IRC log for #waruidev on 20081007

00:01.14Aiithats not your finger
00:01.36FelyzaThe CSR just gave me a number to call regarding another issue, I tried it, and its disconnected. Told him to try it, a minute later, he said, OMG! I've been giving that out all day!
00:01.53WobWorkFelyza: hehe
00:02.03WobWork"Mythic Carez"
00:02.19DarkTrooperthey need to setup a local call number for oz imo
00:02.45DarkTrooperno fucking way i'm calling intl for anything to do with warhammer
00:02.52WobWorkThey're doing well so far with Oz relations
00:03.10DarkTrooperexcept we don't have local support at local times? :)
00:03.12WobWorkDarkTrooper: Or a skype number or something
00:03.22WobWorkDarkTrooper: Well, I've yet to need it, I guess =P
00:04.34Aiii would laugh if someone managed to convince them to give out the number for the U.S. Immigration Administration :P
00:05.03DarkTrooperas amusing as that would be, they would probably lose customers over it :)
00:05.14Aiiof course
00:05.22Aiithey'd never /actually/ do it
00:05.33DarkTroopera disgrntled might
00:05.44DarkTrooperor someone who doesn't like non-americans? :)
00:07.20WobWorkI wonder how one becomes 'gruntled'
00:07.50DarkTrooperimo you need more work to do wob :)
00:09.21WobWorkchecking up on error logs atm
00:09.29WobWorkdoesn't require too much brainpower
00:10.24WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: LightClick?
00:11.09VonhintenHOME`was right click, then I realized it was actually left.. but my brain farted
00:11.19VonhintenHOME`too much coding OnL and OnR stuff =P
00:11.33WobWorkNow we need a way to either list the available textures, or identify them from the game
00:11.43WobWorkidentify the filenames
00:11.59VonhintenHOME`The moment they add the ability, it'll be in there...
00:12.18VonhintenHOME`I played around with combox boxes, but unfortunately they're not editable, so I put that on the backburner
00:12.53WobWorkhow do you mean not editable?
00:13.05VonhintenHOME`i.e. it's actually a drop down, not a combobox
00:13.28VonhintenHOME`it's misnamed
00:13.57VonhintenHOME`comboboxes are supposed to be dropdown lists with an editable text field
00:14.04VonhintenHOME`that's what makes them "combo" :)
00:14.12WobWorkhuh, I thought they were
00:14.36VonhintenHOME`Not from what I saw... if you know of a way to change the default behaviour, I'm interested to know
00:15.27WobWorkwell, by 'thought' I mean 'assumed' =)
00:17.28hallasSeriously, i need to figure out that resize crap
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00:18.05VonhintenHOME`hallas, I don't think labels resize based on content, despite autoresize="true", it's buggy
00:18.27WobWorkhow does the system know it's truncated?
00:18.36VonhintenHOME`measures font info
00:19.02hallasi need that regex ;)
00:19.18VonhintenHOME`or, I should say, measures the text using the font info
00:20.57VonhintenHOME`oh, hallas, I think I fixed your issue with texture viewer not showing the button
00:21.18VonhintenHOME`I didn't have a dependency on the debug window... was probably loading out of order
00:21.55Aiithe internal system doesn't use regex
00:22.06Aiiregex is a horrible idea for trying to measure font size
00:22.17WobWorkcan it get the font info directly?
00:22.18Aiithe internal system just actually renders the text and looks at the size
00:22.30Aiibut you don't have access to that info in the addon API
00:22.44Aiibecause addons don't actually do any font rendering
00:23.17hallasWhat other choice do I have Aii?
00:23.34Aiihallas: to not try to dynamicly resize labels based on their text
00:24.09Aiijust let plugins tell you what size bar space they need
00:24.09WobWorkproblematic on dynamic labels =)
00:24.51Aiior do a rough approximation (i.e. find the widest or average character, and multiply that times # of letters)
00:25.04hallasDid that
00:25.04Aiibut there's really no good way to do it without access to the real font information and rendering routines
00:25.08hallasdoesnt work when you have numbers aswell
00:25.13WobWorkhehe you could write a kerning machine
00:25.27Aii~lart WobWork
00:25.27purltakes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking WobWork's head off
00:25.45WobWorkIt's a valid method!
00:26.10hallasI am in the process of a minor rewrite of WaaaghBar
00:26.53hallasHow would a drag and drop of plugins work :O
00:27.06Aiihave the plugin tell you the space it needs
00:27.17Aiiyou can still dynamically rearrange those spaces
00:28.01sysragethe future's all yours, ya lousy bicycle!
00:28.04WobWorkOr you can go the LibDataBroker method
00:28.12WobWorkand just have blocks and let the user rearrange them
00:28.29WobWorkas long as they snap together
00:28.41Aiimy fingers snap together if i want them to
00:28.48WobWorkMine don't at the moment
00:28.52WobWorktoo damn cold
00:29.01Aiianywho, dinnertime, bbl
00:29.05hallasI will fuck dynamic width, let the plugin creater set a width of every plugin element he wants, that has been my only problem for now
00:29.11hallasWobWork how does that snap and shit work?
00:30.15WobWorkYou have  a central registry of frames you want to keep track of
00:30.35WobWorkthen if one frame overlaps another in the registry, push that frame til the borders match
00:30.58WobWorkfor the latter, you just have to push a bit harder =P
00:31.28Felyzaquickie... what's wrong?    if( WindowGetShowing( MailWindowTitleBar ) ) then
00:31.29Felyzagives me Invalid Parameters __WindowGetShowing() -> (nil="NIL")
00:31.41Felyzadidn't mean to break lines, sorry
00:31.49WobWorknot object
00:32.57Felyzaok, got this working, time to submit a ticket/patch for quickmail
00:35.55WobWorkcan you have it not delete an email if there's text in the body?
00:36.19DarkTroopercan you have it not delete the mail if there's a friggin attachment :)
00:37.32WobWorkthat too =P
00:38.36DarkTrooperbizzare yesterday this time order had most of T1 and T2, today order has nothing
00:40.22FelyzaDoes Celestian ever come in here?
00:42.37DarkTrooperanyone want to write a fix to make the war story TOC always visible on the page it should be
00:44.09DarkTrooperin the TOK
00:44.46DarkTrooperthe first page in the War Stories section is supposed to have the TOC so you can swap between the different pairing etc
00:44.51DarkTroopermost of the time it doens't even show
00:47.09Felyzai know something I want
00:47.18Felyzathe curse client to not update to alpha versions
00:47.42DarkTrooperi t doesn't
00:48.23Felyzahmm... then i guess i hit update on it... it gave me an alpha of quickmailtool
00:48.46DarkTrooperalphas shouldn't be hitting curse afaik, which means CC shouldn't be draging it
00:49.21Felyzai rarely touch, i'm usually on curseforge, so i musta accidently hit the wrong button
00:50.13kuntz`I have quick Q
00:50.24kuntz`who here has the VIDEO.MYP in their dir?
00:50.39kuntz`I just need to confirm the file *IS* called VIDEO>MYP and not something else
00:50.45kuntz`. not >
00:51.06Felyzai put it in /disabled
00:51.38Felyzavideo.myp here
00:52.32WobWorkkuntz`: There is
00:52.38WobWorkJust not for anyone who was in the beta
00:52.42WobWorkonly for the release
00:52.59Felyzai got it from a friend, just to see it ;)
00:53.09WobWorkIt's very cool =)
00:53.13WobWorkthe first time =P
00:53.29Felyzathat's why i stuck it in /disabled when i was done
00:54.38SniperummFelyza: Did you get your listbox background stuff working?
00:55.00FelyzaI toyed with it more, but couldn't get it to populate right
00:55.22Sniperummhm :/
00:55.38Sniperummit should be simple tbh
00:55.40FelyzaSo I 'wandered off' to do something else I've been meaning to do... posted a ticket to quickmailtool with patch to put a 'Get Mail' button on the mailbox window
01:02.38*** join/#waruidev Flisher_Away (
01:03.14Flisher_AwayBoya, anyone ever had problem to upload lua file to the svn?
01:04.18hallaswhy oh why arent ingame pixels the same as AbsPoints when it comes to element dimensions?
01:04.28Flisher_Awayui scale
01:04.39Aiianehallas: because the UI can by dynamically scaled
01:04.54Flisher_Awaywhen I upload the original mythic file, it work, when I replace 1 string by another, I can't upload to the svn.  
01:04.54Aiianeif you were to set the scale of all elements to 1.0, they would be
01:05.16hallasGuess I changed my scale without knowing
01:05.17AiianeFlisher_Away: probably means you have a syntax error
01:05.23Aiianehallas: the default scale isn't 1.0
01:05.31Aiianethe "true" scale is not the one that's shown in the options window
01:05.32WobWorkwhich is -terrible- =P
01:05.38WobWorkso confusing, that =P
01:05.43Aiianethe one in the options window is just a multiplier for the base resolution scale
01:05.53AiianeWobWork: only to addon developers, users never know about it ;)
01:06.00WobWorkDamn their eyes =P
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01:08.36DarkTrooperrapid fire, while fun to use and a later level skill, is not even close to being as efficent as the first skill you ever get, eagle eye (3.76dmg/ap vs 5.07dmg/ap)
01:09.07Flisher_AwayAiiane: I use the original file, it commit correctly.  I replace EA_BackpackWindows by CvEA_BackpackWindows and it crap on svn, no error ingame.
01:09.15kuntz`How to remove all the Warhammer Intro Movies :
01:09.23AiianeFlisher_Away: pastey the file
01:09.37Aiianeonce was enough, kuntz` :p
01:10.08Felyzakuntz, I think everyone here has long since removed them
01:10.08hallasnow this is odd
01:10.23FelyzaI even posted a guide how to in the forums a while ago
01:10.39hallasSo the UI scale is always 1.333333333333 * globalUiScale ?
01:10.47WobWorkFelyza: I think it removes -all- the logos as well
01:10.54FelyzaThe splash?
01:11.02WobWorkI'm assuming
01:11.24Flisher_AwayEA_Window_Backpack -> CvEA_Window_Backpack is the only change I made
01:11.37Felyzauh huh
01:11.39Felyzanice, an exe
01:11.53kuntz`<Felyza> kuntz, I think everyone here has long since removed them <- You can only remove them through patching
01:12.04kuntz`it remoes ALL intro movies and logos
01:12.10kuntz`You load directly to the server/char screen
01:12.16Felyzapatching what
01:12.22kuntz`source code was included
01:12.43Flisher_AwayI'll stick with the movie
01:12.58kuntz`It also loads the game about 10x faster
01:13.13kuntz`sicne BIK movies are fing terrible
01:13.59DarkTroopererr how does the patch get past the mythic patcher?
01:14.45Flisher_laundryis it possible that loading lua file from xml doesn't pop lua error in the log?
01:15.55FelyzaFlisher, I always list them in mod and xml
01:16.00AiianeFlisher_laundry: obviously that wasn't the only change you made
01:16.08Aiianebecause that file doesn't pass a luac -p
01:16.20Aiianeluac: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\test.lua:448: '=' expected near 'end'
01:18.34Sniperummwell im off to bed nn
01:18.38Flisher_laundrycan you try the original?
01:19.44*** join/#waruidev Maarek (
01:19.57MaarekIs there a listing about the itemData table structure?
01:20.09Flisher_laundryAll the file that I directly took the file from easymyp return this error (copy, paste, rename (since I use file that aren't in the hash table), then replace EA_Backpack by CvEA_Backpack.  they all get the same error, and work ingame.
01:20.20WobWorkMaarek: No, but feel free to put one up on the wiki
01:20.38WobWorkLibItem might have something, though
01:20.45MaarekAha, I don't know all the fields, that's what I'm trying to figure out. If I find one I wouldn't mind posting it.
01:21.07Flisher_laundryEven the original file seem to crapeout here
01:21.12Flisher_laundryI the svn upload i mean
01:21.48MaarekI want to recreate the table for Tooltip.CreateItemTooltip..
01:21.58MaarekI'll keep looking to see what I can find.
01:22.28Flisher_laundrythe 5 original file Backpack*.lua return similar error, but nothing ingame.
01:23.28AiianeFlisher_laundry: the error is somewhere in CvEA_Window_Backpack.CheckCustomFiltersForMatch
01:24.31Flisher_laundryAiiane: even the original file return the same error,
01:25.03Flisher_laundrycontinue-> could this thing not be parsed by luac?
01:25.11WobWorkwe don't have continue
01:25.15WobWorkwe have break
01:25.36Aiianecontinue is indeed the line causing the error
01:25.40Aiianecommenting that out makes it compile fine
01:26.04Aiianelooks like that file might be borked in the default UI code too. let me see
01:27.13Aiianeyeah, that's cute
01:28.35Flisher_laundrySuggestion for now would be to comment it?
01:28.40WobWorkwhere cute == "omg wtf Mythic?"
01:28.56Aiianethe thing is, the lua parser in-game accepts continue
01:29.06Flisher_laundrybut what is continue?
01:29.10WobWorkthat's bizzare
01:29.13Flisher_laundryi would understand a break
01:29.16Aiianeforces the next iteration of the loop
01:29.21WobWorkContinue skips the rest of the current loop
01:29.26Aiianebreak and continue are two different things
01:29.27WobWorkbut continues on with the rest of the looping
01:29.30Aiianebreak leaves the loop entirely
01:29.44Aiianecontinue just goes to the next iteration without running the rest of the loop code for that iteration
01:29.54Flisher_laundryyou think ckk/kaelten can modify their script to accept that?
01:30.00Aiiane- /script for x=1,10 do if (x % 2) == 0 then continue end pprint(x) end
01:30.03Aiianerun that ingame
01:30.07Aiianeand you'll get just the odd numbers
01:30.21Flisher_laundrymaybe grep -v line with only "continue" then parse it.
01:30.23WobWorkLua 5.Mythic
01:30.43ckknightWobWork: L"" is a Mythicism, L's not a function, it's handled compile-time
01:30.50Aiianeno, ckknight
01:30.51Aiianethe issue is
01:30.57AiianeMythic's Lua engine is 5
01:30.58ckknightMythic does a lot of fun things
01:30.59Aiianenot 5.1
01:31.03ckknightit is?
01:31.08Aiianeand 5 apparently allows continue
01:31.10Aiianewhile 5.1 does not
01:31.14ckknightno proper tuples?
01:31.16ckknightno, that's not true
01:31.24Aiianewell then maybe it's not that exactly
01:31.25ckknight5 didn't allow continue either, but it's easy to patch in
01:31.29Aiianebut Mythic's lua engine allows continues
01:31.29WobWorkmaybe a weird mix
01:31.34ckknightthere are patches for it
01:31.37ckknightit's pretty simple
01:31.40WobWorkoh good enough then
01:31.46Aiianethen that needs to be added to the luac -p hook for curseforge
01:31.54*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
01:31.56Aiianeor we need a big warning explaining that you won't be able to commit code with it
01:32.21*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
01:32.34ckknightfile a ticket
01:32.39ckknight@project curseforge-repo-hooks
01:32.44Aiianeor alternatively, you can just filter out the continue keyword before running it through luac -p, although that's non-ideal
01:32.45ckknightdamn repo bot
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01:33.15ckknight@project curseforge-repo-hooks
01:33.27Flisher_laundryckknight: for the continue function?
01:33.29Repockknight: CurseForge Repository Hooks. Leader: ckknight. Updated: 2 hours ago
01:36.07Flisher_laundryyou can bug Hubert to get you paycheck on this :-P
01:37.47Repo10theseeker: 03beeblebrox42 070beta * r4 :
01:37.48RepoAlready working on some cooler features in baseline, making this branch to get simple stuff out the door quicker.
01:37.56VonhintenHOME`<- Thinks that you should be able to check code in that doesn't compile...
01:38.30Flisher_laundrybut block on packaging?
01:39.15VonhintenHOME`I think that's acceptable... but rejecting code on check-in is just... anti-source control
01:39.22Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME`, agreed, thats one reason for versioning and branching
01:39.55Beeblebrox42Maybe if it didn't validate on checking in code on svn's branches/ section would be already doesn't package those anyway
01:40.09WobWork... hg doesn't do that, I hope =P
01:41.24ckknightreally, having it check on commit does fix a lot of stupid users' issues
01:41.39ckknightI'll see if I can get the continue thing fixed tomorrow
01:43.08Beeblebrox42ckknight, but I like to be able to check in my code half broken when I am in the middle of a major rewrite, one point is so its backed up somewher.  I don't mind if the packaged tags require checkins but not sure if branches or even trunk should be
01:43.35ckknightfile a ticket about that
01:44.06ckknightdon't be like that
01:44.14ckknightif you want something to get done, you have to go through the proper channels
01:44.29ckknightwith a ticket, we'll have a proper place to discuss this and come to a conclusion that is properly documented
01:44.31Beeblebrox42ckknight, I know, I say that about fifty times a day at work
01:47.25Aiianesee, that's what I both look forward to and dread about actually doing software development for a living
01:47.32Aiianebeing forced to do things properly :P
01:47.54DarkTrooperso a SM + SW cannot take on a hero or whoever is a '++'
01:48.19VonhintenHOME`lawl... here's hoping you land a job where process is actually followed Aiiane...
01:48.27Aiianeheroes are designed for at the very least tank+heals, DarkTrooper, so yes...
01:48.46DarkTrooperwe did so well on the champs tho :)
01:49.40Beeblebrox42Aii, yeah at my job we have process up the waahoo, but it doesn't matter cause we have like 4 people on the team so no amount of process cann be enforced and actually get anything done
01:51.05*** join/#waruidev danboo (
01:51.31WobWorkProcesses can be put in place, if the people who don't follow them are made to fix up their messes
01:51.38WobWorkMuch like rubbing a puppy's nose in their waste
01:51.40VonhintenHOME`process gets in the way most of the time, imo
01:52.20DarkTrooperlol, 'red lights get in my way of getting home' eh? :)
01:52.21VonhintenHOME`I much prefer no process with a coordinator
01:52.24WobWorkwithout a strict process things can get out to live untested
01:52.35WobWorkand that's bad =P
01:53.10WobWorkcause there's always going to be some marketing person that says: "Well it should be  a simple hack to get that in before we release, right?"
01:53.11Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME`, oh ther eis some good process, like having a QA to right tests, release testing before it goes out the door, if a customer needs a fix telling our managers about it so we can get the time to do it..etc   haha our QA team was the first to get laid off :(
01:53.54WobWorkalso, if the words "simple hack" doesn't strike fear into your heart, you clearly haven't worked in the industry long enough =)
01:53.56Beeblebrox42argh denied
01:54.00hallashaha :)
01:54.30VonhintenHOME`I guess you could call that process... I call that "doing your job".  The process I'm referring to are the artificial restrictions put in place between 1 job title and another job title...
01:54.48WobWorkThere always needs to be a manager type that says: "No." and "No." and "No." and "Put it on the list, but No."
01:55.07WobWorkotherwise nothing will ever get released that's good =P
01:55.33WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: like what?
01:55.34Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME`, without the process for those things we can't get the time to do them :(
01:56.01WobWork(argh, people heating up nice smelling food in the microwave)
01:56.41VonhintenHOME`Wob, like "If you want this done, you must fill out this piece of page and submit it to this person"
01:56.46Beeblebrox42WobWork, where are those commas suppose to be?  people heating up nice, smelling food in the microwave?
01:57.22WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: for bug fixing, that is an absolute requirement
01:57.36WobWorkBeeblebrox42: no, people are heating up really nice smelling food in the microwave
01:57.40WobWorkand it's making me hungry
01:58.16WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: otherwise people go directly to the developers: Hey can you fix this bug? It seems easy
01:58.25WobWorkand that way leads to chaos
01:58.34WobWorkand not in the greenskin way
01:58.51*** join/#waruidev Tarrick (
01:58.54Beeblebrox42We do scrum at our place..or at least try, without policies that we must do X,Y,Z to their code they want to pile all the features at high priority..and if we say oh that will take 5 weeks when they think it should take 2 we have a way to fallback and say, our policy says we have to  test this junk you fool.
01:58.56hallasWob, if i start to drag an element, how do i know when? some sort of event?
01:59.00WobWorks/greenskin/changer of ways/
01:59.12VonhintenHOME`Yes, we do scrum too
01:59.14Beeblebrox42WobWork, I am glad that makes you hungry and not what I thought
01:59.58Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME`, the problem is that half the company still does waterfall type devel and the sales and marketing are on that page still with us too, so without everyone going with it it makes it very hard
02:00.03WobWorkhallas: on mouse down and up perhaps?
02:00.52VonhintenHOME`We've been using scrum long enough to know that not every project fits the scrum pattern
02:01.02VonhintenHOME`We're pretty good about throwing out scrum when it doesn't make sense
02:01.03WobWorkdefinitely true
02:01.39VonhintenHOME`(we're pretty good about not following scrum when it does fit too...)
02:01.48TarrickYou should use SCUMM Yaaarrr
02:02.16WobWork<3 SCUMM
02:02.26Beeblebrox42VonhintenHOME`, the project I am on is still trying to hook it's few major customers so we are kinda customer driven at the moment, which is good for us to have the flexibility that scrum offers
02:02.45WobWorkoff for lunxh
02:06.51Felyzagod .... it
02:07.20Felyzaan addon i had highly modified got overwritten by autoupdate because i forgot to turn autoupdate off
02:08.56DarkTrooperya, you'll usually only do that once or twice :)
02:09.18DarkTrooperi make a habit of keeping a backup dir of the addons for this such reason these days :)
02:09.18Tarrickyep, been there ;)
02:09.26Beeblebrox42Doesn't auto update not work if it sees that it is a repository though?
