IRC log for #waruidev on 20080903

00:01.18`Zypher[2]Freddy: plugin?
00:01.42`Zypher[2]Freddy: the built in task manager is badass
00:04.41Freddyi saw that
00:04.45Freddythe nerd button
00:04.46Freddyis amazing
00:04.56Freddyi went to a website
00:05.01Freddyand it said the plugin is not supported
00:05.03Freddyand then chrome crashed
00:07.01*** join/#waruidev Volki (n=tecnical@
00:07.09Volkipewpew I need to talk to you
00:10.58VolkiHey Aiiane, how long has your CleanUnitFrames been out?
00:11.02Volkipew pew
00:11.04Freddya while
00:11.18Volkican you add something to your UI that greys-out portraits that are out of range?
00:12.16pewpewarrowsyeah, I plan on having a range indicator (opacity based on in spell range)
00:12.27pewpewarrowsI haven't started coding that part yet though, so no idea if it's possible with the api
00:12.31Daegalusumm pewpew, i thought there was no way of seeing if you were in range or not
00:12.32Freddyis it possible to getrange?
00:12.33Daegalusin teh api
00:13.01Daegalusand i just converted my father and mother to Chrome. Both are tech savvy peoplez.
00:13.25Freddyi'ma just give i tsome time
00:13.28Freddyand continue using FFox
00:13.39Daegaluseh, chrome offers everything i want in a browser
00:13.41Daegalusso im good
00:14.32rizzenVolki she released it earlier today
00:17.43pewpewarrowslike I said, I'd have to look into it
00:18.27Volkiis there a way you can add an alert that tells you when one of your particular debuffs ends on your target?
00:20.24Freddycompare debuffs the enemy has?
00:20.31Freddyor just put a timer on it
00:20.38Freddyafter X seconds after you cast the spell
00:20.46smcn ;)
00:20.58smcnwho knows if it will work when patch hits
00:21.18Freddyyou still quititn?
00:21.35smcnyeah, mostly financial reasons
00:21.58smcneven if i change my mind about the game during OB/headstart i still won't be able to afford the 50 bucks :P
00:22.33rizzenit takes effort to be broke 3 weeks in advance
00:23.16smcnonly reason i'm still activated for OB is i can't cancel the order via (it was made hella long ago, i guess before they had the order status page or something...) and besides it's on a credit card that's been deactivated because it was comprimised :P
00:23.35smcnwho knows, maybe it'll get delivered anyways and i'll get a free month
00:23.45Freddysounds good@!
00:23.58Freddyso what happened to you financially?
00:24.35smcnlong story:P
01:13.20rizzendead silence
01:13.49*** join/#waruidev danboo (
01:15.05Freddyi'm talkin on vent
01:15.10Freddyno one's talkin on here
01:16.50rizzenobviously that is the problem
01:16.56rizzenwe need a waruidev vent server
01:17.52Freddyi'd be happy with just skype
01:23.45*** join/#waruidev Net- (
01:36.06*** join/#waruidev danboo (
01:49.29Aiiane~whalepunt Net-
01:49.29purlACTION looks onward as an everest-sized whale called Victor punts Net- across the Pacific
01:49.55DarkTrooperhey, we don't want trout slappers over here either!
02:00.34*** join/#waruidev `Zypher[2] (
02:02.00*** join/#waruidev tronned (
02:02.11tronnedwhat's going on meow?
02:05.05Freddyjust same old same old
02:05.19Freddyaiiane is throwing whales at ppl
02:05.20Freddyand no one is talking
02:07.43DarkTrooperbugger, i hate sites that generate dodgily so google cache doesn't work -_-
02:09.49lazarenththe tag in the .mod for saving variables is <SavedVariables> correct
02:10.38DarkTrooper ^^
02:12.20lazarenthto pick a variable to sqave do i just do like the other tags and <SavedVariable name="(variable)" />
02:12.33Freddythinks o
02:12.46Freddyjust go by examples
02:12.48Freddynever fails
02:12.48DarkTrooperothers than me are more qualified to answer that at this time ^^
02:15.41lazarenthlua> test = {}; test[hi] = sup; str = test[hi]; print(str)
02:15.42lua_botlazarenth: luabot:1: table index is nil
02:16.02Freddysup is nil
02:16.19lazarenthlua> test = {}; test[hi] = "sup"; str = test[hi]; print(str)
02:16.19lua_botlazarenth: luabot:1: table index is nil
02:16.34lazarenthwhat now!
02:16.36Freddylua> test = {}; test[hi] = "sup"; str = test[hi]
02:16.37lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: table index is nil
02:16.39Freddynow we debug
02:16.46Freddylua> test = {}; test[hi] = "sup"; print(test[hi])
02:16.46Aiianehi is nil
02:16.46lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: table index is nil
02:17.01Freddylua> test = {}; test["hi"] = "sup";
02:17.01lua_botFreddy: No output
02:17.03Aiianelua> test = {} test["hi"] = "sup" print(test["hi"])
02:17.04lua_botAiiane: sup
02:17.05lazarenthlua> test = {}; test["hi"] = "sup"; str = test["hi"]; print(str)
02:17.06lua_botlazarenth: sup
02:17.14Freddythat's no fun
02:17.21Freddyquotes kill babies
02:17.24lazarenthokie tats what i needed to know :)
02:17.43Freddyo well
02:17.52Freddyi'm too stuck to java to ever use anything other t han number sin a table
02:18.40nicoli_sjava has hashtables that can use strings as keys doesnt it?
02:18.48Freddyi'm talkin arrays
02:19.20nicoli_swell that's just what a hash table is
02:19.29Freddyi don't know!
02:19.40nicoli_swell learn, only way to get better!
02:19.46Freddyi'm workin on it
02:19.53lazarenthi had data structures last spring
02:19.55Freddynot like i'm not trying to learn
02:21.02nicoli_syou taking java in school?
02:21.07nicoli_si hated data structures
02:21.27nicoli_sour teacher made us do shit like do huge sorts by hand for our tests
02:21.34DarkTrooperso everyone here, are yous all doing or done college level programing courses?
02:21.51nicoli_si have, though i coded for a few years before college
02:22.17Freddyi'm doing AP classes darktrooper
02:22.20Freddystill in high school
02:22.28Freddyif that even count sfor anythin
02:22.30DarkTrooperAP? Action point?
02:22.33lazarenthgoing into sophomore year, software engineering major
02:22.40FreddyAP = Advanced Placement
02:23.01lazarenthwriting code on paper tests = teh suck
02:23.24Freddyit really is
02:23.29lazarenthespecially when it is something long
02:23.30Freddyi don't see why we can't just use notepad or somethin
02:23.40DarkTrooperso i'm kinda the odd one out, haha, typical ^o^
02:23.48rizzenlol lazarenth
02:23.50Freddywhat do you mean darktrooper?
