IRC log for #waruidev on 20080906

00:00.01DarkTrooperit keeps whinging that 'attempt to compare number with nil'
00:00.10Freddylowercase V
00:00.26DarkTrooperlol, okay lua doens't hate me, the universe does
00:01.20DarkTrooperya, that's a spot the new noobs sorta problem :)
00:02.12`ZypherAiiane: I think I messed up my savedvariables
00:02.14`Zypherbut im not sure how
00:03.11Freddyis there a way to get the focussed window?
00:06.45*** join/#waruidev sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
00:07.35Freddymy stupid buttons don't stick all over the screen now
00:09.29Freddydoes reloadui save to your savedvariables files or do you have to log out to do so?
00:11.09DarkTrooperi'd say /reload does, since it loads in any mods that you've added since the session was active
00:11.27*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
00:14.13nicoli_sim here
00:14.29nicoli_szypher, you pinged me right?
00:14.30Aiianewhat's the /script to save data now? /script CurseProfiler.SaveData() and .Save() don't work
00:15.03nicoli_snot sure, haven't updated to the newest version yet, adamar just amde some changes
00:15.22Aiianeapparently he's also using some obfuscator
00:15.28Aiianewhich is renaming all the functions
00:15.28nicoli_sok good
00:15.34nicoli_si figured he would
00:15.45Aiianewhich might be good, but it also borks things that you /want/ the user to be able to call :|
00:15.54Aiianebecause im betting it renamed SaveData to something weird
00:16.04nicoli_syah more than likely the problem
00:16.37Daegalusanyone else get Authentication failed messages?
00:16.43Daegalusi just got the interface update
00:16.47DarkTrooperwell i've had the curse client update itself like twice in the last hour by itself while i've been fiddling
00:16.47Daegalusand now i cant get into the game
00:17.02`Zypherwhy can I play war
00:17.04`Zyphertalk in vent
00:17.05`Zypherand here
00:17.10`Zypherbut I can'
00:17.15nicoli_szypher, you needed something earlier?
00:17.16`Zyphercan't browse the net
00:17.21`Zyphernicoli_s: nope..
00:18.05nicoli_sahh nm, you were just replyign to something i said
00:20.43Aiianestill thing there are better ways to secure updates than obfuscation :/
00:21.14nicoli_slike what?
00:22.12Aiianelike trust systems; watching for outliers, etc
00:23.24nicoli_sthe obfuscation is not the only form of protection we have from bad data, it's just the best form we can do on the client side atm
00:23.45Aiianewhat I'm saying is, protection on the client side is basically forfeit
00:24.09nicoli_si wouldn't say that
00:24.12Aiianeif someone really wants to reverse-engineer it they will
00:24.31nicoli_sback when thottbot/wowhead started, all you had to do was edit some plaintext lua and submit it and you could add bad data
00:24.37Aiianeif I want to throw bad data at you, I don't even need to reverse engineer it
00:24.41nicoli_snow you at the very least have to be able to reverse engineer obfuscated code
00:24.46AiianeI can dump the profiler's table ingame and modify it there
00:25.07Aiianeit's really up to the server to deal with sterilization
00:25.23nicoli_sbut i'm saying if this already cuts some people out of it, why not?
00:25.34Aiianebecause it makes reporting problems much more annoying?
00:25.40nicoli_sobviously we can't rely on the client to be 100% secure
00:25.42nicoli_show so?
00:25.55AiianeI'd rather be able to actually tell you why the problem is happening
00:26.21Aiianethan report a vague issue, and then wait even longer while you figure out what I could have already
00:26.29nicoli_sand i'd rather our data not be in plaintext :P
00:27.35Aiianewell unless you're going to be RSAing it ingame
00:27.40Aiianeit doesn't really make much of a difference
00:27.53Aiianesecurity belongs server-side
00:28.06nicoli_sand client side
00:28.44DarkTrooperin plain english, what's the crux of this discussion? :)
00:29.17nicoli_swhether or not a layer of client security that slightly inconveinces some special case users is necessary
00:29.29Aiiane*ineffective client security
00:29.39nicoli_show is it ineffective?
00:29.53DarkTrooperi don't quite get what you're trying to prevent i guess
00:30.05Freddybad data
00:30.13nicoli_swhat is the obfuscation for? to stop people from being able to plain text view and edit the data and it does that
00:30.13AiianeDarkTrooper: nicoli_s is trying to prevent people uploading bad/modified data to wardb
00:30.17nicoli_snot all of them, but some of them
00:30.17DarkTroopernow i'm on the samepage
00:30.19Aiianenicoli_s: no, it doesn't
00:30.32Aiianetry /script DUMP_TABLE(CurseProfiler) ingame
00:30.36nicoli_sit stops stupid people who only know how to use a text editor
00:30.46Aiianeno, the serialization does that
00:31.05Aiianedumb people don't know Lua
00:31.26DarkTrooperAiiane is right there :)
00:31.40nicoli_swell see ithought you were talking about the savedvariables obfuscation too
00:31.42DarkTrooperlua + API isn't the easiest thing to learn
00:32.15nicoli_swell i could argue with you there :P
00:32.37DarkTrooperyou'd lose as i'd use myself as proof ^^
00:32.58nicoli_swell youd have to set up some sort of scale
00:33.07nicoli_sas compared to other programming things, or just like tying your shoes?
00:33.13Daegalusmy problem is why curse wont upload my data
00:33.48nicoli_syou got the newest client and profiler update?
00:34.42DarkTrooperoh yeah, when you uninstall a mod in curse client is it supposed to delete it from the addon dir?
00:35.19Daegalusand i think i have the latest client
00:35.32nicoli_sthere was one earlier today
00:35.53Aiianenicoli_s: I don't mind the serialization at all
00:36.49nicoli_syah that should be it daegalus
00:37.39DarkTrooperwell 'uninstall' doesn't delete the actual mod in the addon folder here :)
00:41.43*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
00:41.43*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
00:43.32Freddyrofl wow
00:43.37Freddyall servers but tyrion are down
00:44.08DarkTrooperthe oceanic ones are doing just fine :)
00:44.53Freddydarn you!!
00:45.06FreddyTo make a number of fixes based on your feedback, we are bringing down all of the servers (except Tyrion as it’s already been updated) down at 8:40 PM EDT. The servers are expected to return around 10:30 PM EDT. Keep up the great work and with your help we’re confident Open Beta and launch will be an experience to remember!
00:45.13Freddyo well
00:45.18Freddyi'l go watch a tv show :P
00:45.31DarkTrooperi'm not even playing either, lol i'm playing hearts
00:45.58thanners'morning all
00:46.05thannershearts again! (c:
00:46.07DarkTroopermorn than
00:46.09Freddyi love you
00:46.43DarkTrooperyeah, i stressed myself out about lua already this morning, needed a relaxant ;)
00:47.21Aiianemeh :) I'm just going to get dinner
00:47.26Aiianegood timing on mythic's part
00:47.43Freddythey work around aiiane's schedule
00:49.58Aiianeif I wanted to keep coding I could just swap back to elder
00:50.07Aiianebut food is good :)
00:50.14Freddydoog si doof
00:50.33DarkTrooperindeed it is, in fact, i'm munching on cheezels right now ^_~
00:50.41Freddyi have a bowl of grapes
00:51.00DarkTrooperya, they're like $15/kg atm -_-
00:54.34Aiianeservers go down and WHA gets flooded
00:56.09DarkTroopernow, might be time for a calippo
01:28.16thannershmm. this is why sleep is bad.
01:28.38thannersit seems i've forgotten my password in those unconscious hours between last night, and now.
01:29.41*** join/#waruidev Net- (
01:32.30Net-so they removed compiled LUA ? :)
01:43.36DarkTrooperthanners: but passwords come and go, sleep is eternal :)
01:44.35thannersrofl DarkTrooper
01:45.03Aiianeoo... the patcher now has a skin o.o
01:45.12DarkTrooperi hope the patcher goes really
01:45.28DarkTrooperi prefered wow's way of handling it
01:45.29Net-no love for me on msn?
01:45.37thannersthey really iterate quickly during the beta, don't they? I'm fairly impressed.
01:45.43AiianeNet-: I just got back from dinner
01:45.46AiianeI'll check my PMs :)
01:47.22AiianeDarkTrooper: WoW still has a launcher ;)
01:47.42DarkTrooperwell what i really hate is that you 'login' before the app is even launched
01:48.37DarkTroopersee, i never 'quit' programs unless i have to, but when i ZZZ at night the system goes into standby, and when it restores in the morning, i get all these 'auth' errors form the war client which then forcibly quits
01:48.52DarkTrooperwith wow, you'd just get thrown back to the login screen and things would be all dandy
01:49.52DarkTrooperwith war, you have to go through the whol ebullshit of downloading the file list though the patcher while it checks stuff, the damn agreement again, then the stupid 'intro' clips of all the dev companies
01:50.01DarkTrooperi just prefer wow's streamlined approach better
01:50.35Belatuca1rosmeh, better to make sure client data is in sync before allowing it access
01:50.46Belatuca1rossame thing we do with all our systems here at work TBH
01:51.05DarkTrooperbut it checks that as you login
01:51.16DarkTrooperthe only difference is if you do it before app is laucnhed, or after
01:51.23DarkTrooperand i'm most definitely pro-after :)
01:52.35Daegalusi still cant get Curse Client to upload my stuff =(
02:00.45Net-Daegalus, what's the problem?
02:01.13Daegalusit doesnt upload anything. ive been playing all day, i log out, and nothing is uploaded. I dont even get a status message for it on teh bottom right of my screen
02:01.46Net-are you an elder
02:04.46Daegalusjust PW+ atm
02:05.17Daegalusit worked before todays update
02:05.31Net-CC update?
02:05.33Net-or war update
02:07.55DaegalusCC update
02:09.14Net-did you try to restart it
02:09.32Net-it doesn t even say warhammer launched anymore?
02:10.20Daegalusi tried restarting it. let me see if it detects WAR launch
02:10.42Daegalusyup it detects launch
02:11.36*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
02:11.49Daegalusalso detects war shutdown
02:12.09DarkTrooperdo a /realoadui that should force an update
02:12.27Daegalusmaybe you can check my account on WARDB, and see if any info has been uploaded by me today. maybe im uploading but its not saying anything, and taking a while to update the site due to traffic
02:12.34Daegalusits Daegalus on wardb too
02:13.40Daegalusoh servers are up
02:13.47Belatuca1rosya been up for a while
02:13.58Daegaluswell they said 10:30 EST
02:14.01Daegaluswhich is in 15 min
02:14.08Net-try /script CurseProfile.SaveData
02:14.11Net-if i remember correclty
02:14.13Belatuca1rosit's almost like they can come up whenever mythic is done :P hehe
02:14.27Belatuca1rosnet, iirc aiiananiaiane was saying they obfuscated the function names
02:15.02Net-i ll get Kolie here for you Daegalus
02:15.02DarkTrooperi still get (in the UI debugger) "Error loading 'ZCurse_profiler' from 'Interface/AddOns\CurseProfiler.mod, your are alreay using a mod with this name.
