IRC log for #waruidev on 20080925

00:00.37*** join/#waruidev Hamisch (n=Hamisch@
00:05.42Aiiheh, some interview pointed out a fun irony: WAR at PAX
00:06.05AiiPAX = latin for "peace"
00:06.27DarkTrooperperhaps, but pax was named from who made it, not the latin word :)
00:06.31Aiiof course
00:06.41Aiibut just the juxtaposition is ironic
00:07.31DarkTrooperlol this IB 15 damage attack is pretty lame imo
00:07.42*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
00:07.47*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
00:12.25GnomeTankhehe, I am in the Penny Arcade order guild :P I actually come from those forums
00:14.09*** join/#waruidev Wobin (
00:15.47VonhintenHOME`So, no API to add a column to an existing listbox eh
00:20.23*** join/#waruidev Lu1 (
00:23.03DarkTrooperLOL @ the goldspam add for war, which also includes wow prices :)
00:23.40knixhaha, that's awesome
00:27.05Lu1is there a good way to dump an object? i am trying to know all the fields of the object returned by GetAbilityData
00:27.49Lu1i tried use for name, value in pairs(abilityData) but i only get 3 pairs even though I know there is more
00:28.57Lu1oh wow thats perfect, ty
00:29.10Aiior just d(thing)
00:29.17Aiiwill work for regular variables and tables
00:29.28Aiionly downside of d() is that if the thing is nil, it own't print anything
00:29.38Aiiwhereas dump_table will tell you that it's not a table
00:29.44Aiidinnertime, bbl
00:30.58Lu1sadly the table doesnt seem to have the information i need, i am trying to make a little cooldown mod and it works for spells that immediately start their cooldown but skills like flee wait 12s then begin their cooldown
00:31.20Lu1is there a place information like that is kept? or does the client specifically call certain skills out?
00:45.43Thunder_Childckknight, did you come up with the new poll?
00:45.53ckknightthat's Dashkal's idea
00:46.24Thunder_Childi dont see the point to it
00:50.11ckknightthere is no point.
00:50.17ckknightwhy should there be?
00:53.59*** join/#waruidev PenguinOfDoom (
00:54.22PenguinOfDoomSo I was browing through the API pages, and I'm wondering. How much of a ridiculous bot kit is this thing?
00:54.43Thunder_Childckknight, a poll like, what category of mods would you like to see more of
00:54.52Thunder_Childsomething more useful maybe?
00:55.00PenguinOfDoomAre there primitives for getting a list of players on the field and getting a list of their buffs/debuffs?
00:55.11Wobinwhich CC downloader should I be using?
00:55.27Thunder_ChildCredit Card?
00:55.32WobinCurse Client
00:55.38WobinBut you were close
00:55.46WobinI can see how you might have mistyped that
00:55.53Wobinas all the letters are right next to each other =P
00:56.13Thunder_Childfeel better Wobin?
00:56.37Thunder_Child~feel better Wobin
00:56.44Thunder_Childdidnt think.....ok then....
00:56.52Wobinwell purl feels better
00:57.05Thunder_Childi didnt think that was going to work
00:58.53AiiPenguinOfDoom: no, there aren't.
00:59.28AiiPenguinOfDoom: you don't have any information at all about entities on the field that you're not currently targeting/interacting with or in a group with you
00:59.45Aiiand you only have buff/debuff info for your targets, party members, and self/pet
01:00.13Aiifurthermore, you have no positioning info for anyone, besides a simple range/los check on abilities to your current targets
01:00.52PenguinOfDoomIs there a notification when your target changes?
01:01.53Aiithe event PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED fires when your target changes, among other things
01:02.50PenguinOfDoomThat's enough to construct a debuff assist script, I guess
01:03.49Aiidefine 'debuff assist' - if you mean in terms of timers, sure
01:05.07PenguinOfDoomIs there a binding for the "next enemy target" command?
01:05.53Aiithere is an action binding, yes
01:06.10PenguinOfDoomPerhaps I misspoke. Can it be triggered from a script?
01:06.28Aiiactions have to be triggered by actual player input.
01:06.38Aiitriggering of actions is handled internally by the client
01:06.53PenguinOfDoomAw. I can't replace bright wizard gameplay with a piece of software
01:07.19Aiisure you can, you just have to violate the TOS to do it. not that I'm advocating that.
01:07.36PenguinOfDoomI'm sure Mythic pays more attention to evilhaxors than, say, CCP
01:08.01PenguinOfDoomThe client seems to be updated rather more often than necessary, and I heard punkbuster is included?
01:08.18AiiCorrect, although I'm not sure if they've fully activated it yet
01:08.21Wobinhm, there really isn't much to help with custom channels, is there?
01:11.22AiiWobin: what about them
01:11.46Wobininfo on how to get a snapshot of the current custom channels you're in and how to reinstate them on login
01:12.08Aiiwould be the former
01:12.42Aiireinstating them on login would probably be best achieved by simply putting the commands to join them into the chat window and calling its handler, for now
01:12.44WobinIt doesn't identify -which- custom channels you're in
01:12.56Aiiit should?
01:13.39WobinNope. The most it does is list "Channel [1-X]"
01:13.57WobinNot that Channel 2 is ToG, and 3 is XYZ
01:14.01Aiiwhat, netcurse
01:14.19AiiWobin: I suppose you could watch the chat log for the 'joined channel X'
01:14.32WobinIt's a pretty terrible solution though =)
01:14.32Aiihi netcurse
01:14.39netcursei'm in alabama now
01:14.41AiiWobin: a lot of things are terrible solutions
01:14.52WobinHm, how high can gathering skills go?
01:14.52Aiithey're just better than all the others available at the time
01:14.59AiiWobin: i believe 200
01:15.04WobinI want to know when I get my next cultivation unlock
01:15.09WobinBah, probably at 100 then
01:15.48PenguinOfDoomDid anybody come up with a better UI than the default godawful chat window?
01:15.53PenguinOfDoom(also, chat logging!)
01:16.05WobinThere's one mod that slightly alters the chatwindow
01:16.06DarkTrooperwhy would you want chat logging?
01:16.06Aiichat logging is built-in already...
01:16.08Wobinnothing serious though
01:16.19Aiiit goes to WARDIR\logs\chat.log or some such
01:16.33PenguinOfDoomDarkTrooper: because MMORPGs are serious business
01:16.45Aiior depending on settings it might go to a character/server-specific folder in there
01:17.10PenguinOfDoomAt the very least, I'd expect separate window per channel. Because it's serious business, you see
01:17.35PenguinOfDoom(and per-channel logging, obviously, because pasting chat logs on forums is no less serious)
01:20.01netcurseit's wrongly packaged
01:20.06netcurseno folder into it
01:20.11netcurseso the client is not installing it correctly
01:20.36MoronWarOh how the mighty have fallen.
01:20.42Aiiyes, which is why it's marked as invalid layout, netcurse
01:20.56netcursei just installed the 104 addons on the client in one click !
01:20.59netcurseto test it
01:24.28PenguinOfDoomOh, also! Is it possible to track RvR kills from a script?
01:24.57PenguinOfDoomOh hm. It's in the message log.
01:25.18PenguinOfDoomA killboard for WAR would ruin the game so hard.
01:26.04PenguinOfDoomI mean sorry, I meant it would provide an excellent tool to measure guild performance
01:27.13*** join/#waruidev tronnedCoaching (
01:38.57Wobinckknight: changegroup.repo_bot hook raised an exception: <Fault 1: "<type 'exceptions.Exception'>:Not on Channel: #curseforge"
01:39.10Wobinckknight: that's for the hg push
01:39.18DarkTrooper(guilded only) Wurtbad - Order: 944 , Destruction: 2685, Ratio = 1:2.8
01:39.33ckknighthe wasn't in #curseforge
01:39.43ckknightWobin: thanks
01:40.01DarkTrooperBechafen - Order: 1038, Destruction: 3200, Ratio = 1:3.1
01:40.48Wobinhehe: "Oi! Cuz Gazbag sez so we bashed up 'Grigarut' wif 'ihs mates, an' we basehed em gud. Dey was sellin shinies wot ain't thers, 'an now dey ain't movin no more."
01:40.53Wobingogo GMs =)
01:41.07Wobin(all typos mine =P)
01:41.35slimethose messages are even more annoying than the gold farmer spam
01:41.35DarkTrooperis that who keeps poping those stupid messages up in the middle of the screen?
01:41.37PenguinOfDoomDarkTrooper: As an example,
01:41.46slimeyes thanks for putting a message box i have to click away in the middle of the dang screen
01:41.59WobinIt'd be better if it were a zonewide chat
01:42.01PenguinOfDoomDarkTrooper: That stuff is like raw crack to competitive players.
01:42.24DarkTrooperwell firstly, this isn't a 1 vs 1 game
01:42.31DarkTrooper2ndly most of the data you need is already on the herald
01:42.41PenguinOfDoomWhat's that?
01:42.51PenguinOfDoomAlso, EVE killboards are by no means restricted to 1vs1
01:42.54PenguinOfDoomquite the contrary
01:43.43PenguinOfDoomWhere do I click to see who I killed
01:43.50DarkTrooperlol war has a banhammer on their website now, showing the # of goldsellers squashed
01:43.56DarkTrooperyou don't
01:44.07PenguinOfDoomwell, then it doesn't contain the data I'd need, does it?
01:44.10DarkTrooperbecause who you killed is not important
01:44.15PenguinOfDoomAlso, freaking goldsellers. Epic tell spam from them
01:44.19PenguinOfDoomNot important to *you* perhaps
01:44.39PenguinOfDoombut, as experience shows, people care about that sort of thing a great deal :)
01:44.40DarkTrooperthe only thing that is important in an RvR game is your REALM, not any single person or guild or alliance, just the realm
01:45.09DarkTrooperthat's because peopel often have epeen the size of the moon, because they're retarded and have no self esteem in the real world :)
01:45.43PenguinOfDoomwait hold on
01:45.48PenguinOfDoomHow does the realm matter?
01:45.57PenguinOfDoomBesides giving you a warm and fuzzy epeen inside
01:47.05PenguinOfDoomFact is, people do care about personal stats. WAR is counterstrike with elves and an overarching plot. Expect massive amounts of care, if the tools are provided.
01:47.26DarkTrooperwar is not a pvp game, it's a RvR game, one faction vs the other, nothing else matters to the design and balance of it
01:47.36PenguinOfDoomAgain, that's your personal opinion.
01:47.44DarkTrooperno that's the opinion of the developers
01:47.56PenguinOfDoomAnd that matters.. how?
01:48.04ss|you're awesome
01:48.10DarkTrooperokay, now you've proven you're retarded penguin, i'm done with you
01:48.46PenguinOfDoomHeh. I hear if you stick your fingers in your ears and say "nyah nyah nyah you are retarded and I'm right", it magically becomes true.
01:54.06numismaticsI'll have to try that some time
02:10.02Koliehi hi
02:10.07KolieAnyone up for a CC beta test?
02:14.53netcursewe really need help ;p
02:15.07netcurseto make sure everything is working
02:15.54WobinFor the version, you're currently showing a date
02:16.00WobinCould you use actual version numbers?
02:16.41WobinAnd an option to ignore certain addons?
02:16.49Wobin(for those of us who are writing them =P)
02:17.41KolieYou can ignore them :)
02:17.54KolieAnd it checks for .svn, .git. .hg and will not overwrite that.
02:18.13Koliehmm I used to show version.
02:18.32Wobinignore them in the program, or just physically ignore them? =)
02:18.42KolieIgnore them in the program.
02:18.53KolieRight click, toggle updated, it is your ignore feature.
02:19.24Wobintoggle 'auto-updated' ?
02:19.37DarkTrooper.11 ????
02:21.03Kolie.11 is that test yea.
02:21.18KolieWobin: if you right click an addon and select toggle auto updated it will set it to off.
02:21.58DarkTrooperya but we're up to .8 on release, where did .9 &.10 go? :)
02:22.21KolieThey got pulled.
02:22.39Kolie.10 was out for about 30 minutes when we released 9 and 10 were SERIOUSLY jacked.
02:23.08DarkTrooperhaha, how dids yous manage that, .8 was working fairly good :)
02:23.49Kolie#ifdef WIN32 { run updater code that doesnt crash; } except instead of WIN32 I had WIN32e which was never defined.
02:23.58KolieAnd therefore a batch of clients was released that will never update.
02:24.17DarkTrooperah damn, typos suck
02:24.49*** join/#waruidev Pewpewarrows (n=Pewpewar@
02:25.30KolieYea, Id say potentially jacking the entire install base up is a pretty bad thing to do.
02:27.45Repo10mailcooldown: 03wobin * r8 .hgtags: Added padding to countdown to properly start on actual mail send
02:27.56Wobinwoo =)
02:29.48DarkTrooper"I would also bet 25% of the unguilded are farmers" *sigh* how do people honestly come to these conclusions
02:30.03Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r2 / (11 files in 2 directories): - Initial commit.
02:31.12Repo10mailcooldown: 03wobin * r11 / (2 files in 1 directory): Padded to start countdown on mail send
02:31.13RepoRemoved tag v1.2-Release
02:31.19RepoOf course, it'd help if I update the .mod file too
02:33.00*** join/#waruidev Cairenn1 (
02:37.33*** join/#waruidev CowBook_ (n=cowboy@
02:47.11Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r3 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Removed some debug spam.
02:47.12Repo- Corrected bug in auto-report.
02:51.23motd2k2gogo approve Spam-Me-Not plx :P
02:53.14motd2k2ty :)
02:53.19netcurseyou are welcome
02:54.26Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r4 / (2 files in 1 directory): - Added license info and a readme.
02:55.34Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 040.1-beta * r5 : Tagging as 0.1-beta.
02:59.26motd2k2will adding a beta put it on Curse Updater too?
03:01.01Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank * r11 / (2 files in 1 directory):
03:01.02Repo* Fixed the accessory slot CanEquip bug. Accessories can now be correctly placed in all slots.
03:01.06Repo* Fixed a bug with invalid items (items no longer in your inventory, but still in a set). They now show as a red block in your set and do not cause an error.
03:01.21netcursei can actually already see it on the curse updater motd2k2
03:01.47netcurseand i installed it ;)
03:02.05DarkTroopernet, do you even play war? :)
03:02.11netcursei'm lvl 6!
03:02.24netcursei'll play more in 3 weeks
03:02.25DarkTrooperwern't you level 6 two days ago?
03:02.29Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank 04v1.0beta2 * r12 : Tagging as v1.0beta2.