02:23.51lazarenthand you get counted off for things that the IDE/colmpiler would really tell you right away
02:24.00rizzenim taking a 3rd year software engineering course this semester >>
02:24.11rizzengood stuff
02:24.17lazarenthi got half off on a question where i wrote i big long method calculating something and i forgot to return that soemthing at the end
02:24.19Freddylaz i typically don't make errors like that, and my teachers don't mind missed parenthesis/brackets
02:24.31rizzenyou are lucky
02:24.34Freddyas long as it isn't blatant
02:24.35DarkTrooperi finished a network & support course like 8 years ago and since them i'm a Humanities grad :)
02:24.38lazarenthi mean the IDE would be like "hey numbnuts, need a return here somewhere"
02:24.48Freddymeh rizzen
02:24.52Freddyit kinda makes sense
02:25.11rizzenmy profs are nazi's about that shit
02:25.14Freddynot like programs won't check for that
02:25.16AiianeI'm a compsci major in my junior year of college >.>
02:25.19rizzenyou can get away with it in high school
02:25.23rizzennot in uni
02:25.34rizzenwelcome to the club aiiane
02:25.38rizzen<-- going into 3rd year >>
02:25.41Freddyi'm a highschool student
02:25.44DarkTroopertoo many comp people imo :)
02:25.45Freddydoing nothing!
02:25.51Freddyit's the environment
02:25.53Freddythere really aren't too many
02:26.05Freddyyou're in aprogramming IRC channel
02:26.19Freddydid you expect english majors?
02:26.36lazarenthmy official debugging class is this upcoming quarter... "Software Analysis" or something like that
02:26.38rizzenthey come from all varieties of life
02:26.52DarkTrooperit's ironic, 8 years ago when i was in IT, there were no jobs around, now - being out of the loop for 8 years, there's at least 50 adverts a day -_-
02:27.08Freddyblame technology
02:27.11lazarenthand the "learn to use tool we should have taught you about last year" class, software tools and practices
02:27.16rizzenit still sucks :P
02:27.17Freddy3 years from now every job will have changed
02:27.20Freddysome census said that
02:27.35DarkTroopernah i blame the complete lack of planning on the gov's part
02:27.40Freddyblame bush
02:27.46lazarenthdont worry they discovered the new type of elementary circuit and in 50 years computers might be analog lol
02:27.52DarkTrooperwell i'm from au, but i'll blame bush too, why not :)
02:28.01Freddysounds good
02:28.16Freddylaz, that'll be crazy
02:28.24Freddywhen we all explode
02:28.40lazarenththe problem is that it is too hard to compreend the possibilites stemming from analog computing
02:28.47lazarenthat least for me, haha
02:29.12Freddyit'll be able to comprehend too much
02:29.14Freddyi dont nko
02:29.20Freddythe comp will know to much
02:29.21Freddyand take over the world
02:29.42lazarenthfreddy dont forget your tinfoil hat before you leave the channel
02:29.52Freddywhys that?
02:29.57Freddyin case i get struck by lightning?
02:29.58Freddygood call
02:30.12Freddyi completely missed the reference
02:30.31rizzenit is inevitable however
02:30.46rizzenthe same type of inevitable as a super virus eventually killing everyone
02:30.56lazarenthi cant wait until the matrix is real life
02:30.59rizzenwhether it happens tomorrow or 1000 years from now doesnt matter
02:31.02lazarenthi hope i am the one
02:31.10Freddyrofl laz
02:31.26Freddymeh rizzen
02:31.29DarkTrooperyou ppl live in a dream world :)
02:31.30Freddyi'm biding for 2012
02:32.29rizzenwont happen
02:33.32rizzenmayan apocalypse, asteroid impact, whatever
02:33.40Freddyanything can happen ;P
02:33.45Freddyi don't expect an asteroid!
02:33.58rizzenthe odds are astronomically low of anything happening
02:34.02Freddynot that i'm thinking poessimistically though
02:34.16Freddy^low is not 0
02:34.18rizzenbetter odds of us all destroying each other
02:34.24Freddysounds good
02:34.28Freddyeveryone got their pew pew laz0rs?
03:00.07*** join/#waruidev Jedric (
03:03.35Jedricdo i know you rizzen?
03:03.44Jedricor just have the same name as someone i know?
03:15.10rizzenlatter most likely
03:15.20Jedricah alright
03:20.28DaegalusOk, i have officially wiped all traces of firefox from my system
03:20.33DarkTrooperrizzen is an antelope, so unless your friend was one of them, probably not :)
03:20.42Jedricwhy get rid of firefox?
03:20.46DaegalusGoogle Chrome
03:20.48Daegalusdominated it
03:20.59Jedricis it really that much better?
03:21.16Jedricsell it to me :)
03:21.19DarkTroopergoogle chrome, install it, watch it crash, get anoyed at it's lack of features, unisntall and find FF again, hmm no? :)
03:21.28Aiianeeh, chrome is still missing some things
03:21.31Daegaluswell it loads from 0 to fuly loaded and homepage loaded in .5 seconds
03:21.36Aiianeso I'm not going to be getting rid of firefox anytime soon
03:21.37Daegalusumm most sites load instantly
03:21.46Aiianeloading time is not everything :)
03:22.00DaegalusAiiane: what do you expect from a browser versioned 0.2
03:22.15Jedricarent you worried that google looks at everything you do in your browser to try and target its google ads more towards you?
03:22.22AiianeDaegalus: Nothing. But I don't generally switch away from browsers versioned 3.0 to ones versioned 0.2 either ;)
03:22.38Daegalusand i personally love the way Chrome works and functions
03:22.39DarkTrooperlol google owns so many souls, i wait for the day of reckoning
03:22.48Daegalusand it does everything my firefox can do
03:22.54Daegalusminus Adblock Plus
03:23.14Jedricuntil Chrome has a built in FTP client like FireFTP, i probably wont be using it anytime soon
03:23.17Daegalusand i think i can survive a few weeks till ABP goes to chrome
03:23.58Daegaluseh i just use Firezilla
03:24.18Jedricsoon we will be using GoogleOS, and GooglePhone and GoogleTV
03:24.48Daegaluspersonally i dont care who owns what, as long as the products are good
03:25.09Daegalusfor me Chrome > FF atm
03:25.14DarkTrooperhaha, so if the US government made a broswer that was awesome, you'd use it? :)
03:25.25Daegalusif it worked as well as Chrome did, yes
03:25.29rizzengive chrome a few weeks to get some plugins
03:25.32DarkTrooperlol, young :)
03:25.36rizzenthen it shall be dominating
03:25.37Daegalusbut also i wouldnt
03:25.41Daegalussince its not open source
03:25.45Daegalusif its US governement
03:25.48DaegalusChrome is open source
03:25.58rizzenwhy would you use anything the government gives you?
03:26.03Daegalusim an early adopter of many things
03:26.06rizzenbound to be a trap
03:26.11Daegalusi prefer to adopt early
03:26.16Daegaluswell ya
03:26.22Daegalusim just tlaking functionality
03:26.22rizzenSERVERS BACK UP
03:26.35Jedricwhat servers?