02:15.04Net-the CC developer
02:15.27Net-he s away tonight
02:16.15Daegalusmy debug says "Unabel to open file: blahblah/SavedVariables.lua
02:16.17Daegalusfor curse
02:16.32Net-well i ll have these guys here tomorrow
02:16.41Net-i can see lots of contributions
02:16.51Belatuca1rosfor starters I'd delete (Back up) the file and let it make a new one, see what happens
02:17.00DarkTrooperthe curse client might have to do some cleanup on update or something.
02:18.33Net-how does Curse client sounds btw?
02:18.36Net-we never thought about it
02:18.43Net-and i m not an english native
02:19.01Net-i say curse client without thinking what it means in english :p
02:19.06DarkTrooperi am an english native, and i never thought about it.. if that makes any sense to you :)
02:19.27Daegaluswell the addon isnt accepting any commands
02:19.35Daegalusit says CurseProfile is nil
02:31.47Aiianeit's CurseProfiler, not CurseProfile
02:32.00Aiianebut yes, the SaveData() and whatnot won't work
02:32.11Daegaluswell i tried that
02:32.14Daegalusstil said Nil
02:37.41nicoli_sweird, somehow i logged in my freshly created character, and i had the apothecary window open
02:43.30nicoli_sstill getting CTD
02:43.37nicoli_smythic needs to get their shit together
02:44.07DarkTrooperi seriously fail at xml
02:44.20nicoli_swhats yer problem?
02:44.33DarkTroopereverythign it seems, i'll fiddle some more
02:53.02*** join/#waruidev VonhintenHOME` (
03:00.36pewpewarrowsyeah, the ctd and random framerate stutters are the only real problems I have now
03:00.50pewpewarrowsand hopefully both are just the debugger resource hogging
03:01.05pewpewarrowsor something else that mythic can fix before launch
03:01.24Aiianehmm... I've not really gotten many CTDs lately
03:01.31DarkTrooperduring the last PW i only had 1 CDT, i havn't had one yet (touch wood)
03:02.54DarkTrooperokay, when it says <Label name="$parent... how do you know what $parent is?
03:03.18Aiianewhatever element contains that
03:03.29Aiianeor whatever the parent was set to via SetParent()
03:03.52Aiianei.e. if I had
03:03.57Aiiane<Window name="test">
03:04.05Aiiane<Label name="$parentText" />
03:04.13Aiianethen the label would be named testText
03:04.58DarkTrooperwell that's what i thought, nnn, wonder why it's not working
03:05.23DarkTrooperi keep getting 'window blah does not exist'
03:06.27Aiianewell, did the window ever get created?
03:06.35Aiianesimply defining it in xml doesn't actually create it
03:07.15DarkTrooperwell that's what i thought too, but in a few of these mods i've looked at, it doesn't appear to have been created anywhere, so i assumed the xml just did it
03:07.57Aiianetry looking in either the .mod file (for a <CreateWindow name="blah"> under the <OnInitialize> section, or a lua file for CreateWindow or CreateWindowFromTemplate
03:08.40DarkTrooperlol, thanks, i'll go back to hiding again i think -_-
03:10.49*** join/#waruidev danboo (
03:33.33*** join/#waruidev rizzen (
03:34.35*** join/#waruidev CowBook (n=cowboy@
03:43.36DarkTrooperhaha, what the, i used the same code in the xml, just changed the names, and the 2nd->3rd label doesn't have the same gap as the 1st->2nd one @.@
03:45.17Aiianetypo? or possibly your anchors are set wrong
03:45.34DarkTrooperanchors for sure i think, they're a tough nut to crack
03:46.09Aiianepastey your xml and ill look at it
03:47.11DarkTrooperin the xml, there's 2 lines of anchors, one seems to be the location of the label, the other the size
03:47.41DarkTrooperthe location one i worked out, but i don't get the point of the anchor stuff for the size?
03:48.32Aiiane<Size> <AbsPoint x="180" why="23" /> </Size>
03:48.43Aiianejust says that whatever element it's in should be 180 units wide and 23 units tall
03:48.53Aiianeoh, y="23", sorry
03:48.57Aiiane(silly autocomplete)
03:49.05DarkTrooperi get that part
03:49.09DarkTrooper<Anchor point="topleft" relativePoint="topleft" relativeTo="$parentPlHpTxt">
03:49.53DarkTrooperi get the first line of that, where you want it in relation to the parent, but, then this 2nd line happens in the 'how big do you want this label'
03:50.58DarkTrooperif you look at WST, you'll see what i mean, as that's what i sorta modeled my code off
03:51.24thannerswhich part?
03:54.16AiianeDarkTrooper: pastey, pastey, pastey :)
03:54.17DarkTrooperif you look where the labels are defined, you'll see 2 lots of <anchor point= ...
03:54.22Aiianeexamples are always better than vague descriptions
03:55.21DarkTrooperhey, i actually went ot that site once, and couldn't work out 1) how to use it or 2) what it was for, lol
03:55.49thannersmmm. where does WindowAddAnchor come from?
03:55.59Aiiane"how to use it" is "paste what you want to display into the box and click the paste button below"
03:56.10Aiiane"what it is for" is essentially an online clipboard
03:56.14Aiianethat you can use to show others code
03:56.20Aiianewithout directly pasting it into the channel
03:56.27DarkTrooperoh right, that's pretty neat
03:56.44Aiianeif you want to indicate a particular line in the code
03:56.55Aiianejust put @@@ at the start of the line, and the pastey will highlight that line
03:57.08DarkTrooperi dunno if i'm confident enough about my code to venture into that sort of thing yet ^_^
03:57.21Aiianeits not about being confident
03:57.29ghostfishyou won't find out if you're doing somethign stupid if someone doesn't tell you
03:57.29Aiianeits about you pasting what the heck you're talking about so we can look at it :P
03:57.45Aiianeit's like if I were trying to give you a description of what a horse looks like
03:57.50AiianeI could either try to describe it
03:57.57Aiianeor I could just point you at a picture of a horse
03:58.06Aiianethe latter is much more efficienct
03:58.07DarkTrooperthat's interesting, some of these other examples on taht site don't use that 2nd anchor point line, i wonder why WST does
03:58.22Aiianeit's not meant to be a set of examples
03:58.25Aiianeit's just a clipboard
03:58.28DarkTrooperwell i get that :)
03:58.38Aiianeso please, pastey the code you're talking about
03:58.38DarkTrooperbut everything is an example of something no?
03:58.42Aiianeit doesn't have to be your code
03:58.47Aiianeit's just for reference
03:58.51Repoaharv: 03freddy0909 * r17 2.0/: Working version with bug-fixes.
03:59.00Aiianestop saying "WST does" until you actually show us what WST code you're talking about
03:59.08*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
03:59.37DarkTrooperokay, let me have a go at this then, life's all about new experiences i guess
03:59.52Freddystop it!
04:01.43DarkTrooperwhat's 'Secure the url for this pastey.' for?
04:02.17Aiianejust makes it so that it doesn't show up in the list
04:02.33Aiianeand has a slightly more complicated url that someone couldn't just guess by incrementing the number of another pastey
04:02.41Aiianenot something you should really need to worry about
04:03.05Aiianebasic usage is really just "paste into big box, hit Paste" :)
04:03.31Aiianeoh, and you might want to not paste the first couple of lines of an XML file
04:03.35Aiianesince they contain URLs
04:03.48Aiianeand if your paste contains URLs it makes you do some extra mumbo jumbo to prove you're not a spambot
04:04.11DarkTrooper, the 2 highlighted rows
04:04.18DarkTrooperi understand the first, i don't get the point of the 2nd
04:05.01Aiianeit has 2 anchors
04:05.14Aiianeso it will automatically resize itself so that the designated points are attached to those places
04:05.38Aiianelike if I took two corners of wire mesh and pulled on them
04:05.44DarkTrooperwhich is why wst want that, so you can strech the bars out or compress them?
04:05.59Aiianeit makes it so that the label is always the same size as the bar
04:06.09Aiianeso that it will center text properly
04:06.13Freddyadios ^^
04:06.42DarkTrooperah right, so it's not something i need to do atm, hmmm
04:08.33thannersIs there some way I can poke about to investigate functions and things that haven't been documented on the wiki yet?
04:08.38DarkTrooperokay, so what would happen if the 2nd highlightest line was just removed completely?
04:08.49Aiianethanners: me
04:09.02AiianeDarkTrooper: it wouldn't resize
04:09.34Aiianeit'd just stay anchored at the one corner
04:10.03DarkTrooperhmm, it doesn't behave like that for me, i commented out that line, and suddenly poof, no labels displayed, heh
04:11.06Aiianewell that's because it's the opening tag with a matching closing tag
04:11.11Aiianeso you messed up the syntax
04:11.20Aiianeyou'd have to remove lines 6, 7, and 8 from that pastey
04:11.51DarkTrooperand then you couldn't have specified any size for the label so it'd default to 0,0?
04:12.25Aiianeno, it'd default to whatever the default size for labels is
04:12.32DarkTrooperif i figure this stuff out i might do up a wiki page for the api to explain this for everyone eles
04:12.44DarkTrooperand if that size wasn't defined?
04:12.51Aiianeit is
04:12.58Aiianebecause its defined by mythic
04:13.04Aiianeas part of the base elements
04:14.57Aiianeso asking "if it wasn't" is just silly
04:15.27DarkTrooperwell sometimes things need to be defined in the doc, sometimes they're pre-defined, it's kinda hard to keep track of which are which -_-
04:20.11DarkTrooperah, so i just change the tags from <anchor> blah to <size> (and rearange the commands) and it does what i'm wanting it to do without the rest of the confusing stuff, neat.
04:20.14DarkTrooperty ^^
04:22.31Aiiane<Size> is used to define an absolute size, <Anchors> are used to describe, well, how parts of windows anchor to one another
04:22.51Aiianeif two anchors are defined then they stretch the window as necessary
04:23.07Aiianeif only 1 is defined, then whatever size is specified is used, otherwise the default size for that element is used if no size is specified
04:23.32DarkTrooperya, i get it now, it's a tad complicated, but makes sense
04:23.45DarkTroopernow to make a window moveable ^^
04:24.27rizzenmmm good times in the rvr land
04:24.36DarkTrooperwho's winning?
04:26.13thannersmmm. off to vote in state election. /yawn
04:26.26DarkTrooperwhich state?
04:26.41thannersWestern Australia
04:26.51DarkTrooperi didn't know elecetions were happening
04:27.01thannersGot called.. fairly early.
