobin: fork
09:47.32Huxtonso that will be sorted then?
09:47.37WobinHuxton: ask ckknight
09:47.53WobinBotAnIcal: Fishsticks?
09:47.58thannersWobin: ah, now I've figured it out.  The version of gvim I'm using has various modifications to allow certain windows-y things to work.
09:48.07Wobinthanners: aha =)
09:48.11BotAnIcalwobin: learn to develop software thx
09:48.15Huxtonhow do i delete a project ?
09:48.24WobinBotAnIcal: What has forking to do with my comment?
09:48.33Huxtongot an old one i added all the functions of to a new addon
09:48.39BotAnIcalwobin: see last message
09:48.51WobinBotAnIcal: see last message
09:49.09WobinI was saying if you develop Notepad--
09:49.15Wobinit will nullify Notepad++
09:49.22BotAnIcalexplain then
09:49.24Wobinbecause you will have zero notepad
09:49.45Wobinlearn to sense of humour thx =P
09:49.49BotAnIcalok :)
09:49.51thannersHuxton: not sure if you can. You can abandon it, though. and then delete any files associated with it.
09:50.06WobinHuxton: one of the mods undoubtedly could
09:50.21BotAnIcalsry man you just keep arguing i'm not trying to pursue the threads
09:50.24thannersaye, you'd need to ask someone to actually fully remove it.
09:50.36Wobinwhat argument?
09:50.47Wobinps I'm not Werelds =P
09:50.56BotAnIcalsorry i got confused
09:50.57Huxtonok cool thanks all
09:51.05BotAnIcalre away status and names :P
09:51.17BotAnIcali can't recognize the difference, esp. when busy and talking same shite
09:51.27Wereldsi dunno how people can confuse us wObin
09:51.47WereldsE and O aren't even close on the keyboard, let alone in the alphabet, and my name IS BIGGER THAN YOURS MUAHAHA
09:51.54BotAnIcalsry not enough time to dedicate to this process, stack overload err: plz report to....
09:52.42zariousfridgid has more cake
09:53.22zariousaiiane i thought you usually crashed b/f 3?
09:53.24Wereldsis it just me, or does botanical try and fix stuff that isn't broken of even existent?
09:53.47zarioushes a weird mofo thats for sure
09:53.54Aiianedepends on the day o.o
09:54.36Wobinhe's a bit kooky that boy
09:54.40zariousso wobin did you install esEU client?
09:54.43zariousor is there one?
09:54.55Wobinzarious: I dunno, I'm not spanish =)
09:55.07zariousweren't you installing deEU?
09:55.11WobinNot I
09:55.16Wobinmaybe that Werelds character
09:55.28zariousdamnit, am i failing again?
09:55.40Wobinsuspcious looking guy =P
09:56.20WobinI recall -someone- asking about it
09:56.23Wobinbut it wasn't me
09:56.28Wereldserm EU clients can just switch languages for proper localisation
09:56.33Wereldsdunno if it works with US client :p
09:56.37zariousprob not
09:56.39Wereldsdidn't work 100% for aii i think
09:58.07*** join/#waruidev BotAnIcal (n=BotAnIca@
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09:59.04WereldsHES HIDING
09:59.22Wereldsgoddamned mercurial wants me to reboot
09:59.25Wereldsback in a minute >_<
10:02.52*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
10:02.52Wobinmono 2.0
10:02.58Jensescant seem to hide PlayerWindowPlayerName :<
10:05.35Jensesi cant get SetWindowShowing to work at all actually, hmm
10:06.52Aiianethat's because it's WindowSetShowing
10:07.01Jensesthats probably why!
10:07.26Aiianealmost every of those functions is [Window|Label|Button|etc...][Set|Get][Attribute]
10:07.44Jensesso heres logic somewhere
10:07.47*** join/#waruidev Soltanis (i=Soltanis@
10:09.44Jensesi still suck at hooking tho
10:11.28`ZypherAiiane: so dev commands are in "]"
10:11.33`Zypherinstead of "/"
10:13.47`Zypherreturns Command Not Found
10:13.54`Zypher]test doesn't
10:17.07`Zypherseems like
10:17.08Aiianedev commands are ]
10:17.11Aiianeclient commands are *
10:17.27`Zypherwhat client commands are there?
10:17.45Aiianedev client commands, mostly
10:17.50Aiianerelated to network messages, etc
10:18.04`Zypheronly allowed in beta?
10:18.07Aiianenot sure if they're even enabled in non-internal builds
10:18.08`Zypheror can I mess with them now?
10:21.10zariouslua> x= "asdf" if x and #x>3 then print("sweet") end
10:21.11lua_botzarious: sweet
10:21.20zariouslua> x= nil if x and #x>3 then print("sweet") end
10:21.20lua_botzarious: No output
10:21.28zariouslua> x= nil if #x>3 then print("sweet") end
10:21.29lua_botzarious: luabot:1: attempt to get length of global 'x' (a nil value)
10:22.09Aiianeso you know you're feeling lazy
10:22.19Aiianewhen you use a guild recall scroll.... while standing in altdorf
10:22.44`ZypherAiiane: yah
10:22.55`Zyphercan you give me an example of a * command?
10:27.36Aiianenot one that I can be sure won't screw up your client
10:28.20SoltanisAiiane: depends who you ask, I would call it intelligent :-)
10:29.11Jensesstill cant get BroadcastEvent to work with inviting :l argh
10:30.09AiianeJenses: what are you using to trigger it
10:30.27Jensesa slash handler, and i know for sure that i gets the parameters etc
10:30.38Aiianethat's your problem right there.
10:30.55Aiianeyou can't directly trigger other chat events, from a chat event
10:31.14Aiianebecause it uses a shared variable space to pass data to the internal client code
10:31.25Aiianeand as soon as it finishes executing your handler, it blanks that variable
10:31.29Aiianebut the event hasn't fired yet
10:32.56Jensesso tees no easy way of replacing a slash command with another one? :l
10:33.13Aiianeyou could use a timer library like acetimer to fire the chat event a tenth of a second later
10:33.21Aiianethe user wouldn't notice
10:35.53GollyGoshsomeone know the channelID for the channel /say ?
10:36.44Aiianehm, no, that's not quite it
10:37.40GollyGoshand the number
10:47.04Jensesbah, all this hassle
10:50.52*** join/#waruidev TBBle (n=tbble@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:2d)
10:54.34Jensesi tried using zTimeLib to schedule the command a second later, but sething completely broke the addon
10:59.49zariousexcept acetimer is for nubs, use ztime
11:00.41Thunder_Child~dropkick zarious
11:00.41purlACTION sends zarious flying like a yipping chihuahua
11:02.08Wereldsanyone here who has developed ace addons for wow? :)
11:02.27Thunder_Childckknight i think
11:02.34Thunder_Childmy brain is mush atm
11:02.38Wereldsno shit sherlock
11:02.40Wereldsbut he isn't here
11:02.53Wereldsjust need someone who has used acedb before
11:02.56Thunder_Childwell he isnt set as away so he is here
11:03.25zariousive done some ace'd ones, but nothing with acedb
11:03.35zariousask around in #WoWUIDev
11:04.10Thunder_Childthat channel fails
11:04.26zariousok then #wowace
11:04.38Jenseswhy wont this work
11:04.43Thunder_Childi was kidding zarious, i idle in there....
11:04.45Wereldsi'll just on wowwiki, pfft!
11:05.07zarioustc you do realize that chat messages don't have inflection right?
11:05.20zariousie TC you are a fag
11:05.24zariousam i kdding?
11:05.39Thunder_Childcuse unlike you, i have irc xp
11:06.17zarioussorry i didn't help start ef/undernet like everybody else whos ever read a usenet article
11:06.38zariousi first used irc to talk shit to albs/mids while playin daoc xD
11:06.45Thunder_Childi didnt start irc untill....~2 years ago?
11:07.11Thunder_Childi simply assume everyone is joking untill proven otherwise
11:07.37zariousassumption is the cause of all mother fuckups
11:07.49zariousdamn thats froms some old ass movie
11:07.59Thunder_Childno, lack of comunication is
11:08.08VonhintenHOME`"assumption is the mother of all fuck ups"
11:08.15VonhintenHOME`and it's from Under Siege 2 :)
11:08.29Wereldsand it's so goddamn true
11:12.05zarioussomehow i don't think these last 60 points in salvaging and TM are going to be worth it
11:12.45WobinI wrote some ace addons =P
11:12.55Thunder_Childis there a good salvaging guide out there?
11:13.46zariousnot really, i can tell you about it though, im at 147 salv, 130 something TM
11:14.26Wereldsalready got what i needed Wobin, but thanks :p
11:14.28Thunder_Childwell it would be nice to know at what level of salvaging you can take apart what lvl items w/o failing
11:14.45zariousyeah i debated documenting my trials but didn't end up doing it
11:15.00zariousyou can get a feel pretty easily imo if you don't try to do it piecemeal over like 3 weeks
11:15.21Thunder_Childtry even longer
11:15.27zariousi can tell you blue adds at least 20 skill to green level items
11:15.39zariousi'd recommend just saving everything you get
11:16.00zariousscouring AH for anything thats not a belt or headgear between a 5 level range thats under say 30s
11:16.09zariousand just buy 20 items or something and d/e your heart out
11:16.20zarious(get quickmailtool or you'll kill youself)
11:17.07zariousblues are generally not worth d/eing unless they are horrible, you can sell them for more gold and buy more greens to level than getting maybe one blue talisman out of it
11:17.25zariousmake friends with an apoc and have him give you essences etc,a dn give him all your seed.