03:26.41rizzennothing at all
03:26.44rizzenyou saw nothing
03:26.46DaegalusElder Test Server
03:27.12Daegalusis up
03:27.13rizzenCEASE AND DESIST
03:27.13JedricNDA BREAK!
03:27.13DarkTrooperjust eat your carrots riz.
03:28.51Net-they broke lots of stuff
03:28.52Net-with that patch
03:29.01Net-hopefully they fix before the 7 th :P
03:29.38DarkTrooperi'd say there's another patch before OB, adn another one before HS, possibly another one after that before Release
03:31.32rizzenthe only pressing things that NEED to be fixed
03:31.36rizzenare the server lag
03:31.44rizzenand the continued autism by pets
03:31.57rizzenbut one might be caused by the other
03:31.59rizzenso who knows
03:32.02DarkTrooperserver lag will just be a hardware thing i'd say
03:32.23rizzenwell it wasnt this bad during the preview weekend
03:32.28DarkTrooperPW went pretty well in regards to lag, even with 60+ people trying to do the same PQ :)
03:32.30AiianeNet-: wtb updated curse profiler so it stops giving me errors every 5 seconds :P
03:32.42rizzengetting 2-3s lag earlier today on the test server
03:33.06rizzenand i still dont know what class to bloody play on release
03:33.08DarkTrooperyeah i'd say it's just the scaled back hardware/network envionment they're using compared with the live ones
03:33.08rizzenfuck shit
03:33.33DarkTrooperat least pick a realm, cuts down choices abit ;)
03:34.16Jedricgotta love Incognito mode for going to porn sites :)
03:34.37DarkTrooperhaha, come now Aiiane, everyone know chicks do too :)
03:34.59DarkTrooperif they can play games they can... >.>
03:35.13Jedrici have a friend who watches more porn than i do....crazy women...
03:35.36rizzenits a well known fact that women are perfect in every way and do not exist on the internet
03:38.16DarkTroopergotta love forums
03:38.18DarkTrooper"Violence solves everything. America wouldn't be what it is today if we had rolled over and tried to be friends with everyone."
03:40.23AiianeDarkTrooper: I'm not obsessed with the subject, hence the -_-
03:40.55rizzeneveryone is obsessed with porn
03:40.57rizzenits human nature
03:41.20rizzenon a side note
03:41.28rizzenthe server appears to be working properly again
03:41.31rizzenhooray patches
03:41.58ghostfishrule 34
03:42.07ghostfishif it exists, there's porn of it
03:42.18Daegalusrules 1 and 2
03:42.20Daegalusyou lost hte game
03:43.42DarkTrooper... and how about that weather this week ... >.>
03:45.03ghostfishDaegalus: no
03:45.08ghostfishthose are not the first 2 rules
03:46.12rizzenless fail
03:46.24rizzenhowever, does rule 34 apply to the game?
03:46.53ghostfishwe're talking about different rules I think
03:47.02ghostfishI'm talking about the Rules of the Internet
03:47.16rizzenrule 1 is do not talk about /b/
03:47.23rizzenrule 2 is DO NOT TALK ABOUT /B/
03:47.30rizzenits the same
03:47.35ghostfishso why are you talking about it?
03:47.45rizzenbecause i can
03:47.52DarkTrooperyeah, somehow i think that 4chaning this room up isn't the bestest of ideas :)
03:47.55Daegalusrule 34 was created by b, so by saying Rule 34 outside b, you break rule 1 and 2
05:02.56rizzenaiiane, how can you respond to everyone all day on the ui boards?
05:03.12*** join/#waruidev `Zypher1 (
05:05.18Jedricok wow
05:05.24Jedrici just tryed to play Requiem
05:05.24Aiianerizzen: hmm?
05:05.38Jedricand i crashed 3 times before i got to even play the game
05:07.43Jedricyay for crappy poorly coded games
05:09.41DaegalusRequiem Bloodymare?
05:10.14Daegalusya, I found that game pointless, imagine a Korean version of Age of Conan, minus even more content O.o and double the gore
05:10.52Daegalus1 critical hit would kill a beast make the head fly 30 yards, shooting blood everywhere, and the body spasms as it soaks itself with its own blood for aobut 6 seconds
05:11.46DarkTroopersounds okay from that description :)
05:15.46rizzenAiiane: being able to respond to people all day in the ui forums takes some serious willpower, no?
05:18.04DarkTroopernot if you like to help people
05:18.25DarkTrooperit's no different from being a CSR, or a phone rep, or in IT helpdesk
05:18.54DarkTrooperexcept you get to pick and choose what you respond to here :)
05:19.01rizzenworking those doesnt mean you like it :P
05:19.19DarkTroopersorta, if you don't like it, you burnout *real* fast
05:19.36rizzenhence why i'll never be in IT
05:20.19DarkTrooperand Aiiane is trying to build a decent UI community, and a wider community respectful of mods, even if they disagree
05:22.53rizzeni know
05:23.01rizzeni dont understand how she can do it
05:23.14DarkTrooperbecause it's what's best for everyone
05:24.05DarkTroopera foreign concept to some (and not aiming at you), but sometimes you do what what you do because you must, not because you like it :)
05:24.29rizzeni know all about the greater good :P
05:24.38DarkTrooperi thought you might
05:24.43rizzeni can handle doing that in a smaller group (ie guild)
05:24.52rizzenbut an entire community overwhelms me
05:25.04rizzenim one of those people who hate blatant retardation
05:25.10rizzenand cant really stand it
05:25.25DarkTrooperi can relate to that, the more you do of something tho, the easier it is to take it to the next tier
05:26.12DarkTrooperyou also get to a point where you realise, getting upset over some tool, or stressing out over it, isn't in your best interest, so you just start to not get bothered by those typed anymore (usually)
05:27.19rizzeni'll get there eventually, but that day will not be in the forseeable near future
05:27.28Aiianemaybe im just wired differently
05:27.31AiianeI like helping people
05:27.32DarkTrooperof course i could be way off on Aiiane's intentions, but that's generally how it goes :)
05:28.22AiianeI'm also far too patient, or so I've been told
05:28.25DarkTrooperwhile also not trying to sound cliche, these things tend to come with age too :) (there are exceptions however, boy are there exceptions, lol)
05:29.11DarkTrooperi dunno, imo chicks are either of two extemes, 1) far too patient or 2) have none, zip zilch zero :)
05:30.05rizzeni have not met a woman yet who has been inbetween
05:46.26Aiianeif someone /does/ manage to actually get me truly mad, stay away
05:46.30Aiianebut that's really rare
05:46.56DarkTrooperthat's typical of most patient people, difficult to anger, but once achieved, detonation incoming :)
05:48.13DarkTroopertalking about achievments actually, i havn't `done` anything today, haven't looked at any code or api docs or anything
05:48.22DarkTroopermaybe that's why i'm not frustracted this late in the afternoon ^^
05:49.26DarkTrooperit sure as hell doesn't have an effect on my lack of spelling skills however -_-
05:52.42Aiianemy first build of CUF was 0.1-beta
05:52.52Aiianemy second is 0.1.1-beta, because it was a small incremental change
05:53.05AiianeI'm tempted to just throw people in a loop and make each next release just add a .1 to the end
05:53.07Aiianefor giggles
05:53.15DarkTroopershould have been 0.1.01-beta imo :)
05:53.30Aiianeit'd be funny to have a release
05:53.42*** join/#waruidev Gruxella (
05:53.43DarkTrooperyeah i'd be suspicious about that addon :)
05:53.59Aiianenah. is as far as I go
05:54.21Aiianebasically, build# changes for minor tweaks
05:54.21DarkTrooperwell alas, it's time for me to ferry people around town, bbl
05:54.29Aiianeminor number changes for feature additions
05:54.38Aiianemajor number changes when I feel like it
05:56.01thannersthat'd be great. but probably annoying
05:58.02Repolibslash: 03aiiane 04v1.3-release * r15 : Tagging as 1.3 release for pcall change.