03:03.13netcursei'll play when we have the curse client out, the new out, we are ready for the patch 3.0, we have the new out, and we have our premium/author reward program out :P
03:03.23netcurse2-3 weeks
03:04.22DarkTrooperwell, i can see you're busy, so what do you do instead of war to relax? :)
03:04.37netcursei QA our sites
03:05.03DarkTrooperya, i thought you might, tho, perhaps outside the standard def of 'relaxing' :)
03:08.13*** join/#waruidev Cyfir (
03:13.21netcursemy brain is not ready to relax right now with all these big launch
03:13.33netcurseif we fuck up something, we fuck up for millions of pople
03:14.03DarkTrooperso? ( no offence ) but the US gov have no problem fucking things up on a regular basis for billions of people ^^
03:15.12DarkTrooperyou know, i think they need to redo the maps
03:15.27DarkTrooperthe map clearly shows there's a valley between these two cliffs, but in reality, there's no valley
03:16.11*** join/#waruidev _Tegan_ (
03:16.43*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
03:19.47AiianeDarkTrooper: the US gov't has thousands of people to distribute the blame over
03:20.10*** join/#waruidev _Tegan_ (
03:22.26Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank * r13 ClosetGoblin.lua:
03:22.26Repo* Fixed a bug with equipment slot checking. Required slot 4 can go in slot 1 (main hand).
03:23.45Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank 04v1.0beta3 * r14 : Tagging as v1.0beta3.
03:24.35WobinNeed an addon name
03:25.00Wobinallows you to rightclick from your inventory directly into the active cultivation window
03:27.28WobinI could call it NIMH
03:27.34WobinUse your mouse to cultivate
03:28.29DarkTrooperokay so in the phoenix gate scenario, i've seen people go up that little hill near the destro flag.. anyone know how?
03:30.00*** join/#waruidev Paroid (
03:31.28Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r6 locales/enUS.lua: - Removed test strings from prohibited pattern list.
03:32.17Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 040.2-beta * r7 : Tagging as 0.2-beta.
03:47.43knixIs alt+s an invalid bind?
03:47.55knixIt displays as alt+s but it just makes me go back =/
03:47.59knixalt+a works
03:50.03*** join/#waruidev Flisher (
03:55.22*** join/#waruidev facelessleader (
03:55.56Wobinhokay, need some help. I'm trying to 'use' the left and right buttons you see when paging your skills, what definition do I inherit in my XML button?
03:58.11thanners|afkknix: there seem to be issues with binding modifier+KEY when KEY is also used as movement (I think?)
03:58.46thanners|afkat least, I always prefer ctrl+W for autorun, but at the moment it only makes me move forward, ignoring the ctrl+w keybind.
04:00.50knixWell that was my first though
04:00.53knixbut alt+a works great
04:01.17Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank * r15 ClosetGoblin.lua:
04:01.18Repo* Fixed item slot 4 (either hand) issues once and for all (I think (I hope))
04:01.26*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
04:01.26*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
04:01.41Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank 04v1.0beta4 * r16 : Tagging as v1.0beta4.
04:03.19GnomeTankckknight: How often do files I tag syndicate to curse?
04:03.46ckknightwith the new curse, it syncs once every 5 minutes
04:03.51ckknightnew curse coming tomorrow and all
04:04.28GnomeTankah, well, it's been much longer than 20 minutes, and I Haven't seen beta3 propogate, which was two hours ago
04:04.50ckknightnew curse or old curse?
04:04.57ckknightold = current
04:05.08GnomeTankold, I guess? I can check on beta
04:05.52GnomeTankyah, it's propogated on, but not
04:05.57ckknightfound the issue
04:06.41GnomeTankalso, doesn't seem to have the statistics, like how many downloads, how many favorites ,etc...are they different databases?
04:07.12ckknightyes, very different
04:07.37GnomeTankgotcha..will any of that information be brought over, or is it all reset when beta launches?
04:07.45ckknightshould be brought over
04:07.52ckknightit's not showing your favorites?
04:08.07ckknightthe downloads will be synced up all proper-like
04:08.09GnomeTankno, I mean how many people have favorited my mod ;)
04:08.20ckknightdoes it say 0 favorites or just doesn't show?
04:08.47GnomeTankon beta? 0, on live it shows the number
04:09.12netcursewhen was your mod created
04:09.14ss|spam me not working like a charm, woo =)
04:09.22netcursewe need to reimport data i believe
04:09.26netcursefor the past few days?
04:10.46GnomeTankyah, it's been in the last few days
04:10.52GnomeTankjust released it in to the wild tonight
04:11.15Aiianeyeah, spammenot basically does what I figured would have to be done
04:11.35Aiianeliterally add your own set of stuff and copy things from the default log over to them
04:11.42Aiianeand hide the default version
04:12.02WobinIs topcenter a valid anchorpoint?
04:12.27Aiianebut "top" is
04:12.45Aiianethe 9 anchor points are top, left, right, bottom, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, and center
04:12.53Wobinhm, that will naturally place a smaller window in the middle top of a larger one with matching top anchors?
04:13.02Aiianetop is the center of the top side
04:13.09Aiianesame for the other single-direction ones
04:15.53netcurseaiiane, was your cc updated ?
04:17.15Aiianeit's not running at the moment
04:17.21AiianeI can run it and check though
04:17.23Aiianeif you want
04:17.25netcurseyes please
04:18.03Aiianeyes, it's updated
04:18.29netcursecool thanks
04:23.09WobinMy password is incorrect?
04:23.52Wobiningame =(
04:24.38Wobiner not lol
04:24.55WobinI get past the initial login
04:25.02netcurseit's a mythic problem
04:25.05Wobinbut once I accept that damn tos yet again...
04:25.15netcursemake a new thread on WHA
04:25.19netcurseso mythic see it :p
04:25.55netcursei see a spike in users connected on WHA
04:25.57netcurseso you are not the only one
04:26.38DarkTroopererr Aii, then why does rightcentre work? :)
04:28.02AiianeDarkTrooper: dunno, maybe they defined extra ones as well; but the 9 that you really should be using for consistency are the ones I listed above
04:28.10DarkTroopernet: .11 updated fine btw :)
04:28.36netcursedark, you had
04:28.38netcurseor .8
04:28.51DarkTrooperi was mainly pointing out no AV errors :)
04:29.25DarkTrooperaii: i've seen rightcentre used, so when text wraped (which somehow did) it was still centred on that right side
04:30.41AiianeDarkTrooper: "right" should do the same
04:31.02DarkTrooperwould right defent to righttop ?
04:31.14Aiianesorry, that didn't parse, can you rephrase
04:31.49DarkTrooperif the area was bigger than the text, rightcentre centres the text, if it was righttop it would be in the top right hand corner
04:33.32DarkTrooperwell if right was the same as topright, then you wouldn't get the desired centered effect? :)
04:34.07Aiianewho said it was the same as topright?
04:36.25DarkTroopersorry i thought you did
04:36.51numismaticswhat is with these random lore messagebox type windows that pop up
04:37.36Aiiane"in-character" I think would be a better term
04:37.42Aiianeprobably the GM-banning-goldspammer boxes
04:37.49DarkTrooperya that's what i was thining
04:38.20Thunder_Child~glare Aiiane
04:38.20purlACTION glares at Aiiane
04:38.28netcursenew SCT version
04:39.57Aiianefigures, he writes in his own slash handler, thus taking out the point of having a central registry, namely making it so addons aren't overwriting each others' slash commands
04:40.35DarkTrooperyeah he's very protetive, even tellign the first mod with sct in it's name to rename itself
04:43.46DarkTroopernnn, mofo little trolls, stupid shaman
04:57.44Thunder_Child~calm Aiiane
04:57.44purlACTION sooths Aiiane, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm Aiiane down.
04:59.15knixAiiane: didn't you have a grid mod?
04:59.32knixOr is HealGrid the one everyone is using?
05:00.40Aiiane@project war/squared
05:00.40RepoAiiane: Squared. Game: WAR. Leader: Aiiane. Updated: 16 hours ago. Tickets: 12/26
05:00.51knixyea, got it :D
05:01.12knixclass icons
05:03.00DarkTroopererr, lol, i just refreshed a wardb my chars page, and ended up on someone else's account :)
05:06.23VonhintenHOME`Aii, how far off is name colors by class in Squared
05:06.38knixno range check?
05:07.13AiianeVonhintenHOME`: um, it's mostly an issue of deciding on the colors >.>
05:07.38VonhintenHOME`go with WoW like colors for archetypes imo
05:07.39Aiianeand then me actually taking the time to write the ~20 lines of code or so to implement it
05:08.05AiianeAnd tonight I don't really have the time, I'm working on coursework.... algorithms homework
05:14.46VonhintenHOME`Zealot=White(priest), Disciple=Purple(paladin), Shaman=Blue(Shaman), Witch Elf=Yellow(Rogue), Magus=Light Blue(Mage), Chosen=Brown(Warrior), Squid Herder=Light Green(Hunter), Sorc=Red(??? parity with bright wizard, red=fire), Black Orc=Orange(Druid, the other tank.. or maybe Green)
05:14.53VonhintenHOME`For Destruction anyway
05:15.55AiianeVonhintenHOME`: would it be imperative to have class colors, or would archetype colors suffice
05:16.27ghostfishI hate to say it, but I think you need to identify every class
05:16.39Aiianeghostfish: well, there is the option of class icons already
05:16.40ghostfishthat being said, archtype colors, then class logos would be best imo
05:16.40VonhintenHOME`Well, I was thinking Sorc and Magus both light blue.. but then I thought, sorc's tend to kill themselves and don't need direct agro heals
05:16.52ghostfishAiiane: exactly
05:17.13VonhintenHOME`so it would be nice if healers could easily see the sorc and know that all they really need is a hot
05:17.16AiianeThe main issue is that there's no really good established class color scheme
05:17.30ghostfishquick glance in the corner of your eye for archtype, actual wuick glance at icon for actual class
05:18.10ghostfishAiiane: true, so all (as many as possible) addon devs need to co-ordinate or people will end up hella confused
05:18.18VonhintenHOME`well, there's no default provided, but I'd say there is a pretty good established color scheme with WoW... there's only a few oddities
05:18.24DarkTrooperthere's more than 4 archtypes really tho
05:18.54DarkTrooperrdps physical & magical have completely different needs/roles really
05:18.59DarkTrooperhealers have melee & ranged
05:19.05ghostfishhence the icon
05:19.10AiianeDarkTrooper: which is why CUF has 6 archetypes
05:19.16ghostfishactually, fuck the colors, just use icons for each class
05:19.29DarkTrooperwell there's icons already :)
05:19.46VonhintenHOME`I don't want icons cluttering up my grid, personally, unless they're debuffs I can remedy
05:20.21Aiianescrew it, ill just use the same scheme I did with CUF ><
05:20.22DarkTrooperthis isn't like wow where you only needed 7 colours or so
05:20.44VonhintenHOME`It's 9
05:20.51Aiiane10, actually
05:20.53DarkTrooperunless you used darker shades for destro than order
05:20.55Aiianecome wotlk
05:21.09ghostfish10 colors = ahhhh, my eyes
05:21.09VonhintenHOME`I mean 9 on destruction
05:21.21DarkTrooperwhich means there's 18 colours you need :)
05:21.26VonhintenHOME`You don't need to have separate colors for order and destruction
05:21.31VonhintenHOME`there's parity between the realms
05:21.32Aiianeno, you can use the same colors for both sides
05:21.33ghostfishanalogues=same colors
05:21.47Aiianebecause you'll never have both sides in the same grid
05:21.47Repo10nimh: 03wobin * r1 / (4 files in 1 directory): Added tag v1.0-Release for changeset ee3057946972
05:21.48RepoInitial Import
05:22.05Aiianearg, stupid algs homework ><
05:24.30VonhintenHOME`Oh, I did miss a class, hilarious, the class I actually play
05:25.25VonhintenHOME`Marauder=Grey(no WoW parity, really more like a cross between dps warrior and rogue)
05:31.02*** join/#waruidev _Tegan_ (
05:33.04VonhintenHOME`Runepriest=White(priest), Warrior Priest=Purple(paladin), Archmage=Blue(Shaman), Witch Hunter=Yellow(Rogue), Engineer=Light Blue(Mage, doesn't really fit), Swordmaster=Brown(Warrior), Shadow Warrior=Light Green(Hunter), Bright Wizard=Red(FIRE!), Ironbreaker=Orange(Druid, the other tank.. green works for mental association on the black orc, but not ironbreaker), White Lion=Grey(aligned with Marauder)
05:33.46VonhintenHOME`Engineer<->Bright Wizard | Magus<->Sorceror might be better switched color, now that I think about it
05:39.11AiianeLike I said, I think I'm just going to go with the same scheme I did for CUF
05:39.37Aiianenamely, make a two-level system where you can specify whatever archetype mappings you want, and then specify whatever colors for each archetype
05:39.44Aiianeso if you want, you can just specify 10 archetypes
05:39.48Aiianeand individually color them
05:42.40VonhintenHOME`Whatever floats your boat
05:45.54`ZypherAiiane: 4 archtypes
05:48.15thannersI think she meant if someone really wanted a colour for each class, then they just specify 10 'archetypes' for individual colouring.
05:48.55VonhintenHOME`more like 10 color groups, where the default resembles color groups by archetype...
05:49.25DarkTrooperas i explained before, there's more than 4 real archtypes :)
05:49.41VonhintenHOME`but I can tell you though, if your default configuration doesn't clearly delineate the 2 casting classes that hurt themselves in the course of combat, healers are going to bitch
05:50.01DarkTrooperwhy? they can change it themselves :)
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05:50.47VonhintenHOME`a grid is primarily for the benefit of healers.  You're talking about something for healers where the default isn't adequate for healers
05:50.55VonhintenHOME`doesn't make a whole lot of sense
05:51.34DarkTroopergrid doesn't make sense tho, healers bitch taht they have to 'watch bars all day' and yet they also claim they want a grid like system
05:52.04AiianeI think most healers find it adequate enough w.r.t. BWs and Sorcs that they're throwing hots on people who's health isn't at full regardless
05:52.21Aiianebut that's just me
05:53.31VonhintenHOME`well, we're talking about a different pace of combat than usual here... in fast paced RVR, healers need to heal the people that are getting assisted on
05:54.21AiianeSure, but against any good assist train it's going to be fairly obvious who's getting assisted on as opposed to the occasional self-explosion
05:55.15AiianeAnd tbh nothing can really replace actually watching the field to see who's about to get assist-trained
05:55.33VonhintenHOME`No, but seeing that the sorc in the back is down a bit of health when you can clearly see the fight is up front is important
05:55.56netcursei support what aiiane says as she played competitive GW ;)
05:56.51Aiianesure, but how is that any different really from seeing that the magus in the back is down a bit of health when you can clearly see the fight is up front?