04:27.18DarkTrooperit hasn't been in the news on the east coast -_-
04:27.30thannersmaybe they just didn't even deem it very important. :P
04:28.00DarkTrooperhaha, with the crap they've been trying to pass off as 'news'...  :)
04:28.10AiianeDarkTrooper: if you just want it moveable in general, just set movable="true" inside the <Window tag
04:28.27Aiianeif you want it movable from the layout editor, but not movable normally, that's a bit trickier
04:29.06DarkTrooperyeah i was lookign into the api for that, but i might try this simple xml way out first
04:30.09DarkTrooperwindow tag of the parent window yeah?
04:31.41Aiianewindow tag of whatever window you want to move
04:31.47rizzenDarkTrooper: order last i saw
04:32.00rizzenhad destruction cooped up next to their guards for the past 20 minutes
04:32.10Aiianewhich server rizzen?
04:32.23DarkTrooperhaha daym
04:32.32rizzenim still amazed really
04:32.39rizzenthat so many people stand still in large clumps
04:32.39Aiianeim playing my archpage on pits of zardok atm
04:32.46DarkTrooper.. "handleinput" what's that tag used for please
04:32.59rizzeni can only speculate
04:33.00AiianeDarkTrooper: whether or not the frame will attempt to detect input to it
04:33.03Aiianemouselicks, etc
04:33.28DarkTroopershould that be true or false doesn't matter or don't include for the moveable="true" ?
04:33.29Aiianeif set to false it'll be invisible as far as input is concerned, so frames underneath it can be clicked on
04:33.37rizzenaight im out for the night, be on sometime tomorrow probably, rizzen on the order side of tyrion
04:33.41Aiianeif you aren't doing anything related to input, don't mess with it
04:33.47Aiianejust don't include a tag if its not relevant
04:33.59DarkTrooperright, thanks
04:34.10Aiianewhen in doubt, don't mess with it ;)
04:34.30DarkTrooperwell this is the problem with basing yoru code of other projects hmm :)
04:34.58Aiianeso don't directly copy/paste and modify, but instead just use it as an example but still write your own code
04:36.11DarkTrooperinherits, will that affect the functionality in any way? atm i'm not using one
04:37.43DarkTroopernite :)
04:38.46`ZypherAiiane: there was just a 4.0 earthquake here
04:38.50Aiianenight Belatuca1ros
04:38.53DarkTrooperoh, and when you say moveable="true", is that moveable by the mouse, or just by commands?
04:39.00DarkTrooper`Zypher: 4.0 on what scale?
04:39.11AiianeDarkTrooper: inherits means it has everything defined in the frame it's inheriting, plus whatever you specify
04:39.18AiianeDarkTrooper: movable via the mouse
04:39.22AiianeDarkTrooper: richter scale
04:39.29Aiianestandard measure of earthquake intensity
04:39.30`ZypherDarkTrooper: lol
04:39.34DarkTroopernot in japan :)
04:39.56Aiianewell im sorry, the scale the rest of the world uses
04:40.07Aiiane(no, it's not just america that uses it)
04:40.36DarkTrooperhaha, i know, lots of countries do, alot of asian countries use the shinso (sp) scale tho, so it's easy to get them mixed up
04:40.43DarkTroopera 4 on one isn't the same to a 4 on the other
04:40.48`ZypherAiiane: it was pretty cool tho
04:40.54DarkTrooperbut little earthquakes like that are cool :)
04:41.27Aiianeyes, but you're the only person from those asian countries here
04:41.38Aiianeso the smart assumption would be that we're using the scale used in places other than asia
04:44.06AiianeNot trying to be mean, just trying to encourage a little more reasoning :)
04:44.53Aiiane`Zypher: we had a 5.8 about 10mi from us this summer
04:45.06DarkTrooperoh i get that, i've learnt not to assume really, i talk to people from au (where i am) and some talk richter because they don't know any other one, other people talk shinsou because they find it more meaningful
04:45.28DarkTrooperso i tend to get clarification these days
04:45.47Aiianewell, fwiw, most of us are from NA/EU
04:45.54Aiianeso it's a fairly safe assumption :)
04:46.13*** join/#waruidev [TC]Ovron (
04:47.17[TC]Ovrongreetings everyone, another one bites the dust and joins the cause ;)
04:47.26DarkTrooperheh, howdy
04:50.26DarkTrooperhmm, and that moveable thing, canyou drag any part of the window or what?
04:51.28[TC]OvronHow do you go around and finding the different functions and properties of the API? I am in the EU beta, and we havn't had any information what-so-ever. Doesn't look like there's much to find inside the directory either. Don't tell me you had to fish for everything with /debug?
04:51.55DarkTrooperthey draged it out of the .myp
04:52.19DarkTrooperbut it's all up at now
04:52.28Aiianewell... most of it
04:53.57[TC]Ovronare you able to send chat messages via the api?
04:54.15[TC]Ovronnon-hidden ones
04:54.40[TC]OvronGuess that could be a possibility for what I suggested on WHA then... I guess.
04:54.48[TC]OvronNot really neat, but would be pretty cool.
04:54.50Aiianeas I already replied :)
04:55.03Aiianehonestly though, there's not really as much of a need in WAR
04:55.07[TC]Ovronoh hehe - didn't notice that
04:55.36[TC]OvronTrue, I guess.
04:55.51[TC]OvronStill would be good to make an inter-player addon communications platform though
04:55.54[TC]OvronHas endless uses
04:55.54Aiianeheals being AP-based and not mana-based, means the need for precision healing is pretty much nil
04:55.57Aiianebut yes
04:56.00Aiianeand we're working on it
04:56.10Aiianethat said, we're working on a lot of things
04:56.28DarkTrooperi'm working on Aiiane's paitence atm ^^
04:57.06AiianeI'm only managing about what... 7...8 addons atm?
04:57.20DarkTrooper7 completely that i saw + co-authors :)
04:57.34[TC]Ovronclearly slacking *nods*
04:57.56DarkTroopertho you have all that free time in algebra classes no? >.>
05:00.06[TC]OvronI take it you can dismiss occurances of triggered events that you do not want to handle, back to the original handler?
05:00.10Aiianewhat algebra? o.O
05:00.17AiianeI finished basic algebra years ago
05:00.45DarkTroopererr, well whatever mathy class you had the other day
05:00.49AiianeOvron - RegisterEventHandler can have multiple handlers registered for the same event, independent of one another
05:01.08[TC]Ovronhmm neat, that wasn't the case in WoW if memory serves me well.
05:01.16Aiianeum, it is the case in wow
05:01.28Aiianeyou're probably thinking of hooking, which is unrelated to events
05:01.43[TC]Ovronbadly worded it, indeed ment hooking
05:02.55Aiianehooking is unrelated to the API
05:03.09Aiianeit's just changing values in variables around in lua (and most programming languages)
05:03.36[TC]Ovronwell, usually changing a function entry-point / address
05:03.57Aiianewhich, in lua, are variables
05:04.10Aiianebecause functions in lua are just variables holding entry addresses
05:04.31[TC]Ovronasm/C programmer since early days. Only played with LUA in WoW - just to try it out. Made some proof-of-concept addons which never got released, were merely for my own pleasure of writing them.
05:05.00Aiianeif you want to look at a simple example of hooking, take a look at the AlertFilter addon I wrote, it's on curse
05:05.30Aiianeit uses a hook to do its filtering
05:05.45[TC]Ovronwill take a look
05:06.52[TC]OvronDo you have any idea of Mythic intend on releasing an API documentation at release, or at some point? Only info I could find on this is that they don't think it is important.
05:07.07Aiianeask him
05:07.16Aiiane(but he's asleep)
05:07.36DarkTrooperbela is affiliated with mythic?
05:07.49Aiianebela is their "UI advisor"
05:08.21DarkTrooperoh, i wish i would have known that earlier, haha
05:08.57Aiianewhy is that? :)
05:09.00[TC]Ovronis it Belatuca1ros we lynch for the inapt minimap? :p
05:09.13Aiianewhat's your beef with the minimap? :P
05:09.26DarkTrooperi think the minimap is fine really
05:09.41DarkTrooperi would like the influence bar to be back where it was tho :)
05:09.53Aiianewrite an addon to do it then DarkTrooper ;)
05:09.59[TC]Ovronpossibly been "altered" since the closed beta that we had in EU, but it is bulky, and the real-estate on it is too small, and that semi-transparent circle going around inside it is terrible. :)
05:10.02DarkTrooperbwhaha, yeah right
05:10.11DarkTrooperi'm having enough trouble MOVING a frame
05:10.42Aiiane[TC]Ovron: hold your judgment till OB
05:10.57[TC]Ovronof course - everything mentioned above is from the CB :)
05:11.51DarkTrooperdon't worry, i think there'll be loads of minimap mods out within the first month
05:11.58DarkTrooperbut it's pretty nice as is imo
05:12.16[TC]Ovron"as is" - is that from CB or a more recent release you base that on?
05:12.25DarkTrooperfrom what i'm looking at right now
05:13.04[TC]OvronWe're currently shut down in EU - we do not have an elder tester server or anything. OB hopefully starting tomorrow.
05:14.14AiianeNA had the PW+ start this morning
05:14.19Aiianeso not just elder testers
05:14.34DarkTrooperya, everyone and his dog's in
05:14.36[TC]OvronAlso hoping they will have xml/othertype of information feed upon release or shortly after :x. I have a service prepared, but would be terribly boring without information feeds.
05:14.46[TC]Ovronoh yes, second PW
05:15.04Aiianeyou mean like [TC]Ovron?
05:15.15[TC]OvronCharacter/guild info feeds
05:15.23[TC]Ovronfrom the servers, like they had in DAoC
05:15.34Aiianewell, Realm WAR will have that info
05:15.40DarkTroopera dev mentioned they'll be doing something like that
05:16.10[TC]OvronGot a highly customizable signature-image generator, and statistics service done. Just waiting for the feeds, basically.
05:16.38DarkTrooperoh, your stuff will come from GoA tho i think...
05:16.49[TC]OvronWill be dragging feeds from goa and mythic
05:16.54[TC]Ovronwill provide for boths sides.
05:16.58[TC]Ovronboth *
05:17.10DarkTrooperah right, sounds like quite the project
05:17.19DarkTroopereveryone's so genki about warhammer, it's pretty crazy
05:18.15[TC]OvronWell, I used to play DAoC, so somewhere deep in I have the wish that RvR in WAR will at some point become as good as it was in that game.
05:18.21*** join/#waruidev smcn (
05:19.03Aiianeimo, it is.
05:19.30DarkTrooperi just hope the au guilds arn't as anoying as the ones in WoW
05:19.55[TC]OvronI don't know. Again, can have changed since regular CB we had. However, keep sieges aren't as epic as they were in DAoC. Instanced City siege made me cry a bit inside aswell.
05:20.59Aiianeeh, instancing has its place
05:21.30[TC]OvronBut not for something which was supposed to be epic ;). Did you find it "epic" to re-do the same "PQ" inside the City instance, for your realm to advance?