05:58.58Aiiane"when I feel like it" for major number changes is often when I stop supporting some element of backwards compatability
06:03.01DaegalusI wonder how much of my addon Mythic broke O.o
06:09.52AiianeDaegalus: JunkDump? none of it
06:10.05Aiianeat least nothing I've seen so far
06:10.28Daegalushaha fun. Thx for checking, but you didnt have to go download it just to check :P
06:11.07AiianeI'm just using the same version I was before
06:17.27thannersyay, (finally) received my preorder pack.
06:23.11Daegalusoh ok lol
06:23.42Daegalusw00t, my torrent has 54 seeds, and 110 peers
06:25.30thannersheh.. I'm one of the former.
06:26.03Daegalusnice, hx
06:26.14Daegalusim just glad its not a dead torrent
06:26.17thannersgreatly appreciated
06:26.30thannersplus, my quota resets in a few days
06:26.36thannersI wanted to use more of it. (c:
06:29.31Daegalusgood stuff
06:29.36Daegalusi wish i could post it on WHA
06:29.41Daegalusthen it would get very popular
06:29.42Daegalusvery fast
06:29.56*** join/#waruidev matsuka (
06:31.52thannersheh, I imagine it would.
06:32.40*** join/#waruidev Net- (
06:34.03Daegalushaha i have uploaded it 3.3 times over
06:34.25Daegaluscorrection 3.75 times over
06:34.57thannersmm only 2.0 for me at the moment
06:40.58Aiianehmm, that was cute
06:41.03AiianeI managed to "crash" WAR
06:41.10AiianeI put it in quotes, because it didn't actually crash
06:41.16Aiianeit just sat there not rendering anything at all
06:48.41thannersrandom, or do you reckon you can do that trick again?
07:10.18*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
07:10.24*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
07:15.10Daegaluswell thanners, i also capped my upload to 15 kbps as soon as i saw i had 50 seeds. to help me out
07:15.26Daegalusand i will uncap it when i go to bed
07:31.01thannersi think that makes sense.
07:31.28thannersyou did the initial seed, you're allowed to ease off afterwards. We'll let you. (c:
07:31.48thannersyou did the initial seed, didn't you? Or am I misremembering?
07:32.08Daegalusya i did
07:32.16Daegalusat a max of 75 kbps upload :P
07:32.40thannersthat was quite impressive then, seeing how quickly my downloads spiked
07:33.00thannersmust've meant the other early downloaders also had reasonably generous uploads
07:33.07Daegaluslol. well i did initial seeding mode till the top guy had 50%
07:33.24Daegaluswhich meant it would not seed a part that has alreayd been seeded
07:33.33Daegalusso you had to rely on that top guy to get yours till 50%
07:33.49Daegalusthen i set it to normal seed mode, whihc just gave out whatever was needed
07:34.20thannersah, fair enough
07:34.49Daegalusit sped things up until i had 200 peers.
07:45.37`Zypher1Aiiane: you around?
07:49.11`Zypherwill tell the story to channel anyways
07:49.19`Zypherso one day, me and my dad were talking
07:49.47`Zypherand it turns out, we spend an extra $6 a month to have a tuner connected to a tv we hardly use.
07:50.02`Zypherthe reason we have the tuner is to conver a coax signal to rca
07:50.26`Zypherso I say, if I can find a way to convert the coax to rca without the box can I get moar faster internets?
07:50.28`Zypherand he says yes.
07:50.33`Zypherso I disconnect the tuner
07:50.40`Zypherand connect an old dvd player
07:50.47`Zypherand use it to convert from coax to rca
07:50.55`Zyphereffectivly saving us 6$ a month
07:51.07`Zypherhowever, you can't change the channel without getting up.
07:51.17`Zypherseeing as my dad is incredibly lazy
07:51.18`Zypherhe says
07:51.34`Zypherthat doesn't work, I would rather spend 6$ a month to be able to use the remote
07:51.40`ZypherI /wrists
07:51.48`Zypherand the world keeps on spinning.
07:51.57rizzenhaving fun talking to yourself
07:52.21`ZypherIt needed to be said
07:52.25`Zyphereven if no one read it
07:52.34`Zypherits a testimate to how lazy americans are.
07:52.45`Zypherthat they would be willing to spend $6 a month
07:52.47rizzeni shall take my leave however
07:52.49`Zypherjust to use a remote.
07:53.11potatodepending on how far the TV is I might pay that
07:53.12rizzenindeed, sleep time
07:53.17potatoIf I watched TV that is
07:53.34`Zypherthe tv gets used perhaps once a week
07:53.48`Zypherand its about 10 ft
07:53.56`Zypherfrom the couch to the tv.
07:54.31`Zypherif you would be willing to pay
07:54.33`Zypher6$ for that
07:54.38`Zypheryou should be locked up.
07:54.50potatoI'm quite lazy ;p
07:54.57potatodon't like moving much
07:55.17`Zypherplease leave now.
07:55.32`ZypherI want my 3mb/s
07:55.38`Zypherfor 5$ more a month
07:55.44`ZypherI can double my internet speed
07:55.52`Zypherbut he would rather spend it on a tv that gets used once a week
07:56.24potatoI wish internet was that cheap here
07:56.41potatowe have to pay craploads because our government is gay
07:56.51`Zypherwhere u at
07:57.01potatoSouth Africa
07:57.19potato4mbps costs 114$ if you convert it
07:57.44`Zypherbut atleast your not american
07:57.48potatoand you're limmited by 3GB a month :/
07:58.01potatoI wouldn't mind being american just for the internet :D
07:58.40`Zyphersir, we're so pompous that instead of calling ourselve's USAins we take up the whole continent's name and use it as our own.
07:58.59`Zypherbecause canada and mexico aren't part of north america anymore.
08:00.02`Zypherplus in Africa you can say your African
08:00.11`Zypherand anyone here would think that makes you black.
