IRC log for #waruidev on 20080909

00:01.46AiiI just had 2 :)
00:01.51Aiidon't have them at school though.
00:02.08DarkTrooperya, you think of htem as pets, i think of them as pests :)
00:03.08VonhintenHOME`wow, they really borked up Alt+Tabbing
00:03.30VonhintenHOME`nothing but a black screen now, doesn't re-init
00:03.41Freddyare you running in ful screen?
00:03.45AiiVonhintenHOME`: that seems to vary on an individual basis
00:03.50Freddyjust go to windowed mode
00:03.51Aiiswitch to fullscreen windowed mode
00:04.04Aiiuncheck Show Frame and Use Fullscreen in the User Settings part of the Esc menu
00:04.48Aiiand then just set the windowed resolution to the same resolution as your desktop
00:04.58VonhintenHOME`That might fix the problem.. while incuring additional overhead
00:05.00Aiiit'll still fill your screen, but it won't be in exclusive-fullscreen
00:05.22Aiisure, but exclusive-fullscreen was never really meant to be alttabbed
00:05.39VonhintenHOME`I beg to differ :)
00:05.44Aiiit's allowed, and it *should* mark textures that are dumped as invalid
00:05.52Aiiand programs should respect that, doesnt mean they always do
00:06.33VonhintenHOME`Well, the game was re-initing a couple patches ago for me.. albeit, it was slow to reacquire textures...
00:06.39VonhintenHOME`now it just black screens
00:07.10Aiiyeah, like i said it seems to vary from user to user
00:07.19VonhintenHOME`from patch to patch too
00:07.27Aiiwhich might be why it wasn't found before whatever patched changed something was pushed
00:07.48DarkTrooperwhen you get these black screens from alt-tabbing, where in game as you, in the game, on the server screen ??
00:08.00VonhintenHOME`in game
00:08.11DarkTrooperi'd be interested to see if a blind /reloadui fixes it
00:08.50VonhintenHOME`it doesn't
00:09.01DarkTrooperdang, that would have been an easy fix
00:10.09DarkTrooperwtb archers for dark elves
00:10.11VonhintenHOME`It may, it could be that I'm not able to actually execute that command
00:10.29VonhintenHOME`I can still cast spells... maybe I can macro /reloadui and execute that
00:11.21DarkTrooperthen you should be able to do a /realoadui
00:11.40VonhintenHOME`you would think
00:13.53DarkTrooperhmm, the last few characters i've created, doesn't shot the influence bar anymore, i can't even find it in the window browser, but on the old characters it's where it should be
00:14.50Aiithe influence bar was moved to a turquoise bar right below the xp bar, but towards the right
00:14.55Aiilike the renown bar
00:15.17DarkTrooperyeah on the right side of the screen right?
00:15.17Aiino, on the top side
00:15.17Aiibut towards the right
00:15.22DarkTrooper*that* bar is no longer there
00:16.13Aiicheck the SavedVariables.lua for the layout editor, as well as the ModSettings.xml file for that module?
00:17.19VonhintenHOME`Aii, how do I move the mechanic window
00:17.29AiiVonhintenHOME`: in the layout editor?
00:17.44VonhintenHOME`oh, is that thing actually stable now?
00:17.46Aiithere should be a box right where the number shows up
00:17.48Aiium, mostly
00:18.02VonhintenHOME`I've avoided even opening that thing, last time I did it borked my shit up
00:18.03Aiisometimes the warband windows will show up even when not in a warband after you exit it
00:18.11Aiibut a /reloadui will fix that
00:18.31DarkTrooperya that happens all the time aii, wonder if that will get fixed for launch
00:18.54Aiiif not, I'll debug it myself and provide an addon that patches it if I can :P
00:20.32DarkTrooperhmm, i'm wondering if it isn't a mod that's bugging this up
00:20.40Aiibugging what up
00:20.47Aiithe inf bar?
00:20.49DarkTrooperwhat's the 'peacful quest tracker' ?
00:21.12Aiisure that's not "public quest tracker"?
00:21.19DarkTroopernah, there's one of them as well
00:21.38DarkTrooperi think this peac one is bugging the other out, as they both don't ahve windows to move, but show up in the editor
00:21.54Aiiwhat's lised in the UiMods window?
00:22.09Aiiuse /script WindowSetShowing("UiModWindow", true)
00:22.38DarkTrooperjust autolook, CUF (with libslash), WST and curse profiler
00:22.55Aiinot an addon doing it then
00:23.18Aiiunless something really odd got added to curseprofiler, but i doubt it
00:23.41Aiisounds more like some borked settings file the layouteditor is trying to load
00:27.32Aiioki, class about to end so im headed to dinner, bbl
00:35.05*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
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00:39.46DarkTrooperokay, so when you get back Aii/or someone else, what settings should i be looking at, as i did an entire dir/subdir search for files with 'peac' in it and came up nada
00:42.27Netcursehow is everyone
00:42.43DarkTroopergood, yourself net?
00:43.09ckknightI'm swell
00:43.19Freddyi just got shot
00:47.05ckknightthis is a big day for you
00:48.03Netcursei m good personally, bit tired i woke up at 5h30
00:49.43Netcurseand i m going to play war tonight and load a lot of addons =P
00:51.08nicoli_sbetter discover a few more hundred items
00:51.37nicoli_syou can't discover a few hundred items one week and think we aren't gonna expect it from now on
00:52.55`Zypherhmm what scroll window should I display my parries blocks and disrupts in?
00:53.02`ZypherIncoming or Outgoing?
00:53.08`Zypherincoming probably?
00:53.47Freddyincoming blocks
00:53.52Freddymakes sense to me
00:58.15`Zypherone thing I don't get is where dodge comes from
00:58.19`Zypheri see it in the combat log
00:58.23`Zypherbut I can't find the event
00:59.16AiianeDarkTrooper: when you start up WAR, open the debug window (/debug) - are there any red error messages there?
01:01.34Reposchobers-sct: 03adalyn 06adalyns-clone * 8c92401a782c SCT.lua: Added Block, Parry, and Disrupt to Incoming Events
01:03.43DarkTrooperonly error in the debug window is the usual 'ZCurse_profiler' blah blah blah 'your are already using a mod with this name.'
01:05.12Aiianehrm... you shouldn't be getting that
01:05.25Aiianebut that also shouldn't be related
01:05.53DarkTrooperwell yeah, i mentioned that awhile back, i've gotten it ever since curse client updated a few days ago :)
01:06.15AiianeWAR DIR\user\interface\AllCharacters\EA_PublicQuestTrackerWindow\ModSettings.xml
01:06.17Aiianewhat's in there?
01:07.14DarkTrooperit looks all fine from here but i'll pastey the thing
01:09.50DarkTrooperoh also, as a test i moved all the mods out, and did a complete restart of the client from the patcher, and that didn't make any difference
01:10.38AiianeWhen you go into a PQ area
01:10.54Aiianedoes the information about the stage of the PQ show up (right below where the inf bar would normally be)?
01:11.55DarkTrooperi think i tested that and it didn't, but let me test it again
01:15.59DarkTrooperhmm, that's bizzare, they just suddenly appeared on some characters when i got a tome unlock
01:20.25DarkTrooperokay, so a new character doesn't start with it visible, but it becomes visible once you start chapter one, must have been bugged yesterday as i got past that and they still wern't showing, but today after the patch they do
01:21.00DarkTrooperi still wonder what 'Peacful Quest Tracker' is all about
01:33.49VonhintenHOME`this sorc class needs a low DPS lifetap that consumes Dark Magic...
01:38.59VonhintenHOME`to offset the retarded feedback
01:39.26DarkTrooperi don't like the backlash mechanic myself, but there's plenty of ways to get around it
01:40.29*** join/#waruidev Netcurse (
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01:42.37Jedricso when can we expect the new servers to be up on WHA? :)
01:50.58AiianeVonhintenHOME`: Dhar Wind?
01:51.36AiianeJedric: but garthlik about it :P
01:53.45VonhintenHOME`Yes, Dhar Wind... and it sucks to have to use it
01:54.03DarkTroopererr, what happened to the menu dropdowns on the WHA site?
01:54.17*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
01:55.41Aiianehmm? working fine for me DarkTrooper
01:56.46DarkTrooperhmm, so when did that fuction move from the main wha scripts to yahooapis ?
02:05.09NetcurseWHA has been upgraded with new servers yesterday :)
02:07.43Reposchobers-sct: 03adalyn 06adalyns-clone * d4959cd2474a SCT.lua: fix a little buggy bug.
