IRC log for #utos on 20110504

00:56.42shalkieSee, now I am at the hog wallow. :-)
01:09.43shalkiesinuhe: Why so sad?
01:12.11sinuheI'm here not there.
01:15.54herlosinuhe: there's still time :)
01:16.06shalkieThis is very true.
01:19.45sinuheNo, I don't have the car.  My wife's away and I'm watching Gwynn.
01:21.15herlosinuhe: just bring her along :)
01:22.04herlothe bus ride will lull her to sleep for a good couple hours :)
01:22.08*** join/#utos fugue88 (
01:25.16shalkieSinuhe: Just crack a beer and join us virtually.
01:25.27shalkieAnd then commit to being here next week. ;-)
01:26.42Nafaioh sure, don't invite us non-beer drinkers
01:27.22shalkieYour all invited. Happens once a week. I know I mailed the invite out to SLLUG...
01:28.04shalkieNext time I will announce it in here as well. ;-)
01:28.10shalkiepasses Nafai a Root beer.
01:29.41Nafaiwhere at?
01:31.52shalkieThe Hog Wallow Pub.
01:35.57herloNafai: stop by if you like
01:37.29NafaiI wish I could, but since I can't drive at night, it kind of would be pointless to drive up there
01:37.35Nafaisince I'm already back home in Lehi
01:38.17herloNafai: ahh, yeah. Thought you might be at SoC still
01:42.34Nafaiyeah, left about an hour ago
01:42.41Nafaibut in the future I certainly can plan for it
01:43.16shalkieNafai: I will certainly announce it in here too.
01:47.31fugue88Nafai: Just get a designated driver.  :D
01:48.38herloNafai: I'm sure fugue88 would *love* driving you home after dark when hanging out with us :)
01:48.41shalkiefugue88: You could always bring him. :-)
01:49.12fugue88That would be 3 hours of driving for me, or more, just one way.
01:49.31fugue88But otherwise, yeah, I'd love it.
01:49.44herloit's only like 2.75hrs one way :)
01:50.29herlofugue88: in what township do you live?
01:50.59herloknows it's in cache valley, but can't recall the name
01:51.40fugue88is going through Google maps right now.
01:52.16herlofugue88: it's like a population of 39 or so, right?
01:52.48herlosomeone had a kid?
01:53.03fugue88Population ~5000.
01:53.08herloyou grew by leaps and bounds whenyou guys moved in :)
01:55.05fugue88Wow, only 2:20 to get down to Nafai's then up to the pub.
01:55.22fugue88Nafai: If it were only 2 hours, I'd do it in a heart beat.,
01:55.35fugue88Well, a few thousand heart beats.
01:56.01herlofugue88: nafai would be at SoC
01:56.08herloyou would only have the return trip
01:56.34infobothmm... soc is System On Chip - many embedded cpus include a variety of peripherals as well which makes them more than just a CPU.  Send Out Cards -  Summer of Code (a google project)  U of U's School of Computing (
02:05.33shalkieI have also been considering one of the other breweries such as Squatters, Bohemian, Hoppers and the Pie. :-)
02:06.02shalkieBut the Hog Wallow is tucked away and kind of nice.
02:06.24shalkieAs long as there is no band.
02:06.43herloand there's no band on Tuesday...
02:06.52herloat least so far when I've been here
02:07.08shalkieThey don't have anything on the schedule if I remember correctly.
02:30.21herloshalkie: you should join the Fedora Project
02:30.35herloI could use a friend who could I could swap RPM reviews with...
02:33.41herlos/who could /who /
02:34.04shalkieherlo: I think you mean whom...
02:34.22herloshalkie: fuck you
02:34.34herlo:D I mean that in the nicest way possible
02:42.48*** join/#utos carmony (
02:59.14shalkieRegistering a domain has never been so freaking difficult.
03:00.38herlohaha @ shalkie
03:11.05shalkieSo I have been at this for like an hour now...
03:12.41shalkieDomain registration really shouldn't take that long.
03:14.03Nafaiwhich registrar?
03:17.38shalkieXMission. It doesn't like my password (Though I have changed both my normal xmission login and the domain manager password).
03:18.17shalkieHmmm.. Gonna give up in bit I think. Wait to see if there is anything else the tech can think of.
03:30.06shalkieOh well. Will get it fixed tomorrow.
03:50.31shalkieTime to call it a night. It was a good time at the Hog Wallow
07:16.36*** join/#utos lahwran (~lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran)
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