IRC log for #waruidev on 20080831

00:00.23Daegalusrats, need to try harder :P
00:00.35Daegalusor should i say, SKAVEN!
00:02.03Freddylazarenth ?
00:06.05lazarenthi was afk, whats up
00:06.14Freddystage 0 is 255
00:06.20lazarenthi saw your response from before
00:06.26Freddyyou didn't respond
00:06.36lazarenthi mean i scroleld up
00:06.38lazarenthjust now
00:06.43lazarenththanks :)
00:06.59*** part/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
00:07.00*** join/#waruidev Aiiane (n=Aiiane@starfire.ST.HMC.Edu)
00:07.00*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o Aiiane] by ChanServ
00:08.06Daegaluswb aiiane
00:08.16`Zypher[2]Explorer 60%,  Killer 60%, Achiever 53%, Socializer 27%
00:08.22`Zypher[2]hows that one add up?
00:09.09DaegalusI dunno, but here is mine: ASKE (Achiever 73.33%, Explorer 40.00%, Killer 73.33%, Socializer 73.33%)
00:10.27Daegalusi dont even want to begin to know hwo they calculate those percentages, but i somehow got 73.33% for 3 of the 4 O.o
00:11.24`Zypher[2]Daegalus: what site did you take that on?
00:11.48`Zypher[2]Mine have always added up to 100%
00:11.58Daegalusmine never did
00:12.01Daegaluseven on the old
00:12.03Daegalusguildcafe one
00:12.21`Zypher[2]Achiever 60.00% | Explorer 40.00% | Killer 66.67% | Socializer 33.33%
00:12.50Daegaluswell if you look at yours
00:12.54Daegalusthey still add up to 200%
00:13.10`Zypher[2]thats what I mean
00:13.28Daegaluslua> 60+60+57+23
00:13.29lua_botDaegalus: 200
00:13.30`Zypher[2]but if seperated, they are each half of a whole.
00:13.53Daegaluslua> 73.33+73.33+73.33+40
00:13.54lua_botDaegalus: 259.99
00:14.04DaegalusI have 60 extra points from somewhere
00:14.11`Zypher[2]Daegalus: lol
00:14.12Daegalusand i just logged into GamerDNA
00:14.18Daegalusits like that on the official page
00:14.27`Zypher[2]what is
00:14.43Daegalusmy result
00:14.46Daegalusif you have an account
00:14.48Daegalusit saves it
00:14.51Daegalushere ill Screenshot it
00:15.06`Zypher[2]thats where I put mine lol
00:15.26`Zypher[2]IR KAES
00:15.40`Zypher[2]brb food
00:16.42rizzenfood is good
00:16.45rizzenvery good
00:43.19lazarenthlua> (Cake == Lie)
00:43.19lua_botlazarenth: true
00:43.36Aiianethe cake is, indeed, a lie
00:53.57Daegaluslua> (Cake == Truth)
00:53.57lua_botDaegalus: true
00:54.07Daegaluswe have a conundrum here
01:01.21Freddyi've got it
01:01.34Freddylua> print(Truth == Lie)
01:01.34lua_botFreddy: true
01:06.17tronnedback from Games Workshop ^_^
01:07.40tronnedtook my 7 year old in there, and one of the guys ran him through a starter set
01:07.52tronnedhe's a goblin at heart
01:07.59AiianeI don't actively play warhammer myself
01:08.05Aiianebut my little brother does
01:08.10tronnedhe almost fainted when he saw a Squig Herder in his army
01:08.12Aiianeand I've helped him with things before
01:08.27tronned"My dad played one of those in closed beta!"
01:08.33tronnedhe freaked out, all excited
01:08.37Aiianecute :)
01:08.52tronnedHe ended up winning, lol
01:10.00tronnedI don't play tabletop, but he was askin about it
01:10.18tronnedfigured what better way than to actually show him
01:22.03*** join/#waruidev danboo_ (
01:28.46Aiianeallo danboo
01:40.16Aiijust testing more pidgin stuff :)
01:40.59Daegalusif only Chatzilla was made into an official standalone project
01:41.05Daegalusso people can write extensions for it
01:41.27Aiianeanywho, afk for a little bit... I need to figure out what to do for dinner o.o
01:42.13Daegaluscause right now this XULRunner mode ChatZilla im using rocks, its seperate from FF, and it runs great, but the extensions system it got doesnt work
01:42.22DaegalusAiiane: Pizza never fails
01:42.37*** join/#waruidev Cyfir (
01:43.18Cyfircan you create a table within a table?
01:43.34Cyfirin lua?
01:44.00Daegalusa table is like any varaible, and array. You can next them as much as you want
01:44.35Cyfiri was trying to figure that out in the manual but i just wasn't sure, and I'm not an elder, like *some* people, to test my stuff on a moment's notice ~_^
01:44.57Daegalusim not an elder either :P
01:45.19Daegalusi wonder
01:45.49Cyfirif i created a tabe like so: tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 3, 7}... (questions inc.)
01:45.58Daegalusa = {b={1,2,3}, c={4,5,6}}; print(a);
01:46.07Daegaluslua> a = {b={1,2,3}, c={4,5,6}}; print(a);
01:46.07lua_botDaegalus: table: 0x8082bf8
01:46.13Aiianewell if it's just basic lua testing
01:46.17Aiianeyou can just test it in lua :P
01:46.29Daegaluslua> a = {b={1,2,3}, c={4,5,6}}; print_r(a);
01:46.29lua_botDaegalus: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'print_r' (a nil value)
01:46.34Aiianeeither via lua_bot, or by downloading lua and using its command line
01:46.57Daegalusstupid thing doesnt have a recursive print function that can print contents of tables
01:48.16Cyfirlua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}
01:48.16lua_botCyfir: No output
01:49.30Freddycypher, why do you need 2 tables
01:49.39Freddywhy not just use it as a 2d arra
01:50.33Cyfirbecause i'm going to be organizing a ridonculous amount of varibles, every one of which will be a 20-member array?
01:50.53Freddylua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one) do print(x)
01:50.54lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
01:50.57Freddyno end
01:51.02Freddyone={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one) do print(x) end
01:51.11Freddylua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one) do print(x) end
01:51.11lua_botFreddy: table: 0x8073810, 5, 6
01:51.23CyfirI'm trying to create a way to call and save profiles for the addon I'm working on.
01:51.29Freddyi mean you don't have to redefine the table inside the table
01:51.34Freddyyou can just make it 2 deminsional
01:51.37Aiianelua> function print_r(val,pre) if not pre then local pre = "" end for k,v in val do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}" else print(k.." = "..v) end end
01:51.38lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: ')' expected near 'else'
01:51.46Aiianelua> function print_r(val,pre) if not pre then local pre = "" end for k,v in val do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end
01:51.47lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
01:52.20Aiianelua> function print_r(val,pre) if not pre then local pre = "" end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end
01:52.21lua_botAiiane: No output
01:52.23Aiianethere we go
01:52.24Freddylua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one[1]) do print(x) end print(one[2]) print(one[3])
01:52.25lua_botFreddy: 3, 4, cheese, 5, 6
01:52.44Aiianelua> function print_r(val,pre) if not pre then local pre = "" end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} print_r(one)
01:52.45lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: attempt to concatenate local 'pre' (a nil value)
01:52.57Freddyyer crazy aii
01:53.01Aiianelua> function print_r(val,pre) if not pre then local pre = "" end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} print_r(one,"")
01:53.02lua_botAiiane: 1 = {, 1 = 3, 2 = 4, 3 = cheese, }, 2 = 5, 3 = 6
01:53.07CyfirtblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[3])
01:53.24AiianeI know what it was
01:53.27Cyfir04lua> 01tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[3])
01:53.39Cyfirlua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[3])
01:53.40lua_botCyfir: cheese
01:54.00Aiianelua> function print_r(val,prefix) local pre if not prefox then pre = "" else pre=prefix end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} print_r(one)
01:54.00lua_botAiiane: 1 = {, 1 = 3, 2 = 4, 3 = cheese, }, 2 = 5, 3 = 6
01:54.04Aiianethere we go
01:54.16Cyfirlua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.[1]}
01:54.16lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: '<name>' expected near '['
01:54.26Freddylua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one[1]) do print(x) end print(one[2]) print(one[3])
01:54.26lua_botFreddy: 3, 4, cheese, 5, 6
01:54.38Aiianeyou can copy this into your own code if you want
01:54.39Aiianefunction print_r(val,prefix) local pre if not prefox then pre = "" else pre=prefix end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end
01:54.52Aiianethat'll define print_r as a function
01:54.56Freddywhat is prefox?
01:55.08Aiianeprefix is just used internally to indent subtables
01:55.12Aiianeyou don't need to supply it
01:55.12Freddyi mean
01:55.15Freddyyou have prefox in first line
01:55.26Aiianechange it to prefix then :P
01:55.37Aiianefunction print_r(val,prefix) local pre if not prefix then pre = "" else pre=prefix end for k,v in pairs(val) do if type(v)=="table" then print(pre..k.." = {") print_r(v,pre.."  ") print(pre.."}") else print(k.." = "..v) end end end
01:55.43Cyfirlua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.5)
01:55.44lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: ')' expected near '.5'
01:56.04CyfirI'm trying to figure out the syntax, is what
01:56.37Freddylua> lua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one[1]) do print(x) end print(one[2]) print(one[5])
01:56.38lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: '=' expected near '>'
01:56.38Aiianelua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne[1])
01:56.39lua_botAiiane: 5
01:56.43Aiianelua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne[2])
01:56.43lua_botAiiane: 6
01:56.47Freddytwo lua
01:56.50Freddylua> one={{3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one[1]) do print(x) end print(one[2]) print(one[5])
01:56.51lua_botFreddy: 3, 4, cheese, 5, nil
01:56.51Aiianelua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[1])
01:56.52lua_botAiiane: 3
01:56.59Cyfiroh i see what i did
01:57.00Aiianelua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[2])
01:57.00lua_botAiiane: 4
01:57.04Aiianelua> tblOne = {tblTwo = {3, 4, "cheese"}, 5, 6}; print(tblOne.tblTwo[3])
01:57.04lua_botAiiane: cheese
01:57.23Cyfiri thought i was doing what you're doing aiiane, but i left the . in there
01:57.40Freddylua> one={two={3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one.two) do print(x) end print(one[2]) print(one[3])
01:57.40lua_botFreddy: 3, 4, cheese, 6, nil
01:57.48Aiianea.b is equivalent to a["b"]
01:58.03Cyfirthat's what i thought, i was just trying to make sure
01:58.24Cyfirwhen you create a <SavedVariable> in the .mod, it can be a table, right?
01:58.33Aiianelua> table1 = {table2 = {1, 2, 3}} print(table1["table2"][3]) print(table1.table2[3])
01:58.34lua_botAiiane: 3, 3
01:58.36Aiianeyes, Cyfir
01:58.41Freddylua> one={two={3,4,"cheese"},5,6} for i,x in pairs(one.two) do print(x) end print(one[1]) print(one[2]) print(one["5"])
01:58.41lua_botFreddy: 3, 4, cheese, 5, 6, nil
01:59.22Aiianeoh, and somebody highlight me again
01:59.32Freddyno clue wut that means
01:59.47Freddygot it1
01:59.56Aiianethanks :P
02:02.27DaegalusHmm, highlight Aiiane.... Let me go get my highlighter!!!!
02:02.47Cyfirlua> tbl={1,2,3}; tbl[4] = 4; print(tbl[4])
02:02.47lua_botCyfir: 4
02:03.36DaegalusCyfir, you can also do table.insert (table, value) and it will auto add it to the end
02:04.17Daegalusalso table.remove(table,"value") will also remove it from whereever it is in the table, and then move everything after it one place up to fill in teh gap
02:04.48Daegaluswait, sorry
02:04.50Daegalusthats wrong
02:04.52Daegalusfunction table.remove ( table, pos )
02:04.59Daegalusyou need to know the position
02:05.05Daegalusso you will have to do your own search for it, then remove it
02:05.17`Zypher[2]hmmm tits.
02:06.08DaegalusAiiane, i think hes fantasizing about you...
02:06.53`Zypher[2]Oh, I just watched a movie, and it lacked tits.