11:17.45Thunder_Childmy seed is my own
11:17.52Thunder_Childbesides, i have one of each profession
11:17.55zariousyou just vendor it anyways
11:18.18zariousthen you can do w/e you want with your seed send it to yourself you perv!
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11:19.36Huxtonive fawked up bad
11:20.09Huxtonnot boolean?
11:20.11Thunder_Childperv? you are the one that told me to give my seed to someone else
11:20.13zariousmy skill level 140 i can d/e greens 30+ with prob < 5% failure, i skill off of 36+ greens now, i have a feeling leveling past 180 might requires gratitious amounts of blues
11:20.27zariouswtf kinda male are you? that shits inborn
11:20.43Thunder_Childno, they have to earn it
11:20.48Thunder_Childi dont just hand it away
11:21.13Huxtondoes anyone know how to see if a player is rvr flagged, got about 10 of my guildies trying to use this addon but its fucked
11:23.39zariousGameData.GetRvRStatusData()  is my guess
11:23.49zarioususe the frickin page i told to you to use earlier
11:26.41Huxtonbeen using lua for 3 days
11:27.05zariousdude, wtf does that have to do with this lol?
11:27.19zariousyou asked the exact question earlier and i told you to look it up with ctrl+f on the one page
11:27.21zarioushere GameData.Player.rvrPermaFlagged or GameData.Player.rvrZoneFlagged
11:27.30zariousguess how i found that lolol
11:28.55zariousbind to PLAYER_RVR_FLAG_UPDATED and then check those two vars
11:29.43Huxtoncool, thanks zarious
11:30.04zariousyou can go back to calling me a genius expert coder though
11:30.46Huxtonthat was rage
11:30.51Huxtonwe all say things we dont mean :P
11:32.27Huxtonlets get married
11:32.27Jensesbah, cant figure out how to redirect a slashcommand.
11:33.01zarioussorry i only date really really hot strippers
11:33.16Huxtonfunny you should say that
11:36.15WobinHuxton's the star on Ladies Night
11:36.24Wobinlooks like you're in luck zarious!
11:36.45zariouswhats your stripper name?
11:39.01HuxtonHunter Thoroughgood
11:39.09Huxtonnot bad
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11:47.51Thunder_Childmore like "The Amazing Huxton"
11:48.04Huxtoni try ;)
11:49.48Jensesi have no idea which methos i should hook... i just want the status tex on te playerWindow to be gone, but nomatter what i hook, it wont work :l
11:55.49*** join/#waruidev tom0 (
11:56.02tom0hey folks, any way to get the current defensive target's name?
11:58.31Wobinask them?
11:58.37Soresnot sure, but have you checked, "GetTargetStatesData()", mayby it does include defensive target
11:58.38Soresno idea
11:59.11Wereldsusing the wiki is WELL hard
12:00.01Wereldsor actually, with a colon instead of a dot
12:00.15Wereldsbut still, l2wiki ;/
12:01.44tom0oh my bad, figured it'd be in the GameData column and couldnt find it there :P
12:06.25tom0hmm, this actually does't work :P EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring(TargetInfo.UnitName("selffriendlytarget")))
12:07.30tom0ah nvm, EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring(TargetInfo:UnitName("selffriendlytarget")))
12:22.18WereldszhTW in wow is simplified chinese right? :<
12:22.41Wereldsno wait, it's traditional
12:23.32zariousdoes it really matter? i think if you could read it you'd know
12:23.47Wereldsdoes matter for porting stuff over which is localised
12:23.49Wereldsnabcake :>
12:25.29tom0Could anyone explain me why EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring("Your target is "..TargetInfo:UnitName("selffriendlytarget")..".")) does not work while EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring(TargetInfo:UnitName("selffriendlytarget"))) does work? Normally combining variables with .. works.
12:25.52zariouswstring vs string
12:25.55Wereldsit's because you're concatenating strings with wstrings
12:26.09Wereldsno offence dude
12:26.14Wereldsbut please _read_ the error message
12:26.15zariousyup, they'renot the same, you can't add apples and oranges
12:26.30WereldsEA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring("Your target is "..4TargetInfo:UnitName("selffriendlytarget").."."))
12:26.37Wereldshighlighted bit = wstring already
12:26.46Wereldsand you're trying to concat it with a normal string
12:27.01WereldsL"Your target is "..targetinfo..L"." will most likely work
12:27.12Wereldsi haven't done much with wstrings yet tho, so don't pin me on that
12:27.37tom0so I should do this? EA_ChatWindow.Print(towstring("Your target is ")..TargetInfo:UnitName("selffriendlytarget")..towstring("."))
12:27.48zariousi wrote a cleanchatmsg function which cleans anything supplied to it for chat output just b/c that shit pissed me off
12:27.58zariousdude wtf
12:28.02zariousdid you read what he just said?
12:28.15zarious<Werelds> L"Your target is "..targetinfo..L"." will most likely work
12:28.19tom0yeah, the red part is already wstring and the other parts still n eed to be converted
12:28.32Wereldsi wrote more than just that :)
12:28.41zarious"you fail" = string      L"you fail" = wstring
12:28.46Jenseszarious, if you publish ill love you
12:29.05zariouspublish? o_O
12:29.18Jensesthat char thing :< brass coin spam is driving me insane
12:29.50zariouswhere did youg et this from? zTweaks desc?
12:31.17zariousaight im outtie, need some zzzz
12:32.25tom0I got it, I guess it's pretty stupid to use towstring when you can simply use L
12:35.31Jensesdifferent types of casting can be used for different situations
12:35.58Wereldstowstring can be used on numbers etc
12:36.07WereldsL"" is only good if you want to enter a wstring directly
12:38.33JensesL"" is only for convenience afaik, since it actually calles towstring, how ever L"function" wont work ofcourse, casting basics
12:38.52tom0ah, I just removed the towstring part on some numeric variables.. guess I should readd it, but why do numbers have to be a wstring?
12:39.35Jensessome functions just require everything to be printet to be strings etc
12:40.08tom0ok I'll re-add the towstring to my numeric variables then
12:41.11Jensesif you have a long line to edit you can simply wrap everything in towstring() and concatenate inside of it
12:41.46shockbetaIs there a way to get your targets race? Like creature type. Like you have one of the types of wolfs targeted and it's race would simple be wolf
12:42.28Jensestowstring("blabla"..TargetInfo:UserName("selffriendlytarget").."some more text") and it'll all be a string
12:42.55tom0well Jenses thats what I had at first but then it will return an empty string
12:43.10Jenseswhat are you trying to do?
12:43.12tom0and the reason was because the username already is wstring
12:43.17Jensesshockbeta, not afaik
12:43.26tom0can only get player races I believe shockbeta
12:43.47shockbetaSo how does war know you've killed a tpye needed for a quest?
12:43.56shockbetasomethign not exposed in the API?
12:44.18tom0well that stuff is not done client side
12:44.55Jensesits done partly client, but not public
12:45.25Jensesso to track it you probably have to readmemory
13:00.09Werelds(14:43:45) (shockbeta) So how does war know you've killed a tpye needed for a quest?
13:00.11Wereldsit doesn't go by race
13:00.14Wereldsit goes by objectid
13:00.37Wereldsand most of that is tracked serverside
13:00.43Wereldsotherwise you'd be able to cheat your way up
13:01.24Wereldsand @ tom0: in general, anything that goes on screen has to be a wstring
13:01.34Wereldsnot always, but most of it
13:02.00tom0ok =)
13:02.27shockbetaSo there isn't anyway to know if a mouseover target is say a quest objective for a kill quest?
13:02.51Jensesyou can guess by name
13:02.57Wereldsif there is, you'll find it under the Quest or Tooltip modules
13:03.11shockbetanames commonly don't match
13:04.32tom0sigh PLAYER_TARGET_HIT_POINTS_UPDATED event does not work atm
13:06.43tom0guess I need to find out target health using PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED
13:08.45Soreswhy would it not work tom0
13:09.02tom0 says "Currently this event is not fired, though there are comments in the lua code that suggest it will be implemented eventually "
13:11.11shockbetaIs there a list on the wiki that has the included vars in various objects. like for instance the object returned from DataUtils.GetQuests()?  Or do people just pour through the modules to find wht they can use?
13:11.42tom0yes there is
13:11.58tom0 and
13:14.32shockbetayeah I've seen those but it's nto exactly wht I was looking for
13:15.03shockbetaor I jsut can't find the object type I'm looking for in there.
13:15.16tom0I wonder if the documentation on PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED (Fired when a Player's target changes, either due to an update on the target(hp/buff/movement) or because the Player changed it's target ) is true to be honest.. It doesnt seem to fire when my target's health has changed
13:17.43tom0or actually, it seems to do so now, strange.
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14:06.46tom0anyone knows if IsTargetValid() is indeed bugged as described in ?
14:07.19*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
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14:11.49shockbetaanyone know how to take  random sentence and space delimit it? tried pattern but it has to match and I just want to tokenize the string out.  What I am going for is something like this: words = { somerandowlongstring:match( pattern) } That works if the pattern is correct, but I need a more dynamic solution.
14:13.43Wereldsyou want to add spaces in there or split it by spaces?
14:13.52shockbetasplit it by spaces
14:14.02WereldsStringSplit(s, " ")
14:14.03shockbetaso this would be... { so, this, would, be }
14:14.05Wereldsjob done
14:14.30BotAnIcalyou need a dictionary?
