IRC log for #waruidev on 20080826

00:01.19Daegalusgod damn
00:01.33Daegalusmy guild is now also going through hte "Should we roll Order or Destruction" thing
00:01.37Daegaluswe were destruction
00:01.43Daegalusbut people liked order classes
00:02.12Aiianewhich order classes
00:04.54DaegalusEngineer for one, White Lion for the other, Shadow Warrior, Ironbreaker, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter
00:04.58Daegalusjust like
00:05.02Daegaluseveryones ont eh fence now
00:05.05Daegaluseven me
00:05.21DaegalusIm love the disicple, but i would also enjoy playing an AM
00:05.27Freddy09i was des before the weekend too
00:05.33nicoli_shaha ->
00:05.36Freddy09then i spent yesterday convincing my friends to swatp
00:05.42Freddy09that doesn't give names nicoli
00:05.49Freddy09least i don't think so
00:05.53Daegalusjust now i prefer to go Destruction, cause i think they will be the underdog now
00:06.14Aiianehonestly, id just roll whichever race has classes that appeal to you more
00:06.27Aiianedont bother trying to predict which realm will be the under/top dog
00:06.30Daegalusya i know, but thats the problem, the entire guild is on the fence ?
00:06.42Freddy09so push them back to your side
00:07.29Daegaluswe are having guild debates right now
00:07.35Daegalusand i need to see what my GF says
00:07.41Daegaluscause she had her heart set on Witch Elf
00:08.51Freddy09sounds like  agood idea
00:10.24nicoli_sit doesn't
00:10.31nicoli_sno public myp extractor will
00:10.46nicoli_scuz no one wants to give up the filename dictionary they worked hard on
00:11.25nicoli_sman i could never get my gf to play a fantasy type game
00:12.35nicoli_sbut she plays the wii so thats better than nothing
00:14.47`ZypherDaegalus: i play a we
00:14.51`Zypherthey are the funziez
00:14.58hahahave her try Lineage 2, or EverQuest 2, they dig the beautiful character games
00:15.31DaegalusNicoli_s: get her Wii Fit, and then get her to get into some tight workout clothes. then just watch....
00:16.02`ZypherDaegalus: thats terrible, everyone knows that youtube video was a farse
00:16.14Daegalusnot really
00:16.16Daegalusmy gf does it
00:16.20Daegalusevery morning
00:16.33`Zypherhoola hoop?
00:16.34Daegalusshe doesnt change from what she sleeps in
00:16.41Daegalusand she sleeps in teh buff
00:16.46`Zypherso hopefully nothing?
00:17.56Daegalusshe doesnt care either. so its fine. though i sleep in the buff too, so its not like its only one way
00:18.56`Zypherin the buff
00:18.58`Zypherwho says that?
00:23.04`ZypherDaegalus: rawrblam
00:23.28Daegalusi do
00:24.56`Zypherwierd shit.
00:59.56Daegalusso can i get a purl for hte biggest weirdo in this channel?
01:04.29*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
01:04.55pewpewarrows`Zypher, didn't you say there were some command line options for starting war?
01:05.19`Zyphernone that work
01:05.34`Zypherare the only two that work
01:05.37pewpewarrowsno -opengl ?
01:05.44`Zypherno opengl
01:06.22pewpewarrowsI'm trying to get it to run in wine right now
01:07.33Daegaluslol, reason there is no OPenGL is cause they didnt have any non-dx targets
01:07.36Daegaluswhiel WoW did
01:07.45Daegaluspewpew, try cedega
01:09.46DaegalusRegarding the API for plugins, this close to release, why has there been no documentation or real discussion among testers?
01:09.48DaegalusJosh Drescher: Because we don't feel the need to release that documentation.
01:09.57Daegalustalk about a kick in teh ass to modders
01:10.01pewpewarrowsyeah really
01:10.13pewpewarrowsand good suggestion, I'll try cedega
01:10.26Daegalusits not free though, so you might have to pirate it
01:10.37Daegalusor convince me to give you a working copy from my member center
01:10.41pewpewarrowsI have it already
01:10.56Daegalusmost people dont feel the need to pay for it
01:11.00Daegalusso i thought id say that
01:11.18pewpewarrowsI got it for free while doing a research project
01:11.20pewpewarrowsso win/win
01:11.36Daegalusoh nice
01:11.41AiianeDaegalus: where were you quoting from?
01:11.50DaegalusWHA front page
01:12.57Aiianeyes, i see
01:13.37Daegaluspretty much he says "Modders will have to work for it, by figuring it out on their own"
01:13.40pewpewarrowsthat sounds like a very harsh statement
01:18.31Aiianealthough on the other hand, with the amount of information we already have gotten on our own the statement is sort of true >.> they dont really need to release documentation at this point, although it'd be /nice/ and save us some effort
01:18.53`Zypherget what for free?
01:19.06Daegalusya, but also we dont know a lot of things, like what access will be cut. Liskt stuff we are doing now, some functions might be locked later, and break lots of stuff
01:19.44*** join/#waruidev plumpkin (n=plumpkin@
01:20.05pewpewarrowsperhaps they're bitter about public knowledge of the interface and api before open beta even began?
01:20.42nicoli_soh well, they ahd to know people were working on it
01:20.50nicoli_sat least we didnt release a full extractor
01:20.59nicoli_sthen people could see all the bugs in their interface :P
01:22.59`ZypherI bought it
01:23.04`Zypherand then wine got better
01:24.04AiianeDaegalus: if stuff breaks, it breaks
01:24.19`Zypherand we figure out how to fix it!
01:24.31`Zypherckknight: has mythic sent you guys anything about the addons?
01:24.33DaegalusAiiane: true, it just sucks
01:25.05ckknightnope, `Zypher
01:25.15`Zypherand nothing about the wiki either
01:25.23`ZypherI don't think they could be that angry then
01:27.31smcn"we don't feel the need to release that documentation" could mean "we don't have documentation" ;P
01:28.16smcnor if they do, the documentation involves too much of the c stuff and they don't want to parse through and remove it
01:36.52Aiiane this person's sig makes me cry.
01:38.29ckknightwhose messiah is this?
01:46.23Daegalusgah i wanna remember the recipe for Zombie hands
01:46.28Daegalusit was an apothecary recipe
01:46.39Daegalusit made 1 hand per craft, and if you equip both
01:46.45Daegalusit will make your character walk like a zomibe
01:47.45Daegalust involved a scavenging item as the main ingredient
01:55.56`ZypherAiiane: its alright we all want to cry sometimes.
02:03.02*** join/#waruidev ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
02:03.02*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:03.45`Zypherwb ckknight
02:04.09Aiianeso ckknight, was I not quick enough for you? :P
02:04.22ckknightAiiane: nope
02:04.33`ZypherAiiane: quick like what?
02:04.46Aiiane04[18:51] Aiiane: 01check the packager log
02:04.47Aiiane04[18:51] Aiiane: 01qid definitely didn't package right
02:05.03`ZypherI see
02:05.06Aiianegit's giving errors about needing a merge, ckknight
02:05.10`Zyphernothing worthy of my time.
02:05.11ckknightthat's a fucked up case anyway
02:05.15Aiianeso the files that got packaged all have diff tags :P
02:06.13`Zypherckknight: I can't believe you approved MyPad as an addon name
02:06.22ckknightI didn't approve it
02:06.26`Zypherwho did
02:06.32ckknightlink to project?
02:06.33`Zypherdoes it automatically?
02:06.41ckknightno, nothing is approved automatically
02:06.44`Zypherits mine
02:06.51`ZypherI just wanted to see if it would go through
02:07.00ckknightAckis approved it
02:07.11`ZypherAckis: fail less hard :P
02:07.45`Zypheryou could change the name if you want
02:07.48`Zypherpick something witty
02:08.43`Zypherthat would have been even better
02:08.55`ZypherI thought people would have picked up on MyPad when I commited it
02:08.59`Zypherbut guess not
02:11.38`ZypherI think MaxiPad would be the ultimate
02:12.11smcnwhat is the font used in lolcats
02:12.43`Zypheri dunno
02:20.26smcnthere, i have a new curseforge profile pic... it's adam savage!
02:20.53`ZypherI actually put my real pic on my curse profile
02:23.11*** join/#waruidev lazarenth_ (
02:26.45Aiianeand yes, i went to look :(
02:26.49smcni would, but my current unkempt hobo beard would probably crash the server
02:27.09Aiianesomehow i do not think this is `Zypher's real pic:
02:29.02`Zyphersaid curse
02:29.06`Zyphernot curseforge
02:29.14*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
02:34.06ckknightAiiane: my real pic is here:
02:34.22Aiianeoh, lol `Zypher
02:34.34Aiianerule #1 of photography
02:34.42Aiianedon't have a bright lightsource in the background
02:34.59Aiiane~lart ckknight
02:34.59purlthrows a AN/M-8 smoke grenade at ckknight
02:35.23Aiianealso, what's up with the CurseForge project's icon?
02:35.41ckknightAiiane: someone uploaded it
02:36.24`ZypherAiiane: whats wrong with the bright light?
02:48.24*** join/#waruidev CowBook (
02:53.51*** join/#waruidev `Zypher (
02:55.41`Zypherwow the tranfer rate for my new disc drive is really nice
02:55.47`ZypherIDE to SATA = awesome.
02:56.24smcnyears behind ;) j/k i made the switch like 8 months ago when i upgraded :P
02:58.42DaegalusO.o you slowpokes
02:58.52Daegalusive been using sata for the last 4 years if not more
03:00.34`ZypherI just never had a good reason to buy a sata disc drive
03:00.40`ZypherI had perfectly good ide ones
03:00.42`Zypherbut wow
03:00.45`Zypherits a nice upgrade lol
03:01.18Daegalusi dunno, i always liked the new stuff
03:01.21Daegalusit always ran better
03:01.24Daegalusso when i did upgrades
03:01.27Daegalusi got the est ofthe best
03:01.28smcnDaegalus: that's about how long ago my previous upgrade was... :P
03:01.29Daegalusand it lasts forever
03:01.48Daegalusya, but my family is tech oriented
03:01.53`ZypherI have a great computer Daegalus
03:01.54Daegalusso we do frequent tech upgrades
03:02.01`ZypherI just never cared about the disc drives.
03:02.07Daegalusi never said yo udidnt have it
03:02.09`ZypherHDDs have been sata for ages.
03:02.12Daegalusim just saying the reason why I did
03:03.00Daegalusha, i put my picture up on my profile!
03:03.45Daegalusthough its from like last october
03:03.46Daegalusso its old
03:05.11`Zypherthats one of those haloween outlets
03:07.13DaegalusSpirit Halloween
03:11.25*** join/#waruidev haha (n=test@
03:11.53hahais closed beta down?
03:12.05Aiianeunless you're an elder tester, yes.
03:12.24hahauntil when?
03:14.26Aiianeuntil open beta.
03:14.47*** join/#waruidev CowBook (
03:16.00hahaoh well...
03:25.58*** join/#waruidev danboo (
03:54.26hahais the EU elder beta seperate from US elder beta?
03:54.46AiianeI have no idea.
03:54.57nicoli_sthere is no eu elder
03:57.52hahaaccounts or beta?
03:59.14Daegalusthere is no EU elder, they are just closed beta normal
04:00.01DaegalusElder means testers that have direct access to one of Mythic's internal servers.
04:07.15hahaah k
04:23.00`Zypheror mcdouches who wont tell another douche what the new patch.cfg looks like
04:23.06`Zypher~larp Aiiane
04:23.11`Zypheror not
04:23.25`Zypherwhat is it
04:23.29`ZypherI'm tired
04:23.35Aiiane~lart `Zypher
04:23.35purlpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps `Zypher
04:24.33`ZypherAiiane: you said something about the light in my picture
04:24.39`Zypherwhy you gotta hate?
04:25.15Aiianebright light in background = anything in foreground looks dark
04:26.09`ZypherI am dark
04:26.12`ZypherI'm a vampire.
04:31.14*** join/#waruidev Takeshii (
04:31.33`Zypherso im downloading some beta
04:31.43`Zypherso I can play it while I wait for war open beta
04:33.44`Zypherhas anyone played Perfect World?
