IRC log for #utos on 20110522

02:38.23macnewboldjosephnexus: there was someone who gave a talk on it at the last UTOSC, but i haven't seen them in #utos. You might try in #utah for a broader audience, i'm quite sure someone's done it. I've onyl used samba for windows shares.
13:33.35herlomorning all...
17:32.32*** join/#utos sinuhe (
17:56.21*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
18:25.45*** join/#utos cro (
18:25.59shalkieMorning herlo. Welcome back.
19:55.42*** join/#utos jpwhiting (~bip@kde/developer/whiting)
19:57.11*** join/#utos jnbek (~jnbek@pdpc/supporter/active/jnbek)
20:04.49herloshalkie: hi
22:42.24shalkieAnyone have experience using plone in a virtually hosted environment? Not VPSing, but using Apaches' virtualhost config?
22:43.34shalkieI want to use plone to serve multiple domains with different content.
22:44.17shalkieKind of curious if there is anything that I should watch out for.
22:45.52shalkieis working on getting hackandbeer up and going.
22:51.24herlowhy not just use something simpler than plone?
22:51.37herlowordpress and drupal are easier to configure in my mind...
22:58.46shalkieI thought about using them. I just don't have any experience using either one of those solutions.
22:59.05shalkieObviously I don't have any experience using plone either. ;-)
23:03.34herloshalkie: I would highly recommend wordpress then, it's very easy to get started
23:04.18herlousing vhosts for it is very simple if you decide to do the multisite install. That part is really the only tricky part, but you don't have to do a ton of vhost setups and what not
23:04.58shalkieHmm.. It is using PHP. I have had bad experience with PHP.
23:05.24shalkieThat was part of the appeal to plone.
23:06.39shalkiePlone doesn't actually look that bad the more I dig into the settings (famous last words).
23:10.02herloPHP is pretty safe and there are plenty of people around to help with wordpress. I don't think plone has as much of a community, so getting support may be more challenging...
23:11.54shalkieThe last time I was playing with zen cart I think, the logs were toasted, they got in from a misconfig.
23:12.18shalkieGranted that may not have been PHP itself, but it is something that I can't verify either.
23:12.50shalkieBut we will give it a buzz.
23:14.49herlough, zen cart sucketh
23:19.30shalkieMaybe. I didn't get very far with it.
23:20.26herlodo you want help setting up wordpress as a trial? It's literally a 5 minute setup (after getting mysql going)
23:21.21shalkieMaybe. I am going through it right now. The big thing for me right now is trying to figure out how to run multiple sites with it. One for the home site and another for hacknbeer.
23:23.00shalkieCan I just copy the /usr/share/wordpress structure to a different location and point apache there? I realize that I will need a seperate SQl database, but would that work? Do I need something else?
23:28.39herlono, don't do that
23:28.43herlohang on
23:29.23shalkieBut I already have and now the hax0rz have me! OH the humanity...
23:29.26herloit's very easy, actually
23:29.54herlono extra db's required, this is how we run all the * sites
23:30.13herloblog, project-day, www, media, etc all run on one wordpress installation
23:32.31shalkieOkay, just installed wordpress-mu
23:34.10herlouh, what?
23:34.16herlowordpress-mu is *old*
23:34.21herlowhere are you getting your information?
23:34.50herloshalkie: ^^
23:36.29shalkieOh. I thought that mu was the multi version of wordpress.
23:37.11shalkieewww... I see what you lmean. 2.9.2
23:37.26herlothat was in v2.x. In 3.x it's all together
23:37.39herlojust download from the site and then read the instructions I gave
23:37.48herloyou could just upgrade -mu
23:37.52shalkieOh well the good news is that I have just wordpress installed.
23:38.04herlowhat version?
23:38.27shalkieFortunately I can install and remove software in a fast non-interactive fasion in Cent.
23:38.51herlok, so now you should be good
23:39.03herlothough I highly recommend you look at doing wordpress from source
23:39.45herlocentos doesn't keep up with the latest patches all the time and it's nice to just upgrade wordpress with their auto-upgrade feature in the web interface
23:40.58herloI think it might be able to be upgraded even if you installed via rpm, though I've not tried for some time
23:43.06shalkieIt isn't Cent, it is in the epel repo.
23:43.21shalkiebut it is behind too.
23:44.12herloepel is at least 2 weeks out unless it's a security bug
23:44.29herlos/at/generally speaking, at/
23:47.03shalkieSorry, it looks like it is current, 3.2 comes out in June.
23:53.41herloyeah, okay
23:53.48herloso how's it going with the multisite setup?
23:55.29shalkiecurses out mysql for the sake of doing it...

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