14:14.34shockbetabah!.. lol I tried googling before I asked:p
14:14.45BotAnIcaloh it's got spaces
14:14.47Wereldsnah it's not a standard lua function
14:14.57BotAnIcalwithout you'd need something harder
14:14.59Wereldsaltho shockbeta
14:15.00shockbetaI'm c++ programmer, just never got into lua
14:15.34BotAnIcalcompiled languages and script languages can be very different.
14:15.39Wereldsfor word in s:gmatch("(%w+)%s") do table.insert(words, word) end
14:15.41BotAnIcaleven tho script can be compiled too
14:15.42Wereldswould've worked as well
14:16.25BotAnIcalthere's a few more tools in the default libraries than in cpp, and a bit of whack syntax and typing
14:17.03BotAnIcaltyping meaning the way they handle variables and their types
14:17.27shockbetayeah, I'm split between a few languages right now at work. c/c++ for native engine, then unreal script, then they put me on flash. Now I'm doing lua on my freetime so it all gets messy sometimes.
14:17.44BotAnIcalnone of those prepare you for lua (although i don't know "unreal"
14:17.55BotAnIcali mean, not in particular
14:18.09BotAnIcalif you said perl you would have been more in the same mindset as lua
14:18.11Wereldsno language prepares for another one in most cases
14:18.21shockbetaunreal script is silly at times, it's a mix of java and c++ kinda. either or if you know one or the other you learn it fast.
14:18.46BotAnIcalis flash java-syntax?
14:18.48shockbetaBut there's always gotchas.
14:18.58*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
14:19.11shockbetaI have no idea. lol. never learned java, and only second week on flash.
14:19.46BotAnIcalwell java is c++ flavored syntax... sounds like you've been pampered with all the same product in terms of the way your code looks on the screen
14:21.01shockbetaGame Dev grad, so they taught us the core language studios use. c/c++. scripting we had to learn on our own.
14:21.32shockbetaeven lua isn't that bad really. I do often miss the "then" in statements...
14:21.41tom0guys is there an event that fires when IsTargetValid changes? I tried PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED but it is not fired when you or the target moves out of range/los :)
14:21.41shockbetaif () then end... ets me everytime
14:21.43BotAnIcalsuch as, you can expect the pointer p[2] to return the value of the third element of the offset pointed by the pointer p, and other things as well, like that types don't convert unless you convert them somehow that you've defined (overloaded operators and whatever else otherwise)... while putting a number in an argument for a string is fine
14:21.54BotAnIcalsame here shockbeta
14:22.04BotAnIcalbut the parens are options
14:22.23Jensesthe awesome thing with c++ is the speed
14:22.30shockbetaAnd another thing I'm trying to get used to is the no var types to declare a variable.. I don't know if I like that when it gets down to it. Its nice to just use them whenever, but I kinda like to know what it is
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14:22.39BotAnIcalJenses: c++ is not fast, native code is fast
14:22.52Wereldsyeah shockbeta, but that just takes getting used to
14:22.53shockbetaI always add ( ) for readability
14:22.57Jensesand c++ complies to..
14:23.11BotAnIcaleverything can compile to executable ?
14:23.16Wereldsso far i've been mixing weblanguages with c/cpp, c# and lua
14:23.18BotAnIcalsome stuff just isn't used for that as much
14:23.20Jensesc++ compiles to native code
14:23.23shockbetaoh another one I mess up constantly is.. value != othervalue.
14:23.29BotAnIcalevery programming language compiles to native code
14:23.30Wereldsand i usually get used to working with one of em in a few minutes :) is managed code
14:23.40BotAnIcalthat's why they call it a language and not a macro set or something
14:24.05Werelds(16:23:22) (shockbeta) oh another one I mess up constantly is.. value != othervalue.
14:24.06Wereldsnow that
14:24.09BotAnIcalC++ is just never used as interpreted
14:24.09Wereldsi do fuck up a lot
14:24.12JensesC# / / C++/CLI does not go to native code
14:24.24Wereldsevery single scripting and programming language uses != or !==
14:24.25BotAnIcalbecause interpreting c++ would be doing it really hard and really stupid
14:24.31Wereldsbut no, lua has to use the friggin ~
14:25.16BotAnIcalJenses: Visual Basic can be used to produce native code. So can C#. I haven't seen CLI.
14:25.25ChryzoWerelds: not true, SQL uses <> hahaha
14:25.27tom0only way to auto update AbilityIsValid() is to run it every X miliseconds or is there an event for it?
14:25.34Wereldsoh good point Chryzo
14:25.47Chryzoand it actually isn't the only one
14:25.53Chryzobasic too if i remember right :)
14:26.01JensesVB 6 does native code by default, all the .net equivalants does managed, unless you go to great lenghts to do otherwise
14:26.07BotAnIcalit's just the implementation of the compilers for those languages....doesn't exist. and we have only interpreters written for them.
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14:26.39BotAnIcalgreat lengths?
14:27.09BotAnIcalsorry i haven't used a language like VB in a long time :P
14:27.18BotAnIcallast time was about 1993 with a little QBasic
14:27.37Chryzohehe :) at the time where it was still decompilable :)
14:27.44shockbetaso strTemp = "Dogs"; strTemp[strlen(strTemp)-1] = '/0'; how in lua?
14:28.08BotAnIcali also had some piece of crap software called Liberty Basic that tried to play in the VB space
14:28.10shockbetaOr better yet where is a good site that tells me string manipulation in lua?
14:28.33BotAnIcalthe windows api is not THAT hard to do in C
14:28.38Chryzoshockbeta: the official site
14:28.54shockbetacool thanks
14:29.21BotAnIcalin some ways it's easier because the Windows.src is all C, so you can use the same programming concepts in both API and your own application.
14:30.09BotAnIcal...and read every function the way the coder intended, not your intepreter for your interpreted pos
14:31.22BotAnIcalonly thing i like better than direct access to windows api through c is a native-compiled abstraction layer that sits between me and the operating system entirely (Qt by Trolltech, or wxWidgets if it's a resource poor project)
14:32.03BotAnIcalbecause wxwidgets is free and Qt is imho better looking
14:32.22Wobinshockbeta: PiL
14:32.25purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
14:32.28BotAnIcal(both let you write once to compile to multiple Operating systems)
14:32.59BotAnIcalor, more exactly, to win api and to xwindows api
14:33.29Repo10guildstats: 03wobin * r3 GuildStats.xml: we have screen
14:33.50BotAnIcaland i've never gotten far in my books concerning the latter (esp. the different camps of KDE and gnome)
14:34.46BotAnIcalwe talk about a lot of programming we need a 'newbs guide to programming' link :)
14:35.08BotAnIcalyeah but most fail at using that
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14:43.41Jensesargh, warband settings dont save :l
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14:52.07shockbetaI google all the time, but can't always find what I'm looking for. and it's sometimes faster to just pop the question in here while continue to search
14:52.32Repo10libdatetime: 03Garko 07master * release-0.2.0-1-g766eaa8 LibDateTime.lua: [+1 commit] - Add metatable add capability to compare DateTime
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15:10.33FelyzaWerelds: Ping
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15:29.49Chryzo_Oye Oye
15:29.52Chryzo_Sorting kinda works
15:38.10Repo10libdatetime: 03Garko 07master * release-0.2.0-2-g143718e LibDateTime.lua: [+1 commit] - Add function "LibDateTime.Parse()"
15:43.52Repo10multiauction: 03Odlaw * r7 MultiAuction.lua: MultiAuction:
15:43.53Repo- Removed iconNum from the get scheme price function calls
15:43.58Repo- Hopefully fixed items getting moved around in the bags when mass auctioning a lot of items.
15:44.06Repo- Check for items that are already bound to the player.
15:58.22Chryzo_sorting works :)
15:59.14*** join/#waruidev shockbeta (n=shockbet@
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16:30.24Chryzo_EasyMyp Alpha 2.0 build 28 release available
16:33.54*** join/#waruidev motd2k (
16:41.42motd2kwhats wrong with SVN
16:41.53motd2kits fucked accepting localised files
16:42.08motd2kcant commit a file with a ö in it
16:42.57Chryzo_now i need to make filtering and search work ...
16:43.06netcurseping ckknight
16:44.18motd2kthis lua parser on SVN is shit
16:44.26*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
16:44.30motd2ki cant commit this file if i rename it .txt
16:44.38*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
16:44.43motd2kbut if its a lua it whines
16:45.58motd2kits not even UTF-8
16:47.31Wereldsthat's the point tho
16:47.33Wereldsit should be :p
16:47.38Wereldsor UTF-16
16:47.39Wereldsi think
16:47.42Wereldseither one
16:47.55Wereldsyou pinged?
16:48.10FelyzaHi =)
16:48.18Wereldssup :p
16:48.22FelyzaI was wondering if you're actively working on waaaghbar
16:48.42Wereldserm not atm, doing something else
16:48.47FelyzaI tossed in a ticket for some color for a few things, can provide ss if you want
16:49.04Wereldsif you don't mind, i'll look at that when i get back
16:49.28Wereldsshould be back around 20.30 GMT+2 (1hr40m from now)
16:49.37Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r74 / (2 files in 2 directories): - Word list update
16:49.38Repo- Can't yet update deDE.lua nor frFR.lua due to bug on SVN server processing a plain ASCII file as if it's a UTF-8 file.  WAR doesn't like UTF-8.  I'll commit it when I can.