02:08.28DarkTroopernet: out of interest, do you guys host them yourselvs or use a hosting service?
02:09.22`ZypherAiiane: hey ummmmm where the fuck does dodge come from?
02:13.12DarkTrooperhaha, looks like wikia has won the warhammer wiki battle, getting an offical mention
02:27.57VonhintenHOME`There anything to dump the contents of a window?  Seems like they aren't treated as tables
02:28.54AiianeVonhintenHOME`: not really, no. If it's a default window, the contents are generally defined in an XML somewhere in the myps
02:29.11VonhintenHOME`Which doesn't help me, since I don't have access to that
02:31.01NetcurseDarkTrooper, we host @ a datacenter
02:31.07Netcursenear NY
02:33.43DarkTrooperwhats with people that think just because they're a potential customer, that they must be spoken to politely, even when they themselves are doing the opposite
02:34.06*** join/#waruidev bets (n=bets@
02:37.16betsanyone happen to know what event is fired when you mouseover a npc or another player? trying to tinker with the window that pops up (MouseOverTargetWindow)
02:37.31betstried MOUSEOVER_WORLD_OBJECT with no luck
02:38.30ThraeDarkTrooper: That doesn't make any sense...PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED is called when you mouseover a unit, without targeting anything?
02:38.54DarkTrooperi thought it was only if you click on it, but when i tested it out it was firing over anytthing i put the mouse over
02:39.28betssweet, thanks a lot
02:39.41ThraeWhere can we get a copy of the existing interface?
02:39.53Aiianeinterface.myp ;)
02:40.16DarkTrooperalot of it is at if you havn't tried there yet
02:40.30AiianeI think he means the EA ui
02:40.31Aiianenot the API
02:40.42DarkTrooperexcept the xml part :)
02:40.51DarkTrooperbecaue Aiiane has been lazy and not put the xml help on the site yet :)
02:41.03AiianeLliane was the one who uploaded most of the data
02:41.07ThraeNo, I want to look at how they implemented it.
02:41.08AiianeI just created the framework
02:42.41betsah, it works! DarkTrooper thanks!
02:43.00DarkTroopersee Aiiane i'm not completely useless after all ^_~
02:45.55*** join/#waruidev Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
03:01.50ThraeGotta love <!--$HACK (Added 3 rows to accomodate a last-minute producer request)-->
03:09.14DarkTrooperwhat funds WHA server costs out of interest?
03:12.04VonhintenHOME`What the hell controls whether there's a gold bag or not in a PQ... it seems like the only time there's a gold bag is when my team of 4 is just getting there at the end of Phase 2... yet when we 4 man tough PQ's, and other people show up, we still only get shitty green bags
03:12.25AiianeDarkTrooper: Curse.
03:12.40AiianeVonhintenHOME`: RNG
03:12.47DarkTrooperyou mean the gold medal?
03:13.12AiianeDarkTrooper: no, the type of loot bag
03:13.24DarkTrooperthere's a gold loot bag?
03:13.49VonhintenHOME`yep, has epic item in it
03:13.57DarkTrooperoh right, i've never ever seen one
03:14.00ThraeI keep getting them mixed up with the "Minor", "Lesser", etc.
03:14.06VonhintenHOME`i.e. purple
03:14.14DarkTrooperi assumed they came from higher tier PQs
03:19.33NetcurseDarkTrooper, we host and own WHA
03:22.24DarkTrooperi just read yoru comments about new upgrades and being scaleable, and boggled at how much just the forums would cost really, and i didn't see any form of revenue to cover it :)
03:39.54*** join/#waruidev lynerd (
03:42.49*** join/#waruidev Aiiane1 (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
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03:52.13VonhintenHOME`Is there a way to link items in game chat?
03:53.48*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
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03:57.59*** join/#waruidev Aii (
04:02.07thannersVonhintenHOME`: nope
04:22.32betsthe api is massive
04:22.51DarkTrooperand yet it doesn't allow very much to be done at all :)
04:24.57betsknow off hand if there is a way to get information from an id (player)? I am using that PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATED event and it is returning target, id, type (looking through api) to find a way to get info from id
04:26.16DarkTrooperthat's something Aiiane or one of the others would know i think
04:26.54Aiiane1can't get info from an id, no. you can get info from a target, though, via the TargetInfo object
04:26.59Aiiane1TargetInfo:UnitName(target), etc
04:27.11betsThankyou much
04:27.25Aiiane1just have to make sure you TargetInfo:UpdateFromClient() first
04:27.31Aiiane1or else you might get old data
04:27.46betsok, will do
04:29.21ThraeAiiane1: I don't see TargetInfo on warwiki under the Objects.
04:29.42DarkTroopermight be one of the undocumented ones
04:29.59Aiiane1 <-- it's on there
04:30.25ThraeYeah, under API Methods.
04:32.36betsi love when stuff works haha
04:32.45DarkTrooperhaha, what are you writing bets?
04:34.19betsI noticed when you mouseover other players etc it just pretty much says their level and I thought I would see if I could modify the mouseovertargetunitwindow to display more information just for the heck of it, like race/class or whatever information is available
04:34.41betsjust kinda doing it for fun
04:35.31betsi played for over 12 hours straight yesterday so this is my break :)
04:35.44DarkTrooperhaha, bugger that
04:38.00DarkTrooperjesus, some people
04:38.02DarkTrooper"While recent studies have disproved the doomsday scenario, CERN scientists have reportedly received death threats and pleas to stop the experiment."
04:38.23DarkTrooperseems that europe is that messed up
04:39.59ThraeHmmm, trying to figure out if we can determine Range. So far all I can get is abusing TargetPlayer...hmm...
04:40.35DarkTrooperAii was saying you can test if a spell could go off or not, thus giving you a min/max value for range, but not a specific
04:41.20Aiiane1Thrae: abusing targetplayer is all you can do.
04:41.29Aiiane1at least with the current API
04:41.30ThraeActually I should say, trying to figure out if someone is out of healing range.
04:41.54*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
04:42.04DarkTrooperthe problem with range checks is, alot of spells have differnt ranges
04:44.18thannersguess you could specify particular spell to use for that checking, like with the GCDisplay.
04:44.30thannersAnd just always pick.. whichever spell has shortest range.
04:44.38thannersor whicheve rspell you're most like to be interested in (c:
04:45.27DarkTrooperthat's another thing, i don't think this is goign to be a game where you spam the one spell, i think everyone is going to be required to mix it up constantly
04:45.34ThraeIt looks like IsTargetValid(abilityId) is used for checks on the action bar.
04:45.52thannersDarkTrooper: aware of that, but it still doesn't mean you can't use one spell to get a general idea.
04:46.22ThraeDarkTrooper: I'm just looking for a healer's perspective, and all healing spells have range of 150
04:46.40DarkTrooperi thought some were shorter?
04:46.47ThraeThere are spells which heal which aren't healing spells, like blessings, etc.
04:47.54DarkTrooperwell it seems blessings also have a 150ft range
04:59.08DarkTrooperhaha @ "If the world does end, who will do the wikipedia entry about it?"
04:59.59ThraeA better question would be if Wikipedia ends, how will we do a Wikipedia about it? Since the world ending does not necessarily mean Wikipedia will as well.
05:01.22DarkTrooperwell technically wikipedia is jsut a collection of knowledge, facts etc, and since that innately has no material form, it can't ever 'end' :)
05:01.35ThraeReality is however much information we have at the time, throwing in some Creationists for flavour. So is Wikipedia. Reality is a Wikipedia.
05:02.29DarkTrooperso when exactly does this LHC run?
05:02.46nicoli_syou'll know when they make a black hole and destroy the galaxy
05:03.01DarkTrooperyeah but that'll be instantanous
05:03.32DarkTrooperif you're going to die, you want to be happy when it happens, so it'd be a premtive move to have some pr0n handy? ;)
05:24.30Daegaluswait, so when is the LHC coming online?
05:25.30*** join/#waruidev Netcurse (
05:28.32DarkTrooperpeople are talking "tm"
05:32.50thanners|lunchifooh. wardb works without javascript now
05:33.00nicoli_sit does?
05:33.18thannerswell, to the point that I can actually read things.
05:33.43nicoli_swhy would you want to turn off javascript?
05:33.52thannersokay, maybe not that well.
05:34.01thannersnot that I want to turn it off, but that I'm using w3m
05:34.19DarkTrooperi turn js off
05:34.29DarkTroopernever know what site is out to hack you /tinfoilhat
05:34.33thannersi like to be able to check abilities; doesn't matter if it's ugly or anything, but it's nice that i can see the text of them now
06:41.34*** join/#waruidev matsuka (
06:44.13`ZypherAiiane: rawr?
