IRC log for #waruidev on 20080910

00:00.49Freddyyou'll make a comeback
00:00.54Freddynext Ali right thar
00:01.28DarkTroopernicer Aii right there? >.> /hides
00:03.52DarkTrooperoh wow, CE's get 2 extra days of HS
00:04.08DarkTrooper1.5 from au tho -_-
00:04.44smcngamestop apparently started processing the orders for warhammer, got an email about my deactivated cc :P
00:06.09DarkTrooperi don't expect eb to process until the morning of release here, they're so effing hopeless
00:07.55Shugenjawhoot, i got it to show buffs in a new window without any more red errors.  yay for trial and no more errors =P
00:09.22Shugenjanow since i dont know what to do i'm going to randomly push buttons until i can get text to show up lol
00:11.27DarkTrooperahh typical, i go to log in finally, and the servers are down -_-
00:17.17Freddypoor trooper
00:17.51DarkTrooperit's probably jus ttelling me i shoudl be doing the other thigns i should be doing instead
00:18.29Shugenjamy server is up =P
00:18.47DarkTrooperwell servers are up, but it seems the auth server isn't
00:19.20Shugenjawell i better not log out lol
00:22.32DarkTrooper"Firstly, general chat is limited to chapters (?), at least a limited area. So, if your friend is RvRing and you just made a toon, niether of you will hear your general chats."
00:22.39*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:22.39*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:22.41DarkTrooperinteresting, i didn't know that, i thought it was zone wide
00:23.23Shugenjaseems reasonable, general would be based on your area
00:24.47`ZypherI get 2 days of Headstart!
00:25.23DarkTrooperit means when i was accosting the healers, not everyone heard me, and thus couldn't improve themselves and make PQs easier for everyone -_-
00:26.55`ZypherAii: you there?
00:27.02Shugenjamaybe there is a region chat then
00:27.40DarkTroopernot that i've seen
00:27.54`Zypherdoes anyone know how the morale levels work
00:28.01DarkTrooperas in ?
00:28.15`ZyphermoralePercent works like
00:28.18`Zypher1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:28.30`Zypherbut the first morale ability is unlocked at 10
00:28.51`Zypherso moraleLevel 1 == moralePercent 10
00:29.05`Zypherwould it be safe to assume level 2 is at 20?
00:29.10DarkTrooperthen level 2 == per 20 and so on
00:29.17`Zyphercontinuing on to 40?
00:29.31DarkTrooperi'd say so
00:29.54`Zypherif Its wrong its your head!
00:30.32Reposchobers-sct: 03adalyn 06adalyns-clone * 6cf06622fe1f SCT.lua:
00:30.32RepoFix Morale ready spam, should only fire exactly on each level.
00:30.35DarkTrooperthat's okay, it's not very useful to me lately anyway :)
00:30.49`ZypherDarkTrooper: good.
00:31.10DarkTrooperthe only otehr way i'd see it working is 10 20 40 80
00:31.21`Zypherso we shall see
00:31.32DarkTrooperbut you won't be able to test them really unless you get a WP + DK to duke it out
00:31.32`Zypherif thats wrong
00:32.00`ZypherI can always check the second one on my brother's shaman
00:32.11`Zypherif(moraleLevel == 1 and moralePercent == 10)then SystemData.AlertText.VecType = {10} SystemData.AlertText.VecText = {L"Rank 1 Morale Ability Ready!"} AlertTextWindow.AddAlert()
00:33.21`ZypherI wish I could see how many people use my version of sct :S
00:33.28Shugenjayou can
00:33.32Shugenjamake it phone home lol =P
00:33.35DarkTrooperyou can see how many downloads no?
00:33.42Shugenjahave it send you a tell on initialize lol
00:33.47`Zypherits a clone of the original
00:33.49Shugenjano one would like it but it would be funny
00:33.50`Zypherso now I can't see
00:34.12`ZypherDarkTrooper: I've just moded the original sct
00:34.19`Zyphergiven it moar features.
00:34.35DarkTrooperso you took over the prject or forked it ?
00:35.00`ZypherI cloned it.
00:36.20`Zypherlua> 713-378
00:36.21lua_bot`Zypher: 335
00:36.30`ZypherI've added 335 lines to the original :P
00:36.47Shugenjai am so breaking my buffs right now, i seem to have lost the timer on them somewhere
00:37.51Shugenjai had the timer working then it stopped which is weird since i didnt do anything
00:38.01`Zypherwhat buffs?
00:38.07`Zypheryou making a buff addon?
00:38.29Shugenjai guess, right now im just trying to make em easier to see
00:38.41Shugenjagot em broke out into its own frame right now
00:38.48DarkTrooperwhat's so great about libslash, loads of mods now require it ?
00:38.50Shugenjaand uhm updating correctly
00:38.57Shugenjabut the timer dissappeared lol
00:39.43`ZypherDarkTrooper: it just makes it easy to register slash commands
00:39.45Shugenjalibslash is a prebuilt set of functions for using / in your program
00:39.59`ZypherDarkTrooper: for example
00:40.44`Zypherand I don't have to write
00:40.53`Zypheran entire addon just to register two slash commands :P
00:42.16Shugenjai have a stupid rat in my testing spot who keeps attacking me every few minutes when it respawns lol
00:44.23*** join/#waruidev jmiracle (
00:44.34`ZypherShugenja: lol
00:44.56`ZypherShugenja: if your doing a buff addon I think I'll scrap my buff bars for now, im too lazy to work on both SCT and buffbars
00:45.06jmiraclequick question- has anyone took a look at the API vs the one WoW uses? not trying to start a flame war, but that's one thing wow did really well was custiomization, is war going to be as flexible?
00:45.42DarkTrooperflexable in terms of what?
00:45.50`Zypherjmiracle: its very similar, but not as flexible they've made it impossible to do some things you could in World of Warcraft.
00:45.59Thraejmiracle: All we can do is speculate at the moment, since the API isn't finalized by any means.
00:46.11jmiracleThrae: yeah i kinda figured that one
00:46.19Shugenjawow != pvp
00:46.22`Zypherwhy do people always ignore me :S
00:46.22Shugenjawar == pvp
00:46.25Shugenjathats the difference
00:46.42jmiracleit's too hard to tab the first character in your name maybe? :x
00:46.48Shugenjaand i wouldnt say im working on a buff addon, but i would say im trying to get a vertical buff bar working right now lol =)
00:47.06DarkTrooperyou'll be able to do most visual/reskinning things, but more advanced functions probably won't be possible
00:47.14`ZypherThrae: the likliness of them rewriting the entire api before launch is slim to none, so I would say its not going to change.
00:47.31`Zypherjmiracle: its right above tab, how hard is it to hit?
00:47.44`Zypherits like the easiest name to tab ever.
00:47.46ThraeFrom what we have so far, it seems WAR's API mainly allows you to reskin the existing information at hand, where WoW's API allows you to add information and features the default UI doesn't have.
00:48.03jmiraclei was jus pointing out my laziness to look :x
00:48.11DarkTrooper`Zypher because people hit the very end of the tab key, ie th epart that's below the #1, not the ` :)
00:48.41Thrae`Zypher: True, but I forsee some functions becoming protected and/or require a keypress *coughTargetPlayercough*
00:48.41`ZypherDarkTrooper: I just have big hands
00:48.43`ZypherI forgot.
00:48.54DarkTrooperi know from my normal typing pos, i can't even reach the ` key without physically moveing :)
00:49.06jmiracleyeah but isn't the way they derive half the data in wow from math? eg take the damage taken vs the % hp left and spit out a number
00:49.19`ZypherThrae: meh thats really small beans in the big scheme of things
00:49.37`Zypherjmiracle: yes
00:49.46jmiracleand that would be impossible in war?
00:49.56`Zypherlua is still lua
00:50.03DarkTrooperwell, it depends if you have access to the combat log
00:50.06jmiracleonly thing that really concerns me is not having accurate HP data in your party/warband
00:50.10DarkTrooperthat's how half the wow ones worked
00:50.19Thraejmiracle: A LOT of major WoW addons take data from the Combat Log, which doesn't really exist in WAR. There's no way to tell if your spell does 134 damage.
00:50.23`ZypherDarkTrooper: you can't do anything with the combat logs.
00:50.32DarkTrooperexactly :)
00:50.41`ZypherThrae: thats not true.
00:50.59DarkTrooperso things like that mob has 45hp isn't as easily possible :)
00:51.06Thraes/does 134 damage/does 134 damage to a certain enemy/
00:51.14ThraeGoddamn you purl, I hate you
00:51.44`ZypherThrae: that is a more correct statement.
00:51.54`Zypheris your friend tho
00:52.39Thrae`Zypher: I was trying to figure out how to make a "MobHealth" addon which calculates an enemy's health based on events, but there's too many variables to get an accurate picture
00:53.15jmiraclei can also see why they did it that way for a pvp game though
00:53.26jmiraclenow people wont know exactly which spell to cast
00:53.53Thraejmiracle: WoW really is going the same way too, but they can't just jump over to WAR's scheme because they already made their bed
00:54.42ThraeWhen WoW's API was in its infancy, you could literally write a bot using Lua -- you could tell it to move, turn around, cast spells, etc.
00:55.49jmiraclelet me ask an unrelated question if any of you know the answer- how does the chicken debuff actually work in open servers?
00:56.21jmiracleyou cant even go back and PvE on a previous tier if i read it right
00:56.24DarkTrooperyou're always flagged, so if you venture into a lower tier you get chickenized
00:58.30jmiraclethat sounds like it would make many unhappy if they want to do any PvE
00:58.51DarkTrooperonly if you want to do pve in a lower tier
00:59.11betsmakes sense to me, prevents people 20 levels higher than you comming into your zone and killing you repeatedly like in some other games :)
00:59.12DarkTrooperunless you'r eon the cusp of swaping tiers out, then the content would be too low anyway
00:59.24DarkTrooperexcept for tome unlocks, there's no reason for someoen to be back there
00:59.40jmiracleyeah i can see both sides of the argument
01:00.07UnremarkableYeah, level 12, for example, kind'a blows.  You go from being the king shit in the 1-11 teir, to being low man in the next one up.
01:00.34jmiracledo you get bolstered to the mid point (eg 8)
01:00.48Unremarkable18, yeah, but it doesn't really matter.