16:49.44FelyzaBut yeah, i provided the numbers for the things based on gamedef colors when I could, and photoshop averaging when i couldn't
16:50.18FelyzaAny word on an options window for waaaghbar?
16:50.51Wereldsafaik hallas was working on that
16:51.01Wereldsi'm just working on some other stuff atm
16:51.13FelyzaI'm trying to make a guildxp plugin atm
16:51.16Wereldsaltho i was planning giving wb a proper overhaul and get tooltips+options right
16:51.37FelyzaSince there's no event for guild xp, trying to figure out a workable way to update without onupdate
16:51.52Wereldsanyways i gtg now mate, if you got any more questions/suggestions, drop em in a pm, i'll look at it when i get back :)
16:52.09Felyza*ducks and hides*
16:55.44motd2kWerelds-> they only way i can commit this file is as "UTF-8 with signature"
16:55.47motd2kand WAR bitches about that
17:00.18*** join/#waruidev Daegalus[Away] (
17:01.54*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
17:02.50motd2knope, the only way i can get a localised file on SVN is with UTF-8 encoding, and WAR doesnt accept that
17:02.55motd2kWAR wants Unicode
17:03.06motd2kand i cant commit that
17:05.50Daegalususe a different versioning system?
17:06.14motd2kcurse uses SVN, im trying to commit to curse
17:06.48Daegaluscurse or curseforge?
17:07.18Daegalusya, you set wht kind of repository system you want
17:07.24DaegalusIm personally usgin Hg for mine
17:07.34Daegalusyou can pick Git too
17:07.41motd2kwell i probably could but i'm happy with SVN
17:07.58motd2kits just their bullshit repository hooks parsing the file incorrectly
17:15.01motd2kdid anyone actually test this svn code before putting it live?
17:17.04*** join/#waruidev BeebleSleeps (n=snothunt@
17:17.26BeebleSleepsAii, you around? Can I speak with you in query chat?
17:20.23*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
17:22.53*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
17:24.08*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
17:24.09*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
17:28.38Daegalushaha, w00t for OpenVPN, Proxycap, and Squid
17:28.58DaegalusBypassing School firewalls since last week ! xD
17:41.41*** join/#waruidev misprize (n=misprize@
17:42.49misprizeCan someone with the retail version of the WAR game installed tell me exact size of their data.myp interface.myp files please, I just deleted mine from my WarBeta folder and ran full file check and the files downloaded are a different size
17:43.05nicoli_sthat happens
17:43.12misprizehow come?
17:43.13nicoli_sthey wont be the same if the game redownloads it
17:43.22Jensesdata: 48,217
17:43.30nicoli_sit compresses files on demand, so the same file might not be compressed
17:43.34Jensesinterface: 190,060
17:43.43misprizeoh wow
17:44.45motd2kare there any dirty tricks to get around curse's SVN pre-commit hooks?
17:46.45*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
17:48.16*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
17:48.56motd2ktried renaming the lua to .txt and it'll commit then, but when i try to rename the file back to .lua i get the same old error
17:49.35motd2kits a pretty big bug tbh, i dont see how anyone can commit files in any language other than english as it is
17:49.54*** join/#waruidev Daeg (
17:51.08Thunder_Childhmm...i wonder if spammenot is going to start working for mail as well
17:51.27motd2kive not really looked at it
17:51.34motd2kis mail spam really that bad?
17:51.44*** join/#waruidev Daeg (
17:51.47Thunder_Childi guess not, since i just got my first
17:51.56Thunder_Childbut i figured it was a precursor
17:52.27motd2ktheres still the 5 second delay serverside though - i mean thats quite a hurdle to them spamming effectively
17:52.54Thunder_Childhow so, they get an addon to do it
17:53.18motd2kwell, they dont have an addon as it happens, but still
17:53.19Thunder_Childthey can have multiple war's running with multiple accounts start them up and walk away
17:53.39motd2kits alot less spam/hr than theyre used it
17:53.42motd2kif you get my drift
17:54.03Thunder_Childhowever i assume spam mail counts as reportable
17:54.15motd2kfor sure
17:54.26motd2ki'll look into it
17:54.40motd2kmaybe a 'Spam' tab on the mailbox or some such
17:54.55Thunder_Childor just a "report spam" button
17:55.03*** join/#waruidev Noctys (i=617523ba@gateway/web/ajax/
17:55.09motd2kah i see what you mean
17:55.18motd2kwell yea - thats easy
17:55.33Thunder_Childthough as it is my inbox mail window has 6 buttons already :(
17:56.01Thunder_Child~lart Thunder_Child
17:56.01purltakes out a seltzer bottle and sprays Thunder_Child in the face. You know, one of those old-school seltzer bottles clowns have? Yeah those. Anyway, consider yourself spritzed
17:56.34*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
17:56.48NoctysGood - Day everyone!!!  I have my question of the day...  Is it possible to have an event only fire at certain times. For example with PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED can I have it only fire when the selfhostiletarget changes...
17:56.57motd2kcan you help me?
17:57.01motd2kno one is listening
17:57.09NoctysWhat do you need?
17:57.10motd2kyour SVN pre-commit hooks seem shagged
17:57.11Thunder_Childi am, i just cant help you
17:57.21motd2ki cant commit any localised files
17:57.31Thunder_Childthough Kaelten might be a better person to bitch at
17:57.32netcurseckknight "
17:57.47motd2kare they the men that can?
17:57.56motd2kroger ty
17:58.07NoctysI don't know anything about localisation.  Sorry
17:58.25motd2kits not the localistion im struggling with
17:58.50motd2kthe curseforge SVN servers wont accept corectly formatted non-ascii .lua files
17:59.17motd2kWAR needs the files to be Unicode, but curseforge wont let me commit unicode
17:59.29motd2ki have to commit UTF-8, and they wont display in WAR
18:00.06Felyzapeople didn't like my comment on rift pulling though walls...
18:00.24motd2ki tried UTF-8 with and without the BOM block - and neither display properly in WAR
18:02.39Thunder_Childhmmm..well other people managed it motd2k
18:02.48Thunder_Childi assume
18:03.52*** join/#waruidev Daeg (
18:04.51DaegFelyza: nice post :P
18:06.36FelyzaI explained it though...
18:06.59motd2kTC, well, i dont see how
18:07.33motd2ktry it yourself, try to view a UTF-8 string in WAR
18:08.24Thunder_Childmotd2k, neither do i, however if it is a bas as you say one would assume they would be aware of it already
18:09.00motd2kim not sure how many localised mods there are, and the hooks seem to be a new thing... i commited the german translation for spamMeNot fine last week
18:09.29motd2kbut we updated it a bit to catch the new stylie spam, and it wont let me commit the same file now
18:09.44ben20:00 < motd2k> WAR needs the files to be Unicode, but curseforge wont let me commit unicode
18:09.49benUnicode is not an encoding
18:10.02motd2kUnicode is a charset
18:10.07benJust use ascii files and escape the non-ascii characters
18:10.19benUnicode is the same charset that is used by utf-8
18:10.22motd2kit wont let me commit an accented character in ascii...
18:10.45ben20:11 < ben> Just use ascii files and escape the non-ascii characters
18:11.02motd2kthis isnt helping, sorry
18:11.42motd2kive tried all this
18:12.30motd2kescaped ascii will work fine in WAR
18:12.40motd2kbut curseforge SVN still reject it
18:12.45ckknightmotd2k: what's with the hooks?
18:12.53motd2khi ckknight
18:12.56ckknightuse UTF-8
18:13.03motd2kWAR wont load UTF-8
18:13.09ckknightwhat does it load?
18:13.20motd2kthe accented chars appear as gibberish
18:13.25motd2kit uses unicode
18:13.30benUnicode is not an encoding
18:13.31motd2kor escaped ascii, whatever
18:13.35ckknightUTF-8 is unicode, they use UCS-2
18:13.49ckknightokay, we're not going to allow you to commit latin-1
18:13.56ckknightsince that'd be just fucked
18:15.02motd2kif you want i can tell you the files to modify in SpamMeNot to force it to load the german localisation if you want to see my problem
18:15.31motd2kotherwise you could jujst create a mod that prints a string that is UTF-8 encoded
18:17.49DeadhawkI heard at one point that custom textures 'didn't work', is this still the case now?
18:20.35benmotd2k: I just tried escaping a german A with diaeresis marks and it worked
18:20.49motd2kin what encoding?
18:20.57motd2kor not?
18:20.58benWho cares, I only used ascii characters
18:21.05motd2ktry and commit it :P
18:21.13benI am not an addon dev :P
18:21.20motd2kthats the problem though
18:21.37motd2ki can save the file as escaped ascii, and it'll work fine in WAR
18:21.49motd2kbut i cant commit it to curseforge's SVN
18:22.01motd2kits regected by the pre-commit hooks on their server
18:22.03benCan I just sign up to curseforge and get a commit bit for your repository?