05:57.37Aiianeeither way if someone's not taking a large amount of damage you'll want to (low priority) throw them a hot
05:58.43DarkTrooperfrom the lists on wardb, i don't see any 'super awesome' attacks that DoK's get, but they win against sw every single time
05:59.12Aiianewell, do you let them into melee range DarkTrooper?
05:59.26VonhintenHOME`It's about knowing what's really going on.  The sorc is probably fully charged going into battle and will be taking damage steadily
05:59.27DarkTroopernot intentionally, but they get pretty close
05:59.43AiianeVonhintenHOME`: in which case a hot still does fine
06:00.19DarkTrooperi'm wondering if Covenant of Celerity has somethign to do with my constant downfall
06:01.03AiianeDarkTrooper: if you're letting them into melee, you're probably going to lose, because you're a class without heals or large amounts of burst damage against a class with heals and damage
06:01.28DarkTrooperwell the problem is, we only have 1 attack that can be used on the move
06:01.40Aiianeyou also have a snare
06:01.42DarkTrooperand that doesn't have a large range to begin with
06:02.33DarkTrooperif i snare at max snare range, i cannot get a 3s cast off before i get hit (while stationary)
06:02.58Wobinckknight: are there any problems right now with hg pushing? My push appears to be... hanging
06:03.05Aiianewhy are you trying to get off 3sec casts? Use spiral and keep getting distance
06:03.13DarkTrooperwell that's what i do these days
06:03.16DarkTrooperbut it doesn't matter
06:03.35DarkTrooperyou have to strafe move to fire on the go, and eventually they catch you somehow
06:03.40VonhintenHOME`So, you're telling me you don't think you would need to clearly differential the sorc from anyone else, and heal needed is a heal needed?
06:04.09AiianeVonhintenHOME`: in most cases, yes
06:04.25Aiianeor more specifically
06:04.28DarkTrooperalso, often while i'm using takedown (min 5ft range), they're meleeing me (min 5 ft range) that just shouldn't happen, melee range on the move is about 10ft in all directions
06:04.34Aiianea low priority heal needed is equivalent to a low priority heal needed
06:04.46Wobinaand A is A?
06:05.05DarkTroopernow i'm not whinging about DoK's being powerful, i just want to better what i'm doing so i'm not fodder as much
06:05.12AiianeDarkTrooper: that just has to do with client lag
06:05.31Aiianethe client only lets you start casting it if it thinks you're at min 5 feet
06:05.38VonhintenHOME`See, the thing is, if a Magus and a Sorc are both at 90% health and are in no immediate danger, you don't have a problem healing the magus first?
06:05.58AiianeVonhintenHOME`: if neither are in immediate danger, why does it matter?
06:06.01DarkTrooperAii: no that's what i mean, while i *am* casting i'm also getting meleed, an impossability unless they are exactly 5ft away
06:06.02AiianeIt's one GCD either way
06:06.15VonhintenHOME`why? because the sorc is GOING to take more damage
06:06.26Aiianeso? they're still neither in immediate danger
06:06.35Aiianeso you'll end up healing them both eventually
06:06.55VonhintenHOME`unless you, as the healer suddenly get assisted on...
06:07.10VonhintenHOME`Then all of a sudden you can't spare a GCD on the sorc, who is STILL taking damage...
06:07.14DarkTrooperlol she's a DoK, they don't die man
06:07.39Aiianeactually DarkTrooper I'm mostly playing an AM atm
06:07.58DarkTrooperthey're even worse for healing (but die easier) :)
06:08.02AiianeVonhintenHOME`: then someone else in your group will get the hot on the sorc, because it's still low priority
06:08.27Aiianeunless you're talking about solo or small-group healing, in which case you should know the classes of the 5 people in your group regardless
06:09.39Aiianeexplosion damage is not so huge that a sorc/bw can't go for a little bit without a hot on them
06:10.06DarkTrooperi'll hold judgement for now, but i think SW's could do with a dmg buff, our dps is abit of a joke
06:11.39VonhintenHOME`it's _lower_ priority than the healer needing heals, but in terms of maximizing damage potential, keeping that sorc healed so he isn't forced to purge is dark magic is higher priority than healing a magus who's not full health and not taking damage...
06:12.15VonhintenHOME`And the feedback damage can come in very quickly with insta-cast debuffs and dots... it's not bad with 3sec cast bolts
06:12.20Wobinthat's true
06:12.23Wobinesp for aoe
06:12.53AiianeYes, but if it does come in quickly, the priority of the heal is going to rise regardless
06:13.15Aiianelikewise, if they blow themselves up a couple of times, they're probably going to be at lower health then the magus, and thus again have a higher priority
06:13.42WobinThe speed at which it happens, though...
06:13.45Aiianeif the magus is at < 50 and the sorc is > 75, chances are it's actually a higher priority to heal the magus lest a witchhunter gank them
06:14.24Aiianekeep in mind though, we're down to a timescale of 1.5 seconds here
06:15.15VonhintenHOME`maybe.. or maybe you have a monstrosity marauder on your ass, and you've got +1sec on everything you do, increasng your pushback potential in the process ;)
06:15.48DarkTrooperdo healing spells even have pushback?
06:15.59Wobinthey can be interrupted
06:16.05Wobinsome of them
06:16.56knixWhat is the mod for cultivating?
06:17.13WobinNIMH =)
06:17.19AiianeVonhintenHOME`: we can argue things out to tons of side cases, but for general use it's a very small difference
06:17.24Wobinthough it depends what you want out of it
06:17.25Aiianethus going back to the original statement
06:17.33Aiianeit's more tweaks rather than general "inadequacy".
06:19.44knixWobin: haha, I see you're the author of nimh!
06:19.55knixYou have pretty screenshots, I choose you!
06:20.09WobinIt's not really any automation involved
06:20.09knixand hg
06:20.19VonhintenHOME`Sure, it could be a tweak, but even without the convoluted theoretical cases, the goal of a grid should be to display as much information as possible into the smallest space possible, as clearly as possible... So the quest is, which gives you more, the quick identification of archtype, or per-class colors
06:20.23knixYea but it lets me right click and puts it in the pot
06:20.35VonhintenHOME`I'd have to favor per-class colors, personally
06:21.21WobinVonhintenHOME`: maybe have a module that broadcasts "Power" levels to the healer
06:21.24AiianeVonhintenHOME`: Not exactly. Information overload isnt' always a good thing
06:21.36WobinVonhintenHOME`: so the sorc can install that
06:21.40AiianeThe point of a grid is to have a /concise/ display of information
06:21.49AiianeThat shows exactly what is needed, no more, no less
06:21.53WobinThen, the healer can decide if they want to include that module or not
06:22.02AiianeWhat people consider to be 'needed' varies from person to person based on style
06:22.49knixI don't want class colors
06:22.52knixI don't care what class they are :P
06:26.34VonhintenHOME`Wobin, well, I'm going on the assumption that the sorc is going to be at 100% most of the time :)
06:26.36Wobindamn you cfreposl =P
06:26.46ParoidI had a mod function I wanted to assign a hotkey to, so I created a macro which used /script to call the function.  Is there any nicer way to map key presses to functions?
06:27.01WobinVonhintenHOME`: Well, Prioritywise, if they're at zero percent, they need less watching
06:27.20Wobinit's when they're at 100 or near that the health can drop like a rock
06:27.38VonhintenHOME`yeah, but they really shouldn't be at the low end unless they were forced to Dhar Wind
06:27.47WobinIt'd be a good indicator that you can throw a HoT on them near the top
06:28.02VonhintenHOME`You can pbaoe on your way into battle to get your meter up without actually fighting
06:28.17VonhintenHOME`so you should be starting a battle with 60-100% already
06:28.20WobinYou can also still kill yourself that way =)
06:39.58PenguinOfDoomI kill myself more than enemies kill me :/
06:48.14*** join/#waruidev uveX`work (n=uvex@
06:49.31Aiianewhy did noone answer Paroid's question?
06:49.47uveXdidn´t see it :P
06:50.15*** join/#waruidev Werelds (
06:53.30numismaticsdid they nerf some weapons today, i could of swore bonerender's choppa did 27dps and was 2hander yesterday, and today it's 19dps 1hander
06:54.34Thunder_ChildWobin, thanks for the timer btw, big help
06:55.10Thunder_Childnow if you could only get them to get rid of the cooldown it would work much better :)
06:55.38Wobinsame deal with NIMH
06:55.44numismaticsbah, they nerfed Bonerender's Bigchoppa:
06:55.50Wobinthe whole rightclick to put stuff into the windows should be default behavoir
06:56.09Thunder_Childalong with bulk emails
06:58.03Thunder_ChildWobin, i think you should add 1 second to it though, if the timer finishes and i still cant send it starts up again with the push of the send button, no matter if anything got sent
06:59.04Wobinhm, I thought I padded it enough
06:59.18WobinIt's currently running at around 22 seconds
06:59.41*** join/#waruidev potato (n=poetaeto@
07:09.54Wobinckknight: ping
07:10.59ThraeWobin: You defected over to WAR?
07:11.11WobinThrae: Pretty much
07:11.15WobinFor the moment
07:11.23Thunder_Childtill wrath>
07:11.25WobinWoW is just... boring me to tears
07:11.49Thunder_Childreally Wobin, you actually cried?
07:11.56Wobinwell no
07:12.02Wobinthat was a bit of overdramatisation
07:12.23WobinAnyone know anything about Talisman making?
07:12.30ThraeI'll cry for you. Waa waa we have no documented API!
07:12.41Thunder_ChildWobin, yes, it sucks in the begining
07:12.53Thunder_Childthe talismans are time based >.<
07:13.08ThraeBut they persist through death, and you upgrade your stuff quickly anyway
07:13.11novochm guys, my subscription ran out today
07:13.13PenguinOfDoomdo they become not time-based later on?
07:13.17novochow do i do to prolong it?
07:13.26Thunder_Childno, they are permanent at higher levels
07:13.28novocthe Subscription button on Profile-page is greyed out
07:13.33PenguinOfDoomwhoah fancy
07:13.50PenguinOfDoomToo bad you can't make talismans by yourself
07:14.01Thunder_ChildPenguinOfDoom, multiple chars
07:14.09ThraeTalisman of WAR == Enchanting of WoW + Battle Potion of WoW combined
07:14.10Thunder_Childnovoc, did you imput your key?
07:14.10novocguys? :(
07:14.21novocon head-start i inputted key i got in email
07:14.24PenguinOfDoomCan a level 1 character have maxed out salvaging?
07:14.32Thunder_Childnow you need the key from the box
07:14.33novoci tried inputting it again now but says already in use
07:14.40Thunder_ChildPenguinOfDoom, afaik yes
07:14.41ThraeThunder_Child: Easier just to have a decent guild who shares scavenging and scalvenging
07:14.45novoci didnt want to open the box, its so pretty with plastic on :P
07:14.49VonhintenHOME`Oh yeah, here's a great dev comment in an interface.myp .lua file, small paste incoming...
07:14.56Thunder_Childnovoc, well its up to you
07:14.58WobinThunder_Child: I've been asked to do the same rightclick functionality for talisman making as I've done for Cultivating
07:15.19novocwithout it i cant play i guess ,P
07:15.24VonhintenHOME`--  You know what I hate?  I hate typing *net toggle f_blah_blah_blah.
07:15.29Thunder_Childnovoc, you could always purchase another one
07:15.30VonhintenHOME`--  I probably type that about 700 times every day.
07:15.30VonhintenHOME`--  Well, balls to that!  "BALLS TO THAT," I SAY!!!!
07:15.50Thunder_ChildWobin, sounds good
07:15.57novocshould put a page for those quotes, they get posted all the time ;P
07:16.08Thunder_Childi have every crafting/gathering profession
07:16.30ThraeHaha, that sounds like him.
07:18.15ThraeAlright, let's try playing with 177.92 for my 8800GT.
07:19.17Thunder_Childi needs another 8800GTX
07:19.50ThraeYou can get a 8800GTX for about $150 now in US.
07:20.06Thunder_Childnot the last time i looked
07:22.23ThraeEVGA is the best name brand for nVidia.
07:23.14Thunder_ChildThrae, helps that that is the exact one i have atm
07:23.37Thunder_Childi wonder if thoes in SLI would be better than a 280
07:23.50WobinI need someone to hit the hgrepo bot for me
07:24.00Werelds(09:23:37) (Thunder_Child) i wonder if thoes in SLI would be better than a 280
07:24.04Wereldsyep they will be
07:24.13Wereldsat least in the few games where SLI scales
07:25.13Werelds8800GT SLI already beats the 280 in games where it scales :)
07:25.33Thunder_Childi assume most newer games scale?
07:25.37novochere's johnny
07:25.49*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
07:25.49*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
07:25.52Wereldsyeah, most
07:25.57Aiianeyay netsplits
07:25.58Wereldswith the emphasis on _MOST_
07:26.16Aiianewhat did I miss?
07:26.27Wereldslots of cookies
07:26.35Wereldsi baked them and novoc eated them
07:26.35Aiianeokay, besides cookies
07:26.36Thunder_Childand hot chocolate
07:26.42novocmmm cookies :>
07:27.02novoci like all cookies except for the webbrowser ones
07:31.44*** join/#waruidev CokesFTW (
07:37.21Wobinhm, where's the Talisman trainer in Inevitable City?
07:37.30Thunder_Childisnt one afaik
07:37.35Thunder_Childchapter 2 only
07:37.39Wobinwhut? That's stupid
07:37.45WobinThere's an apocathary =P
07:37.57Thunder_Childya, best guess is that they were last minute addons and they didnt seed them everywhere
07:38.08Thunder_Childthere is everything there but talisman
07:38.15Thunder_Childi checked for over 20 min
07:38.18Thunder_Childnever found one
07:42.10*** join/#waruidev Lialith (
08:05.23DarkTrooper thead sums it up basically :)
08:25.45Wobininability to overwrite current gathering skills with a new one
08:25.49Wobinknown bug, or just me?
08:40.13Aiianeknown bug I believe
08:55.46AiianeVonhintenHOME`: just pushed Squared 1.4 which has class coloring support
08:55.57Aiianeyour choice of name or bar
08:56.05Aiiane(or both)
08:56.16Aiianealso lets you color name, bar, and/or border by hp
09:02.31Aiianenow to create the documentation page detailing how the color customization system works :x
09:05.30motd2k2hmmm, you go to the trouble of writing a mod, and all you get it is 'is this legit'
09:08.57numismaticswhat kind of mod was it hehe
09:09.05WereldsAiiane babe, i need your help if you got a min :p
09:14.27Aiianehmm Werelds?