01:00.53betsto me it kinda seemed like they did it like that so that you would go quest and the game naturally throws you into the RVR area when you start nearing the level cap of your current bracket
01:01.17ThraeUnremarkable: Not as bad as being 1-8 in 1-11 tier. At least by level 12, you have a good amount of the spells / abilities you need. But then most people in 1-11 are n00bs.
01:01.24jmiraclei looked for an open server in the beta to play aronud with, didn't see any yet
01:02.08UnremarkableThrae:  I'm inclined to disagree.  You are much more useful as a lv1 in the 1-11 tier than you are as a lv12 in the 11-21 tier.
01:02.46Shugenjawhoot bigger buff icons
01:02.52DarkTrooperya, there are no other server types except Core until HS
01:02.55UnremarkableThen again, I'm an Engineer.  At level 1 you just sit 100 feet away and poke holes in people.  At level 12, everyone is used to making you disapear.
01:03.37ThraeUnremarkable: Depends on what class you are I suppose. I play as a healer, so it's hard to be a Level 1 with our worst healing spell ;)
01:04.53DarkTrooperya at level 3 as a SW i was owning face on noobs :)
01:05.04DarkTrooperas lvl 3 on my WE i was the one getting farmed :)
01:05.17betsi get mangled as sorcerer no matter what, i had a level 1 (seriously) almost kill me last night and i was level 10
01:06.46DarkTrooperwell they get booted to hp of lvl 8, but you should have been able to kite them if they were melee
01:07.59*** join/#waruidev tronned (
01:21.20Aiianejust a note
01:21.33Aiianethe updated open rvr rules let you be 1 tier below normal w/o being chickened
01:21.52Aiianeso tier 3 people can go to tier 2 w/o being chickened, but not tier 1
01:22.03DarkTrooperboo, and i fought so hard to prevent that -_-
01:22.39ThraeI always said "remove chicken from Open RvR", considering I don't plan on playing Open RvR.
01:22.57Daegalusi always said "Remove Open RVR entirely"
01:23.07ThraeI believe there should always be an anarchy server for those that want it.
01:23.26nicoli_s <-check out my badass char :P
01:23.36ThraeDaegalus: That's so Liberal.
01:23.55DarkTrooperAiiane: i grabed yoru mechanic mod to view/fiddle; if i add a moveable="true" tag in the xml to yor <Window name="MechanicWindow"> should that window now be moveable without the window editor?
01:24.29DaegalusI never agreed with Open RVR and the community saturation it will cause along with teh Elitist attitudes. I wish they stuck to just core and went with it
01:24.52DarkTrooperya, i'm with Daegalus on this, baring that, chicken should stay as is ^^
01:25.14AiianeDarkTrooper: correct, but that means that any mousedown will start moving it
01:25.30DarkTrooperwhen i do that, i *still* can't move it :)
01:25.46DarkTrooperwihtout going into the Win Editor
01:25.53ThraeDaegalus: You must remember the "How Much Punishment Can Our Community Take" addage. It's only a tiny, tiny fraction of the playerbase that will whine about quitting on forums and actually do it, and those people are too high maintenance to please anyway.
01:25.59Aiianemight be because its registered with the layouteditor
01:26.09Aiianeand so the layouteditor is overriding the xml
01:26.20DarkTrooperi'll take out that regiser and try again
01:26.49Daegalusnow they have opened a server that allows ganking of lower levels. and without bolster, I see a lot of Level 22s will get ganked out the ass by 40s
01:27.12AiianeI'm not so much concerned about that
01:27.16ThraeProbably, which leads you to wonder who will actually try playing on such a server
01:27.20DarkTroopernope, still doesn't move aii
01:27.27Aiianeas I am by the potential for there to be people who will misrepresent core servers as not having good pvp
01:27.36Aiianeor open servers as being the "only way to really pvp"
01:27.53AiianeDarkTrooper: which window are you setting the movable=true in
01:27.56ThraeHey, I like Scenarios
01:28.07DarkTrooper<Window name="MechanicWindow" moveable="true">
01:28.19Brainiac1000I'm actually concerned that Open servers will take the focus away from the Battlefield objectives in favor for ganking groups.
01:29.14Shugenjaok i have no idea why i cant figure this out but what allows the actionbar icons to be resizeable when you resize the bars themselves?
01:29.31AiianeShugenja: probably their anchors? Might be actually set in the code though
01:29.59DarkTrooperlevel 20's will be ganking lvl 8s all day long on open servers
01:30.08Shugenjai can resize the frame around the buffs but the buff icon itself i cant seem to increase
01:30.17DarkTrooperyou'll have packs of them picking people off questing
01:30.31AiianeShugenja: buffs work differently than actionbars
01:30.33ThraeThere you go, so the Level 20s can't be ganked because they'll be ganking Level 8s
01:30.56Shugenjayeah im noticing that
01:31.04Shugenjaive got them unlocked but cant resize the picture
01:31.07Shugenjawhich is annoying
01:31.12DarkTroopernow the refute to that is 'so call in your support' but the fact remins that, that often doesn't happen, and nealy never if youre on the unpopulated side
01:31.20ThraeAnd the smart Level 8s will just stay in Scenarios all the time until ~level 20
01:31.27AiianeDarkTrooper: so don't play on open servers
01:31.47DarkTrooperwell i won't be, but i can see the QQ incoming already, and that's always bad for the community as a whole
01:32.10Aiianeat which point I personally will just respond with "I told you so"
01:32.27DarkTrooperAiiane: got any other comments/tricks as to the movebale thing?
01:32.27ThraeDarkTrooper: MMO Communities QQ, especially when it comes to PvP.
01:32.48DarkTrooperThrae: yeah but we don't need uncessessary QQ that could have been prevented :)
01:32.54ThraeI never found a MMO community that wasn't full of whining players
01:33.06Thraes#never#have never#
01:33.08DarkTrooperalso remember, the entire design of war has been with core servers in mind, open was just a hack in :)
01:33.48ThraeYou could say that about WoW and PvP servers, except PvP servers are now almost as popular as WoW's main servers.
01:34.01ThraeOf course, WoW didn't know how to implement PvP when it started off.
01:34.17DarkTrooperlol not where i play, all the pvp servers are ghosttowns oceanic side, and pve ones are always have queues
01:34.53DarkTrooperwell except for tich, but they're arroganst elitest pricks :)
01:35.36*** join/#waruidev Kolie (n=kraft@
01:37.53DarkTrooperokay something is seriously messed up, if i register my window in the UI it shows up and i can hide/unhide it, but i can't effing move it, wtf?
01:42.09*** join/#waruidev ghostfish (i=theonewh@DECE.RES.CMU.EDU)
01:47.10*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
01:48.11Shugenjadie evil buff window, die!
01:48.32AiianeDarkTrooper: what happens if you /script WindowSetMovable(windowname, true)
01:51.07DarkTrooperwell i'll test that soon, i've broken my code in the meantime, haha
01:51.13DarkTrooperwhat's wrong with this:
01:51.15DarkTrooperHname = "ZHudSpace"
01:51.15DarkTrooperCreateWindow(Hname, true)
01:51.18Aiianethis is what version control is for ;)
01:51.24Aiianerevert to working version and go ;)
01:51.57DarkTrooperyes well i don't save a new version for every little change i do :)
01:53.34DarkTrooperbloody hell, why can't everything just use wstring damnit, stupid acsii
01:54.13DarkTroopershoudl i be using Hname = L"ZHudSpace" or Hname = "ZHudSpace" (or something else entirely) ?
01:57.13*** join/#waruidev netcurse (
01:57.45Shugenjahah! Buffsize: 0 , Me: 1
02:00.36Aiianewindow names are regular strings DarkTrooper
02:01.16CowBookwhat is the whole L"..." thing?
02:01.20DarkTroopermy fucking lord, i got it all to work
02:01.25CowBookI'm not familiar enough with lua to have seen it
02:01.25Aiianewide string versus regular string CowBook
02:01.34DarkTrooperand i was |-| close to punching something
02:01.37AiianeL"blah" gives you a UTF-16 string for blah
02:01.43Aiiane"blah" gives you UTF-8
02:01.56CowBookwhy the difference?
02:02.16DarkTrooperascii, ie english is only 1 byte per char, other languages require 2
02:02.38CowBookso are internal strings all regular, while localized text is wide?
02:03.37*** join/#waruidev ghostfish (i=theonewh@DECE.RES.CMU.EDU)
02:03.41CowBookwell, it probably doesn't matter
02:03.46CowBookjust interesting
02:04.09DarkTrooperoh it matters, and it confuses me all the time
02:04.28CowBooki mean it might not matter to me if i make an addon
02:04.42CowBooksince i'll be able to follow others' examples
02:07.36DarkTroopermy code must be borked somewhere, no wonder i was having so much trouble
02:07.57DarkTrooperif i use the window name "HudSpace" things break and dont' do as they're told, if i use *anything else* things work as explained here
02:08.00*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
02:08.31Aiianeprobably means the layouteditor has a saved settings file for it somewhere
02:08.45Aiianelook in User\Interface\AllCharacters\YourModNameHere\ModSettings.xml
02:08.57DarkTrooperbut when i changed all of your mechanic window things to "HudSpace" yours still worked fine
02:09.13netcurseare you on msn
02:11.01DarkTroopernope, i removed that file completely Aiiane, and then changed the window back to "HudSpace" and it borks :)
02:12.04thanners'morning all
02:12.13DarkTroopermorn than
02:12.20DarkTrooperlate riser eh? :)
02:14.53thannersit's only 10am
02:15.03Shugenjabuffsize: 0 , me: 2
02:15.07Shugenjadie stupid logic die
02:15.16DarkTrooperactually no you were right Aiiane, but you have to quit the game client to remove/modify those files directly
02:15.26thannersthe saved layouts?
02:15.27`ZypherI want it all.
02:15.28Aiianecorrect ;)
02:15.35Aiianethey're saved on quit, DarkTrooper
02:15.38thannersI discovered that after a couple of hours last night. =/
02:15.42Aiianehence, modifying them doesn't do much until then
02:16.03DarkTrooperokay, now that's all done, back to the origional discussion which also affects your mechanic, the moveable=true tag which doesn't appear to work? :)
02:16.05thannerstried a very simple mod which created a window.. then decided i wanted to change its default position in the xml
02:16.45thannersand wondered why it didn't seem to be appearing.. (coz it'd been already saved at 0,0. blah)
02:17.08DarkTrooperyeah sucks when learning, you actually fix the code and it doesn't change anything and you go 'wtf?'