18:23.19benI honestly know nothing about curseforge's process, but I find it hard to believe that their commit hooks will reject plain ascii files
18:23.27motd2kthey do :-(
18:23.46motd2ki can commit the EXACT same file with a .txt extension
18:23.57motd2kbut i rename it to .lua, and it rejects it
18:24.23motd2k(obviously WAR wont load a .txt file thought afaik)
18:24.33motd2kgod i cant type today
18:24.41benWhich addon are we talking about again :S
18:25.45motd2ki've used UltraEdit to save it in every concievable format
18:25.59benascii :V
18:26.18motd2kyea, that works, like i said - but curse want to force me to use UTF-8
18:26.34motd2kwhich i'm happy to do, but the game chokes on it
18:26.37benckknight: Honestly, the server should probably accept latin1 files if that is what WAR interprets them as
18:26.50ckknightbut it'll fuck everything else up
18:27.01ckknightalso, I see it as likely that Mythic might change to accept UTF-8 later
18:27.12DaegalusConvert Latin-1 to UTF-8?
18:27.13motd2kcan you grant exceptions?
18:27.20ckknightno, motd2k
18:27.26ckknightin any event, you should escape your non-ascii chars.
18:27.27benSo you are limiting addon authors to use the common subset between latin1 and utf-8? :v
18:27.34motd2kI am
18:27.39motd2kand you wont accept them
18:27.40ckknightben: not in the slightest.
18:27.49ckknightmotd2k: we accept \200 and such
18:28.13benI meant from the physical file format, obviously not escape sequences :)
18:28.23motd2ki used UltraEdit to escape it - i cant go through the whole translation to escape it manually, realistically
18:28.42benSurely that is just a few regexps for six umlauts and the sz
18:30.06*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (i=991273a7@gateway/web/ajax/
18:30.42shockbetaDoes war store the contents of the ui debugging window or a way to make it save the log out?
18:30.52Chryzoit does
18:30.55`Zypherckknight: long time no see.
18:30.59Chryzoin /logs/uimod.log
18:31.02Chryzoi think
18:31.08motd2kim not sure i really understand the problem anyway, i mean ü is an 8-bit character isnt it?
18:31.09Chryzowell, one of the ui files anyway
18:31.14shockbetaI see the logs folder, but all the files are 1 kb text files with nothing in them
18:31.34Chryzofunny, must have moved them to the characters stuff maybe then
18:32.24benmotd2k: Yeah, but ascii defines only 7-bit characters
18:32.40motd2kgot ya
18:33.09shockbetathere's not a setting I could have set to disable it or enable it? even my combat and chat logs are empty
18:33.37benAlso, the u umlaut is 16 bits in utf-8 :)
18:33.40motd2ki'll do it manually then, but thats a bollockache alot of people could do without, to be perfectly honest
18:33.44shockbetathink I found it...
18:35.25*** join/#waruidev Beeblebrox42 (n=none@
18:35.29benUmlauts are something a lot of people could do without, too  :V
18:36.04motd2kyea, they could just speak English...
18:36.10motd2kbut i'm not about to tell them that
18:37.37Thunder_ChildNew Headline: "First ever man stabbed through the internet after making disparaging remarks about an Umlaut"
18:37.39shockbetaUserSettings.xml in performance there is logAllTDisk  bool you can set mine was false
18:38.16motd2kcant eevn fucking commit £
18:38.40benThat is not an ascii character either
18:39.09motd2ki'll tell that to the spammers...
18:39.14motd2kspam me in ascii only, please!
18:39.30Thunder_Child"wave of crime involving internet stabbings, Norton to release line of anti-eknife body armor"
18:39.42benAre you sure you do not want to let the actual programmers handle the encoding issues >:O
18:40.29motd2kwhat do you mean?
18:40.46benI still do not understand why you refuse to escape the characters
18:41.18benYou would get a perfectly portable ascii file that can be interpreted as either latin1 or utf-8 and the strings would work in either case
18:43.44benThis whole thing never was an issue in WoW, was it :argh:
18:46.00NoctysHopefully more people are reading now... Going to ask my questions again:  Is it possible to have an event only fire at certain times. For example with PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED can I have it only fire when the selfhostiletarget changes...
18:46.50Daegalusno, they fire when the game wants them to fire
18:47.09Thunder_Child~wtf oop
18:47.25DaegalusObject Oriented Programming
18:47.36Thunder_Childout of print in this case i am thinking
18:50.44*** join/#waruidev Nyborek1 (
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18:51.10Repo10spam-me-not: 03motd2k * r82 locales/deDE.lua: German translation.
18:51.12RepoJumped through SVN's hoops like a good little boy.
18:53.07Thunder_Childheh motd2k
18:56.36Repo10spam-me-not: 03motd2k * r83 locales/frFR.lua: French translation...
18:57.12Daegalusso, how does one go about localizing their addon?
18:57.24Daegaluscode wise
18:58.22Jensesopen your C:\
18:58.31`Zypherfuck fuxington
18:58.42Thunder_Child~calm `Zypher
18:58.43purlACTION sooths `Zypher, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm `Zypher down.
18:59.04Daegaluseh ill ask later, i gtg to class
19:00.18benSo expected localising his addon to take less than two minutes?
19:00.38*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
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19:00.47Repo10anywheretrainer: 03DarthVon 041.0-release * r4 : Tag for release
19:00.52motd2k2 minutes longer than it should, to be precise
19:01.36motd2kto be even more precise two minutes longer than it did last week
19:01.41motd2kwhen SVN wasnt all anal
19:02.07benPft, just use git if svn is too anal!
19:03.20`Zyphersomeone make a KD ratio addon
19:03.26`ZypherI'm too lazy to do it right now
19:03.36`Zypheris the table you want
19:04.59Thunder_Childi'm sorry `Zypher but you just lost your author license, only non-authors can be lazy and request things
19:05.36`ZypherThunder_Child: no possible
19:06.24`ZypherI already made one
19:06.32`Zypherthen deleted it because it was for waaaghbar
19:06.36`Zypherand I can't stand the thing
19:06.59benIf being lazy is non-author, i do not want to be an author >:O
19:07.06Felyzacici_Mythic (Developer VIP) responded to a pm... "Felyza, We do have a UI Mod Kit, however, it has not been released to the public yet. It is still in development, but hang tight for an announcement. Ci-Ci"
19:07.38Felyzafyi i'm STILL trying to get the xml schema
19:08.03benWhat do you need it for again?
19:08.38Felyzatrying to port a wow addon dev environment to war
19:11.41nicoli_sgl wit hthat felyza
19:15.36Thunder_Child`Zypher, you cant stand waaghbar?
19:17.13Felyzanicoli_s, the hardest part is it relies on things wow gives addon devs, that i can't get a straight answer from any ea employee on
19:17.47Felyzauntil we can 100% document things, its literally impossible
19:18.01Felyzaunless they can provide the documentation for us
19:23.31*** join/#waruidev tom0 (
19:42.33*** join/#waruidev Exmortem (
19:43.16motd2kthese region channels seem to make a big difference
19:43.29motd2kactually feels like an MMO now
19:44.07tom0alliance chat > *
19:44.09Thunder_Childis smapmenot going to handle region gold spam as well?
19:44.25motd2kif it becomes a problem, yea
19:44.53motd2khas it started already?
19:45.10motd2kive had virtually no spam since 1.0.2 to be fair, they did a pretty good job
19:45.34Thunder_Childi dunno, your comment about making it feel like a real mmo made me think of it
19:45.42motd2kheh ya
19:49.16*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
19:53.02Repo10kdr: 03Adalyn 07master * a6e6262 / (3 files in 1 directory): [new]
19:55.47`Zypher~poke Aiiane
19:55.47purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Aiiane, pokes Aiiane repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:56.05`Zypher@project kdr
19:56.06Repo`Zypher: KDR. Game: WAR. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 37 seconds ago
20:08.31*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
20:15.04*** join/#waruidev Noctys (i=617523ba@gateway/web/ajax/
20:15.58NoctysHello again... I'm sure this is out there somewhere but I can not find it.  How would I go about making my mod wait 3 seconds before it does the next iteration of a 'for loop'???
20:21.44`ZypherAiiane: sorry it was being wierd for a sec there
20:21.47benNoctys: Making the UI freeze for 3 seconds is probably a bad idea
20:22.14Aiiane^ that, Noctys
20:22.29AiianeUI execution is effectively single-threaded
20:22.35Aiianeyou don't just "pause"
20:22.41`Zypherso what is everyone's kd ratio?
20:23.44FelyzaI'm at about a .05 K/D ratio
20:23.47NoctysFor what I am doing I would be OK with that...  =)
20:24.05FelyzaIn a really good scenario, I MIGHT run .5 k/d
20:24.10Thunder_Child`Zypher, depends on the char
20:24.13AiianeNoctys: what are you doing
20:24.16NoctysI am trying to catalog all of the audio...
20:24.18`ZypherThunder_Child: yah
20:24.29`ZypherI'm using Killing Blows for kdr instead of grand total
20:24.35`Zyphermuch more ammusing imo
20:24.43VonhintenHOME`my K/D ration on my sorc is ridiculous
20:24.47NoctysJust want it to play 1 sound, wait 10 seconds while I write it down, then play the next one.
20:24.47Thunder_Child`Zypher, with my sorc i have done a 3:1 rati
20:24.48`ZypherI should break 1000 killing blows todayt ho
20:24.52Thunder_Childat least
20:25.09Felyza`Zypher, my ratio was based on kiling blows (magus)
20:25.20`ZypherThunder_Child: sorc doesn't count
20:25.22VonhintenHOME`I've gotta be at like 15/1 on K/D
20:25.24`Zyphersame with BW
20:25.34`ZypherVonhintenHOME`: I'm not talking about just scens tho
20:25.40`Zypherthis is grand total
20:25.49`ZypherI've done 20 - 0 in a scenario
20:25.54VonhintenHOME`well, I haven't done much open field RVR, still leveling
20:26.33Felyza1/30 to 3/30 on average
20:26.45`ZypherVonhintenHOME`: this is total
20:26.50`Zyphersince your char started
20:27.16Felyza`Zypher, any script to spit out my lifetime kills and deaths?