09:15.31AiianeI replied to your PM
09:21.44DarkTrooperlol motd2k2, that happens, just understand people are stupid, and never expect anything more from them :)
09:24.35thannersmmm. is it okay to prepare one's SavedVariable in the onShutdown function?
09:24.36N|LameAiiane: Love squared.
09:24.51DarkTrooperrofl, some people are stupider than i expected tho i guess "Someone test this yet? No way am I putting this on my system till it's verified and I'm no modder to do that myself."
09:26.48PenguinOfDoomThat's not *entirely* implausible
09:26.54DarkTrooperyeah it is
09:27.01novocoh noes
09:27.15DarkTrooperunless it asked you in game to type it in, and you actually did it, then it's entirely implauseable
09:27.28motd2k2i heard chat-links in AOC allowed remote execution
09:27.29DarkTrooperand if you did enter it in, then you're a fucking idiot and probably deserve the lesson :)
09:27.32motd2k2thats genius!
09:27.57PenguinOfDoomDarkTrooper: I don't mean to offend, but how old are you?
09:28.06PenguinOfDoomYou seem to be fond of making absolute statements.
09:28.14facelessleaderisn't there something in lua like os.execute() or shell_exec()? ^^
09:28.39DarkTrooperno normally i make relative statements, but things to do with computers are often clear cut enough to be absolute
09:28.40novocif so, hopefully mythic stripped it
09:28.42PenguinOfDoomfacelessleader: In the standalone interpreter, probably. One might expect it to be absent in an embedded copy :)
09:29.08*** join/#waruidev edify (n=edify@
09:29.37PenguinOfDoomWell, gee, don't we have an aspiring computer whiz in here :/
09:29.59motd2k2relax, hmmkay
09:30.13motd2k2caffeine is good!
09:30.26novocno :(
09:30.37novoci spiked my yoghurt with caffeine, tastes bad
09:30.43facelessleader<3 caffeine
09:31.23DarkTrooperaspiring computer whiz?
09:34.11DarkTrooperinteresting, they're still going with the delayed oceanic updates, dispite the issues they had last night
09:34.42motd2k2what issues did they have?
09:35.05DarkTrooperlast night? monday night maybe, whenver that update came
09:35.16DarkTrooperwierd  bugs happened for some people
09:35.36DarkTrooperrezing where you died, couldn't get into keeps, not pvp flaged in open pvp areas etc
09:35.50novocmy penis is a weird bug :(
09:38.16facelessleaderplacement bug or just incompatible size?
09:39.15novocbuffer overflow
09:40.13novoci'm quite surprised WAR doesnt rubberband
09:40.33novocgood tho, makes for more fluent play
09:41.04motd2k2server doesnt do movement chcking, thats why
09:41.51motd2k2where you 'bounce back' to where the server thinks you should be, if you or the server lags
09:41.58novocrubberband means if you try to move outside of a certain range you get moved back
09:42.03novoceg. if you speedhack/teleport
09:42.09novocor yeah, sometimes if lag
09:42.12DarkTrooperoh right, i can make NPC's do that :)
09:42.33motd2k2i wish theyd fix the ranged pathing
09:42.39motd2k2makes the game looks so unprofessional
09:42.41DarkTrooperand players will often 'warp' though a blockade past it after being stoped for a second or so
09:43.44edifywhat was driving me crazy was collision detection + lag
09:43.59edifysomeone lags out running in front of me, and then i get stuck
09:44.18edifyor may be server side, don't know, who knows, not latency info
09:44.24DarkTrooperi know it acts like lag, but i'm not entirely convinced, when everyone has sub 100ms to the server, that's a bit sus
09:44.58novocyou can easily teleport in WAR
09:45.12DarkTrooperintentionally or non? :)
09:45.16novocintentionally :P
09:45.21novocas in cheating
09:45.26DarkTrooperhopefully PB picks that up
09:45.30novocsince there's no rubberband
09:45.34novocnah, PB cant
09:45.50novocbecause, to modify position you just follow player-pointer to position and then you modify the pointer
09:45.54edifynovoc, i noticed a lot in scenarios i'd be attacking someone and then they'd magically be somewhere else, i thought it was just lag
09:46.01novocsince values CANT be static, PB cant notice the change
09:46.20DarkTrooperthen how does warden pick it up? :)
09:46.21novoci mean, ofcourse values can be static, but you cant expect position to be ;z
09:46.36novocdidn't know warden detects teleportation now
09:46.48motd2k2PB could probably find the method you were using to write the change though :P
09:46.56AiianeThere are things you can do to make it more detectable.
09:46.57motd2k2if they actually ever turn it on
09:46.59novocnot if you work in ring0 to write
09:47.04DarkTrooperwarden can't prevent it, as the data is userside, but i'm pretty sure it detects it for review
09:47.13motd2k2PB is r0, so that in itself isnt guaranteed to help
09:47.14AiianeSuch as keeping multiple different copies of what the value "should" be, and checking for discrepancies. As well as plenty of others.
09:47.32novocyes PB is in ring0, it was a necessary to prevent more public hacks
09:47.35facelessleaderlast i checked, teleporting in wow is detected
09:47.47motd2k2thats a delta-check serverside afaik
09:48.05Aiianewhich, for all intents and purposes, WAR could also have
09:48.22motd2k2bet theyve not tho :P
09:48.32novoci wouldnt bet it either
09:48.35edifyi'm sure war dev's will include a lot of security patches in the future
09:49.00DarkTrooperi dunno, the entire movement system seems very very similar to wow's really
09:49.07novocthere seems to be position stored in >30 variables, some surely for graphic tho
09:49.17novoconly one is writable
09:49.26novoci mean, all are writable, but only 1 affects ;P
09:50.13motd2k2probably not the place to be talking about this :OP
09:50.17novocit's creepy when you stand there in the corner peeking at me with your longing eyes ;)
09:50.21facelessleadergiev me teh hax !!!
09:50.33novocim not hacking, im discovering ;)
09:50.40facelessleaderits hax :E
09:50.53novocand i would never use against players :)
09:51.00novocits just fun to experiment :P
09:51.11facelessleadersure, just for "documentation"
09:51.27Aiianefinally finished updating the settings documentation:
09:51.29novocwell, i seldom play games, usually get bored after a little while then start doing mods etc
09:51.38novocthat's when i move to memory ;X
09:51.50novocnot my fault all games fail :P
09:51.50DarkTrooperso what you're saying is, you're bored already? :)
09:52.06edifynovoc, i know the feeling, i started messing with war mods before i even got to level 10 on my first toon in beta
09:52.15edifyi'm a tinkerer
09:52.16novoceither it's pretty slow leveling or i'm easily bored grinding :P
09:52.23motd2k2nice job with that, Aiiane
09:52.31novocye edify my highest char is 12 ;P
09:52.35motd2k2we need a WIM now... might work on that
09:52.51novocInstant Messaging?
09:52.55Aiianemotd2k2: the ironic thing is, there was code in the default UI for a WIM-style option during beta
09:52.59Aiianeit disappeared at release
09:53.03DarkTroopermsn style chat
09:53.27DarkTrooperyeah i was just about to say what aii did
09:53.29AiianeI think it was a dev's pet project that they just didn't have time to finish or something
09:53.38facelessleaderAiiane, mentioned this yesterday :(
09:53.41motd2k2the chat interface is pretty ghastly as it is, must have been a good reason to pull that
09:53.50DarkTrooperthe entire chat system needs an overhaul
09:54.17facelessleaderthe WIM-style messenger was great
09:54.24edifyseems like they may have been pressured by investors to release the game, they ditched classes and content and rushed it seemed? just my opinion?
09:54.26motd2k2the chat system itself is fine, its just this window
09:54.50DarkTrooperwell they had already set a date edify, so they couldn't not release this time
09:55.33motd2k2i think, personally, i'd have released *after* wotlk
09:55.33Aiianenot entirely true, but it would have been a bad idea not to yes
09:55.40Aiiane@ DarkTrooper
09:55.41motd2k2just after, when people were stuck in the grind
09:55.45edifywotlk is failsauce
09:55.51DarkTroopertrue that's what i meant :)
09:55.56edifypure quest grinding bs
09:55.56motd2k2yes, but its the competition i every way
09:56.19DarkTrooperwhy are people so against quests?
09:56.25edifyi think only fanboys will continue with wow
09:56.43motd2k2wow is mainstream, and will stay that way
09:56.44DarkTrooperi've done every quest in my pairing on my various chars upto their current level, heh
09:56.49novocsucks to play WAR this time of day, never get scanerio
09:56.59motd2k2if WAR gets 10% of the WOW userbase, its a resounding success
09:57.12edifyi noticed the most progressed guilds on the server i played have literally shut down
09:57.12DarkTrooperyou mean they pop before you even leave th elast one novoc? :)
09:57.20novocwould be good if they let EU players on US/AU servers so i had someone to play with :P
09:57.22facelessleaderi got a beta-key for wotlk 3 days before war release... i gave it to nice girl :) not even downloaded the downloader
09:57.39novocDarkTrooper: i've been in queue for 2 hours now :Z
09:57.56DarkTrooperi've been getting quick scenario pops all day, might have something to do with the school/uni holidays tho i guess
09:58.04novocfacelessleader knows how to get the ladies
09:58.18facelessleaderyes she likes me
09:58.30DarkTrooperthe DK area is pretty good tho really
09:58.53edifythe grindage in wow is ridiculous, they make the game not fun
09:58.56DarkTrooperthere's a stark difference between the DK adn the others
09:59.01edifyquesting in war is how it should be
09:59.12DarkTrooperyou know that grinding is what ever game is at the core yeah? :)
09:59.20uveXpq is the fastes mixed with scenario
09:59.34edifyyea i understand that is a mmo thing, but you can at least make it fun and not suck hard
09:59.51edifywhen i quest in wow i want to throw my computer through a window
09:59.53DarkTrooperit's not even an mmo thing, it's just a game thing (might even be a life thing, havn't decided yet)
10:00.32DarkTrooperin an rts, you grind for resources so you can pump out units so you can grind maps to finish the game
10:00.37facelessleaderbut solo questing in WAR stops at the stage where mobs are 4 level higher than you and you don't got other quests to do... so scenarios the whole night to get 1-2 levels :/
10:00.42DarkTroopereach multiplayer match can be considered a grind in it's own too :)
10:00.44edifypublic quests brilliant idea, only issue ive had is i usually play at night and no one is doing them and even during day sometimes lack of people
10:01.14DarkTrooperPQ's are a double edged blade, it's an awesome idea, and i think they've implemented them the best they could, but they have some major drawbacks too :)
10:01.22motd2k2my issue is that as a tank i may as well swivel than to get any decent loot
10:02.45edifya game with ONLY public quests and no solo quests would be interesting, they would have to make it so you could do it solo if needed though (lack of people)
10:02.57edifyi just like playing with other real people in general
10:02.58DarkTrooperahah, this is classic, the server that was full/full with 500+ queues is currently med/med while the other server that was med/mes is now high/full(50)
10:03.33DarkTroopermaybe i can go back to my destro toon and be on the winning side :P
10:04.32edifyi think that imbalance will equal out endgame be more about organization and numbers
10:23.48*** join/#waruidev DarkTrooper (
10:24.17DarkTrooperlame, that's the 2nd bluescreen i've gotten from War since release
10:24.40motd2k2analyze the minidump
10:24.42edifynever had one, had game crash completely though several times
10:24.54motd2k2before you do though, i'll etll you what it is
10:25.16DarkTrooperwhy? i didn't get a single crash during beta
10:25.32motd2k2well a bluescreen isnt the game
10:25.42DarkTrooperi get at least 1 CTD a day since release, and this is the 2nd bluescreen, and this is only the second bluescreen i've had *ever* with this machine :)
10:26.15DarkTrooperboth bluescreens have happened while in war, when they don't happen when i'm in HL2, portal, numerous other games, hmmm :)
10:27.19motd2k2well the only way to find out what it is is to analyze the minidump
10:27.28Aiianecould be simply a particular rendering option that WAR uses, and the driver you have doesn't properly implement
10:27.29Aiianeor whatever
10:27.35Aiianeplenty of things that could go wrong
10:27.49DarkTrooperyeah i'm thinking it's probably that aii, or something related
10:28.07DarkTrooperi havn't been able to make it happen, it's just random
10:29.18motd2k2bet you have nvidia GPU tho :P
10:29.27DarkTrooperyeah 8800GTS 512
10:29.29DarkTrooperwe were doing so well in the scenario too
10:31.05ThraeI think 177.92 is better then 175.16 for me.
10:45.34Wobinckknight where r u?
10:46.45Aiianeprobably sleeping, given that it's 5:46am where he is
10:47.36DarkTrooperunbelieveable, how do people relate 'ctf scenario' with ffa?
10:48.09edifyedify: to instruct and improve.
10:48.24DarkTrooperoh btw, Aii, when you leave a scenario, sometimes the buffs stay shown on CUF
10:50.08AiianeI know
10:50.38AiianeI'm still trying to track down exactly the interaction that's causing that
10:51.08DarkTrooperi don't think it happens every time, it's strange
10:53.52Aiianeanywho, sleepytime for a very sleepy aii :s
10:54.02*** join/#waruidev iR|Ikrana (n=christof@
10:55.38DarkTrooperoh wow, this elf tank just took on 4 mobs and didn't go below 90% and killed them all faster than i could kill 1
10:57.33WereldsI don't suppose anyone knows if Interface.xsd is in any of the .myps? :)
10:57.47DarkTrooperno idea
11:01.53iR|IkranaCould anyone explain to me how i should go about adding a health bar to my addon? Do I need to use DynamicImage or is there an XML object for healthbar with all the functionality?
11:03.38DarkTrooperhave a look at CUF, that'll show you how
11:05.52iR|IkranaClean Unit Frames ?
11:06.02DarkTrooperthat's the one
11:08.13iR|Ikranaty i ll check it out
11:09.46novocisnt CUF just a modification of the existing bars?
11:12.40*** join/#waruidev Flisher (i=d10570a6@gateway/web/ajax/
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11:14.31FlisherBoya! noob question when using SVN, project isn't packaged into a ZIP until I create a tag?
11:14.44Flisheron curseforge
11:15.17Flishernetcurse: on jetlag?
11:16.15DarkTroopernet: the 'learn about premium' link from CC doesn't send you to the right page (and i can't find a single page on the current or beta curse which goes into it)
11:16.25WobinThunder_Child: NIMH now has talisman support
11:16.45Flisherwhat is nimh/
11:16.53Flisher@project war/nimh
11:17.27RepoFlisher: NIMH. Game: WAR. Leader: wobin. Updated: 5 hours ago
11:17.49WobinUnfortunately I'm having repo problems
11:17.57Flisherrepo seem slow today
11:18.00Wobinso the latest version is on war.mmoui until ck comes back
11:18.12WobinThe packager has me locked out of the repository =(
11:18.49WobinFlisher: and yes
11:18.54WobinIt's not generated til you tag
11:19.11FlisherAnyone know if someone is already working on an Armory/CharactersViewer port for WAR?  I started to work alone on a CV port but if someone is already on the job I would gladly share the effort.