04:34.57TakeshiiHello, is there any UI modders here that can spare a minute of their a couple minutes for a person ignorant to programming and the like? :X
04:35.37Takeshiierrr its late, that almost did not make sense o.o
04:36.04Takeshii*spare a minute of their time... there we go
04:42.10TakeshiiGuessing everyone has hit the sack already? xD I might try again tomarrow then
04:56.10DaegalusTakeshii: whats up? Ill help
04:56.25Daegalussorry ive been busy doing some art so i wasnt looking at IRC
04:57.51TakeshiiOh ok
04:58.48TakeshiiI am a 3d artist and have no knowledge in UI development or anything and just need some clues as to the extent of changing the artwork in the game.
05:00.00TakeshiiFor example I would like to completly overhaul the hotbar art to be somewhat animated and alive,  could I animate it using a frame sequence through a UI mod?
05:00.37TakeshiiJust an idea ive had, not the slightest idea if its possible
05:01.45TakeshiiOr furtur, is it not known if this can be done or not yet?
05:11.49Daegalusim not sure it can be done
05:11.53Daegalusit might
05:11.56Daegalusi dont know much about the bars
05:12.07Daegalusbut i dont think you can easily
05:12.07TakeshiiWell, UI artwork in general
05:12.25Daegalusalso, why overhaul the actionbars, i think tehy are alive as it is already
05:12.38Daegalusthe UI possible. I think you can change frameart and such
05:13.31Daegaluslike Unitframe mods will most likely be possible
05:13.38TakeshiiI like the hotbars their great. Ive just never seen in my experiance of MMO's any artowrk thats animated and thought it would be a cool effect
05:13.54TakeshiiIf it could be pulled off without bloating the interface
05:14.10Takeshiiseen any*
05:15.41*** join/#waruidev rizzen (
05:15.42Daegalusthats cause it would be too much of a distraction. asit i fyou have too much movement, and moving parts. imagine your action buttons on fire for some mechanic, while the bar is like flashing something, or moving, you cast bar is like doing its own thing, the map is having spasms, and your other frames are going nuts. IM jus tsaying it will be too much on the eyes, especially in a PVP game...
05:15.44Daegalus...where there is tons of action aleady. Imagine you are waiting for some spell animation to go off and its similar to your UI animation. It might confuse you an make you press a buton early or not at all. Its counter productive in a sense and hard on the eyes
05:16.46TakeshiiWell, that case is a little extreme at best, but I get your point
05:16.59Daegalusbut if you still want it, i do believe it might be possible
05:17.20Daegalusbut I actually dont hink they allow animations for frames. dont quote me on that though. still so much of hte API to figure out
05:17.34Takeshiithank you
05:17.39TakeshiiI just have one more question
05:17.46Daegalusgo for it
05:17.53TakeshiiIf this were to be possible to any extent
05:18.09TakeshiiHow would one go about learning to modify the interface.
05:18.27TakeshiiFrom a total ignorant state of programming
05:18.31Aiianeis where we're working on documenting things
05:18.46Daegalusumm go read the book programming in lua. I think Aiiane has the link
05:18.48Aiianefor an introduction to Lua, which is what WAR uses as its language for the UI
05:18.50Daegalusand get familiar with XML
05:18.51Aiianesee here:
05:18.54purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
05:19.18TakeshiiOk, wow. I will definatly check into that. Many thanks
05:19.53DaegalusAiiane, if i said anything incorrect please correct me. Since i still am less experienced in Lua and modding in general :P
05:20.48Aiianethe capability to allow animations is there (you can see if you play an archmage or whatnot - there are animated effects around some skill icons depending on your career resource level), but I echo the thought that in general it's not a good idea
05:22.44TakeshiiThe animation is in the artwork around the hotbar itself? Or is it a proprietary effect attached to the skill that happens when you use it? I dont know because the only class i played is a squigg herder
05:23.14Aiianeits in special overlays for buttons
05:24.29TakeshiiSo I could only animate art that is triggered by events buttons create? Or could a use it to animate static art around the interface to?
05:40.20`ZypherI would assume you can animate normal frames as well
05:40.26`ZypherI don't think you need an event to do it.
05:40.31`Zypherlet me look
05:40.38TakeshiiThats good to hear
05:41.51`Zypherthat is the glow effect for shamans I believe
05:42.27`Zypherlet  me find the corresponding .dds file
05:43.22TakeshiiI dont know what im looking at, but <animatedImage> looks promising :D
05:43.41`Zypherwell to me it looks like
05:44.02`Zypheryou have the <animatedImage> window deficinition
05:44.14`Zypheryou can then tell it how many frames per second to process
05:44.24`Zypherthen you can specify the order in which the slices are displayed
05:44.36`Zypherwhich is the AnimFame tag
05:44.52`Zypherso for example
05:44.59`Zypherlets say I have a round texture
05:45.02`Zypherthat has a spark
05:45.05`Zypherat 20 different points
05:45.34`ZypherI can then tell it that I want it to run through those 20 points at 10fps
05:45.46TakeshiiThat makes sense
05:45.52`ZypherI wish I had the image to show you
05:46.27TakeshiiWell, I do understand animation. Its what i do in the industry ;) Its the code thats foreign to me hehe
05:47.11`Zypheryou have
05:47.17` has 20 iterations of the same image
05:47.26`Zypherwith the spark at 20 different points
05:47.40`Zypherthen the AnimFrame is used to specify each texture
05:47.45`ZypherIn order I would assume
05:47.54`Zypherand you go from there
05:47.59`ZypherI would have loved to test this
05:48.08`Zypherbut textures weren't playing nice in PW
05:48.29TakeshiiAnd does it loop, or is it triggered, played once, then waits to be triggered again
05:48.50`Zypherit doesn't have any function specified
05:48.55`Zypherso I would assume it loops infinitely
05:49.01`Zypherand the default ui just hides the frame
05:49.05TakeshiiThats good to hear :D
05:49.20TakeshiiI will definatly pick up Programming in Lua and learn to do this.
05:50.16TakeshiiI would love to be able to aply my animation work in the game ive been waiting for so long XD
05:50.28Takeshiiand share it with the rest of the community if it ever does turn out
05:50.55`ZypherI'm just waiting to see if they apply a universal style to the whole ui in OB
05:51.09`Zypherit got so many patchwerk textures from different stages in dev atm its silly
05:51.35Takeshiiits a mess? lol
05:52.13`Zyphersry lots to think about right now
05:52.26`Zypherand its getting late
05:52.41TakeshiiI only got a week of CB, then the weekend /sigh. I had a standing CB invite for a while but was to busy to use it for the longest time >.<
05:53.28`ZypherI'm not elder either
05:53.31`ZypherI have a CB US account
05:53.36`Zypherand a standard EU account
05:53.40`Zypherbut EU has no Elder test so
05:53.46`ZypherI'm in the same boat
05:54.29TakeshiiAre the servers down till OB?
05:54.36`Zypherexcept Elder
05:54.44`ZypherWarpstone is till up
05:55.02`ZypherI do thank you tho, you gave me a great idea for my minimap texture :P
05:55.21`Zyphergoing to be similar to the vista loading spinny circle.
05:55.26TakeshiiXD cool. Glad to hear I helped somehow lol
05:55.54`ZypherI have an image
05:55.57`Zypherits not the right one
05:56.01`Zypherbut you should get the idea
05:57.02`Zypherala the loading screens
05:57.17Takeshiiahh yeah
05:57.48`Zypherso then you would specify each progressive image
05:57.54`Zypheras AnimFrame
05:58.00`Zypherand give it an id
05:58.07`Zypherthen specify its position on the overall image
05:58.10TakeshiiThe the X,Y coord of the corner of each frame
05:58.43`Zypherto the best of my knowledge without being able to test it, I would say thats how its done.
05:59.17`ZypherAnimatedImageSetPlaySpeed() AnimatedImageSetTexture() AnimatedImageStartAnimation() AnimatedImageStopAnimation()
05:59.22`Zypherare also available via lua
05:59.31`Zypherso you can start and stop the animation
05:59.38TakeshiiVery cool
05:59.49`Zyphergoes back to xfiles.
05:59.51`Zyphercya around
05:59.58Takeshiilater, thanks a ton
06:00.32Aiianelol, that's amusing... apparently a lot of EA_ default UI modules that aren't involved with the Player unitframe at all, still dep it
06:01.05Aiianeso if you disable it, they dont load
06:04.21*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
06:07.10DaegalusI think they are mostly templates than actual UI
06:08.34Daegaluscan we make purls say "As declared by the kings and queens of #WARUIDev, Daegalus is hereby proclaimed, the biggest noob of them all" whenever someone does ~noob
06:11.35Aiianewhat do you think? (default on top for comparison)
06:11.55Daegalusi like it
06:12.04Daegalusyou should still keep the level in there somewhere
06:12.40Aiianei could put it in front of the name
06:13.04Daegaluswhat that orange arrow next to the level?
06:13.07Daegalusi keep forgetting
06:13.16Aiianeadvancement available
06:13.23Aiianei.e. "you havent trained yet you noob"
06:13.33*** join/#waruidev matsuka (
06:13.35Daegalusyou should bput tha in the grey area next to the bars thats sitll visible
06:14.04TakeshiiThey sure do conceal it well for trying to inform you lol
06:14.21TakeshiiI never noticed it while i was playing, the arrow that is
06:14.23Daegalusyou should see if you can expand that grey area
06:14.31Daegalusand put the level at the top of hte grey area
06:14.34Daegalusand the arrow on teh bottom
06:14.37Aiianeit's part of the texture, daeg
06:14.47Aiianecant really change it
06:14.55Daegalusi know, doesnt mean stretch the area the texture covers
06:15.07Daegalustextures dont have defined sizes, jsut the area they texture
06:15.08Aiianethe texture is the entire frame for the healbar/apbar
06:15.18Aiianestretching it screws it up
06:15.41Daegaluswell level isnt that important
06:15.43Daegalusits just nice
06:16.07Daegalusthough removing the Open Party button is bad, since ther eis no other way to open it
06:16.30Daegalusmaybe with a keybind, but othe rthan that, no go i think
06:17.15Daegalusjust giving some constructive criticism, i love the direction you are going in. if you cna make a minimalistic UI, be sure to tell me. i would love ot use it
06:21.37TakeshiiWell Thanks again for the help you guys. Youll probably see me again when OB opens and Im trying to teach my feeble mind to learn Lua. Hehe.
06:22.09AiianeI think I might be moving the player name back up above the bar
06:34.43AiianeDaegalus - the open party window is in the context menu
06:35.10Daegalusoh, well still easier to click a button
06:36.56Aiianewell, i can add stuff specific to the player frame later if i want
06:37.01Aiianeright now im just trying to get a good layout
06:37.08Aiianefor a generic unitframe
06:37.26smcni have a coroutine conundrum
06:37.44smcnis it only possible to yield a coroutine once?
06:37.44Aiianeis that some euphemism for girl problems?
06:41.26Aiianeum, shouldnt be smcn
06:41.34Aiianethe classic example is a producer and a consumer
06:41.49Aiianeboth yielding to each other when they dont currently have anything to do
06:41.53Aiianeback and forth
06:45.08netcursegood morning
06:45.22netcurseand BBL, i'm away most of the day=P
06:46.03Aiianesilly net
06:46.11*** join/#waruidev Lliane (i=c3dcfc7d@gateway/web/ajax/
06:46.15netcursetomorrow i fly back to SF : )
06:46.43Llianewe need to talk a little netcurse
06:46.44Aiianehi Lliane
06:47.46Llianehi Aiiane
06:49.07LlianeAiiane: any comment about the new version of online api?
06:49.17Llianei've set integer as the type but
06:49.19Llianelua> 42
06:49.19lua_botLliane: 42
06:49.24Llianelua> type(42)
06:49.24lua_botLliane: number
06:50.51Aiianedidnt i say to use number?
06:51.49AiianeI honestly don't remember
06:52.00Llianeit's a drama?
06:52.07Aiianeif I said integer, my mistake then
06:52.11Aiianeand what?
06:52.42Llianeno i put integer ^^
06:52.42Llianei'm on a web client and i didn't find the types you put
06:52.44Llianestring wstring bool integer are well recognised
06:52.58Aiianelua> type(false)
06:52.59lua_botAiiane: boolean
06:52.59Llianesubobject is not really subobject
06:53.22Aiianesomeone tell me what the heck lliane is talking about?