02:17.17netcursenew addon "
02:17.28Shugenjaouch, dont set the scale of an icon to 75, it doesnt look good
02:17.37*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
02:19.29thannersstill, I finally got around to trying to write actual code and test it. wasn't very useful in the end
02:20.24thannersbut did learn a bit.
02:20.51DarkTrooperwiht that done, i think some mythbusters as a reward is appropriate ^^
02:22.18CowBooki wonder if "chat alert!" has flood control
02:24.07CowBookheh, nope.
02:24.40CowBookwow i would've coded that SO differently
02:25.22CowBookhash of chatdata types to sound ids for starters
02:26.00*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
02:26.00ThraeHmm, how does one reload the UI?
02:26.12ThraeEasy enough
02:34.27Aiianebtw, if you have the latest version of libslash, you'll automatically have a /uimod (or /addon) command to open the mods window ingame
02:36.08*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
02:36.09FreddyYou've given us your feedback and we've listened! Open RvR servers will now allow you to play one tier below your current level without turning into a chicken. This will allow you more time to experience the PvE content of the first 3 tiers, and it also adds more danger to the mix.
02:43.57Shugenjathank god the afk timeout is long
02:52.35Shugenjaare the icons square lol
02:56.00Shugenjaneeevermind,  my math was adding an extra 0.5 to the scale on the Y lol
03:26.14*** join/#waruidev Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
03:30.32*** join/#waruidev SoupCan (
03:30.47SoupCanHello, I got a quick question if anyone is around
03:31.12DarkTrooperyou can try :)
03:31.37SoupCanI'm playing around a bit with lua scripting in WarHammer, and was wondering if I can call a method or function that casts (or uses) an ability on my action bar?
03:31.54SoupCanI haven't been able to figure it out, so I'm starting to think you can't. :)
03:32.14DarkTrooperyou can't use any type of /cast /use etc ability from macros, scripts or lua
03:32.57SoupCanhmm, ok
03:32.59SoupCanThats too bad
03:33.10DarkTrooperyou can referene something on your action bar to test for example if a unit would be in range for it
03:33.15DarkTrooperbut you can't activate it
03:33.25SoupCanNot even with a button press?
03:33.34SoupCanOr switch what the button does
03:33.50SoupCaner, key-press I mean
03:34.16DarkTrooperyou can change bars, but any casting is handed in C
03:34.58SoupCanThanks for your help
03:35.15*** part/#waruidev SoupCan (
04:00.39UnremarkableHas EasyM
04:00.56UnremarkableErr, has EasyMYP been released?  I can't seem to find it anywhere.
04:05.10nicoli_snot yet unremarkable
04:05.30nicoli_si think chryso is waiting till launch
04:06.07UnremarkableAh, unfortunate.
04:06.16UnremarkableIs there any other way to figure out what the names of files are?
04:06.37DarkTroopertrial and error
04:06.41nicoli_syah, RE the hash method, and generate a hashlist of possible filenames like we had to
04:10.53*** join/#waruidev Kolie2 (n=kraft@
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05:17.27DarkTrooperso, there's no way to make a bar, ie AP bar, thicker?
05:23.12thannersI don't think so..
05:37.52DarkTrooperhmm, there are pretty damn restrictive with the gfx part too it seems
05:39.36UnremarkableSigh.  Any thoughts on why my UI components display properly, but aren't interactable?  Debug doesn't appreciate that theres anything there, just reports "root".
05:40.07DarkTrooperwhat sort of interaction are you talking about?
05:41.14UnremarkableWell, any.  I'd like Debug to appreciate that theres something there, for starts.
05:41.48DarkTrooperi had that trouble before, it's all in the xml
05:41.55UnremarkableUltimately, I'd like to be able to drag-and-drop an intem into an item box.
05:42.09UnremarkableYeah, I figured as much - I can't figure out which tag I'm missing.
05:42.21DarkTrooperif it should be working and it's not, the settings file for that mod might need wiping
05:42.41DarkTrooperi had fixed my code but it still wasn't working, took me days to figure out to delete the stores settings for it :)
05:42.42UnremarkableHmm.  Where might I find that?
05:43.16DarkTrooper<BaseinstallDIir>\user\interface\AllCharacters\<Mod name> to delete it however you must exit the client completely
05:43.40UnremarkableAlright, I'll give it a shot.
05:44.14DarkTrooperhave you registered the window in question with the layout editor?
05:44.55UnremarkableNo, I don't believe so.
05:46.33DarkTrooperthe as long as the window is working fine, it shoudl show up in the debug onmouseover with/without that register tho
05:46.44DarkTrooperbut provides a 2nd way to see if the window is actually there
05:59.52DarkTrooperhaha, my combat log atm is a whole heap of sorcs killing themselves from backlash :)
06:00.23ThraeDarkTrooper: So -that- is why they hurt themselves so much
06:01.19DarkTrooperya sorc/BW have a mechanic where there's a chance they'll hurt themselves, and the more they use their magic the greater the chance becomes
06:02.13ThraeYeah I'm reading their spells now
06:02.52ThraeSo the more Dark Magic / Bright Magic is gained, the more chance for Backlash?
06:03.22DarkTrooperyup, upto a 50% chance
06:03.25Daegalusyes, but also their crit chance increases greatly
06:03.36Daegalusand BW = Combustion not Bright magic :P
06:03.58DarkTrooperpedantic ;)
06:04.01ThraeAh, Bright Magic would be too simple ;)
06:06.54DarkTrooperhmm, if you can 'strech' the gfx's in bars horizontally, why the hell can't you do it vertically
06:12.19ThraeMan, it seems like everyone except Zealot and Runepriest kick-ass in the Mastery, Tactics, and Morale department
06:13.13ThraeIt just seems like the other classes have more strategies that can be made with their available Masteries, Tactics, and Morale specs.
06:13.48DarkTrooperwell the zealot & RP are pretty close to your regular buff&healbot
06:14.03ThraeSure Zealots and Runepriests are healers, but even with their Rituals / Oaths, they should still bring at least one other support to the battlefield.
06:14.39ThraeEven Sorcoresses and Bright Wizard can bring some neat buffs from their Core abilities to Masteries and Tactics
06:15.32*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
06:17.54*** join/#waruidev godsflaw (
06:23.35godsflawhey guys, I have read the FAQ and I have a few questions about some of the API.
06:24.24godsflawfirst I see a key binding API call, but can we do stuff like <CTRL><SHIFT>A, because it doesn't appear to.
06:25.00godsflawseems like it maps single buttons on the keyboard to monotomic numbers.
06:26.35UnremarkableOh, hmm
06:26.49godsflawnext question would be, are there any restrictions on the number of bindings?  Are they tied to those monotomic numbers for instance?
06:27.08UnremarkableOdd.  Its not that it isn't recognized by Debug, its that the display is in an entirely different position from the actual window.
06:27.40DarkTrooperya that'll happen with anchors etc
06:28.58UnremarkableHmm.  I wonder how I did that.
06:33.33godsflawanyone interested in fielding some qustions from me.  I haven't bought War yet, but I wanted to see if I could write ports for some of the addons I made in Warcraft.
06:33.43DarkTroopertalk about wet paper, WE's get instagibbed
06:36.06Repochatalert: 03celestian * r2 ChatAlert/: initial code
06:36.41Repochatalert: 03celestian * r3 ChatAlert/ChatAlert.lua: initial code
06:36.57Repochatalert: 03celestian * r4 ChatAlert/ChatAlert.mod: initial work
06:37.53UnremarkableFor some reason its not nesting my elements within the parent frame..
06:38.58UnremarkableOh, there it goes.  Disregard.
06:45.20*** join/#waruidev matsuka (
06:47.16`ZypherDarkTrooper: what do you mean about witch elves?
06:51.04DarkTrooperi mean as soon as the 400 SW's and archmages spot me, you die :)
06:51.43`ZypherDarkTrooper: lies.
06:52.00`ZypherI mean if you have a good healbo
06:52.09`Zypheryou can knock peoples faces in.
06:52.19DarkTroopernaturally, but we're talking pug senarios here :)
06:52.38`Zypheryou just have to be cautious about whom you attack
06:53.01DarkTrooperi still did pretty well, only rank 8 too atm, so no stealth
06:53.24`Zypherstealth is very helpful
06:53.28`Zypherbut trust me
06:53.34`Zypherits not a gimp career :P
06:58.29UnremarkableSigh, okay.  New plan:  Command-driven interface.  Fuck the UI.
06:58.44`ZypherUnremarkable: what are you trying to do?
06:58.53UnremarkableI'm trying to replace the CultivationWindow.
06:59.07UnremarkableI Cultivate while in RvR, so its much too unweildly
06:59.55`Zypheri see
07:00.08UnremarkableSo what I want, are four parallel rows of slots (seed, soil, water, nutrient), that you can fill, and it'll automatically place them into the cultivation system.
07:05.32*** join/#waruidev agx (
07:05.49godsflawyou guys find a follow command in the API yet?  Something like follow(unitId).
07:05.58*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
07:08.23agxsomeone is working on a looting addon?
07:08.47DarkTrooperthere's already one?
07:09.50`Zypheragx: what do you mean?
07:10.41`Zyphergodsflaw: nothing as to fallow btw.
07:11.39Unremarkablegodsflaw:  This look useful at all to you?
07:12.39UnremarkableIts a bit of a hack. >_>
07:12.43godsflawUnremarkable: yah I was looking at that.  I guess it means there is a /follow command, but that only appears to effect the payer menue.
07:13.14agx`Zypher, if there is someone working on autoloot addons
07:13.14godsflawhum, I wonder if we can bind macros to keys
07:13.14UnremarkableYeah, there is a /follow command.  It kind'a sucks, though
07:14.26UnremarkableHm..  Whats a logical way for a cultivation system to work..
07:15.05`Zypheragx: Aiiane has an addon that automatically loots things once you open the loot window
07:15.31`Zypheris that what you are talking about?
07:15.39UnremarkableHmm, I wonder if there is a way to auto-open corpses.
07:15.59agxzyph, ok
07:16.35agxUnremarkable, yes i think its quite disappointing having corpse under my feet, have to move camera everytime to be able to loot
07:16.38AiianeUnremarkable: no, there isn't
07:17.22UnremarkableAiiane:  Hardly surprising. >_>
07:20.31godsflawif there is no loot menu option on your target I would say you're out of luck.  That is by design I bet.  They don't want people to loot without the click because that is too powerful.
07:20.48DarkTrooperAiiane: does CUF have rvr flag timer?