20:28.18`Zypher@project kdr
20:28.18Repo`Zypher: KDR. Game: WAR. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 30 minutes ago
20:28.55NoctysFound another way of doing it -- but my debug line isn't working. I am probably doing something wrong. I hate WAR LUA variables...  =(
20:29.48`ZypherFelyza: :P
20:30.15NoctyssoundLoop defaults to 0 then:  soundLoop = soundLoop + 1          --      DUBUG(L"Playing Sound Number: "..towstring(soundLoop))     ---   What's wrong here?
20:33.26Aiianepastey your full code Noctys
20:33.30Noctyshaha.... DUBUG
20:33.45Felyzad("something") rather than what you have for one...
20:34.11Noctysd == DEBUG ????
20:34.27Felyzadon't think d() needs L and towstring
20:34.36Felyzai never put it anyway, and it works fine
20:34.41Noctysgood to know... thanks
20:34.58Felyzado this: /script d("test")
20:36.20Thunder_Child`Zypher, whats the kdr pulling from?
20:36.42`ZypherThunder_Child: GameData.Player.RvRStats
20:37.01`Zyphersomething like that
20:37.01Thunder_Childthen i have 1:1
20:37.02`ZypherI forget
20:38.14Thunder_Childsomeone make a mod to confirm "restore defaults" when editing the layout, this is the second time i have hit it on accedent
20:38.42`ZypherI've done that too
20:38.54NoctysHow about a mod that saves 3 diffrent layouts.
20:39.08Thunder_Childwhy 3?
20:46.34NoctysDon't know about 3... But I could use 2 -- one for full screen -- one for windowed.
20:47.13Thunder_Childi could see 3 actually, tradeskill/pvp/pve
20:47.17Repo10waaaghbar_guildxp: 03Felyza * r2 / (2 files in 1 directory): Initial Commit
20:48.45`ZypherNoctys: why limit it at all
20:48.49`Zypherwhy not have it unlimited?!
20:48.59Thunder_Childbecause people ar idiots
20:49.17Thunder_Childand if you give them to many options they have issues
20:49.26Repo10waaaghbar_guildxp: 03Felyza 04V1.0-Release * r3 / (3 files in 1 directory): Initial release.
20:49.50NoctysIt's true... Any more than 3 and some people might go crazy...  Well, more crazy than they are...
20:50.07FelyzaWaaaghbar_GuildXP - This project is awaiting approval
20:50.43Aiianeum, no it's not Felyza?
20:51.02Thunder_Childs/issues/more issues/
20:51.11FelyzaSays it is on my screen, and continues to say so after refresh
20:51.24CowBooks/(issues)/more $1/
20:51.37CowBookyay, i get to play war tonight
20:51.42CowBooki hope it's still fun!!
20:51.55Aiianes/play war/write addons
20:52.04CowBookgod no
20:52.16CowBookunless i forgot something else in focus, i'm all set
20:59.06Repo10ace3: 03pwerelds * r15 / (7 files in 4 directories): Adding AceDB-3.0 AceDBOptions-3.0 and CallbackHandler-1.0 to the list of ports that should work. Keep in mind to prefix each of these with WAR- just like the previous ports.
20:59.12Thunder_Childmore fail, when my apothecary skill increases, this is the message in chat "Your 116 skill level has increased to ."
20:59.25FelyzaYou know, one could get ALOT of syndicated addons by enhancing waaaghbar
21:00.09shockbetaI was planning on writing stuff for it, but waiting on hallas to release the next version
21:00.55`ZypherAiiane: Ace3 o.O
21:01.34`ZypherI don't understand why I should use Ace3
21:01.47Thunder_Childbecause your lord commands it
21:02.09Felyzabecause ace is (once its FULLY ported) the do-all end-all library
21:02.16Aiianeno, it's not
21:02.21Wereldsit gets you a long way
21:02.25NoctysWhat does Ace3 give us anyway... I haven't seen any point at the moment.
21:02.47Aiianeit's a framework for sharing some commonly-used functionality
21:03.07Felyzathat's what i meant whether or not it seemed that way
21:04.35Noctysis it (Ace3) worth look at yet?
21:05.23`ZypherAiiane: It just seems like Mythic setup their addon structure in a way that makes ace unecessary
21:05.27`Zypherbut I could be mistaken
21:06.21Wereldsyou're completely missing the point of a framework like Ace, or Rock or whatever
21:06.50`ZypherWerelds: I'm not being hostile here, explain them to me
21:06.58`ZypherI don't understand their purpose
21:07.46Wereldsthese frameworks are merely a way of giving addon developers some easy ways of getting the basic functionality 99% of all addons have
21:08.00Wereldsslash commands with appropriate configuration and persistence
21:08.02Wereldsfor example
21:08.16Wereldsit doesn't do it FOR you
21:08.23Wereldsit just makes it easier for you to do
21:08.26Wereldsin an easy format
21:09.35NoctysSo -- If I am understanding it right -- Ace3 would take all the librarys we have so far (LibSlash, LibTimer, LibTargetInfo, etc) and sorta put them togeather?
21:09.48NoctysPlus more 'ftuff'
21:09.55Noctys*stuff    --- I can't type today
21:10.08CowBookyeah, common apis for loading dependencies, slash commands, prefs or stored data, localization, timers, mapping, events, ui.. etc
21:10.14Wereldswell not libtargetinfo, but the others yeah
21:10.35Wereldsexcept that the way ace is setup, it's easier to access all this crap in your code
21:10.42Wereldsdue to mixins etc :)
21:10.55NoctysLibTargetInfo too specific???  
21:11.03`ZypherWerelds: I still don't see a benefit
21:11.03Wereldsyah :)
21:11.07*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
21:11.34Wereldsgo and make a big addon, and you'll see the benefit
21:11.34NoctysCool... Now I get it... So is there anything in Ace3 that actually does anything worth-while yet?
21:11.47CowBook`Zypher: the benefit is that the many can write more efficient and compatible addons with less time spend and much less code
21:11.47Wereldsinstead of you having to write the code for all your slash commands, configs, and saving stuff
21:11.55Wereldsyou just define your options table, and ace does the rest
21:12.07Wereldsit just saves a LOT of code overall
21:12.16CowBookand a lot of cpu and memory as well
21:12.27Aiianenot really cpu
21:12.30Wereldsit doesn't
21:12.38CowBookwell if everyone has their own event handler api
21:12.40Aiianememory a tiny bit
21:12.45Wereldsand bad programming on the author's side can still fuck up memory badly
21:12.49`Zypherbut then I have to make people download another damn addon
21:12.55AiianeCowBook: WAR has per-event registration
21:12.58CowBookor slash command parsing
21:13.01Aiianeso "event handler API" doesn't really apply
21:13.03Wereldsno `Zypher, it'll be embedded inside yours
21:13.15Aiianeand slash command parsing is tree-based
21:13.16`Zypherthen I have to take the time to update it
21:13.25`Zypherit just seems like a hassle
21:13.29Wereldsagain, no, the packager can do that for you
21:13.31Aiianeno, that's what externals are for
21:13.48Aiianespeaking of which....
21:13.50Wereldsbasically your mod file goes like libs/acedb libs/acedboptions etc
21:14.12Wereldsand in the .pkgmeta you tell the packager to fetch those files, and stuff em in those subdirs YOU define
21:14.24Aiianemake partial externals work for hg/git, Kaelten >:(
21:14.42Wereldshe's doing it to bug you aii ;(
21:14.53`ZypherI don't see a benefit still :S
21:15.09KaeltenAiiane: its on the list
21:15.20Aiianemake the list shorter :|
21:15.29Wereldsthat's fine `Zypher, not everything has to be ace'd ;)
21:15.36`ZypherWerelds: I know this
21:15.42`Zypherbut I don't see a huge reason to have ti
21:15.48KaeltenAiiane: we work on that daily
21:15.59Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r84 locales/deDE.lua:
21:16.00Repo- More pre-commit hook problems with it interpretting ASCII as UTF-8.  Trying some ASCII escapes.
21:16.06CowBook`Zypher: I have a feeling that you will continue to not see a huge reason to have it
21:16.57`ZypherCowBook: meh
21:17.08`Zypheri don't like libs
21:17.11`Zypheryah I guess
21:18.17CowBookI used to write everything myself. Now I'm married, I've got a bazillion interests, and I just have no desire to write the stuff that other people make into libs. If it means my end users need to install dependencies, that's their problem.. I write addons for me, not them, anyways. :P
21:18.25CowBookNot enough time
21:19.03Thunder_Child~kick CowBook
21:19.04purlACTION kicks CowBook
21:19.05`ZypherCowBook: oh I share that mentaility
21:19.15`Zypheri just never liked them myself
21:19.40CowBookWell, maybe you need to find some better-written libraries!
21:20.04`ZypherCowBook: I just don't like them, take up too much space in my addons folder
21:20.23CowBookAre you on a 100mb hard drive?
21:20.33CowBookI've got like, 300gb free on this one
21:20.33`ZypherI just like to be able to find things
21:20.42Aiianemost libs are embedded
21:20.47CowBookhave you considered sorting by name?
21:20.49Aiianewhich means they go within the directory of the addon that uses them
21:20.50CowBookor search?