02:09.46FelyzaWasn't a repository
02:09.58FelyzaWas a very customized version of an addon
02:10.04Beeblebrox42Felyza, K, just asking...cause thats what I am doing and I don't want to be in the same boat!
02:10.34FelyzaAt least I know what to do to re-fix it, might take a while, but I can do it
02:10.49Beeblebrox42gl, that sucks
02:11.53Felyzathis time i changed its name
02:11.56Tarrickhey I'm sure I recall reading the description of a mod for healers that kept your defensive target on the group member with the lowest health, but now I can't find it. does that ring a bell with anyone here?
02:12.24FelyzaHeard of it, wish it wasn't possible. No idea what it is
02:13.25Tarrickwell at least I probably wasn't dreaming it if you've heard of it too :)
02:17.06Beeblebrox42Tarrick, yeah it was there yesterday at least
02:17.28Beeblebrox42It was in the combat section
02:20.03FelyzaOffering a gold on hochland server for a working pretty printer for lua files with customizable filters
02:20.53Felyzai swear some people write their lua messy on purpose to obfusicate their code
02:21.36Beeblebrox42Felyza..hmm..good idea ;)
02:23.07*** join/#waruidev Nechckn (
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02:25.09TarrickBeeblebrox, do you know what it was called?
02:30.19Repo10cleanunitframes: 03Aiiane * r77 / (6 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0.10 for changeset 66fdcad2ecb2  (Message trimmed by 1 line)
02:30.23RepoADDED: Option to disable CUF's target frames. Use /clean set targets off (as usual, use on instead to turn them back on). Option will only take effect when your target changes, so don't freak out when your target bar doesn't instantly disappear.
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02:30.36Aiianesigh, repo
02:30.54Thunder_Childbreaking repo again Aiiane?
02:31.07Aiianeno, repo does a good enough job of that on its own
02:31.19Beeblebrox42Tarrick, no but there are only a few there on curse, shouldn't be hard to find
02:33.11TarrickI've just looked through and I can't pot it. oh well.. I'm sure it'll turn up :)
02:35.32*** join/#waruidev thanners_ (
02:44.21Aiianethe mod tarrick was looking for is called emonitor.
02:50.21Aiiane ehehe.
03:00.26Flisher_laundryaii: thank's your your assistance :)
03:01.12Repo10charview: 03Flisher * r40 CharactersViewer.mod:
03:01.13RepoBackpack windows is now hidden by default, all the backpack related file can't be commited for the moment.
03:01.21Flisher_laundryrepo is fast tonight
03:01.50Flisher_laundryif the hashfile isn't complete, can we give some information to someone?
03:02.27nicoli_sit would only do some good if you know the exact filename of the file
03:07.00DarkTrooperwtf is going on, the au dollar has lost almost 10c in the last few days
03:07.38WobWorklowest in what, 5 years?
03:07.40DarkTrooperthe sub rate is getting expensive now
03:08.00nicoli_sim glad i keep all my money in my mattress
03:22.06*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
03:22.56Daegaluswell, i just setup my own personal VPN using OpenVPN. hopefully it can bypass my school firewall
03:25.53Aiianedid you save 15% on your car insurance?
03:33.41WobWorkI'm not even American and I got that =P
03:44.02Tomedis there any quick way to find out what or how many arguments a function takes if it's not already documented
03:44.38Beeblebrox42Tomed, yeah
03:45.00Beeblebrox42Tomed, hook it with a function(...) d(arg.n) end
03:45.07Beeblebrox42err wait
03:45.34Beeblebrox42Tomed, hook it with a function(...) d(arg.n) return OldFunc(unpack(arg)) end
03:45.42Beeblebrox42dont wan't to break the chain :D
03:46.09Beeblebrox42you can also do a d(arg) to see the values passed in
03:47.11Tomedok thanks
03:52.40Beeblebrox42looks like a half baked idea to me
03:52.55DarkTrooperthe puns, they burn
03:54.03Beeblebrox42I could of mention how many bytes I thought that ram had in it.
03:55.08AiianeBeeblebrox42: you don't need to do unpack(arg)
03:55.12Aiianeyou can just do OldFunc(...)
03:55.18Thunder_ChildBeeblebrox42, i will hunt you down and kill you
03:56.22Beeblebrox42Aiiane, oh?!  thats good to know, but that is prob just like an alias to {{arg}} or something similar huh?
03:57.44Aiianeneither is really an alias to the other, it's more just that they're different ways of getting at the same thing.
03:58.32WobWorkand wouldn't it be #arg
03:58.39Aiianeit wouldn't
03:58.43WobWorkwasn't n depreciated?
03:58.54WobWorkoh wait
03:58.57WobWorktotally different thing
03:59.00Aiianewell, actually, either would work
03:59.23WobWorkI just somehow recall table.n being depreciated, but maybe not for (...)
03:59.44WobWorkor one of the methods for getting the number of elements
04:00.14Beeblebrox42wouldn't #arg give you too many? n + 1? (because of n?)  I thought ... was special and it just had .n
04:03.19Beeblebrox42:( I have to go to bed soon, how the heck can I ever get my addons to the point I want if I have to work in the mornings, blah.
04:04.59Beeblebrox42Hi Aii, what Lua editor do you like to use? I haven't been able to find one that has all the stuff I like
04:05.03WobWorkoh that's getn and setn
04:05.07WobWorkthat's replaced by #
04:05.32WobWorkI use Vim, I hear notepad++ is popular
04:05.36AiianeBeeblebrox42: # would give you the correct number because it only counts numeric indices
04:05.41Aiianeso "n" isn't counted
04:06.05AiianeI personally use Notepad++, PSPad, and SciTE
04:06.32Beeblebrox42Aiiane..umm..does it?  I thought I was using it one of my libs for all..hmm I better check that haha
04:08.36Beeblebrox42err, so the only way for me to get the real length is to use pairs?
04:09.32Beeblebrox42LuaEclipse has been one of the better ones I've tried so far, but requires..eclipse haha.
04:11.59*** join/#waruidev WobWork (
04:15.03Beeblebrox42Aii, libslash gives the entire command line as one string to the called function, how do I split up the input based on whitespace?
04:16.06*** join/#waruidev fridgid (
04:16.16Aiianeuse pattern matching
04:17.01Beeblebrox42Aii, I get that, but I do that with what in lua, string.find?
04:17.05Aiianefor word in val:gmatch("%w+") do print(word) end
04:17.11fridgidhey i just came over from wow modding, how can i view default ui's crappy source?
04:17.18fridgidi saw somewhere there was a program i needed?
04:17.58Aiianelua> val="this is a test,testing..." for word in val:gmatch("%w+") do print(word) end
04:17.58lua_botAiiane: this, is, a, test, testing
04:18.43fridgidregex makes the world go round.
04:20.41fridgidtrying to make a mod that hides the super annoying post-PQ HUD windows, anybody know where in the source the script for that is? or even grep search terms to find the functions?
04:21.37Beeblebrox42is there an eval in lua, so I could do something like eval(foo.."1") = value;  (Simple case, I know I could use a table index instead)
04:22.22Aiianeno. at least, not that you have access to
04:22.28fridgido_O ckknight is in here?
04:22.36fridgidace coming to war lol?
04:22.41ckknightI have never left you, child
04:23.15WobWorkfridgid: Just extract the myp and look at the public quest code
04:23.43WobWorkeasymyp puts everything in it's proper directories and filenames where it has the hash
04:24.30WobWorkso somewhere in interface\default\ea_pqlootwindow\source\pqlootwindow.lua
04:25.36Tomedis vista64 supported for easymyp
04:25.42Daegalusyes, i used it
04:25.48Daegalusignore the errors
04:25.48Tomedkeeps crashing for me and i have latest .net and whatnot
04:25.55Daegalusrun it as admin
04:26.00Tomedi have no uac
04:26.22Daegalusdoesnt matter
04:26.23fridgidi'm the same way and i've still seen some funny stuff with run as admin before
04:26.49Daegalusi have my UAC on silent, so i dont confuse my system to hell
04:26.58Daegalusits already confused enough as it is
04:27.18fridgiddo i need this debug thing for easyMYP?
04:28.14Tomedoh i'm retarded, still have war running
04:29.03fridgidyou run in-game commands with /script same as wow?
04:29.59m0td_2kyou must have WAR closed to run it
04:30.01Aiianesilly tomed
04:30.16m0td_2koh, i'll learn to read
04:30.55VonhintenHOME`I gave Chryso a fix for Easymyp that should fix the need to close WAR
04:31.00VonhintenHOME`I thought he said it was in
04:31.55VonhintenHOME`says its fixed
04:32.24Beeblebrox42:( Chat isn't a fixed font width *grumble* oh now how will Imake it pretty
04:32.41VonhintenHOME`oh, he hasn't uploaded a built copy yet
04:32.56WobWorkfridgid: yes
04:34.10fridgidis there a manual for easymyp before i ask stupid questions? not much docu on google code
04:34.49fridgidok i'm assuming i load interface.myp? and this gives me a huge list, is there a better way to search through it? i don't understand the filter textbox
04:35.58Beeblebrox42fridgid, under the first menu there you can export all the files, you should do that, then you can just search however you want through the files
04:36.30WobWorkThe filter textbox is a little weird
04:36.32fridgidok, just seemed like a waste, i can handle that though, i just thought there was some sort of search/filter function built in
04:36.38WobWorkuse *lua* and *xml*
04:36.42WobWorkand then load the myp
04:36.46WobWorkto filter it
04:36.59WobWorkChryso said he'd fix that in the next build, but that's how you can do it currently
04:37.41Aiianeusing *txt* as well doesn't hurt
04:37.56fridgidwhats in the text files?
04:38.20Aiianethe occasional lua file that wasn't properly recognized/didn't have a hash
04:38.25WobWorkall the files there isn'ta  hash for
04:39.17fridgidi really hope they implement item linking and ToT into war
04:39.28fridgidand fix the stupid default ui bugs
04:39.39Thunder_Childdont get me started XD
04:39.55Beeblebrox42fridgid, check out my LootBrag addon, it will link items into chat for you..but yeah I do hope they add it
04:40.08fridgidand either fix the contribution loot system or add other looting methods
04:40.27Beeblebrox42~wtf ToT
04:40.28WobWorkThe contribution loot system is pretty good
04:40.35WobWorkbut it'd be nice to be able to opt out
04:40.37fridgidoh is there a reason some unitframes don't reload properly when inside scenarios?
04:40.37WobWorkTarget of Target
04:40.59*** join/#waruidev Pewpewarrows (n=Pewpewar@
04:41.12WobWorkyou need a trailing /
04:41.28fridgidlol, excellent.
04:42.05`Zypher_1does LibSync actually work
04:42.14WobWorkwhat's that do?
04:42.18fridgidsooo are we gonna get a sweet svn and CIA bots >_>
04:42.32WobWorkRepo bot is right there
04:42.34`Zypherfridgid: only cf
04:42.42Aiianeoh hey, look who I just killed
04:43.33fridgidanybody get war to run under cider/cedga/osx?
04:44.12Pewpewarrowsfridgid, without character models being rendered, yes
04:44.51fridgidi was gonna mess with it, but still unemployed and that whole bit so been busy looking for a job >_<
04:45.18WobWorkA man with priorities =)
04:45.39Pewpewarrowshey, this is a war going on, much more important than a daytime job
04:46.17fridgidyeah no job right? though i think IBM decided not to contract me for some reason....after doing all the paperwork/drug test/background shit....assholes
04:47.26Beeblebrox42fridgid, you in Colorado?
04:47.27fridgidwhen does the Interface/AddOns folder get loaded? i see source for things like character selection etc...not sure i'd be happy if thats easy to trick people into deleting toons
04:47.51fridgidin morgantown, wv ... trying to get a job working for WVU
04:48.46fridgidjust graduated college, picked a college town cuz i like them, and move in with a friend until i find a job and get an appt
04:49.12Aiianefridgid: it isn't moddable
04:49.19PewpewarrowsWest Virginia though?
04:49.52fridgidyes, i'm about 1.5 hours form pittsburgh though, and don't hold the wv against me, its nicer than its name gives it
04:50.08`ZypherAiiane: do you know anything of libsync?
04:50.17Aiiane`Zypher: I looked at it briefly
04:50.23Beeblebrox42fridgid, nothing wrong with that, I did the same out of college...of course I wasn't able to find a job in my field for 2 years and worked programming computers.. but hey it was a cool experince.  I moved out to Orgeon though in 2002 where the job market was actually worst then now *L*
04:50.32WobWorkAiiane: how's it look?
04:50.46Aiianenasty, but anything that tries to do what it does is going to
04:50.57Beeblebrox42`Zypher, isn't that the one that lets you communicate between your addons?
04:50.58`ZypherAiiane: well It doesn't seem to work either
04:51.13WobWorkThere's no easy way to sync data =(
04:51.23fridgidthe job market isn't nearly as bad as i thought, but it's not gonna offer as much money as where i moved from (charleston, sc) but thats ok, i missed the snow too damn much......and the women in college towns >_>
04:51.27`Zypherback to wow before addon communication
04:51.46Beeblebrox42`Zypher, the guy that wrote it was in here the other day and said it works, but there is some ugly stuff about not being able to filter oout join events on channels and that sort of thing which made it an ugly solution for now
04:52.08fridgidspeaking of that, whats best method for addon communication in war? the channel system looked clumsy
04:52.16WobWorknone yet =)
04:53.02`ZypherBeeblebrox42: the released version doesn't work then
04:53.03Beeblebrox42I think the channel system would be the only way currently.. I think it could be done via highjacking of the chat like spammenot does... but yeah it is still ugly as heck
04:53.16`ZypherBeeblebrox42: It joins a channel
04:53.22`Zypherregisters a function to that channel
04:53.28`Zypherand goes to town
04:53.35m0td_2kBeeble - its not really possible
04:53.42m0td_2ktoo much crap is unfilterable
04:54.09fridgidtheres so much stupid spam atm....the guild tax shit is annoying, theres no filters for it in the chat windows
04:54.12WobWorkhm, I wonder how hard it would be to port Bejeweled to WAR =P
04:54.20m0td_2kyou can kinda get rid of that
04:54.28Beeblebrox42hmm what about joining a channel just to announce, and from there sending tells.. I know those can be captured.
04:54.50m0td_2kcopy your 'Chat' tab to a new tab, are rename the old chat tab to ''
04:54.50WobWorktells are not always good
04:54.51fridgidi tried the now window thing, and i believe it worked, but my settings either didn't stick or something, cuz they've seemed to reset
04:55.06WobWorkyou could be shut down for spamming if it gets too energetic, I imagine
04:55.06Beeblebrox42WobWork, I know, but there isn't many options currently
04:55.07m0td_2kthat loses all the unfilterable garbage
04:55.10VonhintenHOME`Not much I can say about that Aii, you guys are just better
04:55.13fridgidnot sure if some settings reset on crash or resolution change or something, but a lot of settings seem very spotty
04:55.15m0td_2krolls, tithes, channel joins etc
04:55.30VonhintenHOME`our zealot let me die while I just stood next to him waiting for aheal
04:55.40WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: Terrible
04:55.47Aiianetell the zealot to use Squared and fail less
04:56.16VonhintenHOME`My comment when I first joined was "omg, 2 zealots.. I just peed a little"
04:56.29WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: Sorceress? =)
04:56.44fridgiddestros for nubs anyways, l2p
04:56.50WobWorkI have the same reaction as a BW when I see a healer
04:57.00WobWork. o O ("Wheeee!")
04:57.12fridgid<---bw, same feeling
04:57.14VonhintenHOME`yeah, Order had 4 bright wizards that time...
04:57.18VonhintenHOME`we got blown up
04:57.27WobWorkDetonate is the best ability ever =)
04:57.41m0td_2kBW is fotm - thats for sure
04:57.42VonhintenHOME`they're gonna have to tone down those classes
04:58.05WobWorkas a level 14, I'm almost topping the damage in scenarios
04:58.11m0td_2kflavor of the month
04:58.12Beeblebrox42lua> print("Test: %s", true)
04:58.13lua_botBeeblebrox42: Test: %s, true
04:58.15WobWorkoutdone only by sorceresses, normally =P
04:58.21fridgiddo sorcs get a detonate ability? or a playing with fire ability?
04:58.31WobWorkThey have a detonate ability
04:58.36Beeblebrox42lua> string.print("Test: %s", true)
04:58.37lua_botBeeblebrox42: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'print' (a nil value)
04:58.42fridgidbut no ghetto mortal strike? win.
04:58.43Beeblebrox42lua> string.format("Test: %s", true)
04:58.43lua_botBeeblebrox42: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got boolean)
04:58.48VonhintenHOME`I have a real problem with casters being able to cast while they're getting beat on by melee... DAoC got it right
04:58.53WobWorkbut BW have Cauterize
04:58.59VonhintenHOME`This is like WoW, and I fucking hate that about it
04:59.05WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: Well it's instant cast dots
04:59.16VonhintenHOME`Yeah, too many damn dots in this game
04:59.22fridgidugh daoc was failboat with casters, i'm ok with knockback and all, but daoc was stupid.....if you were a caster and a melee got on you, you lost period.
04:59.23VonhintenHOME`just like wow too
04:59.27WobWorkyou can slow our casting if it'sthe 3second cast
04:59.27Tomedhow would i go about "researching" how an event works like PLAYER_ABILITY_TOGGLED
04:59.28Beeblebrox42grr is there an easy way to convert bool's to their string equiv without an if then?
04:59.39WobWorkBeeblebrox42: yes
04:59.40VonhintenHOME`fridgid, only if your group mates sucked
04:59.59VonhintenHOME`fridgid, root, mez, snare, stun... and prekiting, casters could own
05:00.00Beeblebrox42Tomed, register the event, and then use that same args method given earlier.
05:00.05VonhintenHOME`but if they got caught, they died, as it should be
05:00.14Tomedok thanks
05:00.16fridgidunless you were a lurikeen and stood inside a tank who was guarding you.....i always got my ass kicked
05:00.22Beeblebrox42WobWork, thanks, how? *L*
05:00.34WobWorkjust looking it up
05:00.42WobWorkthere's actually an ingame function that does it
05:00.51WobWorkor something
05:00.59Beeblebrox42Oh DataUtils?
05:01.03Beeblebrox42I'll look it up
05:01.03VonhintenHOME`people die in combat.. someone has to be the first one to go down... it's usually gonna be the clothy because that's what people choose
05:01.19WobWorkVonhintenHOME`: You'd be surprised =P
05:01.26WobWorkat how many idiots focus on the tanks
05:01.36WobWorkthat are being kept up by the healers
05:01.46VonhintenHOME`well, working the tanks can work... it can be a good strategy... but not if everyone isn't on the same page
05:01.50Thunder_ChildWobWork, no kidding
05:01.52fridgidi dunno that game was soo good and so weird....i played from release until ToA as an eldritch and sometimes a warden....though paladin types are boring as balls
05:01.58Thunder_Childi cant belive how many idiots there are
05:02.09WobWorkworking the tanks can work if -everyone- focusfires-
05:02.23WobWorkhowever, distracting the tanks, then killing the healers, then the casters, then the tanks works even better
05:03.00m0td_2ki hate myself but they really gotta sort out this afk in scenarios thing
05:03.09m0td_2ki just got my BW to 10 without doing a thing
05:03.11`Zypherok figured out LibSync's problem rofl
05:03.13WobWorkm0td_2k: agreed
05:03.27m0td_2kproof of concept, of course
05:03.32fridgidhmmm, wonder if the pq rolls happen sequentially at intervals or just at once.....prob at once....wonder if i can remove the delay if thats true
05:03.32`Zypherfor some reason he thinks you can /channelname stuff
05:03.43Beeblebrox42I got into a scenario with 5 SW and 5 BM and I was the WP, ugh.. talk about going down first...  We would go up to meet the enemy, then everyone would take 20 steps back..except me and I would be like...err..guys..guys!!
05:04.40DaegalusBeeblebrox42: spec your healing line, and aoe heal in the midlines
05:05.16purlextra, extra, read all about it, bm is bob mutch in chilliwack.  Bermuda
05:05.20Thunder_Child~wtf bm
05:05.32Thunder_ChildBowel Movment ofc
05:06.24Beeblebrox42Daegalus sounds like a plan once I start getting mastery points haha
05:07.27WobWorkMourkain Temple is great for the BW
05:07.36WobWorkterrain alone clumps everyone up in groups
05:07.50m0td_2kincidentally, is there a way to explode less as a BW
05:07.57m0td_2kmust be the most retarded mechanic, ever
05:08.01WobWorkm0td_2k: Burninate more
05:08.13Odlawis there no time() function in war?
05:08.16fridgidits really not that bad once you get the hang of it, it's annoying as hell until about 15 when you understand it
05:08.19WobWorkaka meltdown
05:08.27WobWorkor find a healer and staple them to you
05:08.38`Zypherhurry up and get 40 you slackers,
05:08.48fridgidyeah, i was wondering why no clock mods are out, but i figured there must not be proper time functions or it'd be done
05:08.57WobWorkwith a healer, you can combust for great win
05:10.12FelyzaOdlaw, yes and no
05:10.24FelyzaOdlaw, there's a stable 1 minute timer
05:10.50`Zypherhahaah I win
05:10.52`ZypherI WIN!
05:11.00WobWorkGloom of Night is the Sorceress equivalent of Detonate
05:11.05Thunder_Child~lose `Zypher
05:11.06purl`Zypher: You Lose.
05:11.07WobWorkbut it needs 5 points in Calamity
05:11.12FelyzaZ, we're all busy making toys to make the game more fun
05:11.18Beeblebrox42fridgid, I have a time mod installed... tells me the time, quite nice, right there on my screen
05:12.00fridgidhow do you get server/local time? chat timestamps? i have no clue, but i haven't really looked at the api too hard
05:12.14fridgidexcept for bitching about item linking and ToT
05:12.32`ZypherThunder_Child: I has it working tho
05:15.08Thunder_Childgratz `Zypher
05:15.38Aiianehave what working, `Zypher?