08:00.26potatowell, I'm not ;p
08:01.17`Zypherits just how the usa works my friend.
08:01.25potatoI was playing CS:S once and an American child joined our servers asking how we play computer games if we live outside and bath with elephants
08:01.41potatowhich made me laugh
08:02.00`Zypherpotato: I wouldn't be suprised if 50% of the people here couldn't find Africa on a map.
08:02.17`Zypheryou think I'm kidding...
08:02.58DarkTrooperi've seen several clips where americans couldn't find australia on the map, some thought it was iraq even @_@
08:03.17`Zypherwhen I was in highschool, they made me take a class called Geography
08:03.28`Zypherbut I wouldn't call it Geographhy
08:03.41`ZypherI would call it, lets learn the cardinal directions
08:03.49`Zypherbecause aparently thats hard now.
08:03.50thannersha, I remember a youtube clip like that.
08:04.05`Zypherits wierd
08:04.14`ZypherI can go anywhere in the world and tell you what way is north
08:04.25`Zypherits like ingrained in my head :P
08:04.26DarkTroopergranted i don't think all americans are clueless, but your education system over there is definitely epic fail :)
08:04.40`ZypherDarkTrooper: it is failing pretty hard.
08:05.05`ZypherDarkTrooper: its because of this "no child left behind" crap
08:05.21`Zypherthey don't seperate children who learn at different rates
08:05.28`Zypherthey just lump them all together
08:05.30DarkTrooperwhen studying japanese education system, they make alot of comparisons to the us one, and you get to know abit about them, it's scary stuff really
08:05.33`Zypherand go by the slowest learner.
08:06.00`ZypherI've taught myself since my second  year of highschool.
08:06.15DarkTrooperthe biggest enemy of the US school system ironically, is the government, lol
08:06.18`ZypherIt was evident to me that there was no reason to keep going like that.
08:06.41`ZypherDarkTrooper: A less intelligent public is more inclined to grant the government more power.
08:06.54`Zypherbecause they don't want to have to worry about that stuff
08:07.13`Zypherthey want to go about their lives and only concern themselves with how they look.
08:07.20DarkTroopernot really, they'll be more apathetic sure, but they cause more problems wirh protests and rioting because they don't understand stuff
08:07.44`ZypherDarkTrooper: they wouldn't even understand they have the right to protest.
08:07.56DarkTrooperbut i guess that's a difference between 'policy for now' politics and 'policy for the future'
08:08.13DarkTrooperau is pretty stupid in that regard too, unfortunatly
08:08.32`ZypherDarkTrooper: :D
08:08.40DarkTrooperdo yous have a law that mandates that children MUST go to school?
08:08.58`ZypherI've gotten around it
08:08.59DarkTrooperso how does homeschooling work with that, i never did find out
08:09.01thannersJust saw an article in the paper.. "WA students among the poorest educated."
08:09.01`Zypherbut normally yes.
08:09.22potatoAustralia has this long ass fence, what's up with that?
08:09.28DarkTrooperthan: don't believe anything you read in teh papers, espeically in this country :)
08:09.45thannershaha, touche
08:09.57`ZypherDarkTrooper: I don't understand why people take everything their told as the truth
08:10.02`ZypherI can tell my brother something
08:10.03thannersand yet this particular article wouldn't surprise me.
08:10.07`Zypherand he wont even question it.
08:10.23DarkTrooperlet me put it this way, almost every newspaper and paper media news is owned by the packer family :)
08:10.24thannersbecause he trusts his brother. (c:
08:10.43thannersaye, DarkTrooper.
08:10.59DarkTrooperhow old is your brother tho zyph?
08:11.09`Zypher14 months younger then me.
08:11.11thannersIt's odd, because I really want to trust people. And at the same time I tell people that being skeptical of everything is probably the best way to get through life. :P
08:11.20`Zypherhe listens to other people aswell, im not the only case.
08:11.55DarkTrooperalot of people do, it's usually related to age and educational level, the omre of both, the more presence of your own mind you atain :)
08:12.01`Zypherthanners: being skeptical of everything is a horrible way to go through life, people hate to talk to you because you question everything they say.
08:12.27DarkTrooperyeah i wouldn't say skeptical than, but if you employ critial thinking you usually can't go wrong :)
08:12.44thannersokay, well yeah, skeptical was probably the wrong word.
08:12.56*** join/#waruidev matsuka (
08:13.07thannersimplies too much disbelief from the outset. But yeah. application of critical thinking is probably closer to what I intended.
08:13.22DarkTrooperthen you would be right :)
08:13.27*** join/#waruidev matsuka (, where's that?
08:16.18DarkTrooperwell time for dinner here it think
08:16.44`Zypherbah its 1am
08:16.49`Zyphersleep is for me now
08:17.33thannersmmm. nother couple of hours of work for me.. back to it, i guess, if everyone's going. (c:
08:24.12Daegalusim still here
08:24.20Daegalusi stay up all night >> need to fix that for school
08:24.23AiianeJust pushed a new CUF, btw.
08:25.51*** join/#waruidev matsuka_ (
08:36.22Daegalusmm, 4 days till i can use it :P
08:49.08DarkTrooperAiiane should write a hud imo ^_~
09:26.35DarkTrooperalways such a busy coder
09:27.02DarkTrooperi reckon come release half the mods availiable will be written by Aiiane and ckknight
09:27.40Aiianeckknight's either being lazy or sneaky
09:27.56Aiianeor just distracted
09:28.09AiianeI think it's distracted, since he's still working on CurseForge and WowAce and stuff
09:30.48DarkTrooperyeah still, he has the advantage, he'll know ace etc is fundamentally written, and probably snap addons out by the hour
09:33.06AiianeAce is a framework :)
09:33.14Aiianeand I'm currently the one working on porting it to WAR :P
09:33.22DarkTrooperyeah, but he'll know how it all backwards
09:33.30DarkTrooperand won't ahve to figure out how the framework fits in :)
09:33.47AiianeEh. Quite honestly I'd estimate that at this point I know the WAR api better than ckk does
09:34.03DarkTrooperunless i'm missing some fundamental infomation about the ace framework :)
09:34.06AiianeMoveTip I literally just wrote in ~20 mins
09:34.16Aiianethe Ace framework has to actually exist for you to use it :P
09:34.21Aiianeand right now, for WAR, it doesn't
09:34.37AiianeFurthermore, it's just a basic framework
09:34.47Aiianeit doesn't provide interfaces to anything game-specific mostly
09:35.00DarkTrooperwhile i sorta understand the concept of a framework, what is the point of it in war's contex?
09:35.02Aiianeit just provides things like easy configuration/settings/chatoutput
09:35.11Aiianethe stuff that's common from mod to mod
09:35.21Aiianeanything that's actual mod *functionality* you still have to write
09:35.31DarkTrooperthat's what i thought, it's sorta like a 2nd api to reference isntead of coding specifics itens yourself no?