05:21.51AiianeI don't require things to be epic to be fun
05:21.57AiianeI require them to be fun, to be fun
05:22.08[TC]OvronWas it fun then, to do the same PQ several times? :)
05:22.35[TC]OvronNot saying it is terribly bad, not at all. Just that relics in DAoC were pretty awesome :)
05:22.38DarkTrooperwas for me :)
05:22.49AiianeI think you'll find it becomes more interesting when you get more organized guild groups
05:22.57Aiianerather than just the mostly-pug groups of beta
05:23.00DarkTrooperhell, at rank 11 i came back and did the very first PQ that's avail in the DE lands, haha
05:24.17[TC]OvronI am sure it will be fun. But it won't be relic raids in DAoC
05:24.59[TC]Ovron(not trying to be negative etc, hard to see feelings in text etc ;o)
05:25.12DarkTrooperya i get what you mean
05:26.09[TC]OvronTime will tell though :). At any rate, it is a thousand times better than PvP in WoW ;)
05:26.15Aiianedaoc-style relic raids just wouldn't work in the WAR framework
05:27.02DarkTrooperi don't think i *actually* have a frame all these labels are going into, i think that's why it's all being odd
05:27.41`Zypherthe benchmarks are in for SLI
05:27.43`Zypher2008-09-05 22:03:47 - WAR
05:27.43`ZypherFrames: 11427 - Time: 300000ms - Avg: 38.090 - Min: 18 - Max: 99
05:27.46`Zypher2008-09-05 22:21:29 - WAR
05:27.48`ZypherFrames: 10054 - Time: 300000ms - Avg: 33.513 - Min: 11 - Max: 97
05:27.54`Zypher2008-09-05 22:12:29 - WAR
05:27.56`ZypherFrames: 11979 - Time: 300000ms - Avg: 39.930 - Min: 15 - Max: 96
05:27.59Aiianepastey -_-
05:28.06`Zypherpastey is for bad!
05:28.22[TC]OvronI wouldn't think SLI would help that much in WAR considering the engine it is using.
05:28.31[TC]OvronIt is single threaded aswell, just to add the cheezyness.
05:28.31`ZypherAiiane: ooo baby.
05:28.49DarkTroopererr, war isn't single threaded
05:28.55`Zypher[TC]Ovron: no its not lol
05:29.03[TC]Ovronmeh, it is.
05:29.15`Zypher[TC]Ovron: it really isn't.
05:29.47[TC]OvronThere is a difference in how the threads are initiated. This engine is single threaded as it doesn't invoke hardware threads, but relies on windows for the distribution. Windows fails epically in this matter.
05:30.03[TC]OvronSeveral threads are running, but they are not asynchronous.
05:31.19[TC]OvronDoes SLI help though?
05:32.34Aiianejust on a side note
05:32.37Aiianeeven in the software sense
05:32.41AiianeWAR is effectively single-threaded
05:33.00Aiianeits main thread on my system has 27mins of kernel time, and 1hr9mins of user time
05:33.10Aiianeevery other thread has < 5 mins of kernel time, and < 10min of user time
05:33.23`Zypher[TC]Ovron: no
05:33.31[TC]Ovronit is a shame :/
05:33.39DarkTrooperi stand corrected that
05:33.49DarkTrooperit still seems to balance itself over my 2 cored nicely tho
05:33.50`Zypher[TC]Ovron: it is.
05:33.57`ZypherI should add in SLI Disabled shouldn't i
05:34.02`Zypherjust to show the difference
05:34.06[TC]OvronJust like with DAoC though - very CPU intensive, not so GPU intensive.
05:34.25`ZypherI have a 3.2ghz dual core
05:34.26[TC]OvronThey are using the same engine, but a later version (atleast I hope it is a later version :p)
05:34.35`Zypher[TC]Ovron: Gamebryo
05:34.40`Zypherand yes its a later version
05:34.50[TC]OvronYou can't rely on "task manager"'s numbers etc DarkTrooper
05:35.16Aiiane(on a side note, Process Explorer is an amazing app)
05:35.26[TC]Ovron(indeed it is)
05:36.05AiianeDaegalus: wowdb's career builder got an upgrade ;)
05:36.12Daegalusi know
05:36.20Daegalusis it any different form 2 days ago?
05:36.36DarkTroopertc: i'm using some widget to show me, whether that's any better is probably debateable :)
05:36.41Aiianewell, you were asking for a way to see all the available morale and tactics, right?
05:36.50Daegalusi see it now
05:36.50Aiianetry mousing over the slots down below
05:37.04Daegalusglad i could provide helpful input
05:38.42AiianeI need more people testing and filing tickets for CUF :)
05:38.54`Zypherits meh
05:38.59`Zypherthat is all.
05:39.03Aiiane~lart `Zypher
05:39.03purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses `Zypher down
05:39.14`ZypherI use it because sli causes my player portrait to flicker.
05:39.24`Zypherand I'm too lazy to hide them in my shit addons
05:40.07Aiianealso, wtb a better way to monitor the comments on my addons :/
05:40.12[TC]OvronWill give it a spin tomorrow Aiiane, if available for the OB.
05:40.23AiianeI get subscription emails for the curseforge comments and tickets
05:40.26Aiianebut not for the curse ones :/
05:41.05Aiianeif you're available, or if the addon is, [TC]Ovron?
05:41.24[TC]Ovronthe addon
05:41.50Aiianeit's been up for days :P
05:42.02[TC]OvronGOA might think we don't deserve addons and disable -_-
05:42.20Aiianeum, Goa doesn't mess with the code ;)
05:42.27Aiianethey just run servers and localize :P
05:42.44[TC]OvronWas just a bad joke, at how GOA can mess up. Again.
05:42.55Daegalusits still messe dup a bit
05:43.01AiianeI think GOA gets a bad name
05:43.06Daegalusmissing abilities in the paths
05:43.13Aiianepeople expect them to provide exactly the same things Mythic does at exactly the same time
05:43.29DarkTrooperwhat's the diff between a window name= and a label name= ?
05:43.30Aiianewhen they're always going to be one step behind simply because of the developer/publisher arrangement
05:43.37AiianeDarkTrooper: a window is a window
05:43.40Aiianea label is a label
05:43.43[TC]OvronNot going by this at all. I couldn't care less for a PW etc. I am going by their awesome support level during DAoC ;)
05:43.49Aiianea label is designed to display text and that's it
05:44.10DarkTrooperbut wouldn't a label be within a window, or can it exist seperatly
05:44.20Aiiane[TC]Ovron: well, if Iain_Goa and others' posts on WHA are any indication, hopefully they'll do better with WAR
05:44.24AiianeDarkTrooper: either
05:44.33Aiianetechnically everything is within a window: "Root"
05:44.39Aiianewindows exist as a hierarchy
05:44.41DarkTrooperwell that's what i thought
05:45.18[TC]Ovronare there no restrictions for what "Root" can have?
05:45.23[TC]Ovroncompared to child windows
05:45.37DarkTrooperso why can't i have <window><label></label><label></label></window>
05:50.26[TC]OvronI wish the game used the GPU more than it does, and that is without wishing for SLI.
05:51.07`ZypherI just want to see a booste from SLI
05:51.08`Zypheryou would think
05:51.22`Zypherthey would love to give sli support
05:51.28`Zypherespecially in the large scale battles
05:51.30[TC]OvronProblem is with the game not utilising a single GPU in the first place
05:51.41[TC]Ovroninstead it hammers the CPU
05:51.49`Zyphermy cpu
05:51.53`Zyphernever goes over 70%
05:51.57`Zypherits retarded
05:52.09[TC]Ovronit still lags, doesn't it ;p
05:52.16`Zypherwhich kills me
05:52.18AiianeDarkTrooper: you can
05:52.43`Zypher[TC]Ovron: any suggestions or are we all in the same boat?
05:52.55[TC]OvronWe are in the same boat mate.
05:53.12Aiianethe thing is, it's not really a GPU-type task that's lagging it
05:53.22Aiianeit's the actual loading of new render data
05:53.32AiianeWoW is cpu-bound too
05:53.35[TC]OvronSimply how the engine is written, or possibly how Mythic managed to do the same misstakes twice in a row. There are other demo's of the engine, as showcases, which are briliant, making me think Mythic is doing something wrong.
05:53.38Aiianeas is pretty much every other MMO
05:53.56Aiianebecause they deal more with game entities
05:53.59Aiianeon a large scale
05:54.13[TC]OvronAye but it could releave the CPU a bit by doing the processing that is capable of being done by the GPU, by the GPU
05:54.16Aiianeindividual entities aren't as graphically complex
05:54.27Aiianeit already does, [TC]Ovron - but that's really not much
05:54.50`ZypherI just don't think it scales well
05:55.01`Zypherbecause people with 280s are saying their not doing much better then me
05:55.04`Zypherin my guild
05:55.06[TC]OvronI am not convinced, that everything that can be done has been done
05:55.12Aiianeyes... because it's not gpu-bound
05:55.24Aiiane[TC]Ovron: how do you propose to make a GPU load game entity data
05:55.38Aiianewhat exactly do you propose the GPU should handle that it isn't already?
05:55.41*** join/#waruidev lazarenth (
05:55.47[TC]OvronFor "high-end" builds; and leaning towards nvidia - use CUDA
05:55.57Aiianeneeds to be card-agnostic
05:56.05*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
05:56.26[TC]OvronCan you say for certain that all rendering tasks are being performed solely by the GPU?
05:57.08AiianeNo, but I can say for certain that in an MMO, "rendering tasks" are a very small percentage of overall processing
05:57.40[TC]OvronBecause of the "large-scale" fight we had in CB - suggests that the data flow, and it being parsed - would not create the overhead that is required to create the lag in FPS we see.
05:57.49Aiianealso remember that the strength of GPUs is that they're multi-threaded... but if your code isn't multithreaded already, you won't get much benefit
05:57.50[TC]OvronAdding a single entity to the overall pot, shouldn't require too much.
05:58.04Aiianeyou underestimate what's involved with that then
05:58.55[TC]OvronYou said it yourself now though. We would see an improvement if it was multi-threaded, yes?
05:59.15Aiianeyes, but that has nothing to do with the GPU and everything to do with threading, which can be done on the CPU as well
05:59.35`ZypherAiiane: dumb it down for me, what is the problem here?
05:59.46Aiiane`Zypher: the problem is that I like to argue for amusement
05:59.58Aiianeand mental exercise
06:00.00[TC]OvronI do see your point, but I am not convinced that there are no things that could not be improved.
06:00.12Aiiane[TC]Ovron: I'm not arguing that there's /nothing/ that can be improved
06:00.18Aiianearguing absolutes in that regard is folly
06:00.27Aiianerather, I'm arguing that on a relative scale, it's small potatoes
06:00.36Aiianeand not the main issue for performance
06:00.51`Zypherso why does my sli not net me more fps
06:00.55DarkTrooperis there a simple tag that will set the background colour of a window?
06:00.58`Zyphersimple words for simple kid.