05:16.35fridgidhow do you create a frame or where can i find info on widget api or are war mods very different from wow ones?
05:16.49purlfrom memory, warapi is
05:16.52Aiianertfm ;)
05:16.57`ZypherAiiane: LibSync
05:16.59`ZypherI had to mod it
05:17.03`Zypherbut It works for me now
05:17.57fridgidwindows only created via xml?
05:18.09`ZypherAiiane: he was doing /channelname text
05:18.11fridgidbleh i hate xml
05:18.12`Zypherfor some reason lol
05:18.27`Zypherhas to be /2 :D
05:18.35Felyzaum, wow api was all xml for windows too
05:19.56Aiianeout of curiousity, why do you hate xml
05:22.23fridgidwow api was not xml
05:22.31fridgidit was before, but they changed it so you could do everything via lua
05:22.41fridgidi just dunno xml, prefer lua format
05:23.00fridgidi guess its because im a mediocre coder and haven't messed with xml much.
05:23.41Aiianeif anything, xml is more straightfoward than Lua
05:23.44Aiianeyou have tags
05:23.47Aiianeand tags inside of tags
05:23.49Aiianethat's it.
05:23.59fridgidwhether or not using xml instead of lua in wow mattered, i have no idea, but i only use lua /shrug
05:24.00DarkTrooperxml is more confusing because there's no documentation, but it's simpler to use
05:24.17Aiianeno documentation? there is documentation
05:24.23Aiianelike the lua documentation it's incomplete
05:24.28Repo10theseeker: 03beeblebrox42 070beta * r5 TheSeeker.lua:
05:24.30RepoAdd way to turn off the seeker and each of it's methods of announcing.  Added help screen to.  Use /slash to see help.
05:24.54fridgid^^^^-----wheres repo drawing updates from?
05:25.01Aiianethe curseforge repositories.
05:25.07Repo10theseeker: 03beeblebrox42 04v0.2Beta * r6 :
05:25.08RepoAdd way to turn off the seeker and each of it's methods of announcing.  Added help screen to.  Use /slash to see help.
05:25.13DarkTrooperwell at first there was none at all for xml, and at least lua is lua, you can look up lua syntax etc, xml isn't even a realm language :)
05:25.54Beeblebrox42fridgid, curseforge repos
05:26.56fridgidthe curse updater work well? i haven't used it yet
05:27.28DarkTrooperit's not 0day well, but it's well enough i guess
05:27.48*** join/#waruidev Hero (n=nobody@
05:28.10fridgidits not zeroday? thats dumb
05:29.04DarkTrooperwell i'm sure it works extremly well for some people, but it always lag behind curse by several hours here
05:29.10Beeblebrox42DarkTrooper, talking about my branch name? *L* That is just my branch to push out quick fixes while I'm moding the heck out of the trunk
05:29.46DarkTroopernah talking about mods hitting and CC not wanting to update them for hours and hours and hours later :)
05:30.01Beeblebrox42fridgid, curse manager works a lot better then others I've seen in the past, they just have had a lot of syncing and packging issues lately
05:30.14Beeblebrox42DarkTrooper..oh well yeah, not 0day
05:30.44Aiianeum, DarkTrooper, I've actually often had the opposite happen o_o
05:30.46Aiianeit really depends
05:31.00fridgid?quien es CC?
05:31.25DarkTrooperyeah i suspected that some people's were isntant Aii, has never happened here however
05:33.03HeroHas anyone tried playing without one of the myps?
05:33.47Andrew--Alright, you can't play without world.myp.  nvm
05:33.48*** join/#waruidev breaks- (
05:33.54Andrew--Just figured that if you can remove files from a myp
05:33.56Aiianevideo.myp you can do without, since you don't actually need the videos to play, but the others are kind of important
05:33.58DarkTrooperhmm, hot, might be time for a calippo
05:34.12Andrew--Psh, who needs terrain anyways?
05:34.18fridgidis there a warden-like client yet?
05:34.25Andrew--fridgid:  No.
05:34.52DarkTrooperthey haven't activated pb yet
05:35.17Beeblebrox42hmm will easymvp work with the others other then interface?
05:35.39DarkTrooperthere are no myps in any of the rest
05:35.51DarkTroopererr lua etc
05:36.20Repo10waaaghbar_fps: 03leodido * r4 / (3 files in 1 directory): v0.2
05:36.57DarkTrooperif your here ckk: you still going to do a fb for war?
05:37.13Beeblebrox42yay, v0.2Beta for TheSeeker was grabbed by the client and the curse site almost imeaditly
05:37.48WobWorkwhat is The Seeker?
05:38.35fridgiddebug windows doesn't have to be open to catch errors no?
05:38.44Beeblebrox42WobWork, allows you to use a search term to locate targets in the world that match, will ding, announce on the screen, and in chat when found.  I mainly use it for finding friendlies and mobs when doing quests using the friendly/hostile tabbing
05:38.46VonhintenHOME`no, but logging has to be enabled
05:39.01fridgidhow do i do that?
05:39.44WobWorkBeeblebrox42: can you make it ding on healers and casters of the opposite faction? =)
05:40.42DarkTrooperi hate how /tar wont select a target from a partial arg
05:40.49Beeblebrox42WobWork... right now it only matches with a term against the targets name... but that is a doable future feature I think.. maybe I can use that addon that figures out the enemy's class and incorp that.
05:41.07Beeblebrox42WobWork, if you add a ticket for the enhancment there is more of a chance I'll get to that sooner then later :D
05:41.18WobWork@project war/theseeker
05:41.18RepoWobWork: TheSeeker. Game: WAR. Leader: beeblebrox42. Updated: 4 seconds ago
05:46.16WobWorkAn addon that shows the breakdown of the opposing side's classes in a scenario would be good
05:46.35WobWorkcould tie in with TheSeeker to mark out names
05:47.02DarkTroopercould tie in with a predictor 'you'll pwn face' 'ya gonna get smashed mate' etc :)
05:49.32WobWork"Answer Hazy, Try Again Later"
05:50.23WobWorkhm, what would be the best way to group it?
05:51.01WobWorkhave like 21: WP WP BW / 19: En SW /12: WL etc?
05:51.25WobWorkor Healers: SH SH DPS: So So etc
05:51.45Thunder_Childanother thing the UI should do but doesnt is keep interaction windows open, an influence reward giver or a quest givver with multiple quests you have to keep reopening the dialog
05:51.57Beeblebrox42WobWork, there is one I am thinking at looking at that does something similar with getting that info,I think it has to divine it though:  
05:52.10Beeblebrox42@project EnemyTargetClass
05:52.10RepoBeeblebrox42: No project found that matches 'EnemyTargetClass'
05:52.22Beeblebrox42@project war/EnemyTargetClass
05:52.22RepoBeeblebrox42: No project found that matches 'war/EnemyTargetClass'
05:52.23DarkTroopertc: that was anoying me the other day too, but really, for all the ones that you don't want to have re-open would just be as annoying
05:52.51Thunder_ChildDarkTrooper, no since i simply walk away to colse those
05:53.44Beeblebrox42anyway, finished up just in time to go to bed :/  Night everyone
05:53.52*** join/#waruidev netcurse (n=hthieblo@
05:56.57ian_`how can I get the cur GMT epoch time in Lua?
05:57.23Aiianeyou can't
05:57.29Aiianeat least, not in WAR lua
05:59.48ian_`why not
06:00.08ian_`seems like a pretty retarded thing to restrict ;_;
06:02.55Felyzawoot, found a way to script in xml... using the sound tag
06:03.11Felyza<Sound event="OnHidden" script="Sound.Play( Sound.WINDOW_CLOSE )" />
06:03.34Felyza(been diggin in xml a bit before bed time, updating api)
06:06.47FelyzaI've been adding lots of tags to the xml reference
06:10.01WobWorkFelyza: That's very much apprecated =)
06:10.39FelyzaIts bed time, so I'm tossing notes into the 'to be continued' section... too bad there's not a talk page for notes
06:11.57Aiianeian_`: probably because normally it'd be os.time()
06:12.04Aiianeand it was easier to just not allow os
06:12.09FelyzaIf anyone's working with windows, I seriously suggest adding the <Sounds> section to their xml, REALLY simple (even I could do it), to add window open and close sounds.
06:12.35WobWorkFelyza: Doesn't the have a discussion page?
06:12.56FelyzaOh, its red, I looked right over it
06:21.25fridgidis there a waywtf, contribution is so fucked up lol
06:21.48fridgidi just went and soloed burning mill on my 25 BW......i placed last....three noobs in the area placed higher than me
06:25.19fridgidare all the interface files inside of interface.myp?
06:25.30kuntz`I would assume so
06:25.36`Zypherfridgid: yes
06:25.56fridgidhmmm, i can't find the info im looking for
06:26.29Felyzathings that make you feel good when browsing mythic xml... <!--$HACK (Added 3 rows to accomodate a last-minute producer request)-->
06:26.39`Zypherfridgid: what are you looking for?
06:27.09fridgidi'm trying to find out pqtracker functions
06:27.32fridgidi've looked inside the lootwindow file, but i didn't see the part i was looking for
06:27.46fridgidits a window called EA_Window_PublicQuestTracker
06:27.53`Zypheris the mod
06:27.54fridgidwhere is that?
06:28.00`Zypherin default?
06:28.08fridgidmaybe i fucked up my extraction with easymyp
06:28.30fridgidwas using windows grep to search through all the xml lua and txt files ie xtracted, and couldn't find it
06:29.17fridgidyeah i don't have that, at least i'm not crazy, been playing with grep for like 15 mins now lol
06:29.31`Zypherit should be in
06:29.55fridgidyeah, i don't have it, i'll reextract, i prob just fubar'd that step so i wasn't there to be found
06:30.18*** join/#waruidev phx|rizzen (
06:30.42phx|rizzenoh my
06:30.46phx|rizzena lot more people in here
06:31.13fridgidthink im just gonna copy my myp file since you can't open warhammer with the file open in easyMYP and you can't open the mpy while warhammers open
06:31.29FelyzaLets see, interface.myp, extracted, quick search of all lua and xml files for 'hack' ... Found 60 occurrence(s) in 34 file(s)
06:31.53fridgidsome of the comments in these files are pretty funny though
06:32.45phx|rizzeni prefer searchin through the linux kernal and counting the number of instances of 'fuck' and 'shit'
06:32.53Felyza--HACK: Windows all have the same damn id's...use something that won't -- have an matching id to another window...
06:33.29Felyza-- Hackalicious, this puts obstacles in the way of a customizable buff tracker
06:34.23Felyza-- HACK OF A HACK: commenting out other hack for 3.4 release and just calling...
06:34.54Felyza-- Don't even ask how much hackery this is.. you don't want to know. I'm not kidding.
06:35.18Felyza-- (Sigh more hackery)
06:35.49Felyza-- HACK: Because of the brialliant way that I set up the new targeting...
06:36.57FelyzaYeah, sort of spam, just reporting comments that were deemed needed to put in client files by Mythic. ;)
06:38.53Felyzanight night all
06:39.05Felyzasomeone COULD continue my api documentation cause
06:39.43Felyzasee discussion on
06:43.17fridgidok i think im just stuck on the failboat tonight, i can't get this thing to extract any files called ea_publicquesttracker
06:44.02DaegalusI much prefer searching through the Windows source code and counting the number occurances of "World Domination".... err, pretend i never mentioned the windows source
06:46.07Aiianefridgid: you have the hash file right?
06:46.23fridgidyes, its extracting some files at least
06:46.26fridgidjust its incomplete
06:46.26Felyzafridgid, to make sure you have a keyword to search for, go to a pq, open the debug window, mouse over the tracker, and then search for the name it says in the debug window
06:46.44fridgidi've tried different directorys, extract all vs selecting all then extract selected
06:47.06fridgidi'll show you want my extracted directory looks like, sec
06:47.14Felyzai'm off to bed
06:47.38fridgidjust don't see how it would do and incomplete extraction
06:47.41fridgidget no errors or anything
06:47.54FelyzaAiiane, crack that whip on a few of the other junkies here. I provided good keywords to grep the xml for to get more xml documentation done on the discussion page in the Wiki.
06:47.59Aiianefridgid: grep EA_Window_PublicQuestTracker
06:48.13fridgidnah i've done that, the directory hes talking about isn't even in the list
06:48.30Aiianedid you extract txt files
06:48.41fridgidi even did it without setting a filter
06:48.46Aiianebecause it's a hash-unknown one
06:48.56Aiianeinterface\txt\ [hash here]
06:49.00Felyzaunmyp get that one?
06:49.10Aiianeno, this was from easymyp Felyza
06:49.20FelyzaI know he's using easymyp
06:49.26Felyzadoes unmyp extract it
06:49.30Aiianeno idea
06:49.59fridgidno i'm not running this tool on a mac, just easier to take ss of the directory on it
06:50.08fridgidusing vista x32
06:50.21fridgidif you compare that listing to yours its missing the one i need, and probably others
06:50.38fridgidmaybe .net problems? i dunno
06:50.55fridgidi'd figured if any of that wasn't up to date etc etc it would just fail completely
06:51.08Daegalusshe just said that its probably an unknown and to check interface\txt\[hash]
06:51.12*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
06:51.13Felyzaextracting via unmyp, will check it in a sec
06:51.43Daegalusi mean its even in your screenshot! lol
06:51.49FelyzaDaegalus, go do some api documentating
06:52.13Thunder_Child`Zypher, did you ever fix the senario window shortuct key issue?
06:52.35Felyzafridgid, half done extracting
06:53.03Daegaluslol thats kinda funny, its in the screenshot you posted xD, and Felyza: dunno where to begin, or what to do to document anything, and personally dont want to install Cygwin on here
06:53.15fridgidits not in the ss?
06:53.24phx|rizzensomeone said cygwin?
06:53.26fridgidpqlootwindow is not it
06:53.27FelyzaWho said anything about cygwin?
06:53.53fridgidneither is questtrackerwindow its called ea_publicquesttracker
06:53.56FelyzaI use textpad to 'grep', and firefox
06:54.21Daegalusfridgid: look at the SS and the IRC chat in the background, she says:[23:48]<Aiiane>because it's a hash-unknown one
06:54.22AiianeI told you
06:54.23Daegalus[23:48]<Aiiane>interface\txt\ [hash here]
06:54.37Daegalussorry im still stuck on that
06:54.43Daegalusim currently very spacey
06:54.57AiianeEA_Window_PublicQuestTracker is NOT the file name
06:55.00Aiianeit's text in the file
06:55.01fridgidyeah, i'm regreping the txt files
06:55.14fridgidi understood that, sorry Aiiane, was merely correcting Daegalus
06:55.16DaegalusFelyza: eh I can do something similar with Notepad++. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe.
06:55.47Daegalussorry, im easily amused atm and completely looking at the wrong things. and making no sense
06:55.54Felyzafridgid, use unmyp to extract, you get it that way, however, keep the easy myp extraction too... unmyp doesn't keep filenames or directory structure
06:56.23FelyzaIts in FILE_7-316.lua
06:56.26fridgidi found it in .txt, sorry for the delay windows grep crashed on my doing my last query for some reason
06:57.09fridgid6A3D4331_5E82C26BA664B6F0.txt for me
06:57.30Aiianetoldja ><
06:57.50fridgidso when will the hash thing output that proper?
06:57.57Felyzafridgid, its ok, everyone but Aiiane makes stupid mistakes
06:58.00fridgidif i have to do that everypatch ehh
06:58.18FelyzaAiiane makes temporary planned downgrades
06:58.21fridgidi'm just glad i wasn't failing as hard as i thought i was, it's usually something really stupid
06:59.10purlaiiane is probably an Angel of UI Goodness
06:59.35Wereldsso when will the hash thing output that proper? <-- well if you're absolutely 500% sure what the _EXACT_ path + filename is, it can be added to the hashfile
06:59.56Thunder_Child~factingo Aiiane
06:59.59Thunder_Child~factinfo Aiiane
06:59.59purlaiiane -- created by Tsolval <> 4d 12h 55m 57s ago; it has been requested 5 times, last by Felyza, 49s ago.
07:00.11fridgidi take it theres no way to get this info from the myp at this time?
07:00.18Wereldsjust lemme know and i'll get it on the google code
07:00.28Wereldsthe only thing we can do tho
07:00.35Wereldsis verify the hash + path against the myp data
07:00.55fridgidhopefully mythic will release an extraction tool like wow did
07:01.12fridgidbut i guess this sin't that big of a deal
07:01.13Wereldsthe wow one isn't that old yet tho
07:01.19Felyzaeven if its dedicated to interface.myp only, itd make me happy
07:01.20Wereldsi hope we don't have to wait for it for that long
07:01.20fridgidnow that i know how to do it
07:01.31fridgidyeah, no joke that too forever
07:01.31Wereldsmore importantly tho
07:01.36WereldsWTB Interface.xsd
07:01.46Felyzai asked the csr
07:01.57fridgid?que es interface.xsd?
07:02.02Felyzathey had no idea what i was talking about, even after explaining it
07:02.22Felyzafridgid, btw, do not use warbuddy, its bannable
07:02.43Felyzagood. let it remain a question. trust me
07:03.15fridgidyou know im just gonna google it
07:03.18Felyzai know what its called, and i know the csrs are looking for it, weilding a banhammer
07:03.30fridgidim not into hacking at all
07:03.37Felyzaaside from that, i'm not touching it via google or anything else
07:03.44Werelds(09:01:55) (fridgid) ?que es interface.xsd?
07:03.50fridgidi'm 100% for using ui in creative ways even if it gives you a kickass advantage
07:03.54Wereldsit's the definition used in all of the XML files we make
07:04.03fridgidoh, i just meant i dunno what an xsd file is
07:04.12Wereldswith the schema definition, we'd know _EXACTLY_ what we can do in XML files
07:04.14Repo10bbb: 03leodido * r2 / (4 files in 1 directory): Initial test. Just simple bufftracker with no fancy stuff
07:05.42FelyzaI'm going to be calling EA tommorow, AGAIN, and this time I was told, by in game support, to not hang up until I get my damned title, so while I'm being bounced from person to person, I'll ask for interface.xsd
07:06.10FelyzaGod I do not look forward to the hold music
07:06.11Aiianewhat title?
07:06.15Felyzaworld shaper
07:06.26fridgidhow do you get that?
07:06.34Felyzafirst wave of closed beta
07:06.36Daegaluslol, I actually prefer my Bloodknight Title over World Shaper, but then again, Im a dok
07:06.51fridgidi think my favorite title was Denied, but you have to survive like 1000 fights with less than 5% hps
07:07.10Felyzai found out, after release, that it was due, but my elder code applied standard closed beta tester
07:07.33Wereldsso that's why i go that title and noone else did
07:07.38Daegaluswait guys. for interface.xsd, wouldnt it be easy to just follow the path. Figure out the location of hte file that calls it then folloe the ../.. back and whatever directory it ends, pull the file?
07:07.41Wereldsi was wondering about that!
07:07.49Wereldsit's not in any myp file Daegalus
07:07.50Felyzai heard there's another title, and an item, if you have a daoc account that existed before warhammer linked to your warhammer account
07:07.59Wereldsi went through every single myp
07:08.09fridgidtoo bad i sold my daoc account for $300
07:08.11Wereldsand there is not a file with any <xs definitions in them
07:08.13Daegalusthen how is the game calling it if its not there?
07:08.26Wereldsso either it's mega scrambled, or it's embedded in the code :)
07:08.27Felyzai have every account i ever held, i don't sell them
07:08.50Daegaluswell guess we have to disassemble the EXE!
07:08.51fridgidonce i get a real job and have more disposible money i'll consider that, but i'll neer play so many of these games
07:08.53Felyzalogged on my shaman on eq a few months back, boy, it hasn't changed
07:09.10Aiianethe game doesn't need to have the xsd
07:09.15Daegalusi sold my WoW account for $1300, im fine.
07:09.29fridgidi prob could've sold mine for $500 prob still can
07:09.41Felyzaoh, i don't pay monthly for them anymore, i'll get a month every now and then so they don't hit 1 year out, but still, fun to glance back for old times sake
07:09.50fridgidbut fucking ebay shit pissed me off, i tried to sell it on markeedragon and got scammed......<---sucker i guess
07:09.59fridgidgot it recovered, but gave up messing with it
07:10.03Daegalusi used markee, its how i got my sale
07:10.12fridgidare you one of those trustwho guys?
07:10.24fridgidteach lol
07:10.37Daegalusi just know how to trade, cause I used to be and i think I still am a moderator of
07:10.40fridgidit just seems so sketchy to sell like that, but i guess i was stupid about it
07:10.42Daegalusbiggest key trading site there is
07:10.51Werelds(09:09:07) (@Aiiane) the game doesn't need to have the xsd <-- doesn't NEED to, but we have no idea how they're processing the ui
07:10.54Daegalusso i have had plenty of experience
07:11.03Daegalusand learned the hard way with crap keys, so i didnt lose much
07:12.52*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
07:14.53Daegalushas anyone here opened the WAR.exe in a hex editor
07:15.09Wobinwhy would you want to?