09:35.41Aiianeeh, not really
09:35.54Aiianeit's more like a set of objects you can draw on in addition to the WAR API
09:36.04Aiianeto do stuff that's not directly related to the game
09:36.09Aiianelike managing settings
09:36.41DarkTrooperi was under the impression it was filled with functions that did "stuff" so you didn't have to code it, sorta like a math.c handles all the c stuff so you don't have to code how to handle something in every mod?
09:37.40AiianeAs far as game mechanics go, no.
09:37.55DarkTrooperwell not mechanics as that's all in the war api no?
09:38.10Aiianecorrect... but you still have to actually use the API to do something :)
09:38.18Aiianeyou can't just randomly call API functions and have it be useful
09:38.26Aiianeand a framework can't help you with the actual program logic
09:38.45DarkTrooperhmm, perhaps my complete lack of undersatnding is showing, i might go view some more comics and be silent ^^
09:38.53Aiianetry looking there
09:39.05Aiianeit's essentially the documentation for Ace3
09:39.27Aiiane(said documentation happened to be written by me... >.>)
09:39.38Aiianeyou can see from that exactly what Ace helps you with
09:39.40Aiianeand what it doesn't
09:40.09Aiianein general....
09:40.40AiianeSettings, Chat Input/Output, Localization, Hooking.... utility functions, basically
09:40.48Aiianenot actual addon functionality
09:41.06thannersconsider Ace as like just another layer on top.
09:41.13thannersmm, I think I jumped in late.
09:42.26AiianePerhaps a different way of looking at it
09:42.50AiianeDarkTrooper: you know how artists will sketch a basic wireframe "dummy" and then draw an actual person on top of that dummy?
09:43.14Aiianeor 3d modelers will have a basic stick figure skeleton that they then build around to make a full model
09:43.21AiianeAce is basically that dummy/skeleton
09:43.29Aiianeit's the common stuff that most addons share in common
09:43.44Aiianebut then the actual expression of the addon, what it does, how it looks
09:43.50AiianeAce doesn't handle that
09:44.26DarkTrooperthis is definitely an interesting life experience, i have to say, i'd recomend to those that have left geekhood behind, not to get back into it at this stage ;)
09:47.13DarkTrooperyou should get into teching when you're finished your course Aiiane, probably some decent $$ in it too
09:47.28thannersanyway, been here long enough. hometime, I think. seeyas (c:
09:47.43DarkTroopercya than
09:51.13Aiianeokay... I think it's sleepytime for me now
09:52.58Aiianenini :)
10:41.33*** join/#waruidev potato (n=poetaeto@
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14:05.46ckknighthowdy all, how's everyone doing this fine morning?
14:08.40pewpewarrowsnot bad, yourself?
14:08.54ckknightI'm alright
14:09.00ckknightpewpewarrows: did you ever release your framework?
14:09.23pewpewarrowsI'm going to this weekend, hopefully before the OB begins
14:10.10ckknightwhy haven't you already?
14:11.09*** join/#waruidev tronned (n=tronned@
14:12.01Chryzobecause as a true engineer he feels that if it works, it just does not do enough, so he keeps on adding stuff until all hell breaks loose :)
14:12.16pewpewarrowsI just had one or two more things I wanted to get in, and with my classes starting this week I haven't had the time yet
14:12.23pewpewarrowsand what Chryzo said ;P
14:12.25Chryzosee :)
14:13.02pewpewarrowsI'm treating putting it on CF like a beta release for people to actually start using
14:16.10nicoli_swell pewpew, i just found out i have been an elder tester since i got my new acct i just didnt know so i can test some stuff if you need it
14:16.18pewpewarrowsreally? nice
14:18.18Chryzonicoli_s: nice
14:25.17*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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15:01.03`Zypherhey Chryzo
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17:03.13*** join/#waruidev sOLARiZ (
17:04.32sOLARiZguten morgen ;)
17:06.57ckknighthowdy, sOLARiZ
17:40.07`Zypherthe loltrain is in the house
17:40.44ckknightI doubt that.
17:41.32`Zypherif you validate your email with
17:41.34`Zypheryou get the title
17:41.38`Zypher"The Validated"
17:41.52`Zypherthe loltrain is in the house.
17:42.31sOLARiZe.g.  "If you bought the game succesfully you get the Titel "The buyer""        *sigh*
17:42.50`Zypherwith the amount of people
17:42.53`Zypherhaving trouble
17:42.56`Zypherthey should do
17:43.05`Zypherif you preordered and didn't fuck up
17:43.09`Zypheryou win the internets.
17:43.58sOLARiZI prepare "The suffered"
17:44.09`ZypherI tend to use
17:44.14`ZypherThe Wise
17:44.18`ZypherThe Pawner
17:44.22`Zypherjust for funziez
17:46.19sOLARiZ:) currently "The tired" fits well on me
17:46.41`ZypherI got to sleep about 2AM
17:46.46`Zypherand woke up at 7:30am
17:48.11sOLARiZnot so bad here but I feel the same
17:49.06`Zypherand now I'm doing crappy economics
17:49.24`Zypherand I want to hit my head on the wall untill it stops failing.
17:49.40sOLARiZim fixing a older wow addon of mine *hrr*
17:51.21rizzenwho cares about wow
17:51.25rizzenwe got ourselves war!
17:52.08`Zypherrizzen: precicely.
17:52.10sOLARiZI know ;) I'm not playing wow since 1yer for now but to get back into lua I need some excersie and I do not have access to the elders beta ^^
17:52.38`ZyphersOLARiZ: you could write an interpreter for us :P
17:52.39sOLARiZAlso a goot oportunity to update  chatmod ;)
17:52.52sOLARiZhell no ;o
18:03.00Aiianemorning :)
18:03.19`ZypherAiiane: lives.
18:03.30`Zypherthat came out wierd.
18:03.31sOLARiZ;)   G'morning
18:04.32`Zypherim so bored
18:04.43`Zyphersomeone gief me something for to be doing.
18:05.47tronnedHow's that work for you?
18:08.40`Zyphernot that good
18:08.47`Zypherlol @ people still complaining about open
18:08.53`Zypherjust get over the fact that open sucks
18:08.59`Zypherand core is where its at imo.
18:09.31sOLARiZwhy complain ? Why do they not simple play on core ?
18:09.31`ZypherI just became the owner of a second ipod
18:09.35`Zyphersomeone gave me a new one :P
18:09.57`ZyphersOLARiZ: because people have this thing where they think their ideas are the bestest ideas evar.
18:10.10sOLARiZah ok as usual : )
18:21.48*** join/#waruidev lazarenth (
18:27.54Aiianekittens: so cute they make your head explode into candy -
18:29.33*** join/#waruidev nicoli_coding (
18:30.54lazarenththose were cute
18:33.09`ZypherAiiane: kiitens = rats with furry tails.