21:20.54Aiianenot in a separate folder
21:21.04`ZypherAiiane: thus far they haven't been
21:21.44Aiiane`Zypher: a) there haven't been many libs so far, and b) that's because the couple that have been needed certain things from a .mod
21:21.46Aiianebut most don't
21:21.51Aiianeall of the ace libs are embedded
21:22.17`ZypherAiiane: no be angry at me
21:22.28`ZypherI just don't see a purpose :S
21:22.28VonhintenHOME`I really hate the way WAR edit boxes display text
21:22.48Aiiane`Zypher: what's the purpose of an OS, when you could just write all the machine code yourself?
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21:23.32`ZypherAiiane: I don't see a purpose for addons I've written
21:23.37`Zypherbetter? :S
21:23.55Aiianewell, I'd say easier configuration, but you abhor that, so that's out :P
21:24.15benConsidering you started the whole thing by complaining about *space*, it is pretty much obvious you are just trolling
21:24.45Aiianelets not start tossing accusations around
21:24.52benLet's not start trolling, in the first place
21:25.00VonhintenHOME`Are you accusing him of tossing accusations around?
21:25.14CowBookare you accusing her of being a him?
21:25.28benAre you accusing him of addressing her?
21:25.31tom0you guys need some sleep !
21:25.37CowBookam i accusing you of gender-confusion?!
21:25.42VonhintenHOME`Are you accusing me of staying up too late?
21:25.49CowBookam i accusing myself of something ?!@#
21:26.13`ZypherAiiane: since I have no idea who ben is, I'm just going to ignore him for now
21:26.30`ZypherI was just trying to better my understanding of ace
21:26.35benI am someone who is not too deluded to recognise the importance of libraries
21:26.57*** join/#waruidev xJDx (n=xJDx@
21:27.05benbut if you can show that you are smarter than the generations of computer engineers who did, in fact, use libraries, by all means enlighten us
21:27.16CowBookback when i played tribes, there were a few scripters who had very useful, valuable apis, but for a while they had no desire of making them coexist, even though they had overlapping functionality
21:27.17Aiianeben: kill the aggressive tone
21:27.19CowBookboy was that fun
21:27.52Kody-Anyone interested in helping with WarDB moderation?
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21:28.14benDoes moderation involve mocking stupid people?
21:28.15VonhintenHOME`Sorry, I have a job :)
21:28.21AiianeI moderate too many things already, if I did anything more I think I'd scream Kody- :P
21:28.39Thunder_Childso many openings Aiiane
21:29.14CowBookAiiane, would you scream, "Kody-!!!"
21:29.14Aiiane~whalebomb Thunder_Child
21:29.15purlACTION throws an explosive whale named Gunter at Thunder_Child and hides.
21:29.26Aiiane~whalelemmings CowBook
21:29.27purlACTION 's jaw drops as an army of lemmings escape the mouth of a rather sizeable whale named Remus. The army tramples CowBook
21:29.27Thunder_Child~whaledodge Aiiane
21:29.35Thunder_Child~dodge Aiiane
21:29.36purlat the last second thunder_child dodges out of the way of Aiiane's malicious and unprovoked attack.
21:29.46Aiianefail, Th, fail
21:29.51CowBook~whale aim
21:31.30Kody-ben: Mostly approving Renown builds and screenshots
21:32.10benI do not know the first thing about renown builds, beyond stacking every point into toughness :S
21:33.30Thunder_Child~whaledodge Aiiane
21:33.31purl15 whales teleport around thunder_child, protecting thunder_child from any harm as a result of Aiiane's actions
21:33.49Thunder_Childman...i hate having to come up with them on my own
21:34.05tom0Did they nerf that EMonitor addon ( in today's patch?
21:34.43Aiianeum, no?
21:38.46tom0okay, weird
21:40.23Aiianeoff to class, back later
21:43.53*** join/#waruidev Jenses (
21:44.03Thunder_Childwow...i want her number in 7 years
21:46.11`Zypherben: I have no idea what your problem is with me but I'd rather you just drop it.
21:47.10VonhintenHOME`We should be teaching all our 11 year olds to field strip AR-15's...
21:47.18benI dropped it 20 minutes ago, but thanks for bringing it back up?
21:47.39`ZypherI alt-tab between scenario pops
21:48.34`ZypherAiiane: are Shadow Warriors as useless as Squig Herders?
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21:49.41Thunder_Child`Zypher, Aiiane, is in class
21:49.51Thunder_ChildVonhintenHOME`, no they should learn on their own
21:50.55`ZypherThunder_Child: need to find a reason to hate Squig Herders more
21:51.23`Zyphermust hate!
21:51.27Thunder_Child`Zypher, any particular reason?
21:51.38benHow about: I play one?
21:51.56Thunder_Childi dunno, rnaged dps that can dps while moving
21:52.25Kody- 3D previews for held items :)
21:53.25`ZypherKody-: how do I go about getting a 3D preview?
21:53.40Thunder_Child`Zypher, really?
21:53.47Kody-Click on the 3D Preview link
21:53.49Thunder_Childit's not that hard you lazy bum
21:53.53`ZypherI didn't have it turned on
21:53.59Thunder_Child~fail `Zypher
21:54.00purl`Zypher: FAIL!
21:54.37Aii I don't see a preview link Kody- :x
21:54.38`Zyphernoscript :S
21:55.02Thunder_ChildAii, not all have it
21:55.06Thunder_Childit says if it does or not
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21:55.40Aiiit doesnt seem to say if it doesnt
21:55.49Aiioh, on the list
21:55.57Aiidoesnt say on the item page itself :S
21:56.07Thunder_Childyes it does, it doesnt have the button
21:56.43Aiiabsence of information != statement of lack of information
21:57.26Thunder_Childwell being unable to do something seems to be a rather good statement of lack
21:57.53Aiiyes, but there are many reasons why you might not be able to do something
21:58.23Thunder_Childcorrect, but regardless you cannot, which seems to be a rather good indacation of it saying that it cannot
21:58.59Aiiit could be that the system for display was bugged
21:59.07Aiiand thus the information existed but the system needed to be corrected
21:59.29Thunder_Childyep, it could easily be a bug, however that doesnt invalidate what i said
22:00.14Aiiwhat you said, isn't very useful :P
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22:02.57Thunder_Childwhy doesnt repo have a mask?
22:04.22Aiidoesnt need one?
22:04.55Thunder_Childtrue, no point in being malicious to something that seems to crash itself all the time anyway
22:06.59Aiilol :P
22:08.02*** join/#waruidev Soltanis` (i=Soltanis@
22:08.57VonhintenHOME`hmm, why does TintColor seem to not work sometimes
22:10.32Aiigoing to need to provide a bit more context mean you DONT read minds?
22:11.21VonhintenHOME`a dynamicimage in xml, tint_square texture, any values I put in TintColor doesn't seem to change its appearance
22:12.51Aiidoes WindowSetTintColor affect it, VonhintenHOME` ?
22:13.00VonhintenHOME`will try
22:15.18Aii :P
22:16.08Thunder_Childi could do the last one
22:16.27Thunder_Childhowever it would involve apples
22:18.09Thunder_Childwhat, like you have never had apple pie during sex
22:18.14VonhintenHOME`clearly it would involve 2 pie's
22:18.36`ZypherJust wonderingg
22:18.38Aii <-- so true ;)
22:18.43`Zypheris anyone working on the equiv of Autobar atm?
22:19.26benAii: so trivial
22:19.28`Zypherguess not
22:24.13Thunder_Child`Zypher, you?
22:26.08`ZypherThunder_Child: just making sure I wasn't conflicting with anyone
22:26.09`Zypherbut yes
22:28.58VonhintenHOME`What's the most amount of tactics you can have?
22:29.07`Zypher4 career
22:29.11`Zypher2 renown
22:29.12`Zypher1 tome
22:29.13`ZypherI think
22:29.17VonhintenHOME`only 1 tome?
22:29.21`ZypherI think
22:31.45Thunder_ChildVonhintenHOME`, bottom left
22:32.23VonhintenHOME`k, thx
22:33.40`Zypheranyways Thunder_Child
22:33.54`ZypherI'm starting with DevBar as a basis for my version of AutoBar
22:36.24*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
22:37.38*** join/#waruidev Sores (n=Sores@
22:39.12`ZypherI think I'll make it modular like
22:39.18`ZypherAutoBar as the main
22:39.48SoresJust got in, but are you making "autobar" for war?
22:39.59Soresthat'd be awesome
22:40.27Aiilua> math.rand(0,1)
22:40.28lua_botAii: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'rand' (a nil value)
22:40.33Aiilua> math.rnd(0,1)
22:40.33lua_botAii: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'rnd' (a nil value)
22:40.38Aiilua> math.random(0,1)
22:40.38lua_botAii: 1
22:40.43Aiilua> math.random()
22:40.44lua_botAii: 0.96928393746227
22:40.49`ZypherSores: yes
22:40.55`Zypherbut idk
22:41.00`ZypherI'm still working on it
22:41.01Soreshope you do, i will for sure use it
22:41.06Soreswas one of my favorite mods in wow
22:41.51`Zyphersee but I'm bad for options
22:42.14Thunder_Childbecome good
22:42.16Thunder_Childvery fast
22:42.52`ZypherThunder_Child: I hate slash commands
22:42.56`Zyphermy next version of zbb
22:43.03Soreszypher, then make it gui?