07:21.09Aiianewhat do you mean timer? as in how long until you deflag? no
07:22.27DarkTrooperya that's what i meant
07:22.41DarkTrooperwhat's the normal de-flag rules?
07:26.59Aiianecertain period of time passing without doing anything or being anywhere that would cause you to be flagged
07:27.05`ZypherAiiane: I am so bored.
07:27.06AiianeI think it's either 5 or 10 minutes
07:27.12Aiianeplay WAR then
07:27.28DarkTrooperwell i spent 15-20 mins in pve land after open rvr, and it still hasn't faded
07:27.38godsflawwell there is a SetMacros() function, which could be used with /follow I bet.  Now for the million dollar question: are there any "protected" function taht prevent actions from being performed while in combat?
07:28.02`ZypherAiiane: I can't play I get annoyed my something and try to make an addon.
07:28.16Aiianeso make addons
07:28.23`Zypherthats what I'm doing!
07:28.28agxHowever someone know wich "database" they used in europe that collapsed for 4 days?
07:28.39Aiianegodsflaw: the question is how you would activate the macro
07:29.08DarkTrooperwhile not balaned for 1v1, white lion's seem to be able to drop me every time
07:29.09godsflawhum, yes.  Can we bind the resulting macro to a key.
07:29.23godsflawand can we bind in combat?
07:29.27Aiianewhat would you do with said macro anyways?
07:30.47godsflawAiiane: good question.  Go here: to see some of the addons I've made.
07:31.01godsflawwell, how they work anyway
07:31.12Aiianeum, cliffnotes version please
07:31.36Aiianeokay, I can tell you right off the bat you won't be able to do them in WAR
07:31.58godsflawyah, I was told that in WoW too.
07:32.02godsflawbut I did it.
07:32.28godsflawthey are more for fun than profit
07:33.02Aiianeyes, what I'm saying is that I know the differences between the two APIs
07:33.13Aiianeand there is very little internal in the WAR API that will help you
07:33.26Aiianeyou can certainly use external macro programs to write bots
07:33.36Aiianebut the internal API itself lends very little to doing so
07:34.25godsflawYah, I take the hybrid road.
07:34.41godsflawthe druid is one of my bots
07:34.49godsflawor was
07:34.56godsflawI stopped playing a while ago.
07:35.36godsflawanyway, all the guys want me to see if the API has what I need to make it happen in WAR.
07:35.50godsflawmissing some key stuff so far.
07:35.56Aiianewell, like anyone else the public information is available on thewarwiki
07:36.07Aiianebut quite honestly, if that's all you're interested in, then you're not really welcome here.
07:36.39agxgodsflaw, the druid is a program that emulate the client and uses a 2nd account?
07:37.21godsflawyou should consider your statement.  I don't distribute the code and I do this as a side hacking project.  You think it's wise to take that position with people?
07:37.30godsflawagx: nope
07:37.47godsflawagx: it does stuff based on conditions in the game.
07:38.04AiianeI said if that's *all* you're interested in.
07:38.14godsflawagx: I can call it to me anywhere in the world and it will fly to me, tag on, and heal me.
07:38.52godsflawAiiane: I just want to learn and play.  Anyone with those intentions should be welcome anywhere.
07:38.53Aiianeif you don't plan on contributing anything legitimate to the addon community, then yes, you can take your leave and I will have no qualms whatsoever.
07:39.51godsflawI contributed how to bind a macro to a virtual button and then map that to a key in WoW.  It was a total hack.  I think people found that useful.
07:39.52`Zyphergodsflaw: I myself, and I don't speak for the whole community don't want to be associated with botting. Many players don't understand the difference already, and to push it beyond the point it's at would just be insanity.
07:42.59`Zyphero.O silence is awkward.
07:43.33godsflawyah, I guess botting has the stigma of raping small children in the MMO world.  I just want you guys to consider that testing the limits of a system and making it do things that might be a unintended can lead to good things.
07:44.02`Zyphergodsflaw: many don't see it that way.
07:44.21godsflawI mean, we can all learn something from the answers I'm looking for.
07:44.22AiianeI don't mind testing the limits of a system. I mind abusing those limits once they've been found.
07:44.40ThraeEverything that should be said, has been said. The argument has become circular.
07:44.56AiianeI've been testing plenty of the limits myself, which is *why* I was able to give you the answer that I did above.
07:46.07Aiianeso again. if you're interested in the API, you're welcome to discuss that.
07:46.16godsflawI'm just here to hang out, make friends, and break some rules.  No hard feelings, I get your arguments.
07:46.16Aiianeand I'll be glad to answer questions.
07:46.33godsflawAiiane: thanks
07:46.42`Zyphergodsflaw: cool beans :D
07:47.49godsflawmy roomate has been trying to get a the game today, but Amazon and EA are blowing it.
07:47.59Aiianedirect2drive works well.
07:48.06godsflawguess they won't send the key
07:48.20Aiianed2d does, or at least they did as of yesterday
07:49.17godsflawokay, I sent him the link.
07:49.24agxgodsflaw, good to know, i used this in 2.0 to bind "n" macros to any key;
07:49.58Thraegodsflaw: Do you own
07:50.38godsflawwell it's a nonprofit that I help out with.  I also started it with my roomate back in 98.
07:55.55Thraegodsflaw: Interesting, you've never been in any of WoW addon-related channels before.
07:56.50godsflawyah, never went onto any of the IRC chans.
07:59.51godsflawhey guys, I'll swing in later.  My battery is about to die.
08:00.02godsflawnight &
08:08.12`ZypherAiiane: buff bars r funz!
08:15.24`ZypherI can't figure this out
08:15.33`ZypherI'm doing something similar to smcn'
08:15.36`Zypherwith Whiny
08:15.43`Zyphersmcn: you there?
08:15.52`Zypheryou have
08:16.01`Zyphert.exists = true -- flag to reuse old frame
08:16.10`Zypherand that carries over into....
08:16.22`Zyphermultiple ifs
08:16.28`Zypherbut I can't get mine to
08:16.31`Zypherwhen I dump the table
08:16.37*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
08:16.39`Zypherthe exists flag doesn't exist.
08:17.53`Zyphershould I pastey it?
08:18.08smcnwell, notice that t is local to that initial if statement, only at the end of the statement do i add it to tmp[unit]
08:18.46smcnso if you just copypasta'd my code and then tried to reference t outside that if statement it wouldn't exist
08:19.57`ZypherI have it very similar
08:20.13`Zypherbut it still is added to a table of my own creation.
08:20.21`Zypherbut that addition never happens.
08:20.41smcngo ahead and pastey what youhave
08:22.50smcnbtw you can remove the table pool stuff, i did some research on it and it's really more trouble than its worth for very little performance gain
08:23.31`Zypherthought so
08:23.43`ZypherI was thinking that might have been what was causing my problem rofl
08:23.45`Zypherso I added it
08:25.13smcnthe current and tmp tables are being wiped out because you define them inside the function
08:26.02smcnbut, i see what you missed, you put your function statement where i have a do statement which is basically just to keep the variables contained
08:26.19smcnlemme fix it up and repastey
08:26.44`Zypheroh well
08:26.49`ZypherI already fixed it
08:27.04`Zyphernow I just need to figure out why the bar doesn't deplete
08:29.57smcnprobably something in the xml
08:31.22DarkTrooperbars are not fun
08:36.19`Zypherit works!
08:36.29`Zyphernow time to add all the fancy looky stuffs
08:36.34`Zypherand sort it
08:49.00`Zyphersmcn: if I wanted to go about adding an extra field to the table
08:49.06`ZypherI should just be able to do so correct?
08:49.49`Zypherwtf :S
08:49.50DarkTrooperyeah your addon confuses me smcn :)
08:50.12`Zyphersmcn: I'm trying to add containers depending on isBuff == true or false
08:50.14smcnit'll probably confuse me after i haven't looked at it for a couple months :P
08:50.58DarkTrooperfor your next project smcn, i think you should get custom cars happening ;)
08:51.07DarkTroopererr bars*
08:51.44ThraeDoes anyone know how to res--nevermind, I'm lazy
08:51.47`Zyphersmcn: it really doesn't like
08:51.51`Zypherlocal bar = info.container..index
08:54.32*** part/#waruidev agx (
08:56.45`Zyphersmcn: its telling me
08:57.24`Zypherattempt to concatenate local 'container' (a nil value)
08:57.49Thrae`Zypher: What's your code?
08:58.46smcn`Zypher: supposed to just be container..index
08:59.03smcndunno where you got info.container from, it's not in wst nor your pastey ;P
08:59.16`Zyphersmcn: no no I added it as a field to t
08:59.39`Zypherif(v.isBuff == true)then
08:59.39`Zypherlocal cont = "zBuffBarsPlayerBuffs";
08:59.39`Zypherlocal cont = "zBuffBarsPlayerDebuffs";
09:00.15`Zypherthen I tell t.container = cont
09:00.15`Zypherthen later on I call
09:00.15`Zypherinfo = tmp[GameData.BuffTargetType.SELF][index]
09:00.15smcnyou have to put it in two different places
09:00.19*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:00.19*** join/#waruidev lua_bot ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:00.19*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by
09:00.58smcnthere's two separate places you assign values to t if it doesn't already exist
09:01.25smcnlooking at it now it's not even really necessary
09:03.49smcnyou can use that to replace the if block at line 148 in what you pastey'd earlier
09:04.03smcnit's just redundant otherwise
09:05.32smcnoh and also heh, in what you pasted earlier cont would lose scope instantly
09:05.44smcnyou would have to define cont elsewhere first
09:06.08smcnbut in actuality you don't even need the cont variable, you can just use the same if statement and define t.container right there
09:07.42*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:07.42*** join/#waruidev lua_bot (
09:07.42*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by
09:07.43`Zyphersmcn: I don't understand how
09:07.43`Zypherif I don
09:07.45`Zypherdon't add it to t there
09:08.00`Zypherhow can I call it later?
09:08.47smcn`Zypher what i mean is, you don't need to use a separate variable. replace local cont = ... with t.container = ... in the if block you just pasted
09:13.01`Zyphersmcn: still not getting added to the table
09:13.07purlSTOP DOING THAT!
09:15.43`Zypherwhere am I failing?