06:01.04Aiiane`Zypher: because its not taxing the video car
06:01.15AiianeDarkTrooper: no
06:01.17[TC]OvronI am just curious if the engine does all shading etc on the graphics card, or if it has own-implement algorithms, which would run on the CPU
06:01.25Aiiane`Zypher: because MMOs are not actually graphics-intensive
06:01.35Aiiane[TC]Ovron: graphics card
06:02.06`ZypherAiiane: so what can mythic do to make the game not fail so hard in regards to fps?
06:02.27[TC]Ovronuse unreal engine 3! *runs away and hides*
06:02.27Aiiane`Zypher: optimize the non-graphics code?
06:02.55[TC]OvronBut yes, that is what they can do.
06:03.19DarkTrooperthe best thing they can do is ask everyone to get a new top of the line processor, lots more ram, and a fast raid array :)
06:03.42[TC]Ovroncan tell you raid doesn't help very much except during loading screen
06:04.13DarkTrooperi dunno, most of my issues tend to be IO related when it comes to performance
06:04.24[TC]Ovronduring game-play aswell?
06:04.44Aiiane[TC]Ovron: consider the sheer number of models in the game
06:04.49Aiianeit doesn't cache them all in memory
06:04.53`ZypherI hate people who still think SLI doesn't offer any benefit at 1440x900
06:04.59`Zypherle sigh
06:05.01Aiianeso when you first come across someone with a given item model etc
06:05.05Aiianeit has to load it from disk
06:05.23Aiianewhen you're in a keep siege, and thus new people leaving/joining all the time
06:05.28Aiianethat loading can be significant
06:05.36DarkTrooperi bet you get better performance with an SSD
06:05.41lazarenthwewt i am now patching WAR on my new computer which is the first computer i have ever built :P\
06:05.49Aiianegrats lazarenth
06:05.57DarkTroopergrats indeed
06:06.27[TC]OvronI run a 4 drive raid of 10k rpm drives, a friend is using 4x SAS drives - none of us got much benefit compared to using a single 10k rpm drive
06:06.55DarkTroopersoftware raid, hardware raid? which raid?
06:07.03[TC]Ovronhardware, 0
06:08.05`Zypher[TC]Ovron: raid 10 that shit imo
06:08.13[TC]Ovronhas the performance been optimised since CB?
06:08.25[TC]Ovronhmmm 10 is pretty tempting, but it would require time, and I am lazy :p
06:08.57`Zypher[TC]Ovron: I have seen a decent increase in loading speeds
06:09.05`Zypherso it must have been a little
06:09.07[TC]Ovronduring loading screen yes
06:09.09`Zypherbut fps gain is nil
06:09.11[TC]Ovronbut during gameplay, I am not sure
06:09.23DarkTrooperi've seen a signifigant decrease in /reloadui speeds
06:09.23`Zypherthey still have the texture issues
06:09.30`Zyphereven if it has been pushed back by a few yards
06:09.44[TC]Ovronthat is pretty annoying, but not something I can't live with
06:09.56[TC]Ovronbut it does not look like it is tied to the i/o speeds
06:10.21`Zypher[TC]Ovron: I can't stand the low rez textures
06:10.27[TC]Ovronjust wish it could pre-cache the most used textures in a zone if there is adequate vram
06:10.29`Zypherits really distracting when they change
06:11.01[TC]Ovronmm yes
06:11.15[TC]Ovronnot as noticeable on foot, but by mount it is rather distracting
06:11.31`Zypher[TC]Ovron: yar
06:11.41`Zypherima go to sleep
06:11.51`ZypherI'll see you cats in the morning
06:11.52[TC]Ovrongood night ;o
06:11.59`Zypherand Aiiane your welcome to spank me anytime you want.
06:12.09`Zypher[TC]Ovron: I have to get up in the morning.
06:12.11[TC]Ovronthis is morning! 08:11! Damn americans/auzzies :))
06:12.25jjjjjjjjjeeeeeeethis is... 11h12
06:12.26`Zypher(10:28:16 PM) ***Aiiane spanks `Zypher
06:12.33[TC]Ovronhehe :)
06:12.34DarkTrooper4pm here
06:14.46DarkTrooperso what's the diff between <window> and <windows> ?
06:15.28Aiiane<Windows></Windows> is a container that tells the xml parser you're going to be defining a set of windows that are a child of something.
06:15.28lazarenthone's plural! duh!
06:15.45Aiianewhether it's a child of Root (if it's the outermost element in an xml file)
06:16.04Aiianeor children of another window (a <Windows></Windows> inside a <Window></Window>)
06:16.32[TC]Ovroncan you create modal windows to a window?
06:17.25Aiianeyes, sort of
06:18.46DarkTrooperokay that makes sense from what works and what breaks when i fiddle
06:19.31DarkTrooperbut why when i have <window><label></label><label></label></window> the lua reckons the 'label windows' don't exist
06:21.38Aiianeprobably because you screwed something up?
06:21.41[TC]Ovronis there any resource of how the xml scheme is built up; extracted original windows or anything?
06:21.43Aiianeexamples > vague descriptions
06:21.49Aiianepastey what you're doing and show us
06:21.59Aiiane[TC]Ovron: again, sort of
06:22.32AiianeI've been meaning to write up a UI XML reference
06:22.36Aiianejust haven't had the time yet
06:22.50[TC]Ovronthis is like trying to break the enigma during ww2 :p
06:23.06Aiianenot really
06:23.16Aiianeat least, not until we stole an enigma machine
06:23.56[TC]Ovronis it possible to currently extract the original windows, without having to be part of a society with secret handshakes like the knights templar? :p
06:24.35[TC]OvronWould like to go through what currently is available to learn the scheme and API ;p
06:25.14DarkTrooperhey yeah, maybe i should be looking at the offical .xml to see what's what
06:27.08Aiiane[TC]Ovron: well, you can look at the CUF xmls for a lot of examples
06:27.19Aiianebut yes, it's also possible to extract the default ones
06:27.21Aiianefrom the myps
06:29.16DarkTrooperxml Q: popable?
06:29.41AiianeI'm not entirely sure what that is either yet DarkTrooper
06:30.56[TC]Ovronmkey, extracting the myp, lets see what we get ;o
06:31.10DarkTrooperlots of generic filenames :)
06:31.25AiianeI suggest a good grep or Search in Files program. :P
06:31.48lazarenthlol... i thought i covered all my bases... apparently i forgot to buy a sound card for my computer
06:31.58[TC]Ovronshould I be afraid of the 2 million dds files? -_-
06:31.59DarkTrooperhas onboard sound? is the textures afaik?
06:32.10lazarenthi didnt know you still needed to get a sound card i am ignorant >_>
06:32.13[TC]Ovronyupp DarkTrooper
06:32.31[TC]OvronX-Fi xtremegamer <3
06:32.41DarkTrooperlaz: most boards have them onboard these days
06:32.52lazarenthi woneder why i dont have sound then
06:33.02Aiianedid you install the motherboard's sound drivers?
06:33.06lazarenthaudio drivers are on this cd
06:33.10lazarenththat i didnt put in >_>
06:33.15lazarenththank you
06:33.15[TC]Ovronhave you plugged the cables in? ;D
06:33.24lazarenthyes i did that :(
06:33.26Aiiane[TC]Ovron: meh, just ignore the dds files
06:33.27DarkTrooperwhen you build yourself, it's often best to  install the drivers that come with the mobo :)
06:33.28Aiianethey're just textures
06:33.35Aiianeall you really care about are the XML and Lua files
06:35.09lazarenthgawd its 1:30 am here but i want to crank up WAR at least once before bed :P
06:35.13[TC]OvronWould you also be Iliane or is that someone else?
06:35.20Aiianethat's someone else
06:35.28[TC]Ovronhehe - resembling names :)
06:35.36DarkTrooperyeah, i got them confused a few times :)
06:35.40AiianeI've used this name forever
06:35.56[TC]OvronYou shrug a lot :))
06:35.58Aiianelike, at least 6-7 years now
06:36.07Aiiane[TC]Ovron: *shrug* ^_^
06:36.29[TC]Ovrononly 624 files to go through
06:36.33[TC]Ovronbrb next month
06:36.42DarkTrooperwhat parts of the UI does CUF affect?
06:37.26DarkTrooperis it just a party frame replacement?
06:37.40[TC]Ovronoooh there are comments! Seems you can make out which file it actually is ;o -ish
06:38.04DarkTrooperwith the lua's the filename is usualy in the first few lines anyway
06:38.18AiianeDarkTrooper: player, group, hostile target, friendly target
06:38.36DarkTrooperreally?, hmm
06:38.41*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
06:38.46DarkTroopernothing changed
06:39.17Aiianehi Chryzo
06:39.29AiianeDarkTrooper: is the addon actually loaded?
06:39.53Aiianego to /script WindowSetShowing("UiModWindow", true) and see if it's listed there
06:39.56DarkTrooperthat would be a yeah
06:40.02Aiianeokay, next up
06:40.06Aiianego to the layout editor
06:40.17Aiianeand see if you see boxes for the items with (Clean) after them
06:40.31DarkTrooperthat's a no
06:40.40Aiianeok. now do /debug
06:40.45Aiianeand see if there are any errors listed
06:40.55Aiiane(assuming Logs are turned on - if they're not, turn them on and reloadui)
06:41.01DarkTrooperloads of them
06:41.05Aiianewhat do they say
06:41.06[TC]Ovronerror: pebkac :))
06:41.16DarkTrooperactually TC is right, lol
06:41.32DarkTrooperi don't have libslash installed, as i got CUF from the curse client
06:42.06Aiianethat would be why :P
06:42.15Aiianethe description says in nice capital letters that you need LibSlash :P
06:42.23DarkTroopernot in the curse client it doesn't :)
06:42.35[TC]Ovroncan't you list it as a dependency? ;o
06:42.44Aiiane[TC]Ovron: it is.
06:42.51Aiianethat's why the addon didn't actually load ;)
06:42.56Aiianebecause it couldn't locate the dependency
06:43.05Aiianebut the Curse client doesn't look at dependencies in the .mod
06:43.21[TC]Ovronshould be suggested it does ;o
06:43.22DarkTrooperThis addon is in BETA. While it is should be usable, there may be the occasional bug. Please report any issues using the ticket system. CleanUnitFrames is a replacement for the standard EA unit frames for WAR. It attempts to provide the useful data in a streamlined format, while getting rid of some of the "fluff" or other annoying things in the default UI. When installing, please remember to hide the default unit frames in
06:43.40Aiianeyeah, the curse client also doesn't display the full description
06:43.47Aiianewhich is why I don't use the curse client to install addons atm
06:44.13[TC]OvronI won't be touching anything-curse even by a 20ft long pole though
06:44.19[TC]Ovronwith *
06:45.05DarkTrooperhaha why?
06:45.57[TC]OvronCan download and install everything manually, without using bloated software which at the same time exposes your entire guild because they don't think privacy is important.
06:46.44Aiianethey're setting everything to max privacy by default when the game actually releases
06:46.52Aiianesure, they probably should have set it earlier
06:46.56Aiianebut meh
06:47.44[TC]Ovrongranted, most people will probably use it because they think it is rox-the-box. I won't though. Not really fond of the way they are doing it either.