06:53.26*** join/#waruidev lliane|esl (i=c3dcfc7d@gateway/web/ajax/
06:53.44Aiianelliane, what are you talking about? you've got me completely confused
06:54.11lliane|eslstillLoading (boolean)      default: true
06:54.16Aiianewhat about it?
06:54.20lliane|eslthe properties
06:54.21Aiianelua> type(false)
06:54.22lua_botAiiane: boolean
06:54.25lliane|eslis there anything wrong?
06:54.41Aiianeyes... int should be number
06:54.49lliane|esli should kill myself
06:54.55Aiianeand yes, i know they're red links
06:54.59AiianeI havent made pages for the types yet
06:55.07Aiianethe other types are fine
06:55.36Aiianealso, i am happy, because I have a nice purdy unitframe template :)
06:58.47lliane|esl :p
06:58.58lliane|eslworking on wow fulltime atm
06:59.44hahahi lliane|esl is your site?
06:59.47Aiianewell the best part of that frame I just showed you an image of
06:59.52Aiianeis that the entire thing is a template
06:59.56Aiianethat I just created an instance of
06:59.58lliane|eslhaha: yes
07:00.05Aiianeso I can make plenty of copies for group window, etc
07:00.11lliane|eslhaha: why?
07:01.40hahaah k just wondering if everyone is generating the myp file names from the hashes or theres an index in there somewhere with all the filenames? :)
07:02.29Aiianewell if nothing else, if its a lua file you could randomly try to call some function in it with the wrong arguments and see what the error message says for the source file. :P
07:08.55Aiianeso yeah... it looks like it's going to be a pain to just literally *replace* any given part of the default UI
07:09.02Aiianeas in, be able to deactivate it
07:09.28Aiianebecause some modules have dependencies from/on the other default UI elements
07:09.37Aiianeso it'll probably wind up that if you use custom unitframes
07:09.45Aiianeyou'll just have to hide the default ones in the layout manager
07:09.48Aiianeand not actually disable them
07:09.58Aiianeotherwise half your interface won't load
07:11.58smcni believe wow unitframe mods just hide the defaults as well
07:12.13Aiianeexcept that wow doesn't have a layoutmanager built in :P
07:12.28AiianeI might be able to unregister the default frames from the layoutmanager, though
07:12.33smcntrue, but i'm sure it's possible to call the "hide-via-layout-manager" function in a script
07:12.41Aiianeactually, it isn't :P
07:12.44`ZypherAiiane: once they give EA_*.Shutdown() actual unreg commands you could call that
07:12.49Aiianethey're local functions to the layoutmanager file :P
07:12.58hahaare lots of UI functions diabled or returning null?
07:13.00Aiianeyou could call the mouseevent handler for those buttons
07:13.10Aiianebut that'd be a pain to find the buttons in the first place
07:13.14Aiianesince it's a dynamic list
07:13.17`ZypherAiiane: I had a good idea btw
07:13.24Aiianehaha: ?
07:13.28smcnwell, in the CECB/PW client you couldn't even hide windows via the lom :P
07:13.49`Zypheryes you could
07:13.53`Zypherwhat are you talking about
07:13.56hahaah nothing were just finding not all UI functions dont return data, wondering if they are being disabled by Mythic
07:14.05smcn`Zypher: didn't work for me :P
07:14.15`Zyphersmcn: how did you go about doing it?
07:14.17Aiianehaha: a lot of functions dont actually put their return values in the function returns
07:14.23smcnright-click, hide
07:14.34Aiianehaha: instead, they tell the client's C side to store the values needed in a global variable in Lua
07:14.35`Zyphersmcn: you have to do it via the "Windows" mmenu
07:14.47Aiianehaha: and then the function that called the request checks the global variable
07:15.11`Zypherlua> 60 * 1
07:15.12lua_bot`Zypher: 60
07:15.13hahaanyone figured out how to by pass the patcher and run the client in a dev mode or something ? :)
07:15.22`Zypherlua> 60 * 60
07:15.23lua_bot`Zypher: 3600
07:15.31`Zypherlua> 3600 * 12
07:15.31lua_bot`Zypher: 43200
07:15.34Aiianehaha: um, unless you have a working server, there's not much point
07:15.42Aiianesince the patcher is what generates your login for that server
07:15.59`Zypherhaha: the patcher generates --authtoken=
07:16.05`Zypherhaha: and fires WAR.exe like
07:16.14`ZypherWAR.exe --acctname=* --authtoken=*
07:16.18hahak thanks Aiiane, ill try that next time beta comes up :)
07:16.36Aiianehaha: any particular functions you were wondering about?
07:16.43AiianeI can get you a usage example of them in the default UI
07:20.11*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash__ (
07:21.07`ZypherAiiane: with <animatedWindow>
07:21.15`ZypherI bet it could be possible to make a sort of clock
07:21.29Aiianebut it wouldnt actually have much meaning
07:21.36`Zypherit wouldn't
07:21.49hahaah k thanks, not now, maybe next week or so :) kinda hard without a game to test
07:21.51`Zypherbut it would look cool
07:23.12`ZypherI was thinking
07:23.18`Zypheryou know the vista loading mouse icon
07:23.34`ZypherI could make my minimap's border have a similar effect
07:23.38`Zypherand spin at 60fps
07:23.53hahais there a way to get out coords?
07:24.03Aiianemap coords, as in your current position? yes
07:24.12Aiianesince the map itself shows them :P
07:24.31hahalike log it to a file?
07:25.52Aiianehmm. actually, i sort of lied
07:25.56Aiianeyou can't get your current position
07:25.58*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash (
07:26.05Aiianeonly the position of your mouse cursor on the worldmap
07:26.16Aiianeforgot which coords the map displays
07:26.45Aiianebut i just checked and it's the cursor ones
07:31.37`Zyphersuga suga how you get so fly
07:31.41*** join/#waruidev Takeshii (
07:31.47`Zypherwb Takeshii
07:32.18TakeshiiZypher: how do you access the art files?
07:32.47Aiianethey're in the myp's
07:33.00Aiianeyou can extract them with something like
07:33.09Aiianeafter which they're in DDS format
07:33.51TakeshiiOk, so they do the whole archive thing like WoW
07:34.17Takeshiithrow everything in huge files and call it good lol
07:35.29TakeshiiThanks for the link Aiiane
07:35.52`Zypherthis person is intelligent and WHA shits on it.
07:35.57`ZypherI could just be tired
07:36.32Aiianeum, its more just that they were stating the obvious
07:37.04*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash__ (
07:37.34`ZypherAiiane: I can't think atm
07:37.44`Zyphermy brain hurts
07:38.53`Zypherwow homo
07:39.01`Zypherall US servers are in a farm in Virginia
07:39.17`Zypherno LA / Texas / Seattle
07:39.18Daegalusim back
07:39.39Takeshiiwtb seattle server
07:40.02`ZypherI would think they would go for Texas
07:40.02Daegalusumm WoW's are all in the same server famr actually
07:40.13Daegalusin virginia
07:40.13`ZypherDaegalus: not true.
07:40.35lliane|esl`Zypherthis person is intelligent and WHA shits on it.
07:40.41lliane|esli totally agree with you
07:41.28`ZypherDaegalus: if that were true why would routes have differed so much between servers?
07:41.38`Zypherwhy would pings be different?
07:41.53Daegaluswell originally they were al east coast
07:41.57Daegalusguess they expanded
07:41.59`Zypherthats true
07:42.01Daegalusand reworked some stuff
07:42.08Daegalusi never paid attention really
07:42.12`ZypherKorgath which was in texas I got 23 ping to
07:42.23`ZypherDarkspear which was East I get 50+
07:42.48`ZypherKil'Jaeden which was East I got like 15-20
07:42.55`ZypherKJ was west*
07:43.05Daegalusi just googled it, calm down, you are right
07:43.31`ZypherThey have support for multiple master server lists
07:43.45`Zypherso I'm not worried it implies there will be east and wast servers
07:43.55`Zypherperhaps not at launch
07:43.57`Zypherbut later on
07:44.48Daegalusbut originally they were like mythic, then later expanded wit new servers. I think WAR will do the same also later on if more pepole migrate to war
07:45.08hahathats the 3rd myp extractor ive found, i guess this one doesnt get the file names either?
07:45.20`Zyphernot many do haha
07:45.59`Zyphersee what im saying Daegalus
07:46.42Aiianehaha: most people don't want to give up their dictionary files which they went to the effort to create :P
07:46.49Daegalusdidnt i tell you i found the info already zyph.
07:47.29`ZypherDaegalus:  I know
07:47.31hahaare there any instructions on how to create our own dictionary file?
07:47.41`ZypherI'm just proving that yes they will be adding other servers later on
07:47.45`Zypherserver farms*
07:49.49Aiianehaha: dictionary files are just files that list hashes and the corresponding filenames
07:49.50SkyFlash__haha: write a little software that looks through the files and captures every filename
07:50.13Aiianeor find the ones in mythic's xml :P
07:50.14`Zypheryou guys could, maybe just once
07:50.17SkyFlash__like: extract all the lua and mod files first without filenames
07:50.18`Zypherthank you
07:50.29SkyFlash__extract all the filenames from those files
07:50.40SkyFlash__its easy, they are like "filename.lua" and stuff
07:50.44`Zyphereach .myp has an xml dictionary built in
07:50.54`Zypherbut no one listens to me
07:50.58Aiianedo you remember the hash for its name `Zypher?
07:51.00AiianeI don't offhand
07:51.01SkyFlash__ya i know, i found them too
07:51.09SkyFlash__however i am not sure they are complete...
07:51.09`ZypherI have them extracted
07:51.13`Zypherand seperated
07:51.18`Zypherthey are.
07:51.23Aiianei know, i was just trying to remember the name(s) :P
07:51.24hahathe dictionary lists all the files totally?
07:51.25SkyFlash__k then just use those
07:51.32hahaerr the xml dictionary in each .myp ?
07:52.04`ZypherAiiane: well the thing about the myp extractor I have is it renames the files from their default "hashed" name
07:52.05SkyFlash__ya whatever, lots of possibilities :P
07:52.35Aiianeah `Zypher
07:52.58`Zypherthats data.myp
07:53.32`ZypherI haven't extracted since PW patches so idk
07:53.36`Zypherit could have changed a bit
07:53.48lliane|esl`Zypher: there's no more dictionanry
07:54.06`Zypherleme check
07:54.07lliane|eslthey removed it more than one year ago
07:54.19lliane|eslthey re-added them?
07:54.20`Zypherthen wtf do I have
07:54.24lliane|eslare you serious?
07:54.30`Zypherbecause I took these out of the 3.3 client.
07:54.50`Zypherwhy does no one look at the link
07:54.51lliane|esllemme check
07:54.54`Zypherlook at the xml file I linked
07:56.00`Zypherim gunna extract the current ones while I download a patch for BF
07:56.03SkyFlashyou found the hashes in the xml??
07:56.15SkyFlashthere was a file in my myp with filenames
07:56.20SkyFlashbut not with hashes
07:56.42`Zypherclick on the link
07:56.46`Zypherjust click!
07:56.49SkyFlashya i did...
07:56.52SkyFlashthats why i say this
07:57.01SkyFlashthats from the EU beta?
07:57.07`Zypher<file name="interface/Default/EATemplate_Icons/Textures/" hash="314b6da6d515b" mtime="47ea8796"/>
07:57.36SkyFlashi bet they removed the hashes for the EU :P
07:57.37lliane|eslthis rocks
07:58.02lliane|eslyou think there is a guy in GOA with more programming skills than Flash MX?
07:58.06`ZypherSkyFlash: I believe that Chryso told me he couldn't find it when he extracted the EU ones
07:58.33SkyFlashya i believe i looked for filenames, and i did find some, but no hashes and i was thinking its not complete
07:58.52SkyFlashso... they probably changed something cause they think in EU we are all hackers
07:59.15lliane|eslcan't get them in last week archive
07:59.17lliane|eslfrom us
07:59.37`Zypherwouldn't that make them correct?
07:59.46lliane|eslthey already added and removed filenames
07:59.56Aiianeoh lookie, i found the talisman window code
08:00.06SkyFlashno... we are not all hackers, just some of us :P
08:00.11`ZypherAiiane: took you long enough
08:00.21lliane|esl ?