09:16.20smcnremove line 144 and move the if block at 152 to 181
09:16.38smcnchange line 144 to just local t
09:16.58`Zypherit tells me that
09:17.04`Zypherhold one
09:17.29smcnin summary change line 144 to local t and move the if block at 152 to 181 :P
09:17.38`Zypherattempt to index local t a nil value
09:17.48smcnand move the if block at 152 to 181 :P
09:18.22`Zypherlets try that
09:19.56`Zypherthat works
09:20.07`Zyphernow I have to figure out the delete thinger
09:20.14`Zyphersince it can't find the container now either
09:23.56`ZypherI can't delete the things now
09:26.40`Zypheroohh got it
09:30.07`ZypherisBuff isn't very good lol
09:32.51`ZypherisDebuff is better lol
09:37.27*** join/#waruidev agx (
09:39.09`Zyphersmcn: you still there?
09:39.38`Zypherhow did you give the bars their little border?
09:40.30`Zyphertheres no inherit
09:40.33smcnit's just part of the template
09:41.15smcnthe statusbar itself is a child of EA_Window_DefaultFrameStatusBar
09:41.34smcnEA_Window_DefaultFrameStatusBar is a window with the other elements, such as the border
09:43.21`Zyphersmcn: gotcha
09:43.28`Zypheri'm just trying to figure out where I want the icons
09:49.46lua_bot`Zypher: 218
09:58.06DarkTrooperi'm not impressed that you can only (easily) use existing art, esp for bars, quite anoying
09:59.36*** join/#waruidev Nakiota (n=Nakiota@
10:00.12`ZypherDarkTrooper: well once they get rid of the glitch with external textures you can use whatever you want.
10:00.39DarkTrooperbut from what i understand you have to code entire new methods or some such to make them work
10:01.06`Zyphernot really
10:01.12`Zypherin xml you can do
10:01.19`Zypher<StatusBar name="$parentStatusBar" layer="background" background="" foreground="zBuffBarsStatusBarFilled" reverseFill="false" interpolate="false">
10:01.36DarkTrooperi mean like if you wanted a veritical bar, or a curved one or some funky diamond
10:03.39DarkTrooperfree cake for Aiiane
10:04.01`ZypherAiiane: :S
10:04.03`Zypher(03:03) <@Aiiane> enjoy
10:04.42DarkTrooperafter this, i can see the next fubar already
10:05.22`ZypherDarkTrooper: well zBuffBars is almost ready!
10:05.24`Zypherand i'm happy
10:05.47DarkTrooperi'm assuming that's a reskin of the buff/debuff section?
10:06.06`Zypherinto bars
10:06.10*** part/#waruidev agx (
10:06.28DarkTroopersorta like, WST?
10:06.45`Zyphersept for your buffs / debuffs
10:06.56`Zypherincluding ones from other players
10:07.03DarkTrooperoh i know what you're on about, i can't remember the name of the mod i used in wow for that
10:07.05`Zypherand displayed a little differently.
10:07.15`ZypherElkanos buff bars
10:07.23DarkTrooperthat's the one!
10:08.30Aiiane as well.
10:08.50DarkTrooperout of intersting Aiiane, how did you dump them?
10:09.00Aiianeactually, really easily
10:09.14lua_bot`Zypher: 146
10:09.26AiianeI made an addon with 2 savedvariables, "LTGameDataCache" and "LTSystemDataCache", and then in a function of my addon, just had
10:09.33`Zypherlua> 218/2
10:09.34lua_bot`Zypher: 109
10:09.34Aiianefunction LuaTools.CacheData()
10:09.39AiianeLTGameDataCache = GameData
10:09.46AiianeLTSystemDataCache = SystemData
10:10.02Aiianestarted up WAR, ran the function, exited war, loaded the SavedVariables.lua
10:10.27DarkTrooperlol so that dumped the whole thing into a file?
10:10.32`ZypherAiiane: ummmm
10:10.36Aiianethat's what savedvariables does
10:10.42Aiianeit saves the values in a lua file
10:10.43`Zypherhow the hell do HorizontalResizeimages work?
10:10.50Aiianeand to restore them it just runs the lua file
10:11.09Aiiane`Zypher: no idea, haven't looked at them yet
10:11.10DarkTrooperthat's crazy, how'd you think of that?
10:11.31AiianeDarkTrooper: just playing around with ideas, wanted a better way to dump them than printing to chat logs
10:11.47`ZypherAiiane: in CUF did you just copy mythic's xml?
10:12.58DarkTrooperAiiane just copied the xmls and the luas :)
10:13.05Aiianenot exactly
10:13.14DarkTrooperafter berating me for doign similar *tut tut* :)
10:13.15AiianeI use some parts of it
10:13.18Aiianeand not others
10:13.35AiianeI just inherit their statuscontainer for the most part
10:13.52Aiianeand then build around that
10:14.05DarkTrooperwithout custom art, there's no way to change the appearnce of the hp/ap etc bars hey?
10:14.30Aiianewell, sort of. you could use one of the other builtin resources
10:14.48DarkTrooperright, but apart from that, you can't just say 'strech this bar like so'
10:14.50Aiianefor instance, you could show them as just flat bars
10:14.57Aiianebecause there are just blank white textures
10:15.11Aiianebut you'd have to write the code to handle that
10:15.18Aiianesince StatusBarSetValue etc only work on status bars
10:15.26DarkTrooperya, thought so, way above my level atm, heh
10:17.03DarkTrooperi'm assuming this is coded in C, but there's no way to mod the scenario so you can choose which one you want to join hey?
10:17.55`ZypherDarkTrooper: what do you mean?
10:18.31DarkTrooperwell each pairing has a different scenario, and you have to be in their lands to queue, would be nice to be able to choose which one you want to queue for from anywhere
10:18.39matsukaIs the current API providing a way to mod the Righteous Fury pool of WP. I would like a non-numeric format, something like a texture filling up and down
10:19.38`Zyphermatsuka: yes its possible.
10:19.49`Zypherconvert the maximum amount to the statusbar's maxvalue
10:19.56`Zypherthen set your curent amount to the currentvalue
10:20.02`Zypherwhala statusbar.
10:20.33matsukaIs it possible to use a mask on texture as well ?
10:20.44`Zypherwhat do you mean
10:21.34matsukaInstead of having lets say a rectangular box filling up and down, have a specific shape, let's say the empire symbol (cross)
10:21.34DarkTrooperlol did you know you dumped your current vid settings Aiiane? :)
10:22.14`Zyphermatsuka: well when they allow external textures, you could do that with alpha channels.
10:22.48AiianeDarkTrooper: yes
10:23.01DarkTrooperhehe, your keybindings too :)
10:23.36matsukaYou mean transparency Zypher?
10:23.47Aiianealpha channels are a way of implementing transparency, yes.
10:24.39matsukaNow i'll stop bugging you and digg around for some more info. Thanks
10:24.43DarkTrooperhmm, so how does that work, using alpha to set the visible value of a bar?
10:25.06DarkTrooperi thought you could only set alpha for the whole unit
10:25.15`ZypherDarkTrooper: you tell the game what areas should be transparent.
10:25.25Aiianewe're not talking about the WindowSetAlpha function
10:25.32Aiianewe're talking about alpha channels for rendering in general
10:25.35Aiianenot specific to WAR :)
10:25.41DarkTrooperoh right, i'm with you
10:25.53Aiianethough WAR uses them for many things, not just windows :)
10:26.11DarkTrooperso you'd put a bar or someting under it and it'd fill as normal, and have this gfx over the top to make it appear it's filling a certain way?
10:27.30DarkTrooperinvertMouseLook = false; bah, how can anyone play without inverted mouse ><
10:28.16DarkTrooper"UseCustomUI = false" sounds intersting
10:28.34matsukaDarkTrooper: This is what i was thinking. Not sure though that you can have a single gfx cropped in the middle (masked) and thus have the bar below
10:32.14DarkTrooperUpdateProcessed =
10:32.14DarkTrooperTime = 0.02001185156405,
10:33.28*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
10:35.33matsukaAiiane: I'm trying to find a method that will return the value of RF in the war wiki. Is it called something else ?
10:35.57DarkTrooperoh the WP resource?
10:36.09matsukaRighteous Fury
10:36.42DarkTrooperreturns 2 values
10:37.16*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
10:37.17DarkTrooperthe 2nd one is what you're after
10:40.08DarkTrooperoops, that should be systemData
10:42.08Aiianematsuka: I'd suggest taking a look at
10:42.16Aiianeand see how it does its display
10:45.12DarkTrooper"HOTBAR_BUTTONS_PER_BAR = 12" can that be changed?
10:54.10AiianeActionBarClusterManager.SpawnCluster() and ActionBarClusterManager.DestroyCluster() are what set up the actionbars and get rid of them, respectively
10:54.17`Zypherim going to be up all night working on this crap
10:54.24Aiianeyou could try destroying the cluster, changing a setting, and then spawning it again
10:54.41Aiianeeither way, im going to bed
10:54.44Aiianenini all~
10:54.50DarkTrooperwouldnt that spawn a whole new one with no abilities?
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12:09.07CowBookfilter by class PLZ
12:09.18agxis there a targetfriend function?
12:16.09agxsomeone implemented TargetNearestEnemy() and/or *Friend() ?
12:21.28CowBooki know there's a keybind for target nearest enemy
12:21.35CowBookmaybe friend
12:21.50CowBookeither way, if there's a keybind, i'd imagine there's a function
12:21.51agxok but i need into a script :)
12:21.57DarkTroopercool, there's a last name registrar
12:32.00*** join/#waruidev Mera (
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13:07.50TieDyedGuyHas anyone succesfully used SystemData.UserInput.ChatChannel  and BroadcastEvent(SystemData.Events.SEND_CHAT_TEXT) in an addon cause I can't get it to work no matter what I set the userinput to.
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15:27.56thanners'allo Chryzo
15:39.51Chryzoyeah, right
15:39.59Chryzowar europe says all accounts have been validated
15:39.59Chryzoor not :)
15:40.04Chryzomine still not working hahaha
15:40.05Chryzothey suck
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16:00.59nicoli_sdamn trillian
16:01.11vjeuxit's msn completly fucked up
16:01.28nicoli_swas wondering why i coulodnt logon
16:06.01vjeuxbtw you got the rar i sent you nic?
16:07.16Chryzothe syntax is correct in this script: ?
16:07.26Chryzois the syntax correct lol ...