22:43.05`Zypheris all hooked into the layout editor
22:43.08Thunder_Child`Zypher, Aii thankfuly already helped you out with that
22:43.30`ZypherThunder_Child: libgui
22:43.37`Zypherwe talked about libs already :P
22:44.08Thunder_Childwell it doesnt matter HOW you get the options
22:44.19`ZypherI'll put them in the layout editor
22:44.30Thunder_Childrclick is fine by me
22:45.08Aii`Zypher: libgui is embedded too....
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22:46.33`ZypherThunder_Child: I like right click
22:46.55`Zypheralso the next version of zbb has the ability to disable the bars entirely
22:46.59`Zypherinstead of just hiding them
22:47.19*** join/#waruidev Beeblebrox42 (n=none@
22:47.39Beeblebrox42Good evening everyone.
22:47.48Aiihi Beeblebrox42
22:48.59Beeblebrox42Hi Aii, I was wondering if I could make an offshoot addon from squared that would depend on it, but enhance it specifically for scenarios.
22:49.59Beeblebrox42maybe even have it integrate some seeker type functionality in the off shoot.
22:51.49Beeblebrox42I'd really like a squared list that shows all enemys in a scenario along with their healths and class icons, just like it does for the warband.  I know you could do it Aii, but I'm not sure if that would be part of your original vision for Squared
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22:53.41AiiSquared is designed to allow plugins
22:54.10Aiihowever, you wouldn't be able to get real-time health info
22:54.22Aiithe API just doesn't have that
22:54.26Aii(for enemies)
22:54.49Beeblebrox42Aii, K, I didn't know, I didn't want to make an addon called something like Squared-Cubed without talking to you first
22:55.03VonhintenHOME`LOL!  ClearBlue digital pregnancy commercial.. "The most sophisticated people of techology you'll ever pee on"
22:55.08Beeblebrox42Aii, really, then how do the enemy unit frames have the health precentage?
22:55.18Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME` hehe
22:55.19Aiithat's only your current target
22:55.29Aiinot all of the enemies in the area
22:55.46Aiias soon as you swap away, you no longer know hp info for that unit
22:55.53Beeblebrox42Aii, K, I more wanted to put in the Damage dealt/Heal dealt stats in their anyway
22:56.59Thunder_ChildVonhintenHOME`, you have never been very drunk have you?
22:57.58VonhintenHOME`Thunder, lol... I've done more drugs and drank more alcohol than I will ever publicly admit ;)
22:58.38Soresto late, you just admit it :)
22:58.39Repo10squared: 03Aiiane * r51 SquaredBuffIndicators/SquaredBuffIndicators.lua: Some potential buff module performance tweaks; drycoded (needs testing).
22:58.44Thunder_Childyou just did
22:59.05Aiiback in a min
22:59.50VonhintenHOME`I will never quantify it :)
22:59.56Beeblebrox42Aii, nice, but I dont see anything there (yet) to just create my own layout groups and get the ability to broadcast my own events to that layout ignoring the ones from the client, which I think I would need.
23:00.29VonhintenHOME`Thunder, why do you say that?
23:00.55Thunder_ChildVonhintenHOME`, because really drunk people piss on everything
23:01.03Thunder_Childwell, men anyway
23:01.28VonhintenHOME`I've missed a lot, but never hit a piece of technology :)
23:01.58Thunder_Childi guess you werent doing it right then
23:02.32nicoli_sthey have urinal peeing games for the drunk
23:04.13Thunder_Childnicoli_s, pro?
23:07.32`Zypherlocal items = DataUtils.GetItems()
23:07.32`Zypherfor k,v in pairs(items) do
23:07.44`ZypherI'm still not able to push a button
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23:08.39VonhintenHOME`well no kidding... for every pair in that table you just output the table :)
23:09.41`ZypherI know
23:09.55`ZypherI must have called to dump the table atleast 50 times
23:11.13Thunder_Childwheres the "i take it back" button
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23:12.04`Zypherthat required me to kill the damn process
23:13.12*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
23:13.32`ZypherI hate having to have wards
23:14.22shockbetathink somethings wrong with this page:
23:14.56shockbetain code block it's searchforabilitymapforability not refreshsingleability
23:25.38sysragewhat's the thing called again to pull the ea interface stuff? easymyp?
23:26.01sysrageguess so. shoulda googled before asking :P
23:30.59sysragewow quiet in here tonight
23:31.47purlACTION chirps uninterestedly
23:36.44sysrageaww. how come it shows a bunch of hex filenames? thought it was gonna be easy to find the ones i wanted heh
23:37.05VonhintenHOME`because you didn't add the hash file
23:37.14VonhintenHOME`read the main page again
23:37.23sysrageheh thanks. i was being lazy
23:38.18shockbetareplace ea_actionbars with what module you want to see
23:38.35shockbetaall lowercase.
23:38.39purlACTION rolls across the empty channel to the theme of The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
23:39.09WobWorkdamn you
23:40.21AiiBeeblebrox42: if you're wanting to have a completely different movable layout group, a Squared plugin probably isn't the way to go then
23:40.38Aiiyou'd probably be best just building your own xml
23:40.51Aiisince all you really need is a few labels and an icon per enemy
23:41.19sysragewtf.. game saying my pass is incorrect at char select screen
23:41.38WobWorksysrage: change your password =)
23:41.49WobWorkif it still doesn't work after a few times
23:41.56sysrageit lets me into the patcher
23:42.02WobWorkyeah, I know
23:42.10WobWorkMythic fuxup
23:42.45Aiisysrage: is this after crashing out of game, or directly from the patcher?
23:43.34`Zyphersysrage: same thing is happening to my brother atm
23:43.35WobWorkpoint. If it's from disconnecting, it takes a little bit to log out of that server
23:43.36sysragefirst time trying to play today. worked fine last night. no crashes
23:43.38WobWorkor if you're changing servers
23:43.58WobWorkI had that issue initially and changing the pw fixed it.
23:44.01sysragechanging pass didn't work.. unless i have to actually make it something new
23:44.15WobWorkI heard something about the main account and child account pw's being the same can cause issue
23:44.26WobWorkyeah, change to something new
23:44.42Aiii never use the in-game login o.o
23:44.45Aiijust the patcher login
23:45.01sysragethat's all i use
23:45.06WobWorkThere's an ingame login?
23:45.12sysragebut it checks your pass again when you're actually picking servers
23:45.14sysrageit's automatic
23:45.15VonhintenHOME`yeah, I didn't know that either
23:45.38WobWorkI suspect what I heard was a cause/effect failure =)
23:45.43shockbetahehe loging, click through EULA, sign in again please. click throug Eula....
23:46.09WobWorkie, changing the password helped, but the initial causation of the passwords for the main account and the child accounts was false
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23:46.16sysrageyup. totally new pass fixed it
23:47.08WobWorkshould I go and buy a cinnamon scroll?
23:47.20sysrageif you get me one
23:47.22Thunder_Childonly if you get one for me as well
23:47.25WobWorkIt's an abomination of bread and sugar syrup
23:47.31WobWorkbut a tasty one
23:47.47Aiistop making me hungry ;_;
23:48.01WobWorkWhat time is it over there, Aii? goes to the fridge and gets out some cheesecake
23:48.10knixI'm hungry
23:48.14Thunder_ChildLe Sigh
23:48.19knixI think it's time for an after-work subjug run
23:48.32knixThat's where you go to Subway, and then the Brown Jug right next to it!
23:48.32WobWorkknix: What will you subjugate?
23:48.51WobWork(ps, ew subway =()
23:49.01knixWhat's wrong with Subway?
23:49.07WobWorkThe smell of their 'bread' puts me off like nothing else
23:49.36knixIt's like 1/2 the price of a nice deli though =/
23:49.36knixAlso... right next to brown jug
23:49.39WobWorkand you end up with a sandwich of lukewarm meat and soggy salad in a spongy bread =(
23:49.59knixAre you getting a toasted sub or something?
23:49.59WobWorkWhat does Brown Jug offer?
23:50.03knixI'd never get that at subway
23:50.06knixIt's a liquor store
23:50.15WobWorkwell that'd help =)
23:50.17knixSo big bottles of bourbon!
23:50.25WobWorkwho cares what the food's like then! =)
23:50.32knixexactly ;)
23:50.49WobWorkright. Cinnamonscroll time
23:51.02WobWorkI wish we had a cinnabon style store
23:51.16knixI have no idea if they have those here
23:51.18WobWorkthen again... you americans probably use corn syrup =(
23:51.40knixI moved to Alaska! That's hardly even America anymore
23:51.48WobWorkThat's true
23:51.54WobWorkand you have great relations with Russia =)
23:52.23knixPeople at my office will defend that statement
23:52.49WobWorkOddly enough, that woman has eroded my belief in the American political system more than Bush ever did
23:53.24knixI live in the state that's in love with her
23:53.26WobWorkif she does make it in
23:53.27knixHow do you think I feel
23:53.34AiiWobWork: 4:53pm
23:53.40knixIf she makes it in we're all screwed
23:53.45WobWorkthen the whole Beauty Pageant "What would you do" spiel would actually be possible
23:53.52WobWorkShe -could- attain "World Peace!!"
23:54.18knixYea, after she destroyed the middle east
23:54.30WobWorkWell, she never specified how many "Peaces"
23:54.31knixSome people have differing views of "peace"
23:55.21`Zypherwtb food
23:58.54`Zypherwhat would cause the game to break in that function?
23:59.48knixIs GetItems() massive?

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