07:15.16Wereldsyus me
07:15.28Wereldsi've done a lil reverse engineering on it even
07:15.35Daegalusi find it funny there is actual code in it
07:15.40Wereldsto peek at the myp unpacking :>
07:16.15DaegalusTransform the normal into world space for lighting.    WorldNrm = mul( Normal, (float3x3)World );..    // Should not need to normalize here since we will normalize in the pixel .    // shader due to linear interpolation across triangle not preserving.    /
07:18.38Daegalusthats all in plain text in the EXE file
07:18.49*** join/#waruidev Tomedd (
07:18.53Daegalusjust random code
07:20.39Wobinsearch for 'hack' =)
07:22.13Wereldswhy are these shops teasing me
07:22.26Werelds24" monitors on sale MOOOO :{
07:22.28Daegalusonly a event onm Speed_hacking
07:23.04slime-is there actual game code in there or just that hlsl stuff
07:23.50DaegalusI dunno im just pulling random lines out, not really processing it. I just know the last 1/4th of the file is pure plain text code/stuff
07:23.52slime-seems strange either way
07:23.57fridgidffs, it was in another mod still
07:24.26Wereldshrm more tempting me, 9800gtx on sale for €159
07:24.48fridgidi was looking at getting a few gfx card to run war at full, since my pos 8600gt doesn't do shit
07:24.59fridgidand the 260s looked nice....but then i'd have to buy a new mobo
07:25.01Daegalusslime: seems to be only lighting and shadows code
07:25.12Thunder_Childfridgid, no you wouldnt
07:25.20Wereldsi already have a 9800gtx fridgid, so i'm tempted to stuff in a 2nd
07:25.41Daegalusi have 4 GTX 280s.
07:25.44fridgidThunder_Child, i thought the 260s were pci-e 2.0 or 2.1 or w/e it is
07:25.44Werelds(they gave me this one as a replacement for my 8800gts which broke 2 months agi *SNIFF*)
07:25.56fridgidDaegalus, i hope you're joking, if  not diaf
07:25.59Thunder_Childfridgid, yes they are, however they are backwards compat
07:26.09Daegalusno, no joke.
07:26.19Thunder_Childafaik yes
07:26.21fridgidi swear i was reading up on this and i needed a new mobo
07:26.23Wereldspci-e 2.0 is backwards compatible yeah
07:27.11Wereldsoh wait some videocards might not be compatible
07:27.19Wereldsbad card then!
07:27.20fridgidPCIe 2.0 is backward compatible with PCIe v1.x. Graphic cards and motherboards designed for v2.0 will be able to work with v1.1 and v1.0. In some cases it is possible that a PCI-E 2.0 card will not work correctly on a PCI-E 1.0a slot. This is only limited to certain video cards.
07:27.27fridgidi guess i read that and assumed, i dunno
07:27.36Daegalusbut hten i again, i get any computer hardware I want for free.
07:28.03fridgidi think i need a new mobo anyways so i can do sli or at least have another x16 slot
07:28.12Thunder_Childdoes war scale SLI?
07:28.13WereldsSee also
07:28.13WereldsIndustry Standard Architecture (ISA)
07:28.15WereldsISA <3
07:28.35Thunder_Childthough what i said was rather redundant
07:28.39Wereldsthose slots were the bomb, ISA network cards that were 30 cm long
07:28.43fridgidi can't run games fullscreen with my tuner card fullscreen as well, i think its a dx rendering thing, but either way i don't have a tv i have a tv tuner card
07:29.06fridgids/network cards/token ring cards/
07:29.19Wereldsgood point, but back then
07:29.23Wereldsthat WAS a network
07:29.44fridgids/network/bastardized form of a network
07:29.45Aiianeoh god
07:29.53Aiianescrew token ring
07:29.55Wereldsalso, any retard can set up a network now if he knows how to match plugs to the right sockets
07:30.15Daegalusoh snap, AMD is breaking up
07:30.22Thunder_ChildWerelds, not quite
07:30.29fridgidDaegalus, link
07:30.35Thunder_Childnot from scratch anyway
07:31.06Thunder_Child~lart Daegalus
07:31.06purlslaps Daegalus around with a large trout
07:31.12*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
07:31.12Wereldsoh really Thunder_Child?
07:31.36Thunder_ChildWerelds, with no preconfigured software?
07:31.41Daegaluswhy did i get larted?
07:31.43Wereldsi give you a cheap router, 2 cat5 cables, 2 pc's with XP/Vista on default settings
07:31.49Wereldsand it'll work perfectly fine
07:31.54Thunder_Childah hah, preconfigured software
07:32.11Thunder_ChildDaegalus, it's a rumor, not fact
07:32.13Wereldsyeah well you aren't gonna have a retard working on a linux distro
07:32.21Thunder_Childone would hope
07:32.40Thunder_Childi have met a retard on linux actualy
07:32.47DaegalusThunder_Child: : its fact, WSJ is reporting on it already
07:32.58Daegalusif you clicked hte link you would see it
07:33.10Thunder_Childi did, they have been wronf
07:33.14Thunder_Childwong* before
07:36.20DarkTrooperwow, there's still a few war CE's availiable, haha
07:36.49Thunder_Childhuh, someone mentioned in here that they had all sold out
07:37.03DarkTroopernot in oceanic region it seems
07:37.20Thunder_Childoceanic always seems to get the ass end of things
07:37.55Werelds(09:37:18) (Thunder_Child) regions other than the US always seems to get the ass end of things
07:38.02DarkTrooperhowever, the WoW Wrath CE that wasn't even announced for non-us yet has apparenly all sold out
07:38.46Thunder_ChildWerelds, between EU and oceanic, EU would come out ahead
07:39.14DarkTrooperEU is usually handled by a specific Eu entity that's why
07:39.23Thunder_Childthe my previous statment is correct still
07:39.32DarkTrooperand tradtionally EU would get games last
07:41.08fridgidhow do you make a window transparent to mouse clicks?
07:41.17fridgiddisable mouse interaction?
07:41.20DarkTrooperin the xml there's a tag
07:41.30Werelds(09:38:43) (Thunder_Child) Werelds, between EU and oceanic, EU would come out ahead
07:41.42fridgidcan you edit tags of default mods?
07:41.43Wereldsand even then
07:41.54fridgidlike overwrite them? or add them during runtime? i'm total xml noob
07:41.59DarkTrooperno idea, probably not
07:42.00Wereldsit's ridiculous how undervalued EU+OC are compared to the US
07:42.06Wereldsand no, the US isn't the bigger market.
07:42.32DarkTrooperUS is the biggest noob market...
07:42.40DarkTrooperoops, did i say that aloud? :)
07:43.10Aiiane...someone just linked me a picture of what is apparently a real thing: the "South Lake Union Trolley"
07:43.23Wereldserr, wut now Aii?
07:43.24fridgidEU women give the best bjs.....oops did i say that out loud?
07:43.45Aiianewho apparently once as a marketing campaign distributed "Ride the S.L.U.T." t-shirts
07:44.54DarkTrooperrofl in the wrath standard preorder, it has "products you may also like... war CE, War SE, War timecard" haha
07:45.37Wobinfridgid: not easily no you can't
07:45.55Thunder_ChildAiiane, what, sex sells, it always has
07:46.08Andrew--Sex?  Where?  I've got monies!
07:46.08AiianeWerelds: actually, the US and the EU are about the same market-wise, if you go by GDP
07:46.11DaegalusIm suprised you guys havent seen that
07:46.16WobinDarkTrooper: That's like the Walmart "This product is sold out" recommendation
07:46.17Daegalusi saw it like 4 years ago
07:46.26WereldsGDP Aii?
07:46.32Aiianegross domestic product
07:46.34Thunder_ChildAndrew--, try your local red light district
07:46.36Wereldsoh right
07:47.14fridgidi'm not a fan of our (US) deficit
07:47.22Wereldsyeh i know hun, but everywhere this stuff comes up, the people who don't have a clue say that the US has a bigger market
07:47.40fridgidwe borrow way too much from china, which is fine as long as were doing well, but the second things goto shit, china's got us in their pocket
07:47.59DarkTrooperchina already has you guys in the pocket, and has for years now :)
07:48.15fridgidchina's got almost everybody in their pocket anyways
07:48.16WobinDarkTrooper: whups. Target.
07:48.29DarkTrooperchina don't need to bring arms anywhere, they can decimate markets from their lawnchairs :)
07:48.50DarkTrooperlol Wobin
07:49.16Wereldshahaha Wobin
07:49.42Daegalusgah if i didnt have to stay up till 1:30 to take my antibiotic, i would be so asleep right now
07:50.00fridgidsomebody should port luaslinger to WAR.....thanks.
07:50.01Wereldsanti biotics are fun :X
07:50.42Daegalusand i cant just take it early either since its not a trivial antibiotic.
07:50.52Daegalusprobably the most powerful Antibiotic out there :P
07:50.57WobinThere are... trivial.. antibiotics?
07:51.24Daegaluswell i mean
07:51.31Wereldswhat are you taking it for Daegalus?
07:51.33Daegaluslike they cant harm you as much as this one can
07:51.37WobinBasically you don't want to get it wrong =)
07:52.21DaegalusIve been using this since i was 2 (well my parents have), and I take it for any serious infectionary illness, which happens maybe once every 2 years or more
07:52.38DarkTrooperwell i guess my best bet is to call up harvies tm morn
07:52.41Daegalususually completely gets rid of it in 2 days
07:53.22Aiianefridgid: not really viable, since eval() isn't available in WAR
07:54.49Daegalusbut ya, its actually one of the few antibiotics that work for me very well, i mean others do too for whatever they specialize in, but this one usually clears everything up in no time, no matter what it is most of the time.
07:54.52fridgidtold you xml sucked lol xD
07:55.13Aiianefridgid: that has nothing to do with XML
07:55.44Aiianethe thing that allowed not using XML in wow was CreateFrame()
07:55.48Aiianenot eval()
07:56.05fridgidi would ask what eval does, but im not sure i really wanna know
07:56.07Wobinthank god
07:56.14Wobin<3 CreateFrame
07:56.17Aiianeeval = takes a string and interprets it as lua code
07:56.21fridgidlike i said, mediocre modder
07:56.43Aiianeeval is being able to do what /script does
07:56.46Aiianeexcept from an addon
07:56.48fridgidso how is that different from w/e /script does?
07:56.50Aiianeand with no length restriction
07:57.14Aiianethe former can by bypassed, the latter cannot
07:57.29fridgidoh are you saying its not possible to port luaslinger over?
07:57.44Wereldsbit of a shame we don't have EVAL
07:57.45Aiiane....yes, that would be why I was addressing you in the first place :P
07:57.57Wereldsclosest thing would be loadstring but that's so slow :(
07:58.05fridgidok, i was confused, i wasn't sure if you were answering something from before
07:58.06Aiianedon't have loadstring either
07:58.13Wereldsyou sure aii?
07:58.17Wereldsthat's so gay then
07:58.23Aiianequite sure
07:58.23fridgidwell that blows, i loved luaslinger for coding
07:59.04Daegaluspretty much mythic has taken an oblvious stance when it comes to addon making, pretending that it isnt there, and just letting us flounder in whatever we can figure out
07:59.39fridgidwell at least tehres SOME modification
07:59.44fridgidfucking daoc pissed me off something fierce
08:00.02Wereldsplease keep in mind that the game's still young
08:00.19Wereldswow didn't kick off as good as it is now when it comes to customisation
08:00.26fridgidnope not at all
08:00.32Wereldsit did set the standard now though
08:00.54Wereldsany mmo maker in their right mind would be foolish not to take that into account
08:01.11fridgidsee: Age of Conan
08:01.29Wereldserr UI wise AoC isn't that bad really
08:01.34Wereldsit's the game itself that's fucked
08:01.54DarkTrooperi disliked the AoC UI, or large parts of it from memory
08:02.07fridgidi think i only went one week past my initial month b/f canceling
08:02.10fridgidhad a 70 demo
08:02.18AiianeWoW's still shit when it comes to UI documentation :P
08:02.29Aiianejust wowwiki has had more time to trial-and-error it
08:02.37Wereldsbut that's community work
08:02.43fridgidthe interface kit helped a lot though
08:02.51fridgideven though most of it was already done
08:02.52Wereldsinterface kit was too late
08:02.53DarkTrooperi dunno sloken or whoever he was, was pretty good :)
08:02.55Aiianethe interface kit is basically just what easymyp is
08:02.56Wereldsway, way too late
08:03.02fridgidi agree
08:03.05Aiianealbeit with all of the filenames
08:03.21fridgidcall me a douche, but i like my filenames proper
08:03.32Wereldsthe only thing mythic really need to do now, is give us interface.xsd, because that's the one thing we can't verify on our own
08:03.34Aiianebut it's not like it's *that* big of a diff
08:03.41Wereldsrest the community can figure out
08:03.42fridgidno, now that i'm aware
08:04.11AiianeI personally almost never browse the default UI anymore, heh >.>
08:04.13Wereldswell that, and they need to get a proper logging system :p
08:04.15AiianeI just grep for what I'm looking for
08:04.35Wereldssame here aii :p
08:04.39Wereldseasiest way
08:05.17fridgidi do too i just didn't know the thing from before, i guess it really doesn't matter now, still bugs my ocd ass though
08:06.44AiianeI feel sort of sorry for grarl
08:07.01Aiianehis latest release of his addon got borked because he forgot that 1.0.1 isn't actually a valid number
08:07.35Daegalusyou mean in the mod version?
08:07.46Aiianeno, I mean that he had a lua variable for his version as well
08:07.55Aiianeand so it had yaddayadda = 1.0.1
08:07.58Aiianewhich caused a parser error
08:08.05Daegalusoh, i have mine as a stirng
08:08.17Aiianewell, he had it as a number so he could do comparisons
08:08.22Aiiane(would be my guess)
08:08.35Daegalusyou can do comparisons with strings too :P
08:08.50Aiianeyes, but they won't always be the right result ;)
08:09.02DarkTrooperwhat a strange day, i feel like instant ramen for dinner
08:09.07Wereldsbtw, i assume loading custom fonts isn't possible either atm?
08:10.04Daegalusnothing and everything is possible
08:13.54DaegalusIf anyone can figure out why my addon does not want to work Lists properly, give me a shout, ive spent a week trying to get a list working in my addon for Additions/Exceptions and still wont work
08:18.23Wereldswhat does [=[ do exactly in lua btw?
08:18.38Wereldsi know you can use [[]] to avoid having to escape loads of crap in strings
08:18.43Wereldsbut [=[ ? oO
08:21.51Aiianeyou know
08:22.09AiianeI just had an extremely horrible, terrible, totally screwed up idea for how hallas could do his dynamic resizing
08:22.27Aiianebut it's the most bastardized plan ever and if anyone actually did it id have to throttle them
08:22.45Wereldsbase it on chat width and count the number of chars ?!
08:22.48VonhintenHOME`if you say "monitor debug messages for that label and resize", I'll barf
08:23.26AiianeVonhintenHOME`: got it in 1
08:23.37VonhintenHOME`ok, /barf
08:23.56Aiianeexcept that I was going to take it a step farther and have it start out at the screen width and scale down until it got a text-cut-off warning, then step back up once
08:24.13Wereldsseems more efficient the other way!
08:24.31WobinI can see the autoresizing for something like dps or fps being fantastic
08:24.53*** join/#waruidev BotanicalPuppet (
08:24.57Wobinself fufilling prophecy to have single digit fps =)
08:25.13VonhintenHOME`Mythic really just needs to provide standard font measurement API in lua
08:25.19BotanicalPuppethi addon ppl, can i page the StickyGearSettings author Felyza?
08:25.25VonhintenHOME`and... they need to fix autoresize=true on labels
08:25.36WobinFelyza went to bed I think
08:25.54BotanicalPuppetok, felyza will see the patch in the morning
08:26.57Aiianeaddon patch I think BotanicalPuppet means
08:27.18BotanicalPuppetyes, to the stickygearsettings
08:27.24BotanicalPuppeton the project page bug tracker
08:27.26Daegalusoh ok, i thought he meant WAR patch
08:28.01Daegaluswell im off to bed, night all
08:28.37BotanicalPuppeti made a lot of progress tonight on my ChosensHelper and it should be ready for 1.1 in a few hours... i keep putting in features before bugfixes tho XD
08:28.53VonhintenHOME`I really want to figure out a way to stop a texture from tiling when its size is bigger than the texture, and scaling when it's size is smaller than its window
08:33.31AiianeVonhintenHOME`: the answer is you make a subwindow that's the correct size
08:35.32fridgidcan somebody give me the proper name of the pq window i was looking for earlier? doing dependicies i assime i need to put it in there?
08:35.50VonhintenHOME`HAHAHA, The Unicorn's are the blame, they shit rainbows.
08:35.56fridgidits like ea_publicquestresults or something
08:36.20VonhintenHOME`God people are dumb as hell in america...
08:36.32Aiianefridgid: it's included in something else
08:36.44Aiianelet's see...
08:36.45VonhintenHOME`Aii, well, I'm talking about for texture viewer, don't know the size before hand :)
08:37.08fridgidor better yet can somebody tell me how to get the name proper lol
08:38.15fridgidi guess i can grep for it in .mod files? or do mythic ones not have those....checks
08:39.31fridgidthink i found it in some xml file
08:40.02Aiiane*it's EA_ObjectiveTrackers
08:40.04fridgid<Window name="EA_Window_PublicQuestResults" sticky="false" savesettings="false">
08:40.09fridgidwait i guess thats not it
08:40.20fridgidhow did you figure that out Aiiane?
08:40.39AiianeI turned on file loading messages in the debug window and looked for where it loaded the publicquesttrackerwindow.lua
08:40.47Aiianebtw, Werelds
08:40.50Aiianethe exact path
08:41.11VonhintenHOME`not all a ea mods are .mod
08:41.51fridgidbut inside MY mod file i only need this right? EA_ObjectiveTrackers
08:41.58Wereldshold on
08:42.01Aiianeactually, VonhintenHOME`, they are
08:42.04Aiianefridgid: correct
08:42.07Aiiane(as a dependency)
08:42.07fridgidas a dependency
08:42.08Wereldsfile loading messages in the debug console give the FULL path right?
08:42.15AiianeWerelds: mostly
08:42.24Wereldsthen why the fuck am i making it hard on myself
08:42.29Aiianethey substitute the mod name for the name of the folder
08:42.33VonhintenHOME`well, they weren't in demyp, maybe easymyp fixed that
08:42.33Aiianebut that's usually the same
08:42.48Wereldsi can just friggin dump that, hash em and fill in any missing ones in the hashlist :/
08:42.54Aiianeheh :P
08:43.05Wereldsi know how to hash em so jesus
08:43.07Wereldsshoot me
08:43.07Aiianeit's not quite perfectly formatted
08:43.11Aiianebut some regex should fix it
08:43.16Wereldswas about to say that
08:43.21Wereldscreative replacements = win
08:43.23fridgidhow do you dump the log file? or where is it?
08:43.42Aiianeit's almost perfectly formatted
08:43.48Aiianejust have to swap some slash directions
08:43.56Wereldslogging in now >_<
08:43.59Wereldsand erm fridgid
08:44.17Wereldsi turn on the loggin with like 3 lines of lua code
08:44.24Wereldsbecause the in-game logging doesn't really work
08:44.31AiianeTextLogSetIncrementalLogging(), no?
08:44.37Aiianeor saving
08:44.40Aiianeinstead of logging
08:44.42Aiianesomething like that
08:44.49Wereldsi'll look it up in a sec
08:45.02Wereldsgot my miniaddon stashed away somewhere cuz it was logging too much :p
08:45.05fridgidthe debug button doesn't work?
08:45.18Wereldsnot relaly, no
08:45.25fridgids/debug/debug log/
08:45.32Wereldssometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't
08:46.03Aiianeit is indeed TextLogSetIncrementalSaving("logname", enable (boolean), "path\to\log")
08:46.44Wereldspath can be anything as well
08:49.23Aiianebut, werelds
08:49.39Aiianeit doesn't seem to turn on logging until after all of the file loading messages :P
08:50.10Wobinhm, suggestions as to making the headers a little more... headery?
08:50.34Aiianedifferent font, but I don't remember whether that's possible or not
08:50.43Wobinaye should be =)
08:50.54WobinJust got to find one
08:52.47Aiianewait, that's not it
08:53.10Aiianethere we go
08:54.06fridgidhow do you comment in xml? /* */ ?
08:54.28fridgidshit...duh....just like html
08:55.00Aiianeyou know, you really should get with the times :P
08:55.08AiianeWoW may not require XML but tons of stuff uses it :P
08:55.13Wobinhm, apparently font_heading_small doesn't exist?
08:55.25fridgidi stick to php, html, css
08:55.42fridgidlike i said mediocre coder >_>
08:55.53Wereldsxml is so easy tho
08:55.54VonhintenHOME`lol aii, get with the times would have been 10 years ago =P  You're just waaaay behind man
08:56.25Aiianethere's font_heading_small_no_shadow, Wobin
08:56.29Werelds[08/10/07][10:55:09][Loading]: (EASystem_Utils): Loading file: interface/default\EASystem_Utils\Source/GameDefs.lua
08:56.33Wereldslogging just fine aii
08:56.40AiianeWerelds: good
08:56.57AiianeWerelds: what did you do to set it before the file loading? or did it persist properly
08:57.12Wobinoh I like that one
08:57.14fridgidcan you comment .mod files same way?
08:57.35WereldsTextLogSetIncrementalSaving("UiLog", true, "logs\megalogofwin.log");
08:57.35WereldsTextLogSetEnabled("UiLog", true);
08:57.36Aiianeah, looks like it persists after it's set again
08:57.38Aiianefridgid: yes
08:58.00Wereldsi did have logging turned on tho
08:58.02Wereldsin debug console
08:58.07Wereldsso it might only need the saving line
08:58.09AiianeWobin: wtb sans serif text pst :P
08:58.13Wereldscuz AGAIN my uilog.log was empty
08:58.43WobinAiiane: that's -almost- sans serif =)
08:58.55Wobinbut yeah, lets see what else we can put in
08:59.44Wereldstime to start regex-replacing shit
09:00.35WobinIt's a bit of a schism between the header font and the name font
09:02.02AiianeWobin: if it were up to me, all the fonts would be sans-serif :P
09:02.03VonhintenHOME`imo that will look better if you style the headers and the sub entries differently
09:02.22WobinWhich way around though, VonhintenHOME?