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16:26.19nicoli_slooks alright to me chryzo
16:29.30Chryzoi don't get why the parent check ain't working here :(
16:30.31nicoli_sman world.myp takes forveer to extract
16:31.33Chryzonot thaaaaat much :)
16:31.45nicoli_swell on my shitty machine it does
16:31.49Chryzoand it would be useless to extract 2 files at a time hihi :)
16:32.02nicoli_sanything over an hour = forever to me
16:32.16vjeuxshould have done it over night :)
16:32.34Chryzonicoli_s: whoa, that is long :) try easymyp hahahaha
16:32.39nicoli_si am :P
16:32.53nicoli_si was gonna try and find just the one file i needed but said screw it
16:33.15vjeuxbtw, filenames are still not available right?
16:33.16Chryzosometimes i ll need to change it so that it can be sorted ^^
16:33.22Chryzovjeux: dunno :)
16:33.38Chryzothe latest US beta did have them
16:33.45Chryzobut does not seem so in the OB
16:33.59Chryzothat reminds me i need to check the percentage of loss
16:34.01vjeuxeu open beta, they are hidden
16:35.24Chryzoyeah, only the 2 or 3 last US beta had them
16:35.47vjeuxthat's a really strange politic to add them sometimes and remove then some others :p
16:35.48nicoli_swas probably just a mistake on their end
16:35.59Chryzobut was a great result on this end ^^
16:36.32vjeuxyou managed to save the filelist right? :p
16:36.38Chryzoworld.myp EU: 43908 / 43993
16:37.10vjeuxmissing some :p
16:37.34Chryzohaven't run the generator for 2 or 3 months atm ^^
16:38.15vjeuxyou got more names than files? :p
16:38.26Chryzoreverse them on the second one ^^
16:38.34Chryzoi copy / pasted from my excel sheet :)
16:42.31nicoli_sman war has too many texture formats
16:43.05`ZypherChryzo: just the man I need
16:43.36`ZypherChryzo: how do <HorizontalResizeImage>
16:43.47`Zypher<StatusBar> work
16:44.00Chryzothe Mythic stuff ?
16:44.28Chryzofor statusbar, you give it a value between 0 and 1 if i remember right
16:44.49Chryzoyou can also tell it to smooth the transfer between 2 values
16:47.00`ZypherChryzo: but how do I get horizontal images to work
16:47.04`Zypherthe statusbar works fine
16:47.11`Zypherbut the horizontal images don
16:47.12Chryzowell just ... use it ?
16:47.47Chryzodescribe the pb more
16:47.54Chryzodo you know the syntax for horizontal image?
16:49.10`ZypherChryzo: sorta
16:49.12`Zypherthe problem is
16:49.19`Zypherthe image shows up
16:49.25`Zypherontop of the statusbar
16:49.28`Zypherand looks janky
16:49.41*** join/#waruidev Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
16:49.45GeneshiftIs it resampled?
16:51.06`ZypherChryzo: let me get the error
16:51.42`Zypherwhen it is setup like that
16:51.43`Zypherit looks fine
16:51.46`Zypherbut theres an error.
16:52.18Chryzothat is all the info I have on the horizontal bar ^^
16:52.29Chryzowhatchout, it is full of useless values :)
16:52.40Chryzobut since xml can be minimized :)
16:54.12*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
16:54.34Chryzoand if i remember right, texture don't work
16:54.39Chryzoexternal ones
16:55.10Chryzo<HorizontalResizeImage name="$parentFill" autoresize="true" handleinput="false" layer="background" texture="API_StatusBarHorizontal">
16:55.11`ZypherERROR: Attempting to add a chiled window with an existing name. Window: zbbStatusBarBg(Check your xML and $parent inheritance.)
16:55.30Chryzothat was the syntax i used to use ^^
16:55.32ChryzoZypher: your names must be unique
16:55.52`Zypherthey arent?
16:56.00Chryzoseems not
16:56.46Chryzomaybe you loading the stuff twice ?
16:56.54Chryzoor you are using like 2 status bars somewhere ?
16:57.19Chryzoyour bg and fg are not parent dependant in their window name it seems
16:57.21`ZypherChryzo: loading it multiple times.
16:57.22Chryzomight be the problem
16:57.29`Zypherjust renamed them.
16:57.48Chryzogonna go cook for my part ^^
16:58.59nicoli_sanyeone been in a dungoen in WAR before? i need to know if they have maps of there own or not
17:00.08TieDyedGuyHas anyone succesfully used SystemData.UserInput.ChatChannel  and BroadcastEvent(SystemData.Events.SEND_CHAT_TEXT) in an addon cause I can't get it to work no matter what I set the userinput to.
17:00.14*** join/#waruidev sOLARiZ (
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17:09.27`Zypher~gmt Belatuca1ros
17:09.42`Zypheri forgot what it was
17:10.14nicoli_sanyone happen to have a spare dump of _G? wanted to look for a certain fuinction
17:14.44*** join/#waruidev initram (
17:15.25`ZypherChryzo: <3
17:16.49initrami am trying to make another buff tracker, but when i call Refreash() on it, i get an error saying: atempt to index local "self" (a nil value), have any one else expirienced that?
17:17.22Chryzo_initram: paste your object
17:17.33Chryzo_you might have missed something when creating the object
17:17.53Chryzo_and i need to reboot grrr
17:19.43initrambuffAnchor =
17:22.41*** join/#waruidev Chryzo_ (n=dtc@
17:23.33initramhi again... here is the code i use:
17:36.01`Zyphersorry initram I
17:36.08`Zypheramd working hard on my buff bars :S
17:38.20initramits ok... ill just keep hacking, it gotta work sooner or later
17:47.12nicoli_sanyone in here been in the sacellum dungeons before?
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17:56.26Chryzo_netcurse:   (without the hashlist)
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18:06.56Aiiane(09:58:20) TieDyedGuy: Has anyone succesfully used SystemData.UserInput.ChatChannel  and BroadcastEvent(SystemData.Events.SEND_CHAT_TEXT) in an addon cause I can't get it to work no matter what I set the userinput to.
18:07.09Aiiane...are you trying to trigger said broadcast... from that chatline?
18:11.58`Zypherhey Aiiane
18:12.06`Zyphercan I have you look at something?
18:13.06`Zypher~poke Aiiane
18:13.06purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Aiiane, pokes Aiiane repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
18:14.03nicoli_sweee! back to lua for me
18:14.52solariz^playingbahh nvida dual GPU and Multimonitoring really suxx
18:16.15`Zyphersomeone look at my failing code plox?
18:17.06solariz^playingI do ;p  gimme the pastey
18:17.46`Zypherwhy isn't it making zBuffBarsPlayerBuffs?
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18:19.45solariz^playinghmmm xml is valid ?
18:20.12`Zyphersolariz^playing: yes
18:22.09solariz^playingI didn't do anything right now with the UI it self but wasnt it that you have to use mywindow = CreateFromTemplate(window) ?
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18:24.06solariz^playingIm sorry, I guess Aii have to give you some tips on this
18:26.16Aiiane`Zypher: define 'not making'. Do you get an error in /debug when loading the UI that createwindow failed?
18:26.18thanners`Zypher: isn't making it? So nothing showing up on screen, doesn't show up in layoutedit window list?
18:29.30`Zypherthanners: the anchor shows in the layout editor
18:29.51`ZypherAiiane: but it never creates the windows for new buffs, and doesn't error about window creation
18:29.58`Zypherjust says the window doesn't exist.
18:31.12`ZypherDevelopment! the problem is it will create one window and not the other.
18:32.50thanners.. which Window is not being created?
18:33.02`Zypherdebuffs atm
18:33.03Aiianepastey your xml
18:34.02thannersnuuu. WAR has turned me into a night owl again and it hasn't even properly been released yet.
18:34.46`ZypherI removed the top part, I don't want to type out the url...
18:35.29nicoli_sis there a way to buy a stack of an item?
18:36.37Aiianehmm... haven't tried nicoli_s
18:37.16nicoli_swtf, why would mythic not fire the PLAYER_BEGIN_CAST event anymore :(
18:38.00`ZypherAiiane: any ideas?
18:38.51Aiiane`Zypher: not offhand
18:42.09thannersbut zbb.init makes it all the way through with no visible complaints?
18:42.28thannersmm, or does it first complain when you try to register the debuffs window with the layout editor?
18:42.59`Zypherthanners: there is no error, until it tries to set info for a debuff bar
18:43.30thannersoh wait, i don't think the layouteditor complains if you pass it a non-existent window.
18:43.37thannersso much for that train of thought..
18:43.37nicoli_ssweet! i got apothecary recipes collecting :)
18:43.41*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
18:43.52thannerswhoo, nicoli_s (c:
18:44.39nicoli_snow to do talisman making
18:44.50nicoli_sthats in isnt it?
18:45.01thanners`Zypher: what happens if you comment out both CreateWindows in zbb.init() ?
18:45.35thannersit's not like those windows are somehow accidentally being created elsewhere?
18:45.59thannersi dunno, i don't think i'm making sense anymore.
18:47.21Aiiane`Zypher: check to see whether the window actually exists or not with DoesWindowExist() from /script
18:47.28Aiianesee what exactly its complaining about
18:47.30nicoli_slol, i wonder why the talisman making guy in this town has a subtitle of "Hedge Wizard"
18:50.20TieDyedGuyAiiane: You asked if I was trying to trigger it from the chatline.  I have a slash command that just runs those two lines of code.  UserInput="something and then broadcast(chat_text_input).
18:50.34AiianeTieDyedGuy: the problem is, slash commands are chat commands too ;)
18:50.43Aiianeso UserInput gets overwritten before the client ever processes
18:51.00TieDyedGuySo how would I get that to run?  A button?
18:51.11Aiianebutton, or put it on a delay
18:51.31TieDyedGuyIs there a delay function or just a for loop?
18:51.44Aiianei.e. queue it up somewhere and have an OnUpdate handler that processes the queue after a delay
18:51.59Aiianespinlock delays are *Bad* don't do them ;)
18:51.59TieDyedGuyGot it
18:52.19TieDyedGuyMy second question, i use your slashlib library, but making a macro to call that command doesn't work
18:52.22TieDyedGuyor am I doing it wrong?