02:07.06tronnedThat's like, 99% of movies
02:07.12Freddylol what movie
02:07.14Cyfirlua> tbl1={tbl2={1,2,3}}; tbl1.tbl3={4,5,6}; print(tbl1.tbl3[3])
02:07.14lua_botCyfir: 6
02:07.15Freddythis will go down in history
02:07.24`Zypher[2]Freddy: Doomsday
02:07.27`Zypher[2]or something of the sort
02:07.41`Zypher[2]every madmax / post apocaliptic movie needs tits.
02:07.46`Zypher[2]and this one only had thongs.
02:08.12DaegalusO.o Zypher, just go to and have fun
02:08.23`Zypher[2]Daegalus: whaT?
02:08.28Freddyjust google it
02:08.35Daegalusredtube is youtube for porn
02:08.35`Zypher[2]Daegalus: for all I know its like meatspin or something.
02:09.38Cyfirthanks for the help folks
02:09.39`Zypher[2]Daegalus: btw, if you care alexa says megarotic > redtube
02:09.59Daegaluswho is alexa?
02:10.16*** part/#waruidev Cyfir (
02:10.38`Zypher[2]~fail Daegalus
02:10.39purlDaegalus: FAIL!
02:10.48Daegalusdo you mean that sorry excuse for a search engine?
02:11.11`Zypher[2]I think you need to watch
02:12.09tronnedmmm, Jurassic5
02:12.21`Zypher[2]tronned: o yes.
02:12.32tronnedI shall counter with:
02:13.38`Zypher[2]tronned: tell me this picks up
02:13.54Daegalusand i shall counter both you with
02:14.01tronnedYou've not heard of Prefuse 73?
02:14.49Aiianeone moment while I find something appropriately girly to respond to you all with :P
02:14.52`Zypher[2]tronned: no.
02:14.54tronnedtechno, meh
02:15.02Aiiane(I kid)
02:15.05tronnedFlying Lotus:
02:15.31`Zypher[2]Daegalus: get taste in good techno
02:16.13DaegalusZypher: expand your mind outside the US. Those are the best techno artists in all of europ and some even in the US
02:16.15`Zypher[2]tronned: this is good, adult swim I have heard before.
02:16.30`Zypher[2]Daegalus: Daft Punk isn't American.
02:16.50Daegalusalso, Mine isnt Techno normal, its Hardcore techno, its a different
02:17.00tronnedMy 7 year old likes Daft Punk.  That should put in perspective ;)
02:17.12`Zypher[2]tronned: I like lots of music
02:17.19`Zypher[2]I just don't like anything "Hardcore"
02:17.36`Zypher[2]because no matter how "Hardcore" you think you are with music someone is always making fun of you.
02:17.39Daegalusi dont even consider Daft punk techno really, doesnt sound much like it except in small parts
02:18.00tronnedMy 7 year old is not hardcore, that's the point I was making :p
02:18.12`Zypher[2]Daegalus: if it makes any difference I own every Tiesto album.
02:18.37Daegaluslol, i dont mean hardcore in teh send its badass or antyhign, thats the name of the Genre. its how its officially called because the BPM is a lot higher than anything else really for most of it
02:18.44tronnedalso, along the Jurassic/Prefuse/Flying Lotus/DJ Shadow track, check out RJD2 ;)
02:19.10`Zypher[2]I will tronned
02:19.13tronnedAphex Twin has high BPM, don't hear anyone calling Richard D. James hardcore, lol
02:19.25`Zypher[2]I was trying to get my hands on this song I heard a while back.
02:19.31`Zypher[2]Prince Paul - Weapon World
02:19.35`Zypher[2]but I can't seem to find it
02:19.42Daegalusbut i personally like all music except rap
02:19.44Daegalusi hate rap
02:20.10`Zypher[2]Techno beats are very similar to rap beats.
02:20.33AiianeArtist: DiE, Source: Kahvi, Song: 2d life
02:20.37Daegalusits not about the beats,
02:20.53Aiiane <-- fun stuff
02:20.55`Zypher[2]tronned: what would you call this genre anyways...?
02:20.57Daegalusits the lyrics and the way they are sung, or in Rap, said in a rhyphmic patter
02:21.09tronnedwhich genre?
02:21.28`Zypher[2]or Prefuse
02:21.54`Zypher[2]Aiiane: have you messed with skreemr?
02:22.56Daegalusi also like metal and hard rock
02:22.58`Zypher[2]Daegalus: honestly the rap I listen to has nothing to do with the mainstream genre.
02:23.40Aiiane`Zypher[2]: yes
02:23.46AiianeI know about it before songbird :P
02:23.50`Zypher[2]I'm a very chill person (don't smoke  weed) but I'm just fairly relaxed.
02:23.57`Zypher[2]Aiiane: I used google, never knew of it.
02:24.31Daegalussame here, and i dont drink or do any drugs either. Im patient and calm 99.9% of the time :P
02:24.49`Zypher[2]I like relaxing music :P
02:25.09`Zypher[2]Hard Rock isn't relaxing for me :P
02:25.14Aiiane`Zypher[2]: try searching for "DiE 2d life" on skreemr
02:25.19Aiianeshould just give you 1 result
02:26.01`Zypher[2]what is this :|
02:26.08tronned`Zypher[2]: it's a mix of down-tempo, break-beat, instrumental hip-hop
02:26.09Aiianefun stuff :D
02:26.28`Zypher[2]Aiiane: oh noes this genre
02:26.34`Zypher[2]haste likes this stuff too
02:27.20tronnedsometimes referred to as "hyphy" too
02:27.30`Zypher[2]tronned: thats it.
02:27.33`Zypher[2]hyphy music
02:27.55Daegaluseh, DiE 2d life is too beepy
02:27.58tronnedWell, there you go.
02:28.08tronnedI don't care what they call it, I just like (love) it.
02:28.08`Zypher[2]tronned: I live in the bay area
02:28.17tronnedSo you would know more than anyone, lol
02:28.18`Zypher[2]tronned: ya :P
02:28.28tronnedI was raised in Sacramento
02:28.42`Zypher[2]tronned: :P
02:28.49`Zypher[2]Sac of tomatoes.
02:29.25`Zypher[2]The only time I have to go near sacramento is on the way to roseville for hockey.
02:29.29`Zypher[2]I think its roseville
02:29.39DaegalusCupertino for me, heart of the Silicon Valley
02:29.54tronnedI left the West Coast a long, long time ago.  When I was 15, moved to Maryland.
02:30.17`Zypher[2]tronned: sucks :(
02:30.30tronnedYeah, was culture shock
02:30.58tronnedbut, I live an hour from Mythic now :)  go East Coast servers, lol
02:31.11`Zypher[2]tronned: hah I always wanted to live near a dev
02:31.16`Zypher[2]just drive over there be like
02:31.18`Zypher[2]show me stuffs!
02:32.20`Zypher[2]so if we win our game tomarrow we has a decent chance of moving on.
02:32.27`Zypher[2]we're +3
02:32.35`Zypher[2]one team is 0
02:32.38`Zypher[2]one team is +2
02:32.41`Zypher[2]one is +4
02:32.47`Zypher[2]and I don't know the 5th
02:33.53AiianeArtist: Ion Storm Album: Deus Ex Soundtrack Song: Deus Ex 30
02:34.07rizzenDEUS EX REPRESENT
02:34.36rizzenanyone? anyone?
02:34.42`Zypher[2]for all you who don't know how it works
02:34.46Aiianeit was a good game :)
02:34.48`Zypher[2]a win = +2
02:34.52`Zypher[2]a tie = +1
02:34.54`Zypher[2]a loss = 0
02:35.13rizzenyou seem to be operating under the assumption that hockey is worth looking at :o
02:35.33rizzenand yeah, amazing games are amazing
02:35.59rizzenits um, amazing how that works out
02:36.03`Zypher[2]rizzen: well I play hockey.
02:36.12`Zypher[2]rizzen: so if you don't care, stfu.
02:36.21`Zypher[2]pretty simple imo :P
02:37.11rizzenits all about the futball
02:37.24*** join/#waruidev danboo_ (
02:37.29`Zypher[2]rizzen: I can't watch any sport.
02:37.39`Zypher[2]watching sports make me want to play.
02:37.57rizzeni only feel that way about soccer
02:38.17rizzenand thank god for north american sports channels eh?
02:38.26rizzennever find a god damn game anywhere
02:38.29`Zypher[2]well we can rule baseball out since I can't even bring myself to recognise it as a sport.
02:38.51`Zypher[2]way too much standing around.
02:39.18Daegalusfinally, someone that has the same outlook on baseball as me
02:39.38`Zypher[2]Daegalus: lol
02:39.51rizzenthe only sports i recognize as being worthy of being called as such are english football, hockey and of course, pong.
02:39.52tronnedRugby ;)
02:39.55DaegalusSoccer and Hockey rule. Waterpolo is #1 (im biased since its the sport i played, and still do). and thats about it, rest can go die :P
02:39.57Daegalusoh ruby
02:40.02Daegalusthats good
02:40.11Aiianemost professional sports are boring for me
02:40.22tronnedI used to play an 8-man in the Army
02:40.36tronnedplus, people in Rugby are just decent folks, usually.
02:40.38`Zypher[2]Aiiane: :(
02:40.50`Zypher[2]tronned: most hockey players are asshats.
02:40.59rizzenall it takes is one premier league game!
02:41.08Aiianethere's just not much entertainment value in watching people do the same things over and over again
02:41.24`Zypher[2]Aiiane: I agree, thats why I don't watch sports
02:41.30`Zypher[2]Aiiane: but they are fun to play.
02:41.42rizzendepends on the 'sport'
02:41.44Aiianethat's why I said "professional"
02:41.54`Zypher[2]Aiiane: :O
02:42.02AiianeI'm obviously not a pro athlete :)
02:42.10`Zypher[2]Aiiane: when I go down to LA for a tournament I'm going to ninja you and make you come watch.
02:42.39`Zypher[2]torture is fun.
02:44.12rizzentorture is a relative term
02:44.13`Zypher[2]its too quite now.
02:44.22`Zypher[2]:-| I take it back
02:44.26rizzenwell, you had to bring out the big guns
02:44.27`Zypher[2]you can't come Aiiane
02:45.51rizzenway to scare her off
02:46.18DarkTroopercricket, 'nuff said ^^
02:46.54lazarenthis robotic competition a sport ;_;
02:47.21rizzendepends on what the robots are doing
02:47.29rizzenkilling each other to death? not so much
02:47.34rizzenserving tea and crumpets?
02:47.51lazarenthno i mentor for FIRST robotics.. like other side of spectrum from battle bots
02:48.01lazarenththey play a diff. game every year
02:48.25lazarenthdamaging isnt allowed :P
02:49.36rizzenis there a category for FFA tea and crumpets?
02:49.44AiianeFIRST is fun, but it's way too dominated by sponsorship
02:49.54lazarenthI concur
02:52.58lazarentha bit is luck too though :P our team was allied with the top 2 teams at the wisconsin regional and both had breakdowns that pretty much crippled our alliance :(
02:59.27`Zypher[2]Wierd robots are wierd.
02:59.27*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
02:59.54Freddygood call
03:00.00Freddyhi daeg
03:00.20AiianeI wonder what a group of 5 DoKs and a Shaman would be like
03:00.27Freddywhy 1 sham?
03:00.52Aiianefor focused single-target heals
03:00.58`Zypher[2]1 person who can actually do dmg (lol)
03:01.05Aiiane~lart `Zypher[2]
03:01.05purlgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats `Zypher[2] until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
03:01.05Freddyzypher hasn't played a dok
03:01.21Freddyi wanna know when groups will start coordinating spike attacks
03:01.26`Zypher[2]Witch Elf imo.
03:01.35AiianeFreddy: as soon as guilds get going
03:01.42Freddylol pretty much
03:01.58Aiianei.e. as soon as there are actually groups
03:02.02Aiianeand not just people in a party
03:02.05`Zypher[2]Freddy: my guild was all liek lol were going to has target callers.
03:02.13Freddywut happened?
03:02.23`Zypher[2]no one listened?
03:02.30Freddywell i know ppl can listen
03:02.31Freddyi played GW
03:02.59Freddyi mean there were groups made to coordinate spikes
03:03.03Freddykill guys in like .25 sec
03:03.12`Zypher[2]I don't think you "need" to be in a guild for WAR so I will see how retarded these players are.