06:49.18Aiianein terms of?
06:50.12[TC]OvronHandling the logs. Probably no reason to not trust them, but the client has access to all logs.
06:50.28[TC]OvronNot something I care to share.
06:50.52[TC]OvronCall me paranoid ;)
06:50.52Aiianewell again, all the logs are going private
06:51.11Aiiane(by default, at least0
06:51.26[TC]OvronThe client effectively has access to chat logs etc though
06:51.49Aiianeyes, technically so does any program you install on your system
06:52.08Aiianeout of curiousity, what motivation would curse have to look at your chat logs?
06:52.10[TC]OvronMost programs do not care about your WAR logs ;)
06:52.19Aiianewhy would the curse client care?
06:52.27[TC]OvronBecause it wants world domination
06:52.41Aiianenetcurse: are you trying to take over the world, yes or no?
06:53.05[TC]Ovronauthor of the client?
06:53.48Aiianenetcurse is the owner of the Curse network.
06:53.54AiianeGood enough for you? :P
06:54.09Aiianethe author of the client is primarily Kolie, he's over in #wowace I think
06:54.14[TC]Ovronwe need some truth serume then
06:54.20[TC]Ovronan answer cannot be trusted otherwise
06:59.37[TC]Ovronsee! world dominance!
07:00.20netcursei m going to have kolie coming here tomorrow
07:00.41netcurseare you guys using the CC to update your war addons?
07:00.53DarkTrooperi am, sorta :)
07:01.07netcursehow do you find the experience?
07:01.31netcursei approved your new project aii, not sure if you can approve your own things =P
07:01.42AiianeI can netcurse
07:01.48AiianeI just hadn't gotten around to it yet
07:02.01Aiianenetcurse: I'm not
07:02.05[TC]OvronI am not. Not very impressed of how the privacy settings were by default during CB. Besides the client, most things look nice.
07:02.06Aiianeit's still not robust enough imo
07:02.07DarkTrooperseemed to be nice and easy net
07:02.26DarkTrooperonce beta client is finished and we all get adds again might be a different story :)
07:02.53netcursethe client is nearly finished, what else do you want in Aiiane
07:03.09netcursewe are looking at converting the 400k current CC v1 users
07:03.12netcursethe 18 sept
07:03.31Aiianenetcurse: Needs to be some way to set a shorter description to display in the client, if the client isn't going to show the full description length
07:03.44netcursefile a ticket if it s not done :)
07:03.46Aiianealso, some way to do dependencies
07:03.57netcursethat should be easy to manage before launch
07:04.07netcurseOvron, you are talking guild privicy?
07:04.12netcurseor your own privacy
07:04.17[TC]OvronYes. Guild one.
07:04.21netcurseok but that's fixed
07:05.01[TC]OvronAnything done about guilds that decide to show their email? As it would be a harvest feast for bots.
07:05.20netcursemost guild privicy will show up this week end
07:05.32netcursewe said when OB starts :)
07:05.33DarkTrooperwhat about personal priv options? :)
07:05.55netcursei ll ask where we are at on this
07:06.09netcursewe have so many projects i'm hands off on wardb
07:06.22Aiiane[TC]Ovron: if they decide to show it, why should anything be done about it? o.o
07:07.13DarkTrooperya, i think as long as there are extreme numbers of privacy options, whoever sets something to public, sets themselves up for whatever they get :)
07:07.15[TC]OvronListing your email should be for purposes of others being able to find out how to contact the guild, not for bots to have the time of their life :p
07:07.40netcursewe'll adapt to what mythic shows anyway
07:07.53netcurseDarktrooper, you don t see any ads while updating?
07:08.00[TC]Ovronsounds good
07:08.13netcurseyou are supposed to see one ads per update
07:08.33*** join/#waruidev Brainiac1000 (
07:08.42netcursebut then again i think we flaged half of the users as premium for testing purpose P:)
07:09.58DarkTroopernet: ckk was saying most people on the beta client atm are on premimum account, thus don't see adds
07:10.14netcursethat is why
07:10.37netcurseads won t start untill end of the month
07:11.07[TC]Ovronon - in the footer, you have "comming soon: warhammer online database"
07:11.11[TC]Ovronthink that needs changing ;>
07:11.17DarkTrooperwhat's the premium member all abotu anyhow, i couldn't find any info at curse for it?
07:11.27netcurseso it's not something up yet
07:11.34netcurseit will be released the 28 of this month
07:12.23[TC]Ovronthe wardb is very alike, anything related between those two except for appearance?
07:12.58smcnactually it's very like :p
07:12.59netcurseit will cost 19.99 a year, one click everything updated on the client, no ads across all our sites, beta keys when publishers give us some, special small things on different sites like on WHA, red name
07:13.10DarkTrooperwardb is based off wowdb which was based off wowhead with some extra innovations
07:13.27[TC]Ovronah right.
07:13.41netcurseand you will also support our initiative for the author reward program
07:13.50DarkTrooperthat's US$ yeah?
07:13.59netcursewhere addons devs will get gift coupons from amazon depending of their addon sucess
07:14.05netcurseyes, USD
07:14.13netcursethe euro amount is not fixed yet
07:14.22Aiianenetcurse: do you know how often CurseForge stuff gets synced over to
07:14.28netcurseevery 2 mins
07:14.34netcursebut has cache issues
07:14.40netcurseso it can takes up to 10 mins i think
07:14.52netcursethe (new) will be updated instant
07:15.03netcursebeta start monday normally ;)
07:15.13netcurseopen that is
07:16.14netcurseand yes wardb is using most of wowdb code base
07:16.16Aiianehm... k. it was taking upwards of a half hour yesterday
07:16.20DarkTrooperAiiane: need to be able to move that silly open parties icon ;)
07:16.39AiianeDarkTrooper: I can, right now I just set to to be off the right side of the player window
07:16.45AiianeI could technically set it wherever I want
07:18.32netcursewe ll have a FAQ up on premium/author reward program this week end normally
07:21.18Aiianeabout 10 minutes so far netcurse and no sync.. I'll let you know when it does and how long it took
07:21.44netcursedamn code base..
07:23.16*** join/#waruidev knix (n=knix@unaffiliated/knix)
07:24.25Aiianeoh, netcurse
07:24.29Aiianeany ETA on the new categories?
07:24.45netcursei ll ask ckk
07:25.35Aiiane(15 minutes so far and counting, on the sync)
07:26.15netcursedo you have a file up?
07:26.20netcursethat is release or beta
07:28.40Aiianeim counting time from when the packager built the file
07:28.55Aiiane(the project is set to build Beta+Release builds only)
07:31.21Aiiane20 minutes now :|
07:32.55Aiianebut yeah, wtb those new categories, since it looks sort of bad when 90% of the addons are in the Misc category simply because there aren't categories that they fit in
07:35.29Aiianethere we go, finally synced netcurse - 25 minutes
07:36.18Aiianedefinitely a cache issue though, since it still has the description before I edited it a few mins ago
07:41.59*** join/#waruidev sOLARiZ (
07:42.12sOLARiZg moorning
07:47.28netcurseg night
08:00.52*** join/#waruidev Deron (
08:05.18*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
08:06.50Aiiane@project war.gcdisplay
08:06.51RepoAiiane: No project found that matches 'war.gcdisplay'
08:06.56Aiiane@project war/gcdisplay
08:06.57RepoAiiane: GCDisplay. Game: WAR. Leader: Aiiane. Updated: 48 seconds ago
08:07.09Aiianeprobably second-easiest addon I've done, aside from AutoLoot
08:07.24[TC]Ovronwhat does it do? :p
08:07.42sOLARiZ"Provides a movable item in the Layout Editor which will display large red text with the global cooldown timer wherever it's placed on the screen"
08:08.08sOLARiZgood idea btw simple but usefull
08:08.38[TC]Ovronit is the little things that make it all good ;)
08:08.40Aiianeit was requested:
08:08.43sOLARiZdid it work with the "optimized" cooldown timer or only displaying Seconds ?
08:08.53AiianesOLARiZ: I go one better
08:09.01Aiianeand let it display all 1/10ths of a second
08:09.13Aiiane(it will also automatically update your actionbars to do the same)
08:09.15*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
08:09.22sOLARiZnice ;)  because I think many will set the COOLDOWN_GRANULARITY manually to a lower value
08:09.39Aiianein GCDisplay's initialize function:
08:09.40Aiiane-- Make the GCD display in a more accurate form
08:10.31sOLARiZfine fine... Will install it as AM very usefull ;)
08:10.43Aiianewait for 1.1 to sync over from curseforge
08:11.00Aiianebugfixes and whatnot
08:11.09Aiianeor just get 1.1 directly from curseforge
08:11.10sOLARiZim mostly getting downloads directly from cf
08:11.10[TC]Ovronwhatnot :o always gotta have whatnot!
08:11.33Aiianewould you prefer "what have you"?
08:11.39Aiianeor "so on"?
08:12.04[TC]Ovronwhatnot is required! :)
08:12.51Aiianesync faster Curse :|
08:13.19VonhintenHOME`Do they expose any API for changing Keybindings?  I've got this wierd issue with Right/Left and Strafe Right/Left not saving correctly, everytime I log in I have to rebind
08:13.24sOLARiZI can play eraliest tomorrow so it's fast enough, at least for me ;)
08:13.39AiianeVonhintenHOME`: AddBinding(action, device, button)
08:13.54VonhintenHOME`RemoveBinding() too?
08:14.51sOLARiZdo the curse client work for you with War ? Fopr me it display me only the "curse Profiler" as installed addon nothing else
08:15.08AiianesOLARiZ: it doesn't detect installed addons as far as I can see no
08:16.09sOLARiZok so even not installed adodns over the curse client.- I installed libslash with curse client but it dont show up in the War tab.  
08:16.29Aiianeno idea
08:16.30Aiianebugreport it
08:17.29AiianeVonhintenHOME`: before you go to try and fix it via code though, check <WAR DIR>\User\UserSettings.xml
08:17.44AiianeVonhintenHOME`: it's where your keybindings are saved, see if it got borked or something
08:17.58VonhintenHOME`I'll have a look
08:18.14Aiianeyou may be able to just add the proper bindings into the file
08:18.38ChryzoVonhintenHOME`: they might also have that bug that makes saving not always work (i used to have that bug in late beta 2)
08:18.55VonhintenHOME`I dunno, it's wierd, it displays Right and Left as having no bindings (which is what I want) but when I use left and right arrow keys (which are left and right strafe) it actually does right and left instead
08:19.23VonhintenHOME`Yeah, last preview weekend was really bad.. I'd like my 1, 2, 3 keys randomly, my autorun, etc...