09:02.32VonhintenHOME`instead of the standard alternative rows look
09:02.38Wobinhave the fancy for the headers, and normal for the names?
09:02.53VonhintenHOME`I'm not just speaking about fonts, I'm talking row appearance
09:04.36Wobincan't do that easily
09:04.36fridgidoh great, another chance to show my noobery...... if i define a local function in an lua file, how do i make it available to something i defined in an xml file?
09:04.47Wobinas it's a psudolist of sorts
09:04.55Wobinwhere there are only 10 rows, and the contents get shuffled
09:05.10Wobinso modifying the background of a row while you're scrolling up or down...
09:05.28Wobinfridgid: what are you trying to reference?
09:05.31Wobina function?
09:05.38Wobinif so, you can't make it local =)
09:05.47Wobinjust put it inside the addon object namespace
09:05.48VonhintenHOME`fridgid, if the xml is just calling a function, just make sure the function is in the same file as the local function, and appears below the local function
09:06.36fridgidyeah i can do object scope in the same file, just wasn't sure about this xml CRAP
09:06.59fridgidso all functions called from xml files need to be global?
09:08.50Wereldsyou got any idea how many xml/lua files there are in total?
09:09.18AiianeWerelds: not sure
09:10.09Aiianethat's everything that loaded after the debug window
09:10.21Aiianeim pretty sure we already have the hashes for everything that loads before it
09:11.05Wereldsnothing loads before it
09:11.14Wereldsexcept for interfacecore.lua
09:11.16Wereldsbut we already got that
09:11.32Aiianenot entirely true
09:11.47AiianeEA_DefaultWindowSkin does
09:11.59Aiianeand the InterfaceCore stuff
09:13.25Wereldswe already got all of them tho so np
09:13.34Wereldsit's funny btw
09:13.44Wereldsat some point it starts randomly loading default addons and user addons
09:14.44Aiianeprobably has to do with its dependency solver
09:15.05Aiiane there's all the stuff that loads before the debug window, btw, including .mod files
09:15.38Aiianeoh, whoops, I left some addon .mods in there
09:15.42Aiianeoh well, easy enough to strip out
09:16.11Wereldsyou got 247 entries
09:16.15Wereldsi got
09:16.55Wereldslemme just compare yours and mine, see what you missed, :|
09:17.48AiianeI think the first one I pasted didn't include xml files
09:17.55Aiianejust .lua's
09:21.34Aiianewith XML files included:
09:22.16Aiianeor, both before and after combined:
09:22.30Aiianethe combined one gets 646 entries
09:22.45Wereldsjust checking your included xml with mine
09:22.58AiianeI included some AddOns again ><
09:23.10Wereldsthat's np
09:23.14Wereldsalready stripped them out
09:23.23Wereldsonly difference between yours and mine is that erm
09:23.40Wereldsyour uimodwindow gets loaded at line 79
09:23.48Wereldsmine at 346
09:23.55Wereldsfuck knows how that is possible
09:24.00Wereldsbut that's the way it is
09:24.26Wereldsi'll whip up an app to hash the paths in a minute
09:24.33Aiiane there, I fixed it anyways
09:24.36Wereldsand see if i can push it to chryzo's google code
09:25.31Aiianehmm... does the myp store the paths with proper case, or lower case?
09:25.42AiianeI'd assume proper case
09:25.46Aiianebut ok
09:25.50Wereldswith mixed \ and /
09:25.50fridgid <----what type is window in that?
09:26.04fridgidi dunno how to get a window handle
09:26.15fridgidso "string" ?
09:26.18VonhintenHOME`it's the window name string
09:26.32Aiianenow has proper slashes and lower case
09:26.35*** join/#waruidev Andrew--|afk (n=nobody@
09:26.42Wereldsdon't need to slash properly aii
09:26.48Aiianeyeah, but still :P
09:26.53Wereldsit's done unproperly in the myps as well
09:27.00Wereldsand i'll do case in c#
09:27.02Aiianehm, k
09:27.11Wereldsthe myp format is well weird
09:27.12Aiianecan always just has 6 versions for each line :P
09:27.13Wereldsreally is
09:27.19Aiianestill O(n) :P
09:27.34Aiianeer, would be 8 versions I guess
09:27.36Aiianefor all combos
09:27.37Aiianebut meh
09:28.17Wereldslol @ poor chryzo's google page btw
09:28.22Wereldsgets a "defect" report
09:28.22WereldsRar has been overshadowed by zip and tgz for comming on 10 years, there's
09:28.23fridgidoh im getting that invalid error b/c its returning false i bet
09:28.24Wereldsno reason to distribute in such an archaic format. Zip is now built into
09:28.26Wereldsoperating systems for nearly 5 years. Distribute in it! I should not need
09:28.36Aiianelol @ people in general
09:28.40Wobinpft screw them =)
09:28.42AiianeI still say bz2
09:28.53VonhintenHOME`I hate to agree with that guy, .rar is old school
09:28.58Aiiane7z still isn't widely enough supported
09:29.04Wobinif you don't have winrar, you're a noob
09:29.05VonhintenHOME`That's why you should use it
09:29.05Aiianepretty much anything supports bz2
09:29.09WereldsVonhintenHOME`: and zip isn't?
09:29.15Wereldsthat's the biggest bullshit argument in the world
09:29.20VonhintenHOME`7z, screw the rest
09:29.24DarkTrooperrar is the only format, everything else is just an imitation
09:29.31AiianeOS WARS GO
09:30.00Wereldswell it's just big bullshit to say rar is "outdated" or "archaic" and that ZIP isn't
09:30.11Aiianeits committed, Wobin
09:30.21Aiianethe packager just stalled again because of some !#%$@#$ wowace repo
09:30.43WobinAiiane: hm, oh the packager is tied into the commit response?
09:30.48fridgidwhats the difference between WindowSetShowing and .Hide/Show ?
09:31.02DarkTrooperrar is still used for scene releases, so really, everything else can get fucked :)
09:31.04Wobinformer is the essentially system call
09:31.13VonhintenHOME`Wobin, nah
09:31.15DarkTroopertho i'm not opposed to bz2 if it's a nix only distro
09:31.19Wobinlatter is what you have to write to use the former if you want it to work
09:31.21VonhintenHOME`.Hide and .Show are part of the Frame class
09:31.45VonhintenHOME`You can wrap an existing window in a Frame class and use its methods as if it were an object
09:31.51Wobinah, kk. Hide and Show use WindowSetShowing =)
09:31.58Wobinput it that way =)
09:32.33WobinAiiane: I suggest we get a Repo packager. And a wowace repo packager =P
09:32.43fridgidcase in point, either seem to work for my purpose, which should i use?
09:32.51fridgiddoes it really even matter?
09:32.56Wobinfridgid: It doesn't matter, really
09:33.11WobinHide and Show are a little more easily set up
09:33.22Wobinsince you just have to call them
09:33.23VonhintenHOME`You'll see things like this throughout the ea interface:  ActionBar = Frame:Subclass ("ActionBar")
09:33.34Wobininstead of WindowSetShowing("FrameName", true)
09:35.20VonhintenHOME`Ok, I've got a design meeting in 4.5 hours....cry  sleep time
09:35.36Aiianenot all windows have objects associated ;)
09:35.43Aiianeand thus .Hide/.Show don't work for everything.
09:35.59DarkTrooperAiiane.Hide ?
09:36.12Wobinforgot the ()
09:36.43DarkTroopernah i got a solid 10 hours sleep last night, so i'll probably be good until 2300ish :)
09:37.29AiianeWindowSetHandleInput("DarkTrooper", false)
09:38.12AiianeWobin: did your commit get packaged correctly?
09:38.22Wobinhm, lemme check
09:38.24Aiianeif not tell me and ill force a run again, some things might have gotten lost in the shuffle
09:38.57WobinAiiane: looks to be fine =)
09:39.49Wobinsolid 10 hours of sleep?
09:39.52Wobinlucky bugger
09:41.14DarkTrooperyeah i was getting shit sleep for a few days and was tired real early last night, so i took a gamble and it paid off :)
09:41.37fridgidhow do i get addon version from mod file?
09:41.56DarkTrooperver in mod file isn't reliable
09:42.11DarkTrooperalot of authors have figured out it's anoying to change it all the time, so they put in a 'soft' ver somewhere else :)
09:43.22WobinIf I use SV, it'll be the Aiiane way =P
09:44.06WobinI've been putting off adding a sv file to Rolodex, but will in the next version
09:44.35WobinAdd in a Penpals category for the most recently and most mailed
09:45.25AiianeI'm trying to avoid SV's on things that don't actually need them.
09:45.49DarkTrooperi'm def getting lazier i think (if that's even possible), thinking of ordering a book of a site, isntead of ordering it from a local bookstore
09:47.44Wobinwell, this way you get it delivered
09:49.29DarkTrooperya, tho dilivered soemtimes = damaged :)
09:50.22Aiianethe author of daocbuffs is doing it wrong
09:50.44DarkTrooperthere was forum talk of you doing it wrong if i remember
09:51.41Aiianenot sure what you were referring to
09:53.29Aiianecare to elaborate?
09:54.49fridgidare there any timer libs?
09:55.15Aiianethere's libtimer
09:55.16fridgidi know thats prob overkill, but isn't it horrible on performance to have so many timers updating the way you have to do them in war?
09:55.32fridgidi only need to clock 30s after an event, for one call, nothing much
09:55.49Aiianeit doesn't take much time to call a function, increment a variable, and return
09:55.53fridgidjust do the same thing listed i the wiki tutorial?
09:56.05art3misdark you're even lazier if you getthe ebook and then use a speach program to read it to you
09:57.55art3misman i wish i could teleport
09:58.05art3misi hate the trek to and from work but love my job
09:58.10fridgidbut theres no Time() or way to get time?
09:58.29fridgidor GetTime w/e it was called
09:58.43Aiianeno, there is not.
09:58.58Aiianeart3mis: you can but the police come arrest you for speedhacking
09:59.10art3misthats true
09:59.22fridgidthen just port out of jail, l2p Aiiane
09:59.23art3mishehe that would be funny
09:59.36fridgidyou've got to think outside the box
09:59.40art3mispop into existence in yer office and 2 cops appear arrest you and disappear with you
10:01.38fridgidAiiane, where is libtimer?
10:01.44WobinSad =(
10:01.55WobinI have a guildmember named Vonflamington
10:02.00WobinAnd every time he logs in
10:02.04WobinI have lamington cravings
10:02.10fridgidnm i found it
10:05.03AiianeHowever, tbh LibTimer isn't really implemented very well overall, but oh well
10:05.32fridgidi don't think i'll need it, just seeing how it does scheduling
10:05.44DarkTroopermmmm lamingtons
10:10.13DarkTrooperbah, i miss free next day delivery, we need better services wob
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10:18.57fridgidhow can i find out window templates to pick which to inherit for a frame?
10:19.02fridgidor do i even need to do that?
10:19.27AiianeWhat are you trying to do?
10:19.57fridgidrecreate the scheduling system i had in rdx, or at least a very small part of it
10:20.06fridgidi'm trying to make a master timer frame
10:20.17fridgidfrom which i'll derive all times from
10:21.13Aiiane"timer frame" for what?
10:23.40fridgidback when i was a dev for RDX (wow), i used a very nice scheduler written by a friend, he used one frame with an onupdate function to keep track of the time
10:23.54fridgidit would also call scheduled functions etc
10:24.14fridgidso like i could schedule a function to run in the future 15s from now
10:24.23fridgidor repeat every 30s etc etc
10:24.53Aiianewhy do you need frames for that?
10:24.59fridgidis the inherits part necessary?
10:25.04Aiianeand no
10:25.07fridgidi thought that was the best way to do it, why would you use windows to do timing
10:25.30fridgidi'm all for not using xml, but in wow we did use a frame for that
10:25.31Aiianewhen you can just specify an OnUpdate handler in the .mod file
10:26.22Aiianein WoW you had to register events to a frame
10:26.27Aiianeyou don't have to do that in WAR
10:26.43Aiianeyou can just register arbitrary functions as event handlers
10:26.43fridgidhmmm, ok
10:26.53fridgidlemmie see if i have a mod that has an example of that
10:27.11fridgidis that the OnInit field?
10:27.40fridgidi guess that wouldn't make sense lol
10:27.44fridgidyeah i was looking at that page
10:28.30fridgidfuck cpt.obvious
10:28.33fridgidhe can diaf
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10:30.36fridgidhmm so why isn't my init function running....
10:33.23Wobinhey norgs
10:36.42DarkTroopernorgs hasn't said much since he first joined the chan
10:37.43WobinIt does mean however, that you can't shut off onUpdates by hidng the frame
10:38.31fridgidyou can't unregister the onupdate event can you?
10:38.34fridgidi guess not
10:38.43fridgidthat would make no sense
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10:47.46Wereldsfound 104 new files btw Aiiane :)
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10:50.04WobinWerelds: They were behind the couch all along?
10:50.16Wereldsbehind a hash, but yeah!
10:50.30Wereldsyou guys seen the seed Mythic use for hashing btw? :P
10:50.35Wereldsi giggled for half a second :<
10:50.53DarkTrooperno, please share?
10:51.07Wereldsgood thing they take themselves seriously
10:51.16DarkTrooperlol, that's great
10:51.38DarkTroopermaybe the one in charge of setting up the hash was a big tauren fan? :)
10:52.05Aiianedeadbeef dates back far before tauren
10:52.17DarkTrooperit does? please enlighten.
10:52.39Wereldsnow i just gotta wait for chryzo so i can get him to upload a new hashfile \o/
10:52.41Aiianeit's one of the few things you can make with 8 hex characters
10:53.18DarkTrooperright, i thought there was a big story involved, haha
10:53.24Aiiane(i.e. 4 bytes, i.e. a 32-bit integer)
10:53.33DarkTrooperi'm sticking to the person liking tauren story myself :)
10:59.58fridgidis setting a variable to false the same as nil?
11:00.21fridgidnil erases, false just sets to false?
11:00.22Aiianelua> false == nil
11:00.23lua_botAiiane: false
11:00.58Aiianeeverything to defaults to nil; false is a distinct setting
11:01.35fridgidin boolean terms though, false and nil are the same?
11:01.55DarkTrooperif i remember lua doesn't use boolean for those sorts of things
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11:03.34Aiianeif they were the same in boolean terms
11:03.43Aiianewould the lua I demonstrated above have returned false?
11:04.01fridgidguess not
11:04.27Wereldsnil = no value, false = a value
11:04.30Wereldssimple as that
11:05.02Wereldsif (not varname) returns the same for both nil and false tho afaik
11:05.19Werelds(which is why i never use not, it's too generic)
11:05.38Aiianenot is useful for some things :P
11:05.41Wobinnot really =)
11:05.48Aiianebut if you want to check specifically false or nil, ~= is better
11:05.57Wereldsyah :)
11:06.00fridgidlua> x = false; if not x then print "no"
11:06.02lua_botfridgid: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
11:06.07fridgidlua> x = false; if not x then print "no" end
11:06.08lua_botfridgid: no
11:06.10WobinI use not for if the variable has been assigned or not
11:06.19fridgidlua> x = nil; if not x then print "no" end
11:06.20lua_botfridgid: no
11:06.29Wereldsi use ~= over not just to have it clear that i'm checking for either a nil or a false value
11:06.30Wobinif not then = {}
11:06.31AiianeWerelds: I sometimes use 'not' for settings
11:06.35Wereldsbut it's personal preference thos o
11:06.38Werelds*tho so :p
11:06.42Aiianesince then if there isn't an option defined yet, it just defines to true
11:07.03Wobinlua> not nil == true
11:07.03lua_botWobin: true
11:07.11Wereldsyeh that's one of the few cases where it's actually a good thing aii
11:07.46Aiianeanother case is if you want to allow a function to return a boolean, but have a default behavior if it doesn't specify a return value
11:10.03Wereldsusing System.Text.RegularExpressions;
11:10.05WereldsREGEX TIME <3
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11:20.00AiianeI should have gone to sleep hours ago :s
11:20.41fridgidnighters Aiiane, thanks for the help, i'm sure i'll be asking more questions soon xD
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11:46.04fridgidcan you put functions with arguments in a RegisterEventHandler statement?
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11:55.10implacableincapable of being pacified.
12:04.05hallasCant figure out how to do this drag and drop snap thing
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12:09.10implacablefunny, I was threatened on warhammeralliance
12:09.20DarkTrooperooh, linky :)
12:09.29implacableyea no thanks
12:09.39implacableby the people that run it.
12:10.03sdw`well thats not e-bashing, possible e-corruption? :p
12:10.14DarkTrooperyou broke the rules i'm guessing? :)
12:10.23implacableno, i created a thread about tor anroc
12:11.17implacablethen this guy responded to my post in broken ass english like he was some hawaiian gangster and i basically said that i couldn't understand what he was saying
12:12.08implacableand then i was in trouble for saying commenting on the fact that no one could understand what he was saying
12:12.30DarkTrooperwere you polite about it?
12:12.44implacablehonestly i was sarcastic abou tit
12:12.44Wobin"What you talkin about, Willis?"
12:13.05DarkTroopercontest it then
12:14.11implacablereminds me of police
12:14.18implacablenot good police, but bad police
12:14.22WobinEvery Breath You Take?
12:14.32implacableyou know, the guys that stop you and mess with you just because they can
12:14.41implacablenot because you were doing something wrong
12:15.22DarkTrooperwell, some of the unpleasent side effects of massive numbers of trolls
12:18.35sdw`id just laugh it off. if it happens a second time then there would be some cause for concern
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12:23.14implacablethe guy that gave me the infraction obviously didn't like my thread post. which is fine he could of just responded and said "i don't agree with you and in my personal opinion i think you are completely wrong and an idiot" but instead uses his forum privledges to threaten me
12:24.00DarkTroopernah, i dunno about that, i havn't heard of the mods being unprofessional like that
12:24.32DarkTrooperhe might have had a problem with the way it was worded, or mis-interperted it
12:24.33implacablethat's my point, he used his power in an unprofessional way instead of expressing his personal opinion
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12:25.05DarkTrooperwas it garth?
12:25.13sdw`well not yet anyway, but i doubt it considering wa and tenton are really the only forums we have that are close to official
12:25.49DarkTroopersdw`: they are posting much more on vn lately
12:26.05DarkTrooperMark has had entire conversations with people, and wha hasn't really got a single real post in a week
12:27.14sdw`well thats a let down, i can understand why they dont want official forums. but perhaps assigning certain devs to certain forums would work
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12:27.38DarkTrooperi dunno what curse has done to piss them off
12:27.45implacablethey don't want forums for the same reason they don't provide latency information
12:28.32DarkTrooperthey don't need offical forums
12:29.07DarkTrooperanyone who has anything worth listening to can get it read on the current forums availiable
12:29.38Sniperummwhats going on?
12:29.58DarkTrooperpeople considering zzzs
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12:33.10fridgidhow do i get an integer from a number?
12:34.02hallasnumbers are integers in lua ?
12:34.10hallasdo you mean number from string?
12:34.58fridgidi think its integer, i want a function that takes any number and returns only integers, ie somefunc(5.5) would return 5
12:35.19fridgidi guess i have to write a function that does that lol
12:35.35implacable"there are 3 scenarios in every tier, play another one, don't ask removal of this one, as some people like it as well"
12:36.21lua_botSlakah: 6
12:36.40lua_botSlakah: 5
12:36.43fridgidyeah just do a simple ceil floor thing
12:36.58fridgidi guess i just figured there was on in it already
12:38.30Slakahlua>print(math.modf (6.5))
12:38.30lua_botSlakah: 6, 0.5
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12:41.51BotanicalPuppethello... is it safe to delete the entire 'users' directory and fire up war.exe... will it generate defaults?
12:43.31DarkTroopertho i recoment renaming or moving instead of deleting
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12:44.48BotanicalPuppetright. that i will do. i'll probably patch in a few folders by hand.
12:45.02norgsHi back atcha Wobin! :)
12:45.21Sniperummwob wob
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12:52.20Wobinnorgs: How you finding WAR?
12:52.28WobinSniperumm: Seen the latest version?
12:53.05SniperummWell I find this strange. An item price is set in stone within the itemData.sellPrice. Yet I've had someone come back to me saying that some items (and it looks like armor) sometimes display different values (merchant/nisp values). I've looked at Mythics code and it should display the same amount. I is confused :o
12:53.14Sniperummnot yet buddy
12:53.34SniperummJust running an update
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12:53.56WobinSniperumm: PErhaps due to renown?
12:54.14Sniperummdoes renown effect sell price?
12:54.25DarkTrooperwell not renown
12:54.29DarkTrooperbut zone bonus's
12:54.33WobinIf your faction controls the zone, you get 20% bonus
12:54.40Sniperummah well there wasn't any zone bonus
12:54.44WobinInfluence bonus, perhaps
12:54.45Sniperummit was at 0%
12:55.02Sniperumm take a look at the 2nd post down
12:55.47DarkTrooperoh right, so you're the author for nisp
12:55.58SniperummI've not come across any prices being incorrect :o
12:56.19DarkTrooperi havn't been checking that much, but i don't think i've come across a wrong price
12:57.43implacablei noticed that running some addons makes my gameplay unplayable
12:57.44WobinI wish the chat wouldn't filter out quotation marks and asterisks
12:57.56DarkTrooper"Even the starter-gear, which you can't sell, is shown to have a value of several silver."