03:03.45FreddyAiiane: do standard bearers end up being able to use class skills or is it just standard skills?
03:04.02`Zypher[2]Freddy: they can plant the standard and go to town.
03:04.08Freddybut then ppl come and jack it from you
03:04.14Aiianeit takes time to pick it up
03:04.18`Zypher[2]thats why you protect it.
03:04.20Aiianeand you can't pick it up while being hit
03:04.33Freddyso it's like that khaine's embrace thing?
03:04.55Freddybasically you capture two points and it explodes
03:05.04Freddyyou and your elder testing
03:05.10Aiianewhat does that have to do with standards?
03:05.14Freddyi mean
03:05.15`Zypher[2]I need a better isp
03:05.17Freddyyou capture flags
03:05.17AiianeI know what Khaine's Embrace is
03:05.23`Zypher[2]who knows a good isp in the east bay?
03:05.29Freddycapturing standard is like capturing the flags
03:05.43Aiianeit's like capturing any flag that you have to tap
03:05.47lazarenthgroup for spike attacks = 6 squig herders al with Stength in Numbas and Orcish Camraderie
03:05.56Aiianebattlefield objectives, flags in K's E, whatever
03:06.04Freddyall right
03:06.07Aiianelazarenth: more like sorcs/BWs
03:06.07lazarentheveryone withing 30 yards is dead every 60 sec
03:06.23Freddyyou all of a sudden have like 20 sorc hexes on you
03:06.24lazarenthyeah but the squig herders get morale so fast
03:06.25Freddyyou blow up in 10 sec
03:06.41Aiianewho needs morale with 6 of you can just 1-shot things together with Doom Bolt
03:07.04lazarenthwhat is you can 1 shot everything in 30 yards with 6 rank 4 morale bombs :P
03:07.20`Zypher[2]Aiiane: Sorc is really fucking over played.
03:07.20Aiiane30yds isn't actually that much
03:07.28lazarentho wait
03:07.31lazarenthyou are so right
03:07.39rizzendoombolt spam > *
03:07.55lazarenthi think it might be a targeted 30 d circle but that would be hard to coordinate
03:07.55rizzenor the walking timebombs
03:08.09lazarenthi keep saying yards
03:08.13Freddylaz are there spells like that?
03:08.14lazarenthin WAR it is feet
03:08.27Freddywhere you choose the AOE spot?
03:08.40rizzenthey should metricize it :o
03:08.53DaegalusIdeal 6 man group: Any Tank, Any MDPS, Sorcerer, Disciple of Khaine, Any ranged Healer.
03:08.55Daegalusso op
03:09.09Daegaluswait no i can do better
03:09.19Freddythat's not choose the AoE
03:09.22Freddythat's attack 1 target
03:09.23Freddyand it hits others
03:09.25Aiianelazarenth: at least feet are more realistic than WoW's yards... melee range in WoW is "supposedly" 5 yards i.e. 15 feet i.e. ~5 meters...
03:09.27lazarenthoh yeah
03:09.28DaegalusAny Tank, Any 2 MDPS, any Ranged, DoK, any ranged healer
03:09.44Daegaluswait no, make that 2 RDPS and 1 MDPS
03:09.49lazarenthyeah but I played WoW for 3 years so it is stuck in my head :P
03:09.51Freddylol daeg
03:09.53Freddythrow the DoK in
03:10.00DaegalusAiiane: melee range in WoW is 5 yards....
03:10.05rizzendok will be neccessary
03:10.06Daegaluswow does its distance in yards
03:10.13Freddyit's just a really long sword daeg
03:10.14rizzensorc will probably be standard
03:10.30`Zypher[2]I hate Sorc
03:10.32`Zypher[2]I wanted to play one
03:10.34AiianeDaegalus: ...yes, that's what I said
03:10.35`Zypher[2]but there are too many
03:10.36Freddyi loved my sorc
03:10.36DaegalusFreddy, and Rizzen: my list does have a dock in it
03:10.39`Zypher[2]and it makes me feel useless.
03:10.43Freddyyesa i know it does
03:10.50Freddyi was laughin cuz it was the only class you named
03:10.54Freddyeverything else was an archetype
03:11.04Daegalusthe rest can go in any combo
03:11.06Daegalusit doesnt matter
03:11.12Daegaluswhats required is that 1 dok
03:11.14Daegalusthey are a must have
03:11.17Aiianethe dok is an archetype
03:11.23Freddymelee healer?
03:11.24DaegalusJack of All Trades
03:11.35`Zypher[2]WP > DoK
03:11.41Freddyoh nice
03:11.46Freddyyou can scroll over numbers on wardb now
03:11.48Freddydidn't notice
03:11.55AiianeWP <==> DoK, the former is more defensive, the latter more offensive
03:11.58DaegalusZypher: untrue. Only difference is WP is more defensive, while DoK is more offensive
03:12.03Daegalusbah Aiiane beat me too it
03:12.18Daegalussimilar relationship for the other healers
03:12.33DaegalusArchamge is more offensive, and shaman is more defensive
03:12.56`Zypher[2]Daegalus & Aiiane I realize that they are mirrors ktnxbai in my experience however WP > DoK in RvR
03:12.58Daegalusim not sure wihhc is which for RP/Zealot. I think RP is the more offensive one from teh litle i know
03:13.09Aiiane`Zypher[2]: my experience says the opposite :P
03:13.20Freddydaeg: i think you're right
03:13.20`Zypher[2]Aiiane: its on.
03:13.22DaegalusZypher: not really, i always see the WP die before the DoKs
03:13.33rizzendok > wp
03:13.35Freddyi don't see enough WPs to judge them
03:13.50DaegalusLOL freddy
03:14.13`Zypher[2]... sigh
03:15.09*** join/#waruidev JCSmithTemp (
03:15.21Freddyaint seen him before
03:15.57JCSmithTempbeen in a couple times, now and again
03:17.03rizzenHELLO THERE GOOD SIR
03:17.09rizzenWELCOME TO IRC
03:17.09*** join/#waruidev Daegalus (
03:17.37Aiiane~whalebomb rizzen
03:17.37purlACTION throws an explosive whale named Gunter at rizzen and hides.
03:17.47Freddyshouldn';t be hard to auto complete that
03:18.47Guest40614someone on this irc alwyas has the name jcsmith for some reason. must find a new nick
03:19.24Daegaluszomg, i just changed to a differnet Chatzilla skin, and it rocks!
03:19.59`Zypher[2]pidgin or irssi
03:20.02`Zypher[2]that is it.
03:20.27]i found the pidgin irc thing to be somewhat tedious to set up
03:20.35theLcrap this is registered
03:20.41`Zypher[2]once its set up tho its really easy
03:20.44]its freenode
03:20.47`Zypher[2]you can even have it autojoin channels for you
03:20.51]everything it registered on freenode
03:20.59]i know, im just lazy
03:21.08`Zypher[2]]: its ok
03:21.08]i use it for im clients, thats enough for me
03:21.22]mirc + skin == good enough for me
03:21.54][21:20] <]> everything it registered on freenode
03:21.59SirFlol omg
03:22.16Freddyhow'd you do that
03:22.18everythingeverything is INDEED registered
03:22.23knixfreenode has been around for liek 10 years
03:22.26`Zypher[2]try indeed.
03:22.29knixor 15
03:22.33Aiianemy name wasn't registered before I registered it o.o
03:22.38`Zypher[2]o hai there knix
03:22.48knixI remember when it was openprojects :(
03:22.53`Zypher[2]Aiiane: thats because your a girl on the internet.
03:23.02]how many people do you meet that go by aiiane? ;o
03:23.03notregisteredwhat the hell
03:23.14]i can tell you, not many
03:23.14notregisterednotregistered is registered. even luabot knows it
03:23.36notregisteredlua> (notregistered == registered)
03:23.36lua_botnotregistered: true
03:23.53KappaMakikappamaki is now MINE!
03:24.11]good for you
03:24.33]im sure it will bring you good fortune
03:24.34AiianeNightwish, Dark Passion Play [CD2], Last Of The Wilds [Instrumental]
03:24.51`Zypher[2]Aiiane: is that a music bot thingy?
03:25.03Aiiane`Zypher[2]: no, it's just me copy-pasting out of songbird when I feel like it
03:25.19rizzenshould be a plugin for songbird by now
03:25.39lazarenthlua> if (notregistered == registered) then print("oh noes paradox") end
03:25.39lua_botlazarenth: oh noes paradox
03:25.58`Zypher[2]Aiiane: i don't know if your being sarcastic, text isn't very revealing.
03:26.14rizzenits plenty revealing
03:26.17rizzennightwish is good
03:26.45`Zypher[2]le sigh.
03:27.04AiianeI'm not being sarcastic
03:27.25Aiianewhen I'm being sarcastic in text I make it clear
03:27.36Aiianeif nothing else with a "</sarcasm>" :P
03:27.49Freddylol curly tear
03:27.52rizzensarcasm on irc is especially hard to detect
03:28.03DaegalusScorpions - Winds of Change
03:28.13FreddyNothing - The No ONes
03:28.32rizzenim streaming from internet radios :x
03:28.45`Zypher[2]rizzen: same lol
03:29.33AiianeChumbawamba, Tubthumper, Amnesia
03:29.47*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
03:30.59`Zypher[2]Aiiane: ahhaaha fail.
03:31.04`Zypher[2]~fail Aiiane
03:31.06purlAiiane, you Fail!
03:31.24`Zypher[2]Chumbawamba lol
03:32.07rizzenoh for the love of god
03:32.17rizzenas if seeing american political commercials were bad enough
03:32.30rizzennow there is shit all over the damn tube on steven fucking harper
03:33.00rizzeni just want to watch the space channel! swine!
03:36.57thanners'morning/'afternoon/'evening all. (c:
03:39.07Freddyhappy birthday!
03:42.47Aiianehi thanners :)
03:44.24thannersobsessed with this game and I haven't even played it yet! I don't think that's a good thing.
03:44.34thannersWell, it is, but it isn't.
03:46.47`Zypher[2]Aiiane: my bruise has turned to purple.
03:47.05Aiianegah `Zypher :|
03:47.12`Zypher[2]haha :P
03:48.57`ZypherTF2 tiem
03:50.01thannersMmmm TF2
03:50.10thannersMaybe I should play that to keep my occupied
03:52.35*** join/#waruidev CowBook (
04:05.42`Zypher[2]bawls I hate getting killed.
04:06.31thannersIt's inconvenient
04:06.33Freddydoes anyone know if strings are base 1 or 0 in lua?
04:06.42Freddynot base
04:06.43thannersAnd not conducive to a long, fulfilling life.
04:06.45Freddytheir first index
04:06.51thannersindexes start from 1
04:07.06`Zypher[2]thanners: well 2fort is boring right
04:07.09Freddyso that includes strings
04:07.13`Zypher[2]so soldiers like to be dumb.
04:07.24Freddyso going from 1-2 will give me first char?
04:07.42lazarenthughhh i hate 2fort
04:07.45thanners`Zypher[2]: rofl
04:07.49lazarenthdustbowl/gravelpit for me
04:08.04*** join/#waruidev rizzen (
04:08.17tronnedstring.sub( str, 1, 1 ) should return first char
04:08.19`Zypher[2]I tend to play pl_* anything
04:08.27lazarenthoh i like payload too
04:08.38rizzenback to nnscript
04:08.50thannerspayload is good fun
04:09.04lazarenthi play mostly demoman and soldier sometimes
04:09.12Freddytronned, doesn't 1,1 return nothing?
04:09.17thannersi suck at all of them equally
04:09.20Freddyit's first -> second-1
04:09.32`Zypher[2]why do people make threads out of stupidity?
04:09.34Freddyat least in other languages
04:09.53rizzenthreads out of stupidity?
04:09.58lazarenthzypher did someone make another is there target of target thread
04:10.05lazarenthor another addons are evil thread
04:10.12`Zypher[2]no no
04:10.21`Zypher[2]but those are going to drive me nuts eventually.
04:10.51thannersand the problem is that they (almost) never post with at least some amount of open-mindedness.
04:11.03thannersThey jump in, declare the addons to be evil, and that's it.