18:55.34`ZypherAiiane: ok the only way it looks that I can do this is to have it generate both debuffs and buffs in the same function
18:55.48`Zypherand just give them different containers depending on if its a debuff or not
18:55.53AiianeTieDyedGuy: due to the way WAR handles macros, you can't use non-default slashcommands in macros
18:56.26TieDyedGuyAiiane: Thanks, that blows :)
18:56.28Aiianeif I ever find a workaround for that, I'll definitely update LibSlash to allow it, but I doubt that's going to happen
18:56.36Aiianethe best workaround
18:56.44Aiianeis to also provide global functions from your addon
18:56.48Aiianethat can be called with /script
18:56.52Aiianesince /script will work in macros
18:56.59Aiianesee the TargetLast mod for an example of this
18:57.18AiianeI provide both slash commands and corresponding functions, e.g. /lastfriend and TargetLastFriendlyTarget()
18:57.19`ZypherAiiane: can you look at this for me?
18:57.25Aiiane`Zypher: look at what
18:57.36`Zypheris the only way I can get it to do both buffs and debuffs
18:57.46`Zypherbut the problem is, they tend to reanchor themselves due to previous
18:58.03`Zypherhowever I'm not sure how I would go about seperating them.
19:10.34TieDyedGuyAiiane: You are wonderfull.  I set a flag, wrong an OnUpdate, and BOOM, my dude just talked :)
19:10.43TieDyedGuywrote, not wrong.
19:11.29nicoli_swtf, has anyone here successfully made a talisman item before?
19:12.54VonhintenHOME`I've made talisman's, up to level 30
19:13.31nicoli_swhere do you get fragments from?
19:13.45VonhintenHOME`Salvaging, gather profession
19:14.48nicoli_sxplain why we don't have the source for any of them on wardb
19:15.43Repozbb: 03adalyn * 855c1b9cffc9 /: Initial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
19:18.36`Zypher@project zbb
19:18.36Repo`Zypher: zBuffBars. Game: WAR. Status: Needs Approval. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 23 seconds ago
19:19.08`Zypherneed testers.
19:22.56Repozbb: 03adalyn 07v0.1 * v0.1 /: Initial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
19:30.01*** join/#waruidev Aii (
19:31.14`Zypherhai Aii!
19:31.59`ZypherAiiane: how do I change the tag on my file
19:32.05`Zypherif I want to go from tag 0.1
19:32.06`Zypherto 0.2
19:32.07*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aii] by ChanServ
19:32.12`Zypherhow do I go to the new tag?
19:32.22Aiianewhat type of repo
19:33.17Aiianejust add another tag?
19:33.23`Zypherleme try
19:33.24Aiianeonce you've local-committed
19:33.36Aiianeanywho, I'm going to lunch and then class
19:34.08Repozbb: 03adalyn 07v0.2 * v0.1 /: Initial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
19:34.08Repozbb: 03adalyn 07v0.3 * v0.3 core/core.lua: (2 revisions total)
19:34.12Repofixed some coloring
19:34.16RepoInitial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
19:38.04nicoli_sVonhintenHOME` do you remember what kind of mobs mostly dropped salvaging items?
19:38.41nicoli_sit's kind of bullshit all of the professions except talisman you can buy the mats to level up from the store
19:45.30VonhintenHOME`green items
19:45.37VonhintenHOME`It's like DEing in WoW
19:45.57VonhintenHOME`things like Ruined Armor
19:46.21VonhintenHOME`you can't buy main ingredients for apothecary
19:47.38nicoli_syes you can
19:48.32VonhintenHOME`you can buy ingredients, but are you sure they're MAIN ingredients?
19:48.53VonhintenHOME`that's messed up, I don't remember that
19:49.02nicoli_si just went to the vendor, bought enough to craft 4 or 5 items and then crafted them
19:49.20VonhintenHOME`Talisman making is retarded in that it requires 2 gathering professions to level up, when you only have access to 1 at a time
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20:01.51`Zypherckknight: you there?
20:03.25ckknighthey `Zypher
20:04.58`Zypherckknight: ok so I pushed v0.3 but it never created the package.
20:07.26`Zypherwell I commited it
20:07.29`Zypherthe tagged it as v0.3
20:07.32`Zypherthen pushed tags
20:07.39`Zypher@project zbb
20:07.40Repo`Zypher: zBuffBars. Game: WAR. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 27 minutes ago
20:08.57ckknighthrm, didn't detect v0.3
20:10.25`Zypherwhat should I do?
20:13.21ckknightk, I handled it
20:13.25ckknightweird, though
20:13.30betswow i hit reloadui and it's literally been grinding my hard drive and frozen for like 10 minutes lol
20:13.39betswtb new computer
20:18.12`Zypherckknight: thanks :D
20:19.14*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
20:20.43solariz^playinggrmpf "Host '' unreachable!"
20:21.12solariz^playinganybody else notice probs ?
20:21.50Aiiworks fine for me, solariz^playing
20:22.12ckknightyea, seems fine for me
20:22.24solariz^playingnow it works again but strange every 5th ping is lost in an unreachable
20:23.33solariz^playingmust be my isp... time to go to bed ;p   gn8
20:43.45Daegalus@project junkdump
20:43.57Daegalusaww :(
20:45.08Aii@project war/junkdump
20:45.33Aii^ that's what it should be... purl, stop failing
20:45.36Aiier, Repo
20:45.58*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
20:45.58*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
20:46.04Aii@project war/junkdump
20:46.26Aiihmm.. ckknight, why isn't Repo responding?
20:46.28RepoAii: JunkDump. Game: WAR. Leader: Daegalus. Author: Aiiane. Updated: 3 minutes ago
20:46.38Aiithere we go
20:46.39ckknightbecause it needs to be petted and fed.
20:46.58Aiionly purl gets fed
20:47.00purlAii: thanks
20:47.15Daegaluswell new version of JD is up
20:48.38Aii@ticket curseforge 539
20:48.38RepoAii: 539 - irc bot doesn't announce hg pushes. Reported by: Aiiane. Type: Defect. Updated: 20 days ago. Component: Repositories. Status: Accepted. Priority: Critical. Assignee: ckknight. Votes: +3. Comments: 0
20:48.53ckknightmore important things need to be done, Aii
20:48.59AiiI know, I know :)
20:49.45ckknightalso, we're planning on open-sourcing that part
20:49.51ckknightso maybe you can end up doing it for me
20:50.49Daegaluswhat are you guys usinfg for the site? php?
20:52.29ckknightthe part we're open source isn't web stuff, it'll be the repository hooks (which pings Repobot) and the packager
20:52.31ckknightat least for now
20:52.31Daegalushmm, dang, nvm, thought for a second i might of been able to help
20:53.12Aiishould totally write the site in lua ckknight ;)
20:53.31Aii(which, ironically, isn't actually all /that/ far off from python)
20:53.48ckknight(1) the site's already written
20:53.53Aiii know
20:53.58Aiiit was a lark :P
20:54.00ckknight(2) I've seen sites written in lua, doesn't seem all that great
20:54.37`Zypherstupid OnMouseOver
20:54.41purlSTOP DOING THAT!
20:55.14`Zypherok I have it calling the function in xml
20:55.30`Zypherlocal frame = FrameManager:GetMouseOverWindow()
20:55.39`Zypherbut nothing happens...
20:55.43Chryzo_night people
20:55.51`Zyphernight Chryzo_
20:55.58Aiiwhat do you have calling it though
20:56.03Aiithe parent window or the children
20:56.26Aiithat would probably be the issue
20:56.53`Zypherso going off that old xml
20:56.58`Zypherdo you need me to relink?
20:57.10Aiiim not even on the same computer anymore
20:57.20`Zypherpage up
20:57.21`Zypherbut lol
20:57.41`ZypherI want to say
20:58.00Aiimy screen session died because the shell server went down last night
20:58.06`ZypherIt should go in zBuffBarsTemplate
20:58.07Aiiif you notice, Aii was d/c'd earlier
20:58.24`ZypherI've already ditched the handleinput="false" flag
20:59.41Aiiare you setting it to zbb.OnMouseOver(), or zbb.OnMouseOver
21:00.07Aiik, good
21:00.21`Zypherworst part is
21:00.24`Zypherwhen I remove the function
21:00.27`Zypherit errors in debug
21:00.50Aiiprobably means that the first couple of lines arent returning what you think they are
21:01.14Aiiif you run it in /script what does the getmouseoverwindow give you
21:02.16*** join/#waruidev Kody- (
21:02.34`Zypherabsolutely nothing
21:04.06Aiibecause my guess is that what you really want is SystemData.Settings.MouseOverWindow
21:04.34Aiior sorry
21:04.34Aiijust SystemData.MouseOverWindow
21:04.34Aiino Settings
21:04.59Aiishould be a string
21:05.02Aiiwith what you want
21:05.37Aiilol Belatuca1ros
21:05.44`ZypherBelatuca1ros: rofl.
21:06.19Aiidoes that work `Zypher ?
21:06.45Aii~poke Belatuca1ros
21:06.46purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Belatuca1ros, pokes Belatuca1ros repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:08.50`ZypherAii: yes
21:09.15Belatuca1ros~poke LHC
21:09.16purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind LHC, pokes LHC repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:09.32Aiiwtb api nda drop Belatuca1ros :P
21:09.36Aiibut oh well
21:09.40Belatuca1rosafk dropping NDA pants
21:10.34`ZypherBelatuca1ros: I'll join you kthnx?
21:12.00`ZypherBelatuca1ros: wait who are you to the war api?
21:12.13*** join/#waruidev initram (
21:12.56AiiBelatuca1ros is mythic's "UI Advisor"
21:13.01Aiitake from that what you wish
21:13.23`Zypherwhat does that even mean?
21:13.37initramhi all... is there a way of scaling ui elements from lua/xml (so that i can make my buff tracker bigger to begin with)???
21:13.49AiiWindowSetScale(windowname, scalefactor)
21:13.52Aiiwhere windowname is a string
21:13.59Aiiand scalefactor is a number, 1.0 = normal
21:14.22Aiiscalefactor bypasses the global UI scale
21:14.37Aiiso if the global scale isn't 1.0, then 1.0 to scalefactor won't be what you normally see
21:15.37Aiiyou can get the global scale factor and multiply by it though if you want
21:15.44AiiI do that in Yabber, if you want to look there
21:15.53`ZypherAii: :P
21:16.33Aii`Zypher: ?
21:17.22`Zypherwell the tooltips show up now
21:17.25`Zypherso I'm happy
21:17.43Aiiheading back home, bbiab
21:43.30`Zyphershit im tired
21:45.49*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
22:00.09*** join/#waruidev DarkTrooper (
22:00.46`ZypherAiiane: why does I fail so hard?