06:45.04`ZypherI just read a post that makes me very happy inside.
06:47.00Aiianebrb, restarting pidgin to install gtk fix
06:49.07*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
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06:50.01Aiianemuch better :)
06:50.04`Zypherwb wb
06:50.19`Zypherso have you tried my close of sct?
06:53.08`Zypherguess not.
06:53.11`Zypherle sigh
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07:15.42DarkTrooperhmm, to bake a frozen pizza or to drive and get some KFC...
07:16.12VonhintenHOME`pizza, even that's healthier than KFC
07:22.24*** join/#waruidev smcn (
07:24.57DarkTrooperperhaps, BBQ Bacon and Cheese burger is sounding enticing atm tho :P
07:25.24`ZypherDarkTrooper: Kuntuky fucking chicken imo
07:43.21*** join/#waruidev Deron (
08:05.28*** join/#waruidev red_oktoberfest (
08:06.17red_oktoberfesthello everybody
08:06.35red_oktoberfesti was wondering if anyone could help me with my api project?
08:06.46AiianeWhat might that be?
08:07.12red_oktoberfesti'm trying to display text in a frame with a scrollbar, and ideally a menu
08:07.15red_oktoberfestmuch like the help window
08:09.04red_oktoberfestunfortunately the scrollbar functions arent documented at all
08:09.13red_oktoberfesti was wondering if anybody had any experience with that
08:10.38Aiianehmm...I don't think I know of anyone who had been working with that yet
08:10.58Aiianelet me see if I can check something for you though
08:11.21red_oktoberfestthat would be very much appreciated, thank you
08:12.09red_oktoberfestjust a proper documentation of the scrollbar and expanding menu functions or a pointer in the right direction would be a great help
08:13.03AiianeHow about the lua for the default help window?
08:14.43red_oktoberfestwow that is perfect
08:14.47red_oktoberfestthank you very much!
08:15.23Aiianeoh, you might want the XML too:
08:16.56red_oktoberfestawesome, thanks
08:24.00*** join/#waruidev Deron (
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08:32.22DarkTrooperthis chan seems to get more people every day, but less and less chatter
08:34.46DarkTrooperlol, holy shit, i started a findstr this morning when i was looking for that bug, and it's *still* going, wtf?
08:37.55Aiianewait, what?
08:38.47DarkTrooperyou know how i was having that pqframe issue, i decided to do a findstr for the whole of the warhammer dir and subdirs, and it's still going, what 8 hours later
08:39.53Aiianeeither your findstr proggie really sucks
08:39.56Aiianeor something is wrong
08:40.09DarkTrooperyeah, that had crossed my mind
08:40.14Aiianewell, actually
08:40.16DarkTrooperbut it's the standard shell findstr
08:40.24Aiianeif you're doing it across the actual game dir
08:40.34AiianeI wonder if its trying to search in things like art.myp o.o
08:40.41Aiianethat might take a while >.>
08:41.02DarkTrooperyeah probably, i told it not to search shit that wasn't printable, whatever that means
08:41.42Aiianewhat OS are you on?
08:42.19AiianeI'd suggest not using findstr
08:42.29Aiianeuse pspad or notepad++'s search-in-files
08:42.45DarkTrooperfindstr is awesome, when you're not searching 10 gig dirs :)
08:43.19DarkTrooperi just wish vista would have migrated to you know, a real shell -_-
08:45.48DarkTrooperhmm, sarah connor chron is back, wonder if it's worth a download
08:51.28VonhintenHOME`if you index the dir, vista's search engine is highly capable of finding what you want
08:51.54VonhintenHOME`personally, I just use Visual C++'s Find in Files
08:52.13DarkTrooperya i don'tlike indexing, i dont' trust ms that much :)
09:07.20betslol crap
09:07.59betsi was trying to hook the deathwindow and close it automatically (to respawn) and its gone now im stuck dead hehe
09:08.14betsprobably shouldn't have reloaded the ui
09:08.16DarkTrooperyou can probably /script your way to release :)
09:13.19betsDarkTrooper, do you know how to hook a function? from what i read you just window.function = myfunction;
09:13.41DarkTroopernot mees, i'm sure Aiiane does tho
09:14.11Aiianewell, to "properly" hook something you should do it gracefully and keep a reference to the old function around so you can call it when your hook is done
09:14.38AiianeoldSomeFunction = SomeWindow.SomeFunction
09:14.47AiianeSomeWindow.SomeFunction = NewFunction
09:14.58Aiianeand then your hook handler would be something like
09:15.09Aiianefunction NewFunction() some stuff....
09:15.43Aiianealthough if the function you're hooking takes any arguments, you'd want to make sure to pass those through as well
09:15.48DarkTrooperlame, if you leave the war client open all day, when you select a server you get a 'password error'
09:16.10betshmm ok, thanks for your help Aiiane, very helpful
09:16.30Aiiane(on a side note, I just noticed that I have PSPad, SciTE, and Notepad++ all open simultaneously, looking at different things... go figure)
09:18.09betsi need to get a new computer this is ridiculous, warhammer killing my p4
09:18.27DarkTrooperya p4 is a tad old these days :)
09:18.28Aiianemy current desktop has a core2duo in it
09:18.48betsim lookin at gettin a q6600
09:19.06*** join/#waruidev Mera (
09:19.07Aiianeheh... mine's an e6600
09:19.20Aiianethe thing with Quads is that most apps can't really take advantage of them
09:20.19betsi want raid0 as well, no more waiting 10 minute sfor crap to load
09:20.58DarkTrooperya i'd like a quad myself next time, dualboxing has to be easier with it
09:22.12Daegalusanyone in elder care to PM me the 4.2 patch notes?
09:22.32DarkTrooperlol, somehow i don't think they're going to break nda :)
09:23.23Daegaluseh, i just want to see them before my friend gets back later today. he was telling me about them but i forgot to ask him to send them to me
09:23.41Deronriiiight :P
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09:25.35Daegaluswhatever, i didnt really expect anyone to, was just asking. Ill just wait till tomorrow or when my friend gets on.
09:25.57DarkTrooperor tm when they roll it out?
09:26.09DeronI don't even have them mate, just teasing you
09:26.31Daegalusis it really coming otu tomorrow?
09:26.37Daegalusi mean it just came out on Elder today
09:27.15DarkTrooperno idea, probably not
09:27.31DarkTrooperbut it has to be out a few days before HS, so they only have a few days to push it
09:28.02DarkTrooperand if it has the fix for unattackable mobs, they'll probalby push it asap
09:28.53Daegalusi think my friend mentioned that. All my friend said was something about improved armor for Magus and Engineer
09:30.23Daegalusi say it comes out tomorrow or wednes
09:31.42Jedricdid anyone else notice that WAR has a guild cap of 100 members?
09:31.58DarkTrooperya it's a bug
09:32.00DarkTrooperthey're looking to increase it to 500
09:32.04Jedricoh ok good
09:32.31Jedricwe only have about 50 members, but im sure most of us would like at least 2-3 alts in the guild
09:32.55Jedricpretty lame if i had to make an alt guild :)
09:34.47Jedricis there a LUA function to show your ping?
09:34.58Jedrici see there is an average fps addon
09:35.06Jedricbut one that shows your ping would be nice too
09:35.21betswas actually wondering what my ping was myself
09:35.27DarkTrooperthe fps addon is a hack really, but does the job
09:36.14Jedricyeah id like to know how my ping was too
09:37.02Jedrici kind of want to see if one server gives better ping than the other
09:37.09Jedricbut i think they are all hosted in the same place
09:37.25Daegalusthey are
09:37.27Daegalusall in virginia
09:38.27Jedrici mean come on who lives in Virginia
09:38.31JedricTexas is where its at
09:39.46Daegalusmm, time to install spore
09:39.54Jedrichave you played it yet?
09:40.02Jedricwarning: its amazing
09:40.33DarkTrooperwhat OS you using dae?
09:47.22*** join/#waruidev Nakiota (n=Nakiota@
09:50.49Daegalusatm, windows
09:51.02Daegaluswould you like me to test it on Linux later?