04:11.32Freddylua> str = "tester"; print(stringsub(str,1,2))
04:11.33lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'stringsub' (a nil value)
04:11.34thannersI do remember one thread where a guy actually changed his mind. I don't think he was the creator of the thread, though
04:11.42Freddylua> str = "tester"; print(strsub(str,1,2))
04:11.42lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'strsub' (a nil value)
04:11.54Freddylua> str = "tester"; print(substring(str,1,2))
04:11.54lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'substring' (a nil value)
04:11.58Freddyi'll figure this out
04:12.04thannersI think regarding the Gork sez stop mod
04:12.20`Zypher[2]Aiiane: wth
04:12.30tronnedlua> str = "tester"; print(string.sub(str,1,1))
04:12.31lua_bottronned: t
04:12.33Freddylua> str = "tester"; print(string.sub(str,1,2))
04:12.33lua_botFreddy: te
04:12.44Freddythus the testing
04:12.48tronnedstring.sub( string, index, length)
04:12.49`Zypher[2]people just have to take simple non-debatish threads in stupid debatish directions
04:12.56Freddyjava it's length-1
04:13.06Freddystart index end endex-1
04:13.48rizzenlol zypher
04:13.50tronnedlua> str="CHAMPION"; print string.upper( string.sub( str, 1, 1 ) )..string.lower( string.sub( str, 2 ) )
04:13.51lua_bottronned: luabot:1: '=' expected near 'string'
04:13.55rizzensuch is life on a public forum as big as wha
04:14.18rizzenespecially since wha will be the largest of all the boards for release community
04:14.20`Zypher[2]rizzen: no excuses.
04:14.39`Zypher[2]rizzen: we need a forum
04:14.46`Zypher[2]so I don't have to go to wha anymore
04:14.47tronnedlua> str="CHAMPION"; print( string.upper( string.sub( str, 1, 1 ) )..string.lower( string.sub( str, 2 ) ) )
04:14.47lua_bottronned: Champion
04:14.50rizzenthen make one :p
04:15.09rizzenor get someone on wha to make a special forums for us
04:15.29`Zypher[2]rizzen: we has a ui forum but its cluttered with crappidy crap.
04:15.29tronnedPM Garthilk
04:15.32Freddylua> test=split("test 123", " ") print(test[1])
04:15.32lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'split' (a nil value)
04:15.43`Zypher[2]tronned: I live about 15mins from Gart
04:15.50rizzenjust get another case of bugman's
04:16.01rizzeninvite only ui modder area
04:16.03lazarenthyou mean a UI forum where the UI community can actually exchange ideas without intermittent "YOU GUYS ARE THE EVIL FORCES OF MAD-DOM"?
04:16.15tronnedlua> test=table.split("test 123", " ") print(test[1])
04:16.15lua_bottronned: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'split' (a nil value)
04:16.17rizzenthat would be nice
04:16.34`Zypher[2]rizzen: I saw that bugman status whats that about rofl?
04:16.57rizzenbugman's brewery is a forum on the closed beta forums
04:16.57Freddylua> test=string.split("test 123", " ") print(test[1])
04:16.57lua_botFreddy: nil
04:17.08`Zypher[2]rizzen: o yes I know that
04:17.12`Zypher[2]but your title is that on wha
04:17.28rizzenthe closed beta forums wont be around forever
04:17.44rizzenso garthik thought to open up another section for us on wha
04:17.45`Zypher[2]Rizzen Rizzen is online now
04:17.56`Zypher[2]Bugman's Finest
04:17.58rizzenthats a lie
04:18.05`Zypher[2]why don't I get to be in it wtf
04:18.12`Zypher[2]Garth shafts me once again :|
04:18.18rizzenwere you a closed tester? ;
04:18.24`Zypher[2]eu yes
04:18.31Freddylua> test=string.split("test 123", ' ') print(test[1])
04:18.31lua_botFreddy: nil
04:18.47rizzenthere is a topic in bugman's on the na forums at least
04:18.59rizzenjust post your wha name there and whammo, access to the new one
04:19.21Freddylua> test=string.split("test 123", ' ') for i,x in pairs(test) do print(i.." "..x) end
04:19.22lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
04:19.31rizzenaiiane is an alliance champion now :o
04:19.43`Zypher[2]rizzen: yes because of her wikiness
04:19.45tronnedlua> str="split me"; tStr=split( str, " "); print( tStr[1] )
04:19.45lua_bottronned: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'split' (a nil value)
04:19.48rizzeni'd suggest you pass in a string instead of a table freddy
04:19.50Freddylua> test=string.split("test 123", " ") print(test)
04:19.50lua_botFreddy: No output
04:19.51`Zypher[2]and I was the first other person to start editing :(
04:19.58tronnedlua> str="split me"; tStr=string.split( str, " "); print( tStr[1] )
04:19.59lua_bottronned: nil
04:20.06rizzenor maybe the other way aroudn
04:20.09Freddylua> test=string.split("test,123", ",") print(test)
04:20.09lua_botFreddy: No output
04:20.11rizzensince i cant read
04:20.32Freddylua> str="test,123" test=string.split(str, ",") print(test)
04:20.32lua_botFreddy: No output
04:20.36`Zypher[2]rizzen: me and garthilk had been editing the wiki long before Aiiane showed up and yet she gets coolness status :(
04:20.58rizzenaiiane is also god damned brilliant ;o
04:21.07`Zypher[2]but still
04:21.17rizzenand a major vocal poster on the ui board
04:21.32rizzenhell, i've been on wha since december and she has more posts than i do
04:21.36`Zypher[2]rizzen: anyways, ya there is no bugman's topic on the EU forums.
04:21.54rizzenshould make one and inquire
04:22.12rizzenwe get to continue theorizing what romple should have to dinner
04:22.18rizzenand which types of candies are the best ever
04:23.07`Zypher[2]rizzen: well I'm going to suggest to garthilk to make a more private ui forum so we don't get raped with stupid sticks.
04:23.21*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
04:23.34rizzenget on it then
04:23.36Aiianeand who would win in a fight, Mark Jacobbs or Mike Morhaime
04:25.29Freddylua> str="test,123" test=strfind(",",str,1) print(test)
04:25.30lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'strfind' (a nil value)
04:25.37Freddyso fail
04:25.51Aiianerizzen: you think that's a lot of posts, try looking at this:
04:26.02Freddylua> str="test,123" test=string.find(str,",") print(test)
04:26.03lua_botFreddy: 5
04:26.18Freddynow i can actually split stuff
04:26.24Freddylua> str="test 123" test=string.find(str,",") print(test)
04:26.24lua_botFreddy: nil
04:26.43`Zypher[2]ok who is for a more private UI modding forum?
04:26.56`Zypher[2]Garth says and I quote " et raped with stupid sticks.
04:27.07`Zypher[2]If enough people ask for it, sure.
04:27.34Freddylol explode
04:27.52Freddyi'ma just use something basic
04:28.06Freddyonly need to split one thing into 2 parts once
04:28.10`Zypher[2]:S kiddies do you want it or not?
04:28.25tronnedI'm all for a forum, what's the req to get in?  XD
04:28.29Freddyhow is it private
04:28.39rizzenonly certain people can see?
04:28.44Freddyi mean
04:28.48Freddyhow do you determine who is let in
04:28.48rizzenthats the general definition of private
04:28.58rizzentell garthik who to allow
04:29.13Freddyi'd love a private mod forum
04:29.27Freddysomewhere to actually go for mod help instead of omg there's no TOT?
04:29.29Freddyfix for me!
04:29.37tronnedFreddy: use string.find?
04:29.38lazarenthi vote awesome
04:29.43Freddyi did
04:29.57Freddyi used it a way up
04:30.07Freddyno clue if that's even proper english
04:30.12tronnedi just sat back down ._.
04:30.27Freddylol it's fine
04:31.40Aiianewell technically `Zypher, we have here
04:31.54`Zypher[2]Garth says
04:32.09`Zypher[2]Make a Social Group
04:32.20rizzenlazy bum
04:32.49Freddylua> myStr="test tester"; index=string.find(myStr," "); str={string.sub(myStr,1,index-1),string.sub(myStr,index+1)}; print(str[1]..","..str[2]);
04:32.49lua_botFreddy: test,tester
04:33.10`Zypher[2]Aiiane: ?
04:33.26rizzenshe means we can bitch about mods and help each other out in here
04:33.57Freddyimo this is faster than forums anyway
04:34.45rizzenits more interactive
04:34.59rizzenbut for a large discussion about x or y
04:35.03rizzenits not very effective
04:35.10Aiianebut if we want a more permanent way to leave notes
04:35.13rizzensince the best of that will come over time
04:35.27Freddyinvite me to group?
04:35.32Freddylemme log on
04:35.34Freddyand see wut's up
04:35.35rizzenclick join
04:35.40tronnedclicked join
04:35.48`Zypher[2]clicked join.
04:35.50Freddywasn't loggged on
04:36.15Freddylol cool
04:36.19Freddyi just made this acct like 1.5 hours ago
04:36.21lazarenthi hit join, i am Omari
04:36.35`Zypher[2]Garth informs me that Social groups will be upgraded soon
04:36.45`Zypher[2]to feature "Mini-Forums" and seperate topics.
04:36.54rizzenthat will do nicely then
04:37.01`Zypher[2]yes it will
04:37.09*** join/#waruidev Cyfir (
04:38.24*** topic/#WARUIDev by Aiiane -> | | See for API info | | Create WAR addons on |
04:39.09rizzenlongest topic i've ever seen
04:39.27*** topic/#WARUIDev by Aiiane -> | | See for API info | | Create WAR addons on | WHA Mod Author Group:
04:39.34Aiianerizzen: that's nothing
04:39.44Freddylol tiny url
04:39.45Freddythats cute
04:40.03`Zypher[2]Aiiane: how many edits does you have on warwiki?
04:40.25Aiiane336 as of right now
04:40.44`Zypher[2]and you still got Alliance Champion
04:40.57Aiianeum, a) I didn't ask for it, and b) it wasn't just because of the wiki
04:41.03rizzenzypher's epeen is not up to snuff
04:41.13`Zypher[2]my epeen just shrank 2 sizes.
04:41.21lazarenthalso maybe because aii answers every inane "omg do WAR haf dis liek wow" thread
04:41.53`Zypher[2]yes but that will eventually come to an end when she, like the rest of us, gets tired of the stupidity!
04:42.00Cyfirlua> tbl={}; tbl.x[1]=1; print(tbl.x[1])
04:42.00lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: attempt to index field 'x' (a nil value)
04:42.04lazarenththats why she made that FAQ to get stickied
04:42.44Freddylua> str="12Fb53;" print(str:match("[1-9]+"))
04:42.45lua_botFreddy: 12
04:43.00Freddyi messed up somewhere
04:43.18Cyfirand nevertheless, the 3 most popular threads remain the two "gimme ToT" threads and the one "gimme enemy castbars" thread
04:43.19Freddyshoulnd't it be 1253 printed
04:43.40thannersnah, it only matched the contiguous set of digits
04:43.45`Zypher[2]can I get something added to purl
04:43.45thannersthen hit the F and stopped matching
04:43.47Freddyah k
04:43.54`Zypher[2]I want to be able to do ~stupid
04:43.56Freddylua> str="F12Fb53;" print(str:match("[1-9]+"))
04:43.56lua_botFreddy: 12
04:44.00`Zypher[2]and have it say People are Stupid.
04:44.02Freddyso it will always find the first set
04:44.22lazarenththis is easier
04:44.29lazarenthlua> (people == stupid)
04:44.29lua_botlazarenth: true
04:44.48AiianeCyfir: heated topics will always have the highest postcount
04:44.54Aiianethat doesn't necessarily mean they have the most merit
04:45.17Cyfirlua> tbl={}; tbl.x = {1}; print(tbl.x[1]}
04:45.17lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: ')' expected near '}'
04:45.46Cyfirlua> tbl={}; tbl.x = {1}; print(tbl.x[1])
04:45.46lua_botCyfir: 1
04:49.05Freddylua> str="F12Fb53;" print(str:match("[1-4]"))
04:49.05lua_botFreddy: 1
04:49.47Freddylua> str="we" print(str:match("[1-4]"))
04:49.48lua_botFreddy: nil
04:50.17rizzenthats good! there is no 1,2,3 or 4 in we
04:50.31Freddylua> str="we" test=tonumber(str:match("[1-4]")) print(test)
04:50.32lua_botFreddy: nil
04:50.44AiianeSmash Mouth, Smash Mouth, I'm a Believer
04:51.00Freddysmash mouth is good summer tunes
04:52.27`Zypher[2]Aiiane: you make me laugh.
