IRC log for #utos on 20110726

00:16.00*** join/#utos carmony (
01:49.51*** join/#utos sinuhe (~sinuhe@
02:25.19*** join/#utos macnewbold (
02:50.52*** join/#utos jcp|other (~alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539)
03:45.49*** join/#utos fugue88 (
05:49.30*** join/#utos carmony (
08:41.44*** join/#utos mindjuju (
10:02.11*** join/#utos Jayce^ (~Jayce^@
13:04.35*** join/#utos whiteinge (~whiteinge@oalug/member/whiteinge)
13:29.45*** join/#utos herlo (~clints@fedora/herlo)
13:29.45*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by ChanServ
13:51.47*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
13:56.03*** join/#utos josephpagoda (
13:58.49*** part/#utos josephpagoda (
14:00.53*** join/#utos thaddeusq (~thaddeusq@
14:16.19*** join/#utos sinuhe (~sinuhe@
14:52.59*** join/#utos macnewbold (~Adium@
15:39.41*** join/#utos xtrementl (
17:01.17*** join/#utos undertakingyou (~undertaki@
17:01.17*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
17:17.53*** join/#utos sinuhe (~sinuhe@
17:38.13*** join/#utos fugue88 (
17:38.36fugue88~karma comcast
17:38.36infobotcomcast has karma of -163
17:38.40fugue88~karma xterm
17:38.40infobotxterm has karma of 1
17:38.45fugue88~karma konsole
17:38.45infobotkonsole has neutral karma
17:38.54fugue88~karma rxvt
17:38.54infobotrxvt has neutral karma
17:39.01fugue88~karma gnome-terminal
17:39.01infobotgnome-terminal has karma of 1
17:39.39fugue88vte is slow as molasses, and the devs consider it a problem with X, despite the fact that other emulators (e.g. xterm) are blazing fast.
17:39.53fugue88vte is what gnome-terminal and xfce-terminal are written on top of.
17:52.57*** join/#utos tensai (
20:24.19*** join/#utos cro (
21:04.22*** join/#utos harleypig (
21:30.00herlofugue88: the problem with xterm and others is they don't appear as customizable as tools like gnome-terminal and kterm (iirc).
21:33.36fugue88herlo: xterm is way more customizable then gnome-terminal, but it's way more difficult: you have to edit X resource files.
21:40.49whiteingexterm ftw
21:41.27herlofugue88: note I said 'don't appear as customizable'
21:41.56herlodidn't suggest that xterm wasn't configurable or anything of the sort
21:42.44herlofugue88: having to edit X resource files does make it more difficult to configure for the average admin who just wants to 'get work done(tm)'
21:43.43whiteingewith a 3900-line manpage, xterm is so customizable I don't even know where to begin!  ;)
21:43.55*** join/#utos undertakingyou (~undertaki@
21:43.55*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
21:44.10*** join/#utos Cyrannian (562ce898@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:44.25*** part/#utos Cyrannian (562ce898@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:44.25herloyeah, a man page could help :)
23:07.18*** join/#utos sinuhe (~sinuhe@
23:54.51*** join/#utos DexterTheDragon (~admin@oalug/member/blackchaos)

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