08:00.29SkyFlashalso there are enough US hackers :P
08:00.35haha`Zypher you generated that file or found that in the MYP?
08:00.48`Zypherhaha: found in .myp
08:02.04Aiiane`Zypher: I just hadnt bothered browsing
08:02.40`ZypherI think its gone now
08:02.44`ZypherI can't find them now
08:02.44Aiianesadly, it doesnt actually work if i pull it up in game
08:03.39hahaperhaps its still in there, they just moved it?
08:03.48SkyFlashno its gone
08:03.56`ZypherI got those on Aug5 2008
08:03.59SkyFlashi searched all files, wrote a custom software for it
08:04.13`ZypherI need to go to sleep
08:04.16Aiianefor a sec, I thought I had found a reference to GetMillisecs()
08:04.22Aiianebut it doesnt work ingame :/
08:04.26`Zyphercya guys tomarrow
08:04.36`ZypherAiiane: I will still have your babies.
08:04.59Aiiane...wouldnt that be...the..other..way...around....
08:05.01AiianeI hope?
08:05.19SkyFlashhey you can both link up and have babies at the same time!
08:05.25`Zypherwasn't there some girl/guy that had a kid?
08:05.44SkyFlasha nice lesbian family with two kids...
08:06.03hahaare the item icons in the interface or art archive? i found them but dont see any link between the item icon names ingame -> filenames that zypher gave
08:06.05`Zypherdoes `Zypher sound like a girl's name?
08:08.38TakeshiiWow, what is this...
08:08.55`ZypherTakeshii: a "man" had a kid.
08:09.11lliane|eslit's legaly a man, but it was a gir
08:09.14`Zypherhas my picture.
08:09.16lliane|eslit's legaly a man, but it was born a girl
08:09.18`Zypherlliane|esl: well yes.
08:09.28lliane|eslstrange ever
08:09.57`Zyphergirls are wierd, and this proves it.
08:10.16Aiianehmph. :|
08:10.21`ZypherAiiane: sorry but the trust must be told.
08:10.22Aiianenight all~
08:10.29`Zypherim tired.
08:10.33`Zypherya niters
08:10.45Daegalusnight aiiane
08:16.04TakeshiiErr, I just extracted Art.myp and it dumped everything in my C\docs and settings\Takeshii...not even in its own folder just there lol
08:17.34SkyFlashlol have fun :P
08:18.01TakeshiiYeah, definatly gunna call it a night
08:24.35lliane|eslSkyFlash: you should set Desktop as default directory
08:27.43SkyFlashwhat? why me?
08:27.52SkyFlashfor what?
08:28.19SkyFlashwhat are you talking about? :P
08:30.35lliane|eslto extract all the files on the desltop ^^
08:41.45*** join/#waruidev netcurse_ (
08:50.12*** join/#waruidev HansM (
08:50.17HansMmorning peopel
08:50.54SkyFlashwee my second addon is up! :P
08:51.46HansMgz! what is it about?
08:53.59SkyFlashin game gold advertising! :P
08:54.13SkyFlashwell it was...
08:54.38SkyFlashbefore they deleted it *g*
08:55.38lliane|eslgold is legal, selling is legal, why should selling gold be illegal?
08:55.49SkyFlashhey that was a great addon! :P
08:56.00lliane|eslI do not understand why prostitution is illegal. Why should prostitution be illegal? Selling is legal, fucking is legal. Why is selling and fucking legal?
08:56.05SkyFlashit exploits the LUA API at its finest :P
08:56.18SkyFlashprostitution is not illegal :P
08:56.26lliane|esldepends on where you live
08:56.38lliane|eslin france it is illegal
08:57.06SkyFlashi really have to say, the curseforge admins are REALLY fast ;)
08:57.13SkyFlashgratz to that :P
09:12.22SkyFlashshould addons be able to whisper people and write into chat channels?
09:13.14SkyFlashoh and didn't france like invent prostitution? *g*
09:13.33SkyFlashok ok it's much older than that, this time you are off the hook :P
09:13.50SkyFlashbut there was this Moulin Rouge thingy...
09:14.57lliane|eslmoulin rouge is 19th century
09:15.00lliane|eslprostituion is the older job of the world
09:15.13lliane|eslthere was prostitution in old egypt
09:15.54lliane|eslthere is only two movies about paris... Moulin Rouge and Ratatouille...
09:18.11haha... ?
09:18.58hahaAn American Werewolf in Paris
09:30.42SkyFlashoh ya and those 2nd WW movies, where France gets run over by germany *g*
09:33.07Daegalushey SkyFlash, what did your addon do that was removed?
09:37.28*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash_ (
09:41.52SkyFlash_my addon did collect names from the chat and then make it possible to whisper all those names with some text... and do it automatically every 10 minutes
09:43.34hahaspam addon :)
09:44.35lliane|eslthere is no /who function?
09:48.47SkyFlash_dont know... didnt see it yet
09:49.15SkyFlash_but the chat lines are saved with name, so it's pretty easy to collect player names standing around in a city
09:49.33SkyFlash_and then whisper them every ten minutes, or just once and delete the name again.. whatever
09:50.01SkyFlash_and actually i hate that addons can whisper players... it sucks
09:52.15*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
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10:10.57SkyFlash_that thread is cool... Aiiane and the rocketboots ;)
10:23.34hahaanyone find the link from file names to icons?
10:23.43hahaerr icon UI #'s ?
11:12.26SkyFlash_god i hate those people... if you use a ToT addon you are a noob.. but if you use teamspeak and do it that way its suddenly skill??
11:48.40lliane|esli'm not away
12:38.15*** join/#waruidev sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@unaffiliated/sylvanaar)
12:46.35ghostfishToT addon?
12:54.50*** join/#waruidev netcurse_ (
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13:15.12ghostfishand teamspeak/vent is skill because you're coordinating your tactics
13:19.04SkyFlash_na its not... its a third party addon, thats all
13:19.14SkyFlash_i can do the same with an in game addon
13:19.42SkyFlash_if I would write an addon that does the same TS does ingame, people would say its lame and addons should be banned
13:20.36SkyFlash_they warp their reality to whatever fits their needs... they like to use TS cause they know they will rule everyone else that is not using TS
13:23.46SkyFlash_Skill is to use everything possible to win that is within the ruleset and then own people that do the same
13:37.56*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
13:39.04matsukaThere is no ruleset in competitive gaming
13:39.53lliane|eslyes there is
13:40.00SkyFlash_there cant be a competition without a ruleset :P
13:40.02lliane|eslthe more your sponsor has money, the less skill you have
13:40.41SkyFlash_hm... na that sounds wrong... why should someone give you money if you suck?
13:41.01lliane|eslthat's not what it means
13:41.19lliane|eslit means that if your sponsor gief you too much money, you are gonna suck
13:41.48SkyFlash_ya cause you eat too much pizza and coke, get fat und die from heart diseases
13:42.40matsukaWhat i meant is that in competitive gaming there are always leeways from the ruleset
13:43.15SkyFlash_well if it works, its in the ruleset, if its not supposed to they got to change the rules
13:45.20pewpewarrowsAoC had no ruleset
13:45.25pewpewarrowswe all see how that turned out
13:46.38SkyFlash_AoC had a ruleset, but no game
13:46.53SkyFlash_thats different lol
13:47.03SkyFlash_btw pew how is your addon coming along?
13:47.54pewpewarrowswhich one? lol
13:48.02pewpewarrowsI have like a dozen I'm flipping between
13:48.08lliane|eslAoC is shit
13:48.10lliane|eslend of discussion
13:48.27SkyFlash_your great addon.. lol
13:48.32lliane|eslthe only stand which was empty at games convention
13:48.36lliane|eslwas funcom one
13:48.38SkyFlash_the unitframe thingy
13:48.47SkyFlash_really? didnt they burn it down?
13:48.59SkyFlash_i thought Funcoms booth just lasts about a day
13:49.26lliane|eslblizzard 200k visitors funcom 2k maybe
13:49.28pewpewarrowsoh yeah, unit frame is making its way along
13:49.36lliane|eslwarhammer 200k too
13:49.53SkyFlash_how are you giving the information about targets to the other players?
13:50.28SkyFlash_and did you put your code on curseforge yet or do you have a different hoster?
13:51.47pewpewarrowsno, all my stuff is using my framework right now
13:51.52pewpewarrowswhich is _very_ craptastic
13:52.05pewpewarrowsso until I get that to a releasable state on CF you won't see the rest
13:52.22pewpewarrowsbut, most likely one of these days you'll see like 10 new projects from me come up at once :P
13:52.47pewpewarrowsand I'm giving target info using the comm library of my framework
13:55.35*** join/#waruidev Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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13:58.40SkyFlash_ya and how is the comm library doing it?
13:58.47SkyFlash_a special chat channel like in WOW?
13:58.56SkyFlash_hidden from the user?
14:03.34Chryzo|AFKhi all
14:07.16*** join/#waruidev nicoli_s (
14:11.06pewpewarrowsyeah SkyFlash_
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14:11.33*** mode/#WARUIDev [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
14:11.36pewpewarrowsMythic doesn't give us a nice special hidden channel by default
14:12.14nicoli_sman i love when people send bugs aout the game to the war/wowdb bugs email
14:12.29pewpewarrowsso I'm working out a system for group/warband/global hidden channels to comm over
14:12.35pewpewarrowsand lol nicoli_s
14:12.45ckknighthowdy all
14:12.50nicoli_sheya ck
14:12.57Chryzo|AFKheya ckknight
14:13.00pewpewarrowshey there
14:13.02nicoli_swhat timezone is huntsville in ck?
14:15.10ckknight9:15 AM now
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15:05.36netcursewow, 30 people now here
15:06.19Chryzo|AFKbah quand on fait de la pub ca ameute :)
15:11.42*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash__ (
15:24.44Aiigood morning :)
15:28.32lliane|esli suck
15:28.46lliane|esli was wondering why i got more and more errors on a wow arena replayer
15:28.56lliane|esli mean Memory Paging error
15:29.13lliane|eslit's because of the combat log getting longer and longer
15:29.17lliane|eslspend two weeks on this...
15:29.53*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
15:30.59SkyFlash__you are fine ;)
15:45.05*** join/#waruidev Kreesis (
15:53.47Aiiwb pewpewarrows
15:54.18Aiiso are you just using regular chat channels for your framework's mod comms, but not displaying them to the user in the chat window?
15:55.16Aiihehe. so many reminders of the early wow api
15:55.22ckknightand people without your framework will see these comms
15:55.22pewpewarrowsand I'm trying to emulate the feel of addon communication between group, warband, and global
15:55.33ckknightyou should hide them somehow
15:55.35pewpewarrowsI do
15:55.44pewpewarrowsI have a special naming scheme for the channels
15:55.53ckknighte.g. "LFG LBRS lvl 50 Balance Durid", followed by your text
15:55.59pewpewarrowsnothing goes to the default chat channels
15:56.05ckknightah, okay
15:56.15pewpewarrowsI meant that
15:56.23pewpewarrowsonce a group is created (2 or more people)
15:56.37pewpewarrowsa special id for a channel just for them gets created
15:56.50pewpewarrowsto share info
15:57.09SkyFlash__that will suck as bad as in wow :P
15:57.17SkyFlash__however, they dont leave us any choice
15:57.27SkyFlash__it's their fault!
15:57.28pewpewarrowsyeah it's very hacky right now
15:57.45pewpewarrowsand I don't have chat throttling in yet
15:57.58SkyFlash__someone in the german beta forum wants me to write an orcanizer
15:58.07SkyFlash__sounds reasonable :P
15:58.25pewpewarrowswhat does "*g*" signify?
15:58.40pewpewarrowsahh, ok
15:58.58SkyFlash__anyone know how the orcanizer works?
16:10.23Aiier, what?
16:12.08SkyFlash__the orcanizer...
16:13.10SkyFlash__hm... that will be ineteresting :P
16:13.11AiiI see...
16:13.36SkyFlash__as the beta servers are down, i prolly have to prototype it in PHP
16:25.35*** join/#waruidev Chryso (n=dtc@
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16:33.47nicoli_sis the elder server up?