09:51.05DarkTrooperya what version for spore :)
09:51.13DarkTrooperi'm interested if anyone's used spore with vista
09:51.22Jedricit works fine
09:51.22Daegalusim on vista 64bit
09:51.27Daegalusso i will find out
09:51.47Jedrici havent had a problem yet
09:51.55Daegalusand Jed: I havent, but i already know its awesome. I decided to not use the character creator demo
09:52.07Jedricyou should have
09:52.12Jedricthe whole game uses it :)
09:52.27DarkTroopersee, i had problems wiht the char creator demo
09:52.39Daegalusnah, i wanted to use it when i had the full game. just wanted the whole feeling at once
09:52.45Jedricyou get to make everything from your amoeba to spaceships and cars
09:53.11Daegalussadly no online play for me
09:53.21Daegalusbut if its good enough. ill buy it.
09:54.19Aiianehmm... well, one addon fixed for 4.2 :)
09:54.36DarkTrooperwhat did they break now?
09:54.37Daegalushaha, another UI snafu in 4.2?
09:55.03Aiianenot really
09:55.07Aiianejust a minor change
09:56.39Daegalusso. i think i wont be adding a GUI anytime soon to Junkdump
09:56.50Daegalusshould i release the new version wiht all my changes and profession part?
09:57.13Daegalusso far, from what ive tested, works perfectly with the profession change.
09:57.21Daegalusand the setshowing changes
10:08.58betswtb /script to respawn
10:10.04Aiianetry /script DeathWindow.OnPlayerRespawn()
10:11.06betsah must be a timer, it respawned me automatically
10:11.26Aiianethere's a ~6 minute timer before autorelease, yes
10:11.35DarkTrooperthere is a max 255 sec timer from what i saw
10:15.30betsWindowSetShowing( "DeathWindow", true )
10:15.33betsoops sorry
10:18.32Aiianeoh hey, I found what the window you were trying to find earlier probably was DarkTrooper
10:18.51DarkTrooperyas? i couldn't find a trace of it anywhere except in game
10:22.19Aiianeoki... I need to sleep, its 3:20am
10:22.21Aiianenight all~
10:22.33betsnight thanks for the help!
10:35.10*** join/#waruidev Deron (
11:07.50Daegalusspore is awesome O.o
11:08.19DarkTrooper>< do not tell me this ><
11:16.26betsboo servers down
11:17.58DarkTrooperlol prime time au too
11:18.22DarkTrooper"At 7:00 AM EST we will be bringing down all of the Open Beta servers to do some server side patching.  The servers are currently expected to be back online at approximately 9:30 AM EST.  We will be providing updates as the situation progresses."
11:20.29thannersAt least EST is easy for me to work out in my head.
11:20.42DarkTrooperi installed a widget to tell me :)
11:20.45thanners12hr difference for me
11:20.59thannersso i can just switch AM/PM. :P
11:21.24DarkTrooperso you're +9 than?
11:26.55*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
11:27.14*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
11:34.14betsis there a console and or way to enable it
11:42.11DarkTrooperyou mean the debug window?
11:46.20betsis there a way to get in it offline?
11:55.25DarkTrooperwhen things are offline, it's game over
11:58.08*** join/#waruidev Bouvi (n=Bouvi@
12:12.59matsukaIs there a more elegant way to show the cool down timer on a spell button. The default one feels a bit wierd to me
12:13.47DarkTrooperi use WST really instead myself
12:14.03thannershow so?
12:25.13matsukaI find it more usable in the form of a clockwise filling timer than a flashing one. It's just me
12:27.56thannersoh right
12:28.17DarkTrooperi find bars on the screen where you're looking easier
12:28.21thannersno, that's fair enough, I just wondered if there was something specific about the way the numbers flashed, or if you just prefered a different appearance. :P
12:28.31thannersaye, I use the whiny spell timers, too.
12:29.15DarkTrooperthe bigger the monitor you have, the worst the issue comes when you have to look around the screen
12:30.28thannersit's why i'm so glad that they at least have allowed basic shifting/resizing of UI elements even without mods.
12:30.40DarkTrooperyeah that was awesome when i saw that
12:31.09DarkTroopereven without a hud like i like, i can move the unitframes to somewhere, where i'll notice what's going on
12:31.18*** join/#waruidev tronned (
12:31.27tronnedmeowning all
12:31.30thannersfirst thing I did was drag those frames nearer to the middle. :P
12:31.34thanners'allo tronned
12:31.50DarkTroopersarp tronned
12:32.40tronnednot much, just cruising around on the super ghost town elder servers
12:35.15DarkTrooperi'm surprised, considering the main servers are down
12:36.08tronnedit's early, i'm sure everyone was up late last night :p
12:40.55DarkTrooperi decided that the shadow warrior is fun in rvr, but sucks in pve
12:41.05DarkTrooperexcept for pqs
12:41.52tronnedyou're pretty much right
12:42.02tronnedSWs are annoying as all get out in rvr
12:42.18betsdamn arrows
12:42.40betshey im capping oh wait just kidding im getting shot with arrows
12:42.46DarkTrooperthe best thing about SWs is they have no anoying mechanic, just a little bit of stance dancing
12:43.49tronnedand you might even be able to work some magic in with range on Grim Slash and changing stance?
12:44.24DarkTrooperi do like WEs tho, except their stealth is a joke, and really should be changed with something else :)
12:45.38betswhat's wrong with it? (haven't played one)
12:46.13DarkTrooperdoesn't last long enough to be useful, and if you wait too long, you become a sitting target when you leave stealth
12:46.28tronnedyeah, what he said
12:46.34tronnedit's a little gimmicky
12:46.53DarkTrooperir drains ap to begin with (wtf?) and has a time limit as well
12:47.08betsi've been playing a sorcerer since ob started does decent dps but they are so squishy it's crazy
12:47.23DarkTrooperagain, i didn't like their backlash mechanic :)
12:47.31DarkTrooperwas far too fiddly for my tastes :)
12:47.33betsyea i've killed myself, several times lol
12:48.05betsit has that AOE that i get carried away with
12:48.08tronneddoe table.remove always remove last element in a table?
12:49.16thannersaye, by default, if you didn't specify a position
12:49.47tronnedi wish i could still use setn :p
12:51.30tronnednow all i need is a warband to do some more coding :(
12:52.34thannerswhat are you working on?
12:53.34thannerslike, unit ones?
12:53.34tronnedspecifically, mouse over target tooltips
12:54.23*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
12:55.03tronnedmorning Chryzo
12:55.06DarkTroopernite all
12:55.17tronnednight Dark
12:55.34thannersseeya DarkTrooper
13:05.27nicoli_sman i hate homework
13:06.18*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
13:07.42nicoli_si really should of started more than 2 hours before it's due but i couldnt make myself care
13:25.25thannersnicoli_s: If not for the last minute, nothing would ever get done, right? :P
13:27.20thannerssadly, I've stopped even doing things at the last minute =/
13:27.37thannersProcrastination has gotten so bad, that now I just go "... ahhh. too much stress. I can't be bothered."
13:29.50nicoli_swell school work is too easy to stress me out atm, only work
13:30.17Chryzowhat is your homework anyway ?
13:30.22thannersfair enough
13:30.39nicoli_susing this stupid java framework called processing to do some basic graphcis work
13:31.30Chryzohehe :)
13:31.44nicoli_si'm almost done luckily
13:31.54Chryzothat reminds me of my old school day where i had to use graphique.h to calculate bezier's curve intersection ^^
13:31.57Chryzostupid stuff
13:32.33Chryzogl for that :)
13:32.35nicoli_sthis one is really simple, its just click to draw a polygon, then print out it's are and centroid
13:34.18Chryzowar-europe still bugs hahahaha
13:34.30Chryzoand i got a nice undefined error haha
13:34.54nicoli_syou know what's weird chryzo, i couldn't find the big-hashlists in either elder or open beta clients
13:36.19Chryzomaybe they change the names or removed them
13:36.29Chryzonicoli_s: if you use easymyp with the current files
13:36.39nicoli_swho knows
13:36.40Chryzoyou should get 1 file that does not have a name
13:36.48nicoli_si get lots
13:36.52Chryzoit will be extracted in mypname\xml
13:37.11Chryzowell look at the files in mypname\xml :) the biggest one should be the one
13:37.22nicoli_salready tried that, nuthin
13:49.58Chryzonetcurse is around ?
13:50.19nicoli_shes on msn, whatcha need?
13:51.06Chryzohad a question to ask him :)
13:51.43Chryzohis problem 'bout the file list
13:54.16*** join/#waruidev Netcurse (
13:54.29nicoli_syour wish has been granted chryso
13:54.59Chryzoor not ^^
13:55.07Chryzohe did not answer to my msn salute
13:55.18*** join/#waruidev CowBook (
13:58.45*** join/#waruidev Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
14:05.00*** join/#waruidev Eraphine (
14:05.56nicoli_ssweet i'm done with an hour to spare
14:08.52EraphineThere should be a way to organize quests by either zone or better yet, proximity to current location.