11:20.12DarkTroopernot afaik
11:20.22iR|IkranaWhat's the purpose of such an addon Flisher?
11:20.41DarkTrooperit's mainly an inventory management mod
11:21.01DarkTrooperso you know where all your stuff is on your current/alts/guild/bank etc for all your toons
11:21.12DarkTrooperoh mail too
11:21.16FlisherFirst goal was to be able to see Alt equipment, then bag, then all stats.
11:21.50FlisherI stopped developping CV after the first part, and when I stopped playing warmexx developped Armory, a more complete thing.
11:21.50DarkTrooperarmory was very involved last i used it, probably take awhile to replicate that here
11:22.24FlisherI was the original CharactersViewer author, and will start with the Equipment, stats, then bag and other thing.
11:22.57DarkTrooperit's worth doing for sure, but i'm not sure how 'alty' war is going to be
11:23.14FlisherI hope to have something working in the next week for the equiped item.
11:23.29Flisherpeople will hide an healer or a tank in their pocket :)
11:23.33DarkTrooperit's the gfx part that's the hard part really
11:24.15FlisherI draw CV from scratch, but for my WAR port (well, it's something from scratch), I'll reuse a stripped/reworked copy of mythic CharacterWindow frame.
11:24.35Flisherin WoW, the hardest part was the data gathering, and in WAR it's pretty simple.
11:24.51DarkTrooperthat might work actually, without the image in the middle, gives room for other controls/stuff
11:27.07Flisheris there any limitation with saved variable (like we had to wait some event to access them in WoW)?
11:28.01iR|IkranaI am not that much into the WAR API yet, but I know lua and XML, study datalogics (somewhat computerscience) on Uni, and I would like to participate is as many addons I can, to learn more.
11:30.00DarkTrooperafaik, they are loaded during onload, and written during shutdown
11:30.19DarkTrooperi'm not sure if they can be dumped at any other time, that's something aii would know
11:30.55Wereldsbastard mythic has encrypted interface.xsd somewhere :((((
11:35.02FlisherOnLoad is after or before OnInitialize?
11:35.09Flishergot a reference for that on the wiki?
11:37.29Flisherany restriction while using multiple .lua file?
11:39.20Wobinas long as they're referenced in either the mod or the xml
11:39.32DarkTrooperOninit is what i meant Flisher, sorry
11:44.49Flisherand all GameData information should still be accessible OnShutdown? and is shutdown ran when we performan a reloadui?
11:58.46Flisherand loaded variable override the one set in the lua file like in wow?  (sorry if those are noob question but it save me a few round of test)
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11:59.53DarkTrooperthat one i can't remember, grab a mod that uses save vars and that will tell you :)
12:32.20facelessleaderwow, i don't get it... the game is how old? and i'm in an scenario with at least 4 people afking (jumping and little movement)
12:32.55DarkTrooperya, why did you expect different? :)
12:32.58motd2k2I blame Aiiane
12:33.04Flisherfunniest thing is they won't even get decent xp/renown
12:33.23DarkTrooperif you're in the right place you can Flisher, but generally speaking you're right
12:34.24Flisherthat lame.
12:34.52facelessleaderthis really sucks
12:36.18novocwhat does?
12:36.31facelessleaderfucking pvp "bots"
12:37.07Flisherabout the CorePvpJoiner, can it queue us in the PVP scenarion that isn't in our zone?
12:38.58novocsites like noob-project are funny
12:39.12novocthe only hacks there that are actual hacks are stolen source-code from other sites and authors
12:39.23DarkTrooperdamnit, this is going to be a short match, and i'm not even goign to get this quest done -_-
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12:41.09motd2k2is it possible to repack files back into the myp?
12:42.17DarkTrooperthsi is stupid, a scenario 9 to 409
12:43.16facelessleaderwow there even is a "walk trought walls" trainer
12:43.41novocsoon there is prolly climb-mountains trainer
12:43.52novocand i found speed-variable :$
12:44.03novocwhen they get that there will be cheaters :P
12:45.22motd2k2talking about it in public doesnt help tbh
12:45.23facelessleaderimo exploration is ok (wallclimbing) but not if you use this for pvp or other stuff (which people will do)
12:45.42DarkTrooperof course they will
12:46.13novocmotd2k2: being quiet dont help either ;Z
12:53.56DarkTrooperhmm, these scenario's arn't poping!!
12:54.17*** join/#waruidev WarWolf (
13:00.25ckknightWobin: *wave*
13:00.35ckknightWobin: I was sleeping
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13:05.19uveXFlisher corepvp can´t
13:07.56Flisherckk: you have the right to sleep :-P ?
13:08.07Flisheranyone know how to reset a password saved in TortoiseSVN?
13:11.29*** join/#waruidev Fl1sher (i=d10570a6@gateway/web/ajax/
13:11.49Wobinckknight: hehe cool =)
13:12.21ckknightWobin: what's up?
13:12.25ckknightyour issue might be fixed now
13:12.50WobinI'll try again
13:14.53Wobinckknight: nope, still appears to be lcoked
13:14.58ckknightwhich project?
13:16.50ckknighttry now?
13:18.15Flisherckk: are you aware of an addon allowing dev to type/save some lua script ingame?  and something to "browse/graphicaly view" variable/object ingame?
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13:20.54ckknightno idea on the former
13:21.13ckknightnot sure what you mean by the latter outside of a pretty print function
13:23.36Wobinckknight: that's working now =)
13:23.50Wobinckknight: I thought it only packaged if the tag included "Release|Stable"?
13:24.05ckknightwhat do your have your packaging setting set to?
13:24.35ckknightokay, that means any tag created will get a package
13:24.54WobinThe difference between beta/release and alpha/beta/release is, then?
13:25.56ckknightalpha comes from /trunk
13:26.01ckknightor non-tags
13:26.05ckknightbeta/release is tags
13:26.10Wobinah k
13:26.14ckknightbeta vs. release is the naming convention you use for tags
13:26.19Wobinand release only does on the stable/release tagging
13:26.43ckknightrelease is ^v?[0-9\.\-_]+$|release|stable, everything else is beta
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13:35.18Flisherwhen  viewing a project on curseforge, it would be nice to see war/wow in front of the project name of the autor of a page
13:36.27Flisherabout Package, if I did a "Beta/Release", when I tag stuff does it search for Beta / Release in the tag? Can I tag Beta 1? or only Beta? thank's
13:48.48*** join/#waruidev Sniperumm (
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13:57.44VonhintenHOME`Anyone tell me what Frame:Subclass() actually does (in more detail than I could infer simply by normal programming knowledge)
13:58.15Werelds@ Flisher: you can tag with versions, read the tagging help page
13:58.21Wereldsfor example
13:58.30Wereldsor 0.1-release for release
14:00.36Wereldsthere Flisher :)
14:03.17Flisherthank's Wherelds
14:03.29FlisherI really love the community here :)
14:04.10Wereldswe're all learning mate, the more we help each other the better ;)
14:04.12*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
14:06.08Sniperummthink I might *play* some war today lol
14:06.37Flishermy guild want me to play instead of coding :-P
14:07.50MoronWarFlisher: I hope you die.
14:08.05VonhintenHOME`Little bit of groove music to start the day off right:
14:08.56*** join/#waruidev crazymalfaqa (i=4a21914c@gateway/web/ajax/
14:10.51crazymalfaqaSo is there any hope of ever getting itemdata from a uniqueid?
14:11.26nicoli_snope, you have to do it the other way around, if you want item data, you have to use the itemData
14:11.42nicoli_serr that came out wrong, there is no way to request itemdata, you can only use whats given to you
14:12.33Sniperummyou can find the itemdata with a uniqueID yes. Long as it belongs to you
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14:13.02crazymalfaqayea, long as it is in inventory or seller window etc. I was just hoping to be able to tooltip items from other players
14:13.03nicoli_swell yeah if you have the item on you yeah, but i think he means requesting item data using only the id
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14:14.00crazymalfaqaso has anyone found a way to use html elements inside a window at all?
14:14.10Sniperummwhich belongs to someone else? aye you don't get access to that. Shame tbh
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14:14.25Sniperummbe nice to find any item by the uniqueID no matter who it belongs to
14:14.32Flisheryou mean I cant tooltip item from saved alt information?
14:14.37crazymalfaqayea that would rock.
14:14.49Flisheryou think I can hijack tooltip information and save it?
14:14.54crazymalfaqanope, I tried it from an alt, didnt work
14:15.11Sniperummyou can dump the itemData into the SavedVariables.lua file
14:15.19Sniperummthen load that up
14:15.31FlisherI guess i'll need to try that.
14:15.33Sniperummwould work fine
14:16.10FlisherI'm only at the "initialization" and DB save sequence at the momment.  I don't want to save all the GameData.  I also need to reuse alot of information from the official CharactersWindows.
14:19.40*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
14:20.32nicoli_sfor those of you halo fans, bungie has a new teaser trailer on their site
14:22.15FlisherKaelten: What is the current status of Ace for WAR?
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14:39.18nicoli_si hate being sick
14:39.35VonhintenHOME`I absolutely love it
14:39.39Tsolvalsorry to hear it, nicoli.  sick is the worst.
14:39.45VonhintenHOME`(no, not really)
14:40.00nicoli_sVonhintenHOME` it is when you still have to work and go to school every day
14:40.33nicoli_snot going into the office cuz i dont want to get anyone sick isnt really an excuse when my office is right next to my bedroom
14:41.03VonhintenHOME`I work from home too, and taking a sick day when I work from home is retarded :)
14:41.32nicoli_swell i have before when im too sick to get out of bed, but i just got a nasty cold
14:41.45nicoli_shacking and phlegming and such
14:41.55VonhintenHOME`well yeah, there are some sicks that can lay you out
14:42.41VonhintenHOME`Since I started working from home, I actually HAVE vacation days available
14:43.03nicoli_swoot! wardb is about to git 40,000 profiles
14:43.05VonhintenHOME`rather than using all my time taking sick (of work) days
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14:48.02Sniperummnicoli_s: I agree buddy. I work from home and I still need to work when ill. If I don't then money doesn't come! :P
14:51.56Flisher40k people using the new client or 40k character?
14:53.19MoronWarHaha, I'm awesome.  I was like, why is it losing my settings!  Then I'm like, oh ya, probably should make it a SavedVariable.
14:55.19FlisherMoronWar: : might help :-P, I was told they where read OnInitialize
14:56.05MoronWarMy productivity at work just suffered now that I found out that WAR works through logmein.
14:57.49tronnedI lost productivity at work long ago
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15:02.34FlisherIf I performa a Data.Player.Group = nil, does it remove Group from the data array?  (stuff come from GameData)
15:03.26MoronWarApparently when you do /logout or /exit it doesnt' call the correct events.  I bet that is why ChatWindow is Messing for people!
15:04.02MoronWarweird that curse seems to grab it though.
15:05.10WobinI think curse works from the outside
15:06.04MoronWarYa, event LOG_OUT only gets called from the main menu, not from the /logout command.
15:06.24MoronWarYet both ways makes curse profiler go saved.
15:08.01VonhintenHOME`oh god, what?
15:08.10netcursewe added some code for the log out and camp slash command
15:08.17netcurseto make sure it save
15:08.18VonhintenHOME`keyboard hook?
15:08.40Flisherthat probably explain why my saved variable is usually ok with reload ui, quit, but not logoff.
15:09.05MoronWarAhh, and I bet that is the problem everyone is having with the chatwindow, aka, addon I'm making is moot.
15:09.11MoronWarJust tell people to use the menu logoff/exit
15:09.14Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank * r17 ClosetGoblin.lua:
15:09.15Repo* Fixed an issue where accessories were all rotating over accessory slot 1, rather than going in their appropriate slots.
15:09.21Repo* Fixed an issue where trophies couldn't be dragged and dropped.
15:09.27Repo* Added a check to see if an item is already in the set, and if so, remove it before adding it again.
15:09.41Flishersneaky GnomeTank, coding while not being here
15:09.44Repo10closetgoblin: 03GnomeTank 04v1.0beta5 * r18 : Tagging as v1.0beta5.
15:11.56Wobinhm, how can we tell what sort of gathering/tradeskill a person has?
15:12.15Flisheralt or inspect?
15:13.00MoronWarAbilities - v
15:13.06Wobinwell... programatically =)
15:14.07FlisherGameData.Player.Skills, the first few one should match GameData.TradeSkills ?
15:14.58MoronWarGameData.Player.SpecializationPath1/2 maybe?
15:14.58FlisherTradeSkillLevels maybe
15:15.19Flishernot ingame and only have access to a GameData from level 1 character.
15:16.32*** join/#waruidev smcn (
15:18.54Wobinthat looks to be it
15:19.07Wobinaiia's ones on the wiki are for salvaging and talisman
15:19.12Wobinwhich seem a likely combination
15:19.22WobinTa =)
15:21.58*** join/#waruidev potato (n=poetaeto@
15:22.28Wobinnetcurse: with CC
15:22.49WobinI just had it install an addon, and it put the files directly into the addons dir
15:22.58Wobinalthough that may be the addon itself, lemme check
15:23.28Wobinah, yes it is
15:23.31KolieIts packaged wrong :)
15:27.09FlisherKolie: stop blaming other :-P
15:27.16*** join/#waruidev GnomeTank (
15:27.52GnomeTankwelp, it's already been a productive up, ate a bowl of cheerio's, made a new release
15:28.26GnomeTankif you ever do item managment, do yourself a favor...use RequestMoveItem and not may need to know more to use the former, but the latter sucks for multi-slot items
15:28.31FlisherKolie: does fix the update in vista?
15:28.38*** join/#waruidev Els1mer (
15:30.01GnomeTankIn fact, mayhaps I should document RequestMoveItem
15:31.07KolieFlisher: yeop.
15:35.27Flisherdoes the curseclient update only "stable/release" tag?
15:35.40Wobinif you've set it to release only
15:36.07Wobinand by curseclient update I mean the packager that zips to the project
15:36.15Wobinnot the curseclient downloader
15:39.31GnomeTankyou know what the next great customizable interface is going to have? Breakpoint's so simple to do in a Lua environment, I'm really surpised Blizzard or Mythic hasn't thought of it yet
15:39.47*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
15:40.09Flisheradd manual breakpoint every 2 line :-P
15:40.42Flishercreating a function checking if the current breakpoint is a marked one,  then add a BreakPoint(100), 101, 102, every few line.