08:19.28VonhintenHOME`this time it's just the left and right issue
08:19.44AiianeI use WASD with A and D set to strafe all the time
08:19.54Aiianeleft/right keyboard turning ftl
08:20.14VonhintenHOME`I've even tried binding right and left to Q and E.. left and right arrow still end up doing a spin instead of strafe
08:20.42sOLARiZ*sigh* No Preivew Weekend for EU, I wish I had a possibility to get IG,  couldnt start with my Chatmod port without chance to get in game ^^
08:20.48VonhintenHOME`I don't keyboard turn, that's why I leave Right and Left unbound :)
08:20.52Aiianeyou'll be in on Sunday, sOLARiZ :)
08:21.04Chryzoyeahn sunday at.... 22.00 ?
08:21.17VonhintenHOME`In order to fix the issue, I have to go into keybinding, bind left and right to left and right arrow, then bind left and right arrow to strafe
08:21.19Chryzowe can't even register on the frigging eu site for the OB keys ...
08:21.24[TC]OvronGOA said early afternoon
08:21.28sOLARiZI bet on it that the GOA servers  registration servers can't handle the traffic :)
08:21.37Chryzoyeah, as if one would trust in their communication :)
08:21.44Chryzoand their servers ^^
08:22.15Aiianemeh. no offense folks, but the GOA-bashing its getting old, its not really relevant to the channel and the horse is well and truly dead
08:22.23Aiianemind refraining?
08:22.40sOLARiZok ;)  but remember my words ^^
08:22.55Aiianeno offense, but I could really care less :)
08:22.55ChryzoAiiane: ok, can I instead Mythic-Bash ^^
08:23.10Chryzobecause most of the pb with GOA actually comes from Mythic hehehe :)
08:23.15AiianeChryzo: only if it's something I haven't heard before
08:23.21Chryzolol :)
08:23.53Chryzoreminds me i forgot to bash GOA on their beta forum ^^ I wonder if they are still open
08:24.43VonhintenHOME`UserSettings.xml looks fine.  PLAYER_LEFT = NONE, PLAYER_RIGHT = NONE, STRAFE_LEFT = "Left", STRAFE_RIGHT = "Right"
08:24.53VonhintenHOME`Must be their code that's borking it up on initialization
08:25.24Aiianeguess so
08:25.42Chryzoneed to find how to get a box if I am ever gonna play... not like i am in a country where you'll be able to get the game
08:29.41ChryzoPunkBuster is in Warhammer ?
08:30.07Deronthat never works out good for me =(
08:30.23Deronalways bugging out, especially in BF2142
08:30.35[TC]Ovrona modified version of course. It wont ban you for all eternity if it suspects something, but log and notify GM's.
08:30.46DeronI've reinstalled PB like 20 times already
08:30.56DeronYeah I understand that...
08:30.59[TC]Ovronthis runs inside of WAR
08:31.08[TC]Ovronnot like the PB clients for FPS games
08:31.27[TC]Ovronso should be pretty painless:)
08:31.38DeronI hope so
08:32.04Chryzoi just don't like it
08:32.14Chryzopb and privacy == not really transparent :(
08:32.45[TC]Ovronif they start inspecting stuff on your computer, outside of the ToS, and someone notices - they will get lynched
08:33.02[TC]Ovronwouldn't worry too much. WoW's Warden does this aswell.
08:33.57[TC]Ovronand I rather it see what applications I am running, than having arseholes bugabusing and/or running third party applications that mess with the game :)
08:33.59Chryzohaven't played wow in a long long time
08:34.15Chryzobut the warden got skewered a bit because it did too much stuff at first no ?
08:34.36Chryzoand the warden did not remove hookers from the game either did it ?
08:35.01[TC]OvronDon't remember the specifics but I do think it always terminated when you closed down the game
08:35.36[TC]Ovronit is running in the address space of the WoW executable so I don't think they would manage have it running when the game closes down.
08:35.47[TC]OvronPB in WAR will probably do the same.
08:36.55Chryzoneed to read the final EULA ^^
08:37.19[TC]Ovronif you are in the EU the EULA doesn't mean much. You need to check the ToS for this matter.
08:37.40Chryzowait, 29 pounds
08:38.34Chryzo37 euros...
08:38.44Chryzommm, not too expensive for a MMO box
08:39.38ChryzoAiiane: when you buy on direct2drive, do you also get the box ?
08:39.57[TC]Ovron(no you dont)
08:40.29[TC]Ovronyou get the game downloaded and keys emailed
08:40.31Chryzoif i pre order i want the box ^^
08:40.53[TC]Ovronwhere are you from?
08:42.07AiianeChryzo: then you're stuck trying to find an online retailer that will ship to the country you're in (good luck)
08:42.59ChryzoAiiane: that sux even worse :)
08:43.09Chryzoguess i ll go check out amazon
08:52.36Deronhilarious :D
08:57.31Aiianebah, ckknight fails
08:57.41Aiianedidn't turn on auto-substitutions in .mod files
08:59.16Aiianecurseforge has a system that allows you to auto-replace certain tags in text files with info about the repo
08:59.32Aiianebut apparently ckknight didn't tell the packager to run the substitutions on .mod files
08:59.45Aiianeonly lua, xml, and toc
09:01.09thannersHmmm. are there any ways to poke inspect anchors for existing windows?
09:01.45thannerss/poke //
09:04.57AiianeWindowGetAnchor(windowName, anchorNum)
09:05.05AiianeanchorNum will be either 1 or 2
09:05.23Aiianereturns 5 values
09:06.38Aiianepoint, relpoint, relativeto, x, y = WindowGetAnchor(windowName, anchorNum)
09:06.38thannersah ha
09:06.57Chryzostupid question, but what is in the box ^^ ?
09:07.04Chryzo(non collector)
09:07.11Aiianemanual, cds
09:07.14Aiianecdkey card
09:07.21[TC]Ovronpre-order or regular?
09:07.22Aiianethat's about it afaik
09:07.42[TC]Ovronactually Aiiane's answer is valid for both :p
09:07.51[TC]Ovronpre-order of SE just gives you headstart aswell
09:07.58[TC]Ovronand ingame item afaik
09:08.09Chryzomanual ? games still comes with those :)
09:08.22[TC]Ovrononly so that it is still valid to say RTFM
09:09.09Chryzonah, today should be RTFEM :)
09:13.05Chryzommm, need to find a game shop here...
09:14.01[TC]Ovroncan't be that hard?
09:15.52Aiianeyou don't know where Chryzo is :P
09:16.52DarkTrooperit can sometimes be next to impossible to get a game shipped to a location it's not licenced for
09:25.20thannersAre there things we ought to be wary of that will work when typed into the chatbox, but not when called from a macro?
09:27.21Aiianethanners: slash commands that aren't part of the default UI (i.e. registered by an addon)
09:27.56thannersmmm. I'm only using a macro to do a few /script calls.
09:28.00Aiianeto get around that, provide functions that can be called via /script to do the same thing your slash commands would
09:28.34thannersunless I'm mistyping something, I was fairly certain I was typing the same thing into the macro, as I had typed into the chatbox
09:29.35Aiianelike what
09:31.43DarkTrooperhmm, maybe because i spent all day messing around wiht code that worked to varying degrees, but did anyone else feel PW+ wasn't half as fun as PW?
09:31.51ChryzoI am in Romania atm
09:32.00Chryzoand i don't speak romanian that well :)
09:32.09AiianeDarkTrooper: *shrug* seems fine to me
09:32.22DarkTrooperChryzo: let me guess they don't speak english real well either? :)
09:32.25Chryzoand since GOA is not gonna translate it in romanian at first, you won't see the game around ^^
09:32.59ChryzoDarkTrooper: I just need to get my hands on the UK version somehow :)
09:33.13DarkTrooperhmm, i'm not up on Eu geography, is Romania part of Europe?
09:33.21DarkTrooperie part of the EU
09:33.21ChryzoYes since 1 jan 2007
09:33.34DarkTrooperthen you shoudl be able to get it from
09:33.38Chryzobut won't be in the euro zone until 2012
09:33.56ChryzoDarkTrooper: yeah right, and pay 50 euros when i can have it on eurogamers at 37 euros ^^ :)
09:34.02Chryzoam checking the sites atm :)
09:34.06thannersWhen I try to use a macro, it complains with "attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value"
09:34.20DarkTrooperwell what i mean is an online store based in EU :)
09:34.27thannersBut if I type each line in into the chatbox, then no complaints.
09:35.48ChryzoDarkTrooper: hehehe :) yeah, but having the box sometimes can be nice :)
09:35.54Chryzobut having it in romanian sux :)
09:36.07DarkTrooperthat's what i mean, order a box from some online store
09:37.09Chryzoyeah, but will it arrive before the game starts hahaha :)
09:37.11Chryzoi wonder :)
09:37.18DarkTrooperexpress post :)
09:37.22Chryzoi am still unsure of buying it too ^^
09:37.24DarkTrooperbe there by HS
09:37.29thannersGot headstart?
09:37.31ChryzoDarkTrooper: i am not a rich guy ^^
09:37.37thannersthey're giving like.. 4 days leeway
09:37.43thannersor something like that.
09:37.46Chryzoi don't care about the head start
09:37.52DarkTrooperniether am i, but if i want something enough, i get it express post across the pacific :)
09:38.08thannersso you can continue playing on the headstart key while waiting for the actual box with your proper key to arrive
09:38.09Chryzoif i play, i ll be playing on a server chosen with like 200 other people ^^
09:38.17Chryzoso we first need to decide which server we will play on hahaha
09:38.33Chryzoheadstart key is given... how ^^ ?
09:38.51sOLARiZsame here but we already said that we are taking the first  CoreRvR Server in sthe list ;p
09:38.52Chryzoguess i ll have to email the online store to know the details
09:38.57DarkTrooperfor a physical box, another card
09:39.08Aiianeyour problem is that macros eliminate whitespace
09:39.15DarkTrooperfor an online order is emailed usually
09:39.20Aiianeso it's trying to do tmp = {} divided by script
09:39.32Aiianeremember that you can do multiple commands on a single line in lua
09:39.39Aiianejust use: /script tmp = {} tmp.point, tmp.relpoint, tmp.relto, tmp.x, tmp.y = WindowGetAnchor("CleanGroupWindow", 1) DUMP_TABLE(tmp)
09:39.54Aiianeor whatever window name, sorry :P
09:40.32DarkTrooperthere should be a law against being that knowledgeable imo :)
09:40.36thannersokay, thanks for that. Thought I was going a little crazy. :P
09:40.59Chryzoi want the same at home :)
09:43.12thannersboo. my wireless keeps dropping out in windows.
09:43.16thannersthis is making things.. inconvenient.
09:43.31[TC]Ovronbeen afk a bit, but Chryzo - you going with the white rose / prydwen initiative?