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14:47.06*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=tronned@
14:58.50tronnedwhat's going on meow?
15:00.01nicoli_snot much
15:01.00nicoli_swatching my comp take forever to extract all the art files in war
15:01.03*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
15:01.34nicoli_sheya pewpew
15:02.16tronnedhowdy pew
15:02.58ChryzoFunny fact of the day: software raid 5 on windows XP regenerate faster if you don't allocate them with a letter
15:03.31nicoli_si want to ge ta raid setup cuz i'm so tired of using an external HD, but all your problems make me reconsider chryzo
15:03.49Chryzonicoli_s: go hardware raid
15:03.57Chryzoi did not have the cash at the time
15:04.12Chryzothus i sometimes have problems :)
15:04.33Chryzoand when you buy a controller, always buy a second one of exactly the same type ^^
15:04.51Chryzothat is why it is so frigging expensive
15:05.02Chryzo500 euros for 4 SATA ports raid cards
15:05.12Chryzoù for 2 raid cards
15:05.30Chryzobut well, you know, in the US must be cheaper ^^
15:05.42Chryzosince companies tend to use 1$ == 1euro
15:06.11Chryzoif you find a great US sites that ships in Europe, I want it ^^
15:06.22nicoli_swill keep that in mind
15:08.20nicoli_sman nothing is worse than when there's a bug in your program that runs for an hour that you don't encounter till like 50 minutes in :(
15:09.56nicoli_sbut *hopefully* this will be the last time i have to run this shit
15:58.23nicoli_sand of course i have to run it again!
16:00.47Chryzowhat shit ?
16:02.29nicoli_smy toolapp
16:02.45nicoli_sit extracts all the files, generates all the hashes, and converts all the models
16:02.55nicoli_swell it does alot more than that, but that's all i'm tetsing atm
16:05.46Chryzosince you asked me the other day bout the hashes
16:05.53Chryzomeans you are using the easymyp dll's ?
16:06.10nicoli_snope, got my own
16:06.27nicoli_si was just going to update easymyp to get the hashfiles, but they aren't in either of my clients
16:07.05Chryzooh ok
16:07.47Chryzothis svn+apache thing is making me go crazy ^^
16:12.01nicoli_syou setting them up on yer box?
16:15.24Chryzoon my server, yeah
16:16.19*** join/#waruidev sOLARiZ (
16:16.27nicoli_si never hear anyone say "man setting up apapche was easy"
16:16.39Chryzoit is easy
16:16.47Chryzoit is just the syntax i dunno
16:16.54Chryzowhich makes it hard
16:20.06sOLARiZgood morning
16:38.18*** join/#waruidev Netcurse (
16:45.33Chryzosvn+apache setup done
16:45.35Chryzo... 2 hours
16:48.42betsis there a way to detect if a window is open
16:49.12Chryzoor the like
16:49.36betsthanks, was searching for "showing"... no wonder couldn't find what i was looking for
16:49.54nicoli_sman i'm so close, just got one more bug with my .nif parser and i'm good to go
16:50.16Chryzobets, isn't that on thewarwiki ?
16:50.27Chryzonicoli_s: nice :)
16:51.53betsChryzo i don't see any results for  IsVisible search
16:53.06thannersbets: Look for WindowGetShowing
16:54.08Chryzobets: i said or the like just after ^^
16:54.19Chryzobets: look up thewarwiki ^^ should be on it
16:54.31bets(looking at it now) thankyou!
17:43.44nicoli_slol, there is an abacus sword
17:46.32nicoli_si wonder what art guy was like "hey, you know those old adding machines that they used a long ass time ago? lets make a sword out of one"
17:52.19Chryzodarn, still having my object calling issues :(
17:57.40nicoli_si gotta sya, after looking through lots and lots of war and wow items, i think i like war's art style better
18:03.47ChryzoObject :
18:04.32Chryzoand whatever i do :
18:04.34Chryzothis is not working ^^
18:05.27nicoli_sman i hated working with FSMs in school
18:05.36Chryzoit is a fake one here :)
18:05.46Chryzoit is simpler to fake a FSM for the system i wanna do :)
18:06.00Chryzosince it is mostly event driven stuff
18:07.10Chryzoline 86: that is the value of the image i put just before the pastey link
18:09.30Chryzowhen it does not find the method in the object, it should search in the __index table right ?
18:09.38Chryzoand then find it their
18:14.48`Zypheranyone out there?
18:15.45`Zypherdo you see any issue with that?
18:16.30nicoli_swhat error does it give?
18:17.08`Zypherbut it doesn't print what I want either
18:17.28*** join/#waruidev Thrae (n=Thrae@
18:17.32sOLARiZchecked the data type ?
18:17.34nicoli_stry adding L before the Shadow Prowler
18:17.54nicoli_sL"Shadow Prowler")
18:18.01sOLARiZif(name == L"Shadow Prowler")then
18:18.11`Zyphertrying that
18:18.29sOLARiZtw the sct mod works fine with the pos
18:18.33sOLARiZtw = btw
18:18.44`ZyphersOLARiZ: good :D
18:18.51`Zyphernot I want to add in things like gains
18:18.54`Zypheror stances
18:19.04`Zypherfor example when a black orc goes from plan to plan
18:19.09`ZypherI want it to show :P
18:19.21nicoli_szypher, have you tried printing out the names to be sure it's in the list?
18:19.24`ZypherI want Shadow Prowler to aswell.
18:19.33`ZypherI should
18:19.35`Zyphergood point.
18:19.56sOLARiZjep wpould du a table dump to see where the problem is.
18:20.10`Zypherwhat table am I dumping tho
18:20.34`Zyphernewbuffs is only when you gain a buff
18:20.34nicoli_sdump newbuffs
18:22.04sOLARiZAlso there will be a problem you have to fight with the localization because "Shadow Prowler" is e.g. in german fully ddifferent "Schatten Treiber"
18:22.16Chryzo[21:03:43] <Chryzo> Object :
18:22.16Chryzo[21:04:27] <Chryzo> and whatever i do :
18:22.21Chryzofor Thrae :)
18:22.31Chryzostill have the error about the function not being there :)
18:22.33CowBookis it possible to /assist Somepartymember to get his target?
18:22.34Repoachievementhelper: 03ackis * v0.20-1-gf859f39 AchievementHelper.lua:
18:22.34RepoFixed bug with clicks, removed tells as it's not working, changed logic on how clicks are handled since unregistering the event doesn't cause a crash anymore, upped the limit of clicks to 50k
18:22.35`Zyphernicoli_s: (wstring)name = Shadow Prowler
18:22.39nicoli_si couldnt find anything wrong chryzo
18:22.58Chryzonicoli_s: me neither, must be some weird case of inheritence / instanciation
18:23.50sOLARiZCowBook:  just use /assist    ;)
18:24.02Chryzoguess i ll end up asking the devs hahaha :)
18:24.10CowBooki'm not at my gaming pc right now, i was curious
18:24.22CowBookcan you set a macro up to /assist playername ?
18:24.30CowBookor do you have to target them first then /assist
18:24.33*** join/#waruidev Repo (n=supybot@
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18:32.49CowBookcan you bind mousewheel up/down to a button or macro?
18:33.05CowBookbecause i'd really like to use he mousewheel to do what tab-target does
18:33.27CowBookhmmn.. maybe there's windows software that will let me do that in-game
18:38.30*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
18:42.44Aiiane(11:22:36) CowBook: can you set a macro up to /assist playername ?
18:42.46Aiianeyes, you can
18:43.09`ZypherAiiane: why is the buff system so janky?
18:43.10CowBookawesome, thanks!
18:43.27CowBookthat'll help with focused fire
18:43.41CowBooki just wish i could assist my squig now :/
18:43.59CowBookthey haven't added any pet target / assist hooks, have they?
18:45.54UnremarkableIs EasyMyp the only way to open .myp files?
18:46.55nicoli_sgranted that onme isnt near as good as easymyp but it's an alternative
18:47.42`ZypherAiiane: you there?
18:48.55`Zypherone sec
18:49.00`ZypherI think I might have the wrong event
18:50.13`Zypherhmm crap
18:50.31`Zypherfires a lot mroe then I want
18:50.32Repolibslash: 03aiiane * r16 LibSlash.lua:
18:50.32RepoAdded /addon and /uimod as default slash commands to open the mods window.