15:40.54Flisheryou can spank me on this one.
15:45.26Flisherwill be back tonight, good lick everyone.
15:49.25MoronWarDid he just say "good lick"?
15:50.05Tsolvalthat's what he said
15:51.02GnomeTankhe did
15:51.09GnomeTankbut I think he meant luck
15:51.44GnomeTankboosh...more than you ever wanted to know about RequestMoveItem
15:52.25crazymalfaqaAny idea if html objects can be integrated into the xml file for mods?
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15:56.20GnomeTankif you mean what I think you mean by html objects
15:57.59*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
16:00.59crazymalfaqaYea, external html objects is what I mean
16:02.19novocgoddamn LUA, now im writing "then" instead of "{" in C
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16:06.05nicoli_si love how alot of the low level zones have hidden lvl 40 bosses in them
16:06.29motd2kdoes that guy in MoM still hit like a level 5?
16:06.41motd2kthe 50 hero
16:06.54nicoli_si wonder how those work on servers where you get chickened
16:07.14nicoli_ssee a warband of chickens taking down a hidden boss mob
16:09.32*** join/#waruidev kaelten__ (
16:10.14Tsolvali thought you didn't get chickened unless you attacked a lower lvl... is that not correct?
16:10.36VonhintenHOME`You get chicked upon flagging too
16:10.50*** join/#waruidev netcursed (
16:11.13Tsolvalso just as soon as you're flagged, you become chickened.  
16:11.32Tsolvalthanks for the clarification
16:11.34motd2kis there a list of SystemData.ChatLogFilters somewhere?
16:11.39*** join/#waruidev kolie2 (
16:12.15nicoli_sjust dump them
16:12.38*** join/#waruidev xyu (
16:12.53crazymalfaqaAnyone know if it is possible to see what members are in a group of someone other than yourself?
16:13.18VonhintenHOME`From what I understand, it's not
16:13.39VonhintenHOME`well, I guess it would be for a warband
16:13.51VonhintenHOME`or battlegroup
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16:14.07*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight_] by ChanServ
16:14.31crazymalfaqamore interested in listing groups that guild members are in, that I am not in, but I didn't figure it was possible
16:16.30AckisWorkanyone here on Ulthuan?
16:18.18*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
16:19.56ckknightnovoc: #define then {
16:20.09ckknight#define end }
16:20.24VonhintenHOME`oh god, ignore ckk
16:21.07novocthat's gonna fuck up my coding completely ;P
16:21.39novocimagine, if(i==0)then i++; }
16:22.07*** join/#waruidev Lialith01 (
16:22.36ckknight#define if if (
16:22.43ckknight#define then ) {
16:22.57ckknight#define end }
16:23.03ThraeYour preprocessor has a stutter.
16:24.18*** join/#waruidev Flisher (i=d10570a6@gateway/web/ajax/
16:25.13FlisherBoya, back again (lunch hour).  Any opinion on the following subject:  I plan to reuse alot of code from CharacterWindows in CharactersViewer... wich code should I use to "save" the information?
16:25.20Flisheroriginal code: CharacterWindow.equipmentData = DataUtils.GetEquipmentData()
16:25.41FlisherNow, I can save either the left or right part of it to my savedvariable.
16:26.07Flisheralmost more philosophic than technical...
16:30.30VonhintenHOME`as long as the state is kept up to date, equipmentData
16:37.38Flisheranyone know how are called tooltip in their api?
16:37.53tronnedwhat do you want to do with tooltips?
16:38.06tronnedcause I know ;)
16:38.33Flisherstep 1: show one from live equipment, step 2: show one from saved data
16:39.13tronnedSingle line or Multi-line?
16:39.57Flisheritem, I guess multiple line at the end.
16:40.23tronnedTooltips.CreateItemTooltip( itemData, mouseoverWindow, anchor, disableComparison, extraText, extraTextColor, ignoreBroken )
16:40.50crazymalfaqaFor the live item       Tooltips.CreateItemTooltip(itemData, , Tooltips.ANCHOR_WINDOW_LEFT)
16:40.53crazymalfaqaworks for me
16:41.23crazymalfaqalong as the saved variable had all the itemdata parameters then it should be similar for that too
16:41.26tronnedfor custom, single-line: Tooltips.CreateTextOnlyTooltip( mouseOverWindow, text )
16:41.38Flisherbasicaly, I need to save itemData for every item, I don't think it's in the GameData.
16:41.51crazymalfaqaThats gonna be a big file :P
16:41.55tronnedthen you will need to do itemtooltips ;)
16:42.56crazymalfaqawould be nice to be able to do an external query to wardb or something for itemdata
16:42.56FlisherI mean equipment, and bag only :)
16:43.25Flishersomething like LootLink with pre-populated data :)
16:43.41Thraecrazymalfaqa, Flisher: See LightHeaded
16:43.53crazymalfaqaYea, thats a badass mod
16:43.53ThraeWhich is a WoW addon, but the mechanism involved is pure Lua
16:44.30ThraeYes, LightHeaded is just an addon with pre-populated data using Wowhead's API to pull information beforehand
16:44.50crazymalfaqaif the external lookup is pure lua that might be an options :D
16:45.23Flishernah, data is exported and packaged with the addon..
16:45.28ThraeYou can't have the addon doing lookups spawned from the game
16:46.11ThraeIt's just packaged with the addon, but ends up only being ~16MB since it's compressed. And it uses LoD to further lessen the strain.
16:46.16Flishersandbox operation, to avoid bot and think like that.
16:46.56Flisherhitting is employees is legal in the US?
16:47.01crazymalfaqawould be kinda sweet to create a centralized database that lua could attach to and store item info from all players w/ an addon
16:47.51nicoli_sand we could call it warhammerdb or something of the sort...
16:48.00ThraePre-populated data would be one place where event-based LoadAddOn functions would be nice. I don't think it unloads an addon when you disable it.
16:49.24crazymalfaqanicoli_s mainpurpose for itemlinking in game :P
16:49.37crazymalfaqato my knowledge wardb doesn't have an api
16:50.39FlisherEvil question here:  Would it be a bad practice to do the following:  CharactersViewerCharacterWindows = CharactersWindows to get everything from mythic code
16:51.07FlisherThen perform CharactersViewerCharcterWindows.something = stuff or nil to hijack / remove thing?
16:51.17nicoli_syeah, cuz you have to only save data in savedvariables
16:51.37nicoli_sif you try to save a variable that has a function, it will cause problems and not save right
16:52.09ThraeYou can save functions in the SVDB, but only as strings. Read up on loadstring.
16:52.16Flishermy windows will basicaly be a very stripped down version of the mythic one (way less event to handle).
16:53.14FlisherRight now I will save GameData.Player and CharacterWindow.equipmentData only.  I guess i might have to save more stuff when I implement bag and other thing.
17:04.17*** join/#waruidev JW (
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17:14.26Chryzonicoli_s: you telling everybody to go on easymyp google page ?
17:20.14Repo10charview: 03Flisher * r4 / (4 files in 1 directory): -Rought Data save for testing purpose
17:20.15Repo-Basic Frame added
17:27.59KolieAnyone getting repeated crashes when trying to start the latest CurseClient ( ) ? I have a potential fix im desperate to test out, any info would be really really helpful.
17:29.43VonhintenHOME`Thought about adding an Unhandled Exception handler and sending dump data to curse when it happens?
17:32.38KolieI know why it happens VonhintenHOME`.
17:32.57KolieAnd this instance, that wouldn't work, the HTTPManager is responsible for the crash.
17:32.59VonhintenHOME`ok, but do you know how often? :)
17:33.32KolieIt really doesnt matter how often it happens, once is bad enough for a crash at startup.
17:34.14KolieAnd, its quite frequent I know that. It has existed in every client ever released, makes it express it self more frequently though.
17:35.16VonhintenHOME`Just saying, if you automated it, you could release fixes when you're pretty sure you've got it, and monitor the incoming crash dumps...
17:35.28VonhintenHOME`or you could just keep asking for someone to beta test...
17:35.41KolieI'm not going to release an untested fix.
17:36.30VonhintenHOME`I was TOTALLY advocating you do that
17:36.43VonhintenHOME`no, not really, not at lal
17:36.51motd2kwhat is a WarParty called in UI terms?
17:37.06motd2ka Battlegroup?
17:37.08KolieSorry, but I mistook what you said for that. " you could release fixes when you're pretty sure you've got it" or "you could just keep asking for someone to beta test..." It made it seem that instead of what im doing now, I should do what you previously mentioned.
17:37.36VonhintenHOME`Surely we're not your only testers
17:38.01KolieYour not, but this is one place that contributes.
17:39.31Werelds(19:36:52) (motd2k) what is a WarParty called in UI terms?
17:39.34Wereldswarband you mean?
17:39.40Wereldsthat's battlegroup
17:39.45tronnedmotd2k: Battlegroup, yes
17:46.33motd2kexcellent - thanks
17:51.13nicoli_schryzo i've pointed some people thar
17:57.58*** join/#waruidev xyu73 (
18:28.35*** join/#waruidev Kody- (
18:41.04ckknightoh hey everyone, so you all know, once we launch the new curse, we'll be able to fix up WAR categories
18:41.27ckknightand I'll want everyone's advice on what a good set will be
18:53.04iR|Ikranaaddon categories?
18:54.14ckknightlike, we'll add one per archetype
18:54.20ckknightand possibly one per career
18:54.26ckknightchange PvP to RvR
18:54.56ckknightsimple list :
19:00.26*** join/#waruidev purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:00.26*** topic/#waruidev is | | See for API info | | Create WAR addons on | WHA Mod Author Group: |
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19:08.10tronnedckk: looks good to me :)
19:09.21Aiianeheh... BuffThrottle's downloads have seriously taken off
19:09.50ckknighttronned: it's not good, it should have more, really
19:10.22tronnedAii: I think it's because of that tweaking for lag/stutter thread that was posted
19:12.53crazymalfaqaYea, I just downloaded it at lunch
19:13.00MasterkillerAiiane, what type of performance issues is this fixing? This for large scale RvR/
19:13.04tronnedckknight: Guild?  Tooltip?
19:13.29ckknighttronned: yea, we'll hold a big discussion later, maybe tomorrow
19:13.29AiianeMasterkiller: anywhere that you'd see a large number of buffs/debuffs on party or target(s)
19:13.35ckknightbut those are good ideas, tronned
19:14.10tronnedi noticed a lot of people are hooking into tooltips for non-store interact prices in their bags/slots, among other things
19:14.21crazymalfaqadefinitely a performance improvement category
19:14.24MasterkillerAiiane, awesome. is there a lot of buff/debuff info flying aorund that is slowing people down?
19:14.43crazymalfaqamy rig gets down to .25 to .5 frames per second lol
19:14.50crazymalfaqain keeps and heavy RVR.
19:16.08Masterkillerwe got zerged by 60 Old Timers Guild last night in a keep and I just came to a frustrating I coulda done so much damage as a BW but instead they were like Agents in the Matrix WOOOOOSH
19:16.49AiianeMasterkiller: with no throttling, every time a debuff or buff is applied it resets every individual buff window
19:16.56crazymalfaqaI am destro on badlands :P
19:16.57Aiianewhich slows things down /fast/
19:17.12Masterkillercrazymalfaqa, Die zerg!! =D
19:17.24crazymalfaqaim not in the OT guild, I am in Warshack
19:17.28MasterkillerAiiane, Awesome, I just posted it on guild forums, no more Destro Zerg chugging on Badlands!
19:17.48crazymalfaqaMasterkiller, oh shoot, I remember you in some Scenarios lol
19:18.01Masterkillercrazymalfaqa, We had about 20 people in the keep...waiting. They were like ants, I'm probably under-estimating at 60...
19:18.18crazymalfaqaMasterkiller, lol
19:18.26Masterkillerhaha yea i had hell of a day in scenarios yesterday. =D
19:18.51crazymalfaqamasterkiller, I was doing a sorc originally but got fed up and made a zealot
19:19.23Masterkillercrazymalfaqa, what level did you take your sorc? the BW/Sorc do insane damage when people are bottlenecked like the Temple
19:20.02crazymalfaqamasterkiller, got up to 17. Rolled the zealot 1 or 2 days ago. I like playing the healer
19:20.09Sniperummtronned: tooltips have the option to display the information. Only one variable was stopping the prices from showing.
19:20.31PenguinOfDoommurukain temple is the only scenario so far where fireball is useful :P
19:20.38crazymalfaqaEspecially with HealGrid :D
19:20.54PenguinOfDoomThe DPS isn't so bad when you get to hit 6 destro at once
19:21.09tronnedSniperumm: I know, just saying they will get hooked in a lot more since you released your addon.  Auctioneer type stuff and what not.
19:22.00Kody-Aiiane: Is this a related problem to the buff throttling issue?  Every time a Rune Priest casts one of their runes on me, my game locks up for ~2-3 seconds while the rune animation displays
19:22.25SniperummBest thing to do for something like auctioneer is a new tooltip template etc
19:22.44ThraeKody-: I never get that problem, and I *am* a Runnie
19:22.46Kody-Considering I'm running SLI 8800s I don't see why that animation would lock me up like that
19:23.08iR|Ikranawhy would any animation lock you up ?
19:23.12Kody-No idea
19:23.15Kody-It's just that animation
19:23.29iR|Ikranathen it's probably because the animation file is faulty
19:23.33ThraeKody-: Tried with SLI off? Also, there are certain 8800 issues with Warhammer right now -- the cards are underperforming.
19:23.33Kody-My screen literally freezes for 2-3 seconds every time it's cast on me
19:23.55Kody-Thrae: I'll give turning SLI off a try
19:23.57iR|Ikranafigure out where the animations are, and rewrite the file with a clean one you got from somewhere, id ont know
19:24.09ss|underperforming is an understatement
19:24.14iR|Ikranaits not your graphic cards kody-
19:24.21crazymalfaqado you get any errors in the debug window when it happens?
19:24.23iR|Ikranaif they work with one animation they work with all
19:24.47Kody-crazymalfaqa: Didn't think to check the debug window, actually.  Will do that next time it happens
19:25.07crazymalfaqaFYI if you haven't noticed you can limit it to only errors so you don't have to scroll so much.
19:29.25Masterkillercrazymalfaqa, Yea healer classes are a blast. I loved my Archmage in beta =P
19:29.56MasterkillerPenguinOfDoom, Fireball? That's actually my least used spell, unless you mean Fiery Blast?
19:30.32PenguinOfDoomMasterkiller: Yes, that one. It's essentially an upgrade anyway :)
19:30.34Repo10cleanunitframes: 03Aiiane * r61 / (2 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0.4 for changeset 5db5fba51368
19:30.35RepoFix (hopefully) for buffs sticking around after leaving a group.