12:58.02DarkTrooperwtf? not on my toons
12:58.24implacableIsAssistTracker, HoverCast, but I think it's my computer
12:58.36implacablep4 just can't hang
12:58.41implacable1g ram
12:58.51Sniperummsame here Dark. Its very strange
12:59.14SniperummI basicly use the same function that Mythic uses to show a sell price at a merchant
12:59.26DarkTrooperi wonder if it's a hotfix issue, or another mod is messing with it or what
12:59.30Sniperummall they do is grab the itemData.sellPrice and smack it through a money convertor
12:59.40DarkTrooperi'll keep a better eye when i'm dumping stuff
12:59.42fridgidok my onupdate script is now giving me a shitload of script call failed, non-existent script errors? ideas?
12:59.55Sniperummthanks mate
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13:00.36Sniperummfollow the code through mate. ITs really simple and there shouldn't be any problems
13:01.20DarkTrooperhaha, what is it with your mods having a source directory?
13:01.33Sniperummits organised! :P
13:01.45Wereldsparsing a 170k line long txt file a couple of times in a row ~= fun
13:01.54DarkTrooperi could throttle aii for making the .mod howto organised like that
13:02.01DarkTrooperand she doesn't even use that format herself!
13:02.23Wereldsaii most likely didn't make the page?
13:02.40Wereldsand no offense, but some addons really could use some friggin structure
13:02.48DarkTrooperhmm, i thought she did
13:03.09DarkTrooperi can understand large modular ones like auctioneer doing something like that
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13:03.20DarkTrooperbut there's lots of mods with just a .mod and a .lua  :)
13:03.30Shammusgood morning everyone
13:03.56Wobinwho needs a folder for a single file?
13:04.02ShammusCan anyone please tell me the difference beyond the obvious of LOADING_END and ENTER_WORLD events?
13:04.45DarkTrooperdoes enter only fire once and loading after each 'page turning load screen' ?
13:05.10ShammusI'm wondering if LOADING_END is for addon loading, or character loading, etc
13:05.20WobinYou might want to register and debug it
13:05.24Wobinand see when they fire
13:05.39Shammusprobably true, I was hoping someone would know
13:05.50DarkTrooperand then document it on the wiki, so the next person that asks will know =)
13:05.53Shammusbut, just seeing when it happens doesn't really explain what fires it
13:06.30ShammusThat brings up another question I had, how do you get permissions to edit the wiki?  I've clicked on a couple entries that are empty, and it says I don't have permissions
13:06.45Wobincreate an account
13:07.10DarkTrooperthere's only a few pages that can't be edited iirc
13:07.14WobinI'd say nothing 'fires' it per se, but the important part is when it's fired
13:07.19Shammusanother shockingly obvious and straight forward answer :)
13:07.40Shammuswell, if I'm trying to avoid execution until after all addons are loaded, for instance, it may have some importance
13:07.46Shammusbut, I acknowledge your point
13:07.54WobinYou might want to put a timer in then
13:08.08DarkTrooperi havn't heard of an event to guage when addons are finish'd loading
13:08.25Wereldsmeh 7k diff between the old and new hashfiles for easymyp
13:08.30Wereldstime to test the new one
13:08.35ShammusDark, so you think LOADING_END is just character loading?
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13:09.32Sniperummits world loading
13:10.33ShammusLol, my War API user id is 1337
13:10.47DarkTrooperthat's hax
13:11.07DarkTrooperanyhow, late here, zzz time
13:11.20Sniperumm<Wobin> who needs a folder for a single file? <-- I like to keep my stuff organised. Who says I won't add more files later on? Theres honestly no harm in being organised :o
13:11.24Sniperummnn dark
13:12.19Wereldsit's not a logic name for the folder tho
13:12.32SniperummSource files.. does me
13:12.34WereldsCode would be more logical :P
13:12.36SniperummI stole it off another addon
13:12.52WobinIt's all Zypher's originating fault for that page =P
13:12.55Wereldsspock would disapprove!
13:13.21Wereldswhere's chryzo when you need him
13:13.23WereldsBOOHOO :(
13:13.57SniperummSpock and his face feeling fettish
13:15.21norgsWobin: Haven't been playing it TBH
13:15.28Sniperummbtw wobin, (going to be one of those annoying peeps). Think you could expand one of those lists once a match is found?
13:15.33WobinYou just hang out in here for the kicks =P
13:15.54WobinSniperumm: what if it matches in more than one group?
13:15.55norgsI plan to get back to it... just so darned busy ATM
13:17.16WereldsIn case anyone wants it, an updated hashfile for EasyMYP:
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13:17.33Wereldsi'll get it on chryzo's page later, he hasn't given me svn access :<
13:17.42BotanicalPuppetupdated in what way?
13:17.44ShammusSorry for the newb questions, but can anyone help me add a new API Function to the WarWiki?  I wanted to add GetFriendsList() and GetIgnoreList()
13:18.02Wereldsa whole bunch of new and fixed entries BotanicalPuppet
13:18.03ShammusNeither are listed on the API_Functions page, and I don't see a way to add them
13:18.04Wereldsa good 120 or so
13:18.17BotanicalPuppetok i'll download it
13:18.33Wereldsoh actually
13:18.36Wereldshe did add me
13:18.41Wereldsi'll push it to easymyp's svn
13:18.54SniperummWobin: Atm you have to expand each to find a match :( So you type in a name then you have to go through each list header to see if there is a match
13:19.28WobinShammus: Just create a new page for it
13:19.34Sniperummbe nice if it just expands ones with a match
13:19.41Wobinby putting in API:GetFriendsList into the searchbox
13:19.54Wobinthen going "edit page" or create new page or something from there when it can't be found
13:20.04Repo10waaaghbar_fps: 03leodido 04v0.3 * r6 : Tagging as v0.3.
13:20.31WobinSniperumm: hum. I'll look into it
13:20.42ShammusWobin: thanks!  I'll give it a shot
13:26.27Repo10nrarity: 03Nemes * r7 / (4 files in 1 directory):
13:26.28RepoRefactor and objectorientify in preparation for adding other icons
13:36.53SniperummI wish these people reporting problems would explain in more detail :O
13:37.34Wobin"Um. Stuff is wrong"
13:41.57fridgidhey ur addon dont work  n e mor can u fix it? thx
13:42.24fridgidhmmm, that might be one 5 letter word too many tbh
13:44.44ShammusCan someone please check out my API:Function documentation @ and tell me if it is ok?
13:46.01Wereldslooks fine Shammus
13:46.18Wereldsaltho in your example
13:46.21Wereldsuse ipairs
13:46.23Wereldsand not pairs
13:46.28Shammuswhat is the difference?
13:46.38Wobinipairs returns an integer index
13:46.42Wereldsyah :)
13:46.47Wobinpairs returns whatever indexes are used
13:46.52Wereldsand the result table is indexed purely by integers
13:46.57Wereldsso might as well do it properly
13:47.06Wobinwell, he's discarding the index =P
13:47.21Wereldsyeh well it's kinda good to have in some cases
13:47.22Shammuswith ipairs do I need to have the two variables, or just the non index one?
13:47.30Wereldsaltho anyone with a lua clue will figure that out themselves
13:47.34Felyzaso THAT"S the difference between pairs and ipairs
13:47.44BotanicalPuppeti have a bugfix for spammenot... was incorrectly showing 2 digits of spamblock total (I was up to 3, will be up to 4 maybe 5 over time) ... and spewing debug messages about it... will post the update to curseforge
13:47.46Wobinyeah, pairs will cover any non numeric index
13:47.51Shammuswhat I have now is for _, character in pairs(friendsList) do
13:47.53Felyzai've been wondering =)
13:48.15Shammusand it shoudl be: for character in ipairs(friendsList) do or for _, character in ipairs(friendsList) do?
13:48.24Werelds@ Shammus: would be for i, friendData in ipairs(friendsList)
13:48.37Wereldsor index rather than i
13:48.50Shammusis it more efficient? since it appears to me that they do the same thing
13:49.03Wereldsin this case it doesn't make much of a diff
13:49.09Shammusif it's an indexed table, it returns a number, and if it's a dictionary table, it returns the key
13:49.36Wereldsi don't think pairs returns the index if it's not explicitly set
13:49.38Wereldsnot sure tho
13:49.59ShammusI pulled that from my code that works
13:50.20Slakahlua> for i, v in pairs({"foo", "cat", "dog"}) do print(i, v) end
13:50.20lua_botSlakah: 1, foo, 2, cat, 3, dog
13:50.20Wereldsyeh like i said, it's not a big deal, anyone who actually wants to use it will figure it out
13:50.22Shammusbut, as you said... I discard the index anyway, so I'm not entirely sure it works
13:51.02Shammusseems to be just semantics then, based on slakahs output
13:51.14Wereldsnot entirely
13:51.18Shammusipairs would be more readable
13:51.20Wereldscuz ipairs jams if you miss an index
13:51.37Wereldsso if you have 1=foo, 2=bar, 4=boink
13:51.43Wereldsit would stop at 2 because 3 is missing
13:51.46Wereldsafaik anyway :p
13:51.53Shammusso, then it's worse :)
13:52.04Wereldsor if you did four=boink
13:52.07Wereldsit would stop there
13:52.10Wereldscan't remember
13:52.12Wereldseither one
13:52.19Wereldscba to test atm either :P
13:52.35Felyzacelestian where are joo?
13:52.41ShammusI'll change it, since it can't hurt... but it seems they are both acceptable in this instance
13:53.06Wereldsyah they are interchangeable here so it doesn't matter much
13:53.19Wereldsit's just that with ipairs it's clear that it's a numerical indexed table
13:53.42Shammusagreed, it is more obvious/readable so I changed it
13:54.01Felyzaeither of you use quickmailtool
13:54.26SlakahIt might be nice to have a short description of what the example code does
13:54.58Felyzathe best way to submit an enhancement request ticket:
13:57.34Wobinmore to the point, {1 = "bing", 2= "bang", 3 = "bong", cabbage = frog}
13:57.43Wobinipairs would only iterate through the first 3
13:57.48Wobinpairs would go through all four
13:57.55Shammusaha! that makes sense
13:58.15Wereldsbut.. cabbage isn't a frog anyway!
13:58.17Shammusso, if you had a list and a property at the same level, it would prevent you from having to filter out the dictionary entry
13:58.26Shammusif you wanted to iterate thru the list
13:58.47Wobinno real way to do it the other way though =)
13:58.49ShammusI have now learned my new thing for the day... guess it's time to go to bed
14:00.43ShammusIs it EA.ChatWindow or EA_ChatWindow?
14:01.07Shammusthat what I thought, either I had a typo, or someone changed the docs to EA.ChatWindow
14:01.23Felyzawhich page
14:01.47Shammus, I changed it back
14:02.36Shammusthanks for all the help gang, I'm off to work
14:03.38Felyzayou initially put it as .
14:03.48Felyzaso much for ranting on someone
14:03.48Shammusk, figures
14:04.04Felyzacheck out discussion on xml page
14:04.10ShammusI did qualify that it could've been me :)
14:04.35Felyzai was working on updating the xml last night
14:08.51*** part/#waruidev Shammus (
14:12.12SniperummActionButtonGroup also felyza
14:12.39Sniperummits an element in xml
14:12.55Felyzaput it in, or at least in discussion for research
14:13.05Sniperummused to created bank slots/inventory slots
14:13.10Felyzai was browsing default xml, that's how i was finding them
14:13.18SniperummI'll have a simple example on how to use later this week
14:13.20Felyzai know i didn't get all of them
14:13.41Sniperummcan't do anything atm as im busy working
14:14.08Felyzai was very pleased to see the <sounds> tag, everyone should add those 4 lines to they have that tiny bit of polish for and window.close sounds
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14:19.40fridgidlua> math.modf(-5.6)
14:19.40lua_botfridgid: -5, -0.6
14:20.47fridgidlua> math.floor(-6.5)
14:20.48lua_botfridgid: -7
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14:25.38Repo10nstancehighlighter: 03Nemes * r8 NStanceHighlighter.lua: remember characters by server AND name
14:28.26*** join/#waruidev AckisWork (i=8ee55140@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
14:29.30BotanicalPuppetam i the only one who ALWAYS forgets to write "then" in an if-then clause in lua? ... too much C and C++ rots the brain ...
14:31.04BotanicalPuppetdid a major update... four errors for missing 'thens' ... four reloads later... works great... add another if clause... reload for then ... add another if clause... add the 'then', reload... my basic bugfix flow...]
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14:37.30Felyzabotanicalpuppet, not as bad as the 20 some off reloads to figure out i needed to do function something(...) to return (...) in the function, even though its not used and the return is a globally saved variable
14:38.18Felyzanicoli, you're the profiler guy, right?
14:38.23nicoli_sone of them yah
14:38.44BotanicalPuppetFelyza: you have a bug tracker report from me for your StickyGearSettings addon
14:39.16Felyzajust double checking... have yuo had any issues with upon a long play session steady degradation to quality of play dependant on how long you have been running, fixed upon on a reloadui (and curse dump)?
14:39.27Felyzaif i disable the profile, i don't get the same issue
14:39.28Daegalushowdy all
14:39.37Felyzadisable the profiler
14:39.41nicoli_seproducable felyza?
14:39.49BotanicalPuppeti don't install the profiler or client
14:40.09Felyzayes, but i'm talking 3+ hours playtime before it gets really noticable
14:40.27BotanicalPuppetmight be hard to separate from the natural bugleak degradation of WAR.exe?
14:40.27Felyzawhen i disable the profiler, it doesn't happen
14:40.51Felyzaif it does, then its not in the same 3-5 hour play time i usually put in
14:41.36BotanicalPuppetwell the profiler addon is saving logs... potentially increasing the data by a large %... potentially not releasing the memory allocated...makes sense as a theory....
14:42.46BotanicalPuppetEAMythic should make a garbage collector ... like ... priority 1 or at least 2 for next major update...
14:43.00Repo10waaaghbar_fps: 03leodido 04v0.3a * r8 : Tagging as v0.3a.
14:43.52*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
14:43.59nicoli_swell if i can reproduce it, we could maybe do something that saves and clears out all the variables once an hour
14:44.20Repo10rolodex: 03wobin * r31 / (4 files in 1 directory): Now searches across different lists simultaneously
14:44.22Repomade it filter across all lists at once.
14:44.28BotanicalPuppeti assume you are the right Felyza... for
14:44.55nicoli_sFelyza do you mind emailing that to, i want to make sure my boss sees that one
14:45.14nicoli_sthough tsk tsk tsk for mythic allowing addons to degrade play performance
14:45.15Daegalusso AMD breakup is official, damn shame
14:45.44WobinSniperumm: ^
14:46.50*** join/#waruidev ben___ (
14:48.30BotanicalPuppethaha nicoli, if their own client can't deallocate its own memory blocks well... well what hope is there for the addons it allows... ^_~
14:48.34Felyzasorry, work phone call take presidence over responding in irc
14:50.02Wobinand with that, I'll head to bed
14:50.06Wobinnight all
14:53.24*** join/#waruidev Pewpewarrows (
14:59.24Daegalusto? amd break up?
15:00.36Daegalusand for those that dont trust NYT,,,51_104_543~128482,00.html
15:01.40Daegalusgah i gtg, classes, cya late
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15:14.31Felyzaon phone with csr, he's finding out if he can send me interface.xsd
15:15.14hallasfuck this
15:15.20hallasi was at work, i get mad stomache
15:15.27hallasthen i get home, its all gone
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15:17.40Felyzaand escalate
15:23.20*** join/#waruidev potato (n=poetaeto@
15:24.11hallaswhere might i find a list of layers?
15:24.22hallasI got background, default and popup in my own list
15:28.14*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
15:29.55Repo10nstancehighlighter: 03Nemes * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory):
15:29.57RepoOverride the default active ability animation update - it's too expensive to keep hooking it every frame.
15:31.03Repo10nstancehighlighter: 03Nemes 041.2-beta * r10 :
15:31.04RepoOverride the default active ability animation update - it's too expensive to keep hooking it every frame.
15:40.43Felyzagiven another number to call regarding interface.xsd, but at least i got my world shaper title
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16:12.46Felyzagreat the 703 area code number given by the guys are the 650 area code to contact mythic auto-forwards back to the number at the 650 area code
16:12.56Felyzaat the 650
16:14.16TsolvalHey Felyza, what is it you're trying to get from Mythic?
16:15.07Tsolvalschema definition file?
16:15.14Felyzathe suport number given when calling their main switchboard goes to a completly different company
16:15.15Tsolvalthat would be nice to have...
16:15.39Tsolvalaah, typical outsourcing of support...
16:15.40Felyzai need to find a name to use to get past their switchboard
16:15.52Felyzano, not outsourcing, WRONG unmber
16:16.57hallasgonna go fetch coca cola now
16:17.11hallasneed it for next release of Waaaaaaaaaaagh tonight :P
16:17.15Felyzahmm, found direct numbers to senior ea global pr people
16:18.24Felyzaif any of the ea employees in the channel could send me a private query to give me a number or name to contact, other than the 650 number (which is NO help, they send me to another number, that autoforwards back to them) then i would appreciate it
16:19.01*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=mdef@
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16:21.47Felyzaso far, i've found direct lines to 3 mythic producers, 3 senior global PR managers, a few entry level mythic devs, a few mythic qa testers, 2 directors, marketing,
16:22.04Felyzaoooo i think i hit it
16:22.15Felyzaa sr customer support team lead
16:30.26Felyzahmm, found a regular lead
16:30.57Felyzawill find a regular customer support person yet
16:33.19nicoli_smake it 10x as fast
16:33.45Chryzono way i am doing it in C++
16:33.46FelyzaChryzo, is the 'what changed' going to be possible?
16:34.04Chryzoit just needs massive code revamp
16:34.07Chryzobut it is possible
16:34.23FelyzaWhat about hash table creation locally, to prevent the needing to download hash tables?
16:34.40Chryzopossible too
16:34.45ChryzoI am going to make release 2 standalone
16:34.53Chryzowithout the need for me to update the hashlistings
16:35.09FelyzaThat'd be a plus, and more patch-proof
16:35.24Chryzoit is also more prone to me not playing war anymore too :)
16:35.41nicoli_swhat made you decide to keep updating it?
16:35.47Felyzahave you found a way to read structures and filenames?
16:35.56ChryzoFelyza: what do you mean ?
16:36.16Felyzaoutputting all lua/xml/dds and not sticking some in txt
16:36.18Chryzonicoli_s: the fact that it is actually fun to do and wanted to kind of finish it :)
16:36.33nicoli_se are no filenames in the archives
16:36.38nicoli_sthere are no*
16:36.47ChryzoFelyza: nope, sorry, i do have an extension finder, but it does not work very well
16:36.59ChryzoI will also provide a way to test filenames
16:37.02Felyzahow has what'd been discovered become discovered?
16:37.05Chryzoto generate filenames to see if they are in
16:37.17Felyzaall guess and check?
16:37.18ChryzoFelyza: intelligent brute force mainly
16:37.34nicoli_sfelyza, a combination of me and chryso figuring out the filenames and making rules, and finding them in the exe, monitoring filecalls with filemon, etc
16:38.00Chryzojust for info, the latest version that really goes into lots of brute force generates 10^18 filenames
16:38.07Chryzotakes around 30 hours on my dual core
16:38.10Felyzai hadn't thrown ida at it yet, too afraid of getting caught
16:38.34nicoli_si wish ida worked on my comp
16:38.43ChryzoYou know they made a special title 'World Builder' for some players
16:38.46Felyzashe's a fun playmate ;)
16:38.48nicoli_si can at leats make my way around it, unlike ollydebug
16:38.53FelyzaI got it just today
16:38.54ChryzoI want to ask for a 'World Destroyer' one :)
16:39.12nicoli_syou got banned in beta so you need a special title :P
16:39.17Chryzoyeah, exactly !
16:39.24FelyzaThey applied the wrong closed tester type to my account, was on the phone for a long time, FINALLY got them to apply it
16:39.40Felyzagot escalated 3x
16:39.49nicoli_si dont think i got my elder title either actually
16:40.09nicoli_sbut i had a press key, not sure if that changes anything
16:40.18Felyzait does
16:40.26Felyzaelder = first wave closed beta testers
16:40.36nicoli_swell i had access to the elder servers
16:40.47nicoli_sthat should make me elder enough
16:40.53Felyzafirst wave press ~= first wave tester
16:41.34Felyzalua> "first wave press" ~= "first wave tester"
16:41.34lua_botFelyza: true
16:41.48Felyzai thought ~= was "not equal to"
16:41.54nicoli_sit is
16:41.59nicoli_sthose arent equal
16:42.06Chryzothe generation of filenames will be included and support up to quadcores processors in release 2
16:42.09Felyzawhoops, i shoulda done this
16:42.14Felyzalua> "first wave press" = "first wave tester"
16:42.14lua_botFelyza: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '"first wave press"'
16:42.20Felyzalua> "first wave press" == "first wave tester"
16:42.21lua_botFelyza: false
16:42.52Felyzamind working hard on trying to find someone in mythic customer support below team lead
16:43.13nicoli_sdo you really think theyll give you the file?
16:43.14Felyzai think i'm going to give up and just call the lead i got the number for
16:44.02FelyzaCSR [phajal] tells you: I'd call them and light a fire under someone's tush.