18:50.51`ZypherAiiane: :S now I have to turn those off in zchat :P
18:50.58Aiianeno you don't
18:51.09Aiianelibslash will just ignore them when you try to register them
18:51.16`Zypherwhats the point of having them there still
18:51.20`Zypherjust wasted lines
18:51.26Aiianewell yes
18:51.29Aiianebut you don't /have/ to :P
18:52.00Repolibslash: 03aiiane * r17 LibSlash.mod:
18:52.00RepoAdded /addon and /uimod as default slash commands to open the mods window.
18:52.05*** join/#waruidev Masterkiller (
18:52.07Aiiane(version bump :P)
18:52.10Repozchatwindow: 03adalyn * v0.1-6-g84c629f core.lua: changes to reflect libslash
18:52.59`ZypherAiiane: I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here... one sec I'll pastey it
18:53.29Masterkillerhey what site are you guys hosting mods? for distribution for development
18:54.18`Zypherwhy would that not work?
18:54.40Masterkillerhave you guys read the war journal article about mythic "not wanting mods"?
18:55.00AiianeMasterkiller: way too many people misquote that
18:55.33Masterkilleryea and as we know on the elder forums they are looking for mod devs was just wondering your take ;)
18:55.47Aiiane`Zypher: try doing a d(name) in there, does it print out the buff names?
18:55.53AiianeMasterkiller: what's there to have a take on?
18:56.04Aiiane`Zypher: probably a control character in the name then
18:56.12`Zypherwhat do you mean?
18:56.21`Zypher*stupid people terms please*
18:56.47Aiianetrying doing a....          cleanname = name:match("([a-zA-Z ]+).*")
18:56.53MasterkillerAiiane, if you had read anything opposite of war journal's post or if you have had contact that otherwise states their stance
18:56.56Aiianeto get rid of any control characters
18:57.17*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
18:58.22Aiianeask him, Masterkiller
18:59.38Aiianesince he's Mythic's "UI Advisor"
18:59.54Masterkillerahhh nice :)
19:00.17`ZypherAiiane: I have to do WStringToString first
19:00.20`Zypherthen I can match it I think
19:00.53Aiianeor you can use wstring's match
19:01.00`Zypherand that is?
19:01.07MasterkillerBelatuca1ros, Has Mythic mentioned anything about what they don't want mods for? Or are they leaving it pretty much open to whatever you can come up with?
19:01.11Aiianethe same thing, except the pattern has to be a wstring too :P
19:01.21Aiianecleanname = name:match(L"([a-zA-Z ]+).*")
19:02.22`ZypherAiiane: also every time I do it like that
19:02.25`ZypherI get three messages
19:03.53Aiianewell you might want to keep a state variable to see if the buff was already on you?
19:04.36`Zypherits not that tho
19:04.37`ZypherI mean
19:04.45`ZypherIf I "Gain" shadow prowler
19:04.54`Zypherfor some reason I get the event three times
19:05.11MasterkillerIs anyone working on a mod that will alert when you've been taunted?
19:05.16*** join/#waruidev Lars (
19:05.55`ZypherMasterkiller: I'm having trouble matching buffs/debuffs to names atm
19:06.02`Zypherbut you could go ahead and try too
19:07.14Masterkillerright on, i'll have a lot of catching up to do but i'm down. i'm retiring my raiding this week after 2.5 looking forward to retirement, i'll have time for "fun" stuff again hehe
19:07.55`Zypherwell thats very interesting Aiiane
19:08.29Masterkillerbefore NDA came down you guys were working on a site with what you guys had been working on, do you still have that site so i can begin reading? "howto's" etc?
19:08.42Aiianeyou mean this?
19:08.44purlrumour has it, warapi is
19:08.46*** join/#waruidev Thunder_Child (
19:09.02Masterkillerthat is the one, i have been checking out thewarwiki as have my guildies, thanks :)
19:10.37`ZypherMasterkiller: raiding for 2.5 years eh?
19:11.07CowBookdoes anyone know of a windows app that lets one bind mousewheel up/down to keypresses?
19:11.07MasterkillerAiiane, swear i'll stop asking questions...but are you interested in having the wiki contribution for non-dev stuff? i went there looking for abilities etc and did not find what i was looking for but etc
19:11.45Masterkiller`Zypher, yes far to long
19:11.45Lars`Zypher: What are you trying to do?
19:11.56`ZypherLars: adding interesting things to SCt
19:11.59AiianeMasterkiller: you're welcome to contribute whatever you want, within the bounds of legality :P
19:12.06`ZypherWitch Elf: Frenzy Gains
19:12.07LarsSCt for WoW?
19:12.09Larserr War?
19:12.24LarsAnd the names don't print?
19:12.30`Zypherwell they do
19:12.37`Zypherbut when I try to limit them by their name
19:12.41`Zyphernothing happens
19:12.42MasterkillerAiiane, awesome will get to it :)
19:12.57LarsOh, filter them?
19:13.26`ZypherLars: ya
19:13.36`ZypherLars: I want it only to add the text when I gain Shadow Prowling
19:13.42`Zypherbut when I tell it only to add that it won
19:13.49`Zypherbut now its working
19:13.53`Zypherand I'm so confused.
19:14.16LarsIt started working and you changed nothing?
19:14.45`ZypherI changed
19:14.48`Zypherthe else
19:14.56`ZypherI got rid of else return
19:15.03`Zypherits just an empty else statement now
19:15.41Aiianeoh you silly goofball `Zypher
19:15.46`Zypherwhat'd I do
19:15.49Aiianereturn doesn't break out of a loop
19:15.55Aiianeit returns from the entire function
19:15.56Larsit returns nothing.
19:16.07Aiianeand you wondered why it wasn't working :P
19:16.14Aiianeuse "continue"
19:16.19Aiianeif you want to go to the next iteration
19:16.58Aiianeactually, im not sure if lua has continue
19:17.05Aiianebut either way, you don't really need the return then
19:17.28`ZypherAiiane: now, how would I go about fading
19:17.35`Zypherwhen I lose the buff
19:17.39`Zyphersince there is no event for that
19:18.24`Zypherunpossible atm?
19:18.32Aiianeplayer_effects_updated fires when you lose buffs too
19:19.02Aiianeyou'd have to keep a state flag, and check for the 1->0 transitioin
19:19.13`Zypherooh yes
19:19.18`Zypherthis makes sense.
19:19.19Aiianejust like you really should be checking for the 0->1 transition
19:19.30`Zypherhehe :P
19:19.35Aiianebecause otherwise if you put any other buffs on yourself it's going to spam your shadow prowler alert again
19:19.44`Zypheryup lol
19:22.47`Zypherthe table never changes
19:22.52`Zypherwhat would I be looking for
19:23.51`Zypheroh god
19:27.51Aiiane~lart `Zypher
19:27.51purlplops `Zypher into a giant vat of herring
19:28.28`ZypherAiiane: even your's truely is really fail sometimes.
19:30.53Aiiane*yours, *truly
19:35.51`ZypherAiiane: ok that enough I know
19:35.53`Zypherim tired
19:35.54`Zypherand failing
19:36.25*** join/#waruidev Eraphine (
19:38.28Aiianealright, lunchtime and then class. be back later and/or on irc from my lappy
19:57.11*** join/#waruidev Lars (
19:59.43`Zypherwb Lars
20:07.20Lars`Zypher: thanks.
20:09.22*** part/#waruidev LarsBars (
20:11.31*** join/#waruidev Eraphine (
20:11.33*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
20:11.46Freddyhi sexys
20:12.06*** part/#waruidev Eraphine (
20:23.59`ZypherFreddy: my head hurts
20:27.36`ZypherAiiane: you around?
20:28.06Freddyyou get hit in hockey?
20:29.40`ZypherFreddy: no, just trying to get things to do what I want
20:34.19Aii`Zypher: ?
20:37.21`Zypherwith your Mechanic addon
20:37.25`ZypherI was looking at the event
20:37.28`ZypherI get a lot of misfires
20:37.41`Zypheridk what to call them
20:37.52`Zypherlike for me atleast I get
20:38.09`ZypherBlood Lust: cur = 4, prev = 0, gain = 4
20:38.15`Zypherhow did I go from 0 to 4?
20:41.05Aiiit sometimes "bounces" to 0 and then back up to a new value
20:41.12AiiI'm not entirely sure why
20:44.50Aiihi Daegalus
20:45.12Daegalushey aii
20:58.32betswow, can you not create macros to help cast in war?
20:59.20Aiicorrect bets
20:59.26Aiimacros cannot cast spells
20:59.31Aiior use items
20:59.32betsthat is insanity.