04:52.28`Zypher[2]and cry
04:52.28`Zypher[2]at the same time.
04:52.28Freddylua> test="TEST" print(string.lower(test))
04:52.28lua_botFreddy: test
04:52.43rizzenyou know
04:52.46rizzenseeing someone do that
04:52.50rizzenwould be disturbing
04:52.51thannerslua> s = "123-456"; for word in s:gmatch("[0-9]+") do print(word) end
04:52.52lua_botthanners: 123, 456
04:53.02`Zypher[2]rizzen: laughing and crying at once?
04:53.07Aiianerizzen: you've never laughed until you cried?
04:53.09Freddyive done that
04:53.35Freddyrizzen you gotta start hangin out with a healthier crowd of ppl
04:53.39`Zypher[2]I just laughed to the point where I felt so silly I started crying.
04:54.05rizzenoh dont get me wrong, i've laughed my ass off many many times
04:54.09rizzenjust never to the point of crying
04:54.09*** join/#waruidev Netcurse__ (
04:54.44Freddyyou haven't even teared up?
04:55.26Freddyo well
04:55.33Cyfirlua> tbl={1,2,3,4,5}; x=tbl.count(); print(x)
04:55.34lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'count' (a nil value)
04:56.09Freddytry size?
04:56.23Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(tbl.size())
04:56.23lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'size' (a nil value)
04:56.26Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(tbl.size)
04:56.27lua_botFreddy: nil
04:56.33Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(tbl.length)
04:56.34lua_botFreddy: nil
04:56.37Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(tbl.length())
04:56.37lua_botFreddy: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'length' (a nil value)
04:56.41Freddylol fail x4
04:57.08Aiianelua> tbl={1,2,3} print(#tbl)
04:57.09lua_botAiiane: 3
04:57.23Cyfirlua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(table.maxn(tbl))
04:57.24lua_botCyfir: 3
04:57.49Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3}; print(#tbl)
04:57.49lua_botFreddy: 3
04:57.59Freddylol darn you aii
04:58.01Freddyi just found that :(
04:58.08Aiianelua> tbl = {[1] = 2, [3] = 4, [5] = 6} print(#tbl) print(table.maxn(tbl)
04:58.09lua_botAiiane: luabot:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
04:58.14Aiianelua> tbl = {[1] = 2, [3] = 4, [5] = 6} print(#tbl) print(table.maxn(tbl))
04:58.15lua_botAiiane: 1, 5
04:58.40Cyfirthank you, was just about to check that...
04:58.43Freddymaxn is the highest value stored?
04:58.50Freddyor what
04:59.21Freddylargest positive numerical index of the given table
05:00.18Aiianeand # gives you the number of initial contiguous integer indices
05:00.30Aiianei.e. how far you can count from 1 upwards until something's not set
05:00.56Aiianelua> tbl = {[1] = 2, [2] = 4, [3] = 6} print(#tbl) print(table.maxn(tbl))
05:00.57lua_botAiiane: 3, 3
05:01.02Cyfiris there a function for highest index, whether or not one is set?
05:01.13Aiianethat's maxn?
05:01.24Cyfirmaxn is the highest value
05:01.28Cyfirnot index
05:01.32Aiianemaxn is index
05:01.41Cyfiroh ok
05:01.42Aiianetable[index] = value
05:01.47Aiianenotice my example above
05:01.49Aiiane5 was not a value
05:01.52Aiianeit was an index
05:02.02Cyfiryeah, i shouldn't be doing this tired, but w/e
05:02.04Aiianelua> tbl = {[1] = 2, [3] = 4, [5] = 6} print(#tbl) print(table.maxn(tbl))
05:02.05lua_botAiiane: 1, 5
05:02.34Aiianelua> tbl = {} print(#tbl) print(table.maxn(tbl))
05:02.35lua_botAiiane: 0, 0
05:03.14Cyfiris there a function for the highest numerical value in table, or do you just have to do a loop?
05:03.45Freddylol loop seems like best bet
05:03.58Freddyi'm actually making a function that returns something
05:04.53Aiianetable={1,23,4,7,43,11,22} maxval=0 for k,v in pairs(table) do maxval=math.max(maxval,v) end print(maxval)
05:04.57Aiianelua> table={1,23,4,7,43,11,22} maxval=0 for k,v in pairs(table) do maxval=math.max(maxval,v) end print(maxval)
05:04.57lua_botAiiane: 43
05:06.50Freddylua> tbl={1,2,3} for i,x in pairs(tbl) do print(i.."  "..x) end
05:06.50lua_botFreddy: 1  1, 2  2, 3  3
05:10.32Cyfirlua> tbl1={tbl2={2,3,4}}; print(#tbl1.tbl2)
05:10.33lua_botCyfir: 3
05:10.49Freddylol nice
05:14.22Cyfirlua> tbl={}; for x=1, #tbl do print(tbl[x]) end
05:14.23lua_botCyfir: No output
05:14.58Cyfirlua> tbl={1,2,3} for x=1, #tbl do print(tbl[x]) end
05:14.59lua_botCyfir: 1, 2, 3
05:24.13Repoaharv: 03freddy0909 041.5 * r10 :
05:24.13RepoLarge update, once I have access to beta will continue working on the addon, now the addon will remember your soils, waters, nutrients, and seeds used, and allow the user to reuse them at the click of a button.
05:28.54`Zypher[2]Aiiane: why does you make me so sad :~{
05:29.40`Zypher[2]mysql> SELECT COUNT(file_id) FROM uploader_userfiles WHERE file_extension='mp3';
05:29.46`Zypher[2]| COUNT(file_id) |
05:29.51`Zypher[2]|         623012 |
05:29.56`Zypher[2]1 row in set (3.45 sec)
05:30.28`Zypher[2]don't worry about it
05:30.41`Zypher[2]but thats my friend's file hosting service
05:30.45`Zypher[2]and they has a lot of mp3 files
05:31.39Aiianejust a few
05:31.45rizzenonly 623k?
05:31.46thannerswas it you, `Zypher, that was talking about songbird the other day?
05:31.53`Zypher[2]thanners: yes
05:32.02rizzensongbirg any good yet?
05:32.08rizzeni've been using foobar for ever
05:32.10`Zypher[2]rizzen: it owns.
05:32.16thannersI ended up trying it, too.. it's not too bad
05:32.22`Zypher[2]I like it more then foobar and I was a strong believer.
05:32.34thannersbut I can't yet see a reason to switch, beyond the yayopensourceness of it.
05:32.54rizzenwell anything is better than winamp
05:33.09Aiianewhat are you using atm thanners?
05:33.12thannersbut feature-wise (and I'll admit I haven't gone poking through its addons and stuff much), it seems much of a muchness with itunes
05:33.23AiianeI just finally switched over to songbird from itunes
05:33.28thannersI wonder if there's a way to write a quicksilver plugin for songbird..
05:33.53thannersI just like being able to do, from anywhere: ctrl+space, type in "next", press enter, and have itunes move onto the next song
05:34.30Aiianethanners: Songbird has global hotkeys if you want to use them
05:34.44Aiianebut ofc that doesn't integrate with other quicksilver stuff
05:35.04rizzenso make it work with firefox ;)
05:35.12AiianeI have a G11 which has built-in play/stop/next/prev buttons
05:35.16Repojoinfast: 03freddy0909 041.1 * r5 :
05:35.16RepoUpdated the wait triggers so that it is more automated and will not glitch out.
05:35.17Aiianeso I just have those mapped into songbird
05:35.18`Zypher[2]rizzen: it has firefox built in pretty much
05:35.19thannersbound to be a way, though, so it doesn't bother me. It looks quite promising overall, though.
05:35.24CyfirProfile = {Name={1,2,3}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] = strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[4])
05:35.26rizzeni mean with ubiquity
05:35.38Cyfirlua> Profile = {Name={1,2,3}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] = strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[4])
05:35.39lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: 'then' expected near '='
05:35.51AiianeKevin Riepl, Unreal Tournament 2004 (Game Rip), Hyperblast Redux <--- this track is amazing
05:36.57rizzenyeah well, so is Rory James - December 2007 Promo Mix
05:36.58rizzenTAKE THAT
05:37.22rizzenif only i could stream this channel straight into a level of audiosurf
05:38.43*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
05:38.47Aiianehi Chryzo
05:38.51rizzenso we have a new bot for whenever someone uploads or updates a project on curseforge then?
05:39.05AiianeRepo's been around for a bit :P
05:39.17rizzeni just now noticed the +
05:40.17thannersskreemr integration is nice
05:40.36rizzengood eve
05:42.23Freddyadios guys
05:42.26Freddyand aiiane
05:42.41Aiianelol :x
05:42.48Cyfirlua> Profile = {Name={1,7,3}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] = strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[sp])
05:42.49lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: 'then' expected near '='
05:43.11rizzenskreemr eh?
05:43.12Aiianeyou did a if a=b then
05:43.20Aiianedo an if a==b then, instead
05:43.34Cyfiroh, yeah.  I am smooth.  Like butter
05:43.36Aiianelua> Profile = {Name={1,7,3}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] == strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[sp])
05:43.37lua_botAiiane: 7
05:43.52rizzenmake lua your hit knife sir
05:43.59rizzeni need to sleep
05:44.43rizzenalas, nwn2 calls
05:44.50Cyfirlua> Profile = {Name={1,2,3}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] == strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[4])
05:44.51lua_botCyfir: 7
05:46.56*** join/#waruidev smcn (
05:47.24thannersmmm nwn2
05:47.34thannersi bought that and didn't play it.. i should look at it again
05:47.52thannersI was just too disconcerned with it at launch prior to any patches that I just put it away.
05:48.36rizzenits fairly good
05:48.52rizzeni've gotten about 3/4ths of the way through it before i end up forgetting to finish usually
05:48.58rizzeni'll finish it one day
05:49.11thannerscool, decent story?
05:49.29thannersI was just so upset that when I first created a character, a bug in the character generator declared my char invalid.
05:50.07rizzenits decent
05:50.14rizzennot great, but good
05:50.19thannersgood will do. (c:
05:50.46rizzenmore than enough story to fill a hole
05:50.56rizzenheard good things about motb as well
05:51.02Cyfirlua> Profile = {Name={}} strProfileName=7 for x = 1, #Profile.Name do if Profile.Name[x] == strProfileName then sp = x break else sp=x+1 end end Profile.Name[sp] = strProfileName print(Profile.Name[1])
05:51.03lua_botCyfir: luabot:1: table index is nil
05:51.11rizzenmask of the betrayer
05:51.16rizzen1st expansion
05:51.30rizzeni need an rpg to fill the gap between now and dragon age
05:51.37rizzenwar will take up some time, but meh
05:51.37thannersshows how out of touch i am.
05:53.07*** join/#waruidev Xinhuan (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
05:53.15rizzenoh wow, first netsplit i've had on quakenet in weeks
05:56.23thannersnice, and songbird works with my ipod shuffle. that's good enough for me. *switches*
05:57.05Aiianeallo Xinhuan
05:58.34Xinhuanyou're not going to play wow anymore? ;p
05:59.39AiianeI still play WoW
05:59.46Aiianewhat gave you the impression that I don't?
06:00.01Xinhuanyou're in this channel ;p
06:00.08Aiianeand? :)
06:00.16Xinhuanand you have ops
06:03.26AiianeI also have a rice krispie treat
06:03.31Xinhuantime to go afk :)
06:12.18*** join/#waruidev Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
06:13.45Aiianehi Ackis
06:22.41*** join/#waruidev Chryzo (n=dtc@
06:26.08*** join/#waruidev `rizzen (
06:26.20`rizzeni <3 blue screens
06:26.41`rizzenjust makes my day ever so much sweeter
06:35.46Cyfircan you use break to leave a function early?
06:36.05Cyfiras opposed to a control loop?
06:37.19Aiianewouldn't you just use "return"? :P
06:38.08Cyfiryeah, hence nm
06:39.11rizzenand now it is time for sleep
06:39.17rizzeng'night lady n gents
06:40.01Aiianegoodnight rizzen :)
06:40.57Cyfiractually, that's a good idea.  'night folks.
06:41.39*** part/#waruidev Cyfir (
06:43.30`Zypher[2]im so alone.