19:30.41RepoFix (hopefully) for frames not immediately transitioning  to hidden when entering warband.
19:32.05iR|Ikranahows it going with Ace3 development?
19:32.24Aiiane<3 <3 <3
19:32.37VonhintenHOME`Fun tip:  HelpTips.SetFocusOnWindow( "SomeWindowName" )
19:33.16ckknightAiiane: hrm?
19:33.22ckknightAiiane: ah
19:33.27ckknightAiiane: yea, got around to that yesterday
19:33.40ckknightor was it Tuesday?
19:33.41ckknightone of those
19:37.05netcursedcalm down
19:37.27Repo10cleanunitframes: 03Aiiane * r63 / (3 files in 1 directory): Added tag 1.0.5 for changeset 41e044ae827a
19:37.29RepoAdded option to hide buff tracker for targets. Use /clean set targetbuffs [on|off] to change (default is on).
19:37.46Aiianeow, netcursed :(
19:39.52Thunder_Child"cAPS lOCK IS aWESOME!" fail
19:42.47iR|IkranaI've got a question, about CurseForge, am I able to use SVN to commit releases?
19:44.32ckknightyes, iR|Ikrana
19:44.36Sniperummstrange. Used WStringtoString to convert the playername to string. I've then created a table[playername]. Saved this to SaveVariables and the player name has an ^F added to the end.
19:44.36ckknightyou make tags through svn
19:45.05AiianeSniperumm: that ^F is there ingame too
19:45.20Aiiane^ is a control character that tells the name not to display anything after it
19:45.50Aiianethe ^F (and corresponding ^M for male characters) is an assist for the localization engine
19:45.57Aiianeto tell it what words to use in context with that name
19:46.07Aiianei.e. masculine forms versus feminine forms
19:47.01iR|IkranaI woulda though when converting it from a Wstring it would remove such chars
19:48.03tronnedI made a function to strip out such control characters, with Aiiane's assistance
19:49.53tronnedSniperumm:  edit to your liking ^_^
19:49.56Aiianeif you know the name is a valid one (i.e. not L"") then you can use nameString:match(L"([^^]+)^?([^^]*)")
19:50.12Aiianeto return name,controlchars
19:50.44Aiianeit also has the amusing benefit of looking like a bunch of smileyfaces
19:51.20tronnedlol Aii
19:51.22AiianeiR|Ikrana: no, because the ^, M, and F characters are in regular strings too :P
19:51.32Aiiane^F is not a single character in the string
19:51.38Aiianeit's a ^ character and then a F character
19:52.06Aiianethe client simply says "if I see a ^ in a string followed by other characters, I won't display it or anything after it"
19:52.24Aiianetry typing a something^somethingelse in the chat window
19:52.27Aiianeand see what happens ;)
19:52.41tronnedcan you change a labels text align in lua?
19:52.45iR|IkranaYeah I did notice, Im used to my uber ^_^ smileys
19:52.59iR|Ikranabut in WAR, they dont really smile that much ;)
19:54.11iR|Ikranabut why cut it in the chatbox?
19:55.00Sniperumm@project war/au-stats
19:55.01RepoSniperumm: Auction Stats. Game: WAR. Leader: filcon. Updated: 112 minutes ago
19:55.07Sniperummno need for my little mod now sniff
19:55.21Aiianeoff to class
19:55.23ss|^_^ shows up, but ^anythingelse does not
19:56.04iR|Ikrana^_^ doesnt show
19:56.13ss|it does on my screen
19:56.21iR|Ikranascreenshot please
19:56.40ss|oh nice
19:56.43*** join/#waruidev Andrew-- (n=nobody@
19:56.43ss|it doesn't show in chat
19:56.46ss|but it shows in the chat bubble
19:56.50ss|i was just watching the chat bubble
19:56.54iR|Ikranaman im smelly
19:57.32Andrew--Does anyone know how to find the name (or id) or the person who hit you? (or, for that matter, the person you hit)
19:57.43iR|Ikranayou get beat ?
19:58.02iR|Ikranabut anyhow, I guess you can find something the combatlog module
19:58.50Andrew--I can't figure out what actually writes "Your [Spell Name] hits [Enemy Name] for [Damage] damage. ([Mitigated] mitigated)"
20:00.11iR|IkranaGreat, seems like my addon crashes my game :D
20:00.19iR|Ikranabest part is, my server has a queue :p
20:00.32crazymalfaqaI had that last night, switched to a low pop server for testing lol
20:01.02iR|Ikranagonna write something to test while outside of scenarios instead
20:06.23tronnedI suggested all the addon authors roll on some random server, and create a guild, to do testing ;)
20:08.40iR|IkranaSounds like a good idea, I play the EU version though
20:13.39tronnedSniperumm: Want to work on a custom tooltip framework?  /grin
20:15.00Sniperummnot atm. Currently working on my bulk item mailer. Hopefully I'll be able to get it out before someone else does. :P
20:15.37tronnedoh, yeah, you just keep working on that
20:15.55tronnedmail system +  crafting alts = sadpanda
20:17.32iR|Ikranaseriously loving that debug window
20:17.52*** join/#waruidev cncfanatics (n=cncfanat@WoWUIDev/cncfanatics)
20:18.14crazymalfaqaiRjlkrana, does a body good!
20:18.17AiiAndrew--: that stuff is written by the client itself
20:18.36Aiinot by anything in Lua
20:19.27Sniperummsadpanda? :(
20:19.39VonhintenHOME`holy fuck this ability tooltip is one borked up mess
20:25.08VonhintenHOME`They're going to have to redesign that thing or something
20:29.06Aiithe comment on by CFBWolve amuses me
20:29.25VonhintenHOME`Go hover over an ability and run this:  /script HelpTips.SetFocusOnWindow( Tooltips.curTooltipWindow )
20:29.30VonhintenHOME`check that busted shit out
20:30.01Aii...because the helptips window isn't supposed to be setting a focus on tooltips?
20:30.06iR|IkranaHehe :)
20:30.11Aiiyou can't really blame them if you misuse the system
20:30.20VonhintenHOME`You make it a habit of assuming I'm a fucking idiot a lot
20:30.33AiiYou don't go out of your way to convince me otherwise
20:31.11AckisWorkI'm awarding two points to Aii
20:31.30VonhintenHOME`I'll tell ya what, I'll let ya go do some research and then you can come back and appologize for jumping on my ass
20:31.58iR|IkranaOh drama, it's always nice to spend your spare time on drama
20:32.47tronnedIt's not busted, it's just not intended.
20:33.11tronnedYou can abuse all sorts of crazy stull with tooltips.  Their tooltip system is not the awesomest, by far.
20:33.25VonhintenHOME`You can't even re-anchor it ;)
20:33.52tronnedmore often than not, Tooltips.curTooltipWindow = "DefaultTooltip"
20:33.59nicoli_si wish mythic was consitent with how game objects work, some tome unlcoks you get simpyl from right cligking objects, some of them have a cast bar
20:33.59iR|IkranaHow do you say "Please join my Warband for some AddOn testing" in german?
20:34.22tronnedso, it will just pop on to whatever tooltip has been generated
20:34.28AiiiR|Ikrana: you say "open party window"
20:34.43tronnedif you use Moth, it will anchor to the Moth tooltip ;)
20:34.51tronnedand make it all glowy
20:35.02iR|IkranaHmm, is my client crashing again..
20:35.44iR|IkranaGuess I can assume this code aint quite ready for release yet ;)
20:36.20Kody-curse client?
20:36.32iR|Ikranamy WAR client
20:36.39iR|Ikranabut my curse did crash aswell, several times
20:36.59Kody-Well on the curse end, can you give a try?  Kolie thinks he's fixed the crash on startup
20:37.18iR|IkranaYeah, my problem was the start up thing
20:37.43iR|Ikranaimpressive curse forge speeds
20:37.45iR|Ikrana51 B/s
20:38.22iR|Ikranaoh make that 20 :P
20:38.26iR|Ikranaand 1 day left on download haha ;D
20:38.41netcursenew addon :"
20:39.23iR|Ikranaremoved my dangerous code, hoping the scenario will load now.. and it did ! :D
20:40.03Kody- cool
20:40.25Kody-Related to that, why doesn't the guild window save its position when you move it around :(
20:41.02*** part/#waruidev iR|Ikrana (n=christof@
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20:42.06iR|IkranaGuys, why would this code "" cause my war client to crash? The code is run every time "SystemData.Events.SCENARIO_PLAYERS_LIST_GROUPS_UPDATED" is fired.
20:42.58iR|Ikranaoh wait, there is a serious bug there
20:43.37KolieiR|Ikrana: going any faster/
20:44.25KolieYour curseforge download.
20:44.41iR|Ikranaan impresive 3 B / s now
20:44.48iR|Ikranaill try to restart it
20:44.49KolieDownloading anything else?
20:45.06iR|Ikranaof course not, i am not stupid :)
20:45.12iR|Ikranabut it works now,
20:45.20iR|Ikranawhat web server you run? software, os etc?
20:46.18iR|Ikranarussian :D
20:47.21Kolierussian parts, american parts, all the same. "bashes computer"
20:53.00MoronWarThank god for that nearest open group addon.  That always pisses me off.
20:53.38ThraeFinally got my grandfather's birthday present, a HDTV antenna for the roof and card for his HTPC, setup for him. 13 channels with 15% dupes. Not bad.
20:54.51Aiicommunity news feed appears to be sorted backwards again
20:56.31*** join/#waruidev Molikar (
20:57.01netcursewill chekc
20:58.29Kody-Known issue yeah
20:58.32Kody-Will be fixed next push
20:58.58MolikarQuick question: Anyone know why GameData.Player.Quests.updatedQuestCondition is always reporting 0?  I could have sworn this was working fine a week or so ago.
20:58.59KolieiR|Ikrana: Did it finish?
21:00.43nicoli_smolikar, i think there's alwasy been some problems with that variable, i know we don't even use that variable for the curseprofiler addon
21:01.52MolikarAhh ok, I have written my own function to handle it but it seems a bit hackish and I am having issues with my quest cache being out of sync sometimes.  Thanks!
21:02.14AiiMolikar: perhaps that variable gets zeroed out by some handler that's polling it?
21:02.26Aiiso whether or not it's set is entirely up to whether you manage to catch it before the handler does
21:03.12Molikaris there a way to get a complete list of handlers for an event?
21:03.28Aiibut you could look through the default UI and see what references that variable
21:04.33KolieYay curse client has changelogs.
21:05.52ThraeDammit, I can't get used to HoverCast...too used to targeting first.
21:11.25nicoli_ssweet, my first successful test for object interaction for tome unlocks
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21:15.36iR|Ikrananicoli_s what does that mean?
21:17.26nicoli_sit means that when you interact with an object on the ground and it unlocks a tome entry, the curseprofielr can collect that info now
21:24.41*** join/#waruidev smcn (
21:25.41VonhintenHOME`LOL, in a phone conference with all the managers about product deployment... dev manager says "Patti, have you used Stefan's tool yet?"  <outburst of laughter from several people>  "Let me rephrase that, have you had a chance to use Stefan's deployment application?"
21:32.48ThraeHmmm. ChatWindow does have "hotspots", but even their own code is incomplete. I don't think I can make right-click menus for ChatWindow text without blindly trying to figure this API out. I think I'll just use slash commands.
21:33.23Aiiback in a bit
21:33.44PenguinOfDoomThrae: Are you trying to make it highlight URLs and make them clickable? :P
21:34.19ThraePenguinOfDoom: No, I'm making an easy reporting system for the influx of spammers.
21:34.25Repo10queststep: 03Molikar * r5 / (2 files in 1 directory):
21:34.26RepoNo longer using GameData.Player.Quests.updatedQuestCondition to determine condition index
21:34.33PenguinOfDoomyay spammers
21:34.46PenguinOfDoomI was astonished at how quickly the farmers started spamming
21:39.56*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
21:42.43MolikarWow svn commits show up here?
21:42.55Daegalusanyone know why the chatwindow wont save its positioning?
21:44.51iR|Ikranamaybe its somewhere repositioned after a load
21:45.10iR|Ikranaor simply not positioned after its saved variables at all
21:45.18iR|Ikranabut more likely the other
22:02.20*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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22:24.02Repo10spam-me-not: 03Octane666 * r8 / (11 files in 2 directories): - Changed localization object to work more like AceLocale
22:24.03Repo- Made almost all internal strings wstrings.
22:25.14*** join/#waruidev DarkTrooper (
22:27.30Aiirmet08151: your files should be approved now
22:28.27KolieAnyone get crashes when attempting to start the latest Curse Client and willing to test out a fix for it? Could use some more help.
22:28.41rmet08151thanx Aiine, very much appreciated. and sorry for the multiple uploads, but found the bugs just after the upload :(
22:29.27iR|Ikranakolie, it the latest the one i got?
22:29.53KolieiR|Ikrana: yea you have the SF .zip i handed out right?
22:29.58KolieDid it crash?
22:30.20iR|Ikrana i got this
22:30.42iR|IkranaWinRAR says the file is corrupt
22:30.51Koliesigh. curseforge likes to corrupt downloads.
22:31.23iR|Ikranacaused by the software? database or http server?
22:31.50KolieKaelten doesn't know.
22:31.59KolieThe file is fine, I can download it.
22:32.06iR|Ikranabut hmm, cant be database, since its a static file
22:32.06KolieBut, some people, such as yourself, cant.
22:32.23iR|Ikranayou do use http like me ?
22:32.26iR|Ikrananot ftp?
22:32.30iR|Ikranaor shh whatever :P
22:32.33KolieI used the link you have.
22:32.39KolieIts a known issue.
22:32.43Aiiperhaps something's getting gzip'd?
22:32.44VonhintenHOME`browser issue?
22:32.54VonhintenHOME`not sending proper content-type ?
22:32.58Aiior that
22:33.03iR|Ikranathe winrar file is read
22:33.12iR|Ikranaonce I extrat the CurseClient.exe file, the error comes
22:33.13KolieCurseforge corrupts the exes randomly. If iR|Ikrana downloaded it enough times, it would come across fine.
22:33.25iR|Ikranathat doesnt make any sense at all
22:33.25Aiihow does that work
22:33.32Aiiwinrar should CRC error it
22:33.35Aiiif the rar was changed at all
22:33.45iR|Ikranayeah its a CRC errpr
22:34.03iR|Ikrana!   C:\Users\Christoffer\Documents\Downloads\CurseClient11CF (1).zip: CRC fejl i CurseClient.exe. Filen er ødelagt
22:34.06Kolieour NSIS installer gets CRC error on startup.