20:59.53Aiino, it's just a different approach
21:02.04UnremarkableHey Freddy, are you the guy who made the Auto Harvester mod?
21:13.23*** join/#waruidev Geneshift (
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21:20.19Freddyyea unremarkable
21:26.36*** join/#waruidev Kolie (n=kraft@
21:26.54Kolienew test client if anyone cares.
21:29.41`ZypherKolie: yay?
21:29.41Aiiwhat changes, Kolie ?
21:30.48KolieI took the new find an addon display
21:30.56Kolieand its now part of the installed addons screens too
21:31.15Kolieso author/category are shown in the main view, as well as installed AND latest addon dates.
21:31.24KolieLots and lots of bugs are gone.
21:31.33KolieMulti selection works in all lists too.
21:32.40*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
21:33.02KolieAnd all the sorting is doable on the columns instead of a combo box drop down.
21:33.09KolieSo you click the column headers etc.
21:33.15*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
21:33.26KolieOh and it no longer installs addons it sees you as having already
21:33.31Kolieit just sets them to managed.
21:38.20`Zypheris it
21:38.26`ZypherAbility not yet ready
21:38.32`ZypherAbility not ready yet
21:39.20AiiKolie: any way to completely disable a given game yet? :P
21:39.24Aii`Zypher: not yet ready
21:39.37KolieAii, if you have the game installed, it will detect it as such.
21:40.23*** join/#waruidev DarkTrooper (
21:40.59`ZypherAii: I've made it so when you set the font in SCT it changes the alerttext font as well :P
21:42.39KolieAii, is it showing a game you dont have installed?
21:44.46AiiKolie: no. it's more that I don't want the curse client even care about some games
21:45.28KolieWell it only cares about two, and thats War and Wow, and I assume you have both installed and dont want it to care about wow. but use it for war.
21:45.57KolieDon't import your wow addons into it and it wont care much about wow :)
21:47.15Aiiit's the "much" im worried about
21:47.28Aiii dont want to accidentally toggle something and have it mess something with my wow addon setup up
21:47.40Aiii'd prefer to just be able to disable its caring about wow completely
21:47.48Aiiideally with a single toggle
21:48.10Aiibecause, for instance
21:48.16Aiiif i turn on 'scan addons are startup'
21:48.24Aiithere's no way to do that for just the games i want the client caring about
21:48.28Aii*at startup
21:48.35Aiiit scans all of them
21:49.28Reposchobers-sct: 03adalyn 06adalyns-clone * 4a5227d46c9e / (2 files in 1 directory):
21:49.28RepoAdded Morale Warnings, and font control over the Alert Text Window. You may also notice an annoying spammy string of text is now gone.
21:50.23KolieAii, if there are no addons in a games list, it wont do anything. Even then it only modifies the ones in its list, and only if they are marked as managed ( Right click -> Toggle Updated makes it unmanaged )
21:51.34KolieBeing in the list isnt that big of a deal either, unless your premium, and you have auto install premium updates on, that is the only time an managed addon is changed on the file system.
21:51.57KolieScan addons at startup no longer installs addons it finds ( unless you turned it on manually )
21:53.04AiiKolie: It's not a matter of what it does, it's a matter of people being worried about what it /might/ do.
21:53.08AiiStop thinking like a developer here
21:53.13Aiiand start thinking like a designer
21:53.39KolieIm responding directly to YOUR comments.
21:53.55KolieNot the populace's concerns over the client.
21:54.21KoliePeople are worried it installs trojans and tells us what color underwear your wearing.
21:54.30AiiAnd there is a way to reduce that.
21:54.37AiiBut because you're being stubborn, you're ignoring it.
21:54.47KolieI'm not being stubborn in the least.
21:55.04KolieI was simply explaining the functionality of the client as is, how is that being stubborn?
21:55.44Aiibecause I wasn't looking for an explanation
21:55.49AiiI know the explanation already
21:55.57AiiI was telling you what I find lacking in the client
21:56.17KolieAnd that makes me stubborn because?
21:56.41Aiiperhaps stubborn was the wrong word.
21:56.51AiiI'm just saying, I don't need the explanation
21:57.11KolieOk, then Im sorry I wasted your time with the explanation of what it does.
21:59.05Aiidunno, maybe its just text being bad at conveying emotion; your previous line sounded condescending :|
21:59.14Aiiif i read it the wrong way, sorry ><
21:59.27CowBookhow do lines sound anything? :D
21:59.43KolieWell you made it seem that it was a bad thing that I gave you an explanation, I didnt mean for it to be.
21:59.55Aiinot so much a bad thing as not the response i was looking for :)
22:00.12KolieYou never told me what kind of response you were looking for.
22:00.39Aiiwell, I told you something I found at fault with the current client. I'd prefer either a statement that you don't find it to be a fault, or a statement that you'll look into it :P
22:00.58KolieIts already being tested for its been done for awhile.
22:01.06Aiiwhat has?
22:01.14Kolie? An option to disable a game?
22:01.15Aii(sorry, im not sure what exactly you mean by "its")
22:01.22Aiisee, that's helpful :)
22:01.32Aiithank you :)
22:02.08Aiithat's the information I was looking for 5 minutes ago :P
22:02.18KolieYou didnt make it seem that way. I was mostly responding to your reponse "16:47 Aii • it's the "much" im worried about" and explaining why there was no worry.
22:02.57Aiiwell technically there is still a worry
22:03.20Aiisuppose (just suppose) a typo in the code made it automatically update every addon in the folder for a game, instead of only those that were set to update
22:03.45Aiihaving a separate disable option for a whole game would mean that such wouldn't trigger anyways
22:04.20Aiiessentially, i never really trust a beta program; its nothing against the program its just a realization that beta clients have bugs sometimes
22:06.17*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
22:07.13nicoli_swell i mean that's the point of a beta program
22:07.20nicoli_sif it didnt have bugs it would be release
22:07.38Aiibut the fact that the curse client has multiple games in it
22:07.49Aiimeans (in its current state) I either have to subject all of those games to the bugs
22:07.52Aiior none of them
22:08.08Aiiif/once an option to disable certain games is implemented, then I can selectively do so instead
22:08.54Aiii dont mind if my WAR addons folder gets mucked up from a bug, it's not complicated right now
22:09.00Aiithe same cannot be said of my WoW addons folder
22:09.07Aiihence, I'd really prefer not to have it touched
22:09.47Kolieaii, it doesnt really work that way.
22:10.09Aiidefine 'that way'.
22:10.19Kolie"suppose (just suppose) a typo in the code made it automatically update every addon in the folder for a game, instead of only those that were set to update"
22:12.13Aiiwhen it comes to the area of software bugs I would much prefer to err on the side of uncertainty.
22:13.39KolieJust because they suprise us doesnt take away the fact that computers are inheritanly deterministic.
22:13.50AiiYes, but programmers are not.
22:13.59AiiUnless you're a robot? :P
22:14.12KolieYes but my programmer wasnt.
22:14.17AiiAnyhow, moving on from that particular line of discussion
22:14.41AiiAre there any plans to improve the description field in the client (i.e. displaying newlines, scrollable description area, etc?)
22:15.15Kolietheres a lot of stuff I have canned right now that I can't show in there.
22:15.31Aiiwell, whenever you can it will be appreciated :)
22:15.54Aiioh, the other thing
22:16.04KolieThat display is basically an HTML window, most likely we will offer developers a field to change it however they want.
22:16.12Aiiany idea both if and when dependency support might be added?
22:16.31Aiiand how it will be handled if it is implemented?
22:16.34KolieIts already in the client.
22:16.39Aiiis it?
22:16.46KolieI think so.
22:16.54AiiAFAIK it doesn't install WAR dependencies
22:17.18KolieThe ability to create a feed that supports it isnt available.
22:17.47AiiWhere's the restriction?
22:18.13KolieNot in the client :)
22:18.23Aiiwho do I need to bug then?
22:18.31KolieDunno on that one.
22:18.40Aiibecause dependency support is going to be critical for WAR
22:18.58KolieHeres the run down on how it works I think.
22:19.08Koliean addon has a url with its info, we call that a feedurl.
22:19.19Kolieevery addon in the client, has one.
22:19.23Kolieits how we check for updates.
22:19.46KolieProjects essentially right now have a single feed url.
22:19.59Koliedependencies will be project feedurl + other feedurls all in one.
22:20.24KolieYou tell your project, I also need feedurl x and feedurl y, and those are installed when your projects feedurl is accessed.