06:43.52`Zypher[2]anyways at person who said something about wow and quitting
06:44.08`Zypher[2]just because you play another mmo doesn't mean you has to quit one you currently play.
06:44.27`Zypher[2]Xinhuan: thats at you!
06:44.44koboldkillerhard to find the time to play two games imo
06:45.31koboldkillerpossible but usually i find with mmogs i play one and never log into the other just keep paying for it
06:59.09`Zypher[2]koboldkiller: but that doesn't mean others can't enjoy both.
06:59.18`Zypher[2]If I want to pve I will play wow
06:59.24`Zypher[2]if I want to pvp I will play war
06:59.27`Zypher[2]its simple to me.
07:01.39DarkTrooperi dunno, war's pve seemed pretty good what little i got to see of it (bugged mobs aside)
07:02.13AiianeEh. Aside from the PQ mechanic, WoW's PvE still has WAR's beat to a pulp
07:02.36Aiianebut that's mostly because they've had a number of years to practice and refine it
07:02.43DarkTrooperif you like raids, yeah i guess you're right
07:03.04Aiianeeven just instances
07:03.05`Zypher[2]I did like raiding\
07:03.12DarkTrooperi just find the whole community is not conductive to finding a group/guild that does runs with the aim of 'fun' :)
07:03.26Aiianethat's mostly luck, in my experience
07:03.29AiianeI have a great guild
07:03.31`Zypher[2]fun for each player is differnt.
07:03.40Aiianedon't even start `Zypher
07:03.49`Zypher[2]Aiiane: knows what I mean
07:04.00`Zypher[2]and I was going to leave it at that Aiiane :P
07:04.00Aiianeoh yes I do >:|
07:04.18DarkTrooperyeah i was an idiot to reroll on the server i ended up on really, it turned out to be packed with (no offence to people) 'kiddies' :)
07:05.03`Zypher[2]the problem I see with the warhammer community as it stands, is that a lot of players have this idea that if warhammer doesn't kill wow then it isn't worth playing.
07:05.14`Zypher[2]and that is just not a good atitude to have...
07:05.39DarkTrooperfrom what i've read on various forums you're right, alot of people do, but i've also read just as many people who are cool with them co-existing as long as war is a cool game :)
07:06.05DarkTrooperbut you're right, the community will make or break the game in the end i think
07:06.18`Zypher[2]WAR is nothing less then what mythic said it would be.
07:06.28`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: and that isn't true whatsoever.
07:06.46`Zypher[2]if you're opinion of a game is based soley on the community around it then yes.
07:07.00`Zypher[2]but if you only care about what the actual game play is like then you have to form your own opinion.
07:07.29DarkTrooperi should clarify, the community perception of things can influence how you feel about the game
07:07.29`Zypher[2]no one can tell you if a game is good or bad othen then yourself
07:08.10`Zypher[2]Thats true, but one should really stray away from the community's perception and rely more on their own.
07:08.36DarkTrooperfor example, when i used to read bliz wow general, after awhile you go 'this game is crap' and don't feel like playing, but if you stuck to CSF where all the friendly people were you'd be more inclined to play
07:09.00`Zypher[2]I don't know how many times I've read a bad movie review and then loved the movie when I watche dit.
07:09.11DarkTroopercustomer service forum
07:09.24`Zypher[2]See I never read the wow forums
07:09.31`Zypher[2]there was never anything there worth reading.
07:09.32DarkTrooperthe only bastion of friendly, helpful people left on teh entire wow forums :)
07:10.14Aiiane`Zypher[2]: the addon&macros forum was usually ok
07:10.39Aiianesure, there were a decent amount of "how I r installz addons kplzthx?"
07:10.40`Zypher[2]more could be gathered from wowace
07:10.50Aiianebut in general the community was ok
07:10.50DarkTrooperactually you're right tech wasn't too bad, and UI was fine too, but i didn't have a reson to venture there often
07:10.53Aiianenot amazing, but ok
07:11.20Aiianedungeons+raids was actually fairly sensible for its topic
07:11.22DarkTroopergeneral could suck the life out of a room like you wouldn't believe :)
07:11.42Aiianegeneral is just 4chan without the porn
07:11.59DarkTrooperthat about sums it up
07:12.00`Zypher[2]I tend to gravitate to the source of information rather then the leechers.
07:12.20`Zypher[2]world of raids
07:12.23`Zypher[2]elitist jerks
07:12.30`Zypher[2]those were the originators
07:12.39`Zypher[2]then the wow forums would just rape and pillage their work.
07:12.52DarkTrooperhaha, so true
07:13.33`Zypher[2]so to me
07:13.48`Zypher[2]I would rather take part in shaping the community
07:13.58`Zypher[2]rather then letting the community shape my perceptions.
07:14.03DarkTrooperi like tollorant communities that respect other choices/opinions for the most part - authough they might disagree with them, but i'm already starting to see the 'you must min/max', 'you must do this' in war :)
07:14.39`Zypher[2]I won't have that in my guild :P
07:15.22`Zypher[2]so many people want to carry traditions over from other games, when I would rather start fresh and throw everything old out the window.
07:15.28DarkTrooperi have no problem with hardcore guilds that min/max, it's their choice, but in wow, it basically became if you don't have epix and spec this way and use these skills you can't even get into a normal 5 man.. was just riduclous
07:16.08`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: this is true, and I hope that mythic never makes it possible to inspect masteries or renown in war.
07:16.25`Zypher[2]because hey, sometimes you want to try something
07:16.32DarkTrooperi'm actually glad many people from many mmo's are coming to war, it should help 'normalise' the (imo) unreasonable screams of some :)
07:16.33`Zypher[2]why shouldn't you be allowed to try something?
07:17.01`Zypher[2]I wish the slate was wiped clean
07:17.07`Zypher[2]I miss the new game feeling
07:17.51DarkTrooperWar PW gave me the new game feeling :)
07:18.03DarkTrooperfirst time in, years really
07:18.25DarkTrooperrunning around like a noob, doing noob things, with other noobs, it's great ^^
07:18.42`Zypher[2]I don't like feeling like a newb
07:18.48`Zypher[2]i just like a new world to explore.
07:19.05`Zypher[2]and I don't want to be pigion holled into doing something I don't want to.
07:19.14AiianeI'm still waiting for a successor to AO
07:19.21Aiianenot necessarily made by Funcom, mind you...
07:19.27`Zypher[2]Aiiane: lol
07:19.38DarkTrooperhaha, i'm not :)
07:19.40`Zypher[2]Aiiane: I'm actually really looking forward to Huxley.
07:19.46Aiianebut just a truly good fantasy-futuristic mmorpg
07:19.56AiianeHuxley... I'm mixed about
07:19.57DarkTrooperi guess i was biased, i have no real interest in the conan world, but AoC was truely fail in my eyes :)
07:20.13`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: they tried something and it didn't work well.
07:20.20AiianeIf Huxley manages to take what was good about Planetside and improve it
07:20.22`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: not to say it couldn't but hey.
07:20.25Aiianethen I'll play it, and enjoy it
07:20.36`Zypher[2]Aiiane: I never played planetside, but while playing the beta
07:20.41`Zypher[2]Its amazingly fun.
07:20.53AiianeDarkTrooper: hence my "not necessarily made by Funcom"
07:20.57AiianeAO != AoC
07:21.08AiianeAO = Anarchy Online
07:21.19Aiianesci-fi mmorpg
07:21.33DarkTrooperooh, my bad
07:21.42`Zypher[2]like honestly im interested in playing AoC
07:21.45koboldkillerbe interesting to see what they do with the knights of the old republic mmog
07:21.47`Zypher[2]just because I like how it looks.
07:22.15DarkTrooperi'm guessing you's arn't big eve fans then?
07:22.19`Zypher[2]KotoR by bioware will be very intersting.
07:22.20AiianeAnarchy Online had an insanely good backstory + immersion going for it
07:22.36AiianeDarkTrooper: I played it for a time; it's a decent game but just not up my alley as much
07:22.36`Zypher[2]Bioware in general makes awesome games.
07:22.49AiianeI didn't like how disconnected combat felt
07:22.59koboldkillerbut it was so buggy and the instances so repititous it burned a lot of people out. the scene snad locations were great though, and the instances got better over time, but most pepole quit by then
07:23.17Aiianekoboldkiller: wrt what?
07:23.30`Zypher[2]AoC prolly.
07:23.34DarkTrooperi never tried it, there was too many detractors for my liking, but i've a few mates that play it still
07:23.50koboldkillerao became a good game post-release it was terrible in the early going, absolutely horrible
07:24.04koboldkillerif they had launched it better it would have been a huge hit
07:24.13koboldkillerbecause it became a lot better later on
07:24.19`Zypher[2]Aiiane: what have you heard of Earthrise?
07:24.34AiianeI've heard the name, from you, about 10 seconds ago
07:24.36Aiianethat's about it
07:24.48koboldkillerbut it never fails to amaze me, mmog developers fall into that same trap over and over again. everquest 2, had sony behind it. was terrible at launch, got a lot better a couple years later. but too late. a bad launch kills a game
07:25.17`Zypher[2]koboldkiller: yes, but thats an inadvertant killing
07:25.29`Zypher[2]koboldkiller: its really the community that kills it.
07:25.49koboldkillernothign pisses the community off more though than a disapointing launch.
07:25.50`Zypher[2]people expect more then whats reasonable.
07:26.15koboldkillerwell i guess unles you do a combat revamp 2 years in that completely changes the game and destroyst eh reason a lot of people were playing. =P
07:26.44`Zypher[2]someone shoot my cat.
07:26.58Aiianedon't shoot cats :(
07:27.06`Zypher[2]its really getting on my nerves.
07:27.10`Zypher[2]it wont shut up.
07:27.16DarkTrooperfeed it? :)
07:27.32`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: it doesn't eat cat foods, it likes to hunt.
07:27.39`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: he just wants attention.
07:27.54DarkTrooperoh right, why i'm not fond of cats :)
07:28.05`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: I dislike cats too
07:28.19`Zypher[2]but my parents (im 18) don't like large animals (big dogs)
07:28.28`Zypher[2]so we have two cats
07:28.31`Zypher[2]and a small dog
07:28.34`Zypher[2]and I hate them all
07:28.52DarkTrooperdogs are <3 ^^
07:29.22`Zypher[2]I like normal sized dogs, aka Yellow/Chocolate Labs, or Huskies
07:29.27`Zypher[2]but we have a little pos dog
07:29.32`Zypher[2]that is a total puss.
07:29.45Aiiane(00:28:04) `Zypher[2]: DarkTrooper: he just wants attention.
07:29.48Aiianeso pet him?
07:29.54`Zypher[2]Aiiane: NO!
07:30.06`Zypher[2]that would require me to give in to his demands!
07:30.25DarkTrooperlaser light imo, don't even have to be paying attention where you're pointing it :)
07:30.38`Zypher[2]in my room o yes i do
07:30.41`Zypher[2]I have three computers
07:30.49`Zypher[2]3 monitors and a tv
07:31.05DarkTrooperhow does that go with cat hair and stuff?
07:31.16`Zypher[2]I don't let them in my room
07:32.22`Zypher[2]quiete #waruidev is quiete
07:32.33`Zypher[2]if thats spelled wrong I don
07:33.54DarkTrooperi guess i should go back to reading more about this bizzare language known as lua before dinner
07:34.25Aiianelol DarkTrooper :)
07:34.29Aiianefeel free to ask questions
07:34.45DarkTrooperwhen i'm up to that stage, i will nag well past when the moon turns blue :)
07:35.17DarkTrooperi'm semi-committed to doing that hud mod, even if only for myself, but the more i look into it the more complicated it turns out to be ^^;;
07:35.32AiianeIt shouldn't actually be *that* complicated
07:35.42Aiianedepending on how much you actually want to do
07:35.54Aiianeif you just want 2 hud bars for your own health and AP
07:36.02Aiianeyou could probably do it in less than 100 lines of code
07:36.43DarkTrooperfor sure, but i don't know lua, or xml or the war api :)
07:37.06DarkTrooperi've been looking through stuff all weekend and sorta got my head around it, which is good, but also why i can clearly see how much i just don't know :)
07:37.11Aiianeif you've done any programming before it shouldn't be too hard to pick up
07:38.17DarkTrooperyeah, it's been awhile since i did anything like that, lua looks doable
07:38.44DarkTroopera nice challange to acomplish (sp) tho imo :)
07:38.59Aiianelua itself is really, really straightforward once you grasp a few key things
07:40.00Aiiane1) There's only 1 way to interpret everything, which is why you don't need semicolons
07:40.14Aiiane2) Everything is a variable, including functions and objects (a.k.a. tables)
07:40.33Aiiane3) Indexing doesn't start at 0 here, it starts at 1, get over it
07:40.55Aiiane4) Functions can return multiple values, this isn't C
07:41.18AiianeThat's basically the quirks
07:42.28Aiianeoh, one more
07:42.38Aiiane5) Everything defaults to global.