16:44.41FelyzaCSR [phajal] tells you: I have no control over that, but if it were up to me, i'd play Bananaphone over and over
16:45.03Felyzawas told to keep trying by in game customer support rep
16:46.23Felyzathe ea global number is 650-628-1001 which leads to reps that tell me to call mythic at 703-934-0169, which autoforwards all calls to 650-628-1001
16:47.16Felyzathe switchboard number is 703-934-0232, which requires a name to get past, and in the message gives the number for tech support as 703-934-0160 which has nothing to do with ea
16:47.47FelyzaBananaphone over and over
16:48.34Felyzai've got numbers to sr pr managers, directors, sr leads, leads, devs, producers on all levels, but no cust support people directly yet
16:49.29nicoli_syou should just call up every one of them and just yell "WAAAGH"
16:49.55Felyzai'm about to break down and have a nice, serious (no WAAAGH) call to a customer support lead
16:50.13FelyzaIF i can get past the switchboard
16:50.24nicoli_sso you are trying to get the interface.xsd to do what again?
16:50.37Felyzacomplete xml documentation in one file
16:51.31Felyzaoff to make a call, wish me luck
16:53.35*** join/#waruidev DrDoogie (
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17:00.27Chryzoam pissed
17:00.34ChryzoI wanted to buy a Dell laptop
17:00.36Felyzamorning piss?
17:00.42Chryzobut I can't
17:00.56Felyzayou should see a doctor about that
17:01.00Chryzobecause: 1/ the site i wanted to get it from does not deliver it to my country
17:01.14Chryzo2/ the dell site for my current country don't have hte options i want
17:01.27Chryzo3/ the frigging international warranty does not work in the one i am currently in
17:01.34Chryzowhat shit is that international warranty!
17:01.43Felyzawhat country?
17:02.57Felyzabut yeah, pretty sad a global company doesn't offer the same deals globally
17:03.08Repo10multiauction: 03Odlaw * r4 / (3 files in 1 directory): MultiAuction:
17:03.09Repo- Added Restrictions
17:03.13Repo- Changed a few labels
17:03.48Felyzaso, my call went well
17:04.07nicoli_sthey gonna give it to you?
17:04.31Felyzahow'd you get this number, don't call me again... another said how'd you get this number, everything is done via email, another was out
17:05.04Felyzaapparently senior customer support team leads aren't very customer friendly
17:06.33nicoli_sat least they are consistent
17:06.47Felyzathe warhammer community coordinator didn't answer
17:14.12DrDoogieanyone know if its possible to crawl in lua? I have found a place called crawla cave but i have no idea how to crawl
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17:17.43Sniperummhere you go DrDoogie:
17:20.25DrDoogieah thank you :)
17:20.41DrDoogiethat helps :)
17:21.03*** join/#waruidev Slakah (
17:34.16SlakahHmm the WAR registration doesn't like hyphens in the e-mail.
17:38.27Thunder_Childit takes forever to level a guild with ~5 active members
17:43.28ChryzoFelyza: question for you, do you want to have the option to tell EasyMYP to update the status (new / changed / unchanged) of a file manually or do you want it to be done automaticaly ?
17:44.22Felyzawould be nice to have an automatic 'its changed', with an option to dump off a list of changed items
17:44.47Chryzonot the problem
17:45.11Chryzoi meant about the file containing the hash, do you want it auto updated once you have opened the archive ?
17:45.25Chryzoyou open an archive
17:45.29Chryzoyou have the list of modified files
17:45.31Chryzoand new ones
17:45.57Chryzothen, do you want the application to autoupdate itself so that next time you open the archive you won't have any new/modified files
17:46.13Felyzaoh, hmm, i'm a fan of user-customizability. how hard would to give an option to backup before overwrite?
17:46.16Chryzoor you would rather have to tell the application to update itself
17:46.26Chryzonot that hard :)
17:46.44Chryzoso creation of a backup :)
17:47.22Felyzawith an option that says 'don't care and don't ask me again' for those who don't care (think help tips in war) would likely be a good idea as well
17:48.02Felyzaif you're not saving settings for anything else, i wouldn't worry about a 'don't care switch' itd be overkill to add settings saving if its not in already just for that
17:48.16Chryzono settings saving atm :)
17:48.24Chryzoso i ll jsut create a backup by default
17:48.28Felyzayeah, then just an option to backup
17:49.50Felyzayes, i have software development process experience, and i know features don't get added sicne sometimes it takes a whole lot of code for a small thing
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18:00.23Repo10stickygearsettings: 03Felyza * r12 StickyGearSettings.lua: Removed debug spam.
18:01.39Repo10stickygearsettings: 03Felyza 04V1.6-Release * r13 / (3 files in 1 directory): Releasing debug-spam-free version.
18:04.28Thunder_Child~kick `Zypher
18:04.29purlACTION kicks `Zypher
18:05.49*** join/#waruidev jay\ (
18:06.45jay\evening :) anyone able to help me with a command that is seemingly eluding me, please?
18:07.22purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
18:07.57purlwar is, like, the reasonable response of a nation forced to turn to the rest of the world for valuable energy resources but not wanting to deal fairly in an open marketplace with truly equal players
18:08.10jay\alright... for example i have a string that is such as "28364 foobar", what's the best way to remove to the numbers and just leave the text?
18:08.17Thunder_Childis that a slight at the us by chance?
18:08.34purlA utility that can get and resume files from a web site.. URL:
18:08.44purlfrom memory, lust is good, or one of the SE7EN deadly sins., or a Linux User Support Team
18:09.12Thunder_Childjay\, a regex i think, but dont ask me how to do one
18:09.16Werelds@ jay\: string:gsub("(\d+) (\w+)", "")
18:09.22purlfrom memory, rage is
18:09.42Felyzarage isn't one of the 7 ways to live
18:10.04purlShell-independent environment variable management. URL:
18:10.29lua_botFelyza: false
18:12.09Thunder_Child~kick Felyza
18:12.09purlACTION kicks Felyza
18:13.46jay\thanks Werelds, i'll play around with that
18:14.38Wereldsi made a mistake there btw jay\ :p
18:14.41Wereldsforgot we're in lua
18:14.46Wereldsso instead of \d and \w
18:14.48jay\oh :)
18:14.49Wereldsuse %d and %w
18:15.03Wereldsnormal regex uses backslashes for escaping, lua uses %
18:15.04jay\iname:gsub("(%d+) (%w+)", "") <--- like that ?
18:15.40Wereldsif you don't know regex, i recommend you to read about it in the lua manual + on
18:16.01purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
18:16.12Wereldsneed that
18:16.38Wereldsthat's the one!
18:19.07purlsomebody said regex was ^[$%]?s/.*[^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]/.*[^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]/[i]?$
18:19.38Felyzahallas, they (the vatican) updated the list of 7 deadly sins... environmental pollution, genetic manipulation, obscene wealth, infliction of poverty, drug trafficking, morally debatable experiments, and violation of the fundamental rights of human nature
18:20.30Wereldsin other words
18:20.43Wereldsit's not a sin to rape children anymore? HAPPY TIMES
18:20.53WereldsHAPPY POPE
18:21.07Thunder_Childi dont remember raping children in the list of the origional 7
18:21.10Felyzai think that falls under violation of the fundamental rights of human nature
18:21.15VonhintenHOME`or, you're going to hell for that one
18:21.43Wereldsno Thunder_Child, but that was under Lust!
18:21.44Felyzaif its only your first time doing it, then probably morally debatable experiments instead
18:22.27Thunder_ChildWerelds, it might not have been lust
18:22.51Thunder_Childeg. other than for sex
18:32.55*** join/#waruidev Amadeo (
18:39.07Thunder_Childfuck the bolt throwers
18:40.23AmadeoZeus frowns at you!
18:41.02Thunder_Childs/bolt/balista bolt/
18:53.24FelyzaBotanicalPuppet, you here?
18:53.39hallasim not a catholic
18:53.41hallasso screw the vatican
18:53.44FelyzaI was curious how the whiny fork is coming
18:53.46hallasi have my own 7 deadly sins ;)
18:54.02BotanicalPuppeti've been doing fixing for ChosensHelper last night and today... haven't touched its code yet
18:54.51FelyzaI noticed Liquid5n0w (I hate leetspeak names) also forked it.
18:55.17Thunder_Childhallas, it's better to have a list of sins needed to be performed each dayu
18:57.45BotanicalPuppetwe both made repositories Felyza, but neither were significant updates
18:59.12FelyzaWell, I am really thinking the project itself has been abandoned. Only update in the last 2 months was done over a month ago by a different author.
19:00.13BotanicalPuppetit was explicitly abandoned (WhinySpellTimers) and last update was a compat. update by Aiiane
19:00.14FelyzaYou taking feature requests on your fork?
19:00.20BotanicalPuppetabsolutely, yes
19:00.37FelyzaHere, or ticket
19:02.06FelyzaHmm, I can't place a ticket on a fork apparently. Do you have any control over tickets on the mainline?
19:02.36BotanicalPuppeti'm not using the respository going forward
19:02.48BotanicalPuppeti'm using project ClassSpellTimers
19:02.59BotanicalPuppetyou can't access it unless contributor until a file is uploaded
19:03.21BotanicalPuppetrepositories are kinda sorta for minor things that get refolded into mainline.. i think
19:04.16FelyzaPost a 0.1-Alpha mod file... so I can write a ticket
19:05.22BotanicalPuppetmay have to be approved too? not sure
19:05.35BotanicalPuppeti'll just cut/paste my 'fork' repository
19:12.41Thunder_Childis there a . command to drop the flag on phoenix gate?
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19:22.39Felyzabotanicalpuppet, nice last name ;)
19:23.03FelyzaI'm sure you're related more with the anime version than vacuum, right?
19:23.15BotanicalPuppetKirby or...? :)
19:23.28BotanicalPuppetuh, i'm more related to my father than either
19:23.43FelyzaRandom act of google... netted your real name
19:26.03FelyzaFunny how taking someone's irc nick and a quick google search can give everything from names to phone numbers to addresses
19:30.29Thunder_Childi couldnt find my phone # or addy
19:30.46Thunder_ChildDoB and general loc is all i found
19:30.59Thunder_Childand the fact that i seem to be some women as well
19:33.42BotanicalPuppeti'm particulary insensitive to letting people know my RL info
19:33.50BotanicalPuppettake no efforts to hide it
19:35.00FelyzaI'm 99.9% there's no one else with my name in the world
19:35.37FelyzaFirst name appears in japan a bit, last name isn't too uncommon, combine all 3 (middle name too) and i'm unique - Felyza - 28 - Female - Somewhere, US
19:36.10FelyzaOn facebook too
19:36.16Felyzaand imdb
19:36.27netcursehuh, curse link is the first one
19:36.39*** join/#waruidev kuntz` (
19:37.30BotanicalPuppetthere are 100's of Peter Kirby's but i am over half of the top google hits for the name
19:37.32Felyzawithout comma
19:37.44BotanicalPuppet<-- pretty big deal
19:38.52Felyzagd script loading twice
19:39.47netcurseBotanical, i take the first 6 pages
19:39.51netcurseof google :)
19:40.19Wereldsthere's noone else in the world with my name
19:40.22Felyzamy full name is mentioned in 1 article on the net
19:40.30Wereldsand only a handful of people with my last name
19:40.37Wereldsi beat you all!
19:40.47Felyza f course, there are exceptions; the 28-year-old Tampa SCA member who legally changed his name to Felyza Drylar Wishbringer comes to mind. Yes, itÂ’s even on his driverÂ’s license. But beyond the slightly-weirdo fringe...
19:40.53Wereldsmy first name isn't very unique tho :{
19:41.59BotanicalPuppetquestion. i have an actionbar with two buttons. it's #4 actionbar. can i make those buttons #47 and #48... using the 11th/12th slots instead of 1st/2nd?
19:42.57BotanicalPuppetbasically i am trying to use actionbar #4 for the eleventh/twelfth slots of each of the five pages, while using the first 10 for my other actionbars
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19:43.53BotanicalPuppetoh and Aiiane the issue with my actionbar disappearing after an empty command rectified itself... not sure how..
19:43.57Aiianeoff to lunch and class, bbl
19:44.00AiianeBotanicalPuppet: good to hear
19:44.26BotanicalPuppeti think i clicked 'Default UI settings' at some point , shortly thereafter it wasn't permahid
19:45.59BotanicalPuppetany clue on how to start an actionbar's button at the 11th offset instead of the 1st?
19:46.19BotanicalPuppetwould be the icing on my ui cake :)
19:47.26Felyzai've heard of mechanically seperated chicken... heck, its in slim jims, but this chop suey lists mechanically separated beef... i'm slightly worried now
19:47.30AiianeBotanicalPuppet: it's possible but it involves a nasty function call or two
19:47.37BotanicalPuppetgreat... tell me more :D
19:47.42Chryzoanyone knows how to check the folder from which the application is running from :) ?
19:47.45BotanicalPuppetnasty is my middle name
19:47.48Aiianelook at the code that spawns an actionbar if you really want to know, plus the code for actionbarclustermanager
19:47.51Chryzo(in .net)
19:47.58AiianeI thought your middle name was drylar
19:48.14BotanicalPuppettechnically it's michael... peter michael mcnasty kirby
19:48.20AiianeChryzo: working directory? not sure how, but that's what it'd be called
19:48.32Aiianeoh, wait, wrong person BotanicalPuppet :P
19:48.38Aiiane~lart Felyza
19:48.38purldeclares Felyza a moron
19:48.50kuntz`see my movie mod?
19:49.01Aiianekuntz`: it'd be sort of hard to miss it
19:49.06Aiianeand seriously, I need food ><
19:49.08kuntz`Install it?
19:49.13kuntz`makes UI modding much easier
19:49.14BotanicalPuppetgo bye Aiiane BYE BYE
19:49.50Aiianekuntz`: most of the time I don't reload my client anyways, I just /reloadui
19:50.03kuntz`ah the window settings dont reload though =\
19:50.15Aiianechanging a mod version number forces them to
19:50.26Aiiane(for that mod)
19:50.39ChryzoAiiane: found something, but am gonna bet it is not gonna work lol, but thanks for the info on the name
19:52.20BotanicalPuppetAiiane: looking at my UILog i have a portion that says "SquaredPlayer unloaded." "SquaredPlayer loaded." 7 times consecutive repeating uninterrupted
19:53.13BotanicalPuppetNow it's 14x consecutive repeating uninterrupted? WTF?
19:53.30BotanicalPuppetgo to lunch or my errors/warnings will corrupt your soul!
19:54.02Chryzohow do you call the time in seconds
19:54.16Chryzoi mean the conversion from a full date to seconds
19:57.02BotanicalPuppetargggh the incredible immovable backpack!
19:57.19Wereldslike manually you mean Chryzo?
19:57.27Wereldscuz the game doesn't have any date/time support itself
19:57.40BotanicalPuppetthen how do i have the option for chat timestamps?
19:57.41Wereldsyou can use libstats for an easy way to get the time
19:57.45BotanicalPuppetand clock addons?
19:57.49Wereldsthey're hardcoded
19:57.57Wereldsand clock addons are extracting from the chat
19:58.01Wereldsjust like i do with libstats
19:58.14Wereldsnext version of libstats i'll build in more date/time functions tho
19:58.16Wereldsfor conversions etc
19:59.04hallaswtb libstats
19:59.11ChryzoWerelds: I was talking about stuff am doing in EasyMYP :)
19:59.54Wereldsin c# there's a bunch of functions for it
19:59.59Wereldsgoogle will tell ya :p
20:00.59Chryzoyeah, but DateTime.Now.Seconds did not give me total seconds
20:01.03BotanicalPuppetMouseOverTarget is used for my spell tooltips in addition to my mouse over targets... weak :(
20:01.06Chryzohad to use TimeSpan ... tsss
20:01.47hallaswhats the event that fires when every addon is loaded?
20:08.37*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
20:10.35ChryzoFelyza: can you check out this: ?
20:12.27Felyzaopening patch.myp = crash
20:12.57Chryzothat is bad lol :)
20:13.28Chryzoworking when i do it
20:13.31Chryzonot cool at all
20:13.53ChryzoI ll had a crashdump i guess :)
20:14.41Felyzaargument exception was unhandled: URI formats are not supported
20:15.03Felyzadebugger wanted cs files, but i told it no
20:17.25Aiihallas: currently, there isn't one.
20:17.57AiiBotanicalPuppet: when you saw the loaded/unloaded bits, had you been messing with Squared settings?
20:18.14BotanicalPuppeti think i may have moved the anchor ^_^
20:18.50Aiithat's somewhat normal, when settings are changed it reboots the current mode to apply the settings
20:19.00Aiitakes almost no processing time, so it's not really a problem
20:19.16Aii(and basically, intended)
20:19.34BotanicalPuppeti've only noticed excess debug spam from SpamMeNot and StickyGearSettings.. and i think the latter got fixed
20:20.09*** join/#waruidev sniperumm2 (
20:20.26AiiSquared shouldn't *spam* per se... there's individual actions triggering each of those messages
20:20.48m0td_2kdebug spam from SpamMeNot?
20:20.52BotanicalPuppetalthough i have modified 80% of my addons to redirect the init messaes to d() ... :D
20:21.03BotanicalPuppetwell it has a clipping area in its window gui that makes spam
20:21.08BotanicalPuppetarea= error
20:21.13AiiI don't put chat init messages in my addons
20:21.18Aiithey're d() by default
20:21.19BotanicalPuppeti sent in a bugfix for it
20:21.23Aiiif anything
20:21.32BotanicalPuppetyes you're in the 20% that behave :D
20:21.35m0td_2kare you talking about the 2 messages that appear on startup?
20:21.43BotanicalPuppeti have 30+ addons
20:21.46BotanicalPuppeti couldn't live otherwise
20:21.49m0td_2kcos of the race condition with the window creation?
20:22.04Aiim0td_2k: no, there's a label clipping area that whenever the totalspam counter increments, it triggers a warning
20:22.20BotanicalPuppetno it's saying that it can't display 3 digits or more
20:22.23m0td_2kah interesting
20:22.27BotanicalPuppetread the bug tracker for spammenot
20:22.29m0td_2kroger that
20:22.39BotanicalPuppetthe fix is simple, fortunately
20:22.47BotanicalPuppetand provided by 2 different users last night :D
20:24.18m0td_2kpeople seem to have a major issue with having spammers saved in savedvariables
20:24.26m0td_2kso as 'not to spam the GMs#
20:24.30m0td_2kwell i say fuck them
20:24.43Aiiwhat do you mean?
20:24.55Aiias in, they want them saved? or they don't want them saved
20:25.00m0td_2kthey want them saved
20:25.22Aiiwell, considering the GMs explicitly said to not file more than a single ticket regarding an individual spammer...
20:25.25m0td_2kwhen spammers are lasting 2 days plus, i dont think theres much excuse
20:25.32BotanicalPuppeti turned off the reporting, personally... the response spam is almost as bad as goldspam :-/
20:26.04BotanicalPuppetand i'm at 618 spams blocked
20:26.32m0td_2kyea lots of those are the repeaters though
20:27.04m0td_2ki really wish it was possible to filter that report spam tbh
20:27.04sniperumm2evening ladies
20:27.05BotanicalPuppetyes.. and then the new accounts.. probably 10 to 20 unique goldspammers on my server
20:27.43Aiihi sniperumm2
20:28.45tronnedevening sniper2
20:28.54netcurseAii is ignoring me ;(
20:30.30Repo10spam-me-not: 03motd2k * r66 / (2 files in 2 directories): Fixed some French localization string errors
20:30.31RepoIncreased size of $parentLastSpamText and $parentTotalSpamText, thankyou to 'BotanicalPuppet'
20:30.46BotanicalPuppethehe np
20:30.51Felyzaif anyone wants to hear what the ea customer support hold music sounds like... and fast forwards to about 56 seconds in (mic was badly placed at first)
20:30.58BotanicalPuppetwoot IC rank 4 on Vortex :D
20:32.02ChryzoFelyza: can you download the new version (same url) and try it ?
20:33.14m0td_2kso, i'll put the big gay fix in then, and stop it sending multiple appeals across sessions
20:33.19m0td_2kbubblewrap for the CSRs
20:33.54knixBotanicalPuppet: haha
20:33.56knixare you destruction?
20:34.02knixWell, I guess you'd have to be >_<
20:34.45BotanicalPuppetyes i got the global message about it
20:35.08knixYea soemoen was just telling meabout it, heh
20:35.08BotanicalPuppetpretty cool it makes a **** four star icon in your chat window :D
20:35.12knixAnd they got some 8% buff to everything
20:35.21BotanicalPuppetooh incl exp
20:36.20AiiBotanicalPuppet: on sylvania, altdorf hit rank 4 two days ago
20:36.25Aiiand IC hit rank 4 yesterday
20:36.40BotanicalPuppetthat's your server... nice
20:36.58Aiiwe beat destro to rank 4, and they had a 1-rank headstart :P
20:38.40BotanicalPuppetturns out i don't need to do a trick where i start at the 11th offset of an actionbar... much easier to just use pages 3/4/5 for actionbar 4, freeing the first two slots for actionbars 1 + 2
20:38.47`ZypherAii: lol order.
20:38.59BotanicalPuppetand my ui is looking sweeter every day
20:39.04BotanicalPuppetmust post screenie
20:39.15Aii`Zypher: lol grindelf
20:40.37`ZypherAii: :(
20:41.34BotanicalPuppetwhat's the easiest way to set the z-order of a window (make it pop over another)?
20:44.04*** join/#waruidev Kody- (
20:44.42sniperumm2have u tried out the new version of bimailer alongside rolodex aii?
20:46.24Aiisniperumm2: no
20:46.57BotanicalPuppetdo 'bragging rights' in the profile tab work?
20:47.52Aiifiltering fail
20:48.23FelyzaChryzo, same crash as before
20:48.37FelyzaWhoops, they left
20:51.24`Zypherdo you think
20:51.38`Zyphermaking all my addons disable themselves if the player is order is unfair?