22:21.07AiiI'm just curious if the client couldn't just look in a dependencies field for mod names; and then look through its own "find an addon" list for a matching name
22:21.10Aiiand install that
22:21.17Aiior prompt to install it
22:21.20KolieNames are unreliable.
22:21.26KolieWhich is why we dont use it for find an addon.
22:21.43Aiibut lack of anything at all is worse :|
22:22.06KolieThe system I described certainly is something.
22:22.30Aiisure, but it doesn't work yet :P
22:22.35KolieI think its great too, because it means no extra packaging on your end.
22:23.08Aiineither would looking through the list
22:23.08Kolieof the dependencies in releases.
22:23.17KolieIT doesnt allow versioning.
22:23.38KolieYou cant say, I want version X of this addon as a dependencing with just a name.
22:23.51Aiicorrect, you can't
22:23.59Aiibut with the WAR system you really don't want to, either
22:24.08AiiWAR treats addons as unique by name
22:24.17Aiiyou can't have two of the same name installed
22:24.31Daegalusspore is addictive
22:24.33KolieSo does wow.
22:24.35Aiiand it really doesn't play nice with embedded libs
22:24.38Aiiunlike WoW
22:24.43*** join/#waruidev qwesto (
22:24.49Aiiso dependencies typically aren't going to be embedded
22:24.52Aiibut rather standalone
22:25.01KolieGood for war, thats the system I prefer.
22:25.20Aiiwhich means that typically you *shouldn't* be specifying version numbers for dependencies
22:25.36Aiibecause if another addon has the same dependency, but wants a different version number, there will be conflicts
22:25.50Aiiinstead, libs should preserve backwards compat (to a point)
22:26.01Aiiand addons should assume that the lib installed is the latest version
22:26.13KolieUnless there was a community wide standard that was followed 95% of the time with the mod files, its difficult for me to encourage the changes in the client to the people who authorize such changes :)
22:26.22Aiilet me put it this way
22:26.28Aiiwe're *making* the standard
22:26.52Aiiand the .mod file already includes a <Dependencies> structure
22:26.57Aiiwhich the client should respect
22:27.06Aiiand it simply specifies by name
22:27.17Aii<Dependency name="addonname" />
22:27.28KolieThe reason we dont have a better find an addon system is because while wowace has a VERY nice set of standards that are followed, there are many addons that didnt follow them and it broke alot of stuff.
22:27.45Aiiwell, at least for dependencies
22:27.52Aiithe standard is implemented in the base WAR format
22:27.58Aiiso that shouldn't be an issue for WAR
22:28.16Aiiif people don't use the actual client's format, that's their issue
22:28.36Aii(by client I mean WAR client, not curse)
22:28.42KolieWhat I can push for is that the packager for War, take that .mod file, and convert it to the format I mentioned.
22:28.57Aiiworks for me
22:29.00Aiithe sooner the better
22:29.31AiiI'm even willing to manually configure dependency feedurls in the .pkgmeta
22:29.36Aiiif that would be easier
22:29.51KolieWhich is what I described early.
22:29.54Aiijust /something/
22:30.23KolieBut as I said " The ability to create a feed that supports it isnt available. "
22:30.44KolieI have my end done I believe, there was alot of code I had to change.
22:31.02Aiiwell, like i said, tell me who i have to nag :P
22:31.22KolieThe cool thing is, this fixes the badness of UI packs.
22:31.33KolieBasically you make a project, which is nothing but dependencies.
22:31.50Aiiaside from glue code, yes
22:39.17DarkTrooperthis convo is amusing, out of interst Kolie, is this a catfight or are you just holding the line? :)
22:40.01nicoli_sholding the line?
22:42.51*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
22:42.53*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
22:44.32KolieIm just waiting for a compile to finish :)
22:45.38KolieI changed some code referenced just about everywhere.
22:46.10Aiihow long does the client's compile take? o.o
22:46.16KolieI don't time it.
22:46.23Aiijust ballpark, i mean
22:46.33Aiilonger than a minute?
22:46.40*** join/#waruidev Shugenja (i=bobj@
22:46.41Aiilonger than 5 minutes?
22:46.44KolieFull compile, all librarys and dependencies?
22:46.48Koliefrom scratch?
22:46.56Kolielonger then 5.
22:47.08Aiiw/precompiled libraries?
22:47.32KolieDunno, I dont usually just compile the client project clean.
22:47.49Koliethere are 8 projects in my solution.
22:48.28KolieClient, Common code, two wx projects, a third part lib, the updater, wow common, and the wowdb.dll
22:48.52Koliethe client itself is if i recall correctly near 60k lines.
22:49.08ShugenjaQuestion?  In CleanUnitFrames there is a note saying the code was adapted from the default code for the ea_playerstatuswindow.  Where did the default code come from?
22:49.13*** join/#waruidev Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
22:49.28AiiShugenja: the myps
22:49.30nicoli_sfrom extracting it from the myps
22:49.46Shugenjaok that is what i figured, but how do you do that
22:49.58Shugenjasince a google search yielded naught and so did searching the forums
22:50.00nicoli_sgoogle unmyp
22:50.21nicoli_sthough you'll have to figure out which file is which yourself
22:51.04Shugenjayeah files arent an issue couldnt figure out the way to get em out
22:51.15Shugenjaand googling for generic .myp help didnt help
22:52.32Shugenjaand apparently you cannot use it while ingame lol
22:56.24nicoli_si love watching people rush in before a scenario starts and get ported
22:56.48Aiiheh nicoli_s
22:56.56AiiI love the people who are like "wtf server lag"
22:57.12DarkTrooperthere's server lag?
22:57.27`ZypherDarkTrooper: no
22:57.35AiiDarkTrooper: no, this is in response to getting ported back to the start point in a scenario before it starts
22:57.49DarkTrooperoh right @.@
22:58.10DarkTrooperwhen it happened to me, i worked out on the 2nd time what was going on, and if i can figure it out, anyone should really
23:00.49`ZypherDarkTrooper: haha
23:01.03`ZypherI want feedback about my branch of SCT :S
23:01.08`Zyphersomeone give me feedback!
23:03.06Aiiit sucks
23:03.14Aiiif you want a second opinion, it's also ugly
23:03.39Aii(i kid, i kid
23:04.50`Zypher~creepy Aiiane
23:06.49nicoli_sman order always gets creamed at scenarios
23:11.01`Zypherlocal blacklist = {
23:11.01`Zypher"ABILITY NOT YET READY",
23:11.01`Zypher"INVALID TARGET",
23:11.04`Zypherif(not blacklist[text])then
23:11.06`ZypherLabelSetText( labelName, text)
23:11.11`Zypherwould that work?
23:14.54Aiiwhat is this?
23:33.01Freddylua>list={"test","test2"} if(not list["test"])then print("working") end
23:33.02lua_botFreddy: working
23:33.10Freddythar you go
23:36.59GeneshiftLove the curse client for Warhammer so far btw, great job.
23:37.03Shugenjai knew i should have learned lua using wow, learning it now with warhammer is making me see crosseyed lol
23:42.26Shugenjaanyone have any more links to usefull wtf am i doing with lua guides besides the ones on the forums?
23:43.13`ZypherAii: I replaced the default alerttext setup function with a custom one
23:43.36`Zypherand the blacklist are ability results I don't want.
23:43.53*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
23:49.47DarkTrooperShugenja: if you havn't already looked
23:50.02DarkTrooperthere's also books on lua that you can buy (or leech as ebooks if you're that way inclined)
23:52.36potatohey, I don't suppose there is a guide on how to create a very basic addon?
23:52.55potatomaybe something like, how to print text somewhere in game :)
23:53.02DarkTrooperbut to do anything visual you'll also have to magically acquire xml skills and knowledge of the war xml tags of which arn't documented :)
23:53.42DarkTrooperdownload the 'hello world' one by ckk, that gives a very brief overview
23:54.00ckknight@project hello-world
23:54.00Repockknight: Hello, World!. Game: WAR. Leader: ckknight. Updated: 20 days ago
23:54.08potatoahh, thank you :)
23:54.11DarkTrooperit's also availiable to view
23:54.20ckknightalso check out
23:54.27potatoI will do
23:55.02DarkTrooperit's fairly easy to get some text on the screen and even update it, beyond that, i havn't been able to get anything to work, as Aiiane can testify ^^
23:56.06Shugenjayeah i just took the GCDisplay addon and am using it as a base to throw random things at it to see how many red errors i can display at once
23:56.32DarkTrooperit's a good starting point, errors = how you learn programming imo :)
23:57.12Shugenjayep its how i learn any new language.  so far the red errors are beating me tho lol =)

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