18:33.23Aiiane~lart `Zypher
18:33.23purlresizes `Zypher's terminal to 40x24
18:33.37nicoli_codingthat bot has such ridiculous commands
18:34.23`ZypherAiiane: thats not that bad of one..
18:34.31`Zypher40x24 isn't too hard to read
18:34.49Aiiane~whalelemmings `Zypher
18:34.50purlACTION 's jaw drops as an army of lemmings escape the mouth of a rather sizeable whale named Remus. The army tramples `Zypher
18:35.12`Zypherthis cat is cool.
18:35.20nicoli_codingi love how mythic names stuff
18:35.21nicoli_codingMount - Dwarf Thing 03
18:35.36nicoli_codingtittie != the world
18:35.59`Zyphernicoli_coding: yes it does!
18:36.02`Zypherdon't lie
18:40.53`Zypherthat is win.
18:41.19Aiianethat first one might be a bit... painful depending on what the cat decided to do next :x
18:41.50`ZypherAiiane: orly?
18:46.09`Zyphereven better.
18:46.38rizzenDIABEETUS CAT
18:47.16`Zypherrizzen: I don't think Aiiane got the Diabeetus
18:47.42rizzeni dont think it is possible to catch diseases other than stupidity through the tubes
18:49.23Aiianelunch and classes time, bbl
18:49.31*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
18:52.29Aiianeand now really off to lunch :)
18:55.02`ZypherAiiane: its ok everyone knows women can't drive.
19:28.16nicoli_codingsweet! i just rendered out my first textured mob :)
19:34.29nicoli_codingit's abig 2-headed squig too
19:36.53*** join/#waruidev smcn (
19:52.22rizzendoing that during class is much fun times
19:56.49Aiiit depends on how interesting the class is
19:56.54Aiisometimes i do that too
19:59.50tronnedI'm playing WAR @ work.  Good times...gooood times.
20:00.08tronnedWell, I was.  Server is bouncing.
20:06.55Aiionly for a little bit though :)
20:09.59tronnedback up now, but stack trace and i are being bff
20:10.42*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
20:12.32lazarenthughhh my computer stuff isnt getting here til friday i am sad :(
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20:14.21Freddylaz: wut comp stuff?
20:15.18lazarenthi am building my first computer for WAR/general stuff
20:15.45lazarenthi was hopi ng it would arrive today or tomorrow
20:16.10lazarenthjust the monitor comes tomorrow... maybe the rest if i am lucky
20:16.41Freddywhere'd you order from?
20:21.45rizzennewegg prolly
20:21.46rizzenwho knows
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20:23.33lazarenthyes newegg
20:23.56lazarenthi got 3 day shipping cause most of the stuff was free 3 day, and it was last friday night. so, laborday and stuff slowed it down
20:24.52Aii3-day generally means '3 business day'
20:25.10Aiiplus, that's based on when it actually leaves the warehouse
20:25.18Aiidoesnt include the time it takes to box it up etc
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20:27.19lazarenthi am just bored i am running out of things to do before school starts next week :P
20:27.34Aiiyour school starts late :P
20:27.45lazarenthour school hates non-full weeks
20:27.51lazarenthso we didnt start last week
20:28.03Aiimine always starts the tuesday after laborday :p
20:28.53lazarentherr, i meant this week lol
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20:30.05Freddycalm down!!
20:30.13lazarenthhmmm there hasnt been a new "omg need target of target" thread lately
20:30.29Freddythat's b/c aiiane scared everyone from ever mentioning it agian
20:30.53ckknightour office connection seems a bit wonky
20:30.54Aiii think its more that all the people who played the PW and then wanted to QQ have made it to the forums by now
20:31.06Aiickknight: your office is a bit wonky, no? :P
20:31.15ckknightwell, yes
20:31.17lazarenthso batten down the hatches for OB
20:31.51FreddyOB will also bring lots of good ideas
20:32.05FreddyIMO forums need a filter
20:32.11Freddyignore all threads with target in it
20:32.16Freddyor macro
20:32.25lazarenthi think the ratio will be heavily favored toward "omg WAR isnt just like WoW fix ui pls"
20:32.32Freddylol so true
20:32.57Freddyhow am i ever going to cast my spells if they aren't on one smart button!
20:33.02Freddyhow will i ever survive!
20:33.06lazarenthmeh threatmeters are kinda useless IMO i saw in war DB at least black orcs have a tactic that doubles threat from abilities
20:33.19Freddythreatmeters aren't useless, they are just way to relied on
20:33.22lazarenthand a sorceress one that makes spells cause 50% less aggro
20:33.30lazarenthi mean, useless in WAR
20:33.30Freddyif the tank is good enough and ppl know how to not get themselves kileld
20:33.39Freddyyou're prob right :p
20:33.44Freddydetaunts and taunts are plentiful also
20:33.51lazarenthin WoW they are pretty much required from BWL up lol
20:34.00lazarenthfreakin broodlord
20:34.07DarkTroopertheatmeters won't be completely useless, endgame is pretty much pve
20:34.32Freddyso spore is out in australia?
20:34.42lazarenthand pirated everywhere else lol
20:34.52*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
20:34.54Freddyprett ymuch
20:35.00Freddythe power of the internet!
20:35.03DarkTrooperno it's only 0634, so not a single store will be open yet
20:35.18Freddyhmm trooper?
20:35.47Freddyi'm guessing you're talkin military time
20:35.54Freddyo well :(
20:36.31DarkTrooper24 hour time :)
20:36.31Freddyi know some people that have it already
20:36.31Freddynot sure how they got it!
20:36.31Freddymaybe one of those midnight sales?
20:36.37Nyborekwhat re u guys talkin bout?
20:37.02Freddyspore was released
20:37.02DarkTrooperhmm, the online eb system says stores have it everywhere, looks like the game was out yesterday
20:37.18Freddylol i dont know how time workst here :)
20:37.22Freddyit's the 4th here, 5th there?
20:37.32nicoli_codingit goes forward, its the only way it works
20:38.01Nyborekspore omg cold it has been released yesterday
20:38.51*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
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20:39.21DarkTrooperahaha, yeah it wasn't supposed to be released until the 7th, but it seems stores just started selling it anyway
20:39.32Freddyit was set to release 5th in australia
20:39.36Freddygod icxan't think
20:40.14FreddySet to release on September 4 down under (and September 7 in most of the rest of the world)
20:40.21Freddyaussies are being spoiled
20:40.27DarkTrooperah yeah, so we go ahead and release it a day early anyway, lol
20:40.37DarkTrooperbizzare, normally we're the last to get anything
20:40.50Freddyis spore being made from aussie division of EA?
20:41.21Freddymaybe it's some strange marketting move
20:41.31Freddyi'ma be back lata
20:45.29Net-curse client update
20:45.34Net-if you restart it
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21:34.50Net-the find an addon has been totaly changed
21:34.54Net-and you can filter by games nwo
21:35.16DarkTrooperi saw that <3 ^^
21:35.19sOLARiZha !!! this was was i requested a dozend times ;p
21:36.07sOLARiZok late again, have to go.   gn bb
21:36.51DarkTroopergonna be much easier to grab mods now, considering the auto links off the website don't work :)
21:45.07nicoli_codingman i just found this badass model that i think is some sort of dwarf helicopter thing
21:45.39DarkTrooperthe stunties mount?