22:11.42initramso is there a way to change the size of a window other than scaling, if i want to make a window higher on the fly
22:12.22`Zypherthere might be
22:12.27`Zypherbut I haven't tested it
22:13.40initrami see a function called WindowGetDimensions on the wiki, but there does not seem to be a Set-version of it
22:14.26DarkTrooperlol open rvr is even worse than i thought, level 3s are going to be getting ganked by lvl 20s :)
22:14.59`ZypherDarkTrooper: ?
22:15.11DarkTrooper" - There is no bolster buff in RvR lakes   "
22:16.18initramno bolster in senarioes either... i am so much ganna play on a Core
22:16.52`ZypherI don't see any reason to play Open
22:17.24DarkTrooperthe way they've watered the restrictions down, they mose well change the type name to 'gaankers paradise' :)
22:17.31initramif you want to gank and get ganked, open is the way to go...
22:17.47*** join/#waruidev rizzen (
22:18.00DarkTrooperand this will now be the start of hardcore vs carebear taunts everywhere
22:18.26`ZypherI don't believe in ganking period
22:20.05DarkTroopercool, someone's already done the mod i was going to do, looks like i can hang up my lua boots afterall
22:21.10rizzenganking is life
22:22.04`ZypherAiiane: you around?
22:22.51`Zypherdo you know anything about
22:23.06Aiianewhat about it
22:23.33`ZypherTooltips.SetTooltipText (1, 1,
22:23.36`Zypherwon't work
22:23.41` is a wstring
22:23.50`Zypherand I don't know what to do
22:24.00`ZypherWStringToString( doesn't work.
22:24.31initramwell i am of to bed... thx for all your help, it was all apriciated
22:24.46Aiiane`Zypher: how did you create the tooltip
22:24.59*** part/#waruidev initram (
22:25.09`Zypherfunction zbb.PopulateTooltipFields(info, updateType)
22:25.22Aiianeno, I mean like, actually create the tooltip
22:25.33AiianeTooltips.CreateTextOnlyTooltip(), or what?
22:26.33`ZypherTooltips.CreateTextOnlyTooltip (, nil)
22:27.12godsflawMan what a busy day.  How's everyone today?
22:27.54Aiianeyou don't need the extra nil there `Zypher
22:27.57`Zyphergodsflaw: busy!
22:28.00Aiianenot that it matters
22:28.05DarkTrooperhaha Aiiane: that metahud mod which was adapted from your CUF still has in the .mod: <Author name="Aiiane" email="" />
22:29.18godsflawnow you can get all the bug reports for free!!!
22:29.55`ZypherAiiane: the error is Invalid Parameters to: LabelSetText(,) -> (string="DefaultTooltipRow3Col1Text", nil="NIL")
22:30.31Aiianewhich means that you're passing it a nil string
22:30.35Aiianeis even set?
22:30.41Aiianed() it
22:31.05`Zypherd(info) works
22:31.10`Zypherd( doesn't
22:31.12`Zypheridk why
22:31.17`Zypherbut info shows name in it.
22:36.08godsflawdoes d() work on nil values?
22:36.33godsflawor if info is nil, you will never get name.
22:37.03DarkTrooperno wonder that metahud was able to be pushed out so fast, they just modified a few tags in CUF, added in the new vertical frametypes, and said 'yeah this is mine'
22:37.56`ZypherDarkTrooper: it happens.
22:38.11`Zypherits Aiiane's choice what she wants to do.
22:39.57DarkTrooperwell, it doesn't bother me so much, i'm just a little shitty that i'll be right in that come a week after release anything that's possible with addons will already have multipule versions, and trying to write something from scratch has been a complete waste of time
22:40.41`ZypherAiiane: I think I got around it.
22:42.26AiianeThe author did actually ask if they could use my code; and said they were going to attribute it
22:42.38AiianeI'm not sure whether their leaving my name in the .mod was intentional for that or not
22:43.03DarkTrooperi think that part was an oversite, as <Description text="A replacement for the EA unit frames that is displayed to the sides of the character. Based on the code from Aiiane's Clean Unit Frames." />
22:43.11*** join/#waruidev Kolie (
22:43.15*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
22:49.15Repozbb: 03adalyn 07v0.4 * v0.4 / (3 files in 2 directories): (3 revisions total)
22:49.15Repoadded tooltips, and ability to right click remove buffs
22:49.15Repofixed some coloring
22:49.19RepoInitial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
22:49.37`Zypherwhy does it do the old commit messages?
22:50.32godsflawI assume this is a bot to get commits from some source repo.  Where and what is the source repo it's checking?
22:58.28Cairenn#waruidev-commits for the commit channel
23:06.33`Zyphernetcurse: lol
23:06.41`ZypherCairenn: theres a commit channel?
23:07.07Aiianeoff to class and lab, bbl
23:07.14`Zypheragain it didn't build my shit :S
23:07.25`Zyphercan someone look into that?
23:07.52Repozbb: 03adalyn * v0.4 / (3 files in 2 directories): (2 revisions total)
23:07.52Repoadded tooltips, and ability to right click remove buffs
23:07.53Repofixed some coloring
23:08.02`Zypherleh sigh
23:08.21`Zypher@project zbb
23:08.21Repo`Zypher: zBuffBars. Game: WAR. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 2 hours ago
23:09.14*** join/#waruidev Kolie (n=kraft@
23:11.09netcurseit's fine now Zypher?
23:17.34*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
23:20.03`Zypherok so who wants to cyber?
23:23.41*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
23:23.41*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
23:24.17Aii~lart `Zypher
23:24.17purlwhacks `Zypher upside the head
23:24.19netcurseof course
23:24.27netcursenext time you are in SF ping me
23:25.02`Zyphernetcurse: coolio will do.
23:25.20`Zypherwhy does it show everything as empty?
23:25.23netcurseya this will go away
23:25.25netcursewith the new curse
23:25.46netcursewe are opening the new site saturday
23:25.53`Zypherneed QA?
23:26.00netcursewill be open to everyoe :)
23:26.11netcursebut sure
23:26.14Aiiwait, so it's not waiting till the 18th netcurse ?
23:26.19netcurseit is
23:26.21Aiior just open beta on separate url?
23:26.27netcursebut we are opening to everyone on a separate url yes
23:27.05*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
23:27.05*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
23:27.07*** join/#waruidev Repo_ (n=supybot@
23:27.29ckknightbah, dammit, two Repos
23:27.43*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
23:27.57AiiRepo is multiplying!
23:28.01Aiiawh :(
23:28.34*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
23:28.34*** mode/#WARUIDev [+v Repo] by ChanServ
23:29.06`ZypherI feel so unloved
23:29.10`Zyphernone of my addons have comments
23:29.17ckknightk, Repo should output to #WARUIDev-commits now
23:29.27ckknightI forgot to restart him since I made that change
23:30.46ckknight`Zypher: I commented on zbb
23:31.05`Zypherckknight: cool!
23:31.43`Zypherckknight: lol.
23:32.02`ZypherI feel moar better now.
23:33.44`Zypherok ckknight since your moar pro then me and Aiiane isn't here.
23:34.07`Zypheroh hai Aii
23:35.10`Zypherckknight: with zbb I'm trying to have buffs and debuffs seperated and anchored to two different anchors.
23:35.28`Zypherright now the table has its container in it
23:35.34`Zypherdepending on if its a debuff or not
23:35.51`Zypherbut when I spawn a new window, it tries to anchor to previous which was the bar before it.
23:36.05`ZypherI don't want debuffs to anchor to previous if they are buffs
23:38.52Aiisounds like a flaw in your logic
23:38.59Aii(program logic, not mental logic >.>)
23:39.02`ZypherAii: I think so
23:39.19`Zypheri didn't get much sleep last night
23:39.49ckknightAii: I disagree
23:39.54ckknightmental logic may also be flawed
23:40.13ckknight`Zypher: how do you separate your buffs/debuffs?
23:40.17ckknight`Zypher: do you even separate em?
23:40.32`Zypherckknight: I can't its hard to explain
23:40.39ckknightyou can't?
23:40.49ckknightI'm not sure of WAR's API for this, so kinda stabbing in the dark
23:40.51`ZypherI spent the majority of today trying to get it to work
23:41.28ckknightwhoops, got a bit carried away.
23:41.44`Zypherfor k,v in pairs(newbuffs) do if(v.isDebuff == true) then zbb.GenerateDebuffBars() else zbb.GenerateBuffBars() end end
23:42.00`Zypherbut then the xml doesn't like that
23:42.07`Zypherand wont create one of the anchors.
23:42.09ckknight`Zypher: here's what I'd do: from your list of buffs, make two lists
23:42.15ckknightone of buffs, one of debuffs
23:42.19ckknightthen iterate through each
23:42.29`ZypherI got it another way
23:42.31`Zypherits all good.
23:42.41ckknightin any event, I have a date to get to
23:42.45ckknightlet's hope she's hot
23:42.47ckknight*thumbs up*
23:42.49`Zyphero yes.
23:43.23Aiilol, bye ckknight :P
23:44.57ckknightyou know you're the only girl for me, Aii, please, baby, don't go!
23:45.11Repozbb: 03adalyn * v0.4-1-g8f63578 core/core.lua: fixed sorting, yay
23:45.28Repozbb: 03adalyn 07v0.5 * v0.5 / (3 files in 2 directories): (4 revisions total)
23:45.29Repofixed sorting, yay
23:45.33Repoadded tooltips, and ability to right click remove buffs
23:45.39Repofixed some coloring
23:45.45RepoInitial Commit, still has some bugs but worth  putting out.
23:45.52Aii~whalebomb ckknight
23:45.53purlACTION throws an explosive whale named Gunter at ckknight and hides.
23:47.33`Zypherso I don't keep doing this
23:47.41`Zyphergit commit -a -m "lol commit message"
23:47.53`Zyphergit tag -a -m "tag message"
23:47.57`Zyphergit push --tags
23:48.23`Zypherwhy is that putting old commit messages in there?
23:48.52Aiiits an issue with repo iirc
23:54.19Aiiyour preview image for zbb is /tiny/, `Zypher :x
23:54.37Aii(also, point for irssi - it lets me tab-complete your name from just z)
23:54.57`ZypherAii: irssi wins.
23:55.03`ZypherI'll take a bigger screenshot
23:55.10`Zypherthe bars are kinda buggy atm
23:55.14`Zypherscaling doesn't work :S
23:57.10Belatuca1rosyes it does
23:57.17Belatuca1rosgo irssi
23:57.57betsirssi's proxy is hawt.
23:58.44potatothat's pretty cool

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