IRC log for #utos on 20120203

00:20.28influxlazy question: How do I tell wget to ignore links to anything that's outside of the given URL?
00:21.28influxe.g. I want to only get anything that's within and not get something like
00:22.25influxaaaand found: --no-parent
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08:42.07*** topic/#utos is Utah Open Source | - Utah Open Source Conference is happening in 2012 - for more information
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15:16.59redbeard2hola herlo
15:22.54redbeard2holla tensai!
15:26.42goozbachredbeard2: holla as in "holla back!"
15:27.13redbeard2i ain't no holla back girl
15:28.06goozbachgreat, now I need to watch the video for "underneath it all"
15:28.25goozbachas it'll be going through my head all day now
15:28.38redbeard2you're welcome
16:12.24herlohi redbeard2
16:12.34herlosorry, was presenting at puppetcamp atlanta :)
16:12.48redbeard2sounds campy
16:13.38herloit was pretty cool
16:18.54goozbachwait, what?
16:18.57goozbachyou're in ATL?
16:20.55herlogoozbach: yes
16:20.59herloonly going to be here for the day
16:21.03herlogot in late last night
16:21.13herloflight is at 5:40pm
16:22.15goozbachwow quick trip
16:23.06herlogoing to San Fran next week
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17:32.25carmonyping mindjuju
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18:22.10harleypiganyone a rsync expert?
18:24.10goozbachI use quite a bit of rsync
18:24.15goozbachwhat's up?
18:24.39harleypigI have a repo with multiple branches.
18:24.50harleypigEach branch is being synced to a different repo on another system
18:24.59harleypigI didn't set this up, I just have to live with it.
18:25.12goozbachrepo lik ewhat?
18:25.14goozbachyum repo
18:25.21harleypigNo, OS
18:25.55harleypigWe push an entire system to a server from an image built from various repos.
18:26.10harleypigSo, my repo is a minimal installation of CentOS
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18:26.48harleypigone branch is the base install, another is branched from base and has openvz installed
18:26.59goozbachso you've got /base
18:27.00harleypiga third is branch from openvz and has our software on it.
18:27.38goozbachthese are all at the same level
18:27.43goozbachdirectory wise?
18:28.00harleypigI can (and have) sync base and openvz
18:28.11harleypigThey are full syncs to the remote server
18:28.37harleypigbut the verio layer has to be the result of 'git diff --name-only openvz' from the verio branch.
18:29.18goozbachohh so they're all in a git repo
18:29.19harleypigI'm hoping I can do something like 'rsync -craploadofoptions --include=$(git diff --name-only openvz)' remote:/path/to/layer /
18:29.25harleypigyeah, locally
18:29.42harleypigsorry, wasn't clear on that.
18:30.00harleypigSo /base -> /openvz -> /verio
18:30.03goozbachand base/ base-with-openvz etc are cloned from each other and branched?
18:30.38harleypigNo, it's one repo, with base, base-with-openvz and base-with-openvz-and-ourstuff are branches in the same repo
18:31.46harleypigSo, I've got my dev server.  I installed base centos 6 on it.  Installed git and did 'git init' at the / level.
18:32.39harleypigAdded everything in the filesystem (with a hefty .gitignore) and that's the base branch.
18:33.23harleypigthen did git checkout -b openvz, installed openvz xzZ1Q22FU UV
18:34.02harleypigshowing my son how I clean my keyboard :]
18:34.09harleypigthat yellow goopy stuff.
18:34.30harleypigthen git checkout -b verio
18:34.37harleypigand install our own stuff
18:34.50harleypiggit co base and rsync to remote server
18:34.59harleypiggit co openvz and rsync to remote server
18:35.15harleypigbut the verio branch only needs the files that are not in openv branch
18:35.21harleypigwith me so far?
18:43.57goozbachso you need an "include" list
18:44.44harleypigright ... I was hoping to be able to do this in one step ... I can 'git diff --name-only openvz > INCLUDE' then put '--from-file=INCLUDE' in my command line
18:45.16harleypigBut I was hoping there was a way I could do 'rsync -options --from-file=$(git diff ...) ...'
18:45.23harleypigbut I'm not finding a way to do that.
18:46.25goozbachgit diff --name-only openvz | xargs rsync?
18:46.47goozbachnot sure what you get when you do
18:46.53goozbachrsync foo bar baz some_target
18:47.42harleypigthat's kind of ugly ...
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22:43.39carmonyhow many CfPs have we gotten so far? :)
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22:59.56Jayce^so harleypig is going to start wearing a Newt2012 shirt eh?
23:07.35harleypigThis one
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23:47.16shalkieTheres no shirt there!
23:47.25shalkieclaws eyes out...
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