21:46.11nicoli_codingno, it looks to be the one in a helicopter battle suit
21:47.38nicoli_codingoh shit, here's an even better one
21:48.38nicoli_codingactually no you were right it is the dwarf mount
21:48.42nicoli_codingthe light and heavy versions
21:52.26ghostfishhave they said when the CE HS will start yet?
21:52.36Aiianeit starts on the 14th
21:52.42AiianeSE HS starts on the 15th
21:52.48Aiianeunless you mean time-of-day
21:52.53Aiianein which case no they haven't said
21:53.19ghostfish11 days :)
22:02.08ckknightZyuu: wtf are you doing?
22:03.56DarkTrooperwtb better release time for HS
22:05.10*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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22:43.12`Zypherim back
22:46.08`Zyphersomeone love me.
22:46.50ckknight~love `Zypher
22:46.51purlIf you love `Zypher so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
22:51.45*** join/#waruidev Freddy (
22:52.02ckknighthey Freddy
22:52.14Freddyhello :D
22:52.27Freddyck, you joined the mod author group yet@wha?
22:53.07ckknightno, I talked to Belatuca1ros, but he never got back to me on that
22:53.20Freddy^that one i mean
22:53.29Freddyaiiane just set up a group
22:53.41ckknightAiiane: you didn't invite me?
22:53.47ckknight@project war/hello-world
22:53.47Repockknight: Hello, World!. Game: WAR. Leader: ckknight. Updated: 14 days ago
22:53.51ckknight^-- my masterpiece
22:53.55AiianeI didn't invite most of the people here
22:53.58Aiianethey invited themselves
22:54.02Freddypushy upshy
22:54.22Freddyck, how did you manage to make that addon?
22:54.28Freddymusta taken you hours of slave labor
22:56.13`Zypher@project OverheadXP
22:56.13Repo`Zypher: OverheadXP. Game: WAR. Leader: Adalyn. Updated: 3 days ago
22:56.42`Zypherok back to being bored
22:56.49`Zyphercya later cuties.
22:56.56Aiianeim not going to try to join in on that "link my projects" boat
22:57.00Aiianetata `Zypher :)
22:57.21`Zyphernot worth it.
22:58.25Net-aiiane refused me
22:58.42Net-typical girl
22:59.09Freddylol net
22:59.16Freddyyou must get refused by girls a lot
22:59.26Net-in the us? not too much!
22:59.37Net-french accent>* :)
22:59.54Freddyfrench accent+alcohol=win?
23:00.06Net-let's claim i'm not that type of guy
23:00.18Freddywhy make claims to lies?
23:00.41Net-no challanges= no fun.
23:01.47Net-ckknight is the woman hunters
23:01.50Net-true story
23:02.02ckknightsorta true
23:02.20ckknightI now consider dating to be an elaborate game where the resultant goal is free maid service
23:02.38ckknightI need my laundry done, so I'm going to be picking someone up tonight and bringing her back to my place
23:02.45DarkTrooperfree maid service?
23:02.48DarkTrooperthere's always a price
23:03.10Freddyit's all about how you play it
23:03.11ckknighttrue, gas money, plus like $4 for dinner
23:03.22Net-what a cheap bastard
23:03.29Freddyck, that's as much as a cheap maid would cost
23:03.32ckknightNet-: but it works
23:03.34Freddyfor one night
23:03.34Net-dating in san francisco= 100 usd per night easy ;/
23:03.56Aiianeoff to class and then dinner, be back later
23:04.53*** join/#waruidev ckknight_ (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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23:06.24ckknighthowdy, Freddy
23:06.26Freddyyour work still being weird?
23:06.34ckknightthe wifi's been going up and down
23:06.39ckknighthopefully it's okay now
23:06.50Freddyimo you should go yell at the techs and fix it
23:06.55Freddyif you aren't a tech
23:07.06DarkTrooperwifi is horrible, i hate it
23:07.16Freddywifi is easier than massive amounts of cables
23:07.27DarkTrooperi'd rather use powerline ethernet
23:07.44rizzenwifi is horrible
23:07.46FreddyDon LaFontaine died!
23:07.49rizzeni'd rather have a hardline
23:08.03Freddythe voiceover guy died
23:08.21Freddyok no one mourne with me
23:08.30ckknightdon't know who that is, Freddy
23:08.32rizzenpeople die every day
23:08.40Freddyif you've seen a movie trailer
23:08.43Freddyhe probably did the voice for it
23:09.02smcndon lafontaine
23:09.18Freddyk smcn
23:10.03ckknightbtw, everyone, smcn is a new moderator for curseforge
23:10.04smcnoh, all i read was [16:08:02] <Freddy> the voiceover guy died [16:08:30] <@ckknight> don't know who that is, Freddy
23:10.16smcnyay me
23:10.18lazarenthIn a world where movie trailers are king, one man rises up to do the voices for them
23:10.36Freddyoh smcn
23:10.37lazarenththat man... was don lafontaine
23:10.54Freddygrast smcn for what ck said
23:11.05ckknightso, like, if you need something that only a moderator can do, you can bug smcn. And if you piss him off, he can mess with your project without you ever realizing.
23:11.09ckknightit's a careful balance.
23:11.25Freddyso in other words
23:11.32Freddysmcn takes bribes ?
23:11.43DarkTrooperin other words, don't use curse to publish your mods? :)
23:12.14DarkTrooperj/k j/k ;)
23:12.17Freddybeware of the evil wrath of smcn!
23:12.19ckknightthere's logs of everything
23:12.28ckknightso if he were to do something dickish, we'd be able to find out
23:12.38ckknightthat won't happen, though
23:12.44DarkTrooperyeah i would have assumed so ckk, most reputable palces these days are fairly transparent
23:13.22Freddyi once knew a man that was transparent
23:13.33Freddyhe was a close friend
23:13.36Freddybut he was hit by a bus
23:14.14Freddymy school@failing
23:14.19Freddyi can't subscribe to their rss feed
23:22.55rizzensuck less
23:23.00Freddyit's not me
23:23.13rizzenuh huh
23:42.02Daegalushahahah oh god this is priceless xD
23:42.12Daegalusi took the Chromium source code
23:42.18Daegaluschanged a few things
23:42.21Daegalusand compiled it
23:42.29Daegalusot unlock the locked extension system
23:42.57Daegalusthough i dont have the first clue on how to get extensions to actually work and since there arent any to test with, its kind of poinless
23:48.42Daegalusis there anyway to remove WoW from the curse client? like an option or some scneerio that removes it
23:53.31DarkTrooperclick on the wow tab, click on curse client, click uninstall?
23:54.16DaegalusUninstalll is for the addons....

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