16:38.06*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash (
16:40.23Aiinicoli_s: it was last night
16:40.32Aiidon't know about today, havent checked since i woke up :P
16:42.25Chryso that sfw Chryso
16:46.00Chrysosfw ?
16:46.00Aiisafe for work
16:46.00Chrysodepends on work, but i d say yes
16:46.00Aiias opposed to nsfw, not safe for work
16:46.01Chrysoit would be at my place
17:11.29Aiig'morning `Zypher
17:13.22`ZypherI think I did something to the roof of my mouth >.>
17:17.48pewpewarrowswhat exactly
17:17.53pewpewarrowsand morning btw
17:19.32`Zypherpewpewarrows: you know when it just feels kinda painful to touch with your tongue
17:19.42`ZypherI might have burned it on some pizza or something.
17:19.55pewpewarrowsahh ok
17:20.12pewpewarrowsyeah I burn it with tea all the time
17:20.24pewpewarrowsmine's starting to get used to it :P
17:21.50`ZypherAii: do you have any recent info on open, some guild douches want info.
17:24.49Aiithey still havent finalized the ruleset
17:25.05Aiiso tell them to shut up already :P
17:25.23Chrysowho sets up the svn at curse, if you have someone that does it^^?
17:26.24Aiithe svn setup per project is done automatically...
17:26.35Aiiunless you just mean an adminstrator who has access to change things
17:26.38Chrysothat is not what i care about :)
17:26.43Chrysoi have a svn
17:26.51Chrysowith manually authentification done through auth files
17:26.54Chrysoexcept it ain't working
17:26.58Chrysoand #svn ain't helping :)
17:27.04Aiium, ckknight might know
17:28.54Chrysok, tx
17:30.03`Zypheranyone have a guild for core, since mine appears to be moderately retarded... They cliam they want a good guild image but still want to gank people...
17:31.08pewpewarrowsmine is still waiting on the final orvr ruleset before we make a decision
17:31.13pewpewarrowsbut as it stands we're going core
17:33.22*** join/#waruidev Dart (
17:33.31Aiihonestly... why would you /not/ go core
17:33.36Aiias a guild
17:33.46Aiiit's not like there's a lack of pvp on core
17:34.26`ZypherAii: I know
17:34.32`Zypherbut core = wow pve duh...
17:34.47`Zypheratleast thats the general consensus in my guild
17:34.59Aiithen your guild is retarded
17:35.09Aiiand/or didnt play the preview weekend
17:35.12`ZypherI stated this already.
17:36.13quirimwhat's core?
17:36.37AiiCore is the standard ruleset that the servers have been running.
17:36.51Aiiin your pve areas, you're not flagged by default, everyone is flagged in rvr areas.
17:37.06Aiiopen is (so far) you're flagged everywhere.
17:37.39`Zypherquirim: all the wow kiddies seem to attribute Core = PvE, Open = PvP
17:37.52`Zypherwhich is getting kinda old at this point since its not
17:38.00`Zypherpeople are just silly.
17:38.18quirimso which do you guys prefer?
17:38.46`ZypherI'm all about consensual pvp
17:38.52*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash (
17:39.05`ZypherI don't think getting ganked is fun, or ganking someone is fun.
17:39.14`Zypherso I don't rofl
17:39.49AiiCore is better for skilled pvp anyways.
17:40.07pewpewarrowshow so?
17:40.41AiiIn that your opponents are actually prepared? And thus more of a challenge
17:41.04SkyFlashya just that all skilled players play on openrvr lol
17:41.12AiiExcept they don't.
17:41.24SkyFlashwell look at the polls.. they will
17:41.27`ZypherSkyFlash: I wont be.
17:41.44`ZypherAii: probably wont be from what I'm getting here.
17:41.44SkyFlashwell most will...
17:41.47Aiicare to link to whatever poll you're looking at, SkyFlash ?
17:41.55`ZypherI would like to see this aswell
17:42.03SkyFlashit's in german lol..
17:42.08Aiilink it anyways.
17:42.26`Zypherpolls can still be read no matter what language
17:42.28`Zypherand germans
17:42.32`Zypherwho cares about EU
17:42.38quirimI do.
17:42.48SkyFlashya lemme find it.. think it was gamona or something
17:43.15`Zypherquirim: sorry mate, its just EU players have different standards from NA players
17:43.41`Zyphereven if the majority of the "skilled" EU players go Open that doesn't mean it will reflect the same in NA
17:43.41NyborekHey Im EU!!!
17:43.45SkyFlashalso i know that most german PvP guilds go openrvr... cause i am in one
17:44.19SkyFlashthe whole alliance goes openrvr.. that means like 20 guilds from both sides
17:44.25`ZypherI just don't see the point, I plan on doing RvR in the RvR areas, where it contributes to overall control.
17:44.33`Zypherwhy RvR anywhere else?
17:44.45pewpewarrowsany skirmish RvR contributes points
17:44.54Nyborekcauze it makes the game more realistic!
17:45.10SkyFlashcause thats how its meant to be played... what didnt you understand when they said "WAR is everywhere" *g*
17:45.29Nyborekits lind, question hand in hand Dwarfs and greenskin..LOL
17:45.40`Zypherpewpewarrows: do we know that for sure?
17:45.54`Zypherhow do you know?
17:46.05SkyFlashgod my internet connection sucks so bad
17:46.24pewpewarrowsMythic has always stated that skirmish contributes
17:46.28`ZypherSkyFlash: we already covered the war is everywhere.
17:46.38`Zypherpewpewarrows: where, please link.
17:46.43pewpewarrowsQuesting, Skirmishes, Scenarios, and Battlefield Objectives
17:46.58Aiithe question is, what is skirmish defined as
17:46.58pewpewarrowsanywhere that describes zone control
17:47.00`Zypherplease link >.>
17:47.16Aiiskirmish could technically be defined as only within the rvr lakes
17:47.21Aiidepending on how they handle it
17:47.22`Zypherdo they say that "Skirmishes" include fighting outside the rvr area?
17:47.33pewpewarrowswell if everywhere is RvR flagged
17:47.39pewpewarrowsthen the entire zone is the RvR lake
17:47.44Aiibad assumption
17:47.46`Zypherno it isn't
17:47.52pewpewarrowsyou can't assume either way
17:47.57`Zypherthere aren't battlefield objectives all over the map...
17:47.57Aiiso dont assume
17:48.03Aiiand make definitive statements :P
17:48.44`Zypherfood tiem
17:50.18SkyFlashgod they deleted all pre NDA post.. how sick
17:50.39Nyborekare the elder server still up?
17:51.38SkyFlashgee the poll got deleted.. also i dont find the orcanizer code in GOAs flash file... *sigh*
17:52.31nicoli_syes nyborek
17:52.56nicoli_serr maybe not
17:53.14SkyFlashanyone here that is better at SWF hacking than me?
17:54.04Nyborekthx nicoli, do they already patched the 1,4gcd, ?
17:54.13nicoli_sno clue
17:54.19nicoli_si just logged in to test some stuff
17:54.46NyborekGOA sucks ;/
17:54.56nicoli_sso i hear
17:55.11SkyFlashyes.. they created a orcanizer.swf flash file but put the translation routine somewhere else...
17:55.28Nyborekany performance tweak, yet nicoli_s ?
17:55.49nicoli_sthat makes sense skyflash
17:56.04nicoli_sif i did something like that i'd just have a web app that does it, and just pipe the output to the flash file
17:56.22nicoli_si dunno nyborek, i didnt do anything bu talk to a trainer and log out
17:57.29NyborekIm jealous :-D
17:59.05SkyFlashya it does make sense but i hate it :P
18:00.04pewpewarrows1:30 and on
18:01.09pewpewarrowsand a skirmish is defined as 1+ vs 1+ pvp combat
18:02.25pewpewarrowsbut, given, skirmishes obviously contribute a lot less than BOs, Keeps, and Scenarios
18:02.28pewpewarrowsor so I can imagine
18:02.58`Zypherpewpewarrows: but it never difines where a skirmish can take place.
18:03.02`Zypherso we can only speculate.
18:03.08`Zypherlets just drop it.
18:03.16pewpewarrowsnow you're just arguing semantics
18:03.31Aiiwell, that's all there really is to argue with atm
18:03.31pewpewarrowsbut yes, it's not going to contribute much
18:03.38Aiiuntil mythic makes a definitive statement
18:04.32pewpewarrows`Zypher, did you roll on a PvP server in WoW?
18:05.05Nyborekguess, she didnt ;)
18:05.08`ZypherI played on both
18:05.16`ZypherNyborek: I'm a he.
18:05.42AiiI'm the she here o.o
18:06.25pewpewarrowsdid you prefer one over the other?
18:06.26NyborekIm bad at multitasking
18:07.37`ZypherPvP because it tended to have a larger player base.
18:09.26pewpewarrowsI know I rolled on PvP because it was much more competitive, and because I much preferred the "spontaneous" pvp that would happen in zones over the structured areas
18:09.48Aiithe rvr lakes are plenty spontaeous for me o.o
18:10.11Aiii just dont see the point of ganking someone who's fighting a mob
18:10.23Aiiwhich is the only real difference between spontaneous pvp in an rvr lake
18:10.29Aiiand spontaneous pvp in a pve area
18:11.08pewpewarrowsI like attempting to be ganked while fighting a mob
18:11.23`Zyphermost people don.
18:11.40pewpewarrowsyeah, and that's understandable
18:11.51Aiipewpewarrows: In the best case scenario, I don't really find that any more engaging than fighting someone regularly
18:12.03Aiiand in the worst case scenario, I'm just trying to get some stupid task over with
18:12.18Aiiso I really don't see how that's an improvement overall in the fun category
18:12.35pewpewarrowsI also like fighting over something important in the "PvE" area
18:12.49Aiias opposed to fighting over something important in the pvp area?
18:12.56pewpewarrowsnot opposed
18:12.59pewpewarrowsI like both
18:13.10`Zypherpewpewarrows: the most fun pvp I had in world of warcraft was fighting for the world dragons
18:13.18pewpewarrowsyeah, exactly
18:13.20`Zypherso I guess I understand that
18:13.22Aiithey just need to add more quests to the rvr lakes
18:13.28AiiI wouldnt mind that at all
18:13.31pewpewarrowsokay, that I'd agree with
18:13.50pewpewarrowsif they added more quests, and maybe some pve'ish stuff to fight over in there
18:14.04AiiI liked the very minimal ones in nordland rvr
18:14.07Aiiif they expanded that
18:14.09pewpewarrowsthen I would never care about an ORvR ruleset again
18:14.13pewpewarrowsI agree Aii
18:14.17Aiiand increased the # to fit the scale of the t4 rvr lakes
18:14.23Aiithat would be ideal, imo
18:14.31pewpewarrowsperhaps when more lairs are discovered
18:14.36pewpewarrowsand if some are in RvR lakes
18:14.46*** join/#waruidev ckknight_ (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
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18:14.49pewpewarrowsthat could make for some interesting skirmishes
18:15.04pewpewarrowsare there any PQs in RvR lakes?
18:15.06`ZypherI think we all agree now
18:15.29`Zypherwell there are pqs that both sides can do
18:15.32`Zypherso I would assume yes
18:15.32Aiipq's in rvr lakes would be neat
18:15.40Aiihavent seen any though
18:15.40`Zypherthat would be the only way to accomplish that
18:16.08pewpewarrowsoh, well I guess killing a keep lord is technically a PQ
18:16.48nicoli_sanyone in here good with calculus 1/2 ?
18:17.06`Zypherpewpewarrows: I love how my guild thought they could do dkp
18:17.09pewpewarrowsbtw the herald announcement that the guild owning the keep's standard tactics apply to the whole region and that they gain exp for how long they hold a keep?
18:17.10pewpewarrowspure win
18:17.26pewpewarrowsif I can remember nicoli_s, sure, go for it
18:17.55nicoli_swell i'm trying to remember what needs to be done to take a list of data and get the equation of the line that best fits it
18:18.07pewpewarrowsI think that completely solves some people's complaints about there not being any incentive to hold a keep
18:19.00pewpewarrowsyeah all I remember about that is plugging in points into my calculator and plotting the best fit line
18:19.52nicoli_sthx anyways, think i found it
18:25.18`ZypherAii: why am I so bored?
18:25.29Aii`Zypher: because you have no life? :|
18:26.07`ZypherAii: so?