07:42.49DarkTrooperi like global ;)
07:43.11Aiianethere are upsides and downsides to global
07:43.11DarkTrooperthanks for the tips tho!  i'm looking forward to the learning process anyway, everything was already written basically in wow so i never had much 'push' motivation to get into it, tho i sorta wanted to, war is freash :)
07:43.18Aiianeand some times when it's best to make things local
07:43.42Aiianeand yeah, it's sort of the same for me :)
07:44.00Aiianewriting for WAR is a bit more interesting just because it's forging new ground :)
07:45.09DarkTrooperexactly, while there's lots of people 'ahead of the curve' as they know xml/lua etc already, it's not that far ahead :)
07:51.48`Zypher[2]DarkTrooper: same position here.
07:52.14`Zypher[2]Aiiane: I need a good tetris app for my screens.
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07:55.24thannersmmm. translucent terminal backgrounds are cool for a few seconds
07:55.32thannersuntil you realise you can't actually read the text on it anymore.
07:58.07Aiianesmall amounts of translucency are ok
07:58.16Aiianethey let you notice activity in windows behind them
07:58.21Aiianewithout actually obscuring text
07:59.35thannersbut they look /so cool/ when you have a funky background behind. (c:
08:00.16thannersand there's this slight urge to see the funky background through the window. until the practical need to read the text reasserts itself.
08:00.24thannersand you bump up the opacity again. (c:
08:01.22`Zypher[2]or you don't use a fail wm
08:01.53`Zypher[2]btw Aiiane you should ninja install tint on your school's server
08:01.56`Zypher[2]tint is fun!
08:05.27`Zypher[2]alright DarkTrooper I'm going to sleep
08:05.31`Zypher[2]I hope you make your hud
08:05.48`Zypher[2]external textures don't work right now, so that will be interesting.
08:38.14Aiianeoki, about time for me to go to sleep
08:38.16Aiianenight all~
08:41.38SkyFlash_external everything doesnt work basically :P
08:41.57SkyFlash_i'd wish sounds would work
08:49.49Chryzowhen you do a for loop in lua, can you modify the top boundary while the loop is active or you need to use a break ?
08:59.20*** join/#waruidev smcn (
09:03.00DaegalusI tihnk if you use a variable for the top boundry
09:03.02Daegalusit should work
09:03.37Chryzoi do something like this:
09:03.46Chryzofor id = 0, self.last - numFound do
09:03.54Chryzoand numFound can be modified in the loop :)
09:04.40Daegaluspretty much
09:06.49Chryzok, will be tested anyway, some day :)
09:09.48Chryzonext stupid question, does ++var; and var++; works in lua  hihi:) i don't remember seeing the syntax in the language definitino
09:10.36Daegalusno, in a forloop if you just want increment by 1 you dont add it. so like for i=1,10 do
09:10.38Chryzoit is not part of unop or binop per say, but maybe it has been implemented somewhere else
09:10.54ChryzoDaegalus, it was more like to have a stupid UID system
09:10.57Daegaluslua> for i=1,10 do print(i) end
09:10.57lua_botDaegalus: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
09:11.12Daegaluslua> for i=10,1 do print(i) end
09:11.12lua_botDaegalus: No output
09:11.18Chryzowould return ++uid;
09:11.18Daegaluslua> for i=10,1,-1 do print(i) end
09:11.18lua_botDaegalus: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
09:11.43Chryzoatm i am first adding 1 to the var; and then return the var value -1
09:11.45Daegalusi think it automatically does the variable thats at the beginning
09:11.46Chryzokinda stupid
09:11.50Daegalusso in this case i
09:12.11Chryzoi am not talking about for loops anymore at all :)
09:12.35Daegaluslua> ai = 0; ai++; print(ai)
09:12.35lua_botDaegalus: luabot:1: '=' expected near '+'
09:12.38Chryzojust in general, because using 2 lines for return ++var is annoying
09:12.54Chryzok, so lua_bot does not know it either :)
09:13.07Chryzoi ll keep with the weird way i guess :)
09:13.37Chryzogonna go cook :) tx
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11:16.11Daegalushey Sky
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12:50.44tronned*blink *blink
12:52.40tronnedg'mornin' and all
13:01.09thanners'allo (c:
13:01.32sOLARiZgood morning ?  Beautiful Sunday Afternoon ;)
13:01.42tronnedWhere do you live?
13:01.51sOLARiZGermany ;p  03:00 pm
13:02.01tronnedWell the, good afternoon ;)
13:02.11tronnedMaryland, 0900 here
13:02.16thanners21:00 here. (c:
13:02.43thannersgot most of the day covered, it seems.
13:02.45sOLARiZI wish it were 9 :p whole day already passed by and I do not know what I have done so far ;p
13:04.07sOLARiZDoes anybody know if the closed beta servers stay down until the open beta release ?
13:04.51tronnedelders might get to test a couple more things, not sure.
13:12.12tronnedWhat's the best way to test LUA code offline?
13:13.27sOLARiZI dont think there is a real way because normaly you use alor API dependend extras which cant interpreted by a standard lua interpreter.
13:14.07sOLARiZto just test lua it self there is a lua parser available but it do not know any specific API commands
13:14.42tronnedlua parser is fine, i can always hard code expected API command output
13:15.30sOLARiZcheck this:
13:16.53sOLARiZbut htere was a slight better tool I do ot remember... hmm
13:21.22sOLARiZPS: If you search for a Windows solution there is also another commandline tool for windows available search in google for xdbLua  it pars the lua file form commandline and throw you exceptions if there any
13:24.37smcndownload from and run luac -p
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13:25.54tronnedyeah, running luac now
13:26.05tronnedcan at least check to see if i suck at syntax :p
13:26.43sOLARiZ;) A local mode for the client would be great. Cant wait for the server to come up again written aprox. 200 lines of code but didn't test thehm yet ;)
13:27.36tronnedYeah, I've got some code and a another dependency to test
13:31.21thannersargh, I seriously need to stop reading the UI forum.
13:31.41thannerstoo many times the messages declaring the Evils of addons come up
13:31.56thannersomgevil addons playing the game for us, making us lazy, and giving people unfair advantanges
13:32.41sOLARiZsame discussion as everytime. Partly they are right but with the given limitations to addon authors I see more positive asdpects then negative ones.
13:32.59tronnedI stopped reading most of those threads
13:33.05thannersnow there's a thread in which the initial post was simply quering what sort of things would be possible..
13:33.29thannerse.g. could grid-, and clique-like mods be possible
13:33.45sOLARiZI read this post some hourts ago ;)  
13:33.46tronnedIt's a severe case of most players (read: users) not know how things work under the hood, and why their naysaying is pointless, similar to what sOL mentioned above.
13:33.46thannersand then it suddenly becomes derailed as someone jumps in to declare how mods are evil
13:34.11smcni'll assume you're talking about WHA and say, i learned to not go to those forums a looong time ago :P
13:34.22smcnbefore i even got into the beta
13:34.39thannersyeah. It just frustrates me that they come in with their ears plugged up and just yelling
13:34.47smcnit's 99% people who have never played an MMO before
13:35.06thannersand clique, for goodness sake!
13:35.12sOLARiZjep just ignore this stuff  I think mostly it is wining as a excuse why others are better ;p I my self playing this games but I like more to do this scripting mod stuff as playing in a high level endgame super heros XXX guild ;p
13:35.19*** join/#waruidev sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
13:35.28thannersthere was a guy who claimed it's an unfair advantage in being able to cast a spell without first clicking to select a target or a spell.
13:35.57thannersbecause it shaves time off from having to click that extra few times (nevermind that you're still consciously choosing to activate the spell, and selecting the target...)
13:36.26thannersdunno why I'm ranting about it here. preachin to the choir, and all that. (c:
13:36.58tronnedYet, if given the choice, those same ranters would use those AddOns in a heartbeat, claiming they are "forced to" ^_^
13:39.56thannersprobably. *rollseyes*
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14:14.11thanners'allo 'allo
14:14.27Freddy09don't know why you say goodbye
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14:19.34sOLARiZAnybody already figured out if it is possible to use colors in chat messages like in wow ?  |cFFCCEE  e.g. ?
14:21.43Freddy09lul wow
14:21.55Freddy09guess you'd have to test it
14:22.03sOLARiZI would if I could
14:26.52Freddy09there's a TextEditBoxSetTextColor()
14:29.02sOLARiZah ok I have to take a closer look on this  thx
14:30.15initramor you can have a look at API:ChatOptionsWindow.SetChannelColor()
14:30.56initrambut i dont think there is an option to have different colors in the same string, but i don't know
14:31.12sOLARiZI guess this will handle just the configuration of the channel default color. My Target is to hav emulticolored outputs e.g.  "Status=|c(red)off" or "Status=|c(green)on"
14:31.58sOLARiZif I just could login to aprove ;P
14:32.10Freddy09if you could do multicolor on oine line though
14:32.35sOLARiZI think I have to wait until OpenBeta starts ;|
14:45.58tronnedno options to have different colors on same string yet
15:00.51*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
15:12.24Netcursehallo sOLARiZ
15:14.26Netcurse3.4 today plx
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15:54.36Nyborekare the elder servers still up?
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15:58.06Netcursethey might be up today with the 3.4 patch
16:06.38nicoli_si got some stuff i gotta verify in game
16:06.59sOLARiZhmpf not so usefull I cant connect with my CB account on the Elders servers even if they are up ;p
16:07.24sOLARiZThey were very mean distributing elder keys ;p
16:09.24rizzenyou should of been faster ;)
16:10.00sOLARiZOhh no I don't think it was the speed ;p Just no luck
16:10.54rizzenwell if you cant connect to the elder servers at all and you are an elder tester, that would mean you were not quick enough to register your elder key with an account :o
16:11.34sOLARiZThe Problem is im not a Elder tester ;p
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16:11.49rizzenthats your problem then
16:11.58rizzenso dont worry about it!
16:12.12sOLARiZI know but this is what I mean with mean ... Have to wait for the OB
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16:34.39Freddy09<`Zypher[2]> morning
16:35.34`Zypher[2]Freddy09: how are you this fine sunday morning?
16:40.19nicoli_sdamn i need an internal HD
16:40.43nicoli_sactually another one, this damn usb HD takes forever to do anything
16:42.43nicoli_slike 3 hours to delete a few hundred gigs
16:47.57`Zypher[2]nicoli_s: poor baby :|
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16:51.05Freddy09zypher, i'm fine ¿y tu?
16:51.13Freddy09late responses win babies
16:51.25nicoli_syeah, this channel makes me feel like i'm lagging all the time
16:51.38nicoli_scuz sometimes people are chattign constantly, and sometimes it's liek a half hour between every reply
16:52.00Freddy09and half the time you get no response
16:52.02Freddy09and cry toyourself
16:52.51`ZypherFreddy09: my neck hurts.
16:52.51`Zypherand my arm
16:52.51Freddy09sports do that to you
16:52.51Freddy09esp hockey
16:52.51`Zypherya I know :P
16:53.05Freddy09i'm done with my addon until i have to debug it
16:53.08Freddy09so i got nothin to do :(
16:53.19Freddy09watchin animal house
16:58.11sOLARiZHmm just reading to one of the biggest german WAR fanpage forums...  in ger. it looks like 95% of all players going to play chaos, can you share this feeling ?
16:58.32sOLARiZIts very impressiv how "eveil" everybody wanna be ;)
17:01.03`Zypher[2]sOLARiZ: the game isn't going to do as well in Europe since GOA fails.