22:34.14iR|IkranaDanish error message, ødelagt = destroyed
22:34.22iR|Ikranafejl = error
22:34.28Aiiyes, I can understand that much iR|Ikrana  :)
22:34.58Aiialso, hello "Chris" :P
22:35.05iR|IkranaHehe Mjello ;D
22:35.28iR|Ikranayou could also just have whois'd me, Mr Holmes
22:35.57KolieYea I can confirm I just downloaded the zip and extracted works fine. Its a CF error.
22:36.24KolieiR|Ikrana, i bet if you manually md5/crc the file, they dont match whats posted on the curseforge file page.
22:36.40DarkTrooperKolie: when's the pages on premium going to be up? :)
22:36.45Kolie9C9C413964D8ACF65B6213D9C313F961 is the md5 of the one I just downloaded.
22:37.02KolieI imagine with release of the site.
22:37.04iR|IkranaIt's probably the http server then fucking it up
22:37.06iR|Ikranacant see what else
22:37.08VonhintenHOME`iR|Ikrana, what browser do you use?
22:37.27VonhintenHOME`Kolie, what browser do you use?
22:37.28KolieiR|Ikrana: kaelten ran a script to download the file 1,000 times and crc it, it was fine for every file.
22:37.35KolieFF, IE, Chrome.
22:37.51KolieThis error was reported before chrome was even known.
22:38.03Aiimhm. and i just downloaded it with chrome
22:38.05Aiiworks fine for me
22:38.07iR|Ikranabut come on, how can a file transfer fuck up, it's such a simple matter of bytes being moved, and since http is tcp then it can hardly fuck up
22:38.12AiiiR|Ikrana: I'll mirror it somewhere so you can grab it
22:38.19KolieIts happening on the server end.
22:38.28KolieIts before it leaves the server, it has to be.
22:38.51iR|Ikranait has to be
22:38.58VonhintenHOME`if you say so
22:39.23iR|Ikranait the problem limited to the subdomain static?
22:39.27KolieTCP won't change bytes midstream without detecting it.
22:39.36KolieIts related to files served from curseforge.
22:39.41KolieIt happens with images etc too.
22:39.54KolieIve seen the CF background be tinted a weird color, half way through it, like shades of blue
22:39.58iR|IkranaYeah, I noticed actually, once I was created a project, the HTML was a all screwed
22:40.29DarkTrooperi have to say, those add's are effing anoying :)
22:40.33PenguinOfDoomI saw that sort of thing when my RAM got all fucked up
22:40.46AiiDarkTrooper: ads pay for bandwidth /shrug/
22:40.47PenguinOfDoomKept trying to download XP SP1 and it came out all corrupted
22:40.51KolieRam has been tested to hell and back.
22:41.08KolieAnd you would probably noticed it in other areas then served files..
22:41.36iR|Ikranawhere is my current curseclient.exe at? you know?
22:42.14iR|IkranaCurse :)
22:42.17VonhintenHOME`Ikrana how big is the file when it finished downloading?
22:42.23KolieC:\program files\curse ( maybe x86 )
22:42.25VonhintenHOME`in real bytes
22:42.42iR|Ikranathe faulty one?
22:42.44Kolie1.94 MB (2,037,904 bytes) is the length.
22:42.54Aiibtw iR|Ikrana - if any friends are having that problem you can give them the URL, I'm not going to hit my bandwidth limit anytime soon for that host
22:43.01KolieThats the official never left my computer size.
22:43.09iR|Ikrana2.037.904 bytes
22:43.19Kolieheh flipped a bit.
22:43.36iR|Ikranai dont have any friends :(
22:43.39iR|Ikranayou're so mean aii
22:43.58VonhintenHOME`So, it sent the file size properly
22:44.31iR|Ikranasize on my ntfs disc is 2.039.808 bytes
22:44.34iR|Ikranayou know "size on disc"
22:44.55iR|Ikranawell if the file size is ok, then some bytes are getting fucked up
22:45.00iR|Ikranaswitched around
22:45.36DarkTrooperwhat does it say in the "size" field (not the size on disk)
22:45.44VonhintenHOME`Not really
22:45.47iR|Ikrana2.037.904 bytes, i know the difference
22:46.08VonhintenHOME`The HTTP server sends the size, your browser could very easily preallocate that amount of space and just fill it in
22:46.19*** join/#waruidev Flisher (
22:46.31iR|Ikranapoint taken
22:46.36KolieiR|Ikrana: did you get the new one from aiiane and did it work?
22:46.47KolieCould you start and close it a few times to make sure.
22:47.29FlisherAnyone had problem with saved variable? my data is saved into the file, but it seem to not be loaded properly
22:47.41Flisherdoes the variable had to be initialized before oninitialize?
22:48.29iR|Ikranaseems to be working, opened and closed 10 times now
22:48.47VonhintenHOME`try the original URL again
22:49.51iR|Ikranastill get an crc
22:52.20Kolieyea people who get it, it seems to be for them streaked. cant explain it.
22:52.33DarkTrooperthat's really bizzare, i'm glad i don't have to troubleshoot that :)
22:52.33Koliediffrent browsers, various flavors of windows..
22:52.41Andrew--Anyone know where you can find your Guild Store?
22:52.45KolieEventually, it will work for them again..
22:53.01iR|IkranaChrome, latest version, Vista 64 bit sp1
22:53.10iR|Ikranawith a history of absolutely no bugs
22:53.31DarkTrooperi almost wonder if it's an av or script or browser plugin or something, or if it's the isp packet interfereance on certain hosts/routes
22:53.58DarkTrooperAndrew--: guild store as in guild vault?
22:54.04KolieI've distributed larger files to a larger audience. I've never had a server do anything close to what is being reported.
22:54.10KolieIts like 5% of downloads.
22:54.16KolieVarious files, all from curseforge.
22:54.22DarkTrooperwow, that's pretty huge
22:54.23Koliemedia servers server them fine.
22:54.31Koliewell 5% of users.
22:54.43iR|Ikranaim 100% its your server
22:54.45Kolie will work always.
22:54.53KolieI know its curseforge, I never doubted it.
22:55.20Andrew--DarkTrooper:  No, at rank 7 you unlock "Guild Store: Crafting Components"...
22:55.32DarkTroopersorry, don't know then :)
22:55.43Andrew--kk, thanks
22:55.58iR|Ikranaanyhow kolie, if you have some sort of beta tester program, id like to join ;) i love to help out etc
22:56.12KolieiR|Ikrana: 2.0.0.X is a beta :)
22:56.15iR|Ikranaespecially aslong as curse keeps coming up with these interesting things :)
22:56.41KolieBut, I will remember you for testing pre releases, always need some more testing !
22:56.49DarkTrooperMark seems to think in higher tiers people will swap from scenarios to open rvr ...
22:56.55iR|Ikranaill be here :)
22:57.31VonhintenHOME`Kolie, those two servers are sending different HTTP headers
22:58.01Koliethey are seperate servers one is linux the other is IIS
22:58.01VonhintenHOME`Content-Type: application/zip   on the bad one
22:58.01DarkTrooperwhich one is buggering up? :)
22:58.01KolieThey couldnt be more diffrent.
22:58.08Kolieapplication/zip is the correct media-type.
22:58.13VonhintenHOME`Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed
22:58.16VonhintenHOME`on the good one
22:59.26*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
23:00.00VonhintenHOME`Also, the IIS server isn't sending any Cache-Control directives
23:00.04iR|Ikranawhat program did you ZIP with?
23:00.24VonhintenHOME`Or Expires directive
23:00.37Aiizip program shouldn't matter
23:00.40Aiisince the actual file works fine
23:01.42iR|Ikranax-zip-compressed... i thought zips were just zip
23:01.50iR|Ikranai know rar files are x-rar-compressed
23:01.58VonhintenHOME`There are several valid MIME types for zip
23:02.23iR|Ikranai think it would be a good place to start your debugging
23:02.49iR|Ikranasince its a difference between the browsers
23:02.51Andrew--Okay, so apparently I need to make Altdorf hit rank 2 before I can get to the Guild Merchant.
23:02.55KolieIf it was the headers it would never work. It will start working if you download it enough time.
23:03.09DarkTrooperbwhahaha, good luck with that Andrew-- :)
23:03.23Andrew--DarkTrooper:  Any idea how to make that happen?
23:03.28KolieOh, and it mangles more then just zips
23:03.33KolieThis is the first zip ive seen corrupted.
23:03.41iR|Ikranaprobably isnt the mime type header, more likely something else, but what did you about cache control?
23:03.43KolieIt mangles EXE's to.
23:03.55VonhintenHOME`Try removing the Cache-Control and Expires headers
23:04.05iR|Ikranait sounds like it could be it
23:04.59iR|Ikranalet me know when to DL ^^
23:05.30*** join/#waruidev Tsolval (
23:06.12DarkTrooperinteresting "I've already announced that we're going to have free character transfers if the servers don't even out over the next week or so."
23:07.45VonhintenHOME`iR|Ikrana, try running
23:08.10VonhintenHOME`pastey what your browser does
23:10.37Andrew--Anyone want to write a script that sorts your bank/inventory?
23:11.12iR|Ikranathis is easier
23:11.12DarkTroopererr, can that even be done?
23:11.24iR|IkranaVonhintenHOME` ^^
23:12.42netcursewe need everyone help :)
23:13.05netcursewe are releasing the last client build befor the launch
23:13.18netcurseif you can run the new installer and test it around that would be great
23:13.27netcursewill provide a link in a few secs
23:14.06iR|Ikranaim not getting any addon development done with you guys around :P
23:14.49*** join/#waruidev Freddy1 (
23:16.20DarkTroopernet: any inclination to make a 'do not show character' and/or more importantly a 'delete character' option to wardb? :)
23:16.36netcursesoon TM
23:16.43netcursewe want to do it :)
23:16.52iR|IkranaI wonna be able to change my username ;)
23:17.28DarkTrooperthe first isn't a huge deal, but i can see people (like i used to) create a toon, have it (incidently) get on curse, then delete the toon, but it stays on curse
23:18.44*** join/#waruidev kolie2 (
23:18.57DarkTrooperit's also really interesting that if you make a toon (and login for the first time) while CC isn't running, it never gets added to your profile
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23:22.00*** join/#waruidev Kolie (
23:22.46Kody-DarkTrooper: Even with the profiler installed?
23:31.42DarkTrooperKody-: yup, i've made a few alts (when cC was not loaded) that i messed with, then i discovered that wheni loaded CC and relogged into those toons, they never showed up on Curse
23:32.01DarkTrooperwhich prompted me to make some more alts to test this, as i don't want my unused alts sitting up there really :)
23:33.22DarkTrooperi gussed it was a bug, but was a useful bug ^^
23:34.51FlisherDarktrooper: your characters are available tru the official war website
23:35.10DarkTrooperlol that website is so bugged i'm not worried about that :)
23:35.33DarkTrooperunless you search by name, there's a high likley that you won't even show up in the search atm :)
23:35.41FlisherAnyone got tip about saved variable? when I force data to go in, and reload ui, the file contain the right information, if I do absolutly nothing with it in my code, data is empty when loaded.
23:36.40DarkTrooperAii would be the one to ask about that Flisher
23:37.01DarkTrooperassuming she's not starting another new project :)
23:37.26Flisher!poke aii
23:38.29AiianeFlisher: define 'when loaded'
23:38.44FlisherWell, here is my test sequence
23:38.55Flishermy .mod file define to be saved
23:39.28Flishermy code do absolutly nothing, not even defining it.  If I do = something, then reloadui, it get saved to the file
23:39.39Flisherhowever, if I re-reload ui, the file is now empty.
23:39.48Aiianedo you ever create CV as a table?
23:39.57Aiianeit can't create a member of CV if CV doesn't exist
23:39.59FlisherCV yes, but data isn't initialised in the code.
23:40.15Aiianewhere do you create CV
23:40.22Aiiane(pastey your code, please)
23:41.29Flisherit's basicaly an empty shell
23:41.48Aiianeand your .mod please?
23:42.00Aiiane(just leave out the stuff at the top so you don't have to do the url verification)
23:43.34Flisherretesting it in case I screwed something ingame
23:43.35netcursewe need everyone possible to install this build
23:43.41netcurseand test it around
23:43.47netcursethank you so much
23:43.55Aiianeand after reloadui, when you do /script d(CharactersViewer.Data), it's empty?
23:47.26FlisherEverything seem fine, /me confused
23:47.43netcurseright click on aproject
23:47.43Flisherand data is persistant
23:47.47netcurseto see patch note
23:48.12VonhintenHOME`Any way to get a stack trace at a certain point to find out what call the calling pattern looks like?
23:48.17FlisherHey Hubert, I now see pub in my curseclient. (, installing
23:48.44netcurseyou won't for too long
23:48.45Koliewhats pub Flisher?
23:49.03KolieI see.
23:49.05netcurseall authors will have no ads
23:50.08DarkTrooperserious? i need to make something
23:50.38DarkTroopereither that or reinstall adaware :)
23:50.47netcurseall authors will have free premium
23:50.47iR|Ikranai dont understand
23:50.50KolieBut I worked so hard on the addon display... your telling me no one will see it?
23:50.52iR|Ikranaall authors will have no ads?
23:51.03KolieiR|Ikrana, correct.
23:51.04Flisherhubert: smartaddserver38 is crawling the general speed
23:51.21DarkTroopereveryone will see it Kolie, and they'll be anoyed with you because of it :)
23:51.30iR|IkranaAh, like that
23:52.00KolieDarkTrooper: Preaching to the choir, It wasn't my decision to throw them in, I just actually put it in.
23:52.25DarkTrooperi understand business needs revinue however, heh
23:52.38DarkTrooperbut chop chop and get the premo info page up :)
23:52.57Flisherit would be nice to see stats about souce control used on curseforge
23:53.17DarkTrooperyour CC tried to get me to sign upto another bank this morning :)
23:53.42*** part/#waruidev Tsolval (
23:53.52Thunder_Childdid it work?
23:54.07DarkTrooperno anz sucks, and i have no money to put anywhere anyway, haha
23:55.33netcursethe premium will cost 20 dollar a year, no ads, auto one click upgrade, beta keys for incoming MMOs, and you fund the author reward program :)
23:55.43VonhintenHOME`I've about had it with messing with this AbilityTooltip, this thing is doomed to never be anchored anywhere by the bottom right of the mouseover window
23:57.46DarkTroopernet: you mean the Aiiane reward programme? :)
23:58.42iR|Ikranaaiine deserves it
23:59.08netcurseAuthor will earn points and will be able to claim amazon cash gift cards
23:59.20netcursewe are very excited about this program
23:59.49iR|Ikranait sounds very good :)

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