18:26.20`Zypherthat shouldn't lead to me being bored.
18:30.37Aiihaha  @ the first 12 responses here:
18:31.46pewpewarrows"Information. You lack it."
18:37.00`ZypherAii: this thread makes me happy
18:37.14`Zypheryour open vs core thread
18:48.26`ZypherAii: wow, your thread gets more and more  retarded the more I read
18:51.23pewpewarrowsI'm trying to think whether mythic will ever get rid of the green eagle and red skull in place of portraits
18:51.42pewpewarrowsif they had customized portraits for a target, then there would have to be an api call to get the class of your target
18:53.20`Zypherhes in wow mode
18:53.57Aiipewpewarrows: no, they won't
18:54.02Aiimost likely, that is
18:54.11Aiithey don't want people just tabbing until they see a healer class
18:54.13pewpewarrowsyeah I don't see it happening
18:54.19pewpewarrowsyeah I meant career
18:54.28pewpewarrowsthey were called classes in Guild Wars too
18:54.31*** join/#waruidev smcn (
18:54.36pewpewarrowsthat's where I have the habit from
18:54.39Aiiclass/career is interchangable as far as im concerned
18:55.33pewpewarrowsthen I guess mythic wouldn't be too happy with me parsing their realm war site, getting the class of every player on the server, and providing it as a library for any addon to access :P
18:56.41pewpewarrowsand my god, that thread of yours Aii went to hell quickly
18:56.45*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash_ (
18:56.53pewpewarrowsI feel more dumb just reading through these pages
18:57.23pewpewarrowsI don't even know what they're talking about anymore
18:57.44smcnwhat thread?
19:01.37nicoli_s man that set looks goofy
19:03.58*** join/#waruidev netcurse_ (
19:04.17`ZypherAii: why does the internet make people stupid?
19:04.30Aii`Zypher: anonymity
19:04.57Aiimeans people dont have to bother thinking before they speak
19:05.11Aiilunchtime for me, back later
19:05.45smcnyou're missing something in that equation, it's anonymity + audience = total fuckwad :P
19:07.36`Zypherwelcome all /b/tards
19:07.43`Zypherwe now own the internets
19:08.29SkyFlash_are you guys working with a lua IDE?
19:08.48SkyFlash_i am just downloading one and wondering if there is a good choice
19:09.14`Zypheryou can only do so much with one SkyFlash before its like rofl I need the game to test
19:09.21SkyFlash_ya i know...
19:09.41SkyFlash_i was just thinking to test my orcish translation routine before the servers are up...
19:09.43`Zypherckknight: did you ever mess around with the wow addon thing microsoft put out?
19:10.01ckknightmicrosoft put out something?
19:10.01SkyFlash_what microsoft released a wow addon?????
19:10.01ckknightfirst I've heard of this
19:10.12`ZypherI thought they had some kind of Visual Studio plugin for wow
19:10.14`Zypherhold on
19:10.29SkyFlash_they or someone...
19:11.00pewpewarrowsyeah I thought I recalled them doing that as well
19:12.06`Zypherdunno if its microsoft
19:12.10`Zypherbut its something
19:12.18ckknightyea, I use a Mac
19:12.21`Zypheridk where I got the ide ait was microsoft
19:12.23`ZypherI know
19:12.26`Zypherbut you has wine
19:13.14ckknightnot like I use it that often
19:24.20*** part/#waruidev Nyborek (
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19:35.18nicoli_sthe mathematic symbol that looks like a big E means add from whatever to whatever right?
19:36.30ckknightyou mean the summation symbol?
19:36.43nicoli_sthat's it
19:36.46nicoli_swas just making sure
19:36.58nicoli_si can't google "that thing that looks like a big E" and get any hits :P
19:37.52pewpewarrowsbut you can certainly try ^^
19:40.01`Zypherpewpewarrows: im still sleepy
19:40.04`Zypherand its almost 1pm
19:40.24pewpewarrowsI'm always sleepy
19:40.37nicoli_si'm writing some code that will basically calculate the amount that the damage/healing/other effects increases per level
19:40.39pewpewarrowsby the time I'm actually awake I'm tired from the day's work
19:40.45pewpewarrowshence sleepy again
19:41.38*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash__ (
19:44.00`Zyphernicoli_s: for da career calc?
19:45.05nicoli_sgot to outshine the mmo guild sites one
19:46.25*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash (
19:46.58`Zypherlink me?
19:49.46`Zypherthats not bad lol
19:59.15nicoli_swhich is exactly why it must be crushed
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20:30.13Aiinicoli_s: the "big E" is called a sigma. it's a greek letter :P
20:30.22netcurseThis addon adds a small FPS counter. It displays the current FPS and an average over the last 30 frames. (Displayed as "Cur | Avg") Disclaimer This addon is named Approximate FPS because the calculated FPS is accurate as long as the following assumption ...
20:30.34netcurseaii can you look at it please
20:32.16ghostfishwhat does an addon have over fraps?
20:33.52Aiinetcurse: look at it for what?
20:34.27netcurseif it's safe!
20:34.38Aiiit's a project o_O
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20:36.32Aiinetcurse: to be more specific, it's just a project, they havent submitted any files or committed to the repository at all yet
20:36.54Aiibut I don't see why it wouldn't be safe, so I'm going to approve it... was planning on writing something of my own anyways like that
20:37.20AckisWorkAii: errr I just approved it...
20:37.32Aiithen we both approved it ackis :P
20:37.37Aiiso its doubly approved :P
20:37.39AckisWorkdouble stamp of approval!
20:41.26*** join/#waruidev Freddy09 (
20:42.17DaegalusI APPROVE TOO!!! *puts an invisible non-existant stamp* its 2.12912731231291324133123123214e2 stamp of approval!
20:46.01Repoapproxfps: 03test0r * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): initial commit
20:46.01Repoversion 1.0
20:46.02pewpewarrowshow can a non-existent stamp be invisible?
20:46.11`Zypherwhats wrong with fraps?
20:46.39netcurseit's not free
20:46.55pewpewarrowsbig ugly yellow numerics
20:47.24pewpewarrowssystem resources (even while idling)
20:47.42`Zypherit works fine
20:47.54`Zypherand the free one still displays fps
20:47.55pewpewarrowsnoone said it didnt
20:48.20Repoapproxfps: 03test0r 04v1.0release * r3 : Tagging as v1.0release.
20:48.39*** part/#waruidev AckisWork (i=8ee55c79@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
20:49.52Repoapproxfps: 03test0r 04v1.0release * r4 : tagged without auto packagin enabled
20:50.28Repoapproxfps: 03test0r 04v1.0release * r5 : Tagging as v1.0release.
20:52.41Repoapproxfps: 03test0r 04v1.01release * r6 : Tagging as v1.01release.
20:52.58pewpewarrowsthat's the beauty of Repo
20:53.05ckknightwho is test0r?
20:53.09pewpewarrowsexposes all your inadequacies
20:53.14pewpewarrowsand mistakes :P
20:53.17ckknighthe's very inadequate.
20:53.32ckknightsee, if he had just turned auto-packaging on, it would've caught it anyway
20:53.37ckknightno need to recommit
20:54.03Aiickknight: i wonder if some people dont realize that the packager only runs on a time delay
20:54.13Aiiso they tag, don't see a file appear, and wonder what's going on
20:54.19pewpewarrowsthere's no patience on the internet!
20:55.58smcnjust wait for the curseforge ticket ;)
20:56.36Repoapproxfps: 03test0r * r7 / (2 files in 1 directory): stupid auto packaging
20:57.26pewpewarrowsthis is going well
20:57.45Repoapproxfps: 03test0r 04v1.02release * r8 : Tagging as v1.02release.
20:57.50Aiickknight: I added a section to the repository FAQ
20:57.53`ZypherAii: I didn't
20:57.57ckknightk, thanks
20:58.08smcnhe'll get it in 2 minutes
20:58.09ckknightpart of me wants to ban test0r now
20:58.17`Zypherdo it!
20:58.21smcnwhen he's got 5 versions on the page
20:58.36smcnor 10.. depends on how soon he gives up
20:58.40pewpewarrowsif he tags a v1.03
20:58.42pewpewarrowsthen do it
20:59.22*** join/#waruidev Nyborek (
20:59.35ckknightNyborek: you're not test0r, are you?
20:59.51Nyborekbut EU :-/
21:00.02pewpewarrowsis your alias test0r
21:00.05pewpewarrowson CF
21:00.39Nyborekbut I never used test0r for anything
21:00.45ckknightokay then
21:01.09Nyborekbut why I should be ? oO
21:01.11pewpewarrowsok I'm leaving work, let me know what happens when I get back in like 10-15
21:01.25ckknightyep, and now test0r has 4 files on his repo
21:01.45*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash_ (
21:02.23Nyborekwhy u guys think I this guy ? =-O
21:02.43smcnit's a mystery
21:02.56smcnmost people posting war mods on curseforge are in this chan :P
21:03.01smcnis why^
21:03.08ckknightNyborek: don't worry about it.
21:03.25Nyborekok, see the fps thing ;)
21:04.49`ZypherI'm really tempted to try AoC
21:04.53`Zypherjust to see how it runs
21:05.30TakeshiiUgh, I myself would not recomend that game to anyone.
21:05.38`Zyphernot for playing
21:05.44`ZypherI just want to see how my comp runs it
21:06.02Takeshiitheres more punishing games graphically than AoC
21:06.22Aii*cough* Crysys
21:06.43Aiiy's, i's, they're all the same right?
21:06.55`ZypherAii: I can run Crysis on max with 8AA/AF
21:07.14NyborekZypher lol wthats ur rig?
21:07.14`Zypherbut theres never loads of people on screen like in an mmo
21:07.30`ZypherAMD Athlon X2 6400+ Black Editionn
21:07.43`Zypher8800GTS 512 SLI
21:07.45`Zypherso two
21:07.49Aiiif you want a test of CPU power (for "loads of stuff on the screen") run SupComm
21:08.09`Zypheryou don't understand
21:08.14`Zypherits not for the stress
21:08.15NyborekIm on q6600 @ 3,6mhz 4 gig ram and 4870 and ATI 512 MB, cant play with 2 AA its to slow means under 25 fps
21:08.39Aiiand besides, with AoC's playerbase you wont have loads of people on the screen anyways :P
21:08.43`ZypherI avg around 28fps on those settings
21:08.44TakeshiiReally Nuborek?
21:09.10`Zypherso idk whatsup lol
21:09.11NyborekI also play on full hd 26"
21:09.15TakeshiiIm running a 9950BE quad at 3.0 with a 4870 and can get away with 4x
21:09.19`Zypherthat would be why Nyborek
21:09.22Nyborekbut w/o AA Im on 64 fps +
21:09.38NyborekZypher, why what?
21:09.47`Zypheryour resolution
21:09.54`Zypheris whats knocking your fps
21:09.59TakeshiiBah i didnt consider resolution
21:10.02Nyborek1980x1200 yes necessery with 26" -.-
21:10.15TakeshiiIm running the measilly 1440x900
21:10.16`ZypherI only run at 1440x900
21:10.18Takeshiithat explains it
21:10.19`Zypherya lol
21:10.19Nyborekbut anyways crysis has ONLY desgned fpr nvidia cards
21:10.30NyborekATI always sucked for crysis,
21:10.37`ZypherNyborek: ATI sucks for AA too
21:10.41`Zypheryou can't push over 8aa
21:10.43Nyborekbut nevermind, crysis just sucks ;)
21:10.45Takeshiithey fixe that in the 4 series
21:10.50Freddy09ati is great for AA
21:10.53NyborekATI pwns AA
21:10.57`Zyphermy brothers can't push over 8aa
21:11.00`ZypherI can get up to 32aa
21:11.02Nyborek4870 ist the best GPU for AA atm
21:11.13Freddy09but neways
21:11.19`ZypherI will always use nvidia
21:11.25`ZypherI don't care if ati is better atm
21:11.29Nyborekunplayable but even faster as nvidia
21:11.40TakeshiiMy last nvidia was shipped defective, so i bought a 4870 xD
21:11.45`Zyphernvidia tends to have better support for games imo
21:11.45NyborekATIs hardware is good, but drivers are sooo bad :-(
21:11.52Freddy09so i've heard
21:11.54Freddy09lol zypher
21:11.59`Zypherand ati sucks for linux
21:12.03Freddy09there you go
21:12.11Freddy09nvidia and ati are pretty even for games
21:12.17Freddy09except games that were made for the specific cards
21:12.19Freddy09a la crysis
21:12.28`Zyphertheres a fly in my room
21:12.32`Zyphercircling me infinitely
21:12.33Freddy09catch it in your hands
21:12.34`Zypheridk why.