17:01.43initramI think GOA have donne fine so far
17:02.13initramand to the hole all wanna play chaos:
17:02.48sOLARiZGOA Fails ? Hmm I'm not sure if it wont be a huge success. Many ppl was very disapointed by AoC so the hope for something new is really huge. At the Gamesconvention there where thousands of ppl just visiting because of war.
17:03.54initrambut maybe if you said where GOA failed, I could better understand your statement
17:06.52`Zypher[2]GOA just wasn't very good with DAoC
17:07.11`Zypher[2]how they have run the EU beta leads me to believe that they wont handle their shit well.
17:08.10initramdo you mean their lack of support during weekends, because i found that irritating too...
17:08.20sOLARiZmaybe the beta was  chaoticbut Im confident ;)
17:08.32`Zypher[2]initram: I just mean how little effort it feels like they put into it.
17:09.08initramok, i have not been in beta for that long, so i wouldn't know
17:10.18`Zypher[2]having 500 people in one area would rape the server
17:10.34sOLARiZYeah but they restructuring nearly everything internal at GOA I guess they noticed that it cant go like this. A colleague of mine moved to ireland some month ago and now working at GOA in QA dep. he told me that they are improving :)
17:10.43`Zypher[2]you would get 10-30 second lag where "ability not yet ready" spam would go 20 seconds after the ability came off cooldown.
17:11.52initramdid GOA not use the same hardware as Mythic, i think i read that on the forum
17:11.59sOLARiZI think in the first days after launch it will be very chaotic on the servers. Does Mythic do the Community / Server management by their self in the US ?
17:12.02`Zypher[2]no they didn't
17:12.28`Zypher[2]sOLARiZ: yes their server farm is only a few minutes from their main offices.
17:12.46`Zypher[2]but Mythic doesn't really handle the community as they don't have official forums.
17:13.04`Zypher[2]they just send representatives to major fansites
17:14.15sOLARiZIn EU this is really kinda strange. Mythic pays GOA to do it and GOA partly pays other local companys to do their job, can only be confusing.
17:14.49`Zypher[2]sOLARiZ: ya, that can be problematic.
17:15.28initramnot to be an ass but Requiel wrote: They(the servers) aren't up to the full live server spec but they are as good as Mythic's beta servers.
17:16.09`Zypher[2]initram: thats just not true.
17:16.27`Zypher[2]initram: I've done 31 templates on both
17:16.32`Zypher[2]and on both done keep siege
17:16.54`Zypher[2]and EU was having many more problems.
17:17.04sOLARiZhmm I've done a tracetoute to the servers and at least the update servers are located in france but the routing is crap... holly... I hope this will not affect the online servers. My hop is going from western germany to the east from there to london from london to paris and from there to Lille (france)  ahrggg
17:17.31`Zypher[2]sOLARiZ: yikes
17:17.53initramthe new data center will be located in dublin
17:17.56sOLARiZ*optimisim* Things will get fine ;)
17:18.29`Zypher[2]In the US they are hosting in Virginia
17:18.37`Zypher[2]which kind of alienates the west coast players
17:18.39`Zypher[2]but whatever.
17:20.26initramwhat i really look forward to is fighting outside the EvC pairing... praag zergs can be exausting
17:21.17`Zypher[2]initram: Praag can get old after a while.
17:21.53`Zypher[2]but atleast here in the US we had 2500+ people on some servers constantly.
17:22.06`Zypher[2]assuming they double that number for launch
17:22.11`Zypher[2]I'd be a happy camper.
17:22.28initramheh, i hope not all of them where in praag fighting
17:22.44`Zypher[2]initram: we weren't given 31 premades for this phase.
17:24.04initramah, but in the phase before our 31 templates, most fights where still located in the EvC pair
17:24.24initramhow was the experience over there?
17:26.41`Zypher[2]Praag | Riekland | Chaos Wastes here too.
17:26.56`Zypher[2]hopefully it spreads out across all three.
17:27.49initrami hope i gets better when more guilds get into the game, hopefully that will make for more organized battles
17:33.31*** join/#waruidev MK__ (
17:33.56MK__hey does anyone know what the file extension of the file extracted from art2.myp is?
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17:52.10Netcurse4.1 today probably :P
17:52.58initramwhat will be new in that patch?
17:59.13MK__i hope its today..but if they updated status at 130 and saying they are still working hard...I dunno if it'll be out today =/
17:59.34Aiianegood morning :)
18:01.11initrammorning (evening here)
18:02.16*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
18:05.09purl[ugt] Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
18:05.47initramfair enough... :D
18:06.34`Zypher[2]Aiiane: that is good.
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18:32.51AiianeI love the Check4Change firefox plugin
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18:44.32Repooverheadxp: 03adalyn * 39916ad0fd2a core.lua: Clean Up Clean Up
18:50.01Repozchatwindow: 03adalyn * v0.1-4-gb8861e2 core.lua: Clean Up Clean Up everybody do your share
18:50.44Freddy09zypher's goin all out!
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19:01.32`Zypher[2]wb Aiiane ?
19:05.50`Zypher[2]why is it that people want to change what the game is
19:05.56`Zypher[2]not just accept it for what it is?
19:07.51AiianeThey want to make it better in their eyes
19:07.55Aiianecan't really fault them for that
19:08.07Aiianejust one person's better is not always the same as everyone else's
19:08.43initramsometimes it is because their expectations to the game where different than the game
19:09.10`Zypher[2]I've really stopped "expecting" anything other then what they tell me.
19:09.28initramlike the people waiting for DF, say that it needs more open pvp, and more penalty for dying
19:09.35sOLARiZas long as you get this ;)  Ever played AoC ? ;)
19:10.01initrami played in fileplanet beta of it... it didnøt fit me
19:10.12`Zypher[2]anyways, my question is what are you opinions about the Witch Elf and Witch Hunter's Stealth?
19:10.20sOLARiZsame here but one reason was exact this --- promises
19:10.55sOLARiZto be honest didn't informed about chaos until now.
19:10.56initramzypher: i kinda like it... they need a way of getting to the fight, but it is not too powerfull
19:11.49`Zypher[2]from my experience with the Witch Elf, it takes much more planning then most classes.
19:12.04`Zypher[2]you have to not only figure out how to get into the fight but how to walk away from it aswell.
19:12.25`Zypher[2]and for the most part, people don't want to have to think about that when playing a game, so people say its a gimp class.
19:12.55`Zypher[2]anyways I gotta hop in the shower, pics inc.
19:13.09sOLARiZbut those are most often the most powerfull classes, if you can play it.
19:13.42initrami would say that all the classes i have played kan be deadly in the right hands...
19:15.09sOLARiZdidnt had time to test many templlates but I think I will stick on the AM
19:34.16`Zypher[2]egad o.O
19:41.51rizzenno 4.1 patch yet :(
19:44.49Freddy09i shouldn't even care
19:44.58Freddy09yall are NDA ified and i'm not in it :)
19:47.59Freddy09i'm texan
19:48.05Freddy09get over it :P
19:50.38Freddy09AFAIK the elder servers are still under nda
19:50.56`Zypher[2]Aiiane: quite your pants.
19:51.15tronnedThey are.
19:51.31tronnedNDAs and NDAs of NDAs.
19:51.57`Zypher[2]Aiiane: just don't say yar, unless ye be a pirate.
19:52.42`Zypher[2]why is it so hard to do the buttons on my shirt cuffs?
19:53.38Freddy09OMG zypher
19:53.53Freddy09i'm sad that i know that
19:54.04`Zypher[2]I just know the song is from it
19:54.08`Zypher[2]and its epic.
19:54.28Freddy09amazing what ppl put on the internet
19:55.08`Zypher[2]im a little more concerned someone took the time to make this...
19:55.32tronnedthat song is epic.  my daughter loves it.
19:56.02`Zypher[2]tronned: how old is she?
19:56.28`Zypher[2]like 5?
19:56.47tronned4 in December
19:57.08tronnedmy son likes it to, although he would never admit it in public (he's 7)
19:57.14tronnedhe loves pirates
19:57.51rizzenpirates are badass
19:57.58rizzenmake sure to introduce him to maddox asap
19:58.22initrami would still say that ninjas are way coolers
19:58.33Freddy09no way
19:58.44Freddy09ninjas are so 2 weeks ago
19:59.13initramaww... then i will come back two weeks ago.... wait!... to the time machine!...
20:00.15Aiianeon a side note
20:00.24Aiianethat lazytown pirate song is AWESOME to play in Audiosurf
20:00.48Aiianea friend of mine and I tried it one time on a lark
20:00.53Aiianeand it's really funny+fun
20:02.23`Zypher[2]Aiiane: r u a pirate?
20:02.54Aiianer u noobi?
20:03.38rizzenif she's a pirate, she needs to convert more people to piratism
20:03.42rizzenso we can end global warming
20:04.03rizzenget on it
20:04.34`Zypher[2]Aiiane: the internet is in fact not serious business, it is for a matter of fact the greatest mmo ever made, and I like to enjoy my time on it.
20:04.58`Zypher[2]off to hockey
20:10.56Freddy09cha cha real smooth
20:11.18Freddy09i'm freakin my deframenter out b/c i'm not leaving my PC for it to run
20:28.57*** join/#waruidev Sikul (
20:50.55rizzeni'd suggest not doing that
20:54.23rizzenserver forums are up on wha
20:58.20Aiianeyou noticed? :P
20:59.11rizzenonwards! to Tyrion!
20:59.45DaegalusRizzen: you played on Tyrion too?
21:00.01Daegalusnice, I played n there
21:05.10rizzendidnt we all? :p
21:05.17rizzenwarpstone was for noobs
21:06.55DaegalusI thought everyone played on Barak Varr
21:08.20Freddy09I'm just happy with a server with short wait times and a large enough community to get stuff done
21:12.59Aiianeoo. rizzen, read the elder forums
21:13.27rizzenPATCH TIME
21:13.39Aiianelol, not quite
21:14.02rizzenpatch will at least be up today
21:14.06rizzenso we can start dling it
21:14.24rizzenoh please, as if everyone doesnt know whats coming already :D
21:14.41rizzenyou'll notice i left key parts of the changes out
21:15.01Aiianeyou might want to actually read the entirety of the posts :P
21:15.17rizzeni did
21:15.31rizzenmore specifically the top paragraph and the ones after the list
21:15.44Aiianemore specifically, you didn't read the /other/ post :P
21:16.11rizzendont rain on my parade damnit
21:20.23rizzenshit on that
21:20.28rizzenah well
21:20.33rizzenwe know its coming at least
21:22.41Aiianewith regard to the Internet:
21:24.27*** join/#waruidev DarkTrooper (
21:24.50Daegalusim liking hte new patch notes
21:26.35Freddy09patch notes
21:27.33Freddy09rofl aii, wtf is that
21:27.47Aiianeit's a webcomic I like :)
21:30.43Daegalusnothing beats CAD though
21:30.49Daegalusand Freddy: its the Elder patch notes
21:30.57Daegalusi get access to them without being in Elder
21:31.43Freddy09bc you're specialer than me!
21:32.06Daegalusduh :P
21:42.20Aiianealso, from the same webcomic:
21:44.27rizzencad? fuck that
21:44.46rizzenwhile slightly overrated at times, xkcd wins
21:46.09rizzensame with phd :o
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21:51.48DarkTroopermorning all
21:51.58rizzenits 4pm >>
21:52.09DarkTrooperafternoon to you then ^^
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21:53.00DarkTroopersomeone explain why i read forum posts/threads that are obviously goign to annoy me /sigh
21:53.06purlwell, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
21:53.09DarkTrooperthis is why i don't get anything done durign the day, haha
21:53.16*** part/#waruidev Nyborek1 (
21:53.17Aiiane^--- rizzen
21:53.59rizzenuniveral greeting time my ass
21:54.03rizzenits 4pm
21:54.10rizzenthat means it is 5pm somewhere
21:54.12rizzenWE SHOULD BE DRUNK
21:54.15DarkTrooperwell it's nearly 8am here ^^
21:57.15rizzen8am is a good time to start
21:57.19rizzendrinking that is
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22:17.13initramwell i am off... good night
22:18.23sOLARiZI'm too. Good night... damn 00:16 am
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23:29.08rizzenmmm silence
23:53.43*** join/#waruidev Freddy09 (
23:53.47Freddy09hi thar
23:59.13Aiianesomething says I shouldn't have much of a latency problem to WAR's servers:
23:59.37Aiianenor a bandwidth issue :P

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