09:43.36[TC]Ovronserver that is
09:43.53Aiianenight all
09:44.03[TC]Ovronnn Aiiane
09:44.10thannersg'night, thanks for the help
09:44.17DarkTroopernite Aii
09:44.24Chryzono the hard core RvR server
09:44.40Chryzoi don't know what is that white rose / prydwen initiative
09:44.52Chryzomy bad
09:44.53[TC]Ovronmeh "hard core" :p
09:45.02Chryzoi don't understand what is white rose / prydwen initiative ^^
09:45.22[TC]Ovronpeople from the EU servers of DAoC are going to the same server
09:45.33[TC]Ovronenglish servers***
09:46.57[TC]Ovronjust thought that was what you ment when you said that you are going to the same server as 200+ other people
09:47.50Chryzono no
09:47.58Chryzojust a confederation that was formed
09:48.02Chryzobefore the game was out
09:48.08[TC]Ovronhehe ok
09:48.31*** join/#waruidev Mera (
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12:18.18DarkTrooperinteresting that since Aii left, all we have is silence ^^
12:19.30*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
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12:25.19rizzenit was also 3am
12:27.47agxhello :) i've developed a few wow addons in the past, i checked the wiki links and at 1st impression i should not have problem developing war addons, right?
12:32.28DarkTrooperif you've looked over the api, had a squiz at the code of a few mods currently avail and arn't confused, then yes, you should have no trouble
12:34.13*** join/#waruidev danboo (
12:45.17agxunluckly cannot test them now... i'm stuck waiting the auth server to be back to finish the client install :)
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13:33.55Repoaharv: 03freddy0909 042.1 * r20 : Added ability to ignore specified stages.
13:34.45Repojoinfast: 03freddy0909 041.5 * r8 : Fixed minor bug.
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14:00.49Repoaharv: 03freddy0909 042.2 * r23 : Removed useless print functions.
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16:33.26lordneonbtw if ive got a fully patched client from closed beta do i need to download the open beta client/
16:35.10lordneongood :p
16:37.06agxlordneon, how? did they opened the logon server?
16:37.39*** join/#waruidev [vigor]Sikul (
16:37.42agxah... its working now :) patch downloading...
16:38.04lordneonyeh obviously it doesnt get any servers though :p
16:38.17[TC]OvronIT IS ALIVE! mwhahaha *runs off again*
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17:26.34ckknighthrm, is there some way to issue a reloadui programmatically?
17:50.58Chryzoin lua, in general, does a split function exists ?
17:51.04Chryzo(for string)
17:55.18[TC]Ovronif you mean a function like explode in other languages, then no - but it is an easy algorithm to implement
17:56.28Chryzoyeah, but it is just annoying to do haha :)
18:01.40Freddywarhammer has a built in split function
18:02.05Chryzoi know
18:02.35Chryzoi dunno the api a bit :)
18:02.39Chryzoi do know lol
18:02.44Chryzoone hell of a lapsus
18:03.41*** join/#waruidev jjjjjjjjjeeeeeee (
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18:14.38Aiiane~poke ckknight
18:14.39purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind ckknight, pokes ckknight repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
18:14.50ckknighthey Aiiane
18:17.15*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
18:22.32netcursecategories ckknight
18:22.49netcurseforwarded you the email 8 days ago
18:22.51netcursefrom aiiane
18:22.59netcursethat war categories are wrong :)
18:23.11Aiianeckknight: please turn on repo keyword replacement for .mod files (the XML ones, and the general ones)
18:23.21ckknightfile a ticket, please
18:27.29Aiiane@ticket curseforge 582
18:27.30RepoAiiane: 582 - Turn on repo keyword substitutions for .mod files. Reported by: Aiiane. Type: Defect. Updated: 11 seconds ago. Component: Packager. Status: New. Priority: Medium. Assignee: ckknight. Votes: 0. Comments: 0
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18:31.08netcurseservers are up?
18:31.42Aiianeshould be
18:32.00netcursetrying to understand WHA traffic spiks
18:32.37Aiianedo not try to understand the fickleness that is WHA
18:32.40Aiianejust ride the wave
18:34.33agxnetcurse, wich servers? EU or US?
18:41.29*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
18:47.52netcurseus :)
18:48.14netcurseaiiane, we need to have the server capacity for LIVE when servers go down
19:05.20ChryzoLIVE ?
19:06.43Aiianelunch bbl
19:24.57*** join/#waruidev jjjjjjjjjeeeeeee (
19:35.35agxa tool to automatically upgrade addons is yet available?
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20:02.47pewpewarrowsnew patcher skin is sexy
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20:25.12DaegalusHI EVERYONE!
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20:32.47ckknighthey Daegalus
20:36.57Aiianehi daeg
20:45.07Freddyhi daeg
20:45.10Freddyi feel like one ofthe pack now!
20:45.50DarkTroopersup Daegalus
20:46.02DarkTrooperi feel like going back to sleep -_-
20:46.05agxafter you installed the open beta client, how much patch still need it do download after a successfull login? 3 GB ??
20:46.18Freddyi was on the CB client
20:46.20Freddytoopk about 150mb
20:46.40Freddyis anyone else's party window bugging?
20:47.05*** join/#waruidev smcn (
20:48.25agxFreddy, only 150MB?
20:53.44Daegalusok, the 3gb patch is ONLY for Europe, and its OPTIONAL, its just a voice pack for other languages
20:53.58Daegalusthe normal patch is about 188 mb
20:54.04ckknightGork sagt shtop?
20:54.19ckknightor whatever it is
20:54.30ckknight~x en de stop
20:54.39ckknightGork sagt anschlag.
21:04.54Daegalusonly problem right now, they must of changed something on the dok, my healing is worse off than before
21:05.02Daegalusand damage
21:05.11Freddymaybe you got worse
21:05.45DarkTrooperhas anyone fiddled with unitframes and making a new factory method?
21:06.42Daegalusi doubt it, ive been playing this dok setup since february
21:06.43AiianeDarkTrooper: You have to ask?
21:06.47Daegalusand all of a sudden its gimped
21:07.00AiianeDaegalus: it might be the fact that you don't have RR6 gear anymore?
21:07.21Daegalusno, cause i was able to do well without RR6 gear
21:07.34Aiianewell remember that they swapped the covenants around
21:07.39Aiianeso you don't have the armor one until tier 2
21:07.45Daegalusi can barely do 5k healing, and 3k damage
21:07.51Aiianewhich makes a big diff
21:07.54Daegalusya, they swapped vitatlity with tenacity
21:08.52Aiianethey also buffed magus a ton
21:08.56DarkTrooperi also noticed even in solo pve my DoK seemed pretty gimp this time 'round
21:09.32DaegalusMagus did get a nice buff
21:09.36Daegalusits one of my alts
21:09.41Daegalusand im having a great time with it
21:09.56Aiianeand yeah... Tyrion is queued already
21:11.39*** join/#waruidev sOLARiZ (
21:11.59sOLARiZ[ugt] good morning [/ugt]
21:13.05AiianeDaegalus: what's your character's name and realm atm?
21:13.22DaegalusDaegalus on Caledor for my DoK, and Daegalus on Tyrion for my Magus
21:19.44DaegalusTyrions constant ups and downs yesterday made me roll a dok on Caledor
21:19.55Daegalusotherwise Tyrion is where i would play. Its the server our guild is rolling on
21:20.29Daegaluswhich we are openly recruiting for now. SO any destruction heads out there, if you want to check it out
21:23.20DarkTrooper*grumble* bloody family outings and national 'special' days *grumble*
21:23.29DarkTrooperTHE CODE MUST FLOW!
21:26.18Daegalusnvm, i guess i was doing something wrong before. I did 10k damage, and 9k healing
21:28.50Freddytold you
21:38.55Aiianesometimes it also just varies with the team makeups
21:39.01Aiianeif your team sucks, you'll spend more time dead
21:45.18DarkTrooperand that is why i think i'll roll an mdps come launch
21:48.54Aiianeyour own class has nothing to do with it :P
21:49.08Aiianeif your team sucks, you'll hate being an mdps because you'll die before you can kill anyone
21:49.59smcnmy suicide rushes as marauder have seemed a lot more effective than they were last PW :P
21:53.57DarkTrooperhmm, well i think someone should figure out today how to do custom unit bars, then let be "borrow" the code later in the week ^^
21:53.57Aiianeyeah, maurauders seem stupidly powerful now
21:54.12AiianeDarkTrooper: for what? (*cough*cleanunitframes*cough*)
21:55.20Daegalusis tyrion full atm ?
21:59.20DarkTrooperya, they just use the standard bars template
21:59.34DarkTrooperi'm lookign for something a little more, exotic
21:59.37Aiianethey don't?
21:59.43*** join/#waruidev Vonhinten (
21:59.51DarkTrooperwell they go in a straight horizontal line no?
21:59.52Aiianethey use a similar layout, but their own XML
22:00.03Aiianewell yes
22:00.17Aiianebut if you're wanting to do other stuff, that's not "custom unit bars"
22:00.22Aiianethat's custom UI elements in general
22:00.27Aiianehas nothing to do with units
22:00.48DarkTrooperfine fine, pick on the new guy, be pedantic, heh :)
22:01.02DarkTrooperit bars for a unit, thus, it's a unitbar to me :D
22:01.14Aiianebut they're not specifically for a unit
22:01.27Aiianeyou eventually want to /use/ them for a unit, but first you need the UI element to exist at all
22:02.18Aiianeand it's not about being pedantic, it's about trying to understand what you're asking
22:02.31Aiianeit's impossible to answer a question if you can't define it clearly enough that we know what answer you're looking for
22:09.01DarkTrooperwelcome to any support profession? :)
22:09.03Aiianebut don't worry, not picking on you :) im just incessant about getting people to clarify their questions :P
22:15.53*** join/#waruidev VonhintenHOME` (
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22:20.32Daegalusi guess it has to do something with Dinging 9. as soon as I dinged 9, im doing 14k healing, 13k damage
22:22.02Daegalusand hte only new skill i got was flay
22:23.13VonhintenHOME`My Sorc is OP'd
22:32.17Daegaluswont be for long
22:32.19Daegalusafter level 15ish
22:32.23Daegalusclasses start balancing out
22:38.06AiianeI agree
22:38.18Aiianetier2 is where things start to really shape up
22:38.41VonhintenHOME`still, range > *
22:44.45Aiianestealth > range
23:04.02Daegalus16k damage 15k healing. oh ya.
23:05.50Aiianeckknight: ping
23:10.47VonhintenHOME`28k damage in this scenario, next person was at 17k.
23:10.56VonhintenHOME`Level 10 hitting people for 625 with my bolt
23:29.34Aiianesorcs/BWs are powerful at low level if they have a healer
23:29.50Aiianeso that they can just sit at high levels of dark magic/combustion and crit like crazy
23:42.45Daegalusthe graphics on this game are awesome. I have it set to max settings, and then i forced 4x AA and 16x AF on the game
23:46.14Freddywut gfx card you using?
23:55.13Daegalus8600M GT
23:55.29Daegaluswell its an NVS 540M but its the same card, with a different name
23:55.33*** join/#waruidev sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
23:57.00Daegalusya, and 8600 is a mid range card so just shows how little pwoer is needed to run this game on full settings

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