21:12.35Freddy09and crush
21:12.42`Zypherthen its on my hands tho
21:12.47test0rI AM HERE
21:12.49NyborekI remember seen the nvidia logo @ warhammer website
21:12.51`Zyphertest0r: we all saw that!
21:13.00`ZypherNyborek: its in the footer
21:13.11Freddy09so is it confirmed that WAR has poor sli support ATM?
21:13.14Nyborekso its corporate partner?
21:13.32Freddy09nyborek, it's a partner, but the game isn't biased towards NVIDIA
21:13.35Freddy09they will run evenly
21:13.36`ZypherFreddy09: yes I can confirm sli works poorly atm
21:13.44Freddy09wut about Xfire?
21:13.48TakeshiiSame problem with xfire?
21:13.54NyborekU may rember the bad ground graphik at warhammer online?
21:14.01`ZypherI don't know about xfire but its such a similar tech I would assume so
21:14.08Freddy09i guess
21:14.10Freddy09o well
21:14.20NyborekI guess it was called Mipmap?
21:14.35Freddy09that's a type of texture
21:14.39Freddy09i think
21:14.39`ZypherFreddy09: I sent in quite a few benchmarks with different rendering modes to them
21:14.42Nyborekwith an ATI graphiccard it looks so much smoother
21:14.56`ZypherFreddy09: in all of them SLI-Disabled > any SLI mode
21:14.58Freddy09good call zypher
21:14.58NyborekU almost dont see it
21:15.08Freddy09it's not a gain at all? not evenl ike 2%?
21:15.12Freddy09it's worse?
21:15.15`Zyphertheres a loss
21:15.29TakeshiiThats interesting
21:15.39Aiialways thought SLI was a waste anyways :P
21:15.43`ZypherFreddy09: but I would assume SLI support is inevitable with the amount of stress it puts on cards in rvr
21:15.49Freddy09yea, i figure
21:15.57Freddy09just mean if it's confirmed ATM
21:16.09Freddy09could be weeks after release that they get that fixed out
21:16.11Aiiwell, it's a known bug if that's what you mean
21:16.21`ZypherFreddy09: also daoc had sli support after the atlantis expansion
21:16.29Freddy09i was making it known to myself aii :(
21:16.46Freddy09not that i use sli, just was wondering for upgrades etc
21:16.58`ZypherDark Age of Camelot: Atlantis
21:17.00`Zypheris listed
21:17.03`Zypherso they know how to do it!
21:17.06TakeshiiI wish i had tried DaoC
21:17.32Freddy09I was tring to get into it like a year ago
21:17.36Freddy09graphics aren't appealing enough for me
21:17.42TakeshiiFriends pulled me into SWG back in the day though
21:17.50Takeshiithen SoE broke the game
21:18.16`ZypherTakeshii: Old Republic is getting made by bioware into an mmo
21:18.18Freddy09imo all good games were broke by some mistake on the developers
21:18.28Freddy09well all good mmos
21:18.31TakeshiiIve heard. Thought it was just a rumor though
21:18.39`ZypherTakeshii: its confirmed
21:18.48`ZypherI can't wait
21:18.53Aiiwith most games
21:18.54`ZypherBioware is awesome with their games too
21:19.02`ZypherThe Witcher is amazing
21:19.10Aiiit's "you can please everyone some of the time, and some people all of the time, but not everyone all of the time"
21:19.13Aiiwith MMOs
21:19.20Aiiit's just "you can please some people some of the time"
21:19.55TakeshiiI dont know if i can get caught up in watching/waiting for another mmo
21:19.55`ZypherAii: its much to hard to make everyone happy
21:19.57Nyborekhey I played the witcher  some time
21:20.05`ZypherNyborek: its fun eh?
21:20.08Nyborekits great, great graphic
21:20.13Nyborekgreat combats
21:20.14`ZypherNyborek: ya, it looks amazing
21:20.24Nyborekand the alchemy tree was very cool
21:20.40Nyborekbut it fast get boring, because yea its single player :-/
21:21.00NyborekI also tried Drakensang, its cool,too
21:21.03TakeshiiEh single player isnt a bad thing...*points to Elder Scrolls*
21:21.05Nyborekif u ever heard of it
21:21.13Nyborekgerman game ;)
21:21.41`Zyphernope, I don't mind rpg games
21:21.49`Zyphersometimes when I'm downloading things I play them
21:21.56`Zyphersince I don't have to worry about lag lol
21:22.12Nyboreknever had problems with lag in mmorpgs
21:22.24Nyborekonly one the headstart of wow
21:22.46TakeshiiThe only time i lag is when I upload...given I only have 35kb/s of upload
21:22.56Freddy09lol i got 54
21:22.59Freddy09high five on the low upload!
21:23.29*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
21:23.49`ZypherI've got slow down / up in general
21:23.54`Zypher1.5mb/s down
21:24.04`Zypher156kb/s up
21:24.25Freddy09i've got 10mb/s split between 6 pc
21:24.45TakeshiiI have comcast...they lie on their speeds lol
21:24.59`Zyphermy dad seems to think its necessary to have 100$ a month tv package
21:25.03`Zypherand shitty internets
21:25.08Freddy09that's retarded
21:25.12`Zypheryes it is
21:25.15`Zypherthen he bitches at me
21:25.16`Zypherwhen I download
21:25.22Freddy09patch your oruter
21:25.23TakeshiiThey say 3mb/s download...but they burst it so you only get like 10 seconds of highspeed, then a sustained 300-450kb/s
21:25.26Freddy09to handle more connections
21:25.39Freddy09i can DL without laggin the internet at all anymore
21:25.42Freddy09afte ri patched my router
21:25.44`Zypherits just I use up all the bandwidth
21:26.02`ZypherAT&T intarwebs fail.
21:26.11Freddy09least it's not satellite
21:26.12`Zypherbut its still better then comcast
21:26.20`Zyphercomcast fails at the intarweb
21:26.25Freddy09verizon is the way to go ATM
21:26.49Freddy09it's comcastic?
21:27.41`Zypherthey actually have limiting shit on their network
21:27.44`Zypherso if you download a lot
21:27.50`Zypherthey can limit your download speeds
21:27.57TakeshiiYep, I see it alot
21:28.04TakeshiiI buy most my games through steam
21:28.09`Zypherthats pretty much aids.
21:28.24`ZypherLian-Li does it again
21:28.29NyborekZypher: u in elder ce beta?
21:28.44`ZypherNyborek: nope :(
21:28.58Nyborekuhm thought
21:29.13`Zypherim in CE beta
21:29.15CowBooki'm actually glad i'm not in elder beta
21:29.16`Zypherand EU beta
21:29.20CowBookit gives me more time to work on my music
21:29.33Freddy09cowbook is compensating
21:29.55TakeshiiTeam Fortress 2 usually ruins my productivity time...
21:30.00`ZypherTakeshii: same lol
21:30.03Daegaluswow I go away for 20 minutes
21:30.13`ZypherTakeshii: I found this cool sniper script that makes it like TFC
21:30.15Daegalusand ther eare like 20 walls of text from my last message
21:30.29CowBooklet me put it this way: creating an addon to facilitate running searches in the AH doesn't get you squat.. but writing a cool song, maybe a few bucks (and you have a cool song in the deal too)
21:30.40`ZypherTakeshii: it makes it so you hold mouse1 and it scopes you, then when you release it shoots
21:30.57Freddy09i was just kiddin cowbook
21:31.08Takeshii`Zypher: o.o Didnt know you could run scripts
21:31.14`ZypherTakeshii: lol
21:31.17Freddy09when you said work on your music i though you meant like a playlist
21:31.21`Zypherexec script.cfg
21:31.39CowBookright, yeah.. not quite like that
21:33.21`ZypherCowBook: are you as good as this kid?
21:34.38TakeshiiIs there anyway at all to get some sort of folder structures out of the .myp's?
21:36.03TakeshiiJust trying to make sense of the huge mash of files I extracted...not knowing what im doing errr haha...
21:37.24AiiYou know
21:37.34AiiI'm tempted to make a thread on the forums
21:37.43`Zypherwe need it
21:37.47Aii"Nix open PvP servers, think of the girlfriends"
21:37.59Aiijust to see what kind of firestorm it would create
21:38.09CowBookhow about just not playing on open pvp servers :P
21:38.39`ZypherCowBook: this is fucking hold music
21:38.41`Zypherim not on hold
21:38.54`Zypherno its very good
21:39.05CowBooki tend to a little smoother
21:39.08CowBooktrounce is less smooth
21:39.20`Zypherlets have us a listen
21:39.25TakeshiiHence the name?
21:39.37`ZypherAii: you have to realize most guys who say they play with their girlfriends are liars
21:39.52CowBookmy wife is rolling a shaman :D
21:39.56NyborekZypher: lol?
21:40.10`ZypherGirls on the internet is a lie.
21:40.17`ZypherAii: is a rare exception
21:40.23Nyborekpretty girls on the internet is a lie
21:40.25Nyborekhr hr
21:40.25`ZypherCowBook: this is really good :D
21:40.49CowBooklet me tell you something: the last thing you want is a girlfriend or wife who plays mmos with you
21:41.03`Zypherthen its just silly
21:41.06CowBookbecause she's too busy playing the damn game to pick up after you or cook or anything
21:41.06Nyborekbetter with you, as w/o u ?
21:41.08`Zyphersomeone has to be right in the head.
21:41.14DaegalusCowbok: i would have to disagree
21:41.15CowBookyou need someone to do that shit
21:41.22CowBookand i'm lazy
21:41.27Daegalusno its called doing it yourself :P
21:41.29CowBookstill, i end up doing it
21:41.39CowBookbut damnit, she gets more hooked than i do
21:41.59CowBookstill, it's nice to have a pocket healer
21:42.13Daegalusmy gf is going to play with me. so its awesome. We even have a class combo setup that we tried in PW, and we went on domination sprees
21:42.19`Zyphergirls tend to get hooked into fantasy more then guys
21:42.39CowBookwhen we were raiding BWL neither of us got any sleep
21:42.45CowBookit wasn't very productive :D
21:42.53CowBooklike, from a RL perspective
21:43.02CowBookfrom a BWL perspective, it was awesome
21:43.14CowBookwell, until we all got totally sick of BWL of course
21:43.26TakeshiiMy old guild leader, in SWG...His wife played. They held a marriage in game on their anniversary...
21:43.30NyborekBWL...uhm looong time ago
21:43.34CowBookok now that's gay
21:43.37Daegalusmy gf has always been into pvp, she loves it O.o which made going to this game so freaking easy for both of use from WOW
21:43.37lordneoncan i pm you?
21:43.52CowBookDaegalus, my wife is PvE all the way, it makes PvP rough
21:44.01CowBookshe's not used to improvising
21:44.24Daegalusmy gf actually got me into PVP, i sued to be PVE too, then she dragged me into PVP, and i never looked back
21:44.25CowBookso it's like, half the time i'm soloing, but with her near me
21:44.35`Zypherlordneon: sure
21:44.39CowBookthe rest, i'm yelling for heals
21:45.40CowBookmaybe i should be the shaman
21:45.42TakeshiiCowBook: Yeah it was strange, but eh they were happy I guess...
21:46.00CowBookmaybe if we were both shamans ... :D
21:46.10Nyborekanyone has an tip for an goo free mmo    to bridge over the time, till War?
21:46.13CowBookplaying the squig herder, i can't heal my damn squig
21:46.28CowBookand i can't target the damn thing easily either
21:46.40CowBooki certainly hope mythic gives the SH some love
21:46.49Daegaluswell me and her have already gotten a "I already know what your thinking" mode. so I rarely say much during pvp fights, we just synergize very well. And Im playing a DoK shes playing a Witch Elf. Which is kinda funny, since I played a Rogue in wow, and she played a Druid.