20:52.05fridgidsome guy did that in wow
20:52.24fridgidit was for a group av queue mod i think
20:52.34fridgidand his code was all gay and obfuscated
20:53.36Wereldsif (player == order) then while(true) do d("ROFL ORDER SCUM") end end
20:53.41Wereldsseems alright `Zypher
20:54.04BotanicalPuppetthe original stinkyqueue was horde only i believe
20:54.07fridgidwhen i used to code layouts for nurfed
20:54.12fridgidyes stinkyqueue, thats it
20:54.29Werelds(22:54:05) (fridgid) when i used to code layouts for nurfed
20:54.31fridgidbut when i used to write layouts for nurfed, i saw a few things tivoli did inside the code
20:54.38WereldsNOW i know where the hell i know your name from
20:55.12fridgidlike if you were from one of his enemy top guilds and you targeted a BOSS creature it'd cover your entire screen in a 5kx5k black frame
20:55.16fridgidstuff like that, it was pretty funny
20:55.37fridgidhe had built in special menus for people from his guild/server/himself
20:56.01fridgidWerelds, yeah thats me, i'm prob gonna change my names to my war name though
20:56.07`Zyphergotta restart router
20:56.43hallasAnyone knows why my damn fucking debug window doesnt show any text before it starts to scroll?
20:57.01Wereldsbecause mythic screwed something up hallas
20:57.09sniperumm2spam it with d() msgs until it does :P
20:57.14sniperumm2they broke the scroll bar
20:57.23Wereldsthat was ages ago tho fridgid :)
20:57.26hallasive been spamming d's alot :P
20:57.59fridgidyeah, i stopped doing nurfed a long time ago and switched to RDX, then took over it when veni quit and started then quit that and wow in like feb
20:58.24Wereldsnever used rdx
20:58.30hallasit cost money didnt it?
20:58.33Wereldsi never stopped using nurfed
20:58.44Wereldsi did hack it a lot tho
20:59.01fridgidit DID, when veni quit we begged him to opensource it, and he finnally gave me the code and i started openrdx, whcih is opensource
20:59.36fridgidthe guy who helped me maintain it even tually took over it fulltime, some french guy named sigg
21:00.06`Zypherfridgid: its me from open-rdx
21:00.10`Zypherthats where I know your name
21:00.24`ZypherI helped with the wiki a long time ago
21:03.35Felyzaif == 1 or 4 or 6 then --put code for a 5k x 5k black 100% opaque window when entering a scenario here end
21:03.49fridgidoh shit i thought i recognized you
21:03.58fridgidthat wiki was a great
21:05.14fridgidFelyza, put it in an addon /AddOns/BrittenySpearsNaked.jpeg/ ...... win
21:05.44`Zypher(14:04) < `Zypher> rofl
21:05.44`Zypher[14:04][`Zypher(+i)][3:freenode/#waruidev(+Jnt)][Act: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,14]
21:05.44`Zypher[#waruidev] s/3778397_boteg/WAR%202008-10-
21:06.01`Zypherthats what I wanted to show
21:06.29Felyzaooo i know
21:06.42Felyzai need to come up with a 1 liner to hide the entire ui
21:07.35Felyzaanyone know if that's available in the api?
21:07.57VonhintenHOME`lol, you don't want to do that
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21:08.26sniperumm2whats the name of that damage done mod in the piccy Zypher?
21:08.30Felyzahallas, can you SetWindowShowing(root, false) ?
21:08.53`Zyphersniperumm2: its CombatLog Mod, moded to be more useful
21:09.00fridgidits called CombatLog
21:09.16sniperumm2remodded by urself Zypher?
21:09.25`Zypherspecifically for my guild
21:09.27AiiFelyza: why not just shift+Z
21:09.43Felyzabecause i want to add an easter egg
21:10.01sniperumm2could I by any chance get a copy? :)
21:10.27FelyzaSomething that on certain events causes the UI to disappear and reappear
21:10.51Felyzakilling my guild = no ui, your death = ui
21:11.33Aiidon't do that -.-
21:11.41`Zyphersniperumm2: when its more done I guess.
21:12.11hallasthats pretty lamo Felyza
21:12.16smcnif you add that you can pretty much guarantee your mod will never be on curse :P
21:12.41hallasI think im gonna make some anti crap addon for people :)
21:13.32Felyzaokokok, how about killing me (server and character specific) it causes your ui to go away until the next tok_played is updated (up to 1 minute)
21:13.36Thunder_Childi would put in eggs like begging for money would make you do somthing quite stupid
21:14.14sniperumm2Thanks mate
21:15.00sniperumm2wouldn't mind tracking my dmg
21:15.01Felyza...must write ultimate addon that everyone and their mothers will download....
21:15.06Thunder_Child`Zypher, are you planing on fixing the secanrio party icon on the map?
21:18.11`ZypherThunder_Child: it works fine I just need to change it's anchoring
21:18.32Thunder_Child`Zypher, only 1/4 of it is clickable
21:18.59`ZypherThunder_Child: this is due to it's anchoring
21:19.13`Zypheralso order is broken
21:21.01hallasstrong math there zypher :D
21:21.14`Zyphernot my picture
21:21.33Aiilies, you're order at heart
21:21.36Thunder_ChildLies and half truths!!
21:22.13Aiisecretly you wish you could put a silver cone on your head and dress in a feminine manner
21:22.31hallaswhat the fuck
21:22.33Thunder_ChildAii, yes he does, but that really has nothing to do with the game
21:22.53`ZypherAii: I'm a half naked dagger wielding psycopath
21:23.00`Zypherwho would ever want to change that
21:23.11Thunder_Childi would
21:23.21Thunder_Childi would want you to be fully clothed
21:23.21Aii...people who aren't psychopathic? :P
21:23.41`ZypherI don't like cloths
21:23.48Aiiand i agree, im not sure id want to see you naked anyways o.o
21:24.10`ZypherAii: me or my toon
21:24.17Thunder_Childeither or
21:24.23hallasAii: Talk about lies and half truths
21:24.34Aiihallas: hrm?
21:24.44hallas<@Aii> and i agree, im not sure id want to see you naked anyways o.o
21:24.51hallas<Thunder_Child> Lies and half truths!!
21:25.15hallasI'd love to see you naked `Zypher
21:25.16Thunder_Childit's ok to feel jealous hallas
21:25.23hallasOwned TC
21:25.53`Zypherhallas: I am a sexy beast
21:25.53Felyzawrong window
21:26.15hallasI put on my wizard hat
21:26.23Aiidon't forget your robe
21:26.40`Zypherrobe and wizard hat you fool.
21:27.54Aiibesides `Zypher
21:27.59Aiiyou're obviously not a witch elf
21:28.03Aiiyou're a night elf:
21:29.27`ZypherI am NIGHTELF
21:31.04*** topic/#WARUIDev by Aii -> | and | See for API info | Create WAR addons on and | WHA Mod Author Group: | <`Zypher> I am NIGHTELF
21:31.06`ZypherAii: you = archmage?
21:31.41Thunder_Child~fail Aii
21:31.54Thunder_Child~literal fail
21:31.54purl"fail" is "<reply>Sorry, $lastspeaker, you have failed. Please insert $1.00 to try again."
21:31.54hallasI am archmage too
21:34.07Thunder_Child~literal CMD: fail (.*?)
21:34.07purl"cmd: fail (.*?)" is "($1): (<reply> You suck at everything in life, $1. I hate you because you fail.|<reply>$1: FAIL!|<reply>$1, you Fail!|<reply>$1: FAIL!|<reply>$1, you Fail!|<reply>$1: FAIL!|<reply>$1, you Fail!)"
21:34.31Thunder_Child~fail 1
21:34.40Thunder_Childyou fail purl
21:34.45Aiiback in a bit
21:38.08art3misi r weasel!
21:40.28art3missorta nswf
21:40.31art3misbut not really
21:45.59`Zypherart3mis: lol
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21:59.58*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (i=8e239002@gateway/web/ajax/
22:02.54`Zyphernetcurse: secsy tiem?
22:04.00`ZypherAiiane: goddamn you make it awkward to be wierd.
22:04.04BotanicalPuppeti've uploaded ClassSpellTimer 0.13 slpha
22:04.21BotanicalPuppetClassySpellTimer 0.13 alpha*
22:04.39Andrew--Wait, did I miss secsy time?
22:05.11`ZypherAndrew--: well it didn't happen thanks to you know who.
22:11.58hallasJohnny Cash - Big River
22:14.25Repo10qmt: 03Celestian * r9 / (2 files in 1 directory): initial work on buttons in mailwindows. This is alpha code
22:14.49Repo10qmt: 03Celestian * r10 QuickMailTool_Buttons.xml: initial xml for handling buttons in the mailwindow
22:18.10*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
22:24.55BotanicalPuppetmy ui rox... how does yours rate?
22:24.59hallasAny event that PROPERLY fires after the interface has loaded?
22:25.13*** join/#waruidev sangdrax (
22:25.14BotanicalPuppetyou need two hallas.. sec
22:25.18`Zypherlike dada
22:25.26Aiianehallas: as I mentioned before, there's not a proper event for it ><
22:25.30hallasI didnt see that
22:25.53sangdraxHey guys, new to LUA and thought maybe someone here could help me out with something
22:25.56hallasWhy the fucking helll isnt there OMG
22:26.00BotanicalPuppetcombo of RELOAD_INTERFACE and LOADING_END doesn't work?
22:26.12BotanicalPuppetthat's what i did for PadlockBegone (upload pending)
22:26.14AiianeBotanicalPuppet: loading_end fires every time you zone
22:26.19Aiianenot really ideal
22:26.31hallasdo they work well together?
22:26.34purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
22:26.37Aiianesangdrax: ^---
22:26.45hallasI need to fire an event that arranges every plugin after the UI has realoaded
22:26.56BotanicalPuppethallas: well the padlock window doesn't have a reliable dependency, so i set it hidden on those two events
22:27.03AiianeRELOAD_INTERFACE will handle /reloadui
22:27.08Aiianejust doesn't fire the first time you log in
22:27.09BotanicalPuppetit works even if it isn't awesome possum
22:27.11sangdraxWell I wanted to parse the .log files it creates.  I used some file io LUA stuff.. it all made sense, but it keeps pulling only the first character from the file.
22:27.19sangdraxI made my own text file and it reads it just fine
22:27.20hallasThing is
22:27.27sangdraxis there a formating issue with the war log files?
22:27.39hallasThe plugins have to load after my waaaghbar
22:27.47hallasElse they cant register
22:28.16Aiianehallas: have them dep it
22:28.18hallasI will have to fire the arrange function after every plugin
22:28.32hallasYou dont understand :P
22:28.38Aiianeoh, no, I just misread
22:29.02BotanicalPuppetso there's no way to hack together a first load event or update condition?
22:29.06Aiianejust fire the arrange function on LOADING_END and RELOAD_INTERFACE then
22:29.19Aiianeits not like it kills anything to have it lay it out each time there's a loadscreen
22:29.32Aiianeunless for some reason your layout code is far less efficient then it should be :P
22:30.09hallasmy code atm is very awesome
22:30.22BotanicalPuppetbut is it awesome possum?
22:30.45sangdraxhmmm so I guess no dice on that one... Maybe it doesn't matter.  Can a WAR addon use LUA functions like the in LUA? or do they prevent that?
22:30.47BotanicalPuppetbrings awesome to the next level
22:30.55hallasit does
22:31.14hallasIt's so awesome you ... you... you... yeah you cant even imagine!
22:31.18BotanicalPuppetya, as in 'my ui is awesome possum... clean, functional, everything where i want it'
22:32.22Repo10qmt: 03Celestian * r11 QuickMailTool.lua: fixed some event function calls to non-hooked functions
22:48.29*** join/#waruidev Odlaw (
22:51.56Aiianeow :(
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22:53.54art3misyou'd be right
22:54.05art3misbut am i lying about that?
22:59.51Repo10multiauction: 03Odlaw * r5 MultiAuction.mod: MultiAuction: Added EA_BackpackWindow as dependency
23:01.38*** join/#waruidev vapid (i=corey@
23:02.24Repo10qmt: 03Celestian * r12 / (2 files in 1 directory): fixed button display on mail window for inbox.
23:02.50fridgidcan you hook functions?
23:03.10fridgid this only shows how to hook to onopen it looks like?
23:03.19fridgidi want to hook to an internal function
23:03.30fridgidwell, not internal but a mythic addon function
23:03.43m0td_2kwhich function...
23:04.15fridgidi'm making a PQResultsLite window that shows less information and doesn't clog up screen
23:05.04fridgidim not sure what the best way to do this would be, i was going just hide/unregister the real window, and then hook to the real windows update functions and make them update my smaller window
23:06.52*** join/#waruidev sniperumm2 (
23:07.21sysragewhere'd they move the tome tactic guy to?
23:07.28fridgidhe was removed
23:07.34sysragelol what?
23:07.39Repo10qmt: 03Celestian * r13 QuickMailTool.lua: removed unneeded for counter
23:07.39fridgiduntil they fixed something with him
23:07.42fridgidit was on the herald
23:07.46sysragewow that sucks
23:07.52sysragei finally got one
23:08.00fridgidthere was a bug or exploit or something
23:11.20Tomedddid they ever re-add the chain killing bonus system
23:11.56Flisheris DataUtils something only available ingame or it's available in lua? (I mean should I be able to find it in the myp?)
23:13.36m0td_2kit is in the myp
23:15.11m0td_2kis that the file you're looking at?
23:15.44*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
23:15.54fridgidits not hashed, but id guess its pqresults.lua or something to that effect
23:16.03fridgidgrep for PublicQuestResults
23:16.54fridgidi mean you can't like delete frames/buttons etc during runtime can you?
23:17.09fridgidi guess i could overwrite the mythic funtions
23:18.52m0td_2kwell you could have a handler to force close it
23:19.10m0td_2kit is a pita that window actually, i see what youre doing
23:19.30fridgidyeah i have a scheduler that will close it 30s after its displayed etc then unhide it once it resets
23:19.36fridgidbut its sitll not very clean
23:19.42fridgidjust trying to think of a way to do it
23:20.10m0td_2kyou could tag a button onto it
23:20.11fridgidmainly that window gets fucking huge and annoying and doesn't go away for 3 mins after a pq, was just trying to make it less obtrusive, you don't need to see how you rolled for 3 damn minutes
23:20.24m0td_2klike i did in SpamMeNot
23:20.30m0td_2kwith the minimap button
23:20.39fridgidtbh, i already did that and borrowed your button code lol
23:20.49m0td_2kfairy muff
23:21.01m0td_2kwell, whats your aim then?
23:21.05m0td_2kdidnt that work?
23:21.20fridgidnah it works, just if you hide it, it doesn't always come back
23:21.41fridgidi guess i just need to have it reset better, with the other pq events
23:22.09m0td_2kyea i guess so - i mean it shouldnt be so tough
23:22.18m0td_2kthey make it appear, so you should be able to borrow their code
23:22.23m0td_2kor event handlers i mean
23:22.58fridgidi was thinking of just adding some little arrows like with the quest tracker
23:23.18hallaswhats coordinates for in textureviewer?
23:24.39*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
23:26.00hallasDoes CURSE intensionally log me off if a cookie wasnt sent from the same IP as last time?
23:26.05hallasor sent to*
23:26.13hallasor computer whatever
23:26.26netcursei ll have to ask
23:26.30hallaswhenever I log in on my laptop, my main computer seems to gets its cookie discarded
23:27.24Flishernetcurse: I get similar issue
23:27.27VonhintenHOME`hallas, if you want to create your own slices, having coordinates and dimensions (if you pin the coordinate and start drawing a box) is a good thing
23:27.50hallascool von
23:27.50DarkTrooperhey net: who handles wardb and enhancements?
23:27.51hallasdidnt see that
23:28.55netcursedarkTrooper, :)
23:29.27netcursejust put feature request
23:29.29netcursein topic
23:29.50DarkTrooperi'll put "Feature request (approved by net)" :)
23:30.14sniperumm2mr dt
23:30.32DarkTroopermorn Sniperumm
23:30.58DarkTroopershit 0930 already, i better start doing these errands
23:34.13kuntz`oh is one of the devs of the Curse client here?
23:34.28fridgidhow can i view the default ui textures?
23:34.35fridgidis that what the dds files are?
23:34.52nicoli_sdarktrooper whats your suggestion?
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23:35.44kuntz`DDS = DirectDraw Surface file
23:35.52kuntz`so yes, those are what have your textures
23:36.34Aiianekuntz`: Kolie is around here sometimes (CC dev)
23:37.11netcursei can answer questions Kuntz
23:37.41kuntz`do you guys use a filter driver to sniff WAR's packets?
23:37.59kuntz`How do you get info from teh game then?
23:38.05AiianeCurse Profiler addon
23:38.05VonhintenHOME`netcurse, someone working on the search engine problem?
23:38.23Aiianein-game addon exports data to SavedVariables.lua, kuntz`
23:38.27netcurseVon, tomorrow yes.
23:38.29Aiianethen the client just reads the savedvariables file
23:38.31netcurseFlisher, why?
23:38.36kuntz`sounds easy enough
23:38.47kuntz`so whats stopping me from injecting corrupt data then?
23:38.55nicoli_sobfuscated code for one
23:39.02nicoli_sserver side protections 2
23:39.15Flisherunsupported function by the post.commit parser.  ckknight already received an official ticket and documented the case.
23:39.43Aiianekuntz`: technically, there's nothing extra that'd be stopping you even if it were sniffing packets
23:39.49kuntz`I know
23:39.55kuntz`but it seems like it wouldnt take much
23:40.04kuntz`considering the dumper would all be written in lua
23:40.20Aiianemost protection is server-side regardless
23:40.40kuntz`well, whats stopping me from inventing a fake item and having it appear as a drop from a monster on
23:41.16AiianeI can't say for sure, I don't do the code for wardb ;)
23:41.25netcursewe have protections on multiple levels
23:41.27netcurseto avoid this
23:41.32Aiianebut I'd guess something along the lines of requiring redundant verification
23:41.34m0td_2kthe obfuscation is kinda easy tho
23:41.49ckknightdon't be evil, kuntz`
23:41.54nicoli_sindeed aiiane, i know we have that
23:41.57kuntz`I wont be
23:42.04VonhintenHOME`There any metrics for how many people are WAR players using Curse for addons?
23:42.15m0td_2ki just need to flex my epeen on my char profile, yaknow?
23:42.34netcurseVon, i would say that WAR has 700k active players right now
23:42.53VonhintenHOME`700k active curse using WAR players?
23:42.54netcursei would say only 20% of the players right now are using addons
23:43.00kuntz`did the WoW client work the same way?
23:43.02kuntz`LUA dumps
23:43.09nicoli_swow also had cache files
23:43.09netcurseno, i m talking suscribers.
23:43.10kuntz`ah ok
23:43.11Aiianesame for wowhead, thottbot, etc
23:43.17nicoli_sthat made it easier
23:43.19Aiianewell, technically, WAR also has cache files
23:43.23kuntz`always thought they sniffed packets
23:43.25nicoli_swell not anything similar
23:43.27VonhintenHOME`how would you know that metric?
23:43.43nicoli_swar cache files are dumps of processed string tables and such
23:43.56netcurseVon, i have very detailed analytics of all the big warhammer sites, and 4 years of expenriences looking at analytics fan sites ;p
23:43.57nicoli_swow cache files are actual dumps of entity query packets
23:44.24VonhintenHOME`ok, but how close are you really to knowing, is that just an extrapolation? :)
23:44.45kuntz`do you use any of WAR's cache in the curse client?
23:44.48netcursei think i could be 15% off
23:44.53nicoli_sno kuntz
23:45.05nicoli_sthey are all files from the .myps, just processed
23:45.12nicoli_sand we can parse the myps, so no point
23:45.14hallasIs there a layer lower than background?
23:45.35VonhintenHOME`netcurse, well, they're doing alright then it seems
23:46.06netcurseVon, i'm guessing 1 million boxes first month.
23:46.18netcursebut what i can tell you is
23:47.11netcursetraffic on WHA wardb are doing very good
23:47.31netcurseit's the 3rd week, and it's not droping
23:48.19VonhintenHOME`you guys have metrics on AoConan?  How did it look, if so
23:48.34netcurseyeah we have the biggest site for aoc
23:48.58netcursebut i would rather not talk about these numbers ;)
23:49.10VonhintenHOME`lol, suit yourself :)
23:49.31nicoli_snetcurse just doesnt want to boggle your mind with such huge numbers
23:49.49hallasMan I am excited, gonna release new waaagh tonight
23:50.01kuntz`whats a waaaagh
23:50.24hallas@project war/waaaghbar
23:50.24Repohallas: WaaaghBar. Game: WAR. Leader: Shakakaw. Author: pwerelds. Updated: 33 hours ago. Tickets: 6/11
23:52.58sniperumm2damn I've got lazy. Doing my food shopping online :o
23:56.10DarkTrooperkuntz`: sniffing packets would be against both wow and war's EULA/EUALA :)
23:56.36*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (i=8e239002@gateway/web/ajax/
23:57.40hallasShouldnt we, until Mythic releases some functions to get map coords, just decide on a format or standard? or way of calculating it from PLAYER_POSITION_UPDATED?
23:58.20nicoli_shallas, im about to dump your coords
23:58.43hallaswell im not a big fan of the way you guys do it per zone, from the topleft corner to the bottomright
23:59.18BotanicalPuppetwhat are you a fan of?
23:59.31hallasnot mythic either ;)
23:59.43Aiianeimo, we should all just use worldcoords :P
23:59.46Aiianewould be so much simpler

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