21:46.54*** join/#waruidev pewpewarrows (
21:46.54TakeshiiI play a Squig Herder to. I filled in quite a lot of negitive feedback
21:47.11CowBookmy wife was a druid too
21:47.21CowBookdruid = girly class
21:47.33CowBookit was maybe the worst class for her to play too
21:47.41CowBooksince she never changed forms
21:47.43Daegalusmy gf got so into her class, she theorycrafted every aspect, and learned them all. she made specs that no one ever used, yet she dominated PVP
21:47.57CowBookyou want to trade girls?
21:48.13CowBooki love my wife and all, but she doesn't pvp well!
21:48.27CowBookand i KNEW this before we got married
21:48.32CowBookdamn, i blew it
21:48.37Daegalusalso i doubt you would be up for learning sign language.
21:48.50CowBooktoo much work
21:48.55Daegalusmy gf is mute, so she cant talk
21:49.20CowBookwell my wife just hits me when i do something wrong
21:49.25CowBookso there's not THAT much to learn
21:49.36CowBookjust to duck, i guess
21:50.30Daegalusi know what you mean
21:51.29Daegalussad thing is, even though im like twice her size and just big in general, i think she can kick my ass if she wanted to >_>
21:51.45CowBookmaybe because you want her to
21:51.55Daegalusumm no
21:52.14Daegalusim just old school, i would never hurt a girl. so i just have to sit there and take it
21:52.19CowBookor maybe i'm just projecting
21:54.19Aiiif i ever hit anyone id expect them to hit back o.o
21:54.25Aiii just dont hit people much >.>
21:54.35Aiislaps don't count >.>
21:54.42CowBookwell, there's not much call for it, unless you're a boxer or an asshole
21:54.43DaegalusIm a hopeless romantic
21:55.08Daegalusim too romantic for my own good, and im too much of an old school romantic, so ya.
21:55.53Nyborekwhat a discussion
21:56.00Daegalusoh ya
21:56.07NyborekI like this chatroom
21:56.35Aiis/chatroom/multiplayer notepad/
21:56.40Aiisee `Zypher
21:56.43Aiithere's your MMO
21:56.52Nyboreku never would expect the peeps in here would talk about life and women ;)
21:56.54Daegalusi remember that post
21:56.54lordneonclearly need to go back to old school MUD's
21:56.57Aiier, Nyborek
21:57.02Aiiit was you who was asking :P
21:57.06nicoli_sheya lordneon, haven't seen you around in a bit
21:57.07smcni strike you with a +1 comma of destruction
21:57.20NyborekAii: ? me what did I ask?
21:57.25DaegalusIve been on IRC for 6 years. i talk about anything you ask me.
21:57.30lordneonive been afk for a bit :p
21:57.39lordneoneven went on a small holiday XD
21:57.52nicoli_show's the site comin along?
21:58.37Nyboreksure, I also talked about god and teh world, but just because of the channel discription ;)
21:58.42lordneonwell after looking at it slowed me down a bit
21:58.54lordneonwho ever did your design for that is a god lol
21:59.09Nyboreksome1 can confirm the "new" 1,4sec GCD ?
21:59.17Daegalusits not new
21:59.21Daegalusits always been 1.4
21:59.24Nyborekfor EU it is
21:59.30Daegalussame for US
21:59.41Daegalusoh nvm
21:59.44Daegalusmisread that xD
21:59.49NyborekI rember to see the 2s GCD
21:59.51Daegalusya, its always been 1.4
22:00.04DaegalusNyb: thats because the buttson cant display decimels
22:00.07Daegalusso it roudned up
22:00.15Daegalusit was always 1.4, evne if it said 2
22:00.24Nyborekare u sure?
22:00.33Daegalusyup, the devs said it themselves
22:00.51nicoli_swasa combination of my boss and our designer
22:00.56nicoli_sthat did the design
22:01.08NyborekAh k, just read it -.-
22:01.10lordneonyeh... its VERY nice i havent seen such a good design in a long time
22:01.23Daegalusand just because the channel says "Programming nerds R us" doesnt mean we cant talk about RL
22:03.58lordneonbtw nicely obfuscated addon code
22:11.20AiiNyborek: you asked for an mmo to tide you over to WAWR
22:11.31Aiihence, multiplayer notepad can be your MMO
22:13.07nicoli_sit's compiled lordneon, there's some lua tool you can use to do it
22:16.44nicoli_ssweet, my formula guesser works
22:19.10Daegalus3RR^2-20RR-2 ?
22:20.20Aiiin response to the "Remove chicken please !" thread
22:20.25Aii <-- dev response
22:21.14Freddy09imba answer
22:22.56AiiI'm so tempted now to make a new thread... "Nerf developers saying 'no'"
22:23.18AiiOP: "Seriously, these devs are far too intelligent. We need devs more willing to cave into the cravings of the angry mob."
22:26.21Aii got closed before I could reply with "What part of 'no' don't you understand?"
22:28.52DaegalusWhat I find the funniest about the 2nd one
22:28.57Daegalusis he thinks Mbj is just some worker
22:29.02Daegalusor uninformed dev
22:29.07Daegalusor not even working on the game :P
22:30.53Daegalusi sent him a freindly PM
22:30.55Aiiin fact
22:31.00Aiithe OP of that 2nd one
22:31.08Aiicalled Mbj "she" :P
22:31.41Aiilast I checked, Mark was not even close to a feminine name
22:32.46DaegalusLOL god that was the biggest fail ive seen so far
22:32.48TakeshiiI dunno... See: Man has child.
22:33.35TakeshiiNever know whats under the hood these days *roll eyes*...
22:38.43TakeshiiI knew that was either going to be funny, or awkward...anyways im off to go eat at Chili's
22:39.49`ZypherTakeshii: rofl
22:41.10`ZypherAii: wha is getting more stupider.
22:42.22pewpewarrowsmore stupider
22:42.45AiiI should add a clairification to my earlier statement
22:42.57Aiiwhen I was talking about creating a "think of the girlfriends" thread
22:43.06AiiI did not mean that girls only like pve :P
22:43.19Aii(considering im a very good example of that definitely not being the case >.>)
22:43.30Daegalusor my gf. shes all for the pvp
22:44.12`ZypherAii: wow I can't believe you responded to this idiot who thinks that mouse turning should have a fixed speed.
22:44.22`Zypherlearn to bind your shit or fail, thats how it works!
22:44.34`Zypher- Toon Turn Rate: No ability to adjust speed of key-turn. No cap on mouse-turn rate forces players to learn mouse-turn to compete. Ideally, the max turn rate using either approach would be the same; however, a slightly slower key-turn rate as in other games might be acceptable in return for freeing up the mouse hand.
22:44.36pewpewarrowsdon't tell me another thread of that topic started
22:44.41Aiihe doesnt think it should have a fixed speed; he just wants the ability to change keyturn speed
22:44.48pewpewarrowsI was arguing with them like 8 months ago
22:45.03Aiior maybe i misread it
22:45.10`Zypherthats what I got from it
22:45.12Aiibut either way, i was just answering from a UI standpoint
22:45.21pewpewarrowsI know the one I was partaking in months ago, they wanted to cap the mouse turning speed
22:45.21Aiii dont really want to turn it into an argument
22:45.26pewpewarrowsto compensate for keyboard turners
22:45.29Aiithat can stay in Gameplay Discussion
22:45.30`ZypherI don't understand whats so hard about turning and moving with your mouse?
22:46.02`Zypheryou just push both buttons at once or hit autorun
22:46.06`Zypherand push buttons real hard
22:46.08`Zypherthats all!
22:47.05pewpewarrowsor you just bind mortal strike, hamstring, and charge to every single key on your keyboard
22:47.09pewpewarrowsroll your face on it
22:47.09pewpewarrowsand win
22:48.35pewpewarrowsbah so I updated my firefox beta 3 release candidate 5 or w/e
22:48.37pewpewarrowson linux
22:48.44pewpewarrowsto the official firefox 3
22:48.45`Zypherand kaboomz?
22:48.58pewpewarrowsand it overwrote all my 3b5 bookmarks with my old ff2 ones
22:49.07pewpewarrowsso fail
22:50.40Aiifail at not having upgraded already
22:51.26`Zypherget down girl
22:51.29`Zyphergo ahead get down
22:51.35`Zypherim so bored
22:51.52lordneondo some designing ;)
22:52.15`ZypherI kinda wanna play TF2
22:52.17`Zypheranyone down?
22:52.19Freddy09just find a show you like and watch every single episode of it
22:52.31`Zypheronly animefreaks do that
22:52.40lordneon`Zypher i will if you play on an europe server
22:52.41Freddy09i do it and none of my shows are anime
22:53.01`Zypherlordneon: my ping would be terrible so nothnky :(
22:53.49`Zypherpewpewarrows: so the shoutcast channel im in is supposed to be underground rap
22:53.52`Zypherand the majority of it is
22:53.59`Zypherbut I just got Kanye West - Goldigger
22:54.25pewpewarrowsand I agree with Freddy09, just go watch 4 seasons of House or something
22:54.36`ZypherHouse isn't that entertaining
22:54.57`ZypherI might be willing to watch X-Files
22:55.00pewpewarrowsArrested Development or the Office then
22:55.04pewpewarrowsor Curb
22:55.25pewpewarrowsor It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
22:55.36nicoli_si need to watch arrested dev and it's always sunny ive heard good things
22:55.58pewpewarrowstwo of my favorite shows ever
22:56.17`ZypherX-Files & Monk
22:56.22`Zypherthats about all I care to watch
22:56.28nicoli_si've heard david cross is on arrested dev so i am ashamed i havent seen it yet
22:56.37pewpewarrowsok so I found a bookmarkbackups directory
22:56.41pewpewarrowsit's all json files
22:56.50nicoli_sdavid cross does this one rant about how the town i live in is the most backwards redneck place he's ever been
22:58.13`Zypher<Font name="font_arial12" face="Arial" height="12" texsize="256" antialias="false" />
22:58.30Freddy09i've seene very episode of monk, psych, numb3rs, heroes, and most of the sopranoes
22:58.33`ZypherI guess I can add new fonts to zChat lol
22:58.44Freddy09and first 3 seasons of house
22:59.00Freddy09i get bored too much
22:59.04nicoli_syou mentioned some horrible shows :P
22:59.08Freddy09no i didn't
22:59.12nicoli_sheroes and house are teh suck :P
22:59.22Freddy09house is great, and heroes is good too
22:59.28`ZypherTuesday  08/26/08  @ Dublin   9:15 PM - 10:30 PM   Shared Ice
22:59.31nicoli_sbut i only like really out there shit usually
22:59.36`Zypherpractice tonite :|
22:59.47Freddy09that's a copy paste?
22:59.47nicoli_si love movies that are so crazy it drives most peopel away
23:00.52*** join/#waruidev SkyFlash__ (
23:02.51pewpewarrowsgod dammit, why are the backup files in json
23:02.58pewpewarrowsthey just won't import back into FF
23:06.23pewpewarrowsnvm fixed it
23:17.13Aiione a side note, WAR has officially gone gold:;title;2
23:18.35`ZypherAii: slow!
23:19.12Aii~lart `Zypher
23:19.12purltries to shut `Zypher up
23:20.22Aiinicoli_s: is there a reason the guild info stuff *doesn't* default to private?
23:20.24pewpewarrowsI like all the threads about "but if the game went gold, how can they FIX things?!?!1one?!"
23:20.45Aiipewpewarrows: I think it's time for another Mbj one-word answer. "Patcher."
23:21.08`Zypheror we could just have a stupid questioni filter
23:21.25`Zypherand if someone tries to post a stupid question it filters the text, and bans them for 30mins
23:23.47nicoli_si dunno aii, wasn't me who did that
23:24.16Aiiseems like one of the common sense "this shouldnt be laid bare for the public unless we're told to" kind of things
23:32.04`ZypherAii: what are you talking about?
23:32.33Aii`Zypher:'s guild info page
23:32.48Aiilists basically all of the guild info, including stuff that normally only guild members could see
23:34.32`ZypherI see
23:34.39`Zypherand renown
23:34.46Aiiand the guild log
23:34.50`Zypheroh the log
23:34.54`Zypherthat should probably not be shown
23:36.41Aiiheading home
23:59.37`Zyphermy head is going to asplode
23:59.42`Zypherwith the amount of people being stupid!

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